To the Edge and Back

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Mad Dog65

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Mad Dog65 » Sun May 23, 2021 1:32 pm

Hi Ky,

I have really appreciated your writing and perspective on you and your family. These are intense times as you are raising your kids and being there myself, I understand and respect your decision now. I still love your writing! You never know what will happen down the road. Kids get older, they leave and then may be you and your wife carve out a sexy life together in whatever way works for you both.

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Joined: Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:48 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Sun May 23, 2021 7:43 pm

Mad Dog65 wrote:
Sun May 23, 2021 1:32 pm
Hi Ky,

I have really appreciated your writing and perspective on you and your family. These are intense times as you are raising your kids and being there myself, I understand and respect your decision now. I still love your writing! You never know what will happen down the road. Kids get older, they leave and then may be you and your wife carve out a sexy life together in whatever way works for you both.
Thanks MD, these are intense times we live in, and everything is a potential pitfall if you say or do the wrong thing. And yeah, we haven’t completely ruled out future sexy fun times. Taking it one day at a time. Take care, thanks for leaving a note


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Sun May 23, 2021 8:57 pm


Wade and Nichole make an outstanding couple!!!!

Thanks a lot Ky!!!!

2 Bit Whore
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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by JustWantToWatch » Mon May 24, 2021 6:17 am

Excellent chapter! I hope Nichole ends up playing on the first floor and gets taken by all the men!

Posts: 17
Joined: Mon Feb 08, 2016 1:26 pm

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by twin12set » Mon May 24, 2021 11:47 am

Loving the story and the use of "English" phrases. Keep up the good work.

Posts: 463
Joined: Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:48 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Mon May 24, 2021 12:55 pm

Chapter 29

By the time I’d returned to the poker table, the living room had been vacated. I could hear voices coming from the kitchen, but they were too muffled to make out. I turned to talk to Rachel, but she was suddenly missing, too. I thought she’d been right behind me. I turned in a slow circle to look for her, but the movement damn near made me fall on my ass.

“Fuck, I’m drunk,” I swore out loud. I sat in a comfortable armchair near the poker table and leaned my head against the wall.

I heard my wife’s voice again from down the hall, the emotion and passion in her cries turning my insides to a boiled paste as my sexual desire clashed with my morality and the dependency I had on my wife. I tried to focus on the numerous reassurances Nichole had given to me over recent days, but all the feelings and emotions stirring inside me were too much, too overwhelming. My eye lids felt heavy and eventually closed, and I wasn’t entirely sure if it was because I was simply tired, was passing out from too much alcohol, or if my system just needed a reset. I just needed a few minutes to rest.

Something jolted me awake a moment later and I sat up quickly, a little too quickly. My head felt like a splitting maul was wedged in the center of my skull and my stomach threatened to release its contents all over the floor. I closed my eyes for a moment and inhaled deeply, forcing myself not to vomit. Once I was sure I wasn’t going to make a mess and embarrass myself, I looked at the clock on the wall. Despite my still blurry vision, I could tell that it was almost three thirty in the morning. I’d been asleep for over an hour in that fucking chair, and the kink in my neck let me know I’d fallen asleep at a bad angle.

I hadn’t been this hung over since my first year in college, and it wasn’t a memory I cared to entertain for long. I found a still open bottle of one of the expensive whiskeys and poured myself a generous shot. Taking a few deep breaths to psych myself up, I downed the shot, and then another. Then, once the initial burning had passed, I did it again. Nothing to fend off a hangover like getting your drunk on again. With everything that had happened that night, the last thing I wanted to feel was a fucking hangover.

After fifteen or twenty minutes, I stumbled to the bathroom down the hall. I say stumbled because that’s exactly what I did. My vision was tunneling fast, and it was getting harder and harder to make out individual objects—those four shots of whiskey might have been a mistake. Somehow I made it to the bathroom and then to the toilet, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get my belt undone, it was like someone had put a safety latch on it or something. A thought occurred to me and I decided to simply unzip my fly. That finally worked, but only just barely. I nearly pissed myself trying to pull my dick out of my pants.

I probably should have sat down I thought as I stared hard at the toilet. It seemed an impossible distance away and I never did hear the tell-tale sound of piss hitting water as I relieved myself. I leaned against the wall in relief for a long few minutes, happy to have not wet myself. Finally, I went back into the hall and noticed one of the doors was half open. I went to it without thinking, peered inside, and my eyes took in another site that I was not prepared for.

It didn’t matter than I was nearly embalmed with alcohol, I would recognize my wife anywhere. She was kneeling on the bed, sitting on her feet, her head turned slightly but not enough that her vision would have reached the door where I stood. Next to her, I saw a black man’s legs hanging over the side of the bed. My eyes rose and tried to take in the scene. It took my brain a moment to comprehend it, but little by little, the shapes started to come together. Nichole’s hand was stroking the man’s cock while he laid on the bed.

Squinting as hard as I could, I leaned against the door frame and forced myself to understand what I was looking at. My wife and the man seemed to be talking, but for the life of me I couldn’t make out what they were saying. Nichole was nude, her hair pulled over her shoulder, her hand slowly working its way up and down the man’s shaft. For some reason I expected to see a massive black python between the man’s legs, but it only looked proportionate to his body. Still, it was probably bigger than mine.

Unlike the last time I’d voyeuristically looked into this room, I felt a need to leave. Not because I felt anything sexual whatsoever, I knew I was going to go crashing to the ground at any moment, and I really didn’t want it to be in Marcus’ house when I did it. I didn’t need everyone finding me passed out in Marcus’ house when they woke up in the morning, and I especially didn’t want Nichole seeing me in such a pathetic state.

As quickly as I could, I returned to the living room, only I didn’t dare stop there. Something inside me told me that if I stopped, I wasn’t going any farther. I bumped into walls and ran into furniture, but eventually made it out the backdoor and onto the patio. My stomach suddenly lurched and I ran to one of the bushes and hurled out the contents of my stomach. It was pure liquid and burned my throat, mouth, and even nose on its way out. Fuck, that was a lot, I thought after retching for the umpteenth time.

I damn near fell over right there, but managed to keep my feet and take a few more steps to the grass. The world began to spin under my feet, so I went to a knee and put one hand on the ground. The grass felt soft under my palm. I’d almost made it to the fence, I realized, looking up to see my house. It was far enough I decided. I was outside, that was enough. Laying on the amazingly soft ground, I was amazed at how comfortable it felt. Even my own bed wasn’t this soft. If only the world would stop spinning. I knew closing my eyes would make it worse, but it was too hard to keep them open. Reaching out, I laced my fingers into the grass and gripped tightly, hoping against hope that it would be enough to keep me from falling off of the face of the earth as I slept.


I opened my eyes and stared for endless minutes at the beige colored wall. To put it simply, my head hurt. If I’d had a week to describe the pain, it wouldn’t have been enough time. My mouth was as dry as a desert, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t generate any moisture at all. Even my eyes felt bone dry, and blinking was painful. I might have just found a new level of hangover I thought as something moved in front of my eyes.

Looking up, I realized it was my wife standing in front of me. Fuck, keeping both eyes open was damn near impossible. I closed one eye and tried to use the other one to focus on Nichole. She was fully dressed in a loose pair of jogging pants and a light hoodie, her hands were on her hips and she looked pissed.

“Finally awake,” Nichole said sternly, and I wasn’t sure if she was asking or telling.

“Or dead,” I said, it came out as more of whisper. I tried to swallow but it felt like I was swallowing a mouthful of sand.

“I’ve been trying to knock you up all day,” Nichole said, her tone left no question she was upset.

“It doesn’t work like that,” I said sarcastically, referring to her statement about knocking me up. To her, it simply meant waking someone up. I’d explained numerous times when it mean in the states, but in her anger she often slipped back into her more native slang.

“Don’t give me any cheek, you’re the rat-arsed git that—,” Nichole stopped herself, shook her head in frustration, and left. She was only gone for a moment before she returned and pushed a large glass of water into my hands along with a bottle of ibuprofen. I took it and tried to sit up without spilling.

“You are in a load of shite,” she said, carefully enunciating each word, her accent sharp and cutting.

“Please babe, not so loud,” I said, closing my eyes and taking a drink of the water. The coolness of the liquid felt miraculous against my parched mouth, but my stomach nearly revolted at its intrusion. I could see the corner of Nichole’s eye twitching in anger. Oh yeah, she was mad, but fuck me if she wasn’t sexy as hell when she was mad.

“Find something amusing?” she said, her brow raised, but her ire no less diminished, “mister urinates all over the Scott’s bathtub in the middle of the night.”

I winced and felt one eye clamp shut again, “I don’t remember doing that,” I mumbled stupidly.

“I don’t doubt that,” Nichole carried on, “you were so drunk you passed out in the garden. If you’d have fallen into the pool, you would’ve drown, Ky.”

“I guess I made it home okay,” I said, looking down at myself. I was still dressed in the same clothes I’d worn last night, only my fly was unzipped. I wondered if anyone saw me walking around like that last night.

“You most certainly didn’t,” Nichole nearly screeched. I don’t know why the image came to me, but I thought she looked like an angry fairy out of some fantasy book. The indignant little dark-haired pixy went on, “You’re right lucky Wade found you this morning before anyone else noticed. He actually caried you all the way here and put you in bed. He saved you from dropping a complete clanger.”

“Well, since he got to fuck my wife last night, I think I’ll call it even,” I said sarcastically. I knew it was the wrong thing to say as soon as it came out of my mouth. But to be fair, I was in no shape to be having any conversation at the moment.

“Sod it,” Nichole spat, “You’re being a bloody blighter right now, and I’m not in the mood to row.”

She turned and started to leave, “Wait Nichole,” I said pleadingly, “I’m sorry. I feel fucking miserable right now, and I’m not thinking straight. Let me get cleaned up and then let’s sit down for some breakfast and talk. We have a lot we need to talk about.”

Nichole paused at the door and I saw her take a deep breath before she said, “We do need to talk, but it’s well-past breakfast. It’s almost half six.” Nichole paused again and then looked at me for a long moment. “Have a shower, I’ll make something to eat.”

After she left, I swallowed as many pills as I thought my liver could handle and went to the bathroom to get cleaned up. The shower helped clear my head, helped bring me back to life. I remembered throwing up at some point last night, which was probably a blessing because it meant less alcohol my system had to metabolize. I couldn’t imagine feeling any more hung over than I was right then.

I couldn’t help but reflect on what I could remember from the night before. I felt jealously, and anger, and hurt, but it only took a moment to remember how incredibly aroused I’d been. Nichole had never been so uninhibited before. She had truly let herself go and enjoyed the experience, trusting in her husband to watch out for her and be her safety net. But instead, her husband had drank himself stupid and passed out in the backyard. The thought of Wade of all people carrying me to bed gave me a case of the shame shivers.

Nichole needed me, I realized, understanding now the source of her anger. She was very vulnerable at the moment, and probably needed loving reassurance as badly as I did. Despite desperately wanting to crawl back into bed and forget the day, I got out of the shower, dressed, and went downstairs to do what needed done. The smell of beans and toast greeted me as I walked into the kitchen.

Nichole was kneeling on the countertop by the stove, rooting around in the cabinet for something. She pretty much had to climb onto the counter if she wanted to reach anything higher than the lowest shelf in the upper cabinet. She’d removed the hoodie she had on earlier, and was now wearing a thin white tee shirt, and it didn’t reveal any bra lines underneath. She was also wearing her baseball cap, her hair tied into some kind of knot inside but leaving strands poking out the back of the cap. God she looked good.

Taking the large container of salt from the cupboard, she placed it on the counter and then slid herself off and back down to the floor. She then refilled the small saltshaker we used from the larger container. It was a simple chore, but I enjoyed watching her. I didn’t wait for an invitation. I simply went to her and pulled her into a tight hug. Her body tensed and began to push against me.

“I’m sorry, Nichole,” I said as sincerely and genuinely as I was capable of, “I’m sorry I got drunk last night.” After a moment, I felt her body relax, and relief washed over me like the warm water of the earlier shower, only it was a thousand times more exquisite.

“I was so scared when I couldn’t find you,” she said softly. I felt her quaver against my chest.

It confused me why she was as scared as she was, but her trembling form against me testified of her fear, this wasn’t a show to gain my sympathy. I moved her to take a seat at the kitchen island we often used as a table. I then busied myself with getting the toast and pot of beans from the stove. Placing everything on the counter, I served her the way I knew she liked the meal, two pieces of open-faced toast, buttered, and smothered liberally with a layer of beans. I only put one piece of toast on my own plate, spooned out a ladleful of beans, and then set the pot onto an old ratty hot pad.

We ate in silence for several minutes and, to my surprise, I’d finished my small meal and suddenly wanted a little more. “This is actually a pretty good meal for a hangover,” I said, taking another piece of toast. Meanwhile, Nichole had barely taken a few bites.

We again fell into silence for several long minutes, and I began to think this might be one of those confrontations that would take several days to overcome. I well-knew how those went; one day of nothing but the silent treatment while my wife’s anger simmered like a pot of spicey chili, followed by Ky’s apology tour, followed by Ky’s pleading for forgiveness, and eventually earning a reprieve and being spared the gallows. I wasn’t always in the wrong, but I was more often than not, and I’d learned it was a lot safer to set my default mode to just assume whatever was wrong was my fault.

This time, however, Nichole spoke first. “…I thought you’d left me,” she said in a small voice, pulling my attention back to the present. I looked up, but her gaze was still on her plate. “After… after everything,” she said vaguely, but I knew what she was referring to, “I went to find you, but you were just gone. I came home but you weren’t here, and Rachel assured me you weren’t in any of the bedrooms. I even walked around the block—I thought maybe you went for a walk or something. I don’t know why I didn’t think to check the garden.”

“And you thought after everything we’ve been through, everything we’ve promised each other, that I’d just up and leave you?” I said, unable to keep an edge out of my voice. I took a calming breath and shook my head. “I’m sorry, I don’t have very good control right now.”

“It’s fine. It’s how you feel. I deserve it after what I did last night.”

I set down my fork, “Nichole,” I said, and waited until she looked up. “Nothing happened last night that we hadn’t already discussed. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Nothing?” she said, one eyebrow raising high on her forehead.

“Well, it went a little further than I’d thought it would,” I admitted, “I thought after Alex that you’d come find me. I was a little shocked when you never reappeared.”

“I’m so sorry, Ky. I meant to—I intended to… but after Alex left, it was like I was on fire. I was so charged up I bloody couldn’t think straight. I’m ashamed to admit it, but when Wade came in, I didn’t think about anything but myself.”

“Fuck, Nichole,” I said, groaning slightly as the feelings from last night began to return. “You really let yourself go last night. And that’s what I wanted you to do, but then I fucked up and got drunk.” I was about to apologize again, but it seemed a little redundant for us to keep apologizing to each other all day. “I think we’re both feeling a little sensitive right now, so let’s just agree to say that shit-got-real last night.”

I was pleased to see Nichole’s features crack a smile, she even bit off a small laugh as she nodded. I smiled and shook my head at her. “I can’t believe you fucked three different guys last night. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think—,”

“—Only two,” Nichole corrected, giving me a confused look.

That made me pause and think. “Alex, Wade, Demarco,” I said, holding up three fingers.

Nichole shook her head, “Only Alex and Wade, I hardly spoke to Demarco.”

“Fuck, how drunk was I last night? I swear I saw you giving him a hand job after I used the bathroom.”

Again Nichole shook her head. “After I was with Wade, I went to find you. But you did use the shower as a toilet, so I’d say you were pretty pissed. Oh, and Rachel’s right cross with you by the way.”

I grimaced as I thought about the attractive older woman finding urine all over the bathtub. “I should probably go over there and clean their bathroom.” I sighed and tried to drink a little more water. “I didn’t intend to get that drunk, but with everything going on yesterday, I didn’t have anything in my stomach, so once we started doing shots, it didn’t take much to get my drunk on.”

“It surprised me,” Nichole admitted. “You’ve never been one to drink in excess. You’re usually so careful.”

I nodded, “I like feeling buzzed, I hate feeling out-of-control drunk,” I agreed. “But listening to you when you were with Wade—.”

“—Listening?” Nichole jerked to attention. “Did you sneak into the room? How did I not see you?”

“No—well yes, but that was after,” I stopped and tried again. “You got a little loud, babe. Everyone in the house heard you.” Nichole instantly flushed and a red blush worked its way clear into her hairline. “For me, it was the highlight of the night. God you sounded sexy. I couldn’t believe that was you.”

“I didn’t realize,” Nichole said, her eyes wide.

“Trust me, you’ve got nothing to be embarrassed about. In fact, I think the women there were all pretty impressed. And I know all the guys around me were drooling.”

Nichole dropped her head onto her forearm and shook her head, “I’m never going back to that house again,” she said. She sounded mournful, but not the kind one can’t recover from.

I laughed, “I think I’ve got more to be embarrassed about than you. I’ve got to go apologize to Rachel and clean her tub.”

“And the floor,” Nichole said, still face down on the table. “You had a wee on the floor, too.”

“Ugh, she’s never going to let me live that down.” For a moment, I thought about dropping my own head to the table. “This is ridiculous,” I laughed. Nichole raised her head enough to look at me. “We’ve both extremely sorry, we’re both extremely embarrassed, I got drunk off my ass, you had the best sex of your life, put a couple of more notches on your bedpost. Nichole,” I said emphatically. She raised her a little further. “We fucking went to a swinger party. We went for it and had a crazy experience. Fuck it. Let’s not beat ourselves up about it.”

Nichole’s features took on a puzzled, yet thoughtful look. Her Lips pursed for a long moment before she nodded. “So you’re saying we shouldn’t walk around feeling gutted all day?”

“Exactly,” I agreed. “We went out and had an experience very few people do. So we embarrassed ourselves a little. It wouldn’t be the first time.”

“Ky,” Nichole’s voice was soft again, “I can live with the embarrassment. I don’t care about that. But I need to know… how do you feel, you know, about me?”

“What do you mean?” Nichole looked away, and again I could see that vulnerability as if it was on the surface of her skin. For all the confidence she’d shown leading up to the party, she was still looking for that same reassurance I was. I felt a warmth and an unloosening in my chest. “Nichole Ryan,” I said slowly, understanding the intent of her question. “I love you today more than I ever have.”

Nichole closed her eyes and it looked like a thousand pounds was taken from her shoulders. “I love you too. I sort of lost my head last night, and I let my insecurities get the better of me this morning.” Nichole looked down at the table and then back to me, “We can do the washing up later, let’s go sit down and talk.”

I didn’t hesitate to agree and quickly stood from the table. My head was feeling better as the minutes passed, and the food in my stomach was doing me a world of good, even if it was beans and toast. The meal was actually growing on me a little, I thought as we moved to the couch in the family room and sat close together.

“I did actually sneak a peek last night,” I said as soon as I’d taken my seat. “Rachel showed me which room you went in and I poked my head in the door for a few minutes. It was fucking incredible, babe. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful and erotic in my life.”

Nichole’s skin flushed again, and it looked like her breathing rate kicked up a notch. “I don’t know what to say to that,” she said, having a hard time meeting my eyes.

“Was it different than being with Marcus?” I asked, feeling an excitement to learn the details from her perspective.

“Before I answer that,” she said, biting her lower lip for a second, “I need you to help me understand what you feel. I know we’ve talked about this before, but if this is going to work, I need to understand you better.”

I looked at my wife, this time she immediately met my eyes. “You mean when I see you with another guy, or when we talk about it?” I asked, hoping to clarify what she was looking for.

“Yes and yes,” she said with a nod, “When I couldn’t find you this morning, for a minute I thought maybe you’d gone into one of the rooms with one of the wives, and it made me so jealous. I felt myself get bitter and angry. Those feelings are what made me want you to be with Rachel in Palm Springs. It bloody hurt knowing you were with her, but it would have hurt more knowing I would enjoy sex with Marcus, but then deny that same pleasure to you.”

“Well, I don’t think I would have found much pleasure in having sex with Marcus, so, you know,” I said dryly, trying to be a little self-effacing and deflect the comment.

“You know what I mean,” Nichole said, but I could see the hint of a smile on her full lips. “What do you feel. Try to describe it to me.”

I sighed, blowing air out of pursed lips, “This is hard, because I don’t fully understand it,” I began. “I think part of it is that I’m such a visual person—I know—all guys are to some degree, but I think I’m more so that way. Seeing you, watching you, just hearing you… it’s such a thing of beauty. There’s something about seeing you all aroused like that that really revs my engine. You’re like a kite that can just keep going higher and higher the more string that’s let out. Your libido, your passion, your sexual urges, they seem to grow and grow until you’re in like this sexual frenzy. You’re like a supercharged engine in a muscle car, and once the nitro hits, bam, you’re flying. I fucking love that.”

Nichole’s brows knitted, “Nitro?”

I shrugged, “It’s a car thing. I’ll show you a YouTube video on it if you want,” I said and then continued, “The point is that the only time I’ve seen you supercharged like that is when we’ve done things like go naked at the neighbor’s pool, the Palms Springs thing, or like last night. The feeling I get when I see you like that is hard to describe.”

“Have a go at it, please,” Nichole said, her eyes bright.

I thought for a moment, “It’s like, imagine the biggest orgasm you’ve ever had,” I paused a moment to give her time to think. “Now, multiply it by ten.”

“Ten?” Nichole said with a smirk.

“Alright fine, by five,” I conceited, “Imagine the feeling you have moments before that orgasm hits. Try to focus on that moment of anticipation when you know it’s going to be good.” Nichole nodded and I could tell by her features that she was imagining exactly what I was hoping. “That’s the feeling I get when I watch you. It’s not as intense as the orgasm, but it’s powerful and it can last a long time. Sometimes I try not to cum because then I lose that feeling and it’s hard to get back.”

“And you feel like that all the time?”

I shook my head, “No, that’s just when it’s at its highest. There’s a very different feeling when we’re talking about you having sex with other guys, when things are leading up to those high points.”

“Describe that to me.”

“This one’s even harder to describe,” I said, racking my brain for a way to put it into words. “But like last night, when you were getting ready and I saw you walk out in that dress,” I paused to remember the mental image still so clear in my mind. “You know that feeling you get when you’re blood sugar is really low, and you feel all jittery. It’s kind of like that, only way more intense. I feel kind of numb, like I’m in shock or something, and there’s a feeling like two hands grabbing hold of my heart, only one is really hot, and the other is really cold. All of that rolled together makes for this addicting blend of lust, jealously, love, anger, desire. I can’t help but wanting more of it.”

“I’m impressed, that’s actually a very good description,” Nichole said, giving me a lopsided grin. “I like that term, supercharged. That’s how I felt last night.”

“Keep going,” I said, twirling my finger in a circle. “It must have been pretty spectacular with Wade. We all thought something had possessed you back there.”

“God that’s still so embarrassing to think about,” she said, her skin coloring again from the memory.

“Start from the beginning though, how was it with Alex?”

“It was nice,” Nichole said. “He was such a gentleman.” Suddenly my wife smiled and gave me a look, “We actually talked about…” she paused for effect, making me wait for some goofy reason only she knew, “…opera.”

“Blah, are you serious?”

“Oh yes, I quite enjoyed it,” she said with a smile.

“So that’s the secret for strangers to get into your pants, they just have to know about opera?” I laughed. This was a debate we’d had too many times to count. Who in the world liked opera anymore, well, except for the performers and my wife?

“Obviously not,” Nichole answered, her eyes growing heavy lidded as she talked. “I don’t think Wade even knows what an opera is. He’s like an overgrown teddy bear, lovable, but unsophisticated.”

The word lovable poked at me like a sharpened stick, but I pushed it from my mind. “So how big was Alex?”

Nichole gave me a teasing look, “You’re always so obsessed with size other men’s genitals. Is there something you want to confess, something I should know?”

“Ha.Ha,” I laughed sarcastically, “You know there’s not. I just like to know. I’m starting to think I’m the smallest guy you know.”

“You’re perfect for me,” Nichole said with assurance, but she didn’t exactly disagree with me. “Alex’s is about your size.” Her answer made me think that he was probably a little bigger, but she didn’t want to tell me.

“And the sex was good with him,” I said, hoping to get her to pick back up.

“It was. He’s very gentle. And very generous. He made me cum twice.”

“Nice,” I said, my eyes going to my wife’s breasts as I took in her form. She looked fidgety. “Everything alright?” I asked, looking at her leg as it bounced up and down rapidly.

Nichole nodded, “Yes, I think I’m just feeling my own hangover, only it’s an arousal hangover.”

“An arousal hangover,” I said in disbelief and laughed, “I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

Nichole only shrugged, “I don’t know what to call it,” she said, shifting in her seat. “I was feeling very, like you said, supercharged, last night, and I guess it’s still in my system.”

“You’re still horny even after all that?” I asked, my eyes widening.

“Don’t say it like that,” Nichole murmured. “It makes me feel slutty.”

“Uh, babe,” I said, eyeing her, “You had sex with two different men last night at a swinger party. I think it’s safe to say you’re a bit of a slut.” I’d said it bluntly, and worried she might take it as a slight.

In fact, at first she had a very chagrined look, but as looked at me, her expression changed, “I think you like that though, yeah?”

“You know I do,” I said firmly, wanting to leave no doubt. “A hotwife has to be a slut or she wouldn’t be a hotwife.”

“I suppose that’s true,” she said, and I swear I could see her confidence coming back to her. “You’re hotwife was very slutty last night.”

I felt a huge smile break on my face, “I know, and I’m hoping she tells me more about it,” I said, feeling a lot more confidence myself. “The other guys were all talking about how big Wade is, they don’t want their wives sleeping with him he’s so big. I guess Harper once tried, but went running away in panic mode.”

Nichole laughed, “They said that?”

I nodded, “Oh yeah, they all seemed to like Wade well-enough, but they don’t want him ruining their wives’ pussies for them.”

Nichole rubbed the palm of her hand over her goin area, “They might not be wrong in thinking that way. I almost legged it out of there myself.”

“What made you stay?” I asked.

Nichole bit her lower lip for a good five seconds before answering. “It’s like you said, I was feeling supercharged.”

“It must have been pretty good,” I said, remembering her cries and how passionate she sounded, “from what I heard last night.”

Nichole let out a contented sigh, “It was a bit painful at first, but yeah, eventually it was pretty good.”

“Just pretty good?” I pushed.

“Fine, it was brilliant,” Nichole finally admitted. “I didn’t know sex could be that intense. It’s funny, I remember thinking the same thing after being with Marcus the first time, but then to have that experience last night, it makes me wonder how much more intense it could get.”

“My little kite wants the string to be let out a little more, fly a little higher?” I asked.

My wife’s lips parted, the tip of her tongue pressed up against her upper lip. After a moment she nodded, “Yes, but only if you hang onto the string, I don’t want to come crashing down.” Nichole looked at me apprehensively for a long moment.

“I promise to always hold your string. I’ll never get drunk like that and pass out again,” I said, holding her gaze to be sure she knew I meant my words. “The guys told me that Wade will ruin your pussy for me, that you’ll be too stretched out and used to a larger cock to want mine anymore.”

Nichole’s eyes widened, “You don’t believe that do you? You know a vagina doesn’t work like that, yeah?”

“I don’t worry so much about some guy with a larger cock,” I admitted, “I worry that someday you’ll find someone you like more and decide to trade up. People can’t help the feelings that come when sex is involved. It’s natural.”

Nichole placed her hand on my knee and met my eyes easily, “If you keep my string, I promise to only fly for you.” Her smile was warm and genuine.

I couldn’t help but return the smile. “Fly free my hotwife, fly free.” We both laughed. “I don’t mind you having a super loose pussy.”

Nichole laughed again and then gave me a searing look that made my heart nearly stop, “You seem to be liking my hand more than my pussy lately anyway.”
Last edited by Ky_Da on Mon May 24, 2021 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by RGS22 » Mon May 24, 2021 3:21 pm

I seldom post but I must tell you that you do have the knack. Very natural, genuine and organic. I look for your post frequently. Keep going. Bravo!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by DarrenZ » Mon May 24, 2021 5:00 pm

Man, I love this story so much.

What a zinger of a final line. Hits me right in the angsty core.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by R_H_NC » Mon May 24, 2021 5:29 pm

Absolutely a zinger line !!

Thanks Ky


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Mon May 24, 2021 8:27 pm


This chapter touched a realistic confrontation moment between the couple, and it made the story soooooo real!!!!!

Again, I love this masterpiece, fantastic dialogues and how the chapter developes and ends...., let's us ready for more hot confessions... ;)


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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by armyguyot1 » Mon May 24, 2021 9:03 pm

Welcome to the forum RGS322.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Mon May 24, 2021 10:56 pm

RGS22 wrote:
Mon May 24, 2021 3:21 pm
I seldom post but I must tell you that you do have the knack. Very natural, genuine and organic. I look for your post frequently. Keep going. Bravo!
Thanks for taking the time to post, and thanks for the compliment. Very kind of you.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by couple20uk » Mon May 24, 2021 11:42 pm

Great writing Ky....loving the story.
I like the fact that you posted a chapter (28) from Nichole's prospective as it give's us readers a better insight as to what she feeling/experiencing.

Also Thank you for the new chapter. which i see here this morning ...time to read that now :D

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by SamWarrens » Tue May 25, 2021 5:44 am

So did she or didn't she have sex with the black guy?
What was it that Ky saw?
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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by randomrick123 » Tue May 25, 2021 6:01 am

This is the best erotic story I have ever read. Knowing that a lot of it is written with the author's own life experiences makes it so much more real and believable. Thank you Ky, please keep going!


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by R_H_NC » Tue May 25, 2021 6:41 am

SamWarrens wrote:
Tue May 25, 2021 5:44 am
So did she or didn't she have sex with the black guy?
What was it that Ky saw?

Good point. I dismissed it at first as him drunkenly mistaking another woman for Nichole but when I reread that part it seems less likely given the complete visual he had of the woman. She wasn't under covers or even lying down.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by SamWarrens » Tue May 25, 2021 8:53 pm

Three possabilities;1- Nichole is lying to Ky. Why would she do that? One more man in a night of debauchery doesn't make a difference.
2 - Embarrased about being with a black man? Doubtful.
3- Demarco is a master hypnotist who made Nicole forget she was with him for some reason. Not likely.

Something funny is going on with Demarco.
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by couple20uk » Tue May 25, 2021 11:33 pm

Chapter 29 - Best chapter yet. Great writing.

BTW... Another here who is intrigued who the black man was.
Tend to feel she did have sex with him but if so, I am not sure why she would cover that fact up.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by SamWarrens » Thu May 27, 2021 5:00 am

When Ky found her she was giving Demarco a hand job. Isn't that sex? Why would she lie to Ky about that?
She acted surprised when Ky brought it up. Why?
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Thu May 27, 2021 8:43 am

Chapter 30

As it is with every weekend, ours finally ended and the workweek started again. It took me until noon Sunday before I felt a hundred percent again, and Nichole was sore enough that there was very little sexual activity going on. Though, I did see Nichole’s hand often touching her pussy outside of her clothing when she thought I wasn’t looking. I so wanted to ask her about her new habit, but I was afraid if I brought it up she might stop doing it.

Something else that was new and had started to work its way into our nightly routine was me masturbating for my wife’s enjoyment while we talked about her next hotwife adventure, which was something that was quickly coming to dominate many of our conversations. A few days after the swinger party, we returned to having sex again. Then for the next few weeks we found a routine of having sex one night, me jacking off for her the next night, and then alternating between the two. It seemed to work out well, and it kept me from whacking off during the day knowing that I was either going to have sex, or have to rub one out for Nichole.

Nichole continued to surf with Marcus a couple of times a week, but other than that, she was very focused on work. From what I could understand, she’d done well in learning the material she was given, but she was having a hard time closing sales. Often, her mentor would need to step in and close, which infuriated Nichole. We’d had many conversations about her needing to be more patient with herself, and more than once I’d tried to help her understand that it often takes time to develop those relationships of trust. Afterall, she was selling medical equipment and hardware to doctors and hospitals. Those people weren’t going to trust just anyone, they had to have a solid foundation of trust before they would make a switch in vendors. And, of course, there’s always the who-knows-who factor when it comes down to doing business.

On the days Nichole had to go to the office, she was often required to stay late. Instead of waiting at the house for her, I started spending time at Rachel and Marcus’ house. After cleaning their bathroom for having pissed all over it and having finally gotten over the embarrassment of it all, I found I looked forward to the time I’d spend with them. The conversations always ended up being a curse and a blessing because while I enjoyed gaining their insight about the alt life, we’d also talk about the most outrageous shit.

More than once I’d have to remind myself that Marcus was still fucking my wife a couple of times a week, and had been for months now. In fact, he’d probably fucked her more than I had over the last few months. That thought made my cuck lust stir.

My phone buzzed as I sat at the neighbor’s dinner table. Marcus sat across the table and was slowly sipping on a mixed drink that Rachel had made. I was drinking water. I’d drank nothing but water for the last three weeks. Taking out my phone, I read the text from my wife.

Nichole – ‘Still have two hours before I can come home, sorry’

Ky – ‘Understood, I’m next door, chatting with your boytoy

Nichole – ‘Not my boytoy, he’s my fun stick’

Ky – ‘You like pushing my buttons, don’t you?’

Nichole – ‘More every day, but need to ask you something’

Ky – ‘What’s up?’

Nichole – ‘Wade asked me out, and I’d like to go’

My heart suddenly caught in my throat, and I felt that familiar cold, hollow feeling that always precedes the more lustful, enjoyable feelings. The truth was that I’d been hoping something like this might happen, fantasizing about it a lot, but it still somehow caught be off guard because this was my wife. This was about the woman I loved, going out and being intimate with another man. It took me a moment to think of how to respond, and when I did, I decided to simply go all-in.

Ky – ‘Great, but you know you don’t need to ask me, right? You’re a hotwife now, free to make your own choices.’

Lust and desire flooded me as I sent the text. It simultaneously tore at my guts and gave me a raging hardon at the same time. I’d not only said yes to letting her go out with Wade, but I’d basically given her a free pass for whatever she wanted.

Nichole – ‘I think I can get used to being a hotwife, I’ll tell you more when I get home’

Ky – ‘Sounds good, drive safe, don’t want to lose license’

Nichole sent me an angry emoji about the license crack, but I knew she wouldn’t have taken it too seriously.

“Nicky working late again?” Marcus asked.

I nodded as I put my phone away, and I wondered if they could tell how horny I felt right then. If felt like I was wearing my emotions on my sleeve.

“Yeah, she is, but she just text me to tell me that she’s going out with Wade,” I said, resisting temptation to read through the text chain again.

“Oh, how exciting,” Rachel said, turning on the oven and pulling out a pot from the cupboard. “Stay for dinner?”

I shrugged and then nodded, “Sure, if it’s not any trouble. Nichole will probably get something on the way home.”

“How’s work going for Nicky,” Marcus asked.

“She hasn’t told you?” I asked, knowing they spent a fair amount of time together each week.

Marcus looked slightly abashed, “Well, we don’t actually talk much.”

“Ah,” I mumbled, unsure why I felt embarrassed. I filled him in on everything I knew, including Nichole’s frustrations and struggles.

“I don’t know Rafe personally, but I understand he’s a real hard-charger. Does she see Morgan very often?” Marcus asked, referring to the man who owned the company.

“I think she’s only seen him the one time when she first started,” I answered.

Marcus seemed to chew on that for a moment, but then said, “I guess it shouldn’t surprise me. Morgan’s actually started a number of other businesses over the years. The guys got his fingers in a lot of pots these days. I was hoping he might notice her though, I think Nicky’s got the ability and talent for a lot of upward mobility.”

“I’m sure she’ll get there,” Rachel said, cutting into an onion.

“While I’m thinking about it,” Marcus picked back up, “The Pleasure Seekers are getting together for Halloween. You and Nicky are of course invited, but this one will be a little different.”

Marcus had my attention, “How so?”

“It’s a costume party of course, but the couple swapping takes place before the party starts. In other words, you have to arrive with your date, not with your wife.”

“Oh,” I said in surprise. I felt my pulse quicken again for the second time that night.

“We were thinking,” Marcus gestured to Rachel and then back to me. “You and Rachel might go together, and if Wade and Nicky are getting along, maybe they could go together.”

I felt short of breath at the idea, but I liked the thought of going with Rachel. I knew her. I’d be comfortable with her. “I’ll have to talk to Nichole obviously, but maybe.”

Marcus smiled and nodded, “I promise it’ll be a great time. Alex has an empty warehouse that he’s going to turn into a temporary dance club for the night. And since it’s a bigger venue, there’ll be a lot more people there. We should get a pretty big crowd.”

“We had a similar Halloween party about four or five years ago,” Rachel said, a wide smile on her features. “It still ranks as one of my all-time favorite parties, but it did get a little crazy.”

“Sounds interesting,” I said, my heart stuck well into my throat.

“Oh you’ll love it.” Rachel’s excitement only seemed to grow. “This year’s costume theme is fantasy, so elves, demons, fairies, and the like. You’ll want to start working on your costumes soon because everyone really gets into them.”

“And of course the women’s costumes are encouraged to be, well, naughty,” Marcus added.

“Yes, yes,” Rachel said, “I’ll talk to Nichole about it.”


As I’d expected, Nichole had grabbed a salad on the way home. I sat down at the table with her while she ate and told her about the Halloween party and that Rachel would give her further details. Nichole looked famished and ate quickly, which is a little unusual for her, she’s always so disciplined about sitting down for meals and taking time to use proper etiquette. It made me wonder if she’d eaten anything at all that day.

“You’re open to this?” Nichole asked me, picking out a slice of apple from the bottom of the plastic carton. “Me going with Wade and you with Rachel?”

“I think so, it sounds like it’ll be a crazy party.” Nichole smiled and I could tell she liked the idea. She’d come in looking a little aroused, and the idea of a Halloween sex party was like oxygen to an ember.

“Alright, I’ll tell them we’re in,” I said, enjoying seeing my wife looking so horny.

“Ky, about my date with Wade, are you sure you’re alright with it?”

I took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly as I thought about it. As usual, I felt a flood of different emotions when I thought about Nichole and her extramarital activities.

“You look hesitant, Ky,” Nichole said, leaning toward me, “I’ll tell him that it’s not a—”

“—It’s fine,” I said, cutting her off. “You should go.”

“Ky,” Nichole said, studying my features carefully. “I don’t want to go if it hurts you.”

I let out a heavy sigh, “That’s part of it, though,” I said, once again trying to understand this kink. “I do have moments where I’m insanely jealous. Honestly, it can be hard to see you with another guy, but I’m enjoying this whole thing too much to stop now. I think it’s just a matter of me getting used to it, and learning how to keep from getting too jealous.”

“I’m curious,” Nichole said, “You don’t seem to have any difficulty with me surfing with Marcus, is there something different about that?”

“That’s a good question, and a difficult one. Actually, I’m not sure why I feel so differently about that. Maybe it’s because I know him.”

“Do you think it might help if you got to know Wade?” Nichole asked, then with a quirky smile asked, “Do you want me to set up a play date for you two?”

“Haha, no,” I said, rolling my eyes. “I don’t need a date with your boyfriend.” I noticed Nichole’s eye lids close slightly as a small shudder ran through her. “What was that?” I asked, her eyes coming back into focus on me.

“Uh, nothing, sorry,” Nichole said, straightening in the chair.

“It looked like you had an orgasm when I called Wade your boyfriend.”

Nichole shook her head, “I didn’t, it was just a very erotic thought. Sorry, I let my imagination get away from me for bit.”

“I’m glad you did. I love that look on you. In fact, you seemed to look a little sexually flustered when you came in the door today.”

Nichole blushed, but didn’t deny anything. I let the silence stretch until she said, “I suppose maybe a little,” she admitted. “A couple of the blokes at work kept trying to chat me up.” Nichole gave me this almost puppy dog look. “I used to reject that kind of thing straight away, but ever since we started, well, letting our imaginations go, I kind of let myself think about it. I was more open to it.”

“What happened?” I asked, my dick already hardening.

“Nothing happened,” Nichole said firmly, “They said a few things that were a little risqué—mostly jokes, and I laughed. We talked for a bit, that was all.”

“I think I’m as jealous of the fact that if you wanted to, you could have sex with as many men as often as you wanted, as I am about anything else,” I said jokingly. “I mean I’d have to try extremely hard just to get the time of day from any gal at work, but all you have to do is smile and bam, that’s it.”

“That’s not true,” Nichole tried to deny, but I could tell she knew exactly what I was talking about. “I know there are loads of women that would be thrilled to be with you, but let’s not talk about that or you’re going to have a very jealous wife.”

“Maybe I should cancel with Rachel for the Halloween party then?” I said in that half-joking-half-not-joking kind of way.

“No, that’s not what I’m talking about. I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and I think we both see Marcus and Rachel differently. I’m more and more open to you being with Rachel—as long as it’s not very often. I can only take so much of that.”

“There’s no need to worry about that,” I said, assuring her as well as I could.

Nichole grinned and nodded, and then her features grew more serious, “You’re not entirely wrong, though. It’s that old joke about women being locks and blokes being keys.” When I gave her a confused look, she clarified, “If a key can open loads of locks, then it’s a master key, but if a lock can be opened by loads of keys, then it’s a bad lock.”

“I think I have heard that one before,” I said, “but what’s that got to do with anything?”

“If a woman sleeps around and gets a reputation for being a slag, she can get away with it while she still has her looks, but if she does it very long, she’ll end up alone and miserable. Guys don’t generally want broken locks.” My wife suddenly looked very vulnerable to me. “My biggest fear about this whole ‘alt life’ thing as you call it, is that you’ll see me as a broken lock someday and decide to trade in for a newer model.”

I nodded and took her hand in mine. “That’s a good analogy, and I get it, we both have things we’re very afraid of—things we’re going to have to figure out, but I promise I’ll never trade you away. I’m in this for the long haul.”

Nichole seemed pleased and she gave me a warm smile as the corners of her mouth turned up, “Me too.”

“So your date,” I said, returning to the subject. The thrill I got from seeing the arousal blossom on Nichole’s face made me smile. “There’s not a lot open right now in regard to restaurants.” The government still hadn’t eased the mask restrictions because of the pandemic. Assholes…

“We talked about that,” Nichole admitted, again giving me another thrill as I realized I had no idea how much they’ve been communicating. “Would it be alright if he came here? I could cook him dinner, and then see what happens.”

“I’m pretty sure I know what’s going to happen.”

Nichole blushed, “About that,” she said shyly. “Do you want to watch, do you want to be in the room?”

“I don’t know to be honest. I mean yes, I do, but it might be a little too much for me. I might just give you two space for now. I was drunk as fuck the other night when I watched you for a few minutes, and I was barely able to contain myself.”

I wasn’t certain, but Nichole looked to be slightly relieved by my decision. “I want you to be with me, but it might help things not be awkward at first. Maybe you could give us a little time, and then come in.”

I nodded, “I think that sounds like a good idea. I’m assuming you’ll use the spare bedroom?”

“I reckon that’d be best, I didn’t think you’d be keen on being kicked out of your own bed.”

“Fuck, that’s an erotic thought,” I said, adjusting my dick in my pants. Nichole’s eyes widened, but before she could speak I added, “but it’s just a thought for now. The extra bedroom is probably best. When’s your date?”

“Tomorrow night’s the most convenient,” she said. It being Friday night. “But we can push it to next week if that’s better.”

“No, tomorrow’s fine. I can hang out at the office for a while and come home late, then make myself scarce.”

Nichole gave me a sharp look and shook her head, “No, I don’t want you to do that. I don’t want you to feel like that. You should get to know him, spend some time with us. I’ll make enough dinner for three.”

“Maybe next time,” I said. “I’m learning my limits on how much I can take, so I think I’m going to skip out on dinner. You two enjoy yourselves. But… maybe leave a little left in the tank for me when he leaves.”

Nichole’s smile grew and, using her right hand, she grabbed my hard dick. “I don’t know if I can promise that, but I can work hard to wear you out tonight, and then again on Saturday night.”

“I think that’s a good compromise.” I took her by the hand and pulled her upstairs to the bedroom, pulling my shirt off and tossing it on the floor.

Nichole giggled at my excitement and watched me strip, “Someone’s ready to go,” she said, seeing my dick standing up at an angle.

“Of course I am,” I admitted, unbuckling my belt and pants. “But I want to try something a little different to tonight.”

Nichole arched an eyebrow at me, I blushed a little from the thought of what I wanted. “I’ll do whatever you ask me tonight.”

I swallowed, “Well, I jacked off for you the other night, I’d kind of like to watch you pleasure yourself—I just want to watch.”

Nichole’s smile grew, “That’s fair,” she said simply. She removed her clothes and crawled up on the bed. She sat in the center, moved the pillows to make herself a backrest, and leaned back. She then spread her legs, opening herself to full view.

I felt a surge of excitement at being able to see her sex so easily. I think I’m probably about average on the number of pussies I’ve seen in my life, many of them from a porno magazine or a movie clip, but Nichole’s was by far the sexiest one I’d ever seen. Her inner labia protruded out slightly, and had the perfect shape to it, and the skin around her vulva was blemish free and perfectly smooth. Nichole’s pussy was very different from Rachel’s, I thought, recalling the images in my mind of the time’s I’d enjoyed Rachel’s pussy. Rachel’s inner labia was large, and beefy I guess would be the best way to describe it. It made me wonder if Nichole’s might look like that someday if she continued down the path of a hotwife.

I sat on the end of the bed and simply took in the view. When we were first married, we were both a little shy about nudity, and I couldn’t help but be amazed at the change. It was wonderful to see the growing confidence in my wife, but it also scared me a little. She already attracted far more male attention than she realized, with a little more self-awareness and confidence, she’d quickly become very popular at work.

“What should I fantasize about?” Nichole asked. She reached down with her small, slender hand and massaged the flesh above her pussy, only barely touching her slit with her fingertips.

“You told me a while ago that you had your own fantasies you wanted to try. Care to tell me about one of those?”

Nichole blushed but shook her head, ‘You’re not ready yet.”

“Me?” I asked, “I think I’ve proven I’m up for about anything.”

Again Nichole shook her head, “Not for this you’re not, but maybe someday.”

I wanted to press the issue, but I didn’t want to lose the sexual momentum of the moment, and so I let it drop. For now. I could see the arousal beginning to grow on Nichole’s features, and I was feeling extremely horny myself.

“What have you been thinking of this week?”

“Wade,” she said. I swear it looked like she damn near orgasmed as she said it.

I laughed and rolled my eyes to show that it didn’t bother me. “Shocking,” was all I said. Truthfully, it wasn’t that it bothered me, but it did set off those emotional conflicts inside me. My wife had been thinking about Wade, not me this week. I pushed the jealously aside and let myself feel the pleasurable lust.

“You asked,” Nichole said, gently slipping her index finger between her delicate folds. When she pulled the finger back up, it was covered in a slick, glistening moisture.

“Did Wade turn you into a size queen already?” I teased.

Nichole’s eyes closed and I could hear her audible sigh, “No,” she said, slipping her finger back down her slit, the tip disappearing for a moment and then sliding back up, “but there’s something about being filled like that… it’s hard to describe exactly, but it felt amazing.”

“You know,” I said, enthralled as I watched my wife, “I was thinking about it the other day, you’ve now had more sexual partners than I have, and all in the span of only a few months.” Nichole’s eyes opened in surprise, and I could see she wasn’t sure what to think of that, I think she was worried about my reaction. “Keep pleasuring yourself, but tell me what you were thinking just now. It looked like you had about a dozen different thoughts at once.”

Nichole slowly nodded, and for a moment her hand paused it’s ministrations, but she started again when she saw my eyes look down to her pussy. “Honestly, it’s a bit shocking. Part of me feels ashamed. I’ve committed adultery with three different men, and if you count the number of times, it’s, well, it’s a lot.” She spoke softly, but she seemed determined to answer my question truthfully. “I never thought I’d have been capable of that… even now… we talk about me being a hotwife, and I know what it means, but it’s like I justify it in my head. I find myself saying it’s just a party, we’ll go back to the way things were after. And now I have this date with Wade, and we were just planning where I would have sex with him, and I’m again telling myself that it’s just this one date, things will go back to the way they were after that.”

Nichole grew quite for a long moment, so I prompted her, “I can tell you’re really trying to be open with me. Thank you,” I paused a moment and then said, “what else?”

“What scares me is that a big part of me actually wants to try this hotwife experience for a while, like really live it. It’s bloody scary, but so thrilling at the same time.” Nichole looked down for a moment and then looked up and met my eyes. “As a hotwife, I’ll naturally have many more sexual partners than you. Are you going to be alright with that, can you live with that?”

“Nichole, we’re basically circling around the same thing here, we’re just using different analogies, coming at it from different angles. But my answers the same. Yes, I want you to have these experiences. I think we both want to explore this. We don’t have to do it forever. If we feel like we’re changing in a way we don’t like, or if things are getting out of control, we can simply choose to stop.”

Nichole simply nodded, but I could see the inner conflict. It was then I understood that she had her own conflict to deal with, it wasn’t just me going through the mental gymnastics as I tried to understand the nature of the cuckold kink.

“How about this?” I began, seeing that she was still lost in thought, “we continue to take this one step at a time. You’ll go on your date with Wade, we’ll go to the Halloween party, and then we’ll circle back and see how we feel.”

“I think that sounds reasonable,” Nichole said. She then shifted and repositioned the hand over her pussy. “Now, let me get back to this.”

The next ten or fifteen minutes were some of the most memorable of my life as I watched my wife bring herself to a strong orgasm. Little by little, the area of glistening wetness around her fingers grew, and her arousal continued to climb. When she came, it was strong, and she moaned so erotically that I nearly came myself. The thought that my wife had just cum while thinking about another man hurt like a son of a bitch, but at the same time I was so turned on I was trembling from the excitement.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by DarrenZ » Thu May 27, 2021 11:24 am

Hot entry, Ky.
Always love your stuff.

This was great:
My heart suddenly caught in my throat, and I felt that familiar cold, hollow feeling that always precedes the more lustful, enjoyable feelings. The truth was that I’d been hoping something like this might happen, fantasizing about it a lot, but it still somehow caught be off guard because this was my wife. This was about the woman I loved, going out and being intimate with another man. It took me a moment to think of how to respond, and when I did, I decided to simply go all-in.

Ky – ‘Great, but you know you don’t need to ask me, right? You’re a hotwife now, free to make your own choices.’

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by KyGrappler80 » Thu May 27, 2021 1:19 pm

Good work, Ky. Like your pacing so much. Great character development. You have the right rhythm in your writing. And dialogue.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Thu May 27, 2021 8:39 pm

Fantastic chapter!!!!

Having these kind of chapters gives a lot of realism to the story..., that is, hearing those conversations between Nichole and you reinforces the realism of the story, cause the couple needs to solve all these conflicts each of them has, talk openly between them and reassures eachother when necessary, to be able to enjoy to the fullest the next dates, moments, actions and scenes... ;)

Super hot a date (dates.....? ;) ) between Nichole and Wade, and very exciting they start to call Wade her boyfriend ;)

Well done Ky!!!!! THANKS A LOT!!!


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by dorsetben » Fri May 28, 2021 1:14 am

Thanks Ky - great as always. Can't wait for the next chapter!

2 Bit Whore
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Joined: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:20 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Open2it » Fri May 28, 2021 1:44 am

Another awesome chapter! It’s great to see how they are both developing as the fantasy and reality of hotwifing gradually shifts towards a cuckolding lifestyle.

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