Learning to Love the Spiral (a slow burn)

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Learning to Love the Spiral (a slow burn)

Unread post by greenbuff » Sat Feb 25, 2023 10:30 am

Chapter 1

“You look great, Mags,” Bryan assured his young wife, “You know I can't resist you in a sundress.” He stepped forward and pushed her light brown hair away from her neck. She was wearing a green and white number that fell to her feet but had a slit that exposed the tiniest bit of her tanned and toned stomach.

“Absolutely not now, I'm already late!” Maggie responded with a hand pressed against Bryan's chest. Instead, she gave him a quick peck, grabbed her carry-on suitcase and ran out the door. Maggie had a wedding to get to-- one of the many on her social calendar over the last few years. She was in a sorority and amassed more friends than Bryan could keep up with. Most of the weddings came with plus-ones, but not this one-- Brittany was getting married on the beach in North Carolina and she told Maggie it was going to be a small affair.

Bryan really didn't mind missing the wedding-- it meant a weekend by himself with video games, burritos and maybe a few beers with the guys. He didn't always love going to the weddings, anyway: he met Maggie after college and, while he liked most of her friends, he was definitely not one of the clique they ran in from their time at Canis, a small college in suburban Pennsylvania. Every one of the weddings ended up with the girls telling inside jokes and stories while he nursed a beer.

He rushed through his work for the day, and then threw himself down on the couch. There was beer in the fridge and his buddy Dave would be over soon. Maggie text him that she made it to the hotel just as his friend got there with another case of beer.

“Getting cleaned up and heading to the rehearsal dinner!” The text was accompanied by a picture of Maggie smiling with her bright, happy smile.

“Jesus, your wife is hot.” Dave said dropping another can of beer next to Bryan.

“Thanks and fuck you,” Bryan laughed responding, “are we going to play or what?” As crude as he was, Dave was right and Bryan was often shocked that anyone as beautiful as Maggie would marry him. He was successful, with a great job project managing IT development, but he was also twenty pounds beyond his peak and balding; while she was yoga fit and even hotter than she was in college.

An hour of beers and games later, another text came in with a picture of the group out at drinks. Bryan recognized most of the people in the pic except for the tall, fit guy standing next to his wife. “Brittany is a bitch, there are so many people here from college!”

“Lol,” Bryan responded, “I thought it was supposed to be 'intimate'.”

“So did I! But there are people here I haven't seen since graduation. It's so fun!”

Bryan started to type out another text to complain, then deleted it. Then, he started to type a text asking about the guy standing next to her. But again, he deleted it. Bryan was a jealous guy in high school (he may still be with his high school girlfriend Rachael if he didn't get jealous at the slightest thing when she went away to camp between Junior and Senior years), but it was different with Maggie. Since he met her, Bryan was able to walk a tight rope of being both amazed that she was with him, while also very secure and trusting. He would not screw this up over a picture with some old frat guy.

But the drinks and the games kept flowing, until eventually Dave decided to take the walk back to his apartment and Bryan was left debating having one more. It was definitely one beer too many, but he was a bachelor for the weekend with nothing much to do. Why not?

He cracked open a bottle and pulled up Instagram. He had become friends with many of Maggie's sorority sisters, and their stories were filled with pictures from the night. As he spun through them he noticed that in the back of nearly every picture Maggie was next to that mystery guy. A familiar, old feeling started to bubble up in Bryan's chest-- it was kind of warm but biting.

Maybe he could've resisted, but not after this many beers. So instead, he text: “Hey babe, having fun?”

“OMG such a good time! There are people here I haven't seen in YEARS.”

Bryan smiled at how quickly the response came, that meant something, but his mind raced with images of this guy touching Maggie-- maybe his hand would just brush against the small of her back, or maybe drift a little lower and even give a grab. Maybe she'd like it. Bryan was starting to spiral.

And then the next text-- a picture of Maggie with her big smile next to her best friend Cat, the bride-to-be Brittany, and that guy from before.

“Who's that guy?” Bryan couldn't contain it anymore.

“Adam! Used to be such an ass, but he's really matured. It's great to see him!”

Bryan felt like he was punched in the stomach, but he also noticed something weird-- as the thoughts of Adam sneaking a kiss from Maggie in the bumping bar played in his head, he was getting hard.

“That's great, Mags. Someone for you to dance with while I'm here.”

The next text took longer. It may have only been two minute but it felt like an eternity. “Is that jealousy I hear? You know I love you.”

Bryan gulped-- he couldn't be that guy again. He had to go down a different path than he did with all of those girls before Maggie.

So instead he sent the text that changed everything:

“Not at all-- you're single this weekend. I want you to go dance with him and have fun.”


“Really...just tell me about it when I sleep off these beers.”

“Mwah, love you.”

Bryan put down the phone, and then did something that would stick with him: he pulled back up Instagram and gave himself the most mind-blowing orgasm he had in years looking at the picture of Maggie and Adam standing next to each other.


Bryan woke up groggy and late on Saturday morning. On his phone was a picture of Maggie in bed, comforter just over her breasts, faking a yawn, “Morning sleepyhead!” She was the best at that sort of thing-- always bright and positive and incredible at sending pictures that were just on the innocent side of a tease.

He responded right away, noticing hers was sent an hour earlier. “Did you have fun last night?” And then he took stock of what happened the night before-- he didn't exactly regret the offer for Maggie to dance with the mysterious old friend Adam (something in his animal brain was telling him it was the best thing he'd ever done), but he was nervous about these renewed feelings of jealousy and arousal

His head returned to a familiar old fantasy-- when he and Rachael broke up in high school, rumors swirled that she ended up sleeping with his friend Tyler. Bryan never knew for sure, certainly not enough to confront Tyler, but something about it never left his head. He always pictured Rachael on her knees...

Right as he was starting to get to aroused, his phone buzzed.

“So much fun! We danced for about an hour after you went to bed. Way too late. Now we're all trying to get ready to go get our makeup done! So much to do.”

The slight arousal turned into a raging hard on. An hour dancing with Adam, and then what? Did they just separate off into their luxury hotel rooms to sleep? He shook his head to try to reset and noticed he had a headache.

“Danced....with Adam?”

“Not just him, silly,” the response came quickly, “Just a little bit. He's fun! He used to be such a jerk but he was always a party.”

“Oh good. He didn't try anything did he...” Bryan was slipping back into jealousy rapidly.

“No! I thought you weren't jealous!” Maggie protested.

Bryan didn't think long enough about his next response to lie, like he should've, “I'm not I wanted you to have whatever kind of fun you wanted lol.”

“I have to go get my makeup done! But you know I love you and would be having more fun if you were here.”

“I love you too, but do your best to have even more fun!”

Bryan didn't know what he was thinking. He just knew that he had never been more turned on than the idea of this fit old friend dancing with his beautiful wife.

But, there was a full day ahead to do nothing at all productive. Bryan's alma mater Penn State was playing Ohio State and he was going to meet a few buddies at a local bar to cheer them on. He washed up, threw on his blue and white jersey and headed out.

There was already a picture incoming from Maggie by the time he got there-- her and the girls toasting champagne in pink silk robes. Bryan knew he wouldn't get much chatting from her, but she was a selfie master and he appreciated the glances into the day.

Dave was already at the bar and a few of the others in the crew would be there soon as well. They had a table with a good view of one of the many TV's, right next to a table filled with a gaggle of attractive college aged girls in Ohio State jerseys.

The first half went well for the guys-- beers flowed freely, and the Nittany Lions kept up with the Buckeyes going into the half. Dave even started talking a little trash with the girls next to them. Bryan was a bit shy about the trash talk-- he was married and it all felt a little flirty-- so he took a moment to run to the bathroom and check his phone.

There was a text from Maggie: “Makeup and hair done, hope you're having fun with the boys! Off to the venue for a few drinks before it's go time!”

Bryan left it on read, then pulled up Instagram again. All of the girls' had posted pics from the day-- it was hard not to feel a little left out. And then he saw the one that triggered all of his fantasies: Cat posted a picture of each of the bridesmaids standing in front of their groomsmen pair, with Adams arm around Maggie's waist. He couldn't really zoom in, but the hand definitely wasn't hovering and it may have been grabbing a bit.

“So much fun, Lions playing great,” Bryan couldn't help himself, “You should be focused on your groomsman and having fun. Pretend I don't exist!”

“Oh hush, I can walk with Adam and still text you.” It was the first time she confirmed he was her pair, and so nonchalantly.

Bryan needed to get back to the table or everyone would start joking about how long he was in the bathroom. “Yeah, but don't. Focus on having fun-- you're his date for the night. You wouldn't text another guy while on a date with me. Getting back to the second half! Text later.”

This was rapidly spiraling out of control, but Bryan couldn't help himself-- the body wants what the body wants.

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Re: Learning to Love the Spiral (a slow burn)

Unread post by jcace » Mon Feb 27, 2023 5:15 pm

Nice start to what can be a very hot story. I love the direction you’re taking it. Need another chapter soon please.

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Re: Learning to Love the Spiral (a slow burn)

Unread post by greenbuff » Tue Feb 28, 2023 5:49 pm

Chapter 2

The second half did not go well-- not well at all.

It wasn't five minutes into the second half before Ohio State started to assert their will on the field, and back in Pennsylvania, the table of hot girls in Ohio State jerseys started to make biting comments. “Typical Penn State guys can't last half as long as they need to!” “I guess you get used to being losers eventually, you'll be fine!”

All of the guys needed another drink and the humiliation hurt a little extra at the moment, so Bryan escaped to the bar to buy their round. And then another, and another. Bryan wasn't usually much of a drinker, but he was nervous about what Maggie was doing in North Carolina and miserable that Penn State's chance of making the playoffs was now long gone.

By the end of the game, Bryan was hammered. Dave had to walk him back home and leave him passed out on the couch. Bryan was hardly at his most mature when his wife was away, but this was a new level. He slept for hours and when he woke up the house was dark and he had a headache. It took a few minutes for Bryan to find his phone, and he was shocked to see how late it was already. There were dozens of messages unread on his phone, most about the game, but he scrolled through to them find Maggie's:

“So much wine!!” with a picture of her and Cat from a high angle, showing each girl's substantial cleavage.

“Sorry about the Lions, going into cocktail hour!! Wish you were here but this is such a fun wedding,” with a picture of Maggie on the beach, with a male figure that looked like Adam faded in the background.

“Are you mad? Did you really mean what you said earlier???”

Bryan hurried to type out, “Not mad, sorry, passed out. Want you to have as much fun as possible.”

He pulled up Instagram but before he could check any stories his phone started to ring with Maggie on the other end.

“Hey! This is so fun I miss you,” she shouted through the other side, her voice completing with sound of bumping music and shouting around her, “Please don't be jealous I'm just dancing with my friends!”

Bryan could barely understand her but knew he had to provide some assurance, “I'm not jealous. You have a pass to have as much fun as you want without worrying about me. I'm having a good weekend.”

Maggie laughed, “Like a-- pa--” the connection was getting worse, “Ok—mean it. My battery—text in morn--”

Bryan wasn't sure what he just agreed to, but now was not the time so he just provided an assurance to get through the call: “Love you have fun!”

Somehow the sound of his wife's voice, strained against the wedding music as it was, broke the anxiety of the weekend: there was so much love and excitement in her voice and she was faithful and honest like no woman Bryan ever met before. Early in their relationship Maggie confessed that after she ended a late night chat conversation to go to sleep, she actually stayed up and watched two episodes of the Real Housewives: she was that honest.

So Bryan took advantage of his last night as a bachelor and dove into some horror movies he could never watch with her, choosing to skip the drinks and put the phone down. Then he woke up Sunday morning and set about cleaning up the house to give Maggie a nice place to come home to. Her flight was due in late afternoon, so he queued up some Chinese food. He wanted the evening to be perfect.

And in a sense it was perfect-- but not at all in the way Bryan expected.

When Maggie walked in the door, Bryan was surprised to see that her eyes were red; she looked exhausted and as if she had been crying for hours. Maggie immediately ran up to him and buried her face in his chest, her mascara smudging across his light blue shirt.

“Wh-what's wrong?”

“I'm sorry....” she said, her body shaking with tears within his embrace.

Bryan took his wife's face in his hands, her tears warming his palms, he leaned back to look at her, “Why, Mags? What's wrong? I'm not mad at anything.”

Over the next 30 minutes, Maggie poured out a confession of what happened Saturday night at the wedding: she spent the wedding getting a little drunk and dancing. At first it was just her friends, jumping around like fools. But then there were a few songs with Adam and they got kind of close. Still, nothing she was ashamed of.

But then they got into the dark bus heading back to the hotel. Maggie and Adam sat in the back of the bus, where no one could see them. And then she, not the horny frat boy, but the married responsible young professional, Maggie, leaned in and kissed him. And what's worse, she put her hand on his lap.

Maggie didn't know why she did that, only that she was drunk and the swirl of emotions from the day were intense. Bryan kept texting telling her to have fun, let loose, be with Adam and it all got a little weird. Adam stopped her-- she was drunk, married and he didn't want her to make a mistake.

Bryan paused and tried to think of what to say, but no words came out. Instead, he just kissed her. A long, deep kiss out of a movie. He pressed her against the kitchen wall and groped her with urgency. She protested for a second, asking to know what got into him, but before long she gave in. Maggie always wanted rougher, more primal sex and did not expect to get her wish tonight. By the time she was bent over their granite counter top, with Bryan's cock the hardest she ever felt, she just went with it and enjoyed it.

It didn't last long, but there were stars in their eyes by the time they fell over, her dripping with Bryan's cum, on the kitchen floor.

There was a pause where no one spoke. Then Maggie broke the silence, “Wow um, Bry...I'm sor--”

“No, stop. I told you to have fun. It's okay. I um...I got Chinese.”

They wouldn't talk about it again that week.

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Re: Learning to Love the Spiral (a slow burn)

Unread post by gesdell » Thu Mar 02, 2023 8:54 am

nice story so far, thanks for sharing it with us.

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Re: Learning to Love the Spiral (a slow burn)

Unread post by Lensman2000 » Thu Mar 02, 2023 10:14 am

I'd like to see where this story goes.

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Re: Learning to Love the Spiral (a slow burn)

Unread post by Johng1953 » Fri Mar 03, 2023 4:57 am

Just found this.
Great start and very well written.
I'm looking forward to more.

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Re: Learning to Love the Spiral (a slow burn)

Unread post by greenbuff » Sun Mar 05, 2023 3:47 am

Chapter 3

Bryan spent the next week trying hard not to say anything about the kiss. In private, he found it was becoming a quick trigger for a raging hard-on, but he didn't want to upset Maggie or go into any uncertain areas.

When he was pretty young, Bryan found a website called Sublime Directory that had a bunch of stories. In almost every one, a wife stepped out on her husband and things were never the same. Bryan didn't want to lose what he had with Maggie: their marriage was the center of a life he loved and was proud of.

He may not have wanted it to be real, but he read every single one of those stories and still remembered his favorites. In his favorite, a wife who has been encouraged to stray by her husband gives him one last chance to stop things-- he can say no and she'll stay home. Or, he can get on his knees and jack off while begging her to go. Naturally, he chose the latter and before long his role as a husband had totally transformed.

Bryan never really had to confront the magnetic draw he felt to those stories, but, the draw was always there lingering in the background.

A couple weeks later, the married couple went out for drinks with some of Maggie's college friends: Cat and her boyfriend Rich; and Samantha and her husband Pat. They had a nice dinner at one of the newer tapas places in town, then drinks sitting outside. Like most of these nights, conversation eventually turned to the sorority days. Bryan and Rich distracted themselves with talk of the Phillies' run in the playoffs.

Bryan found it hard to focus, though, as he occasionally caught an ear of the girls mentioning various frat brothers from college. There was nothing all that scandalous, just inside jokes and an occasional defense of, “Hey, most of you fell into the same trap I did, there!”

Eventually, the drinks broke up and when they got home that night, Bryan nearly jumped Maggie getting her into bed. “God, you're so fucking hot,” he said as she pushed him back onto his pillow and took over sucking his cock.

“Glad you noticed,” she said with a wink.

“I'll bet...I'll bet a lot of those guys in college wanted you,” he said, quietly as if he didn't want his wife to hear.

“What? You're being silly.”

“No, be honest, you can tell me. It's sexy that my wife is so hot. I want to hear about it.”

Maggie paused and ran her hand up and down Bryan's cock, looking him in the eye, “I...it's embarrassing, you don't want to hear that.”

“I do, tell me about a guy you fucked in college. Who was the best?”

“Are you sure, Bry?”

“Yes, I want to hear.”

“Well, there was this guy Nick I hung out with a few times...”

“Why was he so good?”

“Just knew what he wanted and took it, great body. Played lacrosse.” Maggie noticed the swelling of Bryan's cock in her hand as she talked, raised her eyebrow and continued. “He got with Cat first, which was not uncommon, and she wouldn't stop talking about it.”

Bryan knew he wasn't going to be able to hold back, so he rolled Maggie over onto her back and started to eat her out. At first she stopped talking, so Bryant urgently breathed out, “Don't stop, tell me more.”

“I um...so I broke up with a guy I was seeing and needed a rebound. He was at a party and we hooked up. In the bathroom...”

Her body twitched a little as Bryan found just the right place and rhythm, but then he stopped, “More!” He was like an animal finally getting the meal he needed, he couldn't hold back.

“Don't stop, ugh,” she yelled “He fucked me really good in the bathroom and I gave him my number. Fuck!” Bryan stuck a finger in her right as she said it, curling up to hit a spot he knew she loved, “If I was single, he'd text and he would come over...”

Bryan felt the unmistakable tightening that came before Maggie's orgasms, she writhed and pressed the sheets away and let you a long extended cry. Once it subsided Bryan quickly got onto his knees to penetrate her. “If he text you again, would you fuck him?”

“No, I'm with you Bryan, stop.”

“What if I said you could...”


And with one thrust Bryan came inside of her.

Bryan woke up early the next morning and stared at the ceiling. He felt nervous he had crossed a line he couldn't come back from. He worried that his wife would think less of him, or actually go through with texting Nick. He played each of the thoughts all the way out-- would they need to move out? How would they handle their cellphone plan? Stupid stuff that felt momentous. He was scared by every step he had taken.

After a few hours of spiraling, the sunlight peaked through their blinds and illuminated Maggie's golden skin. She was so beautiful and Bryan never wanted to lose her. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled at him, “Hey babe!” she whispered with the brightness he loved about her, “Last night was fun.”

“Really? Are you okay with the questions I asked...”

“Of course, babe, it was hot. But you know I'm never ever going to cheat on you, right?”

It was a small thing, but her comments always brought him back in. And again, he committed not to enter back into that spiral.

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Re: Learning to Love the Spiral (a slow burn)

Unread post by Johng1953 » Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:38 am

I love stories like this that describe how a couple begins their exploration of this kink.
Great so far.

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Re: Learning to Love the Spiral (a slow burn)

Unread post by mundyman » Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:47 am

The slow burn.
Can’t wait to see where this story goes.
I wonder what Maggie looks like?
Keep up the great work.

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Re: Learning to Love the Spiral (a slow burn)

Unread post by KenFromHere » Tue Mar 07, 2023 11:27 pm

Really well done. Thanks, I look forward to the continued spiral. Maggie sounds like a little cutie, who at least in the moment of passion imagines spreading her legs for another man. They may spiral together

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Re: Learning to Love the Spiral (a slow burn)

Unread post by greenbuff » Wed Mar 08, 2023 3:13 pm

Chapter 4

Bryan's phone dinged on Monday afternoon with a text from Maggie: “So Cat invited us to a little get together at her place Friday night”

“Sounds good, why the …?”

“Well, um...Adam will be there. And that feels weird.”

Bryan's stomach flipped and cock twitched at that name-- it was only a couple weeks since his wife Maggie had drunkenly tried to kiss Adam and there were a lot of mixed-up fantasies swirling about.

“Let's go,” Bryan responded before his brain could catch up to his dick, “He seems like a great guy and you can't miss a party at Cat's!”

“Great guy? Lol. You're weird. But okay, as long as you won't be upset.”

“I won't.”

“Alright....well we can leave at any time.”

Bryan changed the topic quickly before his mind could catch up, and at next blink a long week of work was over and they were getting dressed for the party. Maggie was wearing a light blue t-shirt dress that hugged her hips without being inappropriate. Bryan was an ass guy, it was the second thing he noticed about Maggie after her eyes. While she was always fit, she was thick in the right places and often got compliments there.

When they got to the party there were about a dozen friends there already, but, as Bryan quickly scoped out, no Adam. Maggie did what she always did and set out chatting and laughing with her friends, while Bryan found his way to the kitchen to chat with some of the other guys near the beers and chips.

About 30 minutes after they arrived, the door opened again and a few guys stepped in looking like they could be a rugby team with how broad shouldered and tall they were. Cat ran right over to them and gave them each hugs, thanking them for coming, and some of the other girls followed, including Maggie.

It took Bryan a second to identify Adam, but he figured it out right as his large frame embraced Bryan's wife in a hug that seemed to linger a second or two longer than the others. Adam was wearing an Astros hat and sporting a huge grin. Once he was done talking to the girls he strolled into the kitchen and gave Cat's boyfriend rich a fist bump, “Dude, need a beer after this week!”

Rich quickly reached for the cooler and pulled a Budweiser out, “Glad you can make it! Have you met Bryan?”

Adam reached his big hand out for a shake and Bryan took it, “I'm...” he thought about saying he was Maggie's husband but for some reason it caught in his throat, “Ready for another beer too! Things are busy.”

“I'll bet, sorry we had to beat you guys so bad in the World Series. Some times one team is just better.”

The guys erupted into a mixture of laughter and protest and before long they were settled into a conversation that bordered on normal. Then Bryan's phone dinged, “See? Nice guy,” read Maggie's text.

“Sure a little cocky and long hugs but...”

“We can go home, I can always get a headache,” Maggie replied.

“No it was kind of hot....” Bryan confessed.

“What do you think, Bryan?” Adam was asking, putting him on the spot as Bryan got lost into his phone.

“I um...” Bryan had to think fast, and he decided to try something, “Gotta run to the bathroom, broke the seal. Right back...” And with that he awkwardly turned and quickly walked toward the hallway. He shut the door tightly behind himself, leaned against the wall and pulled out his phone.

“Lol you're weird. I'm gonna try something. Text and stop me any time.”

Bryan took a moment and splashed some water on his face-- he asked to come to this party, knowing that Adam would be here, it was just that the reality was both more and less than he imagined. In Bryan's dreams, Maggie sneaked upstairs where she was ravaged by this other man. He would be stuck downstairs trying to make friendly conversation with Cat while she laughed at the sounds of Maggie crying in delight. But in his waking imagination, he would be totally comfortable knowing that Adam was a good enough guy to stop the kiss before it went too far and that his wife was totally committed to him and their life together.

The reality was that Adam was a fit, attractive guy with a dominating presence. The other guys seemed to hang off of his every word, and even Bryan found himself occasionally wanting to seek his approval. And he did hold on to that hug longer than the others, Bryan wasn't imagining that. Adam was the type of guy he assumed girls like Maggie or Cat, hot former sorority girls with a million friends and memberships at pilates studios, ended up with.

Bryan sighed and opened the door, walked down the long hallway and saw it-- Maggie was sitting on the couch in the living room chatting up Adam. She looked over at him and grinned and then looked back at Adam. They weren't touching, but her legs were crossed toward him. Bryan once saw a Youtube video about body language-- and that was a definite tell of attraction.

He gawked silently and then tried to go hide in the kitchen with a beer. As soon he started to turn, though, Adam raised his arm and waved him over.

“Man, I didn't know you were Maggie's husband! Lucky guy! Thanks for being cool with her being my bridesmaid at the wedding. I knew Maggie would end up with someone cool when we were in college.”

Bryan laughed a bit, his cheeks burning red, and thanked him. They talked for while that night, the three of them, with Bryan only pausing to send a quick text message to Maggie: “I need to fuck you, bad.”

A couple hours later Bryan pushed Maggie through the back door into their kitchen, pressed her against the counter and took her, hard. He was determined to mark his territory with energy that he could rarely muster and she clearly appreciated it, even eagerly dropping to her knees to swallow his cum as he finally relented. Maggie was usually a little weirded out by cum, so it was something new.

That night Maggie cuddled herself up into Bryan's chest and said, “I'm yours, you know? But these games are really fun.”

“I agree, maybe we can play some more...”

“What do you mean?”

“Next week, in Boston, what if you went on Tinder and met a guy? Just a vacation thing.” They were scheduled to go to Boston for a long, much-needed, weekend away.

Maggie turner her face toward him and said, “I don't know, I'll think about it.” She was studying his face, trying to figure out how much he really meant it.

Bryan shifted in place and held her tight. Each spiral went a little deeper, but it also seemed to bring them together. For now he would have to live with the think about it.

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Re: Learning to Love the Spiral (a slow burn)

Unread post by KenFromHere » Thu Mar 09, 2023 5:10 pm

another great chapter. Thank you

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