Wife used Word “Love”

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Des 31
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Re: Wife used Word “Love”

Unread post by Des 31 » Mon Jun 19, 2023 12:36 pm

BeNatural wrote:
Fri Jun 16, 2023 7:17 am
Des 31 wrote:
Wed Mar 24, 2021 1:10 pm

When my wife has been in ongoing relationships with men, an emotional depth almost always develops between them. She and some men have expressed love in the heat of sex. All her relationships with others have had an expiration date. .

We don't consider ourselves as polyamorous in that none have ever lived with us.
Do you two call it an open relationship, since you don't call it polyamory? I think some couple say "we're not poly, we're just open" when they don't identify with polyamory across the board, and they usually try to keep things at the friends with benefits level.
My36-year-old wife has kept her short-term relationships at what she calls an "emotional arm's length." In longer-term relationships, a feeling of love almost always develops between her and other men. She first became what most here call a hotwife when she was 28 and that came about at my pleadings.

Now, however, she has been involved with two men who are friends with the other. One is younger, the other older, than her, and she admittedly loves both. For the first time, either of them are fucking her more than I. She recently asked me if I'm okay with that. I told her I love it and hope she does also. She says ours is the perfect marriage in her opinion, and I think so too. We are sure that will not work for most couples, but that's the way the two of us want it to be. I'm typically not in the same room with them either at our place or theirs, but I jerk off madly while knowing they are giving her all she wants and feels she needs.

~ Des
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Re: Wife used Word “Love”

Unread post by subguy80 » Tue Jun 20, 2023 4:27 am

Des 31 wrote:
Mon Jun 19, 2023 12:36 pm
For the first time, either of them are fucking her more than I. She recently asked me if I'm okay with that. I told her I love it and hope she does also. She says ours is the perfect marriage in her opinion, and I think so too.

~ Des
I'm curious about something. You have stated in several of your posts that your wife's relationships always have had an expiration date (although the relationship with her boss seems to have gone on for quite some time). This latest post is interesting in that she is now fucking others more than you. Here's my question: Would you be OK if she had a relationship that lasted? You say she usually has an emotional connection to her lovers. What if she fell in love with another man and wanted a truly poly relationship where she saw him a lot and maybe he lived at your house quite a bit, or she stayed with him several days a week. Like she had two husbands. Would any of that be acceptable to you? I'm curious because this is the path we followed.

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Re: Wife used Word “Love”

Unread post by Parsifal » Tue Jun 20, 2023 1:05 pm

subguy80 wrote:
Tue Jun 20, 2023 4:27 am
Des 31 wrote:
Mon Jun 19, 2023 12:36 pm
For the first time, either of them are fucking her more than I. She recently asked me if I'm okay with that. I told her I love it and hope she does also. She says ours is the perfect marriage in her opinion, and I think so too.

~ Des
I'm curious about something. You have stated in several of your posts that your wife's relationships always have had an expiration date (although the relationship with her boss seems to have gone on for quite some time). This latest post is interesting in that she is now fucking others more than you. Here's my question: Would you be OK if she had a relationship that lasted? You say she usually has an emotional connection to her lovers. What if she fell in love with another man and wanted a truly poly relationship where she saw him a lot and maybe he lived at your house quite a bit, or she stayed with him several days a week. Like she had two husbands. Would any of that be acceptable to you? I'm curious because this is the path we followed.
I'm curious about that too. I've read about how fluid boundaries can evolve into primaries becoming secondaries and then peeling off altogether. Perhaps that's not a bad thing for some.

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Re: Wife used Word “Love”

Unread post by Des 31 » Wed Jun 21, 2023 7:39 am

subguy80 wrote:
Tue Jun 20, 2023 4:27 am
Des 31 wrote:
Mon Jun 19, 2023 12:36 pm
For the first time, either of them are fucking her more than I. She recently asked me if I'm okay with that. I told her I love it and hope she does also. She says ours is the perfect marriage in her opinion, and I think so too.

~ Des
I'm curious about something. You have stated in several of your posts that your wife's relationships always have had an expiration date (although the relationship with her boss seems to have gone on for quite some time). This latest post is interesting in that she is now fucking others more than you. Here's my question: Would you be OK if she had a relationship that lasted? You say she usually has an emotional connection to her lovers. What if she fell in love with another man and wanted a truly poly relationship where she saw him a lot and maybe he lived at your house quite a bit, or she stayed with him several days a week. Like she had two husbands. Would any of that be acceptable to you? I'm curious because this is the path we followed.
Yeah, I'm okay with a lasting relationship. Nothing in the past has created a marital problem for either of us. The only exception she would not accept is to have anyone living with the two of us for any extended time would be another live-in guy. Only once has someone stayed as a guest for a while, and we didn't feel that worked out well. After about a week's time, we each came to realize that was uncomfortable for us for the reason we prefer a certain amount of privacy. Feelings of varying degrees of love come about after a while between her and another, and we have learned that's not uncommon in similar situations to ours. Having learned that's not a problem for our marriage, I have no problem with that.

She once stayed five days with her former boss in a somewhat unique circumstance, which is written up somewhere in an older part of our narratives here. That wasn't a problem for her, me, him or his wife.

~ Des
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Re: Wife used Word “Love”

Unread post by Hot4mywife » Fri Mar 22, 2024 5:43 pm

My wife and her last long term boyfriend used the "love" word when they were alone. When he told me they said it, I would of jerked off immediately had the circumstances allowed. She never denied she had said it or that she felt that way, but I think it was more in "motherly way" but sexual way because of his age difference. It was never a threat to our marriage and was an enhancement to our relationship and sex life. I hope we find that again.

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Re: Wife used Word “Love”

Unread post by SRKnight » Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:17 am

Since my HW’s long term BF separated from his wife…mine calls him every night before bed to tell him she loves him.

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Re: Wife used Word “Love”

Unread post by Hot4mywife » Wed Nov 13, 2024 7:46 am

hotfreaks wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:07 am
My wifes new older bull, that she has been seeing the past few months is in love with her. She recently has told him she loves him as well. We have been in the lifestyle for some time now bit this is the first man that she has fallen in love with
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Re: Wife used Word “Love”

Unread post by Mrshappyfam74 » Sat Jan 11, 2025 3:13 am

I’ve loved all my boyfriends, and still do. However, they were my boyfriends, not my husband.
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Re: Wife used Word “Love”

Unread post by sandy691196 » Sat Jan 11, 2025 5:21 am

Mrshappyfam74 wrote:
Sat Jan 11, 2025 3:13 am
I’ve loved all my boyfriends, and still do. However, they were my boyfriends, not my husband.
What's the difference? Emotionally and practically?

For the practical part, of course, a husband and wife are into the day to day life things.
Though I dunno if that's a part of "love".

Is love just a word? A special word? Is there something compelling and overwhelming about it?

Is it a feeling of attachment? You don't want to lose the person?

One can afford to lose the "lover" but not the husband? Is that it?

I have been in this fix once.

I am very curious about this aspect. And this is how things are playing out on some of the threads here that I am active on.

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Re: Wife used Word “Love”

Unread post by Mrshappyfam74 » Sat Jan 11, 2025 6:44 am

sandy691196 wrote:
Sat Jan 11, 2025 5:21 am
Mrshappyfam74 wrote:
Sat Jan 11, 2025 3:13 am
I’ve loved all my boyfriends, and still do. However, they were my boyfriends, not my husband.
What's the difference? Emotionally and practically?

For the practical part, of course, a husband and wife are into the day to day life things.
Though I dunno if that's a part of "love".

Is love just a word? A special word? Is there something compelling and overwhelming about it?

Is it a feeling of attachment? You don't want to lose the person?

One can afford to lose the "lover" but not the husband? Is that it?

I have been in this fix once.

I am very curious about this aspect. And this is how things are playing out on some of the threads here that I am active on.
Your comment about one being able to afford to lose the “lover” but not the husband feels relatable. Love in the simplest of terms is an intense feeling of deep affection. Maybe it’s a different intensity and depth, but still love.
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Re: Wife used Word “Love”

Unread post by sandy691196 » Sat Jan 11, 2025 7:00 am

Intense feeling and deep affection.

Have you been able to follow RunDannyRun's thread - "Young married guy"?

Would be interested in your inputs if ever you get time to go through this fascinating thread.

Even if the L word hasn't been uttered because of various reasons (in the quoted thread - due to adverse power dynamics for the BF/Bull and due to the restrained and cerebral nature of the wife in the triad)..?

So then what's the proof of the pudding? When Love hasn't been articulated? Will it be precipitated through a crisis? When she will be forced to confront her feelings?

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Re: Wife used Word “Love”

Unread post by Mrshappyfam74 » Sat Jan 11, 2025 11:59 am

sandy691196 wrote:
Sat Jan 11, 2025 7:00 am
Intense feeling and deep affection.

Have you been able to follow RunDannyRun's thread - "Young married guy"?

Would be interested in your inputs if ever you get time to go through this fascinating thread.

Even if the L word hasn't been uttered because of various reasons (in the quoted thread - due to adverse power dynamics for the BF/Bull and due to the restrained and cerebral nature of the wife in the triad)..?

So then what's the proof of the pudding? When Love hasn't been articulated? Will it be precipitated through a crisis? When she will be forced to confront her feelings?
I have not. I’ll look for it. Thank you 😊
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Re: Wife used Word “Love”

Unread post by sandy691196 » Sat Jan 11, 2025 7:14 pm


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Re: Wife used Word “Love”

Unread post by Aussiem » Wed Jan 15, 2025 5:40 pm

My wife loved her long term extra guys. I was fine with that. Watching them make love was very erotic and I loved how she responded to them. There was never an issue of her preferring them. They were her fuck buddies. Having a long term guy was great as they did it bare, I could see how she enjoyed them cuming in her.
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Re: Wife used Word “Love”

Unread post by Restarting » Mon Feb 10, 2025 9:55 am

Cherrypopper+ wrote:
Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:38 am
I think being in love can be a very positive thing. I've definitely been in love with other men and my husband is supportive of me.
Way back in our twenties it took a lot of adjustment. I first started swinging alone in my late twenties and it wasn't long before i had a regular lover and soon I developed a strong emotional bond with him. I was soon falling in love. I fought it at first and tried to hide it from my husband.
That was for two reasons, first I knew he would be hurt and selfishly, I was afraid he would want me to break it off with my lover.
I finally came clean and we discussed, or I should say, we discussed it many times. My husband was definitely jealous and hurt but he never suggested that I cut it off. I assured him over and over again that I was loyal to him and would always come home to him. My husband learned to accept it even though I think it was a long time before he was 100% comfortable with it. Now decades later, we are both comfortble with me being in love.
Just for sex, I like young guys but we both hope that I meet a guy closer my age that I could fall in love with. I have an online lover that would be good but he is married. So hopefully I will fall in love again.
Just noticed your comment.
I too am comfortable with my wife falling in love knowing it doesn't diminish the love we have for each other.
Although the opportunities for her have decreased, I hope she finds another (or more) to love again.
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Re: Wife used Word “Love”

Unread post by tiedyeHotwife » Wed Feb 12, 2025 2:33 pm

"Love" is such an interesting word to try and define.

I am most certainly in love with 2 other men at this time - if I define "love" as I might have when I was younger and dating.
I love fucking them, plus the caring, tender, laughter, I enjoy their company and REALLY enjoy being their sexual object to enjoy in all the many new ways they have introduced me to.

But for the the word "Love" simply moved further to a place that I ONLY love my husband. Love being forever soulmate Love.

I freely can say I love being with them - but thats more like how I love pizza, or great sushi.
We all use love in a loose manner.

as for my pussy - well yeah, she is in love with all of them .......

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