My wife has a budding interest..

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My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by Andro » Mon Jul 19, 2021 1:36 pm

Hello everyone,

My lovely wife is 35, I'm 38. She's about 5'6 and really cute. We've been together for about 12 years and married for 8.
We speak frankly about our past sexual encounters occasionally of which hers are quite a bit more limited than mine.. other than me, she's only been with 2 guys, one was an ex and one was a one night stand that didn't perform at all.
In the past she has been opposed to any 3 somes even acting repulsed by the idea, so I haven't brought it up in a long time.

A few years ago she went to Hawaii for a friends wedding, I told her she could have a hall pass.. she dismissed the idea calling me weird, and I played it off as partly a joke and partly me telling her to have a good time. She's always said that she doesn't look at other guys and feel attracted to them and that the thought of having sex with anyone else isn't appealing to her. She is a bit of a lipstick lesbian when she drinks so i figured she was more into girls.. she's likely to never act on that however and I don't think it would be wise to meddle on that front, since she's been suspicious that I wanted my own hall pass, which I really don't need or want at this point. I told her she could have a girlfriend in the past and she considered it for a long time time.. weeks or months and decided not to. She also told me if she did I wouldn't be involved in it in any way, which I get. But I digress..
The hall pass idea has come up a few more times ovee the last couple years jokingly. It's not a sore subject or anything. Her sex drive has been pretty subdued over the last few years because of kids and the stress of that etc

She went out of town last month on an overnight AirBnB trip with some girlfriends and they spent the evening dancing in a small bar. This is a very small town they were in with mostly summer visitors. Really cool town.

A few days after she got back she told me she danced with several guys and had alot of fun chatting with them. One in particular was an incredibly good dancer but he was lanky, not her type. She told me about one of the guys she danced with that was a larger, guy, muscular, built who she found herself incredibly attracted to. They were grinding on the dance floor a bit and bought her a drink then had gone in for a mouth kiss, which she denied him. I guess after that he kind of moved on but he left quite an impression on her.

When she told me about this she approached me and told me she had something to confess, she felt a bit of guilt because she had followed him on Instagram after that night, but then immediately unfollowed him. She told me all about their encounter.

I told her that it's perfectly natural to feel physically attracted and that it's nothing to feel guilt over. She agreed and said she knows she didn't do anything wrong but just wanted to be upfront, "full disclosure."

I then told her that I had something to confess as well. She said "I'm not going to be as understanding as you!" :lol:
I said, I'm going to confess that I'm not mad or jealous at all. Infact I find that pretty hot. I'm glad that you are feeling more "sexual" and are able to go have fun and feel sexy and interact with guys without kids hanging onto your legs.
She asked how I would feel if they had been kissing in the bar, and I told her that as long as she is safe that would be perfectly fine in my book, I just doubt that her friends she was with would be as understanding as I am (they're all married and conservative too.)
She kind of rebuked that notion saying it wouldn't be OK but I could tell there was a bit of question in her in her statement rather than telling me its flat out not OK.
I kind of left it at that, gently reassuring her that I support her having a good time away from the kids. That she should dance with guys and let them buy her drinks and a kiss in the bar isn't a big deal.
I was feeling very excited at this point, as she had never really told me about this type of experience she's had at all since we've been married. To hear her talking about another guy and sexual desire gave me a thrill that was mixed with a tiny tinge of jealousy but that was outweighed by excitement.
She then jokingly asked if I wanted to see his Instagram, as it was public.. but I declined because I felt like I didn't know how to handle the situation at this point.
Later, when we were chatting comfortabley on the sofa I steered the conversation and asked her to show me her Instagram boyfriend, she was a bit embarrassed but pulled him up. Handsome guy. I complemented her taste and prowess, she was a bit embarrassed by the whole thing and was mortified that I might accidentally "like" one of his pictures and make him think she was stalking his profile or whatever. I handed her phone back and told her I was impressed. We talked about her "type" a bit and how she doesn't like skinny guys, which I have always known of course. She likes fit beefy guys.
Her experiencing this attraction to this guy was encouraging to me on so many levels, and not just for my own fantasies. The idea of her being more forward and sexually in tune with herself gives me genuine joy. I mentioned that 'ya know, the hall pass never expired because you never actually used it' and she reacted a bit different to it this time. Her immediate response was "well just because I have a supposed hall pass doesn't give you one" and "why would you want me to have sex with another man" "you're joking right?!'
So I said 'kinda joking, kinda serious' listen, I've had more sexual partners than you and I don't really have that desire. I know you have lost a big part of your own identity raising small children, and it's great seeing your once vibrant sexuality coming back. The idea of you banging another guy doesn't bother me that much infact as long as I know you're completely safe, I would encourage it. I mentioned she got robbed with a dud during her one night stand, and on that point she reflected and agreed. "Yea.. I did get robbed" and shook her head in disappointment.

Fast forward a couple weeks and we are at a bar after my sister's wedding. We bumped into a couple of my old buddies one of which I hadn't seen in many years. He's a really fit dude, and I introduced them. My wife was pretty drunk at this point mind you, but the way I introduced them was "wife this is friend, he's got great muscles feel them" which she immediately did while instantly closing the distance to where she was pressed up against them. I don't think I'd be down with her fucking a guy a went to high school with and whom we have many mutual friends, the behavior was very interesting to watch!
She asked him if he had a wife or girlfriend and when he said 'No,' she immediately looked into my eyes and I could see it.
After that she was off and on all over him which had some or my buddies giving me an eyebrow. I said "shes fine" and gave em a smile. We had a fun time til nearly closing. She actually got pretty wasted at the bar and puked when we got home. She was too drunk for any sexy time but she did have me undress her and wash her in the tub. Particularly her pussy.
She threw her panties in the trash back during the wedding reception because they were uncomfortable so she had had nothing on under her dress while we were at the bars which I had totally forgotten about. I jokingly asked her about her missing panties and if she had gotten banged out in the bathroom of the bar and she said I don't think so!
She didn't, but it was funny to see her internalizing the question.
I jokingly mentioned the missing panties and possible banging by a mysterious person the next day and she asked me if she should ask her friend who was with us if she knew of anything. I told her that it didn't happen and asked her why she would think it had. I guess she must have had a foggy memory :lol: She said" well you kinda put that in my head", so I apologized and said I was just messing with her since I had to clean her up.
She then mentioned "I don't want to have sex with a stranger" with... if not mistaken had emphasis on the word stranger.

And that's it for now. I haven't pushed the topic or issue.. I'd rather it come up again organically in the future when she is horny.
Never thought I'd have a reason to make a post like this, as I never thought she'd be remotely open to the idea. I've been reading this forum off and on for a couple years.
Tell me what you all think, am I too optimistic? :lol:
Last edited by Andro on Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by bewareoflizzy » Mon Jul 19, 2021 1:44 pm

Great writing. Keep going...

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by lonecuck » Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:14 pm

This sounds very exciting to me. I think you might be on your way. Enjoy the ride. I would suggest against backtracking though. Volunteering something and then backing out with "I was just joking" is creating mixed messages and doubt. Say what you mean, mean what you say.

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by Andro » Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:19 pm

lonecuck wrote:
Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:14 pm
This sounds very exciting to me. I think you might be on your way. Enjoy the ride. I would suggest against backtracking though. Volunteering something and then backing out with "I was just joking" is creating mixed messages and doubt. Say what you mean, mean what you say.
I totally agree with you there and have tightened it up since then. I sometimes think a lighthearted approach is a bit less heavy, particularly with a wife who mightwell be disturbed to have something like that just dumped out full steam, but I totally see your point. I will certainly be more clear in the future if and when we talk about it in the future.

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by Farmgirl » Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:35 pm

Andro wrote:
Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:19 pm
lonecuck wrote:
Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:14 pm
This sounds very exciting to me. I think you might be on your way. Enjoy the ride. I would suggest against backtracking though. Volunteering something and then backing out with "I was just joking" is creating mixed messages and doubt. Say what you mean, mean what you say.
I totally agree with you there and have tightened it up since then. I sometimes think a lighthearted approach is a bit less heavy, particularly with a wife who mightwell be disturbed to have something like that just dumped out full steam, but I totally see your point. I will certainly be more clear in the future if and when we talk about it in the future.

It is right that you don't want to be heavy-handed or pushy. At the same time, don't be flip-flopping. Be sure of what it is that you want and convey it to her openly and honestly in the "light of day". Then listen to her and what she wants, be prepared with answers to her upcoming questions.
She can only be sure if you are sure.

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by Andro » Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:36 pm

Well said, I will definitely keep that in mind

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by AdventurousCouple69 » Mon Jul 19, 2021 3:11 pm

I agree with the above comments. You seem to be on your way to something amazing. Be more open and honest with her and leave her with no doubts at all that you support her in her journey.


Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by bubbajack » Mon Jul 19, 2021 3:32 pm

I think your qualified denial of wanting a hall pass for yourself "at this point" is going to have to become unqualified if you want her to make this happen. She doesn't want you fucking anybody else.

Now, for me, I wasn't thrilled with the idea at first. But when I thought back over the collection of "adventures" that I actually had during a prior marriage and between marriages, frankly, they weren't so great as to merit giving up the prospect of watching Mrs Bubba kissing, sucking dick, getting her pussy licked and fingered and fucking some guy - and then fucking her myself. :whip: :whip: :whip: :mrgreen:

I think giving up the idea of getting a hall pass from her was the best thing that has happened to our sex life in decades. I eventually saw that my hesitancy was due to that splendid and flawless guide to conduct known as "male ego". :roll: :P

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by aztd » Mon Jul 19, 2021 4:17 pm


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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by fireman » Tue Jul 20, 2021 7:36 am

Your story almost exactly mirrors ours. A little advice from me…we started with certain rules. Mostly mine, and that was fucking dumb! I wish I had just went with knowing where she was, who she was with and use of protection. Sexual rules will get broken, so put insecurities aside! It sounds like she is well on her way. Buckle up!

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by Hotwifeasian » Tue Jul 20, 2021 8:01 pm

Andro wrote:
Mon Jul 19, 2021 1:36 pm
Hello everyone,

My lovely wife is 35, I'm 38. She's about 5'6 and really cute. We've been together for about 12 years and married for 8.
We speak frankly about our past sexual encounters occasionally of which hers are quite a bit more limited than mine.. other than me, she's only been with 2 guys, one was an ex and one was a one night stand that didn't perform at all.
In the past she has been opposed to any 3 somes even acting repulsed by the idea, so I haven't brought it up in a long time.

A few years ago she went to Hawaii for a friends wedding, I told her she could have a hall pass.. she dismissed the idea calling me weird, and I played it off as partly a joke and partly me telling her to have a good time. She's always said that she doesn't look at other guys and feel attracted to them and that the thought of having sex with anyone else isn't appealing to her. She is a bit of a lipstick lesbian when she drinks so i figured she was more into girls.. she's likely to never act on that however and I don't think it would be wise to meddle on that front, since she's been suspicious that I wanted my own hall pass, which I really don't need or want at this point. I told her she could have a girlfriend in the past and she considered it for a long time time.. weeks or months and decided not to. She also told me if she did I wouldn't be involved in it in any way, which I get. But I digress..
The hall pass idea has come up a few more times ovee the last couple years jokingly. It's not a sore subject or anything. Her sex drive has been pretty subdued over the last few years because of kids and the stress of that etc

She went out of town last month on an overnight AirBnB trip with some girlfriends and they spent the evening dancing in a small bar. This is a very small town they were in with mostly summer visitors. Really cool town.

A few days after she got back she told me she danced with several guys and had alot of fun chatting with them. One in particular was an incredibly good dancer but he was lanky, not her type. She told me about one of the guys she danced with that was a larger, guy, muscular, built who she found herself incredibly attracted to. They were grinding on the dance floor a bit and bought her a drink then had gone in for a mouth kiss, which she denied him. I guess after that he kind of moved on but he left quite an impression on her.

When she told me about this she approached me and told me she had something to confess, she felt a bit of guilt because she had followed him on Instagram after that night, but then immediately unfollowed him. She told me all about their encounter.

I told her that it's perfectly natural to feel physically attracted and that it's nothing to feel guilt over. She agreed and said she knows she didn't do anything wrong but just wanted to be upfront, "full disclosure."

I then told her that I had something to confess as well. She said "I'm not going to be as understanding as you!" :lol:
I said, I'm going to confess that I'm not mad or jealous at all. Infact I find that pretty hot. I'm glad that you are feeling more "sexual" and are able to go have fun and feel sexy and interact with guys without kids hanging onto your legs.
She asked how I would feel if they had been kissing in the bar, and I told her that as long as she is safe that would be perfectly fine in my book, I just doubt that her friends she was with would be as understanding as I am (they're all married and conservative too.)
She kind of rebuked that notion saying it wouldn't be OK but I could tell there was a bit of question in her in her statement rather than telling me its flat out not OK.
I kind of left it at that, gently reassuring her that I support her having a good time away from the kids. That she should dance with guys and let them buy her drinks and a kiss in the bar isn't a big deal.
I was feeling very excited at this point, as she had never really told me about this type of experience she's had at all since we've been married. To hear her talking about another guy and sexual desire gave me a thrill that was mixed with a tiny tinge of jealousy but that was outweighed by excitement.
She then jokingly asked if I wanted to see his Instagram, as it was public.. but I declined because I felt like I didn't know how to handle the situation at this point.
Later, when we were chatting comfortabley on the sofa I steered the conversation and asked her to show me her Instagram boyfriend, she was a bit embarrassed but pulled him up. Handsome guy. I complemented her taste and prowess, she was a bit embarrassed by the whole thing and was mortified that I might accidentally "like" one of his pictures and make him think she was stalking his profile or whatever. I handed her phone back and told her I was impressed. We talked about her "type" a bit and how she doesn't like skinny guys, which I have always known of course. She likes fit beefy guys.
Her experiencing this attraction to this guy was encouraging to me on so many levels, and not just for my own fantasies. The idea of her being more forward and sexually in tune with herself gives me genuine joy. I mentioned that 'ya know, the hall pass never expired because you never actually used it' and she reacted a bit different to it this time. Her immediate response was "well just because I have a supposed hall pass doesn't give you one" and "why would you want me to have sex with another man" "you're joking right?!'
So I said 'kinda joking, kinda serious' listen, I've had more sexual partners than you and I don't really have that desire. I know you have lost a big part of your own identity raising small children, and it's great seeing your once vibrant sexuality coming back. The idea of you banging another guy doesn't bother me that much infact as long as I know you're completely safe, I would encourage it. I mentioned she got robbed with a dud during her one night stand, and on that point she reflected and agreed. "Yea.. I did get robbed" and shook her head in disappointment.

Fast forward a couple weeks and we are at a bar after my sister's wedding. We bumped into a couple of my old buddies one of which I hadn't seen in many years. He's a really fit dude, and I introduced them. My wife was pretty drunk at this point mind you, but the way I introduced them was "wife this is friend, he's got great muscles feel them" which she immediately did while instantly closing the distance to where she was pressed up against them. I don't think I'd be down with her fucking a guy a went to high school with and whom we have many mutual friends, the behavior was very interesting to watch!
She asked him if he had a wife or girlfriend and when he said 'No,' she immediately looked into my eyes and I could see it.
After that she was off and on all over him which had some or my buddies giving me an eyebrow. I said "shes fine" and gave em a smile. We had a fun time til nearly closing. She actually got pretty wasted at the bar and puked when we got home. She was too drunk for any sexy time but she did have me undress her and wash her in the tub. Particularly her pussy.
She threw her panties in the trash back during the wedding reception because they were uncomfortable so she had had nothing on under her dress while we were at the bars which I had totally forgotten about. I jokingly asked her about her missing panties and if she had gotten banged out in the bathroom of the bar and she said I don't think so!
She didn't, but it was funny to see her internalizing the question.
I jokingly mentioned the missing panties and possible banging by a mysterious person the next day and she asked me if she should ask her friend who was with us if she knew of anything. I told her that it didn't happen and asked her why she would think it had. I guess she must have had a foggy memory :lol: She said" well you kinda put that in my head", so I apologized and said I was just messing with her since I had to clean her up.
She then mentioned "I don't want to have sex with a stranger" with... if not mistaken had emphasis on the word stranger.

And that's it for now. I haven't pushed the topic or issue.. I'd rather it come up again organically in the future when she is horny.
Never thought I'd have a reason to make a post like this, as I never thought she'd be remotely open to the idea. I've been reading this forum off and on for a couple years.
Tell me what you all think, am I too optimistic? :lol:
I think you always should just be honest and cease the small talk. Just ask her point blank it you can start sharing her and that you are turned on by seeing her with other men. She will respect your honesty.

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by Des 31 » Wed Jul 21, 2021 8:29 am

Farmgirl wrote:
Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:35 pm
Andro wrote:
Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:19 pm
lonecuck wrote:
Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:14 pm
This sounds very exciting to me. I think you might be on your way. Enjoy the ride. I would suggest against backtracking though. Volunteering something and then backing out with "I was just joking" is creating mixed messages and doubt. Say what you mean, mean what you say.
I totally agree with you there and have tightened it up since then. I sometimes think a lighthearted approach is a bit less heavy, particularly with a wife who mightwell be disturbed to have something like that just dumped out full steam, but I totally see your point. I will certainly be more clear in the future if and when we talk about it in the future.

It is right that you don't want to be heavy-handed or pushy. At the same time, don't be flip-flopping. Be sure of what it is that you want and convey it to her openly and honestly in the "light of day". Then listen to her and what she wants, be prepared with answers to her upcoming questions.
She can only be sure if you are sure.
This is great advice. From all you have written, our guess is that it won't be long before a man she finds exciting will be inside your wife. Some jealousy on your part is normal, but the trick is never to display that in any way after it comes about. That goes away after a while, but the good part is that the initial jealousy - for me - actually enhanced my excitation. At times, I sort of miss having that feeling now.
Our hotwife history from its beginning at viewtopic.php?f=5&t=50057

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by Andro » Tue Oct 12, 2021 8:17 pm

Just an update bc I want to keep my thread alive..
Things have been slow in this arena, as my wife is working full time now and on her last year of her masters program. Not alot of energy to put into other areas. Sleep as definitely been one of her major priorities as I can fully understand.
We've gone out a couple times and it has been fun, but unfortunately nothing interesting to update here in the adventure.
We have been working alot on our emotional connection lately which is great, though. I've always been a bit of a closed book in that department but I have gotten better at talking about feelings and validating her emotions as I've been doing some reading in that area and it has helped me understand some things about relationships that I wish I had known a decade ago.
I'll keep this updated over time as it develops!

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by Andro » Fri Jul 01, 2022 12:51 pm

Hopefully this story doesn't take years to unfold, but with small kids and all the stress of the last couple years we've both not been at our best.
We're in a good place right now.
She came home from a girl's trip this last weekend from an AirBnB in a small town tucked against the mountains about an hour and a half away. She went with 6 girlfriends and they stayed 2 nights. Unfortunately, 1 of the girlfriends is a prude and really threw a wrench into what could have been a bit of a breakthrough.

So they were all at a bar drinking when they met a group of guys , two of which got my wife and one of her attractive friends into a pickup truck to partake in a commonly ingested substance. The stuff that gained alot of popularity in the 70s. Now I don't really support that in an of itself, I don't see anything wrong with experimenting.
Neither of us had even seen that before let alone tried it, so hearing her tell me this suprised me a bit. Her inhibitions had really been low.
Both the girls were in the back seat talking to the guys for 10 mins or so, when the party pooper friend interrupted by banging on the door and dragged them back to the bar. I can totally see why she'd be protective, and I approve of it, given that no one really knew the guys very well.

I just wanted to share this little update, I know it's not much but talking with my wife about several times, she's more worried about her nosy friend spreading stories about her.
I haven't been pushing this issue at all with her, just sort of letting what will develop naturally develop as it will. I already laid my cards on the table, though i will reiterate at some point when it comes up organically.
She said recently that she doesn't think she would feel bad at all or have negative feelings about sex outside of marriage.
I think the best approach now is just sort of let her explore those thoughts and feelings and introduce some possibilities that might interest her. Even if it's not till our kids are a bit bigger or for several years. One of my biggest fantasies is pleasing her with another guy.

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by Des 31 » Fri Jul 01, 2022 1:42 pm

If these experiences continue and you go on encouraging her, I can see this a'coming. It took my wife about a year before she had her first experience with another man during our marriage. She was then 28 and now the same age as your wife. She agrees there's no turning back to when it was just the two of us, and I love it just the way it is. She has always been eager to fuck other guys once she started. But now, I think she has reached the highest peak of sexual excitation when fucking others this past year and anticipate that will continue for years to come.
Our hotwife history from its beginning at viewtopic.php?f=5&t=50057

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by Nothing2see » Sat Jul 02, 2022 6:04 am

I love the way you are handling this, letting her grow in to the idea (or not) while still having brief. Light conversations about it outside of the bedroom. It mirrors what I did, though the result was much quicker for us because my wife ties so much of her self esteem to her sexual attractiveness.
Our story was purged from OHW years ago

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by Greg_N_Shelley » Sat Jul 02, 2022 6:35 am

It sounds like she's fully warming up. As Farmgirl and others noted, be careful about sending mixed messages by trying to conceal your excitement by appearing nonchalant. I think you're both at a point now where you can be fully honest and break the ice more directly.

If it helps, maybe bring it up during foreplay. That's how I first broke the ice with Shelley. As we were naked and getting warmed up, I asked her if I could share something on my mind--a recurring fantasy that got me quite excited. She asked to hear it and then I told her while kissing her all over and placing her hand on my cock. She could "feel" how much it turned me on. And I related it back to some nude pics she previously sent to an old boyfriend which suggested I was serious and not jealous.

In your case, maybe bring it up similarly. Begin with telling her how excited you got thinking about her in the backseat of that car and flirting with guys. Segue into telling her what you fantasized she did with them and then how much you'd like it if she did. Ask her if that turns her on...seeing how excited you are and the idea of fucking those guys. Let her join your fantasy.
The Sexy Adventures of Shelley (2022): viewtopic.php?f=9&t=66330
The Sexy Adventures of Shelley (2023): viewtopic.php?f=9&t=70540

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by Bobs52 » Wed Jul 06, 2022 8:03 am

Greg_N_Shelley wrote:
Sat Jul 02, 2022 6:35 am
It sounds like she's fully warming up. As Farmgirl and others noted, be careful about sending mixed messages by trying to conceal your excitement by appearing nonchalant. I think you're both at a point now where you can be fully honest and break the ice more directly.
Not to belabor this point, but it’s important to send that consistent message. My wife knew of my hotwife fantasy for years and knew she had the hall pass with the only condition that she had to tell me after the fact.

I can remember distinctly having a post dinner somewhat boozy conversation where she said “you probably couldn’t handle it in real life” and “you really wouldn’t want me to do that would you”. I hedged somewhat by saying “I don’t know, if it was really something you wanted to do, I guess it would be ok”. What a wishy washy response on my part!

I found out a couple of months later that she was actively pursuing hooking up with an acquaintance of ours by planning liaisons during the week with him at our lake house. She maintains that they never got it done, even though she spent the night by herself at our lake house a handful of times that summer.

Clearly in retrospect she was testing me. I can’t help but think if I would have responded that I definitely could handle it and would be thrilled if she did, she might have even let me in on the planning. To this day I’m not sure if she was successful or not, but I have let her know that I wish she could have enjoyed that experience.

She’s not really in a situation to make it happen and has made it clear that she’s willing to engage in any role play I like in bed but isn’t interested in pursuing in real life.

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by aztd » Sat Aug 20, 2022 7:38 pm


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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by PaNic » Mon Aug 22, 2022 2:44 am

I think you really need to show her your excitement and desire for her to enjoy this.

Don’t be pushy but do be forthright with YOUR excitement. You seem to be presenting her hall pass as an act of selflessness rather than as something that turns you on wildly. We all like to inspire passionate lust in our partner, if she sees the possibility of her hotwifing as something that really turns you on that is far more likely to excite her...
Good luck with it and thanks for sharing your story so far
“Life is best organized as a series of daring ventures from a secure base” John Bowlby

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by PaNic » Mon Aug 22, 2022 2:46 am

I think you really need to show her your excitement and desire for her to enjoy this.

Don’t be pushy but do be forthright with YOUR excitement. You seem to be presenting her hall pass as an act of selflessness rather than as something that turns you on wildly. We all like to inspire passionate lust in our partner, if she sees the possibility of her hotwifing as something that really turns you on that is far more likely to excite her...
Good luck with it and thanks for sharing your story so far
“Life is best organized as a series of daring ventures from a secure base” John Bowlby

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by Threeisacharm » Mon Aug 22, 2022 12:38 pm

Buy her flowers on the way home. After the kids are in bed have wine.

Tell her you thought about what she said about you not being able to handle the hotwifing and say you are. Tell she has immunity and ask if she was nervous and told you she tried to hook up but didn't. Admit you jerked off thinking about it.

Since she worries about what the friends think. Ask her if out of town hotwifing is an option. Drop the kids off at family and grab a hotel in a other city and go out to a bar or look online for a bull.

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by TheHammer » Mon Aug 22, 2022 1:41 pm

Just remember to listen to her and realize that while you may get a Hotwife, it may not go exactly as you envisioned so keep in mind the big picture if there are portions that may not be exactly like you have had in mind,

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by Andro » Thu Jul 13, 2023 5:32 am

Just a quick update...

Worlds longest running story, I know, sorry about that.

We had another, more indepth talk the other night about getting her laid. She was very open to discussing it, as her summer break has really lowered her stress levels. I was very direct, and laid out exactly what I had sort of been dancing around the last few times we talked about it. (I told her I want to get her laid by another guy, and preferably it be a 3 some where the 2 of us sort of lavish her) I told her I'm not trying to talk her into it, but that is something I think she would enjoy and if she ever decided she might like to, that we will talk about it then)

She didn't say she was on board or anything but she said "OK, well let that simmer for now. I will think on it."

She asked if I had someone in mind already. I don't. She was concerned about ruining a friendship or whatever, to which I replied that we would make a new friend specifically for that purpose. She seemed to like that solution.

She has come around on my mentality, and seems to like it. I mean, it doesn't seem to confuse her any more, so we're actually able to discuss it openly at this point if that makes sense?

We also talked about how I find it hot that she flirts with guys. And she is starting to understand how that is possible. We talked about her dipping her toes by making a friend at some point when she is out at the bars and perhaps making out with a guy she is attracted to. She seemed down with this. Although didn't say she was planning to, just seemed to also think it might be hot.

She said she loves that I don't get jealous and thinks thatsincredibly hot and odd only because it's so uncommon among people she knows. She definitely likes the freedom, even if she never feels like acting on it.
She did say, "You know I'll always come home to you and anything like that would be just fun and meaningless." We talking a little bit about how she feels so sexy when she flirts with guys and gets them attracted to her. I gotta say, I love to see her feeling confident and sexy too!

I suppose more to come in the future! Maybe :)

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Re: My wife has a budding interest..

Unread post by mundyman » Thu Jul 13, 2023 5:48 am

Andro wrote:
Thu Jul 13, 2023 5:32 am
Just a quick update...

Worlds longest running story, I know, sorry about that.

We had another, more indepth talk the other night about getting her laid. She was very open to discussing it, as her summer break has really lowered her stress levels. I was very direct, and laid out exactly what I had sort of been dancing around the last few times we talked about it. (I told her I want to get her laid by another guy, and preferably it be a 3 some where the 2 of us sort of lavish her) I told her I'm not trying to talk her into it, but that is something I think she would enjoy and if she ever decided she might like to, that we will talk about it then)

She didn't say she was on board or anything but she said "OK, well let that simmer for now. I will think on it."

She asked if I had someone in mind already. I don't. She was concerned about ruining a friendship or whatever, to which I replied that we would make a new friend specifically for that purpose. She seemed to like that solution.

She has come around on my mentality, and seems to like it. I mean, it doesn't seem to confuse her any more, so we're actually able to discuss it openly at this point if that makes sense?

We also talked about how I find it hot that she flirts with guys. And she is starting to understand how that is possible. We talked about her dipping her toes by making a friend at some point when she is out at the bars and perhaps making out with a guy she is attracted to. She seemed down with this. Although didn't say she was planning to, just seemed to also think it might be hot.

She said she loves that I don't get jealous and thinks thatsincredibly hot and odd only because it's so uncommon among people she knows. She definitely likes the freedom, even if she never feels like acting on it.
She did say, "You know I'll always come home to you and anything like that would be just fun and meaningless." We talking a little bit about how she feels so sexy when she flirts with guys and gets them attracted to her. I gotta say, I love to see her feeling confident and sexy too!

I suppose more to come in the future! Maybe :)
A tremendous update. You two seem to have had a significant breakthrough in coming to a basic understanding in her mind of what this might look like and how it might start. As well you seem comfortable with how it might start.
The one overarching idea in all of the threads on this site is that the understanding is that this ultimately about your wife and what she wants. For sure the husband needs to have his needs met, but the vast majority of hotwife relationships work because the wife is ultimately driving the bus, with her husband co-captain, but things must go at her speed and her comfort level.
Absolutely this is a team game, but if the wife is not completely comfortable with the game plan, then nothing is probably going to happen.
Continued good luck. Here’s hoping your wife finds that first make out partner, it lights her fire, you celebrate and support her, and you both continue down the path of this lifestyle where ever it leads.

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