Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by venus-can99 » Fri Sep 06, 2024 8:57 am

Thanks Dawn & Mark for the updates. Mark gets his wall and Dawn you get the hot tub and Roger :D Good bargain eh?
Once again what the two of you are doing for Shelly is just incredible and absolutely the nicest thing I have heard in a while.

Long Lurker 34
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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Fri Sep 06, 2024 4:11 pm

ocean wrote:
Fri Sep 06, 2024 7:09 am
Mark; Hi Freeman, thanks for the summary. I must confess it was quite a stroll down memory lane. The weekend was great and Ray rang Dawn on Tuesday to tell her about the severe bollocking her brother took from both parents for the public humiliation, the total destruction of their anniversary and dreadful embarrassment of them, his sister and their guests. He took quite a kicking. I’d have paid to see that and you were right, I didn’t need to give him a tap after all. Ray was sucking lemons just to take the smile away as he apologised to her, but said she was grateful to him for introducing her to such a good friend as Dawn.

My week was average, there’s news on Shelley which Dawn will impart as ‘I don’t understand these things’, but for my part, she’s enjoying working here and settling in well. She’s been out training customers with one of the other trainers, just thriving. Looks great in her business suit and company car, anyone want to buy a horrible Suzuki thingy.

Assessor came on Thursday morning, decent guy, spent an hour with him. He agreed the wall was badly built and the whole lot should come down as he thinks the other bit is dangerous and no match for the brick anyway, and the courier company’s fault. I showed him the 3 quotes, including Roger’s first quote of like for like to match the others (but not his 2nd quote which is what we want). He agreed to the quotes, he’d confirm and get things going.
It’s going to cost me 5k from my own pocket for Roger’s 'railings plan'. I’ll live with that, otherwise without the insurance it was going to be a hell of a lot more. I phoned Roger the builder, told him where we are and to get started while the insurance was being sorted. He said he’s already submitted plans and would call in in the afternoon with the plans and paperwork and relieve me of some money. All going well. Dawn to follow
- From the way you describe the rebuild you most care for, even with some out of pocket above the insurance money, over all would add value to your property in the end. So perhaps some bad driving is a win for you, despite the pia of having to deal with it.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Freemans892 » Fri Sep 06, 2024 5:50 pm

Hi Long Lurker, I wouldn’t say it was bad driving, but I would say it someone driving really tired thanks to ‘greasy’. It has turned out a win for Mark and a win for Shelley.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ResponsibullCummings » Fri Sep 06, 2024 9:49 pm

I love how this is working out so well for everyone. Even Roger's benefiting. Actually forget about Roger, he's already had a great experience with Dawn. Hey Karma how about sharing some of the wealth with the rest of us? You both should feel so good for how you've impacted Shelly's life and recognizing that she was a hidden gem.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Sat Sep 14, 2024 8:10 am

Mark; Thursday 12th evening, I went to meet Michelle. not the warmest of evenings so she wore a brown woollen knee length long sleeve dress, which followed her figure beautifully. She was quick to point out this time - only a very small thong, as she, I’m keeping quiet. She has a lovely soft body, a dress size bigger than Dawn all round, with larger soft boobs like pillows and thick nipples just made to be sucked. Getting carried away.

It was a lovely evening, did not talk shop at all. Filled me in on the rest of her holiday, there was a nude beach nearby but she didn’t have the courage and was certainly not encouraged by her husband, her going topless shocked him enough. They are on better terms and he still doesn’t know who I am or surprisingly, who the other guy is, although I queried this she was adamant, and it would stay that way as they’ve all been friends for many years. The repercussions would be awful.

As I’ve said before, Michelle and I enjoy an easy relationship, no risking the chandeliers, so the evening and night time activities were great. I’m not the one who needs the occasional violent interludes to release her inner aggression. Suffice it to say I thoroughly enjoyed myself as I was told did Michelle. plus breakfast.

Dawn: Thursday 12th early afternoon, I received a text from Roger, he’d like to call in with some plans and ideas for the tub, what time would suit? I was out in the evening briefing the London team for about 8 in Southampton which was just over an hour away. So I was working from home. Texted back, 5.30 ok? 5.30 on the dot he came up the drive. Clean white T shirt and jeans, smelling sweet, he’d been home - busted. Definitely cooler so I wore my short comfy grey sweat shirt and leggings which had 1” wide grey and black stripes and white trainers. We had coffee, we talked, we flirted. He’d offloaded the dappy live-in lover from ages ago, apparently she was shoving too much up her nose for his liking, so was now very single - point well made. Did Mark have any idea of our past? ‘No. Would that be a problem?’ Well yes, it’s not right really, he’s a nice guy’. Hmm conscience? I think really he didn’t want to risk Mark’s business. He still looked at my nipples poking through my top and the outline and sway of my boobs, he’d obviously made a lot of effort dressing up to come here. Sooo. ‘You’re absolutely right Roger…. let’s see the plans for the tub?’

I was genuinely surprised. He’s done the college courses, has definitely got the eye for these things, especially after seeing his plan for the precious gates. I was so impressed with the tub plan. He actually is a designer. Not just a concrete pad for the tub - there was a pergola; to the side of the tub was seating and a table for 6 or more people, opening out onto the garden. It was a complete family entertainment centre. Very clever, very good. I told him. The whole family could get round the table. Nothing Mark or I would have dreamed up. Where he’d placed it it blended in without being the star attraction, and we could run power from the garage as well as hidden solar panels on the garage roof out of sight from nosies. I said, ‘this is brilliant’. ‘OK. When can you start?’ He said he’d try to do some of the early parts of my project, in-between projects he’s doing, he was really busy and won’t even be able to start Mark’s job till December, assuming planning is ok. If these designs are anything to go by, I bet he's busy. His company isn’t big, but as big as he wants, which means he has control. He’d come up at the weekend to do some marking out. Great.

I walked across the kitchen to make more coffee knowing he was watching my arse, we are a wily species. I placed his coffee in front of him, put my arms round his neck and gave him a 5* kiss, he squeezed my boobs through my top. So much for 'it not being right', ey? He knew I had to get ready to go to Southampton, so we just stuck to some petting, him getting a good snog and a feel. He said he was OK with that, for now. Before he left he said he’d let me know when he’d start digging out the footings for the new entertainment centre and I had better go tub hunting. Another short session at the door, he had a hard on so I gave it a squeeze through his trousers, he left happy, I went for a bath.

Thursday 12th evening; Jumper, jeans, I met Lesley and Richard at the hotel to have dinner and go over the salient points of the meeting at 9.30 in the morning with Kit and Christopher. It was a more complicated version of the conveyancing/dealing of my expertise. Lesley was looking very sexy in a mid blue, one piece, tight jumpsuit, zip front showing more cleavage than I thought she had, quite a bit of make-up and smelling divine, methinks there’s something afoot. I’d been suspicious at the London office meetings. When I booked rooms for tonight, she was booked floor 4 and him floor 3. We’ll see.

Over dinner we prepped as thoroughly as was possible and then got down to gossip. A new legal secretary had started for one of the partners in London. Attractive brunette, married, returning to work after empty nest, Philip you are so predictable. Yes Philip was ‘showing her the ropes’ as Lesley put it. It meant that as Lesley spoke so freely to me, I wasn’t under suspicion. A little jealous but mainly relieved. I can put him on the back burner without guilt or risk to my career. There would probably be month end with Philip or maybe lose that too, but I think that would be it. I wasn’t going any higher in the firm unless I was prepared to move to the London office, which I wasn't. The Southern office business was good, we hadn’t rocked any boats so I was left alone, my predecessor’s methods were right after all. I felt safe, a little smug and somewhat relieved. The Brighton office couldn't say that, they were getting a real tough time, serve the arrogant pigs right.

Time to call it a day, me to go home and they to retire to their rooms. Said goodnight and walked to the entrance, I slipped into the loo. Left it a minute and came out and stood by the pillar; hand in hand no less to the lift. Straight to floor 4, not stopping at any other floor. Gotcha! Still smiling about Lesley and Richard, I drove home to an empty house. Mark was giving Michelle ‘the benefit’, so it was a large glass of red wine, my little ‘friend’ and bed.

Friday morning: I arrived in time to join them for breakfast. Lesley looked knackered, makeup a bit heavy, I bet they were at it all night. She yawned, I gave her that look, ‘busy night?’ she looked startled, went very red. I smiled, winked. She put her finger to her lips, I nodded, Richard came back to the table with more coffee, conversation continued.
They went into the meeting with Kit and Christopher and I went to the office. Checked the emails and docs. Nothing from the courier company, but nothing expected till month end at the earliest. Spoke with Jenny my pa, I might have mentioned Lesley/Richard? Jenny said the London sec’s suspected and told her, they’re very early in the office - last out. Not subtle. But then, neither was I when I was shagging Philip, he was a partner, I was a junior. So who am I to talk?

I arrived back at the hotel. Checked myself in the mirror, mid green, long sleeved double breasted blazer dress above the knee by say 4”. No blouse, subtle cleavage, flash of thigh as the front parted. Looking good girl. Kit’s team had set up the conference room and the C Club were mingling with coffee. Everyone took their seats around the conference table with the presenters at the front. Twelve attendees, 3 women, two frumpy, one stunning. White blonde shoulder length hair, real blonde, black round neck short sleeve, knee length dress. Very pale complexion and the lightest coldest blue eyes I’ve ever seen, beautiful, but bloody frightening. I tried to avoid her. 6 presenters/representatives of other companies, including Richard and Lesley from my firm; no Mark. Everyone had name plates and name badges. Kit and Chris both smiled at me, sat together to one side, so Lesley and I sat opposite of the ring of desks, all the better to show some forbidden thigh as my skirt parted when I crossed my legs, very Sharon Stone. Everyone plays games.

The afternoon went well, Lesley played a blinder, fielding questions that I would have struggled with. Afterwards, ‘get to know you time’ coffee and mingle. Kit was talking to me when the blonde approached, she introduced herself as Freya. Her eyes absolutely bewitched me. Sorry fellas, I went to pieces, even started to stutter would you believe. She frightened the life out of me. Was it fear? my stomach was like a washing machine. I can only say she came across as cold as ice, almost devoid of all emotion. She asked me what I did in the company as I hadn’t presented (what use was I?) Kit rescued me, filled in. She held a senior position in her father’s business which although manufacturing in UK, was actually based in Norway. Her accent was very Scandi and we had a stilted conversation. She gave me her card and just walked away, no goodbye. On the spectrum, perhaps? Almost no emotion. Kit said, I think she liked you. Haha. How could you tell? He said, She has a mind like a computer, just can’t relate to people. That’s Freya’s, she’s ok when you get to know her, although no-one really knows much about her. He laughed, You looked like you were going to wet yourself. I said ‘Kit, I nearly did’. Drink? ‘Too right!’

Everyone was leaving so we slipped away into Southampton for dinner and me to recover from Freya’s icy gaze. Dinner was great, Kit had his hand on my thighs under my hem, which parted for the occasional brush. He said he still had his room at the hotel, so that’s where we ended up. Two buttons at the front, one inside and my dress was on the floor, joined by his clothes. I kicked my shoes off and went for it on top of the bed. I’m told to paint the picture, so - He likes to dominate and after a very hard doggy fuck and lovely long orgasm, I lay face down, eyes closed catching my breath. He was kissing my neck and whispering he hoped this was ok? I am certain he has an extra come generator in his balls, he pulled it out and came on my back, gallons of it. We showered it off and I sucked him without getting my hair wet and then fucked me again. Don’t ask how many orgasms, I don’t know. A very active night and a slow fuck in the morning. For me, the walk of shame in my green dress to breakfast. He said I was the complete lover. Kisses and gropes in the car park, he’d ring and he’d tell me when we could meet up next week. I said I wasn't an on call fuck. He apologised , he didn’t mean that, just when he could get away he wanted to see me as much as possible, just wanted to be with me. Is he on the hook? Mark calls it NRG. Ooh.

Saturday morning - home, haven’t seen Mark for two days and lots to tell him, and I want to hear about Michelle. I was going to say a quiet weekend, but kids, grandkids Sunday lunch, weather looking ok.

2 Bit Whore
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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by venus-can99 » Sat Sep 14, 2024 12:00 pm

Thanks for the updates Mark and Dawn. With Roger and Kit Phillip can be a distant memory soon. Have a lovely weekend.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Freemans892 » Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:10 pm

Great update. Well, it’s confirmed that Philip is having a relationship with another hot married female at the firm. Lesley and Dawn’s work relationship should be better going forward through keeping secret on Lesley and Richard’s not so secret relationship. I wonder if Freya will make an appearance more often in the future. She sounds like an engaging personality, even if she is cold. I wonder what Freya is like in bed? It sounds like Kit likes to be the dominant one in the relationship; Philip and Kit sound very similar. By the sounds of it, Mark didn’t miss much not being at the presentation, except for not getting to meet Freya. If Mark had been at the presentation, it would have been hard for Dawn to pull off an overnighter with Kit.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by 54321 » Sun Sep 15, 2024 1:17 pm

I placed his coffee in front of him, put my arms round his neck and gave him a 5* kiss, he squeezed my boobs through my top. So much for 'it not being right', ey? He knew I had to get ready to go to Southampton, so we just stuck to some petting, him getting a good snog and a feel. He said he was OK with that, for now. Before he left he said he’d let me know when he’d start digging out the footings for the new entertainment centre and I had better go tub hunting. Another short session at the door, he had a hard on so I gave it a squeeze through his trousers, he left happy, I went for a bath.
What FUN!!!


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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Mon Sep 16, 2024 1:02 am

Dawn, did you consider why James introduced your to Kit, what was James's motivation to introduce you to a new man, just wondering, will your see James again or
Have you replace James with Kit

As Lit likes domino and was talking about 3sums, do you see this on the horizon, would you like to know in advance or just go with the flow

When are you planing on fining Richard a run out, must be soon, maybe next WFH day


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