Being replaced

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by 2inUPMichigan » Fri Jul 24, 2020 4:28 pm

hercuckslqve wrote:
Fri Jul 24, 2020 4:03 pm
Being replaced is for some of us the ultimate sexual and emotional journey that excites and fulfils more than a single sexual vanilla experience. I adore and worship my beautiful wife and I am confident that whilst our marriage is nothing like most peoples, it is strong, loving and committed. However it is also open and led by Her! My Hotwife J has been seeing my once close friend for over six years now. He is married and has no wish to leave his wife, but J is his sexually and the are in love and the passion they share is not something I can give her. These last six months I am completely cut off at his request and she has explained this is what she wants and what I need as her cuck. I am committed to being pussy free and replaced sexually, but I am used emotionally by her which keeps us connected, and as she is a dominant sadist I am also hers to use and torture physically, replacing the sexual penetration we once shared. I notice people have judged those of us that embrace being replaced in all or at some levels, but that is simply because they have no concept of the painful pleasure being replaced by the one you love most gives us. It is not for everyone, and it certainly takes courage and strength not weakness as some would think. Congratulations to all those that support and lose their partners by giving them the freedom to enjoy love and passion in all its forms, especially at our expense.
Thank you for taking the time to write such a wonderful description of the choices the two have you made. It may not be the choice for everyone but the important thing is that it works for the two of you.

We all should be so lucky as to find what works best for us 👍

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by ucaneffher » Fri Jul 24, 2020 4:45 pm

Redman321 wrote:
Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:16 am
ucaneffher wrote:
Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:14 am
Redman321 wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 1:54 pm
2inUPMichigan wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 1:43 pm

Luckily we each get to choose what works for us since there is no "one true way". What someone else chooses in their marriage may not be what works for you....that really is ok.

In fact we have rules here about being tolerant about the way other people choose to pursue their own kinks. (Rule 2.4)

Sorry, I wasn't trying to personally attack anybody. That's none of my intention. I, myself have a hot wife, however I am a bit flummoxed with the emotional aspect of cuckoldry (a loose term). I apologise if the true motive of my question has been misinterpreted. Whatever revs your motor, cheers.
Hey Redman, no offense taken whatsoever nor do I feel attacked. That’s what discussion boards are for and you were disagreeing in a respectful manner which I greatly appreciate. I don’t disagree with you but my dick is stronger than my head.

I was on a similar boat as Rezza is right now. I encouraged my girlfriend to label herself as single for 3 years before she started dating and sleeping around. I knew the risks and accepted them knowing she could like it. She did like it and wanted something more serious and told me she didn’t want to date around anymore as she had found the man she wanted to become serious with. I asked her to explain what she meant by serious and she said that she wanted to be able to call him her boyfriend, do couples activities, be able to go out in public as a couple without hiding anything, and be able to fall in love when the time comes. In her words, she wanted two boyfriends.

I took the risk when I gave her my blessing to get another boyfriend. People Initially questioned when they saw my girlfriend With her new boyfriend but that was temporary and it was only a matter of time before he integrated with everyone. I had the opportunity to witness my girlfriend falling in love with another man, I experienced her becoming sexually exclusive with him, and I experienced her transitioning to wanting to do things with him and wanting to be only with him and while it sounds negative, it’s something that I wanted to live and experience. I wanted to experience my girlfriend getting addicted to another man at the expense of me surrendering sex and time with her.

It’s not for everyone but if you’re into that, it’s a hell of a roller coaster ride to experience your woman’s transition from the first conversation in bed about sharing her, down to the day where you actually have to drive 20 miles to visit her to see her because she moved away with her boyfriend.
Glad to know you are doing well. Can you please elaborate why do you think she is still your girlfriend? You are not staying together, no physical intimacy, a little "us" time together, I mean, what makes you a couple? I also have an emotional attachment with my platonic friends regardless of genders. Hence, emotional intimacy doesn't alone make you a couple? Maybe, she is still your girlfriend because you haven't officially broken up, but the reality is, you are friend-zoned into a platonic subspace. While I get the thrill you are getting from all this, don't you have any other desires? Like actually fucking her, marrying her, having child/children with her, leading a life like spouses? Or do you wanna spend your entire life by being demoted to masturbation?
I don’t have much time to respond now so I will have to come back but I will say that when my gf was living with her boyfriend, I considered her my gf and she considered me her little secret. She was his and I didn’t try to prove otherwise to anyone. Once the adventure of having her own place was over, she came back home where we returned to our normal life. In fact, she didn’t sleep around for a couple of months after moving back home just so we could rekindle.

During her time away, we stayed connected via text, calls, and still saw each other including for sex. We still told each other we loved each other too. That’s why we still considered each other still together in secret but not publicly. This was 13 years ago. We are no longer together but we remained together for 4 years after this experience.

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by blooit1 » Sat Jul 25, 2020 3:27 am

hercuckslqve wrote:
Fri Jul 24, 2020 4:03 pm
Being replaced is for some of us the ultimate sexual and emotional journey that excites and fulfils more than a single sexual vanilla experience. I adore and worship my beautiful wife and I am confident that whilst our marriage is nothing like most peoples, it is strong, loving and committed. However it is also open and led by Her! My Hotwife J has been seeing my once close friend for over six years now. He is married and has no wish to leave his wife, but J is his sexually and they are in love and the passion they share is not something I can give her. These last six months I am completely cut off at his request and she has explained this is what she wants and what I need as her cuck. I am committed to being pussy free and replaced sexually, but I am used emotionally by her which keeps us connected, and as she is a dominant sadist I am also hers to use and torture physically, replacing the sexual penetration we once shared. I notice people have judged those of us that embrace being replaced in all or at some levels, but that is simply because they have no concept of the painful pleasure being replaced by the one you love most gives us. It is not for everyone, and it certainly takes courage and strength not weakness as some would think. Congratulations to all those that support and lose their partners by giving them the freedom to enjoy love and passion in all its forms, especially at our expense.
Thanks for your posting g. You’ve given us another interesting insight to your amazing relationship.
It appears as if the physical love making elements of your relationship have become supplanted by your emotional and mental masochistic feelings and you are thriving on this mental anguish.
Obviously, your relationship with J is well founded on mutual trust, respect and open communication. I think I have mentioned before, that you are a perfectly matched pair! How fortunate both of you are.

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Location: New Jersey / Close to Philly

Re: Being replaced

Unread post by thisis4us1125 » Sat Jul 25, 2020 8:34 am

Wow, hercuckslqve, and ucanefher! What a wild ride. You're both very good at articulating the intensity of being replaced. I squirm in a delightfully painful way hearing it. I find myself very aroused by both of your journeys. I too enjoy some level of being replaced, but I don't have the strength and courage to push her towards full replacement, nor would I want to lose my best friend and love of my life permanently. My wife makes no apologies for having replaced my smaller dick for her BF's much more fulfilling and superior Cock. And it isn't just his Cock. That's actually just a shallow symbol considering what he means to her, to me, and the implications it's had in our relationship . She cares for him. At one point, before I knew of her affair, she actually fell in love with him, and told him she would leave me for him in a heartbeat (man, that was a punch in the gut learning she was that close to fully replacing me, and yet arousing at the same time). Our relationship was not well at the time. We had neglected one another, spent barely any time together, took each other for granted, resentment bloomed...we became virtual room mates that saw each other in passing. It was no wonder she was not only very sexually attracted to him (he is everything I'm not; tall to my short, muscular to my skinny, well endowed to my smaller side of average endowment, new and exciting to my "same old" place in her life), but filling a romantic void that we had equally abandoned along the way. He was making her feel desired, appreciated, sexy, excited, etc. All the things she was missing from her husband. Not laying the entire blame on myself, it takes 2 to tango, but I wasn't doing anything significant to keep the spark alive, and even I had begun to entertain thoughts of what it might be like to be with someone else, both sexually and romantically. When the affair came to light, man was that a powerful wake up call! I suddenly realized that my almost 30 year relationship was on life support, and the prognosis wasn't good. This forced us to really lay everything out on the table and become vulnerable with each other. I also suddenly realized there was so much to this woman, my wife, that I barely knew. It rekindled our love for one another, and we both chose to work through things to salvage the relationship. All that said, there was still the other man, and I had fantasized for most of our relationship of her being with other men. So we worked through the hurt and pain. We spent hours upon hours and days upon days talking, crying and getting to know each other again. And we both acknowledged that we did not want her affair to end. I didn't even push her to get her emotional and romantic feelings for him in check. I told her all that mattered to me was that she love me, and I love her. If she also loved another man, I would support and encourage her relationship with him, and share in her excitement and joy with the new relationship. I would try to love him as well as a part of our relationship (and me a part of theirs). I would accept a co-living situation if she wanted to take her relationship in that direction with him, assuming she also wanted to remain with me. Our rekindled love filled the void our distance had created, but it didn't drive away her romantic and sexual feelings for her boyfriend. It just transformed into a shared arousal through her relationship with her BF. So, in love, there is no replacement, at least not Yet, but she has broadened her love to include her BF. Sexually, I have been replaced on some levels. We are still intimate sexually, I even get to occasionally be inside of her, but for both of us, that serves 2 purposes; (a.) Reminds us both why she needs a superior lover (b.) Primarily an emotional act as opposed to a raw primal sexual act as she experiences with her BF. I'd say 90% of the time, I am only servicing her orally, and using a better equipped sex toy to help her orgasm for her BF. I encourage her to always be focused on her BF while we play, hence her orgasms are inspired by him, even if it's me doing the physical work to assist her in achieving those climaxes. This keeps our sex life spicier than it's been for most of our 30 year relationship. It works very well for both of us. Her desire is almost singularly focused on him, and it drives my desire through the roof knowing that she's mentally being with him, even though it's physically her & I playing. She also loves how aroused I get knowing this, and how submissive this makes me. I now long to be submissive to her BF as well. I want to be their cuck. She loves reminding me that he owns her sexually, and that he has open access to her, whenever and however he pleases, while I'm restricted in many ways. We have found several things so far that are reserved only for her BF. He has very limited availability so I actually benefit from this to some degree, but we both long for him to be regularly available to her so she can cut me off further while being fully satisfied by him. I don't think I could handle being entirely cut off, but the idea of it drives me crazy. I would love for her to push my limits further. I would love to be denied penetration 95% of the time while she's experiencing him inside of her almost daily, but it's an unattainable reality for us as of now. We both want and need that. Hoping she finds another BF sometime soon that is very available to her so we can both experience me losing almost all penetrative access while she gets all she needs from her BF, and I become relegated to cleaning up after him, while jerking off basking in the erotic and intense pain of loss....
Her Fulfillment is my Fulfillment, hence the reason I've been replaced!


Re: Being replaced

Unread post by FNQLivin » Sat Jul 25, 2020 11:00 am

Wall of text is impossible to read. Could you go and edit?

Posts: 30
Joined: Mon Jul 20, 2020 11:01 am

Re: Being replaced

Unread post by Redman321 » Sun Jul 26, 2020 12:10 am

hercuckslqve wrote:
Fri Jul 24, 2020 4:03 pm
Being replaced is for some of us the ultimate sexual and emotional journey that excites and fulfils more than a single sexual vanilla experience. I adore and worship my beautiful wife and I am confident that whilst our marriage is nothing like most peoples, it is strong, loving and committed. However it is also open and led by Her! My Hotwife J has been seeing my once close friend for over six years now. He is married and has no wish to leave his wife, but J is his sexually and they are in love and the passion they share is not something I can give her. These last six months I am completely cut off at his request and she has explained this is what she wants and what I need as her cuck. I am committed to being pussy free and replaced sexually, but I am used emotionally by her which keeps us connected, and as she is a dominant sadist I am also hers to use and torture physically, replacing the sexual penetration we once shared. I notice people have judged those of us that embrace being replaced in all or at some levels, but that is simply because they have no concept of the painful pleasure being replaced by the one you love most gives us. It is not for everyone, and it certainly takes courage and strength not weakness as some would think. Congratulations to all those that support and lose their partners by giving them the freedom to enjoy love and passion in all its forms, especially at our expense.
I have once heard a clinical psychologist and a counsellor for alternative lifestyle choices say that when you give in to all the demands of your partner and let him/her have all the fun at your expense, then it becomes an onesided relationship. And every onesided relationship is unhealthy. Remember, he is a coach of alternative lifestyle choices and he, wisely knows the difference between safe sexual kinks and the extreme masochistic tendencies.... But whatever floats your boat!!


Re: Being replaced

Unread post by wannabecUKold » Sun Jul 26, 2020 1:15 am

now with paragraphs
thisis4us1125 wrote:
Sat Jul 25, 2020 8:34 am
Wow, hercuckslqve, and ucanefher! What a wild ride. You're both very good at articulating the intensity of being replaced. I squirm in a delightfully painful way hearing it. I find myself very aroused by both of your journeys.

I too enjoy some level of being replaced, but I don't have the strength and courage to push her towards full replacement, nor would I want to lose my best friend and love of my life permanently. My wife makes no apologies for having replaced my smaller dick for her BF's much more fulfilling and superior Cock. And it isn't just his Cock. That's actually just a shallow symbol considering what he means to her, to me, and the implications it's had in our relationship . She cares for him.

At one point, before I knew of her affair, she actually fell in love with him, and told him she would leave me for him in a heartbeat (man, that was a punch in the gut learning she was that close to fully replacing me, and yet arousing at the same time). Our relationship was not well at the time. We had neglected one another, spent barely any time together, took each other for granted, resentment bloomed...we became virtual room mates that saw each other in passing. It was no wonder she was not only very sexually attracted to him (he is everything I'm not; tall to my short, muscular to my skinny, well endowed to my smaller side of average endowment, new and exciting to my "same old" place in her life), but filling a romantic void that we had equally abandoned along the way. He was making her feel desired, appreciated, sexy, excited, etc. All the things she was missing from her husband. Not laying the entire blame on myself, it takes 2 to tango, but I wasn't doing anything significant to keep the spark alive, and even I had begun to entertain thoughts of what it might be like to be with someone else, both sexually and romantically.

When the affair came to light, man was that a powerful wake up call! I suddenly realized that my almost 30 year relationship was on life support, and the prognosis wasn't good. This forced us to really lay everything out on the table and become vulnerable with each other. I also suddenly realized there was so much to this woman, my wife, that I barely knew. It rekindled our love for one another, and we both chose to work through things to salvage the relationship.

All that said, there was still the other man, and I had fantasized for most of our relationship of her being with other men. So we worked through the hurt and pain. We spent hours upon hours and days upon days talking, crying and getting to know each other again. And we both acknowledged that we did not want her affair to end. I didn't even push her to get her emotional and romantic feelings for him in check. I told her all that mattered to me was that she love me, and I love her. If she also loved another man, I would support and encourage her relationship with him, and share in her excitement and joy with the new relationship. I would try to love him as well as a part of our relationship (and me a part of theirs). I would accept a co-living situation if she wanted to take her relationship in that direction with him, assuming she also wanted to remain with me. Our rekindled love filled the void our distance had created, but it didn't drive away her romantic and sexual feelings for her boyfriend. It just transformed into a shared arousal through her relationship with her BF. So, in love, there is no replacement, at least not Yet, but she has broadened her love to include her BF.

Sexually, I have been replaced on some levels. We are still intimate sexually, I even get to occasionally be inside of her, but for both of us, that serves 2 purposes;
(a.) Reminds us both why she needs a superior lover
(b.) Primarily an emotional act as opposed to a raw primal sexual act as she experiences with her BF.
I'd say 90% of the time, I am only servicing her orally, and using a better equipped sex toy to help her orgasm for her BF. I encourage her to always be focused on her BF while we play, hence her orgasms are inspired by him, even if it's me doing the physical work to assist her in achieving those climaxes. This keeps our sex life spicier than it's been for most of our 30 year relationship. It works very well for both of us. Her desire is almost singularly focused on him, and it drives my desire through the roof knowing that she's mentally being with him, even though it's physically her & I playing. She also loves how aroused I get knowing this, and how submissive this makes me.

I now long to be submissive to her BF as well. I want to be their cuck. She loves reminding me that he owns her sexually, and that he has open access to her, whenever and however he pleases, while I'm restricted in many ways. We have found several things so far that are reserved only for her BF. He has very limited availability so I actually benefit from this to some degree, but we both long for him to be regularly available to her so she can cut me off further while being fully satisfied by him.

I don't think I could handle being entirely cut off, but the idea of it drives me crazy. I would love for her to push my limits further. I would love to be denied penetration 95% of the time while she's experiencing him inside of her almost daily, but it's an unattainable reality for us as of now. We both want and need that. Hoping she finds another BF sometime soon that is very available to her so we can both experience me losing almost all penetrative access while she gets all she needs from her BF, and I become relegated to cleaning up after him, while jerking off basking in the erotic and intense pain of loss....

Posts: 674
Joined: Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:24 pm

Re: Being replaced

Unread post by hwc » Sun Jul 26, 2020 2:02 am

This is definitely one of the very best threads on here at the moment (or ever!) I hope members continue to keep it alive by posting their own stories, advice and comments... and encouraging the OP continues to keep us all updated with what is happening and developing. again, simple an amazing thread, thanks guys!

Posts: 104
Joined: Tue Apr 28, 2020 6:17 am
Location: New Jersey / Close to Philly

Re: Being replaced

Unread post by thisis4us1125 » Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:16 am

wannabecUKold wrote:
Sun Jul 26, 2020 1:15 am
now with paragraphs
thisis4us1125 wrote:
Sat Jul 25, 2020 8:34 am
Wow, hercuckslqve, and ucanefher! What a wild ride. You're both very good at articulating the intensity of being replaced. I squirm in a delightfully painful way hearing it. I find myself very aroused by both of your journeys.

I too enjoy some level of being replaced, but I don't have the strength and courage to push her towards full replacement, nor would I want to lose my best friend and love of my life permanently. My wife makes no apologies for having replaced my smaller dick for her BF's much more fulfilling and superior Cock. And it isn't just his Cock. That's actually just a shallow symbol considering what he means to her, to me, and the implications it's had in our relationship . She cares for him.

At one point, before I knew of her affair, she actually fell in love with him, and told him she would leave me for him in a heartbeat (man, that was a punch in the gut learning she was that close to fully replacing me, and yet arousing at the same time). Our relationship was not well at the time. We had neglected one another, spent barely any time together, took each other for granted, resentment bloomed...we became virtual room mates that saw each other in passing. It was no wonder she was not only very sexually attracted to him (he is everything I'm not; tall to my short, muscular to my skinny, well endowed to my smaller side of average endowment, new and exciting to my "same old" place in her life), but filling a romantic void that we had equally abandoned along the way. He was making her feel desired, appreciated, sexy, excited, etc. All the things she was missing from her husband. Not laying the entire blame on myself, it takes 2 to tango, but I wasn't doing anything significant to keep the spark alive, and even I had begun to entertain thoughts of what it might be like to be with someone else, both sexually and romantically.

When the affair came to light, man was that a powerful wake up call! I suddenly realized that my almost 30 year relationship was on life support, and the prognosis wasn't good. This forced us to really lay everything out on the table and become vulnerable with each other. I also suddenly realized there was so much to this woman, my wife, that I barely knew. It rekindled our love for one another, and we both chose to work through things to salvage the relationship.

All that said, there was still the other man, and I had fantasized for most of our relationship of her being with other men. So we worked through the hurt and pain. We spent hours upon hours and days upon days talking, crying and getting to know each other again. And we both acknowledged that we did not want her affair to end. I didn't even push her to get her emotional and romantic feelings for him in check. I told her all that mattered to me was that she love me, and I love her. If she also loved another man, I would support and encourage her relationship with him, and share in her excitement and joy with the new relationship. I would try to love him as well as a part of our relationship (and me a part of theirs). I would accept a co-living situation if she wanted to take her relationship in that direction with him, assuming she also wanted to remain with me. Our rekindled love filled the void our distance had created, but it didn't drive away her romantic and sexual feelings for her boyfriend. It just transformed into a shared arousal through her relationship with her BF. So, in love, there is no replacement, at least not Yet, but she has broadened her love to include her BF.

Sexually, I have been replaced on some levels. We are still intimate sexually, I even get to occasionally be inside of her, but for both of us, that serves 2 purposes;
(a.) Reminds us both why she needs a superior lover
(b.) Primarily an emotional act as opposed to a raw primal sexual act as she experiences with her BF.
I'd say 90% of the time, I am only servicing her orally, and using a better equipped sex toy to help her orgasm for her BF. I encourage her to always be focused on her BF while we play, hence her orgasms are inspired by him, even if it's me doing the physical work to assist her in achieving those climaxes. This keeps our sex life spicier than it's been for most of our 30 year relationship. It works very well for both of us. Her desire is almost singularly focused on him, and it drives my desire through the roof knowing that she's mentally being with him, even though it's physically her & I playing. She also loves how aroused I get knowing this, and how submissive this makes me.

I now long to be submissive to her BF as well. I want to be their cuck. She loves reminding me that he owns her sexually, and that he has open access to her, whenever and however he pleases, while I'm restricted in many ways. We have found several things so far that are reserved only for her BF. He has very limited availability so I actually benefit from this to some degree, but we both long for him to be regularly available to her so she can cut me off further while being fully satisfied by him.

I don't think I could handle being entirely cut off, but the idea of it drives me crazy. I would love for her to push my limits further. I would love to be denied penetration 95% of the time while she's experiencing him inside of her almost daily, but it's an unattainable reality for us as of now. We both want and need that. Hoping she finds another BF sometime soon that is very available to her so we can both experience me losing almost all penetrative access while she gets all she needs from her BF, and I become relegated to cleaning up after him, while jerking off basking in the erotic and intense pain of loss....
Lol, thanks wannabecUkold! That does make it a lot easier to read.

Sometimes, while browsing this site, I get soooo excited, and find myself compelled to share my own journey, thoughts, feelings, etc. That excitement can lead to a sort of diahrea of thoughts and fingers, as evidenced by some of my longer, run-on posts without paragraph break down.

I'll try to be more mindful of that. It certainly makes it easier on the eyes, and less "intimidating" (couldn't find a better word at the moment) to read, whereas being properly formatted, it flows naturally.

I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on the kind of excitement I gain from reading others posts, and the paragraph structure will make it less likely to be skipped over.

Thanks again!!!
Her Fulfillment is my Fulfillment, hence the reason I've been replaced!

Posts: 104
Joined: Tue Apr 28, 2020 6:17 am
Location: New Jersey / Close to Philly

Re: Being replaced

Unread post by thisis4us1125 » Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:46 am

I had another intense experience with my wife last night.

She just had the exceptional experience of being with her boyfriend this past Wednesday, so we're both still riding the high from that. And the memory of how superior a lover he is, is still very fresh in her mind.

I was not allowed inside her last night. Such a powerful longing to feel her sweet, wet, warmth envelope my little dick, yet the arousal from being denied is more powerful than my own desire to feel her from the inside.

I was inches away, rubbing my boy dick, while she penetrated herself with her favorite toy, which is much closer in shape and size to her BF's Cock.

It was the talk we had while we played that was absolutely mind-blowing.

Being inspired by this thread, I asked her specifically if I've been replaced by a much better man; she answered affirmatively of course.

I asked her if she wished she was with her BF in that moment, and she said "absolutely".

She acknowledged that she always prefers to be with her BF when we're playing, and having me watch quietly, not distracting them, like a good little boy. I asked if given the chance to only fuck him, or only fuck me, which she would choose on any given evening. She acknowledged she would choose him, 99% of the time.

I asked her if she really thinks of my dick as a boy penis, and she said "very much so". Her BF is the only one of us that has a Real Cock.

I asked if the sex with him is really that much better than what she has with me, and she told me there's no contest. He takes her like a man, while my little boy penis does very little for her. On the rare occasion that she allows me to put my little penis in her, she'll sometimes cum, but it's to fantasies and memories of being with him.

I know I'm forgetting a lot of other powerful things that were said, but I know I was very much in the humiliating submissive cuck space I crave to be in.

We play several times a week, and 99%+ of the orgasms she has are for her BF when we do. It's incredibly erotic for me to witness those orgasms and know they are for a far better man, that has "replaced" me as her primary lover. I put "replaced" in parentheses because her BF has very limited availability to play with her. We both acknowledge that if he were available, I would get far less sexual intimacy with her. I'd primarily be only allowed to taste the aftermath of their coupling while I rub my own little penis to completion (she would never want her BF to waste his cum that way....she only wants his cum inside her pussy, mouth or ass, while mine is pathetically squirted on myself, like a little boy...mmmm)
Her Fulfillment is my Fulfillment, hence the reason I've been replaced!

Posts: 653
Joined: Sun Oct 08, 2017 6:12 pm

Re: Being replaced

Unread post by subtoall » Mon Jul 27, 2020 5:52 am

thisis4us1125 wrote:
Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:46 am
I had another intense experience with my wife last night.

She just had the exceptional experience of being with her boyfriend this past Wednesday, so we're both still riding the high from that. And the memory of how superior a lover he is, is still very fresh in her mind.

I was not allowed inside her last night. Such a powerful longing to feel her sweet, wet, warmth envelope my little dick, yet the arousal from being denied is more powerful than my own desire to feel her from the inside.

I was inches away, rubbing my boy dick, while she penetrated herself with her favorite toy, which is much closer in shape and size to her BF's Cock.

It was the talk we had while we played that was absolutely mind-blowing.

Being inspired by this thread, I asked her specifically if I've been replaced by a much better man; she answered affirmatively of course.

I asked her if she wished she was with her BF in that moment, and she said "absolutely".

She acknowledged that she always prefers to be with her BF when we're playing, and having me watch quietly, not distracting them, like a good little boy. I asked if given the chance to only fuck him, or only fuck me, which she would choose on any given evening. She acknowledged she would choose him, 99% of the time.

I asked her if she really thinks of my dick as a boy penis, and she said "very much so". Her BF is the only one of us that has a Real Cock.

I asked if the sex with him is really that much better than what she has with me, and she told me there's no contest. He takes her like a man, while my little boy penis does very little for her. On the rare occasion that she allows me to put my little penis in her, she'll sometimes cum, but it's to fantasies and memories of being with him.

I know I'm forgetting a lot of other powerful things that were said, but I know I was very much in the humiliating submissive cuck space I crave to be in.

We play several times a week, and 99%+ of the orgasms she has are for her BF when we do. It's incredibly erotic for me to witness those orgasms and know they are for a far better man, that has "replaced" me as her primary lover. I put "replaced" in parentheses because her BF has very limited availability to play with her. We both acknowledge that if he were available, I would get far less sexual intimacy with her. I'd primarily be only allowed to taste the aftermath of their coupling while I rub my own little penis to completion (she would never want her BF to waste his cum that way....she only wants his cum inside her pussy, mouth or ass, while mine is pathetically squirted on myself, like a little boy...mmmm)
When only he's in her thoughts and fantasies while she's having sex with you, you've most assuredly been replaced. Perfectly, I might add.

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by thisis4us1125 » Mon Jul 27, 2020 1:11 pm

subtoall wrote:
Mon Jul 27, 2020 5:52 am
thisis4us1125 wrote:
Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:46 am
I had another intense experience with my wife last night.

She just had the exceptional experience of being with her boyfriend this past Wednesday, so we're both still riding the high from that. And the memory of how superior a lover he is, is still very fresh in her mind.

I was not allowed inside her last night. Such a powerful longing to feel her sweet, wet, warmth envelope my little dick, yet the arousal from being denied is more powerful than my own desire to feel her from the inside.

I was inches away, rubbing my boy dick, while she penetrated herself with her favorite toy, which is much closer in shape and size to her BF's Cock.

It was the talk we had while we played that was absolutely mind-blowing.

Being inspired by this thread, I asked her specifically if I've been replaced by a much better man; she answered affirmatively of course.

I asked her if she wished she was with her BF in that moment, and she said "absolutely".

She acknowledged that she always prefers to be with her BF when we're playing, and having me watch quietly, not distracting them, like a good little boy. I asked if given the chance to only fuck him, or only fuck me, which she would choose on any given evening. She acknowledged she would choose him, 99% of the time.

I asked her if she really thinks of my dick as a boy penis, and she said "very much so". Her BF is the only one of us that has a Real Cock.

I asked if the sex with him is really that much better than what she has with me, and she told me there's no contest. He takes her like a man, while my little boy penis does very little for her. On the rare occasion that she allows me to put my little penis in her, she'll sometimes cum, but it's to fantasies and memories of being with him.

I know I'm forgetting a lot of other powerful things that were said, but I know I was very much in the humiliating submissive cuck space I crave to be in.

We play several times a week, and 99%+ of the orgasms she has are for her BF when we do. It's incredibly erotic for me to witness those orgasms and know they are for a far better man, that has "replaced" me as her primary lover. I put "replaced" in parentheses because her BF has very limited availability to play with her. We both acknowledge that if he were available, I would get far less sexual intimacy with her. I'd primarily be only allowed to taste the aftermath of their coupling while I rub my own little penis to completion (she would never want her BF to waste his cum that way....she only wants his cum inside her pussy, mouth or ass, while mine is pathetically squirted on myself, like a little boy...mmmm)
When only he's in her thoughts and fantasies while she's having sex with you, you've most assuredly been replaced. Perfectly, I might add.
Thank you subtoall! I might be able to learn a thing or three from you as I just started to enjoy being submissive myself...
Her Fulfillment is my Fulfillment, hence the reason I've been replaced!

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by hwc » Tue Jul 28, 2020 6:18 am

"An inner voice tells me I want to seriously date and marry her, keep on going until the right guy comes and sweeps my wife off her feet. That’s when it becomes fair game and she has a full opportunity to decide to allow her side relationship to grow or not. If she does, then I happily encourage and enable her to be with her boyfriend whether it’s letting her date on the side or watching her altogether make him her primary lover and sex partner. It really all depends on the dynamics of our relationship"...

Sounds like a great plan, Ucaneffher! Keep us all updated on any progress and any situations with your girlfriend leading hopefully up to it.

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by hwc » Tue Jul 28, 2020 6:27 am

Jezza, you wrote:

"This only started because she met a guy at work and there was chemistry, he was persistent and I was encouraging her to go for it. 18 months later and it is developing nicely - I don’t want her to leave me for him, but we both know that there is no guarantee it won’t go that far. We also know that there are a number of other reasons couples split and there are no guarantees they won’t happen either"...

Knowing there is a 'risk' that your wife could leave you for him, do you sometimes feel an urge to stack the odds in the boyfriends favour, to win your wife away from you? Have you acted upon such impulses? Have you had discussions, conversations with your wife about 'what if..." ?

would love to hear about any such conversations and what was discussed and how you both felt... In your position, I don't think I would be able to help myself from pushing on those boundries!

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by maxbud » Tue Jul 28, 2020 3:45 pm

hercuckslqve wrote:
Fri Jul 24, 2020 4:03 pm
Being replaced is for some of us the ultimate sexual and emotional journey that excites and fulfils more than a single sexual vanilla experience. I adore and worship my beautiful wife and I am confident that whilst our marriage is nothing like most peoples, it is strong, loving and committed. However it is also open and led by Her! My Hotwife J has been seeing my once close friend for over six years now. He is married and has no wish to leave his wife, but J is his sexually and they are in love and the passion they share is not something I can give her. These last six months I am completely cut off at his request and she has explained this is what she wants and what I need as her cuck. I am committed to being pussy free and replaced sexually, but I am used emotionally by her which keeps us connected, and as she is a dominant sadist I am also hers to use and torture physically, replacing the sexual penetration we once shared. I notice people have judged those of us that embrace being replaced in all or at some levels, but that is simply because they have no concept of the painful pleasure being replaced by the one you love most gives us. It is not for everyone, and it certainly takes courage and strength not weakness as some would think. Congratulations to all those that support and lose their partners by giving them the freedom to enjoy love and passion in all its forms, especially at our expense.
This is sizzzling hot! I would love to hear about J, her lover and his wife... what is their bond like?
And how much sadism does your wife do to you? Do you get humiliated in front of her lover and his wife? Like stripping and masturbating in front of them as they fuck? Do you get to worship their feet submissively?
I sent you a PM message :)

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by ucaneffher » Tue Jul 28, 2020 6:21 pm

hwc wrote:
Tue Jul 28, 2020 6:18 am
"An inner voice tells me I want to seriously date and marry her, keep on going until the right guy comes and sweeps my wife off her feet. That’s when it becomes fair game and she has a full opportunity to decide to allow her side relationship to grow or not. If she does, then I happily encourage and enable her to be with her boyfriend whether it’s letting her date on the side or watching her altogether make him her primary lover and sex partner. It really all depends on the dynamics of our relationship"...

Sounds like a great plan, Ucaneffher! Keep us all updated on any progress and any situations with your girlfriend leading hopefully up to it.
Thanks hwc! A lot of my posted wants in this forum are things that I find incredibly hot but realistically know they are as dangerous as touching your face without washing your hands after touching a public door knob lol.

I admit that I am very curious about going all the way but don’t know if I could bring myself to it without a little motivation and persuasion from my future wife.

I can’t deny the fact that if my wife was shared and she truly wanted to go all the way with her man, to the point of replacing me as her main partner; it would not take a lot for her to convince me and I think my only conditions would be to keep me involved 100% in her life which includes living with her and her man and letting me spectate in their relationship/sex life, there’s just something about being a live-in 3rd wheel your your wife and her man.

It’d be a lie if I said that I didn’t want to witness my wife and her man starting a family. Witnessing them discussing it, seeing them getting the required vitamins for her, Doctors appointments, and learning about her not getting her period, celebrating after confirming with a pregnancy test that my wife is going to be a mother for the first time and her man is also going to be a father for the first time. I’d be a lie if I said that I didn’t wanna spend hours with them helping pick Names, seeing her little petite body transition as her little belly grows with his baby inside of my wife. I’d be a lie if I said that I didn’t want to be there for the discussion about not waiting long after the birth of the first baby for them to start trying for their second child so that they can grow up together. I’d be a lie if I said that I didn’t want to see her man take my wife and start a big family, seeing my wife giving her man child after child would pretty much be my ultimate reminder that she truly replaced me and has given him every bit of her including carrying 3,4,5 of his children. It’s a reminder that I surrendered her but at least it was for a good cause because they made something fruitful of their relationship and kept me there to experience as he made her his.

...and then I cum and question myself as to why the fuck would I surrender the love of my life? I end up telling myself that it’s better to stay monogamous or simply have a hot wife relationship where she plays around but avoids commitment.

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by Jezza2543 » Thu Jul 30, 2020 9:19 pm

hwc wrote:
Tue Jul 28, 2020 6:27 am
Jezza, you wrote:

"This only started because she met a guy at work and there was chemistry, he was persistent and I was encouraging her to go for it. 18 months later and it is developing nicely - I don’t want her to leave me for him, but we both know that there is no guarantee it won’t go that far. We also know that there are a number of other reasons couples split and there are no guarantees they won’t happen either"...

Knowing there is a 'risk' that your wife could leave you for him, do you sometimes feel an urge to stack the odds in the boyfriends favour, to win your wife away from you? Have you acted upon such impulses? Have you had discussions, conversations with your wife about 'what if..." ?

would love to hear about any such conversations and what was discussed and how you both felt... In your position, I don't think I would be able to help myself from pushing on those boundries!
Initially, when we started out I was really pushing for development between them. I would buy her lingerie and try to help make situations where dates could happen. My encouragement was for her to fall in love with him. But more recently, because it is now happening on its own I am torn between encouragement and trying to row back from the edge. I know what is coming to me and I am turned on by it but I don’t know if I really want to go through with it however, I also know I may not get much choice! We had a further chat two days back after she saw him again. She told me that they had amazing sex, talked for a bit and then he made love to her - it was romantic and passionate and close - just wonderful! She told me that her feelings for him are really developing now and this has shifted a gear between them - she said she thinks he feels the same. She has never said that they ‘made love’ before and this instantly got me hard but also worried at the same time. I asked her about us and whether she was worried that we were risking our marriage- she said that we both know there are risks and should accept them, you can’t help who you fall in love with and we should enjoy the ride, see where it takes us. She said people shouldn’t stay together out of a sense of loyalty, there were no reassurances that our marriage is safe, but also she said there was no imminent danger and that she still loves me for now.

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by wingman » Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:35 am

Jezza -
Does she tease you about his superior performance in bed? Or better yet, does she taunt you about your inability to please her as much as her BF?
e.g. when you are jerking, is she there with you and talking sexy to you?
I've got her back, he's got her front.

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by Jezza2543 » Fri Jul 31, 2020 6:54 am

wingman wrote:
Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:35 am
Jezza -
Does she tease you about his superior performance in bed? Or better yet, does she taunt you about your inability to please her as much as her BF?
e.g. when you are jerking, is she there with you and talking sexy to you?
You got it - the other day she told me that I used to be OK, but since she has had him, I can’t get the job done anymore! She constantly tells me that he fills her better, hits all the right spots (some I can never hit) and makes her cum a lot on his dick - she does this when I am
Jerking and sometimes when I am inside her! She tells me I’m not good enough in bed anymore!

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by learning » Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:53 am

Sounds like your on your way out!

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not judging, I like it! I’m following in your footsteps just a little behind where your at with your wife. I get rock hard when my wife talks about the other guy, teases me about how wonderful and perfect he is ect. I’m anxiously waiting ( rock hard) to be permanently replaced as her primary man and become solely her cuckold that she teases and strictly Denies .

Then everyday life sets in.... I ask myself, if she’s getting everything from another man while I wait for her to give me attention. Isn’t it a matter of time for her to decide I’m nothing but work for her and she’ll want to move on?
Without me?
Any one have any experience with the end result of this exciting adventure?

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by hando » Fri Jul 31, 2020 10:58 am

Jezza2543 wrote:
Fri Jul 31, 2020 6:54 am

You got it - the other day she told me that I used to be OK, but since she has had him, I can’t get the job done anymore! She constantly tells me that he fills her better, hits all the right spots (some I can never hit) and makes her cum a lot on his dick - she does this when I am
Jerking and sometimes when I am inside her! She tells me I’m not good enough in bed anymore!
I was reading your post and thought about my own wife telling me on our very first date after fucking that she was used to bigger cocks. She held up her hands and said, "They're about this much longer." She was indicating about 3 inches, making the size of the other 3 guys she was having regular sex with around 9 inches. She's never stopped telling me I'm not big enough, even 41 years later. She began to cut me back in 1992, with an abrupt drop from sex 5 or 6 days a week down to about 8 times a year, and eventually reaching once or less a year by 2011. Now, I've been pussy-free for the last 41 months, and she still tells me I'm too small.

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by Jezza2543 » Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:33 pm

Indeed she already told me that I have been replaced in the bedroom!

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by hwc » Fri Jul 31, 2020 9:24 pm

Jezza wrote:

"I am torn between encouragement and trying to row back from the edge. I know what is coming to me and I am turned on by it but I don’t know if I really want to go through with it however, I also know I may not get much choice! We had a further chat two days back after she saw him again. She told me that they had amazing sex, talked for a bit and then he made love to her - it was romantic and passionate and close - just wonderful! She told me that her feelings for him are really developing now and this has shifted a gear between them - she said she thinks he feels the same. She has never said that they ‘made love’ before and this instantly got me hard but also worried at the same time. I asked her about us and whether she was worried that we were risking our marriage- she said that we both know there are risks and should accept them, you can’t help who you fall in love with and we should enjoy the ride, see where it takes us. She said people shouldn’t stay together out of a sense of loyalty, there were no reassurances that our marriage is safe, but also she said there was no imminent danger and that she still loves me for now."

Wow. Just wow! Please keep us informed as things progress, developments, conversations, how you feel about it all. Do you think you are going to continue encouraging her to take it further, spend more time with him, fall deeper in love?

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by Jezza2543 » Sat Aug 01, 2020 10:44 pm

So last night I was cut off from penetrative sex. She tried to do this back in March but then COVID kicked in and she couldn’t see him so I had a reprieve until now! This is entirely her decision, her choice and she was the one to bring it up. She said that she feels now is the right time and that she is not sure if this is for a set period of time or permanent. She told me this and gave me my last fuck so I have something to remember. I was inside her, pumping away thinking, this could be the last time I am ever inside her... she said We will still do things in bed but when she wants to. She said that only her boyfriend will ‘get it’ from now on, I will just have to imagine and remember! I asked her if this was to do with the developments between them and she said in part and partly because I am not good enough in bed, she’d rather just have him! So here I am, officially replaced in the bedroom by another man, my wife developing feelings for him and yet I feel so turned on by all of this!


Re: Being replaced

Unread post by FNQLivin » Sun Aug 02, 2020 1:42 am

How old are you both?

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