To the Edge and Back

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Sat May 08, 2021 7:59 pm

What a HOT chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really love the talking between Nichole and Ky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by twin12set » Sun May 09, 2021 9:36 am

Can't wait for the next instalment. Love it!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by gesdell » Sun May 09, 2021 5:37 pm

You may not be a professional writer, but you can tell a story. Thank you.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Sun May 09, 2021 10:08 pm

gesdell wrote:
Sun May 09, 2021 5:37 pm
You may not be a professional writer, but you can tell a story. Thank you.
For me, Ky is more a professional writer than lots out there... :up: :up: :up:

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by JustWantToWatch » Mon May 10, 2021 6:48 am

This story is a masterpiece! Cannot wait for the next chapter!!!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Mattmattiass » Fri May 14, 2021 8:16 pm

The last bunch of new chapters have been every 6-7 days. Hopefully we will be getting a new one soon.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by KyGrappler80 » Sat May 15, 2021 7:14 am

Can’t wait

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Sat May 15, 2021 10:18 am

Chapter 26

I thought I’d experienced enough angst since Nichole started seeing Marcus to give myself a sense of confidence that I could handle it without losing my shit. I was wrong. I was extremely wrong. What I’d just experienced was so much more powerful than anything I’d ever experienced before, it made the weekend in Palm Springs seem like a walk in the park by comparison.

Nichole had closed the blinds, and while I didn’t hear anything at first, it quickly became apparent that they had resumed their activities. There’s something about only listening to sex that heightens the voyeuristic experience, and since I could only catch maybe half of what was said, it left my mind ample room to imagine what I was missing.

The things I had heard had left me stunned. There was obviously spankings happening, which surprised me as much as anything. I was concerned after hearing the first couple, but judging by Nichole’s cries, she was obviously into it. And then to hear her say she was his slut, ugh, it left me with a feeling of lust and deep angst. I’d heard Marcus saying something about Nichole not being satisfied with her husband anymore, but I couldn’t make out her reply. My imagination, however, didn’t have any trouble filling in the blanks.

It was almost two in the morning before their room fell silent. I went to the bathroom to clean myself up and change into a fresh pair of shorts and a tee shirt. I then collapsed onto the bed and closed my eyes, taking deep breaths as I tried to clear my mind and let go of all the lustful emotion that I was feeling. What the fuck was I thinking, encouraging her to spend the night with Marcus. It wasn’t Nichole’s actions that worried me, it was my own decision making and choices that were causing me so much grief. And yet, I couldn’t deny the incredible sensations I felt. I never got soft once, despite cumming multiple times. It had been hard to witness. I hated the fact that another man could make my wife feel things that I couldn’t, it felt like a deep cut had no chance of healing. A small part of me wanted to be disgusted and ashamed, but that part of me was barely a faint whisper now. What I’d just seen and heard tore at me like a rusty knife, and yet, I wanted more.


“Oh, that’s good,” Nichole sighed, closing her eyes and exhaling slowly. “I’ve had apple pie before, but this is brilliant.”

“Why thank you,” said an elderly woman, smiling brightly. She wore a well-used apron that was covered in a light dusting of flour. The woman had those wholesome features of a loving grandma who probably had twenty grandchildren. She had white hair, extremely fair skin, and comfortably carried the extra weight brought on by age. “Here in Julian, we’re proud of our apples.” She refilled my glass of water and Nichole’s glass of iced tea before moving on to the table next to us.

“This was a brilliant idea,” Nichole beamed, sighing as she took another bite of the homemade apple pie.

“Dad used to bring us up here when we were kids. I haven’t been up here in forever.” I said, referring to the small town of Julian California, known everywhere for its famous apple pie. I looked into the distance, enjoying the outdoor veranda and the beauty of nature that surrounded us. The whole world seemed to be shut down because of the stupid pandemic, but the people in the small town of Julian had apparently decided that they were going to continue to live their lives anyway. Good for them.

“Maybe someday we’ll bring our kids up here,” Nichole said casually.

Her words hit me hard, and I blinked as I felt them sink in. I hadn’t thought about having kids in a while, I realized. I did want to have kids with Nichole. She’d make a wonderful mother. I wondered if our kids would pick up her accent, or if they would sound more American since they would more than likely be raised in California. Probably the latter, I concluded, but the thought of hearing them call Nichole mum made me smile.

“What are you thinking over there,” Nichole asked, reading my expression.

“You, pregnant, kids,” I admitted, my smile widening as I rattled off a few of the things on my mind.

Nichole laughed, and it was real and genuine. I loved her laugh. “Someday, Ky,” she said, “but let’s not get in a hurry.”

“I’m not,” I said, leaning comfortably back into the old, squeaky wooden chair, “but it’s a nice thought.”

My wife nodded and put her hand on mine, “Our mums would be ecstatic,” she said, a thoughtful but content look on her features. “But you’re not going to get me preggers anytime soon, are you?”

I looked to her in confusion, “What do you mean?”

“Ky, you’ve been inside me once in the last few weeks,” she said. There was no malice in her words, she was just matter of fact about how she said it. “I don’t want to try having kids until we get this whole cuckold thing out of our systems. And it would be nice to have some furniture that wasn’t from the thrift store, maybe a little savings, too. But I don’t want to wait too long either. I don’t want to be an old mum.”

I nodded in agreement. I didn’t think that we needed to be well-off financially to have kids. We’d figure out the finances one way or another, but she was right, we did need to get this cuckold/hotwife thing out of our systems.

“I guess we better get this cuckold thing figured out,” I said, trying to sound like I was joking, but it came out more serious than I’d intended. “You still okay to go to the party Friday night?”

Nichole’s skin flushed, and her chest began to rise and fall quicker. She took a long drink of her iced tea before nodding. “I am,” she said, taking a few more deep breaths, “but I’m so nervous. Marcus wants to introduce me to some ‘friends’ of his.” Nichole used air quotes as she said friends.

“And you’re okay with that? You’re going to do them?” I asked bluntly.

Nichole sputtered and shifted in her seat, “I don’t know, probably not,” she said reflexively. “I might not fuck anyone,” she threw back at me. I could tell she’d been taken back from my tone.

“That didn’t come out like I’d intended, sorry,” I said, leaning forward and resting my elbows on the table. “I mean, I want you to do whatever you’re comfortable with. I’ll support you no matter what. I actually think it’d be incredible if you, well, you know…”

“What, had a threesome, let other blokes have me?” she said, looking back at me, one brow raised. “You’ve wanted me to be your slutty wife, maybe your dreams will come true this weekend… or maybe they won’t.”

“Fuck, you’re killing me here,” I groaned.

“You really do like it, don’t you?” Nichole asked, her eyes narrowed and focused.

“What, the cuckold thing?” I asked, adjusting myself under the table. She nodded. “You know I do.”

“I know,” Nichole said calmly, “but I like hearing it from you sometimes.”

I ate the last bite of the apple pie on my plate, thinking of the conversations we’d had that day. We don’t eat dessert very often, so the pie was nice treat. The first bite especially had been incredible. The tartness of the apple, mixed with the sweetness of the sugar, made for a decedent experience. My natural urge was to buy another slice. Afterall, if the first piece of pie had been so good, wouldn’t the second piece be even better? From past experience, I knew that it wasn’t. I’d once eaten an entire apple pie when I was sixteen, but each piece seemed to taste a little less delicious, leaving me in the end with an upset stomach and a very upset mother.

I couldn’t help but wonder if the cuckold experience was similar in some way. Was there a point at which the experience would start to sour? Was it like they say about drugs in that you’re always chasing that first high? I didn’t know the answer to that, but so far, each experience felt like it built on top of the last, pushing me further and further into a lustful state that I didn’t even know existed.

I paid the bill and Nichole, and I enjoyed a nice day of hiking the trails outside of the town of Julian. It was nice to be in a place that was so quiet, only hearing the occasional birds and rustling of leaves. I needed moments like this to come back to myself, purge myself of the dopamine highs that were quickly coming to dominate my life.

Nichole generally hiked in front of me, setting the pace for the trail. Which was fine by me, it gave me an incredible view of her backside. Her dark brown hair had grown longer, reaching nearly to the middle of her back. She’d recently taken to wearing a man’s watch, which was large and bulky on her slim wrist. I have no idea why seeing that gave me a hardon. She also wore an old baseball hat that was frayed around part of the bill. God she looked incredible in a baseball hat, even though it was for a stupid team like the Dodgers. My whole family were Angles’ fans, so we had a natural animosity towards the Dodgers and their fans. Nichole liked being the only Dodger fan in the family, and especially liked rubbing it in my face each time her team won, which unfortunately had been frequent.

A day spent hiking in nature and being away from all the mask mandates and social distancing was just what we needed, and we both felt more relaxed and decompressed when we got home that night. We showered and enjoyed being close, sharing intimate kisses and touches, but after a full day of hiking, we were both ready for some rest. I wore my usual tee shirt and light shorts to bed, but Nichole surprised me by slipping into bed nude. She didn’t seem to be looking for sex, she wasn’t giving me any ‘thirsty’ look or anything, so I simply pulled her in close to me.

Her body felt warm against my chest, her damp hair cool against my arm. I pulled a lock of her hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek lightly. She smiled and snuggled in closer.

“Ky,” Nichole spoke, turning her head slightly to me. “When you have a wank, what do you think about?” The question floored me. I blinked several times as my mind tried to process the question. “Be honest, I promise I won’t be cross or tease. I… I think I know, but I want to hear you say it.”

“Uh, well, always about you,” I sputtered, furiously trying to figure out if I was about to fall into a trap.


I hesitated for a long moment. Nichole knew the porn I’d been watching and reading, and she knew I got off seeing her with Marcus. Not seeing a pitfall, I said, “I think about you having sex with other men mostly. You know, scenarios like the ones in the books.”

I felt Nichole nod against my arm, “But you said men, not Marcus. Does that mean you want me to sleep with other men?”

“In my fantasies, I guess so, yeah,” I admitted, not quite able to commit to saying what I really wanted.

“And in real life?” Nichole asked, turning her body to me. “When we go to the neighbor’s party. Do you want to see me fuck another man?”

“Cah,” I coughed, clearing my throat, “that was direct.”

“I know, but I feel we need to be open with each other if this is the direction our marriage is going. I don’t want to be messing about and taking this lightly. I don’t want to hurt you, but I don’t want to get hurt either.”

“You’re right,” I confirmed, kissing her lightly on her temple. “I don’t want to screw something up and lose you. We can’t afford to have a misunderstanding because one of us didn’t say something we needed.” I took a deep breath and nodded, “So yes, I think about you fucking other men. I think about it all the time. I sometimes wish I didn’t, but I love the idea of you being a hotwife. I love the idea of you having the freedom to choose who you sleep with, keep your own schedule, spend your time as you please… without worrying about what I’ll think.”

“A common theme in the books is denial,” Nichole said, making my heart skip a beat as she spoke. “Do you fantasize about that?”

I bit my lip and grimaced, I didn’t want to answer that.

“You do, don’t you?” she said, a teasing look coming over her features, her dark brown eyes seeing right through me. “You like the idea of my pussy belonging to another man,” she said in more of a statement than a question.

I nodded once.

“Masturbate for me,” she suddenly said, sitting up and pushing the sheet down.

“What?” I said, pulling back slightly.

“I want to watch you masturbate,” she repeated. “Come on, give it a go while we talk.”

“You’re serious, aren’t you?” I asked in disbelief.

Nichole nodded, her smile growing wider. “I want you to think of your hotwife while you have a wank. Think of me being with another man, but not Marcus, think of someone else.”

Taking another deep breath, I sat up. “I like it more when you do it,” I said, shifting so that I could lean against the wall.

“If I’m a hotwife, I might not always be here, yeah.” Nichole looked down at my crotch area. “You might have to get used to pleasuring yourself.”

I laughed, “That shouldn’t be a problem. It’s something guys learn to do when we’re pretty young.”

“Go on then,” Nichole pushed, gesturing toward my dick.

Rolling my eyes, I pushed my shorts down to my knees, exposing my dick. I was semi-hard from our conversation, the thoughts of my wife fucking someone besides Marcus already working to stoke my arousal. I took my dick into my hand and rubbed at my shaft.

“Don’t you want some lotion, or Vaseline or something? Do you want me to get you some tissue, or a towel?” My wife asked, her eyes widening in excitement.

“I was kind of hoping you’d intervene there so I wouldn’t have to,” I said.

“If you want to be a proper cuckold, you’ll have to get used to cleaning up yourself,” Nichole said bluntly.

“Who are you and what did you do with my wife?” I asked, amazed at how forward she was acting.

“Shush, I’m having fun,” my wife chided. “Get on with it then, bank one out for me.”

I shook my head and went to the bathroom, retrieving a small hand towel and a bottle of hand lotion. I came back and took my place again on the bed, feeling extremely self-conscious about what I was about to do. I’d literally jacked off thousands of times, but I’d never done it in front of an audience before.

“You prefer hand lotion then?” Nichole asked, her eyes bright and curious.

“It’s the easiest thing to clean up,” I explained. “Vaseline works well, but it takes a while to wash off.”

“What else have you used?”

I laughed, “Probably anything you can think of that’s slick. Soap works great in the shower, and I even tried sunblock once when I was like thirteen—I wouldn’t recommend it.”

“I’ll try and remember that,” Nichole said, rolling her eyes.

Putting some lotion into the palm of my hand, I lubricated my quickly hardening dick. Nichole’s attention was completely fixed on me. I stroked myself up and down a few times, feeling the blood flow to my waist, stiffening my dick.

“Did you do this the other night when I was with Marcus?” Nichole asked, lifting her gaze to meet my eyes. “Were you thinking about your hotwife while you were masturbating?”

I nodded.

“Good,” she replied. “I want you to think of me when you do this. I like the thought of you masturbating while I’m cucking you.”

“Fuck Nichole,” I swore, feeling a wave of conflicted lust hit me. “Where’s this coming from. You’ve never talked like this before.”

“I don’t know,” she admitted, placing her hand to her chest. “But it’s such a thrill. I can’t believe how exciting this is. I guess I’m accepting who I’m becoming. I’m not trying to fight it all the time.”

“And what’s that, what are you going to become?” I asked, feeling anxious at what her answer might be.

“I’m not entirely sure yet,” she confessed. “I’ve only been with one other man, but that might change this weekend. I’ve been thinking about how much fun it could be to go out with other men, go dancing, go to the movies, maybe go to a hotel after…”

I groaned at that and had to pause before I came.

“Oh, I can see you like that thought,” Nichole teased. “Are you thinking of your adulterous wife right now? About me, letting another man between my legs?”

I nodded, my eyes still closed. I stroked myself a couple of more times and again stopped. I desperately wanted this to continue, but if I even so much as felt a light wind I was going to cum.

“You know those books you read have given me loads of ideas to try on you,” my wife further teased. I opened my eyes and looked to her, her expression was serious as she said, “When I first read some of those stories, I wasn’t sure how much of it you’d want to try, and I felt too insecure to talk to you about it. But after the experiences we’ve had over the last couple of weeks, I think I’m getting the notion of it.”

“I’m starting to think I’ve created a monster,” I said jokingly.

“No, just a wanton slut,” Nichole smiled at me. She then looked down again at my dick in my hand. “Are you going to cum?”

“I’m trying not to,” I said, my dick ridged as fuck in my hand. “I’m enjoying this and if I cum it kind of numbs everything.”

“I like watching you play with yourself, but go ahead and cum. We need to go to sleep soon.”

“Tell me something erotic to help me finish,” I said, tightening my grip again.

“Hmmm,” Nichole hummed softly as she thought. “I know we talked about getting this out of our system, but to be honest, thinking of myself as a hotwife makes me bloody randy. I think you might need to get used to the idea that you might not have access to my pussy as often. You might have to masturbate a lot. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure to buy lots of lotion.”

That did it. I came hard, shooting my load into the hand towel between my legs. I came a lot more than usual, too. Nichole giggled as she watched in fascination. Seeing her lying there naked, watching me jack off had been a fucking mind-blowing experience. And this time I didn’t get the sense that she was just telling me what I wanted to hear to make me horny. No, she meant everything she’d just said. Nichole had changed.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by dorsetben » Sat May 15, 2021 2:41 pm

That is some good writing there my friend. What a story - thank you.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by SamWarrens » Sat May 15, 2021 5:20 pm

Wanking good chapter!
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by KyGrappler80 » Sat May 15, 2021 7:29 pm

Well done

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by DarrenZ » Sat May 15, 2021 10:17 pm

Mattmattiass wrote:
Fri May 07, 2021 7:33 pm
This story is like the best of xleglover. I hate every person in it. I hate everything decision the cuck makes and really hate what the hot wife does. I hate reading it, but I am jerking a hard cock the whole time and can’t wait for the next one. I think about it hours later. I guess I don’t really hate anything.
Nailed it.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by DarrenZ » Sun May 16, 2021 2:33 am

This line killed me dead.

“I know we talked about getting this out of our system, but to be honest, thinking of myself as a hotwife makes me bloody randy. I think you might need to get used to the idea that you might not have access to my pussy as often. You might have to masturbate a lot. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure to buy lots of lotion.”

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by realcucklife » Sun May 16, 2021 3:00 am

New career writing Ky, this is awesome


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by R_H_NC » Sun May 16, 2021 4:44 am

The comments on the latest chapter are spot on.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by flahubbyofsue » Sun May 16, 2021 6:20 am

his stories hit home so well - she had cuckold affair once many years ago - we talk about her doing again - presently I am not allowed in her - I do do a lot of masturbation - around her pics and showing to others - near the same as cuckold angst - please feel free to contact

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Mattmattiass » Sun May 16, 2021 9:59 am

Can’t wait for two things. Other guys looking to Ky to make sure everything is ok at the party and Marcus saying, “She’s my slut and it’s ok.”
Also Ky seeing her with two guys the first time.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Sun May 16, 2021 10:52 pm


SUPER HOT chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really well written!!! Amazing dialogues!



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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by JustWantToWatch » Mon May 17, 2021 6:07 am

Excellent chapter!!! I cannot wait for the party!!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Duke Lattimore » Mon May 17, 2021 6:49 am

Congratulations, Ky, on another fabulous chapter! While you previously have characterized this story as a "slow burn", Nichole is now poised to deliver some seriously scorching HEAT, as you pivot the story arc to "the seedier side of this kink". Heat and deliciously seedy darkness not only can co-exist, but can combine to yield a sum greater than its parts. So, let Nichole's downward spiral into the hotwife abyss begin!


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by couple20uk » Mon May 17, 2021 11:56 am

Another hear who agrees that was an excellent chapter. Great story/writing.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Tue May 18, 2021 12:22 pm

Chapter 27

Author's Note: I
I've been working to post once a week, and this will more than likely be my post for the week. I have to stop writing and go into edit mode for a while in order to make a post next week. That said, what follows is the first chapter of the Scott's swinger party. I did my best, but I'm still learning and developing as a writer. It's a little more challenging to write a larger cast than it is with one or two people.

Also, after many long conversations with my wife, and working through a few personal things, I've decided to add a pregnancy element to this story. I know, I just said that was off the table a week or so ago, but a plot bunny jumped on me recently that I couldn't get out of my head. Believe me, no one's as surprised as I am by the change. I feel good about it though. For those that know my particular story, you'll remember that my wife got pregnant by her boyfriend at the time. We ended up with twin boys who we love to death, but it hasn't come without some degree of difficulties. I've decided to include some of those in this story as a way to write about the experience. And yes, I have my wife's approval to proceed.

As always, I love the feedback. A sincere thank you for leaving a note. And please, if there's a line, or even a word that caught your attention that you liked, please let me know. I'm always curious what sticks out to people and what misses the mark. So often I'm surprised that what I never intended to be a major point ends up being something that resonates with people, and what I put a lot of time and effort in can sometimes miss the mark completely.


“Nichole, are you alright?” I asked, noticing the rapid rise and fall of my wife’s chest. She was sitting on the edge of the old lazy-boy recliner in our bedroom. She wore the new dress that she and Rachel had picked out a few days ago, something she called a Kendra dress, and while I’d never heard of it before, she looked fucking amazing in it. The black dress was provocative yet elegant, with a sleeveless halter neckline that exposed her bare shoulders, its mid-length covered to just below her knees. The dress’ material hugged her body tightly, accentuating what curves she had and giving her a look of confident femininity.

Nichole nodded but her breathing didn’t slow, “Just a bit nervous,” she said, her voice tight. She ran the palms of her hands over her thighs, fingers splayed.

“I can see that,” I said, fastening my belt and lining up the buckle to my zipper line. “My heart’s been racing all day, and I’m basically just going as an observer.”

“I’m sure we’ll feel calmer once we’re there,” she said, looking straight ahead at the wall, like she was inspecting some invisible spot only she could see.

“My god you look amazing,” I said, stepping close and looking down at her. “Are you wearing a bra?”

Nichole shook her head almost imperceptibly, “Rachel told me not to. She said none of the women there will be wearing one… Bloody hell, are we really going to do this, Ky?”

Her question sounded rhetorical since we’d done nothing but talk about this party all week, nevertheless, she sounded extremely vulnerable. “Only if you’re comfortable with it. If you’re getting cold feet, we can call it off.”

“But you want to go, yeah?” she asked, finally pulling her gaze from the wall to look at me.

I took a moment before a spoke, “I kinda do. I’m curious to see what it’s like. And, we don’t have to do anything. We can just go and meet people, right? You don’t need to feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to do.”

Nichole nodded and stood, “That’s true. If it’s too much, we’ll make up some excuse and leave.”

I opened the door and let her pass me. We went downstairs together, turned off most of the lights, and headed outside to make the short walk to the neighbor’s house. There were at least a half dozen upper-end cars parked on the street I didn’t recognize. A Tesla Model X, a BWM 7 series, a Cadillac Escalade to name a few, all standing out from the more common Honda Accords, Civics, and Corollas that were more commonly found in the neighborhood.

Several couples were already mingling in the front yard, Rachel and Marcus among them. Rachel waved to us as I locked the front door, looking like a wet dream in a tight-fitting, green dress. Nichole took a deep breath, and I could hear her exhale through her nose. Her features showed her nervousness but also a firm determination. I took a step down the walkway but felt Nichole’s small hands stop me.

“Ky,” she said, holding my upper arm. “No matter what happens tonight, remember that I only love you.” Her eyes were wild with excitement as her pupils darted between me and the people gathering in the front yard.

“I love you to, Nichole,” I said as sincerely as I could. I leaned down and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

As we broke away, she gave me a wicked looking smile, “Time to become an official hotwife.” She held my gaze for only a moment before taking my hand and leading me across the grass to the neighbors’ home.

I groaned internally and tried like hell to keep from pitching a small tent in my pants. Even though this party was full of very sexually experienced people, I figured it would be bad form to show up sporting a boner. My stomach churned and I realized after a moment that it wasn’t completely from cuckold angst. I was hungry. With all my thoughts focused on the party, I hadn’t eaten much during the day. I checked my watch as we approached. It was a few minutes after seven.

“Nichole, Ky,” Rachel gushed, giving us both a hug as we met them on their front walkway.

“Wow, I didn’t think you even owned a pair of trousers,” Nichole teased Marcus, accepting the man’s embrace.

“Yeah, well, the old lady made me do it,” Marcus said, jerking his head toward his wife, Nichole still in his arms. The display made me feel self-conscious in front of the other guests I didn’t yet know.

“The old fossil cleans up nice, doesn’t he,” Rachel said, a genuine and happy smile on her face. I could tell she was right in her element tonight. Perfectly comfortable with whatever might happen. “Let’s get you two introduced.” Rachel gestured toward the front door where a number of people were chatting happily. Rachel took my hand and I followed her to the door. I glanced back and saw that Marcus had taken Nichole’s hand as they trailed close behind.

Two couples were at the door, giving hugs and saying hello. It was obvious they hadn’t seen each other in a long time and were happy to finally be able to meet up again. Fucking covid.

“First,” Rachel began, touching one of the gentlemen on his arm, “we have James and Maria Wells.”

The man, and I assumed his wife, turned to us. I was struck by how, normal, looking they were. I guess I really had no idea what to expect, but they were definitely not it. James was slightly taller than average, had sandy blonde hair, and a build that suggested he worked out enough to keep the excess pounds off. His wife Maria was moderately attractive, and looked to be of Latin descent, with long, black hair, brown eyes, and an extremely curvaceous figure. The couple looked to be about in their mid to late forties.

James extended his hand to me. “I know you two are probably feeling overwhelmed and anxious right now,” James said, his voice surprisingly deep, “but please try not to be. We’re all old friends here. Hopefully we can get to know each other tonight.”

“Yes, I remember my first time coming here,” Maria spoke, and I could hear the slightest touch of an accent. She then added, “I thought I was going to hyperventilate, but I promise it’ll be alright.”

“James and Maria live in Sacramento now, so we don’t see them very often these days,” Rachel explained to me and Nichole. She turned back to Maria “We’re so happy you’re here.” Rachel let go of my hand, and she and Maria hugged tightly. Rachel then turned to the other couple at the door.

“And next we have Freddie and Harper McClure,” she said, giving the woman named Harper a hug.

I shook Freddie’s hand and then Harpers. Freddie looked like he’d played football in his younger days. He had the build of someone who used to seriously work out, but who had let that habit slip over the years. He still carried a good amount of muscle, but also a few extra pounds of fat over his belt. Harper, however, was tall and very thin. The woman looked to be all legs.

Freddie stepped closer to me as Nichole and Harper were exchanging pleasantries, “James is right, you’re among friends here. Don’t feel pressured in the least.”

I nodded, “Thanks, but it might take me a few minutes before I don’t look as nervous as a whore in church.”

Freddie laughed, “Don’t worry, we completely understand. We usually get a card game going at some point early in the night. Small wagers mostly, and a lot of drinking Marcus’ whiskey. So come find me later, we’ll all get to know each other and drink too much.”

“Sounds good,” I said, thinking that a few drinks did actually sound extremely good right about then.

Rachel was already pulling at us to go farther inside to the other people who were already in the house. “Next we have David and Jodi Hall. David, Jodi, this is Ky and Nichole Ryan. They’re our new neighbors.

Again we shook hands. David was a shorter, smaller guy than either James or Freddie, and I could instantly tell he was also a lot more reserved than they were. He seemed content to let his wife take the lead and answer all of Rachel’s questions. The wife, Jodi, looked a lot like Rachel, and I wondered for a moment if there was any relationship there. They could have been sisters. Jodi immediately pulled my wife into a hug and was talking her ear off in seconds.

“Are you two…” I said to Rachel, not finishing the sentence as I looked between her and Jodi.

“Sisters? No,” Rachel answered, taking my hand once more. “,but we hear that a lot. We’re just close friends.”

I took a moment and looked around the room, trying to take in the scene. I was never very good at getting to know a lot of new people at once, and once a group grew to more than about four or five, I always felt a little uncomfortable. Marcus and Rachel’s home was large enough that it didn’t feel crowded, but with everyone talking at once, I had to fight my natural instincts to find a secluded corner and hide out.

“We have two more couples that should be here soon, but these two gentlemen…” Rachel said, pulling my attention back to the present. With Nichole still behind us talking to Jodi, Rachel led me into the kitchen where two guys were standing at the island mixing drinks and laying out what looked to be a large assortment of snacks, everything from vegetable trays to crackers, cheeses, meats, etc. My stomach lurched at the sight of food.

“This is Alex Martin, and Wade Nelson,” Rachel announced, the two guys head’s coming up from their work at the kitchen island.

“Hey,” one of them waved, and then held out a glass filled with ice. “I’m Alex,” he said, handing me the glass and then nodding towards the various drinks set out along the counter. “Pick your poison.”

Rachel squeezed my hand, “Alex and his wife used to come to a lot of these, but she passed away a few years ago,” Rachel said, surprising me that she’d just share something so personal like that with someone Alex had only just met.

“I tried to beg off, but Rachel wouldn’t stop calling,” Alex said with an easy smile. If he was bothered by Rachel’s comment, he didn’t show it.

“I was worried about you,” Rachel defended, “all holed up in that condo of yours all the time.”

I let go of Rachel’s hand and moved to the kitchen island, leaving Rachel to chat with Alex for a moment. I opened a can of coke and poured it into my glass. I was about to drink it down when I heard the other man behind the island speak.

“Here,” said the last man I hadn’t met. He held out a bottle of Jack Daniels. “I’m Wade.”

“Thanks,” I said, taking the bottle and pouring a good measure of the hard liquor into my coke. “I’m Ky.”

“Good to meet you,” Wade said, pulling a few bags of chips out of a grocery bag. I couldn’t help but notice that the guy was fucking fit. He was built like a brickhouse, all hard muscle and veins popping out everywhere. His hair was cut close, and he wore a tee shirt with a CrossFit logo on it. “I’m not really here with anyone, Rachel used to come to my gym, and she’s incessant about me coming to her little soirees. But as you can imagine, the parties are well worth the effort of coming.”

“Fuck dude, you’re really jacked,” I said, surprising myself that I’d actually said it. The guy looked like his mother could have been a Kodiak bear and his father an Maus tank. My mind was already imagining this giant guy fucking my petite wife.

Wade chuckled, “Thanks, but it’s my job,” he said with a shrug. “If you’re looking for a gym, mine’s not too far away, and it’s pretty empty these days.”

I took a strong drink from my glass and tried not to cough as the alcohol hit my throat and then stomach. “Thanks,” I gasped as the liquid burned its way down, “I might take you up on that someday. I spend way too much time sitting in a cubical.”

Wade nodded, “That’s more and more common,” he said going back to unpacking the grocery bags. “but if you can give me 30 minutes a day, the workout will make a huge difference. It’ll even improve sexual performance.”

“I’ll remember that,” I said a little dismissively, but luckily Wade didn’t seem to mind.

With Rachel still talking to Alex, I took me a moment to find my wife, and in the millisecond I didn’t spot her, my mind raced to thoughts of her already with some guy in one of the bedrooms. I really did need to calm down, I thought, taking another strong drink from my glass. The heat flooded my system and I immediately felt that calming effect of the alcohol.

Nichole was still with Jodi, who was talking animatedly to James and his wife... Maria, I remembered her name after a moment. Marcus was also still with my wife, only this time his arm rested comfortably around her lower back. I expected to feel some time of embarrassment or anguish at the sight, but it was like my brain was glitching because I wasn’t sure what to feel.

Freddie came into the kitchen then, and he and Alex shared one of those one-arm brah hugs. It occurred to me that as nervous as I felt, it wasn’t any worse than the anxiety I felt at any gathering of new people I didn’t know. I knew this was going to become a sex party at some point, but it felt like I’d just stepped into an office party for people I didn’t know very well.

I only had a moment to myself, however, before Freddie approached, “Rachel tells me you’re an engineer. I’m in IT myself. As you can see, I spend my time at a desk all day.” Freddie slapped at his growing mid-section.

“—I can help you with that,” Wade said loudly from the other side of the kitchen.

Freddie laughed, “Nah, I’m a man who craves leisure,” he said jokingly.

Seeming to have finished their conversations, Alex and Rachel moved to Freddie and me, and once again, Rachel took my hand.

“I know what you mean about sitting all day long, If I don’t make any effort, I could easily end up spending ten hours straight sitting at my desk,” I said to Freddie, trying not to feel uncomfortable about Rachel being so openly affectionate with me. These people had all known Rachel for a lot longer than I had. Hell, more than likely they’d all fucked her, too.

I tried to not to look so out of place as the conversation took a lull. Looking to Alex, I asked, “What is it you do?”

“Not too much these days,” the man shrugged. Alex was a handsome guy, well-groomed, well-dressed, and generally well put together. “I own a few warehouses in Ontario which pays the bills. I haven’t been all that motivated lately to do much else. I guess I’m just looking for that something that catches my interest. I probably should’ve paid more attention in school. I never did go to college.”

“I don’t know about that,” I said, “I worked my ass off to get my PE, but all I do is crunch numbers all day. I’m scared I might have made a mistake.”

“You can always change directions,” Freddie interjected. “I majored in manufacturing engineering, but I’ve never worked in it a day in my life.”

I listened while Alex and Freddie talked, with the occasional comment thrown in from Wade acting as the peanut gallery. It felt like any other party I’d ever been to, people chatting, drinking, and generally enjoying each other’s company. I checked my watch and found that a half hour had passed in the blink of an eye. To my surprise, I was enjoying people’s company as I sampled various drinks from the make-shift bar. Nichole was always nearby, with Marcus always by her side as she chatted away chatted away with the other guests.

I heard the front door open and two new couples entered the house. These must have been the last of the couples Rachel had referred to, which was good, I was already starting to feel a little overwhelmed by how many people were in the house. I felt Rachel take my hand more firmly as she pulled me behind her back to the front door. She collected Nichole and her husband along the way and soon we were standing in front of the two new couples.

“I’m finishing up introductions.” Rachel announced to the newly arrived couples, receiving warm smiles from the newly arrived guests. “First we have Demarco and his partner Amara,” she said, waving casually to the black couple. Like most of the attendees, Demarco looked to be in his forties while Amara had to have been at least ten years his junior. Demarco was your everyday businessman and probably wouldn’t have caught my eye if I’d ever passed him on the street, but Amara on the other hand, she was stunning. I had to be careful not to stare too long, but something about her unique beauty made it hard to look away. Rachel had said partner and not wife, I thought as Nichole did the talking.

“And last but certainly not least is Logan and Aimee Richardson,” Rachel said, “Logan and Aimee are relatively new to our little group, but they’ve quickly become fast friends.” Again Nichole and I introduced ourselves. Logan had a stern, intimidating look about him, unlike his wife who had that over-the-top bubbly personality. Aimee was the same height and build as Nichole and I couldn’t help but wonder if short girls had an unspoken, automatic friendship between themselves, kind of like how Jeep owners or motorcyclists wave to their own kind as they pass on the freeway, because in less than a few seconds it seemed like the two of them were long lost friends.

Feeling uncomfortable, I looked at my watch again. We’d been at the party for an hour, and I wasn’t sure if I was feeling excited to be there, or if I wanted to grab Nichole and bolt for our house. Nichole was again pulled away as several of the women peppered her with questions about where she was from and how she liked living in SoCal. I looked around the room, trying to take in the scene. There were seven couples and two stags in all, and now the house defiantly had a more ‘occupied’ feeling. I was about to make my way back to the kitchen for some food when I noticed Marcus stand on the hearth extension of the fireplace.

“If I can have everyone’s attention please,” Marcus spoke over the small crowd. “We are so pleased to have you all here with us tonight. Despite the politics and strife going on around us, we count ourselves lucky to be here with friends.” A general agreement sounded through the group. Marcus then looked to me and then to Nichole. “As you’ve probably already been introduced, we have a new couple with us here, so please take time to get to know my friends Ky and his wife Nicky. They’re wonderful people and our new neighbors.”

I felt red with embarrassment as all eyes looked in our direction. I’ve never enjoyed being the center of attention. I nodded my head and raised my glass in some sort of stupid salute. Luckily everyone turned back to Marcus as he continued. It wasn’t lost on me that he’d introduce my wife as Nicky instead of Nichole, and I couldn’t help but wonder if there was some kind of meaning behind it.

“I know we normally have a few things scheduled for these evenings, but since it’s been a while, Rachel and I thought it’d be better to just let everyone have time to mix and mingle. There’s a lot of food and drinks in the kitchen, we can put on a movie if anyone wants, the poker table’s always open, and of course all the bedrooms have fresh sheets if anyone has a mind for that sort of thing.”

“What, no public displays?” James spoke out in his low but booming voice. The comment caused a number of chuckles from the crowd.

“If you and Maria are willing, I will not stand in the way,” Marcus shot back, all smiles as he joked with his friends. He then added, “Actually, Rachel and I would like to try and keep tonight dialed down to about a five or a six. We don’t want to scare off our new friends on the first night.”

Holy fuck, I thought. Marcus wasn’t joking about the public display thing. I wondered what the party would have been like if Nichole and I hadn’t come.

Alex caught my eye and approached. He held out a small shot glass that held a generous amount of alcohol. “Have you ever had extremely expensive whiskey?”

I shook my head and accepted the small glass, “Nothing to brag about, no,” I said, looking hesitantly at the liquid inside. At Alex’ urging, I brought the glass to my mouth and swallowed the shot. I sputtered and coughed, covering my mouth with the back of my hand.

Alex, frowned, “I’m afraid you still haven’t,” he said deadpan. “That was just Jameson. You looked like you needed it though.”

I laughed and took several deep breaths. The room was feeling a lot warmer all of the sudden. “I probably did need that,” I confessed.

“So, you a Trump fan?” Alex asked me. He had the look on his face like he knew he was asking a provocative question.

I shrugged, “I guess I’m like a lot of people, I like a lot of what he does, but he drives me crazy at the same time.”

“I can respect that,” Alex said. “but too many people lose their minds in this town if you’re not a complete Trump hater.”

“I certainly watch what I say at work,” I replied. Feeling a little too warm, I unbuttoned the top button on my shirt. “It’s not worth taking a chance of pissing off the wrong person. Although maybe being forced to find a different job might not be the worst thing.”

“Doesn’t sound like you care for your job much,” Alex said.

“It just takes time. I’m the junior guy, so I get all the crap work. But everyone has to serve their apprenticeship, right? It’ll get better in a year or two I’m sure. I just have to stick with it.”

“Good attitude,” Alex commented. A loud giggle sounded from the gathering of females in the middle of the room, one of whom was my wife. “Just like in high school.” Alex pointed to the group. “The girls all stick together and make it hard for the boys to ask them out.”

I chuckled at the comment. It was true, I had to admit. Here we were at a sex party, and the girls were all gathering like a school of fish. It was an interesting observation as all the guys, the predators, were basically circling the small group as if they were prey. In a way, they were.

“Your wife’s going to be a popular one here if she’s the least bit open to it,” Alex said, following my gaze as I looked at Nichole. I wasn’t sure what to say to that, and I think Alex read that because he added, “but this really is a safe place to explore. You can trust everyone here to be solid.”

I simply nodded at the statement. I didn’t know what to expect, I was so out of my element.

“That’s not to say that things don’t get a little crazy sometimes,” Alex said with a wry smile.

We talked politics for a few more minutes and I noticed I was feeling a lot more comfortable. Granted, a lot of that was due to the alcohol in my system. I began to feel like I was at any average party until I noticed David and Harper go up the stairs together. Suddenly my brain reengaged, reminding me that this was a swinger party. David was the quiet one, and despite being several inches shorter than the much taller Harper, he was headed upstairs with the thin woman. No one paid them any attention as they disappeared upstairs. It happened so casually that I would have easily dismissed it if I hadn’t known this was a sex party.

I noticed the card game starting in the corner of the front room, as James sat in the dealer’s chair and began to shuffle cards. He waved us over and I nodded in recognition. I liked the idea of joining a simple card game because it would give me something to do other than constantly try not to look nervous. I was far from miserable, but these social gatherings always took so much out of me.

“Are you alright with me talking to Nichole tonight?” Alex asked me, pulling my attention away from the couple that had just gone upstairs and the card game.

It took me a moment to process what Alex just said, and another moment to think of a response. “You don’t need my permission, she’s free to do what she wants,” I finally said. “But to be honest, she’s still trying to figure out how far she wants to go tonight.”

Alex held up his hand placatingly, “Trust me, I won’t push. I’m more than happy just to talk.”

I looked toward the group of women in the middle of the room. “If you can peel her away from the others, then sure.”

Alex chuckled and approached Nichole. I thought for a moment that maybe I should stand as an overwatch, making sure my wife didn’t feel pressured into joining Alex in one of the back rooms if she didn’t want to. But just then, Freddie diverted my attention. “Card game’s starting, interested?”

I shook myself and turned to Freddie. He jerked his head to the large card table in the corner of the room. I hadn’t seen the table before when I’d been in Marcus and Rachel’s house, but then again, I hadn’t been inside nearly as often as my wife had. The poker table was of impressively high-quality, definitely not the type of table you folded up and stored in a closet.

“That’s a nice table,” I said as Freddie and I approached.

“Yes, I’ve taken many a dollars from these guys here,” said Freddie as he took his seat.

Wade took one of the empty chairs and James dealt the cards. It looked to be a basic game of Texas Hold’em, I thought accepting another drink from Wade. I sipped at the liquid sparingly, already feeling a little more buzzed than I wanted. I didn’t know the brand of whisky I’d just been given, but it was good. I drank a little more.

“Do I need to buy in?” I asked, looking at the stacks of chips to James’ side.

“Yeah, eventually,” James said, passing the cards out. “Let’s play a couple of rounds to get started. We can figure the stakes in a few.”

I picked up my cards and sorted them as I typically do, thinking of potential options my hand might lead to. On a whim, I turned to look for my wife. To my surprise, she was talking to Alex near the fireplace. I had to give it to him, he’d at least been successful in pulling her away from the other women. I studied them for a long moment, but they only looked like two people having a casual chat. Turning my attention back to the poker game, I discarded a couple of low cards and reorganized my hand.

I tried hard to act casual and not like the nervous husband I was. I wanted to stare at Nichole and watch for what might happen between her and Alex, but for some reason, I felt the need to try to act cool about everything and like I didn’t care about what might happen. I’m sure I was ignorantly transparent to the guys at the table, but no one made any comments.

I turned my attention back to the poker game. I quickly lost the first couple of hands, but then managed to win the third. I sat back in my chair and listened as Wade made his sales pitch to Freddie and James about the benefits of CrossFit. I’m not personally against CrossFit, but there’s something about the personality of CrossFit people that makes them feel a need to convert the world to CrossFit.

Someone put on a movie as we began the fourth hand, which added to the general noise of the room, and with the alcohol really kicking in, all the noise seemed to blend together into a bland white noise. I lost several hands in a row to James, and I was suddenly glad we weren’t betting actual money. I would have been losing my ass.

While James shuffled the deck, I took the time to look at my wife. Nichole and Alex had moved away from everyone and were standing against the far wall. Nichole had a wine glass in her hand and was laughing at something Alex had said, baring her throat slightly to the man, her full lips pulled into a genuine smile. She touched Alex’ arm as she laughed, and to my surprise, it stayed there for a time.

Rachel then approached the twosome and for a moment, Alex’ attention went to the older woman. It was then that Nichole looked toward me, her eyes finding mine after only a moment. When our eyes met, I felt a shockingly powerful jolt hit me, like I’d just pressed my tongue to a nine-volt battery. Her expression was one of pure, undiluted lust. As she looked at me, she parted her lips, and I watched as she traced the tip of her tongue along her upper lip. The display was sensuous and confusing as fuck. What was she trying to tell me, or was she just trying to fuck with my head?

I glanced down to my wife’s breasts, and could see her nipples pressing against the fabric of the new dress. Nichole noticed and followed my gaze, but instead of looking embarrassed, she simply smiled. I couldn’t help but think of the many times that I’d enjoyed those breasts all to myself over the years we’d been married. I always knew I was punching way above my weight class when I’d married Nichole, but until recently, we’d had a happy, monogamous relationship. We’d enjoyed losing our inhibitions to each other as we explored each other’s bodies. But tonight I knew things were going to change.

Rachel finally left the couple, and Nichole’s gaze slowly broke away from mine, returning to Alex. I watched as Alex nodded his head to the entrance of the hallway that led to several spare bedrooms. If felt like my heart stopped completely for a long moment, and then it seized when I say my wife nod once. Turning to me again, Nichole gave me look that felt scorching hot with desire. She then let Alex take her hand and lead her toward the hallway.

Nichole looked to me once more just before she disappeared from site, as if giving me one last opportunity to change my mind. For the smallest fraction of a second, I felt a whisp of my conscience push against what was about to happen, but the angst and carnal lust that suddenly filled me was like an all-consuming fire, incinerating everything virtuous in its path. I heard the chime of the old grandfather clock begin to sound as my wife disappeared from view.

I suddenly felt like I couldn’t breathe. I took one deep breath after another, but it didn’t seem to help. My heart racing, I fumbled the cards in my hand.

“You alright there, Ky?” Freddie asked, putting his massive hand on my shoulder.

I nodded reflexively and tried to calm my emotions, “Oh yeah, fine,” I said, my voice surprisingly strained.

“Nicky’s in good hands,” James said, setting down the deck of cards. “Alex is a gentleman of gentlemen.”

“I can attest to that,” Freddie added, removing his hand. “It’s always an emotional wrenching the first time you come to one of these, but it helps if you hookup with one of the ladies—I’m sure Rachel or Aimee over there would love to be asked.”

“You guys aren’t participating?” I asked the three of them, avoiding Freddie’s suggestion. They all gave me a knowing smile, but it was James that answered.

“The night’s still young, no need to feel hurried,” James smiled and shrugged, picking up the cards again.

“We’re just pacing ourselves,” Freddie joked, returning his attention to the cards.

Exhaling a loud breath, I took another long drink of another brand of whiskey that had been poured earlier. I had no idea what it was or even if it was expensive. I only knew that it burned and took the edge off, which was what I needed. tried to focus on my cards and up my game, but I still came up with shit cards and had to fold again.

I sat up in my chair and did my best to listen, hoping that maybe I’d be able to hear something from down the hall, but the movie playing in the background did a good job of drowning out other noises. Images of Nichole with Alex scrolled through my mind, and slowly that intense lusty feeling came to me. I sighed as I felt that familiar dopamine high. This was what we had come for. My gut was still all twisted in knots, but it was starting to ease as I let myself feel the erotic conflict war inside me.

After a time, Marcus came out and joined us at the table, and then Logan shortly after. Freddie took his leave and went to the sofa and talked to Aimee—or at least I think that was her name, everything was blurring together. It didn’t take long before Freddie and shorter girl disappeared down the hall.

“What are we drinking to?” Logan asked, his earlier rough demeanor now much calmer and more open. He seemed a completely different person.

“Ky’s drinking to keep from exploding over there,” James joked, “the rest of us are just drinking because it’s free.”

“Hey!” Marcus protested. “We’re going to have to set a limit one of these days.” Marcus then turned to me, his face one of concern. “Ky, I think we need to cut you off for a few,” he said, picking up my glass and setting it out of reach. He then did the same with the bottle of whiskey that was next to me.

“I’m good,” I said, but it came out slightly slurred.

Marcus gestured to Wade, “Go get some food and coffee from the kitchen, would ya?” Wade nodded and stood as Marcus turned back to me. “You alright, do I need to go get Nicky?”

“I’m fine,” I said a little too quickly. I took a moment to calm my thoughts, “Don’t bother her, I’m good. It’s just a lot to take in.”

Marcus nodded, but I could still feel his eyes on me. Wade set a plate of crackers, cheeses, and various fruits on the table, along with a large cup of coffee. The thought of food no longer seemed very appealing, but I picked up a cracker and bit off the corner. I needed something in my system.

“Let me know if you need anything, Ky. We really want this to be a good experience for you and the wife,” Marcus said, pouring himself a drink, “Rachel’s hoping you’ll take her upstairs.”

With everyone looking at me and waiting for an answer, I had to say something. I finally shook my head and took a long pull from the coffee. It was fucking hot and scalded my tongue, which for some reason felt exactly like what I needed. “Thanks, but I promised Nichole I wouldn’t for a while.”

Marcus nodded, “Suit yourself,” he said, “but Nicky really is in good hands. She’ll enjoy her time with Alex.”

“I’ve got to say,” James piped in, “I’m a little envious of Alex right now. Nicky’s a head-turner.”

Marcus chuckled, “She’s something else,” he said, drawing the other guy’s attention, “She’s an intelligent, beautiful, respectful woman until you get her between the sheets, then she’s an absolute whore.” I felt I should say something—defend my wife’s honor and all, but no words came, and Marcus continued undeterred. “You wouldn’t know it to look at them, but Ky and Nicky are a couple of kinky bastards.”

“Ha,” James laughed loudly, giving me a hard slap on the back of the shoulder, “You’re our kind of people then.”

I smiled and shrugged, not knowing how to respond. Strangely, I felt a little better. Freddie was the next to excuse himself, but I didn’t pay attention to where he went. All I could think about was my wife. She was more than likely an official hotwife now, there was no denying that. I’d felt that the fling she’d had with Marcus was more of a one-off, an exploration of sorts. But now that she’d been with two guys, I couldn’t justify it that way anymore. I don’t know why I had the number two in my head, but for some reason I felt like that was the minimal number to become a hotwife.

It felt like a week-and-a-half, but eventually Alex emerged from the hallway that led to one of the rooms on the other side of the home. He looked much as he did when he left, except that maybe his hair was a little ruffled, and his shirt was untucked. He found us sitting around the poker table and ambled toward us.

“You have an amazing wife,” Alex said, taking a seat at the card table, “I hope that doesn’t come off as an empty compliment, I truly mean it. She’s wonderful. I admit, I’m envious.”

“Thanks,” I said, not sure if that was exactly the appropriate thing to say. “She’s feeling alright then?”

“Of course,” Alex said adamantly. “I think she enjoyed herself as much as I did.”

“Oh, well, good… that’s good,” I sputtered, my mind feeling like it was in a thick fog. I wasn’t sure what to think. I had kind of hoped to be included in whatever Nichole chose to do, but sitting here looking at Alex, knowing he had just fucked my wife, it let my imagination roam, and that might have been even a more powerful aphrodisiac.

“Ky,” I heard Wade speak. “Mind if I say hello to Nicky?”

As in can I fuck your wife, I thought, but kept my words to myself. I wasn’t bothered that he’d asked, I was bothered because he’d pulled me out of my erotic, daydreaming haze. But I easily pushed that away as my mind took hold of a new vision. Wade would dwarf my wife in every way. It was a little like a Mastiff fucking a Shih Tzu.

“I’m just here tonight as a spectator,” I managed to say. “Like I told Alex, Nichole makes her own decisions. I just need to make sure she’s safe.”

“Absolutely,” Wade said firmly, “I promise I will not do anything she’s uncomfortable with.”

“That’s if she even lets you in the room,” Marcus teased.

“Are you serious,” Wade said in mock offence, “Have you seen me?” Wade struck a body builder pose and winked at Marcus. “Even you couldn’t resist this.”

Marcus rolled his eyes, “Youth is wasted on the young,” he said dryly as Wade began to walk away.

James leaned into the table, “Marcus, is this a good idea?” he asked in an almost whisper.

“What do you mean?” I asked, feeling a spike of panic and preparing myself to run and stop Wade if needed.

“Wade’s just, well, he’s built differently down there,” James laughed and looked down as if looing at his crotch.

“She’ll be fine,” Marcus answered casually. “Sure Wade’s bigger than everyone here, but I’ve stretched that little cunt of hers enough that she’ll be alright.”

“Twenty dollars says he’s successful then,” James said, tossing the crisp bill onto the table.

“James,” Alex said, pushing the money back towards the man and giving me an apologetic look.

“Oh,” James said and reached for the money.

I could see he was about to apologize, so I put up my hand to wave him off, “It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” I said but my thoughts and emotions were raging at what I’d just heard. The way Marcus had so casually said that he’d stretched out my wife’s cunt, as if it was something insignificant, like teaching someone how to cook a new dish, or do some kind of simple home repair.

Looking toward Wade, I don’t think I could have moved if I’d wanted to. His broad shoulders, heavily muscled and tattooed arms, I wanted this to happen. I’m not sure why exactly, but I couldn’t help but like Wade a little. Most guys I knew like him had egos as big as their muscles, but Wade seemed to have a very down to earth personality.

I looked toward the hallway to see if Nichole had emerged, but she must have still been back in the room. For a long moment I was torn on whether to go back and check on her, or to stay where I was and let things continue to play out. In the end, I decided to stay in my seat, the alcohol was now in full effect and the other side of the house seemed like a long ways away.

Wade made his way to down the hall and I quickly lost sight of him. At first I was more than certain he’d reappear after a few minutes after being rejected by my wife. I think we were all fairly certain of that because the four of us sat quietly at the table for a long minute. Before James spoke.

“Looks like our man was successful,” James said in his deep basso voice.

Still, I sat quietly and waited for his return. I didn’t think Nichole would feel comfortable having sex with another guy so soon after being with Alex, it just didn’t seem like something she’d do. Despite my inebriated state, I felt butterflies in my stomach and an overwhelming amount of lust come to life inside me. Nichole hadn’t rejected the chance to spread her legs again like I thought she would. Turning back to the poker table, I watched the next several hands be played as I munched on crackers and cheese, and sipped down the coffee. I didn’t know the guys at the table very well, so it was easier to simply listen in on their conversation, and after a while, my head started to clear a little.

Some of the early couples that had paired off earlier were now back in the large living room. David and Harper sat close together and were very touchy-feely with each other, unlike their spouses who sat nearby but kept more distance between them.

I was beginning to feel much better when I heard something that made my ears perk up. Listening more carefully, I heard a muffled cry from down the hall. I wasn’t the only one that heard it either, everyone’s heads turned to the direction of the sound as another, louder cry came to life.

“Oh god! aaaAAAAHHHH” a high-pitched voice nearly screamed. The voice was primal, almost animalistic… it was my wife, my brain finally comprehended. Holy fuck, that was coming from my wife.

“You go girl,” Harper said loudly, eliciting a laugh from all.

“Haha,” Logan chuckled, “That’s why I won’t let Wade touch Aimee,” he said, drawing light laughter from the others.

I looked to Logan, “Seriously, should I be concerned?” I asked, starting to feel a little panicked again.

“Nicky’s fine,” Marcus insisted. “Really, there’s nothing to worry about. Worse case is that Nichole’s a little sore for a day or two. And besides, it sounds like she’s having a good time. ”

Nichole’s moans filled the house, and I couldn’t believe that she was letting herself go enough to make such noises. Surely she had to know everyone could hear her. This was so unlike anything I’d ever seen her do before. Nichole was the last person that wanted to bring attention to herself.

“A little sore, are you kidding?” Logan laughed again, “Wade’s stretching out your girl permanently in there right now.”

I set down my cup of coffee onto the table and reached for the nearest bottle of liquor. Bacardi 151, yeah, that would do, I thought as I opened the cap and took several long, hard swallows. My stomach ignited with fire and I had to force myself not to get sick for a long minute. A few deep breaths later and the feeling passed, leaving me feeling flushed and numb.

“Ky,” Rachel nearly shouted, her voice reprimanding and harsh. “Don’t you dare drink yourself silly.” She came to stand directly in front of me. “Nicky wouldn’t like this one bit,” she said, taking the bottle from my hand and setting it on the table.

“I don’t think she’d care,” I said, knowing Rachel was probably right. I was being childish, and I knew it.

“We’re not here to get drunk off our asses, we’re here to have fun, so follow me mister or I’ll drag you myself.”

I blinked at the strong rebuke. Fuck, Rachel was kind of pissed, I realized. Nodding, I slowly got to my feet and took a moment to make sure I had my balance. I was starting to get a case of the spins, so I knew I’d pushed it too far. I hated the spins. I let Rachel take my hand and lead me down the hall toward the room where Wade was fucking my wife.

Nichole’s cries grew louder as we neared. It sounded like a porno movie, only one of those good ones where it’s not obvious the woman’s just going through the motions. Rachel stopped at the door at the end of the hall and killed the light overhead.

“We don’t want to distract them,” she whispered as her hand went to the doorknob. “Hopefully they don’t see us, it’s always so much better when they don’t know there’s an audience.”

From where I stood, I could hear the rhythmic, thump, thump, thump of the headboard tapping the wall. Nichole’s unrestrained moan carried easily through the door. Rachel slowly turned the knob and opened the door about six inches, and Nichole’s voice instantly became louder. Rachel poked her head in the door for a long moment, and I felt myself holding my breath. When Rachel’s head reappeared, she wore an enormous smile.

Waving me forward, she whispered, “Come here, I think you’ll enjoy this.”

We switched places and stepped as silently as I could to the door, careful not to let my shoe squeak on the hardwood floor. I felt ready to burst as all of my emotions sat poised to go off at the same time, like a massive round of fireworks. Ducking my head into the doorframe, it took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the dim light. The smell of sex hit me full in the face.

“Oh bloody fucking hell,” Nichole gasped, her face turned to the side as her head rested on the mattress.

Wade was fucking her doggie style, his ass facing my direction, so it was easy to see to see the thrusting of his hips as he drove in and out of her. In the low light, I could see a number of tattoos covering Wade’s shoulders and back, but I couldn’t make them out in any detail. From my angle, I could see the bottoms of my wife’s tiny feet, her toes slayed and flex as if attached by a massive muscle cramp. Nichole’s hands were gripping the sheets tightly, and it looked like she was slowly trying to crawl away, requiring Wade to reposition her every so often.

“God you’re amazing,” Wade said, sounding a little winded from the exertion.

“It’s so big,” Nichole whined, once again moving forward and away from the well-hung man. This time, however, Wade let her lay on her stomach, following her down and enveloping her in his arms. She damn near disappeared inside of a cocoon of masculine flesh. Wade’s hips slowed, but continued to drive his large member in and out of my wife.

From my angle, I couldn’t see Wade’s cock, but I could tell from my wife’s reactions that it was much larger than Marcus’, which probably meant it was several orders of magnitude larger than mine. Was everyone’s cock bigger than mine?

I watched for a long time until I heard Wade finally grunt. I wasn’t sure if he was wearing a condom or not, or if he was cumming in Nichole’s pussy. Marcus and Rachel had assured us that everyone in the group is frequently tested, and so condoms weren’t normally used, but also that no one would complain if they were asked to use one. I’d left that decision with Nichole, but I had to admit that the thought of Wade cumming in my wife dialed the intensity up a notch.

Feeling a light tug on my shirt, I back out of the door and carefully shut the door. I stood and leaned against the wall as Rachel flipped the light back on, the sudden brightness making me squint.

“Whoa,” Rachel sounded impressed, “What I could see was sure intense.”

I could only bring myself to nod as the new images threw new fuel on the fire of lust and angst hat coursed through me.

“Oh Ky, I’m afraid your little bird just spread her wings tonight,” Rachel said, leaning in close to me and rubbing her hand over my chest and then down my crotch. She then laughed, “Maybe spread her legs is more correct.”

I leaned heavily against the wall, concentrating on my breathing and trying to keep some modicum of control of my emotions. The alcohol running through my veins was making it impossible to think, which hell, maybe that was for the better. Rachel grabbed my dick and stroked me through my pants.

“If you want to go upstairs, we could enjoy each other for a while? I think Nicky might be occupied for a while. Wade’s known to keep a woman busy.”

“Has he slept with all the other women here?” I asked, keeping my voice low.

Rachel shook her head, her hand still on my dick, “No, usually just me, and sometimes Jodi. Harper tried to give him a go once, but she tore out of the room screaming as soon as he dropped his pants.” Rachel laughed as she mentioned the experience. “I’m sure Wade’s thrilled to find another girl willing to go to bed with him.” Rachel stroked me several times and had me near the edge. “It seems Nicky has an appreciation for the larger things in life.”

The comment put me over the edge, and I was about to cum in my pants when Rachel went to her knees, unzipped me, and put the end of my dick in her mouth a moment before I came. I came hard, feeling numerous surges of cum shot into Rachel’s willing mouth. I had to put a hand against the adjacent wall to keep myself upright. Without skipping a beat, Rachel zipped me back up and got to her feet, looking just as she had a moment ago.

“I’ll always be your cum dumpster, Ky,” she said, giving me a playful look.

“Even when you have options like Wade around?” I asked, feeling the lust and the angst leak out of me like water out of bucket full of holes.

“Like I told you before,” Rachel said, taking my hand again and starting to lead me back to the group. “I like cocks of all sizes.”
Last edited by Ky_Da on Tue May 18, 2021 1:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by R_H_NC » Tue May 18, 2021 12:57 pm


Not sure how I will like the pregnancy story-line (or bunny as you put it) but that is my own trigger.

You asked for lines that struck us....." large enough that it didn’t feel crowded, but with everyone talking at once, I had to fight my natural instincts to find a secluded corner and hide out." Something right out of my own brain.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by DarrenZ » Tue May 18, 2021 1:04 pm

Ky does it again.
And Wade? Damn, man. Why’re you doing this to us? I’m all angsty about it.
Keep ‘em coming. You’re great at this.

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Joined: Sun Oct 08, 2017 6:12 pm

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by subtoall » Tue May 18, 2021 8:44 pm

Ky_Da wrote:
Tue May 18, 2021 12:22 pm

“But you want to go, yeah?” she asked, finally pulling her gaze from the wall to look at me.
The composition of this line is so perfectly and subtly British. Well done.

Regarding your about face on the pregnancy issue. Major props on your courage to write about this. Writing is a great way to more deeply understand organize one's thoughts and feelings about a topic. I hope you find that is true for you here.

And on that score...OMG...a CrossFit franchise owner/trainer named Wade with a huge cock... ???




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