Ode to Maddie Marlow

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Ode to Maddie Marlow

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Wed Oct 09, 2024 1:16 pm

Simple and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our loyal readers who have faithfully followed our fictional non-fiction work Ascending Lauren. What follows is Simple's first foray into pure fiction. It has cuckold, consensual non consent, and group sex themes. If these topics trigger you, please read something else, we will not be offended. He is still in the wilderness on assignment, and asked me to do the final edit and upload. I know he would love feedback on this, good or bad.

Again, this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Anything depicted has no relation to past or current people and events. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are over 18.



Maddie Marlow and I stood at the gate to my friend Grant Sabatini's parent's backyard, beaming at the huge banner that was stretched from one giant oak tree to another.

Congrats Class of 1985

I took my pride and joy's hand as we strode through the fresh-cut grass towards where classmates were milling around the tables of snacks and soft drinks.

We'd done it! Not more than three hours prior, the entire senior class had walked across the stage at Maple Heights High and were handed that little piece of paper that meant so much to our future. It had been harder for some than others. Maddie, me, and most of our close friends were what many might call nerds. We enjoyed spending our free time immersed in non-sporting activities like gaming, reading, or just contemplating life. While some viewed us as outsiders for our intellectual passions, the few in our circle were tight, always having each other's backs.

One of those friends was Grant. Having been friends since the third grade, we had spent countless hours dreaming about the future, discussing video game strategies, and pondering the opposite sex, who remained somewhat of a mystery to us until sophomore year when we began to realize there was more to life than frequenting video arcades. Even after that awakening, attempting to converse with girls often proved to be an awkward and fruitless endeavor. We would say something we thought was clever, only to be met with perplexed looks and disapproval, whereas the jocks seemed able to say or do almost anything and be rewarded with a coy swoon.

Grant and I hadn't exactly had the best luck with the ladies, but we had our own dreams and aspirations. While most guys our age were out chasing skirts, we had our sights set on something a bit more lofty - college. I wanted to become a CPA, and Grant had his heart set on becoming a doctor. I know what you're thinking - who the hell grows up wanting to be an accountant? But I had a thing for numbers, the way they brought order to chaos. There was something incredibly satisfying about making everything balance to the penny.

So, we studied hard and pushed each other to be the best we could be. Chemistry for Grant, math for me, with a few late-night gaming sessions thrown in for good measure. Those were the things we focused on, knowing that playing the long game would eventually pay off with big houses and gorgeous wives. And our parents, for the most part, supported us. Except for my loser father.

Randy Walker wasn't exactly the most inspiring guy in our town. A once-varsity quarterback who wound up at the Lube and More on Main Street rather than a collegiate gridiron, he split his time between working changing oil or at the dilapidated bungalow that he shared with an equally disappointing high school friend, Hal Dunlop. My Mom, Alice, had recognized Dad's lack of potential early on, and as the drinking and gambling became excessive, she'd finally kicked him to the curb. Eventually, he surfaced at Hal's dump and been there ever since. Unfortunately, Dunlop's place was only a few blocks from ours, and on any given summer evening, the two could be found sitting on an old wooden swing on the porch of that sorry house, drinking beer and talking about the '71 Camaro rotting away on blocks in the front lawn. Almost as if simply talking about it would restore its life. Dunlop hadn't fared much better but had recently been promoted to an assistant shift lead at the Tasty Freeze, where he liked to leer at teenage girls in their tank tops from behind the counter. Honestly, those two deserved each other, and it was only because Hal owned another rundown home in the neighborhood that they had any real steady income. That's how I first met Maddie. Right after she had moved into the single-story three doors down with her mother, Stella, Dad asked me to go collect the rent seeing as he was too lazy to get off his own ass to do so. As soon as she opened the door, I knew she was the girl for me. All lanky, six-foot, no hips or breasts to speak of. But to me, she was drop-dead gorgeous. She later told me how cute I was stammering through my request for a check while trying not to look in those bright green eyes.

All I remember that night while walking back to my mother's house was Madelyn's straight, stringy golden hair on top a volleyball player's body. Not exactly a pinup girl, but any girl that smiled at me back then made a lasting impression.

Using a ladle to pour punch into Styrofoam cups, I handed one to Maddie and surveyed the party. Grant's parents had done it right. Twinkling white lights were draped softly through trees and lawn chairs and blankets dotted the grass for guests to sit. Most of the adults had gathered on one side of the yard next to a privacy fence, laughing a little too loud as the liquor kicked in. Several teachers and the school librarian were sampling the food and mingling with the graduates. Football star Bart Cannon held court with the cool kids at a picnic table, while Shannon Wiley - our class's most promiscuous girl - flitted between groups of admiring boys. Overall, the place was hopping and proved to be a strong turnout for what would not be the only celebration that day for the graduating class.


After getting our fill of barbecue, Maddie and I set out to cruise the town in my mom's Honda Civic, hitting all the hotspots where it was cool to see and be seen. Main Street, Burger Barn, and the Food Mart at the edge of town. It was something we had done every weekend since we began dating around junior year, but that night it seemed all the more special. Over the years, I had watched Madelyn transform from a gangly teenager into a stunning eighteen-year-old woman. She had retained her slender frame, but her hips had filled out, giving her a classic hourglass figure. Her blonde hair now flowed down her back in waves, and her long legs added to her statuesque presence, reminiscent of the fashion models of the day. In fact, with everyone beginning to tell her how beautiful she was, she had been developing an ambition to be a model. Talk of modeling school and dreams of being on the cover of Vogue began creeping into our conversations. While I listened patiently, I secretly doubted her success in that field. And yet, I admit there were a few times I masturbated while imagining her as a centerfold in one of the seedy magazines I had swiped from Hal's place while visiting my father. All in all, I accepted that she was the kind of girl who turned heads wherever she went and just felt lucky to be her boyfriend. How a scrawny, Poindexter like me landed someone like her I'll never know. Gaunt, short, and bony, the top of my head barely reached Maddie's chin.

Fortunately for me, we had fallen for each other before the "butterfly emerged from its cocoon," so to speak. Before the jocks and stoners discovered her transformation and started hitting on her left and right. She handled it all with grace, gently informing her admirers that she was Tim Walker's girlfriend, leaving many of them in disbelief. I must say my chest puffed up a bit when I heard these types of loyal affirmations.

The night of graduation, she was looking especially lovely in a cream ribbed, form-fitting turtleneck sweater and tight blue jeans. Every smile and sideways glance from her were fanning my already out-of-control hormones, and I couldn't wait to get her alone later. Not to have sex, mind you; we were both still dorky virgins who believed in waiting a bit longer, but that doesn't mean we hadn't fooled around. Neither of us drank much, but on those rare occasions, I had received a handjob or two, and she some attention from my fingers. It's not that I didn't want to go further, but unlike my father, I was a gentleman and was willing to wait until Maddie was ready.

As we cruised through the Burger Barn parking lot for the third time, the warm spring breeze in our hair, we heard tell of a kegger on a secluded sandbar down by the Black River. It was a spot just outside of town where farmland began its endless stretch to the horizon. It seemed the varsity football players were organizing it, and anybody that was anybody would be there. Although Maddie and I weren't really into that scene, I could tell from the look in her eyes that she wanted to check it out. Perhaps it was a touch of FOMO or just the realization that the carefree days of our youth were slipping away. Whatever the reason, I kissed her on the cheek and pointed the Civic towards the two-lane blacktop that took us out of town.


Twenty minutes later, we pulled off the road and crept down a dirt road with craters the size of Iowa. It tossed the Honda around like a passenger on the Tilt-a-Wheel until we came to a grassy clearing where at least two dozen cars were parked. Killing the lights, I coasted to a stop next to a silver Jeep Wrangler. Such a clandestine arrival was really unnecessary. Maple Heights teens had frequented the not-so-secretive river for generations. Even the town's small police force--most of them locals--had grown up partying on the sandbar. Every once in a while a bored deputy would traipse down the trails and harass whoever was unlucky enough to be there. But on graduation nights, even the most cynical of them steered clear, letting the town's future leaders blow off some steam.

The advertised blowout did not disappoint. Two kegs of premium beer, a generator-powered sound system, and lots of frivolity. One could almost hear the collective sigh of the seniors rising above the mist of the dark banks. With young people running here and there, laughter mixed with new-wave and rock as friends patted each other on the back and talked of this or that university. Several of the cool kids looked at each other amused as Maddie and I walked by, hand in hand. None were accustomed to seeing members of the geek squad at any of their gatherings. On any other occasion, they might have made a rude remark, but on that happiest of nights, we were all part of the same class and they seemed to shrug off our presence.

Maddie's face lit up when she saw a girlfriend and ran ahead, giggling. Left alone, I headed to the keg where several members of the lacrosse and football teams were hanging out, cutting up with stupid, beer-induced grins. Amongst them were Bryce O'Neil and Chase Foristell, two of Maple Heights' star athletes.

"Little Timmy Walker," Bryce cried out, for the first time in his life appearing happy to see me. "Have a beer, my man."

I accepted the poorly poured red Solo cup with a nod and listened to the others as they talked cars and tits, all the while keeping an eye on Maddie as she talked with a few of the popular drama queens who had befriended her through class plays. With her hair still done up from the graduation ceremony, it was amazing how much older and wildly sexy she looked. And I wasn't the only one noticing either. Bryce's buddies nudged him as they eyed the girls with bad intent. They all knew he'd had the hots for Maddie and that she'd shut down his every request for a date.

Too bad, buddy boy, she's mine.

Grabbing another beer, I walked confidently over to the hen cluck and handed it to Maddie, putting an arm around her waist. I may have even glanced over my shoulder to see the jocks giving Bryce a hard time as he stood there trying to appear indifferent.

As the night grew long, little by little, couples began to slip away to the trusty woods above the waterline in search of a small patch of paradise. While Maddie was off talking with that year's valedictorian, Grace Parker, I sat on a rock waiting patiently. That was until a hand clasped down on my shoulder. "Hey, Walker."

Startled, I turned my head to see Chase Foristell.

"Looks like the ladies are primed for a little loving, huh?"

I looked around the sandbar. Most did look a little tipsy. "I suppose."

"Right? Listen, we're heading over to old lady Grayson's field to grab some flowers. You know how the chicks love their roses. Why don't you come with us and grab a stack for Maddie?"

I smiled to myself as I watched my very animated girlfriend chat it up with Grace. Soon she'd return and we would find our own spot in the woods.

"Yeah, I don't think so."

"C'mon man, it's just on the other side of the access road. Literally five minutes. Easy pickings, great return on investment."

This I considered. The eighty-year-old's garden was like an arboretum, always growing something beautiful and a lot of it. And they were right, roses did melt hearts.

Looking back at Maddie, the conversation she was having didn't seem like it was going to end anytime soon.

"Okay, five minutes."

Moving swiftly, four of us crossed the road and went past the pasture and through the makeshift parking lot. After hopping over a low fence, we burst into a very large and dark field. The others were athletes, fast and surefooted. Try as I might to keep up, I fell behind, suddenly finding myself in a remote area filled with tall brush. Calling out to the others, I got no response. It was quiet. Too quiet. Trudging deeper into the weeds, the moonless, cloudy sky provided no frame of reference. Stopping and starting several times, I turned in various directions, trying to get my bearings. After another five minutes of stumbling, I finally put my hands on top of my head and twirled about.


I was completely lost.



I cursed the boys that had taken me on a wild goose chase, a practical joke the meathead jocks undoubtedly thought oh so funny. I spent another ten minutes wandering aimlessly before the low rumble of cars revving gave me some sense of direction. Walking towards the sound of their engines I eventually stumbled out of the field and onto the dirt road that led down to the river. Brushing straw and insects off my clothing I headed down the trail, cursing every step of the way.

Moments later, I was on the sandbar again. There were way fewer students now and the music had slowed considerably. Rock had been replaced by slower country music which now wafted through the trees to set the mood. The beach was dotted with several couples around small bonfires, making out in the warm glow. Further up the bank, others darted up into the woods. Scanning the bottoms, my eyes searched for Maddie but she was nowhere to be seen.

Surely, she hadn't left without me.

Walking through heavy silt, no doubt deposited there by recent dredgers, I called out her name, hoping she was just with some friends huddled around one of the fires. When I got to the trail, I stopped and listened, straining to hear over the music. Giggles from the forest broke the otherwise peaceful air. Scrambling up the embankment, grabbing tree roots for leverage, I began creeping down the path that led deeper into the tall pines. Leaves crunched below my sneakers as the music faded the farther I went. Every twenty feet or so, couples sat on fallen trees, kissing and groping. One of the guys who had led me into the field was there trying to get lucky with a sophomore. He had the audacity to laugh and ask if I'd ever found the roses. My pride had half the mind to go over and slug him, but all I wanted to do was find Maddie. I was about to turn around when a pair of silhouettes appeared in a dimly lit clearing. It was a guy and girl engaged in a lively conversation. Back against an old abandoned well, she seemed to be halfheartedly fending off rather persistent advances.

"Please, Bryce, I have to get back."


I swallowed hard as I snuck into the bush to listen better. I'd know that voice anywhere.

"Back to Walker? You can do better than that loser."

Maddie brushed a wandering hand off her shoulder. "I thought we were just going for a walk."

Bryce chuckled. "Really? You came to the woods with me just to take a walk? I don't believe that for a minute."

Without warning, he bent over and kissed her on the lips. She pushed away.

"Stop, I need to find Timmy."

"Don't worry, lover boy is out looking for flowers."


"C'mon, baby, just a little congratulatory kiss?"

It suddenly dawned on me that Bryce's posse had not just abandoned me. They had lured me away. My fists clenched in anger as I continued to listen.

Maddie giggled. "I graduated too, you know. Silly boy."

"I know," the linebacker leaned in for another kiss. "And you are one of Maple Heights' finest."

To my surprise, she didn't resist this time. Any opposition left her body as it went limp, her mouth opening to accept the tip of his tongue as it pushed passed her lips.

Do something! I admonished myself. Go over there and stop this shit RIGHT NOW!

But I couldn't. My legs were heavy, almost nonexistent. It was as if they had taken root. An odd, sick feeling took hold, beginning in my head but flowing through my body like perverse electricity. Beyond the anger that my girl was here in the middle of the forest kissing another guy, there was also something I couldn't put my finger on. Titillating. Depraved. Addled. Emotions I shouldn't be having but was.

"I...I shouldn't," Maddie gasped, yielding more to the athlete's touch. Her earthy breaths quickened as his hand reached under the sweater and groped a breast.


The pairs' legs intertwined, hands grappling at clothing. Maddie again pushed Bryce away, but then inexplicably pulled the boy closer, wrapping a leg around one of his thighs. I looked on, flabbergasted, disbelieving she was actually enjoying this! In the dimmest of light, I caught a glimpse of her bare stomach as the turtleneck was pushed up and over her delectable bosom. A moan escaped her lips as a thumb passed over a hardening nipple trapped by a lacy bra.

Then, suddenly, she seemed to realize what she was doing.

"I can't. I mean... Timmy..."

"To hell with him."

Bryce drew her back into his arms and placed one of her hands over his crotch. "I've seen that putz in the locker room, Sweets. He ain't got nothing like this, does he?"

Maddie's eyes widened and her fingers froze involuntarily around the large bulge. I knew what she was thinking. I wasn't gay, but in the showers after gym class it was difficult not to notice other guys' packages. There was clearly a disparity between his thick seven inches and my skinny five. And now, she knew too.


Chased placed a hand on the top of her head and applied downward pressure. "Yeah, exactly. Why don't you go see for yourself."

Another gasp and a long moan. Maddie still hadn't removed her hand from his package, but I could see the turmoil on her face. She was doing everything she could to resist. Slowly, she began to yield, dropping to her knees.

No, Maddie, no!

But then she came to her senses.

"Stop it!" Maddie cried out, pushing off his chest and stumbling backward. "I can't!"

Dazed, she glanced up and down the path, trying to decide which way led back down to the sandbar. Seconds later my girl ran right by my hiding spot, arms and hands extended for balance on the uneven forest floor, oblivious to my presence. I could hear Bryce kicking rocks and cussing loudly as I slipped onto the trail behind her, taking a shortcut through thick underbrush to reach the river before she did. With seconds to spare, I slid down the embankment and was picking myself up when Maddie appeared at the trailhead, out of breath.

"Timmy!" she cried, throwing herself into my muddy arms. "Where have you been?"

Wrapping her up, I inhaled that sweet perfume and squeezed her for dear life.

"I thought I had lost you," I sighed.

In more ways than one.


Later that night, as we sat in the Civic in front of Maddie's house saying goodnight, our kiss seemed longer, more passionate. Frenzied. There was no need to ask why. Bryce had gotten her motor running, and although I hated to admit it, the sight of him fondling my girlfriend was more than a little thrilling. Much like imagining her in those magazines, except that had been for real.

Leaning in, our mouths collided in a hungry kiss. My hands roamed her body, feeling the softness of that smooth skin, the fullness of her breasts. Tongues dancing, my hands traveled down over the soft sweater until they found their way beneath the waistband of her jeans. Undoing the button-fly, one by one, I teased my fingers along the edge of her panties, the feel of the fabric sending shivers down my spine. Maddie squirmed and lifted her hips, giving me better access to her already moist treasure. She gasped into my mouth as my hand slipped past the material and cupped her warm, wet mound. Her moans were like music to my ears, fueling my want even more. I explored her slick lips with my fingers, feeling her warmth and wetness enveloping them. The scent of her pussy filled the car as my thumb moved in slow, tantalizing circles over what I had learned was her clit, each touch eliciting soft, desperate gasps from Maddie's lips. Moaning, her hands fumbled with the zipper of my own jeans until my aching cock sprang from behind my briefs. She began to stroke me, her fingers tracing up and down my shaft. Each stroke sent a jolt of pleasure through my body, and I could feel myself getting harder. I reached down and raised the turtleneck until it sat atop her breasts, held tight by the same bra that Bryce had manhandled in the woods. I could feel her hard nipple through the material, and couldn't resist, pinching and rolling it between my fingers. Maddie moaned even louder, her hips lifting off the seat as she ground against the fingers I had buried in her pussy.

As I stroked that quivering clit, I could feel her getting closer to the edge. She was breathing heavily, pelvis bucking into my hand. Increasing the pressure, my thumb moved in slow circles over her button. Suddenly, Maddie's body shook, her groans turning into cries as she flooded her panties, soaking those tight jeans and my hand. She gasped, trembling as she orgasmed in little waves.

Slowly, she came to her senses, then fixed me with a coy smile. Gripping me tightly, she began to stroke me again, her fingers working my shaft, her eyes never leaving my face. I leaned back, letting her do the work, the sound of my heavy breathing filling the car, windows fogging with telltale condensation. Sweat began beading on my forehead, my heart racing as I prepared to let go. Maddie must have sensed it too, because she increased the pace, her hand moving faster. I could feel the pressure building in my balls, the sensation growing stronger and stronger. I knew I was about to cum, and I couldn't wait. My eyes closed as I reached the point of no return.

With a loud grunt, my cock exploded, semen shooting onto the dashboard of my Mom's car. It splattered everywhere, coating the smooth clear plexiglass in a white, sticky goo. Maddie didn't stop, her hand still working me as I came, drawing out every last drop. Eventually, she pulled her hand away with a satisfied smile on her face, surveying the mess she'd caused.

"I think you need to clean that up," she said, before giving me one last kiss and climbing out of the car. "Your mother will kill you."

God, I loved that girl.


That first week of summer vacation was a dream. Every day, I would walk to Maddie's house, and we'd watch stupid game shows, eat bologna sandwiches, and cuddle. When we got bored, we'd spend hours on her back porch talking about starting our first semester at the community college one town over in Shady Valley. My part-time job at the local supermarket had not yet begun, nor had the modeling lessons Mrs. Foley, our high school drama teacher, offered to give Maddie over the summer in exchange for cleaning her home. I wasn't sure she'd ever become a supermodel, but who was I to squelch dreams?

The worst part of visiting her was that I had to pass by Hal's place only a stone's throw away. Not being a fan of my father, I tried to avoid him and his dim-witted buddies at all costs. Dad was the typical winner turned loser, like so many other men in our poor county. He had forgone college but found work on the docks for a major industrial distribution company. While not a great gig, he'd been a reliable provider for his family, and with Mom's job as a dental hygienist, they'd managed to save enough to buy the proverbial picket fence house on the 'right side' of the tracks. Then came the bouts with gambling and drinking until Mom had had enough. This landed Dad at Hal's, who lived, quite literally, on the 'wrong side' of the tracks. Unfortunately, Maddie's mother was also divorced and relied on social services to get by. This had Stella renting Dunlop's shanty on the same street as her slumlord.

Most days I made it past Dad's undetected, but that Saturday, as I walked as fast as I could passed Dunlop's Dump, I heard an all too familiar voice call out to me from the front yard.

"Well, well, well," Randy greeted me, hopping off the tailgate of a rusty Ford F150 with a beer in hand.  "The prodigal son returns. You remember Hal and Wade, don't you?"

"Yeah," I murmured from the street, trying to escape any real conversation. The other men snickered and leaned against an old forever-being-fixed GTO that sat on blocks over a patch of lawn that hadn't seen sunlight in decades.

"Want a brew?" he asked, a greasy smile on his face.

"It's ten o'clock. In the morning."

Dad looked back at his cronies and cackled. "So? It's five o'clock somewhere. Amiright?"

"Whatever," I turned and kept walking.

"How's that whore mother of yours?"

"DON'T CALL HERE THAT!" I spun around, fists clenched.

Why not? Ain't she fuckin' that spic Moralis?"

"Yeah, she is. I've seen her about town with him," Floyd yipped.

I bit my lip as I saw Maddie come out of her house. "Mom's not married anymore and can date anyone she wants."

With a contemptuous and petty snarl, my father pointed to a stained cooler on the porch.

"Hey, look. Sorry. How about you stick around and have a drink your old man, huh?"

I thought about saying something snarky but took the high road. "Can't."

The men stared past me as Maddie came up from behind and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Whoa," Dad said, "You and Stella's kid? Good work, son." He gave her a once-over. "Nice legs, too."

Floyd had been messing with an old Canon camera and snapped a couple of pics.

"You ever want to make some money honey, I do glamour shots."

My blood began to boil. To make matters even more disgusting, that fat fuck and his protruding belly wasn't kidding. "Knock it off."

"Okay, okay," he smiled crookedly. "Just sayin'."

I asked Maddie to walk ahead, telling her I needed to talk to my father. When she was out of earshot, I fixed Floyd with a steely gaze.

"Leave her out of this, asshole."

"Hey man, just giving the girl some options. I hear she's gonna be a model."

"Fine as hell," Wade concurred. "Nice ass too."

"You tappin' that, boy?" Hal asked, grinning.

My fists doubled at my side. "None of your goddamn business."

"Relax, son," Randy raised a hand. "The boys are just having fun."

Not a winnable situation, I simply turned and walked away.

"Well, if you're not," I could hear a drunk Floyd holler after me, "send her our way. I'd sure like a go at that."

Behind my back, the tittering of the day-drunk man-children as they clapped each other on the back only served to fuel my hatred of them. It was only the sight of Maddie waiting inside the door of her house that drove the bitterness from my face.


The second week was filled with the type of activities that signal warm weather and freedom from two semesters of being cooped up in a classroom: float trips, swimming, and ice cream.

Predictably, a traveling carnival set up camp in the fairgrounds just outside town and blanketed the area with flyers promising thrill rides, greasy food, and kissing booths.

On opening night, the place was bursting with families and couples on one of the first really hot summer evenings. Colorful lights flashed from the rides as classic rock bubbled from speakers. The tantalizing smells of kettle corn, funnel cake, and corn dogs wafted through the air. I showed off my skills at the water gun game, popping enough balloons to earn a large teddy bear for Maddie. She in turn impressed me with her basketball prowess, smoothly sinking three shots in a row to win a gaudy bead necklace for me. I'll never forget the look in her eyes as she slipped it over my head and kissed me on the lips. It was a special moment for both of us.

As we walked the midway, more and more of our popular ex-classmates seemed to acknowledge Maddie and me than ever before. Maybe it was because we were all just growing up and the silliness of cliches sinking in. Or maybe it was her blossoming into one of the beautiful people they wanted in their circle of friends. Indeed, in preparation for modeling lessons, Maddie had begun styling her hair ala Tawny Kitaen, and taken to wearing high-waisted leg warmers and matching crop tops that left a lot of midriff exposed. Had she been in LA, she surely would have been cast in an MTV video.

Unsurprisingly, it seemed no matter where we walked, a couple of guys in letterman jackets would strike up a conversation with her. Whenever I'd leave to grab a drink or use the restroom, invariably I'd come back to find Maddie laughing and chatting with jocks. Yes, I'll admit to hanging back a couple of times, just to watch. Although there was no overt flirting, at least from her, the subtle signs were still there. The smiles, the twisting of hair, laughing a bit too loud. Like the recent encounter down by the river, my feet seemed riveted to the midway, unable to move, my brain firing a billion synapses at once. It didn't seem reasonable that I'd want this to continue, but it sure seemed like I did.

Yet for all the coyness, never once did I see any touching or phone numbers exchanged. In fact, Maddie's eyes always lit up when I returned, eagerly hugging my arm and showing everyone who she was with. Indeed, I was a proud man and although I didn't know it, the night was going to get even better.

No visit to a carnival would be complete without a trip to the Biergarten, and although we couldn't drink, by the end of the night it appeared our entire class had gathered around the picnic tables, jabbering about this or that. Predictably, the girls gravitated to their friends, while we guys hung in the back, some trying to convince older men to go to the counter and buy beer. After a while, I moseyed off to the nearest porta-potty and waited to shed the evening's six root beer floats. There was a bit of a line, but minutes later I was inside the dimly lit hot, foul-smelling polyurethane box. As I stood there aiming my stream into the dark abyss, the faint conversations of those waiting just outside the door were loud enough to be audible.

"Was that Walker?"

Conrad Davis, captain of the varsity lacrosse team.

"Little Timmy? Yeah, why?"

Aiden Parks, Maple Heights premier offensive tackle. Everybody's pick to be in the NFL draft someday.

"Damn, Maddie's looking fine tonight."

"No shit. Great ass. Would love to tit fuck those jugs."

"Think junior there has?"

"Walker? No way. I still don't see what she sees in that runt."

"It ain't a big dick, that's for sure."

They stopped in mid-sentence when I emerged from the portable scowling.

"Walker," Davis smirked his acknowledgement, bumping my shoulder as he passed to enter.


He stopped, heavy molded door in his hand. "What did you say?"

We stared at each other for a second, brows furrowed.

"Watch your head, Conrad," I smiled.

Those guys were used to making people like me feel awful. But the joke was on them. I had Maddie, the perfect girl. Beautiful, alive and energetic.

As the evening wore on, she dragged me on every ride imaginable: the tilt-a-whirl, scrambler, and a rickety rollercoaster. That girl was thrilled by speed and dizzying sensations while I mostly looked green. On and on we went. Ride. Drink. Ride. Cotton candy. Ride. Games. Ride. Drink.

Then, with closing time approaching, Maddie pulled me to the Ferris wheel.

"Come on, one more," she coaxed, tugging on my hand.

I followed, and climbed into the metal car, warily eyeing the inked and smoking carnie who looked like he wanted to be anywhere else. As the wheel began to turn, Maddie snuggled up to me, her arm wrapped tightly around my waist. With each revolution, we laughed and giggled, mingling with those of the riders. I felt a surge of giddiness, all my earlier worries melting away in my girl's warm embrace.

The fairgrounds and town square were sprawled out below us, giving it an almost fairy tale look. I could see the roof of our school, and in the distance, the smokestacks of the factories that employed many of the townies. The ride didn't last long, and as it slowed to let riders off, our car happened to stop at the very top.

Smiling, Maddie turned to face me, her eyes shining. Without a moment's hesitation, she pulled me close and pressed her lips to mine in a deep, passionate kiss.

"I love you, Timmy Walker," she murmured breathlessly, her forehead resting against mine. "With all my heart."

My body nearly burst with joy and relief. It was the first time either of us had made that declaration and in an instant, all my doubts and insecurities were swept away. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of us, suspended high above the carnival, lost in each other's presence.

"I love you too, Maddie."

Life was good. Very, very good.


That very next week I started at Spencer's Groceries as a part-time bagger. I had been working for the owners the past two summers to earn a little money. It didn't pay much, but the paycheck allowed me to take Maddie out on dates and buy her trinkets here and there. Luckily, the family liked me and mostly scheduled me for the coveted day shift.

Maddie, however, was a bit idle those first couple weeks. Mrs. Foley was on an extended vacation to the Appalachians with her husband, so any 'modeling' classes weren't expected to begin until the first of June. To pass the time while I was at work, Maddie took to hanging out at the neighborhood pool with her nerdy girlfriends. This was a mixed bag in my opinion. On the one hand, it was positive that they didn't run with a fast crowd, so there was still that good-girl influence. On the other hand, most of them were, to be frank, thicc. I don't say that to be mean, just to highlight the fact that less pretty girls make good looking girls prettier. Take Bernadette Stapleton, for example. Frizzy red hair, freckles, big ass, coke-bottle glasses. The type of person that is introduced as someone with a 'nice personality'. So, in a sea of fuller figures, even those with slightly attractive ones became gorgeous, and that was my biggest fear. With so much skin on display at community pools, teenage hormones were already in overdrive. Now limit the number of chicks there that were actually cute, and that significantly narrowed down the ones that would be hit on.

The rec center opened at ten in the morning and Maddie and her friends would typically get there when it opened to get the best spots in the sun. My shift at Spencer's began at eleven, which had me driving by the swimming pool around ten-forty-five. Every day, she would stand by the chain-link fence, fingers curled through the mesh, waiting for me to go by with a bright smile and parade wave. Most of the time, there were other guys there too, milling about and doing boyish things to attract attention to themselves. Sometimes Grant would be among them, which provided me with at least some comfort. He would surely be my eyes and ears when I wasn't around.

I took it all in stride, priding myself on being a working man. Maddie and I still had our evenings together and I'd let her prattle on about that day's pool gossip or goofy antics of the boys. It was amazing how seemingly mature eighteen-year-olds could act so silly. Apparently, the rec center was its own microcosm, rapidly becoming that year's place to be. At first, it didn't bother me. There was no FOMO. And I knew Maddie wouldn't do anything to hurt our relationship. Plus, Grant and I gamed together almost every night, and he would have told me if she was doing anything I should be aware of.

But gradually, I had a sinking feeling that things were changing. It was hard to put my finger on it. Mrs. Foley eventually returned from vacation and modeling lessons began, cutting into the time Maddie and I could spend together. Her waiting at the pool's fence to wave also became less frequent. Instead, I would see her sitting on the edge of the deck, long legs dangling in the water, smiling and laughing with other classmates. Almost like she had tired of seeing me off to work. When I asked about it, she would merely shrug, saying that standing on the hot concrete was too much on her feet.

Despite knowing she would no longer be at the fence, I still looked every day. Sometimes Maddie would be by the pool, other times in the lounge chairs. One particularly warm morning, I had to do a double-take. There, on the diving platform awaiting her turn, was my girl in a new bright orange bikini.

What the hell?

This was quite significant. Until then, she had always worn modest one-pieces, never one to show much skin. Amazed, I turned quickly into a shuttered gas station parking lot across the street and watched her stretch and bend as she took the podium. I wasn't the only one, either. Several guys - not all of them teenagers either - turned their heads and looked on as she prepped. And why wouldn't they? In that moment, something about her looked quite different. Maddie was radiant, having developed quite the tan the past few weeks, save the paleness from her one-pieces. That golden mane of hair cascaded down her back and chest, and beneath it, the breasts I had fondled on many occasions strained against the fabric of a bandeau top, threatening to burst free.

I caught my breath while she adjusted her bottoms, pulling the fabric higher between her toned, sun-kissed thighs. It didn't help, as the material just snapped back to mold perfectly with those well-formed ass cheeks. Closing her eyes, and then opening them, Maddie launched herself in the air, did a brief jackknife, then entered the water with a splash. It was an amateurish dive at best, but you'd think that she'd had just won gold by the smattering of applause from her captivated audience. One of them being my best friend, Grant.

I must admit to being quite distracted the rest of the day. Even some of our regular customers noticed my lack of enthusiasm. The whole diving scene played itself over and over in my mind while bagging groceries. And not just her dive. The way those guys had leered was no surprise. She really was model material, in every way, and the skimpy swimsuit simply accentuated that. Heck, in a year and a half, I'd seen less of her body than those boys saw that morning. Yes, I'd seen her boobs in the dark and had my fingers in all the right places, but it was always in dim, and she was always clothed. This had been more like seeing her in a bra and panties, something even I hadn't seen in totality. What really surprised me was the tingling sensation I got when thinking about it. It was almost like I enjoyed those guys leering at my girlfriend.

As fate would have it that afternoon, one of the evening clerks called off, so I was asked to cover his shift. Which meant I had to settle for a phone call with Maddie later that night. Curled up in my bed, we talked about this and that. I waited until she brought up that day's soap opera to ask about the new suit, offhandedly mentioning I'd seen it while driving by that morning.

"You like? It's Jennifer's."

"Jennifer Talbot?"

Jennifer was almost as bad as Shannon, having slept with most of the senior class. Well, except maybe me and Grant.

"No silly, Jenny Foley, Mrs. Foley's daughter. Mrs. Foley has been teaching me how to pose the human body and she mentioned how Jenny and I have the same profile. She let me use Jenny's bikini to practice posing. I didn't think she'd mind me wearing it out once."

"Oh." That sounded plausible enough. "Grant seemed to like it."

Maddie stifled a chuckle. "Timmy, he's like a brother to me."

"Uh-huh. What about your other admirers?"

There was silence on her end. She knew what I was talking about. Brainiacs or not, girls knew when boys were checking them out.

"I...I mean, they're just friends too."

Right. The looks on their faces were seared into my brain. There wasn't a platonic thought between them.

"Come with me to the pool to see for yourself," Maddie said cheerily, although I did detect a bit of uncertainty. "You'll see. We're all just friends hanging out."

We ended the call a bit awkwardly but not before deciding I would join her on Sunday, my only day off. For the longest time, I just sat on my bed, staring at the posters of popular video games that plastered my walls, images of that bikini sending my dick into turmoil. Part of me was a bit put off that the entire neighborhood had seen my girl in barely anything. And yet, it was intriguingly hot, knowing that other guys lusted after her, and might have even stored that moment in their spank bank for later. In a flash of inspiration, I leaned over and slipped my hand under the mattress to retrieve my hidden stash of stolen dog-eared magazines. The covers were worn and well-loved, if not a bit crusty. Page after page had women in various stages of undress, many nude, of course. I began thinking about Maddie's modeling aspirations. Would they ever lead her to do a shoot like these? Spreading one particularly bleached blonde model out on my bed, I sized it up, then went over to my dresser and grabbed a couple of poses Maddie had given me. Ones taken by Mrs. Foley during her modeling lessons. Scissors in hand, I cut out Maddie's face and superimposed it on the model. The result was stunning if not clearly derived. Here was my girlfriend's face, innocent and pretty, with the body of a porn star, her legs spread wide open for all to see. My mouth fell open.

Fuck me.

I couldn't believe how hot the image was. My cock was already rock hard, and the thought of my sweet, innocent girl being an erotic actress was enough to send me over the edge. I quickly shed my pajama bottoms, my cock springing free. I wrapped my hand around it, gripping it tight.

My eyes were glued to the image, my mind racing with dirty thoughts. I had never actually seen Maddie's pussy, only felt the coarseness of her bush and the softness of her lips. Here I imagined her body posed like this one, her pussy slick and wet, ready for me to fuck. My hand had a mind of its own, moving up and down my shaft as I convinced myself it was Maddie's, her fingers wrapped around it, her thumb brushing against the tip as she'd done many times before. And then I took it one step further, imagining something that every guy dreams about but I've never had. In my mind's eye, she slowly lowered her head onto my cock for my first-ever blowjob, her tongue flicking against the head, her moans muffled as she took me deep in her throat.

Jesus Christ!

I ejaculated hard, cum spilling out everywhere, hot and sticky, covering my hand and stomach, some of it pooling on the eight-and-a-half-inch forgery. I fell back on the bed, my chest heaving as I caught my breath.

Wow, that was intense!

Wiping the page off on the sheets, I closed the magazine with Maddie's face intact and shoved it back under my mattress.

For future reference, of course.


As I approached Maddie's house that Sunday morning, I couldn't help but be joyful; it had been a long week at the grocery store and I was looking forward to spending time with my best girl. Although I really didn't like swimming or the whole rec center social scene, I was willing to endure it if it meant being around her.

When Maddie answered the door, my mouth was agape. She was wearing that same bright construction-barrel orange two-piece that, up close, left little to the imagination. Over it, she had on a sheer white crochet cover-up with small eyelets that offered tantalizing glimpses of the bare skin beneath. My heart raced as I took in the sight, my eyes lingering on her curves and the way the fabric clung to her body.

She smiled coyly. "We'd better go if we want good chairs."

I must have been in a trance because she waved her hand in front of my face.

"Earth to Timmy. C'mon, let's go."

Taking an oversized beach bag, I followed her down the path from the front porch to the street. The community pool was only a four-block walk, so there was no need to drive. Three doors down, Hal Dunlop and his buddy Floyd were out working on the GTO and whistled as we walked by.

Maddie was better at ignoring them than I was and looped an arm around mine, hustling me by quickly. "Just ignore them, they're a bunch of pervs."

I couldn't resist looking over my shoulder to see them staring at her butt. Just below the surface, I again felt that mixture of jealousy and arousal simmering, just as it had back in the woods or when I watched her dive from afar. The twitch beneath my board shorts was oddly pleasurable.

At the pool, we found a couple of chaise lounges in the sun and laid out our towels. I watched as Maddie nodded acknowledgment to her pool friends, and I couldn't help but be jealous about how she spent her time without me, lazily lounging in the sun day after day while I was stuck inside working with blue-haired ladies buying overpriced meat. That was alright though, I tried to tell myself. I finally was here, personally invited by the most beautiful girl I knew.

Except I couldn't ignore the eye-fucking some of my peers and a few older men gave her when she unwittingly peeled off her coverup like a stripper. Up close, the bandeau top seemed to be made of a stretchy material held in place only by her baseball-sized breasts. Without the coverup, the darker areolae were clearly visible, and although I had kneaded them often, and even stole a few kisses, seeing them through the thin fabric in public was even more erotic. Below, the French-cut bikini bottoms were pulled high up on her hips, accentuating her toned, tanned thighs and the high-cut leg line. The skimpy fabric clung to her shapely pelvis, creating a tantalizing cleft between her cheeks, and the thin strip of fabric that ran between her legs was puffed out by what I knew was quite the bush of pubic hair. Something I had felt but never fully seen. My Maddie was, without a doubt, an eighteen-year-old goddess who was surely destined to works with great designers.

The rest of the day was fun, if a bit unsettling. Hanging out half-naked with the 'popular' crowd had never been my thing, and it was frankly depressing. As a runt amongst alpha males, I watched from the sidelines as my former classmates and a few frat boys home for the summer frolicked in the pool, laughing and splashing the afternoon away. To Maddie's credit, while she partook in the playful splashing, she stayed close, never straying too far from my side. I did frequently notice, however, her eyes appreciating the broad chests and bulging muscles of those fitter than myself. That was okay too, I told myself, since it was with my scrawny self that she would be going home.

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as I watched Maddie and the other girls - including slutty Shannon - laughing and giggling with the guys. They were all so confident and sure of themselves, while I was just an awkward, emaciated nerd. I knew that I didn't stand a chance with them physically, and couldn't help but feel a little left out while they flirted with all the girls.

Of course, Maddie was a beautiful, confident woman, and I was lucky to have her by my side. But I couldn’t help feeling that I was on the outside looking in, a fifth wheel as she and the beach-blanket-bingo girls interacted with hunky guys. I tried to push the thoughts out of my mind, focusing instead on the warmth of the sun on my skin and the sound of the pool's fountain. And yet, every week it seemed I was missing out on something.

As dinnertime neared, the crowd began to drift away, and Maddie began to gather her things.

"Want to come over for dinner?" I asked, "Mom's making her premium mac n cheese."

Her eyes lit up. "With the pulled pork?"

"Is there any other kind?" I replied, a grin spreading across my face.

"Better get to it, then,” my girl returned the smile, shrugging on the cover-up. "I'm starved."

As we walked from the rec center to my house about a mile away, we held hands and chattered away like nothing had changed. And maybe it hadn't. Maybe my insecurities were just a figment of my imagination.

Or maybe they weren't.


After dinner, we headed to my room to watch the latest episode of Growing Pains. Those days you had to watch shows live or simply miss them. We lay there on my bed content, fingers intertwined, chuckling to the silliness of the Seaver family. At the commercial break, I looked over and decided to ask the question that needed to be asked.

"So... you seem to be pretty popular with the crowd we used to make fun of."

No accusations, nothing judgmental. Just a statement of fact.

Maddie scrunched up her nose. "Yeah, I guess. They're not as bad as you think."

"I noticed you and Shannon the Canyon are soending a lot of time together."

"Stop it. That's mean."

Was it? That's what the jocks called Shannon in the locker room. Apparently, she'd been with enough of them to be considered quite loose down there.

"Sorry. But you two were having quite the conversation. Where's Bernadette these days?"

"Oh, she... she stopped coming 'round."


Maddie just shrugged. "I guess she doesn’t fit in."

I knew how that felt.

"Like, we've always not fit," I observed. “Why now?”

Sitting up in the bed, Maddie shook her head. "We’re adults now. Cliches are stupid."

Uh-huh. I'd heard the off-color jokes those guys were telling and there wasn't anything adult about them.

"So, a slut and a model break that mold, but a plain Jane pimple-face redhead still feels left out? Not exactly a recipe for inclusion."

"Timmy!" Maddie slapped my arm with dismay, then furrowed her brow. “And... which one am I?”

When I didn't answer right way, she swung her legs off the bed in anger and sat up. This caused the remote to slip off the mattress and crash to the floor, spilling its batteries.

"Sorry," she sighed, and bent over to pick them up. I noticed her lingering a bit too long while retrieving them, and it didn’t take long to find out why.

"What's this?" my gorgeous girlfriend asked curiously, holding out a magazine that I stupidly hadn't stashed too well under the mattress. Her eyes widened as she began to flip through it.

I froze. Shit.

It was the one I had gotten creative with using her headshot. And because the glue had made that section thicker, it naturally fell open to that page. Maddie stared at the photo of her stuck on the model's body in disbelief, then stood up and flung the magazine at me.

"Jesus, Timmy! What the fuck?"

I winced. Cursing wasn't in her nature, and I'd never seen her that pissed before.

She turned to me, fists clenched. "Is that how you see me? Some kind of plaything?"

"I was just fooling around, babe, honest."

Maddie looked closer at my handiwork now laying haphazardly on the mattress. Traces of dried white semen were smeared across the page.

"Is that...?" Her expression was incredulous. "Oh my God, that is so disgusting!"

She stomped out of my bedroom in a huff, with me in desperate pursuit. I caught up to her on the front porch.

"C'mon, Maddie, I can explain."

"Explain? There's nothing to explain. You put my face on that... that woman... and turned her into me, right? For what? To imagine what I look like naked? You could have just asked, Timmy."

This was news to me. I raised my brow. "Really?"

Maddie threw up her hands and rolled her eyes. "Ugh! Guys are all the same!"

Suddenly, her scowl turned into a manufactured smile. I could see the shadow of a figure behind me.

"Leaving so soon?" my mom asked cheerily.

"Um, yes, ma'am. Too much sun today. But thank you for dinner. It was delicious."

I stuffed my feet into my sneakers just inside the door. "I'll walk you home."

Maddie pivoted with her nose in the air. "No need. I can manage."

Mom stood with me on the porch, hand on my shoulders as the love of my life strolled down the sidewalk under the orange mercury vapor streetlights.

"Such a nice girl," mother remarked. "You're lucky to have her."


The days that followed were agonizing for me. Maddie didn't return any of my calls or texts, ignoring all my attempts to apologize and make things right. I replayed our fight over and over in my mind, cursing myself for leaving the craftwork in a location where it could be found, and worse, for doing it in the first place.

One night, I decided to drive by Maddie's house on a whim, hoping to talk to her. To my surprise, I spotted her in the driveway, chatting with that slut Shannon. The two of them were dressed to the nines, in low-rise short-shorts, tight tanks and cheap jewelry soley designed to attract attention. I pulled over and got out, blowing past Shannon's infuriating smirk as I approached Maddie.

"Going somewhere?" I asked, trying to keep my cool.

Maddie sighed irritably. "What do you want, Timmy?"

"I've been trying to call you. I'm so sorry you had to see that... that. Will you please forgive me?"

"THAT was so... weird," she chastised. "Is that really how want to see me? Naked and all... splayed out?"

The question caught me off guard. I had to tread carefully - a flat refusal could imply I didn't find her attractive. "Well," I said carefully, "you are beautiful..."

Big mistake. I never got to finish the thought. Shannon's impatient revving interrupted us.

Maddie shot her a look, then turned back to me. "I have to go."

"Where?" I asked desperately.

She started walking away. "Out. What do you care anyway? You've got your porn mag to keep you company."

"Please don't leave like this, Maddie."

As my surly girlfriend got into Shannon's early model Ford Pinto, I felt a knot tighten in my stomach. I knew in my heart there was something wrong. Something had changed.

Something significant.


The next few weeks proved difficult for me, if not downright unbearable. Maddie eventually returned my calls, and I even managed to get her to go to the Tasty Freeze for an ice cream or two. But each time she was colder, indifferent. I noticed her outfits were a lot more provocative too, taking a page from Shannon's playbook. Sundresses had given way to painted-on jeans and shorts so small there was barely five inches of material between the waist and hem. Denim that clung to her round, firm ass, showcasing it in all its glory and inevitable cameltoe. Her tops were just as scanty, revealing toned abs and the straps of black lace bras. Gone were any remnants of modesty.

'Our time' significantly diminished as well. Whereas we used to hang out three or four nights a week, even during the school year, most of Maddie's free time was now spent walking the neighborhood or driving around in Shannon's jalopy. I'd pass all this new, unwanted time by volunteering for more shifts at Spencer's, then drive around town aimlessly. Most of my friends were either working full-time as well or had gone on vacation with their parents. When Grant wasn't apprenticing at his dad's plumbing business, he was off with his own now steady girl. Hoes before bros, I suppose.

Inevitably, I'd spy Maddie and Shannon at the Burger Barn or Tasty Freeze, sitting at a picnic table or leaning against the side of a car, giggling and tossing their big hair, frozen by too much hair spray. Driven by a yet-understood motivation, I would pull across the street and watch from the cover of night as my supposed girlfriend flirted with every type of guy I loathed. Jocks, stoners, even the noxious middle-aged Hal who leered while handing out sundaes and shakes. And who could blame them?

One particularly steamy evening the girls looked especially hot, and it had nothing to do with the weather. Maddie was leaning on the hood of a familiar doorless Wrangler like she was waiting on someone, rocking nothing but a hot pink sports bra under an oversized white ripped tee, and matching spandex bike shorts. Although I had known it all along, it suddenly hit me that her ass was truly a masterpiece. A model's ass. Tight, round kidney beans that jiggled despite the compression material. No male within twenty feet, including Hal Dunlop from his carryout window, could take their eyes off her as she walked around, everything  jiggling and bouncing in that skimpy material.

I sat in my mom's Honda, feeling like a total perv as I watched Maddie flitting around the parking lot, her tight little body encased in barely-there clothing. She was laughing and joking with the boys, her head thrown back and her mouth wide open, revealing that cute little tongue as she sucked on some frozen concoction through a straw. It was such a simple thing, but I knew every guy there was imagining what it would be like to have that tongue swirling around their cock. I found my hand traveling to my crotch while fantasizing about her potential infidelity.

What the fuck was wrong with me?

Maddie simply had no idea what a smoke show she was. Or did she? Was it a coincidence that her manner of dress began to change shortly after that fateful evening when my craftwork was discovered? Although it seriously angered her, had it also somehow awakened self-awareness? Opened her eyes to just how desirable she really was. Did the modeling lessons reinforce that? As she made the rounds with Shannon that summer, it certainly seemed Maddie had a newfound appreciation for the effects she had on the male species. And was exploiting it.

Then there was the gnawing pang of guilt and confusion on my part. I loved Madelyn Marlow and couldn't understand why watching her flirt with other guys turned me on so. Was it wrong to enjoy being a voyeur, to get off on the thrill of watching her with someone else? I was torn between wanting to be angry and knowing I should be sad. I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as I spied on her, my groin throbbing with need as I imagined her in another guy's arms. But I also couldn't shake the feeling that I was betraying her, that I was a bad boyfriend for getting off watching her flirt.

I couldn't help but stare from across the street as the girls continued to capture the boys' attention on the Tasty Freeze lot, the occasional hug and arm around the waist driving me wild. It was like I was paralyzed, unable to tear my eyes away. Someone in a nearby car cranked up an Ohio Players song, launching Maddie and Shannon into a slow, gyrating dance, their shiny hair bouncing with the beat, and full lips curved into sultry smiles as they sang along to the music. I adjusted the lump in my pants, trying to be cool.

It was sheer delight watching the girls dance together. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as I saw Shannon's hands roaming over Maddie's body, grabbing her ass and tugging at her hips. Soon, the urge to touch myself grew too much to ignore. I swiveled my head, not noticing until then that I had pulled into a church's lot.

Great. Just great.

The guilt was powerful, but the need to relieve myself was more so. I killed the Civic's engine and leaned back in my seat, my heart pounding in my chest as I tried to calm down. Sitting just feet from the church's entrance, I  felt a twinge of guilt for what I was about to do. But I couldn't help it. I needed to cum, and I needed to cum right then.

My hand slid beneath my belt, fingers clawing at my pubes until they slipped under my briefs. The warm sweaty palm felt good against my humble five inches. It quivered with each touch. I watched as Maddie continued to dance, her body moving in rhythm with music I barely heard. My breath caught in my throat as one of the boys hugged her from behind, his hands on her hips as she ground her biker shorts against his crotch. I could see her head thrown back, enjoying the attention, pulling away only when his hands crept up to her breasts, copping a squeeze.

My hand began moving faster, gripping my cock as I approached the edge. Suddenly, the front door of an adjacent liquor store flew open, and out walked none other than Bryce O'Neil himself, a twelve-pack of beer in his hand. It dawned on me then that the Jeep Maddie had been leaning against belonged to HIM.

NO! Please God, NO!

The urge to vomit welled up in my throat as I watched my archenemy toss a beer to Maddie, who shrieked with glee and leaped into the Wrangler's open passenger side. If that wasn't enough, O'Neil fired up the engine and put it in reverse while Maddie waved playfully goodbye to her friend Shannon. Seconds later, my bully and my girlfriend sped out of the parking lot and onto the street, gone in a flash.

Reacting quickly, I cranked the ignition of the Honda, and bounced out of the church parking lot, determined to tail the Jeep. Two blocks later, I slowed down for a traffic light, pounding my fist in frustration on the steering wheel. It was nowhere to be seen.

"Damn it!" I cursed under my breath, my heart heavy with disappointment. I scanned the surrounding streets, hoping to catch a glimpse, but they had disappeared.

My mind reeled. Now what? They could be anywhere.

Or could they?

Determined, I pointed the Civic in the direction of Maddie's, hoping beyond hope that she was merely getting a ride home. Turning onto Frontier Street, I slowed, cruising past her home at barely a crawl. Crud. No lights were on, nor were any cars in the driveway. Two houses down, I could see my father and his friends clowning around on their front porch, beers in hand. Thankfully, none of them noticed me slip by under the streetlights.

What now?

Stopping at a red light, I looked at my watch. It was almost midnight. Knowing the grocery store closed at ten, my mom would surely be wondering what was keeping me. Sighing, I let off the brake and made a left towards the tracks, only to be held up by an approaching train. Knees knocking, I fidgeted with the radio, punching every preset but finding nothing appealing.

Why had I frozen back at the Tasty Freeze? Maddie was my girl, dammit, and yet I just sat there and watched her flirt with abandon. I should have interrupted, put my arm around her, and taken her home myself. But no, I watched in silence as she was groped by another guy, and then jump into a car with the one asshole in town that I hated more than any other. Well, almost.

It was a shorter train than most, and when the gates lifted, I put the car in gear and slowly eased forward. To my amazement, Bryce's Jeep began to cross the tracks from the other direction and Maddie was still in the passenger seat. I couldn't believe my luck. Neither had seen me, so I made a quick U-turn and began to tail them again. First back down main street and then out of town, where streetlights cease to light the blacktop. Hanging back so not to be recognized, I matched their speed while keeping about a quarter mile between us. As we passed the old sawmill, I saw the moon illuminating a large ridge ahead that rose a few hundred feet in elevation.

Sander's Hill, Maple Heights's version of Lover's Lane.

Maddie and I had been known to frequent this large remote hill to talk, dream, and make out. There was only one gravel road to the top, so as I saw O'Neil's Wrangler turn off, I quietly pulled over and waited.

That bastard! No one went to Sander's Hill without leaving with a kiss, a feel, or worse. Couldn’t Maddie see what his intentions were?

After about five minutes, I turned on the road myself and began the slow crawl to the summit. Along the way, several cars were parked haphazardly, hugging the secluded path, their occupants no doubt engaged in various states of intimacy. At the top, I cautiously stepped out of the Civic, wincing as the gravel crunched under my boots. In the still of the night, they sounded like firecrackers.

Soon I found soft grass and began carefully working my way down the road, hugging the side that was obscured by overgrown junipers and bayberries. The last thing I needed was someone pegging me for some pervert voyeur. Coming to a bend, I peered out towards a darkened Jeep in the distance, surrounded by a grove of trees. Although the color was indiscernible, it was the same model as Bryce's and sans doors, just as his had been. My breath caught in my throat as I inched closer to the familiar vehicle, my stomach twisting in knots.

As I neared, the sounds of muffled giggles wafted from it. Peeking through the leaves, my worst fears were confirmed as I saw Bryce and my girlfriend sitting uncomfortably close together in the backseat, smiling and laughing about something or other. They were sipping the beers I had seen him buy earlier and chatting very animatedly.

There was little doubt as to why my biggest bully, Bryce, had brought Maddie to such a secluded spot. His intentions were crystal clear. What I couldn't understand was why Maddie - my sweet, innocent Maddie - had agreed to come along with him. Did she actually like this big goof? The one she always referred to as 'the Neanderthal'? Why now the change of heart?

I gripped the small branch of a tree while peering through the leaves, knuckles turning white as I fought the urge to charge over there and rip them apart. But I knew that would only end badly for me. Not only from a physical confrontation with her date, but the wrath of Maddie for spying on her. Still, she was my girl and I had to do something. Just as I was about to crash through the brush and confront them, I froze as things got real quiet, the two of them just staring at each other.

And then it happened.

The world seemed to slow to a crawl as Bryce leaned in, his lumpy fingers gently cradling Maddie's face. Time stood still in that moment, their breath mingling as his lips brushed against hers with a tenderness that left me reeling. Maddie's eyes fluttered shut, her body melting into his as she returned the soft, patient kiss. Outside, only the sounds of crickets broke the stillness. Inside, my heart was shattering into a million pieces.

And yet, I did nothing. Indeed, I simply watched, transfixed, as their mouths moved together in a slow, languid dance. Bryce's touch was reverent and gentle as he caressed her flushed skin. To my utter disbelief, Maddie responded with an equal measure of tenderness, her tiny fingers tracing the strong lines of his jaw. She moaned softly into his mouth while he nipped at her lower lip, her body arching at his touch, panting breathlessly as his mouth trailed hot, open-mouthed kisses along her jaw.

Bryce's hand eventually slid up Maddie's back to tangle in her hair, pulling her head back to expose the delicate skin of her throat. This she allowed, until he began sucking too hard.

"Uh uh," she muttered, swatting his lips away. "No marks."

Of course, she didn't want evidence, although I think it had less to do with what I would think and more to do with her modeling.

Instead of backing off, Bryce simply changed course, gradually kissing her neck in an aimless pattern. Maddie responded by whimpering, a sure sign she was turned on. With one hand behind her head, he slid the other beneath her oversized t-shirt. Rough fingers glided over the smooth, taut skin of her belly before palming her bra-clad breast, squeezing supple flesh that only I had had the privilege to do. Maddie seemed to shiver at his touch, breath quickening. He took that as a green light and proceeded to knead and toy with her sensitive nipple through the thick fabric.

From above, the moonlight afforded me a direct view through the doorless panel into the backseat where my girl was allowing herself to be molested.

Yep, I have to stop this!

Just as I was about to scramble from my hiding place - for the second failed time - I heard my name through all that panting.

"Why are you with that Walker dweeb," Bryce breathed while nibbling on an earlobe. "You're too hot for that idiot."

"He's kind, and...and he loves me."

"There's more to love than being kind, kid."

As if to illustrate, Bryce took Maddie's hand and placed it on the crouch of his cargo shorts.

I could hear her approval and saw her hand remain in his lap.

"That's it, baby, pet me."


Bryce's free hand slid down her arm in a slow, sensual caress, eliciting a shiver. His touch drifted lower, tracing the taut planes of her stomach before slowly inching towards the tight spandex of her bike shorts. A low mewl told me when his index finger found her cameltoe.


"You like that?"


"I'm glad."

Leaning over, the boy tugged her tee-shirt up and over her sports bra and proceeded to kiss the top of it. He was enjoying a closeup view of breasts that only I'd ever seen. Without warning his tongue lashed out at one of the buds growing beneath the padding, then latched onto it with his teeth.

"Mmmmmm...oh Bryce, no."

"No what?"

"I can't...Tim...Timmy."


O'Neil shrugged off the mention of me and continued working on her nipples.

"I really think we should stop… oh… OH GAWWWD!"

While I couldn't see it, it was obvious that the guy's fingers were now on the inside of her shorts. He had upped the ante, hoping to keep his chances alive. It was working. Maddie whimpered again, arching her back to press her breasts more firmly against his mouth. The bastard’s tongue darted out, teasing the pebbled flesh through the bra. He nipped and sucked at the center, eliciting soft gasps and moans from the writhing girl beside him.

"Jesus, you're so wet," Bryce growled, tongue swirling and flicking her nipples mercilessly as his hooked fingers dove into her wet slit.

She clawed at Bryce's back, hips against his hand. "Uh huh, uh huh. Yes, yes, yes."

I watched, heart-shattering, as Bryce effortlessly worked my girlfriend's body, coaxing desperation from her lips. At that moment, she was his, body and soul, and there was nothing I could do to change that. The realization was a bitter pill to swallow.

"Please, Bryce...don't," I heard Maddie beg, but Bryce silenced her with a bruising kiss, swallowing her cries as he pounded his hand into her slick hole.

"Let me make you cum."

From my vantage point, I could only see his forearm moving quickly, but my imagination saw the three fingers that were undoubtedly assaulting her bushy vagina.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!"

Her hair now pressed against the headrest, Maddie was reduced to a quivering, whimpering mess - the likes of which I had never seen from her before. Her hips rocked and ground as Bryce's thumb found her swollen, throbbing clit and mercilessly rubbed it. I could scarcely believe my eyes as I witnessed my nemesis so effortlessly reducing the woman I loved to a shameless, wanton creature, lost in a haze of musky odors.

"OH FUCK!" she cried out.

I watched, transfixed and sickened, as Bryce continued to play Maddie's body like a virtuoso. The obscene wet sounds of his digits pumping into her, coupled with her shameless moans, were to be seared into my mind forever. This was a sight I would never be able to unsee.

His fingers continued their relentless assault, plunging in and out of her pussy with a practiced, punishing rhythm. Maddie's cries grew more desperate, her body writhing, hair flying as her head thrashed back and forth.

And then suddenly, it hit. Her face froze, eyes rolling back as she came with a vigor that I'd never witnessed.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!"

I could hear muted giggles from other cars as the sound of my girl's orgasm rose from the grove, caused by the guy that used to give me wedgies in grade school.

And then there was silence.

From the bushes, I saw Bryce remove his hand from Maddie's pants as she cuddled up next to him, accepting another long and soulful kiss.

Now, Tim,  go over there and show yourself.  Be known!

With a deep breath, I stepped into the clearing and puffed my chest out. You've had your fun O'Neil, now time to leave. WITHOUT the girl who is rightfully mine.

I didn't get far. Without side panels, I could see everything, and what I saw next stopped me in my tracks. After whispering something into her ear, Maddie nodded her head and then moved her hands to Bryce's zipper.

No, no, no! That's our thing!

For the first time since I'd been watching, she looked around in self-awareness. Satisfied that the other cars were far enough away, Maddie's hands trembled slightly as she reached for Bryce's zipper. With little fanfare, the jock's large, throbbing cock sprang free, bobbing obscenely in front of her face. She let out a tiny gasp, momentarily mesmerized by its size and girth.

"A little bigger than Walker's, eh?" O'Neil asked sarcastically.

Maddie nodded.

"Go on," I heard O'Neil cajole, "you know what to do."

This time, she shook her head.

"Do it," he said louder and a bit firmer. "It's my turn."

Hesitating for just a moment, she brought her hands down to wrap around Bryce's thick, throbbing cock. Having already seen it in the gym, I didn't need to see it to know how it filled her palm. Still, I crept closer, using the large leaves of deciduous bushes as cover. Now only twenty feet away, I watched as she squeezed the shaft firmly, slowly running her palms up and down the swollen, purple flesh, looking down at it with fascination. His was at least two inches longer and a whole paper towel roll thicker than mine. Soon she applied the method she used so often to make me cum, twisting her wrists, long sensual strokes, and gliding her thumbs over the enraged glans.

Bryce began alternating between watching her and looking at the roof, eyes closed.

"Fuck yeah, that's it you dirty little slut," Bryce growled, bucking his hips to meet the movements of Maddie's inexperienced but effective hands.

I bristled at his language. She is NOT a slut!

Despite my silent objection, Maddie's strokes grew increasingly focused, purposeful, and more intense, her grip tightening around the pulsating penis. If she wasn't a slut now, at that moment she sure looked like one in training.

I focused as well, both horrified and enthralled, as my girlfriend relentlessly stroked the peer I hated most. O'Neil's groans, Maddie's intensity, and the idea of me watching this from the bushes began to take its toll on my own dick. Slowly my hand became lodged in my briefs, groping and pulling.

Bryce's fingers tightened around Maddie's hair as he slowly, but firmly, guided her head downwards towards his lap. Her protests were utterly useless against the unyielding grasp.

"Suck it, whore. Little Timmy's whore."

To hear him call her such names was unexpectedly hot, even more so with my name associated with it. My dick was rock hard now as I watched my girl's head descend past his taut abdomen. She was about to do something for him she'd never done for me! It didn't seem right that such a first was with someone else.

With a sudden, rough tug on her blonde mane, Bryce yanked Maddie's head forward, his cockhead brushing against her trembling lips. She let out a muffled whimper, her eyes wide and pleading, but Bryce showed no mercy.

"Open up, slut," he hissed. "Time to put that pretty mouth to use."

Maddie hesitated for one agonizing moment, then parted her lips ever so slightly. Bryce wasted no time, forcing his throbbing shaft past her teeth and into the wet heat of her mouth. Maddie gagged, her fingers digging into his thighs as she struggled to accommodate his size. Tears sprang to her eyes, but still, she did not pull away.

I watched, mesmerized, unable to look away as Maddie's lips wrapped around Bryce's thick, throbbing cock. My heart raced with arousal as I saw her gag and struggle to accommodate his size. The tears in her eyes only served to heighten the intensity of the scene.

My hand moved on its own, stroking my painfully hard cock in time with Maddie's movements. The sensations were overwhelming - the sight of my girlfriend being so thoroughly used and degraded by this man, yet the thought fueled my twisted obsession.

Bryce's grip on Maddie's hair tightened as he forced her head down, burying his shaft deeper into her throat. Her muffled cries spurred him on, and I could see the sadistic pleasure in his expression as he watched her struggle.

"That's it, bitch," he growled, his hips bucking as Maddie's tongue swirled around his throbbing length. "Suck it like the whore you know you want to be. Show me how much you love my cock."

I bit my lip, trying to stifle a moan as I watched her head bob up and down, saliva dripping down Bryce's shaft. The obscene sounds of her gagging and his grunts of pleasure filled the air. As Maddie's mouth worked that thick cock, I drank in the sight of her delicate features twisted in a grotesque display of degradation. Her plump, glossy lips were stretched obscenely around his shaft, glistening with spit. Tears streamed down her flushed cheeks, mascara smudged, her usually bright eyes now clouded with shame and discomfort.

Strands of her golden hair clung to her face, disheveled from Bryce's rough grip. I watched as the muscles in her jaw worked overtime, struggling to accommodate his impressive girth. Every time he thrust deeper into her mouth, her throat convulsed with gagging sounds that sent a shockwave of perverse pleasure through my core. Her small, pert breasts heaved with each labored breath, and I imagined how they would bounce and jiggle if she were completely naked. My hands itched to reach out and grope her too, to toy with her sensitive nipples until she collapsed. But for now, I could only watch as she was used like a common whore by a man I despised.

Bryce's hips snapped forward relentlessly, fucking Maddie's face with abandon. I could see the outline of his shaft moving beneath her delicate skin, and the thought of it made my cock throb painfully. I stroked myself in time with his thrusts, precum leaking from my slit as I reveled in my girlfriend's humiliation.

Suddenly, O'Neil's hips began to stutter, signaling his impending release. "That's it, you filthy slut," he growled through gritted teeth. "Take it all!"

Maddie's eyes widened in panic as she felt his cock begin to pulse, knowing what was about to happen. She tried desperately to pull off, but Bryce held her firmly in place.

"No-ahhh, pah-leese!" she tried to cry out, the vibrations of her muffled pleas only heightening Bryce's pleasure.

With a guttural groan, he thrust his hips forward one last time, burying his throbbing cock deep in Maddie's throat. I could imagine thick ropes of hot, salty cum shooting out, flooding her mouth. Maddie gagged and sputtered, but Bryce refused to let her pull away, forcing her to swallow every last drop.

From the bushes, I peered with a mix of disgust and perverse excitement, my fist pumping furiously on my throbbing, dripping cock. The sight of my pretty little girlfriend being so thoroughly used and degraded was both sickening and achingly arousing. I bit down hard on my lip to muffle a desperate, shameful moan as I felt my climax rapidly approaching.

Tears flew from Maddie's face as Bryce finally released his grip, allowing her to pull back. Thick, shiny ropes of her saliva and his foul, musky seed connected her swollen, abused lips to his softening shaft. She coughed and gagged, gasping desperately for air, her whole trembling body wracked with the humiliation of her ordeal.

"Good girl," Bryce panted, a smug, satisfied grin spreading across his face as he tucked his spent, sticky cock back into his pants. "You're better than I imagined.”

I let out a strangled groan as my cock throbbed and pulsed. Sticky, hot jizz gushed into the confines of my tighty whities. The shameful warmth and wetness spread through the thin, damp fabric as I looked around to make sure no one knew what was happening. My face burned with humiliation, but overwhelming waves of perverseness washed over me, leaving me trembling and breathless in the bushes.

A short distance away, Bryce climbed out from the cramped backseat of the old Jeep, his face plastered with an arrogant grin, and stepped into the driver's seat, beckoning Maddie to the passenger's side. But she remained in the back, wiping her mouth, seemingly in a daze.

"Suit yourself then," Bryce shrugged dismissively, firing up the Wrangler's engine and slowly rolling it out of the secluded clearing and onto the main path.

I stood motionless in the hedgerow, hidden by thick brush, watching until the taillights disappeared around the bend as the two headed back to town.

What had just happened?


In the days that followed, I avoided Maddie at all costs. She tried calling me, but I couldn't face her, not after seeing her with Bryce and watching her wipe away the remnants of O'Neil's semen - and our exclusiveness - as it dribbled down her chin. My heart ached every time I thought about it, and it made me sick to my stomach. And yet, in the middle of the night, when most people awake and confront their deepest fears, I found my hand wandering to my hard dick. The image of her head being held in place over his lap was a powerful one, seductive and depraved. Her struggling to breathe, her cheeks puffed out as the asshole came, filling her pretty mouth with his teenage cum. This vision came to me nearly every night, and each time I jerked off into a sock or whatever was nearest. These weren't my proudest moments, and it confounded me how I could take pleasure in her infidelity.

Over the next few weeks, I would see Maddie wandering the neighborhood with that skank Shannon. With gas prices at an all-time high, the school tramp was forced to park her car, and therefore they'd walk the streets aimlessly, sometimes with local kids, other times just by themselves. I'd see them in a nearby park, sitting on park benches, cheering on guys playing pickup basketball, waiting on the attention that would inevitably come.

Maddie seemed to have learned how to flaunt what she had, wearing those tight, low-rise shorts that showed off her toned legs, and tiny cropped tops that left little to the imagination. The two of them would lean against trees or picnic tables, giggling and twirling their big, teased-out hair, batting their eyelashes at any boy who dared to glance their way.

It infuriated me to see Maddie act like such a desperate, attention-seeking whore. Where was the sweet, innocent girl I used to know? Now she was a completely different person, a shameless exhibitionist who seemed to get off on having every guy in town undressing her with their eyes.

Of course, I always stayed just out of sight, trying to summon the courage to talk to her again. So many times, I picked up the phone, just to place it back in its cradle. What was the point? Surely, I'd lost her. Why would she want me again when she could have the town's burliest jocks? Confident guys with athletic builds, who were much bigger than I. You know, down there.

And that wasn't the worst part. Since Maddie's home was only three doors down from Hal's, I began seeing the two girls on his driveway, socializing. Depending on when my shift ended, they'd be there in swimsuits or skimpy clothes, drinking shitty beer and cutting up with Floyd, Wade, and my dad. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. After all, they were fucking creeps. Every one of them. The type of man my mother was working hard not to raise. I know Maddie's mother had told her to be nice to them, with Hal being their landlord and all, but it still disturbed me that forty-year-olds would let teenagers hang around, much less supply them with alcohol.

Still, the girls were of legal age now, a fact that surely hadn't escaped my dad and his pervy friends. It made my blood boil to see the way those older guys leered, trying to impress them with stories of their glory days as heroes of the Maple Heights gridiron. Maddie and Shannon would just sit there on an old, rusty porch swing, giggling and sipping beers as the men inched closer for a better look down their deep-V T-shirts and tiny denim shorts.

Especially Maddie, whose tiny cutoffs did nothing to hide the length of her tanned, toned legs. The frayed bottoms teased at the swell of her ass, begging to be pulled down, and her low-cut tank top strained against her chest, the thin material doing little to conceal the outline of her perky breasts behind those lovely golden locks. To be sure, both girls were a young man’s fancy and an old man’s dream.

Luckily, no one ever spied me watching from afar. Every single time I pulled away from the curb and headed home, I vowed to call Maddie and patch things up. And each time, I fell asleep with my cock in my hand, thinking unthinkable thoughts.


I tried to act like everything was normal, but my moodiness was palpable, permeating everything I did. Everyone from Grant to my mother to my boss noticed the change in demeanor. They tried to help, they really did, but it was no use as I slipped further into depression.

It was at their encouragement that I eventually put aside my pride and called Maddie, a part of me hoping she didn't answer.

But as fate would have it, she did.


I sighed. To hear her voice again was like a bird song.


"Timmy? I've been ringing you for weeks. Why have you been avoiding me?"

The disappointment in her tone was obvious. I froze, unsure of what to say.

You bet your ass I have, after seeing you blow my bully.

"I... I've been working a lot."

"Uh huh." It was clear she didn't believe that. "What do you want?"

"It's been a while since we've seen each other."

"And who's fault is that? Maybe if you'd pick up the phone."

Our conversation was stilted, awkward. The more we talked, the more it was evident that something was indeed off. It was hard to put my finger on, but there was a slight tremor in her voice, responses curt and reserved. Perhaps the guilt was eating away at her. We talked for a few minutes about nothing in particular until I finally summoned my courage.

"Um, there's a double feature playing at the Starlight Drive-In Saturday. Would you like to go?"

The silence was deafening. A month ago there would have been no hesitation on her part. My insecurities imagined she was trying to come up with an excuse not to go.

"What movies?"

"Uh..." Damnit, I'd forgotten.

I pounded my forehead, willing my brain to engage until it came to me. "Uh, Porky's and The Goonies."

More silence as I closed my eyes, praying she'd accept.

"Okay. Sound like fun. What time?"

My heart leapt with joy!

"It gets dark around nine, so eight-thirty?"

"Sure! We'll make a night of it."

I exhaled loudly and smiled to myself.

I was going to see my girl again.


It was the longest two days of my life, but Saturday soon rolled around. I was happy again, and it showed. Even my shift supervisor mentioned how jovial I was, smiling at nothing in particular as I stocked shelves and crammed groceries into sacks. By the time I clocked out, I was beside myself.

At home, I rifled through my clothes, trying to find just the right attire, one that screamed manliness. If Maddie got turned on by bad boys these days, I had to adjust. No more shirts with gaming logos or kids stuff. I settled on a pair of Adidas running shoes, denim cutoffs, and a little worn Rolling Stone tongue-in-lips tee. It wasn't my style, but if my girl wanted rascals, well, I could be one too.

Bounding out the door, I bid my mom goodbye and jumped into the Civic. Rounding the corner onto Maddie's street, my heart sank a bit as I saw her standing on the sidewalk waiting for me, chatting with my estranged father. My disdain for that moment could not be understated as the car rolled to a stop near them and I pushed open the passenger door. She looked absolutely stunning in a snow white, off-shoulder ruche summer blouse and faded blue jeans. The whole outift accented her hourglass figure. Those golden locks billowed and bounced as she hustled over to me.

"Bye Randy," she toodled cheerfully, waving the tips of her fingers at him as she looked back over her shoulder.

I could smell the fragrance of a new perfume as she fussed with the seatbelt. To my dismay, the delay allowed enough time for my father to appear at her window, leaning down to look in.

"How ya doin' son?" he asked, looking drunk as usual. As powerful as Maddie's perfume was, it wasn't enough to overcome the smell of cheap beer.

"Gotta go, Dad," I sputtered, putting the car into drive, thankful to hear the click of her belt.

"Yeah, sure, Timmy, whatever. You kids don't do anything I wouldn't, ya hear?"

His crapulous cackle followed us down the street until out of earshot.

"Asshole," I remarked, looking back at him in the rearview mirror as he hoisted a can to his lips.

"Don't be too harsh on him," Maddie gently admonished me. "He's had a hard life."

"And your mom and mine haven’t?” I snapped. “Raising kids without a father around?"

I saw her face fall. Shit, not the way I wanted the date to start. I needed an escape.

"You look gorgeous," was all I could muster.

Her features softened a bit. "Why, thank you."

That she did not end that response with 'babe' as usual did not escape me. Okay, it had been a few weeks since we'd seen each other, so no big deal.


The Starlight was on the other side of town, and as I drove down Main Street, I couldn't help but steal glances at the girl I had admittedly begun taking for granted the last two years. The warm summer evening light and growing shadows cast a soft, golden glow on her face, accentuating a natural beauty that I hadn't appreciated before. It was the same old Maddie, but something was different now. She was more chic, more confident, and well... womanlier. The off-the-shoulder blouse had frills that billowed around her tanned, toned shoulders and fell taut across her chest, her sizable breasts the only thing holding the bodice up. The fabric seemed to shimmer as the breeze played with her yellow locks, causing them to tumble in loose waves around her face. The makeup she was wearing was much heavier than I'd ever seen. Dark streaks and purples. The faded blue jeans she wore hugged her figure in all the right places, drawing my gaze to her long, slender legs and the gap between them. There was something else too, more than the clothing or the slutty makeup which were obviously influenced by Shannon. Something about her manner that I couldn't put my finger on. Maybe it was the modeling lessons?

"So, how's the lessons with Mrs. Foley going?"

Maddie shrugged. "Okay, I guess. She's teaching me a lot."


"You know, how to pose, how to walk, lighting, camera angles. How to get the best out of the things you're modeling."

"If how you look tonight is any indication, you'll be in Paris in no time."

That got a detectable blush through the thick makeup. "You're so sweet. And yes, that's the goal."

"First stop, the Grand Palais."

Her hand landed softly on my knee with a squeeze, which sent a spark through my body. It had been a long time since I'd felt that touch.

"It takes years to get there, silly" she giggled.

I glanced over at her, her gaze meeting mine. "I have faith in you."

That got me a huge smile. "I know you do."

The traffic demanded my attention, but as I looked away, I detected just a hint of doubt in those dreamy eyes. With all the hopes and aspirations, she looked like an artist who was just realizing that not all roads were paved with gold and lilac.

Some of them were just… roads.


The Starlight had been on the outskirts of Maple Heights since anyone could remember and still sported the old-time marquee with square block letters. Part of its charm was the outdated style of speakers that sat on a window, and the old-fashioned archaic concession stand.

As we swung off the main road, the sign proudly displayed the two feature films that evening, Porky's and The Goonies. The titles, of course, had several of the letters missing. We joined the slowly moving caravan of cars making their way onto the grounds, gravel crunching beneath the march of tires until drivers began to split off, looking for secluded spots that would afford a bit of privacy.

Luckily, I found an open space towards the back, away from families, in an area where our peers tended to congregate. Killing my lights, I pulled into a spot, carefully gliding the side-view mirror past the speaker pole. Surrounded by fellow classmates, we felt secure in being ourselves. A row ahead of us, Conrad Davis and his dipshit minions were cracking open cheap canned beer, hooting when Conrad's accidentally sprayed over the windshield.

As the obligatory cartoons danced on the towering screen, Maddie scooted towards me, her rump bridging the small gap between the driver and passenger seats. Luckily for me, early eighties Hondas had little to no center consoles.

"Thanks for inviting me," she whispered, leaning her head against my shoulder and grasping my hand. "Feels like old times."

Except it wasn't. Not at all. In the past month, I'd seen my girl go from Grease's Sandra Dee to the iconic leather-clad cigarette-dropping temptress. And seen her do something for a guy that we'd never even talked about, much less did. After watching her blow Bryce up on Sander's hill, I reckoned I needed to man up a bit.

"Yeah, baby," I drawled in my best James Dean. "You got that fucking right."

Maddie sort of pulled back for a second with a weird smile, like she was wondering where her Timmy went, then went right back to my shoulder.

About thirty minutes into the first feature, I pulled out my wallet to make a concession run and confirmed her favorite soft drink. "Seven-Up?"

Maddie smiled politely but glanced furtively over to where Conrad's Grand Torino sat with its brew-sloshing occupants.

"Didn't bring any, did you?" she asked hopefully.

I tried to check my concern. In the time we'd been dating, I had seen her drink on only four or five occasions. Within the last few weeks, I'd seen her with a can of beer in her hand nearly every time.

"Since when has drinking become a thing?"

Maddie pulled away from me as if she was offended by the question. "It's not a thing. I just like the taste."

I should have used that as opportunity to caution her on excessive drinking, citing my father as a prime example. But I didn't.

"The taste?"

"Yes. Don't you?"

Nodding in faux agreement, I weighed my options. I could try to buy a couple of brews at the concession stand and hope they were too busy to card me. That seemed extremely unlikely since I looked like I was eighteen going on fifteen.


Puffing up my chest, I stepped out of the Civic and rounded its front end, walking towards Conrad’s Torino. As I approached, I could tell the occupants were doing anything but watching the movie. One of Davis' posse in the back seat, Dan Simone, noticed me first.

"Heyyyyyy, there Timmy," Dan tittered, doing his best Cheech impression. "I saw you and Maddie over there. What's shakin'?"

I rolled my shoulders, making sure he could see the crisp new Rolling Stone shirt. Surely, no one could refuse sharing beer with a fellow rock and roller.

"Uh, hi fellas. I was wondering, you know... if you had a couple extra brewskies I could grab?".

The look on their faces was quite intimidating.

"I-I'll pay you for them."

They were clearly amused. Conrad recovered first.

"Brewskies, huh?"

I instantly regretted using that term. It sounded so Cheers!

"For real Walker? I didn't think you geeks partied."

I could have responded with some smartass comment, but instead, I swallowed my pride and laughed it off.

"I told you I'd pay."

Conrad studied my face for a moment. "Okay, but not mine. Ralph?"

In the back of the Torino, I saw Ralph Bertowski sitting next to Dan, scowling.

"Get lost, Walker. We're running low as it is."

At his feet on the floorboard, I saw two twelve packs, one of them not even opened. No way those jokers were going to drink all that.


"I'm not gonna tell you again, loser. Move on."

Conrad peered up at me from the driver's seat. "Sorry, dude. Maybe some other time."

I clenched my teeth and nodded in defeat, turning back towards my car as the guys burst into laughter. Ahead of me, through the windshield, I saw the reproach in Maddie's eyes. It stung worse than the snickers.

"I'm sorry, they didn't..."

Before I could finish, Maddie was out of the Honda and walking past me, her butt swaying in the skintight jeans. Humiliated, I slipped back in the driver's seat and skulked, feeling mighty small.

I watched as she put her hands on Torino's roof and leaned over, ensuring the top of her off-shoulder blouse was at eye level with those in the car. The way she carried herself, those poses; apparently the modeling lessons were paying off. And did she ever work those boys, popping that ass and letting them get a good look down her top. It was disconcerting and uncomfortable, yet at the same time immensely sensual, not unlike when I saw her with Bryce. Two minutes later, she was hurrying back to my car with an armful of beer.

"And that's how you do it," Maddie smiled as she opened and closed the passenger door.

"I could have persuaded them."

"Uh huh, I know babe," she giggled, handing me one of the cans. "Sometimes though the right... attitude... works better."

I beamed at her calling me 'babe' again.

"Yeah," was all I could muster as she nestled back into my arms.

We quietly nursed the drinks while the cartoons flickered in front of us, not really paying attention to them.

By the end of the coming attractions, half the beer Maddie had acquired was gone, and we were making out, only to be interrupted by the park lights coming up. I hadn't gotten very far. When I tried to slip a hand down her jeans, she had politely informed me that it was her time.

Well, crap.

Getting out, we stretched, and I was able to get another good look at what I'd been groping the last thirty minutes in the dark. Maddie's face was flush as she brushed out her hair and adjusted her top, although there was no way to hide the erect nipples I'd been gently thumbing through the thin bra. Below, those faded blues were taut around her waist, drawing my attention between her legs and to the prize she'd not yet let my fingers wander to. Probably a good thing, though, since I didn't want a mess in my mom's car

We walked hand-in-hand to the concession stand and parted ways for the restroom. When I emerged, she was nowhere to be seen, but there was a long line for the women, so I assumed she was inside waiting. Bored, I went to order popcorn and a pretzel.

After paying for the snacks, I was surprised she hadn't joined me in line. Wandering back to the car, I scanned each row, figuring she had stopped somewhere along the way to shoot the bull with some girlfriends. As I set the popcorn on top of the Civic to unlock it, I froze, hearing Maddie's familiar giggle. It immediately drew my gaze to the where Conrad was parked. Sure enough, there was my girl, the one who had just been tickling my tonsils, leaning up against the Torino. One hand was fiddling with her golden locks, the other with a red Solo cup. Dan was pouring what looked like Jaegermeister into it, and all four boys had circled her like hyenas. As she downed the shot, she finally noticed me staring from afar, keys in my hand.

A nearly imperceptible look of guilt came over her, prompting Maddie to push off Conrad's ride and hand the empty Solo to Ralph. She thanked them with a forced smile, then turned my way. Acting as nonchalantly as I could, I unlocked the Civic and ducked in, setting the snacks on the dash and watching her approach. She was working those hips again, letting them rock to and fro, knowing full well any guy within thirty feet would be looking. Certainly, the beer brigade was, along with one unfortunate stranger who just happened to be walking by with his date, earning him a punch on the arm.

Back in the car, Maddie snuggled into my arms again, clutching a fresh beer. On-screen, the opening boner scene of Porky's played across the fifty-by-one-hundred-foot screen. My own erection began to return, even harder than what it was during the cartoons. I wanted to believe it was due to her kisses and perfume, but I knew better. Deep down, what was really turning me on was seeing her flirt with Conrad's crew and fact that she had already cheated on me. Knowing that my girl had sucked Bryce O'Neil off, greatly surpassing any intimacy we'd ever had, made my heart flutter. It was a mix of anger, jealousy, and a strange excitement I couldn't fully understand. The whole situation just made me want her even more.

By the time Pee Wee, Tommy, and Billy had made it into Porky's, Maddie was on her fifth beer and her hand was on my thigh. When it innocently brushed against my crotch, I tried to play it cool, nonchalantly shifting my hips. With both of us looking straight ahead at the screen, I decided to go for it and guided her palm to where it covered the growing bulge in my pants. She said nothing and did not pull away. Seconds later, I could feel her thumb caressing my dick through my denim shorts.

"Does that feel good?" she whispered out the corner of her mouth amongst a faint odor of Jaeger.

"Yesss," I hissed, sinking the back of my head into the headrest.

Car horns across the drive-in honked as twenty-foot breasts from a stripper on screen bounced and shook.

"Do you think those girls are pretty?" Maddie purred, taking another drink.

Her caresses slowly became squeezes until my five inches formed an obvious tent. Maddie giggled but kept her eyes on the movie. Drinking with her right hand, she used her left to unsnap and unzip my shorts. Beneath, my cock was straining against my briefs, a small wet patch forming on the material. I gasped as I felt her fingers dig through the fly and fish my shaft through the opening.

"Maybe I ca do dat someday," she slurred, burying her face in my chest, evidently feeling the alcohol. "Juss like me in your pic-churrr."

Those delicate digits wrapped around my throbbing cock, her thumb gently swiping over the sensitive head. An image of her up on a table in a dive like the one in the movie, exposing herself, flashed in my mind's eye. I groaned.

"You're hard for me, aren't you?" she breathed heavily, maintaining a slow, torturous pace. It was almost like she was enjoying the effect she was having on me.

The edging continued for quite some time. By the time Coach Brackett was finding out why they called Coach Honeywell 'Lassie", my body was inconsolable. Her grip had tightened, movements becoming more deliberate and less erratic. I could feel the heat of her palm as it pulled the loose flesh up and down and stifled a guttural moan as she began to stroke me faster. With each pass, her soft, warm palm enveloped my aching cock, deliciously teasing along the throbbing vein running the underside. My girl was methodically milking my unimpressive, quivering cock as I squirmed helplessly in my seat.

With Maddie continuing her sensual grasp, I grew bolder, subtly lowering the seat back while shifting the hand that had been draped around her shoulder to the back of her head. I gently pressed it downward, until her mouth was near my belly and the smell of her hair spray filled my nostrils. My eyes happened to drift open and a figure half-hanging out of Conrad's car ahead caught my eye. It was Ralph looking straight at me through the Civic's windshield, one hand to his mouth while his tongue repetitively and dramatically pushed one cheek out. Laughing, he gave me a quick thumbs up until disappearing back into the Torino.

In my state of bliss, it took me a moment to comprehend the implications of what I'd just seen. Those guys were best buds with Bryce O'Neil, and best buds talk. The realization that the entire town probably knew my girlfriend had cheated on me hit me like a ton of bricks. The odd thing was though... I nearly came right then. The thought of that was strangely both repulsive and appealing.

What the fuck was wrong with me?

Inflamed by that thought, I pushed my luck, applying more pressure downward, trying to guide her head to my lap. After all, if she sucked off my worst enemy, how could she refuse her boyfriend?

As Maddie's nose past my belt, I could feel her stirring, repositioning. At this point, my dick was inches from her face. It was finally going to happen! I was going to get my first blowjob!

It was one of the greatest moments of my life.

Until it wasn't.

"No," she muttered flatly, her head finally resistant to my coaxing. "Uh-uh."

"Wha...why?" I cried, aching to feel my cock in her mouth.

"No," Maddie repeated, offering no reason and pushing away from my crotch.

As if it were some kind of perverted consolation prize, she began to jack me harder, really putting in a yeoman's effort. Pressed into the Honda's seat, the reality of the situation began to sink in.

She's dressing like a slut and beginning to act like one too.

She's MY girl but denies me what she freely gives some asshole.

She flirts with every boy in town now...

...except me.

The revelation was like a dagger to the heart, but somehow the mental image of Maddie's plump lips wrapped other men's cocks only served to heighten my arousal. The thought of her betraying me, letting herself be used for another's pleasure, filled me with shameful provocation. And how many? How many others were there?


I was lost in a haze of euphoria, a twisted blend of humiliation and rapture, teetering on the edge of release. The pain of her rejection was eclipsed by the sheer, masochistic pleasure of being refused, of knowing my own girlfriend was choosing another man over me. With a strangled cry, I gave up the ghost.

Hips bucking, I clutched the armrest with my left hand and Maddie's hair with my right. Seconds later, large teenage volumes of hot, sticky cum erupted from my puny dick. It shot everywhere, coating the steering column, my new tee-shirt, and her hand. A little even got on her chin, which she wiped off unceremoniously.

We sat there for what seemed ages after I stuffed my deflating dick back in my shorts. As the last part of the film played out where the boys get their revenge on Porky, I turned to her and asked the question that had been the elephant all evening.

"Are you seeing other guys?"

Maddie was in the middle of taking a drink and froze, the rim of the can seemingly stuck to her lips. After a second, she drained the remaining beer.

"No," she said emphatically, carefully placing the empty in the cup holder and lowering her eyes. Any first-year psychology major could tell she was lying. "Why do you ask?"

I shook my head ambiguously. There it was. It hadn't just been Bryce. "No reason. It's just that we haven't seen much of each other lately and I thought..."

"We've been over that. Maybe you should answer the phone."

"Would it make any difference?"

A mist in her eyes started forming when Maddie looked back at me. I could see the confusion in her eyes. She had let another guy use her, maybe more. She had let Bryce cum in her mouth, while at the same time pushing away the only boyfriend she'd ever known.

"Take me home, please."

A tear formed in my own eye as the outro credits scrolled on the gigantic screen. I sighed, knowing that any protest was futile. Placing the speaker back on its stand, I cranked the engine and put the Honda in drive. The morons in Conrad's car happened to be looking out the rear deck when we rolled by and began making lewd gestures, causing Maddie to burst into tears.

It was clear we both had internal conflicts. As eighteen-year-olds coming of age, our bodies wanted to write checks our moral compasses could not cash. We were slowly feeling out our sexuality, and it wasn't easy. Maddie was finally discovering that men found her attractive, and with that attractiveness came great power. And I was learning that a man's psyche was more complicated than I'd ever suspected. Guys loved sex, but there was more than one way to achieve satisfaction.

More than one way, indeed.


After that night at the drive-in, Maddie and I spoke on the phone a few times and went out for burgers and ice cream occasionally, but goodnight kisses were the closest we ever got to being intimate. It was as if neither of us seemed comfortable being seen together in public anymore. Perhaps she was ashamed at the rumors being spread about her, and I in turn humiliated with the shame of a cuckold. Even more troubling was that I had done nothing about it, something that both of us knew was true but couldn't say. I should have been livid, should have broken up with her and moved on. But I couldn't. It just... hurt so good. Like I didn't want it to end. I would learn much later that those years were casting my destiny.

I also couldn't fathom why we were drifting even further apart. It had all started when she accidentally found a picture of her head glued on a nude model. While it was a stupid move to be sure, I kept hoping she'd chalk it up to just a dumb man-child thing to do. But she obviously wasn't seeing it that way, and it had triggered something dark within her. Almost as if a veil had been lifted from her eyes and her potential as a sex object was clear. Days now went by without us talking, then weeks, until she stopped returning my calls. The word on the streets was that Maddie's mother had fallen ill and her daughter was busy taking odd jobs to help make ends meet.

Hoping to see her, I would cruise through her neighborhood on the way home from work, but the house was always dark. Knowing her family was going through hard times, on paydays I'd cash my check and put a ten or twenty in an anonymous white envelope, then stuff it under her door. It wasn't much, but I figured anything would help.

Although no one ever seemed to be home at the Marlow's, there was plenty of action two doors down at Hal's and Randy's. Nightly parties seemed to be the theme, where their loser friends gathered to drink and smoke pot and relive their glory days. A few times I saw Shannon and Maddie through the grimy picture window facing the street, laughing and partying inside. Apparently they'd graduated from just some pretty hang-arounds tolerated on the driveway to the old bums' inner sanctum. I guess putting up with people twice their age was worth a haven where they could party without judgment or rebuke. When I saw them, I'd stop outside, mustering my courage to walk to the front door. But I couldn't bring myself to knock, resigned to watching from the porch as my girl danced to Motown hits. Older men would invariably drift near, putting their arms around that thin waist, where she'd playfully reciprocate and lightly slap them in jest. All in the name of fun, of course.

I have to admit that on those occasions, where I predictably wimped out, I'd go home and jack off, thinking very dark and ugly things.


The days grew shorter as fall approached, but getting ready for my freshman year at the Shady Valley Community College didn't hold nearly the excitement that high school used to. It was no longer about socializing. This was about preparing for life. My goal was to obtain an associate's degree in accounting and then transfer to one of the four-year universities in a nearby city. But it was all so new with a complicated campus and new procedures to learn.

The day I went to get my books, I dropped by to see if Maddie wanted to go with me, but her mom answered the door in her bathrobe, looking pale. She didn't invite me in, and I noticed the interior of the house was dark, with shades drawn in every room. The kitchen island and coffee table were cluttered with half-drank bottles of vodka and empty beer cans. Mrs. Marlow was vague about where her daughter was, so I figured Maddie was off cleaning houses for a paycheck.

Weeks passed and the semester started. I kept my eyes peeled, hoping to run into her. Although the campus was fairly large, with each passing day, I had the sinking feeling that she was not even enrolled. Why would that be? Had her family's circumstances put that dream on hold? How sad would that be? It gnawed at me because I knew how much being a model and actress meant to her. But between studying and evening shifts at Spencer's, I didn't have much chance to dwell on it, nor go around to her neighborhood to check on her. Since we never talked about breaking up, I still considered her my girlfriend, but it was obvious her priorities were elsewhere at the moment.


Fate is a mysterious beast, and when left unchecked can be especially cruel. One particularly busy night at the grocery store, Mr. Spencer asked me to make a large special delivery. It was a big purchase with lots of finger food for a party, and he was excited that his new home delivery service was taking off. Having been cooped up in the freezer section all night, I jumped at the chance to get out of the store for a while and into warmer air.

Until I saw the address.

"Geez, Mr. Spencer. Can't someone else deliver this?"

The old man shook his large head, "I'm sorry, Timothy, but it's Saturday night. I need all the cashiers here at the registers." Curious, he took the order form from my hand and looked at me over the rim of his thick eyeglasses.

"Hal Dunlop. Doesn't your dad stay there?"

Christ, the whole town knows what a loser he is.

I nodded.

"I see." It was no secret to anyone that my father and I didn't get along. "Okay, I'll get Paul to run it over."

Glancing back at the long lines of customers waiting to check out, I sighed. "No sir, it's fine. I'll go."

"You sure?"

Reluctantly, I grabbed the three paper sacks from the courtesy counter and headed to the Civic, tossing them into the back seat. It wasn't like I cared if something broke open.

Not one damn bit.


I arrived at Hal's about half-past eight only to see yet another party brewing. What a surprise. Grabbing the bag of groceries from the back seat, I started up the driveway, but not before looking down the street at Maddie's house.

Dark as ever.

Walking around several Harleys on the driveway, I approached the front porch, only to be stopped by several biker types decked out in their leathers. Several equally tough-looking women in halters and greasy jeans were sitting on lawn chairs.

"What's in the bag, young blood?" one asked.

"Groceries for Hal," I deadpanned, mustering as much patience as I could.

"That fat fuck needs a gym, not chips," another quipped.

"Let the boy go," one of the women chided the men. "He's only doing his job." Maybe forty, but looking much older, she gave me a smile. "Go on honey, don't mind these assholes."

The bikers chuckled and parted, allowing me a path towards the front door. I nodded a thank you at the lady, who like the others, appeared to have missed more than one opportunity in life. One-time beauties to be certain, but now shells of themselves. Skanky and slutty.

The door was open except for a beaded curtain that clinked as I pushed through it. The air was thick with the scent of cigarette smoke and stale beer. Laughter and the low rumble of conversation echoed from the living room. I steeled myself, took a deep breath, and continued inside.

The party was in full swing, with a motley crew of people scattered throughout the house. In the living room, a group of men and women in their forties and fifties sat around, drinking beer and passing a joint. I scanned the place for Hal's face, but he wasn't there.

Nearby, a cluster of younger partygoers, seemingly in their twenties, were gathered around a battered stereo, headbanging to the pounding rhythms of heavy metal. The music reverberated through the walls, making the floor tremble beneath my feet. I was relieved that Maddie was nowhere in sight.

As I navigated through the crowded space, the haze of marijuana smoke hung heavy in the air making it even more difficult to breathe. A few of the younger guests were already feeling the effects, their eyes glazed over and their movements sluggish.

At this point, getting rid of the delivery and leaving was my main objective, and the kitchen seemed the logical place to drop it off. There, a group of women were gathered around the table, their laughter punctuated by the occasional shrill cackle. They were passing around a bottle of cheap whiskey, their lipstick-stained cigarettes dangling precariously from their fingers. The overall atmosphere was one of controlled chaos, with people moving in and out of the rooms, their voices rising and falling in a constant, drug-induced hum. This was behavior I'd only seen in movies and was one that did not impress.

I set the groceries down on the kitchen counter and yelled out to no one in particular that Hal's food was there. Turning, I began the long walk back to the front door, holding my breath, and longing for fresh air. The pungent mixture of smoke seemed to cling to every surface, making my stomach churn.

As I stepped out onto the porch, I could feel the nausea rising in the back of my throat. By the time I got to the lawn, I needed to barf. I'm sure the bikers thought it funny as I stumbled to the side of the house where it was darkest. Entering the shadows, I let go, puking up the pastrami sandwich I'd made back at Spencer's for dinner. The acidic taste burned my throat, and I retched again. And again.

When the heaving finally subsided, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, cursing under my breath. I should have known better than to venture into Hal's hellhole, especially on a night like that. The man was a magnet for trouble, and his so-called "friends" were nothing but losers like my father.

Leaning against the side of the house, I took a few deep breaths, willing my stomach to settle. The night air was a welcome relief after the stifling heat and oppressive atmosphere inside. Feeling better, I pushed off the splintering vinyl siding and began stepping from the shadows when I heard voices above the din of muffled music.

There were several windows alongside the house towards the backyard. Some dark, others lit from within. Unsurprisingly, everything was overgrown with weeds, and the landscaping was barely alive. Most of the windows had shades drawn, but there was one in particular, nearer the back, that had an eerie bluish glow.

As I approached, the smell of marijuana once again became overwhelming. Now I knew why the window was open. Careful not to step on any large branches that would give away my presence, I tiptoed to the side of the sash and paused. Stories of weird shit happening in the back room of Hal's place during parties was common, and I wasn't quite sure if I want to look.

The weeds and overgrown vegetation crunched softly beneath my feet as I held my breath, hoping not to draw any unwanted attention. The eerie light from the window cast an otherworldly glow over the neglected yard, giving everything an almost supernatural feel.

Of course, curiosity got the better of me, and I inched closer, craning my neck to catch a glimpse of whatever might be happening inside. Through the edge of the window, I could see figures moving about, but just the tops of their heads. If I wanted to see better, I needed a boost. Fortunately, Hal had been a horrible gardener, and large bricks intended for a landscaping wall never built lay nearby. Stealthy, I stacked three of them under the window, which would give me a view of most of the room. As I did so, the sound of laughter, occasional shouts, and lots of giggling by at least one female could be heard.

It was difficult to hear most of the conversations above the music, but there was something about rent and 'eviction'. Careful to minimize any noise, my now dirty hands steadied my nervous body as I stepped onto the wobbly pillar of stone and hoisted myself up. Grasping the window frame, I slowly peeked over the sill, my eyes darting around the room, trying to adjust. It was the house's master bedroom with a king bed connected to a larger sitting room off to the side. Couches and chairs surrounded the perimeter, filled with revelers. Bottles of booze sat on a coffee table and at least a couple of joints were making the rounds.

"I don't want to kick you and your mom out, you understand? But business is business. I need income too."

That was definitely Hal.

"I know, it's just... I don't know what we're going to do."

My heart sank and I tipped backwards, nearly falling off my perch. If there was one voice I knew like the back of my hand, it was that one. The one person in the whole goddamn town that I prayed was not there. But deny it as I might, it was her.

It  was my Maddie.

Reeling from the shock of seeing her there, it took me a moment to muster up enough courage to peek again. Shaking the initial emotions from my mind, I blinked several times trying to regain focus. Sure as shit, on a love seat next to Hal was the love of my life. To my chagrin, she seemed to have adopted the attire of the day, dressing down to the level of the other women. A black leather corset with front crisscross laces held her breasts in place, along with painted on blue jeans and a belt made from a motorcycle chain. Maddie would have never bought these types of things for herself, so they were likely gifts from the losers out front.

Yet, they fit well, and she did look amazing. The tight corset was straining desperately to contain firm mounds that no man, including me, had ever had the pleasure of seeing in daylight. Black laces holding together the two panels left at least two tantalizing inches of her soft, creamy skin exposed from the top of her cleavage to her flat, toned stomach and navel. And although she was sitting, I could see the denim of those low risers hugging the sides of her bottom, her long legs accented by black, ankle-high leather boots. But her face... her face was the shocker. Rocking whorish makeup that I'd only seen on porn stars, her lips were a glossy crimson red, and rimming her eyes was bold, black eyeliner that created a sultry, cat-like appearance.

"I need a thousand by the first," Hal said firmly. "You're already two months behind. If not, I start eviction procedures tomorrow."

I saw the mist forming in Maddie's eyes as the other conversations began to trail off. Most of those in the room were deadbeats themselves, so they knew the gravity of what their friend was threatening.

"I-I don't have that much," she whimpered, her lower lip trembling in fear. "Please, just give me a little more time."

"I'm sorry, sexy, by tomorrow or goodbye."

From my vantage point, I could see her eyes darting about the room, frightened, desperate. I saw a deep sigh, the snug corset heaving. Then out of nowhere a thin, forced smile formed on her lips. Those wheels were turning.

"Y-you think I'm sexy?"

Hal leaned back against the cushions, evaluating the question. It was not the one he expected from the eighteen-year-old. His eyes shot to his buddy Floyd who was sitting in a bean bag chair nearby. They both looked back at the young beauty.

"Very," Dunlop grinned.

Maddie sat up straight, dignified, her hands in her lap but pushing out her chest as if posing. Just in case they hadn't noticed she had breasts.

"Still doing those glamour shots?" she asked Floyd bluntly.

It was the fat man's turn to glance at Hal, returning to Maddie after detecting an imperceptible nod from her landlord.

"Uh, yeah, sure."

What? Oh no! Anyone in the room could see where this conversation was headed.

Wiping a tear from one eye, she forced a wider smile. "How does that work?"

Floyd was completely unprepared for the question. Any pics that idiot had ever taken of women were definitely used for only one thing, a one-handed tug session.

"Well, eh," he stuttered, making it up as he went. "I take pictures and... and I pay you."

"How much?"

Jesus, she was actually considering such a thing. My hands grasped at the windowsill as my brain began to race. I have to stop this.


"And what do you do with them?"

Maddie's question hung in the air, thick with anticipation. I could see Floyd's mind racing, searching for an answer that would be satisfactory. My heart pounded in my chest, and that familiar twitch in my groin returned.

"Well," his voice grew husky, "I, uh... I keep them to myself. To... appreciate your beauty later."

Maddie looked at the ceiling, her lips pressed firmly together. She exhaled, clearly tormented.

"One month's rent."

"Three hundred?" Floyd chuckled nervously. "Are you kiddin'?"

I saw Hal's eyes roving over her teenage body.

"Done," Dunlop croaked.

His buddy looked incredulous. "You can take that kind of hit, Hal?"

"No. But she's got debt, don't you, babe? And I'm a benevolent landlord."

I cringed when I saw that look in her eyes. It was the very moment that any remnants of childhood innocence was completely vanquished. Summoning her courage, she put on a brave face and whispered.

"I'll do it."

"They gotta be hot," Hal emphasized.

My girl nodded.

NO MADDIE! I tried to move, to will my body through that open window.

But I didn't.

I did nothing but grope the tent in my shorts.

Floyd's piggy gaze raked over her hungrily, a bead of sweat trickling down his double chin. He struggled to get his fat butt out of the chair. "I'll get my camera."

Maddie's eyes went wide, a shudder running through her slim frame. I could see the conflict raging within. She was letting these men objectify her to buy her mother some more time. It seemed the right thing to do, but...

"You okay?" Hal asked, stubby fingers landing on her knee.

She looked down at it, then back up with a steely expression and nodded again. I scoffed. The bastard's contrived concern for her welfare was simply outrageous! Floyd came stumbling back into the room holding his Canon and fiddling with a lens.

"Alright, everybody OUT," Hal barked, getting off the couch and shooing the others. "C'mon, out, out, get the fuck out!"

As the room cleared, Maddie was left alone with the two scheming men. I could see the fear and tension in her body language; hands trembling, eyes darting around the room, searching for any means of escape.

Floyd approached, a sleazy grin plastered across his face. "Alright, darling," he hissed, "your sexy friend has been bragging to everyone around here about your modeling lessons. Let's see how much you've learned."

He gestured for Maddie to stand, and with shaky legs, she complied. Hal loomed behind her, his greedy gaze roaming over her ass. "That's it, sweetheart," he purred, meaty hands settling on her waist. "Don't be nervous."

Floyd stepped closer and raised a thick, sausage-like finger, also trying to reassure her. "We're going to make you look absolutely gorgeous, honey, just like the aspiring model you are. You'll be able to use these for your portfolio too. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Maddie gulped and nodded.

"Okay, then, let's start with something simple. Turn to the side and look over your shoulder. Remember to keep your chin up."

Shifting uncomfortably as the lewd photographer snapped away, her eyes appeared to be recalling everything Mrs. Foley had taught. Relax and work the camera lens. Be in the moment.

Standing with hands on hips, Maddie strained to smile. The cool leather of her corset pressed against her skin as she twisted, and the jeans drew taut across her ass.

"Good, good. Now, cross your arms over your boobs, one hand gripping the opposite shoulder." Maddie did as instructed, the crisscross laces of her top straining as she moved. She kept her gaze steady, trying to channel an air of confidence that she didn't quite feel.

Snap, snap, snap.

Floyd circled Maddie in the parlor room, considering the next amateurish pose. It was clear he was making shit up on the fly.

"Alright, let's try something a bit bolder. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your hips."

Like an obedient model, Maddie adjusted her stance, the heels of her boots planting firmly on the floor. She tilted her head to the side, her blonde hair cascading over one shoulder. The tight denim hugged her figure, and the corset accentuated amazing curves as she posed.

Snap, snap, snap.

"Goddamn," Hal let slip under his breath. He leaned back on the sofa, a hand dropping to his groin.

Despite the cool night air and my precarious perch outside the window, my own dick began to flutter. Goddamn, indeed.

"Okay, now lean back against that wall over there. Cross one knee in front of the other and drape one arm along the wall above your head."

Maddie walked to the barely painted drywall and assumed the suggested pose.

"Great, now arch your back."

Taking a deep breath, she pressed her shoulders and ass into the wall and pushed her chest out. The leather of the corset creaked slightly, and the crisscross laces pulled taut, accentuating the swell of her breasts, providing plenty of bare side-boob looks.

The men couldn't believe their luck. The Harlow's economic misfortune had certainly been their boon.

Snap, snap, snap.

Hanging on to the windowsill the best I could, I saw the Floyd stop and pull his eye away from the viewfinder, his amateurish brain trying to think of other poses. Any poses. Poses he'd see in magazines.

"Okay, um, m-m-move over to the couch and kneel, ass towards me."

Maddie walked tentatively towards the sofa, her steps small and unsure. She slowly sank onto the cushions, back to the men. I could see the tremors in her shoulders.

"Now place your hands on the back and look back at me."

She complied, leaning forward and gripping the top of the sofa. In doing so, her lithe body naturally followed, arching its spine, and pushing her hips back and ass out.

"Good girl!" Floyd muttered while Hal groped his crotch.

Snap, snap, snap.

My attention was so rapt that I barely noticed another man quietly enter the room.

Fuck.. It was my father.

"What the fuck is going on?" he frowned before seeing Maddie.

"Oh, wow. What do we have here?"

"She's paying her mother's late rent," Hal chuckled.

Randy considered the scene. His mind was spinning. Despite how despicable he was, I pretty much knew what he was thinking.

"Is that right?" he asked my girlfriend pointedly, obviously trying to establish consent.

Maddie looked over her shoulder, loose hair everywhere. At that moment, there wasn't a hotter pose in any mag anywhere in the world.

"Yes," she whispered.

"Well go on then," my father barked at Floyd and took a seat on the bed in the adjacent room. "Don't let me stop you."

Snap, snap, snap.

The tension in Maddie's grip was turning her knuckles white, her smiles coerced. After a few more poses on the couch, Hal shook his head.

"Not enough."

"What?" she sputtered, climbing off the cushions, seemingly glad to be out of such a degrading position. "You said..."

"I said they had to be hot. Hell, I've seen more erotic shit in commercials on TV."

Maddie stood there fidgeting under their lustful gaze. She wasn't in a position to negotiate. "Like... what?"

"You tell us," Randy called out from behind the other two.

I could see her distressed expression as the realization of what it was going to take to save her mother sank in. With mist forming in both eyes, Maddie's hands trembled while reaching for the laces that bound the ridiculously sexy corset.


If there was a time to scramble up this wall and throw myself into the room, it was now!

But, like before, I didn't. I clung to the sill about to watch my girl expose her body to three perverts. Or was that four?

"Go on," my father said gently, encouraging her to relax. "It's okay."

The only sound in the room was the whir of the camera as the tension in the laces eased, allowing the sides of the top to begin parting. Right then, all our eyes were glued to the impending reveal. The anticipation was raw.

And that's when I felt two hands clamp down on me.

"The fuck you doin' out here?"


I yelped as I was yanked off my makeshift stool outside the window, and struggled mightily as I was dragged through the front lawn by my neck, heels digging in futilely. I recognized my assailant as one of the bikers who had been so nasty to me earlier. Flailing my arms, he seemed to enjoy pulling me through the house to the glee of the drunken horde.

Bursting into the sitting room where he knew Hal was, the greasy loser held me up by my shirt like a pheasant he'd just shot in a field.

"Found this little shit peekin' in the window."

Hal, Floyd, and my father glanced at the open window in the adjacent bedroom and then back at me. Meanwhile, the biker had gotten an eyeful of my Maddie, whose corset was now untied, leaving the flaps dangling, barely covering her young breasts.

"Well, hell, no wonder he was a lookin'."

"Out," Randy barked. "And take him with you."

The mountain of a man was clearly disappointed, but began shoving me back out the door. "Party's over, bub."

"No wait, please."

I craned my neck to see over the smelly animal. That was Maddie!

Hands on hips, she looked resolute. "He stays."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," Floyd piped up.

Maddie narrowed her eyes and looked as stern as I'd ever seen her. "He stays or the party really is over."

All three men appeared undecided. Finally, Randy nodded. "Leave him." He knew when to fight his battles.

The big man let go of my shirt and suddenly I was standing on my own. He just stood there, staring at my girlfriend.

"GO!" Randy snarled again.

Without saying a word, the tank with arms took one last look at the pale teen and left, closing the door behind him.

There was a minute of awkward quiet as they had to now consider my presence. Surprisingly, it was Maddie that charted the next steps by shrugging off her top.

"No Maddie!" I cried out, not willing to stay silent this time.

She stopped, both hands gripping the loosened sides of the top, and fixed me with a cool stare.

"Why, Timmy? Isn't this how you've pictured me? What your artwork was all about?"

Her tone indignant, Maddie let the flaps fall away from her chest and the corset fluttered to the floor. There was a collective gasp in the room. It the first time any man had ever seen her naked breasts in the light of day, and they were magnificent. Perky and firm, the perfect teardrop shape.

Floyd looked at me warily, I guess waiting for the boyfriend to have a violent objection. When he saw none, he slowly began snapping pictures and posing her.

"Hands on your waist.

"That's it, smile!

"Damn, you're hot. Now turn your hips, twist around."

Ironically, Maddie began working the camera like she'd been doing it for years. At that moment, Mrs. Foley's training was worth every penny. As we watched her rotate, hands in various positions, Randy motioned for me to have a seat on the couch. I stumbled to the stained sofa, eyes never leaving her. I couldn't believe what a natural she was. The way those hips swayed, the curve of that ass, the jiggle of her naked breasts - it was like she was made for this. And the looks she shot me, dripping with scorn and contempt, only made my cock swell larger.

"Jesus, girl, work it, work it!" Floyd exclaimed excitedly, snapping shot after shot.

Maddie's full lips curled into a wicked grin as she glanced in my direction, running her hands down the sides of her body.

"You like what you see, Timmy?" she taunted. "Or do you prefer looking at those glossy pages instead?"

I swallowed hard, my mouth suddenly very dry. "Maddie, I'm sor..."

"Save it," she snapped, turning her attention back to the camera. "You had your chance."

Bending over, the teenager gave the camera a perfect view of her ass in those tight jeans. I felt a twinge of jealousy but also extreme arousal. These guys were getting to see a side of her I'd never seen either.

"Okay sweetie, let's try something new," Floyd said, his greasy fingers stroking the camera lens. "Get down on your haunches and bounce a little, yeah? Really work that tight little body of yours."

To my shock, Maddie lowered herself without question, her knees spreading to support her weight. She began to gently bounce, using her calves as a springboard on those boots. Her naked breasts jiggled freely while the cleft of the cameltoe in those jeans sunk deep and prominent.

"Alright, let's see, we need some interaction. Randy, go stand in front of her. Get up close and personal."

My father held my gaze as he smiled wolfishly, striding over and looking down at my girlfriend. He was enjoying the shit out of making me squirm.

"Now, unsnap his shorts," Floyd breathed heavily, not really expecting her to do it.

For the briefest of moments, I saw the old Maddie. My Maddie. Her face was full of confusion, eyes flitting back and forth rapidly, like a cornered animal looking for a way to escape. Hal must've seen it too.

"Come on, sweetheart, don't be shy," the creep sneered, holding out a small spoon with white powder. "Here, this'll help loosen you up a bit.

"No!" I cried out. The entire room turned their heads and shot me a menacing look, including Maddie. As if for no other reason than to defy me, she quickly leaned forward and took a quick snort, the sudden rush jolting her head back, eyes on fire. Randy took the opportunity to grab her chin, forcing her to look up at him.

"Now be a good girl and do what he said. My shorts," he growled, his grip tightening painfully on her face.

Trembling, Maddie reached out to the waistband and fumbled with the snap. As it popped open, her eyes closed in futile reluctance. Things had gone too far, but she knew this was the only way to save her mother's house. With a deep sigh, she continued, tugging down the zipper until it reached its stop, the flaps of the fly falling away. Beneath was a dingy pair of tighty whities and my father's penis. Seemingly transfixed, she let her fingers graze the thick, obscene bulge, eliciting a delightful moan from my father.

"Well?" Randy asked, standing with his arms folded.

My Maddie wasn't a stupid girl. She understood what was expected. Catching my eye and holding it with a 'take this' expression of torment, she slowly peeled down the underwear which released Dad's cock. It was, quite frankly, huge. I glanced down at my own package, now straining against my boxers. Clearly, I had not received my old man's genes.

"Well?" Randy repeated, annoyed that his cock was still planking in front of her.

Maddie shifted her gaze upward, then wrapped shaking hands around his engorged shaft, fingers barely managing to encircle the swollen, pulsing flesh.

My father's head drifted backward as her grip tightened, slowly stroking his entire length.


Shivering, Maddie parted her plump, glossy lips and tentatively pressed them against the swollen head of Randy's shaft. A shiver of revulsion ran through her, but the threat of what would happen to her mother if she refused kept her from pulling away. As my girl's delicate tongue darted out to taste the salty precum beading at the wide slit, another guttural groan escaped his lips, fingers curling into her golden hair, gripping it tightly. Maddie knew there was no going back now and resigned herself to what needed to happen. Bracing herself, she opened her mouth wider, allowing Randy to push his throbbing cock past her lips.

Maddie gagged as the thick, crinkled flesh filled her mouth, stretching her jaws to their limit. Tears sprang to her eyes, mascara smudging as they streamed down her flushed cheeks. My father showed no mercy, his hips snapping forward relentlessly as he fucked her face with abandon. I couldn't help but think of what my dear mother had to endure when they were married.

The obscene sounds of Maddie's muffled whimpers and Randy's grunts of pleasure echoed through the room. Hal was clearly playing with his cock through his cutoff shorts, and Floyd had all but stopped taking pictures to watch the grotesque display of Maddie's degradation. I couldn't believe the fucked-up situation I'd found myself in, made worse by the conscious choice to do nothing while my arousal grew exponentially. As with watching her blow Bryce, my hand crept beneath the elastic of my underwear, fingers lightly brushing my erection. No one had to tell me how sick that was. It was the most twisted thing I'd ever done.

No longer able to maintain balance on her haunches, Maddie lurched forward, falling to her knees. The tight denim of her jeans pulled taut across those small ass cheeks and showcased that distinctive cameltoe. Topless from the waist up, her long blonde mane fell past the middle of her back, breasts heaving with each labored breath.

Seemingly fueled by the cocaine and the specter of looming homelessness, Maddie attacked Randy's member like a dog devouring the bone. The sloppiness and slobbering showed her inexperience, but that didn't seem to bother my father, who was thoroughly enjoying the eighteen-year-old's lips around his cock. He held her mouth in place as he continued to assault her face, brutalizing her throat with every thrust. She struggled in vain against his unyielding grip and persistence, saliva oozing from the corners of her mouth and matting the curls of his pubic hair. It was a truly depraved sight - my girlfriend servicing the cock of the man I despised the most, all to save her way of life.

THIS then, was now the most erotic thing I'd ever seen.

"Gaaaaah," Randy managed to utter before I saw him suddenly stop and shoved Maddie back, his stiff shaft sliding from her mouth, bobbing in the air. There was a pregnant pause, then ropes of my father's cum shot from his dick and splattered randomly on the teenage girl in front of him. The majority of it landed in her hair, with smaller spurts hitting her forehead, cheeks and breasts.

"Jesus Christ, that's hot," I heard Floyd croak, his camera whirring, capturing in great detail the facial his buddy was giving his model.

Maddie continued to gag as cum dripped off her chin, looking up at Randy lewdly, trying desperately to catch her breath like she'd just been held underwater. Hal leisurely walked into the master bathroom and returned with a towel. "Clean up, sweetie, we ain't done yet. Take off the jeans."

"What?" I interrupted, protesting, "C'mon guys, wasn't that enough?"

"Yeah? I don't see you complaining, junior," he retorted, pointing at my lap. To my chagrin, I followed his gaze to find the flaps of my own fly. In the vileness that had rivaled the best porn, I had somehow unzipped and pulled my cock out.

"THE jeans," Hal repeated with a hint of aggravation.

Maddie's eyes were heavy-lidded now, the drugs and booze taking their toll. Guardedly, but with less resistance now, she fingered the button on her pants.

I shifted on the sofa, my voice crackling. "Babe, you don't have to do this."

A brief smile flickered across her face, then disappeared.

"Yes, Timmy, I do."

Hooking her thumbs into the waistband of the skintight jeans, she began a subtle shimmy of her body, tugging the denim downwards. As the fabric slid down over her thighs, she wouldn't stop staring at me. It was as unnerving as it was erotic. Clearing her knees, Maddie let them fall the rest of the way to the floor, pooling around her ankles. She stood there for a moment, clad only in the skimpy thong, before sauntering from the sitting room to the bedroom, her firm ass rising and falling with absolutely no jiggle whatsoever. Once there, she gracefully crawled onto the mattress, lowered herself onto her side and propped up her head with her hand. No doubt a pose the aspiring model had seen hundreds of times in fashion magazines.

"Go on," Maddie instructed Floyd, fussing with her hair so it would lay just right across her naked breasts. She seemed resigned to whatever was next and wanted to look her best. Almost encouraging it. "Take your pictures."

The older man, who appeared to have forgotten about photography, raised the camera back to his eye.

"Uh, yeah, right!"

Snap, snap, snap.

Floyd's hand shook as he clicked away, each time recomposing like he was trying to win the Pulitzer Prize for photography. The rest of us stood silently, cocks in hand, watching the debauchery unfold. The sight of her lying naked in the bed but for the thong was almost too much to handle. Her heavy tits, nipples hard and erect now, hung slightly to her left as she posed on her side, everything silently begging to be kissed.

"Sit up," Floyd muttered, barely able to focus.

Maddie forced a smile and did so, collapsing her legs beneath her.

"Really?" Hal frowned, noting there was nothing sexy about bent knees.

Sighing, she unfolded her thighs and opened them slightly. The spit of triangular fabric covering the treasure beneath was of stark contrast to her nakedness.

"Wider," Randy demanded, his cock fully recovered. "And pull it up."

I watched, mouth agape, as Maddie did as she was told. She widened her legs, and gripped the top of the tiny lingerie, tugging it up and out. We were all riveted as the thin strap of her thong slipped between her pussy lips, like floss. They were much bushier than my fingers remembered. As I stared, there was a sudden coolness below. Looking down, I realized my shorts were now around my ankles. With a quick kick, I flicked them aside.

"Like this?" Maddie asked, her voice breathless, fingers placed in a V around her labia.

"Yeah, that's it," Hal said, his eyes glued to the puffy clam split by the material.

"Fuck, she's wet," Randy said, reaching out toward her glistening lips. She flinched as a knuckle brushed the top of her vagina, but didn't protest. Instead, there was even a soft moan.

With hair falling loosely over her breasts, her abdominal muscles crinkled in response to my father's touch. The way my girlfriend looked at him with basking adoration as he pet her pussy was beyond belief.

Snap, snap, snap.

"Take 'em off," Floyd barked, adeptly juggling attention between the camera and his cock.

Maddie tore her gaze from Randy and fixed it on me again with irreverence. It seemed in her growing arousal there was nothing she wouldn't do to humiliate me. With little expression, she lifted her hips off the bed and slid the thong down her legs. There was a collective groan in the room as her entire pussy became visible.

"That's it. I can't take this shit!" Hal exclaimed. With little fanfare, nude except for a tattered tee-shirt, he fell on the bed at Maddie's feet and pivoted forward, planting his face between her thighs.

In a night of many firsts, she gasped as the first tongue to ever touch her damp slit snaked forward, her hands instinctively closing around a man's head that was more than twice her age.

"Ohhhhh," Maddie cried softly, her head falling into a pillow, "yesssss."

Snap, snap, snap.

Never one to pass up a good thing, Randy navigated around his fat friend's body and knelt near the girl's face. With little hesitation, Maddie reached up and began milking the cock that has just been in her mouth.  Her eyes were glassy and wild, and the moans were quite frequent.

Good God, she's actually getting into it!

I was both revolted and spellbound, watching Hal slobbering at her pussy, his face becoming glazed with her juices. Floyd had put his camera down, and both he and I had somehow mindlessly drifted to the edge of the bed, our fists hammering our respective dicks. Maddie's hips began pressing into her landlord's face, wanting and needing his tongue. He didn't stop, but rather stepped up the lashing, continuing to lick and suck that stiff little clit. Her panting became louder, and then that lithe back arched, forcing a high-pitched squeal that originated somewhere deep in her body. It freely flowed from her pretty mouth.

"Jesus H. Christ," Floyd whispered, glancing at Randy who nodded his concurrence. It was hands down the most erotic thing the men had experienced in a very long time.

Abandoning my father's dick, Maddie reached down and pulled Hal on top of her, cupping his face as she shoved her tongue deep into his mouth. She didn't seem to care that he was grotesquely obese, nor that his breath stunk of onion. Her pussy was gushing onto the sheets and her hole desperately needed to be filled. As he ascended her, his cock dragged along her thigh, briefly touching her pubes, then onto her belly, leaving a snail trail of clear precum. Hal looked down, taking in the golden hair fanned out on the pillow, her firm breasts jutting out, nipples hard and erect. He could see the urgent expectancy in her eyes. Reaching down, the forty-something creep grabbed his cock and positioned it at Maddie's entrance.

It took everything in me to not cum. Eighteen years of virginity was about to end for my girl and it wasn't even going to be me taking it in an act of love. Rather, one of the most intimate milestones of her life was being consummated by dirty old men in a charade of depravity.

"Catch," Randy held up a condom and tossed it to his friend.

Hal nodded and caught the packet. Carefully tearing it open, his hands shook with excitement as he rolled it on his rock-hard dick. He'd waited a lifetime to fuck a beauty like this. Smoothing it out and ensuring a good seal, I could see his face grimace in pleasure as he finally pushed in what would be Maddie's first ever cock.

"Fuh-uccccck, she's tight!" he growled, reporting back to his friends. Her tunnel had no doubt collapsed tightly around his cock.

An audible gasp escaped Maddie as her legs wrapped around his rotund waist, pulling him closer. Head shuddering and eyes rolling back, she began moving her hips to match Hal's pace, fingernails raking his hairy back. His tubby body looked nauseating hovering over my girl, his weak arms supporting himself, and a chubby ass rising and falling as he drove his aging cock into her.

And the grunts...

The grunts were sickening, like an animal rutting my girlfriend. Gasping like a fish out of water, Hal's jowls flapped as he tried to kiss her, her tits bouncing below his chest as her nipples brushed against those of his budding man-boobs. Sweat from his brow dripped on her neck while his stomach jiggled with each movement, rolls of fat spilling over Maddie's slim frame. I could see from her face that she was desperately trying to enjoy her first time while at the same time trying not to be disgusted by the pig that was taking her virginity.

By the time Hal announced that he was cumming, both Floyd and I were next to the bed, cocks in hand, We watched as he finished with a long, low growl, sweaty and panting. Rolling off, the rubber on his dick making a wet sound as it popped out of Maddie's pussy. It looked shapeless on the deflating penis.

Not to be left out, Floyd lobbed his camera onto a chair and leaned into the mattress, kneel-walking over to the panting girl, now propped up on her elbows. She looked at him with a yearning I'd never seen before. Hungry. Ravenous. Her mouth crusty from the dried remnants of my father's jizz. Reaching down, Floyd slowly traced his fingers over Maddie's still-quivering pussy lips. She gasped as he gently spread her open and slid three fingers deep inside, curling them up to find that sweet spot.

"Nnnn-NAAAH," Maddie moaned, throwing her head back and pushing her hips up to meet his hand. She was so wet, so ready for more.

The older man's fingers plunged in and out of her, providing a loathsome symphony of wet, squelching noises. I couldn't tear my eyes away as I watched him finger-fuck her, his other hand stroking his cock in time with the thrusts. Maddie's moans grew louder now, more emphatic, a sign that she was finally embracing her fate. After all, she'd lost her virginity; what more then was left of her integrity?

Floyd didn't let up, not even when her pussy clenched around his fingers in ecstasy. He kept going, driving her wild with pleasure until she was a panting, trembling mess beneath him. Suddenly, his hand balled into a fist and began pistoning in and out of her bruised slit. All three men exchanged glances, as they did with me. We all knew we were witnessing one of the most debased things any of us had ever see in our lifetimes.

"Naaaaah! Naaaaa! Nnnn-NAAAH!"

Only Floyd's wrist was visible as he worked it furiously. Fisting was obviously the one thing in his miserable life he'd seem to have perfected. His hand plunged into Maddie's pussy with brutal force, causing her to cry out repeatedly. Arms and hands at her side, she had a death grip on the sheets, her body writhing uncontrollably,


From my vantage point, I could see her pussy clenching and releasing as Floyd's fist intensified its assault. This continued for what seemed forever until Maddie arched her back from the mattress like the devil possessed. It seemed like slow motion as her jaw fell open and time stopped. Somewhere deep within her, a low guttural, primal cry of felicity welled up inside, begging to come out. And did it ever, bellowing throughout the house. Any partygoers or neighbors in their backyards surely heard a young girl cum that night. Even then, Floyd didn't relent, fucking her with his hand until she came again, and again and again. Finally, he leveled himself with Maddie's pelvis, grinning as her body began to convulse. I stood there at the side of the bed in amazement while I witnessed for the first time ever a woman squirt. Although the old man's hand was fully inside her, a torrent of clear liquid jetted from around his wrist, spraying the sheets below. A few more drops of precum dripped from my cock onto the floor.

Randy chuckled as he tore open another condom packet and tossed it onto Maddie's navel. It landed with a wet splat.

"I think she's ready again, man."

Floyd's stubby fingers went to pick it up when Dad stopped him.

"Let her do it."

All eyes were on Maddie as she glanced around the room, then down at the greasy rubber. It was, quite literally, the first time she'd ever touched one. With a delicacy normally reserved for something fragile, she lifted it from her stomach and looked up at Floyd, his large frame poised above. My eyes caught hers and held, both of us remembering back to our sophomore sex education classes when Mrs. Bailey showed a film that instructed on the correct way to use protection.

Eyes narrowing in concentration, I watched as Maddie's nimble fingers unfurled the flimsy material down Floyd's shaft, then stared at it as he positioned it at her folds. She sank back into the mattress waiting, skin flushed and glistening with sweat, hair matted to her forehead.

"Fuck her, man," Hal laughed, his dick hard once again. "Fuck her good!"

Floyd shuffled his overweight frame into position and grabbed his fat, fugly penis.

"You want this?" he asked gruffly, years of cigarette smoking and God knows what else making him wheeze.

To my surprise, Maddie fixed her gaze on his cock and nodded repeatedly, rattling her blonde bangs. The look she gave him was indescribable. Somewhere between intense rapture and veneration.

"Tell me what you want."

I watched with perverse fascination as her small wily tongue licked those ruby red lips. "I want you to fuck me."


"Fuck me," she hissed again.


Maddie's hands balled into fists at her side.


My jaw dropped. Only porn stars uttered such filth. Randy must have noticed my shock.

"Looks like we're unlocking a real slut for you, boy," he snorted. "Thank us later."

With that, Floyd drove his meat deep into my girlfriend's cunt with one mighty push. It was a brutal penetration, causing her to cry out and collapse her arms and legs around his paunchy back and middle.


Andy yet, Maddie was right there with him, her nails digging into his back as she pulled him deeper. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, feet pulling him closer as she arched her pelvis to meet his thrusts. Bodies slick with sweat, their skin shone as a sheen in the dim light of the room. Floyd's hips were snapping forward, driving his cock deep inside her pussy with every thrust. She moaned and gasped repeatedly, body trembling with unbridled lust as she took every inch.

"SHIT, this pussy is good," he wheezed, his arms straining to support his weight.

Despite this, he increased the pace of the incursion, the bed protesting mightily. The sweet smell of sex hung over the room like some perverse cloud, and I had to stop stroking to keep from cumming. The huffing and puffing continued dramatically until Floyd caterwauled and pulled out unexpectedly, ripping off the top of the condom. Seconds later he blew hard, striping Maddie's belly and tits with his spunk, a torrent of hot, sticky ropes that landed all over her heaving chest and belly. There was a surprising amount, given the guy's age.

She moaned loudly and stared up at him with an unprecedented craving. The moans slowly turned to passionate bleats, her eyes flitting from one man to the next. It was clear her body needed more, her defloration not yet complete. Hal leaned over the bed with another bump in his silver spoon and took the opportunity to squeeze a young breast while she inhaled deeply. This seemed to fuel Maddie’s desire and made the fire in her eyes burn even brighter.

Floyd, still languishing in his post-nut bliss, pointed to the young girl lying spread eagle before us all. "Look at the bitch. She wants MORE! She NEEDS more. Fuck her, Randy!"

Maddie nodded her head with rapid concurrence, her mouth opening in a lewd invitation.

"Not with your junk all over the goddamn place," Randy scowled, looking at the pool of opaque secretions dripping down her sides.

Instead, he grabbed her arms and flipped her entire body. Maddie landed on her stomach, head at the footboard, air forced from her lungs.  His large, callous hand came down hard on her ass.

"Bring it here!"

Maddie instinctively drew her lower body to her knees, her chest still pressed against the sheets. She looked back at Randy, eyes wide with anticipation. He quickly moved behind her, fixated on that youthful, round ass. Grabbing his cock and giving it a few quick strokes for good measure, he mounted my girl with an old man grunt. His knees sunk into the mattress as he grabbed her hips and eased in.

Wasting no time, my father began to thrust with purpose, hips moving in time with Maddie's. He grabbed her ass, his fingers digging into the soft flesh as he took her from behind. The bed protested with each plunge, the headboard banging against the wall as they both lost themselves in the moment. Maddie moaned even louder, her mewls mixing with the sound of their bodies slapping together. It was primal, raw, and uninhibited.

And I was powerless to look away.

Randy continued his onslaught and gathered Maddie's long, curly blonde hair in his fist, pulling on it like a rein. She cried out, unable to keep herself from pushing back against him, meeting his thrusts with her own. Grunting, his hips moving faster as he took her, yanking on her hair, using it to guide her movements like a horse hitched to a buggy. If the humiliation of my father fucking my girlfriend wasn't enough, her half-lidded and glazed-over eyes eventually found mine and locked on, telegraphing to me that something in her had snapped. She was no longer there under duress. She was there because she wanted to be. Fully. Unconditionally. Indentured, but willing as fuck.

Biting down on her bottom lip so hard I expected it to bleed, her teeth sunk into the plump flesh as she cried out with each thrust. Her cheeks were flush while a light sheen of sweat glistened on her forehead and the curve of her neck. The whore-ish makeup she'd taken to lately was becoming smudged, mascara streaking down her cheeks as she succumbed to the feeling of my father's cock in her teenage cunt.

Mercilessly, Randy tugged on the wild, tangled mess of hair clutched in his fist, yanking Maddie's head back so she was looking at the ceiling. Her eyes rolled back in her head as he jackhammered ruthlessly, white-knuckled fingers grasping at the sheets until she could no longer contain the scream that bellowed from the depths of her soul. The unabashedly perverted scene was too much even for a seasoned sleazeball like my dad. When he came, he came with a roar and I suddenly remembered that, unlike his buddies, he was not wearing a condom. Bareback as the day he was born, a middle-aged man was now nutting deep inside her womb. There had been no reason for Maddie to be on birth control, and the slim but very real possibility of my girlfriend being impregnated with my half-brother flashed through my mind like a depraved laser, a thought that nearly caused me to pass out.

But I didn't. It only fueled my arousal and made my dick harder.

Not a young man anymore, Randy leaned back on his haunches exhausted, his cock slipping out of Maddie, limp and wet. He shuffled backward on his knees and slid off the mattress where all three men stared at each other in some type of silent, sick post-coital assessment of what just happened. None of them had expected taking a few pictures would go that far. Things had gotten out of hand very quickly.

The room was quiet now except for her heavy breathing, whimpers of satisfaction being panted into the pillows. After they got dressed and zipped up, the guys filed out of the room, one by one. The last to leave was Randy, who stopped in the doorway to glance back at me, then toward the bed with a solemn expression.

"It's now or never son."

As he closed the door, my eyes drifted to Maddie's round ass still high in the air, her body a satiny finish of perspiration. I told myself it was dead wrong, but the palpable lust pulsating through my groin compelled me to crawl onto the mattress and kneel behind her. Long and short strands of Randy's deposit had formed a milky white cobweb of semen, which grew and shrunk as her used pussy opened and closed, itself gasping for air. In my head, morality and evil waged a war. All the goodness my mother had instilled in me had been waylaid in thirty minutes by my wayward father. It finally took Maddie's voice to shake me from my trance.

"Do it, Timmy, you know you want to."

I froze, not really knowing what I wanted.

"It's what you've always thought about, right? Fucking me?"

The sheer brazenness of what she said turned my already hard cock to steel, and that look back at me over her shoulder, matted hair sticking to her forehead, didn't help matters either.

"Do it then."


"Do it."

I felt my entire being quake, my hands hard to hold steady. An incredible depraved rage was building, peculating with everything that had brought us to this point. My artwork, her dressing like a slut, the blowjob to Bryce in the woods...

If that wasn't enough, Maddie's patience was clearly at its end.

"For once in your life, Timmy, be a goddamn MAN and FUCK ME!"

Her words cut like a knife, carving out a piece of my heart that would never, ever grow back. How did all go wrong? How did it get so... twisted?


All logic seemed to fly away at that moment as I too snapped. Sidling up behind her, I seized her hips and slid my cock into the very pussy that had been so elusive during our relationship. My first time in a girl, it surprised me how easily it slipped in until I realized that it was my father's cum was paving the way. It should have disgusted me. I should have vomited.

But I didn't.

Over and over, I drove my virgin shaft hard and deep, seething with indignant wrath. As our bodies began to move as one, we both knew this was something of a hate fuck. Knowing that, our abjection loomed large, grunts becoming louder and more intense. The sight of my cock sliding in her pussy from behind while she lay stretched out before me was one I will never forget. The way her back arched as I went deeper, her golden hair spilling over her shoulders and down her back,

"Oh god, yes," Maddie moaned, throwing her head back. "Just like that, don't stop. Don't you DARE stop!"

I couldn't have if I wanted to. I was too far gone, lost in the heat of the moment, however wrong it was.


I couldn't see her face, but I knew her eyes were closed, lips parted slightly as she panted and gasped. I did see the muscles in Maddie's neck and shoulders tense up as she got closer to yet another orgasm. Suddenly I felt her getting wetter and tighter around me. Without warning, she popped up to her hands, lifting her chest off the mattress, and opened her mouth. What came out was as primal and raw as I'd ever heard any living thing utter. Loud, animalistic... wild.


Now, all young men will tell you there is something surreal about cumming in a pussy for the first time. All the masturbation in the world cannot compare or prepare one for the incredible feeling of semen pumping through your penis while buried in the warm, moist confines of a youthful and tight cunt. I squeezed Maddie's hips and with one final thrust, came violently and loudly. My mouth opened wide and what came out stunned both of us.





Gallons of semen seemed to pour from my cock, spewing into her unprotected canal, mixing with my father's still-steaming load. Body shaking uncontrollably, I leaned forward and lost my balance, collapsing onto Maddie's back, sending us both crashing to the mattress. The air rushed from her lungs as the weight of my body forced it out.

And then it was quiet. Serene. As torrid as our brief coupling had been, it was now eerily peaceful. Outside in the hallway, a party still raged, but not so in the bedroom. There we lay until we stopped trembling, our breathing becoming steady. Neither of us said a thing as I silently collected my clothing and slipped on my shorts and shoes. Maddie didn't even bother looking back at me. I stood next to the bed for a few minutes, trying to think of something to say, something so she'd know why I just did what I did. But no words came.

There was nothing to say.

It would be the last time Maddie Marlow and I were ever in the same room together.


The sunset from the master bedroom on the second story of our home was simply spectacular. I often sat here in a high back chair near the window while my wife Claire got ready on date nights. It had a great view of the tidy cul de sac in suburban Des Moines where we settled after getting married. And tonight was no different; hues of deep orange and fiery red blended seamlessly with soft purples and fading blues. As my bride of five years prepped and fussed over what to wear, the descending twilight had me daydreaming, the setting sun taking me back to those lazy summer days back in Maple Heights. And the golden hair girl I used to love.

It had been nearly a decade since that night at Hal's, and Maddie and I hadn't spoken since. Neither had me and my old man, which made family reunions a bit awkward. Yes, I'd see Maddie from a distance, mostly at the community pool, in town, or increasingly, hanging out on Hal's front porch. She was thinner but still pretty, though sporting a decidedly sluttier look.

After that summer, I spent a year at the community college before transferring to a four-year university, hundreds of miles from Maple Heights. My buddy Grant came to visit a few times a year and brought with him hometown news. Inevitably, I'd ask about Maddie, although sometimes I wish I hadn't. She had not pursued the professional runway as planned. Instead, there were reports of her and Shannon doing some amateur modeling for various producers, mostly at Hal's place. There were even rumors of low-budget porn being shot there. Apparently, Floyd had expanded his photography career.

As an adult, I had put behind me many of my past mistakes. But my time with Maddie was not one of them. I couldn't help but make a connection between my stupid craft project and her ending up as the erotic subject of a camera lens. Nor had I forgiven myself for not intervening the night she so crassly lost her virginity. Or for being part of such obscene behavior. These things I was destined to punish myself for the rest of my life.

"Earth to Timmy?"

I shook the fog of shame from my mind and turned towards Claire, pushing that terrible time from my thoughts. This was a different life now, a million miles from that rural town and she was simply glowing in a new tight fitting cocktail dress that she'd never worn before.

"Yes, babe?"

"Can you get my wedding ring, please?"

Eager to please, I quickly retrieved the two-carat diamond I had slipped on her finger years earlier. Barely affordable on an junior accountant's salary, it had been the best purchase of my life.

Claire gave me a sweet look of thanks and finished primping, then scooped her clutch from the nightstand.

"Where to love?" I asked, adjusting my own clothing.

"I'm thinking Italian."

A lump formed in my throat, indicative of the melancholy that always washed over me on date nights.

Especially when the date wasn't with me.

Outside, we heard the low rumble of a sports car pulling into our driveway.

I forced my dry mouth to speak. "Will you be home tonight?"

Claire must have seen my puppy dog eyes and took pity. She kissed me on the forehead.

"Yes, babe. And you'll have a front-row seat, just like always."

My expression must have brightened because she giggled with glee as she walked out of our bedroom and into the hallway. "See ya later, tiger."

Rushing back to the window like a child on Christmas morning, I knelt on the comfy chair from which I would later be an enthralled spectator. Peering down on the path that led from our front door to the driveway, I noticed with curiosity that this was a new guy. Older, very distinguished. Someone she'd met at a work conference. His hand was gently touching the small of her back as they strolled to an impeccably clean late-model Porsche. Claire gave him a little smile as he opened the passenger door, allowing her to slip into the cool leather seats. From my vantage point, I could see the interior of the cabin, and as her date put the car into reverse, I saw his right hand conveniently slip from the manual shifter to her left knee.

My wife made no attempt to move it, which only served to amp up my already energized angst.

Tearing myself from the window, my fingers went to my groin where a familiar fire was beginning to form. Grabbing the attic pole from the hallway closet, I paused under the non-descript access panel just outside the guest bedroom and hauled down the trap door. Stepping to the side, ten small metal steps fell into place.

Slowly ascending the flimsy rungs, I pulled myself up into the musty attic and flipped on the light. As attics go, we kept ours organized, with heirlooms carefully set in the middle, and cardboard boxes with miscellaneous stuff that were rarely, if ever, opened. I navigated to the center of the room where a wooden credenza desk sat gathering dust. It had been my mother's, one of the few things I kept from my childhood home after she passed away. Tongue in cheek, I opened one of the drawers and stuck my fingers inside, blindly prying back a hidden panel discovered while a kid. Inside, they found the stiff paper I was seeking.

With great care, I pulled it forward, gingerly laying it on top of the desk. Mist in my eyes had to be wiped away as Maddie once again was smiling up at me brightly, that old student modeling photo crudely appended to the naked body of some long-forgotten porn star.

"I'm sorry," I sobbed, gently touching her face, while my other hand grasped the wood lattice above my head. "I'm so sorry."

As with all the times before, the aching in my crotch seemed to meld with the mournfulness, and my belt buckle clinked as my pants hit my ankles. Hanging onto the support beam, I stared at my long-lost love as one of my palms began the mental flagellation that had become a ritual on date night over the years.

Outside, the crickets chirped as night fell. Children chased fireflies around their backyards and parents gathered in the street for a friendly beer. None were aware that their neighbor was in his attic, furiously fucking his hand, a heart heavy with memories and longing. I cursed myself for the thousandth time for letting her slip through my fingers, leaving in my hand a traumatized penis that could no longer satisfy a woman. It was as if this was my golden girl's final malediction, a curse that was to haunt me forever.

Neither did they see my head jerk backward, staring at the beams, as my torture ended with an eruption of semen that added yet another layer of glaze to the already brittle and fading artwork. Finished, I carefully wiped down her picture and placed it back in the credenza, closing the drawer until the next time. Until I again returned to pay homage to the one I failed.

My eternal Ode to Maddie Marlow.
Last edited by SimpleEnigma on Thu Oct 10, 2024 4:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827

$2 Ho
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Re: Ode to Maddie Marlow

Unread post by Johng1953 » Thu Oct 10, 2024 2:31 am

Thank you for this. So sad, had me close to tears at the end.

Posts: 68
Joined: Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:12 am

Re: Ode to Maddie Marlow

Unread post by Fred_Garvin » Thu Oct 10, 2024 11:25 am

This is a great, well-written story.

It is also emotionally hard for me -- I had to stop several times and come back after recovering.

Now I would love to hear about Timmy and Claire, and how he was dragged down into the abyss again. Maybe a future story?

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