Cuckold Circle, Chapter 7

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Cuckold Circle, Chapter 7

Unread post by pakihotwife » Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:34 pm

“You know I forgot to tell you, that the Men do not make it easy, so be prepared for some uncomfortable questions, the kind whose replies will really cause you humiliation, yet if you can answer those truthfully and without hesitation, no one will ever doubt your sincere desire to join us.” Bruce explained.

“Oh OK. I hope I don’t trip up.” Tariq said nervously.

“Don’t worry, I am sure you will be fine. In the time that I have been here, I think only 2 out of more than a dozen applicants didn’t make it, and one of them was just not committed, and the other, well he and his wife had serious issues that might have been fixed if he had joined our group a couple of years earlier, but by the time he did try to join, it was too late. They ended up divorcing a few weeks after he was unable to make a coherent request.” Said Bruce.

“Your wife wants you to go up, Tariq” said a hubby who had just come out.

“Good luck.” Called out Bruce, Tom and several of the others, as Tariq went inside, butterflies in his stomach.

Upstairs, Tariq saw Norman on sheet duty, sitting quietly at the end of the passage. Not quite sure what to do he walked over to Norman and was about say hi, when Normal silenced him by gesture. Tariq understood immediately, they were not to talk as that might disturb the couples in the rooms. So Tariq waited.

So just a few minutes later one of the doors opened and Aisha came out. She looked around and motioned for Tariq to come to her. Slowly, with his eyes lowered he walked over.

“Oh good you are here already,” said Aisha, “I am going down to get a drink, but Desmond is still inside, I think this might be a good time for you to request sponsorship.”

“You won’t be there?” Asked Tariq, a bit surprised.

“Nah, I don’t think I need to be.” Aisha answered smiling, guiltily enjoying Tariq clear discomfort a little.

“Yes Ma’am.” Said Tariq as Aisha walked away from him.

“Who is it?” Called out a gravelly voice, when Tariq knocked on the door.

“It is Tariq sir, may I come in?” Tariq replied.

“What do you want?” asked Desmond.

“I was hoping to talk to you sir about sponsorship.” Tariq replied.

“Oh alright, you can come in.” Said Desmond finally.

“Thank you sir,” said Tariq opening the door and walking in.

“Leave the door open,” said Desmond as Tariq was about to close it.

“Yes sir,” said Tariq.

“So? What’s this thing about sponsorship?” Asked Desmond impatiently.

“Sir, I was hoping you would please sponsor us for membership.” Began Tariq.

“Why should I do that?” Asked Desmond gruffly.

Tariq was about to start answering when he was stopped by Desmond.

“Wait, I need to call someone first.” And Desmond called someone from his cell phone. Tariq could not here what was being said.

A few minutes later Rachel joined him a camcorder in her hand.

“Hi Rachel, would you mind making a video?” Desmond asked.

“It’ll be my pleasure Des.” Replied Rachel.

“Great, thanks.” Said Desmond turning to Tariq and motioning for him to proceed.

Feeling mortified and humiliated to be doing this in front of Rachel, Tariq cleared his throat.

“Sir, ever since Aisha has been coming to these parties, I have realized how sexually inadequate I am, and how she enjoys the company of all the Men here. I love her immensely and would do anything for her and want her to continue enjoying herself. I have come to realize and accept that our lives will be fuller and richer if I were to permanently take my position as subordinate to you and the other Men of the group, And if Aisha were to continue to enjoy being with the Men.”

“Oh so you openly admit that you want me and others like me, to fuck Aisha?” Desmond asked.

“Yes sir, I sincerely hope that you and she will be able to continue doing that. This is as it should be! It feels right for me to accept this diminished role, as I know and accept that I will never be in the same class as you are, so I offer total acquiesence and compliance to you, her, and any other Man on the group.” Tariq said, sincerity dripping from his voice.

“I see,” said Desmond, “but I want to be clear on a few things first.”

“You admit that you cannot sexually pleasure your wife? That you are inferior?” Desmond asked pointedly.

“Yes Sir, I do.” Said Tariq.

“You understand that once you join, Aisha’s body will be enjoyed by myself and the other men often, and that it will belong to us, not you?”

“Yes Sir, I do.” Said Tariq.

“And that we will take Aisha out on dates, as well as coming over to your house to spend nights with her.”

“Yes sir.”

“And you do not object to having to serve us?” Desmond was on a roll, making Linda who had the video camera running, smile.

“No sir, I don’t” Said Tariq.

“Aisha has told me that you often expect sex from her. Is this correct?” Desmond asked.

“Yes Sir, unfortunately it is.” Tariq replied feeling ashamed.

“Well that has to stop immediately. You cannot from now on ever ask her for sex. Understood?” Desmond said forcefully.

“Yes sir clearly.” Tariq replied.

“Do you agree to show Aisha the proper respect that is due her as a woman of the group who is fucked by us as and when we like?”

“Yes sir, I do.” Said Tariq.

“You willingly and openly admit that you want to be a Black Cuckolded husband? And you acknowledge the sexual superiority of black men?” Desmond snickered.

“Yes sir, I do.” Said Tariq.

“Good, I think you have convinced me. What do you think Rachel?” Desmond looked at Rachel.

“I think he is sincere,” Rachel replied, much to Tariq’s relief.

“But I think he needs to do one more thing.” Desmond said suddenly.

“What’s that?” Asked a surprised Rachel.

“He needs to sincerely apologize to Aisha for expecting her to have sex with him. Tariq I want you to apologize to Aisha, and do it in a manner that leaves her with absolutely no doubt that you mean what you say. Then do whatever she wants you to, no questions. I’ll call her in the morning to find out how you did.” Desmond explained.

“Yes sir.” Tariq agreed.

“That settles it then, I will sponsor you for membership if I am satisfied with Aisha response.” Desmond told Tariq.

“Great idea that Des, I wish Howie had thought of it too. By the way, would you like a copy of the video?” Rachel asked Desmond.

“No thanks Rach, I can always get it from you if ever I need it, but please make sure Aisha sees it.” Desmond said.

“No problem, I’ll make sure Aisha and several of the other girls see it.” Laughed Rachel.

“Great, have a ball,” laughed Desmond heading out the room, leaving Tariq and Rachel.

“Aisha will be really happy and proud, you did a great job.” Rachel told Tariq.

“Thank you Ma’am.” Tariq said following Rachel out.

Downstairs, Aisha was talking to her friends when Tariq joined her.

“So how did it go? I hope you didn’t let me down?” She asked sternly.

“I tried not to Ma’am,” Tariq said as Desmond walked over to Aisha and whispered something in her ear, making her smile.

“I see,” Aisha said when Desmond had finished, “so it isn’t over yet? What more does my hubby have to do?”

“No it’s not. Well I need a little more convincing that your hubby is truly ready and committed to what our little group stands for. He knows what to do. I’ll call you tomorrow to find out if he did it.” Desmond explained, running his hands all over Aisha’s buttocks and squeezing them.

It was not long before Aisha and Tariq were headed home. Tariq still trying to formulate in his mind, how he would meet Desmond’s demand. Aisha quietly thinking about what Desmond had whispered to her, and wondering why he had not told her what more Tariq had to do.

Finally they reached home. Aisha went straight to the bedroom stripped off her clothes, leaving them in a pile on the floor, and jumped into bed. Tariq joined her a few minutes later after setting things up for her next morning’s breakfast. He saw Aisha’s clothes on the floor, picked them up, and deposited them in the hamper to be washed the next day.

“Oh another amazing evening at Rachel’s, I wish I had heard about this group years ago, would have made life so much easier.” Aisha said wishfully.

“I want your tongue between my legs right now,” commanded Aisha her eyes closed and manner languid.

Tariq had expected this, and was prepared. And as in the first time, it took him a bit to overcome his distaste of the taste and smell of his wife’s sex mixed with that of Desmond’s, but he did not let that stop him from giving it his best. Aisha’s moans were a testament that he was doing a good job, a fact that him immensely happy. Also he found himself not quite so repulsed by the act any more, he was growing used to it, and even found it a little erotic.

By the time he was done and Aisha had orgasmed, Tariq’s mouth and nose had been completely overcome with the taste and smell of Aisha mixed with Desmond. The strong, almost bitter, salty tasted and the pungent aroma was almost too much for him and he headed to the bathroom to brush his teeth, and wash up. But Aisha noticed his semi-erection constrained only by his underpants.

“Where do you think are you going?” Asked Aisha asked.

“To wash up.” Tariq replied.

“Nothing doing, Tariq. I want you keep the taste of my coupling with Desmond in your mouth as long as possible as a reminder of your inferiority.” Aisha said to a flabbergasted Tariq, who slowly got into bed thinking about what Desmond had said earlier.

“Won’t you tell me about how it was with Desmond?” Tariq asked.

“Not tonight, I won’t. You don’t have to be told each time.” Aisha sounded annoyed.

“Ma’am, I wish to apologise.” Said Tariq, suddenly remembering what Desmond had asked him to do. And he was now mortally afraid of failing and disappointing his wife, who wanted so much to be accepted into the group.

“Don’t worry about it, Tariq. Just remember never to ask me about my time with a lover again. When I want to, I’ll share details with you.” Aisha said sleepily.

“Yes Ma’am I’ll remember that. But that was not why I was apologizing.” Tariq said.

“Oh, then what?” Aisha asked.

Tariq took a deep breath.

“I am sorry for expecting you to have sex with me when I wanted. I understand now that there is no way I could have possibly pleasured you the way Ty, Desmond, Quan, and many of your other lovers have.” Tariq said.

“Why do you say that Tariq?” Aisha asked, wanting her husband to admit it.

“I have a small penis and my staying power is not long.” Tariq admitted ruefully.

“Well Tariq, since you are confessing to this fact, I will also say that I agree with you completely.” Aisha added. “There were many times when I really did not want to have sex with you, but felt obligated to. I resented you at those times. If you had been able to give me the kind of sex I want and need, I would not have a problem.”

“I know that now Ma’am, and that is why I am apologizing. My own shortcomings have troubled you far too ling. And I promise that I will not ask you again. I wish there was something I could do show you how sorry I am. I can’t imagine why after experiencing true pleasure from men like Quan, you could ever experience any pleasure from me. ” Tariq said sincerely.

“It’s not like you have a choice now Tariq, as a member of the Cuckold Circle, your sexual contact with me is limited to providing oral sex to me, unless I chose to reward you with having sex with you. And I can tell you now that will be quite infrequent, as your friends in the Circle will testify.” Aisha said simply.

“I understand Ma’am.” Tariq said.

“I don’t think you do,” thought Aisha to herself, seeing Tariq’s penis twitch, “pretty soon, even that will be rare for you.” She could not wait to lock him up. At that moment she felt revulsion and resentment at the thought that she had actually had sex with something so useless.

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Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:53 am

Re: Cuckold Circle, Chapter 7

Unread post by mahi-mahi » Tue Sep 29, 2009 11:35 pm

please, I would love if you could follow the story! ;) Great job pakihotwife!!

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