Ascending Lauren

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SamWarrens » Mon Jul 12, 2021 4:22 pm

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SamWarrens » Mon Jul 12, 2021 4:24 pm

Bump oh bump
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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SamWarrens » Mon Jul 12, 2021 4:25 pm

Bump oh bump
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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Sun Aug 01, 2021 7:02 am


November 26th. Just over three months to go.

Lightning lit up the skies over Miami International as Lauren Miller watched the rain pummel the tarmac, sending ground crews scurrying for cover. Wave after wave of muffled rolling thunder could be heard inside the terminal. Not good. As if on cue, a collective groan rose from a group of travelers standing next to the big status board.

Delayed. Cancelled. Delayed. Delayed.

She caught a glimpse of her flight number and sighed with nervous relief. For the moment, only delayed. Thank God. Not only was it the busiest travel day of the year, the weather forecast for South Florida was anything but good. Lauren didn’t relish the notion of slogging back to her apartment with luggage she’d already checked, just to return tomorrow on Thanksgiving Day and do it all over again. Thank God daughters Caroline and Amelia had flown into Des Moines from Colorado and Chicago the previous evening. With them settled into their old bedrooms for the long weekend, it was now up to her to make the family whole.

After firing off a quick note to Corey about the delay, she grabbed her backpack and wandered the airport, in and out of small shops packed with snacks, books and trinkets. Eventually her stomach began to rumble. Across the concourse, a quaint dine-and-dash with a medieval façade beckoned. A quick check of her flight’s status put the estimated time of departure at two o’clock. Plenty of time for a quick bite.

As Lauren waited in line, one harried family in particular caught her eye. A couple with two small girls, maybe seven or eight years old, had stopped along the concourse to look for their boarding passes. The husband looked lost and the wife annoyed that he could not remember where he’d put them. They were clearly having a tense moment.

That had been she and Corey some twenty years prior, plodding through the life they had forged together, raising two lovely women in the process. Although their 28-year marriage had had its skittish moments - the last few months definitely more edgy than others - they’d been able to weather it all.

Lauren picked up her tray and turned from the counter, nearly colliding with a young girl doing the same. A bit of fancy balancing kept the contents from tumbling to the floor. Looking up from their respective trays, the two sets of gorgeous eyes met and held a gaze.

Oh my God. Randy Sandy’s, Lauren gasped at seeing a familiar face smiling back at her.

“Well, hello there," the girl finally spoke. "You just never know who you’ll run into at an airport, do ya?”

“H-h-hi, Autumn,” Lauren stammered awkwardly. It had been over four weeks since the redhead had given her a very provocative lap dance in a back room of the strip club.

“Oh so, you do remember my name? Nice. I think we made an impression on each other that night, in more ways than one. But you haven’t been back to see me, sexy."

Lauren blushed. "I, uh…I’m surprised you remember me.”

“I try and remember all my customers, especially the cute ones,” the girl winked. “I’m disappointed, we had such a good time.”

“I-I-I’ve been working.” Why does this 20-year-old intimidate me so? Oh, that’s right, you pretty much paid her to have sex with you.

Autumn scanned the area for an open table. There was only one available. “Want to share?”

Lauren nodded guardedly and followed the dancer across the concourse like a lemming, eyes glued to the long fiery red hair cascading in loose curls over a low-cut peasant blouse. The taut buttocks stuffed into skin-tight jeans were distracting to say the least.



Autumn smirked at her former customer staring back across the small two-top. “Your food’s getting cold.”

Lauren snapped out of it. It was a bit of a shock, running into a sex worker she had employed for pleasure just a few weeks ago. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude. It’s just that you’re the last person I would have expected to see here.”

“You sure it has nothing to do with the fact that we had sex?” Autumn asked flatly. “Well, almost, anyway.”

The brunette glanced around uneasily at the diners next to them.

“Strippers do fly you know," the girl continued. "Many make pretty good money.”

“I’m sure you do. Look, I’m not judging.”

Autumn popped a French fry into her mouth. “Didn’t say you were.”

“You delayed?” Lauren guessed correctly.

“Yeah, until two. You?”

“Same. Headed to Des Moines to see my girls and husband.”

“Good for you. Family is important. So, you live in Iowa and work in Miami?”

Lauren explained she and Corey’s plan to move to Florida, and that she was the advance team, so to speak. "So, what's your story? Home as well?"

“Well, first, seeing that I’m not on the clock - and I like you - my birth name is Chloe. Second, I’m an orphan, so no one to go home to.”

The Rekrap executive felt terrible for broaching such a topic. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

“Like you could? Besides, no family means no one to disappoint.”

For the next hour and a half, the two traded life stories over a steady flow of beer. Lauren felt sorry for the young dancer.

“Wish you could come to Iowa and have a proper Thanksgiving.”

Chloe smiled. “Thanks, I do too. But I’m on the job, heading to the Outer Banks.”

"Not a vacation, huh?”

“If I intend on retiring at 30, no vacations yet.”

“So don't take this the wrong way, but you’re what, a traveling stripper?” Lauren joked.

Chloe laughed. As she did, her large, firm breasts jiggled beneath the loose blouse. “Let’s just say I’m a therapist in my spare time.”

She noticed the office manager’s confused look from the corner of her eye and winked again.

“I’m an escort, dahhhhling.”

Lauren’s eyebrows arched. Something about that wink made her panties wet, but she had to maintain decorum.

“I-I-I don't see the therapist connection.”

“Think about it,” Chloe continued. “Men and women - and there are plenty of women - who hire escorts have needs. Escorts fulfill those needs in very specific ways.”

Lauren thought back to the night she was propositioned. “Specific? I mean it’s just sex, right?”

“Yes and no. It’s all hooking, but girls working the street are typically desperate because, well, that’s all they have. Many are addicts, others have no education or family to fall back on. I help out at the mission when I can. Terrible stories.”

“But not you?”

Chloe took another drink and examined the label.

“Honestly? Not really. Being a product of an orphanage provided me with a means to go to the community college. But I wanted more, so I applied to a four-year university and got into stripping as a way to pay tuition. Which it did, and more.”

Lauren gave her an appreciative look. “A college graduate and a stripper. Impressive.”

“Well, before you nominate me for the Nobel prize, I didn’t graduate. I’m only 20.”


“Almost though. I think I’ve got another ten hours or something. But honestly, I’m making way more money doing what I’m doing, and I get to help people.”

“The therapist angle. Fulfilling needs.”

Chloe nodded. “Exactly. Most johns trolling streets usually want straight sex, more or less. A blowjob here, quick fuck there. Escort clients tend to be more eclectic. They want sophistication, intelligence, as well as a hole to fuck. We provide that, along with a whole host of fetish specialties. You won’t find girls walking the street very experienced in some of the more, shall we say, extreme sensualities. And some just want a pretty face to listen to their problems, maybe eye candy to parade around in front of their friends. A girl looking for just a quick buck towards her next high certainly can’t pull that off. The guy I’m seeing this weekend wants to take a girlfriend back home to mom and dad to get them off his case. They’re convinced he’s gay, which he’s not. Just doesn’t have a lot of time for women.”

“And he has to go to Miami to find a date?”

Chloe shrugged. “What can I say? He liked my online profile and here I am.”

Lauren chewed on a fry. “So, it’s more than just sex.”

“Well, in the end, it’s ALL about sex. I'm sure this guy will want something more than mom's apple pie for dessert. But what I do is not very different from some of the things you may have done yourself for your man. Dress as a cheerleader, go to a party as a sexy witch, get tied to the bedposts or put in handcuffs. If you’ve done any of those things, you’re no different than me. Except I get paid in cash and you get paid with attention and love. Oh, and to do my job you have to love to fuck.”

It may have been the alcohol, but Lauren actually understood the analogy. She had certainly helped others with their idiosyncrasies. Corey being the most obvious, but there had been Tommy and his thing for older women, Tony and the MILF loving frat brothers, Steve the nerd, who longed to be an alpha-male. Then there was Amy just a few weeks ago.

“I see what you mean,” the executive acknowledged. She told Chloe of her acute interest in sexology and how it fascinated her.

The redhead grinned. “Is that what brought you into Sandy’s, then? Research?”

The women locked eyes, the heat between their legs manifesting itself as lustful embers within dilated pupils. Had there been more time, neither doubted their earlier tryst would have been repeated in a ladies room located in some remote part of the airport terminal. It was not to be. A new message hit both phones at once, breaking their unspoken connection. The ground stop had been lifted.

“I guess we’d better get to our gates,” Lauren lamented quietly, reluctantly slinging the heavy backpack over her shoulder.

Chloe drained the last of the beer and rustled a business card from her purse. She scribbled a phone number on the back.

“Here’s my private cell,” the younger woman leaned in, her hot breath on Lauren's face. “Call me some time. You know, for research.”

Lauren peeked at the card as the erotic dancer swished across the concourse and disappeared into the throng of tourists and suitcases.

Damned if that isn't the sexiest walk ever.

The front read simply Autumn Breeze. Prurient Stables. Elegance for Every Occasion. An office number was beneath. On the back was Chloe’s cell phone, accentuated with a heart.

It certainly would take a mighty breeze to cool me off right now.


Lauren settled into the narrow seat as the airliner climbed to its cruising altitude for the three-and-a-half-hour flight. She was ecstatic about seeing her daughters again. Caroline, of course, was the free spirit. Corey always said she would have walked the road to Woodstock with the thousands of other hippies had she lived through that era. If Lauren had to pick which of their children would fire up a joint in front of them first, Caroline would be the one. Now a high school counselor in Colorado Springs, she was helping the youth of the day take on myriad of problems, from acne to teen pregnancy. It was a noble profession and Lauren was quite proud of her.

Amelia was the exact opposite. The older of the two, a collegiate superstar, first in her class, a first-rate tech job right out of school. That girl was a mover and shaker, and Lauren was equally as proud. The girl had a sharp tongue and wasn’t afraid to use it, much to the couple’s consternation when she was a teenager.

During Lauren's regular calls with her daughters, Caroline seemed the more relaxed lately. For some odd reason, while never unpleasant, there always seemed to be something on Amelia's mind, something she wasn’t saying.

Closing her eyes, Lauren listened to the drone of the engines as they hurtled the metal tube through the sky. It would be an understatement to say things had been crazy since moving to Miami. Lauren went from a nearly frigid, post-menopausal wife to a wanton, sexual being that genuinely sought to understand the art of sex and its nuances. From cuckolding her husband, enjoying multiple partners, and her first lesbian experiences, she had checked more boxes than Corey had ever imagined or hoped for - all in six short months. And they both seemed positively addicted to the thrill. Him relishing the encounters with both lust and loathing - feelings she was still trying hard to process - and she thankful for the opportunity to flirt anew, feel attractive, and yes, having her world rocked again. It was a place neither of them would have envisioned themselves being, and yet here they were, embracing the adventures like teenagers in an amusement park.

Lauren admitted getting a little reckless with the engineer at Rekrap. It was bad enough her CEO knew about the bracelet, but she didn't need rumors floating amongst the staff that their married office manager was a slut. Steve was just socially awkward enough where he might be inclined to tell a few geeky coworkers about their encounter to gain street cred.

Iowa. To say she didn’t miss Des Moines would simply not be true. The house where the kids were raised, old haunts, and good friends were all fond memories, although bonds with the latter had slowly been fading. Not being in someone’s everyday life tends to distance people emotionally; an unfortunate, almost inevitable consequence of moving away. Corey, God bless him, was her one constant. Many would say her trysts – as condoned as they were - would surely drive a wedge between them. Obviously, he harbored the same thoughts or else wouldn't have travelled 1,500 miles just a few weeks ago to talk it out. It was clear he was concerned about their future. Was it any surprise? He'd opened Pandora’s box and it had him worried. Not that he needed to be. She would never, ever leave him. Theirs was one bond that would last forever.

The one thing truly surprising was the discovery - quite by accident - of his penchant for light humiliation. A man's man, never one to bend or back down, the revelation was a little unsettling. Not in an appalling way, mind you, just so not expected. Even Corey was unnerved by it.

Lauren had read this flavor of the fetish regularly manifested itself to some degree among many men who enjoyed sharing their wives. Only time would tell if that tendency would continue in her husband. It didn’t matter. In fact, like her new friend Chloe, Lauren was finding she enjoyed helping others realize their sexual proclivities. Giggling, she had a novel thought. Maybe I should hang out my own shingle: Lauren Miller, Sex Therapist.


The flight was uneventful and landed on time. Corey arrived promptly, waving cheerfully as his wife burst through the double doors with oversized luggage. From there the couple drove the 45 minutes to the Des Moines suburb where they had lived for decades. Caroline and Amelia made dinner, and they enjoyed their first meal together as a family in quite some time. After clearing the table, the four retired to the living room where they talked to the wee hours of the morning, catching up on every aspect of their lives.

Almost every aspect, that is.


As they had for years, the family spent most of Thanksgiving Day at the local veterans’ shelter, working to ensure those down on their luck had a decent holiday dinner. It was with some sadness they walked out knowing it would be their last time there, but Corey and Lauren pledged to begin doing the same in Florida.

Later that night, the couple made love. Even though they hadn’t seen each other for over three weeks, they kept it low key out of fear of waking the girls. Corey was predictably quick, and Lauren whimpered convincingly, requiring a fist-in-mouth to suppress the odd outburst. It was just like old times, the most notable difference being they actually had sex, something the pre-Miami era bedroom had seen precious little of.


Corey woke that Friday morning full of enthusiasm. He left for an early round of golf with his buddies, Sean, Toby, and Zane. Golfing with these guys was always a blast. Friends for over 20 years, they had seen each other through the best and worst of times. Weddings, children, deaths of parents, Zane’s divorce; they’d weathered it all while sloshing though mundane jobs. None of them held ivy league positions. Sean sold furniture, Zane was a motorcycle mechanic, and Toby a firefighter. Besides hanging with his family, there were no other humans on the planet he’d rather be with than these three guys.

Lauren and the girls had their own plans, which included shopping and a trip to the salon. They agreed to meet Corey back at the house early afternoon to prepare for the what they hoped would be their last annual post-Thanksgiving party. It was something the Millers held every year in their large backyard and this one was shaping up to be the best yet. The weather forecast called for clear skies and a low in the mid-50s. Perfect.

Yes, it was going to be a good day.


After the foursome shot a respectable 18 holes, Corey met Lauren at the house to set up for the big event. Each year they averaged about thirty couples and were hoping for an even bigger turnout this time. Fire pit? Check. Propane heaters? Check. Corn hole? Absolutely. Whiskey? Got it. S’more supplies and firewood? Yep. By three o’clock everything was ready.

Lauren went to the gym for a quick workout while Corey headed to the liquor store for bags of ice.

It was going to be a good evening.


Lauren rifled through her purse in pursuit of an elusive gym membership card. She hadn’t used it since moving. Good through the December 31, she aimed to use it one more time.

The front desk attendant noticed the woman’s futile rummaging and offered to confirm membership through her drivers license.

“Oh yes, Mrs. Miller. Nice to see you again. You’re good to go. Hope to see your husband again real soon too.”

Lauren scrunched her face. “My husband?”

“Yep,” the girl replied cheerfully, “he signed up for a membership about two weeks ago. Been coming in four or five nights a week now.”

“Corey?” Lauren blinked. “Corey Miller?”

“Yes, nice guy.”

Lauren shook her head and walked to the treadmills.

Wow, he’s chock full of surprises these days.

Over the next hour she spoke to some of the other gym patrons while drifting from machine to machine. Some she recognized: a couple neighbors, ladies from church, one of their daughters’ high school teachers, and a few of Caroline’s friends. It was nice seeing familiar faces again. She made sure they all knew about the party that evening.


Corey stepped from the shower and toweled off. The only things left were to fire up the grill and make sure Caroline had the sound system set up outside. A few lights here, some old basketball flooring pieced together there, and voila, instant dance floor. Although he offered to hire a disc jockey, his daughter had insisted on spinning the music herself. Something about people not wanting to dance to classic rock. Oh, well, Corey had no doubt she’d keep everyone hopping.

After dressing, he passed by Lauren’s closet and couldn’t help noticing how frumpy her older clothes were. Nothing like the provacative outfits she favored these days. He hoped whatever she wore tonight was sexy enough to make his friends notice what a hottie his wife still was.

He would not be disappointed.


Lauren climbed off the rowing machine and glanced at her phone. Five o’clock. Time to leave and help Corey with the party. After changing, she stopped in a stall to pee. As she unraveled the unbelievably thin toilet paper, the locker room door opened and several laughing women entered.

“I can’t believe how fit she is.”

“And so tan!”

“Well, that’s what living in Miami will do to you.”

Lauren froze, tissue in hand. The voices sounded familiar. Hadn't she just been speaking to them? Why would they be talking about me?

Lockers opened and closed, metal clanging as they shut.

“Miami or not, she looks fantastic.”

“I know, right? Those abs and that ass!”

One of the women sighed. “All natural too. I’ll never get there, that’s for sure.”

Another lowered her voice. “Have you seen her posts?”

Lauren strained to hear, not moving.

“Yes!” the other whispered. “No way could I wear those clothes in public. And at her age! Goodness, she’s barely dressed. And those guys hanging on her! I mean she’s married right?”

“Gotta admit though, she certainly pulls it off. I didn’t look like that good even at twenty.”

“Do you think she’s having an affair? With her there and him here, it must be rough on their marriage.”

“I hate to think that. She’s so devoted to her family.”

“I guess when you have a body like that you can flaunt it.”

“Well, that she is. But its only a matter of time before one of those hunks gets her into bed.”

"Maybe we should plan a visit!"

The women shared a chuckle and left the room, door slamming behind them.

Lauren flushed the toilet and exited the stall. Months ago that kind of catty talk would have offended her deeply. But not the new Lauren Miller. She simply tossed that jet-black hair, blew a kiss at her reflection in the mirror, and smiled as she left, head held high.


Blue smoke could be seen floating above neighborhood homes from a block away. Corey loved to grill, and a plethora of meat was cooking simultaneously. Guests were starting to arrive, and he was being pulled in several directions at once. Where the heck is Lauren? She’d arrived home an hour ago and he hadn’t seen her since.

Caroline opened the screen door from the house and shouted to her father. “The Wilsons are here. Lots of others are parking.”

“Thanks, babe. Have you seen Mom?”

“No, she’s still upstairs getting ready.”

“Okay, thanks. Show them where the drinks are. I’ll be right there.”

Corey was thankful when he heard the roar of Zane’s tricked out American steel rumble into the driveway. Plucking the first wave of meat off the grill and onto a platter, the besieged host tossed the tongs to his friend and stepped inside the house. C’mon, Lauren, I need you.

He stopped dead in his tracks when entering the rear of the house. There, greeting guests in the foyer, was his incredibly gorgeous wife in an impossibly tight, off-shoulder, long-sleeve sweater dress. The snow-white outfit’s hem came to mid-thigh, where it nearly touched the top of brown patent-leather boots, the over-the-knee kind with three-inch heels. Several gold bangles were wound around her wrists, and a simple midnight blue choker collar accented her tan neck.

Goddamn. She knocks me out. Every…single…time.

Lauren happened to look over the shoulder of a neighbor and caught his eye. She knew all too well the effect just the right clothes had on him, and winked acknowledgement along with a naughty smile.

Yes, indeed. Tonight was going to be a good night.


By eight o’clock, the party had switched into high gear. Bellies full and drinks flowing, the host and hostess now had time to mingle with friends and neighbors. The ebb and flow of guests was exactly as expected. Lauren fluttered from one pod of conversation to the next, chatting up church ladies one minute, party animals the next. She was particularly amused at the sideway glances from some of the guests. The men seemed more inclined to ogle, while many of the women were clearly judgmental. In the few moments she and Corey found themselves passing one another, they joked about which husband would be the first one slugged for flirting with her.

Eventually, those who never stay had long gone, leaving behind the type that like to close a party down. Mostly die-hard neighbors, along with Sean, Toby and their wives, Shelly and Judy, Lauren’s BFFs Gail and Ellen, and a few of the kids’ old friends. Then there was Zane, who looked somewhat lost amongst the other couples. His recent divorce had suddenly turned his “plus one” into a “minus one” and he was still learning how to deal with it.

Seeing the room change from families to all adults, Caroline transitioned the music from light pop to EDM, and the dance floor quickly filled. Elbows to assholes on the cramped “dance floor”, Lauren and her single girlfriends proved most popular amongst the guys.

Corey made brief appearances alongside his wife, but as usual, was content to watch from the sidelines. It was amusing to see, almost predict, how the men would surreptitiously dance their way across the floor, miraculously ending up next to the girls. Once there, their wandering eyes would drink in Lauren’s clingy sweater dress and her friends' tight clothing. Even his good friend Zane seemed particularly enamored by the good hostess, chatting her up often, bumping hips and dipping often. Corey chalked up his enthusiasm to being horny and hammered. Poor guy was probably just glad to feel the touch of a woman again. Lauren noticed the extra attention as well. While her husband may have been surprised at the overt flirting, the coquetry came as little surprise to her, given his best friend’s past behavior. Behavior that Corey was unaware of to this day. She simply smiled politely and gently deflected his advances.

As he watched his wife run the gauntlet of male guests, Corey felt the familiar jealousy and arousal creeping in. That befuddled him. Watching his wife dance with strangers was one thing. But theses were friends and neighbors, some of whom he’d known for decades. They were people who knew Lauren from the PTA, as a church volunteer, and softball coach. His cock twitched at the thought. Did that make it all the more erotic?

Close to midnight, the neighbors called it a night. Caroline’s and Amelia’s old friends convinced them to go spend the night at their homes, leaving the rest to carry the torch. Sean, Toby and Zane tried to pull Corey onto the screened-in porch with the promise of a good cigar. He asked for a minute to scrape the grill and put away his tools. There would be dew in the morning and that wouldn’t bode well for steel utensils.


Lauren held court with her girlfriends in the kitchen, whipping up exotic drinks learned from various bartenders in Miami. Happy to see Gail, Ellen and Judy again, she enthusiastically told them about life in Miami, her job, the yachts, the beaches. It was like she’d never left.


“I see you’ve not slowed down any,” Gail laughed, pulling up Lauren’s social media posts on her phone. “In fact, I’d say you’ve picked up speed.”

Lauren chuckled nervously. “I’m enjoying myself, yes.”

“You’re definitely bringing sexy back,” Judy proclaimed.

“Yeah,” Shelly chimed in. “What happened to the shy chick who we could barely get to happy-hour?

“Well, you know,” Lauren searched for benign reasons for the skimpy clothes, “I’m just trying to fit in with the natives.”

“Uh huh. Well, the natives are damned studs, that’s for sure,” Gail relied.

“They’re just pictures, girls, you know, documenting the memories.”

“We can see that. The guy with his hands on your hips dry humping your ass on the dance floor does look like a good memory.”

“Yeah, well,” Lauren replied sheepishly, starting the blender. “It was.”

Gail waited for the blender to stop. “You sampling the local cuisine, girlfriend?” she asked, tongue-in-cheek.

“GAIL!” Shelly exclaimed.

“Look,” Judy lowered her voice. “Nobody’s judging here. After years with the same guy, I think we’ve all thought about what it would be like to, you know…at least once. Am I right? I mean if I was in a city known for twenty-four hour partying, with no hubby around, I might consider nibbling myself.”

The other girls grinned and nodded.

Lauren poured a fresh batch of Blue Hawaiians form the Pyrex pitcher. “I’m not cheating on Corey, okay?”

That much was verily true.

Gail raised her hands and spread her fingers. “Whatever you say, sweetie. I for one am jealous as hell. You at least made it out of this shit hole town. Kudos to you.”

The girls held up their glasses. “To leaving the shit hole!”

“One thing’s for certain, Lauren,” Ellen predicted, swallowing the delicious cold drink, “you better be ready to fuck tonight, cuz with that dress and those boots, Corey’s going to jump you the second we leave.”


Corey heard the peal of women’s laughter carry from the kitchen to the backyard as he scraped burnt meat from the grill. He was glad Lauren had this opportunity to reconnect with old friends. Although the couple had pledged to start anew, it was important to remember those who shaped your life.

Closing the stainless-steel lid, he wiped down the tools and put them away. A neighbor’s cat ran across his feet and through the lattice work that encased the enclosed deck. Shit! The goddamn thing will get stuck in there and die. As Corey moved stealthily towards the porch so as not to spook the wayward feline, he could smell the pungent cigar smoke and hear his best friends chatting.

“Girls are lookin’ good tonight, huh? Can’t wait to get Judy home and give her some leftover stuffing,” Toby guffawed, clearly feeling a night’s worth of bourbon. “I do wish she’d start shopping where Lauren does. Holy crap!”

Sean agreed. “That dress, right? And she’s in the best shape I’ve ever seen her. Corey’s a lucky motherfucker.”

“Holy crap is right. Have you seen her online posts?” Zane asked, pulling out his phone. “Whatta you think’s going on there? One month she’s a candidate for the June Cleaver award, the next she’s walking around South Beach like she’s in some sexy reality TV show. Bikinis, parties, getting sandwiched in bars by guys half her age.”

Corey instantly forgot about the cat and crouched under the deck’s flooring. Uh oh.

The guys puffed their cigars as Zane passed around the widescreen device, giving each of them a good look.”

“You think she’s doin’ any of those guys?” Toby posited.

“Lauren?” Sean retorted, “No way. She’s been into Corey for forever.”

“Well, she did marry him pretty young, like at 20 right? Maybe she’s trying to make up for lost time.”

Sean shook his head. “I don’t think so, guys.”

Zane peered down at a photo of their hostess in a half-shirt and skinny jeans.

“I hear ya, man, but she’s over the top in some of these. No way she’s NOT getting hit on. I mean, who wouldn’t tap that given a chance?”

Thanks, Zane, you’re a real pal.

Despite his disappointment in hearing the guys talk this way about his wife, he felt a tingle between his legs.

“Are you serious right now?” Sean asked. “This is our friend’s wife we’re talking about.”

That a boy, defend her honor.

The men fell silent as they sucked on the stogies.

“So, this is just us, right?” Zane finally spoke, blowing a plume of smoke to the ceiling as he eyed one particularly risqué shot of Lauren in a two-piece somewhere on a beach. “Tell me she wasn’t on fire tonight. Tell me you didn’t feel her ooze sex when you danced with her. Tell me you wouldn’t give your left nut to bust in that.”

Corey felt his dick lurch against his boxers. Holy shit! He couldn’t believe his ears. This was his best friend talking. And yet, the whole discussion had him rock hard.

Against his best judgment, Sean took a peek at the photo. Damned if he couldn’t disagree. The triangle of Lauren’s bottoms barely covered her snatch and it was a good bet there was no hair underneath. He’d never, ever hurt his friend, but…how could a man NOT want that?

Toby frowned at his friends. He’d tried to warn Corey of the perils of leaving Lauren alone down there. There was no evidence whatsoever of her stepping out on him, but still, one couldn’t ignore the pics.

“Time to change the subject, gents,” he suggested. “No need for Corey to walk into a conversation like this.”

Just as Zane slid the phone back into his pocket, their benevolent host walked onto the porch, dusting dirt off his hands.

“So, who’s got the cigars? Whatcha all been talking about?”


It was just after two-thirty when the last of the revelers were whisked away by a ride share. The intoxicated couple carefully climbed the stairs to their second floor bedroom. No sooner as the door closed behind them, Lauren quickly fell into her husband's arms. Mrs. Miller was clearly horny.

Corey inhaled deeply. Her perfume was overpowering. “My, my, someone’s frisky.”

“Well, you've got me all wound up.”

His fingers ran along the sweater’s ribbed material. “Are you sure it’s me having that effect? You got a lot of attention from others tonight in that outfit.”

Lauren giggled. “I’m sure it was the booze rather than the dress.”

“Don’t be modest, my love. Your online modeling portfolio is also causing quite the stir. I had no idea you posted that many pictures.”

She frowned in a goofy, drunken way. “I guess I shouldn’t be so cavalier with what I share.”

Corey kissed her bare shoulders and neck.

“I dunno, it’s kinda sexy having decadent snaps of my once prim wife being analyzed and ogled by friends and neighbors. You know, rumors flying here and there. Is she cheating on him or not? Inquiring minds want to know.”

He pressed a growing erection into the tight dress.

“Ogled?” she asked curiously.

Corey informed her of the overheard conversation between his friends.

Lauren’s mouth curled up at the corners. It was definitely not the reaction he’d expected.

“Zane actually said he’d sleep with me?”

“In so many words.”

“And that doesn’t piss you off? I mean he’s been our friend for over twenty-five years. Your best friend for even more.

“What can I shay?” he replied, a silly inebriated grin on his face. “He’s got gooood taste.”

He didn’t have to say anymore. She could see it in his eyes. “Oh my God, perv, that turns you on doesn’t it? Your friends thinking of me that way?”

Corey shrugged and hugged her even tighter. Lauren could feel his small bulge growing. Good Lord, he’s got it bad. The booze was hitting her hard now too. Time to try out my therapy skills.

Pulling away from of her husband’s arms, Lauren sashayed to a dresser that had lain fallow since she’d left. His eyes followed her ass as it rocked up and down under the tight sweater dress. Out came an older model vibrator, even smaller than Corey’s average-sized dick. It wasn't The Chairman, but it would have to do.

Lauren crawled across the bed and nestled her back against the soft headboard, careful not to dig the heels into the mattress. Smiling coyly, she hitched the bottom of the thin dress up to her waist and spread her long tan legs. The pointy tops of the boots drew Corey’s eyes to her lewdly exposed ass and pussy.

He watched with rapture as she rubbed the small bullet-shaped toy over her smooth, shaved labia. It didn’t take long for him to shed his clothes and kneel before her, just another worshipper at the alter of pudendum.

“Your friends were naughty tonight, trying to take advantage of your drunk wife,” Lauren cooed, using one hand to ply her nipples through the sweater material, the other inserting the dildo into her moistening pussy.

Corey licked his lips as tiny nubs atop small breasts strained against the soft cloth.

“Especially Zane.”

“Yessss, especially Zane,” she gasped as the toy penetrated her slit.

Lauren moaned and spread her legs even wider, giving her husband an unfettered view of the now slippery bullet sliding in and out of the glistening hole. She could see his cock was only half erect. What the hell? I’ll need to step it up if I want that dick in me tonight.

“Would you let him?

“What's that?”

“You heard me. Would you let Zane fuck me?”


“He’s got a thing for me, you know.”


“Remember the softball tournaments I told you about? The out of town ones?Zane always took his daughter, never Abby. She could never be bothered.”

Corey’s mouth dropped. “I remember. So he’s the one that hit on you?”

“Among others, when the dads got drunk.”

“You never told me.”

“Would it have mattered? Nothing happened.”

Corey was dumbfounded to hear Zane actually tried to seduce her. His cock bobbed up and down like a diving board.

“So, would you let him fuck me? Maybe he could do me at a hotel in some dark ballroom or service corridor.”

Corey hissed. His thumb and index finger closed around his fleshy worm.

“Let him look me in the eyes and spew his cum deep into my vulnerable pussy while his clueless friend sits at home.”

Corey felt a surge in his cock and lurched forward. “You mean…no protection?”

“Mmmm, I think I’d like that.”

The 61-year-old groaned again. It was so perverse, the thought of Zane barebacking his wife. Without hesitation the surprising answer just slipped out.

“Okay.” Shit, did he just say that?

Lauren’s eyes widened. What? It’s not the reaction she’s expected. Totally against the ground rules they had set. Her cunt just got wetter.

Holding her husband’s gaze, she lowered the top of the dress to below her chest, exposing those sweet tomato-sized tits. Lauren increased the pace at which the vibrator explored her love canal. Her thumb twisted the end of the toy and it jumped to life, the resulting vibrations skittering along her spine to her alcohol soaked brain.

“Oh, shit, Corey.”

“That’s it, fuck yourself, babe, do it, feel the heat.”

Who's therapy was it now?

The plastic shell of the small bullet slid easily past the pink and swollen lips. With each deep dive, Lauren wrenched it violently past her clit, causing her to gasp with each thrust. Dollops of clear liquid squirt from the puckering hole as she pulled it out, only to plunge it back in.

“Can you feel him in you, Lauren? Can you feel our friend? Zane’s bare stiff cock rubbing against your naked pussy? He’s probing, trying to find just the right angle to lay into you.”

Lauren’s head jerked back against the headboard. “FUCK!”

“Hush, close your eyes. Imagine his massive, tattooed chest above you, strong legs driving home that huge pecker.”

Corey knew how to pull levers too. Being a motorcycle enthusiast, Zane had bought into the lifestyle a long time ago. Lots of ink and muscles. Not quite a one-percenter, but certainly looking the part. A fierce façade, he’d been able to bluff their way out of a few bar scrapes over the years. Zane didn’t carry a gun, preferring to use his fists when called upon. To Corey’s knowledge, the only weapon he was packing was swinging between his legs. And if camping memories served him right, that gun was quite substantial.

“Mmmmmm,” Lauren moaned repeatedly, the image of Zane’s ripped physique swirling around in her brain. I should have fucked him years ago when I had the chance.

“You like my best friend’s cock, bitch?

“Ohhhh, mmmm. Yessss!”

“Take it, whore, take Zane’s cock, feel it in you, throbbing, pulsing, desperate to pump his spunk in your unprotected cunt.”

Lauren was mewing now, over and over and over, the squeaks growing louder and more urgent.

“Yes, yes, I want it, give it to me!”

“Fuck him, baby, open those slut legs and let Zane fuck your married pussy!”

Lauren felt an orgasm beginning to build. She drove the toy as deep as it would go. “Corey, oh Corey!”

“Stay with it, sweetie, think of Zane with you on those tournaments. After all these years, he finally takes you into that dark ballroom and bends you over a banquet table. Think of the scandal! Slut softball coach banged like a bitch while team sleeps upstairs!”

Lauren’s breathing was getting sharper, a rhythmic chant of “oh, oh, oh,” filled the room until the scream welled up in her lungs, gurgled passed her throat and gushed from her mouth.


Corey watched as his wife’s pelvis thrust towards the small bullet as if it would somehow go deeper. Her body spasmed, tights abs quivering as shaking arms had difficulty steadying the vibrator.

“Oh God, oh God,” she huff and puffed, trying to regain her senses.

Seeing Lauren cum compelled Corey into action. He dove on top of her and drove his six inches deep into the slippery pink hole. All this talk of his best friend taking her had made him hard as nails. She yelped, initially surprised at the force at which he jumped her, but when he tore into her pussy like a man possessed, Lauren met his pelvis motion thrust for thrust.

“Deeper baby,” she coaxed, “fuck me like you know Zane wants to. You gonna let him bang your slut wife, Corey? What would he think of all the men who’ve had their way with me? How would he look at you if he knew his best friend was a cuck?”

“Jesus, Lauren, NO!”

“But you do want him to see my body, don’t you sweetie? Not just my bikini, but my naked titties and tight little twat? Oooh, I bet he wishes his tongue was snaking up it right now!”

“Ngggggggghhhhaaahhhhh, wanna fuck you!"

“You’re not the only one these days, Twisty, get in line! C’mon, do you want Zane to fuck me good or not?”

“So good, so good,” Corey panted.

“Tell me,” Lauren demanded. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want Zane to fuck you!” he shouted, cringing at his words but too aroused to fight them.

“And what?”


“Really? You’d let him blow in me? Fire his seed into my nasty pussy?”

“YES YES YES, oh God yes!”

Corey continued to pound Lauren from on top. Their hips moved together as one.


He couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth but was powerless to stop them. His arms started to shake under the weight of his body.

"Oh God, Lauren,” Corey whined, “I do want you to fuck him. I want you to fuck my best friend!”

The therapy treatment was working after all.

“Yes, yes, yes, I’ll fuck him for you baby. On his bike, in his shop, on the beach. Wherever he wants me, I’ll let him take me! Make me his bitch!”


“You like that, pervert? Other men taking me whenever they want, using my pussy as their own personal cumdump?”

“Giving it to you, slut, just the way you like it!”

“Oh God, oh God, Fuck me, fuck me harder, Corey!”

The intensity of their lovemaking was reaching a crescendo. Anyone in the vicinity of the backyard would have heard their passionate cries coming from the second story bedroom.

“Fucking cum slut whore, you want Zane to dump his load into you?”

“AAAAAAHHHH…yesssssss, Corey, oh, oh, SHIT FUCK GODDAMN!!”

“Take it bitch, take Zane’s spunk!”

Despite Lauren’s lowered expectations of what her husband’s cock could do these days, she felt another orgasm blossom in her loins and travel through her body. When it got to her mouth she opened it and for a moment nothing came out. Then…

"OH FUCK, OH FUCK, CUMMING, CUMMING, OH GOD BABY I’M CUMMING AGAIN!!!” Lauren brayed at the top of her lungs. She wasn’t faking either. It was a bona fide bone shaker. Both hands grabbed his head and yanked his face to hers. Nose to nose, she snarled in sheer ecstasy.

“HOW MANY, TWISTY? How many dads would have felt me up? How many would I have blown in the ballpark’s bathrooms? THERE’S JUST NO TELLING HOW MANY COCKS I COULD HAVE HAD IN ME BY NOW.”


Corey pulled out just as he came, his pudgy body sending several spurts of liquid love onto his wife’s face. The remaining ejaculate fell to her dress, which had gathered around her middle. Lauren tried to control her own release while caring for her husband’s, which was arguably more important to her.

“That’s it baby,” she smiled softly, “give it all to me.” The now shriveled cock was against her thigh. A few more dribbles told her he was done.

Spent, Corey rolled onto his back, his old lungs heaving to replenish oxygen. Lauren played with the curly gray chest hair as they cuddled.

“Damn, tiger, you made me come with that cock of yours. What’s gotten into you lately? Whatever it is, keep it up.”

Corey would have laughed at the double entendre if the reason for his arousal had not been so dark. For years he’d had trouble with erections, but now any mention of Lauren with someone else ensured an instant boner. It wasn’t a secret anymore.

“You know why.”

“Well, if thinking of me with other men does that, then give me a dozen.”

“By my count you’re already halfway there,” he joked.

She threw a pillow at him. “You're such a smartass!”

Lauren made her way into the bathroom and washed the semen from her face. Most of it had landed on the dress, which would definitely need to go to the dry cleaners. After brushing her teeth, the matriarch of the house returned to bed only to find her husband propped up on one elbow. He appeared to have something on his mind.


“Did you mean what you said? That you’d like to be with Zane?”

Lauren brushed a strand of hair from her eyes. “Babe, that was pillow talk.”

“But you enjoyed it too.”

She couldn’t deny it. Zane had sex appeal, he always did. Although nearing 60 himself, the mechanic was the exact opposite of her husband physically. Large six-foot three frame, rustic and rugged features, muscles bursting from the concert tee-shirts he insisted wearing twenty-four seven. Basically a guy that was blustery biker on the outside, sweet on the inside.

“He’s your best friend. Us messing around would be bad mojo.”

Corey sighed glumly. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I just thought…never mind. Stupid idea.” He was clearly dejected.

Lauren kissed him on the forehead. “And you just happened to think since I was already here this weekend…”

“Yeah, something like that.”

“Even if I wanted to, there’s no way he’d do it if he thought you knew. I don’t think he’s quite that kinky.”

Lauren was doing her best to talk Corey – and herself – out of any such intentions. New acquaintances and strangers were one thing. Involving old friends would be taking it to another level she wasn’t sure they should go.

“You’re right,” he agreed reluctantly. “it would have to happen organically.”

Lauren nodded. “Exactly, which isn’t likely. Besides, do you really want to use a friend like that? Which is exactly what we’d be doing. Some people would find that dispicable.”

“I’m guessing a few folks might say the same about a lot of what we’ve done lately. As far as using Zane goes, I heard what he said loud and clear. If he hit on you behind my back - something I now find out he’s done in the past - then it’s just two wretched things cancelling each other out, wouldn’t you agree?”

She laid her head on his shoulder and thought about that. It was hard to disagree. Plus, its not like he wouldn’t be getting something out of it too. It didn’t matter, it would never happen.

Eyes heavy, the copious amounts of alcohol took its final toll and escorted both into a deep slumber.

All in all, it had been a good day.


The alleyway was dark and forbidding. A thick fog covered the ground and angry voices could be heard coming from decaying tenement buildings rising high above. Rats scurried from one trash can to another in search of a tasty, rotting meal.

Lauren slinked slowly along the narrow walk, avoiding pools of water, oil and discarded trash. The faint sounds of a sexual encounter drew her attention to a ground level apartment window. Peering in, she locked eyes with a spitting image of her 20-year-old self on an old, tattered mattress, moaning as her college boyfriend Pauly fucked her from behind. The doppelgänger’s eyes bore into her, telepathically conveying the pure lust it felt. It was a feeling Lauren remembered well. The mist in front of the window lifted slightly, and her reflection revealed that she too was naked. Beyond the two lovers was yet another portal that provided a familiar view, a side street beside Pauly’s old fraternity house. A man in a car was masturbating furiously behind the wheel. As his head pivoted towards the window like some demon in a movie, his face became clear. Corey!

Lauren’s hand crept between her legs as she watched her young self get hammered by her ex. Her fingers were barely wet when their passionate cries were replaced with similar sounds from another window. Lauren walked cautiously to that frame and peeked in. A scene from her honeymoon! Corey was between her legs licking her to orgasm. My God, he does know how to use his tongue well! Lauren rubbed her clit as the honeymooners made love. Oh, to be young again!

Yet another window became illuminated in the murky darkness. She stumbled to it. Max and Corey were tag teaming her present-day self on Myles’ yacht. Her first foray into extramarital sex, the one that started it all! Lauren felt an orgasm building as her hands worked madly to get her off. She was almost there…!

The vibration started as a low rumble, barely perceptible. As Lauren rammed her fingers into a flooding pussy, the windows gathered and rotated around her head like an erotic funhouse. The sounds of multiple orgasms filled the air and glass rattled violently as the noise approached rapidly. What the hell is that?

Frightened cats darted across the alley. The roar grew louder. A steady POP! POP! POP! broke loose buckets of semen which began spewing from each of the carnal scenes circling above her, splashing gallons of the sticky goo across her pretty face and sending individual rivulets of cum streaming down her chest and belly. Undaunted, Lauren continued the assault on her swollen cunt, edging closer to the much-needed climax. Laughing maniacally, she smeared the seminal fluid over her body. POP! POP! POP! The thunderous rumbling was almost on top of her now, providing a perfect soundtrack to the impending orgasm.

It was just a tiny flash in the fog at first, growing larger as it got nearer. Lauren kept her eyes glued to it as she shoved all four fingers into her tortured slit. Whatever it was, she wanted to cum before it got there. Just as she was on the brink, one badass Harley Davison Cruiser belching fire from its exhaust roared down the alley and stopped before her. With a torrent of semen still flowing from the ghostly window frames, she gasped and stared lustfully at the rider. There, naked like her, was Corey’s friend Zane, straddling the noisy, vibrating machine. An obscenely large cock, two or three feet in length, rose from between his legs. Suddenly and without warning the creature’s meatus spoke, a bit of pre-cum seeping from its crude mouth.

“Looking for me?”

An orgasm exploded through Lauren’s body, sending shock waves in every direction. The alleyway crumbled and fell away beneath her feet into a black void. Towering tenement housing collapsed into a cloud of dust, leaving Lauren standing next to Zane’s apparition and his giant penis.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhh, yessssssss!” she moaned just before her lips closed over the Zane’s massive tool. “Just what I’ve been looking for.”


Corey’s eyes fluttered open as he heard the large motorcycle rumbling through the neighborhood. Loud any time of day, it was particularly conspicuous at seven-thirty in the morning. He looked over at Lauren asleep next to him.

Damnit. He’d forgotten about going fishing with Zane. Throwing off the covers, he thought he heard Lauren mutter something. She was laying on her side facing away from him, hands between her legs. The pillow appeared unusually sweaty.

“Babe,” he gently shook her. “I’m going fishing with Zane for a couple hours. Be back soon.

A low gutteral moan escaped Lauren’s mouth.

“Ohhhhh, yessssss!”

It was followed by more words he couldn't make out.

Pulling a ball cap over his head, he smiled.

Sweet dreams, love.


The drive to the lake in Corey’s pickup was a bit awkward from his perspective, seeing that just hours ago he and Lauren had fantasized about the passenger having sex with her. Several times, Zane caught his slightly older buddy looking at him from the corner of his eye.


Corey shook his head. “Nothing, just glad to have you as a friend.” You know, a friend who covet’s my wife.

“Yeah, man, me too. Just don’t get all weird and shit. Should I be going into the woods with you alone?”

Parking at the trailhead of their favorite fishing spot, they pulled tackle and rods from the bed of the truck, and hiked the quarter mile to the lake’s edge. After dropping a couple lines and ground spiking their poles, Zane poured two coffees from his thermos and handed one to Corey.

“That’ll put hair on your chest,” the large man proclaimed.

“Thanks, I need it after last night.”

“Yeah, that was one hell of a good time, thanks for having me over. I haven’t been doing much since Abby and I split up.”

“As if you wouldn’t be invited,” Corey lifted the mug to his friend. “But what about that waitress from the diner? Aren’t you guys seeing each other? She was hot.”

Zane shook his head. “Ashley. She went back to her ex. Great body, fucked like a gazelle, just still attached, I guess. But man, she was gorgeous. It sucks now cuz the guys at the shop are going to give me a rash of shit.”

Corey got up and checked his line. Nothing. He recast and sat back down.

“Give you shit about what?”

“Well, I was supposed to get an award tonight over in Bakersfield at the Motorbike Association banquet. Top Mechanic. Been bragging to all the boys I was bringing Ash and how she'd put their women to shame. They said no way she was as fine as I made her out to be.”

“So, say she’s sick, show a picture of her on your phone, and tell ‘em to go fuck themselves.”

“Not really into taking pics on my phone. Anything on there is of either Abby or Bessy. Nah, I'm just going to skip it. The only reason to go was to show off Ashley and stick a skewer in those fuckers’ eyes.”

Corey smiled. Bessy was his Harley; his one and only love now that his wife was gone. “Sorry man. But you've got to have a whole stable of beauties. Why not give one a call?”

Zane laughed loudly and slapped his thigh. "I appreciate the confidence, man, but honestly, Ashley's been it. Abby's only been gone a couple months, you know. Give me time to build that little black book again."

After no bites, the pair drop lines in a another spot. Corey remembered a new lure he’d bought a month ago and thought it might help. With Zane watching his pole, he trudged to the truck and retrieved the forgotten jig. On his way back, an idea hit the project manager like a lightning bolt. A mischievous, perverse idea.

“How ‘bout some more Joe?” Corey asked upon his return. He studied Zane’s face as his friend poured another cup of the still steaming liquid from his insulated cannister.

“Say man, you said the boys at the shop haven’t seen Ashley, right?”

“Yeah, so?”

“So, what if we find another Ashley?”

“How the fuck you propose we do that?”

Do I really want to go there?

Corey’s eyes fixed on his buddy and hesitated. Finally, he blurted it out. “Take Lauren." There, I said it.

Zane blinked, then cracked a smile. “Yeah, right.”

“No seriously. You think Lauren’s hot?” Corey already knew the answer to that.

"Uh, wow man, I…" Zane didn't really know how to navigate that question. Of course he thought she was hot. Fuckin' smoking hot. “She’s your wife and all…”

“Do you,” Corey interrupted him, “think she’s pretty?”

“Yes, of course. She’s beautiful.”

“Okay then. I have a simple solution to your dilemma. You need a looker to impress your pals and I’m sure Lauren would love to help you save face.”

Corey was sweating even though temps were in the mid-forties. Going out on a limb here, dipshit. You’d better be right.

“Wait, you’d really let your wife go with me to Bakersfield? No way.”

“Sure, why not?”

“Um, dude, Bakersfield is an hour away.”


Zane leaned in. “There’s always an after-party at Freddy’s. It’s a roadhouse, so draw your on conclusions. Bikes, beer, pool and tits. It can get pretty wild. Everybody gets lit and stays at the motel across the street. I wasn’t planning on coming home until morning.”

Corey straightened and took a sip. His groin tingled. It was doing a lot of that these


“Yeah, oh. So thanks, but probably not a situation you want to put your wife in.”

Zane stood, effectively ending that conversation. He was dangerously close to agreeing to his friends proposal and needed to remove himself from the possibility.

Not having more than one or two bites all morning, they decided to try one more spot before calling it a day. As they cast their lines into glass-like waters, Corey stared out across the lake and exhaled. Damnit, it was the perfect scenario. He needed to try.

“I’ll ask her anyway.”

Zane rolled his eyes. “Dude, what’s the point? She’s not going to spend the night with me in a motel and you sure the hell ain’t gonna let her.”

Corey saw his idea falling apart. It was the bottom of the ninth, two outs, bases loaded.

“What if you had two rooms?”

He could see the wheels turning in Zane’s head. “I dunno man. But even so, awards are tonight, I doubt if any rooms are left.”

“Doesn’t have to be across from Freddy’s, just in the general area. You take "Ashley" to the banquet, she wows the guys with her beauty, then you drop her off on the way to the bar. Tell them she had too much to drink and is sleeping it off. They'll buy that and start ragging on someone else. Tomorrow morning you both come back to Des Moines. Problem solved.”

Zane mulled that one over. Who the hell wouldn’t want to spend an evening with that bronze beauty, especially under the guise of being his girlfriend? Even though nothing would happen – after all, she’d rebuffed him once before – it would still be diabolically fun. On the other hand, could he really behave himself? Any way you sliced it, the whole thing would be damn erotic and potentially volatile at the same time. Beyond all the things that could go wrong with the masquerade - he could call her the wrong name, someone might recognize her - there was the friendship component as well. He was only human. Drunk, he may well do something he’d regret and forever fuck up his relationship with Corey. And yet, there was no denying the thought of walking into the banquet with Lauren on his arm made his cock rock hard. Packing up, he felt his deflector shields weakening. If his buddy was so casual about the whole thing, then why not? Fuck it.

“Sure, see if she’s game.”

Corey’s grin grew from an imperceptible smirk to a full-blown smile. He stowed his tackle box, preparing to leave. “Okay, let’s go find out.”


Lauren stood on the front lawn armed with hedge shears and grass clippers. She knew Corey simply didn’t have time to keep up with the landscaping, but it was worse than imagined. The blue ivy was overgrown and the trees had sucker branches. She wiped her brow. It was unseasonably warm for Iowa that holiday weekend, already 75 degrees at noon. The humid air had prompted her to don nylon shorts and one of Corey’s wife beaters. Only two days to whip this mess back into shape.

The presence of Zane’s gray and chrome bike didn’t escape her. Lauren remembered the boys had planned a fishing trip last night, so finding it in the driveway that morning came as no surprise. She stopped next to the expensive motorcycle on her way to the hedges and caressed the handlebars. A brief image of last night’s dream flashed before her eyes, forcing a dreamy smile. That was definitely a weird one.

By the time Corey's truck came to a rattling stop in front of the house, most of the bushes had been trimmed and tree branches cut back. It wasn't until an odd silence followed did she look in that direction. It took her a moment to realize she was the cause of the strange quiet. No wonder, bent over the lilacs, her ass and legs had been on full display. Snickering, she turned and put her hands on her hips.

“It’s about time you guys got back. Plenty of yard waste for you to pick up.”

Corey and Zane stared at her shamelessly. The sweat she’d worked up had thoroughly soaked the wife beater and her small braless breasts were clearly visible through the material.

Lauren rolled her eyes. “Um, when you’re done gawking can you guys help clean up?”

Corey looked at Zane and then back to his wife.

“Sure, babe. Maybe we can work something out. Can we talk?”


“So let me get this straight,” Lauren pointed at Zane. “You need a date to impress your grease monkey coworkers, and you,” she waved her hand at Corey, “are okay with me doing just that?”

“We’ll, it’s one way to get the yard picked up,” her husband joked nervously.

Lauren grabbed Corey’s hand and pulled him into the garage.

“Where are you going with this?” she poked a finger into his chest.

“I just thought…”

“That I’d dress up all sexy like and go on a date with your best friend AND give his buddies a thrill?”


“And, what? Maybe sleep with him too? Like our little roleplay last night? I told you that was pillow talk. He’s your friend for God’s sake!

Corey could see she was plenty upset. “I’m sorry, you’re right. I was out of line asking you to even consider such a dumb plan. It was all me. I suggested it.”

Lauren stood with her arms folded across her chest, a foot tapping the garage floor repeatedly. She looked over her husband’s shoulder at Zane, who’d begun picking up some of the heavier branches from the lawn. As usual, a black tee-shirt clung to his massive chest and arms. As he leveraged strong legs to heave the limbs into the back of Corey’s pickup, his blue jeans pulled taut across his crotch, revealing the fairly substantial package she always knew was there. The vague morning memory of the giant talking cock brought a smile, which she desperately tried to hide from Corey.

It would serve his ass right for cooking this shit up behind my back.

“Alright,” Lauren said defiantly, “I’ll go with him. Just remember, this was your idea.” She grabbed a bottled water from the garage’s refrigerator and ushered Corey back down the driveway towards his buddy.

Zane looked up and accepted the drink with misgiving. "Um, thanks, I think."

“Looks like you got yourself a date.”

He could sense the animosity.

“Lauren, really, I didn’t…”

“Relax, I know this isn’t your brainchild. So, what time do we leave? I’m living out of a suitcase here. I’ll need to go the mall and look for a dress.”

Zane tilted his head. “Dress?”

“For the banquet.”

He had to laugh. “Lauren, this isn’t a prom. It’s a bunch of bike enthusiasts and mechanics getting together to blow off steam. The awards are just an excuse. Besides, Bessy’s toting us there. Best to wear denim or leather. The cruiser’s comfortable, but this time of year an hour ride’s going to get chilly.”

She glanced at the motorcycle. Of course he’s riding Bessy.

“Okaaaay, so what does one wear to this ceremony then?”

Zane pulled out his phone and showed her pics of his wife Abby before they split up. She was posing with another girl next to a row of bikes at a recent rally. Leather, leather, leather. The photographs were very well composed.

“I thought you didn’t like photography?” Corey asked, amused.

His friend shot him an impish grin. “I do when the subject’s right, bro.”

Lauren studied the photos. She nodded, her mind mentally inventorying the clothing she’d brought with her. The nearest thing she had to leather pants was back in Miami. "What time?”

“Starts at seven, we leave at four. That'll give us time to hose the bugs off us.”

“Well then, I guess you boys better get this mess cleaned up. I’ve got some shopping to do.”

With that, Lauren turned and walked briskly up the path to the front door. Corey watched as Zane’s eyes followed her bouncing ass. He knew there was a very good chance his friend would be seeing that - and much more - naked tonight.

The conflicted husband shook his head. What have I done?


Corey sat cross legged on the bed while Lauren worked her magic at the vanity. For over 25 years she’d sat in the exact same spot highlighting her beauty for him alone. Now, at his behest, she was primping for another man. His best friend at that. The reality of it all sunk in as she opened her makeup kit. This was no longer a secretive game played out of town with strangers. This was Des Moines, their hometown, where they had grown up, got married, and raised children. He watched his wife meticulously apply eyeshadow, liner and mascara just as she’d done a thousand times before. Only this time it was different. Much different.

After adding just the right shade of pink lipstick, Lauren rose and strolled over to where Corey rested nervously, ankles flinching. Next to him on the bed was a pair of black leather pants and a similar jacket found at a boutique shop in the next county. A very personable and heavily tattooed clerk knew exactly the look Lauren was after. "Glenda" also hooked her up with a strapless corset – black leather, of course – which fully zipped from bottom to top. Or, as Glenda pointed out, blue eyes darting over Lauren’s body, unzipped from top to bottom, a decidedly better proposition.

Lauren's makeup robe fell from her shoulders, prompting Corey to run his watering eyes over her freshly showered body. Small breasts, still firm after all these years, yearned to be suckled, and the savory labia below was freshly shaved. Was this a sign? Lauren pulled on the skin-tight leathers, hoisting them up over her hips.

“Do you think I’ll make an impression on Zane’s friends?”

Corey nodded, swallowing hard. For the first time in a long time he was speechless.

Next came the corset. Lauren wrapped it around her braless chest and tan belly. “Can you help?” she asked, nodding at the silver front zipper.

Corey’s hands trembled as he struggled to get it started. The shiny leather against her tan skin was quite distracting. Of course, she could have easily zipped the vest herself, but then where would the fun have been in that? Lauren’s research clearly told her a husband should be involved in a date's preparation as much as possible. And wasn't this a date? Forget the reason and that the matchmaker was her husband. Tonight, she WAS supposed to be Zane's girlfriend for all intent and purposes - counterfeit or not. Whether this turned into something more than acting would certainly be game time providence.

After fumbling a bit, the befuddled husband successfully zipped the vest, watching it close tightly around her chiseled abs and 30b-cup breasts. Her small mounds looked like pliable oversized golf balls underneath the taut garment. Would the next hand on that zipper belong to his best friend?

Corey had to admit his wife had totally nailed the “chic biker chick” look. She could grace the cover of any motorsport magazine. I really should NOT be sending her off to a roadhouse looking like this. The guilt was tremendous. The arousal was more.

Lauren continued to dress. She pulled on a pair of crisscross leather stilettos brought from Miami and snapped on a silver cuff bracelet. Finally, Corey was handed a thin, black velvet choker with small metal rivets.

“Would you?" she asked, grinning. The effect this was having on him could not be underestimated and she was more than happy to deliver. Obediently he placed the choker around her delicate neck.

“Lauren, you look absolutely incredible.”

Ashley,” Lauren corrected him, lowering the corset's zipper to just between her breasts. “But you can call me Ash.”

"Sure, Ash," he said in jest, but no amount of joking could mask the man’s apprehension at this point.

“What’s the matter, babe?” she asked, damn well knowing the answer.

“Other than sending you on a date with my best friend and a bunch of bikers?”

“Bike enthusiasts, and I’m sure Zane will take good care of me. I don't think any of his friends are members of those outlaw clubs you hear about. They just like to ride. Besides, this is your idea. Not mine, not his. Yours.

Corey sighed. “I know, I’m just…”

“Having second thoughts?” Her hand went to his crotch, the waning sunlight reflecting off the silver bracelet. “Looks to me like you can’t wait to jerk off. Will you be thinking of me partying with Zane and buddies in some dive bar? I’ll be acting like his girlfriend in so many ways, babe. Does that make you jealous?” The bulge grew and pulsated. “Uh huh, I thought so.”

Neither knew how the evening would end, but Zane could never know of Corey’s complacency in the scheme. Which meant little to no communication between the couple overnight. Details would have to wait until morning. To that end, Lauren felt obligated to leave her husband with a consolation prize.

Sinking to her knees, leather pants pulled taut over her ass, she unsnapped his shorts and let them fall to his ankles. Next came the boxer shorts.

“Lauren, I…”

“Shhhh,” she hushed him. “You better take what you can. The next cock though these lips may not be yours.”

The significance of those words forced a rush of air from Corey's lungs as Lauren’s mouth closed around his dick.

“Oh shit!” he wheezed, placing his hands on the head bobbing in his crotch.

After several minutes of topshelf cocksucking, she allowed the fleshy worm to plop out and quickly wrapped painted fingernails around the quivering shaft. Her eyes met his halfway.

What if... he wants me to go to the bar with him?”

Corey could barely concentrate. “Then just go.”

Lauren kept stroking, picking up speed.

“You’d be okay with that? He’s not going to be sober enough to take me back to my motel later. There'd be only one option.”

"I know," Corey croaked.

"And you'd be okay with that? For me to spend the night with him?"


“Really? What if... Zane wants to shove his cock in my willing cunt and fuck me all night long? Do you want that?”

“Oh God!” Corey seethed, his hips bucking. "Yesssss!"

What if... the rumors are true about bikers passing around their bitches? Should I let every one of them motherfuckers do me out back?”

Corey’s body began convulsing.

What if…?” Lauren tried to continue the torture but couldn't finish. The torment had accomplished its intended mission. She sensed the liquid gold boiling in his balls and managed to get her mouth around the tip of the engorged member just as he came.

"Ahhhhhhh SHIT BABY!" Corey sputtered as he pumped his love into Lauren's mouth.

After taking the few puny spurts the wrinkled penis could muster, she pulled his boxers and shorts back to his waist and rose to her feet, wiping a small amount of residual jizz from the corners of her mouth. Whew. That was close. Quick action on her part had saved the need for makeup repairs and the soiling of her new corset.

Corey collapsed on the bed in a daze. Was this not the hotwife behavior he had hoped for? God, help me, it is.

As Lauren removed the protective wrapper from her new jacket, they heard a low rumble approaching, barely perceptible at first, but growing louder. The long-married couple looked at each other solemnly.

“I don’t have to go, you know,” she said. “You can tell him I’m sick and we can just sit out back and…”

“I know,” Corey interrupted. “Watch the sunset.”


The steady growl of Zane’s bike was louder now.

Corey smiled softly. “I've told you before I don't want to watch the sunset. Go to him. Whatever happens, happens.”

She nodded. “I’ll tell you everything.”

“I know.”

Lauren transferred some essentials from her daily purse to a smaller clutch. Their eyes met as she tried to add a condom to the side pocket. Corey gently covered her hand.

“Zane’s had one girlfriend since Abby left,” he attested, "and presumably that girl was only with her ex-husband before him. Our friend's about as clean as any single guy we know.”

Their gaze met in mutual understanding. It would be her choice. Corey kissed her and allowed the foil packet to drop into the clutch. Their eyes held steady until the doorbell rang.

“Now go have fun, Ashley.”

Lauren swung the lambskin leather jacket over her shoulders and let it settle into place. It was replete with zippered cuffs and side pockets. Without saying another word, she flipped her jet-black hair out from underneath and turned towards the bedroom door, her curvaceous ass swaying erotically in the obscenely tight leather pants.

Corey scampered to the front guest bedroom and parted the blinds just in time to see his beautiful wife of 28 years take her place on the back of his best friend's Harley. As the bike pulled away, he could see Lauren loop her arms tightly under Zane's and glance surreptitiously back at the house. Had she been able to see the 61-year-old peeking out the second-floor window, she might have detected an unsure look of jealousy, guilt, regret and arousal. Especially arousal. Corey listened to the roar of motorcycle’s exhaust fade in the distance as the newly minted couple rode west into the sunset. A sunset he and the love of his life could be watching from their home right then had it not been for his overactive and obsessive fetish. Now, she was going to enjoy it with someone else.

It was going to be a long, long night.


Lauren held Zane tightly as the Harley tore down the freeway, her gloved hands clutching the front of his well-worn leather jacket. It was not her first time on a motorcycle, but none had been this large and the rides much shorter. It was exhilarating, especially sitting behind such an experienced rider. A decidedly handsome and well-built rider.

That described Zane perfectly. Periodically, Lauren repositioned tired arms across his large chest and could feel the sturdiness beneath. Although the pair had exchanged friendly hugs over the years, Lauren hadn’t realized just how solid he was. Occasionally, she’d catch a glimpse of his face as he glanced sideways to change lanes. How did I never notice how rugged and chiseled it is? Probably because she’d never been this close for such an extended length of time. A captive audience at the moment, she had the time to admire his profile. Quite appealing, even with that silly 70s-style porn moustache he'd sported for as long as she could remember.

Surprisingly, the mechanic hadn’t said much since leaving the house. Beyond some initial pleasantries and a few riding instructions, Zane had remained uncharacteristically quiet. That was fine with her. Over the decades, she'd rarely had a solo conversation with him. Most of the time Corey and he carried the banter. Given the reasons she found herself on the back of his bike that evening, the prospect of a conventional conversation seemed that much more arduous. For now, she was content to just press her body into the stout frame and feel the warmth from his back on her cheeks. I wonder if he’s as nervous as I am?

Little did his “date” know, Zane was just as uneasy. This morning, he had been contemplating skipping the ceremony altogether. Good at his trade, he’d won Top Mechanic before, so the award itself was immaterial. Shallow or not, impressing coworkers with Ashley’s beauty was far more important to him. Since the divorce, they’d been after him to forget about Abby and move on. When he finally told them about the waitress, his buddies were overjoyed, but couldn’t believe she was “all that”. The banquet was to be the vehicle for him to show them she was. Until, of course, the damn girl ran back to her ex.

Now a different “Ashley” was on the back of Bessy, pressing her equally hot body into his. Yet, this was not just any woman. No, this was his best friend’s wife; someone he’d known for years. That’s what made it nerve-wracking. That afternoon, he'd come to accept his friend’s scheme to fool the guys at the shop as an innocent prank. Nothing more, nothing less. The “couple” would eat a little, maybe dance a bit, then he’d drop Lauren at her motel - alone - and come back in the morning to pick her up. What could be more innocent than that? Then came the walk. He damned near creamed his jeans when the raven-haired beauty wiggled down the driveway in those tight leather pants and motorcycle jacket. It took great discipline not to stare at the rather conspicuous cameltoe while giving his new passenger instructions for the ride. In that moment Zane had serious doubts about his ability to keep his libido in check all night.

Audible sighs from both riders were lost to the wind as the heavy bike barrelled down the clear moonlit highway towards Bakersfield.

It was going to be a long, long, night.


Amelia knocked on her parents’ bedroom door and waited for a response. Receiving no answer, she pushed it open and spied her father lying on the bed staring at the ceiling.


Corey turned his head.


“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, just still a little tired from last night.”

“Yeah, me too,” she smiled. “Listen, since Mom went with Gail and Ellen to see Uncle Zane receive his award, Caroline and I thought we’d take you out to dinner. How about trying that new Mexican joint on Main?”

Gail and Ellen? That’s who Lauren told the girls she was going with?

“Uh, sure, honey, that would be great. What time?”

“How about six-fifteen?”

“You got it.”

Amelia turned to leave but stopped just short of the doorway. “Just curious, why’d Mom go and not you? He’s you’re friend.”

Corey rubbed his five o’clock shadow. He wasn’t prepared for this line of questioning. It almost sounds like she suspects something.

“Big meeting Monday and I have to be ready. And newsflash, Mom and Zane have been friends for years too.”

“But it’s Saturday, on a holiday weekend.”

“Well, my kind of job doesn’t take a long weekend.”

The young woman smiled feebly. There was something odd about that reasoning, but she was used to her father working crazy hours.

“Okay then, see you in a bit.”

Amelia closed the door on the way out. She was very concerned about her father being alone in the big house while her mother galavanted around Florida. Well, at least it won’t be for much longer.


Lauren nearly froze by the time the shiny Harley pulled into the parking lot between Freddy’s Lounge and the no tell motel where Zane had reserved a room. For the most part, the leather jacket had kept her toasty, with the exception of the last fifteen minutes of the ride, when the cold finally seeped through and chilled her bare arms. The sleeveless vest may have looked fabulous, but was clearly not made for this type of weather.

“Hope you didn’t dine on too many 'sects,” Zane smiled as he grabbed his overnight from one of the saddlebags.

“Um,” Lauren asked timidly, “is the ceremony at Freddy’s?”

“What? Oh no, it’s at the lodge over on 87. We can freshen up here first though.”

Zane disappeared into the rental office only to reappear a short time later with a key dangling from his finger. Lauren followed him down the dimly lit walkway until they reached Room 10. She looked around warily.

“I know what you’re thinking," he muttered, "but I stay here several times a year. It doesn’t look like much, but its clean. I know the owner. No bugs, no mice. Besides, we’re only going to be here a minute or two. I guarantee you the room Corey got you over on 110 is much nicer.”

Lauren nodded but still appeared skittish. It didn’t take long for obvious to dawn on him.

“You’re not worried about the bugs, are you?”

She looked down and shook her head.

Zane sighed. “Look, I appreciate you going along with your husband’s hair brain idea for my benefit, but I would never take advantage of our friendship.”

“Oh really?” Lauren smirked.

There it was, the elephant in the room.

“Okay, you got me. That was a long time ago. I was drunk and out of line and you let me know it. I did apologize later if I’m not mistaken.”

“That you did,” she grinned.

The mechanic scanned the desolate parking lot. Freddy’s didn’t get going until much later.

“You can stay out here if you’d like. Just going to take a quick shower. Didn’t have a chance to clean up after hauling away that huge mess you made in your yard this afternoon.”

Lauren’s watched as a few scruffy patrons tumbled from a dented car in front of the dive bar and looked her way.

“I think I’ll wait inside.”


Corey and his daughters sipped margaritas at the new restaurant while awaiting their dinner. Caroline told them about the challenges of counseling one particular troubled teenage girl at the high school where she worked, and Amelia complained about having to learn new software to implement some large computer system. Corey listened politely to both but struggled to stay engaged. He glanced at the time. Six-thirty. They should be there by now.


Lauren sat in a ratty, orange colored easy chair situated in a corner of the tiny one-bed motel room. Everything about the unit was dilapidated and in disrepair, but as Zane had promised, it was clean. She could hear water running on the other side of the closed bathroom door and decided to have some fun while waiting. A few seconds later a snap of the room was on it's way to Corey.

LAUREN: This is what you rented for me? Thanks a lot! She added a smiley emoji.

Corey heard the text come in and peeked at his phone. His eyes narrowed, trying to comprehend what he was seeing. Surely this was not at the three-star he’d booked her into.

LAUREN: Just kidding, this is Zane’s room. He’s taking a shower right now. Maybe I should join him? I do feel a bit dirty. She knew that would rile him up.

“Is that Mom?” Amelia asked, swallowing a bite of enchilada.

He shoved the device into his pocket and downed his drink.

“Yeah, she finally made it to Bakersfield.”


Steam billowed from the bathroom as Zane cracked the door and stuck his nose through.

“Hey, could you hand me my travel bag? Sorry, I should have brought it in.”

Lauren grabbed the knapsack and walked slowly to the door. She held it with an outstretched arm so he could pull the bag through. To do so, Zane had to open the door a bit wider, allowing her a glimpse of his bare chest and towel wrapped waist. Those pecs were exactly what she imagined when holding onto him for dear life on the bike. Graying like her husband's, but broader, and in much better shape. She bit her lip.

Corey just may get his wish tonight after all.


The Iowan project manager was on his second margarita when a familiar voice nearly made him choke.

“Hi guys!” Lauren’s friend Gail called out as she walked up to the table. “Sorry, El and I didn’t see you over here until just now. How was the meal?”

“Hey,” Corey smiled nervously. Of all the people… “Foods good. Had better drinks, though.”

“Yeah, hi Gail,” Amelia said acrimoniously. “I thought you and Ellen went with Mom to Zane’s award ceremony tonight. You know, over in Bakersfield?”

“Award?” the older lady's brow furrowed. “Bakersfield?”

Amelia eyes shot to her father. “Sorry,” she apologized, “I must be mistaken.”

“Well, I hope she has a good time. Wish Zane would ask me to go somewhere, now that he’s back on the market and all,” Gail grinned. “He’s a well-formed man.”

“What a tramp,” Ellen admonished her friend, then turned to the Millers. “Well, tell Lauren we said hi. I’d like to see her again before she heads back to sunny Florida.”

“Will do,” Caroline offered hastily, sensing trouble spinning in her sister’s brain.

The threesome watched as the two women made their way to the restaurant’s exit. Both sisters looked back at their father with questioning eyes.

Corey clasped his hands together. “Nice of them to stop by. Who wants ice cream?”


Lauren whistled as Zane exited the bathroom in a blue silk collared shirt and black denim jeans.

“A biker that cleans up nicely. What a novelty.”

“You like?”

“Indeed. I might have to up my game tonight to keep the ladies off you.”

Well, that didn't come out right.

“I mean, um, Ashley might have too.”

“Not a chance. I'll already be with the best-looking chick there. Besides, I’m really glad she couldn't come. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here."

Their eyes met for the briefest moment. For just a second the world stopped turning.

Finally, Lauren blinked. “Yeah, me too," she replied, blushing. "Glad to help. My turn now.” With that she hurried into the bathroom and shut the door.


“I thought Gail and Ellen went with Mom to Bakersfield?” Amelia probed as they walked through the restaurant’s parking lot to Corey’s truck.

“Guess not," he barked back. The response was a bit too lackadaisical and he knew it. So did his daughter.

“Wait, you mean she went out of town to spend the night and you don’t know who she’s with?”

“Mom’s a big girl. Probably misheard who was going. I’m sure she’s with Zane and, uh, others. It’s all good. He’s not going to let anything happen to her.”

“Dad, remember what we talked about weeks ago?”

The truck’s cabin doors unlocked and the three piled in.

“Yes. And your mother’s not cheating on me, Amelia. Miami’s a fun town and living there has finally enabled her to spread her wings…to have fun again after raising two kids. What’s wrong with that? I for one am glad to see her breaking out of that rut. Believe me, I’ve got some Hawaiian shirts and gold chains in my future once I get there.”

Caroline had to agree with her father. “Couldn’t have said it better. You guys are empty nesters now. Why not have some fun? If that means wearing sexy clothes and topless beaches, then so be it.”

“I'd have no issue with that if they were together, Cee. Problem is, they aren’t. And now Mom’s off with who knows who tonight when she should be here with Dad. Hell, they only see each other once in a blue moon as it is.”

Corey turned into their subdivision and slammed on the brakes. He turned and faced the girls.

“I’m only going to say this once. I trust your mother. Period. Whether it’s down there or up here. Doesn’t matter. She accompanied Zane to watch him get an award because that’s what friends do. I don’t know who else went and I don’t care. Zane is my best friend and would die protecting her, so if you are asking me if I’m worried about something, anything, happening simply because I’m not there, the answer is not just no, but HELL no. Is that clear?”

Caroline gawked at her father. She rarely saw him this angry. Amelia simply scowled at the glowing dashboard and nodded her head. “Yeah, got it.”

“Good. Now we’re going to go home, pop some corn, and watch a happy, happy movie together while wishing your mother the best of times at our friend’s ceremony.”

As he put the truck in drive and pulled away from the curb, Corey caught his reflection in the side view mirror. The look on his face was one of guilt and conflict.

Seven o’clock. I wonder where she’s at now?


Streamers and banners welcoming Iowa motorcycle enthusiasts adorned the outside of the lodge. Zane maneuvered Bessy through the parking lot and stopped at a row of similar bikes lined up near the front door. Lauren dismounted and watched as he carefully walked the bike back to align with the others. Finally, he killed the engine and smiled.

“You ready, Ashley?”

Lauren matched the smile. “Let’s go do this.”

The couple entered the main banquet room which had been cleverly converted to cater to the specialized crowd. Instead of flowers, various shiny new bike parts were employed as centerpieces with motorcycle motifs throughout. Women in gowns met them at the door to provide name tags. At first, Lauren was alarmed at their dresses until she realized they worked for the lodge. One look at the actual guests belied any fear of being underdressed. Leather and denim definitely ruled the night.

Zane walked proudly through the throng with “Ashley” clinging to his arm. Occasionally stopping to shake hands and make introductions, his date charmed them all. By the time they reached their table, both were confident the charade would be successful. The program began shortly after seven with the master of ceremonies – an older man with a denim vest named Wiley - kicking things off.

Those sitting with them were cordial if not downright friendly. Ashley hit it off with several women at their table. Two of them were younger, perhaps in their 30s, the other appeared to be in her mid-50s. All three were wives of Zane’s coworkers and genuinely seemed pleased to finally meet her.

As the evening wore on, Lauren could feel eyes upon her from various areas of the hall. With hers being one of the shapelier figures in the room, she’d made quite an impression when walking to the table. Sitting up front didn’t help matters either. But wasn’t that what she was there for, to be noticed? A few times she caught Zane’s buddies stealing peeks in their direction. To their consternation, she winked and smiled to acknowledge their somewhat creepy glances. To accentuate who she was with, Lauren occasionally hugged Zane’s arm and twirled his hair. At first, he jumped at the overt affection, but eventually relaxed as he realized it was all part of the show.

Award after award was handed out until the MC finally – and mercifully - declared it was time to recognize the winner of this year’s Top Mechanic. The room erupted in applause when Zane’s name was announced. Lauren rose and pecked his cheek as he left to accept the hand-blown glass mechanic’s wrench. His speech was short and simple, thanking his coworkers and bosses, and ending by expressing his gratitude to the lovely Ashley for accompanying him on that special evening.

Zane walked back to the table amongst a roomful of cheers, where he handed Lauren the glass wrench.

“Congratulations,” she clapped, “you deserve to win.”

“Wasn’t a surprise or anything,” he downplayed the hoopla. “Besides, I won the minute you said you’d come with me tonight.”

Lauren bit her lower lip. What a sweet thing to say. Throwing her arms around the hulking man, she kissed him full on the lips. The table rippled while the pair embraced. Zane’s mind briefly faltered as it tried hard to process just who the glossy pink lips belonged to. It was, of course, the first time the two friends had even remotely shared an intimate moment. Slowly, his brain allowed it to happen and commanded his arms to envelope her. Neither could ignore the sparks that flew between their bodies. It was only when the MC “ahem-ed” them did they break away and sit down to a smattering of snickers. Both knew they’d put on a good show for his peers and any further display of affection at that time was probably unnecessary. And yet, when Zane patted her leg in a private thanks-for-being-here, Lauren took his hand in hers and held it tight, thumb subconsciously rubbing his.


Corey reclined in an easy chair and his daughters sprawled across the couch as they watched a horror movie that was only mildly entertaining. This allowed his hyperactive mind to wander. It was now after nine. Surely the banquet was underway.

Several minutes later his phone vibrated. Corey peeked discreetly at the message. No telling what images he might be seeing that night. It was a photo of Zane dressed rather nicely, smiling broadly with his wrench award.

LAUREN: Very proud of your buddy! Top Mechanic!

COREY: Awesome. Tell him I am too.

LAUREN: Will do! Love you!

Corey studied the pic. This was classier than he’d seen his friend dress in years. The tight jeans and even tighter shirt showed off his thick frame, especially the bulge between his legs. Corey couldn’t help but think Zane’s sudden attention to detail had everything to do with Lauren’s presence.

Nice of him to be so conscientious.


Just after ten o’clock, the master of ceremonies closed the banquet, once again congratulating the award recipients and bidding everyone safe travel home. Zane and Ashley glided through the dispersing crowd as members of the association shook his hand and lauded the accomplishment. Women complimented Lauren on her bold attire, whereas most of the men just gawked.

The faux couple stole glances of each other, wide smirks on their faces.

Mission accomplished.


Corey had just thrown away unused movie popcorn and bid the girls a goodnight when another text came in. He lumbered upstairs and locked himself in the master bedroom.

LAUREN: Top mechanic? Your friend’s more like top goofball. Having a great time.

The snap was of a film strip, the kind you get after cramming into a small photo-booth wearing goofy clothes and feather boas. The two were pressed close together in various poses ranging from silly faces to dopey hats. In one frame, Lauren was planting a kiss on Zane’s cheek.

Just like a real date.

Corey changed into his pajamas and folded down the bed’s comforter. Climbing in, he switched on the wall-mounted television and turned up the volume…for good reason. Moments later his tablet was playing the video he’d shot of his wife having sex in Jack’s apartment a few weeks ago.

"Yesssssss, Tony yes, I'm your whore. FUCK ME, fuck your whore!" Lauren screamed.

“Ah, SHIT, bitch, gonna blow, take it, take it!" the frat boy shouted as he pounded her pussy.

Corey threaded his semi-erect dick through the PJ bottom’s fly and began lightly stroking.

Fap, fap, fap.

“FUCKIN' WHORE!! Gonna cum, here it comes, here it comes!" Tony yelled as he pounded his cock into Lauren. "FUCK your husband, this is my cunt now!"

Corey watched the clip until his wife's teeth clenched, a sure sign of orgasm. He needed relief as well.

“Ummmmmphh,” he cried, his wrinkled pecker spurting what little cum was left in his balls into a tissue. Earlier, Lauren had taken most of his daily load down her throat. As he wiped a stream of clear fluid escaping down his penis, a text message came in that partially covered the carnal scene frozen on the tablet.

LAUREN: Banquet just ended. Phone almost dead. Heading to my hotel now.

Despondency settled over Corey. His grand plan had failed. Lauren had dressed to the nines and left looking as slutty as any woman on the planet that night. Any man in his right mind would want to sleep with her. The fact they were heading back to her place could only mean his best friend was not interested. Damnit.


To be sure, that was NOT the result Corey was hoping for, but he no longer had a say in it. The plan now, as far as Zane knew, was to drop Lauren off at her hotel where she’d remain – alone - until he picked her up the next morning. And yet, neither masquerader inwardly felt the outcome of the evening had truly been determined. Decorum kept both from acknowledging the mutual attraction that was growing every minute. On one hand, Zane wished to maintain the fidelity of his friendship with Corey, bros before hos if you will, but then, God help him, all the over-the-top flirting – genuine or not - had been slowly eating away at his will power. Quite frankly, he needed to be as far away from this vixen as possible before his libido could no longer be checked.

For her part, Lauren wasn’t as concerned with fidelity as she was about long-term consequences. Should Corey’s latest fantasy be realized that night, both he and his best friend would each have dark secrets to live with: the former knowing that he’d deceived a friend, and the latter knowing he’s slept with a good buddy’s wife.

Zane fired up the Harley and steered the beast out of the lodge’s parking lot and onto the two-lane state highway towards Lauren’s hotel. The inn Corey had booked her into was fifteen minutes away.

Only fifteen minutes for two hesitant pawns in a perverted man's folly to decide whether the dynamic of their friendships would change forever.


Back in Des Moines, Corey laid propped up against the headboard half-watching an old western. Now eleven o’clock, it had been an hour since Lauren’s last text. Surely, she’d be at the hotel by now. He sent a few texts but had no responses. He found the reservation email and called the front desk number.

No, Mrs. Miller had not checked in yet. And no, they hadn’t heard from her.

Corey turned back to the movie.

That's odd. Maybe her phone died.


Lauren’s heart sank a bit as the bike turned off the asphalt into the hotel’s parking lot. Her husband’s kink aside, she was honestly enjoying being with Zane and, regardless of where the wind took them that night, was not ready for the evening to end. In addition, she was horny as hell. The dirty dancing, free pour booze, and now the steady hum of the motorcycle between her legs had elevated her arousal to the point she could feel moisture leaking into her thong. As the bike rolled up to the entrance, Lauren swung her legs off the back and removed her helmet. When she did all that shiny lush black hair fell around her shoulders, causing more than just a slight twinge in the biker’s crotch. My God, she’s fucking gorgeous. Corey’s goddamn nuts for letting her come with me. Run away, Zane, run away.

Grabbing her overnight from a saddlebag, she stood sanguinely as Zane straddled the idling cruiser.

“Thanks for everything,” he murmured with little expression. Clearly an angel was on one shoulder, admonishing his mounting vulgar thoughts, while a demon danced and applauded them on the other.

“You really gave my buds something to talk about.”

“My pleasure,” she smiled. “I wasn’t sure Corey’s crazy idea would work, but we pulled it off.”

“That was all you. I just sat back and watched you be hot.”

Seriously, dude, is that all the game you got?

When it's Corey's wife, yeah. Need to behave.

Lauren giggled. “I noticed."

Her brow furrowed. "Not all that was acting you know. You’re pretty hot yourself.”

The pair stared at each other as the puttering bike provided the only sound..

Finally, the mechanic gave her a fist bump. “Pick you up at ten?”

“Fine, sure,” Lauren nodded, her voice cracking. She leaned over and pecked her date on the cheek. “See you then.”

Zane's nose practically followed her intoxicating perfume right off the motorcycle as she turned and walked away, her ass wiggling dramatically. I need to get loaded and jerk off.

As he released the clutch and was about to pull away, Lauren suddenly wheeled, hands on hips.

“So, what’s Freddy’s like anyway?”

He depressed the clutch again and laughed. “Like a fraternity house on steroids.”

“Sounds like fun.”

Zane studied her face. Is she REALLY fishing for an invitation or just fucking with me?

“Not sure Corey would appreciate me taking you into that environment.”

Lauren struck a seductive pose. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a big girl capable of making my own decisions.”

His eyes travelled over her leather-bound body. The slit of the cameltoe and the way the stiletto heels highlighted her legs and ass were just too fucking much to take. “I can see that,” he said, breathing heavily.

The siren walked right up to him, hands on hips all the way, pelvis swinging. She said nothing. She didn't have to.

Zane hesitated, knowing full well the potential ramifications of what his next words would be. He sighed. Fuck it.

With a rev of the powerful Harley’s engine, that night’s top award winner jerked his thumb at the back of the bike. “Hop on.”

Lauren broke into a smile. Their eyes met briefly, then she kissed him.

He brushed her cheek tenderly with gloved hand. “You don’t have to act out here, you know.”

She held his chin, wiping away some lipstick with a thumb. “I wasn’t.”

Zane cocked an eyebrow. His dick flared. “You know once we get to Freddy’s I may not be in any condition to bring you back here tonight.”

“I know,” Lauren whispered softly in his ear as she mounted Bessy and clutched his waist.

The large man’s mind was spinning as the bike tore out of the parking lot in a cloud of dust. They were on the precipice of something both were desperately trying to thwart internally. Was this finally the wild woman he thought he saw in those social media posts? Was there some truth to the suspicions circulating amongst her friends?

God pity Corey if they were right.


From the moment the couple pulled up to Freddy's, it was quite evident the joint was hopping. Loud 70s rock music blared from open windows and laughter and raucous conversation could be heard well into the parking lot. Sounds of bottles rattling and clanging – some perhaps even smashing – assured any potential revelers that patronage of that establishment was not for the faint of heart.

Zane chose to park the bike near his motel room so he wouldn’t have to navigate later. He offered to stow Lauren’s overnight inside and opted to sink a couple shots of whiskey before making the trek across the gravel lot to the lounge. The mechanic was delighted when his date was keen as well.

“Need to get my Ashley back on,” Lauren grinned. “I'd almost put her away for the night.” She burst into laughter. The alcohol was taking its toll. "Not rode hard and put away wet...yet. Maybe we can change that."

Zane cock nearly burst from his jeans. Good God.

Peeling off the leather jacket, Lauren tossed back a second large shot and fluffed her hair.

"Can you take a pic for Corey?" She struck yet another pose, legs apart, hands on hips. "I want him to see what he's missing.”

Zane wiped away a bit of whiskey from his lips. Sweet Jesus. “Uh sure.”

“Wait!” she exclaimed, lowering the strapless corset’s zipper until it was just about unseated. Nothing left to the imagination up top now, just maximum cleavage and full side-boob views from any angle. “What do you think? Will Ashley continue to impress your friends?”

Zane nodded and took the snap. “With all due respect, forget those retards, you’ve have my attention all damn night.”

“Really?” Lauren slithered up to him and poured herself another shot. “I hadn’t noticed.” The back of her hand grazed his crotch as she slid the bottle back into his hand.

“I shouldn’t have said that," Zane apologized. "I'm out of line, it’s the whiskey.”

“Out of line? You've been nothing but the perfect gentleman," she disagreed, placing her hand on his chest and breathing heavily, “but I keep hoping that will change. Now send Corey the pic.”

Zane felt his will power crumbling. He punched in his friend’s number and sent the photo message.

Rowdy partiers outside in the parking lot broke the sexually charged stillness.

“Shall we?” the biker asked, nodding towards the door.

Ashley giggled at the innuendo. “Shouldn’t you at least buy me dinner first?”

Zane looped his arm around her sexy waist as he guided her from the room. The gravel lot crunched under their feet as they walked to Freddy’s.

“Funny, I thought I already did.”


Freddy’s Lounge was every bit what Lauren had anticipated. Loud music, lively, a blue-collar whiskey drinking crowd. Zane re-introduced Ashley to his coworkers and the pair joined a long table of ten others. To her delight, the same women she’d befriended at the banquet were there along with their husbands. Amazingly, an assorted group of single guys came over to say hello as well. A quick scowl from Zane served as a warning shot across their bow which quickly curtailed the unsolicited visits.

As the midnight hour struck, the spurious couple were well beyond intoxicated. Lauren tried throwing darts but failed miserably. Later, Zane chortled as his friends tried to show her how to better her pool game, but really just wanted to gawk. Hand-eye coordination didn’t fare any better at that sport either. In fact, the best part was watching Lauren bend over to take a shot in those unholy tight leather pants. Occasionally, much to the joy of her mentors, gravity would drag the nearly unzipped vest away from her chest, allowing an unfettered view of her tiny tits, nipples and all. Zane thought it curious that she didn’t even attempt to cover up. How was this the same girl he watched walk down the aisle with his best friend? Up until now, she’d been one of the most modest women he’d ever known. Had Miami changed her that much in such a short period of time? Whatever the cause, she clearly was more comfortable in her sexuality now. He wondered just how much more.


The handsome cowboy wrapped his arms around the pretty prairie lass as dramatic music played. Corey’s eyes blinked open as he woke. Must have fallen asleep.

He looked at his phone expectantly and saw one unread message from Zane.

‘bout fucking time.

There, in the same room she’d sent a text from earlier in the evening, was a very drunk or high Lauren posing most suggestively. Hands on hips, pelvis thrust forward, the leather pants were pulled tightly against her crotch, allowing the cameltoe to sink noticeably into the snatch beneath. The vest – oh my God the vest - was nearly undone, providing even less cover than a tiny bikini top.

The aroused look in her eyes! Surely Zane could not resist much longer.

He took a deep breath, not wanting to reveal his excitement.

COREY: Everything okay?

Zane felt his phone vibrate and saw a response to the text sent over an hour ago. He looked up at “Ashley” who was still at the pool table flirting with his coworkers.

ZANE: Sorry, didn’t see your messages until now. At Freddy’s, all is good.

COREY: Where’s Lauren?

Zane winced. He knew Lauren being with him was not part of the plan.

ZANE: She’s here too.

Corey let that sink in. He suspected as much. If his wife was at the bar, there was little chance of getting a ride back to her hotel safely. And Zane would never allow her to do something stupid. Maybe his scheme would work out after all.

COREY: She’s looking hot tonight, buddy. You’re one lucky dog. How’s the arrangement working?

ZANE: She’s got them fooled hundred percent. BTW, thanks for letting her come. She’s amazing.

At that moment, Lauren glanced at Zane and let the pool cue slide through her thumb and forefinger provocatively. His cock twitched.

Corey’s did as well, and although there was no visual, just the thought of renewed potential aspirations was enough to rouse him.

COREY: Don’t do anything I wouldn’t. And if you do, take lots of pics. Smiley emoji.

Zane stared at his friend’s words. What the hell does that mean?


Eventually Ashley’s new girlfriends pulled her away from the pool table and out on the dance floor. Initially the men were content nursing their beers and watching the drunk vamps shake their asses. The DJ read the room well and spun mostly good time rock ‘n’ roll songs which proved particularly popular with that crowd.

As they danced, the women talked amongst themselves. One asked Ashley whether what Abby had said was true. "I think you have a tiger by the tail there," she concluded. "So, does he really get as rough as she claimed?" Lauren searched her booze-impaired memory capacity. Her and Zane's ex-wife had always gotten along, but they were never close enough to discuss what went on behind closed doors. The office manager just smiled and went to retrieve her date. What did she mean by tiger?

As she processed what the woman had said, the 48-year-old beauty never lost sight of the reason she was there. Playing the date card perfectly, especially during slow songs, she kept Zane close, arms looped the muscular biceps, hips moving against his in rhythm to the music.

Lauren ground her crotch into his legs, first one, then the other, sometimes straddling the meaty thighs. Their bodies melded together and swayed to the beat in sync. Zane could feel her hot breath on his neck and was delighted when she allowed his hands to freely traverse her leather-clad body. At first, he was somewhat restrained, his reverence to Corey still repressing any idea that this whole thing was anything more than a perverted, distorted farce. But as their dancing became more impassioned, the award-winning mechanic felt deep cracks forming in his resolute. Shields were falling and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about.

Lauren felt it too. Whatever mental saltpeter Zane had concocted internally was wearing thin, and her own urges were boiling with each passing minute. Up until that moment she hadn’t necessarily shared her husband’s aspirations for the date. She’d always looked on Zane as a good friend, even after hearing what he thought of her. ”Who wouldn’t tap that given a chance?” No mistaking the intention of that statement.

And he was incredibly hot in a lumberjack kind of way. Ever since their first kiss that evening, his broad chest, stocky arms, and a hint of a large package had all been eroding any misgivings she may have had about fulfilling Corey’s latest importunity. As Zane’s hands continued to grope her body, any doubt was melting away. Kumiho was awakening with a vengeance. Tonight’s destiny was clear.

“I need to pee,” Lauren whispered in his ear, their bodies swaying softly to the blues music.

Zane pointed at the huge arrow on the wall which plainly suggested the way to the ladies’ room.

Hands on his chest, a delicate finger traced his shirt from collar to belt. “Show me, pleessssee.”

Zane laughed. Yep, she was officially shit-faced. Grabbing her hand, he led his giggling date down a back hallway and stopped between two doors labeled “Bulls” and “Bitches”. A yellow “Restroom Closed” sign blocked the entrance to the ladie’s room. A putrid odor of vomit wafted from within while a very angry waitress mopped the floor.

“Shit, I gotta pee!” Lauren danced, hands between her legs. Grabbing Zane’s hand, the brunette pulled him into the “Bulls” room and waddled to the nearest commode. “You watshhh,” she slurred, disappering into the stall. The biker stood outside and listened to her bladder empty, followed by a flush, then nothing.

“Laur…I mean, Ash? You okay?” Still nothing. Fuck, did she pass out?

He tapped the door with his finger. It wasn’t locked, so he gently pushed it open. There, sitting on the toilet was his best friend’s wife with the most irresistible, inviting, and bewitching come-hither look he had EVER seen. Lauren pulled him into the stall and shut the door.

“What are you…”

“Shut up, Zane, just shut the fuck up.”

Before he could react, her hands loosened his belt and unzipped the fly. As denim parted, revealing the cotton shorts beneath, she quickly pulled them and the trousers to his thighs.

Lauren gasped as Zane’s hardening cock sprung into view. It wasn’t like any penis she’d seen before. Long and skinny, there was a certain curvature to it, more pronounced towards the bulbous head. It was truly the proverbial tube steak.Magnificent.

She ran several fingers along the underside of his quivering manhood, eliciting a deep moan from the friend she was about to blow. The anticipation increased as her tongue darted out for the first taste.

“Lauren, no.”

“Shhhh, let me thank you for dinner.”

The sight of her pretty face triggered fond recollection of their friendship: waiting with Corey on the alter as Lauren floated down the aisle, visiting her in the hospital after the birth of Caroline and Amelia, float trips, graduations, birthdays. That was all forgotten as Zane watched his buddy’s wife move forward on the toilet seat and slide her lips over his shaft. Any remaining objections his mind could conjur evaporated.

“Damn, girl, suck that cock.”

Lauren didn’t take it deep at first, preferring to swirl her tongue around the bulbous mushroom until she could assess how to properly take such a long, bowed spear. With one hand cupping Zane’s balls, the other helped steady his dick while she licked the pink flesh.

“Goddamn, that feels good!”

“Such a big cock, Zane. I had no idea. Much bigger than Corey’s, but you already knew that.”

He did. Guys see other guy’s dicks whether it be in the locker room, pissing in the woods, or whatnot. Typically never a topic of conversation because most dudes just didn’t care.

Lauren sized up Zane’s bent tool as she continued to lick its head, fingers closing around the massive member in pursuit of what she hoped would be a happy ending. It was not as wide as Tony’s, but certainly a good deal longer. After multiple attempts, she found coming at it from above his navel allowed the slinky snake to slide easily down her warm throat, well past the tonsils. Lifting herself a bit from the plastic horseshoe seat permitted the perfect angle, and Lauren settled into a sucking cadence with purpose.

Zane grabbed her silky black hair as she took his dick to the base. “Oh fucking shit!


For the next few minutes, the only sound was the biker’s heavy breathing along with the sloppy smacking of the Iowan wife’s dutiful lips on the fully erect penis of a man not her husband. This wasn’t a sprint, it was a marathon, and Lauren was determined not to leave without him splashing a load of cum in her mouth. She picked up the pace, forcing his rod down her throat, effectively fucking her face for him. The ferocity of her cock sucking forced Zane to press his palms against the walls of the stall for stability. Corey once complained she never gave him head and now this? What the fuck?

The couple was so immersed in their dirty deed they at first didn’t notice the pair of purple suede boots stop outside the stall. Zane was oblivious, but one could hardly blame him. He was facing the wall and receiving a world class blowjob. Lauren, on the other hand, eventually spied the pair of legs next to the door but refused to let their presence distract her from her mission.

“Mmmmmuggggggaaaaahhhhhhhh,” she gargled.

“Uggggggggghhhhhh,” the mechanic moaned.

“Yessss,” the disembodied boots sighed from the other side.

Lauren’s eyes widened. I’ll be damned, he’s jerking off! She let Zane’s dick slide from her throat and sat back down on the toilet seat. Looking up into her date’s eyes, it was apparent he wasn’t aware of their fan. She wrapped both hands around his crooked staff and applied a death grip.

“You enjoying this, baby?” Her fists began pumping the length of the skinny shaft. “You like watching your best friend’s wife go down on you?”

Zane grunted. The visitor did too.

“I’ve seen the way you’ve looked at me tonight. Admit it, you’ve wanted to ram your cock down my throat all night, haven’t you?”

“Lauren, no I…”

“You’ve tried to be good, haven’t you? Tried to respect Corey and my virtue. But you can’t help it anymore. You want me. You want to see me take your load so fucking bad. Say it!”

More grunts from both inside and outside the stall.

“Say it, Zane!”

“YES, YES, goddamnit, I WANT IT! Take my cum, take it, take it!”

“I will,” she promised, her hands a blur on his meat. “Give it to me, stud, cum for me, cum for me NOW!”

Zane’s hips began to buck. Lauren knew he was about to blow. She fixed her eyes on his and stuck out her tongue.

“Dump it, baby, dump it in my slutty mouth.”

“I’m gonna…I gonna...”

The biker aimed his cock the best he could. The first little spurt was off target, hitting her cheek, the next two were quite voluminous and landed directly on her outstretched tongue. Bullseye.

“AHHHHHHHH FUCCCCK!” he roared as the thick ropes of semen rolled down her throat and out of sight.

Lauren sighed heavily like an addict injecting poison. Hot sticky jizz was her drug now and feeling it on her face and in her mouth was the mainline. She swished the thick frothy goo around her tounge as she drained the last salty drop from the cock’s gaping pink hole.

As Zane collapsed against the stall’s walls, the couple heard the visitor’s muffled cry, followed by a spray of milky-white liquid which landed with a splat on the concrete between the two boots. Seconds later. the mystery fan ran from the restroom. Zane looked at Lauren with utter surprise.

Wiping her mouth, she opened the small door and brushed by the mechanic on her way out, stopping briefly to whisper in his ear.

“Come, make me your whore.”

Zane stared after her as she walked the stilettos around the fresh pool of semen on the floor. He was filled with both yearning and trepidation.

What have we done?

Last edited by SimpleEnigma on Mon Aug 02, 2021 2:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by DarrenZ » Sun Aug 01, 2021 3:11 pm


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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by JustWantToWatch » Mon Aug 02, 2021 10:24 am

Phenomenal chapter!!! Long but so worth it!!

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by mundyman » Mon Aug 02, 2021 12:02 pm

This story is phenomenal!!!
What makes it sizzle for me is the knowledge that is fiction based on non-fiction, and imagining which is which in this story is awesome.
Keep up the great work.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by soupcan_99 » Wed Aug 04, 2021 11:31 am

Thanks, I’m enjoying Lauren and her naughty adventures…

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SamWarrens » Wed Aug 04, 2021 2:36 pm

Hope she lets Zane fuck her bare back and she unexpectedly comes up pregnant. At 48 its possible for her to still get pregnant.
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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Wed Aug 04, 2021 7:50 pm

Thanks to all for reading.

As far as pregnancy, as stated in chapter 1, our heroine experienced early menopause, therefore that is not in the cards for Lauren. No eggs, no natural pregnancy. But we all know she has a newfound love for bodily fluids both on and in her. Stay tuned.
Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827


Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by R_H_NC » Thu Aug 05, 2021 4:44 am

Now Sam is devastated.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SamWarrens » Thu Aug 05, 2021 5:36 am

Yes.... truly devastated! But like a good trooper I'm carrying on with this excellent story. :twisted: :mrgreen: :whip:
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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by gesdell » Thu Aug 05, 2021 2:12 pm

I can't wait till Lauren "tortures" Twisty with all the details and has fun with the mindf*ck!

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SamWarrens » Sun Aug 15, 2021 4:13 pm

Been a while since last update. Is there another one coming soon?
I can hardly wait.
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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Sun Aug 22, 2021 10:12 am


Corey Miller had been staring at the same spot on the ceiling for over an hour. He glanced at the clock-radio on the nightstand, but already knew the time. Half-past one in the morning; only ten minutes since the last time he checked.

What were his wife and best friend up to? Had they kissed? Had Zane touched her in places friends normally wouldn't?

He sighed. If there was no word from Lauren in the next hour, he’d surely have his answer.


By the time Zane pulled himself together in the men’s room, his date was nowhere to be found. Not in the pool room, at the bar, or the dance floor. On a hunch, he went to the front door and looked passed the bouncer towards the parking lot. There, halfway across, was Lauren’s leather-clad ass headed towards the motel, swaying seductively.

Trotting to catch up, he called her name repeatedly, but she just kept walking. By the time Zane came alongside and matched her pace, he was out of breath.

“Lauren, we need to talk,” he wheezed, gripping her elbow. Feeling his touch, she stopped and wheeled.

“About what?”

“About what? Back there! It was wrong.”

A smirk crossed her face. “Was it? Was it really, Zane? When did you decide it was wrong? After you’ve stared at my ass and tits all night, or just now when you unloaded in my mouth?”

Lauren turned and continued walking to the motel.

“But,” he frowned, calling after her. “I can’t believe we did that to Corey.”

The fiery brunette spun and walked back to him defiantly, fists clenched at her sides. “Did what?”

“C’mon, don’t play games.”

“Games? You want games? Don’t you get it? This whole night is a game on levels you can’t even comprehend!”

Shit! She stomped a heel into the gravel. Dumb, Lauren…dumb, dumb, dumb!

“What the hell does that mean?”

The two glared at each other. Her head was spinning. Fuck. There was no keeping the secret now. She was way too drunk and horny. Besides, Corey started this. Zane should be allowed to finish. As Lauren clapped trembling hands over a beet red face, she told him everything. About the couple’s expanded horizons, her trysts in Florida, how Corey enjoyed being cuckolded and the real reason he had suggested that night’s “date”. Everything.

Zane’s jaw dropped. Not much surprised the mechanic these days, but that...that was a bombshell. With the few brain cells the booze had left him, it all made sense now. Apparently, Lauren’s risqué social media posts were just the tip of the iceberg. Those guys; they weren’t just acquaintances.

The concept of an open marriage was not foreign to him. Zane had been around the block and seen a few things. Bikers were free spirits. They loved to share with people they trusted, and sometimes that included their significant others. But Lauren and Corey? Really? The modest girl who'd been shy most of her life and the guy who’d been so protective of his family? Damn.

Trust. That’s where this got fucked up. What Lauren just told him was difficult to believe, but not implausible. Non-monogamous relationships were common these days. It was the deception that pissed him off. Set up like a bowling pin. Granted, it wasn’t like they were scamming money from him or anything. In fact, he was already quite the benefactor. And he had agreed to the Ashley charade, after all. Wasn’t part of him even hoping beyond odds that the evening would be headed exactly in the direction it was going? In the end, all three were guilty of some type of carnal indiscretion that night. If they were going to burn in hell, they’d surely burn together.

Lauren peeked from between her bony fingers and saw the mechanic’s dazed face. How would he react? Would he shrug it off? Or call Corey to denounce their friendship and leave her stranded in Bakersfield?

Zane snapped out of the introspect and closed the space between them, stopping only when his nose nearly touched hers. The couple read each other’s eyes. He saw the apprehension, indecision, and guilt in hers. She saw hurt, longing, and lust in his. Without warning, her husband’s best friend cupped the back of her neck and pulled her mouth to his.

Lauren inhaled sharply, startled at first, then parted her lips to accept his tongue. They felt their desire for each other skyrocket as the kissing became more passionate. Between the whiskey and their zeal, the bright stars seemed to revolve around the little speck of gravel parking lot as the moon alone bore witness to their yearning.

Suddenly, she threw her arms around his neck and jumped into his arms, legs wrapping tight around his waist. A low moan escaped her lips as they continued to kiss. Zane carried his friend’s wife towards Room 10, both knowing they had unfinished business.


The memories just kept coming at Corey. He couldn’t stop his subconscious from breaking through: the time he first met Zane at a car rally some thirty years ago, the big guy by his side when he wed Lauren, Corey patiently waiting with him as Abby made the same trek down the aisle. Fishing trips, kids’ birthdays, late night parties. His friend had been there for him, and he the same. Now, by Corey’s own hand, his buddy may very well be screwing the love of his life.

The project manager felt a paltry erection trying to sneak from the soft cotton pajama fly. Repeated floggings that evening had made his penis pretty raw, but he did allow a single finger to stroke the head ever so lightly. It twitched in response, bouncing with approval.


A quick turn of the key and a knee to the metal door sent it flying open, ricocheting off the wall behind it. Zane kicked it closed and slammed Lauren against the cheap wood-paneling. Her calves lost their grip on his waist, sending the three-inch stilettos crashing to the carpet. He pressed her against the wall, tongue exploring her mouth as eager hands groped each other's body. Passions mounted as the biker smothered her neck with kisses, then worked his way to bare shoulders, and finally a heaving, succulent chest. With one quick motion, he unseated the corset’s zipper, allowing the precariously perched vest to fall away, fully exposing her ripe, tomato-sized breasts to him for the first time. Zane gasped at seeing the long-time time friend nude. Instantly, his mouth devoured the tiny mounds, lips closing around the bite-sized teats.

A virtual cacophony of the couple's fervor rose high above the din of motorcycles firing up outside. Freddy’s night was winding down. Theirs was just beginning. Lauren pressed her naked back against the wall as Zane continued his journey of discovery. She pushed her ass away from the paneling and thrust her leather-clad pelvis outward to meet his advancing explorations. When his mouth found her navel, she gasped. When his finger found her cameltoe and began sawing along the crevice, she cried out in pleasure.

Zane caught a whiff of her sex as his mouth descended to her waist. Within seconds, the pants’ clasp was undone, allowing the skin to breath. As it did, the familiar, intense musty odor of a woman’s arousal struck his nostrils hard. The single most potent aphrodisiac on earth, it was guaranteed to give any man that can breathe a raging hard on.

Still pressed against the wall, her stance was heavily restricted by the tight pants around her knees. Zane mumbled favorably upon seeing the freshly shaven vulva peeking out from the narrow band of the thong. The fragranced jewel beneath was overpowering. Hesitating only momentarily, he ran his tongue along the stubbly folds causing Lauren to lift away from the wall, only to crash back against it.


As Zane’s tongue probed the interior of her labia, it recoiled at the acidic taste.Simply delicious. Zane used his thumbs to part the meaty clam and expose the variegated pink flesh within. Lauren slid down along the wall to give him better access, her heels digging into the floor to maintain the position. She whimpered as the first two fingers slithered into her butterfly, then a third.

“Yessssss! Just like that!”

The finger incursion increased in pace and depth. Lauren sank the remaining foot to the well-worn carpet, leather pants binding together her shaking knees. A fourth finger snaked into the willing snatch, Zane’s hand a twisting, plunging blur.

“Oh God, YES! Don’t stop, don’t stop!”

Pelvis arching upward, she flung an arm around his neck and pulled him nearer. The writhing against the wall told Zane all he needed to know. He'd often wondered, as men are wont to do, what her O face looked like. Now he was about to find out.

“Make me cum!” Lauren begged.

Such a lurid request from someone who up until then had simply been a close friend nearly caused him to lose it. A darker side of a woman he thought he knew well was beginning to show. Just how dark did it get?

“Please, please, I need to cum!"

Come, make me your whore,” she had suggested at Freddy’s.

Zane thought back to a bout of late-night drinking months ago when Corey had confided in him that Lauren was suddenly showing a submissive side. Now another piece of the puzzle was making sense as well.

“Do it for me slut,” he barked.


Yep, Corey was right.

“Cum for me, Lauren. Be the whore you want to be.”


The coaster began its long ascent to that first glorious drop. Clackity clack clack. Her face grimaced. Getting close.

“What would your BFFs think of sweet innocent Lauren now?” Zane teased. "Look, there goes the Miami skank!"

“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!” The coaster was getting near the top, anticipation growing. Clackity clack clack.

"I doubt they’d be surprised. We've all seen the pics. Me and the boys knew you’d be someone’s whore sooner or later. Just a matter of time. I bet you fucked ALL those guys, didn't you? How many cocks have you had in you, Lauren? Did Corey watch?"

The wet smacking sounds of Zane’s fingers flying in and out of her pussy filled the room.

"OH GODDAMN! Yesssss, I fucked them all and Corey watched!" The coaster was breaching the apex now, slipping over the arch.

Jesus, she really is a slut. You teased those guys before you banged them, didn’t you? Just like you teased me tonight."


"Nothing but a cocktease. Lauren the cocktease. You know what happens to women like you in my world, don’t you?”

Lauren nodded briskly. “Yes, yes, yes. Fuck me. I need to be fucked.”

“Who’s talkin’? Ashley or my little slut Lauren? Who wants to get fucked?”

“Lauren,” she choked, “Lauren wants to get fucked! OH GOD!!!”


Lauren’s hips bucked against the large and spearing fingers, juices puddling beneath her ass. She felt the weightlessness of the first drop as her body plunged down the climax track out-of-control.

“OHHHHHHHHHHHH!” her cries came quick and often, the back of her head repeatedly thumping the wall behind her. “Shit, shit, shit, cumming, cumming, CUMMMIIINNNNGGGGG!”

She grabbed Zane’s neck and buried her face into his shoulder, tears falling on the expensive silk shirt. He held her patiently until she sank slowly back to the floor, knees trembling.

“Oh wow,” Lauren gasped for air. "Just wow."

Sitting on the carpet for what seemed an eternity, they settled against the wall, kissing, caressing, and savoring the intimacy that only lovers who were no longer just friends can enjoy.


Two a.m. came and went. While awaiting word - any word - Corey had walked the house twice, downed a beer, checked in on his sleeping daughters and jerked off twice to his secret video of Lauren having sex with her young Miami friends. Tonight was the first time she was with someone and he didn’t have a clue as to what was up. It was absolutely driving him mad. For a guy with Corey’s kink, nothing was worse - or more gratifying - than the suspense of not knowing. At this point he could only use his imagination. Sweet, sweet, imagination.


Lauren struggled to an upright position and nearly toppled over, the pants around her calves severely restricting any motion. With some concentration she was able to remove the stilettos and leather pants, kicking them to one side. Except for the metal rivet choker and cuff bracelet, her naked South Florida sun-kissed body stood before the biker. The only hint of untanned skin ran along thin bikini lines stretching across her chest and hips. The wayward executive began unbuttoning her date’s shirt, dramatically yanking it from his shoulders to expose a bare chest of coarse, silver hair. She ran her fingers through the curls, palming his hard pecs. Only a few years younger than Corey, his body was weathered too, but was holding firmer, nothing like her husband’s pudgy man-boobs. Zane groaned as her fingers found his nipples.

“You men are all alike,” she giggled.

One hand on his chest, Lauren searched for the heavy belt buckle with the other. In a flash, she pulled it through the jeans’ loops. Seconds later the denim followed, leaving him only in his white, delightfully packed briefs. They kissed again, tongues dancing, her bare vulva pressing against the cock she so desperately wanted to see again.

“Do you want me?” she breathed in his ear.

“Yes,” Zane exhaled between kisses.

Both felt bittersweet lust reverberate through their bodies. Lauren played with the hair on his neck.

“You mean you’d bed your best friend’s wife?”

“Isn’t that what he wants?”

Her hand travelled slowly to his crotch, rubbing his mounting erection through the cotton fly. The vixen’s voice got smokier.

“What does the Top Mechanic want? I remember coaching our girls while you watched me from the bleachers, eyeing my tight, red softball pants. Sometimes your eyes never left me. I felt them you know, leering at me. I thought it was hot.”

“Fuck yeah,” the award winner moaned as Lauren began sinking to her knees.

“Were you imagining what lie under those panty lines?”

“Oh, God, Lauren…”

Lauren kissed his stomach, one hand never leaving his package.

“Remember when you made a pass at me at that out-of-town tournament? You were drunk, you naughty boy. I didn’t let you get very far,” she breathed heavily, grabbing the elastic top of his shorts. “I was a good girl then.” Her eyes lit up as the long, skinny cock bounced into view, “Would you say the same about me now?”

Lauren wrapped her blue painted nails around her new lover’s pulsating shaft. As the glans generated rivers of shiny precum, she used the slippery broth to lubricate her fingers and palms, allowing for some serious stroking with little friction.

Zane looked down as she jacked him off.

“Definitely not.”


The alarm clock bathed the Des Moines bedroom in eerie neon blue. It was half-past two. Corey had resigned himself to the fact that any news would now not come until morning. It was clear his plan had been successful. Why else would there have been no communication? Phones can die, but they can be charged quickly too. No, this was an obvious sign his wife and best friend were in bed and having fun.

Mission accomplished.

Fap, fap, fap.


“Jesus, you’re good cocksucker.”


“Corey told me you never gave him head. He was sandbagging. You must be practicing.”

Lauren pulled the glistening shaft from her mouth and caught her breath.

“I’ll never tell,” she giggled.

More slurping. Lauren’s hands were on Zane’s bare ass, head in his crotch, bobbing away.

“Mmmm, yeah, just like that baby, suck my cock.”

For the next few minutes, the irresistible brunette continued to stroke the biker as she slobbered over his tool, an eager tongue swirling around hairy balls. Zane gripped the sides of her head and for the second time that night face-fucked her until he felt the tell-tale signs of an approaching climax.

No, not yet!

“Pfffft, pfffft, pfffft” Lauren choked as spittle flowed from the corners of her mouth.

Zane pulled her lips off his dick to avoid cumming. Like Corey, he was not a young man and his recovery time was not what it used to be. Cum again now, and there’d be no telling when he’d be able to fuck this wild filly.

Lauren yelped as the biker unexpectedly threw her on the bed. Looking up at the stout frame towering above her, she laughed maniacally and slowly spread her legs, pulling apart the oozing, inviting folds to give him a good view of the paradise that awaited him.

“Tonight, I’m yours,” Lauren panted. “In every way.”

Zane suckled her small, sensitive breasts, and was rewarded by a string of moans. He alternated between the two, nibbling each nipple thoroughly, pulling them in with his lips, then letting them go with a smack.

“Oooooo, baby, just like that.”

Their hands roamed and groped, fondled and squeezed, with no particular urgency. They had all night. Zane took his time enjoying his friend’s body; there was no telling if they’d ever be here again. It was the little things that made being with her so hot. She was looking at him now in the same way she had looked at Corey for years. The same hands that pleasured his best friend were now setting fire to his own skin. The little noises she made when Zane touched an erogenous zone were the same cries Corey had heard for decades. The proscription of the moment was simply overpowering.

“Go lower,” Lauren beseeched the biker.

His mouth obeyed, travelling down her exquisite stomach, only to stop at the taut and well-defined abs she worked so hard to maintain. At 48, Lauren rocked a body that most women in Zane’s world hadn’t had since 30.

She giggled again. “Lower.”

“If you insist.”

“Taste me. Lick my pussy.”

There was no mistake when the wandering tongue found her love button.

“Oh yeah, RIGHT THERE.”

Zane grunted, acknowledging his find. He proceeded to wrap her legs around his shoulders and bury a grinning face into her sopping wet hole, eager to make her cum again. The extended tongue explored every nook, every cranny, leaving no fleshy fold untouched.

“FUCK YESSSSSS!” Lauren brayed.

Slow and calculated slurping mixed with elevated breathing as Corey’s sexy wife began building to another release.

“Please, make me cum again. I love how you eat my married pussy.”

Yes, child, sharpen those therapy chops! she heard Chloe say.

Zane zeroed in on her clitoris, fueled by the thought of being between the legs of his best friend’s wife.

“Suck it, suck it, ohhhhhh, Zayyyyyyynnnnn, SUCK IT!”

Slurp, slurp.

“Don’t you dare stop, DON’T STOP! Ohhhhhhhhh, yesssssss!”


Back in Des Moines, the smartphone tumbled quietly from Corey’s outstretched hand to the carpet below. He’d tried his best to stay awake, but exhaustion finally won. It was nearly three a.m. when the deeply conflicted husband slipped into unconsciousness, wondering what his beloved wife was doing at that exact moment.


Lauren gnashed her teeth and drove Zane’s head into her pelvis. “Gonna cum, baby, I’m gonna cum!” she screamed.

Zane’s mustache was now dripping with her sticky, clear juices.


“Cum for me, Lauren, cum on my face!” he managed to gargle through near suffocation, words muffled by wet thighs clamped over each ear.

Oh my God, she sneered, head thrashing from side to side. The thought of the long-time friend eating her pussy was sending her to the edge.

“Ahhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” she howled. “CUMMMMEEEEENNGGGG!”

The wild bucking of Lauren’s quaking hips made it difficult for Zane’s mouth to stay with her slippery bald slit. They were shaking involuntarily, lifting off the mattress, only to slam back down into the wet sheets below.

“OOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,” she squealed, pressing her head into the bedding. “CUMMMMMIIINNNNNGGGGGG!”

Zane watched as tears of ecstasy streamed down her pretty face, makeup running passed flush cheeks like a whore in heat. His cock could wait no more. The whole perception of his best friends and their marriage, everything, had just been shattered. In that moment, he no longer saw Lauren as a reserved and modest mother of two. In front of him now was Lauren the slut, a hot, quivering mess of wanton sex whose reddened hole was begging to be fucked. He’d made this promiscuous harlot cum twice now and he needed to be in her, married or not. They were WAY beyond any propriety shit anyway. He was more turned on than he’d been in years, so fuck it. If Corey wanted him to bang his ol’ lady, so be it.

The large man ascended Lauren, rubbing the crown of his cock across her wet folds. The Iowan wife glanced furtively at the nightstand where her clutch lay. He followed her gaze and understood.

“No worries, I’ll get it.”

She could feel the slippery precum coating her thighs and had pleasant visions of thick ropes of semen flooding her pussy.

Lauren shook her head. “No. Just do it. Do me now.”

Zane hesitated. He may have been drunk, but he wasn’t stupid. His swimmers were still strong.

Lauren saw it in his eyes and shook her head. “That ship sailed years ago.”

Relieved, he placed his aching, purple shaft into her hand and guided it towards the hole he’d longed for all evening. Just before they committed the act that would forever change his relationship with the married couple, he paused.

“Are you sure?”

“Oh God, yes, Zane, just fuck me.”

He smiled. “Then put me in, Coach.”


Outside, a couple returning from Freddy’s heard a high-pitched shriek mixed with low grunting coming from Room 10. This sent them scurrying down the sidewalk laughing hysterically. Inside the run-down room, Zane’s cock pushed past Lauren’s labia, prompting her tan arms to curl around his shoulders, her legs lifting and wrapping around his hips.

Lauren’s eyes squeezed shut as the slightly crooked member penetrated her slowly; two inches, three, then four.


The sensation of the bare cock sinking passed her slick walls was profound; the fact it had already surpassed any depth her husband could reach was simply remarkable. “Thaaaaaaats it, baby. Fill me up.”

Zane grunted incessently and nearly came. The feeling of the warm, unprotected cunt closing around his cock was indescribable. Knowing whom lay beneath him with was also, quite literally, blowing his mind.

Good God, I’m in your wife, Corey. I’m fucking your ol’ lady.

Powerful thrust.


Ball slapping assault.


Bake sales…

Church choir…

Massive bone crushing slam.

Cock whore!

Lauren continued to writhe as the biker rooted his hungry cock, rotating his pelvis to drive it home. She gripped his sides tightly as the narrow prick sank deeper into her eager canal. What it lacked in width the phallus made up for in length, easily as long as her beloved Chairman of the Board. Eyes shut, she relished the feeling of the unsheathed cock.

“Fuck me,” she implored.

Zane obliged, pummeling her pussy with fury.

"OH SHIT GODDAMN!" Lauren screamed in unadulterated pleasure.

The biker was grunting loudly now with every thrust.

“Fuck meeeee! So deep! Don’t stop! HARDER! HARDER!!”

Every ridge, every bump, every wrinkle was felt as his lengthy manhood traversed her vulnerable flesh. It wasn’t the stretchy sort of sensation she’d felt with the others, like Tony or Tommy. No, this slender lance made her feel warm, full.…impaled.

As the euphoria of initial penetration passed, the lovers settled into a steady rhythm, rocking back and forth while the tired motel bed creaked under the strain. Fast but measured, their love making intensified, slowly building to what they both knew was going to be nothing less than a mind-blowing crescendo. They cried out with every passionate thrust.

“Fuck me harder!“ Lauren snarled. “Show me how you fuck a whore!”

Zane sweated profusely, pumping harder to keep up with her demands. She continued a barrage of filthy language, pleading with him to fuck his “whore”, “slut”, and “tramp”. Jesus, insatiable AND twisted. He knew then what he had to do.

“Your husband’s whore and now my cum bucket. Be the slut we need you to be bitch, take my seed!”

Lauren clung to his neck. “Yesss, yessss, such a dirty little girl!”

“Corey’s at home, cheering me on. You KNOW he is. Begging me to fuck his whore!”

“Ohhhhhh, yesssss, yessss, yessss! Use me, use me!”

Zane closed his eyes. This was shades of Abby all over again. She’d been into light submission and infliction and he had a hunch this one was too. As the pounding continued to a steady stream of “oh, oh, ohs”, he took a chance and gingerly slapped one tit, then the other.

Lauren began to shudder as mini-orgasms shook her body.

“Owww!” she cried.

Titties again. Slap, slap.

“Oh GAWWWDDD!” Lauren screamed. She was clearly turned on. “Fuck me Zane, own me, make me yours!”

Just as he’d thought: gorgeous and submissive.

“You fucking whores are all the same. You like it a little rough, don’t ya?”

“Do it again!” Lauren begged.



Zane slapped her breasts harder, then her face. She laughed maniacally. “Is that all you got?”

A flat palm struck the other cheek.

“Yessss,” Lauren inhaled deeply, relishing the sting. “Now fuck me GODDAMNIT! MAKE COREY HEAR ME BACK HOME!”

Zane’s cock continued to piston steadily into her sloppy cunt.

“Oh, yeah, take it bitch!”

The two writhed uncontrollably on the bed as their pelvis’ crashed into one another. Lauren could feel him pulsing inside her, the bare skin of his hot cock rubbing against her pink and unprotected walls. She grew more vocal as Zane fucked her harder, occasionally lifting a powerful arm to backslap her tits or cheeks.

“Ohhhhhhhhh FUCCCCCK!”

“C’mon whore, cum for me!”


The springs were creaking so much Zane feared a collapse. Lauren’s cries turned into squeals as a major release welled-up inside.

“Gonna cum…gonna cum…gonna…AAHHHHHHHEEEEEEEE!”

Without warning, her snatch snapped closed around his cock, stopping it mid-stroke. Lauren’s eyes rolled back in her head as she clawed at Zane’s neck, back, and ass, the pain from her raking nails sending shivers down his spine.


Lauren’s body convulsed, limbs shaking, her mouth forming the perfect O Zane had longed to see.

“Hfffft, hfffft, hfffft,” she gushed as spasms shook her to the bone. It took a good minute or two for the quaking to subside.

“So good, so good,” Lauren muttered repeatedly.

The new lovers kissed tenderly, embracing until their breathing slowed. Mercifully, Lauren smiled and rolled to her belly, propping herself up on all fours. She wiggled her ass and looked over a sweaty shoulder.

“Your turn.”

Erection still raging, Zane lost no time in scampering behind the slutty brunette. He placed a hand in the small of her back and gazed along the long sleek spine to the shiny, tousled black hair in front of him. Copious amounts of Lauren’s cum leaked from her elevated pussy, pooling on the sheets below. Fueled by unbridled lust, the biker grabbed hold of her slim hips and wasted no time in slamming his cock deep into her sopping pussy.

“OHHHHHHHH!” Lauren’s guttural moan filled the room. The force by which Zane penetrated her was surprising.

The well-lubricated dick had no problem sliding in and out of the gaping hole. The mechanic ramped up the pace, his 58-year-old knees crackling on the mattress as he thrust his hips relentlessly into Lauren’s.


“Oh God, deep, deep, deeper!” she begged, hands clutching sheets, hair flying about wildly.

Not missing a stroke, Zane leaned over her back, grabbed a fistful of black mane, and pulled…hard.

“Oww, SHIT!” Lauren screamed as her head snapped back.

“Like that whore?” he bellowed, wrapping the glossy hair tight around his fingers.


“Take it, take it slut!”

Lauren rotated her hips hard against Zane’s groin.

“HUMPHHH… HUMPHHH… HUMPHHH.” The mechanic was working overtime as he power-fucked his friend’s wife. Although he was running out of breath, he managed to keep the hammer down as he rammed his steel repeatedly into the depths of her cunt.

Lauren was delirious now; no longer a wife, friend or neighbor, just a piece of meat to be used for a biker’s pleasure.

“That’s it! Fuck me, goddamnit!”


Lauren felt the invading cock lurch, it’s strokes becoming longer and more measured. He’s going to cum.

“Oh shit!” Zane snorted. “Shit, shit, shit.” He could feel his balls expanding with the hot jizz that was ready to explode. The pummeling gave way to short, quick jabs.


“Yessss, give me your big dick!” Lauren baited him, desperately wanting him to cum inside her, “fuck me, fuck your best friend’s wife!”

“Oh DAMN, gonna cum!”

“Do it Zane, blow your seed deep in me!”

The grip on her hair tightened and pain seared through her scalp. She pounded her fists into the mattress below. Why’s it hurt so good?

“Fill me, baby! Make me glad I’m your date tonight and not Corey’s.”

Zane’s rapid breathing began to deepen. “OH FUCK!”

“Yes! That’s it! Harder! Fuck me HARDER!” Lauren screamed.

“Getting close!” Zane gasped.

“Do it! Fuck your whore! You know you’ve wanted this since the day we met, Remember my ass in those softball pants, baby? You wanted me then, you got me now!”

Zane snarled, his lips curling at the sides. “OHHHHH FUUCCCKKKK!”

Lauren rolled with his thrusts, leaning forward, pushing back; leaning, pushing.

“Cum in me,” she implored.

The biker threw his head back and roared at the ceiling, making no attempt to pull out as the boiling sperm flowed from his balls and through his shaft.

She clamped down on the shuddering cock, locking it in, preventing escape. The throbbing flesh expanded rapidly in her spongy tunnel as Zane’s load erupted deep in her womb. Lauren basked in the sensation of his cock pumping wave after wave of steaming jizz into her cunt.

“Yessss, give it to me, fill me up,” she bade, falling to her chest as her arms gave out.

“Awe, Lauren, fuuccck,” the mechanic moaned, as he let go one final blast.

“Hmmm, that’s it baby, let it drain down my legs. Oh, I love how you treat a girl.”


Depleted, Zane pulled out, allowing a mix of semen and Lauren’s juices to flow from her now bruised slit. Completely exhausted, the couple lay holding each other, basking in the glow of their lovemaking, each knowing these were fleeting moments to be cherished. Daylight would bring reality, and this moment would soon be relegated to a fond memory.


Lauren blinked as the interior of the cruddy motel room came into focus. Laying on her side, she slowly became aware of an arm draped over her waist. It was Zane, spooning and snoring. Smiling, she realized it was the first time in 30 years since anyone besides her husband had snored in her ear. The soreness between her legs served as a quick reminder that the man next to her was definitely not Corey.

Slipping quietly from under the mechanic’s grasp, Lauren sat up and squinted at the few rays of morning sun that had the audacity to sneak past the dusty drapes. The mixture of whiskey and cocktails was proving deadly. She reached for her phone and noted the time: quarter past seven. A few missed texts from Corey also awaited.

1:47 AM: R u ok?

2:24 AM: Where are u?

2:52 AM: I’m worried. PLEASE text me back.

Lauren frowned and cursed herself. She should have checked earlier.

Sorry, was sleeping. Yes, I’m fine. Will be heading back later this morning.

Yawning, she shuffled into the bathroom and closed the door. Any post-date drama would have to wait until after a nice hot shower.


Corey’s eyes snapped open at the sound of the incoming text. He frantically searched the pillow and surrounding sheets for the phone until he saw it laying on the floor. His fingers couldn’t type fast enough.

Good morning.

Are you with him now?

That was, of course, a stupid question. She most certainly was. Once at Freddy’s, there was no where else to spend the night but in his motel room.

Spend the night. The connotation was clear: not since their courtship had she actually slept with someone else. That meant cuddling, sweet nothings, afterglow…intimacy far greater than with any of her other lovers.

A heavy sigh signaled a game of patience as the older man watched the small screen for a response. Any response.


Lauren exited the bathroom wearing the pink thong and nothing else. Zane was awake now, head propped up with one arm on the mattress watching her towel dry that luxurious long black hair.

“What?” she asked.

“Seriously? You have to ask?”

Smiling softly, Lauren plopped next to him on the mattress.

“What do you want to know?”

“Hell, I don’t know. Where to start? Um, how long?”

“Five, six months. After I moved.”

He shook his head. “Damn. Toby called it, you know. He warned Corey not to leave you down there alone.”

“Being alone has nothing to do with it. I haven’t cheated on Corey once. You have to believe that. Not once. He’s in on everything.”

“This just happened overnight, then? One day he said go forth and screw other guys?”

Lauren chuckled. “Well, kinda, but no, there’s been years of pillow talk.”

“No offense, but me and Abby used to talk too, yet it was, you know, just that. Talk.”

“Maybe you guys weren’t given the right opportunity.”

Zane stared at the ceiling fan. “I still can’t believe it, Lauren. You are so perfect. PTA, coaching, cookies, church every Sunday.”

“You forgot good cocksucker.”

He smiled, caressing her cheek. “Yeah, that too. So, did you really screw all those guys?”

Lauren laughed. “In those posts? Not a one. Wasn’t for lack of them trying, though.”

“Just out of curiosity...”

“Eight, I think, including you.”

Zane looked incredulous. “Eight men in five months? Really? You?”

“Only six were men.”

His eyebrows arched. “Oh.”

They searched each other’s eyes. Finally, he cleared his throat.

“So, where does that leave us?”

Lauren flinched. She knew from her research on sexuality that feelings can and sometimes do form between women and their, what were they called, bulls? It was one of the biggest pitfalls of the “lifestyle”, unless one wanted to establish a polyamorous relationship, which she decidedely did not. Her only love was Corey. Period.

“There can be no us,“ she replied softly. “Not to make light of…this, but it’s a moment in time in what I’m sure you’ll agree was a very weird situation. I love Corey and I’m going to die in his arms. That’s the reality of it.”

The biker grinned. “Uh yeah, what you said. Look, you’re Corey’s girl and that ain’t going to change. What I meant was, quite frankly, you’re a great fuck and I wouldn’t mind getting together again sometime. But hey, if this was a onetime thing, that’s cool too.”

Lauren breathed a sigh of relief, a bit enbarrassed for misinterpretting his question. It seemed he understood.

“So, are you going to tell Mr. Miller I know about his little quirk?”

She closed her eyes. “I don’t know. We have no secrets. Question is, are you going to treat him differently?”

Zane exhaled and fanned out his fingers. He hadn’t yet thought about how he’d react the next time he saw his friend. “Well, you know I can never see you guys in the same way, right? I mean, that would be impossible. Your mouth around my cock is seared into my brain.”

“You didn’t answer the question.”

“Corey’s been my bud for nearly thirty years. Nothing’s going to change that. Yeah, he set me up - you set me up - but in the end, I got off, you got off and I’m assuming somehow he’s getting off. So, what the hell? All good.”

Comfortable with what she heard, Lauren leaned over and planted kisses on his silver chest and belly, stopping only to hover above another growing erection.

“Well then,” she grinned slyly, tongue flicking the head of his awakening dick, “before we go back to being just pals, let’s see if I can’t get my approval rating up to superior cocksucker, shall we?”


Corey’s laptop sat idle, awaiting a command. He was in his home office, but any attempt to prepare for the work week ahead was failing miserably. All he could do was stare blankly at the phone on the desk and wait for a response to the text sent over an hour ago. It was now nine o’clock.

Amelia stuck her head in and let her dad know she was off to brunch with friends ahead of a late afternoon flight back to Chicago. The project manager nodded weakly and confirmed the time he’d be needed to take her to the airport. Upstairs, Caroline was in the shower, no doubt preparing to go say goodbye to her own peeps. Clearly annoyed, Corey wondered if their mother would even be home in time to see them off.

As he begrudgingly opened a project schedule for Monday’s activities, the message he’d been waiting for finally came.

LAUREN: Leaving now, be home soon. I love you.


The capricious Rekrap executive clung to her latest lover as the bike zipped along the main highway towards Des Moines. The late November morning was chillier than those of the past week and she was downright freezing in the attractive - but not so practical - leathers worn the night before. What little warmth there was came from a cheek pressed into the mechanic’s back.

Lauren had done it. She had slept with her husband’s best friend just like he wanted. She’d also fucked up and spilled the beans. Shit. Now who knows what the dynamics between the two buddies would be? Corey had to be told, that much was a given. But how? Rows of harvested cornfields flew by as Lauren contemplated the right way to come clean.


The front door closed with a slight squeak followed by the tap, tap, tap of heels on the hardwood floor. Seconds later, Lauren appeared outside the office, leaning against the doorjamb.

“Hey,” she grinned innocently.

Corey nodded, a brief smile flitting across his face. “Hey.”

“Are the girls here?”

“Amelia’s went to brunch. Caroline’s upstairs waiting on Samantha to pick her up.”


The couple stole a few unsure glances at each other.

“How was your evening?” Corey finally asked.

Emotionless, Lauren turned toward the hallway, slinging the leather jacket over her shoulder. “Follow me,” she beckoned with crooked finger.

As the couple ascended the stairs to the second floor, their daughter came bounding down past them, feet landing heavy on the steps. The older woman felt Caroline’s eyes giving her the once over.

“Hi bye,” the girl feigned disinterest in her mother's presence, grabbing a coat from the foyer. “Going out with Sam. Flight’s not until eight-thirty. A ride would be great, Dad. See ya.”

“Of course, sweetie,” Corey acknowledged her request, watching the 27-year-old scurry out the front door.

“Hi Mom, how are you?” Lauren asked sarcastically. “Oh, just fine, thanks for asking.”

Corey shrugged. "Typical millennials." He leaned in nervously, one hand on his wife’s ass. “I, on the other hand, am very interested on how your night went.”

Lauren turned up her nose at him haughtily and continued on the steps. “You, sir, will just have to wait.”


Leather, tits hanging out, painted-on pants? I mean, her vag is nearly on display!

Caroline paced along the curb while waiting on her friend. She'd never seen her mother so slutty. Why now? Was she messing around? What about Zane? They had gone out of town together. Were they having an affair? What about the the nightclub pics of her in Miami? Were those guys more than just friends? Did her father know? Surely he wasn't that naïve. Oh my God, did he condone it?

Christ, I need a drink.


Corey sat in the warm, sudsy water and watched his beautiful wife shed her satin robe. Cautiously, she stepped over the tub’s side and into the gentle jets. Her nearly perfect naked body towered over him as she ran a toe over his groin, briefly touching his hardening penis.

The embattled husband was bursting at the seams. “Well?”

Lauren chuckled, lowering herself into the bubble bath. “Well what?"

"C'mon babe."

She had to grin, knowing full well the suspense was killing him. But wasn’t that the very thing men with his kink thrived on? “Let’s just start from the beginning, okay?”

Corey nodded impatiently as her toe found his cock again. It grew to its full six inches as she recounted “the date”. How proud and handsome Zane looked when receiving his award. How they successfully pulled off the whole Ashley charade. And yes, how phenomenal a kisser his best friend was.

“So, you did kiss him.”

Lauren nodded, leaning forward, putting her hands on his knees.


“Of course, silly, we had to make it convincing. I was supposed to be his hot girlfriend, remember?”

The erection broke the surface of the soapy water, causing a small ripple. She wrapped five delicate fingers around it.

“And that’s not all his tongue was good for.”

“Oh God.”

Lauren told him about playing pool at Freddy’s, teasing his friends, and dirty dancing.

Corey’s head lay against the white marble surface as her soapy hand glided slowly up and down his rigid shaft.

“W-w-what else did you do?”

“I played darts. Zane and his buddies couldn’t take their eyes off my ass and tits.”


“Does that get you hot? Thinking about them ogling me?”


“I have to admit, it was fun, but not nearly as much fun as going to the bathroom.”

Opening his eyes, Corey cocked an eyebrow.

“I was really drunk and had to pee, but the ladies’ room was being cleaned.”

“That’s fun?”

She nodded. “It was when I recruited Zane to stand guard in the guys’ john.”

The 61-year-old’s breathing increased, the feeling of her fingers dancing along his member was incredible. “Did he see you?”

“Peeing? No, that would be crass.” Lauren leaned against the tub wall and placed her feet on either side of her husband’s shaft, beginning a very slippery footjob. “I did, however, thank him for his vigilance.”

“You did?” Corey’s breathing elevated.

“Of course. I was very grateful. I started by pulling him into the stall. Sat right there with my ass on the stool and unzipped his jeans. He’s got this really long and skinny penis. A little bent, actually. But you already knew that from all those fishing trips, didn’t you? With a little practice it was pretty easy to deep throat.”

“Sssssssttttttt,” Corey hissed.

“That’s right, Twisty, I went down on your best friend right there in the shitter of a seedy bar. Let my tongue twirl around his big dick until he unloaded in my mouth. Said I was good little cocksucker. How’s that for being a whore?”

“Lauren, holy SHIT!” Corey’s manhood lurched, sending bubbles everywhere. She easily squeezed it between her feet and kept edging.

“We had an audience too. Some pervert on the other side of the stall, just standing there, listening to me suck off your friend. Blasted a puddle of sticky goo right outside the door just as Zane came in my mouth. Had to step over it when I left. Filthy animal! Maybe that was you? Listening to me swallow every bit of Zane’s jizz? Believe me, there’s so much more of it than when you blow.”

Corey gasped and tried to grab his dick to escalate the masturbation, but she kicked his hand away.

“This really does get you off, doesn’t it?”

“I can’t believe you did that!”

Lauren smiled at him coyly. “Oh, it gets better. Now I want to see you play with your nipples.”

Sliding down into the water, Corey raised both soapy hands to his chest and began squeezing and thumbing his man-boobs. His begged his wife to continue telling him about her date.

“After that we went to his motel room.” Biting her lower lip as if ashamed, she confessed, “I’ve been a very bad girl, babe.”

Lauren leaned over and let her tongue swirl around the two inches of cock sticking above the waterline. He tried to push her head down over the shaft but she popped back up and glared at him. “NIPPLES!” Corey obediently returned fingers to his pudgy chest.

“Here’s where it gets good. I let him finger-fuck me against a wall. He wouldn’t stop until I came on his hand.”

“Oh God, babe, that’s so hot.”

“Not nearly as hot as my steaming cunt as I waited for that big cock to fuck me. And fuck me he did, Corey. Long and hard. Your best friend is a freakin’ stud. Fucked me into the next county. So big, so hard, so much cum.”

“Jesus, I think I’m gonna…”

“Not yet!” Lauren enjoined him, briefly releasing his pulsating dick. It plopped back against his rotund waist, his wet belly glistening like gelatin. She reached over the side of the tub and brought back the blue box the mechanic had given her.

“W-w-what’s that?”

“It’s the award Zane got at the ceremony. You know, the one you sent me to as his fuck-toy girlfriend? He gave it to me as a momento. Wasn’t that sweet of him?” she purred, removing the sparkling hand-blown glass wrench. “No doubt thanking me for giving great head.”

Corey tried to touch the award.

“NIPPLES!” Lauren glowered. His hands flew back to his chest.

“What a great trophy, huh? Aren’t you proud of him?”


She cleansed the wrench in the bath water and held it up. “There, all nice and clean,” Lauren beamed. Corey rolled his nipples between his thumb and forefinger as he watched his wife rub the open end of the seven-inch wrench around her own breasts, teasing the nipples as if torquing a bolt.

“Really sorry you couldn’t be there. His cock was amazing.”

Corey winched, the angst he so craved was in overdrive. “I knew it! You fucked him, didn’t you?”

“Of course, I did, Twisty. That’s what you sent me to do, wasn’t it? To be his whore for the night? Well, I was that, and much, much more.”

His cock jolted again. Lauren could see the precum streaming out of the glans, mixing with the bubble bath.

“Easy, there’s more.”

He tried deep, measured breaths which seemed to help hold off the imminent release, at least for now. “Go on.”

Lauren slid further down into the tub and spread her legs, calves resting on the rim. She moved the glass trophy passed her belly. “Since you weren’t there, sweetie, I figured I’d bring a little of Zane to you.” The wrench inched its way to her bald slit, which she purposefully kept visible just above the soap bubbles.

“Ohhhhh, that feels so good, babe. Just like his real cock. Well, except his is much, much bigger,” she giggled again. After dipping it passed her labia, she brought the tool to her mouth and licked off a dollop of clear juice that it had collected. “See, it even has his name.”

Corey glanced at the inscription: “Top Mechanic of the Year – Zane Presado.”

She laughed dementedly. “Now jerk off for me.”

Shifting his weight in the water, Corey began stroking his now purple cock while continuing to fiddle with his nipples.

“That’s it, just like that,” Lauren gleefully watched her husband masturbate while rubbing the smooth glass against her pussy. “Hmmm, feel your naked palms gripping your dick, just like my cunt did his.

“He fucked me good last night, just like you knew he would. Thank you so much for sending me into his arms. He is quite the skilled lover.”

“Better than me?” Corey croaked.

Yep, time to ramp up the therapy.

Lauren shifted in the tub and fixed him with a gaze, those sultry half closed eyes boring into his very soul.

“Isn’t it more fun to guess?”

She laughed cruelly as a finger flicked one of his nipples. Backing away, she hovered the large award-turned-dildo over her gaping wet hole.

“Tell him to put it in me,” she urged. “Tell Zane to fuck your wife, babe.”

Corey groaned while watching the glass trophy sink deeper into Lauren’s willing snatch, hand pumping his cock furiously.

“Do it, fuck her,” he murmured, playing along.


“Fuck her,” he yelled, “fuck my whore wife, Zane!”

“Mmmmm, oh yesssss!” Lauren moaned, slipping the wrench further into her quivering cunt.

“Your best friend, he’s so long, reaching places you just can’t. Oh, the way he made love to me last night. So hard, so rough!”


Lauren laughed maniacally, pumping the glass tool in and out of her pink hole. “Yes, yes, yes! He fucked my face, threw me on the bed and brutalized my pussy. Punished me for lying to him. GOD I LOVED IT!”

Corey’s mouth dropped open. What? What did she just say? For lying?

“Now slap me, damnit. Punish me for fucking your best friend. Slap my titties!”

“Lauren, I don’t think…”

“You heard me goddamnit! Make me feel the sting.”


“What, are you too much of a pussy to do it?” she hissed. “Do I need to find a real man to fuck me, Twisty? Poor Corey, can’t get it up, can’t lay it down. JUST FUCKING DO IT!”

What the hell did Zane do to her?

Lauren was now shoving the entirety of the clear smooth wrench into her flooding cavity, twisting the glass as it disappeared beyond her dainty butterfly.

“Ohhhhhh,” she screamed. “Fuck me Zane, fuck me! Fuck my pussy while my husband jacks off! You see him banging me, perv? You asked for it and oh boy did he give it to me good. Oh yes he did! Fucked me silly!”

Corey rose out of the water and knelt in the tub.

“Do it, Twisty, punish me for being such a bad girl! BE A GODDAMN MAN!”

The first slap landed on her right tit. Thwaapppp! The second was to her left, then back to the right.Thwaapppp! Thwaapppp!

Red marks appeared on her tan skin almost instantly.

“Yesssssss! Again! Again!”

Thwaapppp! Thwaapppp! Both breasts recoiled at the strike, then jiggled.

Lauren spat at him. “Pussy!”

Thwaapppp! That got her a backhand across a cheek. It stung like hell, causing tears to flow. “Oh, I deserve it Corey! I was a bad wife. A dirty, terrible, SLUTTY wife. I was GLAD you pushed me into his arms. So happy I spent the night in HIS bed instead of yours.”

More slaps to the face. Thwapppp! Thwapppp! Thwapppp!

Lauren was laughing uncontrollably now. She bent over the tub and gripped the sides, swirling her ass in the air, presenting it as a gift. Corey rose behind her, cock in hand.

“Time to reclaim me, baby. Do it. Fuck that pussy. It’s always been yours; others just borrow it.”

“Oh YEAH!” Corey grunted as he slid into her.

“GOD that dick feels good, all bare and naked. He didn’t wear anything either, nope, just barebacked the shit out of me.”


More demented laughing. “That’s right, Twisty! Zane’s bare cock was in that same hole just hours ago.”

“SHIT SHIT SHIT!” Corey bellowed. “Did he?”

“Damn right, baby, he unloaded buckets in the very place your dick is now.”


Huffing and puffing above his wife, Corey drove his six inches as deep as it would go. He didn’t want to blow but the whole sordid affair was propelling him over the edge.

“Shit, babe, I’m getting close!”

“Yesssss!” Lauren screamed “I want your cum! GIVE IT TO ME!”

More gasping as his wrinkled balls slapped rhythmically against her slick pussy.



“Remember when I told you all my Miami friends were fucking me?”

“O-o-ohhhhh y-y-yeah,” he grimaced, trying desperately to buy some time.

“Well,” she giggled, winking at him over her shoulder, “now YOUR friends are fucking me too!”

“OHHHHHH LAURENNNNNNN NOOOOOOOO!” Corey’s head snapped forward as he stumbled back against the wall on one side of the tub, ripping his cock from the confines of his wife’s warm cunt. Lauren wheeled and knelt before him, able to catch a few translucent spurts of hot semen on her face. It wasn’t the cascade of white honey that the younger guys were capable of, but she loved it just the same.


Corey slid down the wall and back into the tub, shaking and wheezing. Lauren splashed water on her face to remove the facial, then wiggled next to him until he settled down.

“You okay?” she asked sweetly.

He nodded, putting his arm around her. “Fine, yeah, wow.”

“I’m glad you found that interesting.”

“I have to admit, that last bit was a little frightening and, um…bold…even for you.”

“Yeah, about that. Apparently Abby liked it rough, and for some reason Zane projected that onto me last night and…”

“And you liked it too?”

“I liked providing the outlet more than anything. There’s something very subservient and empowering about allowing someone’s gratification at your own expense.”

Corey frowned. “You like pain now?”

Lauren nibbled his earlobe. “A little sting never hurt anyone. It’s kind of exhilarating. Like working a big zit on your face. It’s at once painful and satisfying, especially when the damn thing pops.” She pinched his puffy nipple. “You should try it.”

“OUCH HEY!” he recoiled. “Yeah, no thanks. I guess I’m just a pussy.”

She noted the sarcasm and winced. “I’m sorry, babe. It served, you know, it’s purpose and you seemed to dig it. I won’t do it again.”

“Well, now, let’s not be hasty.”

Lauren’s expression turned to one of compassion. She understood and smiled. It didn’t stay there long.

“There’s something else.”

Corey chuckled. “What now? You like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain?”

“He knows.”

The project manager didn’t immediately grasp what she was alluding to. Slowly, though, his fingers gripped the sides of the tub, knuckles turning white.

“Come again?”

“Zane. He knows why you offered me up as Ashley. He knows about my hall pass. He knows about your fetish.”

Corey laid back and gently tapped the back of his head against the tub.

“Babe, I sorry, I was drunk and ran my mouth.”

Corey just mumbled.

Lauren began to distress. “Please say something.”

“So THAT’S why he punished you! Well, shit, now the whole town will know. How can I face him? Face anybody? Fuck.”

“He promised not to tell anyone.”

“And you believe him?”

“He’s your best friend, Corey. He’s not going to out you. Besides, he finally came around to the idea.”

“Well, yeah, I guess so, after he climbed up your cunt.”

“That’s not fair!” Real tears began to form in Lauren’s beautiful eyes. She left the tub and stepped onto the floor mat.

Corey watched as his wife toweled off the tight, lithe body, the same one his close friend had just ravashed the night before. He shook his head and stepped out. As she turned into his chest crying, he wrapped his arms around her.

“It’s not your fault. I sent you off with him. Whatever happened after that is on me. I’m not mad. Hell, I don’t even care who knows. Three more months and we’re both out of this shitty town for good.”

With that, Corey kissed his wife. No matter the circumstances, regardless of the obstacles, they were a team. They recognized, accepted, and helped each other achieve their most basic desires. It was something the long-married couple had always done. True, the latest proclivities were darker and would need getting used to. Calling her submissive names was one thing; inflicting pain was another. Her screaming that a lover was bigger than him could be, in the moment, kind of hot; suggesting he was not a real man came close to an ever shifting line. Still, they were life-long partners and tomorrow was another day. It was now family time.


“Mom,” the youngest Miller called out from her room as she packed her suitcase, “do you know where my blue top is?”

Lauren suddenly appeared from nowhere with the blouse. Mothers have a way of doing that.

“Here ya go, I had it dry cleaned.”

“Thanks!” Caroline smiled, noticing her mother had changed into a sweatshirt and yoga pants, a far cry from the slutwear she donned earlier. She shrugged off any previous thoughts of impropriety. Stupid imagination.


A short time later, there came another cry for help, this time from Corey's office downstairs.

“Mom, what’s Dad’s password? He doesn’t answer his phone and I need to print a boarding pass. My laptop won’t connect to the printer.”

“Try birthdays.”

The younger woman entered all four birth dates. No luck. Graduations? Nope. Wedding Anniversary? Ah, Bingo!

She toggled through several running programs looking for a browser. Just as she was about to open one from the taskbar, Caroline came across a video window showing a paused MP4 file. Although the stilled frame was fuzzy, the profiles of two naked people were clearly visible. She frowned. It wasn't that the counselor was opposed to porn; it certainly had therapeutic value and she herself occasionally masturbated to the free stuff. But jeez, Pops, you should really be more discrete. The girl looked around. Her mother was still upstairs. She hesitated, but curiosity got the best of her. Whatcha watching these days, Daddy O?


Lauren walked into her husband’s office folding a skirt. “Honey, did you figure out the passwor…”

She didn’t finish the question. Caroline was standing behind the desk with both hands over her mouth.

”Give it to me, Tony, wreck me!”

“Shit, baby, clamp that pussy around my cock, fuck it, fuck it!”

“Yessssss, Tony, yes, I’m your whore. FUCK ME, fuck your whore!”

Lauren dropped the skirt to the floor, stunned at hearing her own voice in the throes of passion.

”Fuck me like you fuck those college girls, baby, cum in my tight, warm pussy, LET IT GO!”

Caroline tore her eyes from the screen and looked at her mother in disbelief. “MOM?”


Her daughter was paralyzed. She could do nothing but stare at her mother getting pummeled into a mattress by a very young and muscular man. Another naked couple was on the bed as well.


Lauren slammed the lid down and the two women stared anxiously at each other. Mortified and shaking, the older woman was on the verge of passing out.

“K-K-Kitchen, five minutes.”


Lauren sat at the breakfast table, face in trembling hands.

Really Corey? You recorded me? What were you thinking? You didn’t even ask! And leaving something like that up for the kids to find? Fucking idiot! She was furious, and rightfully so. Although some of her trysts had been live streamed, she had no idea he was recording them. Just how many were there?

Lauren looked up nervously as her daughter took a seat at the table. Surprisingly, the younger woman appeared a lot calmer and collected now. Unbeknownst to Lauren, after the initial shock of seeing the video, Caroline had decided the best way to navigate this inevitable conversation was to channel the same skills and composure she employed as a counselor.

“I’m listening,” the 27-year-old clasped her hands on the table.

“I’m sorry you had to see that,” Lauren offered.

“Me too.”

An eerie quiet permeated the house. In the distance a neighbor was mowing their lawn one last time before the winter.

“I can explain.”

“So, you are cheating on Dad.”

“No, it’s not like that.”

Caroline folded her arms. “Then, please, tell me what it is.”

Over the next few minutes, and for the second time in 24 hours, Lauren explained the couple’s recent decision to expand their sexual horizons. She didn’t mention all of it, of course, conveniently leaving out the various nuances. Just disclosing their extracurricular activities to her child was difficult enough without going into the details.

“You’re swingers then?” Caroline posited.

“Something like that.”

“And he is okay with you having sex with other men?”

Lauren nodded.

“And you’re cool with him being with other women?”

“He hasn’t asked yet. Not sure if he really wants to be. But I guess I’d be okay with it. What’s good for the goose…”

Caroline rolled her eyes. “Mom, please, don’t insult my intelligence by using cliches. So, it’s a hotwife thing and he likes to watch, is that it?”

The 48-year-old raised an eyebrow.

"I majored in psychology, remember? All we talked about was Freud."

I can’t believe I’m having this conversation with my daughter.

Caroline sat back and considered everything her mother had just told her. If someone would have asked her what the most preposterous talk she’d ever have with her parents would be, this topic would never have made the list. No child wants to think of their parents having sex, let alone with others. If she’d been upset at her mom dressing too risqué and acting weird with Zane, well, this took the prize. And yet, although it was difficult to imagine them as real people with real sexual needs, knowing her father was onboard was some relief. At least technically there was no cheating. They were adults, after all, and polygamy was not a crime. The counselor was torn between the science of hedonistic behavior and knowing the ones exhibiting it were her mother and father. On one hand, it was common for empty nesters, long suppressed by the shackles of parenthood, to experiment. It was certainly their right to do so. On the other, they were still her parents, and they weren’t getting off the hook that easy.

“The video. The guy you were...being intimate with. He looked pretty young. And the girl, that was your friend Amy, right? Isn’t she my age?”

Lauren nodded again. Hearing it put that way, well, it did seem kind of depraved. “Miami's a younger city and the friends I have now reflect that.”

“Friends with benefits I take it. And Zane?”

They both jumped as Corey’s truck rattled into the driveway and coughed to a stop, returning from airport run number one.

Caroline looked at her mother with urgency and concern. “Look, we’re all adults here. I don’t have a silly idyllic view of my parents anymore. You and Dad have the right to do whatever you please, whenever you please, but I don’t have to like it. You do know, beyond the obvious risks, non-monogamous marriages can and do end up in disaster. So be careful, Mom.”

A truck door slammed outside in the garage. Lauren peered across the table, a worried look on her face.

Caroline shook her head as her eyes went to the kitchen door. “I can’t forget what I saw, but I won’t mention it to him, or Amelia. She doesn’t have my temperament and that conversation will not end anywhere near as civil as this one.”

Corey entered the kitchen, shrugging off his jacket, smiling pleasantly. “Hi girls!”

“Hi Daddy,” Caroline waved and bolted up the stairs.

It only took one look at his wife’s frosty stare to dissipate the Sunday afternoon cheer.


“Your office. Five minutes,” Lauren ordered, marching out of the room.

Bewildered, Corey put away a few things he’d picked up at the grocery store, then made his way to the office. There he found Lauren standing behind the desk with her finger poised above the laptop's spacebar.

“Babe, what’s wrong, you look piss…?”

”Do me Tony! Fuck me pleeeeaasssseeee!”

“FUCKIN’ WHORE!! Gonna cum! Here it comes!”

“GOD YESSSSS, I want to feel your hot love on my face!”

She paused the video. “Really, Corey? You couldn’t have at least asked?”

The color drained from his face. “I, uh, well, it’s not like you were in a position to, you know, ask.”

The attempt at humor fell flat.

“And that makes it okay, right? You know, it’s one thing if we want to risk messing up our lives, but others in that video may very well be embarrassed if it ever got out.”

Corey removed his ball cap and ran his fingers through thinning hair. “Well, I wasn’t going to upload it or anything. I would never do that. But you’re right, I should have asked. I’m sorry. I just…”

“Just what?” Lauren was tapping her toe in that impatient way she has.

“You’re so far away and…and those live streams, they’re only temporary.”


So? At least YOU get the pleasure of getting laid. That’s a helluva lot more fun than unloading into a sock every night.”

“Jesus Christ! You like fucking a sock while I get laid. Hello? You started this!”

“Yeah,” Corey nodded furiously, “and you’re finding ways to take it to new heights!”

Her jaw clenched tightly as she rushed brusquely passed him on the way out of the office.

“Don't worry," he muttered, "I’ll delete it.”

Lauren stopped in the doorway and turned towards him with a scowl.

“Damn it, Corey, just make sure it's not advertised, okay?”


Rubbing his chin with one hand while using the other to select the video file, the beleaguered husband dragged it to a less visible directory. After a few moments of deep reflection, he sighed, shook his head, and slowly redirected it to the recycle bin.

Leaning back in the leather chair, Corey clasped weathered hands behind his head and stared at the ceiling.

Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SamWarrens » Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:59 pm

Interesting chapter!
Secrets are out!
More fun with Zane to come?
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by JustWantToWatch » Mon Aug 23, 2021 12:34 pm

Excellent chapter!!

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by ILV23+ » Thu Aug 26, 2021 12:14 am

Sometimes my mind wanders and I find myself contemplating Lauren's future. She has an executive position in a company with very high end clients. The CEO knows she's a hotwife. Her friend Chloe has planted the seed of high reward escort services. She likes the turn on of selling her body. She has displayed a penchant for slightly deviant sex. She enjoys torturing her cuck. She can't be an escort due to her present position. Perhaps the CEO might approach her to entertain some clients. Normal sexual preferences or not. She might be promoted to special projects. Where might that take her.
I'm satisfied she fucked Zane and he introduced her to new things but old friends limit her possibilities. Like me, new things interest her more. Could your wife have done something like this? Would she? Ask Lauren.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Thu Aug 26, 2021 4:26 am


I must tell you, the next chapter is already in progress and when I showed your comment to my wife she jokingly searched our writing room for cameras.

Without giving too much away, you appear to have an uncanny ability to predict the future. You should run, not walk, to buy a lottery ticket.

Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827


Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by R_H_NC » Thu Aug 26, 2021 4:34 am could read Ky_Da's on-going story To the Edge and Back

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Thu Aug 26, 2021 5:57 am


Oh wow, thank you so much for pointing out KY_Da’s story. Between working 65 hours a week and then getting in as much “us” time as we can get, we don’t have time to read many other stories and that one looks to be a sizzler.

As most know by now, the approach my wife and I take are to write from real life events (ours and friends) and wedge them into the Corey and Lauren saga (with plenty of embellishments, of course).

Again, without giving too much away, upcoming installments were going to touch on experiences a couple friends had, one as a corporate party planner and the other’s stint as an escort.

As I glanced through KA_Da’s story I did find that while there may be similar themes between the two arcs, the trajectory looks to be different. That being said, even though Corey and Lauren’s tales are “ripped” from actual experiences, I would never want to be perceived as stealing or even “borrowing” someone else’s ideas. We write for fun and nothing else.

Anyway, thanks again for pointing out KY_Da’s story. We’ll take a little hiatus, read through what looks like a fantastic story (anything to get us hot, right?) and determine if we should scrap those two experiences and move on to something else for Corey and Lauren.

Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SamWarrens » Thu Aug 26, 2021 7:41 am

Don't scrap the story, maybe just modify it.
It is a good plot twist and should be told.
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.


Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by R_H_NC » Thu Aug 26, 2021 7:47 am

SimpleEnigma wrote:
Thu Aug 26, 2021 5:57 am

Oh wow, thank you so much for pointing out KY_Da’s story. Between working 65 hours a week and then getting in as much “us” time as we can get, we don’t have time to read many other stories and that one looks to be a sizzler.

As most know by now, the approach my wife and I take are to write from real life events (ours and friends) and wedge them into the Corey and Lauren saga (with plenty of embellishments, of course).

Again, without giving too much away, upcoming installments were going to touch on experiences a couple friends had, one as a corporate party planner and the other’s stint as an escort.

As I glanced through KA_Da’s story I did find that while there may be similar themes between the two arcs, the trajectory looks to be different. That being said, even though Corey and Lauren’s tales are “ripped” from actual experiences, I would never want to be perceived as stealing or even “borrowing” someone else’s ideas. We write for fun and nothing else.

Anyway, thanks again for pointing out KY_Da’s story. We’ll take a little hiatus, read through what looks like a fantastic story (anything to get us hot, right?) and determine if we should scrap those two experiences and move on to something else for Corey and Lauren.

Write a story line in any way your desire. You'll have readers.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by ILV23+ » Thu Aug 26, 2021 1:28 pm

I read To the Edge and Back several weeks ago and it is well told. I wasn't thinking about it, in fact had forgotten it, when I saw where Lauren might go. Based on where she is and what her motivations are it makes sense for her to be an escort of some sort. Look at the world. See more than one escort? There's room for Lauren to explore that activity surely. Different escorts have different experiences. What were your wife', Lauren's?

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by ILV23+ » Thu Aug 26, 2021 1:41 pm

I have a photo of Sophia Peschisolido in a white bikini on a yacht and she is my Lauren. I wonder what other Laurens look like. We can't help ourselves, can we.
Anyway, We eagerly await the next chapter. Keep getting your dick wet.

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