Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Wed Feb 14, 2024 2:33 am

Ocean everything seems to be going in the right direction, Dawn is still having fun but with a limited set of friends, this is a good thing

You also having a bit of fun, good that you have both worked out a pattern that works for you both

Keep the updates coming

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Thu Feb 15, 2024 12:34 pm

Ocean how did Dawn get on, did she get the job, I am dying to know

Ok I am still looking forward to your normal update

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Fri Feb 16, 2024 11:22 pm

Sat 17th. About Thursday. am. Smart crisp white blouse a few buttons undone, sexy half cup bra, black thong (to make her feel good), sheer tan hold-ups. Then, dark blue 2 piece business skirt suit, jacket undone (remove barrier, and show some boob), a few inches above the knee pencil skirt, black heels, perfume, good to go. All her ‘outrageous’ gear was in her suitcase.

I told her she looked really classy and soo professional. She looked like she was going to cry. Nerves. ‘Right, No point train-ing from Arundel. In the car we can practice on the way’. She needed company. Not such a bad guy after all. I rang the office, said I wouldn’t be in till later, and drove her there. 2 1/2 hours!!! It’s 1 hour 40 minutes by train!! But we arrived in good time, she was composed and a lot more confident, especially after a guy in traffic winked at her and smiled. That brought the spirit back.

Philip met her at reception, told her to relax and organised tea. She knew the other guys on the panel, one nice guy and 2 letches. The interview went well. One letch didn’t hide the fact he was trying to look up her skirt. So bad. She decided to play on that, did a couple of leg crossings just for him,(very Sharon Stone), he had to have seen the stockings. No one else seemed to pick up on it. The interview lasted for 1 1/2 hours, which seemed to fly by. She stood, thanked everyone and waited in reception, where she collected her overnight case and sat with another tea and waited. 50 minutes later, Philip appeared looking rather subdued, oh shit, this didn’t look good. She was shaking, at least he brought the bad news in person.

He sat down beside her, looked at her, unsmiling, and quietly asked, “What colour pants are you wearing?’ Dawn,‘What??’ ‘Frank’s convinced they’re black‘. She whispered, ‘Pervy bastard. They are black’. Laughing, he said, ’Well. I’ll tell him, by the way we all loved the leg show’. In a normal volume voice he said, ‘Congratulations Dawn!’ Shook her hand in front of the 2 grinning receptionists. She was to shadow her boss as he may go sooner than arranged. Walking her to the glass doors, he shook her hand again, this time discretely transferring a key and security ‘bean’, quietly said, ‘I’ll be there about 6.30, make yourself at home. There's a cab outside’. Back to normal theatrical voice, ’Thank you again Dawn, well done’

She didn’t remember the cab ride. It was a blur, but the apartment was something else. 9th or 10th floor, not sure, overlooking the Thames from the large balcony, 2 bedrooms, no evidence of any other female activity. Heliport to the right. London’s tall buildings and cranes lit with red lights glowing through the light rain, all visible from the huge lounge glass doors. Wow. She rang me with the good news, quite emotional, said she was grateful for the support and the lift, would make it up to me, tell me all about it tomorrow, especially the dirty bits. She loved me.

By 6.15, she’d had a long, hot shower, reflecting on what she’d achieved - quite something! Now, what to wear? When Philip arrived, she was posed, standing by the windows looking at the river. She was wearing a dark blue, sleeveless silk dress just below the knee, to the collar at the front, ‘v’ back to the waist, sheer black stockings and court shoes. A single row of pearls, and a dab of perfume in all the right places. His turn to gawp. To celebrate, he opened a bottle of champagne from the fridge as they waited for the cab to the restaurant. He said her interview was flawless and everyone agreed she was the right candidate. She thanked him, asked, ‘Even Frank?’ He laughed, ‘Especially Frank, he said you’ve got great legs, loved your black pants’. Kissed her, had to squeeze tits. By this time the champagne, empty stomach and euphoria were kicking in for her.

Fabulous restaurant in Londons West End, she looked great as she walked in, the cold damp night air soon had her assets poking through, not just to Philip’s delight. Back at the apartment, more celebratory drinks. She stood in the middle of the lounge, undid the waist band of her dress and the shucked her dress to the lounge floor. Standing in only stockings, shoes and pearl necklace, he took it all in. She said, they went to the main bedroom to finish off. Around 2am she woke him and asked to go to the balcony with her, grinning he led the way, opened the glass doors. She leant forward over the rail, cold and raining, The Thames and all the bright lights over London glimmered, he came up behind her, tits in hand and slowly fucked her. Wet inside and now out. She said, a glorious finish to a successful day.

Friday morning; hangover, tired, she had to wash her hair, gone ‘frizzy’ ?? Dawn explained she was seeing Coral for lunch, which put Philip out, he’d wanted to have lunch as he gave her a lift to Sussex. A slow blow job and problem solved. As Philip was leaving he told Dawn to lock up when she was leaving and keep the key, (relationship deal done, clever. quid pro quo.). When he’d gone, she went to the bedroom and changed from her sensible interview suit (for Philip) into a nice red, front button up cotton mini dress for Coral. She took a cab to her office where she was greeted with a big hug, arse squeeze and kiss. Before leaving with Coral, Dawn texted me in good time for the pick up. Over lunch she explained the situation and that after May things could be difficult, time wise (crossing her fingers). Coral was great, said she’d be very selective about gigs and go at Dawn’s pace. She said she would still see Dawn for dinner - and breakfast, haha. She said Will was going to ring her as she had arranged a business dinner for him, after-dinner speakers and all the pomp, was she OK with that and things like that. No problem. Back at Corals office, they talked further over a glass of wine, (women run on the stuff). Office doors closed, the inevitable kisses, fingers and fondles, which not only delighted Dawn, but relieved her (in several ways) she is very fond of Coral and values her friendship.

By this time, good old Geoff the driver (me) had arrived. Dawn came down and got in the back. Coral climbed in too, kissed and groped her goodbye for another 5 minutes or so (blacked out windows, and don’t mind me..). We drove away from the insanity of London. ‘Good lunch?’ ‘Great!’ I said, ‘thought so, your dress is open, nice tits - great show in the back’. She was sloshed, she had forgotten to do it up and had walked out of Corals office like that. I stopped at a set of red lights, she jumped out and into the front, everyone must have got an eyeful, short open front dress, no bra or pants. She gave me a huge hug and a kiss, told me she loved me, the most amazing husband in the world. Well, you can’t argue with that, can you. I did have a good grope too. After a honk at the green light, we moved out. Onto the A3 and south, turning off at Godalming on A283.

We were just coming up to Petworth and she was relating the finer points of what happened, the interview, Philip (the sex), the apartment, lunch with Coral (the sex) she still hadn’t done her dress up or pulled it down and just catching sight of her tits moving with the car and the tops of her thighs, well, we got a little frisky and I pulled on to a track near Byworth, climbed into the back and I gave her my congratulations in person. And then home for a quiet weekend, with the our boys and their families for Sunday lunch.

Saturday morning, 6am, I woke to find Dawn’s head across my shoulder and arm on my stomach, sound asleep. This is very unusual, she likes her space in bed. As I looked at her she woke, smiled, said, ‘fancy a lazy bonk?’ So she climbed on top and we did. She softly said, ’The boys would disown me if they knew what we do’. ‘So don’t tell them, I think the girls would love it’. 7.15 She dressed, Just leaving on her way to Chichester to shop for tomorrow’s lunch and some therapy. Needs “me time’. Relating this is my therapy!!

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Sat Feb 17, 2024 2:35 am

Ocean driving in to London is an act of love, reminder to pay that congestion charge :)

Great Dawn got the 2 jobs partnership and keeping Philip happy, and a place in London that I am sure she can use, always wanted to fuck on a balcony, must add that to my to do list

Seem like Dawn has forgiven Will, let’s hope he behaves like a gentleman this time

Did Dawns first photoshoot make it to publication?

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Sat Feb 17, 2024 4:54 am

Hi Skoot, Thanks for your attention. Dawn's promotion to me is a mixed blessing, it's almost 50% hike in money (she reckons they had her with slave labour, but she can't divulge her earnings to the staff, bloody riot). It's supposedly more hours, which I'm sure she'll wangle to something acceptable, and more responsibility, however she said the old boy she's replacing (on retirement) is mid 70's, never broke into a sweat and had a very low golf handicap. about says it all really.
Her relationship with Philip can tick along. He'll look out for her at work, and as she says, once a fortnight and the monthly Partners meeting is manageable and keeps it interesting. Still 3 years and we'll review. The alternative week is Remi for a good hiding or a teach-in. (or whoever is flavour of the week). Thanks Remi, 6 bottles of red and 6 white turned up today.

Dawn said the balcony shag was a real 'Titanic' number, high up, being fucked while looking over the Thames at all the lights. The drawback was the misty rain (gets everywhere) and cold. Wheel nut time.

Her photo job was only a dress catalogue job (clothes horse) and the UK holiday advert; she sat at a dinner table with a glass of wine smiling and chatting with 2 other women at a posh hotel (shot at Cliveden House) the hotel being advertised is a different one is being televised end of March. (Hardly mind stretching).
Coral wants her to attend the posh parties like the one Will is having, as Coral says that is her opportunity with Dawn, and getting models (she said I can't say escorts) with more than one brain-cell is difficult.

As for Will, thanks to Remi, she's seems to have confidently got his measure. To be continued...

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by venus-can99 » Sat Feb 17, 2024 7:01 am

Thanks for the update Ocean. Congrats to Dawn on her promotion and making time for her lovers - Phillip, Remi, Coral, Will (?) and Ray. With lots time for you and family. Looking forward to read how this evolves

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ericsacto » Sun Feb 18, 2024 8:06 am

Congratulations on Dawn’s promotion.

Frank might be interested in Dawn and may be poking around some more. What’s Dawn’s thoughts on Frank?

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Wannabecuck2468 » Sun Feb 18, 2024 7:31 pm

I'm looking forward to see what happens with Will

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:26 am

Sunday lunch. The boys were great, their partners (this generation don’t seem to marry) and each a granddaughter, wonderful time. My poor back, playing ‘horsies’. Dawn cooking, going easy on the booze, wearing track suit (bra and pants, it was family time).

After lunch some serious chat; everyone congratulated Dawn. Our 2 boys: oldest James 28, working as an Estate Agent for the last 6 years, going no-where fast. Michael, Youngest, 27, selling office furniture. Both refused to work for me in the past. However since lockdown, Dawn had discovered girl-power had been at work with both boys. So, I suggested that as we were having a growth spurt at work, we needed credible staff with customer oriented skills, perhaps they might like to consider a role in the firm? James’s partner, Liz, spoke up, (to his embarrassment, we suspected she wore the trousers and she’s Welsh, problems here when playing England at rugby, and a beauty). ‘What did I have in mind'. I said, ‘Well, start in admin for 6 months, then into service support, then parts/supplies and then sales. Learn the company. They’d receive training, better money than they’re on now by quite a margin, and prospects. No special treatment, fuck it up and you’re out!’ Liz, ‘when you say prospects?’ (She is sharp, I should really get her on board, she's already sussed where this was going) .

Dawn came in at this point, ‘In 3 years time, we are retiring!’ Shock in the room, they hadn't expected that. I said,’ I can sell the company for a lot of money, or I can bring you guys into the firm to work with me and you’ll gradually take over, but you will have to work for it. There will still be a board of directors, but you and I would be the only share holders. I will take a back seat, but still be involved, You 2 girls are also invited to join, as and when you can, but the boys and I will hold the shares’. ‘No free ride. You would have 3 years to get up to speed and prove yourselves. Something to think about’. Liz asked quite a few questions and I spent the next hour outlining the plan, managing expectations (theirs and mine). Dawn and I went to fix some supper (a bit obvious), came back and everyone settled and happy.

Liz said, ‘We’d like to be part of that, wouldn’t we James!’ He grinned. Yes, they’d already talked about it before tonight, alright. Mike followed suit. He admitted that he hated his job, he’d wanted to speak to me but the opportunity had never arisen (I hung my head in shame at that, was I that unapproachable?), and this would be a great challenge, ‘count me in dad’. Huge relief on my part. Now I’ve got the lads heading in the right direction with a brighter future.
Kids just aimlessly floating around, what a horrible thought, even the big bucks couldn’t sweeten if I sold, that and 40% capital gains tax. Now my babies, could run my baby. I would still support from a distance and gradually let go. What a result. A discussion I had dreaded, but came good. Start on April 2nd (to avoid concern) this would allow for notice periods and I can sort arrangements in the firm.

It was going to take weeks to get the smile off Liz’s face, and the relief of both boys was palpable. Mike’s wife was a strong, genuinely kind, sweet girl, but with hidden power, who knew what was going on, unlike Liz she was discrete, would steer Mike, letting him think he’s in charge . She was my favourite.

We cleared up, the kids headed for home with two tired granddaughters, big, big hugs and kisses. Everyone happy.

I walked back into the house to find Dawn with a huge glass of wine and a scotch for me. ‘You did really well, darling. They’ve bought in. We all know where we’re going now.’ ‘Bath time, I’ll scrub your back if you’ll do my front?’

Monday. Dawn went to the office, everyone seemed to be aware of the changes (courtesy of ‘the old guy’). All seemed happy that she’d be taking the reins, except a couple of male solicitors had been suggesting she’d either slept her way to the job or blackmailed the brass into getting her to stay. As if??. Actually both haha. She had to formally rescind her notice and sign her life away on reams of documents. The old boy who is leaving is a bit wary, concerned about the brass finding out he’s been coasting for the last 5 years, so is trying to get Dawn on side. She told him everything stays between them, perhaps he can teach her a few tricks, and winked. Smiles and relief, Dawn's known for discretion.

Philip rang late morning on FaceTime to confirm she had completed the docs and to get them returned to HR London asap. She thought wait for it, here it comes, he’s already planning trysts for this week, next week. She pulled him up and said they’d agreed once a fortnight plus Snr Partner meetings, otherwise they’d be risking getting caught. He reluctantly agreed, but asked to see her tits again, she opened her blouse and undid her bra and duly obliged.

Monday afternoon, Will called on the phone to congratulate her. Coral!! Would she accompany him on Friday 1st March to a business dinner he is hosting, he also apologised again for being an arse. It's behind us now (irony). She’d be delighted to accept. So that’s back on its wheels.

This Thursday is my time with Michelle not sure what Dawn’s doing yet.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by venus-can99 » Tue Feb 20, 2024 12:50 pm

Thanks for the update Ocean. Hats off to Woman power among your kids. Great news that your baby is still safely in your family - congrats.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by pixmangurn » Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:26 am

Congratulations on Dawn's promotion and you both sorting the family business out! That must be a huge relief to everyone involved!

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Freemans892 » Thu Feb 22, 2024 6:42 pm

ocean wrote:
Sat Feb 10, 2024 5:18 am
9th Feb. On the way home, Philip rang to tell her that her nomination for Senior Partner had been well received, but, it wasn’t feasible on a 3 day week, the responsibility and ‘visuals’ would require full time, what were her views? A bit of a blow. (Not wholly unexpected).

Thursday 8th. My night out. Arrived at Michelle’s home. She looked amazing in a dark chocolate blouse, unbuttoned, lots of cleavage on show and jeans. Surprise - she’s cooked and already halfway down a bottle of white wine, I apologised, said had I known she was going to cook I’d have brought wine. (Extra brownie points for being thoughtful). Night in seemed nicer somehow. She’s not just an intelligent looker, but a damned good cook as well. I presumed she had ‘arrangements’ on the weeks I didn’t see her and as for where her husband was when I was overnighting; I have no idea and haven’t questioned it (gift horse and all that) for all I knew he may well be watching from the garden and looking up my backside, (I’ll have you know, there are worse sights).
After dinner I helped load the dishwasher. I pinned her against the kitchen wall in a deep kiss, raised and held her hands above her head whilst undoing her blouse and bra. Her kissing intensified while I massaged her boobs, so far so good. I took her right nipple in my fingers and progressively squeezed harder, I thought she would suck my tongue from the root. So, she liked restraint and a bit of pain, let’s explore. We broke away and she suggested the lounge, where she removed her blouse and bra and slipped her jeans off, standing there in a black thong, what a magnificent sight. I moved to get up from the sofa, but was told to stay while she removed her thong with a 'ta-da’, to reveal a completely shaved pussy. She is the gift.… I buried my face into that clearly freshly shaved and wonderful smelling pussy. Later in bed I thanked her for shaving her pussy, she kindly said, ‘you asked so nicely, so I did it. I’ve never done it before and actually it feels so much nicer for me as well as you’. The rest of the night was spent, well, it was great; and she likes her nipples bitten, interesting!

What you’re really interested in - Dawn's night. (to paint the picture) dressed in a stone coloured loose waisted jumper, round neck and long sleeves, black (very) tight jeans. Really suits her. She’s meeting Ray at Remi’s, so I mentioned, ‘sexy, but casual and not very accessible?’ Dawn smiled, ‘He can get his hands up my jumper and I’ll take my own jeans off’, stuck her arse out, so I put my hand up her jumper, she’s right, very accessible.

The girls got a table at the club, Ray with black leatherette trousers and unfettered under a black jersey jumper, (Dawn said she looked indecent and ‘fab’), they ordered food and drinks, and were joined by Remi and a friend called Marcus. Dawn said she was just open mouthed; described him as the most beautiful black guy she’d ever seen. 6’ 2”, shaved head, well built, open blue checked shirt, jeans and ‘exquisite’ dark brown eyes. (I think I quite fancy him myself - only joking!!). They joined the girls and everyone helped Remi out with a bottle of wine. Marcus sat beside Dawn, with Remi opposite beside Ray. The evening went well, Dawn said that Marcus flirted with her and was so easy to talk to. She did say to me, how do you speak seriously to someone when your insides are awash and your mind’s gone to mush. “He had that much affect on you??’ She said, she wanted him then and there, but didn’t want to upset Remi. She’s convinced Remi (the psychologist bit of him) reads minds, he looked over and imperceptibly smiled, winked and nodded towards Marcus. Dawn mouthed “you OK?’ Remi nodded. So, she flirted up a storm with Marcus in response, touchy feely (I don’t think he was aware of Remi/Dawn history). As with all things in life, there’s always a price to pay, Remi’s was; the night with Ray. ‘Deal!’

It would be fair to describe Dawn as smitten with this guy, she knew she was throwing herself at him but couldn’t help it. Around 11.30, Remi suggested they all adjourn to his apartment upstairs for a party. They walked past the ‘rooms’ and up stairs, to the apartment. More wine, Remi announced to Dawn in front of all, she could have the second bedroom. Ok, scene set. She grabbed Marcus’s hand and did just that. The bedroom was nice and very comfortable with a huge bed already made up. With her tongue down his throat, his hands went up her jumper before slipping it off and to her surprise, she always thought she had big tits, they didn’t seem so big now, yes - big strong hands. He pushed her back onto the bed where he took off her shoes and undid her jeans, pulled them completely off in one go. Lying there with only a red thong for modesty, which he swiftly removed to reveal a swollen, wet pussy. She said he was a seriously strong guy, he gripped her arse with both hands hands and lifted her up to his mouth. She said it was the most erotic thing she’d seen, looking down all she could see was his smiling eyes looking at her and his mouth completely engulfing her pussy - his tongue felt like it was up round her tonsils. Shameless. She came quickly. Putting her back down on the bed, he stood back. She hadn’t even realised he was still fully dressed. She sat up as he undressed. She told me, it was black, over 7” long and as thick as her wrist. She felt she had to have it in her mouth, but to her surprise, after a couple of minutes ministrations, he grabbed her hair and forced it right down her throat, fucked her mouth. She almost choked not only with this thing in the back of her throat, but the shock. I don’t think she was too pleased, but persevered, trying to get the rhythm. He didn’t cum, but pushed her back on to the bed, again, grasping a cheek in each hand, lifted her and slid into her. (fortunately she said she was so wet, foreplay wasn’t necessary). A hard, straightforward animalistic fuck took place, leaving both completely out of breath and Dawn’s pussy literally pouring with cum. He fucked her again in various roles. He ended up with him coming on her chest, which she thought wasn’t actually a compliment. (So ‘love’ was dying quickly.) Dawn said, what he lacked in technique, he made up with strength, stamina and a beautiful cock.

Around 2am, without ceremony or warning, Marcus dressed and left. She commented to me that although it really was a good fuck, that was all it was to him and she felt used, but happy. She got out of bed, showered and went back to the bedroom to find a very amused Remi. ‘Well. What you expected?’ She laughed, kissed him and said, ‘I’ve had much better’. He said, Ray was asleep and snoring (and does she snore, but denies it). So they had the rest of the night together. He said, Marcus - was wine supplier to his club and restaurants for many years, married and 35 years old. Dawn was so shocked, ‘Fuck. That makes me a cradle snatcher’. She told Remi his style and technique were unbeatable. An accolade he demonstrated for the rest of the night with great pride and vigour. A vanilla-ish night.

In their downtime, Remi discussed Will in a very compassionate way, told her that although he had inherited some of his businesses he had, in fairness, developed them to the ‘empire’ they now were. However, his marriage to a ‘fucking horrible woman’ almost destroyed him as a man. She was the BDSM queen through pure cruelty, and not just physically. Remi had helped him with his mental recovery, hence their friendship. Poor old Will! He knew he had feelings for Dawn, and thought the apparatus Will supplied to Dawn was for her to facilitate him and not the other way round, he wanted to be the ‘victim’. An angle she hadn’t considered. He laughed, she’d better learn quickly.
Dawn left before Ray got up and suspected Remi had gone back to her bed, she said he’s bloody insatiable and not a scrap of jealousy. A really lovely guy.

She arrived home after me, so we had breakfast and exchanged war stories. Hers’ more vivid than mine. We’re discussing the career options, does she need the move up? She feels 3 years, more pay better pension and perks. We’re discussing.
Interestingly, Dawn went through several men because they didn’t treat her with respect and probably didn’t demand too much of her time. Mark, on the other hand, sees Michelle every two weeks, gets it fresh and treats her with respect but also adds some spice. Mark is also learning to be more adventurous, thanks to Dawn and Ray.

With Dawn and Mark being adventurous and spontaneous, plus semi-regular catch-ups with Michelle and Ray, Mark is onto a real winner here.

I have been loving the progress that Mark and Dawn have made. I believe a harem for Dawn is a better option and limits the influence of a single individual.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Freemans892 » Thu Feb 22, 2024 6:42 pm

ocean wrote:
Sat Feb 10, 2024 5:18 am
9th Feb. On the way home, Philip rang to tell her that her nomination for Senior Partner had been well received, but, it wasn’t feasible on a 3 day week, the responsibility and ‘visuals’ would require full time, what were her views? A bit of a blow. (Not wholly unexpected).

Thursday 8th. My night out. Arrived at Michelle’s home. She looked amazing in a dark chocolate blouse, unbuttoned, lots of cleavage on show and jeans. Surprise - she’s cooked and already halfway down a bottle of white wine, I apologised, said had I known she was going to cook I’d have brought wine. (Extra brownie points for being thoughtful). Night in seemed nicer somehow. She’s not just an intelligent looker, but a damned good cook as well. I presumed she had ‘arrangements’ on the weeks I didn’t see her and as for where her husband was when I was overnighting; I have no idea and haven’t questioned it (gift horse and all that) for all I knew he may well be watching from the garden and looking up my backside, (I’ll have you know, there are worse sights).
After dinner I helped load the dishwasher. I pinned her against the kitchen wall in a deep kiss, raised and held her hands above her head whilst undoing her blouse and bra. Her kissing intensified while I massaged her boobs, so far so good. I took her right nipple in my fingers and progressively squeezed harder, I thought she would suck my tongue from the root. So, she liked restraint and a bit of pain, let’s explore. We broke away and she suggested the lounge, where she removed her blouse and bra and slipped her jeans off, standing there in a black thong, what a magnificent sight. I moved to get up from the sofa, but was told to stay while she removed her thong with a 'ta-da’, to reveal a completely shaved pussy. She is the gift.… I buried my face into that clearly freshly shaved and wonderful smelling pussy. Later in bed I thanked her for shaving her pussy, she kindly said, ‘you asked so nicely, so I did it. I’ve never done it before and actually it feels so much nicer for me as well as you’. The rest of the night was spent, well, it was great; and she likes her nipples bitten, interesting!

What you’re really interested in - Dawn's night. (to paint the picture) dressed in a stone coloured loose waisted jumper, round neck and long sleeves, black (very) tight jeans. Really suits her. She’s meeting Ray at Remi’s, so I mentioned, ‘sexy, but casual and not very accessible?’ Dawn smiled, ‘He can get his hands up my jumper and I’ll take my own jeans off’, stuck her arse out, so I put my hand up her jumper, she’s right, very accessible.

The girls got a table at the club, Ray with black leatherette trousers and unfettered under a black jersey jumper, (Dawn said she looked indecent and ‘fab’), they ordered food and drinks, and were joined by Remi and a friend called Marcus. Dawn said she was just open mouthed; described him as the most beautiful black guy she’d ever seen. 6’ 2”, shaved head, well built, open blue checked shirt, jeans and ‘exquisite’ dark brown eyes. (I think I quite fancy him myself - only joking!!). They joined the girls and everyone helped Remi out with a bottle of wine. Marcus sat beside Dawn, with Remi opposite beside Ray. The evening went well, Dawn said that Marcus flirted with her and was so easy to talk to. She did say to me, how do you speak seriously to someone when your insides are awash and your mind’s gone to mush. “He had that much affect on you??’ She said, she wanted him then and there, but didn’t want to upset Remi. She’s convinced Remi (the psychologist bit of him) reads minds, he looked over and imperceptibly smiled, winked and nodded towards Marcus. Dawn mouthed “you OK?’ Remi nodded. So, she flirted up a storm with Marcus in response, touchy feely (I don’t think he was aware of Remi/Dawn history). As with all things in life, there’s always a price to pay, Remi’s was; the night with Ray. ‘Deal!’

It would be fair to describe Dawn as smitten with this guy, she knew she was throwing herself at him but couldn’t help it. Around 11.30, Remi suggested they all adjourn to his apartment upstairs for a party. They walked past the ‘rooms’ and up stairs, to the apartment. More wine, Remi announced to Dawn in front of all, she could have the second bedroom. Ok, scene set. She grabbed Marcus’s hand and did just that. The bedroom was nice and very comfortable with a huge bed already made up. With her tongue down his throat, his hands went up her jumper before slipping it off and to her surprise, she always thought she had big tits, they didn’t seem so big now, yes - big strong hands. He pushed her back onto the bed where he took off her shoes and undid her jeans, pulled them completely off in one go. Lying there with only a red thong for modesty, which he swiftly removed to reveal a swollen, wet pussy. She said he was a seriously strong guy, he gripped her arse with both hands hands and lifted her up to his mouth. She said it was the most erotic thing she’d seen, looking down all she could see was his smiling eyes looking at her and his mouth completely engulfing her pussy - his tongue felt like it was up round her tonsils. Shameless. She came quickly. Putting her back down on the bed, he stood back. She hadn’t even realised he was still fully dressed. She sat up as he undressed. She told me, it was black, over 7” long and as thick as her wrist. She felt she had to have it in her mouth, but to her surprise, after a couple of minutes ministrations, he grabbed her hair and forced it right down her throat, fucked her mouth. She almost choked not only with this thing in the back of her throat, but the shock. I don’t think she was too pleased, but persevered, trying to get the rhythm. He didn’t cum, but pushed her back on to the bed, again, grasping a cheek in each hand, lifted her and slid into her. (fortunately she said she was so wet, foreplay wasn’t necessary). A hard, straightforward animalistic fuck took place, leaving both completely out of breath and Dawn’s pussy literally pouring with cum. He fucked her again in various roles. He ended up with him coming on her chest, which she thought wasn’t actually a compliment. (So ‘love’ was dying quickly.) Dawn said, what he lacked in technique, he made up with strength, stamina and a beautiful cock.

Around 2am, without ceremony or warning, Marcus dressed and left. She commented to me that although it really was a good fuck, that was all it was to him and she felt used, but happy. She got out of bed, showered and went back to the bedroom to find a very amused Remi. ‘Well. What you expected?’ She laughed, kissed him and said, ‘I’ve had much better’. He said, Ray was asleep and snoring (and does she snore, but denies it). So they had the rest of the night together. He said, Marcus - was wine supplier to his club and restaurants for many years, married and 35 years old. Dawn was so shocked, ‘Fuck. That makes me a cradle snatcher’. She told Remi his style and technique were unbeatable. An accolade he demonstrated for the rest of the night with great pride and vigour. A vanilla-ish night.

In their downtime, Remi discussed Will in a very compassionate way, told her that although he had inherited some of his businesses he had, in fairness, developed them to the ‘empire’ they now were. However, his marriage to a ‘fucking horrible woman’ almost destroyed him as a man. She was the BDSM queen through pure cruelty, and not just physically. Remi had helped him with his mental recovery, hence their friendship. Poor old Will! He knew he had feelings for Dawn, and thought the apparatus Will supplied to Dawn was for her to facilitate him and not the other way round, he wanted to be the ‘victim’. An angle she hadn’t considered. He laughed, she’d better learn quickly.
Dawn left before Ray got up and suspected Remi had gone back to her bed, she said he’s bloody insatiable and not a scrap of jealousy. A really lovely guy.

She arrived home after me, so we had breakfast and exchanged war stories. Hers’ more vivid than mine. We’re discussing the career options, does she need the move up? She feels 3 years, more pay better pension and perks. We’re discussing.
Interestingly, Dawn went through several men because they didn’t treat her with respect and probably didn’t demand too much of her time. Mark, on the other hand, sees Michelle every two weeks, gets it fresh and treats her with respect but also adds some spice. Mark is also learning to be more adventurous, thanks to Dawn and Ray.

With Dawn and Mark being adventurous and spontaneous, plus semi-regular catch-ups with Michelle and Ray, Mark is onto a real winner here.

I have been loving the progress that Mark and Dawn have made. I believe a harem for Dawn is a better option and limits the influence of a single individual.

Also, Tony seems to be an excellent wingman / support person for Mark.

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Joined: Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:57 am

Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Fri Feb 23, 2024 12:51 am

Ocean in addition to your normal detailed description of Dawn’s night out, I would love a detailed description of your time just Michelle us to see who she is developing opening up to her new lover (you)

Have your developed her in any way, is she sharing her wants and past with you

Are you her first hobby or has she been doing this for a while, has she ever been with more that one person at a time, or same sex, is she looking to try anything “new”

What did she think of your room ?

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Fri Feb 23, 2024 8:32 am

Thanks for the kindness guys.
Dawn said, Frank is 2i/c for the firm under Philip. 66 yers old and a perv, awful reputation, groper. The females in the London office avoid him like the plague.
Dawn has had the week to integrate with the guy she’s replacing (can’t remember his name) and his secretary, who is also retiring (I’m drawing no conclusion). After a gentlemen’s agreement of confidentiality among the 3, Dawn found this guy has really been taking the piss - expense account, external meetings with clients (that didn’t happen), plum clients, seriously coasting on big bucks. Great job if you can get it! Oh yes, she has got it. With this knowledge she’s more comfortable now, not too onerous after all. Dawn said she’s going to play relatively straight; as the brass won’t be happy for a sudden massive increase in performance, exposing they allowed a Snr Partner to run fast and loose under their nose. So not too much change at first, her principles won’t allow her to behave like that. She insisted she has standards and morals. Looked at me and burst out laughing. I said I must have missed that bit.

Speaking of lack of morals;
Dawn had supper with Cheryl at the pub with a mild bit of petting when they got back to ours. Dave, the husband, is being a bit of a pain, so Cheryl had to be home by 11.30. So unfulfilling for Dawn. Out will come her little friend from the bedside table (sponsored by Duracell). Cheryl’s long term tryst (currently unrevealed) with Dave’s friend, Steve, is still burning bright. She’s working on Dave so he thinks it’s his idea, as job and finance stress are abating for them, to reintroduce their 3 some evenings. Softly softly. That will also allow her more unchecked time with Dawn.

My time. North West Sussex/Surrey has some fantastic country pubs tucked away, not being known to locals and we can be a bit more daring. I knocked the door of Michelle’s home, to be greeted with a huge hug by a very bubbly Michelle, didn’t want mess the lipstick up (cos I’m NOT worth it). I went in while she picked up her jacket (obviously just put perfume on, as my head was spinning). Dark blue skirt, quite a bit shorter than her usual knee length, sheer dark stockings (I hope) and an unbuttoned opaque white blouse showing her white bra. She looked fantastic and I told her so. She almost purred. I asked her if she would do me a favour? “I think I know where this is going”. Disappeared upstairs, came down, shirt still unbuttoned - no bra. Reesult. She put her jacket on and asked if she was reasonably decent? I slipped my hand inside her jacket, teased a nipple and said, so indecent it’s wonderful.

We went to a pub just outside Haslemere and drew into the car park. I leaned over, kissed her neck and the inevitable squeeze of bosom. She was happy, I slipped my hand up her skirt and asked her to lift her bum. “Oh no, I can’t do that, anyway this skirts too short.” I suggested she could try, perhaps without the hand stands? “Oh, OK” not happy. I removed her pants to the glove box. We walked into a much busier pub than expected, oh dear. She glared at me, buttoned her jacket and made to turn round. I firmly grasped her arm and led her to a table that had just become vacant and sat her down, legs clamped firmly together and jacket done up. I’m no expert on body language - but… She whispered, ‘fucking hate you’. Always the love words. I smiled, ‘don’t worry, not all of them know you’re not wearing knickers’. A little later with a glass of chilled wine down and a bottle on the table, she’s getting into it. We had a really nice bar meal and by her 3rd glass of wine, well, even took her jacket off and put it on a spare chair, those beautiful pokie nipples visible and now legs uncrossed. ‘Well?’ I asked. “Feels so naughty’, She chuckled, ‘thanks. You can’t see my stocking tops can you?” I was muchly pleased at this question, replied, ‘Not just your stocking tops, luv’. A look of panic, and then, ‘bastard’. She was very relaxed and talkative.

We finished our drinks and prepared to leave. She got up (fairly carefully) and surprisingly, put her jacket over her shoulder, not bothering to cover up her blouse or the nipples that were threatening to poke right through. She waited inside the pub while I went for the car in the pouring rain. She was beaming when she got in, she’d been stopped by 2 different guys and got really chatted up, both asked her out. Boosts a girls’ confidence, doesn’t it. In the car I got a real snog, told me this evening has made her feel really sexy again. Home Mark.

During our conversations, (to field Skoot’s query) she revealed I’m not her first by a long chalk, but her happiest. Which is nice. Her marriage, over 25 years is ‘OK’. Her husband is shagging his secretary (for the last 3 years) which she’s ok with, they are open with each other and have ‘an understanding’ (her and half the world, I think). Loves her job, and the money of course. She’s reached the top and waiting for a directorship which is in the offing. (husband would feel the draught if she left, she could definitely support herself with ease). Doesn’t have relationships with suppliers (that’s me) to avoid compromise. She still sleeps with her husband (not often), she is seeing someone else as well as me, hopes I’m ok with all of that. I am. Is absolutely straight, not had a 3some or any other deviations other than anal, introduced by her husband, thinks I’m kinky and is open to suggestions. She actually said that!! Opportunity knocks!

When we got to her home, she chose a bottle of wine from the fridge, 2 glasses, took my hand and pulled me upstairs to the bedroom. She was definitely a little squiffy, very randy and unfortunately I ravish so easily. The details, I was in bed before my clothes hit the floor. She thought it great that her striptease only took 2 garments to complete, skirt and blouse. Leaving only sheer black hold-ups and a gold necklace. (I hope this will be a regular). She gave me a blowjob like an industrial vacuum pump, wow. When I could hold out no longer, we cuddled for a while. She admitted she was mortified at my demands this evening, but had never felt so turned on. ‘Bare arsed in public, what have you done to me?’ ‘Good??’ I asked. ‘Fucking amazing, what a buzz, what else have you got?’ Remembering part of our conversation, she got out of bed and went to 1 of the 2 built in wardrobes, held up one of her husband’s ties and asked, ‘how many do we need???’ I admit, I wasn’t prepared for that. But recovered quickly, ’4’.

So now, with all 4 limbs secured to the corners of the bed, I delved into that lovely shaved wet pussy with fingers, mouth and tongue. I was so pleased when I was younger I’d practiced licking my eyebrows. She loved it, I loved it. I suspect her husband will be mightily pissed off when he sees the damage to his ties, which she thought hilarious. She loves attention to her tits, and of course having her nipples chewed, bitten and now viewed, but one thing she isn’t keen on is cum on her tits. Just couldn’t resist! Her language, well she’s no lady. Afterwards she thought it funny, and rather horny, especially as I rubbed it in, so good for the skin. I untied her, and she held me close, said it was one of the best times. I can understand that. We did have several lovely fucks through the night, she likes being on top. Thought the bondage thrilling, as she was utterly powerless to resist anything, liked that a lot.

Morning always comes too soon in these circumstances. We had a slow hot fuck in a hot shower (hot). Breakfast, next date arranged and she went off towards Guildford for work. I went home to a pretty humourless Dawn. She sarcastically enquired as to whether I’d had a good time? ‘Actually, yes. A really good time. What about you?’ A bit disappointing apparently. She snapped out her reverie, kissed me and asked for the details of my evening. We had a lovely groping/kissing session on the sofa, but agreed we’d save the main course for this evening.

Re my family and business direction; it's very true to say my 2 lads need back-bone stiffeners, the girls are doing the driving. Yes I could sell up, I know my Sales Director would love a management buy-out, so the news won’t be popular. The boys have 3 years to square up to the job or wait bloody years to inherit. At least this way with the right training and right direction they can become businessmen instead of salesmen. So, yes Dawn and I are pleased at the outcome - work in progress.

Ray and Tony tomorrow (Saturday), he’s got 5 days off. Dawn has Remi Thursday 29th (she's asked him about a return bout with Marcus, great wine by the way) and Friday 1st, business dinner with Will. Must look her best. Let’s see how good her make up is with that work load.

Posts: 296
Joined: Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:57 am

Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Fri Feb 23, 2024 9:41 am

Ocean thanks for the great update, love the underwear off, that should become standard, if Michelle is open to anything, now it is just a matter of pay you cards, take small step, it always work, take some new toys next time, blind fold and maybe a vibrating anal plug, and you own restraints or just keep using his ties :)

What do you think about a double date, Ray & Tony? It would be more fun with Dawn and Will? many combinations, maybe just accidentally meet them in bar

Posts: 296
Joined: Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:57 am

Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Fri Feb 23, 2024 9:42 am

Ocean thanks for the great update, love the underwear off, that should become standard, if Michelle is open to anything, now it is just a matter of pay you cards, take small step, it always work, take some new toys next time, blind fold and maybe a vibrating anal plug, and you own restraints or just keep using his ties :)

maybe in time with her other man, nice little 3 sum fun

Velcro straps are very useful you can put her into all sort of positions , try arms connect to legs arse in the air, then add in some light spanking to see what sort of reaction you get

Remember Dawn was totally straight at onetime, you never know

After a few drinks you must try the remote vibrating ball in the pup like Will have Dawn

Petty Cheryl could not join your Saturday, that would have been some fun
Last edited by skoot1958 on Sat Feb 24, 2024 12:00 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by venus-can99 » Fri Feb 23, 2024 9:47 am

Thanks for the update detailing your wonderful time with Michelle. I thought Dawn had an "appointment" :D with Remi unless I am getting the weeks mixed up. Hopefully next time would be better for her.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Freemans892 » Fri Feb 23, 2024 11:27 am

Too bad for Dawn, but I guess Cheryl needs to ensure that her hubby is not too suspicious about the girls' night outs.

As for Michelle and Ocean (Mark), I love the progress. Ocean pushes her buttons to make her feel sexy. Ocean seems to be operating at the right level of kinky for Michelle, in that she’s open to his ideas. Michelle loves the buzz she gets from Ocean and Vice Verse. I can see this becoming a long-term adventure for both of them.

Long Lurker 34
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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Sun Feb 25, 2024 4:53 am

ocean wrote:
Fri Feb 23, 2024 8:32 am
Thanks for the kindness guys.
Dawn said, Frank is 2i/c for the firm under Philip. 66 yers old and a perv, awful reputation, groper. The females in the London office avoid him like the plague.
Dawn has had the week to integrate with the guy she’s replacing (can’t remember his name) and his secretary, who is also retiring (I’m drawing no conclusion). After a gentlemen’s agreement of confidentiality among the 3, Dawn found this guy has really been taking the piss - expense account, external meetings with clients (that didn’t happen), plum clients, seriously coasting on big bucks. Great job if you can get it! Oh yes, she has got it. With this knowledge she’s more comfortable now, not too onerous after all. Dawn said she’s going to play relatively straight; as the brass won’t be happy for a sudden massive increase in performance, exposing they allowed a Snr Partner to run fast and loose under their nose. So not too much change at first, her principles won’t allow her to behave like that. She insisted she has standards and morals. Looked at me and burst out laughing. I said I must have missed that bit.

Speaking of lack of morals;
Dawn had supper with Cheryl at the pub with a mild bit of petting when they got back to ours. Dave, the husband, is being a bit of a pain, so Cheryl had to be home by 11.30. So unfulfilling for Dawn. Out will come her little friend from the bedside table (sponsored by Duracell). Cheryl’s long term tryst (currently unrevealed) with Dave’s friend, Steve, is still burning bright. She’s working on Dave so he thinks it’s his idea, as job and finance stress are abating for them, to reintroduce their 3 some evenings. Softly softly. That will also allow her more unchecked time with Dawn.

My time. North West Sussex/Surrey has some fantastic country pubs tucked away, not being known to locals and we can be a bit more daring. I knocked the door of Michelle’s home, to be greeted with a huge hug by a very bubbly Michelle, didn’t want mess the lipstick up (cos I’m NOT worth it). I went in while she picked up her jacket (obviously just put perfume on, as my head was spinning). Dark blue skirt, quite a bit shorter than her usual knee length, sheer dark stockings (I hope) and an unbuttoned opaque white blouse showing her white bra. She looked fantastic and I told her so. She almost purred. I asked her if she would do me a favour? “I think I know where this is going”. Disappeared upstairs, came down, shirt still unbuttoned - no bra. Reesult. She put her jacket on and asked if she was reasonably decent? I slipped my hand inside her jacket, teased a nipple and said, so indecent it’s wonderful.

We went to a pub just outside Haslemere and drew into the car park. I leaned over, kissed her neck and the inevitable squeeze of bosom. She was happy, I slipped my hand up her skirt and asked her to lift her bum. “Oh no, I can’t do that, anyway this skirts too short.” I suggested she could try, perhaps without the hand stands? “Oh, OK” not happy. I removed her pants to the glove box. We walked into a much busier pub than expected, oh dear. She glared at me, buttoned her jacket and made to turn round. I firmly grasped her arm and led her to a table that had just become vacant and sat her down, legs clamped firmly together and jacket done up. I’m no expert on body language - but… She whispered, ‘fucking hate you’. Always the love words. I smiled, ‘don’t worry, not all of them know you’re not wearing knickers’. A little later with a glass of chilled wine down and a bottle on the table, she’s getting into it. We had a really nice bar meal and by her 3rd glass of wine, well, even took her jacket off and put it on a spare chair, those beautiful pokie nipples visible and now legs uncrossed. ‘Well?’ I asked. “Feels so naughty’, She chuckled, ‘thanks. You can’t see my stocking tops can you?” I was muchly pleased at this question, replied, ‘Not just your stocking tops, luv’. A look of panic, and then, ‘bastard’. She was very relaxed and talkative.

We finished our drinks and prepared to leave. She got up (fairly carefully) and surprisingly, put her jacket over her shoulder, not bothering to cover up her blouse or the nipples that were threatening to poke right through. She waited inside the pub while I went for the car in the pouring rain. She was beaming when she got in, she’d been stopped by 2 different guys and got really chatted up, both asked her out. Boosts a girls’ confidence, doesn’t it. In the car I got a real snog, told me this evening has made her feel really sexy again. Home Mark.

During our conversations, (to field Skoot’s query) she revealed I’m not her first by a long chalk, but her happiest. Which is nice. Her marriage, over 25 years is ‘OK’. Her husband is shagging his secretary (for the last 3 years) which she’s ok with, they are open with each other and have ‘an understanding’ (her and half the world, I think). Loves her job, and the money of course. She’s reached the top and waiting for a directorship which is in the offing. (husband would feel the draught if she left, she could definitely support herself with ease). Doesn’t have relationships with suppliers (that’s me) to avoid compromise. She still sleeps with her husband (not often), she is seeing someone else as well as me, hopes I’m ok with all of that. I am. Is absolutely straight, not had a 3some or any other deviations other than anal, introduced by her husband, thinks I’m kinky and is open to suggestions. She actually said that!! Opportunity knocks!

When we got to her home, she chose a bottle of wine from the fridge, 2 glasses, took my hand and pulled me upstairs to the bedroom. She was definitely a little squiffy, very randy and unfortunately I ravish so easily. The details, I was in bed before my clothes hit the floor. She thought it great that her striptease only took 2 garments to complete, skirt and blouse. Leaving only sheer black hold-ups and a gold necklace. (I hope this will be a regular). She gave me a blowjob like an industrial vacuum pump, wow. When I could hold out no longer, we cuddled for a while. She admitted she was mortified at my demands this evening, but had never felt so turned on. ‘Bare arsed in public, what have you done to me?’ ‘Good??’ I asked. ‘Fucking amazing, what a buzz, what else have you got?’ Remembering part of our conversation, she got out of bed and went to 1 of the 2 built in wardrobes, held up one of her husband’s ties and asked, ‘how many do we need???’ I admit, I wasn’t prepared for that. But recovered quickly, ’4’.

So now, with all 4 limbs secured to the corners of the bed, I delved into that lovely shaved wet pussy with fingers, mouth and tongue. I was so pleased when I was younger I’d practiced licking my eyebrows. She loved it, I loved it. I suspect her husband will be mightily pissed off when he sees the damage to his ties, which she thought hilarious. She loves attention to her tits, and of course having her nipples chewed, bitten and now viewed, but one thing she isn’t keen on is cum on her tits. Just couldn’t resist! Her language, well she’s no lady. Afterwards she thought it funny, and rather horny, especially as I rubbed it in, so good for the skin. I untied her, and she held me close, said it was one of the best times. I can understand that. We did have several lovely fucks through the night, she likes being on top. Thought the bondage thrilling, as she was utterly powerless to resist anything, liked that a lot.

Morning always comes too soon in these circumstances. We had a slow hot fuck in a hot shower (hot). Breakfast, next date arranged and she went off towards Guildford for work. I went home to a pretty humourless Dawn. She sarcastically enquired as to whether I’d had a good time? ‘Actually, yes. A really good time. What about you?’ A bit disappointing apparently. She snapped out her reverie, kissed me and asked for the details of my evening. We had a lovely groping/kissing session on the sofa, but agreed we’d save the main course for this evening.

Re my family and business direction; it's very true to say my 2 lads need back-bone stiffeners, the girls are doing the driving. Yes I could sell up, I know my Sales Director would love a management buy-out, so the news won’t be popular. The boys have 3 years to square up to the job or wait bloody years to inherit. At least this way with the right training and right direction they can become businessmen instead of salesmen. So, yes Dawn and I are pleased at the outcome - work in progress.

Ray and Tony tomorrow (Saturday), he’s got 5 days off. Dawn has Remi Thursday 29th (she's asked him about a return bout with Marcus, great wine by the way) and Friday 1st, business dinner with Will. Must look her best. Let’s see how good her make up is with that work load.
O - Philip - What does Dawn think of him? And has she been subjected to him and what do you would happen if he made a move?
- Gee that rabbit sure gets around. :lol: :lol:
- Love that visual.
- Pouring rain, thin white blouse, no bra.....hhhmmmm, darn opportunity missed. :shock: :lol:
- Excellent skill set.
- Next time this scenario comes up add a blindfold and slip on a pair of nipple clamps. You can probably find a pair in your home gym.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Fri Mar 01, 2024 6:59 am

Friday pm. The weekend went well with Ray and Tony coming down (He’s on a 5 day break). The usual shenanigans as you’d expect. Pub, bed hopping, the normal, but, interestingly, they didn’t use 'the room'. Perhaps it’s a big dust collector? I’ll never tire of bonking Ray, she’s so much fun, and watching her with Dawn - well Dawn has said she’d be the only person she’d consider running off with. Tony just lies back and lets them adore him. Vain bastard.

During the week, Dawn’s now got a reasonable understanding of how everything works, but needs to iron out a few wrinkles with Philip on Thursday. With all the activity and the work load of old/new role (shadowing), has caused Dawn to reset her extra curricular activities and take stock. Dinner party with Will on Friday, so she hopes she’ll look bright eyed and shaved tailed for that. I reminded her we have to look at replacing her car (CPC) in the next 3 months so start looking at the weekend. Practical I know but these things slip.

Thursday 29th. She finished work and popped home to change before driving to Philips’ Wandsworth apartment. He’s told her there’s a small restaurant in the apartment buildings basement, come casual and relaxed.They can debrief afterwards.

I enjoy my time at home, watching the stuff I like on TV, or go to the pub with a mate and a Ruby Murray afterwards, all my choice - no interference err advice. Then in the morning, updated when she gets back and a good shag. Later, off to the office. Life is good.

It’s poured with rain all day, chilly. So, what’s a girl to wear?? We went through various ensembles and settled on black leather short skirt, dark blue almost sheer blouse and black leather zipper jacket. Not a motorbike in sight. Black sheer holdups and heels, very red lipstick. I checked the zip operated properly and had a quick feel, yes it was working. Very feminine and rather exciting in an animal sort of way.

She arrived and let herself into the flat around 8. He was already showered and changed, shirt, trousers jacket (not very scintillating, he is a lawyer after all). He was taken aback by her leathers, is she going to beat him to death or fuck him? (haha little do you know mate?). But she said he was actually aroused by her carnal appearance. They went to the restaurant which is on the ground floor of one of the blocks. She said she felt a little embarrassed as her open jacket caused a bit of a stir on her entrance, which he loved (more Grease than 7 Brides). Even asked to carry the jacket.
They were directed to a corner table where Dawn sat with her back to the restaurant. Very much to Philips utter delight she removed her jacket, Philip ever the tit man. They talked about the interview, the effect she had on the perv, as well as the rest of them. All amusing. But got down to the more serious aspects. He did want a shake up in the W Sussex office.
The working week with Julian (that’s the old guy's name) went well. Philip smiled, he was well aware Julian wasn’t the dynamo he made out, Dawn, but don’t rock the boat, play the game for a month or so after he goes, then quietly cut back to her normal. Philip was clearly nobody’s fool. Dawn relaxed, held his hand over the table, said,’Thanks, I needed to know that’. They talked more about, her role in the job (let him guide her) patently he knew everything that was going on. (but who was the mole??) Julian had fooled no-one, they’d just let him see his time out with out embarrassing the firm. New broom!!

He held her hand as they left the restaurant. The owner bid them goodnight and gave Dawn a rose. In the lift up to the apartment he smothered her with kisses. In the apartment she shrugged off the jacket and gave her now famous jiggle through the blouse, then unzipped the skirt at the back and a heavy leather skirt hit the deck. Standing in sheer blouse, hold ups and black stilettos, he pounced on her and, still with his shirt as well, fucked her on the sofa. They talked of her role in the firm and their roll together (pun intended). Then spent the next few hours, affectionately bonking in various positions (not in the rain). Dawn hoping to catch some zzz’s so as to be presentable for Friday evening. Woke to a sprightly fuck, shower and breakfast. She'll never tire of the views of the Thames and London. A couple of helicopters landed, such excitement! Collecting their cars from the underground car park and heading to their respective homes.

Dawn arrived home around 10 am. Not looking too bad but obviously tired, no blouse or stockings, the bit of the jacket zip she did have done up was hardly worth it, boobs on display, dominatrix style, which I mentioned. She took it off and lay it on a chair. Stepped out of her skirt putting that on the chair (surprising how heavy leather clothes are). Standing in flat driving shoes and a smile. I gave her a huge hug and suggested she should grab an hour or so to catch up on sleep, I’d bring a cup of tea to bed (and have a good grope), which she did, and I did. Slices of cucumber on eyes, does it work?

I’m sure she’ll be revived for this evening. We have to leave at 6.30 as I’m to drive her to Farnham for this ‘do’ and collect her from Will’s home around 2am. So no overnighter for him, ha. More to follow

2 Bit Whore
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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by venus-can99 » Fri Mar 01, 2024 10:59 am

Thanks for the update Ocean. Hope Dawn has a great time at Will's do. Waiting to hear how she was dressed for the event.

Posts: 296
Joined: Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:57 am

Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Fri Mar 01, 2024 3:16 pm

Ocean great update, the room may only get used occasionally but when it does get used, it will be worth cleaning off the dust

Posts: 25
Joined: Mon Jul 03, 2023 2:16 am

Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Yorkguy » Sat Mar 02, 2024 2:09 am

All sounds great ocean. Especially the curry and the pub! 🤣

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Sun Mar 03, 2024 10:10 am

Saturday/Sunday quiet reflection. A pretty chuffed Dawn walking around the house, just a rugby shirt. Giving me all the attention I’m rightly due.

Friday Will - Business Dinner

Dawn started her ritual of getting ready for the do tonight. It was a 7.30 for 8 start, black tie and about 20+ people, after dinner speakers, very posh. Dawn was to be there at 7 with Coral and the other trusted girls for a briefing, targets etc by Will. Soo calculating.

(Another one I hadn’t seen before) She emerged wearing a rust coloured silk cocktail dress, up to the neck with round collar No boobs on open display, but I was surprised at how much side boob was showing and her nipples trying to break out of the fabric. Backless and bare shoulders, 2 straps from the neck to the zip waist at the back, below the knee and a long discrete split up the front left leg. Even her eye make-up and lipstick were a perfect match. She looked great.
We arrived at the address just south west of Farnham, through some large gates and a drive which opened out onto a very grand ‘pile’. Dawn got out and made her way up the steps into the house. Catering vans tucked away from sight and staff milling around.

Dawn’s story: She arrived in the main hall and met with Coral and Will, he was a little embarrassed at this the first meeting since he disgraced himself but greeted her warmly. Will asked her to warm up a guy called James, who he was hoping to do some business with but was being kept at arms length, for whatever reason. The owner/host came over and introduced himself, rather obviously, Dawn gracious as ever dealt with it as the people were arriving. Even Dawn said this was a very plush venue and some important business types were there, she admitted felt a bit overwhelmed.

James arrived with another chap. He was tall, slimish, grey haired, good looking in a serious sort of way (what does that mean?) Will welcomed him and was met with quite an officious, no nonsense manner, not a great sense of humour. Oh dear. He introduced Dawn who proffered her hand, which he took and was gracious enough to say she looked lovely. Will had fixed the name plates at the 4 tables so Dawn was seated next to James, to his surprise. Again helped her with her seat, but ignored her. As the evening wasn’t going well, Dawn asked if he was going to ignore her all evening, to which he apologised. He asked if she was ‘one of Will’s girls’, obviously feeling set up. Not so smart, Will.
Dawn looked at him with utter indignation, said she was offended. She was there as a guest in her own right, actually a Snr Partner of a large London based law firm and also a friend of Will’s for some time. It was sufficient to make James apologise profusely, spending the rest of the dinner talking to her, taking huge interest in her and her business, which took Dawn by surprise. She said, to be totally honest, she was just promoted to head up the West Sussex office, her frankness amused and pleased him. And yes she was happily married. She admired Will and his business ethics (not laying it on too thick). She knew nothing of James, so started asking, and a full flow of info was exchanged.

The after dinner speeches, with the exception of one guy who was a natural wit, were mind numbing. James suggested they discreetly slip out to the bar, till the speeches finished and the evening’s entertainment and dancing could be arranged. A couple of large gin & tonics in and things were going well. He asked for Dawn’s business card, to which she asked ‘where could I possibly hade a business card in this dress?’ He softly stroked one exposed side boob. So he asked for Dawn’s number, again she asked, ‘why would he want that?’ He said he was in the process of changing his company’s legal representation. That shut her up. The penny dropped: this was what Philip wanted her to do for the Firm, recruit high value clients. She liked this.

The dancing started, Dawn had to be careful as she was bra-free and wanted to retain some of her modesty. Another glamorous woman approached James, he seemed flustered, but Dawn said to carry on, she’d go to the ladies, where she gave Will a full update by text, it was not going to be straight forward. On her return James sat with her again and monopolised her for the rest of the evening. After 11, towards the end of the evening the slow dances were in flow and James surreptitiously continued to stroke the exposed side of her boob and ran a thumb over her now, very hard nipple. He had the good grace not to kiss her but told her he was one of the chosen few to have a room at the house. Should they slip away? She very much wanted to, but had the dilemma of Will. James told her the name of the room and he’d slip away first.

Dawn took her bag and went to the ladies, rang me and asked what should she do? I said was she hot for James? ‘Yes’. Then go with James, you can still help Will if she’s subtle and if she cared too, plus do her day job, and have a good experience. ‘Ok, I’ll go with James. You’re OK with that?’ Yes, I’ll pick you up there around 2.30?’ ‘Fine’. She texted Will. He was not happy. It’s your business I’m helping so suck it up. Brave words.

She went to James’ room where she found him seated in shirt and trousers by a wine table looking out onto the garden and 2 glasses of red wine. She went over to him and stopped him from getting up with a restraining hand and a wet kiss. Sat beside him with her glass of wine. She said, ‘I have a car collecting me at 2.30’. ‘Husband?’ ‘No,’ she said, ‘part of husbands company’. It was now 12.15. ‘Well then Dawn’. He took her glass and put it on the table, stood up, kissed her, squeezed her tits properly, running his hand over backside. ‘No pants, how sexy’. He deftly undid the zip at the back of her dress, Dawn had to help him undo the straps, the dress fell away. She told me in the car, it’s always her clothes that come off first, never the guy. Just lucky!

For the next 20 minutes his mouth was glued to Dawns pussy. ‘Stuff to help her drift away’. She said he was a very considerate lover, for a first time it was quite vigorous and satisfying. She came several times. He asked if he could come inside her, which he did. Such manners! To revive him, she gave him her very best blow job. He said in 30 years of marriage his wife wouldn’t even consider that, let alone swallow him down. So she got him back up again, all very leisurely, got on top, her finest pussy squeezing position, allowing him to help himself to her tits, which he said he loved, and her mouth, he was big into kissing. Rode him so they both came. Dawn and James who were now just talking (he wouldn’t stop stroking one of her boobs). When I arrived at 2.40, parked up outside, texted Dawn and waited. She kissed him and quickly got dressed. James told her he meant what he'd said about changing legal team. He would ring her. She whispered, ’I hope that’s not all?’ kissed him, the kissed the end of his cock, and left.

In case anyone was watching, Dawn got in the back of the car. I pulled away while she got out of her dress so as not to make a mess (leather wipes down ok. The heated front seat was on as I knew she’d climb into the front, naked. It was 3am by now. I got a huge hug and a handful of bosom. Such is the lot of a chauffeur. Asked how it went? She gave me it all, the funny bits, the dirty bits, giving me a slow handjob, prelude to stopping in the countryside for sloppy seconds.
Will’s obvious subterfuge fooled no-one, being sussed so quickly, made me laugh. Well done Dawn on a bit of quick thinking. She tell Philip the she may have acquired a new client. She just won’t mention the method, merely a dinner party and persuasion, he can help close it. If she can land this one so quickly, she’d be golden girl.

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