Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by mundyman » Fri Jun 18, 2021 7:53 am

NewOldCuck wrote:
Fri Jun 18, 2021 6:04 am

Once again, thanks for raising the curtain and giving us a peek into your relationship. Your posts are exceptional in that you not only tell us about the sexual escapades of you and Sarah but let us in on your thinking and reasoning which is so profound. I do agree with your request. I can't imagine what shape you would be in mentally and emotionally with Sarah and Aaron being away all weekend and not being able to find some release from your imagination.

Best regards and let us know how your weekend goes.

New Old Cuck
I second this thought.
Would you say your relationship has turned more poly as your triad continues to mature?

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by luvymayfly2 » Fri Jun 18, 2021 6:33 pm

I love this thread because so much because it shows a sustainable and loving cuckolding relationship can exist.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by subguy80 » Sat Jun 19, 2021 7:46 am

mundyman wrote:
Fri Jun 18, 2021 7:53 am
Would you say your relationship has turned more poly as your triad continues to mature?
Good question. I've given that a lot of thought. I know the definition of poly is somewhat different among posters, but my own definition is where one of the spouses is in love with two men/women. In other words, does Sarah consider Aaron a "co-husband" and is she in love with two men? Am I a co-husband with Aaron? By that definition I would definitely say "no." I would not say that Sarah is in love with Aaron. They are very good friends and there is a strong bond between them. There is also trust, not just between Sarah and Aaron, but with Aaron and myself. He does things for her in bed that I can not do, but that doesn't necessarily translate to "love" for her.

I think part of the sexual attraction with Aaron is precisely because he is not her husband. He's a lover, a boyfriend and he's an "escape" from her "vanilla" life with me and the boys. Sarah often calls me her "rock." I'm the steady, the provider, the father of her children and we are a perfect match intellectually and we share the same interests.

On a different but related topic, my brother called me yesterday after Sarah and Aaron had left. He's having a barbeque today at this house and invited Sarah and me. It was interesting when he added, "And Aaron is welcome to come." That's the first time he's acknowledged Aaron as being part of our marriage. I told him that Sarah and Aaron had gone away together for a couple of days, but that I'd love to come over. He didn't skip a beat.

Sarah and Aaron are having a great time at the beach. She called me last night. The weather has been cooperating and not raining. They've taken some long walks on the beach. She was laughing because she got him to wear a speedo that she had bought him several months ago that he has refused to wear. Aaron is not a speedo kind of guy. It's funny because he has no problem being naked at a nude beach, but wearing a speedo at a textile beach is apparently totally different for him. He told Sarah the speedo showed too much of his "basket." Sarah told him her bikini showed too much of her tits, but that doesn't stop her. I told her to take a picture of him in his speedo. I'm not holding my breath.

They'll be back tomorrow late morning. I told Sarah not to rush, but she insists on being back for Father's Day. Even though my boys are not here, she wants to celebrate the day with me. That's Sarah.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by snooper56 » Sat Jun 19, 2021 2:26 pm

Good to see that you have something to help pass the time (the BBQ). Also, really cool that Sarah want's to get back to you for Fathers Day. I think I'm going to spend most of the day working on my daughters car. What are Dad's for?

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by Polleny » Sun Jun 20, 2021 2:15 am

This sounds wonderfully exiting.

Thank you for sharing it with us. I really appreciate that you tell us about your adventures. We who doesn’t manage to create as exciting lives for ourselves can at least live some through you.


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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by D+D » Sun Jun 20, 2021 10:20 am

As always...wonderful.
See our pics in the Hotties under My Wife Debbie

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by NewOldCuck » Sun Jun 20, 2021 10:53 am

That's great news about your brother not only knowing about your relationship but also accepting it and being good with it. That has got to make life easier for you in that you have someone to support you and Sarah. One question though, if he is married (which I assume), does his wife know about Sarah and your lifestyle? Hope I'm not being to intrusive.

As usual, thanks for being you and have a great weekend.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by subguy80 » Mon Jun 21, 2021 4:29 am

My brother is divorced, but he's been seeing someone for several months. She was at the party on Saturday and Sarah and I like her. I've commented before, but for those who don't know, my brother was having sex with a couple of married women over the past couple of years. I don't know if he's still seeing them. Since he was a FWB, himself, to married women, it was a "natural" assumption for him to assume Jamal and Aaron were/are FWB to Sarah.

Even if he were to marry his current girlfriend, I doubt he would say anything to her about Sarah and Aaron since he'd sort of be obligated to tell her about his own flings with married women.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by NewOldCuck » Mon Jun 21, 2021 5:05 am

Thanks Subguy. It's always a pleasure to hear from you. I hope Sarah and Aaron had a great weekend and can't wait to hear the details when you're ready.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by RGB49FL » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:25 am

subguy, how did the weekend go with Aaron and Sarah? Were you able to have any kind of makeup sex with her late on Father's Day?

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by DLD » Mon Jun 28, 2021 5:41 am

Hope all is well, subguy.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by subguy80 » Tue Jun 29, 2021 5:50 am

Sorry I haven’t had a chance to post lately.

Sarah and Aaron had a great time on their mini-vacation. Sarah came back energized and happy and that was so good to see. She said the best part was just having time with Aaron and not feeling like they had to rush. I sometimes forget that although she and Aaron see each other frequently, their times together are almost always quickies. They hook up while the boys are at school or when he isn’t working on a job too far from the house. Yes, she sometimes goes over to his place in the evening, but she always gets back to tuck the boys into bed. There is more time, now, of course, since the boys are out of town. I need to remember that, at least in our relationship, it’s important for Sarah and Aaron to have “alone” time.

Something interesting happened at the party at my brother’s house I attended while Sarah and Aaron were away. A young and attractive woman who was there, a friend of my brother, started talking to me. After a while she asked me where my wife was. I told her she was away for the weekend. I wanted to add “with her lover,” but, of course, I didn’t. Long story short, we spent much of the afternoon together, talking and laughing. At one point I noticed she was getting really “touchy feely” and putting her hands on my leg and shoulder. It hit me like a ton of bricks that she was “cruising” me. Now, I regularly notice attract women I see, but “looking” is the extent of my interactions and I certainly don't "cruise" women. Nothing happened with this woman, but I am convinced that if I had suggested she come back to my place, she would have agreed to come. This may seem like a really insignificant thing to many of you; but, for me, it was a real ego booster knowing that a woman I met at a party found me sexy and that I could have “bedded” her. I know Sarah finds me sexy and attractive, but we cuckold husbands can get so entrenched in our cuckold mindset (at least I do) that it’s sometimes healthy to take the “blinders” off and realize we can be sexy in our own right, even if we choose to not act on it.

Another consequence of the boys being gone is that Aaron has been sleeping over more. The result of that is that I’ve been able to be included in the sex more. Sarah knows I like to be involved, so she’s been making sure I’m in the room watching her, or holding her while Aaron is fucking her or underneath her or any number of other combinations. So, that has been amazing. I sleep in the guest bedroom when he’s there, but that can also be erotic. I like listening to them from another room. I also like seeing them sleeping in bed together. I’m an early riser and if the door adjoining our rooms is open, I can see them still asleep together, sometimes entwined, sometimes not. If I leave the house before they get up, I love kissing my wife goodbye while she is in bed with another man. These little sexy moments are almost as good as the sweaty sex moments.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by DLD » Wed Jun 30, 2021 4:39 am

Thanks for the update. Interesting observation that, even though they’ve been together on and off for over half a decade, most of Sarah and Aaron’s together time is quickies, sneaking it in when they can.

Regarding being cruised, isn’t it nice to be found desirable? I’m glad you got to experience that again.

As for Aaron sleeping over more, I’m glad you’re finding it amazing and the three of you are enjoying it, and how it’s evolved from just the sweaty sex moments to the little sexy moments being almost equally as good now.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by subguy80 » Sat Jul 10, 2021 6:39 am

Sarah and I are driving later this morning to a city that is a couple of hours away from us. The couple she and Aaron met a few months ago on the nude beach, Playa Linda, live there and they are having a swinger's party at their house this afternoon and evening. Aaron can't make it, but he encouraged Sarah to go without him. She only agreed to go if I went with her. I was hesitant initially because I felt I would be the odd-man-out among swinging couples. I've met Nate and Sally, the couple, once before and they know all about our situation. They want me to come and told me there would be another couple there where the husband also does not play, but the wife does. So, we are going, with Aaron's blessing and Nate's encouragement. I know he is anxious to fuck Sarah, again. I don't really know what to expect, but I'm sure there will be some good "scenery." I'll report back.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by Open2it » Sat Jul 10, 2021 7:44 am

Will you be caged for the event? It might be a good idea to keep you from temptation and allow Sarah to enjoy the temptations without being distracted by wondering what trouble you’re getting into. Besides, think how curious people will be.


Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by wannabecUKold » Sat Jul 10, 2021 10:00 am

subguy80 wrote:
Sat Jul 10, 2021 6:39 am
I've met Nate and Sally, the couple, once before and they know all about our situation. They want me to come and told me there would be another couple there where the husband also does not play, but the wife does.
Sounds like Nate will have his hands full, with Sarah, his own wife and the other wife to service.
I wonder if the other husband is a bi cuck.


Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by subcucktx » Sat Jul 10, 2021 10:26 am

Wow! Just now catching up on your thread subguy80!
And realize I’m weighing in on your post back in April.
So hot to hear about your wife’s lover fucking you in the ass while you stare into your wife’s eyes! And that he filled your ass with his cum! This cucks dream! Thank you for sharing and for the comprehensive and compelling way you tell your story

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by KHRunner » Tue Jul 13, 2021 4:15 am

Subguy, thanks again for taking the time and effort to share here.

Could you update us on how frequently you're locked now? Where does Sarah keep her key?

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by RGB49FL » Tue Jul 13, 2021 1:08 pm

Thanks for sharing. I hope the party is a big success for you all.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by subguy80 » Wed Jul 14, 2021 5:06 am

KHRunner wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 4:15 am
Could you update us on how frequently you're locked now? Where does Sarah keep her key?
The routine has pretty much stayed the same for the past couple of years. Generally, when Sarah is with him, when she goes to his place or they go out together, or when he is at our house, I'm usually caged. It's a visual statement that my penis is "neutered" and Aaron's cock is for Sarah. That's a mental thing for us as much as anything. Aaron has a key, as well as Sarah, and he is usually the one to "manage" the locking of my penis. Sarah can over-rule him, but she seldom does. Sarah keeps her key in her bedroom dresser. Sometimes she will tell me I can go get it and unlock myself. Although I have wanted to, I have disciplined myself to not go get it without permission. Once or twice I have asked Aaron over the phone if I could unlock myself and he has said, "no," and I have to admit my dick got hard when he denied me. So, you can get a sense of some of the mental things that are going on.

Unlike some others on this site that have complained about their cage being uncomfortable or causing skin irritation or some other condition, I'm happy with my Mature Metal jailbird. After having it adjusted, it fits beautifully and is actually quite comfortable. If I'm wearing it at night, I might wake up from the pressure of a nocturnal erection, but I go right back to sleep and it isn't painful anymore. What I don't like about being caged is that I lose my ability to play with my dick and ejaculate. When I hear them fucking in the room next to my room, that's exactly the time I want to jack off. Aaron has gotten in the habit lately of unlocking me after the three of us have played so I can either jack off in front of them, or Sarah will get me off, or I go to my room and jack off later. Although I know he enjoys the control he has over my penis, I also sense that, as a male, he can sympathize with my need to get off. Kind of a long answer to your question, but the "how" and "when" is a big part of how the three of us use the cage for me.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by Bent_n_Twisted » Wed Jul 14, 2021 5:56 am

subguy80 wrote:
Wed Jul 14, 2021 5:06 am
What I don't like about being caged is that I lose my ability to play with my dick and ejaculate.
Being somewhat of a masochist, this is actually super 'hot' for me- wanting desperately to 'get off' and not being able to, with no say in whether I do or don't. It enables the Mrs. to have another level of control, with me being dependent on her good-will, and her knowing that I am; I think she really enjoys being able to tease and torment me for two or three months before relenting and letting me get my rocks off...often 'ruined', which leaves me even hornier than before just a short time later.
"And then I 'punished' you by making you lick my pussy after I let my other 'boy' fuck me." --Mrs. Bent_n_Twisted

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by trecital » Wed Jul 14, 2021 7:18 am

Before I bought my first cock cage, I would sometimes be watching my wife and her boyfriend fucking, and couldn't resist some slow masturbation at the same time. Of course, sometimes I would get the timing wrong, and ejaculate (or worse still, ruin it) well before they were done. In the early days of my cuckolding, continuing to watch them after I'd cum was difficult, and I'd some times have to leave the room, and would be a bit sulky.

I did get used to watching them, and being more disciplined about toching my cock. Or I would ask to be tied up, so wanking was impossible.

Buying a cock cage was a big improvement for me. We don't use the cage much outside of sex sessions, but if I'm caged right at the start, or even before her boyfriend arrives, then it means I can better participate. I'm not tied to a chair, so I'm free to move around. I like being ordered to go get food or drink for them, or whatever else they want, so not being tied allows that. I particularly like a cage that can allow a bit of an erection. I like the feel of my cock pushing between the metal bars, trying to get fully erect. The frustrating feeling is amazing. And most important of all, it means no wanking, no ejaculation ahead of time. When they are finished, and I'm still 'raring to go', that's also an amazing feeling. I love it if they tease me, seeing me so desperate for the cage to be unlocked, making me beg, or promise something in return for release. If they want me to do things for them afterwards, like run a bath for them, or give them a massage, or whatever, then I am still willing. They love seeing me scamper around, so eager to please them. Which makes them tease me more. My wife loves ordering me about, seeing how far she can push me, what she can make me agree to. It's post coital entertainment for them both. "My god, you are so desperate aren't you!" my wife sometimes say's, laughing and giggling. "you'll do just about anything right now, won't you?" She's right.
It's her boyfriend who normally relents first. I think he can more easily relate to my predicament. "You'd better unlock him now, before the poor boy has a heart attack!"
subguy80 wrote:
Wed Jul 14, 2021 5:06 am
It's a visual statement that my penis is "neutered"
I can relate to this. My penis is neutered, it has to stay subservient to their needs. The cage provides proper discipline to the situation, and I can put my gratification on hold, and enjoy the ride until I'm eventually unlocked, and I can have my ultimate reward.

Subguy80, I have followed your thread from when you first started it. There's lots in your situation that I can relate to.
Thank you for all the effort you make to document it here.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by subguy80 » Wed Jul 14, 2021 8:29 am

trecital wrote:
Wed Jul 14, 2021 7:18 am
subguy80 wrote:
Wed Jul 14, 2021 5:06 am
It's a visual statement that my penis is "neutered"
I can relate to this. My penis is neutered, it has to stay subservient to their needs. The cage provides proper discipline to the situation, and I can put my gratification on hold, and enjoy the ride until I'm eventually unlocked, and I can have my ultimate reward.
Yes, I think you and I both enjoy the submission part of cuckolding. I have been meaning to ask the group a question related to being caged: Does anyone have any experience with a prince albert piercing that is "incorporated" into wearing a cage? My wife's previous lover, Jamal, was urging me to get a prince albert so the ring from the piercing would be attached to the cage. I never got one, but I did talk to a couple of guys that had a pa at the bondage group events we go to. They loved their piercing, although they did not wear a cage. They did warn me that the hole from the piercing never closes up even when the ring is removed and that most pierced guys need to sit down to pee. Sitting down isn't such a problem for me since I have to do that with the cage, anyway. Some guys say they can manage to get their cage off if they try hard enough. Obviously a genital piercing attached to the cage would make removal without a key impossible. The guys I talked to said they felt the piercing ring gave them stronger orgasms. I know there are also urethral inserts that can be part of a prince albert piercing, as well. I'm not necessarily opposed to the idea of a prince albert. One downside is that I enjoy Sarah's blow jobs and I worry about those stopping since she would have a piece of metal in her mouth to deal with and possibly chip her teeth. Any thoughts from others?

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by subguy80 » Wed Jul 14, 2021 9:25 am

RGB49FL wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 1:08 pm
I hope the party is a big success for you all.
I'm home today, so I finally have some time to post. The party was both good and not so good. There were about 20 people there, which was a good crowd. Most people were wearing very little, jock straps and g-strings. The women were topless, so I enjoyed the "scenery." Sarah and Nate (the host) connected soon after we arrived. His wife is bi and she was apparently off with another couple and Nate was by himself. He started playing with Sarah's nipples and she was rubbing his crotch. He took her hand and started to lead her away when he turned to me and asked if I wanted to watch. I was pleasantly surprised, but it made sense because he does have sort of a cocky personality. As I found out, he is the type who enjoys fucking another man's wife in front of the husband. I'm not sure he fully realized that I was as turned on by that as he was.

I was caged, so I couldn't do anything but watch, but that was alright. Sarah seemed to really enjoy the way he made love to her. I saw his cock soft several weeks ago when I picked her up at Aaron's house, but this time it was a whole new turn-on to see his hard cock in her. He is somewhat overweight and not athletic at all like Aaron or Jamal, but I can see why Sarah finds him sexy. He has a swagger and smoothness to his love making that she seemed to really respond to. It was hot watching her give him a blow job.

As much as I never get tired of watching Sarah with Aaron, I have to admit there is something incredibly erotic about watching your wife with someone new. They used a condom. I asked Sarah on the way home if she would consider fucking him bareback and she said they would probably do bareback next time. She looked at me and asked if I would consider eating his creampie and I told her I had already thought about that and my answer was "of course." She laughed and said she thought he would get a kick out of watching that and from what I observed in the bedroom, I'm sure he would. I told her I missed seeing her with new men and she said we need to "work on making that happen more."

After a hot and prolonged session with Nate, I lost track of Sarah for a while as she explored around. I mostly hung out in the kitchen. I didn't want to be a "lurker" single guy watching couples have sex (as much as I wanted to). A short time later, she found me and said she would like to leave. She said she wasn't interested in being the second woman in a 3-way with the woman's husband. She was disappointed there were no single men. She doesn't like it when a guy with two women doesn't change condoms when he switches between two pussies. Also, many of the women appeared to be bi and she doesn't like to be in a position where she is always putting off their advances. Sarah is always polite in those situations, but she does not have a drop of lesbian blood in her.

So, we left after a couple of hours. We both enjoyed parts of it, but it didn't work out too well to go with a cuckold and caged husband. She said she'd consider going with Aaron so he could "take care" of the other wives while she could get the husbands.

She told me the "reclaiming" sex with Aaron when she next saw him was "out of this world."

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by eater » Wed Jul 14, 2021 11:18 am

great story. I'd feel humiliated eating cocky Nate's cum while he watched.

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