Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Sun Nov 19, 2023 12:33 pm

Ocean, very interesting weekend, I think we all expected tattoos, the temp ones are a good idea, give you both time, when they are well down they are very sexy, piercing are next I am sure

So have you not tried out your own equipment yet, if not I am sure that’s coming, maybe next weekend, Will comments are odd, I think that is about domination, I give you a baby, I will own you, it is only a matter of time before Dawn move on and leave Will behind, Helen and James could be fun

As for the next stage with Reni, who knows what that could be, BDSM is not my thing, do they have a date planned

What happened on the Micheal front, is that dead or work in progress

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Sun Nov 26, 2023 5:03 am

Sunday; Apologies for lack of input, pressure of work for me during the week and an unusual turn of events for her; Everything is on hold. Dawn related Fridays happenings to Ray by phone. A not-surprised Ray said she’d heard about his treatment of other women. The why the fuck didn’t she say, stupid woman. Dawn defended her as usual.

Wednesday: Dawn/Will video chat, she was told to be available on Friday evening for a ‘special’ evenings entertainment, wear something loose and ‘available’? We were supposed to be seeing Cheryl and Tony and Ray, she was instructed to cancel. On the call, Dawn avoided showing Will her tattoos wanting a surprise for him on the next date, after all he was the instigator. She told him, in the evenings during the week, she had been putting together the kit for her ’room’ (with the weekend in mind) which pleased him. That evening, I noticed a lack of enthusiasm and disappointment.

Friday: Dawn went through the usual performance, this time wearing a lovely short, dark blue crossover dress, tied a bit higher to hide the tattoo for the big reveal. So just a hint of cleavage, but lots of black stockinged leg, black shoes, good to go. She left around 7 to drive up to his place near Guildford. I rang my buddy - Chinese restaurant and a few beers tonight.

About 11 I received a WhatsApp, ‘Don’t ring me! I’m safe. Come and get me, urgent. Big problems’. She had set her WhatsApp location for me to pick up. Even at speed it would take me an hour to get to Pirbright. I drove hard to her location, which would be best described, Manor house in the countryside like Will's, obviously a wealthy host. There were a lot of parked cars out front, so I pulled up discretely, got out. Dawn was waiting in the shadows near the front door. A mixed state of cold, distress and relief, got into my car and locked it.

What is going on? Here we go: The evening started well, as usual during the dinner Will asked for a crafty flash of boob. On seeing the tattoo he blew his top. Angry is one word you could use. In front of the restaurant he loudly berated her for not asking his permission, his approval of the design and where he wanted it. He told her she looked cheap and tawdry. She covered it over, now worried about the reaction when he saw the bird. She said she was feeling about an inch tall as this humiliation was very public. I was riled, but there’s more…

They drove to the venue in silence.On arrival they were greeted by very tipsy host and hostess, obviously the owner and a rather brassy woman wearing a black sheer negligee, completely naked underneath bar a suspender belt and black stockings, both looked around 60, but were probably younger. They were shown into a lounge area and given champagne. The room was lit by sidelights, heavy, almost tribal music with a thud thud beat in the background. More people similarly dressed to mine hosts (she thought it made Remi’s bar look normal; and she was totally overdressed. This was absolutely not Dawn's scene at all. No class.). Everyone was similarly very tipsy and 'friendly', the host (she can’t remember his name) kept refilling their glasses, told Will that everyone was visiting the other rooms and to help himself, looked at Dawn, giving Will a coarse nudge. Will, obviously well known, introduced Dawn to some of the evidently well heeled party goers and called for more drinks (to soften Dawn up no doubt), which is when she sent the text. After more drinks, a still angry Will firmly held Dawns arm and walked her into a large lowly lit room where couples, throuples were stretched out on couches in various stages of undress, ‘indulging’ in an assortment of activities. Will undid the bow on Dawns dress and pulled it open, uncovered her nakedness (not a lot of different with everyone else). She didn’t pull back, but he looked at the rose between Dawns boobs, gave a look of utter contempt and walked her into the ‘dungeon’ area. It was better lit and around 8 to 10 people were there watching a woman in the middle of the room, hands tied above her head, completely naked. Judging by the weals on her body, an amateur had thrashed her for everyone’s pleasure. Will pushed Dawn, dress still open, passed the crowd toward the guy doing the flogging. Announced loudly to everyone that ‘this one needs to be punished’ raising shouts and cat calls. Dawns snapped, told him to fuck off and made to leave.
Will slapped her across the face and pushed her towards the guy in the middle of the room. With utter fury she told Will he’d be ‘very wise to get out of her fucking way’, rushed out to hide to wait for me. A thoroughly shit state of affairs.

In the car she was clearly upset, sobbing, told me the goings on. I wanted to wait out and deal with Will in the dark, no ‘eyes to see’, not knowing who had administered the summary justice. All Dawn wanted to do was go to his house, retrieve her car and belongings before he got back. Which is what we ended up doing. Let me tell you, It did not sit right with me, he should be made to pay for his abuse, but she just wanted to go. Vengeance is a dish…

When we got home, all she wanted was a cup of tea and to talk. I suggested this was not part of our plan, we should get back on track. These weren't the people she wanted to be with, think about it. Exciting for now, but is it what she wants. She said she enjoyed Remi’s ministrations, Kerry was the tattooist/piercer (considerately; his idea about the temporary ink, till she was sure) He is obviously getting together with Ray. I said, Maybe go to his ‘rooms’ when you had the urge to let off steam, but he does have 2 really good restaurants as well for when you want to be civilised. I suppose I could have couched it better.

Her main concern was that Will might pull the plug on my business, “What about your business? I’m so sorry, it's a fucking mess.’ I said OK, you need to see this. I took her upstairs to my office, fired up the computer and showed her that the contract and installation were signed off; now set in stone. I showed her the figures and the penalties. It would cost Will a large fortune to cancel now, not to mention a major loss of face commercially. The second deal, don’t worry about that, it would have been a nice to have, but we didn’t need it. I’m not good with admin so we employ Dawns niece as the company accountant who had drawn up the company status report for the year. I hadn’t read till today: we were in a very good place indeed, so we van both relax. I said, ‘Let’s go back to ad hoc shagging whoever you fancy. Less complicated and loads more fun. And it’s party season, the first one on 2nd December. Lets get Ray and Cheryl down, don't forget Tony’.
I suggested that perhaps the rose was nice, but wasn’t really best placed, the other one was fine. She agreed and the Brownie points just kept on coming.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Sun Nov 26, 2023 6:04 am

Ocean Dawn was to be Will sub, that mean she was not to do anything with out his permission, tattoo with out asking, it was never about the tattoo it was the permission

Best think she could do was exit Will, you have a good group of FWB, enough variety in shagging to keep Dawn happy

Focus on your group, unless Dawn want to see what the London couple have to offer, IMHO I would not bother, Dawn has all bases covered just now

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Yorkguy » Sun Nov 26, 2023 8:51 am


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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Yorkguy » Sun Nov 26, 2023 8:53 am

Ocean, I think I feel your anger vicariously. What an utter C#nt Will is. I'm impressed with the restraint you showed. He deserved a good hiding for that! I imagine he's a soft Southern twat , when it comes down to it.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Yorkguy » Sun Nov 26, 2023 9:15 am

Ocean, I think I feel your anger vicariously. What an utter C#nt Will is. I'm impressed with the restraint you showed. He deserved a good hiding for that! I imagine he's a soft Southern twat , when it comes down to it.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by pixmangurn » Sun Nov 26, 2023 12:08 pm

He deserves hard slap from you Ocean when he least expects it.

Long Lurker 34
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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Sun Nov 26, 2023 2:05 pm

O - Will as it were 'rescued' Dawn from the previous guy, name forgotten, when if I recall, he was being abusive. Then he turns around and does the samething. Will might be rich and influential and 'thinks' he's some sort of Dom but in reality he's as dumb as dirt. A real Dom has far more awareness and understanding of both people and situations. Good riddance to poor rubbish.

If Dawn wishes to explore this side of herself I think perhaps she should stick with Remi, for the time being at least.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by KinkyBear » Sun Nov 26, 2023 2:35 pm

skoot1958 wrote:
Sun Nov 26, 2023 6:04 am
Ocean Dawn was to be Will sub, that mean she was not to do anything with out his permission, tattoo with out asking, it was never about the tattoo it was the permission
With all due respect, this is nonsense. It is a**holes like that who give BDSM a bad reputation. Being a “sub” is a consensual act. That consent defines the boundaries of the relationship. Anger and violence have no place in the BDSM lifestyle.

Will is simply a spoiled brat misogynist who deserves to get his ass kicked.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Mon Nov 27, 2023 2:21 am

LL and KN are both correct the is a difference between men behaving badly (Will) thinking inflicting pain and humiliation vs the structured process Reni is undertaking

Will never established what Dawn wanted out of the relationship he just assumed she was his to do what he wanted

Reni is educating Dawn and Ray and taking one step at a time

Consent, Anticipation, activity, recovery, reclaim

Allowing the release of good pleasure chemicals in to the body to match the process, I am not expert of other can add value please do so

Ocean your are write take a step back and enjoy life, maybe a pre Xmas visit to Reni is needed to reset

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Gulfcpl » Mon Nov 27, 2023 2:24 am

KinkyBear wrote:
Sun Nov 26, 2023 2:35 pm
skoot1958 wrote:
Sun Nov 26, 2023 6:04 am
Ocean Dawn was to be Will sub, that mean she was not to do anything with out his permission, tattoo with out asking, it was never about the tattoo it was the permission
With all due respect, this is nonsense. It is a**holes like that who give BDSM a bad reputation. Being a “sub” is a consensual act. That consent defines the boundaries of the relationship. Anger and violence have no place in the BDSM lifestyle.

Will is simply a spoiled brat misogynist who deserves to get his ass kicked.
I agree wholeheartedly.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Mon Nov 27, 2023 8:44 am


Early morning. 8am, a rather formal email dropped into my inbox from Michelle (Company Procurement). ‘Need a meeting in my office as soon as possible’. I thought, Oh shit! Will’s started to throw his toys out already. I wrote back, With pleasure do I need my lawyer? ‘No, why would you? just a meeting between you and me, some documents need to be discussed’. So 'Will the Bastard’ is wriggling, he's going after both Dawn and I. I have to front this, but I will sue him for breach of contract. Yes he has loads of money, but it will cost him dear. Over the 3 year contract, including hard/software and especially service, is into 7 figures. It will hurt him and especially in the business community. If Will is being an arsehole, I'll deal with it, then flatten him later. I certainly want to. I emailed back would early afternoon today suit? ‘Yes, 2.30 my office, I look forward to it.’ Maybe I’m being paranoid?

I realised Michelle has a senior role in not only this company, but Group, and in more than just procurement, she is also involved with company acquisitions and more. Smart woman, hard woman.
I presented myself at her office at 2.25 sharp. If I’m honest my stomach was churning like a washing machine. She stood from behind her desk and met me in the middle of the room with a smile - and a hug, I kissed her cheek. So far so… Coffee? yes please. She had a white blouse unbuttoned to show a fine cleavage in a white bra, black pencil skirt, black stockings (I hope) and black heels. Fucking knock out. We sat at her office side table and chairs, not the hot seat in front of her desk. She handed me a file, I opened it expecting to see a termination letter.

To my utter astonishment; It was the signed contract for the other company. So, he hadn’t issued an instruction to go to a war footing. Yet. Now, I was trying to walk a tightrope; I mustn’t elude to anything to do with Will or potential threats. Feeling a bit heady, I pulled myself together and said thank you, asked how she managed to get this? She laughed, ‘I’m his bloody boss, that odious little man does as he’s told’. ‘Now Mark, I think you owe me!’
A mixture of relief and elation. I said, ‘I think I do. Let’s start with dinner this week?’ She grinned, ’Thursday suits me very well’. ‘Thursday it is,’ I said, ‘shall I pick you up?’ To my surprise she said, ‘Yes, I’ll email you my address’. Then we small talked and flirted for the next 1/2 hour. After a full embrace, an amazing snog, handful of tit, I had a walking problem back to the car. I calmly pulled out of the office car park. About a mile down the road, shouted ‘Fucking Yeesss’ as loud as I could (rather Juvenile). Rang my guys at the office, more long hours, we need to put this one to bed quickly, they could deal with that it was about half the size of the big one, but still big bucks.

I called Dawn, gave her the good news and told her (for a change) I have a prospective shag on Thursday. She was subdued, she said she was pleased on all fronts. ‘Problem?’ Will had rung her in the car on the way to work knowing she’d be on her own, she ignored it. He’d left several messages throughout the course of the morning. She eventually took his call at 12.30. She said he grovelled like a good’un. In fact, he could have walked under a snake’s belly wearing a top hat. She told him, ‘No one had ever raised a hand to her in her life, that was unforgivable’. ‘If Mark ever found out, God help you. He used to kill people for a living’.(Royal Marine for 9 years. A very very long time ago, I just blow bubbles at people now). She needed space and time to think. She insisted on paying for the apparatus or would he like it returned. He said neither, it was a gift. Anyway Will’s on hold for now. She’s still wincing from the whole experience. On the upside, she showed the girls her tattoos, they thought the bird was great, but the rose was too obvious, wrong place, maybe some where else? Anyway now they know she has great tits and shaved pussy, just like them and not a fuddy duddy solicitor after all.
I said we’d crack a bottle of bubbles tonight and dinner Friday. Ray and Tony coming down Saturday night for Sunday lunch, it just works. Dawn must sort Cheryl. The party is on the 9th not 2nd oops. Stick to Remi for specials, I think.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Mon Nov 27, 2023 9:40 am

It does not surprise me that Will apologised, he know Dawn is a classy woman, if Dawn want to she could define a different relationship with Will, the question is does she want to

What does Will offer that Reni can not do better

As for Thursday I hope your going to book a nice hotel close by you do not want to be shagging a classy woman in the back of your car, unless she likes the thrill, you may end up at her place, backup plan is always a good thing, pack those little blue pills they always help :)

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Gulfcpl » Mon Nov 27, 2023 12:05 pm

If a man hits a woman once, he’ll do it again. I’m sure this wasn’t the first time.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Johng1953 » Mon Nov 27, 2023 1:58 pm

Gulfcpl wrote:
Mon Nov 27, 2023 12:05 pm
If a man hits a woman once, he’ll do it again. I’m sure this wasn’t the first time.
Absolutely. No second chances.

Long Lurker 34
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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Mon Nov 27, 2023 4:03 pm

Johng1953 wrote:
Mon Nov 27, 2023 1:58 pm
Gulfcpl wrote:
Mon Nov 27, 2023 12:05 pm
If a man hits a woman once, he’ll do it again. I’m sure this wasn’t the first time.
Absolutely. No second chances.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Sat Dec 02, 2023 4:29 am

Saturday. Tony and Ray arriving around 6 this evening.
A strange week all round. For Dawn, the enormity of what happened has finally sunk in; despite receiving a huge bouquet of flowers at her office on Tuesday, from ‘a grateful client’. She is still quite subdued. Apparently the blow was full force back of his hand, which dazed and shook her up. I’m afraid (and hoping) he’s cooked his goose. She laughed recalling how I’d always said, a kick in the balls and a thumb in each eye. I think he may have got off light from just her threat.

Dawn arranged supper and an evening in with Cheryl. As I was seeing Michelle on Thursday and she had the house to herself. She wished me a very ‘dirty’ evening and to text her when I left Guildford for home. Dawn said Cheryl arrived looking so glamorous; a green crossover dress (suits redheads) boobs bouncing all over, wafting perfume and two bottles of red wine, 1 each. She looked really good. Dawn suggested they eat and go to bed, Cheryl agreed with a serious kiss. They were in bed by 10.30 after each had given a catch-up of life to date. Especially the mess, previously known as Will.

I arrived at Michelle’s house 8.15. Her home was a large modern new build in a village not far from Guildford, near The Hogs Back. A large Audi saloon was on the drive, I was a bit concerned but told myself it was OK, it was business. She told me it was her husbands car, he had travelled with a colleague and was away on business till Friday afternoon.
We went to a really lovely old pub she had booked, about 10 miles away. When she removed her coat, wow, black semi see-through blouse unbuttoned showing plenty of boob, (small black bra), tight black yoga pants; what a fantastic arse, the black knee high boots finished it off, and me. We had a great meal, non stop conversation, both very comfortable in each others company. She suggested coffee at home. I told her she had a incredible arse; she said thank you, carried her coat over her arm, and as she walked to the car, gave me an exaggerated wiggle. As she stood by the open car door, we kissed, she had her arms round my neck as I grasped her beautiful arse with both hands and squeezed. So far it was a wonderful easy evening. she explained that her and her husband had an ‘arrangement’, I said I had a similar ‘arrangement’ (along with half the bloody world, it appears).
Arriving home we had wine, and without any qualm, led me to her bedroom. I must be honest I do have a thing about the marital bed, it just doesn’t seem right. Anyway, so much for principles, I undressed her, her body was amazing, a dress size bigger than Dawn’s 10, quite voluptuous, with a trimmed pussy. It tasted the same, hair or no hair. She was a seriously good and adventurous lover, it was like putting a saddle on a rattlesnake. As we indulged in some old fashioned doggy, to my surprise, as she was the last person I’d expect, on her shoulder a tattoo of a butterfly the name ‘Andy’ underneath. Turned out to be her daughter Andrea, who no longer lived at home but they were very close. Straight forward shagging till 3 in the morning (quite refreshing), as we were both working Friday, when I suggested I should head for home. A wonderful kissing session by the front door, she smiled, ’This is only the down payment!’ I said, I’d save up for the rest. I'd ring her.

I didn’t bother to text Dawn as I suspected she’d be asleep. When I arrived home, the house was in darkness. Cheryl's mini was still there, so I guessed she’d got pissed and taxi’d. I opened my bedroom door, in the gloom they were both in bed fast asleep (and Cheryl was snoring), so I went to the guest room.
7.30am I was making breakfast for me when 2 so called 'grown ups' joined me. Giggly girly embarrassment, hungover. Cheryl left for work in Dawn’s skirt and a top that was certainly working hard to contain Cheryls tits, so she didn’t have to do the ‘walk of shame’ at her office. Kisses all round. Have a nice day.

Dawn walked back into the kitchen grinning from ear to ear, made strong coffee and said, ‘me first.’ OK. “Cheryl loves having her arse whipped, what do you think of that?’ I was so surprised. 'You showed her the room?' “Yup, I'm not bad for an amateur. I tied her to the lift and used the flogger. She really got into it. The nipple suction things were a hit after she got her head around them, she’s got huge nipples.’ All went well then? ‘God. It was what I needed. Then we fucked the night away.’ Rather quietly she said, “I don’t want to see Will again; the man is out of control, he'll do it again’. ‘Oh, and I don’t want reprisals from you. OK?’ Good, we move on. It’s incredible what a bit of ‘ginger’ will do for the morale. She laughed. Inside I was just relieved, a lot of complications dodged.

We cleared up and went back to bed to talk about last night, tonight and the future. Things are on the up, all round.

Long Lurker 34
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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:41 am

ocean wrote:
Sat Dec 02, 2023 4:29 am
Saturday. Tony and Ray arriving around 6 this evening.
A strange week all round. For Dawn, the enormity of what happened has finally sunk in; despite receiving a huge bouquet of flowers at her office on Tuesday, from ‘a grateful client’. She is still quite subdued. Apparently the blow was full force back of his hand, which dazed and shook her up. I’m afraid (and hoping) he’s cooked his goose. She laughed recalling how I’d always said, a kick in the balls and a thumb in each eye. I think he may have got off light from just her threat.

Dawn arranged supper and an evening in with Cheryl. As I was seeing Michelle on Thursday and she had the house to herself. She wished me a very ‘dirty’ evening and to text her when I left Guildford for home. Dawn said Cheryl arrived looking so glamorous; a green crossover dress (suits redheads) boobs bouncing all over, wafting perfume and two bottles of red wine, 1 each. She looked really good. Dawn suggested they eat and go to bed, Cheryl agreed with a serious kiss. They were in bed by 10.30 after each had given a catch-up of life to date. Especially the mess, previously known as Will.

I arrived at Michelle’s house 8.15. Her home was a large modern new build in a village not far from Guildford, near The Hogs Back. A large Audi saloon was on the drive, I was a bit concerned but told myself it was OK, it was business. She told me it was her husbands car, he had travelled with a colleague and was away on business till Friday afternoon.
We went to a really lovely old pub she had booked, about 10 miles away. When she removed her coat, wow, black semi see-through blouse unbuttoned showing plenty of boob, (small black bra), tight black yoga pants; what a fantastic arse, the black knee high boots finished it off, and me. We had a great meal, non stop conversation, both very comfortable in each others company. She suggested coffee at home. I told her she had a incredible arse; she said thank you, carried her coat over her arm, and as she walked to the car, gave me an exaggerated wiggle. As she stood by the open car door, we kissed, she had her arms round my neck as I grasped her beautiful arse with both hands and squeezed. So far it was a wonderful easy evening. she explained that her and her husband had an ‘arrangement’, I said I had a similar ‘arrangement’ (along with half the bloody world, it appears).
Arriving home we had wine, and without any qualm, led me to her bedroom. I must be honest I do have a thing about the marital bed, it just doesn’t seem right. Anyway, so much for principles, I undressed her, her body was amazing, a dress size bigger than Dawn’s 10, quite voluptuous, with a trimmed pussy. It tasted the same, hair or no hair. She was a seriously good and adventurous lover, it was like putting a saddle on a rattlesnake. As we indulged in some old fashioned doggy, to my surprise, as she was the last person I’d expect, on her shoulder a tattoo of a butterfly the name ‘Andy’ underneath. Turned out to be her daughter Andrea, who no longer lived at home but they were very close. Straight forward shagging till 3 in the morning (quite refreshing), as we were both working Friday, when I suggested I should head for home. A wonderful kissing session by the front door, she smiled, ’This is only the down payment!’ I said, I’d save up for the rest. I'd ring her.

I didn’t bother to text Dawn as I suspected she’d be asleep. When I arrived home, the house was in darkness. Cheryl's mini was still there, so I guessed she’d got pissed and taxi’d. I opened my bedroom door, in the gloom they were both in bed fast asleep (and Cheryl was snoring), so I went to the guest room.
7.30am I was making breakfast for me when 2 so called 'grown ups' joined me. Giggly girly embarrassment, hungover. Cheryl left for work in Dawn’s skirt and a top that was certainly working hard to contain Cheryls tits, so she didn’t have to do the ‘walk of shame’ at her office. Kisses all round. Have a nice day.

Dawn walked back into the kitchen grinning from ear to ear, made strong coffee and said, ‘me first.’ OK. “Cheryl loves having her arse whipped, what do you think of that?’ I was so surprised. 'You showed her the room?' “Yup, I'm not bad for an amateur. I tied her to the lift and used the flogger. She really got into it. The nipple suction things were a hit after she got her head around them, she’s got huge nipples.’ All went well then? ‘God. It was what I needed. Then we fucked the night away.’ Rather quietly she said, “I don’t want to see Will again; the man is out of control, he'll do it again’. ‘Oh, and I don’t want reprisals from you. OK?’ Good, we move on. It’s incredible what a bit of ‘ginger’ will do for the morale. She laughed. Inside I was just relieved, a lot of complications dodged.

We cleared up and went back to bed to talk about last night, tonight and the future. Things are on the up, all round.
O - M seems like she is nicely put together and altogether nice catch. Well done. :D :D
- Dawn -> Will. Excellent. As i said before, good riddance to poor garbage. :up: :up:

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Yorkguy » Sat Dec 02, 2023 11:01 am

I'm pretty sure that Will will get what's coming to him, if he continues to treat people that way. Still, perhaps he'll learn a lesson.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Sat Dec 02, 2023 11:57 pm

Ocean as very supportive husband with a few nice perks, I think it is great you have your own hobby Michelle, it is great that she has an understanding with her husband, this combined with Dawn activities should give you plenty of opportunities to play

You said M was an active lover, thats great we all hate a pillow queen, I am sure M will have her own kinks, as a good lover you have to work these out and help her enjoy them, even if they are not always you are into, a man has to do what a man has to do. Did M show you her toy collection, you can lean a lot about a woman from a look at her toy collection, maybe have a look at Shibari as a thing for you and M to play with, or maybe you get to play in your room sometime with M if that what she wants to try

You talked in the past about Dawn NRE with her new lovers, now is your opportunity to experience NRE

As for Dawn’s Xmas list, a dominatrix outfit? specialist girls on girl toys, double ended dildos, pegging set, her and her remote egg vibrators so the girl can play with each other long distance

As of Will fuck him, a contract is a contract, and is he is not going in to say anything, when he went to a lot of trouble to ensure Dawn did not tell you about him

What about the London couple and Coral, will Dawn now have the time to follow up or is she not interested

If you had install a discreet camera in the play room, then you could have watched the highlights of Thursday game, maybe it is time for an upgrade

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Mon Dec 04, 2023 8:06 am

Monday pm In my office. Just got off the phone to Michelle to say thank you for a wonderful evening and to let her know about supply/delivery of the order/project for the latest award. Which was well received. She wants to keep our rendezvous to twice a month, ‘to keep it fresh’ and to coincide with her husbands business trips. I thought about what Skoot said, but I think she’s straight laced and perhaps a bit vanilla, just enjoys a good fuck; it’s early days. I am on such a high over this new path. Also she is taking control of Group IT Planning. That is seriously good news for me. Lots of business and a beautiful lover.

About Saturday evening, although we were tired from the exertions of Thursday night/ Friday morning, Saturday afternoon when Ray and Tony arrived, we were in good fettle. We bundled into Rays car and went for supper at a local pub, good food and plenty to drink. Both girls wore tight blue jeans and blouses, buttoned a touch low, neither wearing a bra. Lucky locals. During supper Dawn gave a quick description of her ‘room’ (I do hope the locals couldn’t hear) Tony was anxious to check it out but Ray was out the door.

We got back and went into the room, Ray was a little put out that she hadn’t been first in, but pleased to hear Cheryl enjoyed it. Dawn wanted to hone her skills, it was a very willing Ray who offered herself up as ‘victim’. I am always in awe of that beautiful brown body, quite large breasts and dark nipples, not to mention perfectly (and very recently) hairless pussy, and now with a monochrome dragon-fly tattoo above it, that’s new. Probably a temporary one like Dawns. Ray was attached to the bar and lifted to just on her toes. Tony and I watched, from across the room, he was so intrigued, this isn’t airline customer service. He got very excited when Dawn stripped off.

She started by putting the blindfold on Ray, then oiling her body, in all the little places and crevices and rubbing her own body into her. All Ray could do was giggle, haha, that’s going to change soon. Dawn inserted the ‘egg’ and gave the remote to Tony, why Tony? Which he soon got the hang of. The nipple clamps were applied, both at the same time without warning, which elicited a ‘Ahh, fuck me!!’ from Ray (not laughing now). Then the flogger. I’m not sure about the application but she looked the part. Tony was rampant, and yeah maybe I was too. After the initial shock of the clamps and then the whip, Ray was actually getting into it. Squawking a bit when she alternated between flogger and the horse whip, loud cracks (must’ve hurt). Dawn slipped her fingers into Rays pussy while giving her kissing her as she pulled the chain on the clamps. Pain/pleasure - demarcation/merge (so I’m told). It was very warm in the room yet Ray was actually shivering, perhaps shock. The session lasted maybe an hour, when Dawn indicated to us to get involved. Ray was lowered and laid face up over the bench, I took the initiative to enter that lovely brown open pussy. Ray couldn’t do a thing about it. Her wrists were attached to the bench and her legs were strapped apart, her whole body was off balance. She was mine. There was no reticence from her, even though she couldn’t see whether it was me or Tony. He was on the curved bench fucking the brains out of Dawn. A very happy time had by all. Once released with a brandy in her hand, Ray said she absolutely loved the experience, she and Dawn would go for more tuition to enhance their skills. Good old Remi - the deviant of choice, so I’ll leave that to them and him.

By now it was well after midnight and Dawn decided that Ray and I would go to the main guest room and shower and meet the other two downstairs for a night cap. They’d setup and showered in our room. Does feel strange, marital bed and all that. That was the sleeping arrangements. To my embarrassment after a good long session with Ray, I succumbed to sleep and awoke around 7, with Dawn and Ray on the other side of the bed. I’d obviously missed the show. They thought it very amusing that I snored through the whole performance.

They stayed till after lunch. Everyone was absolutely buzzing especially Ray about the weekend ventures. Now Tony’s got food for thought. Dawn and I discussed the goings-on and we agreed, great fun, everyone had a good time, let’s not delve any deeper into the ’black arts’. She raised a veiled apprehension about Michelle and me. Green eye??? Goose/ Gander??!!

To answer a few questions: The London couple was just a fleeting meeting, I’m sure Dawn will contact the wife for lunch, but she has no spark for the husband.
The camera is an excellent idea and can integrate with my wi-fi for viewing remotely. Though to tell Dawn or not??
Not heard from Coral. I suggested she leave that for Coral to contact as and when, keep her dignity.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Yorkguy » Thu Dec 14, 2023 5:35 am

Hope all is well Ocean.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:38 pm

A great deal has happened since my last post; In early December I received an unpleasant personal message from a contributor (it was personal, so I maintain his anonymity), which started off as a rebuke but quickly turned into ridicule and offensive comments. More of this later.

I was greatly upset by this so we decided to have a few days away in southern Spain for some peace and quiet and sun. During our break we drew a great deal from each other. Dawn could see that part of the reason she ‘went off the rails’ this year and sought out opportunity and freedom wherever it appeared at breakneck speed, was in part an incredibly oppressive upbringing, a vanilla relationship at home, (pregnant at 21and 23 - there goes the wild social/sexual life she had just started), being partnered to a workaholic (companies don’t build themselves - but I got the balance wrong), now she’s realised the biggest wet blanket of all, was her job. No stimulation, bored out of her mind, promoted to retain her. We agreed that we now are in time and position in our life and situation, to do what we want. So she has decided to resign. So she is giving 90 days notice in January, and will work on the ‘Fuck you’ basis, so don’t upset her…

In honesty, part of the coming to this conclusion, was Coral rang Dawn while we were away and invited her to attend a rather nice Country House Hotel with a very dubious history in the Berkshire countryside. Coral had got her some work; 2 days modelling fashion clothes for a magazine compiling a sales catalogue, very tasteful and clothes right up her street. And, in the same hotel the following two days; a part as an extra in a travel/holiday company TV advert, due out in late February, where she sits in the wonderful dining room, looking classy, eating a delicious lunch, laughing and enjoying her fabulous holiday hotel, with dahling friends. I don’t see any Oscar nominations arising from this, but she phoned and said it was a lot of fun, long days and knackering. I enquired - the work was knackering or the nights with Coral? She laughed, said both. She went up Sunday evening 17th and due back 21st late. If anymore work comes in from Coral - great, if it doesn’t - great. But apparently there is as much work as she wants, we’ll see.

Every year Company A throws a suppliers dinner, hotel rooms included, hosted by the Marketing and Purchasing department, and the lovely Michelle will be in attendance. I am advised all is going well enough with the existing contracts, and that we can start talks for the wider group in the new Year. We obviously have to be discrete.

Before we left (and I received that bloody message) I tried out, as victim, in the ‘room’. Tell me - how can anyone get off on that? I nearly had my nipples torn off, arse thrashed, balls crushed… Not for me. I’ll leave that to Dawn and Ray. We’ve agreed if she wants a ‘full fat’ session - she can go to Remi and Kersten (Kerry), which she said she would once or twice a month. Cheryl dotes on Dawn so I fear any further involvement with me is fast disappearing. Mores the pity.
The villain of the peace, Will, rang and said he will keep in touch in the New Year, even after being told ‘No’. The offer to return the kit was turned down, so that’s going to gather dust, unless Ray and Dawn use it. So there we are up to date.

Finally - The Personal Message I received which caused me great upset, as well as anger, called my honesty and integrity into question, in effect - regarded me as a liar. This prompted a rethink for us. This is the third and frankly final occasion I’m going to suffer that kind of indignity. Dawn even offered to become ‘verified’ our reallity and genuineness, especially as she won’t have worry about her profession anymore, but I felt why should she and why should I put up with this railing.

Until I’d been in the thick of it, I couldn’t possibly realise the risk these girls will take and the speed which things happen and in fact how quickly things spin out of your control. Frightening and disconcerting to say the least. I suspect the commentator hasn’t embarked on his journey yet - so good luck mate.
So - I have now decided to return to the post of observer on this site. I’d like to thank you guys for your support and kindness. I have learned much from you and taken on board your wise words and advice. Sorted a lot of wood from trees.

Dawn and I have agreed to slow the pace and stick to hotwifing, she has the adventures and comes home and tells me, with the occasional voyeur adventure. In fact our original plan. Plus, of course, my friend Michelle.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Mrwarmwife » Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:58 pm

ocean wrote:
Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:38 pm
A great deal has happened since my last post; In early December I received an unpleasant personal message from a contributor (it was personal, so I maintain his anonymity), which started off as a rebuke but quickly turned into ridicule and offensive comments. More of this later.

I was greatly upset by this so we decided to have a few days away in southern Spain for some peace and quiet and sun. During our break we drew a great deal from each other. Dawn could see that part of the reason she ‘went off the rails’ this year and sought out opportunity and freedom wherever it appeared at breakneck speed, was in part an incredibly oppressive upbringing, a vanilla relationship at home, (pregnant at 21and 23 - there goes the wild social/sexual life she had just started), being partnered to a workaholic (companies don’t build themselves - but I got the balance wrong), now she’s realised the biggest wet blanket of all, was her job. No stimulation, bored out of her mind, promoted to retain her. We agreed that we now are in time and position in our life and situation, to do what we want. So she has decided to resign. So she is giving 90 days notice in January, and will work on the ‘Fuck you’ basis, so don’t upset her…

In honesty, part of the coming to this conclusion, was Coral rang Dawn while we were away and invited her to attend a rather nice Country House Hotel with a very dubious history in the Berkshire countryside. Coral had got her some work; 2 days modelling fashion clothes for a magazine compiling a sales catalogue, very tasteful and clothes right up her street. And, in the same hotel the following two days; a part as an extra in a travel/holiday company TV advert, due out in late February, where she sits in the wonderful dining room, looking classy, eating a delicious lunch, laughing and enjoying her fabulous holiday hotel, with dahling friends. I don’t see any Oscar nominations arising from this, but she phoned and said it was a lot of fun, long days and knackering. I enquired - the work was knackering or the nights with Coral? She laughed, said both. She went up Sunday evening 17th and due back 21st late. If anymore work comes in from Coral - great, if it doesn’t - great. But apparently there is as much work as she wants, we’ll see.

Every year Company A throws a suppliers dinner, hotel rooms included, hosted by the Marketing and Purchasing department, and the lovely Michelle will be in attendance. I am advised all is going well enough with the existing contracts, and that we can start talks for the wider group in the new Year. We obviously have to be discrete.

Before we left (and I received that bloody message) I tried out, as victim, in the ‘room’. Tell me - how can anyone get off on that? I nearly had my nipples torn off, arse thrashed, balls crushed… Not for me. I’ll leave that to Dawn and Ray. We’ve agreed if she wants a ‘full fat’ session - she can go to Remi and Kersten (Kerry), which she said she would once or twice a month. Cheryl dotes on Dawn so I fear any further involvement with me is fast disappearing. Mores the pity.
The villain of the peace, Will, rang and said he will keep in touch in the New Year, even after being told ‘No’. The offer to return the kit was turned down, so that’s going to gather dust, unless Ray and Dawn use it. So there we are up to date.

Finally - The Personal Message I received which caused me great upset, as well as anger, called my honesty and integrity into question, in effect - regarded me as a liar. This prompted a rethink for us. This is the third and frankly final occasion I’m going to suffer that kind of indignity. Dawn even offered to become ‘verified’ our reallity and genuineness, especially as she won’t have worry about her profession anymore, but I felt why should she and why should I put up with this railing.

Until I’d been in the thick of it, I couldn’t possibly realise the risk these girls will take and the speed which things happen and in fact how quickly things spin out of your control. Frightening and disconcerting to say the least. I suspect the commentator hasn’t embarked on his journey yet - so good luck mate.
So - I have now decided to return to the post of observer on this site. I’d like to thank you guys for your support and kindness. I have learned much from you and taken on board your wise words and advice. Sorted a lot of wood from trees.

Dawn and I have agreed to slow the pace and stick to hotwifing, she has the adventures and comes home and tells me, with the occasional voyeur adventure. In fact our original plan. Plus, of course, my friend Michelle.

Ocean -- I'm very sorry to hear you had to endure an attack and accusations from someone on the forum. Sad to think we come here for an understanding, non-judgmental community, and someone attacks. Granted some have been caught with fake photos, but just calling out a story is really tough to justify.

I, for one, can appreciate how quickly a hotwife can embrace the lifestyle and exceed all expectations. As I reflect on 2023, I remain completely astonished at the things MrsWarmWife has done. Only I can truly appreciate it...because I know her.

Thanks for your story and sharing it here. Please know that many readers really appreciated your contribution.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Wannabecuck2468 » Tue Dec 19, 2023 2:27 pm

Well it's a real shame when somebody attacks another's integrity on here, it's supposed to be an exciting read and seeing how the different hotwifes life's evolve in this lifestyle.

I have thoroughly enjoyed Dawn's pleasure, just not the downside (poor girl). Unfortunately haters will always hate ( or maybe it's jealousy).

Sorry to see you go.

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