progress story

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
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Re: progress story

Unread post by ddriver86 » Tue Sep 03, 2019 7:54 am

Hey Breaker,

Just a thought to consider:

Why not the next time she is has tried on clothes and shoes/boots, you pick up the clothes and lay them nicely on the bed and then pick up shoes and aligned them nicely along the side of the bed or mirror.

That way she will KNOW you have noticed and also you have been a sub. This should ding her Femdom buttons.

ALSO think about maybe giving her FREE range when her boyfriend comes to town. Since he doesn't know exactly when he will be there and for how long, maybe tell her she can stay with him as much as she wants since it will only be for a short time. Not just the overnight but maybe over weekend or week, etc.

This way she will get good use of him while he is available. Then she can come back to you while he is gone for another long time.

Just a thought.

Thanks for keeping us updated.


Re: progress story

Unread post by viking53 » Tue Sep 03, 2019 12:45 pm

Given his busy and unpredictable schedule with only short times in town, I think you should tell her that she needs to take advantage of any time he is around, even if it is at very short notice. Let her know she is free to drop everything and just go to him whenever an opportunity arises.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu Sep 05, 2019 8:33 am

Alright so going back to our conversation a few days ago where she talked about them. It got brought up in a nonchalant way of how they have worked. I think this particular conversation came up with me mentioning it had been about a year since she told me she'd do it, in the mix of her saying what she said. It began with a little reminiscing, and she went on to say how it sorta worked out. She said she'd do it, having no idea or plan on how she was going to do it, but figured she'd give it a shot to see how she liked it since I was so into it. Then a few weeks later she ran into him at the gym and she said it just sort of clicked. She spoke again about how she knew him before she and I met and they were in the same group of friends (I already knew this, but I let her go on). She said at the time they met, years ago, he was actually dating one of her really good friends at the time. My wife did make the comment that she did think he was attractive back then and a really sweet guy, but obviously nothing happened because he was with a friend of hers. Anyways she said they'd hang out as a group a lot and they just got to know each other, but again it was just as friends because he was dating one of her friends.

So she said when she saw him at the gym it was really easy to strike up a conversation as it is with seeing someone you hadn't seen in awhile. As they talked she found out he had just gotten out of a relationship (Not the relationship with her friend, apparently that ended years ago). Stunningly my wife said that was when a light bulb went on. She found herself thinking she still found him attractive, she knew him, their conversation was easy, my husband wants this, she said that was really when she realized she wanted to try this out. I think at this time my mouth was as dry as a desert because I was sitting there stunned hearing all this and going back and trying to line up moments in my head from things she was telling me. They saw each other at the gym several more times, would have brief conversations, but that eventually lead to sending messages to each other on one of the social media apps, which lead to exchanging phone numbers, then ultimately it lead up to their lunch date, which set up their first night that they hooked up. My heart was racing so fast as she concluded her rundown of how we've come a full circle after a year of her telling me she'd embark on this lifestyle. She saw my frozen reaction and she laughed and asked, "What?" Like to see how I took all that. After blinking several times to put myself in the moment I didn't have much to say other than telling her that was extremely exciting to hear and I really appreciated her telling me it. She smiled wide and excitedly asked, "You like that?" Taking a deep breath I chuckled and said "Oh yeah". Her smile turned into a giggle as she told me, "Good."

That conversation has been glued to my mind all week and when I really think about it my heart races and my stomach gets turned into knots, it may sound like an uncomfortable feeling, but it is not, it's overly exciting.

Fast forward to a day ago and she brings up out of nowhere in a text that she's noticed my stamina issue in the bedroom is no longer an issue. She followed that up with "Hahah how can that be!?!" I actually knew why and I responded, "I know why, you really want to know..?" She responded, "Yes!!!!! Tell me!" I was pleased to see this eager excitement and intrigue from her, so I told her it was because I had competition. I waited a few minutes for a reply and I was a bit nervous to see how she would respond. Would she be annoyed because I let the lifestyle sort of take over our time in the bedroom as that means it was on my mind? My phone dinged and I eagerly opened it up only to be relieved and excited at the same time, "Oh I like that! (with a fleur-de-lis emoji)" Feeling now I could sort of spill my mind out to her I told her about noticing the shoes and outfits sprawled out on the floor. I went on about noticing what she wore for our date compared to what I saw on the floor, and the thought that was running through my mind was she wasn't trying those outfits on for me. Again a little bit of holding my breath on if I indulge too much too fast I waited for her reply. She texted back "Hahahaha Hmmmm, you did notice...." I sent some excited looking emoji back and waited for another great text back from her, but got nothing. Nothing until hours later she told me she and I were going out to dinner that night. Pleased I said responded, "Ok!" and as soon as we got back we prepared to go out, the entire time I was thinking something must be up because the eagerness to go out just seemed out of routine.

This time for our date night I got a little more of a treat in the outfit category as she chose a very short flowy sundress and wooden platform heels, did I mention short sundress? I am fairly certain my eyes widened and my jaw dropped when I saw her outfit and just how short her dress was. We ended up going to dinner and again had a good time, but when we got back she could hardly get to the bedroom fast enough and I don't think I was moving fast enough for her. She was so eager and so into it so fast that I had no stamina problem because I don't think I had time to process all that was going on. In no time she was done and afterward I think we both laid there stunned, I know I was. I broke the silence by saying, "Wow." Which brought her to roll over towards me and tell me, "Well you got me so much into the mood today." She added confidently and proudly, "You're naughty." As she got up to get dressed.

Finally, brings me to this morning where once again she keeps me thinking. As I was getting dressed I noticed in what is usually a very neat stack of folded clothes is the pair of her black leather leggings, still folded within the stacked pile, but almost very clearly hanging out of the stacked pile. To me it was like on display, yes folded in the middle of the stack, but purposefully? hanging far enough out that I couldn't miss it. So of course today I sit here wondering so many things, was she trying them on? For who? For what? Did she purposefully leave them out of the stack like that, especially since I told her I noticed the previous outfits and shoes?

Anyways, long post, but some things worthy of jotting down.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by subtoall » Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:22 am

Wow Breaker. This is wonderful. All I this time I've been thinking you should do this or that differently, when it turns out you were managing this brilliantly all along. Well done. You're sure to reap your reward now!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Bayless » Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:14 am


Unbelievable. Without the long buildup that you had, my experience is the same as yours! When she stated screwing around and we talked about it, my performance improved dramatically. I couldn’t believe it and neither could she. Couldn’t save us from a divorce seventeen years later, but my performance was never an issue again. Those were happy days!!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Tryn » Thu Sep 05, 2019 1:00 pm

Appreciate the update! I’m wondering if you’re still tracking her toy usage and what you’ve noticed. Also, any chance of her going out with her gf’s or you guys getting back to Vegas? Both of those could allow her the opportunity to find yet another new suitor.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by wocka-wocka » Thu Sep 05, 2019 8:27 pm

Great job Breaker!

She now understands in terms that she values, that having an occasional romp is totally safe and actually makes your relationship better. As evidenced by the date mentioned, she "gets it" and you are still giving it to her. Know that she wants that, first. Protect that. Keep showing her you WANT her. She loves it.

She likes the occasional romp, too. :whip:

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Re: progress story

Unread post by FFDriver » Fri Sep 06, 2019 3:58 am

Breaker, thanks for sharing that with us. We know a lot about you and your motivations (obviously); sharing insight about your wife helps us understand where she's coming from as well.

She sounds like a very sensuous woman, but in a subtle way. It's obvious she enjoys love making more than pure wanton sex. Certainly when the timing is right - such as after your dinner date when she wanted it 'hard and fast,' but I see her as wanting to be romanced first (which the lead-up to, and dinner date accomplished). I can see where the thought of a pickup would not appeal to her... she wants/needs to feel something for her partner - besides a hard dick. Further, she sounds comfortable and relaxed with Dylan. She knows she can enjoy the experience and let herself go because she better understands your motives and where you are coming from. It also sounds like she's sharing more about them with you. It's something that comes from her though, not something you can pull out of her.

The next time you think she's in the mood to try on clothes, ask her to model them for you as well, and explain how she wants to look good for him. Remember what I mentioned before; always try and answer her questions or statements with a response requiring more than a yes or no reply from her. She will tend to tell you more than you expected to hear when you perfect the technique.

Instead of, "What do you think of spending the entire night," say, "I think you're ready to spend the entire night. My pleasure in this comes from your pleasure, and I would like you to relax and enjoy the afterglow - or afterglows if you do it several times - than feel the need to get dressed and rush home." If she's receptive, or if you've planted the seed and she realizes it's OK for her to stay, you could add, "Nothing would be greater than your coming home with it so worn out, it would be a week before it has recovered enough for me to use."

Finally, spending the night might motivate Dylan to come home more often, rather than spending the weekend in Arma or Thornfield, hoping the cable TV in his room works.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri Sep 06, 2019 5:26 am

Thanks guys, but you don't need to go back many pages to see I wasn't too great at this earlier on, and still feel I got plenty to learn. I wish I understood more of this and had the patience from the beginning and I think things would have started better. It is just really exciting now to see her enjoy it and seeing the benefits herself. Slowly it feels she is allowing me to be more involved in some way or another. Also another really exciting thing is how much easier it is to talk about the topic.

Tryn - Yeah I still check it and she still uses it, and sometimes her usage of it surprises me. More than a couple nights now I've noticed she's used it in the shower and is still in the mood for me later that same night! No word on going out with her girlfriends and no trip planned for us unfortunately.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Fri Sep 06, 2019 8:16 pm

Hey, Just occurred to me that if Dylan was dating a close friend of your wife's, they probably discussed the sex. If they did, then Mrs. Breaker's lightbulb moment might have had something to do with positive reports. Really curious to see how much more she decides to share. She used to tease you sometimes in bed by reminding you she was getting better from him - any more of that? Curious to learn more about what she likes about him and about the whole experience - the sex, but also the changes in your dynamic at home. I like, for instance, that she feel confident to make plans for the two of you and that you'll support her enthusiastically. Cool.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by joel68 » Fri Sep 06, 2019 8:46 pm

60d, good insight. I never thought of that. It’s a good possibility that Mrs. Breaker’s gf told her about Dylan’s abilities in the sack. That may have played into her choice of him to have fuck her. I wonder if she’ll discuss it with Breaker.

Also, I too liked hearing about how she told him Dylan fucked her better. I wonder if she’s back into that as well.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by shesaidtome » Sat Sep 07, 2019 8:37 am

What a wonderful update! And I have to say, under the circumstances, I'm so impressed you aren't having your old stamina issues. Mine get so much worse under the pressure of "competition".
All the best to you!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sun Sep 08, 2019 8:08 am

Interesting thoughts on what her girlfriend may have told her, even more intriguing behind that would be this was years and years ago, and she and that friend don't really keep in touch anymore, if at all, so to think her gf probably told her that long ago and it was tucked away somewhere in her mind and it resurfaced when she saw him again is rather hot. So probably right, it probably did aid even more in her thinking he could work out because I am sure whatever she heard years ago popped back into her head at the same time she was thinking he's still attractive and after all I wanted it.

As far as teasing talk in the bedroom, that actually has gone down. As we talk more about cuckolding outside the bedroom, she brings it up less in the bedroom. Which for me I actually prefer. It's certainly hot the few times when she does bring it up in the bedroom, and it's typically just a real quick word or two to remind me, but to me it's hotter to have it brought up and talk about it in a normal conversation or in a text message. And maybe with the talking about it outside the bedroom, that actually leads to it having an underlining presence in the bedroom, at least for me, because it's very easy for it to pop up in my head.

I forgot to mention another interesting thing, so all our kinky stuff is kept in a bin, well the other day I was looking for my cage, as I was thinking maybe I'd suggest to her I wear it one night because it had been so long. Anyways, while looking for it I came across something I hadn't seen before, or certainly didn't remember seeing before. It was an empty box for a lingerie fishnet body stocking. I looked in awe at the box quickly trying to think if I had bought that for her long ago, after some time I couldn't think of ever buying that or remembering her ever buying that. Then I thought if she ever wore it, and no, because I would have certainly remembered her wearing something so hot. Really the rest of the time as I looked for my cage in the bin, I was thinking about where this box came from trying to remember buying it at some point, or her wearing it for me, but it all drew a blank. Also, while the box was empty I kept an eye out for the fishnet body stocking while I was digging through the bin to try and find my cage, and even more mysteriously, I never found it. I have no idea when this box popped up in the bin, so I don't know how long it's been in there, but I found it really interesting and very exciting to say the least. I haven't brought up my curiosities to her yet, but definitely an easy talking point when the time is right. Maybe she bought it for me, but never got around to wearing it or maybe not. It reminded me of the time I found the box for fishnet stockings in the garbage.

Lastly, just something I've noticed in her behavior, but as she gets impatient with Dylan's schedule, I wouldn't be surprised if she started to think of finding someone else for the in-betweens. Probably an explanation for another post as this one is getting long, but I could see her pursuing another option that would be more consistent. Maybe.


Re: progress story

Unread post by ericsacto » Sun Sep 08, 2019 12:12 pm

Would she be open to finding a replacement for Dylan? I get the impression she isn't the type that finds a cute guy and jumps in the sack with him. But rather get wooed. I thought it took a while for the relationship between her and Dylan to blossom to a point where she's willing to sleep with him.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Rogueuser1 » Sun Sep 08, 2019 12:37 pm

Breaker -- thanks for another great update! I hope she is able to wear some of those date clothes soon.
I may have missed something in the thread but it looks like she hasn't actually cuckolded you since the one time with Ryan back in May - is that correct or did I miss another date for her since then?
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Re: progress story

Unread post by joel68 » Sun Sep 08, 2019 12:55 pm

Rogueuser, I think Dylan returned to town once after that and she went over to his place to have him fuck her. I also remember that she did not shower after and let Breaker go down on her too. You can check the previous posts for this, but that's the only time that I recall.

Hopefully he will get back to town to fuck her again soon.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by corey22901 » Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:07 am

Breaker, your idea of trying on the cage is good.

Why not go on Amazon and buy a chinese stainless version that is more snug fit?

Suggest you try it on by yourself and get used to it. Then make a move with Ms and then when you go to bed, say tonight it is all about her.

I think you will be pleased with the result!


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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:54 am

erisacto - I actually think she would be open for a replacement for Dylan and I agree she isn't one that just finds a cute guy and jumps into it with him and would rather be wooed or have a connection in some way. When I have time I'll post why I think or have the hunch she is somewhat starting to look around or find someone that is more available, but it isn't just a quick tinder or meet up at bar type connection.

Rogueuser - She met up with Dylan when he came back to town in June, but that was the last time. I hope she can wear her date clothes out soon too, it's built quiet the angst to know she is trying them on and just seeing the mess left out after she is done trying them on.

corey - She bought a cage for me a long time ago, and it actually fits very well. The unfortunate thing is she has only told me to wear it once. It has been so long since I last wore it, I am sure that if I just put it on and surprised her with it, she wouldn't mind and find it entertaining for a night, but it's just so much more satisfying for her to bring it up and tell me to wear it.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by seydonar » Mon Sep 09, 2019 12:45 pm

Maybe she's forgotten about the cage? Women usually aren't as focused on stuff like that. Great updates, I wish you well in the future!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by realcucklife » Mon Sep 09, 2019 12:51 pm

Loctober is coming up have you seen some of the captioned pics on other image sites, perhaps show her one of those pics and the cage and ask if you want to have a go?

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Re: progress story

Unread post by FFDriver » Tue Sep 10, 2019 4:28 am

Mister B... if she's thinking, or has thought about a supplement/replacement for Dylan, then it sounds like her mind is on the right track. It's understandable that she won't find him in a bar type scene since she wants some level of connection besides the sexual aspect. Dylan was a friend that she took to the next level. Does she have other male friends she that might interest her? Does she still work out at the gym, and if so, does she have someone she works out with regularly? I don't recall your saying, but what kind of work does she do? I've got a mental image of retail sales, but she might also work in an office. See if there's someone she encounters on a regular basis and maybe start with coffee or lunch... something to break the ice.

How does she dress for work? Your description of her wardrobe leans more toward 'after hours playtime' than day in/day out.

If she finds a replacement for Dylan, it will happen when she least expects it - something without forewarning. Does she ever make comments like: "I wonder if he's as good looking below the belt-line," or "He could put his shoes under my bed anytime." This is the 21'st century... tell her it's OK if she says, "What does a girl have to do to get a cup of coffee?" and see where it takes her.

Looking forward to your explanation of why you think she's starting to look around.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by joel68 » Tue Sep 10, 2019 5:20 am

Yeah, me too. Also to the next time she gets it.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Watchinu69 » Sun Sep 15, 2019 4:49 am

Good morning Breaker- is Mrs breaker still enjoying your new
found lasting power!? 💪

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Bull4Her216 » Sun Sep 15, 2019 6:26 am

DO you have a high quality adult store near you? If so, take her in and get her some new toys. Have you thought of getting her a realcock2? I am hearing great reviews on them as being very realistic.

You have come a long way over the past year. What is the most amazing is how much of a listener you have become.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 4v273 » Sun Sep 15, 2019 6:51 am

Bull4Her216 wrote:
Sun Sep 15, 2019 6:26 am
What is the most amazing is how much of a listener you have become.

Very wise Breaker.

The mantra here is often......communicate, communicate, communicate.

Very true and listening is implied, yet seldom mentioned.....[ my view] it is far more important then talking. You seem to be doing well catching the non-verbal communication from Mrs Breaker.....and that can tell more then she says verbally.

:up: :up: :up: :up:
The ethical pervert

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