To the Edge and Back

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by coastalover » Thu Apr 29, 2021 6:38 am

Nicole starts work on Monday doesn't she. And her boss is a member of the Pleasure Seekers. I think we have a few chapters before the swinger party Hang on.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by insertomit » Thu Apr 29, 2021 10:46 am

These are great! I would comment more but I am exhausted and disgusted with myself after jerking off a hundred times.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by afagehi7 » Thu Apr 29, 2021 1:33 pm

txrockdog wrote:
Thu Apr 29, 2021 5:05 am
SamWarrens wrote:
Wed Apr 28, 2021 5:42 pm
Where does it say that Ky went through a pregnancy/scare at all? In real life.
Try not to confuse a fictional story with real life.
I'm just saying that the major issues around thar issue cod be discussed rationally and then resolved but no baby is involved in the end
Go read his threads about his real life relationship with his wife in the cuckold forums. He is currently raising twin boys who were fathered by his wife’s former lover. It was not something they intended or wanted, and reading his posts about it as it happened will let you know it was quite emotionally traumatic for him to come to grips with.
Agreed. It's in poor taste to bring up the pregnancy

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by SamWarrens » Thu Apr 29, 2021 2:57 pm

I was not aware.
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Thu Apr 29, 2021 3:32 pm

SamWarrens wrote:
Thu Apr 29, 2021 2:57 pm
I was not aware.
No need to get wrapped around the axle on this one. It is what it is. Thanks for taking time to comment.

Duke Lattimore
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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Duke Lattimore » Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:33 pm


I just have to say - what an incredibly classy response in the preceding post!

Sam impresses me as being one of the good guys - and I believe his comment that he was not aware of your prior post. However, in this day and age, many would have responded with harsh vitriol. Instead, your response was framed in grace and courtesy.

As for your writing, you clearly have earned your place at the top of the hotwife heap. Personally, I place you squarely in the mix with my favorites: FifthEstate, Xleglover & J267 in the Literotica / Ourhotwives realm; Kenny Wright, Arnica Butler, Max Sebastian, Kirsten McCurran, Matthew Lee, KT Morrison & Lena White in the for profit world. In my opinion, the ability to elevate the reader to voyeur separates you and my other favorite authors from the rest of the herd. You either have that gift, or you don't. And if you have it, you have to know how to use it. And you do. BRAVO!

Having assisted several authors in this genre, I have some appreciation for how much time and effort is required to produce narrative of consistent quality. The attention to detail, the vivid depiction of the hotwife - cuck/stag angst, and the scorching interactions all take an enormous amount of time to write. Here's my favorite line from your last chapter:

“I know baby,” Rachel soothed again, holding Nichole’s head to her breasts. “but it’s the next step to becoming who you’re going to be. I promise Marcus will make you feel so good.”

That little nugget "who you're going to be" is PURE GOLD. Breadcrumbs that are harbingers of things to come - in the continued devolution of Nichole.

We currently are seeing many of the elite authors steer their stories into the darker realm. You hinted that this story might be headed in that direction in the following paragraph in your intro (top of Page 1):

"A lot of cuckold stories only go so far . . . I’ve found that the bottom of the well is much deeper than I ever had imagined. This story is a slow burn . . . It’s also going to explore the seedier side of this kink, so again fair warning. I like a happy ending . . . but often times we have to go through one hell of a rollercoaster ride to find our happy ending…"

Several of my favorite authors have taken such a dive, and pulled it off beautifully: Kenny Wright in the Bull's Eye series (the closing scene in Bull's Eye 5 easily is his darkest crescendo ever - and was scorching hot). Arnica Butler in Introducing April / Promoting April (pristine wife to hotwife to porn star). Lena White in The Subjugation of Gabrielle (Lena was kind enough to write that one from an outline that I penned for her, as a very gracious "thank you" for my assistance on some of her prior works). So, it is my hope that you will take the gloves off with Nichole - she'll look smokeshow hot on her bumpy rollercoaster ride into the hotwife abyss, which will make her rescue even sweeter!

Keep up the great work, Ky. Your stories always are worth the wait!

Cheers! Duke
Last edited by Duke Lattimore on Thu Apr 29, 2021 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Thu Apr 29, 2021 10:44 pm

Duke Lattimore wrote:
Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:33 pm

I just have to say - what an incredibly classy response in the preceding post!

Sam impresses me as being one of the good guys - and I believe his comment that he was not aware of your prior post. However, in this day and age, many would have responded with harsh vitriol. Instead, your response was framed in grace and courtesy.

As for your writing, you clearly have earned your place at the top of the hotwife heap. Personally, I place you squarely in the mix with my favorites: FifthEstate, Xleglover & J267 in the Literotica / Ourhotwives realm; Kenny Wright, Arnica Butler, Max Sebastian, Kirsten McCurran, Matthew Lee, KT Morrison & Lena White in the for profit world. In my opinion, the ability to elevate the reader to voyeur separates you and my other favorite authors from the rest of the herd. You either have that gift, or you don't. And if you have it, you have to know how to use it. And you do. BRAVO!

Having assisted several authors in this genre, I have some appreciation for how much time and effort is required to produce narrative of consistent quality. The attention to detail, the vivid depiction of the hotwife - cuck/stag angst, and the scorching interactions all take an enormous amount of time to write. Here's my favorite line from your last chapter:

“I know baby,” Rachel soothed again, holding Nichole’s head to her breasts. “but it’s the next step to becoming who you’re going to be. I promise Marcus will make you feel so good.”

That little nugget "who you're going to be" is PURE GOLD. Breadcrumbs that are harbingers of things to come - in the continued devolution of Nichole.

We currently are seeing many of the elite authors steer their stories into the darker realm. You hinted that this story might be headed in that direction in the following paragraph in your intro (top of Page 1):

"A lot of cuckold stories only go so far . . . I’ve found that the bottom of the well is much deeper than I ever had imagined. This story is a slow burn . . . It’s also going to explore the seedier side of this kink, so again fair warning. I like a happy ending . . . but often times we have to go through one hell of a rollercoaster ride to find our happy ending…"

Several of my favorite authors have taking such a dive, and pulled it off beautifully: Kenny Wright in the Bull's Eye series (the closing scene in Bull's Eye 5 easily is his darkest crescendo ever - and was scorching hot). Arnica Butler in Introducing April / Promoting April (pristine wife to hotwife to porn star). Lena White in The Subjugation of Gabrielle (Lena was kind enough to write that one from an outline that I penned for her, as a very gracious "thank you" for my assistance on some of her prior works). So, it is my hope that you will take the gloves off with Nichole - she'll look smokeshow hot on her bumpy ride into the hotwife abyss, which will make her rescue even sweeter!

Keep up the great work, Ky. Your stories always are worth the wait!

Cheers! Duke
Totally agree!!!!

You have mentioned great authors Duke, my friend...

... let me tell you, you are a great commenter indeed ;) I like a lot your posts :up: :up:

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by couple_uk » Fri Apr 30, 2021 9:08 am

txrockdog wrote:
Wed Apr 28, 2021 3:35 pm
SamWarrens wrote:
Wed Apr 28, 2021 12:11 pm
How about a pregnancy scare? They could explore the issues but in the end no pregnancy.
With Ky having lived through that whole scenario personally, I think it is a bit insensitive to keep asking him about it when he already explained his feeling about writing about it.
Quite agree
Sex is like Bridge - if you don't have a good partner, you need a good hand.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by txrockdog » Fri Apr 30, 2021 9:34 am

SamWarrens wrote:
Thu Apr 29, 2021 2:57 pm
I was not aware.
Sorry if I came off as belligerent towards you Sam. Wasn’t my intent. If you want to read some more scorching hot story telling from Ky, go read the postings linked previously in this thread to his Cuckold Forum stories from his own experiences with his wife. With all due respect to the writers Duke cited, Ky’s real life tales are hotter than pretty much any cuckold fiction I have read.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Fri Apr 30, 2021 12:40 pm

Chapter 22

“Anyone up for a board game after dinner?” Rachel asked as dinner was coming to an end. “One of the cabinets under the TV is filled with games.”

“Sounds fun,” Nichole said, setting down her fork and wiping her lips with her napkin. “This curry’s amazing.”

“Ah, well thank you, dear,” Rachel said, her smile gleaming.

“Are there any ‘good games’?” Marcus asked, his voice slightly petulant. He swirled the wine in his glass, creating a mini whirlpool in the glass.

Rachel rolled her eyes but didn’t respond to her husband. “You all go in the other room and find a game, I’ll clean up and meet you in there in a moment.”

I stayed behind and helped with the washing up, feeling guilty that Rachel was doing all the work. The two of us had the dishes washed and the kitchen cleaned up quickly. I really was enjoying my time with Rachel, and unsure of what would come after this weekend, I wanted to spend as much time as I could with her.

Marcus came in as we were finishing up and made a round of margaritas for everyone, and together we went back into the family room. Nichole had just finished setting up the game of Monopoly on the ottoman and we all sat on the floor around the game. It was the most normal and unerotic thing we’d done over the weekend.

Everyone knew the game and so no time was spent explaining the rules. Nichole took the first turn and around we went, trying to buy property and avoid the financial pitfalls. Rachel was the first to land on the Go-To-Jail square, and after a couple of dice rolls she was still stuck inside.

“We should make up a new house rule for getting out of jail,” Marcus suggested, getting our attention. “How about in order to get out, the player has to do something the other three agree to?”

“And what would this something be?” Rachel asked skeptically.

Marcus shrugged, the corners of his mouth pulled down in a thoughtful frown, “It’s got to be something good obviously,” he started. “How about you kiss each one of us for three minutes each, and then you’re out.”

“That sounds simple enough,” Rachel said, still giving her husband a weary look.

Nichole and I agreed, so, not seeing any trap, Rachel kissed her husband first while Nichole timed them on her phone. Rachel next kissed Nichole while I timed, and then kissed me while Marcus took the time. It was overall fairly tame, but seeing Rachel and Nichole kiss gave me hell of a hardon.

The game continued and Marcus took a strong lead in the capture of procuring properties. He soon had a number of houses and started collecting small fees from the rest of us. However, he was the next one to end up in jail.

“Fuck,” he swore as he landed on the dreaded square. “What do I have to do to get out?”

“How about play the rest of the game with your cock hanging out your shorts?” Nichole said without hesitation, like she’d been scheming on it since Rachel had landed in jail.

I’d noticed Nichole using words like cock, pussy, fuck, a lot more over the last week. It might have seemed a simple thing to most people, but to anyone that knows my wife, they’d understand it was actually a big change. Nichole was raised in an environment where proper speech and decorum was ubiquitous and highly regarded.

“Hey, that doesn’t do anything for me?” I protested as Rachel quickly agreed.

“That’s not true, KY,” Nichole said, once again pronouncing the two letters individually and further cementing the nickname. “If you let it, I’m sure you’d find yourself turned on my Marcus’ cock.”

“Uh, no, I’m pretty sure that’s not going to happen,” I said.

Nichole sighed as she looked at me, “You blokes always have such hang ups when it comes to other guys genitals. Did you get turned on when you watched me go down on Rachel?”

“Well sure, but that’s different,” I defended. “Right Marcus?” I asked, looking to the man for support.

Marcus shrugged, pushing his shorts off, and holding his cock in his hand for all to see. “Yeah, it’s different,” he said, answering my question.

“Oh please,” Rachel spoke up, “I’ve watched you have sex with other guys before. Twice actually, and you were hard.”

Marcus laughed but didn’t deny it, and surprisingly, he didn’t look at all flustered either. “True,” Marcus confessed, “but I was high, too. What can I say, I’ve done some fucked up things.”

“I learn something new about you every day,” Nichole said, obviously admiring Marcus’ exposed cock. She then looked at me as she rolled the dice. “And you might want to get over your hang ups, or I might have to help you out with that if you end up in jail.’

It dawned on me what she was referring to, and I suddenly had an acute fear of ending up in jail. The game began again, but this time I had a few lucky rolls and finally ended up with some houses of my own. Marcus came close to landing in jail again, but ended up missing it by one square. Nichole was the next to land on it after an unlucky roll.

“Bullocks,” she swore as she moved the top hat token to the jail.

“Ky, any ideas?” Marcus asked.

“I have one, but I’m afraid of what my wife might want if I land in jail.”

“You can’t live in fear,” Marcus said with a laugh. “Seize the day, man.”

I smiled as I thought about what I wanted. Marcus was partially right. I need to just suck it up and say it. I could worry about the consequences later.

Looking to my wife, I said, “Nichole has to masturbate in front of us until she cums.”

“Ohh,” Rachel squealed in delight. “What a great idea.”

Marcus’ smile grew, “I approve.”

Nichole stared daggers at me from across the ottoman. I could feel the heat from her gaze and couldn’t meet her eyes after a few seconds.

“Fine, but I won’t be able to cum with you all watching me,” Nichole snapped, obviously not happy with my suggestion.

“That’s fine,” Marcus said, his cock laid out for all to see. “Let’s agree to ten minutes then.”

Rachel and I nodded our agreement. I’d seen Marcus’ cock enough for the day, and the thought of watching my wife masturbate in front of us really did it for me. Still, I found myself occasionally looking at Marcus’ member. Not because I wanted anything to do with it, but more because that cock had been in my wife a lot more than mine had in recent history. He wasn’t porn star huge, but he was certainly a lot bigger than average.

Nichole huffed and moved back on to the couch so that her crotch was slightly below eye level. She was wearing only her boyshort panties and a tee shirt. She looked so hot, I thought to myself as she slipped her fingers down the front of her panties. It occurred to me that she had become a lot more comfortable being naked in front others, or at least as it applied to Marcus and Rachel. I wondered if that same confidence would apply to others.

“No, no, no,” Marcus said, taping her calf with the back of his hand. “We need to see this, no hiding behind panties.”

“Agreed,” I approved, earning me another threatening stare from my wife.

“Sorry, hon,” Rachel added with what sounded like genuine empathy, “but I agree with the guys on this one.”

Nichole blew out a frustrated breath, but seemingly decided not to fight the inevitable. She pushed her panties off and kicked them to the side. She then laid back into the couch cushions and spread her legs, giving us all an open and incredible view of her pussy. I felt my core lurch as I took in the site. Her lower lips were red and swollen, and her opening was—I’m not sure how to describe other than to say it was more open. I knew any changes were temporary and simply from the frequent sexual encounters she’d experienced with Marcus over the last day, but it was still a shocking site. It wasn’t the site I’d grown accustomed to seeing.

Nichole rested the palm of her hand on her bare mons, her middle finger settling over her slit. It still amazed me to see such smooth and bare skin around her pussy, knowing she’d had it removed permanently. Seeing her half naked form resting on the couch as she closed her eyes and began to slowly tease herself forced me to take note of the stark changes in her. She looked and acted so different now. A month ago she would have never even considered masturbating in front of me, let alone with Marcus and Rachel present.

After a couple of minutes, Nichole’s pussy and fingers were covered in her juices. I could tell she was focused on something as her fingertips worked around her clit, her index finger occasionally disappearing into her entrance. I took another picture to add to my growing collection. Looking down at my watch, I couldn’t believe how fast ten minutes had passed.

Marcus saw me check the time and nodded, “Time,” he said, breaking Nichole’s concentration. Nichole didn’t immediately stop however, her fingers continued their ministrations for at least another minute before she exhaled a breath out her nose.

“I was so close,” she said, finally ending the display.

“Looks like you need more practice,” Marcus said, his voice more serious than I’d expected. “Going forward, you’ll do that at least once a day, and it needs to be in front of an audience, understood?”

To my surprise, Nichole blushed but nodded without any pushback. Fuck me, that was unexpected, but I wasn’t about to complain. My wife reached down and picked up her panties, wiping her fingers on the cloth and then slipping them on. Marcus refreshed the margaritas, and I took my turn to roll the dice. I came fucking close to landing on the go-to-jail square, but managed to miss it once again.

Unfortunately for Rachel, she wasn’t so lucky on her next turn. She rolled doubles too many times and ended up in jail after making a good run around the board. I sat back against the couch to brainstorm, but it was my wife who spoke first.

“I think spankings are in order for making me take off my knickers,” Nichole said with a gleam in her eye that said she was going to enjoy this.

“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” Rachel smirked, getting to her knees, and pointing her arse toward me. “How many?”

“Ten,” my wife said, looking to me, “but they have to be good ones.”

“Shit,” I swore softly, feeling extremely apprehensive. “I’ve never done this before.”

Rachel waggled her eyebrows at me, “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle on you.”

Feeling extremely nervous, I got to my knees and moved next to Rachel. As soon as I did, she unfastened her shorts and pushed them down to exposer her bare ass. She did have an amazing ass, I thought. It was significantly fuller than my wife’s’.

“Five on each side please,” Rachel instructed. “I like them evenly spaced.”

I felt short of breath as I looked around the room, mentally trying to prepare myself for this. I’d never spanked anyone in my life. Hell, I’d never been spanked in my life. Marcus and Nichole both looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to get on with the show. Resting one hand on Rachel’s lower back, I shook my head and inhaled a deep breath.

I brought my free hand down and heard a good sounding slap as I connected with her flesh.

“Oh please,” Rachel said, rolling her eyes at me, “That’s not a spanking—it doesn’t count. You have to really make me feel it.”

“I don’t want to hurt you,” I said, feeling way out of my comfort zone.

“It has to hurt a little or it’s not a spanking,” Rachel said, shifting her ass from side to side. “Now try again.”

“Are you serious? That was pretty hard,” I said, seeing a slight hand mark on her left cheek.

“Of course I’m serious, now man up and spank me KY.”

Fucking KY, now Rachel was calling me by the nickname. I pulled my hand back and bore down with a lot more force. It wasn’t all my strength, but I knew it wasn’t going to tickle. I heard a resounding smack and felt a stinging pain in the palm of my hand.

“Oh,” Rachel cried, lurching forward into the couch. “That’s more like it.”

I shook my hand, feeling dazed from the cocktail of chemicals being released from my brain. I switched to the other cheek and tried to bring down the same force I’d just applied.

“Two!” Rachel gasped as another loud smack echoed off the walls.

Fuck, my hand was now smarting, and I was only to two. Not taking time to dwell on it, I let two more fly in rapid succession.

“Three, four!” Rachel groaned, her tone hardening my erection.

Her ass was quickly turning red, but Rachel seemed to be enjoying the experience.

“Five, six,” she purred as I let two more go. “Don’t get oft on me KY.”

Son of a… Rachel was really getting off on this. Ignoring the pain in my hand, I bore down to deliver two more.

“Seven, eight,” she cried, her voice rising in pitch. “Finish strong.”

I looked up and over to my wife, Nichole’s eyes were as wide as saucers as she watched the display. A lustful look like I’d never seen before settled on her features. I spanked her left cheek again with about the same force, but let the last one go with as much strength as I had left in my arm.

“Nine, ten,” Rachel screamed, covering her ass with her hand. “Oh, that last one was a good one.”

I looked down at my hand. It was dark red and pulsing with my rapid beating heart. Rachel’s ass cheeks were a bright, vibrant red. I sat back on my haunches, feeling perspiration on my forehead. I caressed Rachel’s ass gently with my fingers.

“Are you alright?” I asked, hoping I hadn’t gone to far. Fuck I’d let myself get caught up in the moment.

“Of course dear,” the older woman cooed, turning and sitting delicately on the carpeted floor. She looked to Nichole and then back to me, her brow raised slightly. “I really hope this won’t be our last weekend together.”

Nichole’s high-pitched yelp pulled me out of my stupor and back into reality. Sluggishly, I turned to see my wife on her back, her legs wrapped tightly around Marcus’ torso as he thrust into her, driving her into the cushions. I blinked and shook my head. Fuck, I guess the game’s over, I thought, looking down to the abandoned boardgame.

I felt Rachel pull on my upper arm, her face expectant as she nodded toward the bedroom. “Come on, I need you in me right now.”

Like a lamb to the slaughter, I followed her into the bedroom where she quickly took off her close and got onto the bed. Her large breasts pulling my eyes to her chest. I felt like I was on autopilot as I stripped and climbed onto the bed, crawling between Rachel’s thighs and pushing my dick into her soaked pussy.

I couldn’t believe how loose she felt, it was like dipping my dick into a bowl of warm water. Rachel wrapped her arms around me, her pussy muscles grabbing my cock as she pulled me into a tight embrace. With my head at the crook of her neck, I breathed in her scent, the smell of shampoo and sunscreen filling my nose.

“Ugh,” I groaned as her pussy milked my dick, squeezing me with surprising force. I realized that I was quickly succumbing to Rachel’s prowess, but she made me feel things I didn’t know were possible. It dawned on me that Nichole must be feeling much the same way with Marcus.

Nichole’s cries suddenly filled our room, hearing her drove me to the brink as my ears took in the sound of my wife being fucked by another man. I pulled myself up to my knees, and pulled Rachel’s legs together, placing them against my chest and wrapping my arms around them. I slowed my pace and concentrated, trying not to cum yet. I opened my eyes and took in the site before me. Rachel was no doubt beautiful, and it gave my ego a boost to be the one bedding her, but my mind was solely focused on listening to Nichole’s cries.

New visons of my wife began to pass through my mind. Whereas once they were thoughts of her being with Marcus, these new visions were more extreme, more erotic. I imagined being at a swinger party while several men took turns with my wife. I envisioned her in one of the porn videos I’d watched recently, seeing her with a cock in each of her holes, cum spewing out from numerous cocks and covering her in cum. I could see her excited face in my mind’s eye as she tried to capture as much cum in her mouth as she could. It wasn’t something I wanted to see happen to her, but it was hard to stop the images from filling my mind. I didn’t want to stop the images.

Chapter 23

Although it’d been a good while since I’d heard the term ‘shagged rotten’, it came to mind as I walked into the house and dropped my bag to the floor. We had left Palm Springs after a late breakfast and had made it home before lunch. My body ached everywhere and all I wanted to do was shower and sleep. Marcus had kept me up until almost two in the morning before he finally collapsed and we both fell asleep. I slept like the dead until Marcus woke me with pleasant kisses and his hard cock probing at my entrance. Had he stashed away a bottle of Viagra I wondered?

I’d told him that I wasn’t going to be able to have sex again this morning, but after a few minutes of foreplay, my body betrayed me, and I felt the moisture building between my legs. It was a wonderful hurt as he slowly made love to me. I felt my face blush at the thought of this morning’s coupling. It had been wonderfully intense and even now my vagina twitched at the thought of it.

After dropping my knapsack, I sat on the first tread of the stairs and leaned against the wall, “I’m knackered,” I said, closing my eyes and feeling sleep only a breath away.

“You look it,” my husband said. I could feel him standing close to me, but it felt so good to keep my eyes closed. “How about we take a shower and then a long nap?”

I nodded in agreement. That sounded wonderful and about all I had the energy for.

Ky picked up my knapsack and I followed him into our room, shedding my clothes and tossing them into the hamper in the closet on my way to the shower. The hot water felt refreshing and made me feel a sense of normalcy I didn’t realize I was craving. I sat on the small, teakwood bench of the large shower and leaned against the wall, the cold tiles shocking the warm skin of my back. Looking down at my body, I blinked in surprise as I saw the dark read love bites on my breasts. Looking farther down, I touched my pussy gently with my fingers. It felt enflamed and incredibly sore, like it had on our honeymoon shortly after Ky and I were married only ten times worse.

“You look incredibly sexy,” Ky said, standing above me in the shower, his voice heavy with lust and emotion. His cock was beginning to rise. I shook my head. No, it really wasn’t a proper cock. I loved this man, but unfortunately for both of us, he only had an average size dick. It wasn’t his fault. It was just what god had dealt him. None of us could do much about how we were made when we came into this life.

I gave a short laugh and shook my head, “You’re mental. I’ve been a real slag this weekend,” I said, taking the bar of soap and lathering up a washcloth.

“I’ll do that,” Ky offered, reaching for the washcloth.

I shook my head and pulled my leg up to begin washing, “I need more than my boobs cleaned,” I said, gently applying the soapy cloth to my skin. I loved showering with my husband… and with Marcus as well, I thought suddenly, but they were both alike and only worried about washing my boobs. Plus, my body could only take the lightest of touches at the moment. I worried for a moment that Ky would take it the wrong way, but he only laughed.

“That’s fair,” he said, shampooing his hair and adjusting the shower head.

I took my time and washed every part of my body, steam filling the bathroom so thick you could hardly see across the room. We’d forgotten to turn on the exhaust fan. When I finished, I felt slightly closer to normal. I felt better. Looking up, I got a good look at my husband’s rigid dick, his eyes closed as he let the water run over his head.

I lathered up the palm of my hand and then grasped his dick, my fingers easily wrapping around its shaft. I felt him jerk in surprise. “My body is off limits for a couple of days, so this will have to hold you over,” I said, giving him a wank, using the soap as lubricant.

Ky groaned and put his hand against the shower wall for support, “I’m surprised I can even get it up right now, but I doubt I’ll cum. You just look so fucking hot.”

I felt myself blush at the comment, “I’m happy you think so,” I said, running my thumb over the head of his penis. “I really let myself get into it this weekend… I forgot myself sometimes.”

“I’m glad,” Ky said, his voice thick, “I wanted you to experience more.”

“More than you think you could give me?” I asked, repeating things he’d said to me over the past month. I slid my hand down his short shaft, and felt him shudder under my hand.

“Yeah,” he said after a moment.

“You like that Marcus’ thick cock makes me orgasm, that if fills me like yours can’t?” I said, hoping I wasn’t pushing too far.

Ky nodded, his eyes squinting shut, “Yes, I could hear how intense it was for you. God you were amazing to watch… so beautiful.”

“You like watching another man fuck your wife?” I said, pushing myself to use a word that felt so crude to me. It wasn’t a word I was used to saying, but I got a thrill each time I said it. From the guttural groan I heard from my husband, I could tell he shared in that same thrill.

“Yes,” he said in more of a forced whisper.

“What do you want, Ky? Do you want to continue with this… exploration?” I said, searching for a word to describe whatever it was we were doing. Ky nodded jerkily but didn’t speak as I continued to stroke him. “Do you want to go to the swinger party?”

Ky inhaled deeply and leaned more heavily against the shower wall. I knew he was getting close. “Yes, I want to go,” he said after a moment.

I slowed my rhythm to try and draw out his release. “If we go, I don’t want you to fuck anyone,” I said firmly, knowing it was unfair, but not caring, “and, I don’t want you to fuck Rachel without my permission. Rachel’s my friend, but I can’t stand seeing you with her like that.”

“Okay, I won’t” my husband agreed quickly, pursing his lips in concentration.

I was about to speak when I felt Ky’s dick twitch in my hand. I was trying to slow his arousal down, so when he came, I wasn’t prepared, and it surprised me. Several jets of cum hit me on the chest and began dripping down my skin.

“Bullocks,” I swore, looking down at my breasts. I snorted a laugh and looked up to Ky. “I guess I need my boobs cleaned after all.”

We finished our shower and tucked in for a nice Sunday kip. There’s nothing like the feel of your own bed to feel safe and secure. If felt comforting to snuggle into the more familiar bed, and feel my husband’s arms around my waist as we prepared to sleep.

“If we go to the swinger party, would you be open to sleeping with another guy—someone besides Marcus I mean?” Ky asked as I closed my eyes.

I shrugged, “I don’t, maybe,” I admitted. “I’m not simply going to spread my legs to any bloke. Is that what you want?”

It felt like Ky shook his head, “No, not at all,” he replied without hesitation. “I guess… I mean I… I just want you to be free to make those choices. Like, if you want to sleep with some guy, I want you to know that I’m okay with it.”

“…I’m starting to believe you,” I said softly, feeling a sharp, electrifying sensation in my core at the thought. I had a comfort with Marcus, but the thought of being with another man was something I found appealing. Something about being so far out of my comfort zone made for an extreme adrenaline rush. “You’ve been like a walking hormone since I took up with Marcus.”

“I know,” Ky laughed, “I haven’t had this many erections since I was sixteen.”

I turned onto my back so I could look at my husband in his eyes, “Ky, if we do this, if we carry on like this for a time, I can’t have you regressing into some sort of feminine beta male. I won’t do this if it changes who you are.” I said, pausing to make sure he was truly listening to me. “I have my fantasies, too, yeah And if we someday do those, I still need you to be the man of the house. I need a husband, not a girlfriend.”

“I think I understand,” Ky said, his eyes scrunching in thought, “But where’s this coming from. Have you seen some kind of change in me?”

I shook my head, “No, not exactly. I skimmed through a few of the books on your Kindle,” I confessed, remembering how the contents of the book made my imagination flare to life. “The plots always seem to revolve around the wife having a bull, or a boyfriend, and the husband ends up becoming… well, I guess I don’t know exactly how to describe it. They lose their way and then lose respect for themselves. I married you because you’re confident in who you are, but not so overconfident that you treat everyone around you like shite. I don’t want a wimpy lapdog with separation anxiety for a husband.”

Ky studied me, his head tilted to the side, “I think I understand, at least conceptually,’ he said, moving a lock of my hair behind my ear. “This ‘alt life’ thing is wrought with peril and pitfalls, and I know I shouldn’t pursue it, but it’s such a powerful high. I’m not sure I could turn away from it if I wanted to. But I think I get what you mean. It’s just another one of those things we have to communicate about really well.” I thought he was done speaking, but then he added, “But now I want to know. What fantasies do you have running around in that head of yours?”

I smiled and blushed but turned onto my side, putting my back towards him. “You’re not ready to hear about those yet.”

“Or you’re not ready to talk about them,” Ky hinted, pressing me.

“Maybe,” I said with a shrug.

It was quiet for a long enough that I thought Ky had fallen asleep, so I started when he said, “So you want to keep seeing Marcus then? We’re going to keep doing this?”

We had more-or-less already agreed to keep going, I thought, hearing Ky’s question. But that was my husband, always a stickler for the details. This was my chance to change my mind if I wanted to. In fact, part of me wanted to stop and return back to our normal lives. But it felt like the carnal side of me had woken up, and that side had no desire to stop. I loved surfing with Marcus in the morning. It soothed something deep in my soul. And of course the sex with him afterward was always so good. I didn’t want to give that up.

“Yes,” I said softly, feeling my pulse quicken at the decision that had been made, “but only if you don’t fuck Rachel. I’ll take care of your needs, not her.”

“Of course,” Ky said without hesitation. “That wasn’t really going to workout well for me anyway.”

“Really, you don’t want to shag Rachel anymore, you didn’t like it?” I said, genuinely surprised.

“It was alright,” Ky said, obviously downplaying the experience. “but there was something missing this weekend. I was distracted enough that I didn’t feel the experience like I was hoping, but,” Ky paused in though, seemingly having just as hard of a time as I was trying to put feelings we didn’t understand into words. “but maybe that was a good thing because there were moments I didn’t think I could take anymore. It was fucking intense.

“I guess we just take this one step at a time. We go to the party and see what happens,” Ky caressed my upper thigh as he spoke, “I don’t want you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with, but I do want you to have the freedom to make whatever choice you want. I’ll support and look out for you. I won’t let us fail.”

I was silent for a time, thinking about all that I had let happen, specifically about Rachel’s comment when she’d said something about becoming who I was going to be. She wasn’t wrong, I thought. I had changed over the last month, I no longer shunned those impure thoughts like I used to. Now, I actively sought them out, imagining different scenarios in which I did the most salacious and indecent things.

“What are you thinking?” Ky asked, disrupting my thoughts.

“About being uncomfortable,” I said. I didn’t need to see Ky’s expression to know he didn’t take my meaning. “You said you don’t want me to do anything I’m uncomfortable with, and I was thinking that that what I found ‘uncomfortable’ a month ago, doesn’t seem so ‘uncomfortable’ now. That seems to be a moving target.”

“You mean like letting Marcus fuck you up the ass?” Ky said, nudging with his chest.

“Cheeky bastard,” I said, feeling my face flush in embarrassment.

“I still can’t believe you let him do that.”

I closed my eyes and sighed, wanting to curl into a ball and become invisible. “I don’t know what possessed me,” I said, trying to laugh it off.

“You seemed to enjoy it, though,” Ky said as he needled my ribs with his fingers, making me squirm.

“Stop it,” I squealed and swatted at his hand.

“I thought I was going to have a stroke seeing that,” Ky said, letting his hand fall.

“That’s what I’m talking about,” I said, trying to find my comfortable spot in the bed again. “I don’t know what comes over me sometimes. It’s like my hormones hit a point of no return and that shuts down all rational thought. The way Marcus had me feeling then, I would have done almost anything he wanted.” I felt Ky shiver next to me, it made me turn to look at him. “What was that?”

Ky took a deep breath and shook his head, “It’s just exciting to hear you talk like that. It’s such a fucking turn on.”

I nodded in thought, “I hope you know what you’re getting into,” I said, closing my eyes again and feeling the edge of that wonderful fall into sleep.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Fri Apr 30, 2021 9:52 pm

Ky_Da wrote:
Fri Apr 30, 2021 12:40 pm
Chapter 22


Ky took a deep breath and shook his head, “It’s just exciting to hear you talk like that. It’s such a fucking turn on.”

I nodded in thought, “I hope you know what you’re getting into,” I said, closing my eyes again and feeling the edge of that wonderful fall into sleep.

What a GREAT chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love the talking between Ky and Nichole!!!!!

THANKS A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by dorsetben » Sat May 01, 2021 2:26 am

Excellent as always Ky! Thanks!

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Joined: Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:48 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Sat May 01, 2021 5:48 pm

Duke Lattimore wrote:
Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:33 pm

I just have to say - what an incredibly classy response in the preceding post!

Sam impresses me as being one of the good guys - and I believe his comment that he was not aware of your prior post. However, in this day and age, many would have responded with harsh vitriol. Instead, your response was framed in grace and courtesy.

As for your writing, you clearly have earned your place at the top of the hotwife heap. Personally, I place you squarely in the mix with my favorites: FifthEstate, Xleglover & J267 in the Literotica / Ourhotwives realm; Kenny Wright, Arnica Butler, Max Sebastian, Kirsten McCurran, Matthew Lee, KT Morrison & Lena White in the for profit world. In my opinion, the ability to elevate the reader to voyeur separates you and my other favorite authors from the rest of the herd. You either have that gift, or you don't. And if you have it, you have to know how to use it. And you do. BRAVO!

Having assisted several authors in this genre, I have some appreciation for how much time and effort is required to produce narrative of consistent quality. The attention to detail, the vivid depiction of the hotwife - cuck/stag angst, and the scorching interactions all take an enormous amount of time to write. Here's my favorite line from your last chapter:

“I know baby,” Rachel soothed again, holding Nichole’s head to her breasts. “but it’s the next step to becoming who you’re going to be. I promise Marcus will make you feel so good.”

That little nugget "who you're going to be" is PURE GOLD. Breadcrumbs that are harbingers of things to come - in the continued devolution of Nichole.

We currently are seeing many of the elite authors steer their stories into the darker realm. You hinted that this story might be headed in that direction in the following paragraph in your intro (top of Page 1):

"A lot of cuckold stories only go so far . . . I’ve found that the bottom of the well is much deeper than I ever had imagined. This story is a slow burn . . . It’s also going to explore the seedier side of this kink, so again fair warning. I like a happy ending . . . but often times we have to go through one hell of a rollercoaster ride to find our happy ending…"

Several of my favorite authors have taken such a dive, and pulled it off beautifully: Kenny Wright in the Bull's Eye series (the closing scene in Bull's Eye 5 easily is his darkest crescendo ever - and was scorching hot). Arnica Butler in Introducing April / Promoting April (pristine wife to hotwife to porn star). Lena White in The Subjugation of Gabrielle (Lena was kind enough to write that one from an outline that I penned for her, as a very gracious "thank you" for my assistance on some of her prior works). So, it is my hope that you will take the gloves off with Nichole - she'll look smokeshow hot on her bumpy rollercoaster ride into the hotwife abyss, which will make her rescue even sweeter!

Keep up the great work, Ky. Your stories always are worth the wait!

Cheers! Duke

Duke, that’s a hell of a review. Thanks for taking time to comment. Very kind compliments.

Duke Lattimore
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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Duke Lattimore » Sun May 02, 2021 9:14 am

You, my friend, are most worthy. Can't wait to see of what you deem Nichole to be most worthy . . .


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by couple20uk » Mon May 03, 2021 12:38 am

As stated before, I am another who is completely enjoying this story. Great writing Ky, there are a lot of superb lines here as illustrated by the Duke and others.

The last chapter (No 23) was particularly good. Excellent interplay between husband and wife and sets up the story nicely for further sexy adventures. I also like the way you brave enough to write from both Ky and Nichole's perspective. It works as it give us readers a true perspective of the inner thoughts of each of your main characters. It will also give you a little more freedom in the future when describing Nichole's adventures.

Though I not read your true life "adventures" I do understand you have lived this life which me makes your story writing even more interesting as you will be able to convey true life emotions better than many others.

Thank you again Ky, very much enjoying this story, Thank you for taking the time to write it.

2 Bit Whore
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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by JustWantToWatch » Mon May 03, 2021 8:44 am

Another incredible chapter!!!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Tue May 04, 2021 7:07 am

Very much enjoying this!
Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827

Mad Dog65

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Mad Dog65 » Thu May 06, 2021 4:04 pm

What a pleasure to read and cant wait for the next chapter!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Fri May 07, 2021 12:26 pm

Chapter 24

The following weeks flew by quickly as Nichole began her new job. Like all things she takes on, she threw herself into the work, starting early and working late, learning about all the different products and services that Global Medical Inc. provided. She was assigned to a senior business development manager named Rafe, who was to be her direct supervisor and mentor. Rafe was prior military and had served as a combat medic in the army until he was medically retired. According to Nichole, he had climbed the corporate ladder quickly and was now one of the more successful employees of the company.

I didn’t see much of my wife for the first week while she was going through the onboarding process, but starting the second week, she was assigned to work from home a couple of days a week because the company was trying to limit the amount of people in the building due to Covid restrictions. The first morning she was able to work from home, she got up early, grabbed her board, and hit the beach with Marcus before work. I didn’t realize she’d gone until I woke up to find her side of the bed empty. I reached over and ran my hand over the sheets. They were cold, she’d been gone a while. I didn’t exactly expect her to ask my permission—I’d told her she was free to do as she pleased when it came to who she bedded—but it still came as a shock to see her gone.

She came come a little after eight in the morning, looking relaxed and happy. I asked her if she and Marcus had only surfed, or if they’d made time for sex. Her reply was simply, “Of course we made time. Nothing’s better after surfing than sex to start your day.” It was a real wakeup call to me that things had changed.

As to her new supervisor, I saw Rafe for the first time on the monitor of my wife’s laptop while she was working in her little makeshift office, and he and I exchanged a cordial hello. He looked fit, but not in a chemically enhanced gym-rat sort of way. From what I could see on the screen, he had broad shoulders and well-muscled arms. His face was angular with a strong jaw, and while he would never grace the cover of a magazine, his rugged features gave him a unique handsomeness. Rafe’s hair was dark, long enough to style on top, with the sides and back cropped close to the skin. He seemed amiable, but he gave me the impression that he could be downright feral if he needed to be.

With Nichole working full-time, we both had to make some adjustments. I realized that I needed to contribute more to helping out with some of the household chores and couldn’t expect dinner to always be ready when I got home. The added income she would contribute would be more than welcome, but I had to admit that having her home all the time had been nice. I could also tell that the new job added a level of stress to Nichole that I’d never seen before, she had a lot thrown at her in a short amount of time and wasn’t given much time to acclimate.

As she came home late on Friday evening after her second week of work, I made sure to have the house clean and dinner prepared, hoping I could put her in a more romantic mood. Two weeks had gone by since the crazy weekend we’d had with Marcus and Rachel, and sex in the evening seemed to be the last thing on Nichole’s mind. I knew she needed a few days after we’d initially returned after that weekend because she was sore and needed some time. And then the new job had quickly consumed her attention, but she had fucked Marcus each time they’d gone surfing in the morning. As I thought about it, I realized we hadn’t had sex in close to three weeks. It hurt more than I cared to admit. I felt neglected and maybe a little taken advantage of.

I could tell Nichole was grateful for dinner and a clean house when she walked in the door, and her smile and kiss eased my mind a little. We ate in relative silence and I couldn’t help but feel that, despite sitting at the same table, we were miles apart.

“So, are you still feeling good about Global Medical? Are you happy there?” I asked, hoping to start a conversation somewhere.

Nichole nodded and took a sip of wine, emptying the remnants of her glass, “I do, and I am, but It’s going to take a bit until I feel, as Rafe says, squared-away,” she said using air quotes. “There’s so much to learn.”

“Everyone has to start somewhere, I’m sure you’ll get it,” I said, understanding exactly how she was feeling. My first months at my current firm made me feel like I hadn’t learned anything in school.

Nichole’s eyes darted toward the backdoor and then back to me as she gave me a forced smile.

“What is it?” I asked, turning to look at the door.

Nichole shrugged and shook her head, “Nothing,” she said dismissively. “This alfredo is wonderful by the way.”

“Nichole, what’s up?” I pressed as she tried to divert my attention.

Nichole’s lips pressed together, and she gave a heavy sigh, “Would you mind if I popped over to Rachel and Marcus’ for a bit?”

I felt a jolt as she asked the question, and then a spike of anger because I was fairly certain I knew what she wanted. I was about to press her on it and tell her fuck no, but a part of me wanted to see how far she was going to go before she realized how much she was neglecting her husband. So, I shrugged and said it was fine. I swore I could see relief pass over her features as she kissed me on the cheek on her way out.

Fuck me, I thought, seeing the dirty dishes on the table. We’re things going off the rails this quickly. Surely Nichole had noticed the hurt when she asked me if she could go. Was she pushing my buttons again, trying to see what I’d accept or when I might put my foot down?

I thought about thing a lot while I cleaned up the dinner dishes and went through my evening routine. It was already eight o’clock, and I had no idea how long Nichole was going to be gone, so I turned off the lights and went upstairs to our bedroom. I opened the blinds to the window that faced the Scott’s home and saw that the light was on in Marcus’ bedroom, but the window was closed so I couldn’t hear anything. Was Nichole in there right now getting fucked, I wondered, straining to see if I could see any shadows or images through the neighbor’s curtains. I couldn’t.

Anger stirred in my guts as I turned from the window. I’d been nothing but supportive for weeks. We hadn’t had sex in weeks. And yet, she’d just now turned to Marcus. It fucking pissed me off. But fuck if I didn’t have a raging hardon from it. I jacked off in the shower, cumming on the floor and sending another load into the plumbing, as I thought about my wife getting fucked again by our well-endowed neighbor.

I was watching YouTube videos on my phone when I heard the backdoor open and close an hour-and-a-half later. I’d gone to bed and turned all the lights off, so I heard my wife feeling around in the dark as she made her way up the stairs to our room.

“Oh Ky,” she said as she entered, seeing me looking at my phone, “I’m so sorry. I lost track of time.”

“No worries,” I said flatly, not looking away from the screen. I felt the bed shift as she sat on the side of it.

“I really am sorry, Ky. I just needed that.”

“Yeah, no worries,” I said again without emotion.

“Ky, I can tell you’re angry with me. Please,” she reached for me and placed her hand on my thigh. “I’m really sorry.”

“So you keep saying,” I said bluntly. “Look, you asked. I said it was alright. It’s not your fault, don’t worry about it.”

“But you’re angry,” she said, and I could hear real emotion in her voice. “Let’s talk about it. I hate it when you’re angry.”

“I am a little pissed,” I finally confessed. “I know you’ve been stressed at work, and our love life hasn’t exactly been your highest priority, but it’s been almost three weeks since we made love. But you keep spreading your legs to Marcus.”

Nichole’s hand pulled back like it’d just been bitten. I was probably a little harsh, but I felt justified in what I’d said. Still, I felt like shit as soon as the words left my mouth.

“I…” Nichole’s words caught in her throat. “You’re right,” she admitted, clasping her hands together. After a moment of silence I heard her sigh, “I’m sorry, Ky. I’ve been very insensitive… the truth is I’ve felt very disconnected from you lately, like distant.”

“But not with Marcus?” I asked.

Nichole’s lips pulled into a tight frown, “There’s never been any true closeness with Marcus. It’s only physical, but sex with him does help clear my head—a stress relief of sorts.”

“You mean he makes you orgasm when he fucks you?” I pushed, my voice still harsher than I’d wanted. I could see her hesitancy to answer, so I pressed again. “I need you hear the truth Nichole. Don’t pull punches.”

“Pull punches?” she said, her voice rising at the end.

“It’s a boxing term, meaning don’t go easy on me. Hit me with whatever it is.”

I saw her eventually nod, biting her lower lip as she did. It took her a long moment to answer, but after a time she spoke. “It’s a lot more… intense,” she said, hesitating on the word. “With Marcus, he’s so in control, and he’s just able to make me feel everything so much.”

“Is that because of the taboo thing, or just because he’s got a bigger cock?” I asked, trying to understand better.

“That’s part of is, sure,” my wife admitted, pulling her dark hair over her shoulder. “I get a thrill when I cheat on you—even though you say it’s not cheating,” she quickly added. “And it makes all the stress go away. I know I’ve neglected you, and I truly am sorry. I’ve been very selfish, and I wasn’t sure how to talk to you about it.”

“Sometimes there isn’t going to be a good way to talk about something,” I said, watching my wife’s expressions carefully. “But we still have to put it out there. We can’t ignore it.”

“You’re right,” Nichole said, shifting her weight on the bed. “Do you want me to sleep on the couch tonight?”

“What? Of course not,” I said, tossing my phone to the side and sitting up in bed. I reached over to her and pulled her close. “I’ve been a little too passive, too. I should have said something earlier.”

I bent down and kissed her, and it felt like a hundred pounds was taken from my shoulders. Our kiss grew more passionate and after a few minutes, Nichole reached down my boxers and grabbed my dick. Feeling me soft, she looked up at me in surprise.

“I jacked off in the shower,” I said, feeling a tinge of pink on my cheeks from the admission.

“Oh,” she said, pulling down the sheet and shifting herself down to my waist. It didn’t take her long to have me hard again, her oral skills having improved a hundred-fold in the last month. Occasionally the time my wife spent with Marcus was hard to accept, but her greatly improved sexual abilities were something I definitely benefited from. Once I was hard, my wife removed her panties and mounted me, my dick sliding easily into her warm pussy.

“Wow,” I gasped, “You feel really loose.” I said it without thinking, stunned by the difference I felt from the last time I’d entered her.

Nichole gave a short laugh, “That’s because you’re getting sloppy seconds—or I guess more like sloppy fourths if you count the three times Marcus came.” I groaned from her words and felt my erection grow harder. “Let me try this,” Nichole said.

I felt a slight squeezing around my dick, pressure applied from her developing pelvic muscles. She only held it for a moment before releasing and then trying again. “Yeah, I like that,” I said breathlessly, and then added, “You fucked him three times? I’m surprised Rachel’s not pissed at you for wearing him out.”

“Rachel’s vising their son, she won’t be home for a few more days—and Marcus could have gone a couple of more rounds. He was sad I left.”

A thought came to mind and with it a blast of superheated arousal. That thought, mixed with the feeling of my wife’s pussy trying to grab my did made me cum despite trying not to. “Fuck,” I groaned, feeling myself softening quickly. “You’re getting good at that.”

Nichole laid on my chest and sighed contentedly, “I really am sorry, Ky. I was being thoughtless earlier.”

“It’s fine,” I said genuinely, “I’m good now. I just needed to reconnect with you. After the crazy in Palm Springs, you’re all I can think about.”

“Good,” Nichole said, “I want to be the one that keeps you happy.”

“That’s all I want, too,” I said, pulling a pillow behind my head. “You didn’t cum, did you?”

Nichole breathed slowly as I ran my fingers through her hair, “No, but I’ve had loads of orgasms. I don’t need to finish every time.”

“Feel like being a little naughty?” I asked, feeling my heartbeat pick up speed.

Nichole lifted her head from my chest and gave me a careful look, “What’s you’re dirty little mind thinking?” she said, her eyes narrowing slightly.

“If Rachel isn’t home, you should… go back over to the neighbors and you know, make a night of it,” I said, my voice halting as I tried to speak, my rapid heartbeat making it difficult.

“Ky,” my wife said in surprise, “You can’t be serious. We were just rowing about me spending too much time with Marcus.”

“I know,” I said quickly, “but I got what I needed. I’m okay now.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Nichole said, turning to the window that faces the neighbor’s house.

“Maybe not, but the thought is really turning me on,” I confessed. “You, going over there for the night, fucking him, sleeping in his bed…”

“You are quite mad, you know that, yeah?” Nichole said, looking back at me, a look of disbelief on her features.

“Probably,” I admitted. “Maybe just open the blinds a little, and leave the window open so I can see.”

“I keep thinking I’ve slipped into a different life. I mean I know you enjoy seeing me with Marcus, but I still can’t believe you’re encouraging it.”

“You don’t want to?” I asked.

A puzzled look came over Nichole’s features. “To tell you the truth… a few weeks ago I can honestly say that I was only sleeping with him… fucking him, to carry out your fantasy. But now, well, it doesn’t take much encouragement. I rather enjoy it.”

“Then go, spend the night with him. Get all the stress out,” I said, giving her a nudge. “Then we’ll go on a hike or something tomorrow, just you and me.”

“You really are turning into a cuck,” Nichole said, her voice filled with astonishment with perhaps a touch of confusion. She gave me a wry smile, “I know I’ve said this before, but I guess I just need to accept this is who you are now… maybe who I am.” Her last words tailed off as she spoke them, leaving her with a deep look of thoughtfulness.

“I haven’t been able to reconcile it in my own mind,” I told her, “so I’ve just decided to go with it. I don’t think I could turn away from it now.”

“That’s a scary thought,” Nichole said, moving to the side of the bed and looking again at the window. “I’ll go if you want me to—if you’re going to be alright.”

I nodded, “Do it,” I said with assurance. “Just give me a show.”

A wide smile broke onto Nichole’s full lips, “Oh, I’ll give you a show.”

I felt a spike of excitement as Nichole put her panties back on, letting myself think about what I was doing. After all the angst and emotional turmoil I’d been feeling earlier, I was sending her back to the cause of it all. My wife gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and then left. I watched her go and then forced myself to lay on the bed for several minutes before going to the window.

I couldn’t stand the waiting for long, so I went to the window and opened the blinds. At first I could only see a light on in the downstairs of the Scott’s home. I’d heard the backdoor of our house open and then close, so I knew Nichole was over there now. It took close to twenty minutes before the light in the master bedroom turned on, my pulse quickening as my mind raced with possibilities.

Another agonizing few minutes went by before the blinds were pulled up, revealing a dark-haired woman on the other side of the window. Nichole slid the window open and gave me a small wave, a gentle smile on her lips. She was wearing a lingerie set I didn’t recognize. The bra was a sheer lace material with smooth straps that showed a lot of skin. The sheer lace of the panty barely covered her in front and put her ass on full display. Ugh, it twisted my guts to see her dressed like that and know it was for another man, but I basked in the pool of angst like a man who’d just crossed the desert without water.

For a moment I wondered if the lingerie was Rachel’s, and the thought about made me cum. It could have been, I was sure that Rachel most likely had a lot of lingerie in her collection, but the bra and panties fit Nichole perfectly, so maybe it was something Marcus had bought for her, which made me wonder if she’d worn other lingerie for him before. Oh fuck, my mind was working overtime to cultivate the most erotic and lustful thoughts.

Marcus was lying on the bed, his half-hard cock leaning to one side. Nichole turned from me and crawled onto the bed. She wasted no time in taking him into her mouth, Marcus’ hand weaving into her hair. I don’t know if Nichole realized it or not, but it was obvious she was much more turned on with Marcus than with me. Everything about the way she moved, the way she carried herself, it all spoke of how aroused she was. She didn’t get that way with me.

It wasn’t long before Nichole was straddling her lover’s waist and rocking back and forth on his cock. Again I was struck by how in-the-moment she appeared to be, like she was trying to savor every moment as if it was her last. Marcus smacked the cheek of her ass hard enough that I could easily hear the slap of the flesh. Nichole let out a high-pitched squeak and then a low, guttural growl. There was no question she liked it.

Nichole rode him like that for almost fifteen minutes before I saw her body shudder in orgasm. She laid down on his chest and Marcus wrapped her in his arms. He then thrust his hips up and continued to fuck her until he came. After they both came, they laid like that for several long minutes before Nichole shifted to his side. I could hear voices but not clearly enough to make out words. Nichole occasionally giggled, which twisted like a knife in my heart, but the anguish, oh the anguish was exquisite. I played with my own dick and tried to keep myself as close to the edge as possible without cumming.

After a time, Nichole slipped out of the room, probably headed to the bathroom I assumed. Logan simply lay there stretched out, never turning his attention to the window. He had to know I’d been watching, but if it bothered him he didn’t show it. My wife returned after a few minutes, and went to resume her position on the bed. Marcus, however, seemed to have other plans.

Getting to his knees, Marcus put a couple of pillows into the middle of the bed and positioned Nichole into a dogy-style position, resting her chest on the proffered pillows. I assumed he was simply going to fuck her doggie style, as I’m sure Nichole thought, too, judging her relaxed composure. When I saw her body quiver and stiffen, I knew then that Marcus had other plans.

“Marcus,” I heard Nichole yelp. She rose up on her hands and started to turn her body. I had to strain to hear. “I don’t know if I want to.”

Marcus brushed her hand away and slapped her on the ass. I couldn’t make out what he said, but it made Nichole try to squirm away. Marcus grabbed her by the waist and repositioned her, adding another spanking to the other ass cheek. In what looked like a well-practiced motion, Marcus lubricated his cock and looked to be getting into position. Nichole tried squirming away and for a moment I felt myself getting ready to get to my feet, as if to stop it if Nichole truly didn’t want it.

After a couple more attempts to slip Marcus’ hold, I heard my wife moan loudly and watched as her head dropped to the mattress as if giving him some kind of silent consent. Her arms curled around the pillows, a deep sigh escaping her as Marcus’ hips slowly pressed forward. After a few slow strokes, Marcus gave her a solid thrust. Nichole pressed her face into the pillow, and I could hear her muffled scream as Marcus’ paced quickened.

It didn’t take long for Nichole’s hips to be flattened onto the bed, but Marcus didn’t slow. He fucked her hard. Nichole’s cries gripped my soul, and I could hear the mixture of pain and pleasure she was experiencing. She started kicking her feet against the mattress, her cries escalating to a sustained wail. Several times Marcus wiped his brow, sweating from the exertion of fucking my wife up the ass. This was the second time he’d taken her like this, pushing Nichole’s boundaries and giving her feelings and experiences I could never match.

And then the thunder struck. Nichole’s body stiffened as if petrified by a spell. She stayed like that for several long seconds before her legs started to quiver, shaking uncontrollably as what was obviously a powerful orgasm ran its course. Again Marcus took his pleasure, riding Nichole’s ass far past when she would have preferred him to stop, but giving her a different type of pleasure in the act. Marcus grunted several times and then finally ceased his onslaught.

Nichole lay listless on the bed for several long minutes as Marcus left the room. I felt my soft dick in my hand and looked down. I’d cum almost without realizing it. I’d made a hell of a mess, missing the small towel I’d laid between my feet. I looked back to the neighbor’s window and saw that my wife had finally begun to stir. She slowly picked herself up and went to the window, standing there for a time and letting me see her well-fucked body. She then puckered her lips as if blowing me a kiss. I desperately wanted her in my bed at that moment. I wanted to touch her, be with her, love her…

My wife then gave me a small wave and did something that made my arousal explode as well as crushed my heart. She closed the blinds.

Chapter 25 (Nichole)

“You’re going to give Ky a heart attack,” Marcus said behind me, startling me enough to make me jump. He jerked his head toward the now closed blinds as our eyes met.

“Actually, I think he’ll love it,” I said, feeling a chill that made my skin goosepimple. Marcus must have noticed because he stepped close and wrapped his warm arms around me.

“So, you’re still mine for the night?” Marcus asked, pressing his warm flesh against mine. I nodded against his shoulder. “Let’s go to bed then, I think I’m spent.”

I followed his lead, removing the borrowed lingerie, and then climbed under the bedsheet and light fleece blanket. With Marcus next to me, it would be enough to keep me warm. My older lover quickly pulled me close to him, spooning me tightly from behind. The man generated some intense heat, it felt wonderful against my back. I reached back and rubbed the cheek of my arse, it felt tender to the touch from the spankings Marcus had dealt while he fucked me.

“I hope that was okay,” Marcus said, placing his hand over mine as I rubbed my arse. “that it wasn’t too hard.”

I shook my head, “It was fine,” I admitted, not wanting to confess how much harder it had made my orgasm. I don’t know why a spanking turned me on as much as it did, but ever since I saw my husband spank Rachel, I hadn’t been able to expel the images from my mind. I felt a sense of shame from the desire. “It just startled me.”

“I keep forgetting how young and inexperienced you are, Nicky,” Marcus said, moving his hand up and caressing my bare shoulder. “I really don’t want to scare you off, you know. I have so much I want you to experience, sometimes the excitement clouds the mind.”

“What else do you want to show me?” I asked, reaching behind me and grasping Marcus’ cock in my hand. I felt myself smile at the thought.

“One thing at a time, firefly,” Marcus said.

I snorted a laugh, “Firefly, huh.”

I felt Marcus shrug behind me, “How about succubus then?”

“Succubus? I’m not evil,” I contended.

“No, not evil,” Marcus admitted casually, “just the right amount of wicked.”

“Mmm, I guess I can live with that,” I said, enjoying how relaxed I felt. It had been an eventful couple of weeks at work, like they say, drinking from the firehose. It felt good not to have to think at the moment.

“Are you and Ky still planning on coming to the party this weekend?” Marcus asked, his fingers lightly touching my nipples. Despite being knackered, I felt my nipple harden at the touch.

“Yes,” I said, sounding a little breathless, “but it might be just to watch.”

“That’s fine,” Marcus said, pinching my nipple a little tighter between his thumb and forefinger, “but if you’re willing, I’d like to introduce you to a couple of close friends.”

“Friends…” I repeated, uncertainty in my voice.

“Uh huh,” Marcus sounded, I felt his lips at my neck. He dropped his hand and pressed his palm against my permanently bare pussy. “You know this little cunt wants to try another cock. You’ve felt the thrill of cheating on your husband, but this weekend you’re going to feel a new thrill that’ll make everything you’ve felt to date feel like a simple marry-go-round.”

“I don’t know what to think when you talk like this,” I said, my breath quickening as I felt his middle finger slip through my moistening folds.

“Your head might not know, but your body’s telling me what you want,” Marcus said, his voice growing gruff and forceful. “Let your mind relax, let all the preconceived notions go,” he instructed, speaking slowly as he penetrated me with his finger. “You were made for this, Nichole. You’re beautiful, you’re sensual, and you want to give pleasure as much as receive it. It might sound wanton, but a woman who accepts her sexuality is irresistible.”

I moaned at Marcus’ expert touch. He’d learned what made my body respond to him a thousand times better than my own husband. Heat began to build again between my legs, and I pressed my knees together to increase the pleasure.

“Remember what I told you about your pussy,” Marcus asked, pulling his finger out and circling my clit.

I nodded, feeling sensation burst at his touch, “That it’s a cunt, not a pussy,” I said, repeating something he’d told me several times.

“That’s right. Sluts like you don’t have pussies, they have cunts,” Marcus said crudely. I shouldn’t have tolerated what he’d said, but for some reason his words drove my arousal. “You’re my little fuck slut, aren’t you?” he asked, wrapping his free arm around me so that one hand was on my breast and the other on my cunt.

I didn’t respond right away, enjoying the sensations Marcus was giving me. Part of me resisted the crass term, but the desire I felt blossoming below reminded me that another part of me yearned to accept the title.

“Don’t resist me anymore, Nicky,” Marcus said softly, almost a whisper in my ear. “You’ve spread your legs to me too many times now, so I know your body better than anyone. You know you’re my slut now, admit it.”

I bit my bottom lip and felt Marcus cock probing at my entrance. I lifted my leg without thought, letting his slip inside me. I sighed as I felt part of his cock fill me, but then he stopped.

“Tell me what I want to hear, firefly. Tell me you’re my slut. Tell me your little cunt isn’t satisfied with your husband’s dick anymore.”

Still, I remained silent, only letting myself focus on the pleasure of sex.

Marcus turned then, pressing me into a prone position on the bed. Straddling my thighs, he pressed his cock in deep into my entrance. The tightness made me gasp. Then suddenly I felt a sharp smack on my right butt cheek. “Ahh!” I cried out, the spanking was harder than anything I’d ever felt before. A stinging pain shot through my arse, but it also made my cunt flare with need. I grasped the bedsheets tightly into my hands.

“Tell me, firefly,” Marcus repeated, smacking my other cheek just as hard, “tell me your husbands cock doesn’t satisfy you anymore.” Smack! “Tell me how you need other men’s cocks.”

As another hard spanking hit my arse, I finally broke, “I’m your slut,” I groaned, feeling my eyes fill with moisture. I felt a dozen powerful emotions at the same time, and it felt like they were all trying to escape at the same time. I wanted to laugh, cry, and moan with pleasure all at once.

“Good girl,” Marcus said, rubbing my arse cheek with his large hand. “Will you ever be satisfied with your husband’s cock again?”

“No,” I confessed, my throat tight with emotion. “Only yours.”

“Hmm, close, firefly, but not quite,” Marcus corrected. “I’ll satisfy you, but so will other men. You were made to be a fuckslut, a cum dumpster, a fucktoy…” Marcus rocked his hips back and forth slowly, forcing several moans from my throat. “You might always love your husband, but your body’s going to be used to satisfy other men. Your cunt is going to want to feed on many cocks.”

“Marcus,” I gasped as his cock drove deeply into me. “You say this like it’s for real, like it’s not a game anymore.”

“That’s because it isn’t, not anymore anyway,” Marcus said, smacking me yet again on the arse. “There’s no turning back for you, or your husband. I mean think about it. He sent you hear to me. He wants this as much as you do. He wants his wife to be a total slut. Ky wants you to fuck other men. Don’t deny it.”

I couldn’t deny it. I wanted to feel that thrill of being on the edge, feeling the adrenaline and the lust that made my heat beat. But I couldn’t let myself go completely. I still had responsibilities and goals that I needed to fulfill. “But why make me say it?” I asked, panting so hard I could barely speak.

Marcus slowed his pace and eventually paused his motion all together, “Because there’s power in words, firefly. By giving it voice, you’re internalizing it and allowing your mind to accept it. Like I said, you’re already at the point of no return, you might as well accept that. Don’t push against your natural desires. Let yourself become who your natural self wants to be.”

“That’s mental, Marcus,” I said, feeling his weight press me into the mattress.

“For some it is, sure,” Marcus admitted, “but open your eyes. You’re in another man’s bedroom with his cock buried in your cunt while your husband’s in your house giving himself a hand job. Nicky, you’re free to write your own ticket here.”

“Maybe,” I admitted, resting my head on my forearm. I felt peaceful, relaxed, full of cock. I almost laughed as the thought came to me. Marcus slowly pulled out and I closed my eyes, focusing on the exquisite feeling of a large cock stretching out my pussy… my cunt.

“Be who you want to be, firefly,” Marcus continued, thrusting in at an excruciatingly slow pace. “Be that professional woman. Use your intelligence to get shit done. Use your body to close deals. Tease, seduce,” he went on, “basically use every gift and talent you have to your advantage. You can do all of that and still be honest, treat people fairly, be kind and all that. You can be both a wanton little slut,” Marcus said in a teasing yet serious tone, “and a charitable person. They’re not mutually exclusive.”

“I didn’t say they were,” I said in a groan.

“No, but I can see the battle behind your eyes. I understand, though. It’s hard to accept that carnal nature we all have. We’re afraid of judgment from others—sometimes ourselves.. We’re taught to resist it, like it’s something bad to be moderated. It’s unfamiliar, and at times scary. But there’s no thrill like it.”

These thoughts invaded my mind and twisted themselves around the pleasure I felt from the adulterous act I was committing. I felt skeptical about Marcus’ reasoning, and knew there could be a touch of manipulation in his words. But to date, neither he nor Rachel had done anything to betray my trust. Not like any of that mattered at the moment, I thought. I would enjoy this moment now, and think about the consequences another day.

Duke Lattimore
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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Duke Lattimore » Fri May 07, 2021 2:11 pm

Welcome to the edge of the Hotwife Abyss, courtesy of the eloquent and deliciously twisted Ky!

The rollercoaster tour to the depths is scheduled to depart in Chapter 26 - All Aboard!!!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by SamWarrens » Fri May 07, 2021 3:46 pm

Waiting patiently for the next chapter. I know it will be awesome!
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Mattmattiass » Fri May 07, 2021 7:33 pm

This story is like the best of xleglover. I hate every person in it. I hate everything decision the cuck makes and really hate what the hot wife does. I hate reading it, but I am jerking a hard cock the whole time and can’t wait for the next one. I think about it hours later. I guess I don’t really hate anything.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by saqibali76 » Fri May 07, 2021 9:37 pm

Wow can't wait for more

2 Bit Whore
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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Open2it » Sat May 08, 2021 2:10 am

That was incredibly intense and yet somehow I think it’s only just beginning. Well done, sir.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by coastalover » Sat May 08, 2021 3:58 am

Such a tease...I've so wanted to be at the party where Marcus shares her. She's not my wife and I still have the angst of expectation. Marvelous writer KY for building the lust.

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