progress story

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon Dec 02, 2019 2:59 pm

Tryn wrote:
Mon Dec 02, 2019 2:11 pm
Maybe ask her if her photographer friend has a hot male model that she could shoot them as a couple? Or maybe your wife could suggest some male talent to her friend. It would at least provide the idea of modeling with a hot guy in her mind.
Interesting you say that, because that could very well be a possibility. So her friend, obviously to promote her photography, has her own social media page with her work and she's already posted some of my wife's photos, the same few ones my wife shared with me. I immediately noticed the amount of "Likes" given to my wife's photos along with the dozen of positive comments that no doubt probably give a boost to her confidence. But looking at her page I noticed photos of guys doing photo shoots, but also wedding photos. Knowing her friend is trying to build her portfolio I made the comment to my wife, "Oh she already got a wedding job?" My wife's reply was like I was so naïve as she told me that wasn't a really wedding and those were two people she had take wedding photos to show an example of her work. Much like your suggestion my mind went to, could this or an "engagement" type photo shoot be a possibility?

Add to that potential possibility, is also seeing the comments and "Likes" given to her photos some of them are from other photographers, who if I look at their pages look to be well established photographers, but clearly her friend networked with. So of course I wonder could one of them reach out to her and want to use her for their photo work? Obviously I could be way off base here with all this, but it's certainly a fun thought and I guess the possibility is there. But she had fun so I really wouldn't be surprised if someone did reach out she wouldn't jump at the opportunity.


Re: progress story

Unread post by ericsacto » Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:51 pm

A photoshoot with a hot model might help break the ice. It reminds me of a story from Literotica called "School Teacher Photo Shoot" where a young wife does a photo shoot that gets pretty erotic.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by FFDriver » Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:51 am

Breaker, you kill me! LOL... in a good way. 'Nothing happening... back to a snails pace....'

It sounds like the photography thing might be just the icebreaker you need to get her out of 'her rut,' so to speak. Do you know the girl whose doing the photography, or is she solely one of your wife's friends? An innocent photo shoot with a few 'seductive, albeit clothed' shots sounds like a positive first step. My wife was a semi-professional teen model. Everything supervised and legitimate, but she also said the opportunity was there if she had wanted to take things further - and without supervision.

Have you got a digital camera besides your phone? See if she will model for you... for just the two of you, and keep the pictures for your private collection. Getting her to loosen up in front of the lens for you... show a little cleavage, then lingerie shots and.... It doesn't have to be porn, just get her used to being in front of a camera while gently relaxing her inhibitions. Your support without pushing the cuck aspect might be the impetus for her taking things further. If she becomes comfortable with a male model partner, it might break the ice for you, for after the cameras are put away. Thaks for the update, and I hope this continues to develop.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Tue Dec 03, 2019 9:31 am

Maybe also a good time to suggest you taking some sexy pics of her that she can share with potential dates ...?
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Re: progress story

Unread post by wocka-wocka » Sat Dec 14, 2019 10:06 am

Mrs. Breaker is exploring her sexual freedom at her pace and you now have a clear sense of how the interactions work best. You are also getting a great idea how subtle a woman's communication can be!

Don't get too deep into a "photography scenario." Mrs. Breaker will probably not follow you.

You are doing great. Best wishes to both of you.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon Dec 16, 2019 11:24 am

Well, this is going to be a lengthy post. I started writing a post, got distracted, and things happened in between that make it like two separate posts. First, on Friday I had one submissive night that in it's own way may be one of the hottest nights because it may have opened the flood gates to so much more. It started by us making plans to go out with some of her friends, which over time has turned into our friends, but it was us and three other couples. The plan was simple go out and have some drinks and just socialize. My interest in going out peaked greatly when the night before she started to pick out her outfit to wear and she chose a red sweater, black leather pants, and thigh high brown suede boots. I was pleasantly stunned in seeing she chose that outfit. I couldn't hide my excitement when she showed me what she was going to wear and she just laughed at seeing how easily pleased I could be. Needless to say I couldn't wait to go out now and the image of her outfit stuck in my mind the entire next day.

Finally it was time to go out and she kept her choice in her outfit which was nice because often she changes her mind. To add to the sexy outfit she put a lot of time in her hair and makeup, topping off the outfit with bright red bold colored lipstick. I was a bit intimidating myself in her presence and we hadn't even left yet. As we were on our way to meet our friends she brought up that the "girlfriend" (Those are air quotes) the one that my wife thinks is having a fling with Jason, is apparently having a party amongst that entire group, yet my wife and I were not invited. My wife was clearly annoyed, and aired out her annoyance to me by saying with great confidence that the girlfriend just loved attention and knew if my wife was there she'd take away the attention. I actually couldn't agree more, the few times I've hung out with that group she definitely enjoys attention and comes across as a flirt, and I agreed with my wife that she would take away the attention. My wife talked a little more, expressing more annoyance of not getting invited, but also expressing confidence and being content with why she wasn't invited, which was centered on my wife getting the attention. So start the night right there, the submissive feeling of being with my wife wearing just an incredibly hot outfit all awhile hearing her air out her confidence that she knew she wasn't getting invited to another party because she would take attention away from someone who was a flirt.

So we met up with our friends and hung out. I couldn't help but notice when we arrived and walked to our table many guys taking glances at my wife as she walked by. We had some food and drinks and just talked and hung out, things were going normal, then my wife and another friend went to the bar to get more drinks and I couldn't help but notice they were gone for a little bit of time. Long enough that the other woman's husband made the comment to me that, "Man our wives have been gone for awhile, yeah?" I just laughed and told him nonchalantly, "Yeah seems like it." Of course I was thinking in my head many fantasy land thoughts which I didn't mind at all. Finally they came back giggling and my wife holding a full drink. Her friend was practically bragging as she told us they got free drinks. I glanced at my wife who gave me this sexy smirk and raised her eyebrows. We went on hanging out and as the night and drinks went on, my wife started, just little enough, throwing humiliating jabs toward me in front of the group. It started off with really small comments, but like a snowball rolling down a hill the comments from her became bigger and bigger. She was establishing and inserting her power right there amongst us all and while I couldn't believe it, I was secretly loving it. She made remarks and jokes from my inadequacies in bed to when the topic of going to the gym and working out came up and one of the guys was talking about it she made the comment that I could use more time in the gym as well, she was so good at this, she even complimented the guy in comparing him to me. Each time she took a chance to humiliate me in a way and I'd look at her, she gave me this incredibly seductive smirk. Some of the comments she made I got a sympathy "Awww" from the other women and laughs from the men. On the surface I was a good sport about it, but inside I was thinking to myself, 'Whoa this is very hot!' and completely unsuspecting behavior from my wife.

As the night went on my wife and her girlfriend would take some more trips to the bar, each time being gone for a noticeably decent amount of time and each time returning with a free drink in hand. A few times I'd engage in a conversation with the girlfriend she'd skip off to the bar with and I couldn't help but notice her body language toward me I read it as one of two ways; Either she had this sympathetic look to her like, "Awww this poor sucker has no idea his wife just dominates him." Or, "Awww this guy is super sweet and wish my husband was sort of the same." Add to all this and I am also reminded of her power by her outfit and the looks she'd get when she walked to and from the bar or really anywhere within the place. After the night ended and we were on our way back to our place she asked very mockingly if I was alright from the things she said tonight. I laughed with her and said that it was fine, before I could say more she responded in a more serious tone and almost like talking down to me, "Of course it's fine." I was taken back by her saying that and the tone she said it in, so I had to tell her that admittedly it was rather hot. She smiled and patted my leg as to say good boy.

The next morning while sipping on a cup of coffee, she walked over to me and asked how I was doing. I said good and she added, "You doing OK from last night?" A little intrigued I replied, "Yes..." Certainly I gave a pause and look after saying yes because I was interested to see where she was going with this. She smirked, raised her eyebrows and looked down toward my lap. "They doing ok?" By now I was confused and said, "Yeah?" To make sure I knew what she was talking about she asked again but more directly, "Your balls are doing ok from last night?" I gave a short laugh and said, "Yeah? Why?" She raised her eyebrows again as she told me with a confident tone, "They're ok after I took them?" My eyes widened as I couldn't believe it. First I didn't expect that from her that early in the morning after the night, actually I didn't really expect that from her at all, and second, it confirmed to me that what I was reading her words and actions correctly from the night! She saw I was stunned and laughed and immediately changed topics to let me know what the plans for the day were.

The rest of the weekend went rather quiet until last night. Out of nowhere she started giving me instructions on errands to run after work for the next day. She was very assertive when she was telling me what I needed to do and there was no asking, it was telling. I replied, "Yes Ma'am" to let her know I was going to obey her. Little did I know she'd love that reply and like a light bulb going off she quickly reminded me of my place by telling me with a little sense of playfulness, "Good and you should thank me." Her confidence and Dominance could not go unnoticed so I jokingly asked, "You want me to wear my cage while I do these errands?" I knew it was a longshot, hence why I brought it up in a joking manner, I figured she'd reject the idea. To my continued surprise, a theme from the weekend, she said, "Hmmm yes, but don't you have a hard time getting it on?" I let her know I no longer had a hard time getting it on and with great enthusiasm and excitement she told me, "Yes! Wear your cage too." It came across like she was very excited to hear I didn't have trouble getting it on and that had she known I didn't have trouble she would have had me wear it many times in the past, and now it was like a potential thing moving forward.

So needless to say I am very excited to see what, if anything, the night brings. Given this is the first time in a long time I've been caged and with her excitement and seemingly possible potential to use it more down the road, I don't want over do it and am reminding myself to not focus on myself or my wants from it. Also to add, the funny thing is, like I mentioned above, a portion of this post was written before I got distracted and ended up having more to add. What I wrote before was early on when I said this may have opened the flood gates to something more, then two days later she is telling me to wear my cage.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by TheHammer » Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:23 pm

Sounded like a hot night! Did she give her number out to the guys buying her drinks?

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon Dec 16, 2019 2:02 pm

TheHammer wrote:
Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:23 pm
Sounded like a hot night! Did she give her number out to the guys buying her drinks?
I cant believe I didn't ask, but I never asked. Naïve me I assumed it was the bartender just giving her free drinks, but still I never asked if she got his number or how the conversation went to get those free drinks.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Rogueuser1 » Mon Dec 16, 2019 4:46 pm

Nice! So much fun to see your story progressing.
How often are you guys having sex these days? Has the frequency changed at all from before she made you a cuckold?
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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Mon Dec 16, 2019 4:58 pm

Wow! That's all but being publicly outed as a cuck. Vanilla couples might've found it all a little odd and awkward, but player types will have picked up on what she was saying. Especially with the outfit.

Looking forward to reading more about what she has in mind!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Mon Dec 16, 2019 4:59 pm

Well, I definitely see her dominating you and asserting an FLR dynamic in your marriage. I just hope this also translates into her fucking other guys, and not just emasculating you. Also, a word of caution, her being a bitch to you out in the open, may be a turn on to you, but it also may get her a reputation for being a bitch among her new group of friends. It can definitely ba a double edged sword.
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by FFDriver » Tue Dec 17, 2019 2:46 am

Good turn, Breaker. What happened after you got home? Did you get anything or even better, did she use you for her pleasure? Hope you have an interesting story from last night to tell....

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Re: progress story

Unread post by corey22901 » Tue Dec 17, 2019 3:19 am

Breaker, when you do put your cage on, be sure to give her both keys. Don't make a big deal about it, but she will get it.

That way she, not you, determines when and where it comes off. One thing about chastity is the transfer of power and that really does not happen until she has the keys.

After wearing the cage, not overtly, but let her know that it just seemed "right" to wear the cage since wearing it keeps you in constant eagerness to please her. It was very enjoyable.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by joel68 » Tue Dec 17, 2019 6:33 am

Well, it appears she’s on her way to possibly start back up again. But then again, there have been false alarms in the past. I hope she gets back into it and embraces it big time.

Who knows, maybe Dylan will come back to town over the holidays and give her another good fuck. Or better yet more than only one.

So I guess we will see how it plays out.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Nowwrunn7 » Tue Dec 17, 2019 10:59 am

It won’t be long and she will no longer respect you. Letting her be a hot wife is one thing, humiliating you will be another. Please set some rules for your own self respect and her need to respect you. I want your marriage to last.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Tue Dec 17, 2019 1:17 pm

Thanks all for the replies! I'll try to get back to some of the questions, but for now I'll update on what happened last night as I sort of left a 'to be continued' Anyways, I forgot to say that morning she left before I did and before she left she checked me to see if I had already locked up, which I hadn't. She told me though to not forget. After I was able to get it on I thought I should have had her take the key, but unfortunately that fun aspect didn't happen. She also told me before she left, almost like a word of caution, that it was going to be a busy day for her and she probably wouldn't be able to text much. Unfortunately I found that to be true, because I did send her some texts and barely got replies, and when I did they were hours apart, so my hopes of maybe she'd try to have some fun by sending teasing texts didn't happen. And the texts I did send her were non sexual and every day typical married couple texts. But of course I held onto hope that she'd send something, and to keep the excitement I reminded myself all it took was one text from her to really get things going. But to get to the point, she never sent anything and I didn't want to be the first to bring it up as I felt I was being graded on how I handled myself after being locked. In the past I'd probably send her dozens of naughty texts to try and get the response I wanted, but where has that gotten me? Nowhere and usually long periods of never being in chastity again, so I really wanted to put the focus on her and what she wanted and not me.

So finally at the end of the day I did all the errands asked of me, even going doing a few extra things just knowing she'd appreciate the effort. I got back and she was just relaxing. She saw all the errands I did and the little bit of extra effort and she showed appreciation and sweetly told me thank you and good job. No mention at all about my cage, not even a question about how 'it' was doing in there. I didn't bring it up, waiting for her to say something, but as the night went on she didn't mention it and I began to wonder if her day got so busy she forgot about it? It wasn't until we lounged on the couch and she placed her foot in my lap that she moved her foot down to give it a slight feel and very nonchalantly she said, "You still have it on?" Feeling recognized I excitedly told her, "Yes! Of course!" She smiled and I told her I enjoyed having it on in which she replied, "Good." I waited intently to see if she was going to start giving me orders or play with this control moment she had, but nothing. Eventually I told her I was going to take a shower and that is when she told me to take it off and I could enjoy myself in the shower. At first I was disappointed because in that moment I realized there would be no big fun pay off to the day, but I expressed a happy, "yes ma'am" reply. The night ended with her going to bed way before me and absolutely no action between us. At first like I said, I was disappointed, but then I thought about it and realized that no action or pay off to the day was actually very hot, because she got what she wanted out of the day. There was no question that I behaved myself and I'll give myself an A+ in that category, and all awhile I did everything asked of me while she got to enjoy a relaxing evening. This of course could lead to more locked days down the road.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by southbound » Tue Dec 17, 2019 3:02 pm

Update - Last night as I had posted I was going to bring up cuckold talk to her early on in the bedroom when the time is usually for her orgasm and see how she felt. Well to my surprise I didn't have to bring it up, she did! Shortly after we began having sex she started asking me, "You like fucking me?" I told her yes I did and she was so hot and I told her how lucky I was. She said, "Yeah you are, I could get anyone to fuck me." She continued as I could feel her getting a little more wet, "Anyone I wanted they would fuck me." I kept moaning back to her that she could and how hot she was and that she could. It seemed she got more wet with each teasing sentence. It wasn't long before she orgasmed. It happened rather fast.

When it was my turn she laid next to me and I started jacking off. She again asked me, "You like to fuck me don't you?" I told her yes I did. She told me, "You are so lucky, any guy would love to fuck me." I told her yes they would. She gave a quick chuckle and grin and said, "You are so pathetic, you just get to jack off, you can't even cum in my pussy." I told her I wanted to fuck her and begged her for me to fuck her. I began to rub her to see if she was enjoying this or if she would start enjoying it. She responded to me, "No. You don't get to, I'll find someone else who can though." At this point I was vigorously stroking myself telling her I wanted her. She continued to tease me telling me, "I could find someone who can fuck me better then you." I moaned to her how badly I wanted her and almost out of breath expressed how badly I wanted to fuck her. I could also feel she was getting pretty wet again. She asked me, "You want to fuck me?" I told her how badly I did and she said, "Ok but you better fuck me good." She got on top of me and started to ride me. In a stern voice she told me, "You better fuck me good." She was certainly getting into it and had I more stamina she probably would have came again but I was done within seconds of her on top of me. She said more dirty talk that was in some sort of way cuckolding but I unfortunately cant remember everything she said word for word, but it was all very hot.

Afterward she laid there and told me how good it was. After a few minutes the thought of what had happened hit me and I became aroused again. I wanted to let her know how hot it all was for me and I teased her that I wanted her again. She laughed at my request and said Goodnight.

This was all pretty hot


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Re: progress story

Unread post by southbound » Tue Dec 17, 2019 3:03 pm

Update - Last night as I had posted I was going to bring up cuckold talk to her early on in the bedroom when the time is usually for her orgasm and see how she felt. Well to my surprise I didn't have to bring it up, she did! Shortly after we began having sex she started asking me, "You like fucking me?" I told her yes I did and she was so hot and I told her how lucky I was. She said, "Yeah you are, I could get anyone to fuck me." She continued as I could feel her getting a little more wet, "Anyone I wanted they would fuck me." I kept moaning back to her that she could and how hot she was and that she could. It seemed she got more wet with each teasing sentence. It wasn't long before she orgasmed. It happened rather fast.

When it was my turn she laid next to me and I started jacking off. She again asked me, "You like to fuck me don't you?" I told her yes I did. She told me, "You are so lucky, any guy would love to fuck me." I told her yes they would. She gave a quick chuckle and grin and said, "You are so pathetic, you just get to jack off, you can't even cum in my pussy." I told her I wanted to fuck her and begged her for me to fuck her. I began to rub her to see if she was enjoying this or if she would start enjoying it. She responded to me, "No. You don't get to, I'll find someone else who can though." At this point I was vigorously stroking myself telling her I wanted her. She continued to tease me telling me, "I could find someone who can fuck me better then you." I moaned to her how badly I wanted her and almost out of breath expressed how badly I wanted to fuck her. I could also feel she was getting pretty wet again. She asked me, "You want to fuck me?" I told her how badly I did and she said, "Ok but you better fuck me good." She got on top of me and started to ride me. In a stern voice she told me, "You better fuck me good." She was certainly getting into it and had I more stamina she probably would have came again but I was done within seconds of her on top of me. She said more dirty talk that was in some sort of way cuckolding but I unfortunately cant remember everything she said word for word, but it was all very hot.

Afterward she laid there and told me how good it was. After a few minutes the thought of what had happened hit me and I became aroused again. I wanted to let her know how hot it all was for me and I teased her that I wanted her again. She laughed at my request and said Goodnight.

This was all pretty hot


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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Tue Dec 17, 2019 5:19 pm

Breaker, I don't mean to "harsh your mellow", but how does her locking up your dick equate to her fucking other guys?
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by joel68 » Tue Dec 17, 2019 6:00 pm

Southbound, interesting read on what happened to you, I guess. But what does this have to do with Breaker’s thread? Did you accidentally post this in the wrong spot? I am not getting it.

Anyone else figure out what the heck he’s doing posting on this thread? I don’t get it.


Re: progress story

Unread post by Whosbeensleeping » Tue Dec 17, 2019 6:41 pm

Seems they are quoting an old post from months ago.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by joel68 » Tue Dec 17, 2019 8:52 pm

Could be. But tough to remember it all after 109 pages and just shy of 3 years.


Re: progress story

Unread post by afagehi7 » Tue Dec 17, 2019 11:39 pm

Very confusing. My take is that Mrs. Beaker really had no interest and was just placating him. Maybe it's part of her game, maybe she just thinks it's weird that he wants to wear a cock cage all day. Wondering what is going on.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by southbound » Wed Dec 18, 2019 10:08 am

Sorry, it was a quote. I didnt realize it would send it all of the way to the end

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Re: progress story

Unread post by southbound » Wed Dec 18, 2019 10:08 am

Sorry, it was a quote. I didnt realize it would send it all of the way to the end

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