At what point can you call a relationship poly?

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At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by Maximus54 » Mon Aug 21, 2023 4:20 pm

Lucy here.
I have been a hotwife for two decades of a 40 year marriage Yes we are senior's but sex, exercise and good eating habits makes for good health and good looks. I can tell men that I am 45 and none would question it.
The first man I ever had sex with besides my husband since our marriage is still close to us. His name is Ken, and basically I gave been having regular sex with him for 20 years. Obviously he isn't the only one and he knows it, but for over 20 years he has always been available to me. And I to him. There were times that he needed a lift he calls I go to him. Same here. I sometimes just feel like I desire him from time to time, he will drop everything to see me.
Other more regular times, usually once every 2 weeks or longer if we are traveling, but when we get back from our trips ge is often waiting for us, even gets us from the airport then we retire for an intimate threesome.
He and my husband are quite comfortable with each other. At times by husband might help guide him into me if I lay on top of him.
My husband seems to revel in the opportunity to lick me up after Ken and I have a great O together.
Ken reciprocates everything.
They don't however do anything to each other, all the two men focus on is me and I love it.
Do I love Ken? I could say that I do. Does Ken love me? He says it, but we know what our relationship is. Ken is married, his marriage is sexless, but I happily fill that gap for him.

Another occasional lover of mine told us that we were poly with Ken. I never thought of us in that way, but at what point does a long term sexual relationship that does involve feelings become polygamous?

It is more than semantics. I love my husband more than life. He rescued me and loved me when no one would. I'm not sure Ken would do what Eric did but regardless feelings are there.

What say you here?

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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by GenerallySpeaking » Mon Aug 21, 2023 6:54 pm

Using the r/polyamory subreddit as a guide, "Polyamory is openly, honestly, and consenually loving and being committed to more than one person." There is a lot of leeway on either side of how deep one must be to be in a poly relationship. I suggest you visit the Reddit dot /r/polyamory "About" section. I'm sure you'll find lots of people there in common!

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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by subguy80 » Fri Sep 01, 2023 12:16 pm

I think the biggest part of considering yourself poly is your mindset. You, the wife, must feel you are in love with two men. And, if so, you all need to commit to this fact and agree to support it. The fact your lover is married complicates things. I would think for you to ever be truly poly, his wife would need to commit to it as well. If not, then you have a steady boyfriend you have feelings for. There is a big difference between three people who share sex and are friends vs. three people who basically commit to a marriage of three and everything that comes with that.

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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by SSQ » Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:27 am

Poly is ethical nonmonogamy, so if your partner is cheating, it's not polyamory. Full stop.

That being said, polyamory doesn't have to be marriage level commitment. It can be, but it doesn't have to be. It's simply multiple ethical romantic relationships where all involved parties consent. You can't say your partner's partner isn't involved- that's denial.
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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by Laveenguy » Sat Sep 16, 2023 8:50 pm

SSQ’s interpretation is consistent with my understanding of polyamory. All parties involved must consent or it doesn’t fit the definition.

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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by Natatude » Sun Sep 17, 2023 6:49 pm

When my husband and I first started in the mid 90’s, we set our rules and one of them was I could live, my lover, but I was never allowed to leave him for one. I agreed as I love my husband more than anything and would never divorce him

We have been with him for 29 years now. I was just wondering today if we were poly perhaps? We have occasional theeesomes and they are straight as well, but we have fun!

We have another one we have occasional threesomes with but I don’t see him ever being that close. I want a lover FWB not just a sex job.
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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by Laveenguy » Mon Sep 18, 2023 7:32 am

Maintaining a loving and committed relationship between two people is hard enough. When you inject a third (or forth, or more) person into it there are further challenges. Deb and I have had several fun and friendly encounters over the years, but finding that third guy for ongoing poly relationship has been elusive.

Deb and I would love to have a committed relationship such as subguy80 has described elsewhere in this forum. But, alas so far, no luck. We got close when a 3 way relationship started with a roommate we had back in the 90’s. We fucked together with me playing the sub cuck role. They also had relations without my participation. It lasted until he graduated and moved back to Canada. We are still close to him and Deb recently visited him. But now he is married and his wife doesn’t know (to our knowledge). So, no consent from her equals a loving but platonic relationship with us.

Deb also wants lovers, not as she terms it, drive by fucks. She has a fellow right now that might eventually work out, but so far it has been between them and not included me. He has a wife and another girlfriend. They all know about each other and consent. So, that’s the first step. As SSQ says it doesn’t require marriage level commitment, but to be poly means to me at least a level of love and ongoing commitment than transcends sex.

Having said all that Deb and I had an incredible erotic experience this summer in France with an Italian Dom. It was clearly all physical and animal attraction. She had her eyes opened to a completely different form of sexual interaction. And now maybe a receptiveness to more of that. I suppose the best of all worlds would be a Dom whom we both could grow to love… Ah, a fella can dream can’t he?

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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by CaliLondon » Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:24 am

This is something I've wondered about too. My wife is 55, I'm 68 with a few health issues, and her lover for the last six months is 51. For S and myself, this was the first time we did something like this, although we spoke about it for some time and did some baby steps with a male masseuse. We met met Neil though Feeld and feel like we've met a real unicorn – he really and truly puts S's needs first, second, and third.

Our relationship keeps evolving. At first I would be physically with S during her entire time with Neil - we meet close to every Friday night for three hours - with the only rule being we only played together. Now though, that rule would be we only play in the same house. We've found that what turns us all on is my giving S and Neil time together without me being physically present. With both of their full knowledge I put up a camera in the kitchen and the living room, and watch them for about two hours when they join me then in our bedroom.

Neil lets himself in and 'finds' S in the kitchen where she is doing domestic chores and I'm in my study upstairs doing taxes (the last thing I would ever be doing). In what we call Kitchen Seduction, as the two make small talk, Neil will gently stroke S's backside, letting a hand 'accidentally touching her butt or breasts. As she is over the sink, he kisses the back and side of her neck, while S slowly pushes herself against his crotch.

Slowly the tempo builds with my wife matching all of Neil's movements and even leading. Again, slowly, the clothes come off leading to my wife bending over and letting Neil take her from behind. From there they move to the living room couch for more fun and then join me upstairs.

The other night I asked S how she saw our relationship with Neil. Do she see herself as a hotwife, a slut, a pleasure loving woman or what. She immediately said 'poly'. Does she love Neil? No, she says Neil has too complicated of life – teenage daughter with mental issues, a demanding job and an ex-wife who is a bit of a nut case. On the other hand, in watching them flirt, stroke, kiss and make love, there is real affection.

She has no interest in finding someone else to play with; Neil says we're the only ones he has sex with, and it seems to be working out well. We have no desire to have Neil move in with us; I'm pretty sure he feels the same. But there is a real relationship going on.

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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by WatchinginNJ » Mon Sep 25, 2023 9:08 am

Well as SSQ has mentioned there's an ethical side of polyamory that the folks that are heavily involved in poly would say it starts with, but lets set that aside for now.

This is an age old question that all kinds of non-monogamy people get caught up in. From swingers, to hotwives, even to plain old adulterers. The question is pretty simple, "How can I love someone, when I love my spouse?"

I find that kind of thinking to be to regimented, too focused on if ...then type situations. IF I'm married, Then I must.... It's the kind of stuff swingers make up crazy rules about, like "I only kiss my wife". It gets people focused on rules, instead of intent.

Even in our own lives we have room for love with other people that doesn't change based on us having a set number of participants in our lives. I have 3 kids. I love them all dearly, but each one is completely different. I love my late father, and still love my mother, but they haven't been a unit since the late 70's, yet I still have a deep and satisfying love for them.

Too that, I have a married partner, and I'm dating a woman on a regular basis. Those two relationships are not dependent on each other, in spite being intertwined via me.

Even poly people can get really gatekeeper by defining what is a poly relationship. They get caught up in the woo-woo and terminology, but will quickly shun you if you mention things like, "Well I'm a swinger, and I like hotwives" (as will those communities I've mentioned).

My married partner has a husband, and I am never going to pretend that I could replace him. I'm also not her husband replacement to her. We serve different rolls in her life and everyone is fine with that. Do I love her? Yes. That's enough for me. If things changed and god forbid something happened to her husband I would support her anyway she needed. But I don't ever want to replace him.

Your relationships are yours to define.

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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by tractorman2 » Fri Oct 20, 2023 1:33 am

A very interesting subject, i felt a few years back that we were in a poly relationship with her lover but i guess maybe not from the previous comments, He was married and NO he said she didnt know, i always suspected she did she had to.

We all got on together and he would come see me hours before she was due in from work help me with my jobs as good mates do.

She would return home, kiss me then embrace him and i knew, we all knew then she was his. We often sat around the dinner table as she made and served tea discussing everything but sex, we didnt have to.

Afterwards she would go get a bath and we would chat, then after a while he would ask me, can i go see her, the answer was always yes.

It was never long before i heard him fucking her in our bath, sometimes i listened, other times watched and other times did the washing up it was so regular.

Then they would go to bed, where she would be tied or chained, often wearing a breathing hood, tied in a leather sleep sack whilst he played with her often with electrobes, or inserting other items, It was all very heavy and intense sexually and emotionally. I often wondered why she liked so much pain as i listed to her being punished with a paddle, flogger or his hand.

They also went out together as a couple to the theatre, or to eat. I was always invited but i enjoyed them being together and my time alone...locked away. I did get a real kink out of walking with them as they held hands as if i was the friend. It was not unknown for him to correct people by saying, actually no she is my girlfriend, this is her husband, we all liked that and peoples reaction.

So in every part of our lives he was involved, he even met our family numerous times, that could be awkward, especially when our daughter asked me, "is he your friend or mums"? how i longed to say he is your mums lover, but i knew she knew anyway.

He collared her regularly betwen his visits as a sign of his sexual ownership and her submission to him, she collared me to her, her collar was not permanent, mine was and is to this day. He did once suggest matching rings one we men would wear to match hers which would sit next to her wedding ring, her sign of attachment and love to him and never be removed. I was happy with all.

During his period of ownership of my wifes sexuality, i finally ceased to be a lover to her, she didnt need my efforts sexually she had him and we both knew it. She sought to replace this element in my mind and kink by commenced semi feminising me, firstly removing my ability to pleasure myself with the fitment of a chastity device, then she asked me to permanently wear womens underwear and much more, all requests from our marital bed infront of him.

I once asked him as we awaited her arrival, me already locked away where he would take me next, feminisation wise, he looked and said it was nothing to do with him and as long as i liked it he was fine, it was her idea and wish not his.

So this and lots more continued for many years, It was she that decided she couldnt love two men and finished it.

It was a very exciting few years and i dont think any of us ever got over the split really.

Still she keeps me semi feminised and the items she likes me to wear are now permanently worn, yet i am the man of this house and family, i didnt surrender my masculiniity to her just my sexuality.

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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by RonDom » Sun Nov 05, 2023 11:30 am

SSQ wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:27 am
Poly is ethical nonmonogamy, so if your partner is cheating, it's not polyamory. Full stop.
I agree with this.

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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by D+D » Wed Nov 08, 2023 11:25 am

The thread, Poly with a cuckold twist is to me as close to poly as it gets.
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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by wifelver » Wed Dec 06, 2023 3:08 am

SSQ wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:27 am
Poly is ethical nonmonogamy, so if your partner is cheating, it's not polyamory. Full stop.

That being said, polyamory doesn't have to be marriage level commitment. It can be, but it doesn't have to be. It's simply multiple ethical romantic relationships where all involved parties consent. You can't say your partner's partner isn't involved- that's denial.
I totally agree with that definition. One doesn't have to be in love with others to be poly. It's ethical non monogamy, whatever form or shape that might take.

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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by SSQ » Fri Dec 15, 2023 2:37 pm

wifelver wrote:
Wed Dec 06, 2023 3:08 am
SSQ wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:27 am
Poly is ethical nonmonogamy, so if your partner is cheating, it's not polyamory. Full stop.

That being said, polyamory doesn't have to be marriage level commitment. It can be, but it doesn't have to be. It's simply multiple ethical romantic relationships where all involved parties consent. You can't say your partner's partner isn't involved- that's denial.
I totally agree with that definition. One doesn't have to be in love with others to be poly. It's ethical non monogamy, whatever form or shape that might take.
That I don't agree with. Polyamory is literally many loves. That's the definition of it. You don't have to be married to love someone.

Ethical non monogamy includes swinging and other forms of relationships that don't involve love. Polyamory does require love, although it does not require sex.

Ethical non monogamy is a big umbrella. Polyamory is a much smaller included subset.
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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by RonDom » Wed Dec 20, 2023 4:01 am

wifelver wrote:
Sun Dec 17, 2023 2:31 pm
The Oxford Dictionary definition is “the practice of engaging in multiple romantic (and typically sexual) relationships, with the consent of all the people involved.”.
The key pieces here are “multiple relationships” and “consent of all.” Being “in love” is not a litmus test because it’s a deeply subjective concept.
Being "romantic" is iikewise a deeply subjective concept and yet it is a part of the definition.

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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by nextdoorbull » Wed Mar 20, 2024 7:40 am

When love is love.

Love is different for everyone.

You know when you love someone.

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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by Farmgirl » Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:52 pm

To me, it hinges on whether you are all living together much as WHW, or HWH.

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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by isharedmywifein2018 » Fri May 03, 2024 5:11 am

We have been struggling with how to define the type of relationship we are in because Sue (and she wants me to use her name in posts) is resigned to coming out about her other “partner” and the lifestyle. I can honestly say I have the cuckold gene because nothing turns me on more than Sue getting fucked by her boyfriend and other men. Sue likes to say I am in love with you but love his thick arms and big dick. We’ve got a good understanding, they do one “staycation” a month that I am excluded from and one long weekend away whether with their lifestyle friends or at swingers club or resort. My angst about the activities to my exclusion has been under control since last fall and at least once a month I get to have sex with them (meaning I watch Sue get fucked and get to fuck her after he finishes). I also get two nights a month with just Sue and I that are for me to get off but honestly I almost need to see her get fucked to really get off whether that is using my hand watching them or Sue’s pussy after he is done. They do pose as husband and wife when they go to lifestyle resorts or clubs. I now know what goes on those long weekends as Sue offered transparency to allay m angst about all of the time with her “partner” to my exclusion. Sue gets fucked by several other men on those trips and one group they connect with regularly are all couples with a male half similar to Sue’s partner (muscular and hung). That group found a resort in the UP of Michigan they rent for a long weekend 4-5 times a year. The stories turn me on and are too much for here but to be clear I am never involved in these meetings but have learned through Sue’s efforts to be more transparent at least some of what goes on and her recaps of those weekends turn me on when she shares. So … my wife has a boyfriend she gets fucked by regularly and engages in the lifestyle with pretending that they are married and loves going away with him for role play lifestyle weekends and warm weather trips to lifestyle clubs especially in the winter. So … after all that and because Sue wants to come out about our alternative relationship and her lifestyle, how exactly would you describe our relationship to the vanilla world???

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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by Laveenguy » Fri May 03, 2024 1:22 pm

isharedmywifein2018 wrote:
Fri May 03, 2024 5:11 am
We have been struggling with how to define the type of relationship we are in because Sue (and she wants me to use her name in posts) is resigned to coming out about her other “partner” and the lifestyle. I can honestly say I have the cuckold gene because nothing turns me on more than Sue getting fucked by her boyfriend and other men. Sue likes to say I am in love with you but love his thick arms and big dick. We’ve got a good understanding, they do one “staycation” a month that I am excluded from and one long weekend away whether with their lifestyle friends or at swingers club or resort. My angst about the activities to my exclusion has been under control since last fall and at least once a month I get to have sex with them (meaning I watch Sue get fucked and get to fuck her after he finishes). I also get two nights a month with just Sue and I that are for me to get off but honestly I almost need to see her get fucked to really get off whether that is using my hand watching them or Sue’s pussy after he is done. They do pose as husband and wife when they go to lifestyle resorts or clubs. I now know what goes on those long weekends as Sue offered transparency to allay m angst about all of the time with her “partner” to my exclusion. Sue gets fucked by several other men on those trips and one group they connect with regularly are all couples with a male half similar to Sue’s partner (muscular and hung). That group found a resort in the UP of Michigan they rent for a long weekend 4-5 times a year. The stories turn me on and are too much for here but to be clear I am never involved in these meetings but have learned through Sue’s efforts to be more transparent at least some of what goes on and her recaps of those weekends turn me on when she shares. So … my wife has a boyfriend she gets fucked by regularly and engages in the lifestyle with pretending that they are married and loves going away with him for role play lifestyle weekends and warm weather trips to lifestyle clubs especially in the winter. So … after all that and because Sue wants to come out about our alternative relationship and her lifestyle, how exactly would you describe our relationship to the vanilla world???
When Deb and I decide to confide in a “vanilla” friend or family member (and most of our family is aware of our dynamic) we have always described it as an open marriage. Sometimes we use the word Poly as it is becoming more well known. But in my view we aren’t really in a poly relationship with anyone right now. So, I guess poly is more aspirational than a reality for us. But “open marriage” does more accurately describe our dynamic.

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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by isharedmywifein2018 » Fri May 03, 2024 1:42 pm

Thank you, Craig. Sue has confided in a few girlfriends but she (and I) are committed to her (and I) being sexually uninhibited. I don’t think Poly fits for us but our marriage is open to be sure. Sue believes to normalize our open marriage we need to be open with friends and family. Tough subject matter from my POV as even her friends that know have no idea that she puts out more for her BF then for me or that they go to lifestyle clubs and resorts where she enjoys getting fucked by other men.

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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by Laveenguy » Fri May 03, 2024 1:57 pm

As we have become more open over the years we have found very little push back from our friends and family. Our youngest daughter had a bit of a melt down when she first learned of it (after she graduated college) but she has embraced the lifestyle herself and she and we have very open conversations about it all now. We don’t share the cuck element quite as much, but our close friends know. And my wife openly describes herself as a slut wife. Now, I must say that all of this is easier because we are retired and there is not much anyone can do to hurt us.

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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by isharedmywifein2018 » Fri May 03, 2024 3:53 pm

Sue is only out to two - her BFF Tamar, who isn’t married because she is just a slut. Sue shared her BF with Tamar on an intimate staycation last summer and had been confiding in her for a while. The other is her old college friend, also named Sue (Alabama Sue), who was in town on biz but snow storm shut down airport. Sue felt obliged to have her stay over even though Dan was sleeping over and already settled in our bedroom when she called. Alabama Sue was crazy hot over the whole thing and the four of us had an amazing orgy. Alabama Sue spent the night with me and can’t complain about her knowing!

Sue is serious about letting everyone in our lifestyle and even suggested she may just tell the biggest gossip of all her close friends knowing she’ll tell everyone in a flash. To Sue that will help get the dialogue going. Sue has studied and is writing about the female need for multiple sexual partners. I’ll get some more specifics but there were tribal cultures where married women would be eyed by dominant men passing through and in front of the husband’s eyes would disappear with into the brush with him to get fucked. Why? Because the culture acknowledged that women are not wired to be monogamous and women did what satisfied them. So just like Sue laid out to me last fall that I needed to be on board with her staycations and swinger trips with Dan because that satisfied her sexual needs. She explained the tribal culture and when the woman came in from the field as being satisfied by a strong and endowed man, her husband accepted it and the wife would usually sleep with him right then and there to show he had her love despite her physical needs being met by more dominant men. If the husband objected she would cut him off and start looking for a new husband. There were more men then women in most those cultures which is not the case in the US according to Sue. Her clear message in this example from her research into the woman’s sexual need for multiple men was I needed to get on board with a two night five star staycation with her BF and him acting as her husband at various high end lifestyle clubs, resorts and even a closed club of hunks that share their wives so they can fuck other attractive women. I got on board because even if I only got to fuck her once a year I would still stay. Not to mention watching and hearing about her getting fucked turns me on like nothing else. I get laid regularly and even got to fuck Alabama Sue who was always one of Sue’s most attractive friends in my eyes. Never in a million years would I have fathomed not only get to dip my cock in Alabama’s Sue’s pussy let alone in the same bed with Sue who encouraged the entire thing and dirty talked to me while getting fucked which made me fuck Alabama Sue hardcore.

Sue’s motto is “I’ve got the pussy so I am the boss” and that’s 100% true. Sue also says if all women subscribed to this philosophy and only let men dominate as they want to be sexually but in no other way society would function as it did and apparently still does in certain tribal cultures.

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Re: At what point can you call a relationship poly?

Unread post by Aussiem » Tue May 28, 2024 9:58 pm

We had a 20 year relationship with a couple. There was definitely love involved. We would swap and mfm often. We were very relaxed about it. If he visited and i was out my wife would have sex with him if I was home we would mfm. If i went over to their house it was the same. When we were a foursome We would have sex together. We went away on weekends together and shared a room. In bed we didn't do mm or ff, but I often pushed his cock into either wife or ate them when full of cum. He would do the same. The wives would suck us after we cum in the other wife. Everyone was fine with touching each other. Maybe that is a poly relationship, we didn't care about a definition. Many of our other friends and family new what was going on.
Bare sex ,creampie is the best.

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