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Re: Jordan

Unread post by Crushing » Fri Mar 29, 2024 5:48 pm

Jordan pulled into the parking lot of a sprawling condo complex on the far side of town. She navigated the used Camry she owned with David into the guest parking lot. She pulled into an empty space opposite a neat row of townhouses.

The complex contained a half dozen rows of townhouses arranged around a shared central courtyard. Her destination was on the far side of that courtyard, so she had to walk through the common area.

It was nice. Not fancy, but nice.

This complex was mainly occupied by junior officers and staff non-commissioned officers who worked at the nearby Marine Corps base at Quantico. Many of them had small, young families. Jordan smiled to herself as she walked past a small playground with a stray unpaired children's shoe abandoned on a bench near the swing set.

Jordan checked her watch. It was 7:45. Most of the children were likely being coaxed to bed. Exhausted parents were probably collapsing in front of a TV after doing battle with young children all day.

The air was sleepy. Jordan made her way through the nicely landscaped walkways that moved between the rows of townhouses, observing several neatly organized porches that showed yet more signs of young children. Small bicycles tucked behind grills. Little play kitchens next to stacked adirondack chairs.

Her destination was unit 60. Row 6, first unit on the left. Jordan took a deep breath as the door came closer, trying to regulate her breathing and walk casually.

She was secretly terrified that the military wives would see her and know why she was there. She left her wedding ring locked in the glove box of her Camry to soften the scandal of her being here. Her outfit definitely indicated a date, but not necessarily of the…benign variety…

Shaking her head to herself, she tried to seem casual as she walked. Like she belonged there.


Or not.

In her mind's eye, Jordan ran a gauntlet of judgmental looks lurking just behind the front-room window shades of each and every townhouse she passed. Young mothers on the lookout for bad influences in their living space. Hostile, gossipy fingers parting blinds every so slightly, single, squinting eyes identifying her as "that girl…"

Premature tears of embarrassment welled just inside the corners of Jordan's eyes as she approached unit 60 and walked up the two steps to the stoop. She knocked briskly and hastily pulled her phone out of her purse to text her husband.

Jordan: Just got here.

The answer came immediately

David: I love you! 😍

Jordan smiled, put her phone back into her purse, and waited, secretly willing her heart to slow. She made hasty adjustments to her hair as she heard the smooth, heavy approach of his footsteps. The lone inhabitant of unit 60.

The doorknob clicked and the portal opened quickly, confidently and wide.

Jordan, a thin, brunette, 24 year old grad student stood face to face with a tall, dark, broad, 35 year marine captain.

He was nearly a foot taller than her.

Mark smiled warmly as he looked down at his visitor.

"Jordan." His voice rumbled. "Glad you could make it. Please, come in."

He stepped aside to let her walk in.

Jordan shivered.

* * *

Sergeant Mark Rein had just settled down in his camp chair to pass the morning with his book when it occurred to him to check his phone. After his evening and morning with Molly, he had been pleasantly distracted. It was a nice feeling to have someone infatuated with you. He had conquered a married woman, and it had successfully relaxed his tensions to a surprising degree. He hadn't checked his phone since he had taunted his lover's husband the night before. He picked up the phone, entered the code, and unlocked it.

3 messages.

1 message from Shithead. Apparently Chris reached out at some point in the evening, and he had missed it.


He opened the message.

One word.

Shithead: Thanks


Very interesting.

Mark's eyebrows lifted, shrugging off the cryptic expression of gratitude sent by the new cuckold. He'd figure that out later.

Next message.

From Megan Poisson.

He smirked in disbelief. Hard to believe his luck, bedding two married women within a month of his first combat deployment. This could make it much harder to get on the plane when the final orders came.

Megan: Bonjour, Achilles. Hit me up if you're in the mood.

Even more interesting. This could take the morning in a new direction.

Third text…

From Corporal Arnold. Second squad leader.

Arnold: We had an incident last night. Jett got arrested. Underage drinking. They didn't end up charging him. He's home now, no DUI or anything.



Mark hit the dial button on Arnold's number. It rang twice…

"Hey sarge, what's…"

"What happened?" Mark cut him off.

"Just a kid at a party. Got caught drunk, didn't run, didn't resist. Cops arrested him, found out he was about to deploy, let him out when his parents showed up."

"Shit. No charges, though?"


"You talk to him?"


"He sober yet?"

"Yeah, I talked to him about an hour ago. He's pretty much shitting himself. First time he's ever been in any kind of trouble. Probably ever."


"You gonna suspend his leave?"

Mark sighed. "That's up to the brass. I'm gonna talk to him first."

"OK. Take it easy, it could have been way worse."

"I'm aware of that. Thanks for the heads up."

They hung up. Mark scrolled through his phone contacts until he found Jett's number and dialed it.

It gave half a ring before

"Good morning, sergeant…"

"Good morning my ass, Jett," Mark barked into the phone. "Explain yourself."

"OK, first off, I fucked up. I know it. I'm really, really sorry. I went to this party, my buddies and everything, some girls…"

"I know what a party is, Jett."

"Right, okay…so, I was just hangin' out, and I had a few beers. I'm 20, it's like…I'm almost 21, it's not an excuse, but like…"

"I know how numbers work, Jett. They're not working in your favor. You know how I feel about excuses."

"Right, sorry. So like…the cops show up to tell us to turn down the music, and we do it, and they see some high school kid who was there, and he was passed out…once they started asking questions…everyone bolted."

"You didn't?"

"The high school kid was my buddy's little brother, I couldn't just leave him there. Looked like he needed help. Plus, the party was kinda out in the boonies, I would have had to drive, and I knew I shouldn't…so…"

Mark sighed and rubbed his eyes in exasperation.

"OK," he said at length. "Pack your shit. You're coming back."

Mark could hear the wind coming out of the young marine's sails. There was still a week of leave left. Nobody wanted to be pulled back to base now, especially when everyone else was gone. Jett would have sat at the barracks alone. Missing out.

"Aye, sergeant," Jett replied glumly.

"Keep your phone on, I'm gonna call the captain, make it official."

"I will."

They hung up.

Mark sighed again and searched through his contacts. Normal protocol would have him notify his platoon commander, a lieutenant, but he was out of the country. He dialed the company commander, Captain Wolf. The phone rang twice.

"Rein. What's up?"

"Good morning sir. I'm afraid I've got a marine who was arrested, although they didn't charge him and they let him go last night. He's at his parents' house now."


"PFC Jett."

"Not one of the usual troublemakers. What was he charged with?"

"Underage drinking."

"That's not uncommon."

"No it's not, sir."

The captain sighed into the phone. "Well, what do you think we should do?"

"Let me handle it, sir. Don't revoke his leave."

"If he were physically with you, I'd be more inclined to do that, sergeant."

"I understand, sir.And I agree. But he showed some good judgment in the moment when he was caught. He didn't run from the cops, he didn't get behind the wheel, and there was someone that needed his help, and he didn't leave him behind. He made some bad judgments, but he made some good ones too, when it went down. I'm inclined to reward that instinct. And I'll deal with the bad judgment when leave is over."

"I suppose that's a fair point, Rein." Captain Wolf paused before continuing. "If he messes up again, I'm charging you both."

"Understood, sir."

"Anything else? Are you enjoying your leave?"

Still on the phone, Mark heard a noise behind him. He stood up quickly from his camp chair and turned around, only to find Molly smiling as she walked onto his campsite. She was wearing…good God…

"Rein? You still there?"

"Sorry sir," Mark shook his head to regain focus. "Yes sir, I am…I am enjoying my leave. Some…beautiful scenery up here…"

Captain Wolf chuckled. "I'll let you get back to it. Keep Jett in line, and I'll see you when we all get back."

"Aye sir. Thank you for your time."

They hung up.

Mark took in the new sight. Molly's red hair hung just below her pale, smooth shoulders, her femininity thinly concealed by a sporty black bikini.

Her body was impressive. Especially impressive after having two kids. Her thin, work-toned frame betrayed a physically active life. Her B-cup breasts were cute and soft, half covered by the subtle curves of her bikini top. Her tummy was smooth, soft, and inviting, leading the eye down to her bikini bottom, which took the form of a slight curve on the three sides of an inverted triangle converging in a tuck between her legs.

Molly giggled. "I hope I didn't interrupt anything important," she said playfully. "I actually drove into town to buy this while Chris watched the kids. Do you like it?"

And her legs…Good god. One of those rare women whose legs looked better out of yoga pants than in them…

Molly blushed as Mark looked up and down her body. He raised his finger in the air next to his face and swirled it around, gesturing to twirl. Slowly. She smiled deeply as she turned around, looking over her shoulder as he checked out her back side.

The backside was as appealing as the front. Shoulders, back, all exposed with just a small string stretched slightly above the middle. The bikini bottom was a little wider, covering just a little extra weight. Just enough to make the whole picture…

"Turn around." Molly turned to face him again. "Very nice. I like it." Molly grinned happily.

She hadn't heard a compliment like this in…

And she definitely hadn't heard a compliment like this from someone like…

Mark took a step forward so that their bodies were close together, slipping his hands under the waist of her bikini and pulling it forward so that he could look down the front. Molly blushed more deeply as he ran his fingers over her smooth skin under her bikini bottom, briefly slipping one finger between her legs.


He snapped the bikini bottom back into place, and ran his hands up her stomach and over her breasts. He pulled the cups down slightly to reveal her nipples.

Molly bit her bottom lip slightly, then hastily looked around to see if anyone was looking. Mark picked up on the signal and let go of the garment.

"It's good, Molly. It's real good. You ready for tonight?"

"Yeah…" Molly whispered under her breath, looking down shyly. Afraid to admit just how ready.

"Good. Just put a shirt and shorts on over this when you get back."

Molly looked confused.

"You're my girl this week. This outfit is for me," Mark clarified. "Chris should know you're wearing it, but he can only enjoy it if I'm around. Make sense?"

Molly looked surprised, then smiled in recognition. She nodded brightly.

"OK, good. I'll be by for dinner. Same time, right?" Molly nodded again, turning to walk away, subtly emphasizing her steps to draw attention to her swinging hips. She looked over her shoulder to see Mark's eyes still on her and gave a playful finger wave before disappearing down the trail.

"Good God…" Mark muttered to himself. He sat back down in his camp chair and sat still for a moment, waiting for his erection to go down.

He composed himself, he called Jett again.

Half a ring.

"Good morning, sergeant, I'm almost done packing, my dad said…"

"Shut up, Jett. You're not coming back, you're going to stay on leave."

"Really?" Jett's voice betrayed obvious excitement.

"Yeah. I just got off the phone with the CO. I told him he should revoke your leave. He stood up for you. You're staying out on leave because he told me to back down. He pulled rank so I couldn't haul your ass back. You get it?"

"Yes, sergeant…"

"Now listen closely. No more parties. It's family time now. You drink another drop of alcohol and I'll break my foot off in your ass. Count on it. Understand?"

"Yes sergeant."

"You will call your squad leader every night to verify you're sober. He will report that fact to me. Do. Not. Try. Me. I will turn you into my new living room rug. Understood?"

"Yes, sergeant, I understand."

"Good. Let me talk to your mom.

Shocked silence. "Umm, she's not here…my dad is…" Jett stammered.

"Fine, whatever. Whichever parent is closest to you now. Hand them the fucking phone."

"Umm…okay." The phone went silent for a moment before the voice a nervous middle aged man came on.


"Mr. Jett, my name is Jack Rein, I'm your son's platoon sergeant."

"I thought so…he's mentioned…we've heard about you before."

"Hopefully all bad," Mark chuckled.

Mr. Jett chuckled back nervously.

"I'm sorry to take your time, sir, and I appreciate you talking to me. The command has to address your son's arrest. I just want you to know that he's in no real trouble, but we need to keep him away from parties and friends that might cause this to happen again. He's a good marine and a highly capable machine gunner, and we're deploying in a few weeks. I need him there with us."

"Okay…" Mr. Jett replied uncertainly.

"I've already told him what we need, but I'm just bringing you into the loop. I can't control this when he's on leave, but I'd really like it if he spent the rest of his leave with family. Keep it low key. Just to make sure he doesn't get into trouble."

"Okay. I think his mother will be happy to hear that."

Mark laughed. "Yeah, I guess she would, wouldn't she? Anyway, thank you for your time, sir, and tell that little turd I love him like a brother. And don't tell him this part, but just so you and his mom know: I've got his back."

The line was silent for a moment, and Mr. Jett replied, trying to hide his emotion. "That's good to hear from his leaders. That's really good to hear. Thank you."

"Thank you, sir. And please, have a good day."

* * *

Jordan darted past Mark and into his condo. Mark smiled slightly and shut the door behind her.

She turned around, red-faced.

"I hate the walk up to your place. So many people between my car and your door…"

Mark chuckled. "What are you afraid of?"

Jordan looked down. "I don't know," she mumbled slightly.

"Are you ashamed of me?" Mark asked.

Jordan looked up and shook her head vigorously. "No, that's not…"

Mark smiled slightly and stepped forward toward Jordan, extending his arms around her. She leaned into his chest and slid her arms around his neck. She liked the feel of his larger body against hers.

"It's okay, I get it." he said gently. Jordan could actually feel his deep voice vibrate in his chest where her cheek lay.

Mark held her for a minute, before engaging in polite chitchat.

"How was your week?"

"Fine. Busy, but fine. David and I went on a hike this morning, that was fun."

"Uh huh. See anything?" Mark slowly let go of Jordan, and took a step back.

"Nothing out of the ordinary. Just nature. Just relaxing." He took her hand, and began to walk away, leading her through his front room. Through a small hallway. Back, toward the kitchen.

Jordan continued to chat nervously as she followed through the neatly kept living room, down a short hallway, and finally into a tidy kitchen with a small breakfast island.

"I fell asleep watching Star Trek reruns," she said nervously, trying to maintain the chitchat. "David loves Star Trek, and I think it's fun too. Have you ever seen it? It's kind of…um…maybe you wouldn't like it…"

Mark had casually led her up to the edge of the island, moved a stool aside, and directed Jordan to stand in its place. He let go of her hand, and walked to the refrigerator. "Would you like a bottle of water?"

"Umm, yeah, thanks…"

Jordan felt silly standing there. This was new. In the past, Mark had her sit in the living room and they would chat for a few minutes before he made his move. Then, after some passionate kissing, he would point upstairs. She would go, he would follow. She was looking forward to that part.

But again, this was new. What was in the kitchen?

Mark retrieved two cold bottles of water and returned to the island, standing across from Jordan.

"I have seen it." He said, responding to her Star Trek question. "I'm actually a fan, although it's not something I say too loud at work." He smiled, and Jordan smiled back. A slight scar was just visible on the ridge of his chin. On the right side, where the skin curved under the bone. She hadn't noticed it before. Maybe the light in the kitchen made it visible.

"Well," she continued, "I fell asleep on the couch, so I was a little groggy when I drove over. I'm all good now though." She chuffed out an awkward laugh.

Nerves. Making the uncertain air between them awkward.

Both unscrewed the caps on their water bottles, and Mark raised his in a toast. Jordan touched her bottle to his, raising an eyebrow at him as she did so.

Mark took a drink, then asked: "Who's your favorite character on Next Gen?"

"Next Gen? Next Generation? You know the lingo!" Jordan laughed.

Mark smiled and nodded.

Jordan began to relax, pausing to think about it. "Well, I guess it would have to be Data. The idea of an android gaining consciousness and trying to understand humans, while not feeling emotions…he's got an interesting…umm…interesting…um.."

As she spoke, Mark had come around the island and stood behind her, brushing her hair back over her shoulder, first on one side, then the other. Then he ran his hand up and down her back, causing her skin to buzz with excitement. She began talking through a shy smile, and fumbling with her words.

"An interesting what?"

"An interesting journey, I guess. A journey of…of…um…of self discovery." Mark's touch became a bit heavier, as if he were signaling something to her. Like he wanted her to do something, but she couldn't know what.

"I suppose he does. Do you think Data eventually discovers himself?" Mark now settled his hand in the small of her back and nudged her forward until she took small awkward steps, her waist gently soon touching the edge of the counter top.

"Hard to say," she replied. "Do you? Does anybody? I think Data thinks he's different…um…what's going on?"

Mark's hand had risen up to between her shoulder blades and he had gently but firmly pushed forward. He didn't speak.

The push became firmer.

Jordan leaned, then braced her body with her hands, and eventually succumbed to the pressure and laid her torso across the counter. Mark gently ran his outstretched palm back and forth over her back again as they conversed.

Their conversation was now marked by incongruity. He stood straight up with one hand holding a water bottle,, she flopped awkwardly on the counter top, toes barely touching the ground. She, too, still held a water bottle, unsure of how to let it go or where to put it.

What was happening?.

"Don't worry about it," Mark responded casually. "I could see you being intrigued by Data. Lot of interesting psychology in a compelling android character. What makes a mind, that sort of thing. I can see it." His left hand danced lightly around her back, and she began to relax again. This was…a kind of massage? She could get into that…

"I'm more of a Worf fan myself," Mark continued. "Warrior culture, an ethos of honor, compelling family story. Gels with my own choice of profession, lifestyle. I don't like, speak Klingon, though. I'm not that much of a nerd." Mark chuckled at his own joke. Jordan echoed with her own contented hum. This back rub felt good, even if her legs hanging off the counter was a little awkward.

Mark continued. "But your point is interesting. How do you think Data thinks he's different?"

"Mmmm…That's a tricky question," she said lazily. "He thinks…um…"

Mark casually replaced the cap on his water bottle and set it down on the corner of the counter. He reached around and confidently unbuttoned Jordan's pants, pulling the zipper quickly down to its base. He then gently but firmly grabbed the waistband of her pants on either side of her hips.

"Don't mind me…" Mark intoned, with surprising indifference. "How does your favorite character think? I'd love to know your thoughts."

Jordan's face flustered. "He'…very self aware, and he knows he's different, but he has trouble imagining the ways that he's the same. There's more depth…uh…ummm…"

Mark pulled her pants down to her ankles.

"He knows so much about…" Jordan's flustrated responses seemed to annoy Mark as his motions became less gentle. He slipped his right hand around her waist and down the front of her small, lacy pink panties. Sliding his fingers through the soft, downy thatch of her pubic hair, he slipped two large fingers between her legs.

"More depth, you say? Come on, Jordan. Focus." Mark's tone was impatient. "We're having a conversation here. I'm interested in your thoughts."

Jordan was in a fog. She her arousal had been building for much of the evening, and his touch threw her off her usual conversational poise. She moaned as he began moving his fingers back and forth, her moist arousal beginning to coat his fingers.

"He, umm…What are we talking about?"

"Star Trek. Data. Depth." Mark said curtly.

"Umm…I think he's more human than anyone is ready to…ohh…" Jordan abandoned the thought as Mark's masculine middle finger slipped between her labia and penetrated her. Her eyes glazed over as her whole body began to warm to his attention.

"Nothing more to add?" Mark asked innocently.

Jordan moaned in response.

"Okay. Kind of a weird place to end a thought like that, but okay." Mark paused, withdrew his hands, and pulled her panties down to her ankles, just above the crinkled pile of her pants still bunched on top of her shoes.

Jordan's breathing was nudged into an elevated rhythm as Mark exposed her. He stood up, reached his long arm over her back and pressed her head gently down. Jordan surprised herself with her willing acquiescence, turning her head toward the wall and resting her cheek on the countertop.


She was now resting entirely on the smooth tile of Mark's kitchen island, cheek on counter, arms spread, right hand awkwardly clutching a water bottle, toes barely touching the ground.

Mark returned his attention to her legs and the space between, crouching at her side and caressing the outer and upper regions with his right hand, and inserting the middle finger of his left hand directly into her warmth. He continued this two pronged approach for a few minutes, responding to the twitches and tensions of Jordan's body until it became clear that her arousal was building toward something concrete.

"Oh my gosh, Mark. What…umm…what are you…"

"Shhhh," Mark hushed her. He increased the pace of his left hand and kept the same, gentle, soothing motions with his right. A wet rhythmic sucking noise slowly rose in the kitchen, followed by gentle, moist slaps. A soft, sustained feminine moan soon followed. Mark sensed the clear signs of an orgasm rising as Jordan's legs began to twitch and her pussy tightened. He increased intensity until her legs began to curl upward, rushing toward the threshold, and then deftly extracted his finger from her body, pulled up her panties, pulled her pants up over them, and stood up to walk out of the room.

* * *.
David paced back and forth from the living room to the kitchen. She had texted about an hour before. It was too early to worry.


Not the right word.

Worry implied some degree of uncertainty. And David knew exactly what was going on. Well, not exactly.

He knew where she was.

Although, not really. She didn't give him the address or anything. Just that it was near the Quantico base.

He knew who she was with. Although, not totally. He knew who her lover was, knew his name, knew some things about him. A marine captain she met at school. Tall, handsome, strong. Other physical attributes that were relevant to both their arousal.

David shuddered.

So he knew who she was with. But he had never met the man. He remained a foggy presence in his mind. An idea that was real. Just real somewhere else. Somewhere he didn't have access to.

And it was that thought that upped the tension in this evening's stream of consciousness. The thought of a reality he couldn't reach, couldn't see, couldn't contribute to. And yet this misty reality drove his desire in a way he couldn't comprehend…

He shook it off. What else did he know?

He knew what she was doing. Although, not entirely. He knew that her clothes were likely no longer on her body. The cute pink lacy bra probably rested in a rumpled pile on the floor of this man's bedroom. The cute pink panties that, at some point in the last hour, had dropped around her delicate bare feet before she stepped out of them toward her lover.

Lacy pink panties that matched the ones he was wearing.

David shuddered again, pacing back and forth. His breathing picked up.

He had asked her to cuck him. The look on her face as he asked…

He winced, unsure what to name the feeling that caused the convulsion.

He had asked her to cuck him. She had agreed. The gentle acquiescence of her eyes burned deeply into his mind's eye.

He knew it. There was no doubt. Her panties had dropped around her delicate ankles, resting on her cute bare feet before she stepped out of them.

He was sweating. He paced again.

Her panties had dropped around…

David yielded to the intrusive thought and dropped his pants to his ankles, flipping his shirt over his neck. He tried to step out of his pants, forgetting that his shoes were still on. He awkwardly kneeled, fumbling with the shoes before pulling them off violently without untying them and tossing them aside. He then rolled onto his back like a turtle and yanked his pants off over his feet before standing up and composing himself.

He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply before opening them and pacing again, this time with a much more calm, measured step.

David Stark paced around the interior of the little apartment he shared with his wife, wearing only white gym socks and the lacy pink panties gently strained into a tent by his small erection. He counted off his breaths, one per step, as he slowed the pace of his body.

But his mind and heart continued to race.

He knew where she was.

He knew who she was with.

He knew what she was doing.

He closed his eyes and let the thought off of its leash.

He knew that her cute pink lacy bra lay in a rumpled pile on the floor of this man's bedroom. He drank in the thought of those cute pink panties that, at some point, had dropped around her delicate bare feet before she stepped out of them toward her lover.

David looked at his watch. 8:15. He walked back toward the bedroom he shared with his wife, coming to a stop perpendicular to Jordan's full length mirror.

Only through the corner of his eye could he see himself in this grossly inappropriate situation.

It was repulsive to see, on one level. He looked forward, minimizing his view of himself.

That repulsion was no match for the intrusive thought.

And even with his gaze turned forward, he saw lacy pink panties, standing out against the tamer colors of the room, loudly signaling to him like a nautical flag in a storm.

David looked at his watch again. 8:16.

By now, her cute, lacy pink panties had certainly dropped around her delicate ankles, resting on her feet before she stepped out of them.

Stepped out of them toward her lover.

Before she stepped out of them…

David's trembling hands grasped the waistband of his own lacy pink panties, pulling them over his taught penis and halfway down his thigh.

He let go of the material, watching it fall down his own hairy legs and rest in a delicate pile on top of his own stockinged feet.

Jordan's legs were surely smoother. And her feet would be bare. And so much more feminine…

David stepped out of the panties and desperately grabbed himself, rubbing furiously with his thumb and forefinger. He hunched over as a bright intensity of feeling washed over his body.

Oh God.

David fought to keep his balance.

Oh my god. Jordan is cucking me. Right now. I know it. I asked her to cuck me. I asked her to c…

* * *

It took Jordan a few moments to process what was happening. She didn't quite grasp what was happening in between her rising sexual climax and the feeling of her pants being pulled over her hips to rest on her waist.

It was as if a blanket were thrown onto an open flame. The flame, smothered, the heat remaining.

It was disorienting, to say the least.

Also not just a little bit mean.

Like being punched by a stranger while luxuriating in a warm, thick fog.

Jordan, beyond confused, lifted her head off the counter top, her eyes darting around. Mark was walking out of the room, leaving her torso sprawled awkwardly on the island. She rose up to her elbows and looked over her shoulder.


No response. She stood up straight, turned nervously around, and tiptoed into the hall.

No Mark.

She tiptoed down the hall and leaned forward to peek into the living room. Mark was there, sitting in a leather chair, reading a book.

She ducked back into the hall, confused.

A little scared.

Had she done something wrong?

Mark had left her pants button undone and her zipper down. She zipped up her pants and buttoned them, and straightened her shirt, which had gotten slightly rumpled when she was laying on the tile counter top. Running her hands through her hair, she hoped her efforts bought her a little bit of dignity as stepped gingerly into the front room.

They didn't. Mark didn't look up.

She knocked gently on the wall to get his attention, and then cringed, immediately regretting it.

"I can hear you," Mark said gently.

"Ummm, okay…uh…everything okay?"

"Fine. Just reading."

Jordan's face reddened. "Did I, um, do something wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you…you left."

"I did."

Jordan's face warmed further.

"I'm just, uh, I'm just wondering why? Did I do something to offend you? If I did, I'm sorry, I don't really know…"

"You agreed to be here at 7:00. You arrived at 7:50."

Jordan's face burned. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize…um, I'm…I'm sorry."

"I accept your apology."

Jordan looked down, crossing her arms by grabbing her opposite biceps. The standard girl pose signifying the worst kind of feeling: the terrible nexus between humiliated, scared, and insecure.

"Do you want me to go?" she asked, the vulnerability of that feeling lacing the question.

"I do, yes. Your purse is on the end table there." Mark gestured toward the table with the spine of his book.

Jordan stole a glance at Mark's face. It was calm and serious. She looked away and hurriedly crossed the room, grabbing her purse and reaching for the doorknob.


She turned around, her face bright red.

"I'd like to see you again."

"Okay…" Jordan responded, dumbfounded.

"Before I do, I want you to ask yourself if you actually want me to own your pussy. You have said you wanted that a few times in our previous time together. You should take some time to think about what that will mean. And if you really want it."

"I, um…I just thought that was like..l mean I just said what you were saying…" Jordan mumbled.

"I did say that, but I don't say things I don't mean." Mark's voice narrowed in intensity. "Do you say things you don't mean, Jordan?"

"No, I guess not. I mean…I don't mean to. I guess I just…"

"You need to decide if you mean it. And if you do, you need to act accordingly."

He returned to reading. Jordan stared at him, floored. The clock on the end table next his chair read 8:15.

Jordan's face burned fresh as she hastened out the door of the townhouse and walked briskly through the complex back to her car. Her head spun.

She made it back to her car and fumbled for her keys, wobbling the car key into the ignition.

She paused before turning the key.

She sat for a moment, thinking. Then she reached into her purse and pulled out her phone.

She opened up her reddit app, opened up a thread, and began typing quickly with both thumbs.

* * *

David's chest heaved as the shimmering intensity retreated from the tip of his extremities into his body.

His body was hunched over, his torso at a ninety degree angle to his legs, both palms twitching as they clutched his knees.

Gradually, his vision returned to focus as he became aware of the carpet. A small pair of lacy pink panties lay in a petite rumple under his eyes. Four or five small drops of liquid had dotted the material.

His eyes regaining focus, his heart rate slowing, and his breath returning to normal, David stood upright, seeing himself in the mirror.

My God. What have I done?

The dazzling feeling that had consumed his body half a minute before receded into his deepest parts, leaving behind it…

Scorched earth.

Oh my God. Oh my God. I can't believe…Jordan. I have to call Jordan.

Wait, I can't call, she'll get mad…Shit. Shit. Shit. Fuck.

David ran back to the living room, grabbing his pants from the floor and wrestling them back onto his body. He grabbed his phone from the coffee table and began to write a text.

"Hey, I need to talk to you. Call me now please…"

He paused, then deleted it. She would think it's an emergency.

It is an emergency.

No it's not. Not that kind of emergency.

Show me a bigger deal than what's happening right now.

It is a big deal.

It's a big deal because you let it happen.

It's a big deal because you had to be a cuck bitch. What the fuck, Stark? What the actual fuck? Are you really blowing up your marriage? For some dumb fuck perverted…

Shit. I have to text her.

Something nicer.

"Can we talk real quick?"

Just hit send before thinking about it, or you'll just be writing drafts all day and end up with a Haiku or some dumb shit. God, Stark. For fucking real. What the fuck?

David stood up and picked up his shirt from the kitchen table, where it had apparently landed when he threw it, and put it back on. He then sat on the couch, tucked his face into his elbow, and bit his shirt sleeve while the emotion rose up to his head. Almost like a vomiting, David couldn't hold back and choked out a few hysterical sobs before regaining composure.

He shouldn't have texted her. What if she calls? What will he say?

She won't want to leave. Telling her to leave would be…

She won't want to leave, but she'll feel guilty, and then you'll make her feel super guilty when she goes to church again. This is only going to hurt you both…


He hoped she didn't call.

He stared at her phone, waiting for the call.

* * *

New post in r/sex


I just got fingered and shown the door. What just happened?

"Umm….Hey reddit strangers,

So I(26F) need help. I've been hooking up with this guy(35M) for several weeks now, and everything's been great so far. He's hot, the sex is amazing, no issues before, it's totally NSA on both sides, blah blah.

So we planned on meeting tonight all week, I come to his place, and I'm running late, my bad, but he doesn't seem to mind at first. So we just talk for a minute, but instead of going up to his room like we usually do, he takes me into his kitchen, gives me a water bottle, bends me over the counter and just starts fingering me."

Jordan's phone beeped briefly. A new text from David.

David: Can we talk real quick?

Jordan shook her head distractedly. David knew better. She closed the message app and returned to her post.

"It's weird, I wasn't expecting it, and I was getting into it, and then just when it's starting to get really good, he stops and kicks me out for being late. I had no idea how to react.

Has anyone else had something like this happen? He said I was late and I should leave. I apologized, and he said it was okay, but still kicked me out.

I genuinely don't know how to feel. I'm kind of mad, but also kinda still hot about it, but also super embarrassed. I'm just really, really confused. What happened? Has anyone else had this happen? What do I do in this situation? Help!

* * *
The emotional roller coaster began to slow, gradually descending into a dark depression.

I have a test Monday. I need to study, but instead I spent all day doing this. I'm going to fail that test.

Jordan is definitely going to leave me for this guy. He seems so much better. It's just a matter of time. How could I let this happen?

I'm not going to get that job. There's no way. I'm too young, too inexperienced. I'm a gosh darn flower truck driver. Who wants that guy running anything?

That thought stuck. David knew he wasn't going to get the job. He just knew it. He also knew he couldn't keep his real job after being turned down for the promotion. Vinny and his guys already had it out for him. They'd make life hell and find a way to push him out.

David sat, slumped on the couch. Morose and flaccid.

He reached over to the coffee table and grasped his laptop, and lazily opened up his resume. He began to update and polish, having not used it since his internship applications.

Probably better send this out to a few places. I'm gonna be jobless soon.

And probably divorced too.

Oh God…

* * *
Jordan's head swirled with insecurity. She tried to keep a level head, but she couldn't keep up with the feelings that were surging in her. Had she been so rude to her host that she had to be thrown out? That had never happened to her before, she had no idea how to fix it.

Her thoughts moved on to other possibilities. Was this Mark's not-too-subtle way of saying he'd grown tired of her? He was a devastatingly attractive man, and she knew he had his pick of women. He had alluded to others. Maybe he'd gotten what he wanted from her and was ready to move on…

She recoiled at the thought of being rejected so callously. Indignation followed the fear. Who did he think he was? To just grab her, bend her over…do…that…and then throw her out?

No. Something else was going on. She checked her reddit post. A few snarky comments had populated the thread. About punctuality, someone calling her a slut…someone saying she'd been assaulted and should call the cops…this wasn't going anywhere. Maybe some people responded with private messages.

She opened her inbox. A sadly predictable chain of one-word messages from men who were as stupid as they were horny…a couple offering to show her their penis or offering to "finish the job" for her…

…this was a bad idea…


One DM was different.

Title: Submissive?

She opened it.

u/please_yssir: Hey girl, just reaching out because I think u might not rlize ur being dommed. Might be shady or dangerous, but might be fun 2. Depends on the guy, and if ur into it, if ur submissive. Hit me back if you wnna chat.

Jordan read the message a few times.


Jordan had enough education in psychology to come into a bare familiarity with the concept of sex and strategic power, and with the psychology behind sadomasochism. She had always imagined this kind of dynamic to exist among more…extreme personalities than hers.

Or it might exist in marriages that had grown so sexually stale that theatrical experimentation was necessary to keep the spark, or grow it.

The insecurities returned. Was Mark tired of her already? Or was this sadomasochism thing just…his thing? Should she play along next time?

She wasn't sure she wanted to.

Jordan shook her head and hit reply on the message.

u/curly_sunshine_1999: Hello, hi, I'm not sure I know what you mean. I'm not going to like, a sex dungeon or anything. Am I missing something?

u/please_yssir: lol u don't need a dungeon. It's just about sexual style, u know? Frm what u said, sounds like your guy is playing with ur head to dom u. A head game to get u in subspace.

u/culy_sunshine_1999: I'm sorry, I'm kind of new to this. What do you mean subspace?

u/please_yssir: lol its like where ur heads at when u get together. Like, u get into subspace, like ur playing a part in a movie and ur the sub character. Hes the dom. So u dont just act submissive, u feel submissive. Its soooo good if ur dom is good.

u/curly_sunshine_1999: So it's like a play? I'm supposed to act out a role when he's like this?

u/please_yssir: Kinda, but more like you turn into the role. If you act, its 4 him. But if u become sub 4 urself its 4 u. It's hard to xplain, but dont knock it till u try it

u/curly_sunshine_1999: I think I understand. Thanks for explaining that, that's helpful!

Jordan did not understand. She ditched the thread, typing into the search bar.


She found a new thread. r/submissive.

She blinked in surprise.

A waterfall of discussions, rants, testimonials, questions. There was a surprising amount of activity here.

Jordan began selecting a few threads, reading through them. A mix of genders and education levels. Most, however, seemed significantly more articulate than her previous interlocutor. And she needed some clarity if she was going to understand this…

Some of the messages creeped her out. Those were the ones where people sounded either like cult devotees or hostages. She worried about the rampant abuse that could result from some of the situations described.

But others she found striking. Even a little exciting. Testimonials about sexual devotion that despite her reservations and confusion, warmed her.

After several minutes of browsing, she copied her original posted question and reposted it in the r/submissive thread. She changed the title slightly.

"I just got fingered and then told to leave. Did I do something wrong?"

She left the body of the question unchanged, and posted. Responses came quickly.

-Sounds hot. Punctuality play. Don't be late, haha!

-Sounds more like an asshole than a good dom.

A third:
-I think we need more context. It sounds like you're new. Have you two played with d/s stuff before?

Jordan replied to the third.
-Sorry, I'm new, what's d/s?


-Oh, okay. No, I don't think so. I mean, kind of. We don't wear special outfits or do handcuffs or whips or anything. He did say that he owns me, but I thought that was just kind of dirty talk. I don't know, I've never had a relationship like this before. I'm kind of inexperienced.

-OK, he said he owns you, and that didn't seem weird to you?

-Of course it seemed weird! It was also kind of exciting at the time, so I went with it. You know how dirty talk is.

-Yeah, I think he was sending you signals you didn't actually understand. You said you went with it, did you like that idea? Like now that you're out of the moment, is it still exciting?

-I mean, yes, kind of. I was really just excited to tell my husband about it, because he gets excited about that kind of stuff.

-Wait, you're married? OK, you're adorable. This level of newbie energy never happens. I love it. Okay sweetheart, you might not know if you're a sub, but I am. Ask me anything, and we'll figure it out together.

-Okay. I'm so confused…thank you!

* * *

Mark now had the rest of the afternoon to himself. He picked up his beach chair and carried it out to the sand, setting it out to watch the tide come in. He thought about taking a quick trip around the bay before dinner. Maybe after he read a few more chapters.

He loved having nothing to do every once in a while.

As he reached for his book, he remembered an unanswered message.


He smiled to himself and pulled out his phone one more time. He opened the message and read it again.

Megan: Bonjour, Achilles. Hit me up if you're in the mood.

He paused before responding.

Mark: Bonjour, Meg. What mood would that be?

He smirked again, fully expecting her not to respond. He set his phone down on his lap and opened his book.

When the phone vibrated.

That was quick.

Megan: Any mood, really. Just wanted to chat

Mark: Well, I'm here. Everything okay? You and Frenchie enjoying family?

Megan: Ummm…mostly. You know how it is.

Mark: I don't actually. Just me and my mom before she passed.

Megan: Oh right, I'm sorry. God, I'm sorry Mark. That was really insensitive.

Mark: No, it's okay. No worries.

Megan: What are you up to?

Mark: Just reading, actually. Don Quixote.

Megan: God, that's so hot.

Mark: lol

Megan: I mean it as a joke, but it actually kinda is, lol. Not to be too forward, but, you know?

Mark: Yeah, I figured you'd go for bookworms.

Megan: Yeah. How is it?

Mark: Really fun. I'm having a good time with it.

Megan: I read it in college. I liked it too. You ever think of going on a quest to impress a lady?

Mark: Occasionally. That might just be my whole life, though.

Megan: Haha, right… You don't have to go far to impress a lady.

Mark: That's good to know, I guess. So what's up? You just bored?

Megan: Kind of.
Megan: I was just thinking about the night we spent together, wanted to check in.

Mark: OK. I'm certainly okay, as long as you and J are. You guys good?

Megan: OMG I can't keep J off me. We've been at it like rabbits. We're fine, I assure you.

Mark: He know you're texting me?

Megan: He's next to me on the couch, pretending not to be sneaking looks at the text chain.

Mark: Lol. So that's a yes.

Megan: It's a yes.

Mark: Well, how do you feel about it?

There was a pause. Mark worried he touched a nerve. The old fears that this would drive a wedge between his best squad leader and him began to

Megan: I kind of want to do it again, if you want to do it again.

Mark blinked hard.

Mark: I thought it was like an experiment thing. You try something crazy, and we have a little fun, and then stay friends, right?

Megan: Yeah, I think it was. But J loved it, and I'm finally okay admitting…I liked it too.

Mark: Wow. Meg…That's a lot.

Megan: No pressure or anything. But I know there's a week or two after leave before you guys ship out…can we maybe do another night?

Mark: I mean, I'm obviously down. Who would turn that down?

Megan: You mean you want me too? I was so scared you were like, doing us a favor.

Mark: Meg, we talked about this already. I really enjoyed myself. Of course I want you. Are you totally sure J is on board with this?

Megan: He just said yes really loud while playing his video game. I think he's on board.

Mark blinked in surprise again.

Mark: Wow. Okay. Let's do it.

Megan: Wow, OMG, I'm relieved. I was so scared to have this conversation, you have no idea.

Mark: I'm glad you found your courage. It obviously works for me…

Megan: Can I ask you one thing, though? Like a favor?

Mark: Sure.

Megan: It's stupid…

Mark: It's not stupid.

Megan: OK, don't laugh. Could you call me Briseis again?

Mark laughed. It was a strange request.

Mark: Sure, no problem. Can I ask why?

Megan: I'm kind of…it's kind of like role playing. I like being your slave girl, I guess. I like it that you kind of…
Megan: I like it that you kind of own my body, you know? I think it's hot. I liked how it was kind of like that when we were…

Mark: Wow. Okay, I think I get it. You like to be owned?

Megan: Lol, I guess. Yeah, I guess I do.

Mark paused before answering again. Squinting, he took in what she had just confided to him. Then he responded.

Mark: I'm going to change your contact from Megan to Briseis. Once that is done, I want you to talk to me like you would talk to your sexual master.

Megan: 🥵

Mark: Do you understand?

Megan: Yes.

Mark: Very well. I will change your contact now, and then I will send you a text referring to you by your new chosen name. From that point on, I will own you sexually. Understand?

Megan: Yes. 🥵

Mark changed the contact info, leaving her real name in the contact notes, but changing the contact title. No last name. Just Briseis.

Save contact.

Mark: Briseis.

Briseis: Yes, master.

Mark smiled to himself. This was going to be fun.

Mak: Briseis, go into your bathroom, remove your clothes, and take a picture. Then show that picture to the man currently sitting next to you, and take care that he watches you send that picture to me.

Briseis. Yes, master.

Mark smiled as he felt his cock stir. He replaced his phone in his lap and returned to his book.

He took out a pen and marked the following observation from Sancho Panza:

"I’ve always heard the old folks say that if you don’t know how to enjoy good luck when it comes, you shouldn’t complain if it passes you by. It wouldn’t be a good idea, now that it’s come knocking, to shut the door in its face; we should let the favorable wind that’s blowing carry us along.”

Twenty six years old, sergeant of marines on the cusp of his first trip into war. Mark felt the urge to enjoy the luck that seemed to be knocking down his door lately.

His phone buzzed in his lap.

* * *

Jordan's face burned as she walked quickly through the condo courtyard. The sun was all the way down now. Most windows were dark or dimmed, all doors were closed. Most children were in bed, most parents squeezing a little relaxation out of the fatigued hour.

9:15. Jordan had spent the last hour learning new things from her new internet friend.

The things she had learned were daunting.




She had weighed whether to take that bundle of emotions back home to her waiting husband. It seemed to her the obvious right thing to do. She had been thrown out of her lover's home. She had a sexual encounter, which excited her. He would find it arousing, even thrilling. He would welcome her home, care for her, provide her emotional support. They could figure out what to do together.

She could also share the things she learned while scrolling through her phone in the car. The things she learned while discussing this strange, scary sexual dynamic with a woman who had experienced it. David would go absolutely wild at the prospects. And she would stay out of danger. It was a win win.

She definitely knew that she needed to process all this new data. It would be foolish to return to a situation she didn't understand, especially when she wasn't thinking clearly. This is exactly the kind of situation she had been raised to avoid. The very temptation she had been brought up to reject. This was wrong, and she knew it.

This was not who she was. Sensible, level headed Jordan Stark-Simms, a Ph.D candidate in psychology studying under one of the world's foremost researchers. She needed to leave this situation and go home to her husband. She needed to turn around, walk back to her car, and drive home. And she needed to do it now.

Jordan knocked gingerly on the door of unit 60.

A few seconds passed, then heavy footsteps grew steadily louder as they approached the other side of the door, never quite reaching the intensity of Jordan's own heartbeat.

The door opened.

Captain Mark Rein visibly surprised to see her. He quickly regained the composure of a stone face.

"Jordan. You're back. Is everything alright?"

Jordan began visibly shaking. Mark softened slightly and opened the door wider, ushering her inside.

In the dim light of his living room Jordan hoped the redness of her face might not be too obvious. She walked toward the coffee table, noting the book still on the table. Against the Day. The same book he was reading when...Jordan made a mental note to look it up later, after

"Jordan, is everything okay? Are you okay?" Mark repeated himself.

Jordan took a few seconds to compose herself, then took a deep breath, unconsciously, fumbling with the small, thin gold cross on her necklace.

Slowly but deliberately, Jordan lowered herself to her knees, bowing her head down to the ground and releasing the jewelry from between her fingers before resting her open palms gently on her thighs.

A slight smile broke through Mark's stony face. Again, he quickly suppressed it.

"Good evening sir," Jordan said in a soft, low voice, keeping her eyes fixed on the ground in front of her knees. "I want to offer my apologies for making you wait for your pussy this evening. I want to offer my body to you now. If you want it.

Posts: 653
Joined: Sun Oct 08, 2017 6:12 pm

Re: Jordan

Unread post by subtoall » Sat Mar 30, 2024 8:09 pm

Fantastic writing. I can't wait to find out what Vinny has in store for our gentle cuck.

Posts: 81
Joined: Tue Oct 10, 2023 8:28 pm

Re: Jordan

Unread post by Tire_Kicker » Sat Mar 30, 2024 8:58 pm

David is growing a set! Fuck yeah Dave, git you some...

Posts: 118
Joined: Sat Apr 18, 2015 2:06 pm

Re: Jordan

Unread post by Jacko » Mon Apr 01, 2024 8:07 am

Tire_Kicker wrote:
Sat Mar 30, 2024 8:58 pm
David is growing a set! Fuck yeah Dave, git you some...
LOL what? Set of breasts maybe. He just jizzed into pink panties while thinking about his wife with Mark, then got remorse for cumming without permission ...

Posts: 81
Joined: Tue Oct 10, 2023 8:28 pm

Re: Jordan

Unread post by Tire_Kicker » Mon Apr 01, 2024 4:52 pm

Jacko wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2024 8:07 am
Tire_Kicker wrote:
Sat Mar 30, 2024 8:58 pm
David is growing a set! Fuck yeah Dave, git you some...
LOL what? Set of breasts maybe. He just jizzed into pink panties while thinking about his wife with Mark, then got remorse for cumming without permission ...
Right? But hey, he did have that little epiphany for a minute there. Can't help cheering for the little guy, it could happen if all the cards fell his way. Go David!

Posts: 51
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:34 am

Re: Jordan

Unread post by Crushing » Wed Apr 03, 2024 4:03 pm

Jordan looked down at David through half-closed eyes. Leaning back in a kitchen chair, she was uncovered from the waist down; her pants lay crumpled at her side, accented at points with lacy pink cloth sticking out of the open waistband.

David knelt quietly, cleaning his wife. Her legs wide and her posture relaxed as she held her husband's head between her legs. He matched her level of comfort with an uncanny level of his own.

No words were exchanged. Just a wet smacking as he alternated between deep, appreciative kisses landing in Jordan's fluffy thatch and a gentle probing of her inner parts with his tongue.

David relished the taste of Jordan. Especially so when the signs of her arousal were so clear. She had quietly entered the house moments before, a kind of calm glow hanging about her, simply removing her shoes, pants, and panties before turning a kitchen chair toward the living room, sitting down, and opening her legs.

A moist, reflective glint darkened the auburn hair between her legs, accenting the light brown hair that crawled upward toward her waistline.

Sweat damped hair. Tangled.

And, as it turned out, full of viscous surprise. David found that out after kneeling instinctively between her open legs. He dove in hungrily while Jordan ran her fingers wordlessly through her husband's hair.

Her unique taste was punctuated by another. David had tasted it before, and was still unready to name the taste, or the experience to himself. It was simply…

"Another man's cum?"

A gentle, feminine voice kicked a delicate hole in the heady silence.

David started and looked up at Jordan, shocked at the interruption. He raised an eyebrow, not understanding. Or perhaps pretending not to understand. In the depth of his moment, perhaps he didn't know himself which of those was true…

Jordan repeated herself. "Are you enjoying the taste of another man's cum?"

David was shocked. She named it. Named the act.

It was a knockout punch. He wasn't ready to answer, and fought hard to push down the shame rising in his throat. Instead, wordlessly, he returned his burning face between her legs.

Jordan smiled and hummed in pleasure.

"That feels so good, baby. Keep doing that."

David's heart began pounding at the encouragement.

A few minutes more, and the second flavor that punctuated the first began to diminish, replaced by new arousal. David tried to match her rising enthusiasm, lapping up waves of his wife's arousal. She began moaning more audibly. David stole a glance upward, looking past her shirt to her face. She had leaned her head back, face toward the ceiling, and the gentle playfulness of her hands in his hair intensified as she began grabbing and pulling tufts of his hair.

David had not experienced this kind of reaction from his wife before. He began flicking his tongue with more excitement. Jordan's hips began to buck gently, her grip on his hair tighter. It began to hurt his scalp.

Her moan rose in intensity.

Then it rose in pitch.

Finally, her legs snapped together around her husband's face, her knees rising up toward her chest. David leaned into her body to keep her from slipping out of the chair.

The tension held for a few moments before Jordan gradually relaxed her legs, releasing her husband's head. David kissed her cleft gently and sat back on his haunches.

"David…" Jordan heaved, her glassy eyes filled with surprise as she fixed on her husband, still kneeling before her.

"David…you made me cum…"

* * *
Mark found little Max with his head poking out of a tangle of driftwood halfway between his own campsite and the Cohen's. Trying to fight his way loose, Max wiggled back and forth between two long, wrist thick branches wedged under a large log.

Mark approached quietly on the boy's blind side, trying not to be noticed. Max alternately squirmed, turned himself, and tried to lift one branch or another to create enough space to squeeze through.

Nothing was working.

Mark watched him work on it for a while before he cleared his throat to alert Max to his presence.

"Oh hi, Mr. Rein. I'm stuck in a forest. I think it's magic"

"That's a forest?"

"Yeah, it's a little one. But there's a curse on it. I thought there would be treasure in here, but now I'm stuck."

"Well, that happens sometimes with magic forests…" Mark waded into the pile of driftwood until he found the large log resting on top of the two branches holding him down. He squatted down next to it, locked his hands under the bottom, and stood up, wrenching the other branches free.

"Snake yourself under here, buddy. I'll hold this up until you're through."

"OK…" Max crawled through the tangle of branches until he made his way between Mark's legs and out to the beach. Mark grunted and dropped the log.

"Wow, You'e thtrong, Mithter Rein…" Now it was Mark's turn to be surprised. Lucy had walked up behind him as he was lifting the log. Mark grinned as he turned around to see her.

Molly was there too, watching him.

"Thank you again, Mark…wow, you're always getting Max out of jams, aren't you?"

"He seems to find his way into jams, but that seems like just what a kid his age should do…don't you think?" Mark grinned.

Molly smiled widely at him and nodded.

Her red hair was tied back in a ponytail, her t-shirt hanging loosely down over the waistband of her clean, sporty exercise pants.

"When Mackth got thtuck, I went to get mom to help becauth I couldn't move the brancheth…" Lucy explained, bringing everyone up to speed. "Wait, where did you come from, Mithter Rein? Are you going kayaking? I don't thee your boat."

"No, actually I'm going to have some dinner with you guys, if that's alright. Your parents invited me."

"Yeah!" Max shouted jubilantly. "Can you show me how to do a fire start again too?"

"Sure thing, buddy," Mark chuckled.

The siblings took off running toward the campsite, leaving Mark and Molly to walk along behind.

"I'm glad you came along. Might have needed to get you anyway to get him un-wedged from there. Looks like he stopped crying by the time you got there, though. Lucy said he was pretty upset when she couldn't help him out."

"Yeah, he's tougher than he lets on. Sometimes boys take a while to learn they're tough. Letting them wrestle with things by themselves is important. Within reason, of course. I hung back for a while, and he actually got pretty close to getting himself out."

"Well, anyway, thanks. You ready to eat?"

"Is dinner ready? I'm a little early."

"You are a little early, we weren't expecting you for another hour. We haven't started, but we're pretty laid back today. I can get it started if you're hungry."

"No rush." Mark looked over at her as they walked, catching her looking at him out of the corner of her eye.

"Actually," he continued, "I think I'd like to go for a little swim first. Maybe take the kids?"

"Okay…that sounds fun…" Molly replied, surprised.

"So go ahead and take those clothes off when we get back, I want to see you in that outfit again."

Molly blushed deeply. "Oh, that's why you want to go swimming…" she said under her breath, smiling to herself.

"Well, partly…Maybe mostly. Either way, I want to see it before the sun goes down."

Molly blushed and said nothing.

They came at length to the family campsite, finding Chris busily sorting through the cooler, pulling out small packages of meat and cans of beer and soda, and placing them on the picnic table.

"Hey Chris, how's it going?" Mark called out as he walked confidently onto the camp site.

"Hey Mark, how are you?" Chris replied

"Fine, thanks. How's your day been?"

"Not bad…not bad at all." His tone was noticeably more genial than in previous encounters. "You want a beer?"

"Not yet, thanks." Chris nodded, then sat back down on the picnic table bench.

Mark continued. "Actually, I thought it might be nice to have a quick swim before dinner." He turned to the children. "You guys want to come?"

Lucy and Max cheered, shouting over each other as to who got to swim with Mister Rein. Mark laughed out loud.

"Great. Well, let's do it. I'll need to borrow a towel if you've got one…"

Mark pulled his shirt off over his head, revealing his broad, toned upper body. Chris looked at Molly instinctively, whose head was subtly cocked to one side–leaning in Mark's direction as he disrobed.

"Would you like to come along, Chris?" Mark asked.

"No, I think…I'll just hang back, you guys have fun. I'll get dinner started."

He grimaced, and then pushed a smile through it.

"Your loss, friend. If you want to come along, please do. The more the merrier. Molly, I'm assuming you're coming?"

She paused.

Then smiled and nodded. "Of course. Kids, grab a towel and meet back here in your suits. Max, you stay close to Mark in the water, okay? The waves make the water deeper and they can pull you right out to the ocean."

The siblings dashed into their tent to grab towels. Molly stood up, looked at her husband, and pulled her shirt over her head. Chris' eyes bulged as he saw his wife reveal herself in sexy new attire.

Noting his reaction, Molly wiggled slightly as she dropped her sweatpants to reveal the rest of the outfit. She stepped out of her pants and sat down next to her husband for a moment, strapped on her sandals, and finally whispered something in his ear as the children came crashing out of their tent again. Molly stood up energetically, and clapped her hands together.

"Ready kids?"

The two took off out of the campsite and shot toward the water. High tide falling.

Mark stood up next to Molly and nodded knowingly to Chris.
"Ready?" he asked.

"Ready…" Molly said. The two grabbed towels and walked out after the kids.

Chris watched them go. They walked easily together. Naturally. As if they belonged together.

He watched Mark's hand slide around his wife's waist, slide casually over her rump, and then squeeze her right cheek playfully, holding his handful firmly for a moment before releasing and raising it again to her waist.

As they took the last steps out of the campsite, Chris heard his wife giggle with delight as she felt the squeeze.

* * *

6 'o clock Sunday evening brought a gentle knock on David and Jordan's front door. David, dressed carefully in a clean polo shirt and slacks walked briskly across the living room to answer it.

"Hi! Welcome!"

The greeting was echoed with enthusiasm as Hamad shook David's hand with a big grin. "Thanks you for inviting!"

"And you must be Aisha…Hamad has told me many good things about you, welcome!"

The young woman, dressed modestly in loose fitting jeans, a long sleeved top, and a richly colored hijab smiled shyly and nodded in acknowledgment as she shifted a baby seated on her hip.

Jordan, still wearing an apron, walked out of the kitchen just as the little family made their way into the living room. She moved like metal to a magnet as she saw the baby girl on Aisha's hip.
"So adorable! What's her name?"

"Her name is Fatima," Aisha replied proudly, her shyness melting under Jordan's enthusiasm for her baby.

"She's so beautiful, oh my goodness! She just lights up the room!"

David and Hamad stole a glance as the women fell to cooing around the baby. David, always delighted to see enthusiasm in his wife, struggled not to laugh. Hamad pretended to be laughing at their wives' excess, but was clearly proud that his new baby evoked such an enthusiastic response.

David offered them a seat, and Jordan returned to the kitchen to tend to final preparations for dinner. They chatted amiably, mostly about the baby, when Jordan called out of the kitchen.

"Aisha, could you give me a hand with something?"

The young mother stood up quickly and handed the baby off to Hamad before joining Jordan in the next room. Hamad began bouncing the little girl on his knee.

"So, you the next boss man, eh?" Hamad said with a grin.

"I don't know what you're talking about," David said evasively.

"Everyone said they going to make you the boss. You had the interview, you had the fancy clothes. I saw you Fridays…"

David chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, I got an interview, but that doesn't mean anything. I guess we'll find out when they tell us. I haven't heard anything."

Hamad chuckled back. "You interview, you good guy. Hard worker. They will give you the job, and you will give me a raise!"

They laughed, and both women peeked out from the kitchen. "What's so funny?" Jordan asked.

"Just work stuff…" David threw back.

Jordan squinted and stuck out her tongue playfully, brandishing a wooden spoon. The women disappeared back into the kitchen, and started giggling between themselves.

"No, seriously…" David said with a low voice, "I'm really not sure I'm going to get it. To be honest, I'm not feeling too confident."

"You good man, Dafid…" Hamad responded, patting David on the back. "You get good job here, you get good job somewhere else. You be okay at the end. But I think you get the good job here."

David smiled at the compliment.

"David?" Jordan peeked out of the kitchen again. "Can you set the table? We're just about ready here…

"Yeah, of course…"

* * *
Molly sprawled contentedly on her back, looking up to the dome of Mark's tent. The racing heartbeat had slowed, her pulse slipping down to a resting rate, perhaps dreamily a touch below resting rate. Her breath, only recently filled to capacity in a series of desperate heaves, was also settling into rest.

All in all, the rhythm of her body was settling after wrestling with frantic arousal for what seemed a very long time. She rested in the dark of the warm summer night, content and half exposed on top of a few more blankets she had snuck over from her campsite earlier that day.

Mark had left the tent a few moments ago. He had wrestled his board shorts back on his body, unzipped the door, and walked out to get water bottles for them.

Molly still wore the bikini top that had aroused Mark to his most recent passion. Her bikini bottoms had been pulled off earlier, and tossed to the side somewhere.

With the tent door still open and the young mother sprawled lazily on the tent floor, Molly's naked sex was exposed to anyone who might walk by.

A fact that would have paralyzed her with fear and embarrassment only a few days before. Now she was too exhausted to care.

Maybe it wasn't exhaustion, though. Something else…

She reached up and stretched, feeling her muscles relax, and running her hands down her torso. In spite of herself, she felt a little shy as she slipped her right hand between her legs.

Wet. Very wet. She didn't know if she had ever been that wet before. She was definitely passionately aroused, and she knew her body was responding to that arousal. But some of that moisture wasn't her, she realized as she probed herself in a daze. it was left by

Him… She closed her eyes, moaning to herself.

A rustling at the tent door snapped her out of it. She sat up hastily and covered her sex with her hand.

It was Mark. He motioned for her to come out of the tent. She looked around, confused for a moment, then fumbled around the darkness to find her bikini bottoms…

"No. Just come out. It's dark, and it's one thirty in the morning. You'll be fine."

"Umm, it's okay, just a second…" Molly hesitated, reaching under the blankets to find it. Mark's hand appeared in front of her face. She stopped searching and nervously took his hand, and he pulled her to her feet through the door of the tent.

Molly stood in the open air of Mark's campsite.

Top covered by a thin bikini bra.

Bottomless, bare assed, and shaved.

The air was strikingly warm for the hour. Nevertheless, Molly shivered and covered herself. She felt further hints of moisture gather around her fingertips as they fought to save her modesty. Some of that moisture seemed ready to drip down her thighs.

His moisture.

That train of thought was interrupted by Mark extending his long arms around her and pulling her body into his embrace. Molly turned her head to rest her face on his chest.

She rested here for a few moments until their breathing slipped into rhythm with each other. Then, she broke the silence by giggling.

Mark pulled back, looking down at her. "What's so funny?"

Molly involuntarily covered her mouth with the flat of her hand, stifling the giggle. "I don't have any pants on…."

Mark chuckled. "No, Molly. No, you don't."

He broke the embrace, reaching back to his picnic table to grab the two water bottles he brought out earlier, handing her one. They held playful eye contact in the dim starlight as they twisted the caps off their bottles. Mark held his out in a toast. "To proper hydration."

Molly grinned and tapped his bottle with hers. "Cheers."

They drank deeply. Mark finished his disposable bottle in one shot, crushing it with his fist and tossing it into his refuse bag. Molly took longer, taking many long sips. Mark didn't mind. This allowed him to look up and down her body, appreciating the reflection of the moon on her pale, exposed skin.

She finished her drink and delicately placed the bottle in the bag.

"Let's take a walk," Mark suggested.

"It's late…" Molly replied.

Mark pouted playfully. "Awww, you don't want to take a walk with me?"

Molly giggled again. "No, that's not it, it's just…it's late."

Mark furrowed his brow and his face turned serious. "It's a beautiful night, Molly. The stars are out, the moon is bright. It's warm and we're in a beautiful place. We shouldn't miss moments like this. I want to take a midnight walk on the beach with my girl."

Molly melted slightly at hearing herself referred to as this man's girl. She hadn't felt like anyone's girl in…

"Actually…why not? What with the stars being pretty and all. Just let me find my bottoms…" she giggled and turned toward the tent door.


Molly started at the sound. The playfulness and charm had dropped from his voice. The tone was somber, commanding. Like the tone she overheard when she walked in on his phone call earlier. '


"I said no." Mark's voice lowered another half pitch. Molly's mouth opened slightly in shock.

"I don't understand…no what?"

"Don't get your pants. In fact, take your top off."

Molly's mouth opened wider. Mark's tone softened slightly.

"No one's around, it's late. I want to see my girl walk naked on the beach."


"Are you my girl this week, Molly?"

Molly could feel her face burning as her heart began to pound.

"Are you?"

She lowered her head.

Mark let the silence speak for him.

"Yes…" she said finally. Quietly.

"Yes what?" Mark's voice softened a little more, a hint of the playfulness returning.

"Yes…yes, I'm your girl this…"

"Stop there. Say it again." Molly smiled in spite of herself.

"Yes, I'm your girl."

"Good. Prove it."

Molly smiled again, heart pounding. She reached behind her back and unclasped her bikini top.

Her last bit of covering fell to the ground, leaving her pale, soft breasts exposed to the starlight.

Mark smiled and said nothing, but extended his right hand. Molly smiled and nervously took it with her left. He grasped it in hers, squeezing her wedding ring gently between his thumb and forefinger.

He felt his cock stir as they walked out toward the water.

And from a concealed space behind Mark's 4runner on the edge of his campsite, a hungry set of eyes saw a tall man in board shorts lead a thin, pale, nude woman out onto the dark, deserted beach.

Mid tide. Rising.


Baby Fatima was fast asleep on her mother's lap. David and Jordan chatted amiably but quietly with their guests over coffee, afraid to wake the baby.

The meal had been pleasant. Aisha had turned out to be much more lively company than she seemed at first, as Jordan's gregarious temperament had helped her relax into easy conversation. Once the shyness wore off, all four were bantering like old friends.

Naturally, the major lifestyle overhaul of a new baby was a major part of the conversation, as both the new parents expressed concern and frustration at their mounting expenses and pressures on Hamad's hourly income. Despite his mechanic skills and work ethic, they couldn't seem to get ahead. Hamad's joke about needing a raise seemed like less of a joke. He seemed to really count on David's promotion to help his family.

David was unused to the feeling of another full grown man depending on him. To feed his family. This was serious. David was sure he could look into the raise if he got the job, but he wasn't sure it would be the right decision for the business. He just didn't know enough yet. And at this point, his certainty that he would be passed over for the promotion was solidifying. Yet he still wanted to help.

"Have you ever thought about opening your own shop?" David asked Hamad thoughtfully.

Hamad seemed surprised. "My own shop? I need more money, not less. I don't have tools, I don't have garage, I don't have money for signs or other workers…I cannot afford."

David nodded gravely. Jordan and Aisha fell silent as the lighthearted conversation turned serious.

David had his business face on. It was a rough analog to Jordan's dissertation face. Serious. Focused. He was moving things around in his head. Thinking through contacts, obstacles, assets, risks, possibilities. Getting things in order so he could charge at them full speed. He was getting ready to move on something. Boldly.

Jordan loved that face. It was David's time to shine. She smiled to herself, and offered a thought to ease the conversation in a more hopeful direction.

"Hamad, if you had the money, would you want to own your own shop? Having the money is one thing, but actually wanting to do it is another thing entirely. It can be a headache, there is a lot of work in owning your own business. But you can do very well for yourself if you do it right."

Hamad squinted at the floor. "I would love to start my own…It is my dream. But it is so hard to get started. I try to save, but…" He shrugged sadly and looked over at Aisha and the baby.

"Have you thought about investors?" David interjected.

"Who would invest? I don't know anybody. Maybe after you become boss man's boss man, you can invest!" Hamad laughed.

"If I become boss man's boss man I'm going to be more interested in keeping you working for me." David grinned. "But if you had someone, maybe a group of people who help get you started, help you run things, you can share some of your profits with them. They'll get you tools, a place to work, some advertising maybe, and help you with payroll for a helper or another mechanic. If you got all that in line, what do you think?"

"I'd say yes!" Hamad "Do you know investor?"

"I intern for a pretty big accounting firm, and I know a couple of our firm's clients who might be interested. I can't promise anything, but I have a good relationship with a couple of them. I could try to talk to them for you, maybe set up a meeting?"

Hamad looked stunned. He looked over at his wife, whose face lit up in surprise.

"So that's a yes?" David half smiled through the question.

"Yea…yes! Thank you!" Hamad exclaimed.

"Don't thank me yet. Let me see if I can fix a meeting. You'll need a business plan, though. I can help you with that. Do you need to head home now or can you hang out for a little while?"

"We can hang out…" Aisha blurted out. Hamad was still stunned, and simply nodded. David reached for his laptop.

"Let's get some rough numbers together. While I look up startup costs, I want you to think about what kind of customers you can line up. Do you have any special certifications? Any friends in the business that need a subcontractor? Any big shops that can't handle all their work? That can be a good place to start. Maybe we can pay them a visit this week, see if they're interested."

Hamad nodded, bewildered. "I visit, sure. But I don't know how to talk business, just engines and cars. You come too?"

"Of course…" David said, seemingly oblivious that Hamad was moved by his willingness to help him. "For now, let's get it all on paper, so we can make you look like a good investment. Here, let's move back to the table so I can type easier…"

The two men stood with David's laptop and moved to the adjacent room to work. Jordan beamed with pride. This was the man she fell in love with. Selfless. Competent. Bold. Hardworking. He looked so handsome with his business face. And the look of surprised gratitude from their new friends was icing on the cake. She blinked hard to hold back tears. Then she turned to her guest.

"Aisha…you mentioned you like to read books. What are you reading lately? I'm always looking for the next best book I've ever read…"

* * *

The moon had passed zenith, and the night had cooled a bit. Molly lay on her side, naked, tucked in between the chest and the muscular arm of a man she had met only a few days before. Her two children were asleep a mere two hundred yards away. Her husband was there with them…but as to whether he was asleep or not, she didn't know.

But Molly was awake.

She pulled the camp blanket a little higher over her shoulders. The tent dome was now open to the sky–after their walk Mark had removed the rain fly so they could look up to the stars together.

Mark, as it turned out, knew a surprising amount about the constellations in the night sky. He had casually pointed out things she had never learned, speaking with a confidence and passion of one who had spent a lot of time looking up at the night sky. She had walked alongside him as he talked, cool water lapping around their feet and ankles as they moved in the moonlight. In many ways, it felt like the kind of first date she dreamed about as a little girl. With one notable difference.

She had been naked.

Mark had insisted she remove her clothing, and she had agreed. Initially, she thought it was a kind of dare–that she would dart out 20 feet or so onto the beach and then run back in, giggling at the shocking thing she was doing. That he would laugh at his prank and then playfully toss her a shirt and some pants. Or they would find her swimsuit together, then watch her slide back into it before they would leave to go on the walk along the beach as normal.

But he had confidently taken her hand and walked out on the beach at a leisurely pace. She passed 20 feet. 50 feet. 100 feet. 100 yards. By then they were at the water's edge. He turned and walked along the beach. She had panicked, squeezed his hand, looked over and around for any strange eyes on her exposed body. Thankfully, there were none.

Then, she surprised herself by settling into the experience. As if nothing strange was going on. As if she actually had clothes on. As if nothing whatsoever was out of the ordinary.

Now, she reflected on that feeling. She felt…safe. That's what it was. This man would protect her if something or someone unexpected had come up, Had some unexpected set of eyes popped out of the bushes, he would have covered her 5 foot 5 body with his 6 foot 4 body. Because she was his girl. She would do what he wanted, and he would protect her. Look after her. Take care of her when she was so vulnerable. That was it, she thought to herself. That was the feeling. She felt…safe.

She breathed in deeply and sighed into his chest as it rose and fell in steady sleep.

Her memory drifted more deeply into the last few dreamy days.

Remembering him spending a whole morning building an elaborate sand castle compound with her children. Which her husband wouldn't do.

She thought of other things he did that her husband wouldn't do.

He took them out kayaking, spending his whole day with strangers on a deserted island a mile offshore from a public beach searching for "treasure" with children that weren't his.

He dove aggressively into the ocean when Max had slipped out of his life jacket. Pulled him to safety. Gently patted the water out of his lungs as he sputtered and cried.

He talked to Lucy about her books. Shared stories from his own.

He patiently taught Max how to build a fire.

It was exactly what she had hoped would come from this vacation. A man had spent time with her. Meaningful, happily, freely given time. He had looked after, played with, taught, and protected her children. Then, after the sun had set, after the fire had burned down, and after the children had gone to sleep, he laid her down in his tent and took her body.

Molly inhaled deeply again. Then exhaled. The problem with this reflection is that the man who so fully realized her hopes for the week was not the man to whom she was married. Furthermore, upon reflection, changing out the man who was supposed to provide these things for her with another available man didn't bother her as much as she thought it should. Or, it didn't bother her at all, really. Which was, in its way, worrisome. She worried, briefly, that the scandal of this week would gnaw at her conscience later. That she would feel ashamed. That she wouldn't recognize herself in the mirror anymore because of the decisions she had made, and the days…and nights…she had enjoyed. That this encounter was tawdry, beneath her sense of morality.

But then she remembered all of those other things again, all those things Mark had provided without prompting or obligation, and she sighed deeply into his chest again. And then, she found her fingers gently caressing Mark's wide, muscular, tan chest.

Chris' chest was narrow. Pudgy. Pale.

She shook the thought off. Her hands slipped lower, caressing his firm abdominal muscles.

Her husband's belly was not large, but it was soft. Betraying his sedentary lifestyle.

Mark's lifestyle seemed much more active…she didn't know the details of physical training marines subjected themselves to, but clearly something was working.

Her hand descended further.

There it was.

The biggest difference.

Mark's penis was thick. Heavy. It hung noticeably lower on his body when he stood. When hard, it was intimidating. Enticing.

Chris' penis was…

She shook off the thought. Instead, she allowed herself to imagine a little fantasy. A playful exchange between herself and Mark. What she would have tried to initiate if he hadn't been asleep. She would have teasingly wrapped her hand around his heavy cock and said in a quiet, singsong voice:

"look what I found…"

She ran her fingertips up and down his cock as her own playful words ran through her mind.

Look what I found…

It began to grow slightly under her hand as the answer occurred to her.

"I found…a man. A real…man." She thought to herself.

She breathed in deeply one more time. She didn't want to disturb him, and normally she would be scared. Scared of asking too much. Scared of bothering him.

But now she felt safe. She had named the feeling. She was safe. She gently ran her hand up to his chest and rested her flat palm on his chest, pressing down slightly and shaking gently.


He groaned slightly and opened his eyes. He blinked through the fog and turned his head to look at her.

"Everything okay?" he inquired sleepily.

"Yeah, everything's fine. we…um…can we go again?"

Mark smiled.

"Yeah," he whispered gently. He kissed her. She closed her eyes and returned his kiss. "Yeah, we can go again. Lay on your back…"

* * *

Jordan looked down the galley kitchen toward the table where David was working. He and Hamad had been hunched over his laptop for more than an hour, gathering what information they needed. Then, when David said he had the basic information he needed to finish the business plan, the other young couple had left, taking the baby home to bed.

They had left with excited, hopeful smiles on their faces.

Something her husband had made happen.

Jordan grinned to herself in pride. After they left, she had quietly offered to handle the dishes (usually a shared responsibility) while David typed away, organizing a business plan for a mechanic he was friendly with.

Not a family member.

Not a lifelong friend.

Just a nice man with a new baby he wanted to help out.

She began humming to herself. Humming the songs she sang in the church choir that morning. She found herself looking out of the corner of her eye at her husband, concentrating hard on his work.

She still had a little bit of a crush on him. Especially when she saw him like this. Helpful, hardworking. So giving and caring. The man she fell in love with not so long ago.

As she finished placing the last dishes in the drying rack, she thought she should do something nice for him. Something thoughtful.

She thought about taking his hand and leading him back to the bedroom. But she didn't want to break his focus. She would definitely make his night a happy one when he did come to bed, but if she took him now, it would interrupt the very activity that made him so charming to her.


She dried her hands, and went to the bedroom to change into pajamas. She took off her outer clothes and bra, then put on loose, comfortable pajama pants and a small, thin t-shirt so David could see her chest without a bra. She smiled in the mirror, then tied her hair back in a ponytail. Then, surprising herself, she winked and kissed at the mirror.

So unlike her…but she had felt more cute and frisky lately. Something about her recent experiences was giving her new confidence…

She had an idea. Something nice to do for David.

He had a big day tomorrow. He'd find out about the job. He'd be nervous.

Jordan wasn't worried. She knew it was going to go well. She knew he was about to get a promotion well out of proportion for his experience and current role. He would blow the roof off of that place, he always did. Albeit in a quiet, diligent way. No showboating. Just cool competence and hard work. Success tended to follow.

God, she loved him.

She walked back out to the living room, noting David's attempt to subtly glance at her chest as she walked into the room. She smiled to herself as she sat down on the couch and rifled through her school bag. She found her steno notebook and a pen, then stood up and walked over to the table. She bent down and kissed him on the cheek, whispering into his ear:

"I love you, David. You're my hero…"

David blushed as she walked into the kitchen for a moment, then returned.

She sat down at the table in the chair opposite her husband and set down a pink lady apple, casually but conspicuously, next to her notebook and pen. She shot a playful glance under her eyebrows and across the table, noting David's keen eye on what she was doing. She looked down and opened her notebook to a blank page.

She removed the cap from her pen, stared thoughtfully at the blank page for a moment, and then began writing.

"Do your work, David…"

* * *

Chris Cohen paced back and forth between his family campsite and the shower house. It was after 2 o'clock in the morning.

He had not slept well for a couple of days.

Just after midnight, his wife had followed her new boyfriend away from the campsite.

Prior to that, the three had chatted amiably after the kids went to bed. The fire slowly burned down, the flames carefully tended by Mark. Each time he had added wood or moved the fire around to stoke the flame, he moved his camp chair a little closer to Molly. Eventually, she noticed his movements and began to subtly move closer to him. By the time the fire dropped down to cinders, the deep sleep breathing patterns coming from the children's tent was apparent, and Molly was making unambiguous eyes at Mark.

As they stood to leave, Chris' penis stood with them. He, however, remained seated, face turned away, and burning.

He waited in angst for several minutes. Who knows how long, really. Then, against his better judgment, he walked down the camp road, quietly, keeping his head low. He approached Mark's 4runner and nervously peeked into the empty front seat. Nothing. He moved to the side. Nothing in the back seat. Crouching awkwardly on the driver's side, he squatted down, leaning back against the the rear wheel of the vehicle.

He held his breath and focused.

Then, he heard it. Molly.




She was still quiet, but clearly struggling to control the noises she made.

He craned his neck around the back of the 4runner, but couldn't see much. Just a blank wall of a medium sized dome tent, the rain fly secured tightly over the top.

The sound grew clearer though…now he could hear a new sound rise, a gentle slapping in a brisk tempo.

Mark's balls slapping against his wife.

Chris grabbed at himself, finding his own desperation down the front of his sweatpants.

His body relaxed into a deep focus as he began to touch himself, stimulated by the muted sounds of his wife's pleasure. A small wet spot appeared on the front of his sweatpants.

At intervals, he noticed her breathing would quicken, then go silent…as if she was holding her breath for a moment before starting again…

She was having an orgasm.

She said…he remembered she had said she couldn't come from sex…

It became a cycle every now and then, with more time passing in between each cycle as Molly became exhausted.

She was cumming for him. Over, then over again.

Chris shuddered at the new revelation and stroked himself more desperately. As another breathless silence spread over the campsite, punctuated by the soft, rhythmic slapping, he felt his own orgasm approaching.

A new breathless silence was rising. He leaned into it, waiting for evidence of another quietly climactic release from Molly.

But as he leaned into the silence, the brisk tempo of smacking skin suddenly halted, followed by a low, masculine groan.

Mark had released inside his wife.

Chris' heart stopped.

Molly let out a long, low, contented moan.

The small wet spot on Chris' pants grew.

He let go of his desperation and buried his face in his hands.

Posts: 11
Joined: Sat Jun 10, 2023 12:11 pm

Re: Jordan

Unread post by Uscgamecoc91 » Fri Apr 05, 2024 9:28 am

Absolutely Amazing Character development.

Great Writing.

Thank you!!!

Posts: 141
Joined: Tue Nov 20, 2007 6:19 am

Re: Jordan

Unread post by kinkydetroit » Fri Apr 05, 2024 12:28 pm

Fantastic story, I check daily for updates.

Posts: 51
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:34 am

Re: Jordan

Unread post by Crushing » Fri Apr 19, 2024 7:58 pm

A gentle vibration buzzed Jordan awake in the pitch black of an all-too-early Monday morning. She reached down and pulled her phone out of her pajama pants pocket.

Normally she didn't sleep with her phone in her pocket, but she didn't want to wake David.

2:25 AM.

God, what a horrible hour. How did David do this every weekday? He was up at 3, out the door by 3:30, and delivering flowers from 4 until…usually early afternoon, but…

Groggily she came to the realization that she didn't even really know what his shifts were. He worked himself to the bone and never complained, never even mentioned his horrible hours. He just quietly, reliably provided for their needs. And most days, he had dinner waiting for her when she got home.

God, what a man.

Jordan looked over at her sleeping husband, and then slipped gently out of bed, trying not to disturb him . She walked quickly to the bathroom and shut the door before turning on the light.

She looked at herself in the mirror. Standard bed-head, maybe some sleep crust in her eyes. She still wore the tight shirt from the Sunday night teasing she had dangled in front of him. But David had stayed up working, and she had fallen asleep. Her plans to ambush him for some love were thwarted.

Hence the early alarm.

She ran a brush through her hair, washed her face off, brushed her teeth quietly, and took a big swig of mouthwash to stave off the dreaded morning breath. Standing up straight, she noted how her breasts seemed perky and her nipples visible through the fabric. She smiled to herself, knowing what her husband liked to see. She pulled her pajama bottoms and panties off, folding them carefully and placing them on the counter. Spritzing one modest puff of a light perfume under her chin, she squinted one more time at the mirror, shook out her hair one more time, and smirked at herself in reflection.


She turned the light off before quietly opening the door and tiptoeing back to bed. She checked her phone one more time. 2:28.

Gingerly, she slipped back into bed and pulled the covers over her. David groaned slightly but didn't wake up.

And she waited. Until…

2:30. Jordan's phone, no longer silently buzzing, blared out in the familiar alarm tone used by David to wake him for work. A tone she would have ignored any other day. David groaned again and reached for his phone on the nightstand near his side of the bed.

David's phone was dark.

He uttered a quizzical grunt, then activated the phone, noting that no active alarm was on it. And it was going 30 minutes earlier than...

It was that kind of morning, apparently. Where small changes in routine are so utterly confusing as to render one helpless and frustrated. He looked around the room, confused. What…? Where…? How..?


David squinted in further confusion at his sleeping wife.


She wasn't sleeping.

It was dark, but he could tell from her voice that she was wide awake. Or at least more awake than he was…Was the alarm coming from her pillowcase? What the hell was..?

Jordan giggled and pulled him onto his back, rolling on top of him. She began kissing his cheeks, his nose, his forehead, his neck. Then she began planting deep kisses on his mouth, which he instinctively–although still in a deep haze of bewilderment–returned.

Jordan spread her legs over his waist, and tucked her knees up, doing a push-up on his chest until she sat upright, straddling him.

"Jordan, what are you…it's so early…"

Jordan giggled in response. She leaned forward in the dark and turned on the lamp on David's nightstand. The dark retreated slightly, casting orange light on her torso.

"I woke you up early, silly. It's a big day for you, and I want you to feel confident…"

Accompanying that thought, she playfully grabbed his hands and pulled them up to her face. She kissed each one of them deeply, then slowly lowered them, palms open, onto her breasts.

"You worked late last night, David…I didn't have a chance to jump your bones before I crashed out…but I loved watching you work. You're so helpful, so selfless. I love that about you…go ahead, David, play with them. They're yours…"

David's sleep fog was breaking apart in the light of this unprecedented development. He smiled groggily as he stroked, squeezed, and fondled his wife's breasts while she smiled permissively down at him.

"I just need you to know how much I love you, David. How proud of you I am. How lucky I know I am. You're going to do great today. No matter what happens, you need to know I'm with you."

She leaned forward again and kissed him deeply. He began to grunt less in confusion and more in delight.

Jordan sat upright again. "Do you want me to take my top off for you, David? That way you can see my boobs better? And play with them?"

David had never before seen the coquettish style of sexual enticement that his wife was currently displaying. He didn't know exactly how to answer a question with such an obvious answer. In keeping with his usual awe of his wife's charms, he simply grinned and nodded with a gesture not unlike Dopey Dwarf from the Snow White cartoon.

Jordan giggled, and pulled her top off over her shoulders.

David was caught in the headlights.

What a way to start an early shift…

Jordan giggled at her husband's frozen reaction and repeated her earlier action of gently kissing his hands and placing them on her now bare breasts.

For a while, she simply smiled down demurely at him, enhancing the feeling of the new and the naughty she was cultivating so well. Then, she began bucking her hips slightly, forward and backward, forward and backward.

David looked down for the first time, and noticed with shock that Jordan was in fact completely nude. Her light brown fur was pulsing slightly from the back and forth motions as she rubbed herself on him.

"Would you like to feel something else, honey?" Jordan asked innocently, looking down toward where their bodies were meeting. David let go of her breasts and began tracing a line down to her lower half. Slipping a finger between her thatch and his own pajama pants, he was shocked to find her wet.

Very wet.

He looked up in surprise. "How..?"

She smiled down at him. "Well, mister questions…I happened to start getting this way last night when I saw you spring into action to help your work friend change his life for the better forever. Actually, if I'm being honest, it really started when I saw you bouncing little baby Fatima on your knee, but I don't want to get ahead of myself."

David's jaw dropped.

"I get hot when I see you at your best, baby. When you're my David. When you're the full, all the way, no holds barred David. I guess you didn't know that…"

David shook his head in disbelief.

"Anyway," she continued in mocking exposition, "I came to bed, and just laid here for a good long while, hour after hour, with a needy body and no man to help me…"

Jordan felt David's already stiffening penis get noticeably more rigid.

She smiled again, and pulled his left hand up to her right breast, leaving his right hand to explore the wetness under her downy thatch.

"Yeah, keep doing that, baby…that feels good…anyway, I ended up almost sending a message to someone else, but I thought…no, I want my husband tonight…"

She leaned forward and kissed him deeply on the mouth before making her way to his ear.

"But my husband never came to bed…"

David began responding to her hip thrusts with some involuntary bucking of his own.

Jordan maintained the tight distance between her mouth and his ear, holding him at whisper distance:

"What's a girl to do, honey? I went to bed…wanting…"

David frantically let go of his wife's body and shoved the waistband of his pajama pants down. As she felt his stiff penis nudging around her opening, a sly grin broke across her face.

* * *

Molly Cohen was having a wonderful vacation. She had made the transition to motherhood early in life, so she had been busy with small children more or less directly out of high school. She had worked her way through nursing school with those small children. She had then taken on the busy, ever-shifting life of a career hospital nurse with those children, constantly juggling childcare and patient care. Both aspects of her life often had her staying up late and getting up early. Both aspects of her life had her running constantly, working constantly, and attending to the needs of others. Constantly.

She had known Mark Rein for 5 days now. They were nearly the same age–her 28 years to his 27–but he seemed younger. It was the circumstances of her life–the demands of those who depended on her that made Molly feel older. But in another life, if she had taken another path, she could easily have seen herself dating this man. And seeing how he interacted with her children, how easily he played with them, how easily he engaged them on their level, how much satisfaction he took in teaching them little things, how instinctively protective he was of them, Molly could not stop the intrusive thoughts–the fantasies–imagining her life deeply entangled with his.

She loved how he called her "my girl." She was keenly aware of the outrageous nature of that appellation as a married woman. Nevertheless, she loved it. She got butterflies in her stomach everytime he said it. She never had the courage to return the designation out loud, but she secretly wanted to call him "my man."

However, while she didn't allow herself to say that out loud, she relished thinking it to herself. In her mind, in that hazy middle ground between fantasy and reality that makes up every truly great vacation, Molly had a new man. And Molly and her man were having a perfect week at the beach. Each morning as the light slowly rose, Molly would wake up naked and slip away from Mark's bedding, wiggling into her clothes before exiting the tent and returning to her campsite before Lucy and Max woke up. On these occasions, Chris was usually up and waiting for her. She would plant a small peck on his cheek and start gathering things for breakfast.

This was what happened on Tuesday morning. And Wednesday morning. And Thursday.

By Friday, the day before everyone was set to leave for home, Molly found Chris already making breakfast as she slipped back into the home campsite. The kids were already stirring, but not yet up. Thank God.

"Molly…" Chris said, bent over the grill cooking sausages. The smell was delightful, but his intonation was ominous.

"Yeah honey?"

"We should…we should talk about stuff."

Molly's heart sank, and her face fell. The real world was beginning to creep in. Mark had to head back to his unit to deploy tomorrow. The Cohen family, too, had to leave tomorrow, and she loathed it.

"Yeah, Chris, we should talk about stuff. But…not now, the kids will be up soon…"

Chris didn't respond, and didn't look up.

"Thanks for making breakfast, Chris," she said, affecting a conciliatory tone. "It smells yummy…"

Chris just nodded.

She sat down on the bench and looked down at her feet. The deep contentment of waking up next to Mark. After spending the night with him. God, it was good. It was too good to last.

The shuffling from the kids' tent turned into the unmistakable sound of children shoving each other and whining. Eventually the sound of a zipper announced a wild haired and bright eyed Max stumbling through the door and dashing toward the bathroom in the shower house. Lucy sleepily followed, nodding with a formality becoming her precociousness.

"Good morning mother. Good morning daddy. Good morning Mithter Rein…"

Molly looked up to see that Mark had quietly slipped into the site and was standing across the cold fire pit from her. He was dressed casually: board shorts, sandals, and an olive green t-shirt with some numbers on it. He had some stubble–a vacation break from his strict shaving routine. He was smiling warmly as she looked up. She broke into a bright smile as her eyes met his.

With all adults properly greeted, Lucy glided away toward the bathroom. All three adults watched the precocious nine year old make it into the ladies side of the shower house, the door shutting behind her. Mark grinned and walked boldly up to Molly, planting a kiss on her forehead as she looked down and blushed. The two embraced playfully, her head on his chest.

It was cute.

It was fun.

Chris seemed less inclined to find it fun.

The embrace broke as the men's door of the shower house opened with Max toddling out and making his way back to the site. Five days ago, he would have been clinging to his mother's legs all the way to the shower house and back. For some reason, Molly observed, he had a little more confidence. Maybe just a week in a different place. Or…some other reason.

Max spotted Mark about halfway between the shower house and the site and broke into a dead run to meet him. Mark sat down casually on the picnic table bench just before the boy ripped into the campsite full speed, tripping over a tree root and splaying fantastically onto the grass. Molly instinctively moved toward him, but was surprised to see Mark gently holding up a hand, advising her to wait. She stopped, holding her breath.

She knew her son. The wailing, the drama, the tears were only seconds away…

"You all right buddy?" Mark asked casually. Max picked himself up, a little bewildered. "Yeah, I'm okay. I've got green stuff on my knees though…"

"Let me see," Mark said, maintaining his casual tone. Max limped up to him, the limp emphasizing the bravery of pushing through this major incident without crying.

"Yep…" Mark observed. "Just a grass stain. The green on the grass gets on your skin sometimes if you slide on it. Kinda cool, no?"

"Yeah…" Max agreed.

"It's kinda like…snot-colored, isn't it?" Mark wrinkled his nose at the boy.

Max giggled. Molly smiled to herself.

"You know," Mark continued, "when I was in boot camp, they made us go in a gas chamber. It was pretty scary, and I coughed and coughed, and it was crazy. But what I didn't know was how much snot would come out of my nose after I got out of the building."

He gestured, making the sign of a waterfall falling out of his nostrils.

Max giggled. Molly covered her mouth casually to hide her own laugh as Mark continued his story, distracting Max from his skinned knees as Lucy made her way back into the campsite. She walked over to the grill and hugged her father around his waist, holding him as he cooked breakfast.

"That thmellth good daddy. Do you have any more work to do today?"

Chris paused, weighing a response. "No, I don't think so."

"That'th good. We're going on a hike later, and I'd like it if you could come. I found thome interethting thpecieth of flowerth I can show you."

"That'd be great, sweetie. I'd love to see anything you want to show me."

Behind them, Mark, Max, and Molly giggled at some amusing turn in Mark's story.


"Yeah, sweetie…" Chris said, reaching for the plates to scoop eggs and sausages on to.

"Mom thmileth a lot when Mithter Rein cometh over."

* * *

David pulled into the dark parking lot, turned off his headlights, and turned the car off.

He was early. Normally he arrived around 3:30, but Jordan had gotten him up early in the most energizing way he could imagine. She had woken him and…

David closed his eyes, savoring the memory. Jordan had gently shaken him awake and climbed all over him, inviting him to enjoy her body, actively placing his hands on her breasts, even guiding his stiffness toward her…

He had ejaculated just as he began to feel the down between her legs. It was powerful, seizing his whole body. Jordan had smiled, a look that signified something between shock and amusement.

She had squeezed him until the last drop or two squished out of the tip, then looked down at her thatch and dabbed the few drops that stuck there away as well.

She had giggled, leaned down, kissed her husband, and rested her nude body on top of him.

After he finished, she had felt a little bit tense as she laid on top of him. Tense but loving. Her face had lilted to the side and come to rest on his chest.

David had been enthralled by her enthusiasm, and had been embarrassed at by own. They had held each other for about ten minutes when Jordan had fallen back asleep. He had gently moved her to her side, where she had murmured something approaching "love you so much," and he got up, got dressed, and left early.

She had gone out of her way to make him feel like a man.

Now…that was a hell of a feeling. Again…what a way to start a day.

David got out of the car and looked around the dark lot. Today he would find out one way or another if he would be running this place. He glanced around, noting things that needed to be fixed, cleaned, updated, upgraded. He made a list in his mind to present to the board if they offered him the job to show his readiness to take the wheel.

Jordan had seemed convinced that this was going to work. If she was right, his life would change drastically between the beginning and end of his shift. He'd have to figure out how to deal with some of his more hostile co-workers on the dock. With Vinny. But the promotion and his position over their paychecks would be sufficient leverage for now. The respect could come later after he established himself.

And the pay. And the benefits. He could get Jordan her own car. They could look into buying a house instead of renting a tiny one bedroom apartment. They could get a dog. They both loved dogs.

His pre-dawn reverie carried him through the double doors into the dock. All eyes stopped and turned to him. The dock fell silent.

Had they heard already?

David looked around, unable to read the vibe in the room. Steve appeared at the dock manager's door, beckoning David in. His face was stony.

It didn't look good.

As David walked to the office, Steve motioned behind him, and Sherry, the early morning dock secretary, walked out with her head down.

Followed by a sneering Vinny.

David blinked in surprise as Vinny passed by, then followed Steve into the room.

David shut the door behind him, and sat down nervously across the secretary's desk from Steve. The surroundings weren't very impressive. Decades old wood paneling, a veneer desktop with coffee stains, and memos from who knows when hanging awkwardly from old thumbtacks that swung back and forth when the door shut. But after a few seconds of silence, everything fell still.

"So, what's up?" David asked, puzzled.

Steve looked down and to the side, and he seemed to be chewing absently on the inside of his cheek. He didn't answer for a minute. Finally, he answered.

"Two things happened independent of each other this weekend, Stark."

David gulped.

"First, we had to give the job to someone else. I didn't know that one of the senior board members had a nephew. The nephew is getting the big chair. It's bullshit, but that's how it goes sometimes. I want you to know, and I want you to remember that right here, right now, I'm telling you that you did a great job, you interviewed perfectly, and I fought for you until the board voted on Friday night. It just wasn't meant to be."

David took a deep breath, and sighed out. "I kind of figured, when I didn't hear anything…"

"The second thing…" Steve interrupted.

David waited before following up. "What…uh…what's the second thing?"

"The second thing is this." Steve pulled out a small sheaf of printer paper folded in quarters and handed it across the desk to David. "This was handed to me on Friday after you left. I didn't read it until this morning when he asked me about it. So I haven't given it as much thought as I might have wanted to otherwise. I'm still…uh… reacting to it."

David gingerly unfolded the paper, finding in the crumpled papers a hastily xeroxed copy of one of Jordan's letters to him.

His heart stopped.

"The dock supervisor from your shift brought these papers to my attention. He said he thought I should know about them before I promoted you. He doesn't know that we aren't promoting you, but he clearly thought this would make a difference."

David gulped.

"I'm assuming you recognize these?"

"Yeah…" David responded at length, his voice gravelly and just above a whisper. "Yeah, I do. Not sure where he got them."

Steve paused, leaned forward on the desk, and clasped his hands together.

"Stark, I'm not about to intrude on your personal life. I don't know what this is about, but it is pretty shocking. Now let me be clear: I can't, and I won't, make any personnel decisions based on information of this kind unless it affects your work. And whatever these documents represent about your personal life, it has to be said, you're a model employee. Obviously, you have a job here as long as you want it."

David's face burned. He found himself curling into himself defensively. The desire for the roof to collapse, to bury him and his boss, along with the whole dock and its workers, was too cliche. Too small scale. To escape this level of humiliation, David wanted the entire world to end, right there. Right then. Just the whole damn globe to collapse or explode. Where's a Death Star when you need one?

But all he could do was grunt in acknowledgment, and then clear his throat.

"With that said, Stark…well…you've got an enemy out there. Not a very smart one, but a committed one. What you do with that information is up to you."

David looked down at his feet, holding back tears.

"You need a minute, son?" Steve asked gently.

David shook his head.

"All right. I'm sorry, Stark. I'm sorry on a bunch of different levels. I really saw this going a different way. But I didn't want you to think Vinny won. He didn't get to me before the decision was made. But I know guys like that. He doesn't like you. And he's gonna keep on…."

David clenched his teeth, gritted them together, and then inhaled sharply through his nose. He wiped the corners of his eyes, looked up, and locked eyes with Steve. He stood up and extended his hand across the desk.

"Steve, I can't thank you enough for the opportunity to shoot my shot. It means the world to me."

Steve was slightly taken aback at David's quick return to dignity. He stood up, grasped David's hand, and shook it firmly. "Good luck, Stark. What are you going to do?"

"Not sure yet. But I'll figure out something."

Steve smiled, still surprised, but visibly relieved. "I believe you will."

David released the handshake and turned around to head out the door. As he grasped the doorknob, Steve called out one more time.


David turned to look at him.

"Keep your head up, son."

David nodded and turned the knob.

* * *

With the tines of his fork, Chris chased the last remains of his scrambled eggs around his plate. The result was an intermittent tapping, scraping, metal-on-porcelain sound. An irregular but noticeable and somewhat cutting background noise to the laughter and easy repartee between his wife, his children, and this new guy.

Beefcake McDickface.

Sergeant Douchebag.

In his mind's eye, Chris glowered across the campsite at the intruder. This…interloper. He had read and reread the text chain he exchanged with Mark on Monday night. He had entered Mark's number into his contacts as Douchebag.

The balls that guy had to say the shit he said. The sheer arrogance.

In addition to the text chain, Chris also had the one private confrontation the two men had running on a loop in his head.

When he had challenged Mark, confident in the relatively safe rhetorical position of a seemingly absurd question:

Did this jarhead square jawed asshole really, truly, honestly think he could just walk in and supplant the husband and father of a family? Did his physique, his tan, his…fuck it…his masculine whatever and how much ever…did he really think he could just…take over?

It was Mark's response that lived rent-free in Chris' head.

"I don't think I can do that. I know that I already did…"

Mark's response rolled over and over in his mind. Dimly lit but sharply recent memories accompanied the looping phrase.

"I don't think I can do that. I know that I already did…"

Molly walking away from the campsite that first night. Ostensibly to refuse Mark's advances. Later, the dim silhouette on the wall of Mark's tent, her face buried in his sleeping roll and rump raised to meet him.

"I don't think I can do that. I know that I already did…"

The half-moon light that made him question whether he really saw her drop her bikini top, take the usurper's hand, and follow him, nude and giggling, onto a public beach.

"I don't think I can do that. I know that I already did…"

The muted but poorly concealed sounds of her rollicking pleasure as she lay under him, as he took her. His low, menacing growl as he released into her.

"I already did…"

"I already did…"

"I already did…

"...two separate cars?"

Chris snapped back into the moment. Molly was standing over him, her hand out to take his now empty plate.

"Sorry? I was thinking of…I was…distracted," Chris sputtered.

"I was saying if you can make it, we'll need to take separate cars so we have enough seat belts. The trail Mark wants to show us is only about ten miles away, but since there's 5 of us…"

"Right. Um…okay. Well, I'm not sure I can get away…"

"Daddy…" Lucy objected. "Daddy, I want you to come…I thought you thaid you'd come…"

Chris looked at Lucy, pouting, a half minute away from actively pretending not to cry. He looked up at Molly, whose eyes were pleading, and then down at Max, who stopped playing with a rock pile he'd made for long enough to hear if his dad would leave the computer for a morning to go on a hike with them.

He was silent, unsure of how to navigate the situation, when Mark's low voice broke the silence.

"We'd love it if you came, Chris. The more the merrier."

Chris' stomach turned. Who's the "we" in that sentence? Who the fuck does this guy think he is? He wanted to stand up and tell Mark to get the hell away, and leave his family alone. He wanted to spartan kick that statuesque douchebag straight into next week. But all he could come up with was…

"Okay, sure…"

Lucy cheered, jumped up, and ran over to hug Chris' knees. Mark grinned, and Max inexplicably began stuffing the rocks into his pockets. I guess he thought he'd need them later..?

He looked up to find Molly smiling at him.

Chris softened. He hadn't seen her smile like this in…

"Yeah," Chris said. "Yeah, let's do it! Everyone got your sunscreen? Bug repellant? Snacks and water? Let's do this!"

Lucy grabbed Max's little backpack and helped him put it on before slithering into her own. "I want to ride with Daddy!"

"I want the front seat!" Max shouted over her.

Chris hastily changed from sandals into walking shoes before shoving some things into a backpack himself.

"Mol, you got everything you…"

He looked up to see Mark and Molly walking away. Down the path toward Mark's campsite, and his old 4runner.

"We'll follow you!" Mark called out over his shoulder.

Chris felt a pit in his stomach. He tried to shake it off.

He threw his backpack in the backseat next to Lucy, then got in and started the car.

"Wait, do you know where this place…" he asked into the air.

Lucy rattled off the name of the trail, accented with erudite lisps.

"You turn left out of the campground, then it'th a few mileth till the turnoff. Here, daddy…I'll put it in the G.P.eth for you…" Lucy leaned over the front console into the front seat, expertly typing into the on-screen navigation, then sat back into the back seat, buckling her seat belt.

Where did this kid come from? He chuckled to himself with pride. So smart…

"Okay, here we go…" He said, pulling out. He adjusted his mirror as he pulled onto the road.

Mark was directly behind him in the driver's seat of his 4runner. Next to him was Molly, beaming and chatting, her shiny red ponytail swaying in sympathy with the shifting tilt of her head in conversation.

He felt his stomach turn again.

"Is the turn up here, honey? Did I pass it?" He asked Lucy.

"No daddy, it'th a wayth further. Jutht follow the map…" Lucy said matter of factly. He glanced down at the map.

10 minutes to destination.
Turn right in 2.4 miles.

He checked his rearview mirror again. Mark in the driver seat, but…

No Molly. She was gone.

Chris did a double take. Where..? He turned quickly around to look over his shoulder behind him, then looked forward again quickly. He checked the mirror again, looking more closely.

It was easy to miss. Almost invisible unless you knew what to look for.

Barely cresting the steering wheel of the old 4 runner, the curve of a shiny red ponytail was gently bobbing.

Up and down.

Up and down.

* * *

David opened the creaky dock office door and walked out toward his truck bay.

Vinny was waiting for him there.

David ignored him, striding purposefully by the taller man to pull open his delivery truck door.

"Hey Stark. Did I say you could walk past me?"

David turned and squinted.

"Didn't know I had to ask permission. Is that a new rule?"

"Yeah. For you it is. Got it?"


"Uhhh, okay…" Vinny repeated his words back to him, mocking in a gutteral tone.

"Well, I gotta load these carts and get going, Vinny. That okay with you?"

"Yeah, Stark. Just remember, you play by my rules now. Got it?"

David rolled his eyes at him. "I thought that was always the deal, Vinny. Aren't you my supervisor? Isn't that the whole basis of this little social contract we got going?"

Vinny snorted. "Smart guy. Smart. Guy. Yeah, I guess we got a contract going. I know you thought you was gonna be boss. I fixed that."

"Did you now?" David responded, smirking. He set down a flat of flowers on the cart and walked toward Vinny.

He had had enough.

Vinny squinted in surprise. To see David gesturing in challenge toward him. "Yeah, I did. And since you brought up our contract, we gonna re-negotiate now." He grinned triumphantly.

"Okay." David replied calmly.

Vinny stared back through narrow eyes. David smirked again.

"I'm waiting."

Vinny took two steps toward David. They were within arms reach of each other. David didn't flinch. Didn't react. The dim light of an early morning dock glinted off the concrete floors, the steel posts, and the kaleidoscope of commercial flowers ready to be loaded and delivered.

"Number one, you my bitch now."

"I wasn't before?" David responded calmly.

"Yeah, but you really my bitch now."


"Two…I'm docking your pay."

"Why?" David's eyes narrowed in amusement.

"Because you my bitch now…"

"I see." David took a half step back, and returned to stacking flats of flowers onto a cart. "I think we should probably call that subpart b of point 1 on the contract, seeing as all of your terms seem to just be variations on a theme of 'I'm your bitch.'"

Incensed, Vinny grabbed David by the back collar and yanked him off balance. A tray of pink carnations spilled to the floor, scattering everywhere. He spun David toward him, getting right in his face.

"You gonna be a smartass to me? I ain't gonna take no shit from no cuck. You get me?"

David simply stared back into his eyes. The entire loading dock halted. All eyes were on Vinny and David. Vinny and David's eyes were on each other.

"You. Get. Me?" Vinny growled again. The dock employees began to gather in a wide semicircle around them.

"I'm sorry…" David said after a pause. "I wasn't listening. What did you say?"

A blinding light flashed in front of David's eyes as Vinny's forehead smashed violently into David's nose. David staggered back, blinded by pain and shock. He took a moment, shook his head, and checked his nose. Not broken. He looked up at Vinny, whose eyes were boring into him.

David straightened his shirt, stepped back, and bent down to return what undamaged flowers were on the floor back to their tray.

"You want me to talk louder, cuck?" Vinny yelled, echoing down the loading dock. "I said, you show me respect or I tell everyone here that you're a cuck. A for-real cuck! Your wife fucks around and your bitch ass loves it. I'll tell everyone!"

Vinny's bellowing bounced around the length and width of the dock, filling the silence as everyone watched the confrontation.

David finished gathering the flowers and replaced the tray on the rack before turning to face Vinny again.

Vinny sneered in triumph. "Yeah, cuck. Yeah, bitch. Watch me. I'll tell everybody!" Vinny repeated himself, lower but still quite audibly.

David took a deep breath. "I think you just did tell everybody, Vinny."

Vinny squinted in surprise. "I'll tell Steve. I'll tell Steve everything."

"You definitely already did that, Vinny." David pulled the papers out of his shirt pocket. "Steve gave these back to me."

"Yeah…" Vinny said triumphantly. "Yeah, see?"

David checked his nose again. It was tender. Swelling a bit. Not bleeding, though. He walked toward Vinny again, tucking the folded pages back into his shirt pocket.

"I do see, Vinny. But…I'm not sure that you do."

Vinny smirked, looking around the dock for approval as a chuckle rippled through the workers.

David motioned to one of the nearby workers, a smoker, to lend him his lighter. He paced around the perimeter of the observers in a semicircle, moving around Vinny as he held his sneer.

"You might want to educate yourself, Vinny, speaking of smart guy stuff, on what leverage is. You know what that term means? I doubt it. I know you don't know how leverage works." He stopped in front of Vinny again. "You want to renegotiate our little contract, that's fine. But you pissed away your leverage."

David now had everyone's attention. He felt like he was in a movie. He began flicking the zippo open and shut, open and shut. The flame popped up, then went out. Popped up, went out.

"You thought you had some leverage on me," David continued. "Great. Good for you. Bad for me, maybe. Then, you tried to use it. Great. But you popped early. Sad. Embarrassing, really, when you think about it."

"What the fuck are you talking about, bitch?"

"You already told Steve," David snapped back, exhausted at Vinny's inability to follow his explanation. "Steve knows. Then, you just…yelled it to everybody. Everybody knows. If you want leverage over me–it's the threat that holds it. Telling everybody…now the threat means nothing!"

David flipped the lighter open again, the small flame holding steady.

"You basically planned a bank robbery for half an hour after you burned the bank down. The money's all burned up now. You gotta do stuff in the right order, Vinny. "

The dock erupted into laughter. Vinny whirled around, glaring at his subordinates.

David waited for the laughter to die down before continuing. He touched his nose again. It was definitely swelling. Maybe it was broken, after all…

"Also, leverage, much of the time, is about not doing something. About holding back. You blew it all."

Vinny's sneer was unbroken, but his eyes registered confusion. David's eyes rolled again in exasperation.

"I don't know what you think you know about me, Vinny…" He pulled out the folded papers, flipped open the zippo, and lit the bottom corner. The flame sputtered for a moment, then grew until David let the flaming mass drop onto the concrete floor. "I don't know what your actual plan was, or if you even had one. I only know one thing for sure."

David pointed down to the flames at his feet. "I know you know how to make one copy. Do you know how to make two?"

Vinny's eyes widened.

"Didn't think so." David stomped on the flames as the blackened paper crumbled apart. He turned around and lifted the last flat of flowers onto the rack before reaching for the broom to sweep up the trashed flowers and paper ash.

"Yeah, well I know one thing." Vinny shouted as the semicircle started to break up. "I know…I know you're a cuck." He grinned in triumph, waiting for the dock to laugh.

Nobody laughed.

David completely ignored him, pushing the wheeled cart of flowers onto the truck, disappearing into the dark.

Vinny doubled down, yelling after him:

"Tell that wife of yours I'm up next. I'll fuck her good. Fuck her like you can't. I'll make that little cunt beg for…"

David flew out of the darkness and tackled Vinny to the ground. The workers, most of whom had begun walking back to their own loading bays, rushed back to see David throwing his hands desperately at Vinny's head and body. Vinny just laughed and parried the smaller man's attack, continuing to taunt as he did. The dock erupted into cheers, jeers, and laughs as Vinny reveled in the reconquest of his audience.

David, aware that his flurried ground fighting was accomplishing nothing, stood up and brushed himself off. He wiped his face with his sleeve and tried to turn back to his work. The crowd died down again, spurring Vinny to scramble to his feet and stoke the conflict.

"I ain't gonna be tackled by no cuck-ass bitch. Come back here, you little cuck-ass bitch." David grabbed another roller cart and, red faced, rolled it toward the truck.

Infuriated, Vinny ran up behind him, grabbed the back of David's head and slammed it into the metal cart. The metallic clink of teeth to metal drew a pained gasp from the other workers. David hunched over, holding his mouth. Blood pooled around his fingers and began to bead toward the floor.

"Yeah, bitch, that's what I thought!" Vinny drew back his right foot and swung the pendulum directly into David's side. David tipped over on his side and curled into the fetal position, covering his face. Vinny kicked him again.

Then again.

And again.

David's silence turned into involuntary moans and exhalations as Vinny's rage boiled over. Finally, he leaned over and, with three quick blows, jackhammered his fist into David's temple.

David Stark, with his characteristically pressed, tidy, tucked, and clean work shirt now uncharacteristically rumpled, untucked, and bloody, went limp.

Posts: 73
Joined: Fri Mar 03, 2023 12:15 pm

Re: Jordan

Unread post by Guhunkadorn » Sat Apr 20, 2024 5:16 am

O man...this story elicits emotions across the board....excellent writing.

Posts: 51
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:34 am

Re: Jordan

Unread post by Crushing » Wed Apr 24, 2024 7:45 am

Jordan mumbled in protest as her phone buzzed.


Daylight was well on its way up–morning light pushed through the closed white blinds and cast a blue-gray glow spreading through the bedroom. She hit snooze on her phone and laid back into her pillow, tucking her hands back under the covers. As she did so, she felt her own warm, soft skin under the sheet.

She was naked.

Suddenly, the events of the early morning flooded back in her memory's eye. She had woken up early to give David a sexy surprise. She had taken off her bottoms in the bathroom…and her shirt was…

She looked over toward the window to see her crumpled t-shirt half draped over David's nightstand where she had thrown it.

She had teased him, woken him up early. She had playfully announced her intentions. She had climbed on top of him, and he had gotten excited as she reached down…

Jordan smiled to herself at the memory of David's penis twitching, diminutive but violent, in her hand. He had ejaculated instantly at her overtures alone. She had wanted to give him sex, but…

She had cleaned herself up, then laid down to snuggle him until he recovered. Maybe he'd want to try again before he left for work..?

But, apparently, she had fallen back asleep. It WAS 2:30 in the morning, for heaven's sake…

Jordan now explored her nude body, running her palms and fingers over her breasts, down her tummy, and down the front of her legs. On the way back up, her legs parted to let the fingers of her right hand find…

She was wet. She wasn't lying to David earlier when she said she had been turned on. She had gotten even more excited as she mounted her husband, and, without actually enjoying him inside her, she had fallen back asleep with a warm, fuzzy, but dimly frustrated feeling of confidence.

Apparently, residual feelings of warm, fuzzy, confidence dimly tinted with frustration had followed her through sleep. She kept her right hand fingers between her legs and reached for her phone.


She had until 7 before she really needed to get up and get ready for class…

She set her phone down and returned her left hand under her covers. The playful caress of her right hand fingers stirred the warmth of her bodily feelings, and she began to lightly pass her left hand over her nipples.

One after the other.

She began to imagine the early morning she hoped for, where she would present herself to her husband.

Where he would attend to her needs hungrily.

Kissing her mouth, her neck, her collarbone.

Kissing and gently licking her breasts…sucking her nipples, driving her crazy…

Jordan moaned as the warmth between her legs began to concentrate. She shifted the broad caresses of her right hand fingers to tight, light circles around her stiffening nub, letting out a gentle moan as she did so.

She imagined her husband, himself clearly on fire with her body, climbing between her legs and jamming himself into her. She imagined him grunting in passion as she gently caressed his face. She imagined looking into his eyes as he became more desperate…

Jordan's phone buzzed, breaking her concentration.

She took her dry left hand and, without looking, hit the button to silence it. Hopefully that shut the alarm off, instead of just activating the snooze…

She should have just turned the alarm off…

That thing would keep buzzing every nine minutes…

She returned her concentration to the sensations warming and intensifying between the middle finger of her right hand and the moistening space between her legs. She began to put more pressure on her caress, moving her finger back and forth between her lips…

A muted squishing sound began to nudge its way through the sheets and bedspread, subtly making itself known in the growing dawn light of the bedroom.

Her mind returned to her fantasy. She imagined her tall, muscular husband between her legs, thrusting desperately, his deep voice giving her both gentle affirmations and firm instructions, guiding her to give him pleasure. HIs large cock causing…

She started to herself as she realized that the body in her fantasy had shifted its person. The man between her legs was now tall. His voice was deep. His cock…

Jordan's moan dropped in pitch as she realized the man in her imaginary bed was now Mark. Instead of giddy, short, and desperate hip thrusts, she was now receiving long, confident strokes that stretched her.

Filled her.

She moved her left hand down between her legs, moving one finger deep into her wetness, then a second as her right hand continued the back and forth motions above it.

Jordan's deliverance began to present itself.

The voice of Captain Mark Rein was now the only sound in her head, the low resonance of his words adding to the intensity of her pleasure.

"Are you going to give me what I want, Jordan? Are you going to give it to me..?"

"Yes…" Jordan gasped as her orgasm rushed forward to meet her. "God, yes…yes…"

Her phone buzzed again, breaking her focus.

"God, dammit!" Jordan cursed the phone, throwing down the covers and grabbing the phone, leaving a subtle trail of slime on the screen as she opened it.

She looked for the alarm shut off, but the alarm was not the display…

It wasn't an alarm. It was a phone call.

Jordan, confused, stared at the screen, until she gradually came back to herself.

She didn't recognize the number. The caller ID said "CONTINENTAL LOGISTICS."

The warehouse. David was calling. Her heart leapt in excitement for him. He must have gotten the job! Why didn't he call from his cell..?

Jordan swiped right on the screen, smearing the liquid a little more, as she answered and lifted the phone to her face.


* * *

The hike had gone well so far.

Friday's picnic lunch was, for the first time that week, packed for five. The little troop had settled down about fifty yards back from a riverbank, a few miles inland from the ocean. Molly dug into her backpack to distribute sandwiches, each one carefully customized to everyone's taste.

Peanut butter and jelly with the crust off for Max.

Peanut butter and jelly with the crust on, cut in triangles for Lucy so that she could demonstrate the Pythagorean Theorem with one half of the sandwich to anyone who would listen while she ate the other half.

Tuna fish with light mayonnaise for Chris.

Turkey with fresh lettuce and tomato for her.

And more recently, she had figured out how to load bread down with juicy roast beef for their new family friend, a young infantry marine set to deploy to the middle east in a few weeks.

Lunch was idyllic. Mark watched with amusement as Lucy and Max competed with each other for their father's attention. He was locked in to both of them–a complete about-face in attitude from the beginning of the week.

Molly beamed as she watched Chris divide up potato chips out of the shared bag to each of his children as they chatted with them.

"You thee, daddy, the thquare of the long thide here, known ath the hypotenuth, ith actually equal to the thum of the thquareth of the other two thideth when you add them together. And that ith true for every thingle triangle with a ninety degree angle in it. Every thingle one."

Chris nodded, interested. "That's really interesting, Lucy…where did you learn that?"

"I watched a video about it on the internet…mom found me thome youtube channelth that teach math thtuff…I like shapeth and geometry."

Max was less interested in conversation, attempting instead to squeeze half of his sandwich into some kind of shape to display for his dad with pride.

"It's a duck!"

Chris, vocalizing his pride at Max' sculpting ability, gently suggested eating it instead.

Mark took a large bite of roast beef before looking over at Molly. "You've got a hell of a little family here, Molly," he said through a half-chewed bite.

"Eckthcuthe me, Mithter Rein…" Lucy interrupted, "we don't talk with our mouth full…"

Mark nodded gravely and swallowed. "Quite right. Of course. Thank you for reminding me."

Molly's mouth was full too, and she covered it to keep from spitting out the sandwich with her laugh.

Everyone chewed in silence for a bit, until they were nearly done eating. The hike had tired out the kids, although they would not admit it. The sound of the river running over the rocks gave the scene an added air of tranquility. Then, with one bite left in her sandwich, Lucy spotted a river otter and took off after it. Max dropped his squished last bite in the dirt and tore down toward the river bank after her.

Molly, Mark, and Chris watched them go. Each waited for another to speak, but no sound came other than the nearby flow of water. Finally, Chris, avoiding eye contact with his wife and her lover, walked down toward the river to look after the children.

The silence continued for a little longer, then Mark spoke up.

"I have to leave tomorrow. I have to report back before my platoon starts coming back from leave."

Molly sighed. "We have to leave tomorrow too. We've got a full day drive, and I have a shift on Sunday. Vacation's over, I guess."


Then Molly: "Chris is…acting different. Obviously things have changed."

Mark nodded, waiting for her to finish her thought. She seemed conflicted.

:"They kind of changed because I got so frustrated with him…and now…look at him…"

Mark chuckled. "No accounting for it. Lucy and Max are loving it. It's cool to see."

Molly laughed back, a little sadly. "God, I hope it lasts. I kinda came to your tent that night because I was…I don't know…I guess I was done with him. At least in that moment. I thought I was being selfish. I mean, I am being selfish…but I wasn't expecting this to happen." She gestured toward the riverbank, where Chris was now wading in the water with the kids.

"What do you mean?" Mark turned toward her.

She stayed facing forward. "I finally came to you because I was just…so done. I needed a break. Or maybe I needed to convince myself that someone good would want me. I didn't know what would happen. I thought he'd just keep ignoring me, and it would give me the kick in the pants I needed to leave. I didn't see this happening. It's like…you showed up and…he pulled his head out of his ass? I'm just…I'm really confused."

Molly hung her head, letting out a single gasp of a laugh in frustration.

Mark grimaced as he turned to face the river again. "Anything I can do to help?"

Molly was silent, thinking what to say. Then she was silent in a slightly different way, thinking about whether to say it. Finally, she jerked her head toward Mark.

"Screw it. Yes. I just need to say some things and get an honest answer from you."

Mark raised an eyebrow, and turned to face her. "Okay…Fire away…"

Molly hesitated again.

"I really like you, Mark. I know you're single, and I'm not. I know you wanted to get in my pants, and…well…you did."

Mark chuckled. "Guilty."

Molly smiled, blushing a little before regaining her composure. She took a deep breath. "Do you really like me? Like, really? Like, if circumstances were different, and I was single and unattached, no kids or anything…would you like…date me, or just try to get in my pants? Or ignore me entirely? Am I just your beach girl for the week? Just killing time?"

Mark took a deep breath, a little taken aback at the direct nature of her question. He was surprised she was bold enough to ask it. The press of time seemed to force the issue.

"That's tough to answer, Molly. You're certainly attractive enough."

Molly blushed deeper.

It was Mark's time to breathe deeply and thoughtfully before giving his answer.

"I'm actually attracted to you for more than your body. The fact that you're such a great mom, that you have such great kids, that you're interested and engaged and caring and smart and hardworking. A lot of what makes you attractive is only visible to me because I see you as a great mom. I wonder if you were single…maybe you'd think you had to play games. Maybe we wouldn't connect because you'd be trying all sorts of tricks on me instead of just showing me who you really are. Now you don't have time or energy to play games. You're just…who you are. And who you are with your kids is very attractive to me. All around. Not just sex. You're an impressive person, Molly."

Molly was surprised to the point of tears. She looked away, embarrassed, and wiped her eyes. "That answers my next question then…"

Mark laughed. "You were going to ask if I would date you with kids?"

Molly nodded.

"Yeah. Yeah I totally would. You're a hot mom, Mol."

Molly choked out a laugh despite herself. She looked down at her feet, suddenly shy.

"So now…" Mark continued, "You're wondering whether this sudden attentiveness Chris is showing is…"

"Permanent." Molly finished his sentence.

"One way or the other, things are going to change between Chris and me. At the very least, you've given me…" she looked back up at him, locking eyes. Emerald green.

"I don't know…a little confidence, I guess."

Mark smiled back until it faded into a grimace again. "So can I be honest with you for a minute now?"

Molly nodded easily. She seemed a bit lighter.

"You and me…won't work. At least not now. I'm deploying in like ten days, and I have to stay focused on that. Also, I think your kids are great, I love spending time with them. Under other circumstances, I'd want to keep going. But…"

Mark gestured toward the river, where Chris was wading into the water with Lucy, each holding their shoes over their heads, looking down into the water.

"They love their dad."

Molly nodded gravely. "They do. And I agree this wouldn't work. At least not now. I like you, Mark. I like you a lot. But I have things to figure out too. I'm not going to war, of course…but I have things to figure out."

Mark nodded back. "Life is complicated sometimes, isn't it."


Mark reached over and rubbed Molly's back. Molly purred slightly at the touch. The silence returned. Then Molly looked over again.

"We still have today."

Mark smiled. "Yes we do…"

"Can I ask you to do one thing for me? And you have to promise not to laugh…"

Mark raised his eyebrow, waiting.

Molly took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. Then she looked deep into his waiting eyes with her own emerald greens.

"Tonight, after the kids go to bed, don't hold back. I want you to take everything you want from me before morning. Everything."

* * *

Jordan, staring down at her phone, didn't respond to the small talk in the back of the Uber. The app said they were still 8 minutes away from the hospital, and David was not responding to her calls or texts.

Her driver, apparently oblivious to the context of being routed to the hospital, was persistent. Jordan had quickly thrown on clothes after she had gotten the phone call. With no shower, the first pair of underwear, jeans and t-shirt she could find, Jordan had thrown a hoodie on over her T-shirt and, purse tucked under her armpit, she had run out to the Uber as it pulled up.

Her hair messy, the clear indication of a hasty presentation and no shower, the driver observed the attractive young woman in the backseat of his car with bemusement. She was cute. Slender, auburn hair, magnetic blue eyes. The disheveled appearance must have meant a fun night. He wondered who she had gone home with. Lucky bastard.

"You live in Aspen Towers?"

Jordan blinked, unsure of what he was asking. "I'm sorry…what?"

"Do you live in Aspen Towers?"

"Sorry?" Jordan squinted.

"Aspen Towers. The apartment building across from the hospital? I can drop you…"

"No, I don't live there…I need to go to the hospital, emergency entrance."

"Oh…I thought…"

The driver quickly caught himself and shut his mouth.

Jordan squinted, now irritated. "What did you think?"

"I-I'm sorry, miss," he stammered. "I thought I was taking you home. I hope everything's okay."

"No…" Jordan's emotions welled up and her voice raised in pitch. "You picked me up from home…why would you think I'm going home? My husband has been in an accident, and I don't even…I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude…can you just drive please?"

The pitch of her voice had tipped upward out of her normal, controlled tone. The driver, foot fully in his mouth, just nodded and focused on the road.

Jordan's phone buzzed. She answered and lifted her phone to her ear as the car took a curve and the reflective high-rise hospital appeared.

"Hi Mom. No…I'm almost there, I don't know what happened."

The driver watched her through the rearview mirror as he pulled up to the emergency entrance.

"No, don't tell Dad yet…don't tell anyone, I want to find out what happened first. They say he's stable, but he couldn't talk, I don't know why. I'm trying to call him and he's not answering…"

The driver pulled to a stop in front of the automatic sliding doors marked with red capital letters.


He turned around and mouthed "I'm very sorry" in genuine contrition. Jordan nodded distractedly and nearly fell out of the car in haste. Running through the doors, she wrapped up her call.

"Okay mom, I'm at the hospital now, I'm going in. I'll call you when I know more. Thanks, I love you…"


Jordan turned around to see the driver again, walking quickly toward her, waving something.

She had left her purse in the back seat. She ran back and grabbed it. He repeated his apologies while Jordan fought back tears once more, nodding in acknowledgment and running to the reception desk.

"Hi, my husband's here, can you tell me where he is?"

The receptionist, an elderly woman with glasses hanging around her neck, calmly turned to her computer screen and waited.

Jordan was flummoxed and breathless. "Do you know where he is? He can't answer his phone…"

"Can you tell me your husband's name, sweetie?"

"Oh, of course, yes. Sorry. David Stark. I'm Jordan…I'm his wife, my name is Jordan Stark Simms, just Jordan Stark, because that's his name…"

The receptionist was used to panicked blathering and simply nodded in understanding. She buzzed a nurse to take Jordan back through wide halls cluttered with empty gurneys and other medical equipment. At length they came to a light blue curtain hanging from a curved track. The nurse pulled the curtain back.

Jordan's hand jerked up involuntarily to cover her mouth. David was laying back on the hospital bed, bleary eyed but conscious, with a large strip of gauze running down one side of his face. One of his eyes was nearly swollen shut, and a large absorbent ball of gauze was jammed in his mouth. He was still wearing his work pants but his shirt had been removed, and bandages were hastily applied around his torso.

"Oh my gosh, baby, what happened? What happened?" Jordan's earlier attempts to hold back tears were now useless. She darted to the side of the bed and tried to find a place to touch his head or face that wasn't injured. She found some space on the right side of his face and cupped her hand around his cheek. She leaned in and kissed him, then turned to the nurse.

"Can he talk?"

"He can, but it will be hard. He lost a tooth, and the one next to it is chipped pretty bad. Nothing life threatening, but it hurts. We've got him on some painkillers, so he'll be a little groggy."

David groaned a little more and tilted his head into Jordan's palm. She turned back down to face him.

"Can you tell me what happened honey? Tell me where it hurts?"

He groaned again, then moved to pull the gauze from his mouth. The nurse stepped in to stop him.

"Not now, sir, we've got to keep that pressure on for a little longer."

She turned to Jordan to explain.

"Apparently there was a fight, or somebody jumped him…whatever it was, he got beat up. He'll be okay, we're waiting on radiology to open up for an X-ray. And we've scheduled an MRI, but so far he looks okay. He's a tough one, your husband. He'll bounce back. He'll need some dental work, though."

"X-rays? MRI?" Jordan asked.

"Whoever it was kicked him a few times after he fell down. We don't think any ribs are broken, but we're making sure any ribs aren't broken. And he was unconscious for a few minutes, so we need to do an MRI and pass it off to a neurologist. But it's precautionary, he really does look like he'll make it out of here okay. Probably today…"

Jordan was paralyzed. Who in the world would want to hurt David?

She found herself growing angry.

The nurse asked her if she had any more questions, and Jordan said no, she'd just wait here with him until he could leave.

She left them alone and closed the curtain.

Still in shock, Jordan began stroking her husband's hair. She leaned down to kiss him gently, and whispered a quick, silent prayer of gratitude that her husband was not hurt worse. Or killed. She kissed him again, and he began to mumble, trying to form words.

Jordan lifted up her head and looked into his glazed eyes. He seemed to be smiling through the pain. Four short grunts came out from behind the gauze.

"I love you too baby, just lie still." Jordan responded.

David shook his head, and reached up to his mouth, tilting the gauze out just enough to make out a few words.

"Ah gor ihd dack…"

Jordan squinted in confusion. "What honey?"

David grunted in sleepy frustration and lifted up the gauze a little further. She winced, seeing the blood saturating the underside of the gauze as he lifted it up.

"I god id back…"

"You…you got it back? What did you get back, honey?"

His eyes widened, locking on to hers, pleading to be understood. After a moment, she recognized the look–a glow in his eyes. Pride. He was trying to brag about something. This was rare, and even more unsettling in the circumstances.

Gosh, he must be really high on those painkillers.

David lifted the gauze up even further, exposing the jagged front tooth, chipped nearly in half diagonally next to an open gum wound next to it. Jordan's heart nearly stopped at the sight. She pursed her lips and covered her mouth again. David seemed unaware that he had completely uncovered the wound, but now his tongue could move freely.

Groggily, he enunciated his words as clearly as the injury and slurring effects of the painkiller would allow. Jordan leaned in, pulling her hair back and placing her ear as close to his mouth as she could get it. Then, with measured enunciation, pausing after each word, Jordan finally understood what he was trying to communicate.

"He got your letter. I got it back for you, baby. I got it back…"

* * *

"I wanna go in Mark's car!" Max broke into a dead run, breaking off from the little hiking troop as they came into view of the two vehicles parked side by side. On the left, a tidy, well maintained and lightly used light blue RAV-4. On the right, a decade-old 4runner with mud splatters down the side, chipped paint, and clear signs of rust over the rear wheel wells.

Max reached the passenger door and began pulling impatiently on the handle to open it.

"It'th obviouthly locked, Mackth…" Lucy observed as she walked up behind him.

Mark walked up and reached over Max's shoulder to unlock the door. Max pulled it open and climbed in.

Lucy was more circumspect. "Mom, ith it okay if we ride back with Mithter Rein?"

Molly looked over at Chris. He shrugged in response.

"Sure kids! You can ride with Mark, I'll ride with daddy."

Lucy reached in to unlock the back door, then climbed in and buckled her seat belt. Mark stepped into the driver's side and reached over to buckle Max's seat belt before fastening his own. He looked out at Molly as she got in the passenger door of her car. Her face seemed strained. Worried. He put the 4runner into gear and pulled away toward the road as Max began asking him rapid fire questions about every scuff and tear he could find on the interior of the vehicle.

In the Rav-4, Molly found herself growing anxious as Chris put the car into gear. That anxiety stood in stark contrast to the emotional ease and safety she had been enjoying that week. With the new man.

Not to mention the excitement.

Chris cleared his throat.

Molly waited.

Finally he spoke.

"What does this mean, Molly?"

Molly closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I don't know, Chris."

More silence. Finally, Molly again.

"We had issues before, Chris. I…wasn't happy."

"You seem happy now," Chris added, with a clear bitter edge to his tone.

Molly closed her eyes again, counting to 5. Then 10. When she got to 8, Chris spoke again.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to…"

Molly just looked out the window.

"I don't know what it means," she said at length with a sigh. "You and I, we have stuff to work on. Or maybe not. I don't know. But yes, Chris, since it seems important to you, I am happy when I'm with him. But I don't know what it means for us. Maybe that this thing has run its course. We have to figure that out when we get home, I guess."

Chris just nodded, grunting in agreement.

Although she tried not to show it, Molly was confused by his reaction. Usually, she spent most of her emotional energy hiding those emotions from her generally sullen, disengaged, or volatile husband. Their arguments usually followed a standard arc: He would vent about everything in his life that was going wrong, with either implicit or explicit references to his misery somehow being the result of Molly's inability to be the perfect wife.

She had been bracing for that level of recrimination, amplified to white hot rage and resentment by the demonstrable and repeated reality of her infidelity over the past week.

She had intended to throw his inadequacies right back in his face. To parade her easy seduction of a new man in front of him. To ensure that he knew, firsthand, that divorce would not leave her out in the cold. That she would neither depend on, nor beg for the largesse of her underachieving spouse, perhaps soon to be ex-spouse for support, affection, and attention.

In a way, she had even looked forward to that. Chris could be so. God. Damn. Frustrating. For once, she just wanted to throw it back at him.

"Yeah," she thought to herself, "I've been unfaithful. It's my fault. But I don't care anymore. I'm not a good enough wife? I'm not giving you everything you need? Well, I'm good enough to make this six foot four muscle man with a huge cock lose his goddamn mind inside me four nights in a row…I can give him all sorts of things. He wants me. What do you think of that?"

She blinked, shocked at the aggression that clouded her thoughts. This wasn't like her…

Chris cleared his throat again. They were pulling into the campsite.

Chris parked the car.

Mark and the kids were already walking out on the beach away from them. He put his hand on his wife's knee and cleared his throat for a third time.


She looked over at him, a little scared of herself after the aggressive tirade that had just ripped through her normal stream of consciousness, although not spilled into the already tense space between her and her husband.

"Molly…I don't hate this."

Molly looked down at his hand on her knee. Then, looking behind his hand, she saw a small erection pressing against the fabric of his shorts.

Confused, bewildered, and a little scared of herself, Molly looked back up and met her husband's eyes. Chris smiled awkwardly, betraying a vulnerability that Molly had not seen in him since…maybe high school?

She put her left hand on top of his right hand on her knee, and reached over with her right hand to unbuckle her seat belt. She held his gaze as the click and whirr of the retracting seat belt released her.

"I want you to watch tonight, Chris."

Molly let go of his hand, opened the car door and stepped out.

* * *

Jordan sat in the hard chair set next to the rolling hospital bed. Her face was blank, her eyes distant. David had fallen asleep, the painkillers caught up to him. He had already been wheeled to the X-ray and wheeled back. Then he had been wheeled to the MRI and wheeled back. The emergency doctor had come back, indicating he needed a few days rest and he would recover from most of the injuries, but he wanted to hear from a neurologist about the MRI.

So now she was waiting for the neurologist. Nothing to do but think.

David's face was noticeably swollen. The gauze was out of his mouth now, but his upper lip was fat. Every now and then he would breathe in deeply through his mouth and she would catch a glimpse of the jagged wound in his mouth, with half a tooth and a lacerated upper gum.

Her head swirled.

First, with questions. Who did this? Who would do this? David never, ever hurt anyone. All he ever did was work so hard and try to help people. He had mentioned some trouble at work, but the details were always unclear to her, she'd never met anyone from work except Hamad, and she didn't ever get the sense that it was worse than the usual workplace politics. She knew workplace politics. Wherever there was work, there follow workplace politics, right? They don't usually lead to people beating on each other.

Of course, she had never worked on a loading dock, and some things were probably different. Well, obviously they were. Obviously. But even so…

David had said something about someone getting her letter…that he had gotten it back…

Fear grabbed Jordan by the stomach and she doubled over.

A record of her sins…horrible, flagrant sins…she had bragged about them. Bragged to her husband! In writing! What in the world was she thinking?

The fear in her stomach began to turn to horror at the depth of her own depravity. She had simply drifted into this world of sexually permissive…even wanton…whatever it was.

She had cheated on her husband repeatedly.

She had bragged about it, lorded it over her husband…

The fact that David seemed to like it didn't help. True, they "did it" together…but she knew it was wrong. She should have put a stop to it. What if he had "liked" heroin? Should she just go out and get him some so they could both use it? Would that make it better?

What in the world made her think this wouldn't blow up in her face?

She could have gotten pregnant, she could have gotten assaulted or even worse…

The horror in her stomach turned to guilt, and gradually to self-loathing. She looked up at her husband, still sleeping. Face swollen, a visible cut above his cheek, and darkening bruises on the side of his torso.

She didn't know who actually did this. She didn't really know why, or what led to it. She didn't know if it would happen again. She only knew one thing.

This was her fault. She did this.

The blank stare in Jordan's face broke and she began crying again. She dropped her face in her hands, and tried to let it out quietly, not wanting to draw attention to herself or her husband.

After a few minutes, she was interrupted by a gentle hand on her shoulder. She looked up.

"Hey, Jojo, how are you two holding up?" A gentle voice asked.

"Dad…" Jordan jumped up and hugged her father, who held her close as she began crying again.

"It's okay…it's okay. Everyone's still here, everyone's together. We'll be okay. We can work this out, sweetheart…"

Posts: 73
Joined: Fri Mar 03, 2023 12:15 pm

Re: Jordan

Unread post by Guhunkadorn » Sat May 04, 2024 9:00 am interesting to see what direction this very well written story takes.

Posts: 93
Joined: Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:10 pm

Re: Jordan

Unread post by soupcan_99 » Tue May 07, 2024 6:59 am

Compelling story… I can’t wait to see where this goes.

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Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:34 am

Re: Jordan

Unread post by Crushing » Tue May 07, 2024 12:54 pm

Tucked inside the makeshift space partitioned by emergency room curtains, Jordan sat rigidly in a chair next to her husband's bed. David, still bruised and swollen, drifted in and out of a sleepy haze brought on by painkillers. Sitting caddy corner across from Jordan was the Reverend Jack Simms. He was a thin man of slightly above average height with horn rimmed glasses and graying temples fading from dark brown hair. He was dressed in casual slacks with a leather belt and a light pastel button up shirt neatly tucked in. His posture betrayed a comfortable attentiveness. The posture of a man who spent a significant amount of his time near hospital beds.

His level of comfort in an emergency room chair set him apart from the rest of the visitors. No one would be surprised if he introduced himself as a pastor, but he was undoubtedly a friendly one. He occasionally shot comforting glances over to Jordan through his polished yet economical glasses, and periodically broke the silence with bad jokes and familiar anecdotes in the attempt to get his daughter to smile. It worked a couple of times.

After what seemed like forever, a nurse came in to check on the patient, and soon after a doctor walked in. One that Jordan had not yet met.

The neurologist. Thank God. Finally.

Jordan stood up to greet him, and her father followed suit.

Placing a laptop on a rolling table near the bed, the doctor, a stocky woman in her mid fifties, introduced herself briefly before launching into an explanation of the images on her screen. She pointed to some indications of acute trauma on the side of David's head, then explained that no obvious indicators of serious brain trauma were apparent from the scans.

"As far as we can tell, there shouldn't be any residual effects. The scans look good. He was unconscious for a little while, and while that's never good, I'm not seeing anything on these scans that worries me. Even though he'll have some nasty bruises."

Jordan exhaled in relief. Jordan had held her breath through most of the doctor's exposition, wishing she'd skip to the end. The Reverend Simms broke his pastoral facade briefly to show signs of genuine relief as well. David, of course, was still asleep under a cloud of painkillers.

"I'd like to see him in a few weeks to follow up," the doctor concluded. "Other than that, I think he's ready to go home. Make sure he takes it easy for at least a week."

Jordan nodded gratefully. "Thank you, doctor…thank you. That's a big relief."

The doctor smiled and nodded before walking briskly out of the room.

"See? God's looking out for you two…" Jordan's father smiled.

Jordan burst into tears as her father pulled her into a hug. "What are your feelings, Jojo? Seems like he's gonna be fine. Seems like we can get through this…and I'm here to help. What can I help with?"

"I told mom not to tell you…"

He nodded. "I know you did. Don't be mad…"

"I don't know, I just…I just panicked. I felt like we were in trouble."

Reverend Simms pulled back and held her eyes as he furrowed his brow.

"What trouble, Jojo? With who? You're a grownup now. You're almost a Doctor! Not a real one…I mean…not a medical one, but a doctor of…of…"

Jordan, her face still buried in his shirt, laughed in spite of herself. "Psychology, Dad…"

"Right, anthropology. A doctor of anthropology! That's something…"

Jordan laughed again, and stepped back, shaking her head.

He smiled at her. "Let's get this iron man back into his own bed, what do you say?"


Jordan and her father whirled around to see David speaking, slurred, and through half-closed eyes.

"Yuguys wansum cheeseburgerzzz..?"

* * *

Jordan fumbled with her keys and the doorknob for a few moments before managing to wiggle and then throw the door open. She bolted through the entrance and shot straight back to her bathroom, gathering the discarded clothes off the bathroom floor. She then ran into her bedroom where the bed was unmade and her shirt from last night that still hung off the corner of the nightstand. She gathered them up and hastily made the bed, throwing the clothes in the hamper.

She felt bad running away from the car as soon as it parked, but she had to get in the house before her father. There was no other option…she had to scrub their apartment of any indications of their…of her…activities.

* * *

Reverend Simms was perplexed. He had noted that his oldest daughter had not giggled at the curiously childlike exchange between her husband and her father over cheeseburgers that kept coming up as they wheeled him out the door and walked him to the car. He had shot several grins in her direction as David's confused mumbling request finally became audibly coherent. She seemed oblivious. This was unlike her. Unlike the two of them, father and daughter, really.

Jordan was close with her father, a blessing he thanked God for daily since the happy day she came into his life.

His first child, a daughter, and one that had her mother's beauty, tact, and compassion, and her father's intellectual drive, was as much and more he could ask for to bring light into his life. But she was always a force of nature. She could be a handful in classrooms–from an early age teachers would mistake her ravenous curiosity for disrespect, and the young pastor had been obliged to use his moral and social authority as a minister to smooth over such misunderstandings on several occasions. She always wanted more to read, and when she read the entire Bible from cover to cover before she finished third grade, the Reverend Simms had clear proof of her abilities to brag about in his own social and professional circles. Just a little accomplishment that allowed him to say with confidence to anyone who would listen what he knew all along:

Little Jordan Simms was gifted.


The delicate line of raising an exceptional daughter to be a good Christian was one he was happy to try and navigate, but kept him on his toes. Her fierce independence and curiosity could be intimidating, even scary at times. She accepted no teaching at face value. She wasn't rude or rebellious, she simply wanted to understand on her own terms, in her own way. So occasionally she would challenge adults to match wits. And occasionally she would win. On more than one occasion, he had to talk her Sunday School teachers down from an outright panic. And her teachers weren't the only ones to notice. Some of the more conservative parishioners in his congregation did not care for her independence, and so he would often take his daughter aside and try to show her how to carry herself without getting on the wrong side of such people. How to be both smart and kind, how to be herself without alienating the simple-minded and the jealous. These little sidebar conversations often led to father and daughter giggling together conspiratorially about all the people who "just don't get it."

Over the years, his obvious delight in her gifts made her confident that he was always in her corner. The young pastor and his daughter really came to "get" each other. They developed a library's worth of inside jokes that mystified outsiders, even Jordan's mother on occasion.

Reverend Simms knew that Jordan trusted him deeply. Implicitly. At least he hoped she did. She always seemed to.

His greatest fear when she grew up and graduated high school–valedictorian of course–was that she would fall head over heels for some obtuse meathead of a man that would bench her obvious gifts in order to pursue his own.

But after a few years, when she didn't seem to be dating anyone seriously, he had gotten worried that perhaps there was no man who could keep up with her. She would complain about the low emotional maturity or intellectual deficiency of the boys that would take her out on dates, taken by her beauty but utterly unprepared for her intelligence and independence. When she graduated university–summa cum laude of course–he was proud, excited, and not surprised. He was a little worried that she wouldn't find anyone. However, when she was accepted to a prestigious doctoral program with a famous research professor, he contented himself that a fulfilling career might be just as fulfilling as a good husband. However, he held those thoughts quietly as his wife expressed her own interest in grandchildren.

Then David had entered the scene. Remembering when Jordan had brought him home, Reverend Simms smiled to himself. David was a bright, polite, and very hardworking young man, and he was clearly terrified to meet their family.

Initially, Reverend Simms had been leery of the young man, as it was clear that he was not an intellectual match for his oldest daughter. However, as the family got to know him, it became clear that David was intensely aware that Jordan was out of his league. As a result, he absolutely adored her, and clearly counted himself the luckiest man alive to be allowed in her presence, much less in her life.

It was the exact attitude Reverend Simms had hoped for in a future son in law. And as he got to know David better, his good heart and sheer determination made it obvious what his oldest daughter saw in him. She was clearly more gifted, but he seemed utterly determined to work himself into her league. When she agreed to marry him, everyone was thrilled.

It was a good match, and a happy wedding. The only strange spot in that chain of memories had been the dearth of family and friends that had attended from David's side. David brought along an old roommate to be his best man, and had agreed to let Jordan's little brother be a groomsman–his first time wearing a tuxedo. But that was it. The rest of the wedding party were his own family and congregation.

David had seemed to come from nowhere, from no people. When the Reverend had expressed concern about this, Jordan had explained that David had had a painful upbringing, and an alienating family situation. David, she had explained, had wanted to leave that behind, and had worked hard to redefine himself as a better man. But his family were in his past as a result of his own conscious choices.

Reverend Simms was concerned about this issue initially, but was familiar with such situations in his line of work, and David's determination to establish himself on his own terms tracked with the young man's clearly visible grit and determination. His daughter was marrying a young man of character. One that absolutely adored his daughter.

It was a win.

So he was concerned when he found out David was hurt, but was confident he would pull through. A little scrape between blue collar workers on the loading dock didn't surprise the Reverend as much as it did his daughter. Loading docks can be rough places. He knew David was on his way up either in the company or in a new job after completing his MBA. So once the neurologist expressed confidence there would be no lasting injuries, he was confident that David's grit would be sufficient to pick himself up and build himself into a better man as a result of the experience.

Of course he would be willing to chip in for the dental bills to fix his teeth.

This was going to be okay, and when David sleepily asked for cheeseburgers, Reverend Simms had hoped they were reaching the point where they could start to laugh a little about this situation and begin to heal from not only the injuries, but the fear.

So when Jordan didn't laugh–didn't make eye contact, and didn't even acknowledge the silliness of the situation, Reverend Simms noticed.

Admittedly, the lack of acknowledgment did make sense in her situation. To her father's knowledge, Jordan had not seen anyone get beat up like this before, and undoubtedly her first exposure to rough-and-tumble violence being her husband did not help the consuming nature of her worry. However, decades of pastoral experience, not to mention decades of being Jordan's father, had made him confident he could talk her–no, talk them both–through this.

Hence, the surprise when he pulled into the parking lot and Jordan bolted out of the car and dashed into their apartment before they got David out of the back seat.

No matter. David wasn't a big man, and he was increasingly lucid, albeit still in a fog of narcotics befitting his recent thrashing. No need for more hands to move him. He could get out of the car with a little help.

Still, it was odd. He watched her disappear into the apartment building with a raised eyebrow. It didn't add up. True, it could be that she was simply frantic, the obvious result of not having yet processed the violent attack on her husband.

Or…she could be dashing ahead to clean her room before her dad walked in the door. It was something she used to do growing up, he recalled with a smile.

Or…something else could be wrong. Something he hadn't yet thought of or seen.

Either way, it was clearly driving his daughter to distraction. And therefore something to keep an eye on.

* * *


Jordan had hastily thrown all incriminating clothes into the hamper and was now pulling the sheets over the mattress. Darn. She had moved quickly, but not quite quickly enough.

"Jordan? Honey? Can I come in? I brought the patient…he made it up the stairs just fine…"

"Come in dad, I just wanted to make the bed for David…" She darted to the other edge of the bed, pulled the blanket tight, ran her hands over it to smooth it out before reaching for the bedspread.

"I think he wants to eat his cheeseburger first, so we'll just sit down in the kitchen here if that's okay," he called down the hall.

"Okay, I'll be right out…" Jordan called back, throwing the bedspread over the bed and adjusting it. She took one last glance around.

It wasn't perfect, but it was tidy.

She straightened her hair and walked out to the kitchen. Her father and husband were seated across from each other, devouring their lunch. Reverend Simms had carefully half-unwrapped David's cheeseburger for him so that he could grip it without getting greasy. David now fumbled with it, trying to bite into it with his side teeth, his head turned to the side, avoiding the obvious pain of his broken and missing top incisors.

Jordan pursed her lips and fought back tears as she saw him struggle.

Reverend Simms patted the chair next to him. "Have a seat, sweetie. We got your cheeseburger right here. Extra onions, right?"

Jordan sat down and smiled in spite of herself. "You know I hate onions, dad."

"Is that right? Since when?"

"Since always, dad…" Jordan lifted up the top bun of her burger. No onions. She shot her dad an appreciative look.

"Did they put enough onions on there for you, Jojo?"

"They didn't put any on there, dad…" she replied, rolling her eyes.

"Huh…I told them extra onions. In fact, I told the nice young man that took our order…David, you remember this right…? I told him…I said…if it comes down to deciding if there's only room for the beef patty and more onions, then we want a burger that's literally all onions. Just a pile of onions. Didn't I say that, David?"

David grinned and nodded through half-closed eyes.

Jordan laughed again as she took a bite before looking down and covering her eyes with her hand. She tried to hide it, but her father knew instantly she was crying. He reached over and patted her back gently before leaning over and whispering in her ear.

"It's okay, sweetie. He's okay. You're okay. Everything's going to be okay…"

* * *

The parking lot of the Continental Logistics was nearly empty as they pulled into a spot next to the parked Camry shared by the young married couple. Reverend Simms noted a middle eastern man in work coveralls waving at them from across the lot as soon as they pulled in. As he shifted into park, Jordan bolted out of the car again and walked quickly toward the man. He turned the car off, got out of the car, and followed her, perplexed.

"Hamad…what happened? Were you there?"

The man looked warily at the newcomer. Jordan pressed Hamad until he responded with a question of his own.

"Is he okay? He look bad when they take him to hospital…"

"Oh I'm sorry…" Jordan apologized as she noticed Hamad glancing again at her father. "Hamad, this is my dad, Dad, this is Hamad, one of David's friends from work…"

The men nodded at each other as Jordan continued.

"Did you see what happened? Do you know who did this?"

"I see it, yes…David came out of the office door and he goes to do his work…and then Vinny come and they yell at each other. I did not understand why they are yelling. Then David tries to ignore him, you know, and do his work…then Vinny says something about you, he said something about David wife…and David tackle Vinny like in football and Vinny just laugh."

"What were they saying…" Jordan looked nervously at her father, who was listening intently to the broken narrative.

"I don't understand what they say, but Vinny say David is cook. He say it over and over again…then David set some paper on fire and Vinny gets really mad and beats up David. I did not know what Vinny means by cook. I think maybe David light thing on fire, and Vinny ask him if he cook paper or something?"

Jordan's eyes widened in recognition. She quickly shifted the conversation away from this part of the story.

"What happened after he got beat up? Did they call an ambulance?"

"No, I run up and push Vinny away, and some other guys grab him, and David is knock out, asleep. So I turn David around and his mouth bleeding real bad. So I take handkerchief and try to put pressure, and Steve the boss come in and says he take David to hospital. David does not wake up for a little while after though, so we wait until he can get up and walk. He seem okay after he wake up, though. Just dizzy."

Jordan teared up once again as David's friend related the incident in broken English. "What happened with Vinny?"

"Oh, that's good news. Steve fire him. Right there. He just say…Vinny, get the fook out. You fire!" Hamad grinned.

Apparently, Reverend Simms thought to himself, he didn't like this Vinny character any more than David did. Must be the shift's designated, or more likely self-designated bully.

"So…" Hamad continued. "He okay? He back home now?"

Jordan wiped her eyes. "Yeah, he's back home. He's okay, but his teeth are broken. He's sleeping now."

Hamad looked visibly relieved. "Tell him I pray for him? Aisha too."

Jordan nodded, squinting back more tears. "I will."

The Reverend Simms was also noticeably touched as he spoke for the first time. "You're a friend of David's?"

Hamad nodded. "Yes. We good friends. He help me with starting my shop!"

The Reverend's eyebrows lifted, impressed.

"Well thank you Hamad, we'll keep in touch. Can you do me a favor? Tell the bosses here that David isn't coming back. He's going to find a better place to work." A touch of bitterness in her voice was apparent.

"Of course. I tell them."

* * *

The light was getting low, but the sun was still out. Breathing deeply as she went, Jordan hit her second wind just as she made the final turn into her fourth mile. After the fast food lunch, Jordan had found a dentist that could see David tomorrow and made an appointment.

David had quickly fallen asleep in their bed.

The apartment was quiet, and her father had insisted she take some time to herself to clear her head. She had opted to don some modest workout clothes and return to the university track to run for a while. She hadn't run competitively since before she was married, and she wasn't running now as much as she would like to. It seemed like the best thing to do to kill time.

It was a good decision. The oxygen flow and endorphin rush was helping to break the clouds of confusion, fear, and guilt that had blocked out the clear thought she was fighting to find.

Focusing on her pace, her stride, and her breathing, Jordan easily passed the casual runners and walkers on the track. Each lap helped her to untangle the snarl of undifferentiated but powerful negative feelings that choked her thought process, and to figure out the mess of emotions that needed to be mopped up.

The first four laps were pure emotional release. Jordan pulled hard at each stride. She didn't quite reach a sprint, but she leaned hard toward it as her brisk pace signaled to the other runners on the track to make some room. The tense knot of emotion slowly broke apart as she named each strain in the knot: anger at this Vinny person, fear of his finding David in a dark alley somewhere, horror at David's disfigurement, worry about his dental appointment, concern about his job prospects, and indignation at the fact that what was supposed to be a day of triumph turned into a total catastrophe.

The second set of four laps were saturated with guilt. She felt responsible for what happened. She had done things that led to the humiliation of and violent assault on her husband. She knew better, and she had allowed herself to be swept up into this vicious hedonism that blinded them both. She had been selfish, and her husband had paid the price. She realized to herself that she had continuously,l even happily humiliated him.

He would be right to leave her and never forgive her.

By the third set of four laps, she began to process the situation with a little more emotional and practical nuance. This Vinny person was far more likely motivated by David's meteoric rise from the dock to the manager's chair than he was by her indiscretions and saucy letters. He was certainly a bully, that was clear. David was a smaller, gentle man, a prime target for bullies who couldn't see his enormous value, or who were intimidated by his obvious talents and high work ethic. She didn't make this happen. Vinny, metaphorically, already had a gun, and had already been inclined to point it at her husband. The letters were, admittedly, a bullet in that gun, but he would have found other bullets.




The fourth set of four laps brought some clarity in the form of a decision. This "hotwife" experiment was over. She couldn't believe she allowed herself the massive lapse in judgment that led to her cheating on her husband willfully–even gleefully–a half dozen times. The fact that David seemed to enjoy it did not make it any less horrifying in retrospect. Her husband had some kind of…self-annihilating, self-humiliating impulse that could not be good for him psychologically. As a professional in training, she should have seen that and sought to help rather than goad him along in his self destructive behavior. And she certainly should not have gone along with it and cheated on him! It seemed more than tawdry. It was exploitative. She had taken advantage of him.

The decision helped to stabilize the wild swing of emotions she was contending with. Five miles was a good amount to effectively clear her head. Rounding the track four more times to finish her fifth mile, Jordan began to think practically through how to best move on from this.

How to make amends to her battered husband.

How to decisively break it off with Mark.

How to encourage David in moving toward a new career, maybe get a second job herself to help them along while he found something that fit his abilities better.

How to help David get past this destructive psychological impulse, and how to grow closer to him knowing she had exploited it.

A force of habit from her competitive running days, Jordan sprinted the last hundred yards to cross the finish line one final time, heaving in and out. She put her hands on her hips, walking in tight little circles as the fiery blood pumped through her veins.

The cool down. For Jordan, there was never a moment when her head was clearer. She felt better, but her guilt remained. And would likely remain until she had made amends. She now knew–for absolute certain–one thing and one thing only:

The hotwife experiment ends today.

* * *

Reverend Simms had dutifully reported the day's developments with all relevant details to his wife, Mary Simms, who probed each data point with predictable worry.

Jordan, he explained to her, had taken off to run around the track for a while to clear her head.

"And David's asleep?" she asked.

"Yep. Sawing logs." He smiled.

"So what are you doing now?" she asked.

"I did some dishes, and I went down to their little pay laundry room to put in a load of laundry a while ago. I'm heading down to get it out of the dryer in a bit here…Thought they could use some nice clean clothes…"

"That's a good idea. How is she? Really?"

"She's scared. She's pretty scared and distracted. You know how she is…she's so convinced that people can work things out, she's so convinced she can find the answer–the possibility of violence just doesn't make sense to her. And then she saw her husband laid out in an emergency room. So she's pretty shaken up."

"Who did this to David? Who would do this to David?"

"Apparently some other guy who works at the loading dock. A guy named Vinny. We met one of David's work friends when we went to pick up the car. A middle eastern fellow. He said he saw the whole thing."

"So this man who attacked David…he's just a bully? Did he try to take money or something?"

"I couldn't tell. Apparently they were hollering at each other, and this Vinny guy said something about Jordan, and David lost his cool and tackled him."

Mary paused. "So he got into a fight because this Vinny guy was talking bad about Jordan?"

The Reverend chuckled under his breath. "Yeah, that's what it sounds like. Kinda proud of him for that, I hate to admit."

"Don't tell him that…"

"No, of course not. Still, it's good to know he'll go to bat for her. Even with a guy that'll beat the stuffing out of him for it." The admiration in his voice was no longer hidden.

"Well, let's just hope it never comes to that again."

"Of course, of course…" he nodded gravely, returning to a serious tone of voice. "But I'll tell you, honey…I bet if Jordan let him, he'd be back on that dock tomorrow paying their bills."

"But she's not going to let him, is she?"

"No. No, she made that clear. Oh, there's the alarm. Honey, I've got to go. The alarm I set for the dryer went off. I'll call later tonight when Jojo gets back, you can talk to her."


The two hung up, and the Reverend descended to the pay laundry to get clothes out of the dryer. He brought up the basket full of hot laundry, nudged the apartment door open with the toe of his loafers, and dumped it out on the kitchen table to fold. When he had everything folded and arranged in neat little piles, he returned the piles to the basket and tiptoed into the bedroom where David was still sleeping. He set the basket down and gingerly nudged open the drawers, filling them with clean clothes from bottom to top.

Arriving at the last drawer, he opened it up and reached down into the basket to get one small pile of folded boxer briefs, and another pile of feminine cotton panties. He looked down into the shared drawer and set the boxer briefs on the right side, and panties on the left, matching the young couple's division of space.

He moved to quietly nudge the drawer shut, but it stuck. He turned around to make sure he wasn't disturbing David, who groaned slightly and turned to his side, apparently still asleep. He then reached down to quietly wiggle the drawer into place. As he did so, he noticed a partially open pack of lacy women's underwear on the right side of the drawer.


He reached down and slid the package to the left side, nestling it under the freshly folded panties.

* * *

A heavy fog saturated David's head as he drifted in and out of consciousness. It had been a strange day. The line between deep dream and waking reality was difficult to find in the fog. He wasn't sure what was real and what was dream, as his memories, his dreams, and his perceptions drifted in and out of his stream of consciousness. Short vignettes with familiar characters mingled with unfamiliar scenes, all seemingly equally real in the here and the now in front of him.

He saw Vinny glowering at him as he gripped something hot in one hand. Maybe a hot water pipe? But it burned…he let it go. Something orange dropped down to the floor on his left side. Then his upper teeth began to hurt.

The low distinct thuds of throbbing pain pulsed just under his upper lip. The steady rhythm of the throbbing pulsed and changed the view in front of him. He now looked up Jordan's naked torso through her open legs. He felt the same rhythmic throbbing as her hips gently bucked against his lips. Her face wore a look of surprise as she looked down at him…a steady tension rising in her body, ascending toward a shocking, unprecedented climax as he offered the best efforts of his lips and tongue to the woman he loved. A warmth met his lips as the pitch of his beautiful young wife's voice rose inexorably into…

The voice of her pleasure drifted into the distance, but didn't fade away entirely. Instead, it modulated to gentle, hushed weeping that seemed to rise behind a…a light blue curtain. The pain returned and the warm welcome of his wife's open legs vanished to be replaced by…a cheeseburger?

Now David was startled into awareness back at his own kitchen table, looking across at Jordan, now fully clothed with messy, unwashed hair pulled back in a hasty ponytail. Next to her was seated someone new…her dad?

What was he doing? David strained to see. He had a knife in one hand and something round in the other. He was… peeling and cutting something…a large onion, which was making Jordan cry…

The fog returned, then fell again as David tried to reach across the table to take the onion away from him. As he grabbed the onion, it turned into a folded piece of paper in his hand and he was shocked to see the Reverend Simms bare his teeth in anger and swipe at him with the knife. The knife cut his lip open and blood started to drip down his chin.

He didn't care…the onion…or was it a folded paper…was making Jordan cry. He dove across the table into the knife and kept sliding and sliding until he saw blood pour from his face. The sound of metal clinking rose out of the darkness, punctuating Jordan's gentle sobs…

The fog rose again and David was back at work. His shirt was dirty. Very dirty. Vinny must have stolen it and rubbed filth all over it. It smelled…metallic?

He ran to the grimy dock bathroom and reached for a handful of paper towels, dabbing them with water from the sink before trying to clean off his shirt. As he began to soak his shirt, he looked in the mirror to find his mouth stuffed with gauze. Jordan was in the bathroom too, standing behind him.

He whirled around to see her and found himself in a new place. A hospital bed.

Jordan was sitting in a chair next to the bed, messy bedhead hair pulled into a hasty ponytail. She held his hand as she gazed off into the distance.

He squeezed her hand, but she didn't notice.

She was looking at one of the curtains. Shadows, silhouettes moving back and forth indicated activity on the other side of the curtain.

One shadow in particular stood still while lighter shadows flitted around it. The singular shadow, a large male figure with broad shoulders and a head held high, stood still looking back and forth, seeming to observe the world outside the curtain with the air of command. Jordan's eyes held firm to the outline, occasionally rippled and distorted by the subtle movements of the curtain.

Jordan let go of his hand and stood up, walking toward a break in the curtain. David tried to speak, but no words came out. His mouth opened, but only helpless, guttering grunts came out.

Jordan parted the curtain and walked through until she, too, became a silhouette outside the curtain. Her silhouette walked calmly, wordlessly toward the other silhouette, which towered over her. Her silhouette moved toward his, and sunk slowly to her knees.

David's tongue, still tied, began to salivate. He began to grow aroused, then excited, his body humming in tension as his eyes fixed on the two shadows, or really only one shadow now.

A single silhouette.

A new presence startled him inside the curtains…a middle aged man on the inside side of the curtain space…

Only it wasn't curtains anymore. It was a room, and the bed was the one he shared with Jordan. The middle aged man was…again…his father in law, struggling to close the top drawer in his dresser. He grunted slightly and turned on his side, hiding his erection as the memory of Jordan's silhouetted hands moving forward to rest on the standing shadows thighs lingered in his mind's eye.

The fog shifted, and the bedroom was empty again. Then the door opened and Jordan walked through in her wedding dress. She looked scared. Her hair was still unkempt, pulled hastily into a ponytail, and the dress was stained. Not unlike his work shirt. He began to panic…how could she walk down the aisle like this? He couldn't allow this on her wedding day. She was so beautiful. How did her dress get so dirty? She would be humiliated…

He struggled to get up, to help her clean her dress, to help her fix her hair. He stumbled slowly forward as if he was under water, but she kept backing away from him in fear. She seemed to think it was him that had ruined her dress, and she wanted to run away from him.

Up to this point, no words had been spoken in his dream, hallucination, whatever it actually was. But then the first words of his dream came out of his terrified young wife as she held out her hand to keep him away, to keep him from making a bigger mess, to keep him from humiliating her…


David strained to apologize, but he couldn't speak. He threw his entire weight into his dead tongue to try to speak, to say he was sorry, to promise to fix it for her.

To make everything better.

Nothing came out.


He couldn't get to her. He pushed harder. She inched away again.


His eyes opened, and Jordan was laying beside him in the bed. Her eyes locked on to his, a mixture of concern and amusement. They were alone in the room, and the door was shut. The fog began to recede, and David felt the sheets rustle against his sweaty skin in the waking world.

"Oh good, I thought you weren't going to wake up. How are you feeling? Sounds like you were having a bad dream…"

David blinked. Hard. He squinted as his eyes adjusted to the light. Jordan was looking down into the covers and pulled back the bedspread.

"Or maybe a really good one?" Jordan's eyes sparkled as she looked back up at him, smirked, and then gestured for him to look down.

There was a small, moist circle saturating the sheet between his legs. His body was sweaty, and his heart rate elevated. He took a moment to gather himself before answering.

"Jordan…are you okay?" David was relieved to find his tongue worked. The dream was fading into the back of his mind.

"Me? I'm fine, honey. I went for a run, took a shower, we're about to cook dinner. Are you up for some food?"

"Yeah, I could…wait…who's we?"

"My dad's here. You remember…you asked him for cheeseburgers at lunch."

David squinted again. "That was real?"

Jordan laughed. "Well, the painkillers are working. We've got a dentist appointment for you tomorrow, they're gonna get you all fixed up." She drew closer and gently kissed him on the cheek. "I love you baby. You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Let's eat…"

David sat up and threw his legs over the side of the bed, looking down as he found his footing.

"If your dad's here, I think I need to find some new pants…"

* * *

Dinner had gone well. The Reverend Simms had made a nice, soft, flavorful macaroni and cheese with hot dog slices. Simple, soft enough for David to chew, and Jordan's childhood favorite. Jordan threw together a fruit salad before she went to wake David, and the three of them shared a genial meal. After eating, David had chatted a bit before deciding to take another dose of painkillers and go to bed.

After calling her mother, Jordan sat quietly with her father in the living room flipping through Netflix to find something to watch. Nothing struck the fancy of either of them, so Jordan kept flipping through the choices in silence.

"So…" Reverend Simms broke the awkward silence with an awkward word. Jordan kept scrolling through the menu, feigning boredom.

"So…" she responded.

"How are you feeling, Jojo? Crazy day…"

She sighed. "Yeah. Yeah it was. I'm just glad he's okay."

"He'll be fine. How about you? You look like you're carrying a load, sweetheart."

"No, I'm okay."

Another moment of silence, then Jordan attempted to redirect the conversation, purposely avoiding eye contact.

"Do you want to see a documentary or something? I think there was one about Viking swords I flipped past the other day. Seemed like a thing you'd be into…"

"You know me well, honey." He smiled, and she smiled too, still looking forward. "But I know you too. Knowing when something is bothering people is…it's kind of my thing."

Jordan's eyes didn't move from the screen. "I'm fine, dad. I'm really okay. It's just been a crazy day."

"Okay." He replied quietly. He leaned back on the couch and rubbed his eyes.

Jordan hesitated, wanting to get it out, but afraid to go there. "It's just…school is hard, and I'm starting my dissertation, and then David…"

Her father leaned forward and looked down, nodding. He knew that this part of a conversation was delicate. Confession was good for the soul, but it was very fragile, and often broke on its way out. Best to step back gently and let whatever was inside spill out on its own.

"I'm worried about this guy David got in a fight with, and maybe he might come back…and…"

"Mhmmm…" he nodded unobtrusively.

Jordan paused, choking a bit on her words.

"...and I might have done something bad, Dad. I think I might have made David get hurt."

"Hmmm…" He pursed his lips and smiled slightly in sympathy. He waited for he to say more, but she seemed stalled. So he took a risk and gently leaned into a follow up question.

"Jordan? Honey? Can I ask you something? And if I ask you something, can you promise to answer me honestly? Knowing that I love you more than my whole life and everything I have no matter what your answer is?"

Jordan looked down to the floor and squeezed her eyes shut. Her hair fell down and covered her face. She nodded with a short, quick, jerk of the head.

"Sweetheart…is there any chance…and take your time to answer if you need time…is there any chance that you are secretly in the mafia and hired a hitman named Vinny who works on the docks with David so he could take out a rival gang leader that you're also secretly married to?"

Jordan burst out laughing and wiped her eyes. Reverend Simms smiled as his daughter looked up at him for the first time since David had gone to bed. "No, dad. I'm not in the mafia, and I didn't do any of that."

"Well, that's a relief, sweetie." She smiled and shook her head, wiping her eyes again. He continued. "Because that's the only scenario that I can imagine where something like this is your fault. And if it were true, I think first we'd need to try to make it right with David, but then we'd need to sell the movie rights to someone. Because if that's true, then there's a story behind that. Something that should be a movie somewhere."

Jordan smiled gratefully. "I just…I feel like I might have hurt him…accidentally…"

He smiled and nodded. "That's called being married, sweetie. Accidentally hurting the people you love…that's just…what love does over time. But then you work it out and it gets stronger."

She nodded and clenched her eyes shut again. She took a deep breath, and then let it all out in a big sigh.

"Did you want him to get hurt?" Revered Simms asked gravely.

"No!" Jordan responded indignantly.

"Were you happy he got hurt?" He continued.

"Of course not!" Jordan shot back, horrified.

"I didn't think so. I heard what David's friend said, that maybe this man said something bad or mean about you. I didn't understand the story. I can see where you might think you had a part in this."

Jordan nodded, the look of guilt creeping back into her face.

"But I don't have to understand the story, Jojo. It seems like a pretty clear case of a bully picking on a smaller man. Happens a million times a day, all over the world, unfortunately."

"I know…but he didn't have to…I mean he should have just…"

"He should have done exactly what he did. He might have done it in a smarter way, but if the choice is whether to defend his wife…who happens to be my daughter, by the way…or to let some bully get away with stomping over the most precious person in his life…if that's his choice, then he made the right one. He paid for it, but…I think when he gets off the drugs, he'll agree–no, he'll insist that he made the right decision."

"Yeah, but I don't want to be some damsel in distress, dad. I'm a grown woman, and I don't need to be defended. And I certainly don't want my husband throwing himself in front of me when I'm not even there! That's just…it's just stupid. It's pointless! And it gets people hurt."

The Reverend nodded. "That's a fair point. And I think you and David should talk about it when he gets a little more lucid."

"Oh, we will have a talk about that…" Jordan promised.

"Good. That's what matters. I don't know what all went into this incident. I get the sense that there's some more to the situation. But you're a for-real, no-foolin' grown up now, Jojo. You're a married woman. Whatever happened, and whatever happens now, it's your business now. This is your world right now. You own it. You and David. I'll help if you want help, but I think it's better if you know that I think..and your mom thinks…that you are absolutely capable, and we're confident that you can make your own decisions, and work out the kinks in your own relationships. All you need is love. I think someone said that in the Bible or something, I don't know. I haven't read it…" he grinned as he blunted off his heartfelt admonition with a joke.

Jordan teared up again, briefly, and nodded before falling forward to hug her dad. As he hugged her, he offered one more thought.

"So…when you do have that talk…I think it worthwhile to realize that you're married to Iron Man. Not the comic book one. The real one. That man you married is tough. Way tougher than he looks. And he's ready to throw every ounce of that toughness in front of a speeding train to save you. It's worth thinking about."

"I know it dad," she nodded before settling back into the couch. For the first time since he arrived, he saw a hint of relaxation in her body.

"So…Viking swords? You got my attention."

"Yeah…let me make some popcorn."

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Re: Jordan

Unread post by Johng1953 » Tue May 07, 2024 10:47 pm

This is truly an amazing story and so very well written.

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Re: Jordan

Unread post by user322 » Thu May 09, 2024 10:28 am

Hi, I discovered your story, it’s excellent so far!
I admit that my favorite part is with Jordan and David!

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Re: Jordan

Unread post by antidote2909 » Fri May 10, 2024 10:04 am

user322 wrote:
Thu May 09, 2024 10:28 am
Hi, I discovered your story, it’s excellent so far!
I admit that my favorite part is with Jordan and David!
Yes me too, love that dynamic.

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Re: Jordan

Unread post by FamilyCuckold » Mon May 13, 2024 10:17 pm

Just found this story, the writing is amazing, character development in particular. If I wasn't caged I'd be beating off to it for sure.

Posts: 51
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Re: Jordan

Unread post by Crushing » Sat May 18, 2024 12:42 pm

Chris Cohen sat sullenly in the sinking late afternoon light, typing furiously on his laptop. On the last night of the family beach vacation, he had a work issue come up.

Perhaps "work issue" was not the right term. What had really happened was one of his gaming buddies had pitched a programming idea via email, and it had caught his interest. Not having had a paying job in some time, Chris was suddenly motivated, and looking to change his situation.

The pitch was a good idea, a new way of approaching encryption protocols so secure communications required fewer processing resources. One of those ideas that wasn't flashy, sexy, or mass market app driven, but could run like wildfire through the programming, engineering, and security worlds where plenty of money was waiting to be made. It could be big if they could find a way to make it work. Chris was intrigued, wanting to work through the big idea with his gaming companion so he could get to work on untangling the specifics.

However, this particular gaming buddy was not responding to Chris' email.

No matter. Chris knew exactly where he would be at 4 in the afternoon on a Friday. He logged on to his character in the game, checked his presets, and began walking through the game world, typing messages to his companion as he went

c4u2n1te: Hey, got your email. Seems cool, we should break out some time, figure it out.

donkeypunc$h442: Later. Where u been, man?

c4u2n1te: Family. Wife, kids, vacation.

donkeypunc$h442: lame.

c4u2n1te: yeah.

donkeypunc$h442: u back now?

c4u2n1te: no still here. What's the deal with this engine u sent to my email?

donkeypunc$h442: just an idea i had when my encryption protocols fucked up.

c4u2n1te: ive been thinking about that functionality for like years now. U want to try to make it work?

donkeypunc$h442: mayb

c4u2n1te: ?

donkeypunc$h442: U gonna disappear for days again? We need u man

Chris paused and looked around the campsite. It was empty–the kids were working on sand castles with Molly's new boy toy again. Molly was here a minute ago…she must have gone out to play with the kids…

c4u2n1te: i got some time now.

donkeypunc$h442: Good.

Chris pulled his headphones on and returned his focus to the game. Molly, just emerging from the shower house and walking back toward the campsite, saw her husband from a distance pulling his gaming headphones over his ears. Rolling her eyes, she sighed and began adjusting her expectations for the future. Chris had seemed to be jolted out of his surly cocoon of gaming addiction when she had begun spending time with Mark, but here he was again…

Back under the headphones.

It never took long.

She shook her head, attempting to clear out the negative energy that welled up every time she saw her husband vanish between his headphones.

This was her last day with Mark. She wanted to enjoy it.

He had really opened her eyes. He had shown her things that she could have with a different man. Better conversations, inside jokes, quality time with the children…

And the sex.

My god…the sex…

She walked into the campsite, walking up to the picnic table where her husband's attention was entirely consumed.

Once again.

She set the razor she had carried back from the shower house down on the table, and unzipped her toiletries bag to replace it. She looked over toward the beach, where the sounds of Lucy and Max explaining the desired features of their Sand Castle 3.0 to their patient new friend drifted in and out between the crashing, mid tide waves.

Unbeknownst to Molly, Chris noticed her smiling to herself as she looked out toward the beach. His eyes flitted back and forth between his video game and his wife, his focus pulled toward her as she casually pulled her shirt over her head, revealing her perky breasts in her new bikini. She then pulled down the waistband of her pants, stepping out of her sandals, stepping out of her pants, and then stepping daintily back into her sandals.

Chris cocked his head slightly. Did her body tighten in the last week? Her legs were really striking, accented attractively by the bottom of her bikini, which accented her bum in an alluring way.

She did not wear those types of things usually. She was very insecure about her body after having two children.

That seemed to have changed.

Chris' character almost died in the video game as he was distracted by his wife casually undressing. Molly seemed totally unaware that he was watching. After all, she was used to being ignored while in the same room with him. A slight pang of recognition shot through him as he considered this possibility, but it didn't stop him from carefully pulling his video game character out of danger and plotting his next move while chatting with his team.

Stealing another glance over the screen, he found Molly applying suntan lotion on her body, beginning with her forearms, then touching her shoulders, upper chest, tummy, and then running down each leg. Her light skin, slightly tanned despite her pale complexion after a few days spent in a bikini, glistened with moisture as she rubbed the lotion in. As she was finishing the last leg, she looked up and noticed her husband staring at her.

She looked startled.

Then, noting the unusual lack of focus in his eyes, she smiled slightly.

She stood upright, then walked around the table and handed her husband the bottle of suntan lotion. She smirked slightly, then, still standing, she turned around and pulled apart the knot holding her bikini top together.

Chris quickly turned away from his laptop and unscrewed the top, squirting the white cream into his hand. He quickly but clumsily rubbed lotion on to her back, moving in generous circles until the whiteness of the lotion faded into the slightly less pale hue of his wife's skin.

The sounds of his game from his headphones still dominated his ears, but he faintly heard Molly's voice as she looked over her shoulder. He pulled his headphones around his neck quickly.

"Sorry, honey, say that again?" He asked solicitously.

Molly was pleasantly surprised at his tone. Interrupting his gaming and getting a cheery, friendly voice…that tone of voice…that was new.

"I said, make sure there aren't any white spots left…" She said, clutching her bikini to her chest, holding the cups over her breasts to avoid accidental exposure.

"Okay…" Chris said, his heart rate increasing. He gently rubbed in the lotion, running up and down her bare back with the flat of his palms.

"Thanks honey…" she smiled over her shoulder at him. "Could you tie me up?"

"Yeah…of course…" he answered breathlessly. The sound of his character's in-game death rose unmistakably in his headphones.

Molly scrunched her eyes shut, waiting for the loud obscenity, sometimes followed by a physical tantrum, that followed that well-known sound coming from his game.

She waited. No shouting. No foot stomping or slamming his fists on the table.

Instead, he simply glanced down at the screen, then back up to tie her top together.

She opened her eyes, surprised. He was looking up at her…

The look in his eyes was new. Helpless. Like a puppy begging for a treat.

She took it in for a moment, then took the bottle from his hand and replaced it back in her toiletry bag.

"Thanks honey…"

"No problem…"

She walked away toward the beach, swaying her hips slightly.

Chris looked down at his screen again, and found a flood of angry messages from his gaming friends. In particular:

donkeypunc$h442: dude, WTF? You just died for no reason???

C4u2n1te: sorry, lag. Connection is shit here. I'm back now

Chris looked down, noting goopy white splotches on his keyboard. The suntan lotion.


He mumbled to himself as he reached for some paper towels, wiping off his palms and fingers, and then began carefully digging out the goop from between the keys on his keyboard as he heard Molly's laughter join their children's from the beach.

* * *

Mark had, once again, been tasked with excavation for the ever expanding sand castle.

But another development put Molly on her back foot. Rather than arguing about features and design, Molly's children were now…cooperating. The towers and walls did not get taller, but when they discovered they could each have their own room in the castle, they were consumed by the new possibilities of the now sprawling complex.

The resulting hole in the sand was more than large enough to hide an adult body. Taking a short breather from digging, Mark had laid down in the hole, enjoying the cool, moist feeling of deep, wet sand on his back. From there, he had seen Molly walk out onto the beach from the campsite. Her shiny red hair was tied back in a sporty ponytail, and her pale skin had a mild, moist sheen.

She had probably just put on more sunblock, Mark thought to himself. Whatever the reason for the glow, he couldn't help but compare Monday Molly from Friday Molly. The former, the harried young mother with tangled hair, dirty sweatpants and an old, loose fitting t-shirt that had been so visibly anxious and compulsively apologetic.

She now wore a relaxed smile as she walked easily out to meet them. Her taut, black, two-piece swimsuit presented a sexy, confident vision. It wasn't just the suntan lotion. Molly's body, now accented with a new confidence, simply glowed. A stark contrast to what her old sweatpants and t-shirt had been hiding when they first met, only days before.

One impediment remained, however. Her sunglasses hid her eyes. Mark couldn't quite tell where she was looking…she seemed to be fixated on what her children were doing. Mark looked over, concerned that something might be wrong. But they were just chatting and piling sand on yet another wall. He turned to look toward Molly again and saw her standing over him, having run the remaining distance while he was distracted. She dropped to her knees, shoving the large pile of sand he had excavated back into the hole where he was laying, covering him with sand.

"Hey…what the..?"

Molly laughed as Lucy and Max stood up to peek over their castle walls. Molly was playfully shoving sand onto Mark in the hole he had dug. His protests seemed weak–he was in on the game. Lucy and Max looked at each other, then dashed around their little construction site and joined in the fun. Giggling, all three of them shoved pile on pile of sand on their new friend, who kept up an exaggerated protest to further the game.

The sand started to get heavy over his chest and limbs. Subtly, Molly maneuvered behind his head and lifted it up, making a little sand pillow under his head as they finished covering him.

"Okay…" Mark said sarcastically, "so now, you kids know how to dig?"

Molly choked out a laugh and quickly covered her mouth with her hand as Lucy and Max giggled. Now he was completely covered. Only his head stuck out of the sand at an angle.

"Well guys…" Molly said with mocking gravity, "I guess he's trapped now."

"Now you can never leave. You're our prisoner!" Max yelled in triumph.

"I think he can thtill get out. He'th pretty thtrong…" Lucy countered.

"No, he's stuck!" Max insisted as he began scooping more sand on top of the mound over Mark's body.

Mark heard a dull buzzing behind where Molly was sitting behind his head.

His phone.

"Could you grab that for me Molly?"

"Yeah…" she quickly twisted around to find his phone, picking it up and looking at the screen. "It says it's from…Captain Wolf?"

Mark immediately sat up, the large mound of sand crumbling and tumbling down underneath him. He extended a sand-covered hand and took the phone from Molly.

"Thanks…" he hit the button to answer the call. "Good afternoon sir, what can I do for you?"

He stood up, gesturing an apology to Molly and the kids. The Mark-burying joke now over, the children began scooping up armloads of sand and staggering over to pile it on their project. Mark smiled and turned away.

"Sergeant Rein. Nothing urgent, just checking in. You're checking back in off leave tomorrow, correct?"

"Yes sir, taking off tomorrow morning, I'll check in tomorrow evening."

"Fair enough. Most of the company, myself included, aren't going to be back in range until Monday night. However, I checked in with the battalion, and the weapons inspection that was supposed to happen this week…it didn't happen. I want you to take charge of it. Whoever's back when you get there, round them up and make sure we're good, nothing's missing or broken in the armory. I'll want your report when I check in Monday."

"Understood sir."

"Good man. Hey, any news on Jett? He keeping his nose clean?"

"Yes sir, I've had him checking in every night. His mom's babysitting him."

"Damn shame. Good for her, though."

"He's a good marine, sir. I'm confident this was a one-off."

"I'm sure you're right. You having fun?"

Mark looked over at Molly, sitting a few feet away from her kids while they played. She subtly looked over at him, then looked forward again…embarrassed that she was caught looking.

"Yeah, I'm having fun sir.:"

"Good. Stay safe, and I'll see you Monday night. I want a perfect inventory report. See to it."

"Yes sir. Good night."

* * *

She had tried to hide her smile the first time he met her. When she finally did smile, it was clear why.

She had braces.

Chris found himself following a stream of memory back to his sophomore year in high school, when Molly had sat across from him in Calculus. It was an advanced class for sophomores, and only a handful of students from their large suburban school had qualified for the class.

Chris was always known to be gifted. He loved Math, and he loved logic puzzles. He could grasp new mathematical concepts almost instantly, often developing shortcuts that his teachers didn't know about or think of. In any Math class, from the 7th grade on, Chris Cohen was king.

But being the king of the Math class did not translate to being king of anything else in high school. In fact, to his dismay, it often seemed to have the opposite effect. The popular boys taunted him, and when he asserted himself, those taunts turned to threats. The popular boys were hostile to him. The popular girls ignored him.

It was almost like there were separate schools within the school. Chris would represent the school in Math competitions, winning most of them. He also had a handful of chess tournament wins under his belt. He had earned trophies. Trophies that he had won almost single handedly for the Math or chess teams, and they sat in the trophy case with the other trophies for football, basketball, swim, and so forth. They were in the back corner of the case, but they were there. It was prestige. It was accomplishment. What was the real difference?

The attitude of his classmates, that explicit devaluation of his gifts and skills, of his contribution to the school and its reputation bothered him. It bothered him a lot.

But he tamped down those feelings.

After all, it only seemed to encourage the taunting when he expressed his feelings and frustrations.

By his sophomore year, he simply learned to be quiet.

Now, on the first day of his advanced class, he was looking forward to an hour of time where he was king again.

The popular kids didn't come in here.

The teacher would like him. Math teachers always did.

The other kids would admire him, and look up to him.

But he didn't recognize this new girl. Red hair, freckles. Skinny with white sneakers, jeans, and a maroon hoodie. She was shy, a little anxious. She kept looking around nervously, hoping no one noticed.

"Hey…" he had said awkwardly.

"Hey…" she said, equally awkwardly, casting her eyes in his direction and then immediately looking forward again.

"I'm Chris. I don't recognize you. Are you new to the school?" He stuck out his hand across the aisle.

"I'm Molly." She tentatively shook his hand, then nervously looked forward again.

"So…you good at Math?" Chris prodded.

"Umm…kinda. You?" Molly smiled uncomfortably.


Chris squinted as he recalled that awkward exchange. Her braces. She was shy and awkward. He didn't remember why he talked to her in the first place.

Confidence. It had to be confidence. He was in the room where he knew he was king. She was new, didn't know anybody. The class was small, and more boys than girls. He wanted to make her feel comfortable, and since he was king, he knew he could do it.

Her self-assessment that she was "kinda" good at Math was unhelpfully modest, Chris came to find out. Molly, while still being awkward and a little disheveled, came to gain his respect as she became his rival. She kept up with the class when everyone else began to struggle and fall behind. They would casually exchange information across the aisle, always related to the subject. They didn't share answers…that was out of the question. The problem solving was just too fun. They wouldn't ruin the fun for each other.

Molly's awkwardness seemed to diminish when she talked about Math, and she gradually grew more comfortable around Chris. She even joined the Mathletics team–the only girl in a small gaggle of boys who were all terrified of girls. Chris wasn't though. He was king of that group, and so naturally he could interact with Molly easily. She performed well in their competitions, but tended to choke under pressure. She would often score in the top 10, while Chris rarely left a competition without winning it.

Their weekend Mathletics competitions were where they got to know each other enough to find their differences. Molly loved reading fantasy books, and would talk about them at great length. Chris preferred computers and computer games. He would often show her a program he had been working on. She would ask if she should be impressed, which rankled him initially. After a while, though, it became obvious. She just didn't know that world, or speak that language. He tried to teach her, but she would quickly lose interest, instead choosing to bury her nose into a new fantasy series rather than a new stack of computer code.

He always liked her. But he didn't like her that way.

He liked the status she gave him among his Math friends. He had a girl-friend, but she wasn't his girlfriend. They didn't date, they rarely even touched. They were just friends who shared a core competence in Math.

Actually, truth be told, He liked someone else "that way." Becky Hill. Becky was a competitive diver. He first saw her at a pool party for his cousin's birthday when he was a freshman. She would climb up to the highest diving platform over and over, twisting and flipping gracefully as she slipped into the water. He was drawn to her athleticism, to her confidence. Her body was tight, lithe, and tanned. He became fixated on her. He would watch her from across the pool, or from down the hallway at school, but he knew he couldn't talk to her. She would pass him in the hall, not even aware of his existence. She was one of them, one of those people who belonged to the "other school." By junior year she was dating John Hicks, the captain of the swim team, who was a nice enough guy…Chris knew him, had helped him with Math. He wasn't an idiot like some of the athletes, and he always appreciated the help. But Chris had an ulterior motive in helping him: Becky would often drop by. She would sit with them sometimes, and eventually even learned his name and exchanged friendly greetings as they passed each other in the hall. They became something approaching friends. And when John broke up with Becky, Chris had been thrilled to take his shot.

Then came Champion's night. Every spring the school would host an awards night for everyone who excelled that year. Medals were handed out for anyone who took first, second, or third place at the state level in any sanctioned competition. It was pretty stodgy, but there was always an unofficial bonfire and barbecue afterwards. It was the first time Chris had been expected to go to a social event where athletes were. He was excited.

Here was a chance for the king of one world to visit the kings of the other. Or so he thought. The football team had done well that year, taking third in state, so they were all wearing a single bronze medal. Track athletes had one or two medals, some for first place, some for second or third. Becky was there–third in state in one of her diving events with her bronze medal. Even on that semi-formal occasion, her dark hair was pulled back in a sporty ponytail, ready to dive. She wore a dark green form fitting top, snug jeans that accented her slim figure, and green lace up boots with a low, fat heel. She looked amazing.

Molly even made the cut to go to Champion's night. She took third in one of the Mathletics events, so she was recognized, and Chris hooted loudly for her when she got her medal. She blushed and smiled at him. The braces were gone then. She didn't go to the bonfire, though.

In his mind, Chris was, objectively, king of that night. He had 4 first place medals, and 2 second place medals. He clinked when he walked. His gifts and accomplishments were literally dangling low around his neck. Shining for all to see.

It didn't go as planned. But it wasn't a disaster. By the end of junior year, the worst of the cruelty was fading away from everyone's impulses. But very few people wanted to talk to him, or recognize him in the crowd.

The bonfire was a bit of a bust. Then Becky arrived at the bonfire. The dark orange light reflected off her hair, giving it an auburn glow. She moved around the crowd, chatting and smiling, until for a brief moment she stood alone, her first beer still in her hand.

Chris had screwed up his courage and walked over to talk to her. She seemed genuinely pleased to see him. It was hard to make out her face in the dark, though. He chatted nervously with her, congratulated her on her win.

Then she blew his mind. Reaching out, she touched the top medal. A bright gold one, laying on top of his other gold and silver medals. She gently lifted it up to inspect it.

"You've got a lot of these…" she said, dropping it back down onto his chest.


"Yeah…" he said, playing it cool as his heart pounded. "I've had a good year, I guess."

"That's cool…" she said, nodding.

Chris' heart had pounded out of his chest. This was his shot. He opened his mouth, and…

"Hey Beck–there you are…"

A new voice floated out from behind him and severed his train of thought. Chris jumped and turned around to find Roger. Starting linebacker for the football team. He was big, probably 6'3" or 6'4". His face was also hard to make out in the dark light, but when he turned back around, Becky's face was all too visible, having lit up at the sight of him.

"Hey Roger, how's it going?"

"It's good, how you been?"


The conversation drifted effortlessly into nowhere.

Well, nowhere relevant to Chris. Just like that, he had become the third wheel. Becky had politely, but unambiguously dismissed him.

Stinging from the blow, Chris attempted a dignified walk toward the beer table and grabbed another. He drank it in the shadows on the outside of the party, grabbed another, and drank it halfway back to the parking lot. No one came to talk to him. But no one made fun of him either. It was a half-win.

Finally, Chris realized the night was over for him. He stood up to walk home, heading through the parking lot when he saw it. A dark green 4Runner. Bobbing slightly, rhythmically on its struts.

Wonderful. Some asshole and his slut are getting lucky. Gross.

He started to turn to walk the other way when a green lace-up boot with a fat heel rose up in view of the back window.


As the green lace up boot traveled up the window, the distal end of a gradually straightening leg, the green 4Runner continued to bounce.


* * *


Molly watched Mark from the other side of a robust campfire as her new lover took a call. She was surprised at her reaction to his work voice. He always had a deep, powerful voice, but in their interactions, it had been used lightly. Generally friendly, at times grave, open, and sincere.

This voice was sharp.



"I'm not interested in the reasons why you can't get a solid head count. We're reporting back in 3 days. I want full accountability now. Tonight. I want to know that nobody's dead, injured, sick, in jail, or whatever."

He paused. Molly bit her lower lip slightly.

Sitting perpendicular between his wife and this new…friend of his wife…Chris noted Molly's eyes…fixated…drawn across the firepit. The sky had grown dark after their last day at the beach.

"You'll call back in one hour with an incomplete report or text before then with a complete one. And, you don't want to call. Trust me."

He wasn't yelling, Molly noticed. It wasn't unhinged or out of control. In fact, a sense of control was the primary effect of this way of speaking. A firm, strong grip on the reins.

"Don't fuck up my night, corporal. I've got plans."

Molly shivered.

Chris' heart began pounding.

Mark ended the call.

"I apologize. Right before a deployment, the stakes get a little higher, and I have to get tough sometimes."

"No worries…" Chris responded, gently.

Molly shrugged awkwardly, trying to feign nonchalance.

The three were silent in the flickering firelight for a moment. Then Molly broke the silence.

"Thanks for dinner…you really didn't have to buy steaks and potatoes. And mushrooms. And then grill them for us! I feel spoiled. They were really tasty. Even Max liked them. And he never likes anything new, unless it's in dinosaur shapes."

"No problem…I've really had fun getting to know you guys. This has been an unexpected pleasure."

Chris grunted slightly, shifting his weight in his chair.

Molly smiled to herself and looked down.

"So…" Mark continued,"kids are asleep, looks like. You guys are packing up early morning and heading out?"

"Yeah…" Chris replied vaguely.

More silence.

"Well…" Mark said, unsure of what the silence meant, "I'm going to head to the shower, hose some of this sand off. Then I think that's it for me."

"Thanks again, Mark," Molly said with an air of finality. "You really made it a memorable week. I hope you'll keep in touch."

"I'd like that too. Chris, it was really nice meeting you. You've got a great little family here. I'm a little jealous, honestly."

Chris looked up, surprised. Mark was standing, brushing himself off. Preparing to leave. Molly was still seated. What was going on?

Mark walked over and extended his hand to Chris. "Safe journeys, man…" Chris grasped his hand, stupefied.

He did the same with Molly, who rose up from her chair and leaned forward to give him a light, friendly hug. "Thank you so much, Mark. Please stay safe…"

Mark nodded briskly at Chris one more time through the dark orange light, then turned to walk toward the shower house. Molly quietly sat down in her camp chair.

Another silence rose, and sat blankly between them. Finally, Chris couldn't take it anymore.

"Weren't you guys going to…ummm…like you did before? Did something happen?"

Molly turned her head to face him. Her face was hard to see against the light of the bonfire, but the dark orange glow gave her red hair a bright glow of its own.

"Nothing happened, Chris. Mark and I just decided that it would be better to leave things as they are. He wasn't sure you were on board, and he didn't want to cause problems between us. I tried to tell him that it wouldn't cause any more problems than we came to the beach with, but…"

Chris gulped. "I just…"

Molly cocked her head slightly. "You just what?"

Chris shook his head and looked down. Molly sighed.

After another moment of silence, she grunted in frustration, standing up. The evening air had required her to put sweats and a shirt back on over her bikini. She pulled her hair out of the ponytail and let her red hair fall down over her shoulders. The firelight once again combined with her natural hair color to produce an almost brilliant white. She folded her camp chair and set it against the picnic table. "I'm going to bed, Chris."


As she began walking toward their tent, Chris stood up to stop her. She turned around to face her husband, and her jaw dropped in shock.

His swim trunks were hastily dropped to just above his knees. In the fading firelight, his small, erect penis stood stiff, exposed, and quivering in the night air.

"If you, um…I mean if you guys wanted…" Chris sputtered. "I just mean to say, if you want…"

Molly's eyes narrowed and her jaw closed. She stood in silence as her husband, exposed, melted for her on the other side of the embers. She ground her teeth slightly, looking back and forth between his exposed crotch and his desperate eyes.

God, he had a small one. How had she not known that for so long?

She strode purposefully over to him and grasped his small member tightly in her right fist, pulling their bodies close together and putting her face right in front of his.

Nose to nose.

Chris was overcome with some new emotion. His wife's green eyes, now glowing in proximity to his own eyes in the darkening night, seemed to drill directly into the depths of his psyche.

He was paralyzed by something.




He couldn't tell. Whatever it was, he was paralyzed.

Molly, with a voice he'd never heard before, uttered a demand he'd never heard before. Through gritted teeth, she simply ordered him in a low voice:

"Tell me you want this."

Chris' heart thumped, and his feet remained nailed to the ground. His tongue, also glued to the roof of his mouth, refused to respond. With pursed lips and short breath, he simply nodded quickly.

"Good." Molly let go of his penis, taking a half step back before looking into his eyes again. Her voice dropped a half octave lower than he'd ever heard before. "Because I need it."

She bent over and flicked the tip of his erection with her finger before hiking his shorts back up to his waist. Then, turning around, she casually picked up a beach towel and strode confidently toward the shower house.

* * *

The last text from the squad leaders pinged Sergeant Rein's phone just as he set his towel down next to the shower. He heaved a sigh of relief.

The night was clear of frustrations now.

He had wrestled with two significant worries throughout the evening. The first had been accountability for his platoon going into the final weekend of pre-deployment leave. Barring any last minute disasters, he would be able to go into a war zone with his full strength. The last weekend before deployment had a tendency to bring out a kind of crazy desperation. Which often led to spectacularly bad life choices for those who did not guard against them.

This led directly to his significant worry. He had begun a surprising and whirlwind relationship with a married woman. A woman for whom he was fast developing powerful feelings. She was smart, energetic, compassionate, and nurturing.

She was also very attractive.

He knew that a week at the beach before going to a war zone for the first time lent a kind of piquant, intoxicating flavor to the experience of bedding an attractive young woman.

It was well within the normal limits of a pre-deployment leave agenda for a man like Mark.

But he was falling for her. And she was married. With children. Her husband seemed curiously…no, creepily compliant with the development, and his own powerful instinct to simply mule kick the little man out of the way and take his wife was unsettling. Upon a few moments of sober analysis and reflection earlier that day, this seemed like the kind of decision that might screw things up for everyone well beyond the confines of the week. It just wasn't a good idea.

If she had been single, unattached…

Mark shook his head, pulled his shirt over his head, and pulled his shorts down to his ankles, stepping out of them. He stepped out of his water shoes and into the flip-flop shower shoes he had picked up from his campsite after leaving Molly for the last time.

He sighed again.

It had go be this way. Leave her back here. The week was fun, but it's time to move on. Go back to camp, read for a while, soak in the sound of the waves, and get a good night's sleep. Probably going to be the last good night of sleep he would get for a while, he realized to himself.

The shower house was not large, and consisted of two identical bathing areas, one for men, one for women. A row of sinks ran down one wall, and two rows of 4 showers each perpendicular to the sinks, with plastic curtains extending nearly to the floor allowing each shower some privacy. Mark was alone in the shower house, so he had his pick. He walked to the back of the row, choosing the shower stall on the left. Setting his toiletries down on the little tile bench, he turned the hot water on and pulled the curtain closed behind him.

Time to turn the brain off and just enjoy a night off…he let out a long breath as the warm water hit his chest and ran down his torso.

He heard the outer door of the shower house click and swing open, followed by the sound of footsteps shuffling around the sinks.

He hadn't figured out yet what to do about Jett. He was a good kid, and trustworthy. His little slip up with the law was a consequence of him doing a stupid thing followed by the right thing. Mark worried about an evenhanded but clear response–one that wouldn't turn the kid bitter or make him sneaky, but one that would still allow Mark to hold up the level of discipline he…

The shower curtain was pulled aside behind him mid thought.

"What the f…" Mark whirled around to find Molly standing in front of him. She was naked, with her hair and eyes down and her cheeks flushed. Mark peeked out of the shower to make sure no one else was there, seeing little piles of clothing she had shed as she walked toward him: sweatpants near the sink, t-shirt between the first shower stalls, bikini top between the second stalls, and bottoms between the third.


"I know Mark…"

"We talked about…"

"Shut up. I just…I need you now…"

The warm water now running down his back, Mark felt the slight coolness by comparison on his front, now exposed with the shower curtain open. Yet that coolness did not stop his cock from swelling and beginning to lift.

Not so much in response to the vision of Molly's pale, nude form…although that was a significant factor.

No, the blood rushing to raise Mark's cock was much more due to Molly's humble, vulnerable confession of need.

This was a stupid idea. This is a last night before deployment kind of idea. This is the kind of shit that's gonna blow up in my face. I shouldn't…

Molly's right hand extended nervously forward and cradled her fingers gently under the swelling mass dangling between his legs. Mark looked down to see the tentative union, then looked up her body, pausing on her smooth, freshly shaven pubis, up past her smooth stomach, and rested briefly on her pert breasts, with her nipples visibly hardened. The flush in her cheeks had extended to her upper chest, he noted as he continued to lift his gaze until, still looking down at the petite young mother, he met the green depths of her pleading eyes.

Fuck it. In for a penny, in for a pound.

He grasped her naked shoulder and pulled her into the shower, sliding the curtain closed behind her.

* * *

Chris was livid at his own rushed, awkward actions as he watched Molly open the door to the men's shower.

The perfect trapdoor to escape from this awkward, confusing, and humiliating predicament had just been handed to him, and his response had been to basically beg for more by dropping his pants and stuttering–a symbolic act falling somewhere on a spectrum between criminal indecent exposure and modern interpretive dance. After Molly turned away he had hastily fastened the button of his shorts and sat down in the camp chair again.

This was out of control.

Once she disappeared into the men's shower, the sneaker wave of arousal that transformed him into a sex-offending imbecile, Chris was pulled out to sea by an undertow of shame and horror.

5 days. It had been 5 days since his wife was the woman he no longer recognized, but felt strongly inclined to worship. Monday Molly was anxious, tightly wound, tentative to an unattractive degree. When they had arrived that morning, he had helped her set the tents up. The kids were running and chattering around, annoying him. It was, more or less, what he expected from the trip. A trip he wasn't crazy about going on, but Molly had a week off and he wasn't working, so there was no way out of it. He had reluctantly agreed, but made sure that the campground had wifi so he could game and keep some degree of sanity.

In a moment of honesty, he realized that for most of their relationship he had been cranky and reluctant, while Molly had always been eager and helpful. He just hadn't seen that for the attractive attribute it was.

This was true from the beginning of their official "relationship." After being rejected by Becky on Champion's night, he had asked Molly to junior prom, and she had eagerly agreed. Something about her excitement to be with him on a date made him see her even more as a second choice. She was cute, she was pretty in a nerdy girl sort of way, and she was admittedly smart. And they shared…some…interests.

But he never got over the emotional jolt of the fact that he was a king, and nobody cared. He didn't get the hot girl, he got the girl in the desk across the aisle in calculus. After prom, they dated, in his mind, by default. He didn't want to leave her, because he really did like her, and he didn't ever want to hurt her. But she wasn't the lithe, erotic goddess flipping and twisting off a high diving platform. She was the good Math student with braces. When the braces came off in the summer between their junior and senior year, she steadily began to grow out of the shy, nerdy girl persona, but she didn't grow into a particularly remarkable or beautiful woman. But it was good, as a kind of special friendship with some benefits.

At least that's how he felt. They would spend nearly every other weekend together at Math competitions. She began to hint, albeit awkwardly, that she was ready for a physical relationship, which led to an awkward exchange of groping and headbutting masquerading as kissing in the back of the school bus after yet another tournament where he had won and she had come in the top ten somewhere.

They had taken the next step of losing their virginity to each other in the most cliche way imaginable–in his car after senior prom. It felt good, and he felt different afterward. Like more of a grownup. Molly couldn't stop blushing, and she began to profess her love for him. He said it back. It seemed right.

Then came the bombshell. She was pregnant. When both their parents found out, a wedding was arranged and the arc of ascent he anticipated for his education and career was flattened into a hard landing. Still, Molly was determined to make the best of it. She was terrified to be a mother at 18, but when Lucy came along, she dug in and worked hard. He fell in love with her for real this time, genuinely admiring her moxie, and they were actually quite happy for a while. She eventually worked her way through a nursing degree, and he kept taking odd programming jobs that simply didn't meet his skill level or ambition, and made him deal with idiots. He'd hate it, he'd quit, and Molly would say she knew he'd find something, and he'd believe her, and he'd try something else. And he loved Lucy. She was the easiest, sweetest baby, and an even easier toddler.

Things were good. Not great, but good. Molly kept his spirits up, and he wanted to do right by her and Lucy. When Max came along, he felt he wasn't ready for another kid, but he bucked up and kept trying. But Max was noisy, and when he learned to walk, rambunctious. Molly had to take extra shifts with the added expense, and he was alone with the kids more. He would still find jobs, and they still wouldn't work out. Eventually Molly's encouragement wasn't enough. He began to sink into depression.

He found an outlet. A release valve. He had fun gaming with his friends. They understood his frustrations. They would share in his rants and negativity. He felt like he really belonged somewhere. At some point, Molly's peppy optimism became annoying, even alienating. She just didn't get him anymore.

He started snapping at her. Eventually she stopped encouraging him, and then avoided talking to him altogether.

Then they come on this vacation, and Sergeant Casanova shows up…and then she gets hot? Like…Becky Hill times ten hot? What the hell?

It was almost a mythological metamorphosis. She had the same body, the same skin, the same face. Objectively, nothing had changed. When Mark had gotten in his face earlier in the week, spouting some bullshit about taking over his family…he didn't anticipate this. When she walked back into the campsite the morning after the first time with him, she was…

She was glowing.

Chris shifted in his camp chair, responding to another uncomfortable erection. He looked toward the men's shower, savoring the memory of his wife's hips swaying seductively as she confidently walked toward the door.

How she pulled the door to the men's shower open with no shame. Like she owned it. Like any man who wanted to use it would have to ask her permission.

He never saw it coming. This…change. Now, he was in awe of her. Now he couldn't see anything else but her face, her body, her smile in his mind's eye.

He did, however, see another camper, a paunchy, middle aged man, heading up the short stairs to the shower entrance.


Chris jumped to his feet and walked quickly toward the shower house, hoping to intercept. He didn't even make it halfway before the man opened the door and slipped inside.


Chris hastened his stride, totally unsure of what to do. What was he going to find in there? The look on her face when she walked away…he could only imagine…

He took a deep breath and opened the door to find the stranger crouched down next to the nearest shower stall, peeking around the corner. He turned quickly around to see Chris and put a finger to his smirking lips, casting a conspiratorial look in Chris' direction.

Chris returned a puzzled look.


Maybe he could distract him…

The man beckoned, and motioned for Chris to crouch down too. Chris shuffled toward him, and heard the first whisper.

"Somethin' hinky's going on over there." He winked, and jabbed a pointed finger in the direction of the shower stalls.

Gulping, Chris lowered himself to his hands and knees and peeked around the corner. Four small piles of discarded clothing set rumpled where they dropped between his vantage point and the back shower stalls. Peeking under the bottom of the shower curtain were two, pale, dainty, and very recognizable women's feet, toes in the tile and heels in the air.

The paunchy man leaned forward to whisper in Chris' ear. "Some lady's on her knees in the shower…looks like somebody's havin' a great night, eh?"

Chris forced an awkward smile, showing a little teeth as the man elbowed him jovially.

"Let's give 'em some privacy, eh? I can get a shower later…" Chris whispered back.

"Good idea…don't want to interrupt. I know I'd kill anyone that interrupted me if I was in there…" He grinned again.

The two voyeurs clambered quietly to their feet and shuffled out the door, closing the door quietly behind them.

* * *

Sergeant Rein and his nominal girlfriend entered the Cohen family campsite once again dressed in their beach clothes and holding hands. Their damp, warm skin and wet hair acted as a physical premonition of their last night together.

Chris sat in the camp chair where Molly left him, grasping his sweaty hands together.

Mark had a new look on his face. It was grim. Grave, even. Despite the dark orange light, he held a narrow gaze directed at his girlfriend's husband.

It wasn't a challenge. When there is no need for contest, a challenge is a waste of a word, or a gesture, or even an acknowledgment. To acknowledge a challenge is to admit the possibility of a challenger. A rival with a potentially valid claim to the same, contested prize.

That was not what this was. Chris didn't know it, but this was much closer to the look the young platoon sergeant gave to brand new privates assigned to his unit after their graduation from boot camp. A look that spoke volumes to those who understood it. A look that conveyed in the least ambiguous terms that the receiver of that look must know their place.

And if they didn't know their place, the giver of that look would educate them.

Mark gestured silently toward the children's tent. Molly briefly broke the handclasp to check through the zipped tent door, and nodded to Mark that they were asleep. Mark gestured for Chris to stand and walk toward the beach.

High tide.

When the three stood together on the beach, Mark returned the narrow look to Chris and spoke in a low, but commanding tone:

"She wants you to see this."

Chris nodded excitedly, but then dropped his eyes to the ground without knowing why.

Molly blushed and, letting go of his hand, hugged both arms around Mark's elbow, pulling it to her chest.

Mark spoke again. "You will walk ten paces behind us, and you will do as you're told. You can watch for twenty minutes, and then you'll come back here to make sure the children don't wake up."

Chris nodded, his mouth dry. Then Mark:

"They can't see their mother like this."

Chris nodded again.

Molly hugged Mark's elbow more tightly and buried her face against his shoulder.

Chris nodded one last time and gulped.

Mark turned to lead the trio back to his campsite.

* * *

Chris nervously rounded the shrubs to enter Mark's campsite. He had snuck there, peeking and leering uninvited on more than one occasion during the past week. However, this time he had been invited, and it felt different. Very different.

One of the emotions in his new cocktail was terror. He was visibly trembling, and his hands were covered in sweat. Rather than forms, shadows, and muffled hints of audible pleasure, he was now a known spectator. An invited guest.

And somehow, though he couldn't quite figure out how, a participant.

He felt like he should be here, but his role was unclear.

Every instinct that drove his actions, his facial expressions, his helpless hand gestures were unthinking, driven utterly without precedent, and all accompanied by a dense but silent emotional scream insisting that things like this shouldn't happen. Ever.

And even if they did, his presence for the event, his lack of resistance to it, and indeed, his visceral eagerness to see it through was in fact socially, morally, and even biologically wrong in every way.

This strange sense of ambivalent welcome made each moment burn deeply into his memory.

The emotional energy seared his entire body, causing his limbs to tremble, his mouth to seize, and his heart to pound out of control. Thousands of volts coursed through his body, shimmering up and down his limbs and finally concentrating all their force on his small, stiff penis, sadly struggling to lift the fabric of his shorts. It was almost as if his body was throwing all of its energy into that one little member. To cajole, to prod, even try to force his penis to enlarge, to rise to meet the challenge. But the unfortunate little member simply trembled vainly against its own limitations, unable to make itself bigger, able only to periodically secrete a few drops of concentrated milt.

Little tears of despair.

There was no fire lit in Mark's campsite–he had spent the day with their family. So while Chris could see what the waning gibbous moon allowed him, he relied heavily on sounds. Even though his wife and her lover were only feet away.

So while one imagines what Chris saw during his brief audience that night, one must not think of "seeing" in the narrow sense. Rather, Chris saw what Chris was present for, with hearing, feeling, and simply experiencing having their own kind of undiscovered, raw sensory power. In this sense, one must conclude that Chris saw things that night that threw him over an edge he didn't even know existed, and no one could be prepared for the kind of shock to the identity that he found himself falling into. And craving. Like a moth to a flame.

A handful of vignettes will have to suffice to illustrate the experience from his perspective.

Here's one: When a petite woman desires a larger man, and when he extends his arms around her to pull her close, she elongates herself to meet him. Her ankles extend and her toes point, her torso lengthens, her arms stretch upward to clasp around his neck, and her neck cranes until she delivers her willing lips to his. She instinctively exerts herself to hold this tense position, as Molly Cohen did with her lover while Chris trembled a few feet behind her. He observed this elongated, even lithe tension as he heard the gentle, moist smacking noises of lips enjoying a passionate connection. A connection that seemed to sustain itself organically in free-flowing mutual need.

Here's another: Chris found that instructions given between one man and another in this context took on an incredible aesthetic potency, but the same instructions in another context would be so bland as to not bear mention. He had been asked to fetch a blanket before, and it was an unremarkable thing. However, now a break in the kissing saw Mark giving instruction to Chris as he ran his large hands up and down Molly's smooth back under her shirt. He informed Chris that his wife had lent him an extra blanket as a temporary furnishing to aid in their desire to share his tent over the last few nights. Mark now required the blanket, and wanted it spread across the picnic table in the campsite. Chris was shocked at how readily he, trembling, complied. He dashed to the tent and found a blanket usually crammed in a box in the corner of his living room, and spread it out over the tabletop, smoothing it down as Molly cooed in satisfaction at Mark's touch.

Another: Chris had watched many times over the years, with varying degrees of interest or disinterest, as his wife had removed her clothing. The mere fact of Molly's bare body was a known quantity in his experience, and he had himself removed that clothing on occasion in contexts that, one would think, resembled this event. But there the resemblance ended. Something new appeared as the shirt came over her head and the bikini top dropped to the ground, as her pants and then her bikini bottom followed their downward path and she gingerly stepped out of them. She was…something new, and something very…elemental. She glowed as she looked up at the man removing her clothes. She glowed as he lifted her gently to sit on the edge of the blanket covered picnic table. And she glowed as her lover's thick, hard cock parted her, entered her, and claimed her. Chris observed time dilate as his wife accepted the larger man, and as that man bathed himself in her warm, willing moisture. The careful work of Molly's mouth in the shower had primed them both for an early, albeit initial release. They were in sync. They were one. As she choked in pleasure and convulsed in ecstatic climax for him, he shuddered in desperate thrusting for her.

And in her.

And then, the only sound was the sometime crashing of the waves and the syncopated panting of the large man and Chris' wife, still coupled in the moonlight.

Chris grasped tightly onto his own supercharged penis, not daring to stroke for fear of losing himself. Mark gently withdrew from Molly, followed by the unmistakable sound of thick drops of liquid spattering onto the ground below the picnic table. Mark looked over at Chris briefly, then adjusted Molly's naked body to lean back slightly, resting her upper half on her straight arms extended behind her back with the palms of her hands flat on the table. He then lifted her knees up, keeping her legs spread wide until her heels, too, rested on the edge of the table. Chris couldn't stop himself from inching forward to see the pale, slightly pink spread of Molly's vulva in the open air of the campground. Mark stepped aside to allow him a clear view, and then reached forward to begin manipulating her sex with his hands. Molly, still electrified, began to whimper. Whimpers became moans, and her weakened elbows buckled, causing her posture to slip, her torso to fall back to elbow height and her heels to fall off the table. Mark grunted, straightening her elbows and replacing her heels on the table before continuing.

Returning to his work, Molly began to whimper again. After a few minutes with the clear sounds of wet play offsetting the steady rhythm of the waves, Molly began to whine and tremble, with her elbows collapsing again just as Mark raised his hand to hush her noises. Molly weakly apologized as Mark grunted in frustration, then reached down under the table and pulled out a tightly looped length of parachute cord. He measured out an arm's length of cord, cutting it with the knife in his pocket, and wrapped it tightly around her elbows, binding them tightly together as they extended behind her back. Molly giggled slightly.

"I've never done this…"

"Shhhhhhh…" Mark covered her mouth with his left hand as he returned his right between her legs.

Molly, shocked at being silenced, was drawn into sharp focus, and soon the whimpers returned again. Mark paused briefly, reached down to find her bikini bottom, and held it up to her face.

"Open your mouth."

Molly's eyes widened before she complied, and widened more when he stuffed the soft, smooth fabric into her mouth. He then returned to his work between her legs. The whimpers returned, barely audible through her impromptu gag.


Mark spoke soft, but low.

His tone was gentle, but firm.

"Molly, look at me."

She whined and looked into his eyes.

"You told me not to hold back, Molly. Didn't you?"

Molly's eyes squinted briefly, then she nodded in trepidation as Mark's manipulation of her open sex picked up in intensity.

"Listen to me, Molly. You're all mine tonight. Do you understand?"

"Hmmmm…." her voice rose half in pitch, half in volume.

"Your husband's right here, Molly. I want him to know what I'm about to tell you."

Molly's voice stopped and she opened her eyes wider, shooting a nervous look in the direction of her gaping husband.

"No, Molly, you look at me. You look at ME."

He punctuated the last word with an index finger inserted deeply into her, hooking the first knuckle to probe for her pleasure spot. Molly's whine returned.

"I'm going to war, Molly. I'm leaving tomorrow."

"Hmmm…" she whined through her stuffed panties.

"Tonight, I want you Molly. I want you."

Her pitch raised more as the wet sounds between her legs began to slosh.

"I won't see another woman for a year, Molly. A year with no women. So tonight's got to count. You get me? Do you GET me, Molly?"

Her eyes rolled back in her head and the high pitched whine dropped two octaves into a choking, gutteral moan.

"Listen to me, Molly. I'm going to fuck a year's worth of my cum into your tight little body tonight. I'm going to fill that pussy. Fill it. That's what I'm going to do. Do you understand? Show me you understand."

Molly's head jerked forward as her bound arms shook violently. A few seconds passed, then another unmistakable sound: a heavy volume of liquid squirted from between Mrs. Cohen's legs, splashed over her lover's hands and forearms, and spattered heavily on the grass below the picnic table.

Mark withdrew his finger and stepped back to expose her as nervous aftershocks caused her legs and torso to jerk inconstantly.

"Good girl."

Chris looked at the moonlight reflecting off Mark's hands, courtesy of his wife's ecstatic desire. He looked down and saw a similar reflection of copious moisture on his own hands, courtesy of his own inability to contain the largest ejaculation he had ever experienced.

Mr. and Mrs. Cohen panted together in the dark. Then Mark spoke.

"Your twenty minutes are up. Head back to your tent, and make sure the kids don't wake up early. Molly and I are going to be busy until sunrise."

Chris meekly pulled up his soiled shorts and wordlessly left his wife bound, exposed, splayed, and heaving on the open air tabletop.

High tide receding.

$2 Ho
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Re: Jordan

Unread post by Johng1953 » Sat May 18, 2024 8:41 pm

I assume you are a professional author. This is an amazing story so we'll told. Thank you.

Posts: 93
Joined: Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:10 pm

Re: Jordan

Unread post by soupcan_99 » Thu May 30, 2024 6:40 am

Please continue….

Posts: 93
Joined: Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:10 pm

Re: Jordan

Unread post by soupcan_99 » Thu May 30, 2024 6:41 am

Sorry for my double post…

Posts: 51
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:34 am

Re: Jordan

Unread post by Crushing » Fri May 31, 2024 4:44 pm

5 minutes to destination.

The banner text topped the twisting blue lines of the scrolling map on Jordan's phone display, nestled in its cradle. Midway between Jordan and David in their Camry.

She was dressed in the light gray business suit–the only one she owned.This ensemble had a button up top, light blue blouse, and knee length skirt. She bought it for academic conferences, and had only worn it a handful of times. But it felt important to dress professionally for something like this.

She had considered some different wardrobe options. Couldn't go too casual, of course, but there were always church clothes. She had quite a few dresses–colors and materials that matched the seasons, a broad reach of style reflecting the wide horizon of her personality. A relic of her formative years when there were practical reasons for knowing how to present herself. Being the daughter of a pastor, in particular the oldest and prettiest daughter of a pastor, she had learned to dress attractively without drawing too much attention.

But none of those options seemed like they would work for this. A trip to a lawyer's office seemed more like business than church.

David felt differently about the attire for this meeting. He had expressed a desire to just show up in his normal weekday clothes–khakis and a polo shirt. But Jordan had insisted, and he had changed into a button up shirt. With a tie. David's church and business clothes didn't seem to be too distinct from one another, Jordan noticed. Another one of those little ways that life was just…simpler for a man.

At least she managed to get him in the car. He didn't want to go at all. It was pride. He said so himself…he felt no need to stoop to this.

But when she insisted, he yielded.

The drive was silent. Tense.

Jordan was worried about the tension in the car.

She wasn't totally sure where it came from, she just knew it was there. They had not yet taken the opportunity to clear the air after David's ordeal, and focused instead on his recovery. But there were clearly issues between them to be worked through.

Jordan braked to a stop approaching a red light. From the driver's seat, she looked over at her husband.

The swelling was mostly gone, and the black and blue around his eyes and cheekbone had faded down to a pale yellow. The deep cut on his upper lip had narrowed and shallowed to a thin scab. The dental work had restored his front teeth to look surprisingly natural, although he hadn't smiled a whole lot in the past week.

He looked more like himself, but distracted.


Jordan looked forward again as the light turned green.

"Hey baby?" she ventured, gingerly.

"Yeah." David replied flatly.

"How are you feeling?"


More silence held the awkwardness in the car until they turned into the law office parking lot. Jordan pulled into an open space, shifting the car into park.

"Okay, we're here…"


Jordan took a deep breath and reached across to pick up David's hand. "Baby?" she asked gently.


"Can you look at me?"

David looked over, and softened seeing the tentative look on his wife's face. She held his hand in both of hers, lifting it to her lips to kiss.

"I know you don't want to do this, honey. But it's not about the money. It's really not. I just…I would like a way to…ummm…"

David waited for her to find her words.

"I need something to help us close the door on this. I don't know if this will do it, but I want to try."

David nodded. "Okay."

She kissed his hand again, then let go. "Ready?"

David, still clearly hesitant and distracted, briskly nodded as he opened the car door to get out.

* * *

Midtide rising.

The stars crouching near the horizon slowly washed away as a hint of gray over the waterline shrugged the night sky toward a slow dawn.

Sergeant Mark Rein stared through the uncovered bug netting of his tent toward the shifting light in the east.

He hadn't slept all night.

It wasn't just the restlessness of the last night before returning to duty.

It wasn't just the worries of last minute preparations he needed to attend to when he got back to base. Or the new assignments ordered by his captain.

It wasn't just the worry about whether his platoon–all forty of them–would arrive back to base safely, on time, and with no residual legal or familial concerns that would diminish the unit's readiness to deploy.

It was the prospect of war itself.

He had trained for years now, excelling above his peers in that training. Many infantry marines deployed as juniors, in their first year or soon thereafter, learning the harsh realities of deployment and combat, testing their mettle and hardiness while still relatively young in the corps, and lending weight to their authority when they later occupied roles as seniors and leaders.

Mark was the only platoon sergeant in his company who hadn't deployed. And only one of two in the whole battalion.

Would he freeze under fire?

Would he chicken out?

Would he overreact or overcompensate in his inexperience, losing the respect of his juniors and the authority of his command?

He didn't know.

He didn't like to think so.

But, he didn't know.

Mark took a deep breath and sighed, causing his chest to drop suddenly. A groggy murmur rose from a tangle of red hair covering the exhausted face that rested on his chest. A thin, delicate, female frame tucked in to the crook of his arm, with a semi-conscious twitch that doubled as a caress from the pale, delicate fingers resting gently on his bare chest.

Without thinking, he tucked his head up and gently kissed her forehead.

The light was rising, and his kiss nudged the woman toward consciousness. She buzzed out a sharp but gentle hum of protest, then moved her hand across his chest to clutch him under the armpit.

His thoughts drifted again to what awaited him when he checked in from leave. He would be under enormous pressure from the very break of the following dawn, running operations, planning, maintaining, disciplining, encouraging, and holding together a group of young men that, on certain days, would best be described as a giant cage full of Rottweilers.

He loved it.

He loved those guys.

And he loved the pressure.

But it was nice to turn it off sometimes.

Here, with the dial of dawn turning toward true daybreak, he was soaking in a completely new experience for him. Laying quietly on a tent floor, the rain fly off and open to the sky, he held a woman that had–in the course of only a handful of days–stunned him by captivating him.

A half dozen hours ago, after her husband had slunk off into the night, Mark and Molly had passed the night making love.

It was something he had never done before. Sex, yes. That was easy to come by, at least for him. And it was an enjoyable means to the end of physical and emotional decompression. He enjoyed the power play that women seemed to want from him, and loved to play the part of the stud. It was always a good time.

He and Molly had enjoyed the sex along those well established lines of casual play for their first few days together.

But something had changed last night. He wasn't sure what, or why.

Maybe it was the full submission of Chris. Prior to last night, he had been a variable in the equation of their liaisons, with neither Mark nor Molly really sure how he was going to react. As a result, the sex had a kind of sharp edge to it. Partly sneaky, partly aggressive, even territorial, with Mark as the alpha wolf snarling at the would-be competitor while Molly melted into a hungry submission of her own.

It could just be that Mark had spent more time with Molly than he usually spent with women. Dating was superficial for Mark. Going on single dates with single women during pinched off hours of leave or liberty on weekends, he hadn't yet really gotten to know a woman well. And he hadn't wanted to. Many of them irritated him, others just didn't hold his interest. And alcohol was usually involved, which both lubricated and muddied the process of connection.

There was a possibility that finding himself in a family–however briefly–had upped the emotional significance. He did grow up more or less alone, after all. Having children look up to him, compete for his approval, rely on his patience, and eat up his attention was an unexpected joy. And he knew, and even had admitted to Molly, that seeing how she was with her children, how much she had accomplished more or less on her own with them and for herself, was impressive. So when she expressed her desire for him, he felt…

He didn't know what it was that he felt. But there was something deep about it. A depth that kept excavating, until now he wasn't sure where the bottom was. And from that deep, black well, rose a fountain of unaccountable excitement. His whole body jolted when she smiled at him.

It was probably the fact that, in spending time together, they had actually opened up and shared themselves. Little things. But meaningful things. About their past and present, bits of childhood, young adulthood, anxieties, disappointments, fears, insecurities, hopes, and desires.

It all added up.

But the whole still seemed greater than the sum of its parts.

Whatever it was, this feeling–this pre-dawn snuggle with the gentle rhythm of contented breath warming the little spot on his chest just below her nose…this feeling that someone was really there with you, not just physically, but in some other, deeper sense…

That was a nice feeling.

It was especially nice to have before going to war.

Perhaps it would be even nicer to have coming back from war.

The last bit of pitch black sky was fading, and finally the first volley of sunlight pricked the horizon.

Time to get up.

Mark gently placed his hand over Molly's on his chest and squeezed it. She opened her eyes and breathed in deeply before propping her body up on one elbow and leaning over to kiss her lover good morning.

"Did you sleep all right?" he asked, his rumbling voice vibrating against her.

"Did you sleep all right?" Molly replied in jest, mockingly pitching her voice down as far as she could to imitate him. He broke into a wide smile. She matched it, giggling. They held each other's eyes for a moment.

"What time is it?" she asked.


Molly nodded, her smile tightening to a grimace in acknowledgment that their time together was ending. Then the grimace relaxed into a solemn, meaningful stare, held for a few thick seconds before breaking her gaze and shifting her body down, pulling the blankets with her until she lay perpendicular to her man's hips.

Without a word, she grasped his heavy, flaccid penis and lifted it into her mouth. Attending to him for a few moments, she lifted her eyes to meet his when his cock, nearly exhausted from a long night between her legs, returned to the full measure of its desire, filling her mouth completely.

Her eyes found a new look in his–one she hadn't seen before. Whatever was behind there, he couldn't express it with words. That much was obvious, but this look was…



Mark was pleading to her.

She knew he was bound for the conflict overseas soon, and he had in no uncertain terms announced his intention to get a year's worth of use out of her the night before. But this wasn't just sexual. It seemed like…

She lifted her mouth off of him and smiled, her own emerald green eyes trying to draw it out of him. But he seemed stuck, confused.

Finally, she ventured to try his unspoken words out for him, a little afraid that her interpretation of his eyes was wrong.

"You…you want me, don't you?" she intoned, barely above a whisper. "You want to be with me…" Mark's lips pursed, and he barely nodded.

Wordlessly, Molly held his gaze as she threw her bare leg over his waist and kneeled upright, finding his large cock with her small hand and angling it up toward herself. While certainly sore from long, unaccustomed use, she was still very wet–a mixture of her own arousal and the copious leavings her lover had left inside her the night before. Still, she had to rock tentatively back and forth for a time until he was fully seated in her. Once set, she leaned forward and began to kiss him as she rocked back and forth.

"You don't want me to go…" she whispered. Mark shook his head.

"I'm so glad we met…" he whispered.

"Me too…" she whispered back.

The light over the horizon, directly behind Molly from Mark's perspective, was now clearly showing the arc of the sun. Yellow light streamed into the tent, lighting up Molly's pale, bare back.

"Sit upright, I want to see you…" Mark whispered to her. She complied, her bare torso now open to Mark's large hands and hungry eyes. He reached up to caress her breasts and cup his hands down around her sides and over her waist as she began to gyrate gently, back and forth, on top of him. The light now cast a mild glow around the edges of her naked torso, but brilliantly illuminated her red hair, with bright, blinding splinters of light bursting through her tangles as her gyrations deepened and her breathing grew sporadic.

"You ever read Greek mythology?" Mark asked in a husky voice.

Molly slowed down, confused but smiling, the light beaming around the edges of her face as she looked down at him. "Yeah…why?"

"I always wondered what it would be like to fuck a goddess. I think it's like this."

Molly's smile opened as her jaw dropped. Her breathing quickened. Her eyes held his while her pupils dilated. She planted her hands on his broad chest and her gyrations became deep, broad, and desperate. Her wet enthusiasm drew out the last bit of resistance left in her lover. His defenses fell.

He capitulated.

Grunting powerfully, he released his love into her.

She gasped as she received it, drew him in, and, convulsing powerfully and involuntarily, she welcomed his gift, then collapsed onto his heaving chest, matching his desperate breathing with her own.

High tide. Peak.

* * *

"I understand your medical bills are going to be substantial, that's the unfortunate nature of emergency room visits and diagnostic scans. Unfortunately, I don't control how hospitals bill. It's simply criminal."

Seated at the conference table, the local attorney retained by David's former employer was a squat, balding and pugnacious man in an overpriced and underperforming gray suit. Jordan quietly committed to forgetting this unpleasant man as quickly as possible following this meaning.

David didn't respond.

"They're substantial because your company doesn't offer insurance benefits. If we were talking about a co-pay, this would be a very different meeting," Jordan explained calmly.

David sat next to her, seemingly passive, the pale yellow shades of his bruises appearing more tan in the fluorescent office light.

"The benefits offered are clearly indicated in the employment contract that your husband signed," he replied with a smirk. "And, to be fair, the benefits he had were nullified when your husband failed to report to work on Tuesday morning."

"He was recuperating from a vicious assault that happened on your loading dock!"

Jordan was unprepared for the low-blow characterization of her husband, herself being far too accustomed to academic style disagreements where good faith differences of opinion were discussed respectfully. And where losing an argument didn't mean losing your shirt.

"How could you say that? David was the most dependable employee this company has ever had. He was never late, never missed a day…until he was beaten so badly his teeth fell out…"

"I can't speak to the overall performance of your husband during his period of employment, which again, is in the past," the lawyer replied calmly, turning to his laptop to access a file. "And while the eventuality of your husband's injuries is regrettable, and while his performance may or may not have been exemplary, I don't have video footage of him showing up on time for years. I do, however, have footage of him assaulting another employee." He flipped the laptop around so they could see.

For the first time, Jordan saw grainy overhead footage of a crowd of drivers and dock workers, all dressed in matching work shirts like the one she saw her husband put on every weekday morning. Several dozen men were crowded around an open space on the loading dock with racks of flowers stacked loosely around. She saw David in the middle of the circle, charging at a taller, skinny man and tackling him to the ground.

She couldn't see him past that moment, as the crowd of spectators blocked the view. The attorney stopped the video file and pulled the laptop back to face him.

"That…that doesn't prove anything." Jordan stammered, feeling her face get warm. She turned to David, who was leaning back in his chair, staring at the ceiling, and seemingly disinterested in the whole process. She was on her own.

"All I'm saying…" her voice cracked. She took a moment to modulate and even her tone. She was clearly losing this sleazy lawyer's game. "All I'm saying is whoever that man is, he didn't end up in the hospital. My husband did."

"It also appears from our footage that that man was defending himself from your husband. The fact that he did so quite successfully," he stole a look at David's bruises before continuing. "The fact that he was particularly successful in subduing his attacker simply means that the attacker simply didn't gauge his victim well. Any jury would quickly agree. Just because shrimpy little men can't hurt me too badly doesn't mean that I should tolerate shrimpy little men tackling me for no reason." Here he looked at David, looking for a reaction. David's look remained passive.

"Quite frankly," he continued, "the victim in this footage may well have a civil or even criminal case against your husband."

"Are you serious?" Jordan was now shouting. "I was called into the hospital before the sun came up on Monday morning and found my husband's face swollen up like a catcher's mitt, with two broken teeth. And you're going to press charges? Who the heck do you think you are?"

"Easy now, little lady, no need to get hysterical." The lawyer smiled.

Jordan fumed, her face turning red.

"What I'm saying is simply that our original offer is likely the best case scenario, and one that will end the matter from our perspective. Amicably. We're willing to pay his wages for the day he went to the hospital. Beyond that, I simply don't see any liability here. I have Mr. Stark's final check here. Which you can take with you now if he'll just be kind enough to sign these papers."

Jordan's eyes welled up with tears of frustration. The attorney slid a small sheaf of stapled papers across the table toward David, who didn't hesitate to pick them up, pulling a pen out of his shirt pocket to sign.

Jordan looked down and tried to hold back her tears, defeated.

"So…there's going to be a problem here." David spoke for the first time.

Jordan looked up, surprised.

"And what might that be?" The lawyer responded, amused.

"I was ready to sign this. I wanted this to be over. But then you insulted my wife."

The attorney squinted. "I meant no offense to your wife, sir, I just wanted…"

"You disrespected her. You don't even know her name."

"Sure I know your name, little lady…it's a pretty name, it goes with her pretty face…" he shuffled through papers, finding no mention of the wife's name on any of David's employment documentation. "Well, perhaps I forgot it. I do see so many clients through the course of the day…"

"You needled her until she reacted and then called her hysterical." David cut him off, leaning back in his chair and tossing the sheaf of papers in a trash can.

"Sir, I'd advise against that. This is the best…"

"I heard you the first time." David cut him off again.

The room was silent for a moment before the lawyer broke the silence.


"And while you are a lawyer, you're not our lawyer. And you seem to think I'm confused about that."

The attorney blinked. "That's true, sir…I am speaking in good faith. I'm just a professional, giving you the facts"

"The facts in the interest of Consolidated Logistics, your client. I understand that. Again sir, I think it best if you not treat me like I'm an idiot."

The attorney waited, unsure of what direction the meeting was taking.

"Threatening to prosecute me for assault was a nice touch. It definitely got Jordan's attention. But, I can't help but notice that the company fired Vinny. Like, immediately after the incident. Interesting coincidence…the man I tackled is Vinny, and he's the victim in your scenario, right?"

"I think the tape shows…"

"I know what the tape shows, sir. I was there. Is your client in the habit of firing assault victims immediately after the assault?"

No answer. The lawyer sat, squinting, lips pursed.

"Another thing your video shows…" David continued, "is a crowd of about 5 dozen men standing around watching while I was force-fed some steel pipe. It seems like the docks of Consolidated Logistics views prolonged, violent assaults to be some kind of a spectator sport. A Roman Colosseum, maybe. I wonder what a jury would think about that?"

The lawyer's squint smiled slightly. "I admire your guts, young man, but I think you're bluffing."

"There you go with the disrespect again. I am young, it's true, but it's also true that I was in the final round of interviews to run that entire place."

"So I heard." he responded gruffly.

"In fact, at the time of that video, I had just heard that I didn't get the job. I walked out of the shipping office to find the whole dock in a horseshoe around my loading bay, and Vinny calling me out. Ten minutes later I was unconscious in a pool of blood. I'm sure the extended footage, which would come out in the discovery process before any trial, would corroborate that. Strange human resources policies you've got there at Consolidated Logistics. Don't get the promotion, get savaged until your teeth are on the floor. Do I have that right?" David leaned forward onto the conference table.

"No, I don't think you do, sir."

"Well, I suspect that the extended video footage will lend credibility to the theory, and we'll see if a jury likes it."

Jordan's mouth was sealed shut. She stared at her husband, transfixed.

"I'm not empowered to negotiate a different offer, Mr. Stark."

"I doubt very much that's the case, sir. But if it is, then go ahead and tell your client that I threw this offer in the trash. Literally. And tell them my first, and by far my lowest offer is this. I'm sending all of my hospital and dental bills to Consolidated Logistics, and they will be paid in full without question. Then, I'm expecting $50,000 for my wife because you insulted her. If they don't have that amount in ready liquid assets, which I suspect they do, they can extract the remainder of the sum out of your ass. Before my attorney moves to have you disbarred for falsifying evidence and fundamentally misrepresenting facts in negotiations for a binding settlement."

"Now hold on, young man…"

David stood up, and Jordan, flummoxed, stood up with him. The lawyer, somewhat flummoxed, followed. David extended his hand across the conference table. "We have a meeting with another attorney in half an hour, so we need to get going. I don't want to be late for that one. I'm betting she'll be nicer to my wife."

The lawyer paused before grasping David's hand and locked eyes with him, smiling. "You're a terrible bluff, Mr. Stark."

The fluorescent lights reflected obnoxiously off the grease in his hair.

David shrugged and dropped his hand. "I suppose we'll see."

David and Jordan turned to walk out the door. As David opened the door for his wife, he turned back to the lawyer, who had just sat back down at the table. "One more thing, before I forget. In the interview process for the promotion I didn't get, right before I was almost beaten to death by your victim, I was given some access to the center's financials, just to do an overview. You know, pitch some ideas to cut costs, widen the margins, that sort of thing. I'm friends with Steve, you know Steve, right? The general manager? Anyway, Steve thought it would be a good idea for me to be familiar with the last five years or so of the balance sheets. I have an MBA with an emphasis in accounting, or at least I will in a couple weeks after my finals. It occurs to me you might not have known that. Anyway, I did take a nice, deep look at those financials. I still have the files in a flash drive. It seems likely that those financials will be examined in the discovery process of this suit. I wonder if they'll find anything?"

David gestured to Jordan to walk through the door, then followed her, leaving it open as they walked back into the lobby. As they approached the outer door of the office, they were interrupted.

"Mr Stark…" the attorney said, a little breathless, having jogged out of the conference room to catch them before they left. "That exchange was unnecessarily confrontational. I'd hate to leave things as they are. Will you and your lovely wife–Jordan–ma'am…would you and your husband join me again for a few minutes before your next meeting?"

David looked over at Jordan. "What do you think, honey? Should we hear him out?"

* * *

There really was another meeting shortly after that one. Just not with another lawyer. After leaving the law office, David drove Jordan to the student drop off area of the school, kissing her before she hopped out of the Camry and walked as briskly as possible to Professor Lukacz' office. He was nothing if not punctual, and she didn't want to be late. She got to his door with seconds to spare before knocking.

He opened the door and waved her in.

"You're looking very businesslike today, Ms. Simms."

"Thank you, professor, I had a rather formal meeting earlier this morning, I felt I should dress the part."

Jordan closed the office door behind her and sat down across from her dissertation advisor.

"I see. And how did the meeting go?"

"Better than expected, actually. Thank you for asking."

"I'm glad to hear it."

They paused for a moment until the professor broke the silence.


"I'm sorry, well…what?" Jordan asked, still distracted from the morning's meeting.

"This is your meeting, Ms. Simms. What do you want?"

"Oh, of course. I apologize…" Jordan continued, flustered. "With the semester wrapping up, I just wanted to, um, solidify some plans for my dissertation, and discuss the timeline."

"Of course. But I've already approved your prospectus, it seems promising. A survey of theories in adolescent and young adult identity development is needed in the scholarship, and it will allow you to synthesize some of the data and trends. And to do some critical writing on the overlapping trends in the literature. It's a big project, but you're a young, hungry academic. Is there a problem? Have you run into a wall already?"

"No, no…quite the opposite. I'd like to pitch another chapter to add to the prospectus. I've come across a research gap in my overview of identity constructs that I think needs some attention."

"I reviewed your prospectus, I didn't see any obvious defects. What do you think needs more treatment?"

Jordan paused to clear her throat before continuing. "Ahem…um…sexual identity."

Professor Lukacz squinted for a moment, puzzled. "You address sexual identity in your chapter on adolescence. I can see it right here. You want to do more?"

"I do." Jordan regained her professional composure. "I'd like to extend that analysis into young adulthood, to the stage of full neurocognitive development between the ages of 25 and 27."

"I see. Any particular aspect of sexual identity?" he continued, holding the furrow in his brow.

Jordan, avoiding eye contact, looked down at a blank sheet of paper as if she were consulting notes. Then she answered.

"Sexual power dynamics. Perceptions of dominant and submissive roles in sexual identity, with data controlled and grouped by gender identity and sexual orientation."

"Hmmm…" he leaned back in his chair, still holding her in his gaze. She looked up at him and caught his gaze. She felt a shiver come over her but managed to hold it back. The sweat was definitely finding her palms, though.

"This seems like more than a chapter, Ms. Simms. This seems like a whole new dissertation."

"I realize that. I've amended my prospectus with my intended parameters, I don't intend to do more than a full literature review and synthesis, I don't plan to do any theorizing myself."



"I really just want to understand this, Professor, I came across some material recently that convinced me of the relevance of this issue to the larger project."

"I see. What was the material?"

Jordan paused in spite of herself, vivid memories flashing intrusively into her mind's eye.

Kneeling naked in front of Mark, holding her wrists together silently in a wordless request to be cuffed.

Being led, naked on her hands and knees by the hair as she crawled after him, stopping only to open her mouth and have his meaty cock jammed in, then moved to crawl after him again on his whim.

Fighting for breath as her face is buried in his bedding, held down by the weight of her torso as he lifted the cuffed hands high behind her back, transferring the weight from her knees to her face as he confidently penetrated her intimacy from behind.

"An article by Thomas Schenk. His explores identity crises and BDSM sexual practices. It piqued my interest, and seemed to dovetail with the other points of my proposed research."

Professor Lukacz nodded, holding his brow in a furrow. Jordan thought she saw a slight twinkle in his eye behind his practiced severity. But she might have imagined it.

The Professor's face softened.

"I'm familiar with the article, and I agree. I'm rather surprised I didn't think of that myself. Approved."

"Thank you, Professor." Jordan held desperately to her businesslike facade as she handed him the paperwork to be signed approving the change. He signed it, handed it back to her, and she stood up to pack up her shoulder bag before leaving.

"I have an ambitious timetable lined out, I'll email you my planned review and writing benchmarks," she continued. "I hope to be ready to defend the dissertation in 18 months."

He nodded. "Get a little more ambitious, Ms. Simms. You have 12 months."

"What?" Jordan's eyes widened. "I'm sorry, I was to understand the department policy was to allow 24 months to complete the dissertation before applying for extensions."

"That is the department policy, but it is not mine."

Jordan sat back down, shocked. "I'm sorry, professor. This is the first I've heard…"

"I have a long list of prospective graduate students, and I cannot have my mentoring cohort become bloated with delays while candidates dither about. My doctoral candidates stay focused, work consistently, and meet with me regularly. They finish their dissertations and defend in 12 months. You are one of my cohort, and you will do the same."

Jordan stared back, agape.

"Come now, Ms. Simms. You have tolerated my unreasonable expectations thus far. And you have excelled. Surely you can handle this?"

"I'm not sure…I'm not sure I can, professor."

"Well, if you want my name as your advisor on the dissertation, and the career advancement that usually comes with having my name as your committee chair, you will meet these expectations. Understood?"

Jordan closed her mouth and nodded, still in shock.

"Good. Now get out of my office and get started. You have much work to do."

"Of course." Jordan stood up as her mentor turned his chair toward his computer and resumed his work, ignoring her as she closed the door behind her.

* * *

High tide. Falling.

The sun was more than halfway over the horizon when Mark and Molly, hand in hand, returned to her family campsite.

It was quiet. Mark checked his watch. Still ten minutes to six. Nobody was going to be up yet. He looked over at Molly, noting a vacant look on her face as she stared straight ahead through the campsite.

"Molly? Everything okay?"

"The car is gone." Her voice was flat. Anxious. A total reversal of the bubbly, lively intonations of their morning chatter mere seconds before.

He looked across the campsite. She was right. The family car was gone.

She dropped his hand and darted to the children's tent, unzipping the door and peeking inside. She stepped back, visibly relieved.

Mark followed her, noting the small sleeping bodies visible over her shoulder and through the open slit of the tent. Molly slowly let go of the tent door and took a step back, exhaling audibly.

Mark stepped over to meet her, gently grasping her shoulder. She turned her eyes up toward him, a look of panicked desperation clearly taking over her earlier contentment.

Her panic scared him. An unfamiliar feeling–one where he felt helpless and responsible in equal measure, spread across his chest. He let go of her, and walked over to the empty space where their car was parked. Molly walked over to the tent she shared with her husband.

Although, not shared lately.

She crawled inside as Mark looked in vain for clues and struggled–equally in vain–for some idea about what to do with the situation.

Molly crawled back out of the tent, then over to the picnic table where Chris' laptop was conspicuously absent. She scanned the table, looking around the cooking stove, opening the cooler, clearly looking for something.

"Looking for the keys?"

"No, he obviously took the keys," Molly said. "I'm looking for the note. He always leaves a note."

"Always?" Mark was confused.

"When he takes off, he always leaves a note saying he can't take it anymore, blames whatever stupid thing he decides to blame everyone else for. But sometimes it says where he went. He usually doesn't answer his phone for a couple of days, so I need the note to know where to start looking for him."

"So he's done this before?" Mark's voice raised in outrage.

"Shhhh…yes. But keep your voice down, the kids are still asleep…"

Mark hushed his tone to a harsh whisper. "Are you serious? Why…Molly…why do you..?"

"I know, Mark. Believe me, I know. He usually does it when we're at home, though. He's never ditched us away from home before. Now I've gotta figure out how to get back before my shift starts…"

"I'll take you." Mark said without hesitating.

Molly's head jerked to look over at him. "What?"

"I'll take you home."

"Don't you have to be back on base today?"

Mark shrugged. "Technically I have to check in before midnight. But you're only two hours out of my way. If we pack up and leave before noon, I can get you guys home and still get back in time for my check in deadline."

Molly smiled. "Really?"

"Duh," Mark quipped back, reaching forward to take her hand.

"You don't have to, you know. I would have been grateful for a ride to a rental car place…"

"Don't worry about it…"

As Mark reassured, her, a pair of red braids and a squint popped out of the child tent's door, blinking in the sunlight. Mark dropped Molly's hand and they stepped away from each other. Lucy opened the tent door the rest of the way and tumbled out, unfolding her glasses and putting them on, looking over at her mother and her new friend.

"Hey Mithter Rein. I thought you left. What are you doing here? Where'th dad?"

A gut punch stunned Mark in the gut. How would they explain this to the kids? Dad got jealous because mom found a side guy and then dad ditched you all? Mister Rein broke up your family? The nice guy who went paddling with you and built sand castles with you sabotaged the stability of your young life?

Mark had a flash of memory, looking up at his own mother as she explained that daddy probably wasn't coming home.

"He had to take off early for a work thing, honey," Molly interrupted his train of catastrophic thought. "He didn't know how long it would take, but he''ll be back. He asked Mr Rein to help us pack up, and Mr. Rein was nice enough to agree."

Lucy bought the line, nodding. "That'th very generouth of you. Can you eckthcuthe me pleath? I need to uthe the rethtroom."

Mark stepped away, allowing her to walk by.

"Do you want some breakfast, Mark?" Molly slipped seamlessly into mom mode, masterfully laying down on the barbed wire so her children could walk over without knowing the razor-sharp tangles that dug into her flesh.

"Sure. Can I help?" Mark said.

Just play along…

"Of course. Can you cook eggs?"

* * *

When Jordan arrived home, David was nearly finished with dinner. The table was already neatly set with a few flowers he had found earlier that day parked upright in a drinking glass centered between the place settings.

"Hey honey…" he called out from the kitchen.

"Hi!" She dropped her bag on the couch and zipped into the kitchen to throw her arms around her husband.

"I missed you, baby…" she purred.

David squeezed her body to his, and then leaned back to kiss her hello. "That business suit is way sexier than you think it is, Jo."

Jordan broke into a wide, involuntary smile, narrowing her eyes into a smile and another kiss. "Butter me up all you want, sweetie…I've been warm all day since we left that meeting."

"What meeting?" David asked, innocently, turning back to the stove to stir the pot.

"What meaning…" Jordan chuffed lightly, rolling her eyes.

"I think we're ready to eat, baby. Grab the salad bowl there, put it on the table for me?"

"Okay…" Jordan picked up the bowl and tongs and walked to the table, sitting down in her seat opposite her husband's empty chair. David followed with the pot of stew, setting it on a hot pad in the center of the table. Sitting down, he nodded to Jordan, who bowed her head to say grace for the meal before eating.

It was delicious. The bread was baked fresh too.

"Oh my gosh, honey…" Jordan gushed. "This is soooo good! What is it?"

"It's just stew, but I used lamb instead of beef this time. Felt like an occasion." The pale yellow curves around his eyes were still apparent, though fading. Jordan winced briefly, the memory of his swollen face, and broken, bleeding mouth intruding in her memory.

She shook it off, smiling in David's direction again. The combination of warm, delicious food and the obvious avoidance of an awkward conversation held the table in silence.

She took another bite of stew. It melted in her mouth, the warm mixture and savory flavor extending a pleasant feeling down into her fingers and toes.

"Oh, jeez, honey, this is so good!" She emoted again. David smirked, genuinely pleased as she pressed him. "How did you get so good at this?"

He shrugged as he took a bite of bread. "Practice and a picky little brother, I guess."

"Nobody taught you? Like, your mom didn't show you how to measure ingredients or something?"

"Not really. Sometimes she'd tell me if she liked it. Or if she didn't."

Jordan laughed.

"If she was sober…"

Jordan's laugh stopped midstream.

She still forgot sometimes how different David's childhood was from hers, and made the mistake of assuming the nurturing and support she took for granted was something her husband grew up with, too. The revelation that things were otherwise in the Stark household always gave her a little empathic jolt, a slight stabbing pain in her stomach, accompanying her worry that she was opening old wounds.

"I'm sorry, baby…I just…dinner's so good."

David smiled in genuine pleasure. He went along with her effort to paper over the memories of how he really learned to cook. It didn't matter, really. What mattered was that he was here, now, with the woman of his dreams.

And she liked his cooking!

"So…do you have the check?" Jordan asked after a pause.

"No, I deposited it after you went to school. Is that okay?"

"No, of course, that's fine…I'm just still kind of in shock that we got it."

David shrugged. "I knew he was bluffing."

Jordan smirked. "Yeah right you knew…how did you know? Did you learn how to call out a bluff playing poker in Vegas or something?"

David shrugged again. "It was obvious."

Jordan squinted. "No, it wasn't. I'm genuinely interested, David. How did you know? I'm a psychologist in training, and I'd really like to know what you saw that I didn't."

David sat up slightly, a little surprised to find one of his abilities to be of professional interest to his brilliant wife.

"Okay…" he started, "Um, well, first off, he clearly bought into my bluff. A bad bluffer is pretty likely to buy a bad bluff from someone else."

"So, you mean, when you said we had another meeting with a lawyer…"

"And we didn't…yeah, not that. That was an even worse bluff, and he bought that too. No, I mean when I was pretending not to care. You know, I pretended that I wasn't paying attention, and it became obvious he bought it when he started putting pressure on you. I just had to let him talk himself into giving us the most unacceptable deal he thought he could get away with."

"Wait…" Jordan's mouth dropped, trying to form words. "That was an act? I was ready to kill you! You left me alone with a scummy lawyer! I thought he was going to steal our car or take our firstborn child or something!"

David squinted, confused. "Yeah, you had to be genuinely scared. You can't fake it. It kept him pushing the envelope until he got to an offer so stupid that he felt invulnerable. Then I drop the idiot act, counter the offer, scare him with some very real facts that are in no way a bluff, and then add a tiny little bluff about another meeting of my own. Just a little cherry on top."

David's matter-of-fact explanation stunned Jordan. "Why…why didn't you tell me going in that that was your plan?" She asked.

David shrugged. "It wasn't my plan. I just read the room when we walked in, and improvised."

Jordan huffed. "So you just leave me twisting? I'm a pawn in your little chess game?"

David shook his head briskly, realizing he was being misunderstood. "No, not at all! Jojo, I…it was only for a little while. I would have told you before, I swear. I just…I didn't think he'd be that stupid! I thought we'd meet with…like…a real, professional lawyer. I forgot for a minute that I was talking to a low level, shady, trucking lawyer. Total scumbag. You weren't the pawn. He was."

"No, you played with my emotions! You let him make me cry! You used me, you threw me out as a pawn! Like a sacrifice play!" Jordan's indignation genuinely put David on his back foot. He held his silence for a moment to let her words settle in. She dropped her head down and continued eating.

He broke the silence gently: "No, sweetie. You're wrong. I didn't throw out a pawn. I used my queen to draw him out, took his knight and checkmated him."

Jordan looked up, her face an ambiguous mix of smirk and scowl.

"That was corny, David."

"So's the stew. And you said you liked that."

Jordan snorted in spite of herself. David smiled, having broken the tension. "I'm just using your chess metaphor, baby."

They continued eating in silence for a moment while Jordan thought about what he said. Something was still bothering her.

"Still…you kind of used me. You let me hang out there, and I was really scared and upset."

Now it was David's turn to drop his head. They continued eating in silence. When they were down to the last bites, Jordan offered an olive branch.

"It worked though. I can't argue with that."

"Yeah, it did." David decided to tread carefully.

"We can't use each other, baby. We've got to be really careful about that. We can hurt each other, even when we don't mean to…" Jordan pleaded.

David nodded gravely, acknowledging the plea.

They finished their last bites and David stood to clear the table. Jordan helped him, wiping down the table and counters and sweeping the kitchen while he put on his yellow gloves and washed the dishes. Jordan hung up the broom as David was rinsing the last few dishes and placing them on the drying rack.

"Dinner was really good honey. I mean that. Thank you." She turned to leave, walking toward her backpack to get her homework for the night.


She turned around.

"I'm sorry you felt like I left you out in the cold. I won't do that again."

Jordan nodded. "Okay. Thank you." She turned again, but David walked forward to grasp her shoulder, stopping her. She turned to face him again.

"I need you to trust me, baby. I need you to know that I would never, ever abandon you or let you get hurt. Never. I would…I don't know, dive into a meat grinder to save your scrunchie. So believe me when I tell you. I won't hang you out to dry. Ever. I hope you know that."

Jordan teared up and she threw her arms around his neck. They held each other tightly for a moment before letting go. Jordan wiped her eyes with the crook of her index finger. "I don't want to throw you in a meat grinder, baby. I need you in one piece. Don't hurt yourself for me. Please. I can't take it. And if you have a plan like this…just…just tell me next time, okay? I don't want you to get hurt."

David smiled. "You think this is my first time getting my ass kicked by a bully?"

Jordan's eyes widened. "What?"

David shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm not a big guy, honey. I've been a target for bullies since second grade. It's just a fact of life for me. But I learned how to win in other ways."

Jordan nodded silently, the empathic tension stabbing her in the stomach again. David leaned forward to kiss her again, then walked out into the living room and pulled his own homework out of his backpack.

Jordan stood alone in the kitchen, processing this new information.

* * *

Max tried as hard as he could to hold the stuff bag still as Mark lined up the rolled tent. But it was just too hard for his short little arms and his shorter attention span. He could only do so much. Molly couldn't help but laugh as Mark repeatedly missed getting the bottom of the tent into the opening of the bag, Max moving it or dropping it every time, distracted by every sound and movement that happened along. After six unsuccessful attempts, Molly came in and held Max's hands still so Mark could finally wrap the tent. Once the tent was halfway in, Mark took the stuff bag from Max/Molly and shook it up and down until it settled in, neatly packed.

"See, that's how you do it."

"OK." Max was clearly more delighted at the attention he was getting than he was informed by the instruction he was ignoring.

Still, Mark didn't mind. It was just fun to teach the little guy things. Molly noticed Mark's delight. He seemed to be genuinely at ease with children…so unlike men his age. Their age. She was only a year older than him.

Mark lifted the bag up and tossed it toward the little pile of gear near the entrance to the campsite. They were nearly done, and Lucy was carefully combing the area for trash, ensuring a good cleanup of the camp.

"I've got to go pack up my site, Molly, then I'll bring the 4Runner over."

"That might not be necessary…" she pointed out toward the campsite drive. The Cohen family car pulled up, turned around, and backed in toward the pile of gear Mark and Molly had stacked up. Parking, Molly's husband stepped out of the driver's side door holding two cups of Dunkin Donuts coffee and a bag of donut holes, walking briskly onto the site.

"Hey, guys! Hey, Mark. Looks like you helped pack up the site. That was really nice of you. Wasn't that nice of him, guys?"

"Yeah!" Lucy and Max answered in unison.

He handed a coffee cup to Molly. "Hey honey, thought you might like this."

Molly nodded as she took it. "I do, thanks…"

"Anytime. And kids, I brought donut holes!" They ran up and dove into the bag.

"Mark, I understand you have to get going too. Don't let us keep you, I think we've got it from here." Chris extended his hand toward his wife's lover.

Mark's eyes narrowed, looking over at Molly. She returned his look, shrugging helplessly.

"Yeah…well, it was nice to meet you guys. Kids, take care of yourselves and be good for your mom, okay?"

Lucy approached him, cramming a donut hole in her mouth on the way. She extended her small hand upward and took his, shaking it vigorously. "It wath very nithe to make your acquaintenth, Mithter Rein. I hope we meet again."

Mark grinned in spite of himself. "I hope that too." He crouched down. "Max, give me a high five." The little boy jumped up to slap his raised hand. "Take it easy, little buddy. Be good for your mom."


Mark left the campsite with a dragging, empty feeling in his stomach, returning to his own empty campsite to pack up and return to the base.

He had just finished loading his green military seabag into the back of his 4Runner. when Molly appeared, standing a few feet away in an awkward, uncomfortable posture.

"Hey…" she said.

"Hey yourself…" Mark pulled the back hatch closed.

He picked up his last bag–a half full camouflage daypack, and tossed it across the driver's seat until it landed in the empty passenger's seat. Then he turned around to look at Molly.

"That was weird…" she said.


Another awkward pause. Then, Mark shrugged, a pit in his stomach. "Well, guess I better hit the road."

Molly watched him climb into the rusty 4Runner and shut the door behind him. Molly leaned on the open window frame as he turned the engine on.

"So…um…can you call from wherever you're going?"

"Probably not."

"Oh. OK."

She looked away and stepped back, her lips pursed.

"I'll try though."

"Really?" Molly smiled involuntarily.

"Yeah. Really." Mark forced a smile as he shifted the 4Runner into drive.

"OK. Drive safe. And be safe. And…" Molly looked quickly behind her then leaned quickly through the window to gently kiss Mark's cheek. "Take that with you."

Mark nodded and pulled onto the drive, seeing her standing with her arms folded tightly across her chest, fading in the rearview mirror.

With a lump in his throat and a pit in his stomach, he pulled onto the highway.

* * *

Jordan paced uneasily back and forth the few steps between the kitchen and the living room. She looked at her watch. 9:05.

David looked over his shoulder from the couch. "You okay honey? What's up?" From the angle, she couldn't see his bruises, but his face was still a little swollen.

"He's a little late." she answered.

"He's..who's a little late?" David asked, taken aback.

The knock at the door was confident, and almost unbelievably timed.

Jordan's face turned red. "Honey, could you get the door please?"

David squinted in confusion, pausing the show on his laptop before standing up to open the door.

"David Stark?" The voice was low, a stark contrast to his.

"Yeah…I mean yes. Can I help you?"

"Mark Rein. I've heard so much about you. It's nice to finally meet."

$2 Ho
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Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2022 1:04 am

Re: Jordan

Unread post by Johng1953 » Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:32 am

Oh no! You can't leave us like this!

Posts: 83
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2020 9:32 am

Re: Jordan

Unread post by antidote2909 » Sat Jun 01, 2024 12:27 pm

You are pure evil Crushing

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