She requires a firm hand

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She requires a firm hand

Unread post by Bri_n_Dewpie » Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:53 am

Going to try something a little different here. Trying to put some of my unrealized fantasies down into story form, hoping that Dew will find it arousing, and perhaps our readers will, too. These are going to be long so I'll post them in parts. I'm trying to put a bit more "Art" into it than with our usual date reports (I'm using both the dictionary and a thesaurus, yo!). Not much sex in part 1.

Part 1 -

When we first met Jake, it wasn't for anything sexual. We were just buying a camera off of him. He had recently upgraded his photography equipment and was selling some of his older gear at a good price. We had been wanting a better camera for quite a while and his deal was too good to pass up.

We'd met him at his house in Bend so that he could show us the camera and help familiarize Dew with it. It was a bit more complex than her old digital camera and he wanted to be sure she understood the basics before he let her out the door with it.

I remember thinking when he met us at the door that he was her kind of guy. She's always had wet spot in her panties for mature, handsome, slightly older men. Jake was in his mid forties, six foot, around 185lbs. Clean shaven with dark hair going gray around the temples. He was dressed in tan slacks and a button up shirt. He smiled and gave us each a firm handshake, introducing himself and inviting us in out of the cold. We told him our names and followed him inside.

The house was pleasantly warm, due to the fire blazing in the large stone fireplace.

"Mmmm. It's nice and toasty in here." Dew said as she unzipped her jacket.

I was looking around the large living room, taking in what a nice place he had, but out of the corner of my eye I could see Jake giving Dew an appreciative once-over while she was distracted with getting out of her scarf and coat. She was wearing jeans and a hooded thermal top that has buttons from midchest up. She kept the top three buttons undone on it and if you kept your eyes peeled she would often give you little glimpses of bra and cleavage. I love that top and he seemed to like it, too. His eyes lingered on her breasts for a moment and then quickly jumped up to her face when she looked back up at him. She asked if she could sit her things down somewhere and he told her that on the couch would be fine.

"This way." he said and headed toward the kitchen, where I could see a camera bag sitting on the counter.

I wondered if she had noticed him looking at her. I know it gives her a thrill if she catches a guy checking her out. In case you're wondering, it doesn't bother me. Dew and I have a rather unconventional relationship. You see, I like to see her have sex with other men. A lot of people aren't going to understand that, and even after years of us playing like this, I'm not sure that I understand it myself. But suffice it to say, I find nothing more erotic than to see her brought to orgasm by a stranger. As luck would have it, she's never been a monogamous kind of gal, so our kinks mesh well together.

In the kitchen, Jake started to unload the camera and it's many accessories from the bag. It's Dew who has the interest in photography so I started to zone out as he began to name off each piece and describe what it did. While she looked the items over, I looked around the kitchen. Back in the living room a picture hanging by his computer desk caught my eye. It was a black and white photo of a nude woman laying half out of the water on a beach. She was voluptuous and full figured, very curvy. Her skin was covered in black sand that was sticking to her pale wet skin. Be it from cold or from arousal, I could see that she was covered in goose pimples. Her head was turned away from the camera, but a breast and a patch of dark pubic hair was clearly visible. I stepped over for a closer look. I'm no judge of photography, but it had my vote.

"Is this one of your pictures?" I asked over my shoulder. Jake stopped his inventory to say yes. I asked if it was his wife and he said that it was his ex. I saw another framed photo on the wall in the hallway leading to the rest of house. I asked him if he minded if I checked out the rest and he said, "No, go ahead." before turning back to talk to Dew.

Jake liked nudes. The hallway was lined with more of them, each tasteful and artistic. They seemed to get a little more risqué the further you went. Bondage started to show up in the pictures. One was of a naked woman kneeling behind a rough, gnarled wooden fence post. Her hands were bound to the post with a strip of rawhide. It looked like it was tied tight and was cutting into her soft skin a little. Her forearms were pressed against the post's jagged, splintery surface and it looked like it had to have been uncomfortable for her. Her face was hidden behind the post, but you could see the same long black hair that the woman in the other picture had, so I assumed it was his ex again. In another pic she was standing on her tip toes, her legs spread to straddle a barb wire fence. Her hands were bound above her head with a rope that extended up out of the frame. Her head hung down, her chin on her chest, her hair obscuring her face. The barb wire was mere inches below her bare, plump thighs. Jake's just a little bit kinky, I thought to myself.

In the next photo she must have cut her hair. It was very short, but from what I could see of her, I'm pretty sure it was the same woman. The picture showed a view over the top of her head. She appeared to be on all fours, and you could see the curves of her naked ass out of focus in the back ground. In the foreground was a man's fist roughly clutching a handful of her short hair.

I realized that this wasn't just a nude shot, like the other pictures. I was most likely seeing a captured moment in the middle of an intimate act. My brain working the way it does, it automatically tried to piece what must have happening when the picture was taken. I imagined him sitting on a bed, his camera in one hand, his other grabbing her hair and forcing it to . . . Then another thought. Instead of this anonymous woman, I saw his hand in my wife's hair. My breath caught in my chest for a second and I felt a twitch in my trousers. I tried to shake off the thought and moved onto the next picture.

This one was less anonymous and showed part of her face. It was a close-up. She was wearing a loose blindfold or veil, a sheer piece of black lace that came down to the tip of her nose and left the lower half of her face visible. You could see through the cloth, very faintly, her tightly closed eyes. Her full, wetly glistening lips were open in an "O" and my impression was that she was in the throes of ecstasy. Streaks of mascara ran down from behind the veil, dark tear trails across her cheeks. Again, I wondered what was happening at that frozen moment, but there wasn't enough information in the image to even form a theory. Would it have been arousing to see, or horrifying? Both?

How would Dew have reacted to the pictures? I knew that she had a kinky streak in her that had remained, for the most part, untapped. She told me many times that she liked to be submissive. That she liked to be dominated, to be told what to do. She seemed to get turned on when a guy told her what a good girl she was. She'd said in the past that she would like to be tied up, tied down, and forced to do things against her will. That she found the loss of control arousing. She liked light pain, having her ass slapped, her hair pulled. She liked a little degradation and humiliation. To be called names and to be disciplined if she resisted. I suspected that seeing these pictures would have gotten Dew a little excited.

I had made a few attempts at fulfilling her fantasies in the past. Clumsy attempts, every one. She had reacted positively each time, saying that she enjoyed it, but I'd had my doubts. I had felt silly, not comfortable in the role of the dominant partner. I always felt like I pushing things too hard or not hard enough. I was afraid of hurting her, saying the wrong thing, or looking the fool.

I just didn't have that particular set of kinks, and I couldn't see what the fantasy was supposed to look like in my head. Say the word bondage to me and it automatically conjures up mental pictures of full body fetish gear. Leather face masks with zippers across the mouth. Gas masks, cat'o'nines, and latex. It all seemed more like a horror flick than sex.

Asking her to tell me what to tell her to do seemed to defeat the purpose. It ended up being one of those things I was going to do one day, once I figured it out. But, how many years had it been, now? I think about it every once in a while, and I do feel guilty. After all, she had been graciously humoring me with my kink for years. Deep down, I just didn't think I'm the kind of guy that is going to be able to satisfy this need for her.

I stared at the photo of the woman's face and couldn't help but think that Jake might be the guy that could.

I decided I had been back here staring at pictures long enough and should be heading back to join my wife. As I walked back up the hallway toward the kitchen, I could hear them talking. "Here, I'll show you." he was saying. "Give me a pose. See, you just hold down the button part way, and it. . . C'mon, give me a real pose. This isn't for the church bulletin."

I heard her laugh. As I came out of the hallway, I could see her leaning against the kitchen counter. She was facing my direction and his back was to me. At his suggestion, she adjusted her stance, throwing out a hip, tilting her head back and reaching up to spread the collar of her shirt to show a bit more cleavage. She gave him her best sultry smile.

"That's better." he told her. "Very nice. See. Just hold the button and it auto focuses, then take the shot." The camera flashed and then he stepped closer to her, turning the camera around to show her the picture on the digital screen. She leaned in close to him and tilted her neck to see it, her shoulder pressed against his. He put his hand on the counter behind her back.

"That looks so much better than the pics I take with my dinky little pee-oh-ess." she told him.

"Those pictures of yours are very hot." I told him as I crossed over to join them. "I think I need something to dab the drool."

At the sound of my voice he casually sidestepped away from my wife and moved his hand. He gave my joke a charity chuckle and said, "Thank you." without looking up from his fiddling with the camera.

I asked Dew if she thought the camera was what she was looking for. She said, yes, that she thought that it was perfect. I pulled out my wallet and took out enough to cover his asking price. He thanked us and told us that he thought we were going to love the camera. While he helped Dew pack everything back into the camera bag he told us that if we had any problems or questions, we had his number and e-mail, that he'd be glad to help. We shook hands as he showed us to the door, and Dew and I headed home.

On the drive home I asked Dew what she had thought of Jake, hoping that maybe her mind had been straying in the same direction that mine had while we were there.

"He seems like a nice guy." she replied.

After a couple moments of her saying nothing more, I commented that they had seemed to be getting along well.

"He was really nice." she said. "Explained everything so that I understood. Told me what all the different filters do."

She went on to tell me about a few of the filters and and a few ideas that she thought she could use them for. Dew's not the kind of girl that you can just leave a little bait out and hope she'll take it and run with it. When she finished, I decided I would have to be a bit more direct.

"Were you attracted to him?" I asked her.

She thought for a second and then said, "Yeah, I thought he was cute. He smelled good, too."

The "cute" comment was a little non-committal. She could refer to anything from puppies to shoes as cute. But the mention of his smell was a good sign. She always commented on the smell of a guy if he piqued her interest.

Feeling a little frustrated, I changed the subject. "You should have seen his pictures." I said. "They were kind of . . . naughty."

She gave me a puzzled look out of the corner of her eye and said, "Naughty, how?"

I described some of the kinkier ones to her. "He seems to like dominating women." I said. "I think he's a perv." Just so you know, perv is not a bad word to us. Pervs are our people.

She said nothing, but I could hear the gears clicking away in her brain. A couple seconds later she said, "There were a few times when he was showing me the camera that he seemed a little bossy."

"An asshole?" I asked.

"No, not really. Just . . .I don't know, demanding. 'No, do it like this.' That kind of thing."

"I saw him tell you to pose."

"Yeah. Just like that." she said. "Do it his way."

"In a way that you would find a turn off?"

I think she was starting to get where I was going with this. "I don't think so." she said with a little shake of her head. Then she blurted, "I'd do him."

I nodded, taking it in. "So, if I'd nudged you back there, you think you would have made a pass at him?"

"I think I would have."


"I would have." she clarified.

A little while later, I said, "Perhaps you should think of some questions about the camera over the next few days and send him an e-mail."

She nodded, with a little smile. "Hmmm. Perhaps I should."

That's how it started. She sent an e-mail a few days later with a few questions about things she already knew the answers to. Eventually she mentioned the pics I'd told her about, said that she wished she'd seen them. That she loved that kind of photography. He sent her some digital copies in an e-mail and she told him that they were hotter than she had imagined. That seeing them got her a little worked up. He said that he had some more that he didn't have on his comp. That she should stop by sometime and see them. We thought that he was nibbling at the bait, but was testing her for cheating possibilities. She said that she and I might take him up on that offer. She flirted, she suggested, made leading comments. He started asking questions about us and over the course of a few e-mails, she slowly spilled the beans, telling him about our arrangement. He didn't immediately flee when she told him how we play, which was a good thing. He mentioned that he and his wife had done a little swapping back in the day. She let the other shoe drop, asking him if he would like to play with her. The reply came seconds later, in the resounding affirmative. She called him and they talked on the phone, discussing their likes and dislikes. She told him about how she liked to be fucked by a dominant, take control guy and he confirmed what I had suspected, that he was that kind of guy. They discussed boundaries and limits, and negotiated a "safe word", a signal that he needed to ease off if things went past her comfort level. Finally, the figured out a time to meet that would work with everyone's work schedule. We had to two days to wait.
Last edited by Bri_n_Dewpie on Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:48 am
Location: Central Oregon

Re: She requires a firm hand

Unread post by Bri_n_Dewpie » Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:54 am

Part 2

It was raining the day of Dew's date with Jake, a cold, slushy rain, so the short skirt she wore may not have been the best choice. But she likes the way she looks in them and they give her confidence, so I don't argue. We ran the heater in the car on the way over and she went as quickly as she could from the car to his front door. Luckily, he didn't take long to answer the door so we didn't have to treat her for hypothermia.

The fireplace was crackling and popping when we got inside and it was nice and warm. Dew got out of her coat and then gave Jake a hug. He sniffed at her neck as they embraced, told her that he liked her perfume. It's the same perfume she's wore since she was a teenager and I like it, too. When I smell it, it instantly reminds me of teen age make-out sessions. I call it her horny teen ager perfume.

We sat on the couch over by the fireplace and Jake sat down in a matching chair across the coffee table from us. Dew scooted close to me, trying to warm up. She was shivering a little, but that also could have been excitement.

I feel like I usually do when we go out on these dates. Nervous, a little awkward. I'm here to offer up my wife to another guy, and you never get used to the feeling. I put my arm around her, pulling her close and put my other hand on her knee. He legs were smooth; she had shaved them right before we left.

Jake asked how we had been and his eyes were looking at Dew's bare legs. Her short skirts button up the front and she likes to leave the bottom few buttons undone. When she sits, even with her legs together, it tends to flash a lot of thigh and I wouldn't have been surprised if he was catching a peek of panty.

She told him we were doing great. He asked if she'd been taking lots of pictures and she said that she had been taking the camera with her everywhere. She asked if he was liking his new camera and he said that he'd been too busy with his real job to get out and use it much. We talked for a while, everyone warming to each other. He kept looking at the split in the front of her skirt.

The conversation had turned to swinging and we were telling him a little bit about our experiences when he interrupted and said to her. "Come over here." It didn't sound anything like a request.

She looked over at me and I gave her my best poker face. She turned back to him, then slowly pushed herself to the front of the couch cushion and stood up. She walked around the coffee table and stopped a few feet from where he was sitting, her hands on her hips, her back to me. Her posture made her look uncertain, like she wasn't sure what he was wanting or what she should be doing.

He tilted his head a little and said, "Let me see what you're wearing under there." He indicated her skirt with a little flipping motion of his index finger.

She shifted her weight from one foot to the other a couple of times, and then, very hesitantly, she reached down and took hold of the hem of her skirt. She lifted it up, teasingly slow, giving him a look at the pretty, black, lace panties I had seen her slipping into earlier at home. From the angle of her head, I think she was looking at his eyes, but his eyes were on her lace underthings.

"Did you wear those just for me?" he asked.

"Yes." she said.

"I like them." he said. "I think you should give them to me."

"Okay." she said with a chuckle.

He continued to look at her panties for a few seconds, and then his eyes scanned up to her face. "I meant now." he told her.

"Oh, okay." she sounded a little flustered and her voice quavered. I had the feeling that even though he had just started, he already had her out on the borders of her comfort zone.

Dew slid her thumbs up her hips, under the skirt. She hooked them on the elastic band of her panties and pulled them down, sliding them down over her hips and past her knees. She leaned forward, lifting one foot and then the other, before standing up straight and presenting her underwear to the man sitting before her.

He reached out and took them from her. He gave them a seconds inspection, running his thumb across the crotch of them and then he set them on the arm of the chair. His attention went back to her.

"Raise your skirt back up."

She did as she was told, pulling it back up. The skirt still hung down in the back, past her butt cheeks, but I knew what he was seeing up front. Her closely trimmed beaver. I had trimmed it for her just that morning. She does not shave, we just trim it down to a length that's not too long, but not so short as to be bristly. She does shave along her bikini line, though.

"Very nice." he said appreciatively. He leaned back, admiring the view and then told her to pull her skirt all the way up to her hips, so he could have a better look. Dew pulled it up, and in the process, exposed her bare ass to me. She stood with her hands on her belly, the material of the skirt spilling over her forearms.

"Turn around." he told her, exchanging his view for mine. I saw what he had just been looking at and I felt my cock stiffening. The short hairs between her legs were damp. I drug my eyes away, looking up at her face. She was staring off across the room. Her chest was rising and falling with quick shallow breaths.

"You have a very sexy ass." He slid forward in his chair and reached out to touch her. Her eyes widened slightly when he squeezed one of her butt cheeks, the hint of a smile at the corners of her mouth. "Very sexy ass." he repeated. He gave her ass a couple light test slaps, enjoying the slight jiggle. She leaned forward at the hips, thrusting her ass out at him. His hand slid between her legs, rubbing one thigh then squeezing the other before drifting up to what was between them. Dew spread her feet a little farther apart, giving him better access. He turned his hand palm up and rotated his middle and ring finger, insinuating them between her pussy lips. He didn't try to penetrate her, he just seemed to be testing the waters, seeing what he was working with. Dew exhaled out her nose, the look on her face indicating she was enjoying his touch. He ran his fingers up and down her slit, in the slick track between the lips of her labia. Then his fingertips poked out the front, rubbing over her clit, making her arch her back and moan. They circled around her clit a couple of times, eliciting a shudder from her.

"That feels good." said Dew. Her voice sounded low, breathily husky.

"You like that, huh?"

"MMMMMM, yeah."

He pushed off of the chair with his other hand, got to his feet and then moved in close behind her. Taking his hand from between her legs, he reach around the front and resumed rubbing her little nub. She leaned back against him, closing her eyes and letting her head drop back on his shoulder.

I watched how she breathed as he fingered her, saw her her face flush with arousal, and felt my prick begin to strain against the crotch of my trousers. I reached down and adjusted it,

Jake's free hand came up and settled on Dew's breast. He gave it a gentle squeeze. She turned her face toward him, straining for his mouth and he gave her what she was after; a kiss. She responded, opening her mouth, her tongue flicking out to caress his lips. He returned the kiss with an open mouth, using his tongue, too. Dew's knees bent slightly and spread a little wider. She was really liking what he was doing. She removed one hand from her belly, letting part of the skirt fall back down, and reached up with that hand to run it through his hair.

She started to push her ass back into him, grinding it against him. I wondered if he was already as hard as I was. Was she feeling the bulge of his erection right now, straining with need for her? I looked down at bulge in my own pants, saw a small wet spot where the tip of my cock was. I reached over to rub that spot with my index and middle finger and even through the heavy fabric of my jeans, it felt great on the head of my blood engorged penis.

I looked back up at them and they were kissing with earnest now. She was pulling his mouth into hers with the hand she had on the back of his head. His hand was up under her shirt and it looked like he had pushed one bra cup up off of a breast to give him access to her nipple. She was slowly gyrating her hips in time with his manual ministrations.

Jake pulled his mouth away from her, took both hands from her body and said, "Bend over."

She tried to kiss him some more, and he dodged the kiss. "Bend over." he repeated.

She moaned, sounding a little disappointed, but did as she was told, bending over and putting her hands on her knees. She moved her ass around, swinging her hips alluringly.

He stepped to the side of her and put one hand on the middle of her back. The other hand he used to reach around behind her ass and start to rub her clit again. Her hips went still and her head tilted forward as the pleasure returned. From this angle, I could only see the top and back of her head, so I was denied the chance of seeing the look on her face as he worked her with his fingers. I could see the evidence of his excitement in the front of his pants, though, and it was substantial.

"That makes you want to come, doesn't it?"

"Yeah." she whispered, barely audible. "So good."

"You are an easy come little slut, aren't you. Doesn't take much to get you off."

"MM-hmm." she agreed. Her breathing was getting more rapid, and the hands on her knees were turning to claws. "Oh, fuck." she said as her orgasm approached. "Oh, fuck, that's good."

"What a mouth you've got on you." he said.

She didn't respond, her attention only on her building climax. She moaned, almost pleadingly. The moan got louder, her breathing fast and heavy.

"Fuck!" The curse burst out of her. "Oh, don't stop! That's gonna make me come." Her knees threatened to buckle as she came and she had to put one hand out on the coffee table to keep herself from falling forward. "oh, fuck yeah!" She nearly shouted it out, and convulsed with the power of what she was feeling. The hand on the coffee table curled into a fist. He kept right on rubbing her clit the entire time, until the orgasm peaked and then started to subside. Only then did he slow his hand, eventually bringing the motion to a stop. In the aftermath, Dew looked like she felt a little weak, like she might fall down. She had to sit down on the chair to catch her breath.

He stood over her smiling. "Now," he said. "Let's see what you can do with that filthy little mouth of yours."

Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:48 am
Location: Central Oregon

Re: She requires a firm hand

Unread post by Bri_n_Dewpie » Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:55 am

Part 3

She was still a little post-orgasmically shaky when she looked up at him and said, "So, you want me to suck your cock, huh?"

He ran his hand cross the front of his trousers, stroking the length of his shaft through the fabric. Dew's eyes dropped down to watch. She nibbled her lower lip and purred at the sight of it.

"You are going to suck it." he said, removing any question. "But first, I want you to take off your shirt and your bra. I want to see those tits."

Dew didn't hesitate to reach down, grab her shirt and pull it up over her head. One of her breasts was slipping out of it's cup from when Jake had been playing with it. She reached back to unsnap the bra, and then shrugged out of it.

Her c-cup titties looked as fantastic as always. They feel even better in your hand, very squeezable with a good heft. Her nipples are light colored and very suckable. They were made even more arousing by the fact that she was sitting there so casually with them exposed for another man to see.

He did more than look at them. Jake reached down with the hand that wasn't massaging his cock and palmed one. He gave it a little squeeze, and said, "Girl, those are some nice tatas." He pinched the nipple between his thumb and middle finger. Dew squirmed a little, enjoying it, but her eyes were still on what his other hand were doing.

"Let's see it." she said.

"You take it out." he told her. He put his hands up on his hips and stood there waiting for her.

Dew smiled up at him and said, "Like opening a present. I love to open presents."

"I assure you," said Jake. "it'll be the gift that keeps on giving."

She reached out and put her hand where his balls would be, then slid her palm up his length. She told him that it felt nice. She slid out of the chair, onto her knees. Her hands went to his belt and she had no trouble getting it unbuckled. The she unbuttoned the pants and slowly slid the zipper down. Beneath the pants he was was wearing some white and blue striped boxers, and once the pants were undone, his erection pitched a tent in the loose fabric. She pulled the boxers and pants down, all the way to his knees, and his cock sprang free.

Length wise, he was a little above average, probably six and a half inches. The shaft was very thick,(thicker than mine, I think) and the head was even larger. It was rock hard and straight with no noticeable curve in any direction. It thrust up from him rigidly at a forty five degree angle. His pubic hairs were trimmed reasonably short, and it looked like he had shaved the hair from his ball-sack and the base of his penis. His scrotum hung down farther than most I'd seen, as if weighed down by the weight of the two very large balls it contained. It looked like it would have a lot of swing in it once it was in action. Unlike me, and like most of Dew's dates, Jake was circumcised. Which meant that once that cock was in her mouth, she would be keenly aware that it wasn't her husband's cock that she was sucking.

I looked at Dew's face, and the look on it can only be described as hunger. She raised herself up, put her hands on his thighs to brace herself, and leaned in close to his prick. She kissed the base of it, right where the shaft disappeared into the scrotum, then she stuck out her tongue and licked up the the little ridge of skin that ran along the bottom of his cock, all the way to the tip. He gave a little involuntary shiver when she did that. She kissed the bottom of his glans, almost tenderly, then gave it a lick. She raised herself a little more, again kissing the tip of his cock, then sliding a little of it into her mouth. She worked the tip with her lips and tongue while slipping a little more into her mouth with each stroke of her head. Before long, she was making the whole thing disappear into her mouth.

Any of Dew's dates will back me up when I say this, she is a cock-sucking master. Her fellatio is the perfect combination of hands, spit, tongue, lips and suction. She is always attentive to a guy's reactions to what she is doing so that she can quickly suss out his sweet spots and exploit them. She accents her blow jobs with an occasional deep throat, taking you so deep you can feel the tip of your cock literally going into her throat. She has excellent gag reflex control and will hold your cock there, making little thrusts with her head and fucking you with her throat. It feels like she is trying to swallow your cock. Then she pulls your cock back out of her mouth, takes a deep breath and smile proudly. Sometimes her eyes will be watering, an involuntary reaction but she couldn't be happier.

This is the thing that make her blow-jobs so great. You can tell that the girl absolutely loves to suck cock. And now, her eyes were closed as she worked Jake with just her mouth, the look on her face serene contentment. She was in slut heaven.

I couldn't help myself. Seeing my darling wife kneeling in front of Jake, taking his meaty tool into that mouth I had kissed so many times was making me hornier than fuck. As quietly as possible, I unzipped my pants, pulled my cock out and started to stroke it.

Dew slid one of her hands up Jake's thigh, first cupping his balls, and then wrapping it around his cock, intending to add some hand strokes to the mix. Jake seemed to have other ideas, though. He reached down, took her by the wrist and moved the hand away.

"Just use your mouth." he instructed. "Your filthy slut mouth is all I need."

Dew likes to be talk to like that and she moaned her approval despite the mouthful. Her hand went back on his thigh and she continued to slowly take him in and out of her mouth, rotating her head slightly with each stroke, going at him from different angles.

Jake started to get talkative. "That's it. Suck that dick. You love that dick, don't you? Dirty little slut. Slut wife. Where did you learn how to do that? Or were you just a natural cocksucker from the beginning?"

I didn't say anything at the time, but I could have told him that it was a skill she had acquired along the way. In the early days she'd been hesitant and clumsy at it. But she had stuck with it over time, gotten better at it and learned to love it. Loved the approval it earned her from any man.

Jake started to thrust with his hips at the same pace as Dew's strokes, meeting her halfway. His ball sack would swing forward and bump her chin with each thrust, producing a quiet slapping sound. He put a hand on each side of her head, sliding his fingers back through her hair until his fingertips nearly met at the back of her skull. He didn't pull on her head, just left his hands resting there as he slowly pistoned in and out of her mouth. She was moving her head less now, just a little back and forward motion. She put her hand up to touch his, not trying to remove his hands from her head, just caressing his hand and forearm. He didn't want that. He told her to "Get that hand down." and Dew obeyed. He continued to enjoy her mouth.

"If I could bottle this feeling and sell it," said Jake. "I'd never have to work another day for the rest of my life." I love to hear one of Dew's dates expressing their pleasure when they get a little taste of what she gives to me all the time.

The pace at which he fucked my wife's face began to quicken, and he did start to pull her head toward him. I saw her saliva string out from her mouth when he would withdraw. His cock was slick with it. A glob of it began to hang from his member, elongating down into a strand that swung like a pendulum. Eventually it dripped off, splattering onto her chest and then running down her naked belly.

Periodically, he would plunge deep into her mouth and hold her there for a second, longer than she probably would have continued deep throating on her own. Then he'd pull his cock all the way back out of her mouth and let her suck in some air. Once she had, he'd shove right back in.

"Dew likes getting her mouth used for a fuck hole, doesn't she?"

Dew agreed with a muffled, "Mmm-hmmm!"

Suddenly, he rammed his cock into her mouth roughly, three times in quick succession. She inhaled sharply through her nose, surprised, but took it well. He massaged the back of her head with his fingertips and told her what a good girl she was. He did it again, and this time it must have been a little more than she was ready for. I'm not sure if she did it intentionally, or by reflex, but she used the hands on his thighs to push back against him a little.

He stepped back, pulling his dick all the way out of her mouth, then looked down at her with a stern look on his face. Voice gruff and full of authority, he said, "Put your hands in your lap and leave them there."

Dew's chest heaved as she took a second to sit back and catch her breath. She looked like she wanted to talk back, but if she did, she resisted the urge. She pulled her hands from his thighs and clasped them together in her lap.

He left her sitting there waiting while he kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his pants and boxers. He kicked those aside, under the coffee table. Stepping back in front of her, he told her to get her mouth back on his cock.

Dew got back up off of her haunches turned her face upward and opened her mouth wide, offering in up to him. Jake stepped closer, took his prick in his hand and spanked it a few times against her lips and chin. Her open mouth almost formed into a smile. She stuck out her tongue, playfully trying to lick at his penis as he continued to whack it lightly against her mouth.

"Are you going to be a good girl this time?" asked Jake.

"Uh-huh." she nodded, mouth still open, tongue still out.

"Gonna keep your hands down and let me fuck your mouth how I want?"

She didn't answer right away. After a moment's thought, she said, "I'll try."

He paused, tilting his head questioningly. "Try?"

"It's hard sometimes. You fuck my mouth so hard." Her tone was pouty.

He stared down at her, disapproving. She tried to return his stare, but after only a couple of seconds she had to turn away, looking appropriately ashamed.

"I guess I'll have to help you with that problem." said Jake and he didn't sound happy that he was having to deal with her nonsense. Reaching over to the arm of the chair beside them, he retrieved the pair of panties she had given him earlier. He stepped between her and the chair, to her side, and told her to put her hands behind her back. Dew complied, going back on her heels while leaning forward and putting her hands behind her. Jake grabbed one of her wrists, a little roughly, and stuck it through one of the leg holes of her panties and then out through the waistband. Dew did not resist while he looped it through a couple more times, tightening it. Then he took her other wrist and repeated the process with the other leg hole, effectively binding her hands behind her back. As he moved back in front of her, I could see her testing the bonds, seeing how securely she was tied. Whether or not she was really tied securely, she didn't pull her hands out.

Standing in front of her, Jake told her to put her knees closer together. When she had done as she was told, he stepped forward, planting a foot to the outside of each of her thighs. She was still sitting back on her heels, so his cock was out of reach for her mouth. He squatted slightly, bending at the hips and knees. This lined his erection up with her mouth nicely.

"Open." he said.

She opened her mouth and closed her eyes, preparing for what was coming. Jake took hold of her head, tilted it a little to the side, and then shoved the whole of his length and thickness into her mouth all at once.

She made a sound, not quite a protest, but didn't pull away. He began to give her face a fucking, varying the depth, speed and force of each stroke. She was passive as he did this, letting her face be pulled forward into his crotch over and over again. Her shoulders were dropped down, relaxed. Her fingers hung limply across her ass. She breathed when she could and moaned with each thrust. The nature of the sounds she was making were not clear to me. I think they were moans of pleasure, but I could not be certain.

As I watched, cock in hand, I was amazed at her ability to handle his assault. It's sick, I know, but I couldn't help but be proud of my girl.

This forced oral went on for several minutes, with Jake grunting each time he pushed into her. He told her how good she was doing, that she was taking it like a champ. She couldn't respond, only remained pliant in his grip. In the end, he gave out before she did. The squatting and thrusting made him start to cramp, so he had to step away from her to stretch out the kinks in his legs and back. Dew remained where she was, panting, her head hanging slightly.

I asked her if she was okay. She turned her head to look at me out the corner of her eye. Her hair was mussed, her chin was coated in drool. There were red, sweaty handprints on the side of her face where he had been gripping her. She smiled, and I could tell, she was more than okay. She was having a ball.

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Re: She requires a firm hand

Unread post by hkuk » Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:01 am

Well that's a damned fine read! I do hope you will continue, I'm really enjoying this a lot!


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Re: She requires a firm hand

Unread post by Bri_n_Dewpie » Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:55 am

hkuk wrote:Well that's a damned fine read! I do hope you will continue, I'm really enjoying this a lot!

Thank you! I appreciate the response. Here are parts 4 and 5 of the story, part 6, the final part coming soon.

Part 4

"It's getting fucking hot in here." said Jake. Putting it to Dew's face like that had left him dripping sweat. He pulled his shirt off, then reached down and thumbed the sock off of each foot. He squatted to push them under the coffee table, out of the way, with the rest of his clothes. He moved his pants around, reached into the pocket to get something and I saw his hand come back out with a condom in a gold wrapper. "How about you, girl? You hot?"

"I'm okay." said Dew. The only bit of clothing she was still wearing was her partially unbuttoned skirt. Her breathing was slowing, returning to normal.

"Would you like to get fucked now?" he asked her.

"Yeah, I would."

"I'm going to leave your hands tied, but I'll move them to the front. Lean forward."

Still squatting behind her, he unwrapped one of hands from her panty restraints, had her stick both hands out in front of her and retied her hands. Jake stood up, stepped over past the end of the coffee table, to a wide space of open floor. He snapped his fingers and pointed at the floor, the gesture almost like one you would use if you were summoning a dog.

"Get over here."

Crawling across to him was a little awkward for her, tied as she was. It took her a little while, and while she was working her way there, I moved down to the end of the couch so that I would be sure to have a good view of what was happening. When she had moved to where he wanted her, he told her to lay face up on the carpet, with her head near the coffee table. She lowered herself to the floor, and maneuvered herself into place. Seeming to be satisfied with what he saw, Jake stepped over near her head and leaned down to grab the edge of the coffee table. He lifted that side of it up and told her to put her arms where the table leg would be between them. When the coffee table was lowered, she was left with her hands tied around it's leg, her arms stretched out above her head.

Jake knelt between Dew's legs and tore the condom wrapper with his teeth. He checked to make sure he was putting in on the right way, pinched the air from the tip, and then unrolled it down the length of his pecker.

He looked up at Dew's face, saw that she had been watching him intently. Her breathing rate was starting to increase again with the anticipation.

"You ready to get fucked?" he asked.

She put her feet flat on the floor and raised her pelvis into the air, spreading her legs and rolling her hips wantonly. "Please fuck me." she said in a longing whisper. She strained to move her crotch closer to his, but the table leg held her back. She dropped her butt back down on the floor with a groan of frustration.

Dew and I have been married for many years, and seeing this kind of raw need out of her is rare, if it ever happened at all. It's not her fault. In our early years she would have been too shy and awkward to express herself like that, and then as time went on, you get used to each other, the old fires of passion don't burn as strong. I've always fantasized about her being that sexual, though, and it was sexy as hell to see it, even if the object of her lust was another man. I had to remind myself to blink and take a breath every once in a while, I was so wrapped up in what I was seeing. However, it didn't take any concentration at all for me to remember to keep sliding my hand up and down my cock. She looked so hot to me, it just came natural.

"You want it in you, don't you?" Jake moved closer to her, put his open palm behind one of her knees and used it to pick her ass up off of the floor. With his other hand he started rubbing the head of his penis around her vulva and the entrance of her pussy, slicking it up with the fluids that were leaking from her.

"Mmmmm, yeah. Please put it in." said my sweet little wife. "Don't make me wait anymore."

He slipped the head into the opening, pressing in a little ways and giving her a few very shallow strokes. I could hear Dew scraping her fingernails on the leg of the coffee table. Jake watched her face, waiting for the perfect moment. Then in one swift motion, he moved forward, dropping his weight onto his free arm and easily sliding all the way into her. Dew gasped at the sudden penetration, tilting her head back in rapture. Her arms flexed, straining against the table leg. They both froze in that position for a moment. When she let herself go slack, Jake pulled back. He plunged into her again with the audible slapping of flesh coming together.

"Oh, that's good." said Dew.

He gave her another of the same and this time he got an "Oh!" out of her. She looked up at him with her mouth hanging open, her eyes wide and intense. He chuckled and dove in again.

"Yes! Again!" she called out to him.

He obliged, starting to build a into a rhythm. She encouraged him with little yelps, grunts, and pleas for more. He soon had her whole body rocking with the violence of his fucking, and her tits were swinging in circles across her chest. I could see ripples of impact across the soft flesh of her ass and thighs with each pounding stroke. His power and rhythm reminded me of some kind of hydraulic device. He was a fucking machine and was delivering a pummeling to her pussy that I am physically incapable of giving her. She was loving it.

Jake switched positions, moving his arm out from under her leg and then stretching out on top her in a missionary position. He held his own weight up, putting it on his elbows and knees. Dew put her feet up on his calves. He slipped his hands under her outstretched shoulders and secured a grip on each one. He resumed fucking her, pulling himself in even harder now. I could hear his pubic bone slamming against hers so hard that I wondered if he would loosen one of her fillings. She was punctuating each of his thrusts with a surprised sounding, "Oh!" but he was doing her so quickly she wasn't even breathing between each one. It sounded like, "Oh!Oh!Oh!Oh!Oh!Oh!Oh!Oh!Oh!Oh!" Then, at one point one of the Ohs turned into "Oooooooooooooh." and that devolved into a low animalistic growl. She was getting close to an orgasm and when it hit, it was a doozy. She convulsed, curling up, wrenching against her hand restraints. Her feet slipped off of his calves and she ground her heels into the carpet, pushing her pelvis up at him. She nearly bucked him off, but he managed to maintain his grip on her shoulders and continue driving himself into her.

"Gyah!" she cried out. "Gi-Yawd, fuck!"

I heard Jake groan, "Christ, that's tight." I know from experience that her pussy can clench like a fist when she comes. It takes all the effort in the world to keep from coming yourself while you fuck her through the orgasm. Jake held it together, though, and didn't come. Her climax subsided, but he wasn't done with her yet.

He reached back and one at a time, hooked an arm behind each of her knees. He put a fist on the floor to each side of her and raised himself up, bringing her ass up at the same time. Fortunately, she's very flexible, because she was bent nearly in half, with her feet pointed at the ceiling. Her pussy was now angled for maximum penetration. He put the fucking machine back into gear and Dew's eyes began to roll back in her head like she was having some kind of seizure. I worried whether the coffee table leg would remain intact.

The position provided me with an opportunity to see the actual penetration. From the side, I could see his tool plunging in and out of her, him using long strokes, pulling nearly all the way out of her before throwing his fuck into her again. The condom was slick with her white, frothy juices. His balls were swinging and smacking into her asshole every time he shoved into her. He fucked incredibly fast and it made my hips ache just to see it.

He must have been hitting some good places as he probed her depths. Dew had gone monosyllabic, shouting out no words, just sounds. "Brah! Auh! Oh! Fuh! Shi! Gah! Don'! Dah! Nng!"

Jake was doing little better, but was managing to string together short sentences. "Fuck, yeah! Shit, yeah! Fucking slut! oh, Shit! Fucking good! Take it!"

Sweat was dripping from his forehead onto her chest, but I don't think she noticed. She was in some other place at the time, focusing on an orgasm that was rushing at her like a freight train. When it hit, she involuntarily tried to straighten out her legs and Jake looked like he was having a wrestling match with her, holding her bent and trying to not lose the rhythm. He had to brace on the carpet with the balls of his feet and shove all his weight forward against her just to hold her in place. The coffee table scooted several inches across the floor.

Her climax peaked. She stopped moving for a second and then just let loose with a long groan and a shudder. Her orgasm subsided in waves, with her making ever decreasing convulsive motions. Jake began slowing his strokes and easing off. She eventually relaxed, letting herself go limp against the floor.

"Oh, my god." she whispered. "You fucked me so good."

I'll give you a minute to recover." he told her. "Then I'm going to do it again."

Jake moved down a little, to put one of her nipples in reach of his mouth. He nibbled on it lightly as he stroked slowly in and out of her and she sighed contentedly.

"I've never been fucked like that." she told him. "You were like a jackhammer."

Jake let go of her nipple and said, "Seems to me that you are built to fucked like that. It's a shame you haven't had it more often."

She lifted her head to kiss him and he kissed her back, following her down as she lowered her head to the floor. He reached down, grabbed her hip and squeezed while he ground into her.

"Thunder! Thunder! Thundercats are loose!"

The theme song from an eighties cartoon started playing. I was so focused on what they were doing that it took me a second to register that I was hearing the sound. I shook off my reverie and looked around. The sound was emanating from Dew's purse that was sitting next to me on the couch and I realized what it must be. Dew does love her ring tones.

Jake looked up with a baffled look on his face. "What the hell is that?"

Dew groaned. "My stupid cell phone."

Jake withdrew himself from Dew's pussy, got up on his knees and sat back on his heels. "You didn't turn it off?" He actually sounded a little irritated.

"I forgot." she said.

She asked me if I could check it, and since she was looking my way, didn't notice that her asking only seemed to irk Jake more. I tucked my boner back in my underwear, unzipped her purse, pulled out the phone and flipped it open. It was Angie calling, one of her friends from work. I told her who it was, and that I'd just let it go voice mail.

"You forgot?" asked Jake.

Turning back to look at him and seeing the look on his face, Dew said, "I'm sorry." She stuck her bottom lip out. "Please don't be mad."

He looked over at me and said, "Let me see that thing." I tossed it to him.

"What are you going to do?" asked Dew.

"I don't know." said Jake. "I ought to answer it, tell your good friend Angie just what you are up to. I'm sure she'd enjoy learning what a dirty slut you are." At that moment the phone finally stopped playing the cartoon music.

"You wouldn't." said Dew.

He looked at the front of the phone, noticed a little lens. "Oh!" he said mischievously. "The phone's got a camera. I could even take a picture and send it to her, if I wanted to." He flipped the phone open, started navigating menus.

"You wouldn't dare." she said, a little horrified now.

He held the phone up and it make a little shutter sound. Looking at the results, he said, "That's a nice shot. Your pussy looks nice and worked over in it. Has Angie ever seen your snatch before?"

Dew struggled against her bonds and said, "Jake, I'm sorry."

"Well, I think it was very disrespectful of you." he said, his tone petulant. "I bet you turn off the phone whenever you go into a theater. You telling me I don't rate as good as going to a movie?"

She watched him as he continued to navigate menus. She started talking, quick with panic, worried what he might do. "Look, I forgot, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to! I ... I was so excited on the way over, that it just slipped my mind. I couldn't think of anything but getting here and playing with you."

Jake paused in his activities and looked at her, studying her expression. "Is that true?"

She nodded, solemnly. "I'd cross my heart but, well . . ." She indicated her bound hands.

He considered this for a moment, and then said, "I still feel disrespected. You need to make it up to me." The statement sounded very matter of fact.

"What can I do?" she asked.

"I'll think of something." Flipping the phone closed, he tossed it onto the floor behind him.

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Re: She requires a firm hand

Unread post by Bri_n_Dewpie » Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:57 am

Part 5

Jake moved up by her head and picked up the end of the coffee table, setting her free. Then the panties binding her hands were removed and tossed aside. As she lay there rubbing her wrists, he pointed at the chair and said "Go kneel in front of the chair."

As Dew got to her hands and knees, I noticed a large wet spot on the back of her skirt. It appeared that her pussy had been leaking juices pretty steadily the entire time he had been fucking her. I figure she was going to have to tie a sweatshirt around her waist when we headed home, to cover it.

She crawled over to the chair and bent forward over the seat. "Like this, Jake? Is this how you want me?"

"Just like that." he said, moving over behind her.

"Are you gonna fuck me now?" she asked.

"In a minute." he said. "First, I think we need to sort you out."

"What do you mea-"

Whack! She didn't have time to finish the sentence before he had flipped her skirt up onto her back and laid an open palm across her exposed ass cheek. She hadn't expected it and wasn't braced for it. Dew bucked forward, her thighs hitting the chair, and she hissed at the sting. He had left a red mark.

She let out a nervous little laugh, but pushed her butt back toward him. "I try to be good." she said, trying to sound more innocent than she had been in a long, long time.

"And this is going to help you." This time his ass slap came down right where both legs and her ass cheeks meet. She probably felt it on her vulva, too. Her clit may have even caught a little of it. Dew's back arched in response and she gripped the chair cushion in her fists.

"You'll never learn if I don't do this." he told her, and he almost sounded sad that she had put him in this position.

"I'm sorry, Jake. I won't forget anymore."

He waited until he saw a little of the tension go out of her back and arms and then he gave her another. She yipped in pain and started to reach back.

"Get that hand back out in front of you." he warned her, his voice stern. "I thought we already learned about keeping our hands out of the way."

Dew made a little whining sound.

"Since this is a first offense," he said. "I think seven spanks should be enough. Don't you think?"

"It hurts." says Dew. "Stings so bad."

"The sting will help you remember."

"Well, can you rub it for me, please? Just a little?"

"I suppose so. Since you said 'Please'." He rubbed his hand in a circle on one butt cheek, then squeezed it and massaged it a few times. "What are we on right now?"

"Six." she said.

"Liars get spanked, too." he told her. "Want me to make it twelve?"

"You've given me three." she told him quickly.

"Good girl." He lifted his hand, made a couple fake swatting motions, watching her cringe each time.

"Come on, just do it." she said.

"You shut up." he told her. "I'll decide."

"I just wanna-"

Whack! She buried her face in the cushion and I heard a muffled shout. I looked down and her toes were even curled up.

"You know, if your husband would show a little you a little more discipline at home, I wouldn't have to be dealing with your bullshit right now."

"He's too nice." Her voice still sounded a little strained. "He feels bad when he hurts me."

"Well, look where nice has gotten us. I think you're the kind of girl that requires a firm hand." And he gave her one, turning it slightly so it came down in the divide between her cheeks and thighs, right on her pussy.

She put one leg up on the chair, preparing to scuttle away from him. He grabbed her ankle, and said, "Get back down here. We're not done yet."

"can't we stop?" she begged as she let herself be pulled back down. "I promise I'll remember."

"You know how to make it stop." he replied, referring to their prearranged safe word. The word was "poodle" and all she had to do to end the agony was utter those two syllables. He watched her, giving her a chance to say it. She remained silent.

"That's what I thought. How many left, Dew?"

She raised one shaky hand and extended two fingers.

"This time I want you to say, 'Please spank me, Jake, or I'll never learn."

Seconds passed with her looking down at the chair cushion. Jake was patient. He was in no hurry. While he waited, he reached out and played with the lightly furred lips of her pussy, squeezing them together gently.

Finally, when she spoke, she said, "I can't. I can't say it. The words won't come out."

"You can do it. Just be a good girl and repeat after me. Please spank me, Jake."

She took a deep breath and then in an apprehensive tone, said "Please spank me, Jake."

"Or I'll never learn."

"Or I'll never learn."

"Now, put it all together."

"Please spank me, Jake, or I'll never learn."

He moved over next to her, turning so that he was facing away from her. Bracing his hip against the chair, he crooked one arm around her waist and held her tight. His free hand was raised into the air and he left it suspended there. He looked back over his shoulder at her and said, "Ready?"

"Yes." she said through gritted teeth.

I couldn't help but cringe at the volume of the slap. She jerked and pulled, trying to get out of his grip, but he held her firmly. As she struggled, he shushed her with a calming voice. "Shhh. You're okay. It's almost over. You're doing so good."

I could hear her sucking air in through her nose.

"I'm curious, Dew." Jake rubbed the spot he had smacked with a smile on his face, giving her time to recover. "What is your favorite kind of dog?"

"Chihuahua." she growled.

"Really? I would have taken you for a poodle girl."

"Nope. Chihuahua."

"I think with this last one I'm going to give you a choice. I've been whacking away at your right cheek pretty good here and I would be very surprised if it isn't bruised tomorrow. So, what you get to decide is, do I get you in the same spot, or do you want me to switch over and leave a little something on this fresh canvas on the left side. And just so you can make an informed decision, the one on the right, it's probably starting to get a little numb. If I go to the left it will most likely hurt more. But I leave it up to you. Your call."

I would like to point out at this time that it had been a while since Jake had any physical stimulation on his penis, but it had remained rigid the entire time. It's possible that was Jake was medicating, taking a couple of blue pills to keep things hard, but I suspect that he was just really turned on by what he was doing. As I deduced from the very beginning, dominating a woman like this really toggled his perv switch.

Dew had come to a decision. "On the left, please." She sounded very certain.

"I think it's very brave of you."

"It's like you said, it'll help me learn."

"And what have we learned?"

"Not to be disrespectful."

"Very good. Are you ready, Dew?"

She pulled her arms in close to her sides and brought her clenched her fists together under her chin. She put her forehead against the seat cushion and tensed, bracing herself. "Mm-hmm." she nodded. "I'm ready."

He pulled his arm from around her waist, leaned about six inches to his right and placed his left hand on the middle of her back. He sized up the situation, then scooted away from her a little more, giving himself plenty of swinging room. He brought his right hand up next to his shoulder and stared at her ass cheek, focusing. He reminded me of a karate master preparing to break bricks. He froze there for several moments and then his hand blurred around and contacted her ass with a crack!

"Jiminy Christmas!" she cried out. Dew shoved her arms out in front of her, pushing her fists against the back of the chair. Her ass went backwards and she sat back on her heels, squirming. She rubbed the injured spot against her foot, seeking relief. When the burn began to fade, she sat up straight and took a deep breath. She turned to face Jake, then leaned over toward him and gave him a kiss.

"Thank you." she told him.

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Re: She requires a firm hand

Unread post by Bri_n_Dewpie » Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:57 am

Part 6 - Final Part

He acknowledged her thanks with a nod. "Kneel back in front of that chair."

"You're not going to spank me anymore, right? I got my seven."

"No more spankings." he said. "I'm going to fuck you now."

She beamed with delight, and quickly threw herself over the chair. He got up on his knees and moved behind her.

"I love it from behind." she said back to him.

"I gonna tear that snatch up." he promised. "I'm going to make you walk funny."

"Oh, my. I like the sound of that."

He reached down to his crotch for a second and when I saw his hand come back up it had his condom dangling from it. He tossed it onto the chair, right in front of Dew's face.

She stared at it and he gave her a few seconds to let it register. She turned to look back at him. "What are you doing?" she asked, confused.

"I'm going to take you bareback." said Jake.

"No, you can't." she told him with a shake of her head. "We always play safe. We talked about that."

"You're going to make an exception." I could see the side of Jake's face and he was wearing a smirk.

"What makes you think I'm going to do that?"

He shrugged. "You disrespected me earlier and now you're going to make up for it." Since things had come to a stand still, Jake started stroking his cock, keeping the engine idling.

"Well, we're going to have to come up with some other way for me to make it up to you, 'cause we use condoms for penetration. We don't make exceptions. Besides, I thought that was what the spanking was for."

"The spanking was for your benefit, to help you become a better person. It didn't do anything for me."

Liar, liar, I thought to myself.

"Look," said Dew. "we can't just change the rules at the last second. If you want to fuck me, put on a rubber. We have more, if you don't."

"I have condoms." he said. "I'm not going to use one. I want to fuck you bare and then shoot my load up into you." Jake didn't seem to be getting upset by her stubbornness or refusals. His attitude seemed to be that he would just be patient and that eventually she would see reason. He smacked his prick against her ass cheek a few times to keep himself amused.

"Jake, our rules-" protested Dew.

Jake talked over her. "You know as well as I do that you want to feel me skin against skin. Feel every wrinkle in my cock, every vein."

"Sure I would, but-"

Again he cut her off. "You know you want my spunk inside you. Dripping out of you." Jake reached out and grabbed her hip, squeezed it.

"It would be so good, only-"

"I bet you'd be carrying it around inside you for days."

She was about to argue again, but something about the way he said that made her pause. She turned back around to face the back of the chair. "I can't." she said flatly. "My husband and I made a deal, made rules. I made promises."

Jake watched the back of her head, continued to stroke his cock. "You should ask him." he said to her. "Tell him what you want."

Dew didn't respond. I watched her stare at the back of the chair and noticed that she was lightly scratching her fingernails across the fabric of the cushion, distractedly. She was doing some heavy duty thinking.

It occurred to me that Dew was feeling genuinely conflicted. I had just assumed that she was getting frustrated with Jake for ruining a perfectly good date, but now I realized that she was torn, wanting to do one thing but feeling that she should do another. I could imagine all the things running through her mind.

First, we had made rules. She wanted to stick to them, to show that she could be a trustworthy wife. She worried about the consequences of giving into him. How would I react? She didn't want to risk not being able to play in the future.

We had made those rules for a reason. We had calculated what risks we were willing to tolerate. We didn't know what Jake's sexual history was like, had no idea if he had anything that he could pass onto her. If he did have anything, fucking him bare would increase the chances of her catching it.

On the other hand, she wanted so much to please him. He was that older guy that had always craved approval from. And, he had spent all this time thoroughly pleasing her, fulfilling her fantasies, giving her things she'd alway wanted. The last thing she wanted to do was tell him no. To disappoint him.

And finally, I knew she wanted it. She had always hated the condoms. Only used them because it was the smart choice. Knew that catching something would at the very least bring a stop to her playing with other men. But, yes, she wanted it. Wanted to feel his bare flesh pushing into her. To feel his cock swell as he came and know that he was pasting her insides with his semen, to satisfy her base, primal need to have his seed.

"Honey?" I heard Dew say.

It took me a second to realize that she wouldn't have been calling him that. She was talking to me. I raised an eyebrow, a little surprised. I wouldn't have bet she would go that way. I mean, I know she didn't want to disappoint him, but she did have to live with me. "Yes, Dew?"

She didn't say anything for a little while, as if she was taking time to think out exactly what she was going to say. "I want to be fucked by Jake without a condom."

This was so outside of Dew's nature that I was floored by it, rendered speechless. I would have imagined hemming and hawing, beating around the bush, at the very least asking me what I thought in hopes that I would tell her what to do. Contemplating just how great her need for this must be, I had to wonder just how strong Jake's hold on her was. I was at once filled with both jealousy and arousal, and felt a strong urge to reclaim her from him. I had to bite my tongue to keep from blurting out the words, "I think it's time to go."

What stopped me is that I also felt pulled in another direction. I had always wanted this, for her to be able to just come out and say what she wanted without worrying what I would think. Wanted her to reach for something she wanted, not just sit back and hope that it would come to her by accident. She had actually done it and it made me so happy that I wanted to reward her for it, to give her what she wanted.

Even more than that, the fact is I love her, and if giving her this would make her happy, I couldn't see how I could tell her no.

I debated how I should tell her. 'If that's what you want to do' seemed too wishy-washy. She might think I was testing her. 'I'm fine with that' was no better. Who knows what she would read into it? I thought about some ultra cool, sexy statement like, 'With the fucking Jake's been giving you, I think he deserves to fuck you bareback.' but I figured if I tried it my voice would either crack like a teenager's, or I'd stutter and fuck it up. In the end, I went with simple.

"I want you to let him fuck you without a condom." I told her.

Hearing that, Dew stretched, pushing her ass back toward Jake. "Do it." she said. "Let me feel you."

Jake needed no more encouragement. He lined himself up, lubed his prick in her juices and started to slowly feed it into her. As he slid it in, I was thinking that we were being crazy, that I should be being more responsible than this. I should be calling a halt to it right now. But all I could think of was his cum leaking out of her, running down her thighs and how much I wanted to see it.

He was all the way in her now. "Feels so good." she said. "So much better without the rubber. So much dirtier."

"Goddamn." he said as he started to slowly slide in and out. "You're so tight in this position."

"I feel so full." said Dew. "Your cock is stretching me." She sounded dreamy, almost drugged. She had her head laying on the chair cushion and her eyes were closed. The events of the last forty five minutes or so had to have worn her down. I figured that she was probably exhausted.

Jake reached forward and wrapped his hand around the back of her neck. His other hand he used to grip her hip and pull himself into her. He maintained the slow pace. "So much more sensation now. It'll take me a while to get used to it."

"Take your time." was her reply. "I'm in no hurry."

Jack actually seemed to be being gentle with her, in sharp contrast to the full out assault he'd been inflicting on her before. He wasn't calling names or making demands. Wasn't trying to push her limits, emotionally or physically. He was just giving her a slow, easy fuck. I sensed that this was just the calm before the storm, though.

My instincts proved to be dead on just a little while afterward. His penis must have grown accustomed to the sensations of her slick, tight pussy, because the Jake we were used to began to reappear. He pulled back the hand he had on her neck and used it to slide his hand under her skirt and grab her other hip. He remained at the same pace, but he started throwing a little more force into the thrusts. His cocky, alpha male attitude started to show itself, causing his mouth to start running again.

"Such a tight little slut." he called her. "Feels so good to fuck your dirty little snatch. That feel good, slut?"

Dew told him it did. She still sounded relaxed, and content.

"So dirty. Letting strange men fuck you. Not a lick of shame. You know what I'm gonna do to you? I'm going to mark you as my slut. I'm going to come so much in you that anyone who wants to fuck you will have to know that you've already been fucked. Sloppy seconds is all they get for days. You like the sound of that?"

I marveled at just how comfortable Jake was in his role as a bastard. Still, there was no denying that Dew responded to it. She'd pretty much been putty in his hands from the word, "Go".

"My poor pussy is probably going to be too tender to fuck anyone." said Dew.

"Even better." said Jake. "I get to put it out of commission for everyone else."

Dew giggled at the thought but her laugh broke off when he kicked the pace of his fucking up a notch. The deep breathing started. She left her head on the cushion, her eyes closed.

"Oh, fuck." Jake let out an almost nervous sounding laugh. He sounded like was starting to get a little wound up. "I love that fucking pussy. I think it's great you fuck other guys, spread this shit around. I think it would be a shame if you only gave one guy access to it. You must have a hell of a time getting rid of them, though. I bet they get a taste of this and you have to file restraining orders."

Dew smiled, but didn't respond. She seemed to be focusing intently on her breathing and the sensations she was feeling.

Jake growled a string of curses mixed with more praise for her cooch. She wasn't being vocal about it, but I could tell by looking at her that Dew was starting to build up to something good. She was starting to purse her lips and puff her cheeks out a little when she exhaled, and her hands were clenching into fists.

Jake noticed too, commenting, "Damn, girl, you're starting to clench down on me. You keep that up and you're going to make me come."

"Just do it." Dew said, still trying to not move. "Whenever you're ready, let it go."

"You gonna come with me?" he huffed out. His gaze was focused down between them, watching himself going in and out.

"I'm getting close. It's right there. Just empty those big balls into me."

"Oh, I'm fucking going to. Yeah, squeeze that pussy on me, slut. Make me shoot it into you."

"Give it to me." she pleaded, her voice tight with strain. "I need it." I loved hearing that need in her voice.

"Oh, fuck! Here it comes. Oh, shit! Oh, yeah, that's it! I'm coming!" Jake raised himself up, his knees coming up off of the floor, putting all of his weight on the hands on Dew's hips. She took the weight and held him up as he began to buck into her wildly, beating his pelvis against her ass. He was a let it out kind of guy; he came loud, with a bellowing yell. Then more yells as he continued to come.

Feeling him coming in her finally pushed Dew over the edge. She shouted out, "Oh, god! Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah!"

Jake went on as long as he could and then he started to bend at the waist, leaning forward until his chest was on her back. His thrusts got weaker and weaker and eventually stopped all together.

"Fucking hell." was all he could manage to say.

Dew moaned in agreement, and that was as much as she could articulate. She lay beneath him, pinned down by him but in no hurry for either of them to move. I watched them in their post coital bliss, a smile on my face. I could not imagine how he could have done better by her and figured she was about as close to completely satisfied as I could ever hope for.

A little while later, he lifted off of her, pulled himself out. He moved over a few feet and flopped down on his back on the floor.

With him no longer blocking the view, I got my first look at the aftermath and could see that he had made good on his promise. Her pussy looked thoroughly used and abused. It was stretched out, puffy and flushed an angry red color. I figured that it would be several days before she could wipe without wincing. I knew she wouldn't mind. Each twinge of pain would be a reminder of what she had let him do to her. A mix of her juices and his semen clung in stringy strands to the gaping opening, and a glob of it was smeared into the thicker pubic hairs near her clit.

Dew slid off of the chair and laid down on the floor next to him, recovering. She rubbed a hand across his chest and thanked him for what he had done to her. With a laugh, he told her that it was his pleasure, then said that he couldn't remember the last time he'd had that much fun. We chatted for a while, all relaxed and content. He showed that he wasn't a complete bastard, mentioning that a few times he thought maybe he was going a little too far with her. Dew reassured him that he hadn't, that he had been perfect. Still, it was nice to know he'd considered the possibility.

Eventually, Dew started locating her clothes and getting dressed. She found her panties and was about to put them on, but he reminded her that they weren't hers anymore, that they belonged to him now. She conceded, and dropped them back on the chair, leaving them. I have to admit it disappointed me a little. I knew she would be leaking his leavings all the way home and in the past on the rare occasion that she took a guy bareback we'd kept the cum stained panties as a memento. A small price to pay, though, for seeing her so happy.

As we got closer to being ready to leave, Jake got up and pulled on his own clothes. Dew gave him a hug as he showed us to the door, and shared one more passionate kiss with him. She thanked him once again and he returned the thanks. We walked out the door, happy husband, happy wife.

I don't think that's the last we'll see of Jake. I think over time Dew might start getting a little sassy, or uncooperative. Quick to talk back or stubborn. Start being thoughtless or disrespectful. That kind of behavior can't be tolerated or it might just get out of hand. I know I don't have the temperament to give her the discipline she needs. It's nice to know there is a man out there that does and doesn't mind giving it to her. It's like he said, she requires a firm hand.

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Re: She requires a firm hand

Unread post by hkuk » Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:45 am

Bravo! THank you for an excellent read. :-)

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Re: She requires a firm hand

Unread post by roadrunner » Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:55 pm

A hot story! Thanks!
Two words that should rarely be used when discussing human behavior are 'always' and 'never'!

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Re: She requires a firm hand

Unread post by HerLittleGuy » Fri Nov 20, 2009 5:17 am

You mentioned at the start that this story is unrealized fantasy... How has Dewpie responded to this story? Does she enjoy the notion of a lover taking a firm guiding-hand? What about the condom (or lack of one) play?

I suspect sanity would ultimately prevail in the risk arena, but did she find that aspect of your story exciting? Just wondering about your lady's point-of-view.

Thanks for sharing the story with us!

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Re: She requires a firm hand

Unread post by Bri_n_Dewpie » Fri Nov 20, 2009 6:18 am

Dew here. You ask how I responded to the story, and I will try to express it as well as I can. I really loved the story. While reading it, I wished that kind if situation would turn up. I also wished that I could be more like the Dew in the story. The Dew in the story says what she wants, how she wants it. She is verbal like I would love to be. Even though she is being dominated, she is still being mouthy, to the point of bringing on more smacks and the like. Now, I am verbal. But I know I don't say what I want or what I like as easily as she. Also, the way that the other Dew worded things and phrased them is the way that I wish I could. When I go to say something it doesn't always come out as dirty/sexy/naughty sounding.

I do want to find someone to dominate me. To get "mean" with me. I was very turned on y the events and the way that they were described. I know Bri was trying understand my kink a bit with this, but I have to say that he hit the nail on the head with how I would love things to go. It has been hard for me to describe to him how and what I want with a Dom. As I was reading the story, I was wondering if he crawled into my head.

As for the condom, or lack of, in the story. I want to find a FB that I can go bareback with. I need to know that he will be filling me up. So, I was very hot for how it went in the story. If that type of situation came up, I think that I would have the same dilemma. As for what I would do, I really don't know. I guess that I would have to be in that situation. But I do know that if I did want to go with out, that I hope I would come right out and say it, not be wishy washy/hem hawy about it.

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Re: She requires a firm hand

Unread post by HerLittleGuy » Mon Nov 23, 2009 5:42 am

Thanks for that marvelous reply. It's always an informative treat to have the lady's point of view, and you expressed yours eloquently. And that peek into your mind shows that you're even hotter that we already knew!! Thanks again!

Just a lucky guy with a great Mrs.

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