Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

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Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by DonSilver » Wed Jan 11, 2023 12:59 pm

(This story is about a loving couple who find themselves in a tough situation and the husband's lecherous new roommate has plans for his innocent wife. It is based very loosely on true events.

Chapter 1

The idea of bunking with a roommate just seemed immature to Dan. As a forty-year-old man with a family, Dan believed he was far too old and past the point in his life when he should even consider living with some stranger. He had scoffed when his wife proposed the idea to him.

“A roommate? Jesus, Sarah, I’m forty years old,” he said, half laughing. “I’m not in college anymore.”

Like most American families, the economic downturn hit the Williams hard. The engineering firm that Dan was employed at for the last ten years went under, leaving the father of two unemployed. Luckily, Sarah was able to hold onto her job as a hospital administrator to keep food on the table.

Dan had been unable to find another job in his field or at the same pay rate in their hometown of Middleton, Illinois. Other companies in town seemed to have had a hiring freeze as Dan never heard back from anywhere he had submitted his resume to. In desperation, he’d just worked whatever odd jobs he could find to help keep his family afloat.

After two years without steady employment, Dan finally received a call from a firm out of Chicago. While the pay was much less than he was previously making, a regular influx of cash would help the Williams family get their lives back on track.

“Dan, we’ve gone over the numbers how many times? We’ll be able to save a lot more money if you split the costs with someone else.”

“I know, I know. I just don’t want to live with some random person, Sarah. At this stage in my life, I just want to be with you and the kids.”

Sarah made her way across the room and sat down on Dan’s lap, circling her arms around his neck.

“I know, baby, but think of it this way. The more money you save by having a roommate, the faster the kids and I will be able to join you in Chicago.”

Dan sighed. “You’re right. It’s going to be hard enough just being away from you and the kids, but if this gets us back together faster then so be it.”

A half smile spread onto Sarah’s face. “It’s going to be hard on all of us, but this is the best scenario in terms of our finances.” The smile on her face grew wider and she locked eyes with Dan. “And it’s not like this is forever. Once we’ve saved enough money and I can find a job in Chicago, the kids and I will be right there with you in a place of our own.”

Begrudgingly Dan faked a small smile so Sarah would feel that her efforts to comfort him were working. In an effort to put an end to his pity party, Dan joked, “I guess this move might put a damper on our sex life.” He feigned a thrust into her butt with his hips for a punchline.

The smile on Sarah’s face grew wider as she quickly shifted gears from comforting to flirty. She shifted her hips on Dan’s crotch and playfully said, “Oh, I don’t know about that. Between Skype and sexting, I’m sure we’ll be able to find a way to satisfy each other.” Her grin grew even wider, while naughty thoughts filled her head. Her fingers playfully danced along the skin of Dan’s neck. “Who knows, it might be nice to get away from the kids and come visit you in Chicago.”


Sarah and Dan spent the next week looking online exhaustively at places for Dan to live in Chicago. Due to the location of Dan’s new job and their budget, housing rentals were quickly eliminated from the equation. Many of the ideal locations close to Dan’s work were occupied, so the couple had to expand their search to apartment buildings in different parts of the city. After a few days, they booked several appointments to view different units in person.

Sarah took a few days off work and had her parents stay with the kids so she could accompany Dan on his hunt for an apartment. They drove up to Chicago on Friday with the plan to spend the weekend making their appointments and looking for other rental opportunities.

Over the course of the weekend, both Dan and Sarah began to become dismayed at the rental prospects in the city. Their short list of apartments grew increasingly shorter with each appointment.

The first apartment they visited would have had Dan sharing a unit with an older gentleman who was clearly a hoarder. The common area was used as a storage space for the packaging and garbage that this man had accumulated over the years. Even the room that would have been Dan’s was filled with a mountain of items that would need to be relocated before anything else could be moved in.

While the rest of the appointments were attractively advertised online, they were anything but in person. Either the state of the apartment was in disrepair or the quality of the roommate did not meet Dan’s expectations. After checking out all of the rentals on their list, Dan and Sarah had met several high-functioning drug users as well as some that were not so high functioning. They encountered a few cat ladies and even a man that presented Dan with a roommate agreement that he wanted to be signed which outlined how Dan was to conduct himself while in the apartment. The agreement tried to regulate when Dan would be allowed to use their shared Internet and for what purposes. It even went as far as requesting that Dan book when Sarah was to visit ahead of time to obtain the roommate’s approval.

The only appointment that had been acceptable to Dan would see him rooming with a female college senior. Sarah quickly shot down that option.

After visiting every apartment on their list, the couple returned to their hotel room dismayed.
With his eyes closed, Dan slowly massaged his temples while sitting on the edge of the bed. “I don’t think I’m going to have a place to stay before I start work next week.”

“We’ll find something,” Sarah said and she moved behind her husband and wrapped her arms around his chest. “This city is huge, and there has to be somewhere that isn’t completely terrible.” She planted a reassuring kiss on Dan’s shoulder, letting her head rest there.

Dan stopped massaging his temples and brought his hand up to slowly stroke Sarah’s hair. “I just can’t believe every apartment we checked out was a bust.” He shook his head. “We had a list of promising spots, a few were even close to work and none of them panned out.”

Moving from her place behind Dan, Sarah got off the bed and stood in front of her husband with her hands on her hips. “We’re not gonna let this get us down. There is a perfect spot for you....for us, here in Chicago. We just need to find it.” She shot Dan a genuinely warm smile that reminded him just how much he loved her. Even though she was strikingly beautiful, her caring and compassionate personality was what he loved most.

The smile quickly faded from Sarah’s face only to be replaced with a look of determination as she marched across the room to her purse. She wasn’t about to let her husband be homeless in a new city, and she certainly wasn’t going to let them sit around and mope in their hotel room. As a hospital administrator, Sarah was used to solving problems all day long. Whether the hospital was running low on a certain item or had a staffing issue, Sarah was always able to find a solution.

She quickly unzipped her purse and reached in, searching for her smartphone. While making her way back over to the bed, she began navigating the internet looking for newly posted rentals in the area. Dan watched her as she crossed in front of him, Sarah not taking her eyes off the phone as she moved onto the bed in a sitting position against the headboard. He admired her determination and quickly located his cell phone to follow suit.

After a half hour of unsuccessfully searching for a new listing that would be different from their other appointments, Sarah was almost ready to call it quits. I can’t give up. We need to find a place for Dan to live. What other websites should I check?

The answer quickly dawned on her. Before this pivotal decision, their searches were restricted to rental listing sites for Chicago and the websites of individual apartment complexes. Sarah then remembered the name of a website she had never visited, but had heard about on the news and from her co-workers at the hospital.

It was a website that she would eventually wish she had never remembered.

She quickly typed ‘’ into her phone’s browser and navigated to the page for Chicago rentals. Scrolling through the listings, Sarah quickly realized that there were a ton of apartments available for rent that she had never even stumbled across in her past searches. Maybe this is it!

A recent listing near the top of the page caught her eye.
“Clean spacious two bedroom, quiet roommate”

She clicked the link and was brought to a page that had several pictures with a current time stamp on them. The pictures showed off a reasonably clean apartment that appeared to have a good amount of space. The bathroom, common area, kitchen and Dan’s prospective bedroom were all showcased and appeared much better kept than what the couple had already experienced throughout the weekend.

Staring intently at the screen, Sarah read over the description of the unit. Location, check. Price, check. Male roommate, check!

Before asking her husband his thoughts, she quickly sent the poster an email stating her interest and desire to see the unit in person. After the weekend they’d had, she wasn’t about to let this apartment go to someone else.

After clicking the send button, Sarah excitedly looked over at her husband. “I think I found you a place!”

Across town, a computer monitor flickered on, accompanied by a short beep notifying its absent user of a new pop-up notification. The sudden light from the screen illuminated an otherwise dark room, exposing an unkempt mess. Piles of dirty clothes littered the floor amongst dishes caked with what was once food. Every surface in the room, from the computer desk to the nightstand, was occupied by trash or other forgotten items under a thick layer of dust.

A shape on the bed stirred in response to the sudden intrusion of light. Slowly, the shape of a man sat up and kicked his legs off the side of the bed. The light from the computer exposed a body that matched the room’s level of upkeep. A t-shirt which was originally white, now a pale beige, was dotted with stains from an unaccounted number of days’ worth of food and was littered with small holes. The fabric of the t-shirt was fighting to contain the protruding belly that hung over an equally neglected pair of boxers.

The man got up from the bed and expertly navigated the maze of dirty laundry and dishes scattered on the floor. As he plopped himself down in the computer chair, he ran his stocky fingers through his wiry hair. He used the mouse to click on the notification, which revealed a new email in his inbox. Licking the remains of the night’s takeout dinner from his lips, he began reading the new message.

Hello there…
Soon the man’s fingers were racing across the Cheeto-encrusted keyboard. The speed at which he typed amounted to the most physical exercise he had experienced in weeks. The email was from a woman named Sarah asking about his craigslist apartment posting on behalf of her husband. She wanted to come and see the unit as soon as possible. I’ll show her my unit all right.

Satisfied with his reply that the couple could view the apartment anytime the following day, he signed the email ‘Lester Marshall’ and pressed send.

The rush of corresponding with a female stranger over the Internet awakened Lester’s dick. He greedily clicked the Mozilla Firefox icon and began browsing his bookmarked porn sites.
Excited by the prospect of finding an actual apartment to rent, the Williams left the hotel early to have breakfast and then make their way to the apartment building. At the same time, Lester was doing his best to make himself and the apartment presentable to his potential roommate.

At a quarter past 10 am, Sarah and Dan pulled their Dodge Journey into the parking lot of the Cityfront Tower apartment building. Sarah leaned over and grasped her husband’s hand. “This place looks great, babe! Can you see yourself living here?”

“Yeah, I guess,” Dan replied, looking through the windshield at the tower in front of him. The tower might have been an exaggeration. The apartment building in front of them was only twelve stories tall and looked similar to the half dozen other apartment buildings they had visited this weekend. It definitely wasn’t Trump Tower, but it wasn’t a shithole either. “I just hope the actual apartment is better than the others you dragged me to.”

Sarah feigned an annoyed expression. “I almost can’t wait to be rid of you.” She flashed Dan a quick smile. “Come on, it’s almost 10:30. Let's go check this place out.”

They exited their vehicle and made their way through the parking lot toward a narrow pathway that led up to the lobby. As they opened the glass lobby door, Sarah retrieved her cell phone from her purse and quickly located the email from the previous night. Satisfied that she remembered the correct room number, she pressed #609 on the intercom.

After a few rings, a gruff voice emanated from the intercom’s speaker. “Hello?”

“Hi, this is Sarah Williams. We exchanged a few emails last night about renting out a room.”
Without a reply, a buzzer went off followed by the click of the lobby door allowing them entry. As they rode the elevator up to the sixth floor, Dan began thinking about the brief exchange over the intercom. “So what do we really know about this guy?”

“Nothing really, I guess,” Sarah said, while watching the ascending numbers on the elevator’s screen. “What I do know is that you start work next week and need a place to live. This building is in a prime location and the pictures online made it seem worth our time. Plus, the rent fits in our budget.”

When the elevator doors opened, Dan moved to step out but Sarah gently grabbed his arm. Looking back at her, Sarah raised both her hands to cup his face and stepped closer to look into his eyes.” I love you.”

“I love you too, babe,” he said as he leaned in and kissed her.

After a few moments of holding up the elevator for their tender embrace, the couple made their way down the hallway to apartment #609 and knocked on the door.

Peering through the peephole, Lester took in the beauty of Sarah Williams for the first of many times. While the peephole only exhibited her angelic face, it was enough to cause Lester to adjust the rising bulge forming in his pants. Wanting to get a look at the rest of this woman’s body, he quickly opened the door.

When the door swung open, the Williams were greeted by a short, overweight man a few years older than Dan. Despite his unattractive features, it was clear he was trying to make an effort to look respectable. His wiry hair was being kept down with some kind of product, and he was sporting a blue dress shirt a few sizes too big, tucked into a pair of black slacks.
Lester’s outward appearance helped set the couple’s minds at ease. While he was nothing special to look at, he at least seemed like a somewhat well-put-together individual. The potential roommates that they’d met over the previous few days had done little to impress them.

Dressing well upon first meeting a roommate was a tactic Lester had adopted over time. Portraying an upstanding member of society was Lester’s strategy to gain a bit of trust with potential roommates. No one wants to live with a stranger, let alone one who’s a dirtbag. The respectable appearance was just one strand of the web he was weaving to ensnare the couple.

While the couple’s first impression of Lester was being cemented in their minds, he quickly looked over the body of Sarah Williams. While his eyes danced up her body, he groaned internally. Yessss…

The woman standing in front of him was the picture of perfection. It took all of Lester’s mental fortitude not to emit that groan out loud. Her calf-length jean khakis hugged her slender thighs and shapely hips. A loose black blouse hung off her shoulders but did little to conceal the outline of the firm breasts hidden beneath. While he fantasized about what her body would look like without clothes on, Lester extended his hand. I’ll know soon enough. “Hi, I’m Lester.”

“Sarah,” she reached forward and shook his hand, noting some slight perspiration in his palm.
“And this is my husband, Dan.”

Making physical contact with Sarah’s creamy vanilla skin caused Lester’s dick to swell even harder. While shaking her hand, Lester briefly broke eye contact to admire the slight jiggling effect their handshake was having on her chest.

From his past experiences as a lecherous roommate, Lester knew not to give Sarah too much attention. If he did, she may come to see him as his last roommate did – creepy. He released her hand and shifted his gaze to Dan, shaking his hand next. “So, you’re the one looking for a place then?”

“That I am,” Dan responded.

“Please come in and take a look around.” Lester stepped aside and motioned for the couple to make their way into his lair. The couple walked through the entryway and into the living room of the apartment. They took a brief moment to look around at the state of their new surroundings. A moment was all Lester needed to take advantage of the couple’s backs being turned to him as he admired the curvaceous behind of Mrs. Williams. Her perfectly round ass stared back at him as he licked his lips. Even though the material of the khakis was stretched to contain her excellent butt, Lester didn’t notice any underwear lines. She must be wearing a thong....or going without. That naughty girl.

Sarah was relieved to see that the pictures posted online matched the apartment’s appearance. Everything appeared to be neat and tidy. The minimal furniture of the living room was neatly arranged around the TV without any dirty dishes or clothes strewn about. She was impressed that there was actually a centerpiece on the coffee table, as well as photos and candles neatly decorating the walls and shelves. This is much nicer than the last few places we looked at.

Dan gave Sarah a relieved glance. His apprehension about visiting this apartment from craigslist was slowly disappearing.

What the Williams couple didn’t know was that the tidiness and immaculate styling of the apartment were due to Lester’s last roommate. She had taken it upon herself to decorate and make the place more comfortable while she lived there. In her eagerness to move out and get away from Lester, she left many possessions behind.

“Feel free to take a look around and talk to each other. I’ll be here if you have any questions.” Lester forced the words out. He knew he had to seem outgoing and normal to make the Williams comfortable with him. He pointed across the living room to another doorway.

“Over there is the kitchen. It has fairly new appliances.” Motioning to the other side of the living room, Lester pointed Dan and Sarah in the direction of a hallway. “Down there on the left is the bathroom. The first door on the right would be your room and the one at the end of the hall is mine.”

After the brief exchange with Lester, the couple started checking out the apartment’s other rooms. Each room they visited was just as spotless as the living room. Even the fridge and medicine cabinet were neatly organized.

Standing in what could be his future bedroom, Dan was very happy with the size of it.
“What do you think?” Sarah asked with a tentative smile.

“I think this place is the best one we’ve seen all weekend. It’s pretty tidy. I won’t feel like I’m slumming it here,” Dan walked over and opened the closet doors. Both doors opened to reveal a closet devoid of any clothing but with plenty of hangers and hooks for most of Dan’s wardrobe. “And this room isn’t half bad. It sure doesn’t beat our room at home, but it will do for now.”

“What do you think about Lester?” Sarah asked.

“He doesn’t seem like a bad guy. Definitely better than some of the other candidates we’ve met. I think he might be a little weird, but at least he keeps the place clean. What do you think?

“He seems nice.” Sarah thought back to meeting Lester a few minutes ago and the way he subtly looked her over. Just because he checked you out doesn’t mean he is a bad guy. He is a man, after all.

Sarah glanced at the full-length mirror on the wall, admiring her reflection. And I’m not too hard on the eyes. Can I really blame the guy?

“And yeah, the place is well kept.” She shrugged. “Not as well kept as our house, but I’m sure living with him will be bearable.”

Dan nodded and continued looking around the room.

“So...what should we do? Do you want to take it or look around at some other places?” asked Sarah.

Dan turned to look at his beautiful wife. Her lovely green eyes showed nothing but love for him. Part of him still didn’t want to commit to renting any place because it would mean leaving her. He sighed. “Well, work starts next week and I’m still going to need some time to move some of my things in. I’m not sure we have time to look at other places. Besides, this is just temporary so I don’t need to live in the lap of luxury.”

He strode over to her and took her hands in his. “Let’s go talk to Lester.”

Two days later, Sarah and Dan returned to CityPlace towers with the Dodge Journey full of items for the apartment. After a few trips up the elevator, their vehicle was empty and the couple began unboxing things and setting up Dan’s new room.

Dan spent half an hour assembling an IKEA desk, while Sarah arranged pictures of their family around the room.

Having exchanged phone numbers when the Williams signed the lease, Lester sent Dan a text message apologizing for not being able to help him move because he had to work. In reality, Lester had taken the day off work and was watching the couple move Dan in through the peephole in his bedroom wall. Lester admired Sarah’s womanly form as she bent over to grab picture frames from the bottom of a box.

The clothing Lester wore when he first met his new prize was scattered on his floor. He was now wearing nothing but his unwashed, yellow-tinged t-shirt as he gaped through the hole at his new roommate's wife. He rested his body weight against the wall using his left arm and was slowly stroking himself while Sarah moved around the other room in her sweatpants and hoodie. Ahh, fuck, she is just a few feet from me!

Lester furiously jerked himself off as he memorized every inch of Sarah’s body. Whenever she would talk to her husband he pictured her talking to him and his dick. He wanted nothing more than to walk into the other room and grab her by the ponytail and force her onto the bed.
As she finished hanging the last picture, Sarah said “It’s getting really hot in here”.

With the two of them in one small enclosed room moving things around, the temperature was beginning to rise. Lester watched in amazement as Sarah began unzipping her hoodie. He began stroking faster as she tossed it aside to reveal a small tank top that showed off the tops of her juicy breasts. Lester grinned, his eyes glued to the naked flesh of her chest.

His eyes felt like they were bulging out of his head when she crouched to retrieve bed sheets from another box. As she sorted through the sheets, the angle of her chest gave Lester an unobstructed view down the top of her tank top. He furiously pumped his dick in his hand as Sarah’s breasts jiggled to match the movement of her arms. Fuck yeah, baby.

“Are we almost done, Dan? I just need to put these sheets on your bed,” Sarah stood up while opening a folded-up bed sheet.

“Yeah, the desk is all built and it looks like everything is set up,” Dan said, looking around the room. He neglected to notice the small peephole in the wall which was allowing a pervert to ogle his wife’s assets. “Once you’re done with the bed we can head back to the house and let your parents go home.”

Dan rose to his feet. “I’m just going to use the bathroom before we leave.”

“Ok, I’ll be done in two seconds and then we can hit the road.” Sarah leaned over to tuck the bed sheet into the far side of Dan’s double bed.

As Sarah bent over and forcibly began tucking in the sheet, Lester’s hungry eyes ran up her body, trying to decide what to focus on as he was getting close to finishing. Not a single bit of extra fat was on her.

Lester’s breathing became rapid as he continued shifting his eyes across her body. He wanted to cum looking at her angelic face, but his attention was diverted to the movement of her heaving, beautiful breasts as she tucked in the sheet. His eyes trailed down to her flat stomach and onto her fantastic ass, which was on display for him. I wish you didn’t have those clothes on.

With the bed completely tucked in, Sarah sneakily made her way across the room to her purse and reached for an envelope from it. Lester watched as she took the envelope and stuck it in one of Dan’s dresser drawers. What are you up to?

While Lester was still pondering what could be in the envelope, she picked up her hoodie and stepped in front of the mirror, looking herself over. To Sarah, she was looking at her reflection, but she was unaware that the mirror was almost in line with the peephole. From Lester’s side of the wall, it looked like Sarah was standing there just for him.

Having her this close and looking right at him sent Lester over the edge. He continued to pump his dick as he ejaculated onto a well-stained spot on the wall “Argghhh!”

Lester was so caught up in pleasuring himself that he didn’t care if he got caught peeping.

Lucky for Lester, Dan chose that exact moment to flush the toilet, drowning out the sounds of the older man’s ecstasy.

Dan exited the bathroom and made his way back over to his wife. Wrapping his arms around her from behind he looked at her through the mirror. “God, you’re beautiful. I’m really going to hate living here without you.”

She turned to face him while giving Lester a close-up view of her ass.

“It’s only for a little while,” she smiled with her eyes becoming watery. “And I will definitely be coming to visit you as often as I can.”

Lester’s ears perked up at those words. I look forward to it.

After a brief embrace, Sarah visited the washroom and the couple departed the apartment to head back to their family.

Waiting a few minutes to make sure they were gone, Lester left his den of iniquity and quietly entered Dan’s room. He made his way over to the dresser and retrieved the envelope Sarah had discreetly hidden. The words ‘For your eyes only’ were written on it.

He opened it and a shit-eating grin spread across his lips. Why Sarah, you shouldn’t have.

The envelope contained a love letter from Sarah to Dan. It expressed how much she would miss him and that he would always be in her thoughts. The note also described how much she loved him and would miss feeling his body next to hers. To keep Dan from missing her too much she included several boudoir pictures of herself to keep him occupied on lonely nights. For my pleasure now.

Lester took the photos out of the envelope and looked them over. Sarah was posing for the camera in several states of undress. These intimate pictures were meant for only her husband’s eyes, but now a deceptive stranger was looking at the most private parts of the young mother.
As he shuffled through the photos, Lester felt his dick get hard again.

Without taking his eyes off the supple breasts of Mrs. Williams, Lester made his way back to his room.


Dan moved in a few days later and started his new job. He talked to Sarah and his kids every night on the phone and sent them plenty of text messages throughout the day. Aside from the occasional small talk, Lester and Dan rarely interacted. The only time that Dan would see Lester out of his room was when he would use the washroom or to heat up his dinner.

Over the course of their few interactions, Dan began to see Lester as a little odd and much different than how he portrayed himself during their first meeting. He didn’t mind Lester’s odd behavior, though, because it meant he was free to enjoy the apartment to himself.

Sitting down on the couch in the living room, Dan dialed his home number for his nightly phone call.

“Hey baby, how are you doing?” Sarah asked excitedly into the phone.

“I’m good, hun.” Dan was beaming. He always loved to hear his wife’s voice. “Work was good today, just the same old workload. I did try a new Chinese restaurant for lunch that I think you would like. Whenever you come to visit we’ll go out to dinner there.”

“Speaking of…” Sarah looked around to see whether her kids were within earshot. “I think I’ll be able to come to visit next weekend. My mom invited the kids for a sleepover Friday night. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind taking them for an extra day or two.”

“That sounds like a dream come true, babe.” Dan was ecstatic. Even though he had only been gone for a few weeks, he desperately missed the touch of his wife. “I can’t wait to get you up here. I have some non-PG things planned.”

“Oooh, I like the sound of that. I hope you have a whole itinerary planned out, Mr. Chicago.” Sarah twirled the phone cord on her finger, fantasizing about the upcoming weekend with her husband.

“Yeah, the itinerary consists of you and me visiting the double bed of mine.”

“Oh Dan, stop! The kids could hear you.”

“Come on, baby, it’s been three weeks since I’ve even gotten to touch you. I’m going crazy.” Dan could feel his pants getting slightly tighter at the thought of fucking his wife.

“Well, you do have my special care package I left for you to take care of yourself.”

Dan didn’t say anything for a few moments before he remembered about her envelope. “Well, I do love that care package and I reallyappreciate it. It’s gotten me through a few lonely nights, but as amazing as those pictures are, they don’t even compare to actually being with you.”

“Oh shit, Dan, the kids are coming to talk to you. We’ll talk about the details of next weekend after.”

As Dan began to talk to his children, Lester slowly sneaked back to his room. She is coming back.

The thought of Sarah back in his apartment gave him a raging hard-on. Plopping down in his computer chair, Lester turned on his monitor and navigated to a folder titled Sarah. In it were the special pictures meant for Dan. Lester had used his industrial grade scanner to upload high resolution pictures of Sarah to his computer. I’ll have to add some material to this folder next weekend.

Lester shuffled out of his sweatpants and began pleasuring himself to Sarah Williams as he had every night for the last few weeks.


The weekend of Sarah’s visit arrived faster than either Dan or Lester had anticipated. Dan was excited about the arrival of his wife, while Lester anxiously wondered what sort of compromising positions he could watch Sarah get into through his peephole.

Dan was especially excited by the fact that Lester would be working most of the weekend, giving the married couple the place to themselves. He didn’t want to reunite with the love of his life while a strange man was in the next room.

When Sarah arrived after dinner Friday night, both men were very happy with her appearance. It was clear that Sarah wanted to look her best for her husband. Sarah had come directly from work, but she appeared to be wearing a sexier outfit than Dan had ever remembered her wearing to the office. As Dan greeted his loving wife at the door, the couple was caught up in their reconnection and did not notice the glaring eyes of Lester.

Her shoulder-length blonde hair seemed to hypnotize Lester as it swayed back and forth when she entered the apartment. The tight-fitting button-up blue blouse gave off an air of professionalism and a sexy appeal that would usually be out of Lester’s league. But she is here in my home now.

Sarah’s heaving breasts tested the integrity of the shirt, jutting out and pushing against the buttons. As Lester leered at Sarah’s body, he fantasized about those buttons popping open against the weight of her breasts so his eyes could feast on the special underwear she wore for her husband. Her blue blouse was tucked into a knee-length pencil skirt that seemed to accentuate her voluptuous hips and perfectly round ass. If she worked with me I wouldn’t last a week before being fired for sexual misconduct. That ass….

Lester licked his lips as his eyes danced down her stocking-clad legs to her stiletto-bound feet. Taking her entire figure in once again, Lester was adding her image to his mental spank bank. I’m going to have to get more material for my Sarah folder.

Dan carried Sarah’s luggage into the apartment as she took off her shoes. Lester was standing awkwardly by the entrance to the kitchen, almost standing too still as he continued with his voyeurism. He quickly snapped out of it. “Hi Sarah, it's nice to see you again.”

“Oh, hi Lester, and how are you doing?”

Aroused now that you’re here.

“Good...good, just staying busy with work you know.”

With the forced exchange over, Lester turned and shuffled back into the kitchen to locate his backup bag of cheesy chips. Dan saw Sarah to the couch and poured her a glass of her favorite wine.

Lester could hear the couple speaking while he eavesdropped from the kitchen. Before making the journey across the living room back to his room, the pervert had to compose himself so he wouldn’t alert suspicion. He concealed the bulge in his sweatpants and moved back out to where the couple was.

Dan was giving Sarah a foot massage while she told him about that day’s adventure as a hospital administrator. Lester walked across the living room toward the hallway, pausing awkwardly to look at the couple.

Sarah was distracted from her loving husband’s foot massage by a strange, blob-like shape she noticed out of the corner of her eye. She glanced over the edge of the couch to see Lester staring at her. When she made eye contact, he didn’t look away but seemed to be transfixed on her.

After a few seconds, Lester seemed to snap out of it and hurriedly mumbled, “I work early. Goodnight.” He broke eye contact and quickly walked out and down the hallway to his room.

“Well, that was weird,” Sarah laughed, a puzzled look on her face.
Dan shrugged his shoulders. “He is a bit of an odd guy.”
Lester sat at his computer chair with his bedroom door slightly ajar. He listened to the couple discussing trivial subjects, and when they grew silent all he could hear was the sound of his own smacking lips as he munched on his snack.

Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt.

Someone’s phone was ringing in the living room.

“Hello?” Dan answered.

Lester leaned closer to his door, trying hard not to miss any details of the conversation.

“Are you sure, sir?” Lester could hear the nervousness in Dan’s voice. “Absolutely, I’ll be there. Goodnight.”

“What’s the matter, honey?” Sarah was concerned about the tone of the conversation.

“Fuck. Baby, I’m so sorry. That was my boss. He is having everyone come in tomorrow morning. There’s some issue with one of our clients and he says it's an emergency.”

An evil smile spread across Lester’s face. He tuned out the rest of the conversation when he realized that Dan would be going to work tomorrow, leaving Sarah alone in the apartment. Not alone. I’ll be here.

While part of Lester wanted to continue listening to the couple, it was quickly overpowered by Lester’s desire for Sarah Williams. He gently closed the door and rolled his computer chair back into its place in front of his monitor.

When Lester was close to finishing himself off to one of Sarah’s private boudoir pictures, he heard the door in the next room close. Breaking himself away from the full-screen image of a scantily clad Sarah on his monitor, he made his way over to his peephole.

Dan was holding Sarah in the middle of the room, his hands pulling her body to his as he kissed her. Lester watched the couple passionately kiss while running their hands over each other’s bodies. He slowly stroked himself, not wanting to cum before the good stuff started.

Sarah broke off the kiss and pushed Dan into a sitting position on the bed. Backing away from him, Sarah began to slowly unbutton her blouse. Lester’s greedy eyes followed Sarah’s fingers as they danced over each button until her bra-clad chest was exposed.

The live sight of Sarah’s magnificent breasts caused Lester to release an audible gasp. Luckily for him, both Sarah and Dan were too engrossed with their long overdue reunion to notice.

While Lester had seen Sarah exposed in her private photos for Dan, having her naked skin mere feet from him was tantalizing.

Sarah let her blouse fall to the floor. She ran her hands up from her thighs until they cupped the sides of her bra-clad chest. The only thing preventing Lester from viewing her lovely mounds of flesh, kept private only for her husband, was a lacy white bra that accentuated her natural curves.

Sitting on the bed, Dan watched his wife seductively sway her hips to imaginary music. They hadn’t been together for so long that it took all of his might not to take her and throw her onto the bed.

While she continued to rhythmically move her body, Sarah locked eyes with Dan as she moved her hands to the hem of her pencil skirt. Slowing her movements down, she hooked her thumbs under the tops of the skirt. She bent over at the waist and without breaking eye contact she slowly lowered her tight skirt, exposing her fantastic ass and long, slender legs.

The jaws of both Dan and Lester dropped at the incredibly sexy display in front of them. With her pencil skirt now discarded on the floor, Sarah closed her eyes and began slowly grinding her hips once more. She ran her hands up her naked thighs slowly making a trail up her body.

Her hands briefly paused around her breasts to tease her husband before resting on the back of her head. As she swayed her hips, she ran her hands through her hair.

Lester watched as the mother of two unknowingly danced in her bra and panties for a complete stranger. His eyes darted all over her body, trying to memorize every detail, not wanting to miss anything.

Sarah turned her back to her husband and teasingly lowered one of her bra straps. She looked over her shoulder at the lustful expression on Dan’s face and knew she was moments away from having long overdue sex with her love. What Sarah didn’t know was that directly in front of her was an obscure peephole that Dan’s weird, oddly proportioned roommate was watching her through. The seductive dance meant for her husband that left the innocent wife in only her white lace bra and panties was being observed by a perverted stranger.

Giving Dan a wink, Sarah turned her head back to the wall as she swayed her hips and lowered the other bra strap. She then reached behind her back and undid the clasp on the bra, letting the straps hang loose as her other hand held the front of the bra in place. Dan was now staring at the smooth skin of Sarah’s exposed back. Realizing that she was now almost completely naked he began to disrobe, not wanting a single delay in their copulation.

Knowing that she was driving her husband wild, Sarah gently took her bra off her chest and held it at her side before dropping it to the floor.

Aside from the pictures that Sarah had left for him, Dan had not seen his wife’s voluptuous breasts for weeks. They were one of his favorite parts of her, and now they were bare just a few feet from him. The swaying of her body let him catch glimpses of the sides of her breasts but painfully kept them obstructed. Sarah knew exactly what Dan wanted and chose to tease him for a bit longer.

While Sarah’s husband had been desperately waiting for weeks to see Sarah’s beautiful heaving breasts, Lester would be the first man to lay his eyes on them. As Sarah was concentrating on teasing her husband, her chest was on full display to his lecherous roommate.

Much like Dan, Lester had also used Sarah’s private boudoir pictures to satisfy himself over the past few weeks. As Lester pumped his cock faster while gazing at Sarah’s bare breasts, he knew that the pictures he stole would never compare to seeing her magnificent chest in person.

Lester continued to stare through his peephole, mouth agape, at the beautiful, naked mother standing just a few feet away from him. His perverted eyes were locked onto the nakedness of her supple breasts as she rhythmically moved her body seductively. What felt like a private exposure for him was taken away when Sarah covered her breasts with her arm and turned to face her husband.

The view of her naked back and panty-clad ass was tantalizing, but Lester was angry that she turned away from him. Being able to view her naked form along with her angelic face was intoxicating, and Lester needed more. The moment only reaffirmed Lester’s determination to get much closer to his roommate’s wife.

Keeping her breasts covered, Sarah closed the distance to the bed and stood directly in front of her sexually frustrated husband. Locking eyes with Dan, she slowly removed her arm from her breasts, letting Dan see the treasure he so desperately wanted. She watched as his eyes broke contact with hers, his gaze shifting to her bra-free chest. Sarah decided that she had teased her poor hubby long enough.

She moved onto the bed, straddling Dan’s crotch and embraced him in a passionate kiss. Dan pulled his wife as close as possible to feel her body against his. Her breasts were pressed against his chest while his stiff prick was fighting against the material of her panties.

Watching the couple reunite filled Lester with jealousy and lust. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the scene that was unfolding on the other side of his peephole, nor could he stop himself from masturbating. He wanted Sarah. He wanted to kiss her and run his hands all over her naked flesh.

I’m going to fuck her.

He didn’t know how he would get between her lovely legs, but he was going to go to any length to get inside her.

Frustrated by the weeks spent apart and her seductive teasing, Dan decided he was done waiting. He thrust his hips up into the air while holding onto his wife and flipped her over onto her back. Dan greedily kissed her, their tongues probing one another’s mouth. His lips moved onto her neck, exploring every bit of flesh that had been denied him for weeks. Sarah closed her eyes in bliss, treasuring the renewed feeling of her husband’s tender caress. She held the back of his head as his hand journeyed downward to remove her panties.

Sarah began to run her hand down Dan’s chest, her fingertips caressing every inch of his torso until they reached his dick. As Dan sat up to better remove the lacy white panties from Sarah’s hips, she grasped the base of his shaft and slowly stroked him. Lester glared at Sarah’s hand moving up and down. He subconsciously slowed his stroking to match hers. For a fleeting moment, he almost believed that he was watching her play with his dick. The fat, grubby digits wrapped around his cock were replaced with her long, slender fingers.

Enjoying the sensation of his wife’s hand grasping his dick, Dan dipped his head down and again kissed her. Sarah began to stroke Dan’s dick faster and faster as the passion of their kiss ignited. Their lips smashed together as their tongues wildly moved about – devouring as much of the other as they could.

Sarah broke their kiss and gasped as she felt her husband’s fingers begin to trace a circle around her womanhood. Dan slowly extended one finger and began to slide it into his wife. Sarah slowed her stroking of Dan’s cock, distracted by the feeling of being penetrated. She began to moan lightly as Dan pushed his finger further into her wet passageway.

Smiling at the effect he was having on her, Dan lowered his head and started tracing circles on her breast with his tongue – purposely avoiding her nipple. Sarah no longer stroked Dan’s hard cock, but held it gingerly in her hand as both her private parts were expertly manipulated.
When Dan’s finger met less resistance, he pushed it deeper into her and slowly retracted it. He continued to finger her, building up his rhythm. Each time he pulled his finger back toward her entrance he made sure to put pressure on her g-spot.

Sarah’s hips started to lift off the bed to meet each slow thrust of Dan’s finger. Each time he pushed into her, more of her juices coated his finger and she grew closer to orgasm. Sarah was experiencing sensory overload.

She tightened her grip on Dan’s cock, trying to keep the source of her pleasure right where it was. She was close to exploding and didn’t want Dan to move. Her eyes were shut, concentrating on the feeling of Dan’s finger inside of her and his tongue on her breasts.
Suddenly she felt the tongue flick the nipple of her right breast and it sent her over the edge. Sarah thrust her hips high into the air, burying Dan’s finger deep within her. She clutched his cock with one hand and crumpled the bed sheets with the other.

Her back arched off the bed as she let out a powerful moan. She was so caught up in orgasmic bliss that she completely forgot about trying to stay quiet. She forgot about Dan’s bizarre roommate in the next room.

Lester watched through the peephole in awe at the beauty of Sarah Williams’ orgasming. Her face contorting in pleasure was the most magnificent thing he had ever laid eyes on. The way her body stiffened in pleasure as her orgasm exploded was something the perverted Lester would not soon forget. Fuck, I wish I was recording this. I could listen to her cum all day.

Coming down from her bliss, Sarah opened her eyes and looked at Dan. She pulled his dick toward her, “Get inside me, big boy.”

Not needing any more encouragement, Dan removed his fingers from Sarah’s dripping-wet sex and positioned himself between her legs. Sarah guided her husband’s dick to her entrance and waited for him to penetrate her for the first time in weeks.

Looking down at his wife, Dan smiled. He loved watching her beautiful face react to the feeling of his cock as he slowly pushed it inside her. This time was no different. As his dick began to part her outer lips Sarah closed her eyes to concentrate on the immense pleasure. Her mouth hung open, unconsciously taking sharp, short breaths.

As Dan pushed his full length inside of his wife’s love passage, her hands encircled his neck once more bringing his lips to hers. Their mouths smashed together, passionately trying to keep pace with the other. Sarah’s tongue twisted itself around Dan’s.

The intensity of their kiss made Dan increase the pace of his thrusting. He was lost in lust, finally intimately reuniting with his lovely wife. Gentle lovemaking was out the window as Dan wanted nothing more than to fuck.

After weeks without feeling her husband’s touch, Sarah loved the desperation of Dan’s actions. He wanted her badly and could barely contain himself. The animalistic aggression of Dan’s thrusts caused Sarah to instinctively wrap her legs around his back, pulling Dan as close into her as possible.

Breaking their embrace, Dan once again looked down at his wife in the throes of ecstasy. Bringing such pleasure to Sarah made him feel like a man. “Oh fuck yeah, baby.”

“Oh god, Dan, don’t stop!” Sarah exclaimed loudly. The sound of her own voice caused a brief thought to filter into her mind. Could Dan’s roommate Lester hear them? The couple had been so caught up in devouring each other that she had forgotten all about the odd little man in the next room. The sound of their bodies fucking, along with both Dan and Sarah’s grunting was not exactly quiet. How could he not hear us?

“Fuck, baby, how much do you like this?” Dan asked, staring into her lust-filled eyes.

“I love it,” Sarah whispered.

“What? Come on baby tell me how much you love my dick inside you.”

Sarah desperately wanted to answer her husband. To satisfy his desire to hear her verbalize her pleasure. But she also thought she should keep quiet, now realizing that there was no way their coupling wasn’t audible through the wall.

“Tell me how much you love it, Sarah.”

Despite her desire to stay quiet, Sarah was lost in the moment. The feeling of her husband’s dick inside of her, the weight of his body pinning her to the mattress, the length of time since they last had sex – everything else didn’t matter.

“Ohhhhhhh god, baby, I love how you feel. It’s so fucking good!” Sarah exclaimed loudly. As the words left her mouth, Sarah knew she was loud enough for her husband’s roommate to hear her.

The thought of some stranger listening to their private reunion seemed to excite her.

“Oh god, Dan, FUCK ME!”

Sarah began pushing her hips up to meet Dan’s thrusts. As she pushed her hips up, she used her legs to pull Dan into her.

“So good,” Sarah whimpered and she continued to fuck her husband. Dan was surprised by Sarah’s sudden actions. He gripped her hips and back tightly as he continued to meet her thrusts – trying to keep up with her enthusiastic actions. She must have really missed my special attention.

Little did Dan know that his normally conservative wife was getting extra stimulation from the thought of someone listening in.

“Ohh God, Dan, don’t stop fucking me!” Sarah knew she was being loud and she didn’t care. I bet the people above and below can hear us fucking along with Lester.

The thought of someone else hearing her screams of pleasure drove her over the edge. “Ahhh, oohhh, Dan! FUCK!”

Sarah suddenly stopped thrusting, every muscle in her body tightening up. She held onto Dan, her nails digging into his shoulders as her legs clenched his back. A mind-blowing orgasm exploded and sent waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Oh fuuuck yes.

She arched her back off the mattress as her orgasm continued to wash over her. All of her muscles were so tight that it prevented Dan from continuing to thrust – he had no choice but to stop and stare in awe at his wife’s orgasmic bliss. Her toes curled and her eyes rolled back into her head.

Lester watched from his peephole as the couple stopped moving. His view of their coupling had been disappointing since Dan’s back and naked ass cheeks were obstructing Sarah, but her sexual grunts and screams of pleasure made his cock throb in his fat hands. He had no idea that Sarah had briefly thought of him while fucking her husband.

As Sarah’s muscles slowly relaxed, Dan took the opportunity to resume sliding his cock in and out of his wife. Feeling her seize up and the intense pleasure that spread across her face brought him close to cumming. Dan held her hips tightly as he increased his pace.
Dan had never seen Sarah orgasm like she just did.

The intensity of it made his dick swell inside of her. Thinking that his actions and absence caused her to have such a violent orgasm stroked his ego and intensified the feelings of his cock head pushing into his wife’s sweet opening.

Sarah had little time to recover. She was just coming down from one of the most incredible orgasms of her life when Dan resumed pushing his cock deep within her. The mother of two felt the sensations of her husband’s dick and could feel yet another orgasm slowly building. She recognized the shallow breaths Dan was taking and the speed of his thrusting. She knew he would finish soon.

“Oh god, keep fucking me, Dan. Don’t stop!” Sarah knew her encouragement would help push Dan over the edge. She also realized she loved the feeling she received from talking during sex, knowing it might be heard by someone else.

As Dan was rapidly approaching climax, Sarah feared that she wouldn’t be able to attain her third orgasm of the night. She wanted to experience the feeling of an intense orgasm again – she was immediately addicted to the feeling.

Sarah tried desperately to reach another orgasm. She again started thrusting her hips off the bed to meet Dan’s. “Ooooohhhh yeees, DAN! Fuck me, baby. Fuck me.”

Lester continued to stroke his cock in the next room. He was falling madly in love with listening to Sarah scream out in pleasure.

Dan was thrusting his cock into Sarah like a man possessed. He was on the verge of cumming and wouldn’t let anything stop him. Part of Dan’s mind had registered the volume of Sarah’s screams. He really didn’t want his roommate or anyone else in the building to hear them having sex, but he pushed these thoughts to the back of his mind and concentrated on emptying his sack.

Knowing that Dan was very close to finishing, Sarah didn’t want her build up to an orgasm to go to waste. As she breathed loudly through her mouth while Dan plowed into her, she thought of the faceless neighbors above and below listening to her and Dan having sex. She imagined them listening intently as she screamed, “Don’t stop, Dan, I’m so close.”

“Fuck, Sarah, I’m gonna cum!” Dan said through clenched teeth.

“Ahhh Fuck, Cum baby, CUM!” Sarah almost shouted. I’m so close. So close.

Dan was going to cum and she was going to miss her third orgasm. She wanted that feeling. She craved it. She desperately tried to think about strangers listening to her have sex to get her off in the seconds before Dan blew his load. To try and recreate the powerful orgasm she just experienced due to this newfound stimulation. The people below us are listening to the bed slam into the floor. God, they can hear everything. They can hear me shouting.

“That’s it! I’m cumming, baby. Arghhh, yes!” Dan grunted.

Sarah could feel the shaft of Dan’s dick begin to throb. So close. So fucking close.

She felt Dan’s pace begin to slow – I need to cum! NOW! Dan’s roommate. Lester. The walls are sooo thin. Lester can hear everything. He has been listening to us the whole time we’ve been fucking. HE is only a few feet away. HE is probably jerking off listening to US.

The thoughts of someone not only listening but pleasuring themselves triggered an instant explosive orgasm more powerful than what Sarah had experienced before. She didn’t find Lester remotely attractive, but the thought of someone getting off just listening to her drove her nuts. She bucked her hips off the bed, grasping at her husband with her legs.

“Arrgghhhh, ohhhh!” she screamed as she began to convulse under another orgasm. This one shook her to her very foundation as it rocked through her body. Electricity exploded from her sex and radiated outwards, causing her muscles to contract. He is jerking off to me right now! Stroking his dick as I come.

An image of Lester’s oddly proportioned body lying in bed masturbating slid into her mind. He is lying on his back, stroking his dick listening.

Her powerful orgasm crescendoed into yet another orgasm, her body going rigid again from the waves of pleasure. In a matter of milliseconds, Sarah’s body had experienced two extremely powerful orgasms unlike any she had had before.

“Oooohhhhhh, FUCK!” Sarah shouted breathlessly. He heard that. He heard me scream. He is cumming. His dirty spunk is spewing out of his cock everywhere.

As Sarah was unable to contain the thoughts that set her orgasm off, Dan began to explode inside of her. Sarah’s sudden multiple orgasms sent her husband over the edge. The tightening of her vaginal muscles gripped his cock, causing him to ejaculate in a powerful eruption. Sarah’s crazy throes of intense pleasure drove him wild. He felt like he was shooting his cum into her like a pistol.

Sarah was so caught up in imagining Dan’s weird roommate cumming that she was shocked when she felt Dan explode inside of her. She felt his hot cum filling every inch of her love canal. The orgasmic bliss she felt clouded her head.

She screamed like a banshee as another orgasm rocked her body.

Dan collapsed onto Sarah, exhausted. The lovers were struggling to catch their breath, both having experienced one of their most intense love-making sessions in years. Dan rolled onto his side and looked at his wife.

“Jesus. That was insane honey. God, I’ve missed you.”

“Mmmm, I’ve missed you too. I needed that.” Sarah curled into Dan’s chest. “Do you think we woke the neighbors?”

“Oh, babe, I’m sure we woke up the whole damn block.”

“What about your roommate?”

Dan laughed. “We were so loud I don’t see how we didn’t.”

He was feeling playful and decided to tease his usually conservative wife. “I bet he jerked off to those animal sounds you were making.”

While Dan was waiting for his wife’s reaction, on the other side of the wall Lester was slowly stroking his rigid member. Even though he had just blasted a new stain into his wall at the same time Sarah achieved her last orgasm, he was still transfixed by the mother of two.

Sarah never liked Dan getting the upper hand or catching her off guard, so she shot back, “Well, I’m glad I can still get two guys off at once.”

Two guys off at once? Had she, in the past…? The thoughts danced through Dan’s mind. Sarah felt triumphant at her husband’s speechlessness. To her surprise, she felt Dan’s cock begin to stiffen against her. Something that had never happened so fast in the entirety of their relationship.

“Wow, somebody really does miss me.” she reached down and gently began playing with his balls.

Dan didn’t understand why he was getting hard again, but her teasing comment kept playing back in his head….’I’m glad I can still get two guys off at once.’ He couldn’t help it, but images flashed into his mind. Thoughts of a young Sarah with two men, thoughts of Dan and Sarah in a threesome, thoughts of his bizarre roommate stroking himself to Sarah, thoughts of Lester creeping into the room at that very moment.

Before either one of them fully registered what was happening, their tongues were exploring each other's mouths and their hands were greedily exploring the other’s body again. Lester continued to watch them through his peephole, contemplating the need for a video camera.

Dan slid himself into Sarah and slowly rocked back and forth as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Against his better judgment, Dan whispered loudly, “Mmmph God, baby, we need to be quiet or someone might hear us.”

She didn’t know why, but this new game was really turning her on. “Maybe I want them to hear.”

Dan was taken aback by Sarah’s boldness. This wasn’t like her. What had gotten into her? At the same time, he was too aroused to turn back. He wanted to see how far she would let him take this.

“And our creepy little roommate? You want him to hear us fuck?” Dan grunted, now no longer whispering. He knew he’d probably pushed things too far, but the response from Sarah’s body made him think otherwise.

She was madly grinding herself against his cock, hitting that sweet spot over and over. Building towards her next imminent orgasm of the night.

“God, Dan. Yes, I want him to listen and jerk off to me.” As the words escaped her lips she felt the tidal wave of orgasmic bliss descend on her yet again. Her vagina gripped her husband's dick so tightly that Dan couldn’t hold back any longer, his balls emptied into her for the second time that night as Sarah howled at the moon.

“Awwrrrgghhhh, FUCKK,” screamed Sarah. Lester added another stain to his wall that now oozed onto the floor.

The unknowing threesome all collapsed in piles of sweat, exhausted. Sarah and Dan into their recently set up bed, Lester into his Dorito and cum stained computer chair.
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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by Frenchie » Sun Jan 15, 2023 10:35 pm

So many views and no reply !
Shame on us !

It's a great start I've already read on "Lit".
Very nasty and very exciting.

I'm eager to read the entire story here !

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by JRE2 » Mon Jan 16, 2023 4:14 am

Very well written! Looking forward to more chapters.

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by NSEW1 » Mon Jan 16, 2023 11:50 am

Very erotic. Fabulous story. Please continue.

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by demonic1000 » Sun Jan 22, 2023 7:31 am

What a hot story!

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Sun Jan 22, 2023 7:50 am

Lauren and I just read this last night together found it incredibly hot, prompting a pretty intense romp beneath the sheets. Thanks for helping cap our Saturday night!
Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by Johng1953 » Tue Jan 24, 2023 11:05 pm

I've just found this story. An incredible start and very well written.
Can't wait to read more!

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by DonSilver » Tue Mar 07, 2023 4:47 pm

Hello friends, here is part 2. It is a long one! As always, if you want to connect with me, please reach out!


The silent vibration chime of Dan’s cellphone alarm slowly awoke him from a bizarre dream. In it, Dan was making love to his wife Sarah back in their Middleton bedroom but felt the presence of someone watching them.

The dream was so vivid. Dan could feel his wife’s legs wrapped around him. Could feel her arms pulling on his back, trying to bring him deeper into her. The lust in her eyes as she looked up at him.

He could feel the hair on the back of his neck as he knew he was being watched. Somehow he knew the person watching was his strange roommate Lester. He imagined him watching from their walk-in closet and then in the room with them. As his dream swirled around where this voyeur was standing, Dan began to realize that he was the one standing there. He was the one watching.

The scene of the bedroom logically shifted in the ways that only dreams do.

Dan watched as his overweight roommate had taken his place on the bed. His pasty white and hair-covered figure was a stark contrast to Sarah’s tanned and toned legs which were wrapped around his waist. Her fingers pulled on his back. Her piercing green eyes looked lustily up at the monster above her, beckoning him for more.

“Ah what the fuck,” the cellphone’s vibration finally woke Dan from his sleep. What the fuck was that about.

Dan smiled as the events from the night before came flooding back into his mind. His subconscious was playing tricks on him with his dreams. He and Sarah had a wild session the night before that brought some of their playful bedroom fantasies much closer to real life.

Sarah’s words were still seared into Dan’s brain. I’m glad I can still get two guys off at once……God Dan. Yes, I want him to listen and jerk off to me.

Was she just playing into the fantasy she knew would turn him on or was there more to it? It seemed like playing with fire in such an enclosed space with a relative stranger.

Dan silenced the alarm on his phone and looked over at his wife. God, she's beautiful.

Like Dan, Sarah had fallen asleep right after the events of the previous night. The bed sheets were draped around her torso leaving her shoulders and legs bare.

It was only after seeing her bare skin that Dan realized how hard he was. Fuck that weird dream…

Dan sat up and checked his cell phone. It looks like while he was busy with Sarah, his team at the office had been busy exchanging emails and looking for his input. Dan wasn’t happy that his boss was cutting into this rare weekend with his wife but what choice did he have? It took him this long to find a job to support his family. He couldn’t risk messing things up.

He tried to quietly make his way around the room to get dressed until he heard Sarah begin to stir in the bed.

“Where are you sneaking off to Mr?” She lazily sat up on her elbows with the sheets still covering her nudity.

“Hmmm,” he made his way back over to the bed, leaning over and kissing her. “You just looked so damn good I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“Do you really have to go into the office today?

Dan sighed. “Yeah unfortunately honey. I just checked my work email and it looks like everyone is going nuts trying to get everything ready for this client of ours. They need me.”

Sarah made a fake pouty face and playfully crossed her arms. “Well, what about what I need?”

A smile spread across Dan’s face. “Here I thought you got what you needed last night.”
“Oh Dan, I’ve been stuck in Middleton by myself without you. Last night was just scratching the surface.”

She narrowed her eyes playfully at him. “And now here you are running off to work, leaving your wife all alone.”

Dan was not about to let Sarah win this, even if she was just being playful about it. He leveled his eyes at her in a serious manner. “Well, you won’t be entirely alone…..”

Recognition and amusement appeared on Sarah’s face and she almost laughed out loud. She whispered, “Do you think he heard us?”

“Oh well,” he paused. “I don’t see how he couldn’t, you were pretty loud.”

“God Dan that's so embarrassing. I wasn’t that loud was I?”

Dan smirked. “Oh yeah you were,” he started to whisper and plant kisses on her shoulder. “I tend to have that effect on you.”

Sarah closed her eyes, her body responding to Dan’s kisses, “mhmm yes you do baby.”

Pausing to see how far he could push his wife, Dan added “Or maybe it was just knowing you were being listened to that turned you on so much.” He continued to work his kisses up her neck, which he knew drove her crazy.

Sarah knew Dan was trying to push her buttons. She also knew the thought of being listened to did turn her on like crazy last night before. His kisses on her neck were getting her all worked up again. She decided to turn the tables and whisper in Dean's ear “Or maybe it was knowing that I was pleasuring two guys at once.”

She pulled back from Dan’s touch to look him in the eye. She reached down and grabbed his hard cock through his boxers. “It seems like you like that too.”

Dan closed his eyes, picturing his dream.

She gave his cock another squeeze “Does that turn you on, Dan? Knowing I got someone else to cum for me?”

Dan involuntarily groaned and pulled himself free from her touch, conceding defeat to his wife.

“Oh, you are a bad girl.” He stood up and began putting on his pants for work. “Save that for tonight.”

Sarah smiled victoriously knowing she won their little game. She wanted to add a little insult to injury though. She loved teasing her husband. “What is your bad girl supposed to do all day while you are gone? At least I won’t be completely alone. Lester will be here to keep me company.”

She grinned as Dan stopped getting dressed and looked at her with a shocked look on his face.

Sarah added, “Who knows what will happen while you are away.”

Dan recomposed himself. He knew he lost their little game but still wanted to feel like he won. He rushed onto the bed and started tickling his wife through the bed sheets. “Oh yeah? Is that what you plan on doing today? Putting on a little show?”

Sarah couldn’t stop laughing. She hated being tickled. Between laughs, she momentarily caught her breath and said “Who says I would stop at a show?”

She kept laughing “Your roommate is just soooo hot,” she said sarcastically.

Dan stopped tickling her and just stared down at her. “You are such a goofball, Sarah. I love you.”

“I love you too Dan.” She reached her hand behind his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.

She broke their embrace. “I’m going to miss you today.”

“I know” Dan signed. “I’m going to miss you too. Hopefully, I won’t have to be there all day.”

“I hope not.” Sarah laid back down and closed her eyes.

Dan eased himself off the bed and began putting on his dress shirt and tie. “What are you going to do all day?”

Through her closed eyes, Sarah said “I don’t know. What I do know is it's too early and I’m going back to bed.”

Fully dressed, Dan walked back over to the bed and kissed Sarah on her forehead. “Alright get some sleep. I’ll text you when I get to work. I love you.”

“I love you too.” She pulled the sheets up over her shoulders getting ready to drift back to sleep.

Before Dan left the room he whispered in her ear “and don’t spend too much time with Lester today.”

With her eyes closed, Sarah smiled “No promises big boy.”

Dan chuckled, kissed her forehead again, and made his way to the door. He made sure to lock it from the inside and closed the door. From the hallway, he tried the knob again to confirm it was locked. He gathered his things and left for work.

As Sarah lay there falling back asleep, she thought about Dan’s kisses on her neck and their playful teasing. She then thought about the night before and how loud she was. He definitely heard me.

Unbeknownst to Sarah, Lester had also heard their exchange this morning. Through his peephole, he had seen the way Sarah responded to Dan’s kisses on her neck. He heard how he factored into their little game.

Standing naked at his peephole, Lester continued to stroke his cock watching Sarah’s sleeping form. After 20 minutes he made his way into the hallway. It's too soon, don’t spoil this.

He quietly wrapped his meaty hands around the doorknob to Sarah’s room and tried the handle.

It was locked.


Lester slinked back into his room. He sat down in his ratty computer chair and pulled open his file on Sarah. He continued to stroke his cock looking at the pictures on his screen meant only for her husband. She is right here, alone in the next room.

He paused mid-stroke. Not today. I’ll save my cum for Sarah. Somehow.

Lester closed the window containing the photos and opened up a word doc titled SarahWilliams.doc.

The document contained several pages of notes Lester had taken on Sarah. These were compiled from the conversations he overheard Dan having on the phone and the social media stalking he had done on Sarah and her friends. Lester had successfully created a fake profile of an old classmate of Sarah’s and friended her on Facebook. She had accepted.

At the bottom of the document he added. “Is turned on by kisses on her neck and shoulders.” Grinning, Lester also wrote “Enjoys being watched. Plays a game with her husband involving Lester.”

Lester sat back and read that last line. It intrigued him.
Usually, the women that entered his lair were unwilling participants in his machinations. He would spy on them for weeks, slowly inserting himself into their lives. Stealing their things as trophies. He would sneak into their rooms at night and pleasure himself. If the stars aligned he would take them after they ingested drugs hidden in their food. He was always careful not to get caught and not to take unnecessary risks.

This was different.

From what he could make out the couple seemed to have a bedroom fantasy about being watched or heard. Dan also seemed to enjoy the thought of his wife with another man, something Sarah enjoyed teasing him for. She was lovely though and must play into this fantasy of her husband. Maybe she shares it to a degree. How can I turn this in my favor? Can I take her willingly?

Plans began to form in Lester’s mind. He had to play his hand correctly. This might just be his best conquest yet.

Lester realized he was slowly stroking his cock thinking about the possibilities. He still needed release now.

He made his way across the room to his peephole, expertly navigating the mess of dirty plates and discarded clothes on the ground. He looked through his peephole. He could see Sarah’s naked form obscured by the sheets. As she lay on her side he could make out her shoulders and her luscious hips. He imagined himself grabbing onto those hips as he thrust into her. Sarah gasped in pleasure. This won’t do.

Still naked, Lester made his way back into the hallway. He once again tried the doorknob to her room. It was still locked. Fuck.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed something out of place. The bathroom door was open and a pink bag sat on the counter. Bingo.

Lester took one last glance at the locked door as he stealthily made his way into the bathroom. Gripping the doorknob, he quietly shut the door. His dick was as hard as a rock. It wasn’t just a pink bag, it was her pink bag.

He quickly unzipped the bag and began to explore its contents. He rummaged through the bag somewhat dissatisfied. He sniffed her hair brush and shuddered at her scent. He put her toothbrush in his mouth to taste her as he looked through the rest of the bag.

Grunting in frustration, Lester returned the items to the bag. There wasn’t anything in there he could use.

As Lester was about to leave, dismayed at the contents of Sarah’s toiletry bag a thought occurred to him. What about what wasn’t in the bag?

He rummaged through it one more time, his mind racing. There are no birth control pills in here.

A wicked grin spread across his face. That's interesting, I’ll have to double check for these elsewhere to confirm.

Lester got a wicked idea to hold him over. One other item was missing from the bag. He quickly zipped it shut.

He turned around and opened the glass door leading to the enclosed tiled shower. There, hanging from the faucet was a pink loofah that was entirely out of place in Lester’s lair. Oh yes. Yes, this will do quite nicely.

Lester grabbed the loofah and immediately brought it to his cock. This has touched her. It has touched her everywhere.

He imagined the loofah running over her long-toned legs. Around her sexy shoulders and down her beautiful breasts. He imagined her holding it under her chin, squeezing out the soap in ecstasy but instead of soap, it would be his cum that oozed out all over her.

He pictured his end goal. Taking Sarah willingly in his room on his dirty bed. Her radiant beauty was a sharp contrast to the dark and murky dungeon he slept in. He would pull her deep into his web and she would be his. She would moan his name. She would milk the cum from his cock. He would impregnate her.

Lester’s heavy balls tightened, and his cock exploded streams and streams of his cum all over Sarah’s loofah drenching it in his seed.

Lester braced himself against the wall of the dark shower panting. He lazily hung the loofah back around the facet. I need to play this right but she's getting my cum today one way or another.

He took a second to catch his breath and then closed the shower door. After cleaning up the cum from his hands, he quietly exited the washroom to go back to his peephole and check on Sarah. She was still sound asleep.

Lester returned to his cheeto-encrusted command center to ponder his next move.


A few hours later, the morning light shining through the window caused Sarah to stir slowly. Being a mom of two meant she rarely got to sleep in, so she had taken full advantage of the situation.

She reached out to the end table to grab her cell phone. She saw a text from Dan stating “I made it safe to work baby, I love you.” She responded by telling him to hurry back and that she loved him too.

Checking her other messages, she saw some updates from her mom on her kids, so she gave them a brief call to check-in.

After catching up with her kids, Sarah hung up the phone and lay back in bed thinking of the night before. What a wild night.

She sat up and stretched her arms, causing the thin bed sheets to fall down, revealing the tops of her breasts. Lester licked his lips at the sight. The plans he had been formulating on his computer would have to wait now that his prey was awake.

Sarah swung her legs out of bed and stood up, letting the bedsheets fall back onto the bed and giving Lester a full view of her naked body before him. She walked over to her mini suitcase and began examining its contents to find the right outfit for today.

She wasn’t sure what to do to keep herself occupied while Dan was at work. She had hoped to do some sightseeing and spend the day with him outside of the apartment. Without him, she didn’t feel much like exploring solo but she also didn’t want to stay in and make awkward small talk with Lester. I’ll just have to keep myself busy around here one way or another.

With that, she selected an outfit. A comfy pair of mid-thigh sweat shorts and a loose-fitting white t-shirt. She looked through her underwear, noting some of the sexy ones she planned to model later for Dan, and grabbed the set she wore yesterday.

Lester watched as Sarah slowly stepped into her white panties and covered her breasts with the bra. Why bother hiding those from me? I’m going to feast on them soon enough.

Retrieving her phone Sarah made her way to the door to get some breakfast. She was surprised to find that the door was locked. Why is this locked? Must be one of those old building quirks.

She gently unlocked the door and poked her head out into the hallway, trying to gauge whether Lester was awake or not. Assuming he was still sleeping, she made her way into the hallway, through the common living area, and into the kitchen.

As she did, Lester cracked open his door slightly, watching the snug sweat shorts stretch across her perfect ass. If she was listening more carefully she could have heard an audible groan.

Instead, she opened the door to the fridge and began searching through its contents to see what was available. She settled on a raspberry yogurt, closed the fridge door, and sat down at the kitchen table to eat and check work emails.

In the middle of reading a thrilling email about a donation drive at the hospital, her phone buzzed in her hands.

Dan had just sent her a text message. “So what are you wearing?”

So he hadn’t forgotten about her after all. “Wouldn’t you like to know? Who says I’m wearing anything at all.”

She knew that would make him squirm. He was probably stuck in a conference room hammering some deal. Sarah would make sure he ended his day early.

Her phone buzzed again. “Well, I’m sure Lester appreciates that outfit.”

Sarah smiled, shaking her head. So we’re still going to play that game huh?

“Oh, he isn’t up yet. Should I go wake him up and see how appreciative he is?”


Across town in a small office building, Dan sat alone in a conference room staring at his phone. How the hell do I respond to that?

She had him and he knew it. The idea of Sarah knocking on Lester’s door wearing who knows what gave him a jolt of excitement and made him very uncomfortable at the same time. He had no idea what to respond with but the sounds of his coworkers coming back from their break made him fire off a quick message before tucking his phone away.


Back at the kitchen table, Sarah laughed. He can never just give up, can he?

She reread Dan’s last message. “Have to run honey. Whatever you decide to do, take pics :P

Obviously, he wasn’t serious but it did give her some ideas on how to spend her day. She would torment and tease her husband through text messages and make him regret going into the office.

Thinking about her husband and turning herself on with her wicked ideas, Sarah unconsciously licked the yogurt off her spoon seductively.

Having waited long enough, Lester decided it was time to initiate phase one of his plan.

He opened his door, ensuring he did so loud enough to alert Sarah to his presence, and headed for the kitchen with only his socks on.

Sarah heard the heavy footsteps of Dan’s roommate making their way toward her. She was snapped out of her daydreaming by the realization that this was her first encounter with Lester after her loud sex with Dan last night. God this is going to be awkward. Dan, why aren’t you here?

As his footsteps drew closer, she debated between pretending not to notice him right away or being overly enthusiastic and trying to move past and ignore the elephant in the room. She was not prepared for what came next.

While Sarah was about to have another spoonful of her yogurt, she was treated to an eyeful as Lester made his way into the kitchen butt naked.

She involuntarily took in his hairy shape, her eyes quickly glancing up and down as he moved towards the coffee maker. She found a spot on the kitchen table to stare at.

Lester pretended he hadn’t noticed her and busied himself making a coffee. She hadn’t made a sound.

When his coffee was finished brewing he turned around to face her. “Oh hey, Sarah, I didn’t know you were here. Is Dan still sleeping?”

“Uh no. No. Dan is at work.” Despite the awkwardness of the situation, Sarah’s upbringing and manners made her look up from the kitchen table and meet Lester’s eyes.

“Really? On a Saturday that's not normal.” Lester was enjoying every second of this. He was intoxicated by being naked in front of a woman like Sarah, watching how uncomfortable she was while still trying to be polite.

“Yeah no, his boss called him late last night and asked him to come in. Some kind of emergency.” Sarah couldn’t help it. It was too awkward of a situation. His eyes quickly flicked down and looked at Lester’s dick.

She let out a small inaudible gasp as she saw his large member swaying between his legs. Lester saw her look and flexed a little, making sure she saw it twitch.

Sarah composed herself quickly and looked back up at Lester, avoiding his gaze and settling on a point on the wall behind him.

“Uhh Lester, you’re naked you know.”

Lester smiled inwardly. Obviously.

“Oh I’m sorry, does this make you uncomfortable?” He feigned concern. “I’m just so used to having the apartment to myself I guess it's sort of a habit.”

He didn’t move. He let his eyes wander over her body until she responded.

“Yeah if you could put some clothes on that would be great.” She made eye contact as she spoke and then quickly looked back down at his dick. She quickly adjusted herself and looked back up at his eyes “I would appreciate it.”

“Yeah no problem, I’m actually going to run out and grab some breakfast. Do you want anything?”

Sarah smiled and shook her head. “No, I’m alright thanks though. Just going to catch up on some work emails.” He totally saw me look at his dick. Goddammit. Talk about awkward. Way to go Sarah.

“OK, I’ll leave you to it. See you later.” Lester walked out of the kitchen smiling. Phase one complete: make Sarah aware of your cock.

Sarah sat there in silence trying to busy herself on her phone but not actually comprehending what she was reading. She could hear Lester moving around the apartment, apparently getting ready. She wasn’t able to breathe until she heard the sound of the front door close and the lock engage.

What the hell just happened? Did he come in here on purpose or was he really used to just walking around his apartment naked? She’d have to ask Dan about this later. I wonder what he’ll say….I’m never going to hear the end of it.

She scrolled back through her phone and opened her chat with Dan to read the last message.

“Have to run honey. Whatever you decide to do, take pics :P” it read.

Well, at least now she had a good response for her husband that was sure to leave him speechless for a bit.

“Guess what. Lester wore the same outfit as me. I guess clothing is optional today ;)” she smiled slightly and pressed the send button.

The image of Lester’s cock twitching popped into her head. She shuddered. Did she cause that twitch? If Lester found her attractive why wasn’t he hard? Didn’t she make him hard? What would his cock look like hard?

Sarah got up from the table and made her way to the bedroom. She needed to clear her head and nothing worked better than a nice long hot shower.

She began to get undressed, peeling off her hip-hugging sweat shorts and dropping her white t-shirt to the floor when her phone buzzed. She glanced at it, a message from Dan.

Smiling, she unlocked her phone and opened her messages. She has to stifle back a laugh at his response. “WHAT!?” Looks like I won.


Dan was still stuck in the meeting with his colleagues. It was more of a working session between them trying to figure out the best angle to take with this client and reformatting their strategy but after reading her vague last message, Dan was beside himself.

What did she mean Lester wasn’t wearing any clothes? Was she serious about not wearing any? Are they both naked, together in the apartment? What's happening? Are they talking? Which room are they in?

“Hey Dan, you with us?” one of his colleagues asked.

“Yeah, yeah I’m just reviewing some of the last emails with them to make sure we didn’t miss anything.”

“Could you run us through your pitch deck again so we can see if there are any holes in it?”

“Yeah let me fire it up.” Dan grimaced. Goddamit running through this deck is going to take at least half an hour. I need to go call Sarah.


Sarah stared at Dan’s message, waiting for him to follow up and ask another question or call but nothing came in. Let's turn the screws a little more then.

Sarah finished disrobing, grabbed her towel from her luggage, and wrapped it around herself. She made her way over to the door and peeked out to make sure Lester was still gone.

Not hearing him at all, she made her way across the hall into the bathroom.

Closing the bathroom door, she dropped her towel and opened her phone’s camera app. She would rarely send Dan a racy photo. Whenever she did it always led to a hot session between them. This was her nuclear option to get him home from the office.

Which pose will really drive him crazy? She played with a few different angles taking various pictures until she found one she liked. Then the little devil on her shoulder suggested something even crazier to drive Dan wild. What if I sent him a picture from Lester’s room?

The idea sent a tingle of excitement through her body. It was so wrong and she knew it would drive Dan wild with questions. She was enjoying tormenting him and playing the naughty wife character.

She didn’t know how long Lester would be at breakfast or where he was going so she had to be quick. She inched open the bathroom door and peeked out. Holding her towel around herself she tiptoed into the living room to double-check that the front door was still locked. It was.

Naked, except for her towel, she quickly hurried back down the hall stopping in front of Lester’s door. She had no idea what lay beyond this point. She raised her fist and knocked on the door.


She tried the handle. It was unlocked.

Pushing the door open, it took a minute for Sarah’s eyes to adjust to seeing the dark and dingy room beyond. She reached for the light switch and nothing happened. The only light source in the room came from the screensaver of Lester’s computer. It illuminated a mess of a room filled with old plates, dirty clothes, and empty Cheeto bags. What the fuck?

If Sarah had left her bedroom light on, she might have noticed another light source streaming in through Lester’s hidden peephole.

How could anyone live like this? How was the rest of the apartment so clean? She stood paralyzed at the door, not knowing what to do next. Where would she even take the picture in this mess?

She slowly crept into the room, stepping between piles of garbage on the floor until she stood in the middle of the mess. Looking around there were really only a couple of options. She could take a photo where she was standing in the middle of the room, take one in front of the computer or the only other open space was Lester’s bed.

Reminding herself she was working with a limited amount of time she decided to quickly do all three. The point was to tease Dan after all.

Working quickly, she gently dropped her towel in a clear patch on the floor and held her camera out in front of her. Not wanting to give Dan too much excitement she framed up the photo to capture just the tops of her breasts and face, making a kissing gesture with her lips. Even though these were going just to Dan, she still didn’t trust sending nude photos over cell phone networks. Or worse what if one of Dan’s coworkers saw?

She snapped a pic looking seductively at the camera, the background was clearly a foreign place Dan had never seen before but he should recognize the familiar hallway through the open door.

Sarah grimaced and she made her way over to the computer chair. How did Lester find anything with a desk this messy?

The light from the screensaver provided the best lighting for her next picture. This time she wanted to ratchet up the tension for Dan. She placed her towel onto the computer chair before sitting down.

Now naked in Lester’s computer chair she framed up the photo the same way but instead of looking at the camera, she looked up and off camera, as if she was focusing on something else. Someone else. She made her best ‘fuck me’ eyes at this pretend stranger and pushed the camera button.

Now worried that Lester would return any minute, she quickly made her way over to the bed and paused to think of the best shot to drive Dan wild.

In for a penny in for a pound. She gently laid down on top of what she assumed were unwashed sheets. The things I do for my husband.

With the computer screen still casting the perfect amount of light, Sarah held the camera next to her, like the view another person laying in the bed would have. She closed her eyes, squeezed her legs together, bit her lip in bliss, and took a photo. Then she took another doing her best imitation of the face she makes when she orgasms.

She smiled as she scrolled back looking at the photos. These are going to drive Dan crazy.

Sarah slid her toned legs off the bed and stood up. Still naked, she made her way back over to Lester’s computer chair to retrieve her towel. She took special care to tiptoe around the mess on his floor.

Sliding the towel around herself, she quickly made her way to the door. She was so focused on sneaking back out of the room and planning what to text to her husband she didn’t notice the shadowy figure lurking in the open closet.

Closing the door behind her, Sarah let out a sigh of relief. She didn’t realize how quickly she had been breathing or how turned on she had become. Dan better come home soon.

She wasn’t sure if it was her anticipated reaction from Dan to her texts or the fact that she was just naked in a stranger’s room. A stranger who was just naked in front of me 10 minutes ago….But she was ready for a repeat of last night.


Back in his room, Lester stood still in his closet waiting for Sarah to reenter. That was close. What the hell just happened?

Lester had luckily been preparing to watch Sarah shower through the peephole in his closet. She hadn’t showered after she had sex with Dan last night, it was only a matter of time. Faking leaving the apartment would only make her more comfortable showering there for the first time.

He did not expect her to enter his room. Not yet. He hadn’t prepared it. Normally he didn’t mind the mess he left around but he didn’t want her to see it. A woman like Sarah liked cleanliness and now she's seen how he lives.

Still, it didn’t stop her from getting naked in his room. Or laying naked on his bed taking sexy pictures for her husband. If only she knew that a few feet away in the same room, Lester was naked slowly stroking his cock and watching her private photoshoot.

Lester was used to preying on women who were alone. Dan was a new element he didn’t fully understand but there was a way to leverage him to Lester’s advantage.

She clearly liked to please him and she enjoyed the fantasy of being watched. Dan clearly had a thing for showing Sarah off and the thought of her with another man. Maybe she enjoyed it as well. He thought back to the plans he made earlier in the day and began thinking about his timeline.

His thoughts were interrupted by the light from the peephole illuminating his face. It's go time.

From his peephole’s vantage point, Lester had the perfect view of the shower but couldn’t see the rest of the bathroom. He could hear Sarah moving around but wasn’t able to see her yet.

After what seemed like an eternity she appeared and turned on the water. She tested the temperature with her hand while looking at her cell phone. To Lester’s dismay, she still had her towel on. GET NAKED!

Once she was satisfied with the temperature of the water, she slowly walked back to the counter with her full attention on her cell phone. She had sent Dan the first picture, the one of her standing naked in Lester’s room, but he didn’t respond yet. She waited for the three little dots to appear but they never came.

She scrolled back up and smiled at his last message “WHAT!?”

She loved teasing him and getting him riled up. It always made things so much hotter the next time they had sex. And tonight would be intense.

With the hot shower calling her name and no reply in sight from Dan, Sarah sent him the three other photos. He was going to lose his mind.

Sarah put her phone down on the counter and made her way over to the shower. She reached in to test the water one last time. It was perfect and the water pressure felt great.

She undid her towel and hung it on a hook on the wall.


Lester watched as Sarah got into the shower. She was completely naked right in front of him. He pressed his beady eyes up to the peephole to take in as much of her as he could. He had taken great care to ensure his peephole wouldn’t be discovered and once again it had gone unnoticed by the shower’s occupant.

He licked his lips as his eyes traveled up her toned calves to her beautiful ass. Beads of water streamed down her body and Sarah began to rinse off. Her body rivaled that of the other young women Lester had previously preyed upon. She clearly works hard to keep her body in shape.
In shape for her husband. All the effort that I get to enjoy.

Lester slowly stroked his cock as he admired Sarah’s perfect breasts. His cock twitched involuntarily at the thought of sliding it between them. He was so focused on her body that he was taken aback by the look on her face.

Sarah didn’t look like a woman normally did in the shower. No, her mind was elsewhere. Thinking about something naughty.


Maybe it was the apartment or maybe it was just the fact that she finally had some quiet time alone. Away from the kids and the stress of work, alone in an exciting city like Chicago with her husband. She felt more alive than she had these past few months.

The difficulty and stress of their financial situation seemed to melt away as she thought about all the fun she and Dan would have soon. Had he checked his phone yet and seen the pictures? How would he respond? Would he text or just call?

Would he think that she was actually doing something with his roommate? She shuddered. She liked to tease Dan but she would never step out on him. Especially with someone like that.

Even though she didn’t regard Lester highly, the mental image of his large cock from this morning appeared in her mind. The way it twitched when she looked at it. It was the first dick she had seen that wasn’t her husband’s.

Dan was going to go crazy when she told him what happened. What would he say to Lester? Would he be pissed or would he be turned on? Maybe both?

Sarah wished she could check her phone. She was dying to know how Dan replied. Maybe he blew off work and was on his way home to her now. After seeing the photos he would come in with questions and wonder what the hell happened while he was at work. He’d know deep down nothing happened but he’d still feel the thrill.

He would force her into the bedroom and rip off her clothes, pushing her onto the bed and smother her mouth with his.

Sarah continued to daydream and she lathered shampoo through her hair. Thinking of Dan taking her. Pushing himself inside her as punishment for her teasing. Sarah moaning loud for anyone to hear. For him to hear.

Washing the shampoo from her hair, Sarah massaged her scalp with her nails. The feeling combined with her dirty thoughts was electric. She slowly began caressing her skin. She needed release. She needed to see how Dan replied. She needed him home. Now.

Sarah grabbed her body wash and applied it to her white loofah. In her heightened state of sexual tension, she ran it all over herself, her body responding to its delicate touch. She only applied a small amount of body wash but her loofah felt like it was absolutely gushing as she ran it over her breasts and her tight stomach.


Lester salivated watching Sarah use the loofah. He rapidly stroked his cock as she ran it over her tits. His cum was touching her skin. It was in her hand. He had marked her. She was his.

‘mhmm’ Sarah was indeed enjoying her shower. Lester watched as Saran ran the cum drenched loofah over her shoulders. He moaned from his hiding place as it caressed her long-toned legs. She thought she was getting clean but she was getting dirtier than she knew.

He held his breath and she brought the loofah in between her legs. She gently cleaned herself but her fingers lingered.

She quickly raised the loofah to her chest and squeezed it. The water flushed all of the soap and cum out onto her. She was trying to clear the soap from the loofah but just showered herself in his cum. His little soldiers ran rampant down her body.

As she hung the loofah back in its spot. She braced herself with one hand against the wall while the other traveled down to her slit.


Sarah played with her clit. Slowly, gently massaging circles into it. She was clean now and could really enjoy this shower.

Dan’s hands running all over her. The warmth of his cock inside of her sliding in and out. Faster and faster. Hungry to explore every inch of her. Dan’s hands pulling the hair at the base of her neck, his other hand holding her hip down, letting her know she was his and he wasn’t stopping.

The grunts and sounds he made as he fucked her. Her nails digging into his back. How loud she would moan as she felt his cock grow larger. Someone hearing her.

Someone listening to them. Enjoying themselves to them. To her. Someone pleasuring themselves to her. Lester in his room stroking his cock as he listened at the wall.


That little, weird inconsequential heavyset roommate with the twitching cock opening their bedroom door and watching them. Sarah’s breath catching in her throat but Dan doesn’t notice or doesn’t care. He just keeps thrusting into her. Ready to fill her.

Sarah screaming in pleasure as she watches both men cum at the same time.

With the warm water raining down on her Sarah let out a long moan as she came “mhmm oh fuuuck.”


Hearing the moans from Sarah and watching her beautiful angelic face as she came sent Lester over the edge. He stroked his cock faster. His balls tightened as he unloaded load after load of his cum onto his closet wall. They came together in unison like they were making beautiful music.

Who was this woman and how did she get into his lair? She would be his.

He immediately regretted not putting his camera up to the peephole to capture this session to view it later. There will be other opportunities….

His eye still pressed up against the peephole and his mind now clear from cumming, Lester began to think of how he could get more. He needed more. His trance-like gaze broke from Sarah, recovering from her orgasm.

He planned to wait but he had to touch her. He had to feel her. To make her feel his cock.

He tore himself from his peephole and quietly marched out of his room into the hallway beyond. He stood naked at the door to the bathroom. His cock was rock hard again, knowing she was alone in his apartment on the other side of this door.

He grasped the doorknob and began to turn it. It was locked. FUCK FUCK FUCK.

He could pick it. He knew how. She is hot and bothered if he stormed in there she might just take it. He turned around to go back into his room and get the lockpick set hidden in the bottom drawer of his desk.

He noticed the door to Dan’s bedroom was open. He paused. Be smart. Think of the plan.

He remembered Sarah, naked in his bed. Soon she would be back there but underneath him. He just had to pull the right levers.

Speaking of levers. Fuck you for locking your door earlier today Dan.

Lester opened the door to Dan’s room, reached around and engaged the lock, and quietly closed the door. He tested the knob once. It was locked.

Sarah went right to the bathroom after being in his room. If her clothes weren’t in there she would be locked out and in a towel. Time to play the helpful roommate.


Sarah slowly counted to ten as the warm water hit her. In post orgasmic bliss, once she hit ten she would get out of the shower.

Ten came and went but Sarah didn’t move a muscle. The warm water felt amazing on her skin. She didn’t want to get out until Dan came back and joined her in the shower.

Eventually, she turned the water off and reached for her towel. After quickly drying herself she wrapped the towel around her body. She was so focused on taking those pictures for Dan earlier that she left her clothes in the bedroom. I hope Lester isn’t back yet.

Unlocking her cell phone she was disappointed to see no response back from Dan. It had been 30 minutes and nothing. She looked back at the last message she sent and how sexy she was in those photos. It’ll drive him crazy, just hopefully none of his co-workers see them.

Sarah turned off her phone screen and held it to her chest, where the towel’s edge was tucked into itself covering her. She opened the bathroom door and peered out into the hallway. She was alone but there were sounds coming from the kitchen. Lester was back.

Being as quiet as she could, she tip-toed across the hallway to her bedroom door. Peering down the hall, she turned the handle and pushed on the door. It didn’t budge.

She tried again. The door was locked. Just like it was this morning when she woke up. Maybe there is some trick or issue with this door. She glanced at Lester’s closed bedroom door and then crept back into the bathroom to text Dan.

She hated to break the sexy game they were playing, especially since Dan hadn’t responded yet. ‘‘Is there some trick to the bedroom door?’ I’m locked out.’

She stared at the phone waiting, almost willing a response to come. Then she noticed the check marks. The checkmarks indicated that Dan had read her messages. He’d seen the sexy photos and hadn’t responded.

Three dots appeared on the screen from Dan’s side of the chat. Finally!

After what felt like an eternity of waiting for those three dots to be replaced by a message, they disappeared. Sarah continued staring at the screen for a minute waiting for a response to come in.

None came.

What the heck was he doing?


“And this is our money slide” Dan gestured to the image projected on the wall behind him. “After Javier runs through the proposed designs and scope of the project, we’ll show them how with the right team this project can be completed under their budget and well within their timeframe.”

His colleagues, packed into the small conference room were all nodding their heads. Dan was had put a lot of work into this pitch deck and it seemed to be going over really well with his colleagues and new boss. He had done dozens of these at his last company and was a seasoned veteran when it came to —-

Bzzzt Bzzzt

What was that noise? He looked around the room for the source of the sound. With the projector on, the lights were dimmed so he couldn’t get a good look.

“And we are sure these numbers are airtight?” Dan’s boss Walter wore a neutral look on his face. Dan had a hard time getting a read on him but he knew what he was doing.

“We double and triple-checked them. It will still come down to which contractor they decide to go with but we can make recommendations. We’re confident it can be done.”

Unlike most other people at the firm, Dan didn’t falter when Walt asked him hard questions.

“Alright I like where this is going, lets's see –” Walter looked behind him and across the table.

Bzzt Bzzt Bzzt

He was distracted by the same sound Dan had heard earlier. “Jesse, can you please turn your phone off”

The colleague who brought almost nothing to the table, Jesse looked up like a deer in the headlights. He obviously hadn’t been paying attention to anything Dan was presenting. Why was he even here today?

“It's not mine Walter, it's Dan’s” he pointed at the phone sitting in front of the empty chair next to him. Shit, it was his phone all along.

Bzzt Bzzt Bzzt

“Okay sorry, Jesse. Please can you mute it or something? Dan let's continue so we can all get on the same page for Monday.” Walter turned his attention back to Dan’s presentation.

Dan watched as Jesse reached to mute his phone. “As I was saying, this is the money slide. The numbers are good. From here we can move into slides that spur discussion…”

Jesse still had Dan’s phone in his hands. Still not paying attention to the presentation but looking down. All you need to do is click the mute button on the side of the phone dummy. “We’ll ask about their past projects, what they found worked well and what didn’t, and see if they have any preferential vendors. We can also explore if their project has any sustainability goals we haven’t accounted for.”

Jesse finally looked up and seemed to be paying attention to Dan’s presentation. Good, maybe he wasn’t a complete lost cause.

And then he smirked and put Dan’s phone back in its original spot.


The microwave beeped as Lester’s meal finished heating up. It wasn’t fancy but it did the trick. He hated cooking and when he was hungry he didn’t want to wait. The microwavable dinner in front of him would do just fine.

While he was hungry, the microwave was intended to make sounds so Sarah would know he was ‘back’. Despite his urges, he had to stick to his plan. He can’t be a creep and try to force something or Dan would kick his ass and leave and he would never see Sarah again. This experiment would bear fruit one way or the other.

He heard a faint creak of a door. This was his domain. He knew every inch of the place. Sarah was quietly moving around and likely discovered that the door to her bedroom was locked. Now it was time to see what she would do next. Lock herself in the bathroom and wait until Dan came home or saunter on over to her knight in shining armor eating his hungry man dinner?

After ten minutes of waiting, Lester grew impatient. It was time to get this show on the road.

Trying to make his presence known he cleared his throat and began walking toward the bathroom. He wasn’t sneaking like he normally would do when a female roommate was in there. He had gotten quite adept at moving around the apartment without being heard. This time he wanted Sarah to know just where he was.

As he made his way down the hallway all the doors were shut. He paused outside the bathroom, adjusting his rising erection into the waistband of his sweatpants, and licked his lips.

“Uh hey Sarah, was just wondering if you might be done in there soon. I have some business to attend to.”

The door cracked open an inch and Sarah’s fuckable face appeared. She looked uncomfortable, like she didn’t know how to respond to the situation. “Sorry Lester I didn’t mean to be in here so long, it's just that” she looked him up and down undoubtedly disappointed his bare cock wasn’t on display like earlier “the door to my bedroom is locked and all my clothes are in there.”

“So your naked right now?” He let the words hang in the air. He loved seeing a woman’s discomfort in these situations.

“Yes. No, I have my towel.” Sarah regained her composure quickly “Is there a trick to that door, I swear it wasn’t locked when I went in it.”

Lester studied her facial features and imagined her face as she came in the shower. Why the fuck didn’t he record that. Realizing that there was now an awkward silence he replied “You know sometimes my door gets stuck and I have to unjam it. I can try and see if I can get your open if you want?”

Sarah cautiously nodded her head. “That would be great, thank you.”

Lester took one glance at the radiant beauty in front of him and then turned around and walked over to her bedroom door. She hadn’t shut the door so she must now be watching him. Time to put on a good show.

He tried the handle and pushed on the door. Obviously, it wasn’t going to open. He locked it after all. He tried again putting more force on the door. Again this time pulling on the door. He knelt down next to the handle and made a show of trying to look into the hole and then listening in as he twisted and turned trying to get it working.

After what felt like an appropriate amount of time trying and just enough to hopefully make Sarah feel guilty for all the hard work he was doing for her. He turned back and asked her “Do you have a bobby pin or something like that in there? I can try to get it open.”

A flash of happiness washed over Sarah’s face “That's a great idea, here let me check.” She moved away from the door to go check her things. She didn’t shut the door. Lester took good care to ensure that all the hinges in the apartment were well lubricated. Especially the bathroom hinges. The door slowly swung open as Sarah leaned over the counter looking through her pink toiletry bag.

Lester hungrily looked over her body. His eyes devoured her toned calves and bare thighs. The towel obstructed his view of the rest of her body but he could still make out her fine bubble butt through the material. The towel hugged her body like a pair of yoga pants, barely containing her ample cleavage that was fighting to liberate themselves.

He could do it. He could march in there and rip that towel off and take her right now. She was probably still horny from her shower adventure. His cum was probably still on her somewhere. He could have her over the counter and watch her face in the mirror as he pounded her meticulously.

Patience. Stick to the plan.

He signed. The plan. It was a good plan but he didn’t like waiting.

“Found one!” Sarah exclaimed looking over at Lester. She paused as she held it up in front of her. Only now realizing the door was open and seeing the animalist lust written on Lester’s face.

No one moved for what felt like an eternity. You're ruining the plan, get your head in the game.

“Sorry I’m not all there right now” he reached one hand, palm up in a non-threatening gesture. “Here let me give that a try.”

Seeming relieved at the broken tension she walked over and handed the bobby pin to Lester. Her fingers gently touched his palm during the transfer and electricity seemed to jump from his hand straight to his dick.

“Okay, let's give this a go.” He straightened out the bobby pin and kneeled down again in front of the door. He inserted it into the mechanism and pretended to fiddle around with it. This was a simple lock to open. It wasn’t one you’d find on the apartment door with a complex series of tumblers that needed to be picked. These interior doors just needed a bit of focused pressure applied to the lock plate to unlock it. Dead simple, which was what he was looking for when he purchased this handle.

He felt the plate through the end of the bobby pin. Purpsosly pushing in the wrong places to ensure he wouldn’t get it open. “Crap I can’t seem to get it.”

He looked over his shoulder. Sarah was standing in the doorway, arms crossed in front of her as she watched him work. Apparently, she didn’t seem to care about her current wardrobe in front of him.

Lester took a sharp intake of breath and stood up, handing the key over to Sarah. “Here why don’t you give it a go, I’ll go see if I can find another pin or something in my room.”

Without leaving room for debate. He left her standing there in her towel, holding the bobby pin as he moved into the recesses of his room. He stood there in the dark until he heard her move to the door and try her hand at picking the lock.

After a few seconds of obvious difficulty with the lock, Lester crept back to the door peering out through the crack.

There she was, kneeling in front of the door, trying in vain to unlock the door. She was fiddling around too much, obviously trying to pick it like some thief when all she needed to do was push the pin straight in with some force.

His bedroom door glided open as Lester opened it. Lubricated hinges made no sound and he was still beyond Sarah’s periphery vision. He gently stepped over the creaky spot on the floor and made his way back into the hallway, slowly coming up next to where Sarah was kneeling.

“No luck?” he said as he looked down at his beautiful roommate’s wife. She jumped, looking up at him. From here Lester had the perfect view of her pretty face and round green eyes, not to mention a great angle down at her cleavage, barely contained by the towel she wore. He made a mental note to buy smaller towels.

“No, it doesn’t seem to want to open.” She trailed off turning her head and attention back to the lock. Lester could feel the bulge in his pants growing. The fact that she was kneeling just two feet away from his cock was driving him crazy.

“Well keep at it I guess. If we can’t get it open you’re more than welcome to borrow some of my clothes,” he said as his eyes roamed down the rest of her towel-covered body.

She gave Lester a quick glance. ‘Thank you, but let's see if I can get it open first.”

“No problem, just putting it out there. Besides who knows what your husband would think if he came home and saw you wearing one of my band t-shirts.” He grinned waiting for her response but she just kept working on the lock.

“Here let me give it another go.” He closed the distance between them and crouched down next to her. Their bodies were almost touching.

She moved to the side and handed the bobby pin over the Lester. Her breathing grew quicker.

Lester stuck the bobby pin into the lock and purposely missed the locking plate again. “So are you wet?”

“Excuse me?” she sternly whispered next to him. He didn’t look at her but could tell she likely had a look of shock on her face.

“Are you wet?” he paused turning to look her in the eyes. She didn’t respond but the heavy rising of her chest made Lester wish he found some way to record this interaction. “Ya know from the shower? You came out here trying to get into your room, I want to make sure I don’t need to clean up any puddles on the floor here.”

He turned back to his fake lock picking.

“I was but I’ve dried off now. No puddles here.” she mimicked looking around and decided to stand up. Likely to give her some extra room from Lester.

He spared a glance at her. The towel went up to her mid-thigh but her tanned legs didn’t have a blemish on them. She obviously took great care of her body. Really need to buy those smaller towels.

“Shower good then?” he asked.

“Yeah it was fine,” she said. “Why do you ask?”

She’s wondering if Lester had heard her pleasure session. Oh, he more than heard it. He saw the whole thing and emptied his nuts to it. “Just making conversation and hoping you are making yourself at home.”

“It's been a while since I’ve had a good roommate. Just want to make sure you and Dan are happy here.” He smiled internally. Great comment to diffuse the situation and put her on her back foot.

“Things have been great Lester. It's just been a stressful time with Dan moving here but the thing that's made this better has been moving in here. So far so good.” She smiled trying to be reassuring.

What an angel.


Lester unlocked the door and stood up. He gestured to the door and took half a step back. Not enough to entirely get out of her way.

She moved to enter the room brushing up against Lester as she passed. She’d likely have expected him to move back further.

“Awesome thank you, Lester, you’re a lifesaver. I guess I won’t need your band shirt after all.” She stood in the doorway waiting for Lester to leave.

“It was dumb luck, I don’t really know how I did it.” A lie of course. He spent months learning how to pick locks after one of his past roommates installed a deadbolt.

“Anyways I’m just glad I could help a damsel in distress.” he grinned. Still standing there in the doorway. After a few awkward seconds he stepped back “Alright, I’ll let you get changed.”

Sarah began closing the door “Thank you again, Lester.” She smiled at him “My knight in shining armor.”

With the door closed and another raging hard-on ready to explore, Lester made his way back into his room and took up his favorite spot at the peephole.


“Well, I’d go with us,” Walter exclaimed. Dan had just finished running through his presentation. “I can’t see any reason why the Lincoln Group wouldn’t follow through with this. Thank you, Dan.”

Walt began addressing another one of Dan’s colleagues as he made his way back to his seat. As he approached, some of his colleagues gave him subtle thumbs up. Not bad for the new guy. This is how you do it. When he reached his seat, Jesse didn’t acknowledge him. Instead, he was laser-focused on what Walt was saying.

Dan was eager to see what kind of message came through on his phone. What the heck was going on back at the apartment with Sarah? He recalled her last message about being naked in the apartment with Lester.

He could feel his heart beating faster as he grabbed his phone. Walt was still talking and he knew better than to check his phone in front of him. The guy was still the boss and was old school.

His phone seemed to be burning a hole in Dan’s hand. He needed to see what was on there. Had Jesse seen what was on there?

“So Dan.” Dan’s thoughts were broken by hearing his own name. Walter looked at him pointedly “I’d like you to reach out first thing to their team over there and set up some time this week for us to over this.”

“Happy to, I’ll get that set up,” Dan said.

“Excellent. And great work again Dan and everyone. Thank you for coming in on your Saturday. I’m sure you can agree it was worth getting on the same page here.” he stood and began gathering his things. “See you all Monday.”

With that people began filtering out. Notably, Jesse was one of the first out the door even though he was on the opposite side of the room.

Dan began packing up as well but took his time. When the last of his colleagues had left, Dan sat back down and unlocked his phone with a simple swipe on the lock screen. Maybe I should put a pin code on this thing.

Dan’s eyes felt like they were going to burst out of his head as he opened his messaging app. Sarah had sent him four racy pictures. She rarely did this. What had gotten into her? She scrolled back up and say his last reply


This was followed by the first picture. Sarah took a selfie of herself somewhere he didn’t recognize. It looked dark. Her shoulders were bare and the tops of her breasts filled the bottom of the screen. She was making an incredibly sexy kissing face. Wait a second - he recognized the hallway in the background of the picture. That was the hallway in his apartment but it looked different. No. Not different it was just a different perspective. This wasn’t taken from his room, or the bathroom. It had to be from Lester’s room.

His heart and jaw felt like they were going to hit the floor. He could feel his heart starting to beat faster as he scrolled to the next picture. He noticed he was as hard as a rock and his breathing was getting quicker. What was she doing in there?

Dan hadn’t even seen into that room let alone walked into it. And she was naked. In Lester’s room, just like her last text read. He wanted to run out of the room and get back to the apartment but he stayed glued to his seat to see the next photo.

Sarah was sitting and looking up at someone. Did Lester catch her? She was still in a dark room but it looked like a light was shining on her. There was a bed in the background of the photo. It looked like it hadn’t been made up in weeks.

Who was she looking at? Those eyes…..

She looked so fucking sexy when she looked at him with those eyes. That look on her face screamed ‘fuck me.’ But who was she looking at?

Dan was absentmindedly caressing his hard cock through his dress pants. Something he’d never done at work before.

He scrolled down to the next picture. Sarah was laying on what looked like that dirty bed from the last picture. The face she was making sent shivers down his back. This was the angle he loved. When they had sex in the missionary position and he got to look down at her just like this and see her face contorted in pleasure from their lovemaking.

A sudden motion caught his eye. Through the glass window of the meeting room door, Dan saw Jesse walking with his coat and messenger pack on. He glanced his way and the two shared an uncomfortable second of eye contact before Jesse broke it and continued on his way out of the building.

“That little fucker totally looked at these.” He began thinking of the implications of that realization and how we would react on Monday. He’d have to say something to him, but how much had he seen? Does he think there is something more going on here?

These thoughts quickly receded to the back of Dan’s brain as he thumbed to the last photo.

Another shot of Sarah on that bed. This time she was making that face. The most beautiful face in the world. The one that when Dan would see it in real life, no matter how strong-willed he was, this face always set him over the edge.

The face of Sarah cuming. Cuming on his dick as he fucked her. Always followed by her opening her eyes and looking at him like he is the only thing that matters to her in the world. But this was different. He wasn’t there for this face.

He thumbed down again for the next photo - but that was it. In its place was a message.

‘Is there some trick to the bedroom door?’

That was a weird follow-up to those photos.

Dan stood up and then sat back down. He had to get back to the apartment but should he call her on the way? Should he send a text?

He stood up again and purposely gathered his things. He left the conference room and made his way to his desk, dialing Sarah as he walked.

Sarah let out a long breath as she finally shut the bedroom door.

When she woke up this morning she hadn’t expected to get locked out of her bedroom in her towel. She also didn’t expect that her husband’s new roommate would saunter around the apartment naked in front of her.

Lester had clearly been pushing some boundaries with the way he looked at her and by standing a little too close. She didn’t like the way she’d catch him eyeing her. Sure it was okay at first because he is a man and she looks the way she does.

She wasn’t overconfident about her looks but she took care of herself and worked hard at it. She liked when people noticed. She didn’t love when it happened when she was alone with a stranger in an apartment wearing nothing but a towel. He did help you get the door open.

Sure he did help but she couldn’t shake the feeling that he enjoyed helping a little too much. The way he stood over her. He was clearly taking advantage of the situation to look down at her breasts. He probably got off on her kneeling down in front of him. In front of his –

Her phone, she left it in the bathroom. She cracked the door open and sheepishly look a step out looking around like she had earlier. No sign of Lester, his door looked shut. It was irrational to be afraid of him seeing her in a towel when had just stood right here next to her.

Still, she tip-toed quickly over to the bathroom to retrieve her phone and some other toiletries. Looking back more than once to make sure her bedroom door was still open.

With her phone in hand, she quickly dashed back into her room and closed the door, locking it.

Dan had to have seen her photos by now. She tapped in her PIN code and opened up messages. Still nothing from Dan. No response, even when she asked about the trick to the door. At least Lester had been here to help, even if he was a bit of a creep.

She was about to put her phone down when she noticed the checkmarks. The checkmarks showed that Dan had read her messages. What the hell Dan, it's been like 20 minutes here.

As if being summoned, the phone rang in her hands causing her to jump. Dan was calling.

“Hey Honey.” She answered.

“Hey – what's going on?” Dan sounded unlike himself. He sounded out of breath a slight edge to his voice.

“Hey, nothing much. Are you okay babe?” Sarah was now a bit worried. Was everything okay at work? She hoped nothing bad had happened or that his job was in jeopardy again. It had been a tough time since he lost his job and they were just getting back on their feet.

“What? Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just getting out of here now. I’ll be there soon.” The sound of a door shutting and footsteps in a staircase came through the phone.

“I can’t wait for you to get back here, I’ve missed —”

Dan cut her off “What happened today? Where did you take those photos? Were they from Lester’s room? You said he was naked – were you naked? Sarah, what's going on?”

Oh right, their game. With the locked door, she had forgotten about all the teasing and exquisite photos she’d taken to tease him. She quickly switched back into teasing mode to rile him up. Hopefully, he wouldn’t get into an accident on the way home.

“Oh, those photos? Sorry I didn’t mean to send those to you.” She paused there. How would he respond to that? The sounds of footsteps in the stairway stopped immediately. She had him. This was too easy.

“What do you mean?” He had to know what game she was playing at this point but he sure was bad at it.

“Those photos weren’t meant for you.” She smiled wickedly.

She was pacing around the small bedroom. She stopped in front of the mirror and realized she was still wearing her towel. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, taking a second to admire her tanned shoulders and silhouette figure.

“Well, who were they meant for then?” His voice had a bit of playfulness in it. He was catching on to their game.

“Hmmm oh, no one in particular. Just a close friend.” She moved back over to the bed and looked at her clothes that were laid out and then began to unwrap her towel. “And to answer your question, yes I was naked in the apartment today.”

She held the phone with her shoulder as she took off the towel and pat dried any areas of her naked body that still felt wet.

“What…When...When were you naked?” It sounded like Dan had a toad in his throat. He was breathing quickly now. The same way he did when she’d tell him stories like this in bed.

“Oh, when I was in the shower. I was here by myself so I took a nice long shower. It was really great.”

“And you were alone? Alone in the shower? By yourself? Dan had started moving again. It sounded like he was outside.

“Yes dear, that's generally what being by myself means.” Smiling, she began to slide a fresh pair of sexy white lace panties on before grabbing the matching bra.

“The shower was great but afterward I did get locked out of our bedroom. I was stuck in nothing but a towel. Didn’t you see my text? I could have used your help.” She thought she heard a gulp over the phone.

“Sorry, babe I just saw that text now. The meeting was running long and I had to present for a lot of it. I wasn’t able to check my phone…..” he trailed off. “Did you manage to get into the bedroom? I locked the door before I left this morning but it shouldn’t have been that.”

“Yeah, I’m in here now and changing.” She grinned. “Actually Lester helped me open the door.”

“Lester?” Dan asked sheepishly.

“Yes. Lester. You know your roommate?” She had finished putting the white lace bra on and moved back in front of the mirror to look at herself. She bit her lip and ran her thumb along her panty line as she prepared to rock Dan’s world. “He’s quite good with his hands.”

“Jesus christ Sarah. Alight. Alight. I’m on my way back now.” he half laughed, nervously.

She won. She always was able to one-up him and get him to break.

“Hurry up and come back to me. I’ve missed you today.” She was lightly swaying back and forth.

Still looking at herself in the mirror. She turned back to her clothes and began to get dressed. “You really shouldn’t leave your wife alone with a stranger you know.”

“I’m sorry Sarah.” Dan sighed. “You know this isn’t how I planned this weekend. Last time I promise.”

“Good. Now hurry up and get home to me. I want to hear about your day and I’m hoping for a repeat of last night.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” Dan replied, “On my way.”

“I love you,” Sarah said, pausing her selection of clothing for tonight.

“I love you too. I’ll be home soon.” Dan seemed eager to get back to her. “Bye baby.”

“Bye, my love.” Sarah hung up the phone and she looked over the clothes she had packed. Now, which outfit will make Dan want to jump my bones?


Lester backed away from the peephole, a new deposit added to the stained drywall.

The notes he took earlier about Dan and Sarah’s relationship still seemed to ring true. Dan seemed to have a thing about Sarah being seen or being with another guy. Sarah liked to play into Dan’s fantasy and maybe shared a bit of it herself. She also liked being heard and probably would like being seen while in the act.

They also seemed to be subtly including Lester in their private games. He wasn’t delusional. He knew he wasn’t a super attractive guy, the reason he was included was because of convenience and this new situation they found themselves in.

Dan and Sarah were going to have sex tonight. That much he knew for sure. The question was, how was he going to up the ante and push the boundaries with them without having them running for the hills?

Restraint and appear respectful.

Admittedly it was a tactic he hadn’t used much in the past. Sure he’d always shown restraint and respect at first with his previous roommates before devolving into his usual self. But this time was different. A man was involved and their situation proved to be unique.

Lester looked around his room. He never much cared for what others thought and didn’t care to clean up after himself. He was happy and content with how things were. Still, if there was a chance he have Sarah, perhaps he should make some changes to lower any inhibitions she might have.

He was probably due to take a look in the mirror as well, something he didn’t enjoy doing too often. If you can soften your edges a little bit, it might go a long way towards making this happen.

For now, it was time to do some recon. He jiggle his computer mouse and sat down at his command center. Dan would be home soon, he wanted to do a little bit of light research on husbands who have fantasies about their wives with others and ways to subtly intrude on the loving couple.


The lights in the elevator indicated the current floor seemed to be moving at a glacial pace for Dan Williams. He was staring at them, willing them to display ‘6’ so he could run out and enter his apartment.

He was alone in the elevator with nothing else to distract him but his thoughts.

He knew his wife was teasing him with the photos, texts, and discussion earlier. She was merciless. Still part of his brain kept drifting back to the what-if scenarios that could have unfolded today while he was at work.

Had Lester really been naked? How the hell did Sarah know that? And how did he help her with the door? Was she stuck there in a towel when it happened? These thoughts and more kept racing through his head.

He found a bit of a reprieve when the display came up as ‘6’. He quickly rushed out before the door had completely opened and turned towards his apartment. Walking briskly down the hallway he checked his phone while snagging the keys from his pocket.

No new text messages from Sarah. He was both relieved and somewhat disappointed at this. What had happened since he talked to her last?

His mind was in overdrive. If his apartment hadn’t been the only one around this corner of the hallway he would have walked right past it. He fumbled for the right key on his keychain.


He took a deep breath and entered his apartment.

Leaning against the back of the couch was his wife Sarah. No matter how many times he came home to her, he always found her absolutely stunning. This time was no exception.

His eyes were immediately drawn to her long, smooth-toned legs that seemed to go on forever. He drank the sight of her in.

She was wearing those cute little black booty shorts that framed her ass so well. It was a shame he couldn’t see her butt right now. It always perked him up after a long day at work.

Tucked into the tops of her booty shorts was a tight-fitting matching black tank top that hugged her bust and outlined her flat stomach. Her hair was up in a bun to be comfortable but Dan still thought it looked incredibly sexy showing off her neck.

He immediately gulped seeing the plugging neckline of the tank top, slowly realizing that she was wearing this outfit while alone in the apartment with Lester. There was no way he hasn’t been checking her out all day long.

The little spaghetti straps of the tank top did not do anything to conceal the lacy white bra straps. That bra was one of his favorites and she knew it. This wasn’t a coincidence, it was a preview of things to come.

In the split second it took for him to drink her appearance in, Sarah looked up from her cellphone and a large smile spread across her face.

“Finally you’re back.” She quickly made her way over to him, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him in for a strong hug.

They held each other tightly, Dan resisting the urge to reach down and grab her butt. “I’m glad to be back babe. I’m really sorry again that I had to take off this morning.”

She pulled back briefly to look up into his eyes. Dan met her gaze but his eyes instinctively dropped to look at the tops of her breasts pushed against him. In half a second his eyes were back up, looking into hers but a playful smile crossed her face knowingly.

“Did you guys at least get a lot done today?” She asked.

They slowly let go of each other as Dan said “Yeah actually it was pretty productive. Walt seems pretty nervous about an account we’re working on. An out-of-state company called the Lincoln Group. They have this ambitious project and we’re one of the final firms in the running to lead it.”

Dan put a little bit of space between them. “And guess who Walt wants to lead things with them?” He gestured to himself as if it was a big reveal.

“Oh, that's great baby. I’m so proud of you.” She closed the distance and embraced him again. “Mr. Chicago taking the city by storm.”

She kissed him. A soft wet kiss that lingered on his lips. “I knew you’d do well here, we just needed the chance to show everyone what you bring to the table.”

“Yeah I was surprised they didn’t give it to someone that's been around the place longer but I think Walt realizes that if he wants to take on some of these bigger projects, he can’t keep doing business the same way he has been.” He grinned proudly at what he had accomplished in such a short time. “But work has taken enough of my attention today and you are heading home tomorrow, let's make the most of today - what should we do?”

“Honestly there is a ton of cool things I’d love to experience here with you in Chicago.” She looked up at him coyly. “But tonight I want to keep you in this apartment and have you all to myself.”

“Now that I can do. Especially after how…” He searched for the right word “Limber things were last night.”

“Limber Dan, really? That's what you got.” She laughed. “I’m not a gymnast.”

“I know, I was just trying to be sexy.” He gave her his best faux-suave look which caused her to shake her head even though she was beaming.

“Speaking of sexy” he ran his finger up and down her bare arm. “I need to know more about those photos and what happened today.”

A mischievous grin spread over her face. “Well there is a lot to tell.” she got close to him. Just shy of her lips touching his. “But where to begin? It was quite an eventful day.”

Dan realized he was breathing quickly. His mind struggled to figure out what to say next to match how sexy she was being. He took half a second too long in responding as she turned away from him.

“But first I have hardly eaten today and I am starving. Let's get some food ordered and then we can chat.” She looked back over her shoulder at him playfully and she thumbed her phone. “How about that Chinese place you were mentioning before.”

“Why are you in the mood for the cream of sum yun gai?” he immediately groaned internally. Dad joke.

Sarah didn’t take her eyes off her phone and she looked through the take-out app. “You never know, the night is still young.”

Dan immediately felt his erection. He didn’t know when it sprang up but her last comment caused it to make itself known.

He was making his way across the room to press it into her juicy backside but stopped when he heard a door opening.

Lester was coming.

A complete mirror opposite of Sarah, Lester looked like he just rolled out of a bag of Cheeto chips. Loose-fitting sweatpants that had seen better days and an oversized t-shirt that was once white but was now beige with colored splotches here and there. The guy looked like the epitome of a neckbeard and a mouth breather at that.

Dan suppressed a grin and chuckled to himself. This is what has been driving me crazy all day? Really?

There was no way anything happened while he was gone. Sarah was leagues above this guy. They wouldn’t even be in the same sport. Heck not even on his worst day did Dan ever come close to resembling something like this.

“Hey, Lester. How’s it going?” It was a good idea to try to stay on at least amicable terms with his roommate, even if he mostly kept to himself.

“I’m alright. Hungry.” He walked past the couple but Dan caught him eyeing Sarah’s cleavage. Come on man.

Sarah looked up from her phone and said “We’re going to order some Chinese, do you want anything?”

Lester stopped in his tracks, one foot into the kitchen. He slowly turned his hungry eyes on Sarah. “How long will it take?”

“The app says 20-30 minutes if we order right now. I’m ready to eat too.” She made a gesture of showing the phone to Lester. He quickly walked over to get a better look, oblivious to how he was invading her personal space.

Dan stood there dumbfounded at the contrast between the two of them. Even at 35 and sticking around the apartment all day, Sarah looked like she could be on the cover of a women’s fitness magazine or magazine-like maxim posing in her underwear. Toned muscles, tanned skin, and those high cheekbones should have graced the cover of one of the magazines Dan discovered as a teenager.

And here standing next to her, breathing down her neck, looking at her phone was Lester. He looked like he couldn’t care less about taking care of himself and didn’t give a shit about what others thought. He had probably given up on life and was content to look at women like Sarah on his computer screen forever. It was probably driving him nuts having her around.

Dan’s breath was shallow again and he had to subtly turn and adjust himself. Seeing them together like that got him rock hard and thinking again about the naughty texts and scenarios they’ve been playing with.

“Dan, what do you want me to order,” Sarah asked.

Dan turned, she was looking up at him and Lester was still looking at her phone. “You know me, I’m good with anything. Their sweet and sour chicken was pretty unreal last time I had it.”

“Okay…” she pulled the phone closer to her, looking at the menu. Lester couldn’t see the phone any longer and seemed to take the cue to step back away from her. “Sweet and sour chicken, got it. Anything else?”

“Honestly I can’t think of anything else right now. My brain is still a bit fried from work” He lied. “ I trust you.”

“Yeah, no worries baby.” She looked up at him. “Why don’t you go get changed and shower or whatever and I’ll get this ordered. By the time you’re done it should be here.”

Leave Sarah alone, again with Lester. “That sounds good. I’ll be quick.”

He moved down the hallway, undoing the tie on his deck. As he entered the bedroom to get changed he heard Sarah say “Lester what do you want to eat?”

And he shut the door to change.


Twenty minutes later, Dan emerged from the bathroom. He’d showered and changed into some nice loungewear. Nothing fancy but a comfortable pair of shorts and a fitted black t-shirt. Most important of all, they were clean and stain free unlike his roommates’.

Walking back towards the apartment’s living room, Dan was still beside himself at the situation. He felt bad leaving Sarah alone again so soon after getting home but a thrill rose from another part of him.

For a long time, Dan had harbored a fantasy about seeing Sarah flirt, tease, and more with another man. It was a frequent theme they played with in the bedroom and now Sarah was an expert at saying the right things to push his buttons.

Thinking about Sarah with Lester and seeing them standing so close together and ordering Chinese food caused this fantasy to creep back up with force. The idea of Sarah giving someone so beneath her and Dan her attention just riled him up. It was such a taboo concept that Dan couldn’t stop thinking about it. Lester was also completely unthreatening to Dan which was a nice safety net for this fantasy.

As he made his way into the living room, Dan was a bit disappointed to see Sarah sitting by herself on the couch. “Where’s Lester?”

“After he told me what he wanted to order, he went back into this room.” Sarah eyed her husband’s outfit approvingly. “Black suits you boo.”

“Thanks.” Dan smiled “I’m pretty sure you picked this out for me.”

“I did.” Sarah gestured for Dan to sit down next to her. “The app says the food is on its way, we ordered your sweet and sour chicken, I grabbed some Cantonese chow mein and barbecue short ribs and Lester wanted…..”

While Dan’s stomach was certainly hungry and making itself known, another organ was in the driver’s seat.

While Sarah was still giving Dan the run down of what was coming for dinner, he blurted out “So tell me for real, what happened here today.”

Sarah paused and eyed him. The look on her face made Dan think she was both annoyed at being interrupted and amused at his inability to be cool under pressure.

She stared at him silently for a few seconds and with a smile began to recite the day’s events. Dan waited patiently as Sarah updated him on the phone call with her mother. She was deliberately giving extra detail about the phone call to torture him.

She then told him about her yogurt and how Lester had interrupted her in his birthday suit.

“I have never seen him walk around here naked. Granted I am at work most of the time but it's still weird.”

“mmm-hmmm.” Sarah nodded her head agreeing. Then she told him about the lovely shower she took and how when she was done she realized she was locked out of the bedroom and Lester had to help her get the door open.

“And you were wearing just a towel while this was happening?” Dan asked.

“mmm-hmmm,” Sarah confirmed in a very manner of fact way. “Lester did offer to let me borrow some of his clothes but thankfully it didn’t have to come to that.”

Dan was speechless. Not only did Lester get naked in front of his innocent wife but he had also seen her just in a towel, standing inappropriately close to her. A million questions were running through his head and he didn’t know which one to ask first. Which detail or clarifying question was most important?

Sarah was eyeing him waiting for a reaction. She didn’t pick up on Dan spreading his legs to suitably adjust himself.

Dan opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by a knock at the door.

Sarah gave him a teasing smile “I guess the food is here.” She stood up making a show of swaying her hips as she walked towards the apartment door. Dan’s eyes were glued to her ass swaying back and forth that he almost missed Sarah looking over her shoulder at him, catching him staring.

Shaking away the daze of Sarah’s mesmerizing butt, Dan got up and moved to grab some drinks from the fridge. As he returned to the living room with two glasses of water he stopped in his tracks.

Across the room standing at the entrance to the hallway was Lester. He hadn’t seen Dan, his eyes were looking intently at something. Dan followed his eyes which led to Sarah’s butt as she finished up paying the delivery guy.

When he looked back at Lester, his roommate was staring back at him. Dan had his share of confrontations at school and in the workplace but this was different. He felt it in his gut. It felt primal. Like two lions on the savannah competing for a single zebra.

Dan confidently stepped forward into the room making his presence felt. He put the glasses of water down on the coffee table. Lester’s shoulders were hunched and he appeared smaller. That was easy.

Dan strode across the living room to Sarah who was turning around holding two big bags of takeout as she shut the door. In his periphery, Lester seemed to melt back into the hallway. Dan took the bags of food from Sarah which were heavier than they appeared and brought them over to the couch.

“Food here?” Lester asked, as if he had just entered the room.

“Yes just getting it out now,” Sarah said she opened each bag and started unloading its contents onto the table.

Dan laid out three plates and utensils on the table. He didn’t love the idea of dining with Lester but here they were. One of the perks of having a roommate.

Lester began peeking under the lid of each dish Sarah unloaded. Eventually, he seemed to find what he was looking for. He grabbed the dish and walked away, down the hallway towards his room. There was an audible click as his door shut.

Sarah and Dan exchanged a confused look.

The couple sat down and began to get ready to eat.

“So I guess it's just us for dinner then,” Sarah said when it was apparent Lester wasn’t coming back.

“I’m honestly fine with that.” Dan shoved a piece of sweet and sour chicken into his mouth. “I’m guessing he didn’t offer to split the bill with us earlier?”

“Nope” Sarah took a bite of chow mein.

The thoughts of their earlier discussion were replaced by Dan’s hunger. Now that the delicious smelling food was here, all he wanted to do was devour it. Sarah seemed to be hungry too as she reached over and took some of his sweet and sour chicken.

After several minutes of indulging himself and overeating, Dan sat back and said “I was thinking. Maybe we can cuddle up here on the couch tonight and watch a movie.”

“Oh, that sounds nice. I can’t even remember the last time we just sat and watched a movie together.” She began clearing the dirty packaging and putting any leftover food in one container. “Any good movies you want to see?”

“Ladies' choice,” Dan said, trying to gesture in a chivalrous way.

“Ugh you know I’m just going to be scrolling through Netflix for like an hour.”

Dan stood up and took some of the dirty containers from Sarah’s hands. “Well, you better get started looking then. Sit down, I got this.”

“You sure?” Sarah asked.

“Yeah, besides your the guest here in my place.” He winked at her.

“This is very true. I hope you roll the red carpet out like this the next time I visit.” She sat down grabbed the remote and turned the TV on.

“I’m just glad to hear there is going to be a next time, after all, you went through today.” Dan tossed this out there trying to reengage the conversation from before.

“Oh, it wasn’t all bad. Nothing I couldn’t handle.” Sarah answered. She didn’t elaborate further, fully intending not to say anymore. She held all the power here and she knew it.

Dan continued to empty the table, putting dirty plates into the dishwasher, throwing out the garbage, and packing the leftovers away in the fridge between the towers of Lester’s microwavable meals.

As he finished up and reentered the living room Sarah said “Found one.”

“Yeah? What are we watching?” Dan asked.

“I think I found the perfect movie. It's based in World War Two about an American soldier who gets injured and is taken care of by a French nurse…”

Dan cut Sarah off “and they fall in love but he has to go back to the front lines and she writes him every day. Right? Something like that.”

She eyed him with faux anger “Yes, something just like that in fact.”

Dan shrugged “Alright cool, let's do it. As long as I get to squeeze you close while we watch it.”

They sat down and began to play the movie when Sarah asked “Do you think that's the last we’ve seen of Lester tonight?”

Dan didn’t take his eyes off the screen “well I assume he’s going to come back out with his dirty dish soon.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure. When I was in there earlier he had old dirty plates all over….” she trailed off realizing she was opening the door back up to him.

He gave her a pass for now. “Well I’m not about to get interrupted here, I’ll go ask him if he wants to watch the movie and grab his dish.”

She laid a hand on his thigh and he went to get up. “No, what if he says yes? I want it to be just us.”

Dan stood up despite her protests “He isn’t going to say yes, trust me.”

Sarah paused the movie as Dan headed down the hallway to Lester’s room. He could hear some sounds emitting from inside but couldn’t place them. He knocked.

No answer.

He knocked again, this time harder bordering on a bit aggressive. He winced hearing how loud it ended up being.

“Enter,” said Lester’s voice through the door.

Dan turned the knob and opened the door. It was dark and he couldn’t see much. Lester was illuminated by the light coming from his computer screen. The light also showed Dan the mess that was Lester’s room.

Dirty clothes were thrown just laying on the floor amongst piles of dishes and other objects Dan couldn’t place. The bed behind Lester looked like it had never been made and Dan swore that he could see a bag of Cheetos tucked under the pillowcase. He was frankly surprised no obnoxious smells hit him when he opened the door. How the hell did Sarah take those pictures in here without breaking her neck?

Having decided he got a full appreciation for this room and a new level of disrespect for his roommate, his eyes settled back on Lester who hadn’t looked up from his computer screen. Dan stood there for a few seconds waiting for Lester to speak.

When it was clear he just wasn’t going to, Dan cleared his throat and asked “Hey there Lester. We’re going to watch a movie, wondering if you might want to join.”

“Which movie?” Lester’s hand was moving his mouse and he kept his eyes glued to the screen. Not acknowledging Dan’s presence at all.

“‘Letters to the Frontlines’. It's a World War Two action romance movie Sarah found.” Dan stared at Lester waiting for him to look up.

But he didn’t. “I’m raiding in WOW tonight.”

Dan was starting to get annoyed that Lester wouldn’t even give him the courtesy of looking up at him. He was completely different than the Lester who showed them this apartment, to begin with. “Okay cool. Alright well, have a great night then….”

Dan slowly began to close the door. Lester stayed silent and continued staring at his computer screen.

Dan shook his head and walked back down the hallway. Little jerk.

“We’re good. He isn’t going to be coming out the rest of the night.” Dan sat back down putting his arm around Sarah.

She nuzzled into his frame, dragging a blanket across her bare legs. “How do you know?”

“He is deep into his world of warcraft at the moment.” Dan smiled. “I doubt even you could distract him right now.”

“Don’t be so sure Mr. I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve you know.” she pressed play on the remote the movie started.

“Oh I’m not saying you don’t, I’m just saying he is in hardcore nerd mode right now.” Dan looked down and saw a pouty look on her face.

“Not even these could distract him?” She brought her arms together, pushing her breasts against one another, threatening to spill out of their black tank top.

Dan cleared his throat. “I stand corrected.”

“Good, that's what I thought.” She turned her head back to the movie and settled in.


After about an hour it was clear to both Dan and Sarah that ‘Letters to the Frontlines’ was a bust. The movie dragged in all the wrong places and the lead characters made questionable decisions that no one, in reality, would do.

Even if the movie wasn’t so bad, Dan’s mind was preoccupied with the events of today. The worse the movie got, the more he kept running through them in his head.

Sarah shifted her weight to get comfortable, her hand grazing Dan’s thigh. She felt the hardness of his dick. “Well, what do we have here Mr.?”

She looked up at him with a serious face and in a sultry voice said “Is this because of me or are you just really enjoying how bad this movie is.”

“Oh, it damn sure isn’t this movie.” Dan started stroking her exposed lower back. “This just happens when I have my hot, sexy wife so close to me.”

Sarah purred and moved her face close to his. Her hand now lightly caressing his dick through the fabric of his pants. “Mmmmm hmmm, good answer.”

Her soft lips gently connected with his, their tongues slowly venturing out and exploring each other.

Dan cupped Sarah's face with his left hand as the other snaked around and pulled her body close to his. His fingers reached to the base of her neck where his nails slowly caressed the hair there.

Suddenly he tightened his grip on her hair and pulled her right on top of him.

His mouth opened hungrily, kissing her fast and hard. Sarah responded in kind, matching his passion and pushing herself down into him.

Dan could feel Sarah’s tight shorts rubbing up against his dick as it strained against him. He knew her ass would look so good from the other side of the couch. He ran his hand down and grabbed one of her ass cheeks and squeezed as he pulled her harder into him.

Sarah moaned into his mouth and kissed him harder. She loved when he grabbed her ass and he pulled her harder onto his dick. It was pressing right into the inside of her thigh. She could feel how warm she was getting down there and the heat from Dan’s dick was making her grow hotter.

She stuck her tongue into Dan’s mouth and slowed down their kissing. She explored his mouth. His tongue darted out and danced with hers, moving to a long, slow open kiss. She continued kissing him like this as she reached down and slipped her hand beneath the waistband of his shorts.

Fumbling to get beneath the boxer, Sarah eventually found her prize when her hand made contact with the rigid hardness of Dan’s dick. He broke their kiss and took a sharp intake of breath as she wrapped her fingers around his dick and slowly began to stroke it.

Dan leaned his head back in ecstasy. Her touch was electric. He had been so pent up all day that the sudden attention was sending him into overdrive. Sarah added fuel to the fire by licking and kissing his neck while she stroked his dick.

After about a minute she got tired of the awkward angle and how difficult his short’s waistband was making things. “Take these off.”

She sat back as Dan raised his hips and began lowering his boxers and shorts simultaneously. She helped him pull them the rest of the way off.

Dan’s dick sprang into view at full attention. Sarah enthusiastically began stroking it with her hands and she kneeled between Dan’s legs on the couch. She locked eyes with him. The way she looked at him gave him no doubt where things were heading tonight. She wanted him and his dick badly and she wasn’t about to take no for an answer.

“Do you want to move to the bedroom?” Dan whispered. Not because he was scared of making too much noise but this is just how it came out. It sounded like a confession and that he was pleading for the opposite of what he asked.

Sarah continued to stare at him with her burning eyes of desire and she slowly lowered her head towards his dick. “I. Don’t. Care.”

She engulfed his dick with her mouth, running her tongue along its underside and her hand continued to pump his shaft.

The words made Dan go crazy. He bucked his hips up as soon as her mouth made contact. He held his hands to his head and groaned in pleasure.

Sarah took her mouth off his dick but she never stopped pumping his shaft with her hand. Her mouth found one of his balls as she gently sucked it. Her tongue began swirling around it, tasting and caressing. Dan left out another low groan and she moved and began working on the other side and she switched to gently caressing and teasing his shaft.

Dan was in ecstasy. This woman knew what she was doing. He would do anything she asked as long as she never stopped sucking his dick the way she was.

Dan reached over and grabbed the remote, pausing the movie. Sarah didn’t bat an eye and continued to lick and suck all over his balls, slowly and deliberately. Dan could hear the muffled music and action sounds coming from down the hall. Lester was still in his room playing World of Warcraft.

Holding his dick in her hands, Sarah began licking and kissing her way from his balls, up his shaft. Her beautiful face puckered and kissed every inch of his dick until she made her way to the head of his cock where she twirled her tongue around it, sending little shocks through his body. She kissed the head of his cock in the same intimate way she had kissed him earlier.

Dan watched all of this, transfixed and immobile at the pleasure he was feeling. He couldn’t move a muscle, except for his mouth. “Did…did you really see Lester naked today?”

Sarah’s eyes opened. Her concentration was broken. She looked up at Dan for the first time since she started on his dick. She didn’t smile. She just continued to suck on his cock, looking at him with those eyes that read pure sex.

She slowly removed her mouth from the tip of his cock and began planting soft kisses on his shaft and she stroked him “mmhmm. I did…..”

She stopped stroking him and slowly licked his dick from the base all the way to the head where she swirled her tongue around again. “Is that going to be a problem? That your sexy wife saw your roommate naked?”

Dan gulped. It was one thing to play this game with Sarah on the phone. It was another to do it live and in person with her. It was an entirely different thing to do it while she was kneeling in front of him looking at him the way she was.

He didn’t respond so Sarah leaned back away from him and began tugging at the tank top tucked into her shorts. She peeled it off over her head, slowly revealing Dan’s favorite white lace bra underneath.

Her soft perfect breasts were held perfectly in place for him to stare at. “So is this going to be a problem, Dan?” She threw her shirt to the side and began to crawl her way back up to his cock. “Are you going to punish me for being bad?”

She began to lick his dick again. Slowly. Her eyes not breaking from his, waiting for a response.

He whispered, “Did you see his dick too?”

Sarah stared into his eyes, her tongue coming off his dick as she slowly wrapped her hands around his shaft. She grabbed onto it hard and began stroking it. “You mean his cock?”

Dan was speechless. He always loved the dirty talk from his wife but this was on another level. What was she going to do next?

“Uughh…” Dan started and then stopped. Blanking on how to respond.

Sarah broke eye contact to look down at her hand stroking his cock. Her breathing was fast and the way she was positioned made her breasts press together like they were on display.

She continued looking down, enjoying the sight of her hand making Dan hard as a rock. Looking at his dick full of cum that she desperately wanted.

“I didn’t see a dick today.” She continued watching her hand rising up and down. She looked up at Dan with her sex-starved eyes. “What I saw today was a cock.”

She whispered to him “a thick cock.”

Dan groaned and reached forward grabbing the back of her head and pulling her down onto him. She obliged, removing her hand and letting his dick disappear into her mouth. He held the back of her head gently and she sucked his dick.

A few more minutes of this and Dan would be cumming. She called it a cock.

She knew just how to get him riled up.

Sarah suddenly pushed herself up and stood next to the couch. Dan was surprised and sat up, he wasn’t sure what was happening. She bent over and peeled off her tight-fitting sports shorts and underwear all at once and moved towards him.

“I need you to fuck me.” She mounted him, grabbing his dick and guiding it towards her opening.

Dan pushed himself up from the couch and they connected, his cock sliding deep into her wet pussy in one shot.

She moaned loudly and gripped his cock, never intending to let go.

Dan grabbed her hips in his hands and began to eagerly thrust up into her. Sarah forcefully pushed his shoulders down, to stop his thrusting. “You just watch right now.”

He stopped and sat there as Sarah rode his cock. He looked up at her beautiful face, eyes shut, contorted in pleasure as she slowly brought herself up and down on his cock.

He watched as her breathing quickened and her bra-clad breasts began to rapidly rise and fall right in front of his face. He could feel her pussy strongly grabbing onto his cock, milking it for all it was worth.

The games she had been playing today with Dan had her waiting for this. Longing for it. She ground herself on his cock so that it kept hitting the right spots to get her to cum. She loved when Dan took charge and he was great at what he did but sometimes a girl she has to do it her way.

She wanted to tease Dan and rile him up some more but right now she wanted to get lost in her impending orgasmic bliss. So close…

She opened her eyes and looked down at him and immediately locked eyes. He was staring up at her. His hands were casually behind his head like the stud that he was looking at her with a self-satisfied grin. He is so fucking hot right now.

As he stared at her, he slowly raised his hips off the couch, pushing himself deeper into her.

Even though she told him to sit back the slow controlled move he just made turned her on. She bit her lip and his smile grew knowing she wasn’t going to fight him. He was touching the right spot.

He slowly dropped his hips and then slowly raised them again. Over and over. Completely in control of what he was doing. What he was doing to her.

She gripped him tighter as his hands found their way back to her hips holding them firm, not intending to let go.

The way he took back control. The look of confidence and cockiness in his eyes. That smile. The way his cock was touching everywhere at once set her on fire.

It came quickly and washed over her entire body. She gripped his cock even harder as she came.

“Ohhh fuck Dan” she breathed as she came hard. Dan didn’t stop but kept up with his slow deliberate pace, his cock rubbing against the sensitive spots again and again as her orgasm washed over her.

As she was beginning to come down from it, he picked up the speed of his thrusts as his hands moved to her ass, pulling her deeper into him. She felt it begin to rise again. Another orgasm was on the horizon.

“Oh shit. Fuck.” she said louder than she intended to.

“Cum for me baby. Cum.” he whispered. “Give it to me.”

That encouragement was all she needed, as she came for the second time that night. Her nails digging deep into his shoulders.

Her pussy was gripping his cock so hard that he had to stop thrusting into her. He felt her cum on his cock and had to control his breathing or else he was going to cum with her.

Both of them were breathing hard now. They could still distantly hear the sounds of video games coming from down the hall but it didn’t register in their brains. All that mattered was what they were feeling.

Sarah wanted another orgasm but needed a second to catch her breath. She wanted to stay in this position so she kept herself firmly planted and tried to regain control.

He looked up as she slowly began to ride him again.

“I was waiting a long time for you to respond.” She whispered. “I don’t just send those pics to anyone, you better show your appreciation.”

He grunted as he flexed his cock, making her moan. “Mmmmmmm….I guess that means you liked them?”

“They were hot,” he said as his hands began to explore her back and legs. “I can’t believe you took them. You know, in there.”

She grinned and resumed slowly riding him, setting the pace for him.

“I was feeling naughty today,” she whispered. “You make me do bad things.”

“I’m just glad you didn’t get caught.” He challenged her. He let it hang there not elaborating, waiting desperately to see what she would say.

She leaned close to his ear. “I don’t know what I would have done.”

“What do you think Lester would have thought if he found me naked in his bed like that?” she purred and bit his ear lobe.

Dan didn’t respond but she could tell he was thinking about it by the way his hips bucked and his cock flexed after she said it. God, was he really thinking about Lester walking in, seeing her like that in his bed? What did Dan imagine she would do?

She loved seeing him like this. The face he makes when he is insanely turned on. He makes this face when she sucks his cock in their house and tells him pretend stories of her adventures with other men or during their roleplays. It was such an intense, lust-filled face.

Seeing him look at her like that always turned her on. He looked so animalistic like nothing would get in the way of him getting what he wanted.

She could feel another orgasm building. This one was coming on quickly. The taboo nature of their roleplay, his face and the way his cock felt inside of her was sending electric shocks through her body. It felt like a giant wave of an orgasm coming in, getting ready to crash down on her.

“This is much better than that movie I bet.”

Dan and Sarah turned their heads. A figure was standing a few feet between the couch and hallway. They only now noticed the sound of unmuffled sounds of video games.

The figure’s pasty white, hair-covered skin was illuminated by the movie on the television.

Dan’s brain took a few seconds to register what he was seeing. He was so focused on Sarah and fucking her that the shapes that made up this figure's body looked strange and alien to him. His eyes were drawn immediately to a familiar motion.

The motion of someone slowly stroking a cock.

It was Lester. He was naked, stroking his cock just a few feet away from them.

Dan quickly looked away and back at Sarah. The image of Lester’s dick burned into his mind, subconsciously noting its size.

Sarah took an extra half second to appraise what was happening before she too turned and looked back at Dan.

Neither one of them moved, still connected to one another. Both of them on the cusp cumming.

“Don’t stop on my account.” Lester took another step into the room. “It's okay, I’m just going to watch.”

Dan and Sarah looked at each other. Trying to read the expression on each other’s faces to decide what to do.

And then Dan’s body did something that would alter the course of their lives forever. The situation was too much for Dan to process. Lester is here, watching them have sex. Seeing Sarah in just her bra.

His cock twitched and Sarah felt it. She gasped as it sent a bolt of electricity down her legs.

Her body responded by gripping him tighter. He let out a soft moan and pushed his hips slightly off the couch.

Sarah closed her eyes, her mind racing. Fuck Dan feels so good but Lester is watching us. Watching me. Watching us have sex.

Something that had always been private and just between them was now being shared with a spectator.

It was so bad and unlike her. She shouldn’t be doing this. She should grab Dan’s shirt and wrap it around herself and run into the bedroom, leaving Dan to figure it out. But it felt so different. So foreign and so base to be watched.

Their bedroom fantasies have often touched on them being watched and the idea always intrigued Sarah. She never knew how she would actually react if it ever happened and couldn’t even fathom how it could happen.

Sarah realized she was slowly fucking Dan.

While lost in thought her body had taken the lead and was gripping his cock she rode him. Dan was looking up at her in amazement. This was happening.

Consequences are for tomorrow.

Dan was beside himself. One of his fantasies was actually coming true. Sarah was on display for another man, while she was fucking him no less. She wasn’t stopping and seemed to be just as into it as he was.

He watched as she bit her lip and threw her head back. Her hands left his shoulders and moved into her hair.

Her pussy gripped him tightly. Her breathing grew rapid. Her breasts rose up and down in quick succession.

“Oooohh fuuck.” she tried to whisper but failed.

Dan looked over at Lester, trying to avoid the sight of him and his cock. The spot where he was standing was empty. Where the fuck did he go?

Had Lester got bored and gone back into his room? Dan was surprisingly disappointed by this and his eyes continued to scan the room. He wasn’t in the other chair. He was nowhere to be seen.

“mmm, that's right. Cum baby.” Lester said from behind Dan.

Dan looked up and around but still couldn’t see Lester from his vantage point. Lester was standing directly behind the couch out of Dan’s view.

Sarah came down from her orgasm and immediately felt another begin building. She opened her eyes and saw her husband’s odd roommate standing right in front of her on the other side of the couch.

He was looking at her with the same animalist lust-filled face that Dan would make. The look that turned her on so much. Lester’s was more intense somehow. And it was because he was looking at her. There was no fantasy or roleplay attached to it, it was just because of her.

She could tell by his arm movements that he was stroking his cock. She couldn’t see it from behind the couch but the fact that someone was touching themselves while looking at her….

She ground herself into Dan harder. She kept the same slow, deliberate pace as she recovered from her last orgasm but tried to push down onto Dan to take him further into her.

Dan looked up at her surprised. At first he didn’t think she heard Lester’s voice but she just opened her eyes and looked at him. At Lester. She knew he was there and was pushing into him harder. She must like showing off.

Sarah only looked at Lester for a split second before her eyes snapped down and locked with Dan’s. Her mouth hung open as she breathed, her eyes needful. She’s getting ready to cum again. Her face also wore an expression of concern.

Dan could read the look on her face. Without speaking she was looking at him for reassurance. Was this okay? Should they stop or keep going?

She was still grinding on him as she waited for some kind of indication from Dan. The situation was surreal, Dan didn’t know how to process it or his thoughts. He wanted to shield Sarah and protect her from Lester’s hungry eyes…

But he wanted Lester to see her. He wanted to see how Sarah would react. Where would she draw the line and how would she react to all of this?

He hadn’t thought this through, he didn’t know what he really wanted. All she knew was that Sarah’s pussy was grabbing onto his dick harder than ever before. The way her chest was rising and falling and the look on her face, it was intoxicating. He didn’t want to stop.

Without breaking their intense eye contact, Dan’s right hand found the bra strap on Sarah’s shoulder. He slowly pulled it down her arm until her bare shoulder was on display. On display for Lester.

Sarah gasped, surprised and turned on by Dan exposing her. They exchanged a look – this was happening.

Sarah closed her eyes and focused on the feeling Dan’s dick was giving her.

One of this fantasies was actually happening, albeit not as he thought it would. Definitely not with who he had expected. His hips rapidly lifted off the couch as he met Sarah’s rhythm in earnest.

Lester stood there looking at Sarah. They knew he was there and they weren’t stopping. This spot behind the couch gave him a great view of Sarah. He didn’t have to look at Dan at all. He actually liked how it must have set Dan on edge, not being able to see him. He wanted to get closer but he had to be patient.

She was still riding her husband with her eyes closed. Lester’s eyes feasted on the smooth skin of her breasts, rising and falling. He focused on her face, watching it contort in pleasure as she went along with the situation.

Lester licked his lips. “Mmmhmmm.”

The couple didn’t stop. Lester wanted them to know he was a part of this. He continued to slowly stroke his cock, not wanting to cum too quickly.

He heard Dan whisper something but it was too low to hear. Sarah made no reaction, she hadn’t heard it either.

“Look at him.” Dan croaked. Shame and arousal colored his voice.

Sarah rode Dan, not reacting to what he said.

Her hands moved to Dan’s chest, briefly settling there before she placed them on the top of the couch above Dan’s head. With her newfound leverage, she continued to push down to meet Dan’s thrusts. Sarah slowly opened her eyes and met Lester’s gaze.

She didn’t break eye contact. And she didn’t look down at Dan. She knew how much this would drive him crazy and wanted to make his fantasy come true.

Lester kept stroking himself slowly, matching the pace the couple was setting. Sarah’s eyes burned into his. It felt like they were sharing something, but he didn’t know what. He hadn’t experienced this with any of his other conquests. She was getting fucked and staring at him. Her husband’s dick might be in her but she was focused on him.

She looked at him lustfully with the bedroom eyes that so far had been reserved for Dan.

And then she did it. While staring at him she slowly licked her lips. He heard Dan quietly groan.

Lester took a step forward, closing the ground between them. He was close to touching the back of the couch with his cock, inches away from where Sarah’s hands were.

Sarah flinched back ever so slightly but quickly recomposed her sexy demeanor.

Dan could feel himself getting close. He knew he had to hang on a bit longer, for Sarah but also to get the most of out this moment. Who knows if it will ever happen again?

“Blow him a kiss.”

Sarah kept rolling her hips on Dan’s cock. Without breaking eye contact with Lester, she slowly pucked her lips and mimicked a kiss.

Lester was beside himself. He involuntarily started stroking his cock faster, his breathing quickening. The thoughts of everything that happened today began to flood his brain. I played this perfectly.

“Mm-hmm did you like that baby?” she asked while finally closing her eyes.

“Fuck yes” Dan breathed. He looked up at her as his sweet and loving wife was fucking him in front of this stranger. She always went along with his fantasies in the bedroom and would often surprise him with the things she would say.

This sweet and loving woman could turn on a dime and become a sexy vixen between the sheets. He always knew she was doing it just for him, getting him riled up to get off but he never imagined she would actually do something like —

“I wasn’t talking to you.” Sarah’s eyes were back down looking at him as she rode his cock.

Just like their game earlier, she knew exactly what buttons to press to get him off. The look she gave him made him question everything he knew. She seemed like this unpredictable character who just happened to look like his wife.

Lester grunted from somewhere behind Dan. “Oh yeah, baby I liked that. I bet you could do a lot more with those lips of yours.”

Sarah looked up at Lester and bit her lip. “Mhmm, I don’t know what you mean.”

“I mean those lovely lips wrapped around my big cock.” Lester said impatiently.

That comment was too much for Dan. The heat of the moment, Lester talking to Sarah like that, her exposed here in front of him and the way she was milking his cock. It was all too much.

With a sharp inhale of breath, Dan came. His cum shot out load after load of cum, drenching the inside of Sarah’s pussy.

The feeling of Dan’s cum inside her started to put her in overdrive as it always did. She ground into him harder, taking as much of his dick inside her as possible as she squeezed every last drop of cum from his cock.

“Sorry big boy.” she breathed. Her eyes playfully looked Lester over. “These lips are just for my husband.”

Fuck patience. Lester quickly moved from behind the couch until he was standing next to its arm, right next to the couple.

“Stay the fuck there Lester. No touching.” Dan said, trying to rise from his elbows but Sarah’s hard pounding kept him seated in place. She was getting close to cumming herself and wasn’t about to lose this one.

“Don’t worry Dan, I won’t do anything Sarah doesn’t want,” he smirked, still stroking his cock. The real Lester coming out on display. “Besides, I just wanted to make sure she got a good view of this.”

He gestured to his cock and both Sarah and Dan involuntarily looked at it.

Sarah gasped, taken aback. She saw it earlier in the kitchen when it was soft and from across the room before. But now, here so close to her, it looked massive. Lester’s cock was long, girthy, and looked as hard as a steel pole. And it was hard because of her.

It jutted out over the arm of the couch, a drip of precum running down the bottom of its shaft before Lester’s stroked it away.

Dan blinked. The cock he was looking at did not compute with the mental image he had of Lester. This shy, meek loser he shared an apartment with was packing. Dan was above average and Sarah always considered him well endowed but Lester’s cock was something else.

“She can’t take her eyes off it, Dan.” Lester grinned.

Sarah immediately blinked. Her eyes darting to Dan’s, then back at Lester not knowing where to look. She closed her eyes to escape the situation and focus on the feeling of Dan’s cock inside of her. But behind her closed eyes, the image of Lester stroking his impressive organ was seared into her brain.

Dan was spent but the situation was keeping his cock hard as a rock. Sarah continued to ride him with desperation. She was going to cum soon.

“Hey wait” she heard Dan say.

Suddenly she felt her other bra strap being lowered. Her eyes flicked open, looking down to see Lester’s finger looped under the left strap of her bra. The back of his fingers grazed her soft exposed skin as he slowly and deliberately pulled it down to rest on her bicep.

She looked up at his lust-filled face as he licked his lips.

“I’m going to cum for you Sarah,” he said in a commanding voice. He didn’t sound like the Lester she spoke to earlier in the day. This was someone different.

That’s when it hit her. The orgasm that had been building inside of her exploded, radiating across her entire body. It hit fast and hard and didn’t stop. Pleasure washed over her. Dan could feel Sarah’s pussy clench into his cock, holding it tighter than he had ever experienced before.

“Ohhhhh fuck.” she groaned through gritted teeth as her face contorted in pleasure. “Fuck.”

Her eyes involuntarily closed. Her breasts were rapidly rising and falling, her nails dug into Dan’s shoulders. He was trapped beneath her as her legs clamped down.

Dan sat there speechless at the events in front of him with post-orgasm clarity. How did this happen?

“Mmm, that's right. Come for Lester baby.” Lester growled while stroking his cock with abandon.

Mid-orgasm Sarah looked up at Lester. His balls tightened.

“Fuck.” Stream after stream of Lester’s white hot cum shot from his cock, hitting Sarah square in her chest. His cum soaked into her white bra and ran down her cleavage.

Sarah had never seen a cock cum so much. Her orgasm hit another crescendo as another stream of Lester’s cum sprayed across her bra. Her legs and pussy tightened even harder onto Dan as she looked into Lester’s eyes.

Dan’s favorite view in the world was watching Sarah look at him as she came. The beauty and vulnerability in it was such an erotic private secret she shared with him. And now Lester was looking down and taking in one of Dan’s most prized treasures.

Lester shot his last load of cum but it dropped onto the arm of the couch without hitting Sarah. He took a few steps back, breathing hard looking at the site of debauchery in front of him. A shit-eating grim spead across his face.

With her chest covered in Lester’s creamy cum, Sarah finally broke eye contact. She stopped moving and tried to catch her breath.

Dan sat there, unknowing how to react. What he did know was that his cock was still hard.

Sarah’s eyes opened and she looked at Dan. Both of them sat there for a moment trying to read the other’s face. This was the craziest thing that the couple had ever done together and both were terrified of how the other would react.

Dan could see the guilt spreading onto Sarah’s face. She needed some reassurance after what had just happened. “I love you, Sarah.”

“Holy fuck Dan that was crazy, I don’t know how that happened.” She said pleading.

“It's okay, it's fine.” He looked at her cum soaker chest. “Let's get things cleaned up and then we can talk about it.”

Sarah looked down at her chest and gasped. “Jesus….I’m a mess.”

“Yes, yes you are. But you’re my mess.” He smiled up at her, trying to keep his best poker face.

He didn’t know what to think of everything that just happened but she had to know that he wasn’t mad and that they were okay.

Sarah smiled back at him. “I love you, so much Dan.”

“ I love you too boo.”

They both realized their tender moment was being observed by Lester. Sarah and Dan both turned their heads to look at him but he wasn’t there. The muffled sounds of video games down the hall meant that his door was shut. At some point, he had disappeared without a word.

Sarah dismounted Dan. “Well you’re right, I better go get cleaned up.”

She leaned forward to kiss him but then thought better of it. I don’t want any cum dripping onto him.

Dan watched Sarah’s ass bounce away as she went down the hallway towards Lester’s room, but turned into the bathroom. The light came on briefly before going out as she shut the door.

He was left there stunned and alone. He was naked on the couch and just saw his odd roommate paint his wife’s chest with his cum. What the fuck just happened.

He moved to stand up, pushing off the arm of the couch when he felt something sticky. He stood and looked at the couch and back at his hand. “That mother fucker.”

Lester had retreated without cleaning up his mess.


The sounds of video games muffled Lester’s movements. He wasn’t going to miss a golden opportunity twice in one day.

He held up his ultra-high definition camera to the pinhole in his closet. He watched from the viewfinder as Sarah got into the shower with her naked breasts exposed and covered in his cum for the second time that day.
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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by Frenchie » Tue Mar 07, 2023 10:25 pm

Wow !

That's a great long one.

Loved it.

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by subtoall » Tue Mar 07, 2023 11:36 pm

Stupendous! The absolute master of the genre.

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by Johng1953 » Wed Mar 08, 2023 2:25 am

Don't ever apologise for your posts being long. That was utterly amazing!

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by DonSilver » Mon Mar 13, 2023 1:33 pm

Glad you all liked it! Anyone want more?
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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by Breakerhymen » Mon Mar 13, 2023 3:41 pm

Hell yeah!!!!! And post on literotica too!

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by Frenchie » Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:20 pm

Yes ! Yes ! Yes !!!

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by Frenchie » Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:22 pm

Breakerhymen wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 3:41 pm
Hell yeah!!!!! And post on literotica too!
Agree with that !

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by antidote2909 » Tue Mar 14, 2023 8:07 pm

Definitely want more

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by subtoall » Tue Mar 14, 2023 8:58 pm

Please, please, please. Love this story so far.

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by Breakerhymen » Sat Apr 01, 2023 8:46 am

When can we expect next installment on here or on Lit?

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by eater » Tue Apr 04, 2023 12:00 pm

great story

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by Rammerjammer69 » Wed Apr 05, 2023 4:55 am

Super hot story !!
Can’t wait for the next chapter

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by 1hottxcpl4fun » Wed Apr 12, 2023 7:23 pm

This story is what OHW Library section used to be like!
Just WOW! so much more to say but don't want to ruin this buzz!

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by johntigger1469 » Sat Apr 15, 2023 3:10 am

Excellent work! Can't wait to read part 5!

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by TellMeSt0ries » Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:18 pm

Really great work. Looking forward to future installments.

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by Nylookingtoo » Thu May 11, 2023 12:18 am

Is there more?
Can’t wait to read the next chapter!

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by Nylookingtoo » Tue May 23, 2023 11:06 am

Just found the Literotica posts with more content!
Riveting for sure!
Hoping there’s another chapter where Sarah takes the next step!

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