An unlikely hotwife.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by funfortwo » Thu Jul 06, 2023 9:31 pm

We are relatively new into the LS and have had a lot of discussions about sexual energy and emotions. My wife has a FWB and they meet alone. The dates last about 4-5 hours, which includes lunch, wine, and some discussions. The dates occur about every 4-5 weeks and everything is planned and discussed via DM's that I can see. She has admitted that she needs an emotional connection and can't just "fuck" some random guy. This journey has some pitfalls, especially in the beginning, and we have learned to talk through them. In her words, "I am her number one, nobody can replace you." She considers him a friend (with benefits) but it ends at a friendship. I actually took him out for drinks, after our arrangement began, and he likes my wife, admits she is beautiful, but has no desire to divide us. His actions over the past few months support his statements and I believe him.

Initially, I felt as if they had too many meetings in a short period of time and it was moving too fast. I felt as if emotions were involved but quite honestly I believe it was the NRE. As a result, my wife and I constantly talk to ensure we are both "good" and she works extra hard to make sure that my emotions and insecurities are discussed and addressed.

I'm reading your post and it seems that your wife has started to invest some emotions into the relationship with Chris. Also, you admitted that Chris may be falling in love with her? That would be a red flag for me. If my wife was crying/emotional after her FWB left, I wouldn't care hot hot the sex/dynamic is, it's done. I told my wife, and her FWB, that he is a great accent piece to the table, but he is not the centerpiece." Our lives have been entwined for a long time before he came along, and will continue after this arrangement is over. My wife's FWB is a great guy, honest, hardworking, intelligent, in great shape, and a true gentleman. But the three of us all know that our (wife and I) friendship, love and marriage comes first. He likes it this way too drama from us on his end.

Just be careful....

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by 54321 » Wed Jul 12, 2023 1:10 am

He removed her dress and she removed his shirt and then his pants. She then kneeled down and started sucking his cock.
How thrilling for both of you. Thank you for your honest and authentic posts. I'm looking forward to the next instalment!


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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Fri Jul 14, 2023 8:43 am

Sorry for the time between posts here, life is busy sometimes.
Like I had wrote in the last post I could see everything that was going on in the room as they left the blinds open thinking that nobody could see in. That was true earlier in the day with the glare of the sun but now that it was dark and they had the lamp on in the room I had a great seat for the show.
So she went down on him to start things off. She came back up after a few minutes and they started kissing again. They both got out of there cloths while continuing to make out. Both now naked he laid her down on her back and started licking her pussy. He then stood up, put her right leg on his shoulder and started fucking her. At this point I got my phone out and started videoing them. It’s not the best video as I am 50-60 yards away but I watch it from time to time, it’s one of my favorites. I actually watched it last light in preparation of them getting together this Saturday. He continues to fuck her pretty hard and fast the puts her leg down and rolls her on her side. He fucks her there for a few minutes and adds in some good spanking. She likes to be spanked as long as it doesn’t leave marks so I know she was enjoying herself at this moment. Then it looks like they needed a little breather, he got up and walked over to the other bed and grabbed a bottle of water then laid down on his back. My wife laid next to him while taking a few sips of water herself. I really enjoy seeing my wife fucked by another guy but there is something even hotter when she is fucking them. It’s hard to explain the difference but there definitely is. While he was on his back she rolled over and got on top of him. Even at 50 yards away I could see her grab his 9” cock and guide it into her. I could see her body adjusting to his size the she began to roll her hips back and forth riding him. It was so damn hot watching her fuck this other guy and knowing that she thought I couldn’t see her be such a bad girl. She stopped after a good 5 minutes, probably gassed, and while still inside her Chris picked her up and walked her over to the desk out of view of me.
I probably should have just stayed put but since I couldn’t see them anymore I wanted to run up outside the room so I could hear them like I did the night before. When I got close to the room I could hear the sounds of them fucking. His grunting and her moaning were all so very hot. I stayed outside the door for a few minutes then went back down to the truck to see if I could see them. They had finished at some point after I left the hallway and before I got back to my truck. They were laying in bed together, her head on his shoulder and chest and her arm around his waist. They talked for half an hour or so while snuggled up in bed. I didn’t know if Chris was a one and done or if he had a round 2 in him. He got up and got dressed so a one and done at least this night. They had a long kiss goodbye and he walked out of the room. She immediately jumped back into bed and messaged me that they were done and that I could come back. She thought I had stayed at a bar down the street. I told her I was waiting in the parking lot and would be up in a minute. I watched as Chris walked out the front door of the hotel and out to his car. I couldn’t help but feel a little jealous but wow what a night.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by 54321 » Fri Jul 14, 2023 11:14 am

I couldn’t help but feel a little jealous but wow what a night.
And then... ?


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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Sat Jul 15, 2023 7:41 am

I was hoping to have been caught up by today so I could be writing about current events, but I haven’t so it may seem a little out of order and hard to follow. I still have a third night to recount with Chris from back in march and then I was wanting to go into more detail about the first couple days of our Vegas trip that happened a few days before my first post on here. I just wanted to make a comment here in real time so I don’t lose the emotion that I’m feeling.
I just dropped off SM at an airport that is a 2hr drive from where we live so she can go see Chris in his home town. They had planned to see each other again as soon as we got home from vegas. This weekend worked best as we are going to Nashville in august then immediately after we get back from that we are taking our daughter to drop her off as a freshman in college.
Words can’t describe what it was like to kiss my sweetheart goodbye and watch her walk into the airport so she can go see another guy. I hope she is excited to go see him but at the same time jealous that she is going to go see him. My heart is racing and I’m so anxious right now as I sit in my truck outside the airport departures. She looked so darn cute today too. She had on a little black and white, tight fitting, tank and loose fitting black cotton bottoms that tied with a tie string. And underneath that she had put on a matching set of black lacy underwear. WOW is Chris going to enjoy seeing her when he picks her up. I’ve quit shaking so much now and maybes calmed down enough to drive off. I brought my boat with me so I guess I will head to the lake and wait to hear from SM when she lands.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Sat Jul 15, 2023 9:20 am

Chris first time, night three continued:
This is a perfect example why I need to post in real time. I honestly can’t remember the details of how me and SM reconnect on night 2. Some of the discussion on the third and final day of our stay was about how to get Chris comfortable being around me. There wasn’t an exact plan for the day yet. I asked SM if she wanted to invite Chris to hang out with us. It took a while for him to get back to her and he said since it was his only day off that week he needed to run some of his own errands and do stuff around his place. Sm asked him if he wanted to go to diner with just her or her and I. I thought if you gave him the choice he would of course pick just her that’s the easiest way. She didn’t want to be telling him what to do but got him to agree to go out with both of us. At this point I was still hoping to be involved in the sex part at the end of the night as that was what I wanted. SM knew ge wouldn’t be comfortable with that and we talked about me being ok not being there again.
He picked a good little place not too far from our hotel and we met him there around 7 that evening. We got there a little before he did and I was talking to the hostess when he came in. SM greeted him with a hug and a hiss as I still had my back to them. I turned around and treated him with a smile and a handshake. I could tell he was nervous and truthfully I was too. We followed the waitress to our table, me in front and Chris and SM followed close behind holding hands. When we got to the booth I sat I one side and the two of them sat on the other. SM was making an effort to show him affection in front of me so he could see not only was I okay with it that I liked it. So all throughout dinner she would lean into him and he would lean back and eventually had his hand on her thigh. After the waitress brought the check we stayed and talked about the lifestyle, our lives and his. Nothing about the two nights they had together or any other sexual things. I got up to use the restroom and as I was returning they were making out. When I walked up Chris asked if we were ready to go so we gathered our things and walked out the door. This is where the night took a small turn for me and my emotions. SM and I rode together to the restaurant and not that I expected her to ride back to the hotel with me it just was not discussed. We walked out the door and they were of course walking together and holding hands but were walking away from me as I was headed to my truck. So I stopped and asked where she,they were going as nothing had been discussed before, during, or even after dinner about what was next. This made the next part really awkward and weird for me. SM says “we are headed back to the hotel” meaning her and Chris. So I was like “uh, where do I go?” So she looks at him for an answer. I don’t think he said anything, just the look he gave her must have been enough for her to then tell me that I could go find a bar or something. Man that made me feel so small and left out. I know , before anyone has to tell me that we should have talked about that before. Of course we should have that was not fair to me or Chris but especially me. She sees that I’m a little confused about the situation and said that they had decided to go to the hotel and didn’t realize I didn’t hear them. That must have been when I was in the bathroom.
So anyway they took off together and I just sat in my truck trying to come up with my plan for the night. I remembered a bar just across the street from the hotel so drove on over there. I texted SM since it was kind of early that it would cool if when they were done I came back to the hotel and we could chat some more. She said she would mention that to him.
I sat and drank 3-4 beers and the whole time was a bit emotional. I read like 5-6 pages from des who posts here about his life and I love keeping up with him. Around nine she texted me that they were done and that he couldn’t stay because he had to be at work early the next day. I didn’t have an excited feeling inside me , I had more of a deflated feeling. When I walked into the room I noticed her dress in a pile in floor, her earrings on the nightstand, and some empty water bottles on the counter by the TV. She was laying naked under the covers looking up at me. She maybe asked what’s going on or how was I doing and I couldn’t hold my emotions in. I tried to act fine but the more I tried to act fine the more emotional I got. So I told her how I was feeling and that I needed more, but since we didn’t talk about what that meant for me she didn’t know how to give me more. She thought that me just knowing that he was fucking her that was enough for me. Well for me that is not the case. Long story short by the time I calmed down she was turned off. She needs to see me enjoying the process, not saddened by it. I have mentioned this in an earlier post that she doesn’t take suggestions about what she can do better very well at all in the moment. She can take those suggestions and improve later but she does not like hearing that. We are still very new at this and learning as we go. We did not have sex that night nor did we use any of the experiences to have hot sensual sex for at least a few weeks. I’m going to mark that night up as a learning lesson even though I had to bring it up again in Vegas as those feelings of neglect came crashing back into my head. I am currently 500 miles from her and as I write this my heart is racing again like it was when I dropped her at the airport. Thanks for reading and I will keep everyone informed as the next few days play out.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by 54321 » Sat Jul 15, 2023 10:19 am

Thank you for your posts and for being so honest about your feelings. I'm now getting the feeling that your wife is not clear on what you want or how you want it.

You guys are not communicating anywhere near enough. She needs to know exactly what you want and don't want so that all drama can be avoided. Also, both of you would benefit from checking in with each other frequently to make sure that everything remains on track.

Hotwifing is such a mindfuck. Her adventures cause you to adore her with white hot intensity which is great, but at the same time it's so easy to feel lonely, left out, threatened and in danger of losing the love of your life.

You two need to sit down together and write the script of the hotwife encounter that would be completely happy and fulfilling for both of you. It will never be quite that way of course, but at least you will both know what boxes to tick to keep each other happy.

You are both very bravely dealing with extreme circumstances. It's not surprising if things go off the rails here and there but I feel confident that you two are going to get things going smoothly very soon.

Every good wish to you both,


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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Sat Jul 15, 2023 11:19 am

54321 wrote:
Sat Jul 15, 2023 10:19 am
Thank you for your posts and for being so honest about your feelings. I'm now getting the feeling that your wife is not clear on what you want or how you want it.

You guys are not communicating anywhere near enough. She needs to know exactly what you want and don't want so that all drama can be avoided. Also, both of you would benefit from checking in with each other frequently to make sure that everything remains on track.

Hotwifing is such a mindfuck. Her adventures cause you to adore her with white hot intensity which is great, but at the same time it's so easy to feel lonely, left out, threatened and in danger of losing the love of your life.

You two need to sit down together and write the script of the hotwife encounter that would be completely happy and fulfilling for both of you. It will never be quite that way of course, but at least you will both know what boxes to tick to keep each other happy.

You are both very bravely dealing with extreme circumstances. It's not surprising if things go off the rails here and there but I feel confident that you two are going to get things going smoothly very soon.

Every good wish to you both,


Yeah for sure. We have had a few discussions between her last time with Chris and today. We went through some of my needs and expectations for this time around. My wife
Wants everything in her life to be perfect so when I want to tweak something that she did or didn’t do she feels like she failed. I know this isn’t going to go perfect she on the other hand expects it to. I told her today on my way to drop her off that I wanted and needed her to include me. She told me either in vegas or the first time she was alone with Chris that it was rude of her to be on her phone while they are together. I thought rude to who? I guess if he didn’t know who she was texting while they are together. I told her he would be fine with knowing you are including your husband in a way he wants and if not he definitely is the wrong guy. I have high hopes for the next few days but also am anticipating some valleys.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Sat Jul 15, 2023 11:21 am

SM sent me a very sweat video message right before she boarded her connecting flight to see her BF. I felt loved and important. I hope she keeps this up the rest of the weekend

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Sat Jul 15, 2023 3:44 pm

She sent me a message that she had landed and Chris was picking her up. I asked if the airport was big and she replied that she found him and that it was a maze. I didn’t hear anything from her for about an hour than I got a message from her that read.
“Made it to the hotel and didn’t hardly make in inside the door. “

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Sat Jul 15, 2023 6:22 pm

SM just texted me letting me know that they just finished dinner and were meeting up with some of his friends at a rooftop bar. She sent me a pic of what she wore tonight. I helped her pick it out yesterday as she was packing. It’s a long tan well fitted cotton dress. She looks so amazing wearing that thing for him. You can easily see both her nipples poking through the material. Very hot

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Sat Jul 15, 2023 8:01 pm

We chatted back and forth a bit about how my afternoon went. I asked if she was wearing the same lacy panties she was earlier in the day. She replied no that she had put on some nude colored ones because the dress was so see through. She said that you could see the nude ones even. I told her she could always take them off. That has been about an hour ago. This is where my thoughts start taking over doubting she will do any of the things we talked about including me. I’m trying not to be upset with her and stay patient. With here statement earlier in the afternoon that they got to the hotel but barely made it inside is hot to think about but it’s also her way of saying that she didn’t facetime, call me so I could just listen or video any of it. There is still tonight, tomorrow, and Monday morning. I’m hopeful when they get back to the hotel tonight that they do one of these things for me. I hope.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Gulfcpl » Sun Jul 16, 2023 2:53 am

If after this trip, you two still aren’t on the same page, you may want to reevaluate your situation. You seem to have some insecurities, and rightfully so, and some serious discussions need to ensue. Angst is one thing but worry shouldn’t be present if you’re both in sync. I see both sides here. You feel she isn’t including you but she can’t possibly update you every 20 minutes. You two need some serious dialogue. Good luck to you both.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Sun Jul 16, 2023 7:29 am

She messaged me around 11:30 that they were at a sports bar with a few of his friends. I asked if they new what her situation was. She said they didn’t, they just thought she was a girl Chris was talking to from out of town. He showed her some affection in front of them which she enjoyed. We texted back and fourth for about an hour then nothing. I texted her at 1:30 letting her know I was back home and nothing. I messaged her a selfie of me fishing about an hour and a half ago and it shows she hasn’t read them yet. I’m beginning to worry about her but I’m sure she is ok just not up yet.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Sun Jul 16, 2023 8:32 am

SM just sent me an update.

Good morning:) we’re just now moving around lol. We left the bar last night and he started making out with me real heavy in the car, so much so that I thought he was going to try to have sex with me in the car lol. Then we left and headed back to the hotel and started getting ready for bed. He pulled off my dress and laid me on the bed and then went down on me until I orgasmed and then he crawled up next to me and snuggled up to me and went to sleep.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by 54321 » Sun Jul 16, 2023 9:16 am

It sounds like your wife is trying to include you.


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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Sun Jul 16, 2023 1:07 pm

54321 wrote:
Sun Jul 16, 2023 9:16 am
It sounds like your wife is trying to include you.

She is a little bit. This is where I don’t want to just be a complainer. So as far as the message she sent to me this morning about what had happened the night before I feel like could or should have came last night. That is something we specifically talked about her doing a better job of. If the conversation was about her telling me about at some point than she did fine but that was not the case. So then last night I waited and waited for nothing because she told me that is what she was going to do. We also discussed that I wouldn’t be bugging her about it and I came through on my part. How hard is it to snap a pic, send a message, take a video within a few minutes or hours of it actually happening. I’m just not set up to receive the recap that much later. I’m trying to stay positive here. Now I doubt that she has done any of the things we discussed before she left other than not completely ghosting me. Something I told her when we had this discussion in vegas is if all I get is a message the following day or days later that oh yeah we had sex then I’m out. Maybe she will prove me wrong and come through but at this point I doubt it. I was having thoughts earlier of pulling the plug on her seeing Chris. They both are well aware of what I needed out of this three way relationship. I should stop writing

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by DLD » Sun Jul 16, 2023 3:24 pm

Shhh_itsasecret wrote:
Sun Jul 16, 2023 1:07 pm
54321 wrote:
Sun Jul 16, 2023 9:16 am
It sounds like your wife is trying to include you.

She is a little bit. This is where I don’t want to just be a complainer. So as far as the message she sent to me this morning about what had happened the night before I feel like could or should have came last night. That is something we specifically talked about her doing a better job of. If the conversation was about her telling me about at some point than she did fine but that was not the case. So then last night I waited and waited for nothing because she told me that is what she was going to do. We also discussed that I wouldn’t be bugging her about it and I came through on my part. How hard is it to snap a pic, send a message, take a video within a few minutes or hours of it actually happening. I’m just not set up to receive the recap that much later. I’m trying to stay positive here. Now I doubt that she has done any of the things we discussed before she left other than not completely ghosting me. Something I told her when we had this discussion in vegas is if all I get is a message the following day or days later that oh yeah we had sex then I’m out. Maybe she will prove me wrong and come through but at this point I doubt it. I was having thoughts earlier of pulling the plug on her seeing Chris. They both are well aware of what I needed out of this three way relationship. I should stop writing
Maybe text Chris and say hey, I know you guys are having fun and I don’t wanna interrupt, but can you send me a video or pic or two in action?

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by 54321 » Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:12 pm

Is it that you have to have a video, audio or whatever, or is it that you need contact?

The long wait, not knowing if or when she will communicate with you is hard. I am wondering if the task of producing evidence for you is too much for her in the circumstances and she ends up constantly thinking, "I'll do that later when there is more time" or some such.

If she just texted you, called you, told you, "I love you",or gave you a quick update so that you were not left hanging, would that work better for you?


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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:55 pm

DLD wrote:
Sun Jul 16, 2023 3:24 pm
Shhh_itsasecret wrote:
Sun Jul 16, 2023 1:07 pm
54321 wrote:
Sun Jul 16, 2023 9:16 am
It sounds like your wife is trying to include you.

She is a little bit. This is where I don’t want to just be a complainer. So as far as the message she sent to me this morning about what had happened the night before I feel like could or should have came last night. That is something we specifically talked about her doing a better job of. If the conversation was about her telling me about at some point than she did fine but that was not the case. So then last night I waited and waited for nothing because she told me that is what she was going to do. We also discussed that I wouldn’t be bugging her about it and I came through on my part. How hard is it to snap a pic, send a message, take a video within a few minutes or hours of it actually happening. I’m just not set up to receive the recap that much later. I’m trying to stay positive here. Now I doubt that she has done any of the things we discussed before she left other than not completely ghosting me. Something I told her when we had this discussion in vegas is if all I get is a message the following day or days later that oh yeah we had sex then I’m out. Maybe she will prove me wrong and come through but at this point I doubt it. I was having thoughts earlier of pulling the plug on her seeing Chris. They both are well aware of what I needed out of this three way relationship. I should stop writing
Maybe text Chris and say hey, I know you guys are having fun and I don’t wanna interrupt, but can you send me a video or pic or two in action?
I have yet to get his number from SM, and I don’t want to message him without her permission. I’ve asked a few times and she hasn’t wanted me to have for her own reasons I guess.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:59 pm

I’m not sure what to do with this next message from SM. They were planning on going to a movie this afternoon. I had been texting her while Chris caught up on some sleep. I asked if they had made it to the movie and this was her response.

No, slept through that. And comparing him ti a bear is pretty accurate lol. As soon as he woke up from hibernation, he was starving. He rolled over and was kissing on me when he woke up, then started kinda stroking himself, which I was enjoying, but he never tried to have sex with me??? He was kissing on me, rubbing and kissing my boobs, but finished on my leg. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Not bad, just different. Then we got ready and went to dinner. We just finished and are getting gas & then headed ti Starbucks and gonna try to rent a movie in the room

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Sun Jul 16, 2023 6:03 pm

54321 wrote:
Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:12 pm
Is it that you have to have a video, audio or whatever, or is it that you need contact?

The long wait, not knowing if or when she will communicate with you is hard. I am wondering if the task of producing evidence for you is too much for her in the circumstances and she ends up constantly thinking, "I'll do that later when there is more time" or some such.

If she just texted you, called you, told you, "I love you",or gave you a quick update so that you were not left hanging, would that work better for you?

So at the beginning of our journey into this lifestyle I had a hard no of me not being there. After a few months I realized that not every guy is going to be into my presence. Some guys get off on fucking in front of the husband and we have been with 6 or 7 of those. I made an exception to my hard no for a guy that she had seen while I was in the room but she could tell he was way nervous so she wanted to be alone with him to see how he was. I was ok with it be an every now and then or on an occasion me not being there. You need to understand she is more comfortable me watching than her telling me about an experience. I think because we are wired exactly opposite in the fact I enjoy watching her with someone else and she is super jealous about me even looking at other woman. I think plays a huge role as she would feel destroyed if I told her about me being with someone else and that effects how and what she can tell me. When she is with Chris she doesn’t want to control him or annoy him, she wants him to enjoy himself. I think she needs to take the lead and tell him what’s up. Something like “hey I’m going to FaceTime my husband the next time we have sex” include him in including me. Something she has done better this trip is the loving texts.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Sun Jul 16, 2023 6:09 pm

Shhh_itsasecret wrote:
Sun Jul 16, 2023 6:03 pm
54321 wrote:
Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:12 pm
Is it that you have to have a video, audio or whatever, or is it that you need contact?

The long wait, not knowing if or when she will communicate with you is hard. I am wondering if the task of producing evidence for you is too much for her in the circumstances and she ends up constantly thinking, "I'll do that later when there is more time" or some such.

If she just texted you, called you, told you, "I love you",or gave you a quick update so that you were not left hanging, would that work better for you?

So at the beginning of our journey into this lifestyle I had a hard no of me not being there. After a few months I realized that not every guy is going to be into my presence. Some guys get off on fucking in front of the husband and we have been with 6 or 7 of those. I made an exception to my hard no for a guy that she had seen while I was in the room but she could tell he was way nervous so she wanted to be alone with him to see how he was. I was ok with it be an every now and then or on an occasion me not being there. You need to understand she is more comfortable me watching than her telling me about an experience. I think because we are wired exactly opposite in the fact I enjoy watching her with someone else and she is super jealous about me even looking at other woman. I think plays a huge role as she would feel destroyed if I told her about me being with someone else and that effects how and what she can tell me. When she is with Chris she doesn’t want to control him or annoy him, she wants him to enjoy himself. I think she needs to take the lead and tell him what’s up. Something like “hey I’m going to FaceTime my husband the next time we have sex” include him in including me. Something she has done better this trip is the loving texts.

The thing about the video and live updates is we legit talked it over the day she left and I asked if Chris was on board with helping her achieve this. That was part of me
Being ok with her going out there alone was both of them putting in more effort or at this point some effort.

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Trvlman7 » Sun Jul 16, 2023 11:54 pm

Just read your whole thread and while every couple approaches play a little differently and has different needs, I have to say, this guy sounds like "bad news" for you two. NRE is fine and understandable, and the wife feeling some attachment/feelings with a guy she is into is great, this does not at least appear as simply NRE. It sounds like developing into true boyfriend relationship which can add hugh strains and totally different dynamics from hotwifing. That starts to approach poly type relationships if not careful.
Add that your reactions have more of a very cuckold position then a hotwife hubby (we define the later as hubby enjoys sharing the wife and loves used pussy, but also likes to watch and be included, not necessarily in actual 3way, but included, and never asked to leave the room).
The truly cuckold husband often seems willing to step aside for alpha male to have his wife as the alpha and the wife choose and the hubby accepts with little choice.
Others may share a totally different view. After being the extra male (hate the term bull) for 20 years and then meeting my lady and throughly enjoying sharing her and having a hotwife for 25 years (yep we are much older now).
I will say hotwifing is the greatest marriage in the world, but without LOTS of communication and total honesty (no secrets).
I for years deployed/gone on 4 day trips and wife played at home while gone. Quite often I would get a phone call and she would tell me hi and to mute my phone and then place hers by the bed while she fucked a guy or two for her pleasure and my listening enjoyment.
After they left we enjoyed talking about her play. She also dated close playmate friends on occasion, but the reclaiming after the date is unbelievable. I could never wait days unless out of town.
You guys can make this happen, but one thing has to always be central, wife keeps hubby #1, and insures he is happy (not with constant checking and contact, but little things like sharing eye contact as she fucks, little texts like before and after pussy shots when on a date. Things that are easy to do and not interfere with or interrupt the sex with her playmates and yet keep hubby involved.
Good luck in your play. Just remember hotwifing has to be FUN and exciting for BOTH of you. Angst is good, feeling neglected is not.
Few things are more beautiful then a sexy loving wife spread wide open for all!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: An unlikely hotwife.

Unread post by Shhh_itsasecret » Mon Jul 17, 2023 6:03 am

I wish I had more to write about here. Yesterday afternoon they had originally planned on going to a movie but both fell asleep in the hotel so missed that. They at some point got up and went grabbed some dinner and coffee and were going to rent a movie back at the hotel. The hotel didn’t have that as an option and SM was texting me that she was going to try and stream a movie from her phone to the TV. That was at 7:30. That was the last text between us. I messaged her this morning asking her when her flights were so I could plan my day. She replied about 30 minutes ago that she was in an Uber headed to the airport. Not sure what or if anything happened I guess I will wait and see. I want to be very supportive of her efforts and need to be prepared that things didn’t pan out so I don’t mess up our reconnection.

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