How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

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How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by brudan13 » Wed Nov 15, 2023 11:19 am

I am curious to find out how you started in the Hot Wife Lifestyle? Whose idea was it? Did you have trouble convincing her to have another man? How did you feel the first time you watched her with another man? How did she feel after it happened? Are you still in the lifestyle?

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by BT2 » Wed Nov 15, 2023 12:25 pm

We got into the hotwife lifestyle quite by accident. In fact it never entered our minds.

We had recently got together following previous marriage breakdowns. The sex between us was new, different and sometimes unrestrained. We talked about previous experiences, fantasies, and other things as turn ons. We ventured into reading racy letters and articles, looking at porn videos, and eventually ventured into going out for dinner or entertainment with her wearing a skirt and no panties. Each activity pushed the boundaries a little more. We went to adult movies (this dating ourselves) on occasion, strip clubs, a nude beach, and a remote hotspring. She flashed a number of times.

About that time body rub parlours were in the news. That got our curiosity up. But we soon discovered that none would take female clients. One place recommended an adult newspaper available in our city. We found a guy who gave massages to ladies. He was very nice and quite respectful. Our first visit to him was the first time I ever saw her up close and full frontal naked, hard nipples and full bush, in front of another guy. I was so excited I thought I would have a heart attack lol. The visit ended with both her and the masseur totally naked, mutual fondling, and her being given a manual orgasm. I was quite excited, and it took several days to get it out of my mind.

We went back a couple of weeks later. It was much the same, except this time it ended in mutual oral. The third visit she and the masseur dispensed with the massage, and the visit was pure sex ending in intercourse. In answer to one of your questions, I watched each time and I was both excited and unnerved. From all indications, she liked the experiences. That was many years ago, I've been an fb during that time, met some wonderful women, and she is still a hotwife with two regular fbs, one who gives massages. If I am present now, it is only as part of a threesome.

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by Shadnaster » Wed Nov 15, 2023 6:59 pm

Hmmm, I guess it started when she cheated on me with an ex. I was hurt but oddly turned on. I really didn't understand it. Eventually we got to a point where I could ask her about it. The more she told me, the more turned on I'd get. She'd tell me details in the bedroom and it would really get me going. It was a slow evolution from there.

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by Parsifal » Wed Nov 15, 2023 7:20 pm

I had such an existential feeling of love and commitment to her that I learned how to love her loves. I had to unlock the secrets of her soul to see all she wanted. I learned to love what she wanted. And together we libidinized all of her naughtiest fantasies and together we made them ours. I made sure she had no reason to get bored, stifled, repressed or imprisoned in a marriage to me. I learned to enjoy the arousal I feel in the presence of her natural arousal. So that's how it all got started.

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by stevens4fun » Thu Nov 16, 2023 10:58 am

Before we married, we lived together for a year. We were engaged. My wife Linda had been visiting her ex about once a week at their house, which she had moved out of. This was to continue until the house sold - they were working together to sell the house, liquidate debts and her ex sometimes babysat their two children for us. She had been telling me he was beside himself not yet having a girlfriend, extremely horny and she said it was hard to resist his pleas. She was in tears one night as she returned from their meeting and hopped in bed with me. I kind of thought she must have given in and was afraid to tell me, and I was hard and excited although I didn't know it would this way. When my finger slipped into her vagina, I knew, and I climbed on top of her and fucked her like a man possessed. We laugh about it now, but she owned me from then on. We talked most of the night (and were shot for work the next day) and we discovered we both wanted her to continue having sex with her ex. It tapered off as her ex began dating and eventually remarried, but Linda and her ex continued to have sex now and then for years. She usually came right home afterwards (have to go to work the next day) and I lived for seconds.

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by warmnsalty » Thu Nov 16, 2023 2:44 pm

I was a single in the lifestyle after my divorce, loved the MFM dynamic. Spent 10 years playing with couples, realized I didn't want another relationship unless I found a hot wife of my own. Met Mrs at a party, was open about my lifestyle, she was hesitant but we had chemistry. Dated exclusively for 6 mo then she was ready to try. Found a biz guy in town, met for drinks went to his room and watched my gf get fucked. She couldn't believe how turned on I was, have been fucking others ever since. Nothing like watching the woman you love get a nice cock and fuck. I was her #7, we're now over 40 and loving every minute.

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by Tank Turner » Thu Nov 16, 2023 3:05 pm

With dirty talk long before my wife did it.

Women express their sexual fantasies and desires when they talk dirty. My sure bet is my wife first dirty talked sucking cock while I fucked her doggie. I knew it was more than dirty talk. She was expressing her dominant sexual fantasy to me. A half-dozen years later, she was living her fantasy.

When my wife talked sex, whether at parties, with friends, or dirty talk during sex, I've always listened to every word she said. She wouldn't have said it if it wasn't important to her.

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by DaveS » Fri Nov 17, 2023 7:20 am

My wife came to me a few years ago and wanted to open our marriage so she could have an ethical polyamorous relationship with a former lover and - who was also married, but in an open relationship (her moral code would not allow her to cheat on me). I eventually agreed, in large part because I am older. As time went on, I gradually went from barely being able to stand the thought of her being in bed with another man to calm acceptance, to finding that I was getting turned on by the knowledge that she was spreading her legs for another man and coming home to me full of his cum. Eventually this led to me wanting to know all the blow by blow details, to listening in as they had sex in our bedroom, to watching them have sex, and finally to MFM 3somes, and enjoying the creampies that she makes with her boyfriend. We are still primarily poly (and I have a gf/fwb as well) but with a stag/vixen/hotwife accent. :)

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by bewareoflizzy » Sun Nov 19, 2023 7:40 pm

We started with fantasy talk on date nights. I knew Liz harbored strong desires by flirtations I witnessed at weddings, parties, etc. She would even admit to feeling "restless" at one point. My jealousies and insecurities slowly gave way to fantasies of her seducing another man, possibly a younger, single guy. As our date nights grew more and more erotic with pot, wine, and lingerie, our talks grew more daring. Liz would wear more revealing and seductive outfits just shopping, out to dinner, and especially, at work. She didn't hesitate to wear skin tight jeans and high heels to go out for a drink or a short, tight dress to dinner. Her libido and sexuality were in high gear. When going to work at the restaurant she always prepped and primped and would wear a tight skirt and snug fitting blouse. It drove the guys at work crazy. She set her sights on one younger guy who was a cook. They flirted back and forth for awhile until she finally told him she was attracted to him, giving him the green light to invite her to his apartment after work where they started their affair that would go on for years.

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by ProfessorH » Sun Nov 19, 2023 9:15 pm

I toyed with the idea for a while, then one night just said it.

The rest, well…there it is. Our story is its own thread. Read if you wish. Learned along the way, still learning…but having a lot of fun doing so!! :)

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by wildrollercoaster » Sun Nov 19, 2023 9:29 pm

The possibility of my then-girlfriend's (now wife) sexual non-exclusivity was the subject of conversation and fantasy from an early stage in our relationship. I had little doubt that it would eventually happen, but I didn't know how or when.

When it did, I was taken by surprise -- like a lightning bolt. We didn't yet live together, but I had a key to her place -- which I used to let myself in late one Friday night, unexpectedly.

She didn't hear me over the sound of music/TV, but I heard her immediately -- sounded like she was thrashing about on her bed on the verge of orgasm, presumably with her vibrator. The vivid reality, however, was that she was being driven powerfully into her mattress by a mysterious lover -- whom I hadn't even known existed -- who was atop her and pistoning his rigid cock into her glistening pussy, approaching an orgasmic crescendo. That night changed our lives.

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by daveandjan » Mon Nov 20, 2023 4:06 am

We met 23 years ago, both recently divorced. I immediately fell for her. As our relationship progressed, I started talking to her about revealing a little more of herself. Long story short, she slowly began to expose her ass and pussy to men and friends and it made her extremely horny and drove me fucking wild.

This turned into me bringing up her having sex with another man and me watching. It was met with a hard no but eventually progressed. I knew she wanted to but just couldn't get past the guilt that society and her upbringing caused. One night, our friend Rob was over and she just went for it. We are still fledglings in hwing and sharing her with me watching, but it gets better everytime.

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by AZPainter » Mon Nov 20, 2023 7:06 am

Like several here have mentioned, my wife was actually the one who started it. She was fairly promiscuous before we even met and after we met. I was vaguely aware of it at first, but being a single woman I did not see the problem, in fact it interested me more. I guess before we were emotionally involved I am sure it seemed like some easy sex, and I was correct. But once we became a "couple" and began living together her playing around seemed to have stopped even though the opportunities for her remained due to her primary type of work, cocktail waitress, and her part time modeling locally for department stores and women's clothing stores. She ever did several local television commercials for local businesses, mainly women's products and clothing.

We eventually married, and she continued working as she had been and I did the same with my art work with my studio in our home. I won't go into all of this since I have told the longer version in other similar threads, but basically I found out that she was still laying around and we had some long talks and the more she told me it oddly was very exciting to me and it was obvious. I realized she wasn't going to stop so I saw that the only solution was divorce, which neither of us really wanted or com o some agreement allowing her to play and I either ignored it, which was not really likely or possible or continue and with her sharing her "adventures" with me which truly excited me. We came to an agreement on the later.

It wasn't long before she would sometimes bring lover to our home. I knew many of them due to the posters I made for clubs in town and because the one she worked for was owned by a man who owned several night clubs, catering to several genre's of music and clientele and the men she was playing with were mostly co-workers, band members, bartenders the club manager or even the owner at times. She would always let me know if she was bringing someone home with her or going to his place for the night or maybe just a couple of hours after work and then coming home.

We were married for 12 years and the arrangement worked for us. We did divorce but for reasons that had nothing to do with her having sex with other men. She got into drugs and heavy drinking and just all the problems that activity brings became to much and it ended the marriage.

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by hotfreaks » Mon Nov 20, 2023 10:07 am

20 years ago we started as swingers....we had no idea there was such a thing as the hotwife lifestyle. The first time I watched my wife, the gf, suck another man's cock and get fucked, I was hooked. I only wanted to watch her after that. 20 years in and its never gotten less hot.
Married to HotfreaksHotwife.

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by jrobb » Mon Nov 20, 2023 5:40 pm

As mentioned in response to questions like this elsewhere...

How did we start? It was incredibly sexy, soooooo hottt, and suuuuuch a turn on!!! But our first time wasn't like a lot of the others. There wasn't any hinting or apprehension about what to say. It was more like lightning had struck that night...

For years I had searched for whatever it might be that my shy wife might enjoy in terms of sex. She was painfully withdrawn about such things. No talk of fantasies or other such openness. But one night, much to my surprise and joy, she was loosened up enough to reveal herself to me. From the start of that moment, to being shared, took only a couple hours for my hotwife to appear.

It was a regular week night. Me, my buddy, and my petite wife had all been in the living room listening to music and casually talking over a few beers and more in the late '80's. In the course of our conversation, he told a story about how he was involved in a threesome some years ago in college.

Later on that same evening, we went out to the hot tub. After a while, when he got out to get a drink and make a pit stop, she told me, "His story really turned me on." She was clearly loosened up, and I quickly responded with an approving "Mmmmmmmm!" In only a matter of seconds, I was slipping my hard dick into her and quickly gave her a good filling.

By the time my buddy came back to the tub, she was already filled with my cum. He had barely sat down and I lifted her bottom up to where her pussy was above water and said, "Ok, I just got done. Now it's your turn." She, somewhat shocked, asked, "Are you sure? Are you sure you want to do this?" I said, "Absolutely!".

I had her balanced in my hands, floating in the water with her pussy easily visible. Her arm around my neck, my left hand under her shoulders, my right hand under the small of her back. He got down in the water, positioned his face between her spread legs, and started to eat her as I held her in place. I cautioned him about her just being filled with my cum, but he continued to tease her clit and maybe even savor a bit of my remnant. She was cooing her pleasure when he stood up, positioned his hips between her legs, and slid into her VERY ready and willing pussy.

He didn't last long, and when he took his seat again, we all sat there, in a sort of pleasurable shock about how exciting the last couple of minutes actually were. Within 5 minutes, she said, "I want to do that again", and went over to stand next to him in the tub and asked, "How long has it been since you had a blow job?" Before he could even respond, she was already sucking on him as she leaned over, got him just a little hard, and moved her ass to press against him and reached down between her legs to stuff him into her pussy. Sadly, he couldn't muster the erection, and our evening came to a close shortly after.

And that's how it started, and why for us, it took only a couple of hours, if even that, to start our hotwife life.


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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by tiedyeHotwife » Mon Nov 20, 2023 5:52 pm

I was never good at using feminine wiles. Love to fuck, but sexy was something I struggled to exude.

Girlfriends birthday with intended bar hopping and my husband asked me to wear the leather pants he had bought me years earlier.
I put them on and he suggested a more cleavagey top. I changed for him.
Bar hopping dressed like that caused far more sexy attention than I was expecting.
I came home drunk, with stories of dancing and groping. We had incredible sex.

repeat that scenario many many times. Outfits getting sexier. getting into more and more 'trouble' each time.

eventually arriving at him setting up first dates for me (picking guys from swing sites).

Date 1 - ended with topless massage.
Date 2 - epic fucking.
date 3 and forward ..........

I came to view the whole process as "slut training" - and I embrace the sexual power of that word and love it.
Lot's of missteps along the way but all in all, I'm glad we took the journey.

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by HotWifeHotLyfe » Tue Nov 21, 2023 12:16 am

It started with fantasy talk in a long ago relationship. What have you done? What do you wan to do? Etc.

She arranged my first MFM thressome, so I was more than happy to arrange her first MFM threesome. But I didn’t anticipate how turned on I would be sharing my girl with another guy. We got into swinging and tried all the combination, but I found the best most intense sexual experience I could have is shame.

In my current relationship, I just explained it to her, and she listened, thought through it logically and decided she would like to try it. And she loves it.

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by MarknSusan » Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:06 am

We began with another couple shortly after we married. They moved. We missed that very special relationship that we had. We tried to find another couple, but found getting 4 people together with chemistry was almost impossible.

So we began with “singular friends” (male and female) and Susan’s old boyfriends. And we have had more than thirty years of fun and exciting times living as a non monogamous couple! The good news is now that we are in our early 60’s it even better now.

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by Carlas husband » Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:23 am

Carla has always had male friends. One of them went through a horrible divorce, and Carla went to visit him. She texted me, asking if I was OK with her staying overnight with him. I was, and she did. Later I told her that I was strangely turned on by imagining them having sex - in general, by the thought of her having sex with other men. She replied that she would like to give it a try.
That was the start of what was, and still is, the craziest rollercoaster ride of our lives.
How We Are Into This:
Carla picks her lovers herself.
We call them ‘lovers’ to signify that they must be nice to Carla, not just fuck her.
Submission and humiliation is not part of it for us.
I do not watch or participate. Yet.

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by Cdncuck » Wed Nov 22, 2023 8:06 am

On my part, whenever I felt a strong attachment to a girl, fantasies of watching her fucking other guys would pop into my head. From where those feelings and fantasies arose is a mystery but they were there.

I met my wife when she was in her last year of high school. She was the girl next door type and a virgin. Not the type of girl anyone would consider hotwife material.

We dated for a few months. We made out but never had sex. To my surprise, she was willing but I held back. I wanted to tell her about my desires but was afraid she would leave. It finally came to a head and she asked me if there was something wrong with her.

So, in the interest of full disclosure, I told her all about my feelings and desires. Much to my surprise, she wasn't upset or offended. She was curious and excited. I learned that just because she was a virgin didn't mean she wasn't horny and very interested in sexual matters.

After informing her about my feelings, she opened up about some of her desires and fantasies. It seems being monogamous had never been on her to do list. She had read some erotic books and the idea of multiple partners was something she very much wanted to try.

The following week we finally had sex. A week after that, we did our first mfm. After that she's been driving the bus ever since. We've been active in the lifestyle a little over 40 years now.

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by tractorman2 » Fri Nov 24, 2023 2:36 am

My girlfriend cheated on me when she was 16, with a man older than her mother, i was annoyed and went to see her to dump her, i said my bit as she cried begging forgiveness which i didnt accept, then as she asked for one last love making session all was forgiven as i planted my seed into her.

aged 17 another confession, this time she had been fucked whilst drunk, another confession tears and begging, but this time i actually quite liked what she told me as i made love to her.

Married whe she was 18, child at 19.

She started her first secret affair aged 21

Second child at 23,

At 24 she chose to show me i was her cuck husband as i watched my best friend "seducing her", she was sure by then that i would accept her having a lover and she wanted me to watch so i could enjoy it or say NO. I liked the experience and then became openly her cuck husband.

It improved our marriage and friendship and from then on she wanted this all in the open, she also asked that i source all her future lovers and i have, she has had numerous long term lovers and i have never had any regrets.

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by luvwives999 » Sun Nov 26, 2023 1:54 am

Before we got married, I told my wife that we'd be married a long time, 48 years this Dec actually, and that it would be unrealistic to think I would be the last man she slept with. The only thing I asked is that she not do it behind my back, but be honest, and not do something with someone else we hadn't done together first. I then asked her if I wasn't around which of my friends would she be sleeping with, and she told me who without hesitation. After that, pillow talk consisted of what if I called my friend up to come over while you are laying on the bed naked would you cover up? The answers went from maybe, no, I want him to see me, because then he'll fuck me. This in evidently led to a MMF with him, she seduced him. Admittedly, it was awkward immediately after, but after a few days, my wife realized that I was more than ok with her having other men, and actually relished it. From there her confidence and sexual exploits blossomed. Unfortunately, there were no more MMF's after that night, just her and other men without me, until we started to attend swing clubs, which is a whole different conversation.

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by snoogaloo82 » Sun Nov 26, 2023 3:38 am

brudan13 wrote:
Wed Nov 15, 2023 11:19 am
I am curious to find out how you started in the Hot Wife Lifestyle? Whose idea was it? Did you have trouble convincing her to have another man? How did you feel the first time you watched her with another man? How did she feel after it happened? Are you still in the lifestyle?
It took a long time for it to happen. First it started as a fantasy for me in my early 20's, and then eventually, at age of 61, my fiancée finally agreed to give it one try. And thankfully the guy she met was so good that she's been seeing him Friday evening through Monday morning ever since! And I couldn't be happier, and she says she's never ever felt this free before! She absolutely loves the sex that he does with her, and the cool thing is that they try new things all the time! That's it in a nutshell. Of course there were a lot of baby steps from my early 20's through to age 61, but those really don't tell the story. If you want to know more feel free to ask me via private message or her on this thread.

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by cucked » Sun Nov 26, 2023 8:14 pm

Shadnaster wrote:
Wed Nov 15, 2023 6:59 pm
Hmmm, I guess it started when she cheated on me with an ex. I was hurt but oddly turned on. I really didn't understand it. Eventually we got to a point where I could ask her about it. The more she told me, the more turned on I'd get. She'd tell me details in the bedroom and it would really get me going. It was a slow evolution from there.
Exact same story for us!

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Re: How did you start the Hot Wife Lifestyle

Unread post by citms2022 » Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:38 am

BT2 wrote:
Wed Nov 15, 2023 12:25 pm
We got into the hotwife lifestyle quite by accident. In fact it never entered our minds.

One place recommended an adult newspaper available in our city. We found a guy who gave massages to ladies. He was very nice and quite respectful.
Would you mind sharing what adult newspaper you found him in? Or if you have any other recommendations for finding a similar situation. My wife and I are slowly dipping our toes in and she is excited at the prospect of an erotic massage and so I was hoping to try and find something, but not sure where to start.

Lurking since Feb 2023, hoping to start on our journey soon!

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