Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by whosbeensleeping » Tue Dec 19, 2023 3:29 pm

Sorry to hear that someone got ugly with you. Glad you are sticking around though at least for now.
The reason that hotwife verification is so valuable is because readers get emotionally invested in a story and for skeptical folk like myself, the only way we can feel comfortable opening our hearts is when we know that the woman is real. That's might sound funny on a site that provides plenty of fap material, but it's part of the inscrutable nature of the Interwebs.
Not that verification is foolproof, but it's what we have.
It's also awesome to hear the woman's experience in her own voice, as nothing can compare with her authenticity.
If Dawn was ever inclined that way again, please consider her personally invited.
There's no guarantee of protection from shitty posters amongst the men, but the ladies treat each other right and can offer wise support.

Long Lurker 34
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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Tue Dec 19, 2023 4:40 pm

O - Am very sorry to learn of this attack on your honesty and character and of your understandable decision to stop posting. Such a pity as your and Dawn's exploits were most frequently a much looked forward to read. :cry: :cry:

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ResponsibullCummings » Tue Dec 19, 2023 7:28 pm

Sorry to see you gonas well. In the past there have been many posters that have turned out to be fake and probably more that stop posting because of the kind of crap you had to deal with. As you know it us against the rules of the site to acuse a poster of lying because it does discourage people with real while I hope you reconsider I hope at least you will report the person who was PMing you to the mods so they can be dealt with before they chase others away.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Wed Dec 20, 2023 3:38 am

Ocean, I agree with all above, report this person to admin, this is just wrong, as for you and Dawn it is good you are developing your relationships, Dawn now has a number of FWB she can spend time with, and I am sure there will be some more over time, it is great you and Dawn are able to get out of the rate race, did the same myself 2 years ago and have never looked back

As for your experiment, maybe Dawn needs more training to make the experience better for you, sometimes a build up over time is needed, have the “boys” teach Dawn, then give it a go again

Please post from time to time, just to say all is good

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by pixmangurn » Wed Dec 20, 2023 4:12 am

Ocean, as stated above don't let one hater spoil your experience here! Many of us look forward to your posts and live vicariously through your adventures! Report that person to the mods. Best wishes and merry Christmas to you and your stunning wife!

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Maddie_Hippychick » Wed Dec 20, 2023 9:14 am

…and this is why we can’t have nice things!

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by nwuk69 » Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:11 am

Hi Ocean, have absolutely loved following yours and Dawns adventures on here. Your writing is absolutely superb. Really appreciate you coming back on here just to let us know what’s happening. That is one special relationship the two of you have. All the very best in the future

Golden Years
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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Golden Years » Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:49 pm

Satre wrote 'L' Enfer c'est les autres' (Hell is other people'.).

I think he was right. We live in a beautiful world but some people seem to enjoy making life miserable for others. I have a personal rule to only ever say nice things to others and to never deliberately cause sadness. However I also expect nobody else to adhere to anything like this.

Accept that some people will be horrible and move on. Shake it off, as another philosopher sang. And don't let them stop you doing what you want. It almost doesn't matter if your story is true or not. You must enjoy telling it, otherwise you wouldn't do it. And you are causing no harm to anybody else. Continue and ignore or stop as you wish.

Have a wonderful Christmas.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Thu Dec 21, 2023 11:12 pm

100% agree, be nice, pay forward when your can, publish and be damned

Your blog is a record of this part of your life, when your 70 you can loo back and smile

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Sat Dec 23, 2023 11:00 am

May I take his opportunity to wish everyone a happy Christmas and good fortune for the New Year. Friend and foe alike.

If you don't celebrate Christmas, then have a very happy holiday.

Kindest Regards Dawn and Mark

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Sat Dec 23, 2023 12:19 pm

Mark and Dawn, I wish you all a great 2024, I am sure the next year will be great for you both, especially with Dawn moving on to a new phase in her life

I am sure your hobbies will develop and mature, keep safe, be good, I know your not going to post again due to trolls, as you can see from about the community is supportive of you, and we all agree the admin should deal with your trolls

Please post from time to time just to say you are both ok or if you feel you need to clear your head from time to time, rember you can just delete DM with our reading them, no troll will post openly

Long Lurker 34
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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Sat Dec 23, 2023 4:45 pm

O - With Skoot's last post. :up: :up:
- Yourself and Dawn have some good down time and enjoy the holidays. :D :D

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Tue Jan 02, 2024 6:29 am

TUESDAY. 2nd December. I've had some very encouraging PM's - Thank you. And Thank you for the sage advice gained from hard earned experience and kind consideration.
Christmas was great, kids (late 20’s), grand kids all good. Dawn was paid well for her efforts with the clothing and travel sessions. The travel advert should be on TV end February ready for holiday season. Both were at Cliveden House (Profumo Scandal) which was rather fitting as Dawn spent every night with Coral and no-one batted an eyelid. I reminded Dawn, I knew her when she was a nobody. Coral is arranging more opportunities for the new year, however, according to Coral even 1 day jobs seem to require an overnight stay. That rule lasted 5 minutes, didn’t it.

Ray and Tony came down on New Years Day morning, left this morning around 11 to head for home. They were a lot of fun, again strange, Tony and Dawn in our room and I slept with Ray in the guest room. (Obviously the taboo of the marital bed seems to have gone - another rule out of the window).
We were invited by friends, to meet their friends on New Years day lunchtime at the pub a few villages over. Dawn was excited about this (something new) and looked fabulous in a fawn coloured, long sleeved, round necked cashmere knitted top stopping and open at her waist, tight tan leather trousers and tan heels, the temporary tattoos have now faded away and we’re back to a clean sheet, hopefully forgotten. Ray wore a long sleeve mustard mini dress, hold ups, tan leather high heeled boots, bloody delicious. My vanilla friends wife, Lynn, was dressed in black jumper and trousers, not a lot of imagination or effort, as Trevor, her husband foolishly pointed out, much to his regret.
The pub was busy and the friends turned out to be a very happy bunch generally, who had all started celebrating way before us. Dawn coming in from the cold could’ve hung her coat on her nipples. Points not missed by most of the crowd, only increasing her popularity. I find small talk difficult, especially when some of the conversations were banal dick swinging competitions about cars, money, jobs and other superficial subjects. A couple of the ladies decided to include the girls. Dawn was a bit shocked when one woman asked who had done her tits. Who asks a stranger that? She was pleased to tell them, they were a gift from God. Another asked Ray (Soraya) what part of the world she was from. She said Dorking. Don’t think that was what they were expecting.

I had a stuffy type start a conversation mainly about his favourite subject - him. He was a Chartered Accountant (not an ordinary one mind you). He eventually asked about me, ’I sell printers’. The look, a mix of disappointment and glee, this made me an uninteresting peasant in his view. Who did I work for?; I told him. He said his practice had equipment from us, who does speak to in case he has to make a complaint? What?? I told him, me the buck stops with me. With a face like a smacked arse, he scuttled off to the the end of the bar to Google my firm and check me out on Companies House. I got a bit more respect later when he returned and wanted to be my new BFF. So I'm not quite the peasant after all.
The one I enjoy every time, was Tony. He was being questioned by several attractive wives and a number of condescending blokes as to what he did. Well, Tony is half Italian, good looking, trim, tanned and very confidant. He looked at me, grinned. (As an aside Tony told me the call sign for BA big aircraft is ‘Speedbird’ when using radio comms to identify themselves). In his finest ‘Speedbird, Speedbird’ toff BA accent (which isn’t his normal accent), he told them, quite truthfully, he was a British Airways Captain for many years on heavy jets. Every time! The sound of knickers hitting the ground was deafening, the guys on their knees declaring ‘they were not worthy’. I have seen him do this so many times, never fails. Suddenly, we both became ‘somebodys’. How shallow. We went to the bar for more drinks and to suck lemons - take the smile off our faces.

I asked Dawn, Anything catch your fancy? ‘A couple of guys came on strong. They seem nice people, there are a few tossers and one or two bitches'. She said ‘the guy in the red checked shirt, Andy, he’s pretty hot, been squeezing my arse all afternoon’. I said, he’s probably into leather; yet another fetish for her to investigate. Indeed, he was good looking, well built, a mass of tattoos; right up to his neck. I said, ‘Well your taste has certainly changed. Go get stuck in’. Meanwhile Ray was getting pulled by Farmer Giles and a couple of guys at the bar stroking her backside, checking for underwear no doubt. Everyone, now the worse for wear, was going back to Gile’s house to party on. Tony and the girls were quite well oiled. Me? I was the designated driver. So much 00% beer I was drowning, yet stone cold sober, great! The girls seemed pleased to extend the party, Redshirt who was within earshot, was also happy Dawn was going back. It turns out, Andy (Red shirt), was good company and as hot as he first appeared.

The party was good, lots of silly drunks. I wished I could’ve joined in. Not being in the mood, I went outside and sat on a chair on the wooden deck at the back of the house for a breath of fresh air. The back door opened and from the light coming through the windows, I saw Dawn come out followed by Red. They got into a full blown snog against the rails, him lifting her top up over her boobs. She does have great tits, as he was finding out. I sat very still in my chair in the corner and just watched. He undid her trousers, got his hand down the front to stir up some interest. She in turn undid his trousers, which fell to his knees, and gave him a hand job. He was pushing her trousers down to start some action, when the door burst open and party people came out onto the deck. A shocked Red was trying to tuck his hard-on away and pull his trousers up, Dawn trying to be convivial while covering her open trousers. It was so comical, so Benny Hill. I'm still in the corner, have you ever tried to laugh silently??
No-one had seen me so I lost myself in the crowd, slipped back inside. Saw Tony and partied with the lovely ladies. Everyone was into everyone and it was clearly not the first time they’d all got together. Ray ended up upstairs with Farmer Giles and another guy, as it turned out - Farmer Giles was only a watcher. Tony disappeared with a very busty redhead, no doubt to explain the principles of flight. Around midnight I piled everyone into the car, laughing as they regaled us all with their antics as we drove home. Sobriety has very little upside.

The drinking continued at home, this time I had a very large scotch and thoroughly enjoyed it. Ray sat on my lap with her mini dress riding up round her backside, bare arsed, kissing me telling me what a good guy I was for driving. I just hoped my trousers weren’t a mess from her earlier exploits. Dawn grabbed Tony’s hand, said she was taking him to bed and she’d see me in the morning. Tony shrugged his shoulders and grinned. Ray balled my brains out and I slept well. They left around 11 this morning. I read a kind and uplifting PM from Skoot - thanks mate! So my writing therapy goes on. As for critics - I don’t care, I’m not a temperamental person by nature, so no more toys out of the pram. There Dawn - I said it.

Dawn’s nervous about going in on tomorrow to hand in her resignation. After 17 years - only 3 months notice and it’s all over. Her job supported the family while I was trying to get my firm off the ground. She knows it's the right thing and she’ll be shaking off the drabness that has been depressing her psyche for the last few years, but it’s still a wrench. I think the new venture with Coral will be sporadic and the income won’t be that great, but it’s a good change for her mentally. I’m seeing Michelle on the 11th, part of our twice a month arrangement when her husband’s working away. Dawn wants me to dish the dirt.

2023 has been a whirlwind; not everything was good, but a lot of good has come of it all. I hadn’t expected an open marriage, or Dawn to go as wild as she has; trying to make up for lost time - ‘so many experiences out there and such little time’ appears to have been her mantra. We’re agreed this year will see her and I seize opportunities of all kinds, but at a more leisurely pace. Things are panning out OK - we are actually very happy.
Happy New Year everyone.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by two4fun_74 » Tue Jan 02, 2024 7:27 am

I'm fairly new to the site and just discovered this fascinating and addictive thread. What makes this even more enthralling is events are taking place in my general neck of the woods.. I'm in east Surrey, just north of Gatwick. Many moons ago my wife had an "affair" (I had fully knowledge of all events) with a younger guy from Bangladesh and the images playing in my head, of his brown hands all over her pale body and his brown cock in her pussy drove me crazy. She kept seeing him for about ten weeks, spent two overnighters with him in hotels. In between that, they'd meet for "drinks" at pubs in Canary Wharf... In reality they were all over each other.. and I was left waiting at home for her to return... Absolutely addictive and enthralling experience, until he started to get possessive and demanding... He also didn't know that I knew what was going on, and amusingly felt a sense of power over me, the husband, as if somehow he was just totally irresistable to this older married woman. She let him continue to believe she was cheating. Good times :D

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Tue Jan 02, 2024 8:40 am

Ocean, great your back, sounds like 2024 has started well, the only rule you will be left with will be open communication, sounds like Dawn might follow up with Andy soon, is he single or is there a Mrs Andy that may need your help

Yes the lose of income will be hard, but the ability to clear your head of all the work crape is well worth it, Dawn can always develop a new practice doing what she wants to do, maybe they will agree to a 1 year sabbatical (if she wants to) that would give Dawn time to consider her life, if you never ask your never know, they asked my to come back to work after 6 months off, I said 1 day a week think that would say no, and they said yes, i now act as the adult in the rooms ( sales company )

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Wannabecuck2468 » Tue Jan 02, 2024 11:40 am

Great to have you back Ocean. Wishing you both a terrific 2024 and looking forward to your updates.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by pixmangurn » Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:24 am

Joining the chorus welcoming you back, your story is fascinating!
Happy New Year!

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Fri Jan 12, 2024 3:27 am

11th Thursday My turn for a change. I collected Michelle for the evening. She didn’t want a fancy restaurant, so had booked a more casual Chinese, my kind of food. She really is fantastic company, funny, sexy and obviously very intelligent, after all it is a big job she’s holding down. I am really quite into her - carefully does it. She was wearing a dark purple blouse, buttoned to almost decency level, and the tightest jeans (obviously well aware of her lovely arse), heels and black jacket. I felt an early stirring. But dinner first.

We got back to her house, a drink and bed. I’m almost relieved that she is quite vanilla, but good at it. I won’t be tying her to the garage door any time soon. Though she is into anal, which I’m really not, but a man’s got to do… She likes her shoulders, and especially her nipples, bitten quite hard but she does do world class blowjobs, which, naturally, I deserve. Another slow session in the morning, showered together, quick breakfast. She left to go to work and I went home. We’ve arranged for a return bout in 2 weeks time. This is my kind of pace and I’m really happy with the arrangements.

I arrived home this morning around 8.30am to be greeted by a rather sexy looking Dawn, champagne coloured silky short dressing gown, another breakfast (didn't like to say). Did I have a good evening? Demanded all the tawdry details and demo's, given in full from the lounge carpet (green-eye, methinks. Not that I’d take advantage of course. Much).

Already a week into her notice period and she is showing no regrets or buyers remorse for her decision. She will have to run the gauntlet at her firm’s Christmas/New Year’s dinner dance (staff only) on this evening. The senior Partners will be there, good luck with that Dawn.

She announced that yesterday she had rung Remi to arrange going up to see him, but a little worryingly she confessed that before I got home yesterday, Will had called! They chatted for quite a while and she agreed to meet him for lunch, ‘as an apology’. Is this wise???

I must admit, to my embarrassment and not a little shame, I did surreptitiously check her phone and, yes, confirmed she did ring Remi but Will rang her, for an hour. I also noticed Coral had called, sounds good.I’m sure she'll fill me in.
She’s a big girl, undoubtedly smart, even if on occasions common sense seems to elude her.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Fri Jan 12, 2024 6:28 am

Ocean, seems like you had a good time with Michelle, nice you got to stay over, anal can give a woman a full body O, as you have a time delay to your next meeting why not play a game of https://mojoupgrade.com something to talk about, and try

As Dawn had a free night, I thought she would have been with someone, it has been a while since Dawn had time with Cheryl, I did think the Dawn might have given Andy red shirt a shot to see whet he was like

Will will be sniffing around, Dawn is a big girl she does not need Will, if Dawn wants, this could be an opportunity to a diffrent relationship with Will, less Dom/Sub more kinky couple, if she wants to spend time with him, after the last time

It will be inserting to find out what Remi gets up to, he said it was time to take Dawn to the next level, I think the next few days will be interesting, as for the phone, we will just keep that between us boys

Long Lurker 34
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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Fri Jan 12, 2024 11:42 am

ocean wrote:
Fri Jan 12, 2024 3:27 am
11th Thursday My turn for a change. I collected Michelle for the evening. She didn’t want a fancy restaurant, so had booked a more casual Chinese, my kind of food. She really is fantastic company, funny, sexy and obviously very intelligent, after all it is a big job she’s holding down. I am really quite into her - carefully does it. She was wearing a dark purple blouse, buttoned to almost decency level, and the tightest jeans (obviously well aware of her lovely arse), heels and black jacket. I felt an early stirring. But dinner first.

We got back to her house, a drink and bed. I’m almost relieved that she is quite vanilla, but good at it. I won’t be tying her to the garage door any time soon. Though she is into anal, which I’m really not, but a man’s got to do… She likes her shoulders, and especially her nipples, bitten quite hard but she does do world class blowjobs, which, naturally, I deserve. Another slow session in the morning, showered together, quick breakfast. She left to go to work and I went home. We’ve arranged for a return bout in 2 weeks time. This is my kind of pace and I’m really happy with the arrangements.

I arrived home this morning around 8.30am to be greeted by a rather sexy looking Dawn, champagne coloured silky short dressing gown, another breakfast (didn't like to say). Did I have a good evening? Demanded all the tawdry details and demo's, given in full from the lounge carpet (green-eye, methinks. Not that I’d take advantage of course. Much).

Already a week into her notice period and she is showing no regrets or buyers remorse for her decision. She will have to run the gauntlet at her firm’s Christmas/New Year’s dinner dance (staff only) on this evening. The senior Partners will be there, good luck with that Dawn.

She announced that yesterday she had rung Remi to arrange going up to see him, but a little worryingly she confessed that before I got home yesterday, Will had called! They chatted for quite a while and she agreed to meet him for lunch, ‘as an apology’. Is this wise???

I must admit, to my embarrassment and not a little shame, I did surreptitiously check her phone and, yes, confirmed she did ring Remi but Will rang her, for an hour. I also noticed Coral had called, sounds good.I’m sure she'll fill me in.
She’s a big girl, undoubtedly smart, even if on occasions common sense seems to elude her.
O - When you go to make your arrangements for your next visit with M, including of course some telephonic heated erotic talk, you should coral Dawn into giving you a inspired blow at the sametime. :shock: :lol: :lol:
- D going to meet up with Remi. That is bound!?! to be interesting. :lol:

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by venus-can99 » Sat Jan 13, 2024 10:15 pm

I just found this excellent thread and it is so interesting that I read thru the 17 pages over 2 days. I am glad that you have decided to share Dawn and your journey with us and hope you will continue to do so as things evolve. Did Dawn get the humming bird tattoo?

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Sun Jan 14, 2024 5:17 am

Hi Venus, Thank you for your message and sentiments. It's been a bit of a whirlwind. She hasn't stopped for breath, which I understand is quite common in gaining freedom. As for the tattoo's, they were temporary ones (she was gauging my reaction) and have almost faded, thanks ally as the one on her chest, between her boobs, was too much, I'll have another look at the other one, my excuse!!

Saturday 13th. 50th birthday party tonight
Birthday party for Dawn's friend at the rugby club, for her big 5 0. A lot of people were in attendance, we knew most of them so Dawn had a few drinks (too many). Nice white blouse and black tight fitting dress trousers and black heels. A fair bit of grappling and groping throughout the evening, disguised as greeting, socialising and dancing. I confess I did my fair share. Didn’t see any scrums though.

It was lovely to see Cheryl and her husband, who thanked me profusely for helping with his new job and to Dawn for taking Cheryl ‘out of herself ‘ with the girls nights, if he only knew. I felt a twinge of guilt, not so Dawn. I did have a snog and a handful with her later on, but that was just party culture (it’d been rude not to). Dawn said that she knew of at least three of the women there were having clandestine affairs. This piqued my interest, making me observe a little more (coo, just like Traitors) she said she'd tell me on the way home if I hadn't guessed. She got very pious, saying it was dishonest. Pot - Kettle.

Not much to report. She played the evening reasonably straight (a bit close to home), but she did have a little bit of touch rugby on the dance floor. I deliberately took my time to get the car, so Dawn could take the opportunity to spend the time snogging with Cheryl in the shadows outside, saying long goodnight no doubt. She got in the car to come home, first thing she did was to take this ‘uncomfortable fucking bra’ off, then named names of the transgressing women - I guaged one, two of the three I would never have guessed in a million years.

We had a drink at home and discussed the evening, Dawn announced that as I was seeing the lovely Michelle once a fortnight, she’d be seeing Remi that night. She hesitantly admitted that Will had phoned and invited her to supper at a pub near his home, he had a posh business 'do' to attend in February and wanted her to accompany him. I had to play dumb and surprised. I asked what are you going to do, you have quite a few on the go and he's not the gentleman you thought he was? I told her I was uncomfortable about this, perhaps Geoff the driver could drive her and be local if needed (that would remove the pressure for an overnighter). She agreed but said she hadn’t arranged anything or in fact decided.
She rather gleefully told me she was going solo to the Firm’s Christmas do, she had a fantastic outfit she'd kept back and was going to ‘knock ‘em fucking dead’. I remarked, all these dinners, she’s going to get fat. She looked shocked - and ready to spring, then realised it was a joke. Or was it??

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Sun Jan 14, 2024 7:49 am

Ocean did Dawn have any problems with her retirement from the firm, push back or did they just not care, will this be a whole firm party with overnight hotel or a local thing, a hot looking Dawn is going to get a lot of attention, I am sure Dawn will be adding to her hobby

Does Cherly hubby not know about the girls play time

How did Dawn know about the 3 woman, seems they are not being very discreet, are you thinking, why not have ago and add to your own hobby

Will, not sure, the difference could be, Will wanted a Dom Sub relationship, Dawn can tell him it is a relationship of equals with kinks, if she is interested at all, she did like him until he was not a gentleman

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by venus-can99 » Sun Jan 14, 2024 8:02 am

You are welcome Ocean and thanks for the near real-time updates. Hopefully your doc management solution is going well with Will's group. Great to hear that Dawn is going to be visiting Remi. Is it going to be an overnighter? How's Dawn's new carreer and action with Coral going? Sorry too many questions :) Curious mind wants to know

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Mon Jan 15, 2024 7:13 am

Hi Venus/Skoot, Your questions; my company has been running around 16 years now and I'm pleased to say is going great, the stumbling over Will's business group was a huge stroke of luck. We have 2 of the 5 companies in the group now, and my new BFF+Benefits, Michelle, is the Group Procurement Manager, so I'm hoping the remaining companies fall in line with her new 'Policy'. Will, attempting to rise like a Phoenix, watch this space. I just hope she thinks this through and carries a big stick.

Remi is a mixed blessing, he is quite enthralled with Dawn (and very obviously vice versa), but his 'hobbies' are of concern to me (not so Dawn, or Ray for that matter). Yes, I suspect it will be an overnighter, although it's against the rule. We've agreed no spur of the moment tattoos or piercing, we'll discuss. I wish.

Dawn, as a Partner in a large Legal Firm, has to give a notice period of 3 months, from Jan 2. She's going to the Firm's Christmas dinner this weekend, being held locally. Relationship partners are not invited, charming. I offered to drive but she says she has a 'cunning plan' for the evening and wants to stay sober. Oh dear! I expect her to come straight home euphoric.
Her burgeoning career with Coral? that will be an as and when, neither of us are holding our breath. It's a bit of fun, but the change she needed. However I think Coral's intentions are horrible, but I don't hear Dawn complain.
Cheryls husband is not aware of the relationship with Dawn, being a homophobic kind of chap, he'd go nuts, and shut down any friendship with the girls and me for that matter. Short sighted and bigoted. I'll get back when there's more to tell.

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