the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

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the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by inivisibletwin » Sat May 07, 2022 10:26 am

HI! So, this is gonna be an on going thread with a lotta stuff in it. I've been posting on here for years, but I usually post different things, different events, as different threads. A few people have requested that I post it all as one big on going thread to make it easier to follow, so I guess this will be that thread!

Since this is gonna be a big continuous thread I should probly go into a little back story.

At the time of writing this, May 2022, my wife, we'll use the fake name Jennifer, and I have been together for 11 years, and we celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary this past January. We were in our mid 20's when we started dating. she was a late bloomer and a bit shy about sex. I was her first.

About a year into us dating I had to take her to the ER. Without going into all the details, cause no one wants to hear that stuff, she was left completely barren. She cannot get pregnant. Her response to this was to throw caution to the wind and fill her life with as much sex as possible. For about a year after that we were having sex constantly! Almost every day, multiple times a day.I was in my 20's so I could keep up, but she kept wanting more and more. She discovered that she's a bit of a nympho!

Eventually I admitted to her that I had a kink. In a previous relationship I came to realize I was turned on by my girl sleeping with other men. Though, my ex ended up leaving me for the other guy after only one night together, on our first time experimenting with non-monogamy, so I became a bit more guarded about this little kink of mine. But, Jennifer and I had a pretty solid relationship, much better than what I had with my ex. I was her first boyfriend, sex partner, love, everything... so I felt it would be okay to open up to her about my kink.

She was hesitant at first, but intrigued by the idea of her sleeping with other guys, while I remained faithful to her. After all, she wanted to fill her life with as much sex as possible. We decided to experiment with the idea. We started by posting nudes of her online, so she could see how people reacted... She was 5'9, 125lbs, C-cup tits, hour glass figure, brunette with milky white pale skin, and shaved pussy... needless to say people online LOVED her pictures! She became obsessed with the attention she was getting from her pictures on line. The more people wanted to see of her, the more she wanted to let them see. I would take the pictures of her, and post them for her. The pictures we posted started getting more and more racy, and the more racy they got the more she loved it. the first close up picture of her pussy that we posted was the clincher. She got hundreds of positive comments on that picture within an hour. She loved reading all these comments about her pussy so much, that then and there she realized she was an exhibitionist, she loved attention, and posing nude would be a regular part of her life. She did a lot of nude modeling in the years that followed, mostly for fun, some times for money.

She made a model account on model mayhem. After a few nude photo shoots, she started getting frustrated by how "professional" the photographers always were. They would never touch her, and they always looked her in the eye, actively trying not to look at her naked body. which makes sense for them, so they didn't cause any trouble, but it was exactly the opposite of what she wanted. Eventually, on a shoot she told the photographer he could touch her to pose her. Of course I was there to make sure she was safe, and therefore he was on his best behavior. He was very respectful about positioning her arms and legs how he wanted her to pose. the more he did it without either of us objecting, the more brave he got about doing it.

After a couple hours of this, he posed her on a couch, with her legs spread out wide, took a couple full body shots of the position, then stuck the camera right in her crotch to get a close up of her pussy. When he did this he commented on how her pussy lips were stuck together, and I could feel the excitement in her voice when she said to him, "I want to hold the pose you've got me in, so if you want to spread my lips out, go ahead."

he asked if she was sure, she said yeah go ahead. he looked at me and asked if i minded, I said "do what you gadda do." So he did. He set his camera down, and very delicately opened up her pussy lips, he lingered a little bit longer than necessary while doing it, then took a bunch of close up pictures. this was the first, but not the last, photo shoot she had that ended with the photographer feeling her up, and fingering her, or more. Shoots like that were always her favorite... mine too.

Shortly after that we wanted to try taking this a step further. There was a guy she was friends with since high school. He made no secret of his crush on her, but she was never interested in him. She had friend-zoned him. She was already living with me at this point, so when she hit him up wanting to hang out at his place, without me, he questioned whether her boyfriend (me) would be okay with her hanging out alone with him at his place. Her response to this was "oh, he's fine with it. don't worry about him." followed by a topless picture. this was her first time actually sending someone a nude. This quickly turned the conversation from friendly to flirting, as she explained to him that her and I were experimenting with an open-relationship... of course, this was only half true haha.

I dropped her off at his place, friday afternoon, he waved to me as she got out of the car. I waved back with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. I wanted this, but the last time I'd had this it ended my relationship. Of course we know now that it was totally fine, and it led to a decade of hot-wife fun! ...I didn't hear from her again until the next day, when she texted me a close up picture of her pussy that he took for her, after the first time they had sex.

She told me they had sex three times that night, in various positions, and she didn't bother getting dressed until they left the next day. He dropped her off at home, and I watched through the window as they made out real quick in the car... She came in, and was hornier than I ad ever seen her. it was like she had an epiphany. She learned something that night. She learned she can separate sex and love. She learned that she can have casual sex with someone without any emotional attachment, and that can be fun. I'll always remember this, she was so turned on and excited by her night with him that she didnt want to take a shower because it would "wash the sex off." We had sex right then and there, and it was the hottest sex we'd had!

That's when we knew that this is how our relationship would work. Her sleeping with other guys was going to be a normal part of our relationship. It was like we couldn't even think about going back to monogamy. That's also when we both decided that we would keep count, and we would try to get her number as high as we could. We both thought it was hot that the count started with me. We figured we could celebrate every 10th guy, and we would only count actual dick-in-pussy sex. If a guy just feels her up, or she just gives a blow job, or something, it doesn't count. It would also not count if she fucked the same guy a second time. We only counted new dicks. We were very much on the same page, we wanted as many dicks in her pussy as we could get. we favored quantity over quality. obviously she liked good sex, but we counted, and were happy for every new guy even if it wasn't that good.

When her number reached 10, and we had our first "10-celebration" we were surprised by how close all this made us, by how romantic and exciting this count was, and how strong our relationship was because of this count and this celebration. it was on this date that we decided that she should always have more sex than me. We both felt the same way about it. For the rest of our lives, we both wanted for her to fuck other guys more than me. She would always have another guy that she fucked more than she fucked me. She would still fuck me, but she would always fuck other guys more. If there was ever a period where she didnt have another guy to fuck more than me, than she would fuck me less, which would inspire us to find her another guy.

She wanted this, I very much did too. We both wanted for this to be the way our relationship SHOULD be. It just felt right. It's weird, but ever since then, the idea of me fucking her more just doesn't feel right. The idea of me being her primary sex partner just doesn't feel right, to either of us. it feels weird. so we established that as the first "rule" of our relationship.

Since then our sex life has revolved around various rules. rule 1: she MUST always have another guy she fucks more than me.

This feels like a pretty long first post already, so I'll save the rest of the rules for later in the thread.

I'm excited to start this thread here, and tell everyone the hot sexy story of my hot-wife, everything we've done together, and new things as they happen! Thanks for reading this, and following along!
current number of guys my wife has fucked: 68

We only count new guys, we celebrate every 10th guy

our story: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=66297

photos of her: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=66354

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Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by inivisibletwin » Sat May 07, 2022 11:49 am

I figure I'd like to post stories on here that have happened in the past, but also talk about things happening now... so fast forward to now, and here is our current situation...

Her and I have a two bedroom apartment. we specifically got a two bedroom so I would have a place to sleep when ever she had a guy over. Before the pandemic started, she had 3 regular fuck buddies, who were roommates, sharing a 3 bedroom apartment. At my encouragement, she started actually dating one of them, a couple months before the pandemic started... He's not just a fuck buddy, he is actually her second boyfriend. I'm her primary, he's her second. It's a full on actual relationship, separate from her relationship with me. which works perfectly for our #1 rule.

When the pandemic started, and everyone was locking down in place, since they had just started dating, we figured the best way to preserve their relationship, and to follow our #1 rule, considering we didn't know how long this whole thing was gonna last, was to have her boyfriend, we'll call him Chris, move in with us. So I moved into the 2nd bedroom, and he took my spot in the big bedroom, in our bed big, next to my girlfriend... She was his girlfriend, too, after all.

Initially it was on a temporary, open ended basis, till we knew what was happening with the lock down orders... but as we all know the 2 week lock down turned into 2 years of pandemic. His staying with us was always open ended. He still pays rent at his apartment, but it's two years later and he's still living with us.

It's not a thruple. He and I are not together. He and I are both straight. We get along great and are good friends. it's just that my wife is also dating him.

As per our #1 rule, we have a couple systems in place to ensure that she fucks him more than she fucks me. Another of our rules is that we can give ownership of her pussy to another guy, and if we do than that guy has complete control over what does and doesn't happen to her pussy. It belongs to him completely, what ever he says goes, and she will obey... this one is actually her favorite of our rules... When it became clear that Chris would be staying with us longer term, for my birthday in 2020, we gave him ownership of her pussy... it was mine and my wife's way of celebrating my birthday, to give her boyfriend ownership of her pussy... thereby taking it away from me.

with his new found ownership of her vagina, knowing about our #1 rule, he devised a system to deny me access to her pussy most of the time, thereby ensuring he fucked her more... We hung a dry erase board on the fridge. Every night wherein they have sex, they put a tally mark on the board. I was 100% denied access to her pussy until the tally reached 5. I could not see or touch her pussy. it was off limits to me. It wasn't mine, it was Chris' property... she likes to say it's his "toy." together they would go our of their way to ensure that I could not see her pussy. Being an exhibitionist, and loving being the only one naked in a room full of clothed guys, she spends most of her time at home fully naked... especially since she lost her job due to Covid. Months would go by where she would not wear a stitch of clothing, except for the occasional pair of panties when hiding her pussy from me... This made hiding her pussy from my view difficult, but they made a game out of it, and it became fun... (a side effect of the medical condition that left her unable to get pregnant was that she would not have periods anymore. this meant there was never a time when her pussy was off limits, and could could be out and on display all month long)

She would go back and forth between sleeping in the big bedroom with Chris, and sleeping in the 2nd bedroom with me. She always slept fully naked while in bed with Chris, but whenever she slept in my room with me, if it wasn't my turn yet she would wear panties... and if I tried to touch her pussy she would actually stop me, and remind me that it wasn't mine.

when the tally would reach 5, i was then allowed access, and could have sex with her one time. at which point the tally marks would be erased and the count would start over. This would ensure that he fucked her WAY more than I did.

This is how things went for that first year, and I'm actually very happy we did this. If he hadn't moved in with us, she wouldn't have fucked anyone else that whole year... it would have been a very boring year, sexually... but because Chris was with us, while we sheltered in place, it was actually a very exciting year.

Then Jennifer and I got married, in January 2021. It had always been important to me that I NOT be the first guy to fuck my wife after our wedding, so on our wedding night she first fucked her boyfriend, then his two roommates, then me... I was the 4th guy to fuck my wife after our wedding! and thank god for that! I would not have wanted it any other way!

but then, after I got to fuck my wife on our wedding night, the next day, her boyfriend and owner of her pussy, informed me that would be my list time getting her pussy for a year. He was exercising his ownership of her pussy to do 2 things. 1, to completely deny me, 100%, for a full year. I would not be allowed to see it, or touch it, or anything, until our 1st anniversary. It was completely off limits to me for that entire year. and the other thing he did with it was to grant his two roommates unlimited access to it.

Not only was I not even allowed to see it, and not only did he now have what we called "husband level access" to it (which he basically already had, we just started calling it that), but also his two roommates could have it all they wanted also... when every they were able to meet up... obviously the pandemic would limit how often they could see her, but whenever they could see her they had all the access to her pussy they wanted.

Eventually, I stopped even trying to look at her pussy. I just respected that it didn't belong to me. This would allow her to stop having to cover up if I entered the room. I would avert my eyes, cover my eyes, look away, what ever. I was preventing myself from looking so that her boyfriend could see it more. She always liked to be fully naked at home, and if I actively avoided trying to look at her pussy, she could stay naked.

There were several times during that year, where we would be chillin in the living room, her and chris on the couch, her fully naked, me in my chair that was deliberately positioned so it was hard for me to see them. and she would keep her legs open for Chris' viewing pleasure, but put up a pillow or blanket or something so as to block my view... and if ever the pillow or blanket wasn't quite positioned right, and I had a glimpse of her pussy, instead of sneaking a look, I would tell her that I could see it so they could adjust... this was actually very hot! her pussy was no longer mine, it belonged entirely to Chris... I wrote many posts about this in this forum.

Eventually we hit our 1 year anniversary, and I was allowed access again. My wife and I shared a very passionate and sexy night together. It was the first time I had access to her pussy in an entire year, and I took as much advantage as I could of that! fuck it was hot!!

After that we went back to our old system, with the tally's, so we could keep following rule #1... only this time there was one slight adjustment. this time around, if the tally was not yet at 5, I was not allowed to touch, but I could look. I was allowed to see it. This would allow her to not have to cover up any more, and remain naked for Chris, or whomever else came over (meaning that the two roommates could come over sometimes, and her vagina could remain on display for all and they wouldn't have to worry about hiding it form me) ... however, if either of them caught me looking at her pussy for more than a quick glance, a tally mark would be erased, and i would have to wait that much longer before my turn...

In the weeks that followed, Chris' two roommates came over multiple times, and enjoyed my wife's pussy, while keeping it on display... and I was caught staring at it so many times that I wound up with negative tallies!

since then I have only had 1 turn with her! I gain and lose tally marks so often that keeping track has become a fun little game we play! And she absolutely gets off on how much of our lives revolve around her vagina. It's like her favorite thing!

and that's our current status. Last night before I went to bed, there was 1 tally mark on the board. This morning there was a 2nd one... meaning they fucked last night... they are currently in the living room, him fully dressed, her fully nude... as per usual... they aren't even doing anything sexual, they are just hanging out, she just likes to hang out naked. she spends most if not all of her time at home naked...

and honestly, I'm kind of planning, when Im done writing this, to head out there, and spend one of my tally marks, by letting them catch me looking at her pussy, on purpose, just for the fun of it.

I don't know what it is, or why, or how to explain it... but when another guy's dick is in my wife, whether it's Chris' or someone else's, it just feels right to me. i just have this feeling that it belongs that way.

As much as I do enjoy getting my dick in her, too... every step we take toward my turn just doesn't feel right, and every step we take away from my turn, toward someone else's turn just feels right... its like a sub conscience feeling in my gut... I have talked to her about that feeling, and she feels similarly... though for her its less that sex with me "doesn't feel right" and more that sex with just me is boring unless we are passionately making love, to express our feelings for each other... feelings she does not have for anyone else. She likes her boyfriend, but she is not in love with him. she is in love with me. so when ever we have sex its less about horny hot sex, and more about passionate love making... she saves all her horny hot sex for the other guys.

...phew... okay, that's two long posts, to start this thread off... I'm gonna head out there and get caught looking at my wife's vagina, so I can lose a tally mark! hahaha.
current number of guys my wife has fucked: 68

We only count new guys, we celebrate every 10th guy

our story: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=66297

photos of her: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=66354

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Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by mrglad2cu2 » Sun May 08, 2022 1:02 am

wow - A very interesting life that you lead. You are lucky she is so free spirited. I guess at the time losing your first gf was a bad moment but you were very lucky in the long term. It seems like a perfect match now.

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Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by octavian » Sun May 08, 2022 3:47 am

A very promising start. Thank you.

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Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by js117 » Sun May 08, 2022 5:07 am

Thank you for consolidating your journey into a single thread! Re-reading it was very fun; thank you for all the attention to detail! I look forward to hearing about the rest of your adventure here.

I noticed that she's currently at 59 other guys fucked. You're so close to number 60! Have you discussed how to celebrate at your next milestone?

Also - and I'm sure others would agree - I'd love to see more of your wife. Maybe it would be a good idea to start a consolidated photo thread too, and share links to both your photo thread and your story thread in your signature?

Long Lurker 34
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Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Sun May 08, 2022 5:29 am

js117 wrote:
Sun May 08, 2022 5:07 am
Thank you for consolidating your journey into a single thread! Re-reading it was very fun; thank you for all the attention to detail! I look forward to hearing about the rest of your adventure here.

I noticed that she's currently at 59 other guys fucked. You're so close to number 60! Have you discussed how to celebrate at your next milestone?

Also - and I'm sure others would agree - I'd love to see more of your wife. Maybe it would be a good idea to start a consolidated photo thread too, and share links to both your photo thread and your story thread in your signature?
On that note. If you do start a Hotties thread, please consider putting a link to it here. It makes it much easier to follow and as your wife is an exhibitionist the count will go higher faster.

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Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by cantwait » Sun May 08, 2022 6:31 am

Thank you for sharing your super hot life with us. You are a lucky man to have such a sex positive free spirited wife.

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Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by cantwait » Sun May 08, 2022 6:31 am

I’m inspired by your rules. I might have to incorporate them into my life with my hot wife. Our journey was interrupted by pandemic. Her first extramarital boyfriend began in 2019 but wasn’t string enough to survive 2020 and on. She says she might revisit and possibly restart with him. Or someone new.

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Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by Des 31 » Mon May 09, 2022 4:36 am

Your history is, in many ways, similar to others here - including my wife and me. The one difference from most is that the two of you began before marriage. Either way, when it's a successful outcome, this way of life becomes an ordinary part of a marriage. Whenever my wife tells me one of her guys will be spending the night at our home, or if she will be away a night with someone else, I accept it willingly. Whatever she does is exciting to me, and the sex between her and me is better than it would have been if other men were not also fucking her.

Glad to hear it works out for the two of you.

~ Des
Our hotwife history from its beginning at viewtopic.php?f=5&t=50057


Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by Christinebitg » Mon May 09, 2022 5:46 am

Des 31 wrote:
Mon May 09, 2022 4:36 am
Your history is, in many ways, similar to others here - including my wife and me. The one difference from most is that the two of you began before marriage. Either way, when it's a successful outcome, this way of life becomes an ordinary part of a marriage. Whenever my wife tells me one of her guys will be spending the night at our home, or if she will be away a night with someone else, I accept it willingly. Whatever she does is exciting to me, and the sex between her and me is better than it would have been if other men were not also fucking her.

Glad to hear it works out for the two of you.

~ Des
I'm cut off, that doesn't make it any less exciting when she spends the night in a guy's hotel room, or when she flies out of town for a weekend with one.

As you said, whatever she does is exciting to me. :)

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Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by Des 31 » Mon May 09, 2022 1:04 pm

Christinebitg wrote:
Mon May 09, 2022 5:46 am
Des 31 wrote:
Mon May 09, 2022 4:36 am
Your history is, in many ways, similar to others here - including my wife and me. The one difference from most is that the two of you began before marriage. Either way, when it's a successful outcome, this way of life becomes an ordinary part of a marriage. Whenever my wife tells me one of her guys will be spending the night at our home, or if she will be away a night with someone else, I accept it willingly. Whatever she does is exciting to me, and the sex between her and me is better than it would have been if other men were not also fucking her.

Glad to hear it works out for the two of you.

~ Des
I'm cut off, that doesn't make it any less exciting when she spends the night in a guy's hotel room, or when she flies out of town for a weekend with one.

As you said, whatever she does is exciting to me. :)
Yeah, I understand that too. You clearly want the best for her, and I'm all for that. And you could say the other guy is doing you a favor by fucking your wife. That's how I often think about it.
Our hotwife history from its beginning at viewtopic.php?f=5&t=50057


Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by Christinebitg » Mon May 09, 2022 2:07 pm

Des 31 wrote:
Mon May 09, 2022 1:04 pm
Christinebitg wrote:
Mon May 09, 2022 5:46 am
I'm cut off, that doesn't make it any less exciting when she spends the night in a guy's hotel room, or when she flies out of town for a weekend with one.

As you said, whatever she does is exciting to me. :)
Yeah, I understand that too. You clearly want the best for her, and I'm all for that. And you could say the other guy is doing you a favor by fucking your wife. That's how I often think about it.
Well... I would say they're doing me a favor, by providing me with fresh material for my masturbation fantasies. :)

That's partly because she no longer shares the intimate details of the times she spends with guys. So I just use my imagination, knowing the things she likes to do when she alone and naked with a guy. For instance, she really likes cowgirl position.

In my mind, I see her getting kissed and felt up. The guy playing with her large and sensitive nipples. Feeling his hard cock entering her.

The most I get from her is that she fooled around with the guy, and which of her fuck buddies it was. And I know that there have been times she didn't tell me about, even though she has agreed to tell me every time something happens.

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Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by inivisibletwin » Thu May 12, 2022 11:36 am

Long Lurker 34 wrote:
Sun May 08, 2022 5:29 am
js117 wrote:
Sun May 08, 2022 5:07 am
Thank you for consolidating your journey into a single thread! Re-reading it was very fun; thank you for all the attention to detail! I look forward to hearing about the rest of your adventure here.

I noticed that she's currently at 59 other guys fucked. You're so close to number 60! Have you discussed how to celebrate at your next milestone?

Also - and I'm sure others would agree - I'd love to see more of your wife. Maybe it would be a good idea to start a consolidated photo thread too, and share links to both your photo thread and your story thread in your signature?
On that note. If you do start a Hotties thread, please consider putting a link to it here. It makes it much easier to follow and as your wife is an exhibitionist the count will go higher faster.
Good idea! I just posted some topless pics of my wife, and linked them in my signature.
current number of guys my wife has fucked: 68

We only count new guys, we celebrate every 10th guy

our story: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=66297

photos of her: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=66354

Long Lurker 34
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Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Thu May 12, 2022 3:57 pm

inivisibletwin wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 11:36 am
Long Lurker 34 wrote:
Sun May 08, 2022 5:29 am
js117 wrote:
Sun May 08, 2022 5:07 am
Thank you for consolidating your journey into a single thread! Re-reading it was very fun; thank you for all the attention to detail! I look forward to hearing about the rest of your adventure here.

I noticed that she's currently at 59 other guys fucked. You're so close to number 60! Have you discussed how to celebrate at your next milestone?

Also - and I'm sure others would agree - I'd love to see more of your wife. Maybe it would be a good idea to start a consolidated photo thread too, and share links to both your photo thread and your story thread in your signature?
On that note. If you do start a Hotties thread, please consider putting a link to it here. It makes it much easier to follow and as your wife is an exhibitionist the count will go higher faster.
Good idea! I just posted some topless pics of my wife, and linked them in my signature.
Thanks IT, :up: I wish others who have multiple threads would do the same. HINT, HINT. :whip:

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Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by Johng1953 » Thu May 12, 2022 10:11 pm

What a wonderful relationship, thank you for sharing it with us. I've subscribed to your thread and look forward to updates and more of your back story.

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Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by js117 » Fri May 13, 2022 12:45 pm

Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for sharing those incredible photos! Very sexy - it would drive me crazy to be denied access to her pussy like you.

I'm still curious about lucky guy #60. Are you hoping to find someone soon, and have you discussed any special ways to celebrate at your next milestone?


Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by Christinebitg » Fri May 13, 2022 1:02 pm

inivisibletwin wrote:
Thu May 12, 2022 11:36 am
Good idea! I just posted some topless pics of my wife, and linked them in my signature.
Oh my goodness! She's very lovely.

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Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by vicg » Sun May 15, 2022 7:32 am

Thanks for creating this thread! It took me a week to find it, but I bookmarked it instantly, and now I'll see your updates as soon as you post them!

And I also appreciate you writing the early story of your relationship and how it became what it is. It's a great story!

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Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by william70 » Fri Jul 08, 2022 8:32 pm

So if there have been 59 cocks, should there be 58 stories? :whip:

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Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by cuckoldtipp » Sun Jul 17, 2022 8:10 pm

This is so fucking hot. I can't wait for updates. Do the roommates fuck count on the tally board or just the boyfriend? You could count them and up the number from five. Does she do all three at the same time? Maybe go to 20 tally marks if you count all 3.

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Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by inivisibletwin » Sat Jul 30, 2022 12:30 pm

william70 wrote:
Fri Jul 08, 2022 8:32 pm
So if there have been 59 cocks, should there be 58 stories? :whip:
There are, indeed 58 stories! ...problem is, i cant remember them all haha... I have a list of names. In some cases instead of a name it says something like "waiter at restaurant." ...In hind-site, We should have written some kind of clue as the circumstances of the fuck. but it's been 11 years, and 58 different guys... and finite human memories...

BUT, there are PLENTY of stories I do remember, and part of the point of this on going thread is to share some of those stories... the other part is to update about current situations...

One of my favorite stories happened several years ago. circa 2013 or 2014 ish, somewhere in there... at the time Jennifer did not have a second boyfriend or a regular fuck buddy. we were kinda just doing the occasional one nighters. We had profiles on various dating sites where we had some sexy pics of her, and a detailed honest description of what we wanted... to get her laid... the inbox for these profiles were ALWAYS full, and we basically had our pick when ever we wanted...

one of my all time favorite stories came from this... one of the guys, we'll call him Jason, said he lives alone in a 2-story beach front condo, his backyard actually touched the sand. He offered to let us stay at his place as long as we wanted if he could fuck her while we were there... He sent pics of him, and of his place. Jennifer was super excited by this offer, and thought he was very sexy. so we set up a weekend.

When ever we used to set something like this up we always let the guy decide how she should dress for the meet up. lots of guys had lots of different tastes... we made that offer to jason, he said he didnt know, so she offered to bring a few different outfits to model for him, and let him choose one for her to stay in.

We got there Friday evening. She wore just a t-shirt and jeans. After some light getting to know you chit chat, in his downstairs living room, before we even had a tour of his place, she brought up the mini fashion show, and excused herself to the restroom. She said she wanted to make sure she was dressed how he liked for the rest of the evening...

She came out a few minutes later wearing short shorts and a push up bra under a spaghetti strap tank top. She modeled the outfit, spun around a bit, and I watched Jason as he unabashedly admired my girlfriend! ...After a moment she excused herself back to the bathroom and came out a few minutes later in a short skirt and strapless tube top that was so tight it was obvious she wasnt wearing a bra. The skirt was pretty loosely flowing, and short enough that if she bent over her ass cheeks would peak out... Again, I watched Jason watching her intently as she modeled this outfit.

Her next outfit, the one Jason ended up choosing was a very sexy low cut dress. the kind of nice evening gown one might wear to some formal event. it was the lowest cut of all the outfits so far, but not obscene, and she had clearly arranged her tits to be almost falling out of it... and the skirt was longer than the previous outfit. it was tight, form fitting, and had black lace on top of a tan color... while she modeled this outfit for him, he asked if she was wearing anything under the dress, she said no... this was his selection!

We hung out and talked a bit more, with her in this dress, but now the conversation had turned sexy. He started asking about the dynamic of our relationship and all that. After we explained the whole thing, he fixed us some drinks, and took us on a tour of his very nice place... The downstairs had a small living room, with two couches, one that folded out to a bed... a cute little kitchen, and a bathroom... the upstairs had 1 bedroom, a small den with another couch and a TV. there was also a bar, and a nice patio overlooking the ocean...

Quick side note, Jennifer LOVES the beach. It's her favorite place! the very idea of staying at an ocean front place in exchange for sex already had her super horny, but when she saw the balcony, I could swear I heard her panties get wet hahaha...

After another drink and some obvious flirting, jason asked if he could have some time alone with jennifer, to see if there's enough chemistry. I replied, "of course!" and headed downstairs.

About a half hour later she came down stairs. right away I noticed 2 things, 1: her hair was messed up. 2: her tits were adjusted back and no longer falling out of her dress... she was also smiling quite coy.

I asked what happened, and she told me they had sex.

As Jason came down stairs to greet us, we excused ourselves to the car, to grab the rest of our bags... (and to have a moment to talk privately) ...she said they fucked, with the dress on, and it was GREAT! she said he had a vasectomy, so he could go more than other guys, and that she wanted very much to stay the weekend and keep fucking him... She also said the sex with him was SO good that she wanted this to be one of those weekends that we had done occasionally, where she completely belongs to the other guy, as much as he wants, and not to me at all. She wanted to belong to him for the weekend, and she wanted me to give her to him...

Back in his living room, we talked some more... her sitting next to him, not me... He thanked me for the alone time with her, that there was indeed chemistry. (of course there was! haha)... thats when I told him: "of course! In fact we've decided to take you up on your offer and stay here for the weekend, and while we are here she's gonna just belong to you entirely. While we're here, she's all yours not mine." then she said, "what ever you want, just tell me and I'll do it."

He smiled big, and asked if we we meant it. she said yes... so with a big coy smile, almost as if to test her, he told her to lose the dress... and she did... she jumped right up, took off the dress, tossed it to me, and sat back down on the couch next to him, now fully naked... and said, "yup. what ever you want."

that was friday night. we didnt leave till monday morning... for the entire time it was like THEY were the couple, and I was the roommate... She was his personal sex toy... she didnt wear a stitch of clothes all weekend (except when she was in bed with me, the first night), and it seemed like they fucked every 2 hours... it was like he set up his own little living space inside her pussy, and started paying rent... and in between fucking she would enjoy his beachfront condo, take in the ocean from the balcony, and be all "couply" with him... while I just kind hung out...

the first night she slept with me on the fold out bed downstairs... but because she belonged to him not me, she put on a nightgown and would not let me touch her. (part of our fun denial game)... but in the middle of the night he texted me and told me to send her up to him... so I woke her up and showed her the text. she smiled, got right up, took off the nightgown, and she told me to tell him shes on her way. I watched her walk naked up the stairs. a few hours later I went upstairs to check on them, and I saw them in his room, door wide open, him standing there, her on her knees with his dick in her mouth...

I was like, "oh, sorry for interrupting." and went back down stairs... the next night she just slept in his bed.

We left monday morning, and that was the first time I touched her since we got there... she wore the skirt she brought, and on the freeway she lifted her skirt and showed me her pussy, telling me to look at how red and swollen it is! she said she was so sore she was having trouble sitting comfortably. she grabbed my hand and put it on her pussy, so i could feel how wet she was... she was SO fucking wet!

i still jerk off to that weekend to this day! foly fuck it was so hot!
current number of guys my wife has fucked: 68

We only count new guys, we celebrate every 10th guy

our story: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=66297

photos of her: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=66354

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Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by william70 » Sat Jul 30, 2022 7:48 pm

#57 :whip: :up: :D

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Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by js117 » Sat Jul 30, 2022 7:59 pm

Wow! That sounds like an incredible weekend! I don't think you're the only one jerking off to it anymore, haha. Thank you for sharing!

$2 Ho
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Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by Johng1953 » Sat Jul 30, 2022 10:04 pm

Great story, thank you.

Posts: 522
Joined: Tue Nov 18, 2014 8:46 pm

Re: the adventures of my hotwife, her boyfriend, and her fuck buddies (on going)

Unread post by inivisibletwin » Sun Aug 21, 2022 2:20 pm

another one of my favorite encounters was from around the same time... Jennifer did not have a steady boyfriend or fuck buddy at the time, so we had profiles on dating sites, and did occasional one or two nite stands. on our profiles we spelled out exactly what out relationship dynamic was, she is free to and encouraged to sleep with anyone she wants, while I remain faithful to her. which is a big part of the whole thing... and honestly, ever since we started in this lifestyle, I haven't even wanted to sleep with other women, I have been perfectly happy and satisfied sharing my wife with other men, getting denied pussy in the process, and playing my role as the cuck...

We were contacted by a couple who had the same dynamic but in reverse. the husband, we'll call him Mark, slept around while the wife, we'll call her Mindy, remained loyal. there was very little small talk with this one, both couples put out there exactly what we wanted, and we got right to the point. in fact, in our response email we already were including nudes of jen... and in their response to that there were nudes of mark... you've all seen nudes of Jen (if you haven't, you should check out the link in my signature), she's always been that thin and shapely. Mark was a similar build, thin and shapely. not overly fit, not too thin, just right in the center... Jen has certainly fucked guys who were more fit, and less fit, but not only do we believe in quantity over quality, but we were intrigued by the idea of this arrangement...

We set up a weekend for the four of us to get together. the plan was for me and Mindy to hang out, off to the side, fully clothed, as friends, without flirting, while Jen and Mark go at it all weekend. The soonest we could schedule it was two weeks out... so right away mark and started jen flirting over text, while mindy and i observed from a distance.

over those two weeks, mark and jen texted like a lot! multiple times I took nudes of jen to send mark, and mindy took nudes of mark to send jen. the anticipation and sexual tension was getting quite thick!

finally the weekend came. mindy and I split the cost of a hotel room for two nights. the room had two beds, and a small two-seater couch. I requested one of those fold up cot things. obviously jen and mark were going to take one of the beds, but mindy and i could not share a bed, so i gave mindy the other bed, and I took the cot.

they were about 2 and a half hours away from us, so we picked a hotel near the mid point. we had already book the hotel room in advance, but we wanted to meet at a public place, so we picked a nearby sit down restaurant to meet and have lunch, first... it was early august, so it was pretty hot. jen wore flip flops, short cut off jean shorts with no panties, and a strapless tube top with no bra, and did not pack any other clothes.

mark and mindy were already at the restaurant when jen and i arrived. they were sitting together on one side of the table. they greeted us with a kind smile and hug, and jen and i sat together on the other side of the table. it was about 10 minutes of "nice to meet you in person" pleasantries, but we all knew exactly why we were there... so I, very coyly, said i needed to use the restroom after the long drive, and excused myself from the table... as i stood up, mindy did the same thing. on the way to the restroom mindy asked if this was our first time playing with another couple, i told her it was. she said it was for them, too. she was easy to get along with, i felt like her and i had a lot in common hahaha...

when mindy and I got back to the table, jen had taken mindy's seat next to mark, pulled her tube top down a little to reveal some cleavage, and mark had his arm around her. mindy took jen's spot next to me, only there was purposely a good 2 feet between us... that was pretty fucken hot... that's how we spent the next hour or so at the restaurant... jen and mark both ordered something lite...

at this point we were all feeling pretty good about everything, so we decided to hit a local store for some supplies, and head back to the hotel... as we headed out to our cars, jen pulled me aside and said she was going to belong to mark for the weekend. i knew that meant she was his sex toy, and i was completely denied. i knew that meant she was attracted to him and looking forward to fucking his brains out all weekend, and I knew that meant she was going to be acting as if she was mark's girlfriend, and not my wife, for the weekend... from that point on i was determined that mark and jen would be the couple, for the weekend, and mindy and i would be the friends hanging out, and that anyone who sees us will think exactly that... and i kinda think mindy had the same thought. we both started going out of our way to leave mark and jen alone together while they flirted and pda and all that...

jen then suggested that she ride with mark, and mindy ride with me... every one was pretty confident that jen and mark should be together and flirting and what not, and that mindy and i would not be flirting or anything... in fact the only thing that might have made this better would have been if mindy and i both had chastity devices on...

mindy and i got into my car, and on our way out of the parking lot, we passed by jen and mark in mark's car, and they were already making out in the car... I coldnt see very well, but i suspected her tube top was down around her waist... I asked about it later and she said i was right.

we got to the store and picked up some supplies, all the while mark and jen acting all couply, while mindy and i kept our distance... mindy was going to buy condoms. she said she knew mark's size and would pick them out for him, and i told her not to, that they didnt need condoms. she suggested they didnt want to worry about accidental pregnancy, and i told her that wasnt a concern, jen can't get pregnant. mindy smiled at that, and said "okay, i guess my husband is gonna fuck your wife bareback" as she put the condoms back... we both walked away from that isle with a little smile on our faces...

mindy and i got to the hotel first, and checked in. mark and jen pulled up as we were getting our stuff out of the car. i told jen and mark to head on up to the room and mindy and i would carry the stuff up.

when i walked into the hotel room, the very first thing i saw was my wife's clothes, the only articles of clothing she brought with her, the shorts and tube top, hanging on a hanger in the coat closet by the door...

mindy and i walked into the room to find mark fully clothed, jen fully nude, sitting on the couch, her on top of him, legs wrapped around him, dry humping and making out. mindy and i put the stuff down, and mindy commented to me, "can you believe this?" and marched over to mark and jen and said "hold on just a second guys!" ...she moved jen off of mark, un did mark's pants and pulled them off, along with his boxers, revealing his hard cock to jen, then said "okay, NOW go for it!" mindy went and put mark's pants next to jen's clothes, by the door, while jen climbed back on to mark, and i tried not to laugh.

mindy and i unpacked the supplies and tidied up the room, while jen took off mark's shirt and tossed it across the room. taking a cue from mindy, i picked up the shirt and put it with mark's pants... a few minutes later mark and jen's dry humping turned into... well... actual fucking... and thus our roles for the rest of the weekend had been defined.

mindy and i hung back, on the other side of the room, hanging out like old friends, while taking care of everything, cleaning, food, drink, literally everything, leaving jen and mark to only focus on their one job... flirting and fucking.

neither mark nor jen got dressed again the entire weekend, they both stayed naked and stayed together in the room, like newly weds, the whole time, while mindy and i tended to their every other need. mark and jen acted like they were on their honeymoon! and the more they did that the more me and mindy were into it! they never left each other's side! they even showered together! and when they weren't fucking, they were cuddling on the couch, and casually groping each other... jen's hands basically never left mark's cock, the whole weekend, except when they were fucking... she told me afterward that was because mindy had privately asked her to never stop touching mark's cock... this little detail would be something i stole from the weekend, and used in future encounters, where i ask who ever is fucking my wife to never stop touching her body! ...good call, mindy!

over the course of the weekend, i found out that there was one big difference between mark and mindy's dynamic, and mine and jen's... with me and jen, whenever jen's fucking another guy, im usually denied access to jen's body. it doesnt belong to me during that time, it belongs to the other guy... that wasnt the case with mark and mindy. mindy was still allowed to touch mark. a couple of times during the weekend, mindy guided mark's dick into jen's pussy... leaving me alone, on the other side of the room, watching... which, i always thought was the one thing that put me a step below mindy in the group dynamic. i was at the bottom... and i liked it there!

another thing that kept this weekend hot was, since mindy and i were not allowed to do anything with eachother, or even see anything of eachother, neither of us could touch ourselves while watching our spouses fuck. this kept us both horny and more in the mood for whole weekend... i couldnt pull my dick out and stroke it while watching jen and mark fuck, cause then mindy would see it... and mindy couldnt drop her pants and stroke her pussy, cause then i'd see it. and there could be nothing sexy happening between her and i...

both nites, just as planned, mark and jen took one bed, mindy took the other bed, and i took the cot. Mark and Jen has SO much sex that weekend! granted, not as much as she'd had with other guys who'd had a vasectomy, but still they fucked a significant amount! at least twice in the night i was woken up to the sounds of them fucking.

after that weekend, jen and mark continued to flirt over text for another 6 or 8 months, and we met up for a weekend one more time, before they told us that mark's job was transferring him to London. mark and jen were not officially dating or anything like that, but all four of us really liked them fucking. jen says mark was one of her favorite fucks, and she really liked mindy's little request of never letting go of mark's dick... so mark and jen stayed in touch, and still text now and then. not as often but occasionally, and will even get on skype to video chat... and as soon as that started, i established a rule, and told the rule to the whole group, that when ever mark and jen video chat, no matter the topic of conversation, even if they aren't flirting, jen HAS to be topless, and position herself so that her tits on always on camera and visible to mark, at all time... while everyone happily agreed to this, surprisingly the one who was most excited about that rule was mindy...

to this day, even though jen now has a boyfriend who owns her pussy, her and mark still flirt over text some times, and still occasionally get on video chat, and when ever they do, jen will make sure shes topless and her tits are on camera for mark to see. she'll just do it like it goes without saying. mark always gets to see her tits, whenever they video chat, no matter what they talk about.

they last got on video chat a couple weeks ago, she took the chat on my room, alone, and was in there talking to him for a good 3 hours... during that time i texted mindy and asked her to check on her end and make sure mark could see jen's tits, and she replied ten minutes later saying mark had a great view of them! of course it ended with them watching each other masturbate, but before that it was a lot of casual nudity and old friends catching up.

occasionally mindy and i will still text and what not, we are friends, no flirting or anything. usually we just catch each other up on who our spouses are fucking, or talk about our spouses flirting with each other. its been pretty fun having this old friend with this thing in common!
current number of guys my wife has fucked: 68

We only count new guys, we celebrate every 10th guy

our story: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=66297

photos of her: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=66354

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