Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by solstice » Sat Sep 12, 2020 8:33 am

Is she the type of lady who would get a kick out of second guessing you, the radio silence could be a clue, she could realize that you are are on hot coals over the possible hook up, and wants to keep you off balance. I am making her sound manipulative, but she seems a lady who likes fun, and hopefully I'm way off in my prognosis.

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by hwfanatic » Sat Sep 12, 2020 12:31 pm


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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by superb101 » Sat Sep 12, 2020 12:33 pm

I guessing this isnt going to turn out well. Just a gut feeling. Hope im dead wrong


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by kaskap79 » Sat Sep 12, 2020 12:41 pm

My guess is that Mrs Slenderfish will not make any updates to her husband until she is back home with him.

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by Clem99 » Sat Sep 12, 2020 1:58 pm

Not sure if the silence is hotter than having her give constant updates. Interesting situation.

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by armyguyot1 » Sat Sep 12, 2020 2:00 pm

Welcome to the forum Clem99.

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sat Sep 12, 2020 2:34 pm

Tonight may be the night Mrs Slenderwife becomes a HW. If she asked you to let her do things her way this first time, no pics, no recordings, or texts ... I expect that is what you might get, unless she texts you a goodnight kiss signing off as 'Your HW' ... Let us hope. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Sat Sep 12, 2020 3:37 pm

Hi all. A quick update but nothing significant. Before leaving, she knew I'd be alone (with the dog) so she asked one of her girlfriends (and neighbor) to spearhead an all-day activity today. She and her son came over and we drove about an hour to meet my son, and we fulfilled our promise to show our neighbor and her son how to safely operate a handgun. We went to a shooting range, then had lunch.

That did burn up a good part of the day, and I'm now going to pick up another project at the house, to install another automatic sprinkler valve. She suggested I do this while she is away, so that she will not be inconvenienced with the water off. Good idea.

I mention the above because it, along with other bits and pieces I've gathered since she's been away, allow me to make the following observations:

1) She always said that Saturday will be the biggest of the nights.

2) She seems to have adhered to her original plan. I actually believe now that she didn't meet up with Mr. S on Thursday, but rather Friday was their first in-person interface. Makes sense, in that I predicted the first face-to-face would take place at the bar of her hotel. That's what happened Friday night.

3) She was aware enough in advance to know that Saturday would be a challenging day for me, given that Saturday night was her planned big night, and also given that I would not have a normal workday schedule taking up a lot of my attention. As such, she planned the outing for my benefit.

4) She is also adhering to her original plan of general radio silence, especially anything having to do with Mr. S.

I am gratified she took the time last night before bed to throw a bone, in that she mentioned spending the evening with Mr. S at the hotel bar and also that she was sleeping alone. So I didn't have to wonder.

I'll also observe she hasn't initiated any phone call to me. I think this is solely because she wants to control the conversation, limiting it by using text messages and not opening herself up to any questions from me before she is ready.

Therefore, she remains clearly in control of this and, by extension, if she has a plan to convert to Hotwife tonight, she will likely do so. If her plan was otherwise, then I believe it will go otherwise.

BTW we did text back and forth a bit today. She did not answer my question from last night about whether the date night for tonight is still in the plan. It was probably a silly question, in that she and I have a mantra that "the plan remains the plan until it's changed, therefore we don't have to reconfirm all the time." The point is the we only communicate any changes, and if no changes, then by default it's always the original plan.

She did send some innocuous texts, one was of a new spin cycle place opening up in October that she wants to check out, and the other was thanking me for showing her friend how to shoot, and still a third was a picture of Bethenny Frankel in a red swimsuit that shows off her latest implant look. She said that she continues to love Bethanny's boob job.

It's 6:10 p.m. where she is now, so I'm thinking she had a bit of a nap/rest time after her earlier visit to her girlfriend's house very close to the hotel, and is probably now doing a 20-min facial skin moisturizing routine, as the first step before beginning to get ready to go out. She will also shower but not get her hair wet, since it's probably still looking fine from Thursday (or perhaps she moved the hair appointment to yesterday). She will have already picked out an outfit, but will consider wearing another, and fall back to the original choice. She will spend about an hour doing nails, eyes, hair, and face/makeup, and then don her outfit and check the mirror for any issues. During all this she will not be rushing along, but instead periodically checking her phone and looking at social media feeds whom she follows. She will then realize she's gonna be running late, and pull it all together after texting that she needs some additional time. I'm guessing she actually leaves the room around 7:30 her time, in just over an hour from now.

I'm very tempted to ask for a photo of her getting ready but will leave it alone.

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sat Sep 12, 2020 3:54 pm

If she met Mr S on Thursday or Fri, the fact she is proceeding with the big Saturday night meet is very telling.
Funny, when you are in the midst of it all, some obvious objective facts can escape you.

What woman has an aperitif date with a man she wants to fuck, and then proceeds to confirm their date for Saturday, if she is ambivalent?
No woman I know of.

She is proceeding with the plan because it is all systems go, and if Mr S plays his hand right, his cock will be buried deeply inside your wife, and she will absolutely love it. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by aztd » Sat Sep 12, 2020 4:11 pm

I feel like am the husband waiting at home for her naghty news


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by whenwillshe » Sat Sep 12, 2020 4:22 pm

Many are waiting on your updates.
I hope you are enjoying every moment.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Sat Sep 12, 2020 4:44 pm

I just got off the phone with her. She cancelled the date tonight and is instead on her way to her girlfriend's house to have some wine and unwind.

She said she will provide me with all the details of last night, etc. perhaps tomorrow or later.

Ultimately, she wasn't quite "feeling it" with him. Said they kissed and some level of touchy-feely but it just wasn't there. She is not sure if because he is the wrong guy or if she is just too much in her head with this new experience.

I thanked her for the valiant effort and for the gift of being open to it and also taking these steps. I suggested she clear her mind of it all for now, focus on her family and friends for the next few days, and let her mind settle yesterday's experience on its own, perhaps revisiting it all in a couple of days.

So it's a base hit.

I think we accomplished some real important elements, that are foundational to a successful hotwife lifestyle conversion. Mutual trust, in that she now knows I'm supportive and won't be cross about any of it. I also know she remains aware of my interest, and that she is committed and actually shares the details at the earliest point that she is ready to do so. She promised a more detailed blow-by-blow (no pun intended because there was no blow) review soon, perhaps tomorrow.

I also believe that as long as she doesn't put the experience as a negative, then it may percolate in her mind and if Mr. S is cool about it all and if she decides it was really her nervousness, etc. that was the cock-block (usage intended here), then he may still be a potential guy. Or, even better, if she enjoyed the pursuit, etc. but he is not the guy, then her mind is free to reorient to another guy, perhaps one more geographically desirable.

She didn't say anything about this being a horrible experience or that hotwifing is not for her after all, etc. That's also a good sign. Again, if her mind can just release it as a good first effort that didn't work out, then it implies there can be a second effort that may work out.

Therefore, our hotwife path is now going to elongate, and possibly move in other directions.

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by onceacuck » Sat Sep 12, 2020 4:54 pm

That actually sounds like good news: she is still open to it; she's keeping you in the loop; and she isn't rushing into anything. It's important that she feel comfortable so that she can enjoy the experience.

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by Clem99 » Sat Sep 12, 2020 4:57 pm

Good update, she needs to follow her instincts.

Thank you for letting us come along for the ride; I hope you let us follow your future adventures.

Thanks for the welcome @armyguyot1.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by whenwillshe » Sat Sep 12, 2020 5:45 pm

Did not see that coming but it is great how you have communicated and shared this experience.
Not a comet but a star that seems destined to burn brightly.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Sat Sep 12, 2020 6:39 pm

Yeah, I think this is a good first step, kind of a test launch if you will.

So much will be revealed over the next couple of days as she analyzes her experience, her feelings, etc. and decides on a path forward.

I also think this may be the foundation for us to get more serious about what it takes to establish a proper hotwife relationship, in that so many have observed how difficult it is to find a man "in the wild" who is able and willing, etc. I almost think I can now request she register for this site and become a VHW in order to get some useful advice and experiences from Hotwives who have gone before her. Included in this may also be to gain a greater understanding of the drivers behind Hotwife Husbands and how the desire does not actually fade or go away over time, etc. I have tried to explain but of course it'd be best to hear it from someone who understands from a wife's perspective.

Also may bring Mr. B more into the picture in some way.

Thanks for following this adventure and for the suggestions and encouragement.

I'll still try to finish the back story in order to bring everyone up to speed on everything.

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by KyGrappler80 » Sat Sep 12, 2020 7:19 pm

Good update and thanks. Does she want the Frankel boob job?

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sat Sep 12, 2020 7:39 pm

Be effusive with her when she returns. Be sure she knows how much you appreciate her for trying, and you are glad she pulled the plug if she wasn't feeling it, because that is the point of it all. No regrets. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by kaskap79 » Sat Sep 12, 2020 9:20 pm

I my mind Mrs S made a clever move and cancelling.

With so many expectation, it could only end bad.

Whenever she is ready it will happen, but most likely without you knowing until after it is done. In that way she feels no pressure and she do it because she thinks now is the right time.

The right time can be far out in the future, but it can also be tomorrow. Only she can tell when she has the right feeling about it.

The best thing you can do is just supporting her in that she made the right choice and that you will support her no matter what she chooses to do.

Remember, it is not good until it is good for everybody involved.

PS I hope she will reject the idea about changing her breast size. All the women I have been with that have had that change to there brest, has breast that does not feel natural to touch, something is not right. Besides this most of them also looks fake. If breast do not feel or look natural, it is a big turn off for me and most of the men I know.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Sat Sep 12, 2020 10:57 pm

KyGrappler80 wrote:
Sat Sep 12, 2020 7:19 pm
Good update and thanks. Does she want the Frankel boob job?
Not sure about boob job. She has a girlfriend who we have started spending more time with, since I ran into her at a club/bar in late 2019 while I was there with friends. Slenderwife really likes her, she is a dark, exotic version of Slenderwife. When they are together it is impossible, they get so much attention because something for everyone. If you like blonde blue eyes Barbie and are an ass man, there's Slenderwife. If you like dark and exotic and Sophia Vergara and are a breast man, it's this friend.

Mr. B tried to date this woman when he first saw her, and was smitten (as was I but she's not even my "type"). She finally rejected him in early August., because she requires a certain religion. This woman has the best breasts/implants, agreed by all, especially Slenderwife. We were once on a long-weekend vacation with her and while everyone was out skiing, these two stayed back and got to know each other, including fondling each other's breasts (sadly, not in a sexual manner).

Anyway, Slenderwife has recently started to talk about implants, and when I asked if it was influenced by the reconnecting with this girlfriend, she said this girlfriend's breasts are too large (especially for Slenderwife's skinny body) and that she has been more recently attracted to the breasts of Bethenny Frankel. Bethenny is a skinny girl herself, and the new breasts do look great.

Apparently this subject came up last week with the exotic friend while at our house, and the friend demanded Slenderwife take out her breasts for an update/review and she was told they look great and should NOT be changed.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Sat Sep 12, 2020 10:58 pm

kaskap79 wrote:
Sat Sep 12, 2020 9:20 pm
I my mind Mrs S made a clever move and cancelling.

With so many expectation, it could only end bad.

Whenever she is ready it will happen, but most likely without you knowing until after it is done. In that way she feels no pressure and she do it because she thinks now is the right time.

The right time can be far out in the future, but it can also be tomorrow. Only she can tell when she has the right feeling about it.

The best thing you can do is just supporting her in that she made the right choice and that you will support her no matter what she chooses to do.

Remember, it is not good until it is good for everybody involved.

PS I hope she will reject the idea about changing her breast size. All the women I have been with that have had that change to there brest, has breast that does not feel natural to touch, something is not right. Besides this most of them also looks fake. If breast do not feel or look natural, it is a big turn off for me and most of the men I know.
Agree on all points!


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Sat Sep 12, 2020 11:01 pm

BallSpanking wrote:
Sat Sep 12, 2020 7:39 pm
Be effusive with her when she returns. Be sure she knows how much you appreciate her for trying, and you are glad she pulled the plug if she wasn't feeling it, because that is the point of it all. No regrets. ;)
Indeed. Want to remember it as a positive, empowering experience, as much as possible. She is in charge of her body, her intimacy, all of it. Hope to build off this achievement for her self-image as a beautiful woman, and perhaps also as for the hotwife path.

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by Muttley68 » Sat Sep 12, 2020 11:39 pm

I’ve really enjoyed reading your story and your wife is beautiful. I look forward to the updates :)


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by afagehi7 » Sat Sep 12, 2020 11:44 pm

I'm just going to toss this out there: perhaps in addition to feeling like she's cheating on you perhaps Mr. B also crossed into her vision of thought. Could even be moreso since she knows you want this. She may feel some allegiance to Mr. B (for lack of a better term).

Regardless, it's still a base hit and she's still a step closer. Now that she's swung the bat and made it to first, she'll be more comfortable with getting to first base and may make it to second next time.

Hopefully she tells you the details and feels fondly of them. I'm guessing that the chemistry with Mr. S wasn't as strong as the chemistry with Mr. B and that was the basis for her decision moreso than concern for you at home. Mr. B certainly seems to be acting as sort of a boyfriend with her.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Sat Sep 12, 2020 11:58 pm

afagehi7 wrote:
Sat Sep 12, 2020 11:44 pm
I'm just going to toss this out there: perhaps in addition to feeling like she's cheating on you perhaps Mr. B also crossed into her vision of thought. Could even be moreso since she knows you want this. She may feel some allegiance to Mr. B (for lack of a better term).

Regardless, it's still a base hit and she's still a step closer. Now that she's swung the bat and made it to first, she'll be more comfortable with getting to first base and may make it to second next time.

Hopefully she tells you the details and feels fondly of them. I'm guessing that the chemistry with Mr. S wasn't as strong as the chemistry with Mr. B and that was the basis for her decision moreso than concern for you at home. Mr. B certainly seems to be acting as sort of a boyfriend with her.
I'll add that she knows I prefer Mr. B if my choice has any weight. I follow your logic and would love for it to develop along that line of thinking. If that ends up being the case, then the base hit just turned into a double.

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