Wife on a date tonight!

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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by Johnann2227 » Thu Aug 01, 2024 12:16 am

So, this weekend James is officially moving into our house with us. After a lot of discussion we have decided that this is what we all want. Ann and James are in love. James has expressed his love to me and while I cannot say that I love him I do have strong feelings for him which has shocked me. Our kids think James is great and get on so well with him.

We discussed it as a family first and all agreed that James moving in with us made sense and would enhance our lives. We then discussed it as a family with James. He was overwhelmed and cried. We talked logistics eg. Jame bringing his clothes and taking over the wardrobe in the guest room while sharing the master bedroom with us. What our cover story to the outside world would be (James is overwhelmed with his mortgage, work is sketchy so he has moved in with us so that he can rent his apartment out). Our swinger friends know the truth but for those family members and vanilla friends we needed a cover story.

James is going to rent his apartment out and is putting his furniture into storage. He insisted on paying a share of the household bills and weekly shopping. He also wanted to do a lot of the chores around the house but I told him that they were my responsibility and I wanted him to spend his time pleasing Ann. James did say that he wasn't just moving in to live with Ann. He told me that he loved me and wanted to be more open with his feelings and affection with me. Basically, James wanted the three of us tell our kids that James is Ann's lover and mine. He wanted us to come out to our kids. James wants to be able to kiss and cuddle me anywhere in our household (like he does with Ann) without worrying about the kids catching us. Anything sexual of course is kept private.

This was a huge step for me. I was now regularly sucking James's cock and fucking him and enjoying it. If the kids were not home we were openly affectionate, kissing and cuddling and stroking each other's cocks while watching television. But to openly admit that, with James, I was bi was confronting. Ann, James and I talked for hours and then the next morning. Eventually I agreed that we would tell our kids.

That night the five of us ate dinner together and we told them. They listened and were quiet for a bit. Our son asked me if I was gay and had I been with other guys. I told him that I was straight with everyone but James. With James we were lovers. Ann told our kids that while she was bi and had been with many women, I had met James who brought out different feelings for me. Amazingly, our daughter said she knew something was happening because she had seen the way James looked at me. Our kids said they were fine with this new step in our relationship and hugged us both. As usual James cried. This time though I hugged him and kissed him on the forehead.

So this week James went home from work each day, packed clothes etc and came here for the night. It has been fantastic. Each night we have made love to Ann and I have woken in the morning to watch him fucking Ann before they showered together. Tracey still came over on Tuesday night and we all squeezed into bed for the night together.

On the weekend James has removalists moving his furniture to storage. Ann, James, Tracy and I are then going to give his apartment a good clean before it gets advertised to rent. Ann is so happy. She keeps hugging me and thanking me for letting her have James. She still doesn't appreciate how turned on I get watching her get pleasured. She is my porn.

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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by venus-can99 » Thu Aug 01, 2024 11:23 am

This is a major development john. I love the way the whole family discused these matters.

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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by Johnann2227 » Thu Aug 01, 2024 2:34 pm

venus-can99 wrote:
Thu Aug 01, 2024 11:23 am
This is a major development john. I love the way the whole family discused these matters.
Thank you. We are always open with our kids especially now they are adults at 22 and 19. We have tried to bring them up to be respectful of differences and to be honest.

They get on amazingly well with James and I think they have an older brother relationship with him. The fact that he is fucking Ann does not bother them as they can see how happy he makes her and that I am supportive of it. It helps that they are also swinging with the other kids in our group as they can now understand that sex and love do not have to mean jealousy.
The kids have now seen James kiss me a number of times and it hasn't bothered them. When James comes home for work he always comes and kisses Ann and I and does the same when he goes to work.
It is great so far!

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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by Johnann2227 » Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:05 am

James's big move on the weekend went smoothly. Ann, James, Tracey and myself headed over to his apartment early on Saturday morning to load the last of his clothes etc into our car and finish boxing up his cutlery, crockery etc for storage. The removalists arrived at 9am and loaded his belongings onto their truck. James and Ann followed them in James's car to the storage centre to unload everything. Tracey and I decided to make a start on the cleaning. We had hired a carpet cleaner and after Tracey had vacuumed I began shampooing the carpet. Tracey was cleaning the skirting while I shampooed and soon we were getting a sweat up. I said to Tracey that it felt weird working so hard wearing clothes and she suggested stripping off. Before long we were both cleaning away naked. When I had finished shampooing the carpets I found Tracey already cleaning the oven. I decided to head to the bathroom and begin scrubbing the toilet, shower and bath. By the time I had given the bathroom a good clean Tracey had also finished the kitchen. With the apartment empty we had nowhere to sit while we waited for the carpets to dry so we both sat on the kitchen bench. We talked about how our lives were changing so much and what the future held for us. Tracey complimented me and being such a loving and understanding husband. She said that not many husbands would clean the apartment of their wife's lover while he was moving into their home. She said that she wished that she had met a man that loved her that much. We hugged and had a long, slow kiss. My stomach then grumbled and we laughed. We realised that we were thirsty and hungry and were beginning to wonder what had happened to Ann and James.

About twenty minutes later the door opened and Ann and James entered. They laughed when they saw us sitting there naked and stripped off and joined us. They had brought us coffees and some foccacias. After supervising the storage of James's belongings they had decided to go to breakfast at a nearby cafe that they liked. They were pleased with the progress that we had made and crossed those items off of their list. The next job was to clean the windows and give all of the walls a clean with sugar soap. Ann said that James and her were going to head back to our house and take in his things that were in our car. She told me to get onto sugar soaping the walls and then clean the windows. I then realised that I had forgotten the sugar soap so Tracey offered to also head to our house and pick it up for me.

They all dressed and headed out. I began cleaning the windows and got into a good rhythm while listening to a good podcast. As James lived on the sixth floor and there were no other apartment blocks on his side I didn't have to worry about anyone seeing me naked. I eventually got all of the windows cleaned and sat waiting for Tracey to return with the sugar soap. About two hours later Tracey arrived apologising for being so long. She stripped naked and handed me a bottle of water and a salad roll. She said that when she got to our house she helped Ann and James take his things in. Ann then suggested a glass of wine and they ended up hopping in the hot tub. Tracey said that Ann and James began kissing and then James sat on the edge and Ann sucked his cock. Ann invited Tracey to help her and she quickly swallowed James. They finished up with Ann riding James's cock while Tracey rode his face. They soaked for a bit more and then Tracey dressed and came back to the apartment.

Tracey and I worked hard and sugar soaped the walls. Sweat was pouring off of us in the end and we were happy to be finished. We dressed and headed home. When we got back we found Ann and James asleep together on our bed. They looked so peaceful and in love. Tracey and I left them there and headed out to the hot tub. We had a soak and chatted. Tracey then offered me a blow job as a reward for my hard work and I quickly sat on the edge of the tub. She sucked my cock and massaged my arse and it was only a few minutes before I came in her mouth. Being a good girl she swallowed everything I had to offer. We eventually got out of the tub, dried off and headed inside. We were so tired and went and laid on the bed in the guest room so as not to wake Ann and James. Ann came in and woke us about two hours later.

It is great having James here now living with us. Ann is on cloud nine and everything seems right. Sunday night we headed to bed early and both fucked Ann. James then asked me to fuck him and I did. Life cannot get any better.

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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by 54321 » Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:55 am

James has a friend's wedding and is taking Ann as his plus one. A lot of his family will be there and it will be the first time she has met them.
Will she wear her rings?


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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by Johnann2227 » Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:45 pm

54321 wrote:
Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:55 am
James has a friend's wedding and is taking Ann as his plus one. A lot of his family will be there and it will be the first time she has met them.
Will she wear her rings?

Hi 54321,
Yes, Ann will wear our wedding rings and James's ring. She has never taken her rings off for any hotwife or swinging experience. We are not hiding our relationship from James's friends who have met Ann a number of times already. In fact, James has invited some of friends to our house for dinner this Friday night. We will all have to get dressed as they are not nudists but we will be open with our affection in front of them.

With James's interstate family Ann and James are going to tell them that are living together with me. James and his family are not close. They have never accepted his bisexuality and that was the reason he moved from Queensland to Sydney. So James and consequently Ann, really do not give a shit what they think. His friends are more family to him and they are happy for James and Ann.

If society wasn't so judgemental, we would openly declare and exhibit our new marriage with James. We are always excited with the dynamics and I am permanently erect here at home. Living openly with my wife's boyfriend is better than I ever imagined. Seeing Ann openly hold hands with James while watching television, or seeing them kiss each other goodbye when they are heading off to work, waking to them fucking next to me every morning, watching them hold hands in our supermarket the other day while I pushed the shopping trolley, hearing Ann say, "I love you" to James in front of our kids and them not even react, me sucking James's cock daily and Ann lubing his arse and my cock and feeding me into James si I can fuck him are all highs for me.

Ann has always worn a gold "J" charm on her bellybutton piercing. I saw Monday night that she has now added a gold "J" charm to her labia piercing. I pointed it out and she tild me that she had bought it on the way home from work. She said the "J" was for James as her pussy was his. She said from now on people at swinging parties, nude beaches etc would see that she was owned by her two "J" men. I loved hearing this.

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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by Lensman2000 » Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:39 pm

I may be airing my cultural ignorance here, but: what on earth is sugar soap?

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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by venus-can99 » Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:18 pm

Lensman2000 wrote:
Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:39 pm
I may be airing my cultural ignorance here, but: what on earth is sugar soap?
Wikipedia to the rescue- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugar_soap :)

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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by Johnann2227 » Mon Aug 05, 2024 10:12 pm

venus-can99 wrote:
Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:18 pm
Lensman2000 wrote:
Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:39 pm
I may be airing my cultural ignorance here, but: what on earth is sugar soap?
Wikipedia to the rescue- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugar_soap :)
Sorry venus, I forget that some things are named differently depending where you live. It definitely isn't as sweet as it sounds!

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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by venus-can99 » Tue Aug 06, 2024 1:11 am

Johnann2227 wrote:
Mon Aug 05, 2024 10:12 pm
Sorry venus, I forget that some things are named differently depending where you live. It definitely isn't as sweet as it sounds!
No worries John,,,,
We use something similar in NA called TSP - tri sodium phosphate

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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by Johnann2227 » Wed Aug 07, 2024 10:33 pm

Four mornings running now I have woken and watched James fuck Ann next to me in bed. Each morning James has cum deep in her pussy and I have eaten her creampie.

This morning James fucked Ann doggystyle. I slid under her so that I could lick her clit and his balls. I felt Ann start sucking my cock and we were all feeling good. With James's gorgeous cock really ploughing her pussy and my tongue flicking her clit Ann soon orgasmed. As she screamed she spat out my cock of shivered on top of me. James didn't stop however. He soon had Ann moaning again and pushing back on his hard cock. At one stage James fell out of Ann so I quickly grabbed his cock and sucked it before putting it back into Ann's hungry pussy. I was licking her clit a his cock while I reached up and massaged his arse. Soon James was grunting and pumping his load into her. When he was finished he pulled his cock out of her pussy and fed it straight into my mouth. Yum! The combination of Ann and James's juices was delicious. I thoroughly cleaned James's cock sucking the last of his cum.

As soon as James pulled away Ann sat back onto my face and had me clean her creamy pussy. James certainly is a big cummer. I ate her and then licked her clit and arse bringing her to another orgasm. When I had swallowed the last remnants of James's cum, Ann headed to the shower to join James. I got up, made our bed and had a peek at them washing each other and kissing.

I knew they would want breakfast before heading off to work so I went downstairs to make coffee and and scrambled eggs on toast for them both. My daughter popped into the kitchen, dressed for uni so I also made her breakfast. Soon James and Ann appeared and sat down to eat. It was funny as I was the only one naked and they were all dressed for the outside world. Soon our daughter had finished, kissed Ann, James and myself goodbye and was off to uni.

I cleared the table while Ann and James grabbed their bags. I walked them both to the door and kissed them, wishing them a good day. I watched them walk holding hands down the driveway to James's car and Ann got in the driver's seat. She was going to drop James at the station and then head to work. I had about 45 minutes before I was needed in a Zoom meeting so I put a load of washing on, put on the robot vac, made another coffee and headed upstairs to put a polo shirt on for the meeting. Another day had begun.

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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by elina » Thu Aug 08, 2024 1:14 am

I love the way you are accepting James as Ann's preferred lover and enjoying yourself serving both of them.
Trule wonderful how your daughter finds it completely natural that your are nude in front of the rest of them before doing chores in the home!!!

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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by edgedndenied » Thu Aug 08, 2024 3:59 am

I love your story. Has James replaced you as Ann's primary lover. Are you and Ann still having PIV sex?
Does Ann give you both equal emotional time or is the NRE such that she spends more time with James?

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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by Johnann2227 » Thu Aug 08, 2024 5:09 am

elina wrote:
Thu Aug 08, 2024 1:14 am
I love the way you are accepting James as Ann's preferred lover and enjoying yourself serving both of them.
Trule wonderful how your daughter finds it completely natural that your are nude in front of the rest of them before doing chores in the home!!!

(submissive male)
Hi elina,
Ann is enjoying fucking James whenever she wants now. He is 17 years my junior, and to be honest, he fucks her better. But I know that she still loves me and I get all the sex I want. James is like a new toy you get for Christmas. You both with it all the time at first at the expense of your other toys but after a while they all get played with again.
Me being nude was not the weird thing as we are nudists and clothes are only worn if we have visitors or one of us is headed out. Having three family members all dressed at the same time was uncommon. As I work from home I do the majority of chores. Also it gives Ann more time to preen and live the true hotwife lifestyle.

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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by Johnann2227 » Thu Aug 08, 2024 5:15 am

edgedndenied wrote:
Thu Aug 08, 2024 3:59 am
I love your story. Has James replaced you as Ann's primary lover. Are you and Ann still having PIV sex?
Does Ann give you both equal emotional time or is the NRE such that she spends more time with James?
At the moment James is Ann's primary lover. I expected this. She is not neglecting me and I am still fucking her and she is sucking my cock daily. Three times this week I have fucked James as well and he is sucking my cock everyday as well.

I am 49 and James is 32. He just is fitter and more virile and fucks her better. Ann loves us both and is just a bit obsessed with him at the moment like you are with a new car. She is happy so I am happy.

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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by mundyman » Thu Aug 08, 2024 5:36 am

Johnann2227 wrote:
Thu Aug 08, 2024 5:09 am
elina wrote:
Thu Aug 08, 2024 1:14 am
I love the way you are accepting James as Ann's preferred lover and enjoying yourself serving both of them.
Trule wonderful how your daughter finds it completely natural that your are nude in front of the rest of them before doing chores in the home!!!

(submissive male)
Hi elina,
Ann is enjoying fucking James whenever she wants now. He is 17 years my junior, and to be honest, he fucks her better. But I know that she still loves me and I get all the sex I want. James is like a new toy you get for Christmas. You both with it all the time at first at the expense of your other toys but after a while they all get played with again.
Me being nude was not the weird thing as we are nudists and clothes are only worn if we have visitors or one of us is headed out. Having three family members all dressed at the same time was uncommon. As I work from home I do the majority of chores. Also it gives Ann more time to preen and live the true hotwife lifestyle.
Happy Wife, Happy Life!!!!!!

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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by Johnann2227 » Thu Aug 08, 2024 5:46 am

mundyman wrote:
Thu Aug 08, 2024 5:36 am
Johnann2227 wrote:
Thu Aug 08, 2024 5:09 am
elina wrote:
Thu Aug 08, 2024 1:14 am
I love the way you are accepting James as Ann's preferred lover and enjoying yourself serving both of them.
Trule wonderful how your daughter finds it completely natural that your are nude in front of the rest of them before doing chores in the home!!!

(submissive male)
Hi elina,
Ann is enjoying fucking James whenever she wants now. He is 17 years my junior, and to be honest, he fucks her better. But I know that she still loves me and I get all the sex I want. James is like a new toy you get for Christmas. You both with it all the time at first at the expense of your other toys but after a while they all get played with again.
Me being nude was not the weird thing as we are nudists and clothes are only worn if we have visitors or one of us is headed out. Having three family members all dressed at the same time was uncommon. As I work from home I do the majority of chores. Also it gives Ann more time to preen and live the true hotwife lifestyle.
Happy Wife, Happy Life!!!!!!
Exactly! Seeing your wife constantly glowing, always looking her best, always smiling, and radiating self-confidence, is amazing. Letting her fuck other men to achieve this is a small sacrifice to make.
We have also shown our children what we believe true love is all about. Welcoming James into our home to live with us has shown them how much I love their mother. The kids knowing about our 25+ years of swinging demonstrates our love, respect and trust for each other.

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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by Johnann2227 » Fri Aug 09, 2024 1:57 pm

We had a lovely night with James's friends last night. He invited five of his friends over for dinner and drinks. During the day I went out and bought steaks and salmon, ingredients for a lovely salad, a delicious cheesecake for desert and some beers and bottles of wine. James had written me a list of what his friends liked so I would be able to get everything for the night.

His friends arrived at 7pm. James and Ann met them at the door arm in arm and welcomed them in. Ann looked beautiful in a knee length, burgundy body-con dress, black lace-top stay-ups and 3 inch black heels. As I had seen her dressing I knew that she was not wearing a bra or panties under her dress. She looked hot, sexy but still elegant and appropriate to be hosting vanilla friends. James looked handsome wearing a whitle linen shirt, navy chinos and brown suede loafers. Together they looked a handsome couple. I could hear them say to James's friends, " Hi, thanks for coming. Welcome to our home. It is great to see you again". Handshakes, hugs and kisses were exchanged.

I watched as Ann and James led them to our back living room. They were holding hands and exhibiting their love for each other. I approached everyone and Ann introduced me to them. She said, "Everyone this is my husband John". I shook hands with everyone and also welcomed them. They all seemed friendly. Ann suggested I get drinks for everyone so I took their orders and went to make the drinks.

We sat and chatted for a bit before Ann suggested I go and start cooking the steaks and salmon. I was cooking them on the BBQ so I put on a jacket and headed outside. Ann and James had made the salads whie I was getting dressed and I had set the dining room table during the day.
As I was cooking I would occassionally glance into our back living room and I could see Ann leaning back against James with her hand on his upper thigh. He had his arm around her and was slowly rubbing her upper arm. They looked so good together.

When the food was ready I brought it in and called everyone to the table. We all sat, with me on Ann's left and James on her right. I had got everyone new drinks and we all enjoyed a delicious dinner. The conversation was great and we heard lots of interesting stories about James. Every now and then Ann and James would give each other a quick kiss. When dinner was finished I cleared the table and brought in the cheesecake. I also brought in more drinks for everyone. We talked for ages and I realised that I really liked these people. One of the ladies, Abby, asked how our first week living together had gone. Ann answered first and said, "Fabulous! I get to wake up with these two gorgeous men every morning. I am living every girl's dream." James leant in and kissed Ann and then I did the same. Abby, who was quite tipsy by now, then said, "Yes, but apart from the great sex how are the logistics of the three of you living together working? How are your kids feeling about it?"
I told Abby that everything was great. As I worked from home I had the time to do all of the chores so when Ann and James came home we had the time to just enjoy being together. As far as our kids went, well they really liked James and got on well. They could see how happy he made their mother and were therefore happy for us.
Abby pressed on with, "Yes, but how do they feel about you three sleeping together everynight?" I told her that they knew we were swingers and were fine with that so the three of us sleeping together was not an issue. Abby's husband Cam then steered the conversation away by making a joke about James's snoring being hard to take. We all laughed and moved on.

When dessert was finished James and Ann led our guests back into the living room leaving me to clear the table and stack the dishwasher. When I was finished I brought us all fresh drinks. Everyone was relaxing on the couches and Ann was laying back against James. Her dress had ridden up a bit and her lace stocking tops were peeking under the hem of her dress. We all chatted and listened to music. Cam looked out the window and noticed our hot tub. He commented that they should have brought their swimming costumes. James replied that swiming costumes are optional here. They laughed but Ann assured them that nude was the best way to enjoy a hot tub. Abby who was drunk by now said that she was game and started pulling her dress up to take it off. Cam stood up and stopped her but not before we got a quick look at her shapely legs and white lace thong. About 15 minutes later Cam announced it was getting late and they should be heading home. We all got up, hugged and kissed our new friends and waved them goodbye.

Ann, James and I then headed up to bed. We took turns in the ensuite, me going last. When I walked back into our room, Ann and James were already naked and kissing on the bed. James was gently pulling on Ann's nipple rings and she was moaning into his mouth. I slowly undressed and watched James slide his hand down Ann's body and start massaging her pussy and clit. She began moaning more and started grinding on James's hand.

I climbed onto our bed and moved over to James. He cock was fully erect and standing impressively from his hairless groin. I leaned over and started sucking his cock. I had really grown to enjoy sucking James's cock and loved swallowing as much of it as I could. I can now comfortably swallow 6 inches of his cock and set myself to conquer the remaining 2 inches by Christmas. That will be my gift to James. As I sucked James I looked up to see him and Ann kissing and him now pumping three fingers into Ann's hungry pussy. Ann was really bucking against James's fingers and then screamed as her orgasm erupted. When she calmed down I took James's cock out of my mouth and pulled him by the cock towards Ann's red, wet pussy. I spread her lips and pushed James's cock into her. He slowly pushed it in causing her to let out a deep, long moan. James started to fuck Ann and she wrapped her legs around his back. I moved up next to Ann's head and she opened her mouth to suck my cock. I reached down and puled on her nipple rings. This cause her to moan more and she had her second orgasm a minute or so later. James didn't stop fucking Ann. He just pushed her thighs back to her boobs and began to roughly fuck her. Ann really enjoyed this and started her filthy talk when she is really excited and getting fucked well. Sh was saying, "That's it! Fuck my married cunt hard. Come on pound my cunt harder. Use me. Breed me. Fuck your slut like she needs. Harder, harder. My cunt needs it harder."
James was really fucking Ann hard. Our bed was bouncing and the headboard was banging against the wall. I lubed my finger, moved behind James and began fingering his arse. He started grunting and squeezing my finger with his anus. Ann was screaming "Fuck me Fuck me Fuck me" before screaming in her third orgasm. I felt James's arse clench and then he roared and began cumming in Ann's pussy. He then collapsed on her and they slowly kissed. Eventually he rolled off her and lay there panting.

I crawled between Ann's legs and ate her delicious creampie. James had really pumped a big load into her and I ate the lot. When I was finished I then leant over and sucked James's cock and balls clean. When they both clean Ann spread her legs and told me to fuck her. I quickly climbed up and pushed my painfully erect cock into her pussy. I started to slowly fuck her and then I felt James spread my arse cheeks. I felt his tongue push against my anus and knew he was rimming me while I fucked Ann. I was in heaven. I was balls deep in Ann's hot silky cunt and James was fucking my arse with his tongue. Soon I knew I was going to cum and James told me he wanted my load. I pulled out and quickly pushed my cock into his mouth. He deep throated me and reached around and stuck his finger up my arse. I blew a substantial load down James's throat. As usual he swallowed everything.

I collapsed back on the bed next to Ann and she cuddled and kissed me. James cuddled up to her other side and soon we fell asleep.

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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by Johnann2227 » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:20 am

We had a great weekend. Saturday morning we woke up lateish and feeling a bit ordinary. I made us some omlettes and coffee and we sat around talking about our day. Tracey was coming over to our house at 3pm to have a hot tub and then she was dressing with us and going to our Saturday night party, which this week was at Fiona and John's. We decided that we would go to the gym and try and get our energy back.

We went upstairs and dressed and headed off together. Now that James was living with us he had ended his old gym membership and had joined our local gym. We got there and trained hard for about 90 minutes. Ann was really working her glutes hard doing squats, deadlifts and lunges. We all finished running on the treadmills for 20 minutes.

When we got home we all stripped and Ann and James went upstairs to shower together. I gathered our gym clothes and towels and put a load of washing on. I then made us iced smoothies to enjoy in the hot tub. I headed upstairs and walked in to find Ann pushed up against the shower screen while James fucked her from behind. I opened the shower door and passionately kissed Ann. Soon James grunted and came inside her. She turned around and they kissed and then she looked at me and nodded. I got down and held his semi erect cock. I sucked it and gave it a good cleaning. When I was finished I stood up and Ann aggressively kissed me. They got out and I hopped in for a quick wash.

After drying off I headed downstairs and found Ann and James relaxing in the hot tub enjoying their smoothies. We sat talking and not long later we heard Tracey calling out for us. We had given her a key to our home and she had let herself in. She walked outside and was already naked. She climbed in and gave us all a kiss. I offered to make her a smoothie but she preferred a glass of wine. We later talked about the party and what we were going to wear etc.

Ann and Tracey got out a while later and headed off to start preparing themselves for the party. They now had a routine where they would give each other an anal douche to clean themselves for the anal sex they knew they would be enjoying at the party. I grabbed James and I a beer each and we sat back relaxing. James then moved over next to me and started rubbing my thigh. It felt good. I closed my eyes and lay my head back enjoying the hot water and his hand massaging me. I felt him grab my hard cock and start to slowly stroke it. I then felt his mouth on my nipple, slowly nibbling and sucking it. I moaned with pleasure. James then pulled me up onto the edge of the hot tub and went down on me. His head was bobbing up and down on my cock and he felt amazing. I lay back and spread my legs apart. James took the hint and started playing with my balls. He also started massaging my anus. I was in heaven! James took my cock out of his mouth and went down to rim me. Bloody sensational! I then felt him slowly work his finger into my arse. I was loving it and when he went back down to start sucking my cock while fingering my arse I was gone. I was fucking his mouth on the upstroke and slamming my arse onto his finger on the downstroke. I was a mess of sensations. I suddenly felt that familiar tingle and tensing in my balls and knew I was about to cum. James sensed this and clamped his mouth down on my cock and began to powerfully fingerbang my arse.

I shot my load down his throat and partially blacked out. The orgasm was so powerful! After he had cleaned my cock I had to push James off as my cock had become too sensitive to be touched. James leaned in and gave me a long, sensuous kiss. We eventually broke our kiss and got out of the tub. We dried off and headed upstairs.

We entered our bedroom to see Ann and Tracey prepping. They had their clothes and shoes out and douched and cleaned. They were now taking turns applying each others make-up and blowdrying hair. When Tracey bent over to pick something up I noticed a twinkle between her arse cheeks. I could see that she was wearing an emerald jewelled butt plug. It contrasted well with her deep spray tan. I commented on it and she said that she had bought a few larger sizes and this was one of them. Ann then asked if I could lube her arse and plug her. She had her large, sapphire plug out and ready. Tracey and James watched as I thoroughly lubed her anus with first one finger and then two. I then lubed up her plug and slowly worked it into her. After about 20 seconds it was fully in and Ann stood back up, turned around and gave me a big thank you kiss.

James and I shaved together and then showered. We washed each other well spending a lot of time focussed on each other's cocks.
We got out, dried and then put on our colognes. Ann had bought us both Dior Sauvage and we smelled great. We put on the clothes she had laid out for us and then headed downstairs to watch some football together.

About an hour later Ann and Tracey appeared. They looked hot! Both had gone for black nicro dresses that had either lace inserts or were sheer. You could see their boobs and Ann's nipple rings glistened. As they walked towards us you could also see their glistening gold pussy piercings. They were obviously going commando. I called us an Uber, the ladies put on their long coats and we were off to party.

Long Lurker 34
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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Sun Aug 11, 2024 3:49 am

JA2227 - I can see bathroom reno in your future, focusing on a bigger shower. :lol: :lol:

$2 Ho
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Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by Johnann2227 » Sun Aug 11, 2024 4:05 am

Long Lurker 34 wrote:
Sun Aug 11, 2024 3:49 am
JA2227 - I can see bathroom reno in your future, focusing on a bigger shower. :lol: :lol:
Hi Long Lurker,
We actually did put in a double shower in our ensuite back in 2013. It has a bench seat at one end, a wall faucet and a ceiling rain faucet. We worked out early in our swinging lives that a large shower was a must when entertaining friends overnight. Also with the gas instant hot water system we have hotwater for however long we want the "shower" to last.

Long Lurker 34
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Posts: 2916
Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:25 pm

Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Sun Aug 11, 2024 4:09 am

Johnann2227 wrote:
Sun Aug 11, 2024 4:05 am
Long Lurker 34 wrote:
Sun Aug 11, 2024 3:49 am
JA2227 - I can see bathroom reno in your future, focusing on a bigger shower. :lol: :lol:
Hi Long Lurker,
We actually did put in a double shower in our ensuite back in 2013. It has a bench seat at one end, a wall faucet and a ceiling rain faucet. We worked out early in our swinging lives that a large shower was a must when entertaining friends overnight. Also with the gas instant hot water system we have hotwater for however long we want the "shower" to last.
JA2227 - Look at that, I read your mind 12 years ago and here's my wife saying I can't do such a thing. :o :lol: :lol:

$2 Ho
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Location: Sydney, Australia

Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by Johnann2227 » Sun Aug 11, 2024 4:28 am

Long Lurker 34 wrote:
Sun Aug 11, 2024 4:09 am
Johnann2227 wrote:
Sun Aug 11, 2024 4:05 am
Long Lurker 34 wrote:
Sun Aug 11, 2024 3:49 am
JA2227 - I can see bathroom reno in your future, focusing on a bigger shower. :lol: :lol:
Hi Long Lurker,
We actually did put in a double shower in our ensuite back in 2013. It has a bench seat at one end, a wall faucet and a ceiling rain faucet. We worked out early in our swinging lives that a large shower was a must when entertaining friends overnight. Also with the gas instant hot water system we have hotwater for however long we want the "shower" to last.
JA2227 - Look at that, I read your mind 12 years ago and here's my wife saying I can't do such a thing. :o :lol: :lol:
Good one, Long Lurker! The only time I can read Ann's mind is if we see a good looking black guy. Then reading her mind is like reading a newspaper!

Long Lurker 34
OHW Addict
Posts: 2916
Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:25 pm

Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Sun Aug 11, 2024 5:27 pm

Johnann2227 wrote:
Sun Aug 11, 2024 4:28 am
Long Lurker 34 wrote:
Sun Aug 11, 2024 4:09 am
Johnann2227 wrote:
Sun Aug 11, 2024 4:05 am
Long Lurker 34 wrote:
Sun Aug 11, 2024 3:49 am
JA2227 - I can see bathroom reno in your future, focusing on a bigger shower. :lol: :lol:
Hi Long Lurker,
We actually did put in a double shower in our ensuite back in 2013. It has a bench seat at one end, a wall faucet and a ceiling rain faucet. We worked out early in our swinging lives that a large shower was a must when entertaining friends overnight. Also with the gas instant hot water system we have hotwater for however long we want the "shower" to last.
JA2227 - Look at that, I read your mind 12 years ago and here's my wife saying I can't do such a thing. :o :lol: :lol:
Good one, Long Lurker! The only time I can read Ann's mind is if we see a good looking black guy. Then reading her mind is like reading a newspaper!
JA2227 - It's all in the nipple action.

$2 Ho
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Joined: Wed May 10, 2023 2:53 am
Location: Sydney, Australia

Re: Wife on a date tonight!

Unread post by Johnann2227 » Sun Aug 11, 2024 10:05 pm

The party was a blast! Fiona and John were, as usual, amazing hosts and warmly welcomed us. John is into his smoked meats and had cooked us a 28 hour brisket. It was delicious! We ate, drank and flirted. After dinner and desert we played games. We did a variation of musical chairs where the guys sat on chairs and the ladies danced past them until the music stopped. The ladies had to quickly leap onto the lap of the nearest guy. The couples got to make out for one minute and then the music started and the ladies moved on after losing one piece of clothing. John was the DJ so after the first stop Michelle missed a chair and was out. As punishment for being first out she had to suck John's cock for the game.

Eventually there were two ladies left, Belinda and Tracey. Al was the last guy left. Belinda and Tracey looked hot dancing nude around Al and we cheered them on. Eventually the music stopped and Tracey just beat Belinda to Al's lap. For winning Tracey was awarded a 10 inch black cock vibrator. She was definitely happy.

Everyone moved into the group room and the guys all stripped off. We paired up and the party was on. I enjoyed seeing Ann spit roasted between Andrew and Nick. I lay there watching them fuck her hard, both coming in her while Nicole rode me cowgirl. Ann saw me and crawled across and straddled my face so that I could eat her creampie. This night just kept getting better and better.

Ann, James and I eventually called an Uber at 2.45 and headed home. Tracey had decided to head home with Belinda and Adam. We got home, showered and climbed into bed. We were all too exhausted to do anything but kiss and fall asleep.

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