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Re: Jordan

Unread post by guitarman » Sun Feb 02, 2025 2:13 pm

I am following this evolving story with great interest. Crushing is to be commended for his mastery of an in-depth understanding of the life in the military as well as his near-academic knowledge of psycology and personality theory and development. That said, I'm having difficulty understanding the timeline. How did Meg go from being a schoolteacher to a prosecuting attorney and Mark go from being discharged from the Marine Corps as a demoted corporal only to return as a Captain in the same branch of service? We await clarification of these matters.

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Re: Jordan

Unread post by Crushing » Sun Feb 02, 2025 6:22 pm

guitarman wrote:
Sun Feb 02, 2025 2:13 pm
I am following this evolving story with great interest. Crushing is to be commended for his mastery of an in-depth understanding of the life in the military as well as his near-academic knowledge of psychology and personality theory and development. That said, I'm having difficulty understanding the timeline. How did Meg go from being a schoolteacher to a prosecuting attorney and Mark go from being discharged from the Marine Corps as a demoted corporal only to return as a Captain in the same branch of service? We await clarification of these matters.
Hey, great question. So the overall story plan is in three parts, an/d we're in part 2. Part 2 focuses equally on two divisions of the story. First is Jordan's and David's development after their first failed hotwife/cuckold experiment. This part runs on a single timeline and runs pretty slowly pretty much a straight line (with some exceptions for childhood flashbacks and other memories that I try to mark pretty clearly). As you correctly pointed out, the second is Mark's development, which is split and which jumps back and forth between two timelines. The one we're currently on, where he is a captain and in his thirties is concurrent with Jordan's timeline--they are in different places at the same time but are working their way back toward each other in part 3. For Mark, this includes figuring out how to balance the increasingly fraught relationship with Megan and company, as well as managing his friendship with Jared and the impact those relationships have on his ability to command. All the while, he's trying to forget Jordan, who had a bigger impact on him that he wants to admit. The other Mark timeline takes place about ten or so years earlier (I think Marky is 11 at this point, so obviously about 9 months before that). This timeline focuses on his deployment and journey out of and back into the Marines, and it includes his relationships with Molly and Megan, along with another upcoming adventure, no spoilers. This of course includes Megan's schoolteacher phase (earlier) and her lawyer phase (she got accepted into Georgetown Law, and is planning to study there when Jared takes his assignment in DC). Thus, when Mark is a captain and Jared is a gunny, she is a full fledged prosecutor.

My intent in doing this is to find a way to develop Mark's character, since he seemed kind of flat to me in the beginning--his personality and moral/sexual ethics seem much more established and confident than Jordan's are when he meets her. So I wasn't quite sure how to develop him, and decided I'd do it by thoroughly exploring his past journey. To that end, I want him to have a thoroughly fleshed out backstory when he and Jordan start getting serious in part 3. I'm modeling his journey after the literary type of a knight-errant who endures different kinds of difficulties including combat, lost love, exile/excommunication, a journey back, that kind of stuff. Hence the second timeline--when he and Jordan get closer, she's going to be drawn to much more than just his sexual prowess.

Anyway, I hope that makes sense. Part 3 will begin when Mark gets back into the Marines and meets Jordan for the first time, and at that point the timelines will merge into one, and the remainder of the story in part 3 will run on a single timeline with the focus on Mark and Jordan, and the converse exploration--a deeper dive into David's real cuckold journey.

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Re: Jordan

Unread post by nnjcpl2002 » Sun Feb 02, 2025 10:02 pm

Sounds good. A very sophisticated structure for your novella and useful for character development.
Can't wait!

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Joined: Sat Dec 21, 2013 12:35 pm

Re: Jordan

Unread post by guitarman » Mon Feb 03, 2025 8:20 am

Crushing, I greatly appreciate that detailed explanation and now have a greater understanding of the evolution of this story. It's been a little like a Tom Clancey novel, jumping back and forth in a timeline. Having some family members involved in the military, I can appreciate the time it takes for promotion in rank. Although I did not serve (I was in college and then medical school and doing post-graduate residency training during the Vietnam War years), My brother retired as a Lt. Commander in the Navy and my first cousin retired as a three-star (Lt. General) in the Marines.

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Re: Jordan

Unread post by lkh96 » Mon Feb 03, 2025 9:53 am

Crushing wrote:
Sun Feb 02, 2025 6:22 pm
guitarman wrote:
Sun Feb 02, 2025 2:13 pm
I am following this evolving story with great interest. Crushing is to be commended for his mastery of an in-depth understanding of the life in the military as well as his near-academic knowledge of psychology and personality theory and development. That said, I'm having difficulty understanding the timeline. How did Meg go from being a schoolteacher to a prosecuting attorney and Mark go from being discharged from the Marine Corps as a demoted corporal only to return as a Captain in the same branch of service? We await clarification of these matters.
Hey, great question. So the overall story plan is in three parts, an/d we're in part 2. Part 2 focuses equally on two divisions of the story. First is Jordan's and David's development after their first failed hotwife/cuckold experiment. This part runs on a single timeline and runs pretty slowly pretty much a straight line (with some exceptions for childhood flashbacks and other memories that I try to mark pretty clearly). As you correctly pointed out, the second is Mark's development, which is split and which jumps back and forth between two timelines. The one we're currently on, where he is a captain and in his thirties is concurrent with Jordan's timeline--they are in different places at the same time but are working their way back toward each other in part 3. For Mark, this includes figuring out how to balance the increasingly fraught relationship with Megan and company, as well as managing his friendship with Jared and the impact those relationships have on his ability to command. All the while, he's trying to forget Jordan, who had a bigger impact on him that he wants to admit. The other Mark timeline takes place about ten or so years earlier (I think Marky is 11 at this point, so obviously about 9 months before that). This timeline focuses on his deployment and journey out of and back into the Marines, and it includes his relationships with Molly and Megan, along with another upcoming adventure, no spoilers. This of course includes Megan's schoolteacher phase (earlier) and her lawyer phase (she got accepted into Georgetown Law, and is planning to study there when Jared takes his assignment in DC). Thus, when Mark is a captain and Jared is a gunny, she is a full fledged prosecutor.

My intent in doing this is to find a way to develop Mark's character, since he seemed kind of flat to me in the beginning--his personality and moral/sexual ethics seem much more established and confident than Jordan's are when he meets her. So I wasn't quite sure how to develop him, and decided I'd do it by thoroughly exploring his past journey. To that end, I want him to have a thoroughly fleshed out backstory when he and Jordan start getting serious in part 3. I'm modeling his journey after the literary type of a knight-errant who endures different kinds of difficulties including combat, lost love, exile/excommunication, a journey back, that kind of stuff. Hence the second timeline--when he and Jordan get closer, she's going to be drawn to much more than just his sexual prowess.

Anyway, I hope that makes sense. Part 3 will begin when Mark gets back into the Marines and meets Jordan for the first time, and at that point the timelines will merge into one, and the remainder of the story in part 3 will run on a single timeline with the focus on Mark and Jordan, and the converse exploration--a deeper dive into David's real cuckold journey.
So...mark and jordan reconnects in part 3 (aka a 2nd relationship) OR is part 3 the beginning of the end of Mark and Jordans story that was written a couple of chapters back (meaning we already know how it ends) ??

Posts: 77
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:34 am

Re: Jordan

Unread post by Crushing » Mon Feb 03, 2025 6:53 pm


So...mark and jordan reconnects in part 3 (aka a 2nd relationship) OR is part 3 the beginning of the end of Mark and Jordans story that was written a couple of chapters back (meaning we already know how it ends) ??

Part 3 will definitely be new stuff. It will start a bit after Jordan finishes her Ph.D, and begins her career as a young professor in a new place. They will reconnect then.

Posts: 77
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:34 am

Re: Jordan

Unread post by Crushing » Mon Feb 03, 2025 6:56 pm

They had been very nice about it.

Of course Jordan was humiliated. Standing in the middle of a bright red room with all eyes on her. Having stepped way over the line of propriety and professionalism. That poor girl who looked a little bit like her still tied up in that contorted position and standing on one leg, twitching involuntarily.

All Jordan could do was apologize. In fact, she couldn't stop apologizing, and a surreal scene followed: nude women tied to various apparati around the room joined the reassuring chorus of whip and crop-wielding men in telling her that she hadn't done anything wrong.

But that poor girl just kept gasping. Her body twitching in random, irregular shocks as her dom held her firmly upright.

Professor Schenk had been very nice about it too. He had walked her upstairs to calm her down. Jeff, the owner of the home had followed them up and gotten her a glass of water.

Her face had been so red that Jeff went back for a cold washcloth, and smiled with genuine concern and compassion as she tried not to cry in embarrassment, wiping down her face.

She had apologized again, and was reassured again. The clinks, slaps, and moans had resumed and the sounds drifted up through the open doorway, verifying that she had only paused, not ended the festivities.

She began to relax. She hadn't ruined the evening for anyone.

She had apologized again to Professor Schenk when Jeff went back downstairs. He had placed his hand gently on her shoulder, trying to reassure her, but she felt it was best to just leave. She had gathered her things, and Schenk had walked her to the door, giving her his contact card before she left. He had a flight back to his own university in the morning, but he wanted to keep in touch. He said he'd call her to make sure she was okay in the next couple of days.

So…everone had been very nice about it.

But Jordan's emotional state was like a volcano as soon as she got back in her car. She had closed the driver's side door, stared straight ahead for half a moment, and then lost control, sobbing with her face buried in her steering wheel. The lava flows of shame, embarrassment, and fear rose and fell in her head and gut, all the while her skin held steady in the same hot red flush that had persisted throughout much of the evening, matching the lighting of the basement.

Eventually she pulled herself together enough to drive home. David had texted, asking how the night had gone, but she couldn't bring herself to answer just yet. Dropping her keys and bag on the kitchen table, she drank a whole bottle of gatorade out of the fridge, turned on a warm shower, and took off her clothes.

The delicate snarl of shucked and discarded black lace looked uncanny sitting on top of her business-casual outfit, now in its own pile on the bathroom floor.

She picked up the snarl, recoiling slightly at the slight shock of cold, saturated moisture touching her wrist.

The panties were wet.

She reached between her legs, looking for confirmation and letting out a frustrated sigh as her shoulders drooped.

Still wet. Very wet. Causing some of her pubic hair to bind in little clumps.

Carefully avoiding looking in the mirror, Jordan stepped into the warm shower and washed herself down. She let out another, slightly less forceful wave of embarrassed crying, and then washed her body and hair.

She dried off, facing away from the mirror as she wrapped her towel around her body, gathered her dirty clothes, and retreated to her bedroom. Dropping the clothes in the hamper, she opened the top drawer, pulled out the veiny silicone length of Ricardo, complete with suction cup behind the base, and walked toward the corner of the room where the mirror and the trash can were.

She took a deep breath and looked in the mirror, bracing for the response.

Nothing. Just her own body, wrapped in a towel.

She looked at the prosthetic cock in her right hand, then looked in the mirror again. She tugged on the joining of her towel, letting it fall to the floor.

She thought the girl in the mirror would make an appearance then, but it was just her own naked body. Her nipples had softened in the warm water, and her skin was still shiny and not fully dry. Her hair hung wet down one side of her torso, the bottom of it reaching just about to the bulb of her right breast.

Her eyes looked exhausted. Or–something like exhaustion.

She looked at the prosthetic in her hand again, then down at the trash can.

David was coming home tomorrow night. He had texted. Asking how the night went.

She looked at the prosthetic again, then in the mirror again.


Her eyes dropped, remembering several searing flashes of memory from the evening. Then, kneeling down facing the full-length mirror, she gripped the base of the prosthetic and slammed its suction cup flat against the mirror just below kneeling eye level. The cock now attached and pointing straight at her face.

She sighed deeply, then looked into her own eyes in the mirror, unable to tell if she was looking at the girl in the mirror, or if she had become the girl in the mirror.

At least all those BDSM people…at least they were nice about it, right? Nobody freaked out about it, except her.

Leaning forward, she closed her eyes and opened her mouth, feeling the silicone corona grazing her lips, then making contact with the roof of her mouth and sliding back. The bottom of the prosthetic found her tongue at about the same time, and her mouth was quickly filled with the shape, if not quite the warmth and texture of a lover, the tip presently finding resistance in the soft palate near the entrance to her throat. Sensing a proper coupling, her lips settled into a seal around Ricardo some inches from his base and suction cup. The tip of her nose could sense the proximity of the mirror, but didn't touch it.

Breathing in deeply through her nose, Jordan opened her eyes to see herself in the mirror, her eyes inches away from their own reflection as her cheeks collapsed into delicate twin concavities.

Her right hand slid over the top of her thigh, moved toward her abdomen, then cupped backward into the tuft of warm, damp, soft hair.

* * *

David was a wreck. Pacing back and forth in front of a neatly made queen bed in his Johannesburg hotel room, he had set up a hasty workstation on the table with his open laptop and several files of papers stacked and demanding his attention.

But he couldn't focus. He had arrived back from the docks just under an hour ago, and had ordered dinner through room service which had not yet arrived. And Jordan had not texted him back.

He was amazed at how well he had managed to focus at the docks. Knowing that his wife was attending a sex bondage event of some kind. Granted, the attendance was as an observer–part of her assignment to respond to some visiting professor, and she said it would help give her credibility and maybe help her career. She had tried to downplay it as a clinical or academic exercise.

And it probably was.

Still, the thought of his wife surrounded by…

He wasn't even sure. He had spent the last few nights sampling various sources of bondage porn. Some of it was very exciting, some of it horrifying. He wasn't quite sure what she was going to see. But certainly some new things for her. Although, knowing Jordan, she would have her quasi-stern "dissertation face" on throughout the evening, observing and theorizing. An objective posture, as if she were observing the mating habits of an uncontacted tribe of island dwellers in Polynesia somewhere. Sterile. Academic.

Still, the thought of Jordan…in a room where these things were going on.

There was a small possibility that something might pique her interest. A little spark of thought or temptation that might get her engines going.

On the other hand, it might genuinely horrify her. Her overtly tense reaction when they visited the sex toy and adult movie store had clearly exposed her puritanical upbringing. She had seemed more than nervous. Not so much that her sensibilities were offended–more like she had felt threatened as they walked past aisles and aisles of DVDs with lewd covers.

But, despite all that, he also knew that she had gone back and bought a toy for him. She knew that he was turned on by her libido, and she had surprised him by accommodating and buying a toy for herself. A pretty big one, too. He couldn't imagine her doing something like that just for herself.

Even after their short-lived experiment with Mark, or maybe because of their short-lived experiment with Mark, Jordan had seemed more careful to set whatever libertine tendencies arose from her time with Mark back in their proper, subdued place and focus on her exclusive relationship with her husband. Even her little dancing-girl text messages seemed to be tacit admissions that she was recalibrating her sexuality to the innocent repression of her childhood. The texts seemed mainly to humor him. Even if she was masturbating, she seemed mainly to do it because it aroused him.

Although not always. He definitely remembered that she had a stronger than usual reaction to those bondage videos when she was researching for her paper. He remembered waking up to several consecutive dancing girls and flowers, signifying a night of intense arousal.

Maybe seeing the real thing would have a similar effect..?

He stuffed his hand down the front of his pants, squeezing himself. He didn't know what to think, but pinching his penis sent a short but pleasant feeling into his lower abdomen.

He sat down at the laptop again, trying to focus on work. He had to finish his inspection and audit paperwork for the Port of Johannesburg before he got on the plane tomorrow morning. There was so much left to do…

He looked down at his phone, cocking his head uncertainly. No return call, no return texts from Jordan. She might still be there…late into the night.

He shook the thought out of his head, but not before squeezing his penis again. The tip dribbled onto one of his fingers, which he quickly wiped off before returning to work.

He got through the remainder of his data and was ready to draft his report when his cell phone rang. He grabbed it and jerked it up to his ear.

"Hey baby…"

Jordan. She sounded exhausted.

"Hey Jo…good to hear from you. It's so late there, everything okay?"

He heard her take a deep breath and sigh.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Just tired."

"I bet. It's…what…1:30 in the morning there now?"


"How was the…uh…thing?"

"It was fine. Weird, but fine."

David waited for her to go on, but she didn't seem inclined to.

"Uh…" he struggled to answer, "weird how? You wanna tell me about it?"

"I mean…it was a kind of sex dungeon. It was in this rich guy's basement out in the country, all the lights were red, and people wore leather."

"Is that it?"

"I mean, kinda, yeah. I really just did it to show Schenk I wasn't scared. I took some notes, we talked a little about his theory. It was really pretty dry and academic. I wasn't there for the…festivities…"

She drew out the last word one syllable at a time–fest…iv…i…ties–signaling a kind of uneasy disdain for the whole experience.

David's emotions were strong but mixed. On the one hand, he was disappointed that she didn't enjoy herself. On the other hand, he was viscerally relieved that she didn't enjoy herself. On the third hand, he was devastated that she didn't really, really enjoy herself."

It was a strange cocktail of feelings, and it left him fumbling for words.


Jordan seemed concerned.

"Yeah, Jo. I'm here."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine…" David hastened to reassure her. "I'm just…trying to finish up this report before my flight tomorrow. I think if we fix the grid in Lagos, we could see some real improvements. I'm…just distracted."

"Oh, okay." She yawned audibly. "Probably just as well. It's super late here. I think I'm gonna go to bed."

"Oh, I don't mean to hustle you off the phone, baby…" David hastened.

"No, it's okay. I'm sleepy. I'm really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night, though. I'm getting tired of sleeping alone. Need a little dose of David…"

David smiled to himself. "I'm really excited to see you tomorrow night too, Jo. Like…super excited."

"Oooh, I like the sound of that…" Jordan cooed. He heard the rustle and creak of her dropping into bed.

"Okay, well get some sleep, baby. I love you. I'll be home tomorrow night."

"Iloveyoutoo…Fly safe…" she mumbled.

David hung up the phone and returned to his work, consciously blocking out one phrase uttered by his wife on that phone call. A phrase that he knew would derail his whole night's work if he let it into his head.

"I'm getting tired of sleeping alone…"

* * *

Jordan wasn't even out of the parking lot after church when the dashboard display in her new car lit up with a phone call.

The Right, Good, Dignified and most Honorable Reverend James Simms.

She had purposefully entered the overly grandiose name in her phone contacts, continuing a years long running joke that they shared. She would occasionally poke fun at his vocation by adding stylish words to his legitimate prefix of "reverend," and he would add random letters after her name every time she accomplished something.

His contact for her in his phone read: Jordan Stark Simms, B.S, B.A, M.A, Ph.D ABD, PDQ, C.P.

The last two stood for Cutie Patootie, the nickname her paternal grandfather gave to her when she was a little girl. Her dad made sure to put it in the address line of every letter he sent her.

"Hey Dad…"

"Jojo! I'm still in my grand vestments…just managed to clear out the chapel with another bad sermon. Thought I'd call and see how your big week went!"

"Big week?" Jordan sounded perplexed.

"Yeah, your big week. You had the big presentation, I talked to David yesterday morning, he said they had you out to dinner with the other professors, and you were going to network with the big wigs…"

Jordan's heart stopped.

"You talked to David?"

"Yeah, of course. We talk sometimes. When he started the globetrotter job, he called to get my advice. We made a deal–he promised to call me every time he saw a cool animal that he'd never seen before. It's a thing we do. That okay?"

"What else did he tell you?"

Reverend Simms paused.

"I mean, not much, really. Just said you had a busy week, and you were kinda nervous about it. And he said zebras–he saw some in South Africa–zebras have square pupils! Can you believe it?"

A pause.


"Jordan, everything okay?"

Jordan waited until her breath stopped shaking.

"Yeah. Yeah, everything's fine, Dad."


He was using his serious voice. It was gentle, but stern. A tried and true method of extracting the truth from his children.

"What's going on, honey?"

Jordan wiped the tear from one eye.

She shook her head, her face contorting as she tried to control her tears.

"I just…I had a really bad performance in church today. I was distracted, I missed a cue, and I was off key. It was…I'm just a little shaken up by it, I'm sorry."

"Oh, honey…"

Jordan knew that her father knew she was lying. But he had the decency not to press her.

"Oh, Jojo, it happens to everyone. I bet opera singers do it sometimes. You'll try again next week, you'll nail it. Everyone will forget this week. You'll win 'em over."

Jordan sniffed. "Thanks, dad."


"So what?"


He used his Donald Duck voice.

Jordan couldn't help but laugh.

"I can't believe that still works on me!" Jordan observed out loud, but mainly to herself.

"It always works. I'm gonna do it on my deathbed, C.P. Just you wait. I'll have you rolling on the floor when I go up to the pearly gates."

"No you won't…"

"Oh, but I will. Watch me, Jojo…" He made the Donald Duck voice again.

"Dad…stop!" Jordan laughed like she was a little girl being tickled.

"There's that laugh…"

When she calmed down, he finally pushed for his answer.

"So…your week was good? Give me the dollar version of the story. I want to know everything."

"Okay, fine. Reverend…"

"Yeah, Reverend, Dad, whatever. C'mon. Tell me."

"Not much to tell, really. We had a visiting scholar, they asked me to do a response to a lecture he gave. It went pretty well."

"What was the lecture on?"

Jordan took a breath. "Paradigms of identity construction in adolescent and young adult females."

"Sounds interesting. What was the scholar's name? I might want to read his book."

"It wasn't that good, really."

"Oh. Well, give me the name anyway, I want to check it out."

Jordan hesitated.

"Richard Baxter. He's from Vanderbilt."

"Richard…Baxter…I'm writing it down. And he does identity theory like you, right?"

"Well, overlapping interests, but he has some different ideas than me. But that's what the whole academic game is all about, right? Different approaches, different views?"

"I wouldn't know, Jojo. Never got that far. I'm not as smart as you."

"Dad…stop!" Jordan giggled again.

"So, you did some socializing afterward? Get any leads on a job after you graduate?"

"Nothing concrete, but some good contacts. I think I made a good impression."

"Of course you did. You're a Simms! We always win the crowd over."


"Well, I've gotta run, Jojo. I've got to visit Mrs. Wilcox in the nursing home before dinner, and your mother has been awful punctual lately."

"Yeah, she's a stickler for mealtimes."

"Well, call her and tell her about your big week too sometime. I mean, I'll obviously brag, but she likes to hear from you too."

"I'll call her when I get home."

"Thanks, C.P.

"No problem, Reverend."

"And Jordan…"


"I'm proud of you, kiddo…"

* * *

The flight from Johannesburg to Atlanta was brutal. And the connecting flight back home was somehow even worse.

David pulled his glasses off, cleaning them with the hem of his polo shirt as he walked toward the taxi stand. Not wanting to wait for an Uber, he just got in and gave the driver his address, lolling his head back against the seat as he texted Jordan.

D: Just landed. In the taxi, should be home in…less than half an hour.

J: 🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️

He let his phone drop to the seat beside him.

The taxi hadn't even left the airport terminal before the phone buzzed again.

He picked it up, smiling as he looked at the display.

Then his smile faded.

The display didn't show the call he was expecting–instead of the display showing a picture of Jordan holding a tulip to her nose with a sly smile accompanying the buzzing of the phone, the display just showed a black screen with a contact name.

Richard Stark.


"Hey dad."

"Hey, David! It's been a minute."

"What do you want, Dad?"

"Is that anyway to greet your old man?"

"What do you want, Dad?"

"I just wanna talk, son. It's been a while. I just…I just want to catch up."

David rolled his eyes. He was clearly drunk. Drunk enough to forget he'd called tomorrow, but not drunk enough to be an asshole yet. If he could keep the call to ten minutes, it would probably be okay.

"Okay, Dad. How's business?"

"It's, business, you know. Keeping the cars movin, in and out, buyin' and sellin'. How about you? I hear you got a new job?"

"Yeah. A few months now. And a side business."

"No shit? What's the side business?"

"It's in vehicle maintenance. Kind of a contracting company for companies and local government agencies, maintaining cars."

"Oh. Any money in it?"


"Well, keep at it. Never know when it'll turn around. Maybe you won't have to work two jobs if it does, eh?"

"I like my new job, actually."

"Yeah? You the boss yet?"

"Not really. More of an auditor."

"Oh, shit. Fuckin' auditors. I got a visit from the tax man comin' up. Fuckin' auditors."

"I'm not that kind of an auditor. More of a consultant, I guess, but in-house."

"Yeah? What's the company?"


"Never heard of 'em."

"Alright. Well, it's been real, Dad. I gotta hang up soon. I'm heading home from the airport, and I haven't been home in a while."

"Haven't been home? You traveling?"

"Yeah. A few weeks at a time."

"How's Joanna feel about that?"

"Jordan is very supportive. And I get to be home more after my first year."

"That's good, at least. Of course, you gotta keep an eye on her. You know your mom used to fuck around…"

David rubbed his eyes under his glasses in frustration.

"No, Dad, that was you. You're thinking of you. You fucked around. And I trust Jordan."

"Yeah…well at least she isn't that pretty. The pretty ones'll fuck around."

"She's got her own career, and she's busy, and I actually really do trust her. Dad…what do you want? Why did you call?"

"Nothin. I hear you're an accountant now, is all."

"Yeah, I just got CPA licensure last month. Why?"

"Well, I got a visit from the tax man comin' up, and I was thinkin…"

The taxi pulled up to David's apartment as he heard his father fumble for words. He paid and tipped the driver, stumbled out of the cab and stood between Jordan's new Rav-4 and their old Camry, which now sat unused in the extra parking space.

"Yeah, Dad, whatever. Just have Patricia email me the IRS summons and whatever books you have. I'll take a look, but if it looks shady at all, I'm sending it back and you're on your own."

"Don't be like that, David. We're family."

"Jesus Christ, don't remind me."

"Tell Joanna I said hi. And don't tell her I said she wasn't pretty. Women…they get shitty about stuff like that. Hold grudges, you know? It's in their nature…"

"Goodbye, Dad."

David hung up the phone, clenching his teeth.

He slipped his phone in his pocket, standing still next to the Camry, then slammed his fist hard into the trunk in frustration.

He immediately regretted it. Lightning bolts of pain shot up his ulnar nerve, the pinky-palm region of his hand throbbing and trembling.


He muttered under his breath as he made his way into the apartment building, fishing out his keys as he approached the front door.

* * *

Jordan heard the keys jingling in the doorknob, and she shot out of her chair. Sliding it back under the table, she took a nervous step forward, clasping her hands together in front of her, unsure of how to stand.

The door opened, and David stepped in, obviously frazzled, frustrated, and exhausted. He looked like he was getting ready to throw his bag across the room.

Then he saw her.

A frightened yet hopeful smile was on her face, her hair neatly hanging down. She was barefoot, wearing only black lace lingerie. A see-through bra that cheekily hinted at the shades of her nipples. Arabesques of lace and delicate mesh descended below the bra cups with a skin tight fit that left the midriff bare. Her delicate navel and the surrounding skin invited David to uncover more. All this was attached by thin straps to matching see-through panties that half-revealed a soft, feminine tangle of auburn hair descending in a V to where her legs met.

"Hi baby…welcome home. I made us some brownies…"

David dropped his bag and tumbled forward, throwing his arms around his wife. Her nervous half smile broke into a grin as her husband pawed all over her body, his fingers nudging underneath the lacy fabric, first on her back, then on her front. She kissed him hungrily as he explored her body.

"How was Africa, honey?"

David mumbled an incoherent response, aggressively backing her down the hall to their bedroom.

Jordan giggled as she pranced backward down the hall.

At one point, she broke away and turned around, only to have David pinch her exposed buttock.

She squealed and giggled again, running down the hallway as her husband chased her.

"I…have missed you in this bed, Mister Stark…" Jordan impishly placed her index finger on his lips. He kissed her finger, then leaned in to kiss her once more.

Jordan fumbled with her husband's pants as they twirled around in front of the bed. The gentle throb between her legs rose steadily with a feeling of heat–whether literal or just a sense of excitement, she couldn't tell.

David's slacks fell to his ankles, and she pushed him playfully back on the bed, the inside of his knees still curled around the foot edge of the mattress.

She eagerly kneeled in front of him, fishing his erection out of his boxer shorts. He moaned happily, sitting up as she pinched his small penis, then he reached down to cup her breast as she took him into her mouth.

He was amazed, as he always was, at the powerful feeling of his wife's warmth. Her head bobbed up and down almost imperceptibly, creating friction with the warmth.

Their coupling lasted for several seconds before his hips jerked.

Jordan held still for a moment, then lifted her mouth off of him. He fell back on the mattress, sighing happily.

She stuck a finger in her mouth, recovering the half-teaspoon of his relief out of the curl of her tongue and gathering it onto her fingertip. Holding it in front of her, she caught herself looking over at the full-length mirror.

She saw herself in ¾ position facing mostly away. She was kneeling in her black lingerie, her buttocks and back almost entirely exposed, her breasts elegantly and erotically presented, and her hair hanging stylishly between her shoulder blades, even as she looked over her shoulder at her own reflection.

She could see the torn look of simultaneous accomplishment and frustration in her own eyes.

She wiped the modest dollop of semen on her finger into the fabric of David's sock and rose to bend over the bed and kiss him deeply.

"Welcome home, baby."

Posts: 36
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Re: Jordan

Unread post by sarawithlove2 » Tue Feb 04, 2025 9:13 am

My my this is simply the sexiest story I have read for a long long time. I cannot get enough!

Posts: 115
Joined: Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:55 pm

Re: Jordan

Unread post by MustBeDenied2 » Tue Feb 04, 2025 9:56 am

Thank you, Crushing!

I almost forgot the story is about Jordan. I could get used to this new pace.


Posts: 77
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:34 am

Re: Jordan

Unread post by Crushing » Fri Feb 07, 2025 6:34 pm

Three chevrons up, two rockers down.

The matte black metal rank insignia of a marine gunnery sergeant was centered just below the neckline of Jared's dirty tan flack jacket as he stalked impatiently through the battalion grounds. A cluster of marines waiting for orders parted like the Red Sea as he moved purposely through the midst of them. Finally, he exploded through the front door of the repurposed Victorian style house that now served as Charlie Company headquarters. His hair was sweaty and ragged, his boots filthy, and he had an annoyed look on his face.

That rank insignia combined with a look of annoyance is a dangerous combination. As every marine knows. Everybody began making hasty plans directed at becoming as invisible as possible while still doing their job.

"Krell, I swear to fucking Christ, if I see a single smudge on the brasswork of that door again, I'll cut your fucking fingers off…" he growled.

His voice was hoarse, clearly worn down from yelling all day.

Bravo company had finished their exercises and were packing and cleaning gear near their headquarters building. Jared had peeled off from the group, his duties as a stand-in senior noncommissioned officer for their training exercises were completed, and he didn't need to stick around. After glaring around at his terrified subordinates for a moment, he stomped back to his office with a nervous younger staff sergeant walking quickly behind him.

"Good afternoon, gunny…how was the field ex?"

Jared stepped into his office, setting his kevlar helmet on a rack and unbuckling his flak jacket.

"If our guys move like that in an amphibious exercise, I'm just gonna let 'em drown. They looked like a fucking frat house full of drunk lobster people. Low, slow, and stupid."

"I'm sure our guys can handle it better, gunny."

"Yeah, well I want to make sure of it. When the captain gets back in, see if we can have a company meeting about doing some beach landing drills ourselves. What I saw today was ten pounds of horse shit in a two pound bag."

"Actually gunny, he…"

"Jesus H. Christ…" Jared growled again, looking down at his basic camouflage gear now that his battle gear was stripped off. "I'm a fucking mess. My asshole has sand in its asshole. I'm gonna go fuck up the shower. We got a nug or a boot assigned to bitch duty today?" He grinned at the staff sergeant, who grinned nervously back.

"Seriously, Staff Sergeant, I need you to assign someone. Like…now. Anyone piss you off, you wanna send 'em in to the company showers to clean after I get sand in everything? Just fuck up an uppity corporal's afternoon for a little bit?"

He began rummaging around in the space behind his desk, looking for something.

"I can assign someone to come clean, Gunny," the staff sergeant replied. "Just a quick question though…"

"Hold it…" Jared growled hoarsely, still bent over and searching behind the desk. He straightened up, turned around, and glared menacingly at his subordinate staff sergeant. "Where…the fuck…are my PT clothes?"

Not waiting for the answer, Jared exploded out the door of his office to the main work area, staffed by a half-dozen marines who knew instinctively to fear that particular tone of voice whenever it came out of that particular office.

"Okay…" Jared said, putting his hands on his hips just outside his office door. "My gym shit is missing. I know where I put my bag this morning, and I know where I've been all day. Someone's been in my office. Someone obviously lifted it. So which one of you motherfuckers wants to literally, literally die today?"

No one was stupid enough to answer that question.

Jared whirled on the staff sergeant again.

"Jones…who is the sergeant of the guard today? I will rip this fucking company down to the threads. I will pull sinew off bone, and rip tongues out of mouths. Get the fucking sergeant of the guard into my office forth-fucking-with. I am not kidding."

Nobody moved or spoke. Jared's eyes narrowed in confusion. He had them well trained enough to expect a tornado of activity after a display like that. But they just sat there.

"Okay…" he growled even lower, his voice gravelly and chopped. "What. The fuck. Is going on?"

The young marine seated at the desk closest to him timidly made a gesture for him to look to the right, toward the captain's office door. Jared turned to look, seeing a brown faced boy wearing a marine PT tracksuit that was way too big for him with the cuffs and sleeves rolled up awkwardly to his elbows and ankles. On the right breast of the tracksuit jacket, the name "Poisson" was embroidered.

"Hey dad. Sorry I took your stuff."

The wind quickly drained out of Jared's sails. His posture and face softened immediately.

"Oh. Hey buddy. I didn't know you were here."

Mark stepped out of his office. Attuned to the tense moment, everyone in the front room stood quickly and snapped stiffly to attention.

"At ease. Carry on," Mark said, waving his hand down as everyone sat down and returned to work. "Welcome back, Gunny. We just got back from the gym." He gestured toward the boy. "I needed a spotter."

Marky grinned. It was his first trip to an adult gym with a grownup. And there was a whole platoon of marines that were super polite to his Uncle Mark, and were really nice to him.

Jared nodded down at him, grinning. "That's great buddy. You pump a lot of iron?"

Seeing his dad soften, Marky began to relax. "Yeah. Uncle Mark taught me to do bench press and curls."

Mark waved Jared and Marky into the office and shut the door. He gestured toward the little circle of chairs on the side of the commander's office near the window, and everyone sat down.

Jared looked up and down at his son. "So, Uncle Mark had the XO radio me. You had a fight?"

Marky's head dropped in shame.

"Tell him what happened," Mark nodded encouragingly.

"Louie kept pushing Alex over when he was playing basketball, and he broke Alex's glasses."

"Who's Louie?" Jared asked, eyes narrowing.

"He's just a guy that picks on Alex all the time. I was reading next to the basketball court and when his glasses broke Alex kept trying to find him, and Louis started to kick him when he couldn't see. So I pushed him away."

"That's all?"

Marky looked up at Mark, who nodded in encouragement.

"I kinda jumped on him. And hit him a bunch of times."

Jared leaned back in his chair and sighed.

Mark stayed silent as he watched his best friend rub his eyes, exhausted.

"Honestly…" Jared said to no one in particular, "I thought it was JJ that got in the fight. Crazy little fucker's always biting someone…"

Mark burst out laughing, as the boy's eyes widened.

"So…am I in trouble?"

Jared didn't answer, and his hands dropped from his eyes as he turned to face the grinning captain. "Well, sir…What'd you do after you picked him up?"

"We got some sodas and candy bars. Then we went to the gym with third platoon. Taught him how to curl and bench press. Just like he said. He'll be sore in the morning."

"Oh," Jared answered. "Okay. I mean…I'd have gotten him ice cream, but a candy bar'll do in a pinch, I guess."

Marky began to smile. "so…I'm not in trouble?"

Jared grinned. "No, son. You're not in trouble. Your mom might want to give you a talking-to when she gets home, but you're not in trouble here. Look around. You think anyone in this building is gonna tell you not to put a bully in his place?"

Marky grinned. "No…"

"You got that right, buddy." Mark extended his hand across to Marky. Marky slapped it with a grin.

"Krell! Get in here!" Jared barked out loud. Two seconds later, a young marine opened the door and stood in tense anticipation, nodding respectfully toward his superiors.

"Yes Gunny? And good afternoon, sir…"

"Call Sergeant Simmons, tell him to send two marines to the pit. Whoever's pissing him off today. I'm gonna teach my son some joint manipulation techniques. He had a fight today, and it was sloppy. Can't have him tradin' on my name if he can't kick a clean ass."

"Aye Gunny. Right away. Will the commander be joining you?" he looked respectfully toward Mark.

Jared looked over at Mark, who shrugged, inclined to defer to Jared.

"Yes. The captain is going to be there, at least for a little while. So make it three marines. One of 'em is going to pair with me, one with the CO, and one with this little warrior right here."

Marky grinned again as the young corporal turned around and darted back to his desk to carry out the order.

"Alright buddy, let's head out there." Jared slapped Marky's back, standing up and leading him out the door. Mark stood up and followed them out the door.

"Now here's the rule about this stuff. You never, ever start a fight if you can help it. But if a fight starts, you finish it. That's what we do in this family. Got it?"

* * *

A small silver crucifix lay at a lazy angle just below the clavicle, resting on soft, warm, brown skin. Bouncing gently, it lay on its side. Bouncing gently again, it lay nearly upright.

Megan's breasts bounced gently in the same rhythm as the crucifix. The smooth skin of her stomach winked with the thin veneer of sweat as the nightstand lamp light reflected off her naked body. Straight down from her delicate navel, across the slight rise and fall of her lower stomach and upper pubis was a short, straight, narrow, delicate tuft of black hair that extended until it reached the upper cleft of her vagina, lining up perfectly with the thick cock presently filling her.

It was after bedtime for Megan's boys, and Mark was fucking her. Gently, but firmly.

Her eyes were glazed, the roots of her dark hair moist with the sweat that covered the rest of her body. All outward signs of a powerful orgasm, the helpless noise of which she had carefully suppressed to avoid waking her sons, asleep in their bedrooms down the hall.

Her husband was down the hall too, but in the family room watching a baseball game. Knowing his role for their liaisons, he kept an ear out if Marky or JJ stirred, so he could either warn Megan or intercept the boys.

Doing a duty from which he derived a weird but intense proxy pleasure. Standing by to assist so that his wife could enjoy sex with her longtime lover.

It was a well established routine. On and off for around a decade, Mark had had regular access to his wife's body at will, and Jared happily found a way to enable their coupling.

On this occasion, Megan had returned from work, still wearing the crucifix her abuela gave her right before her first varsity soccer game way back in high school. She wore it on trial days, a kind of talisman or good luck charm for the often savage verbal contests in the courtroom.

She had returned stressed and exhausted from work, surprised to see Mark there with Jared and the boys, splitting tasks while they prepared dinner.

It was a welcome sight, of course.

She had a special love for Mark, who had been in and out of their lives over the past decade. Who had given her her first child. Who now seemed increasingly inclined to take a subtle, secondary mentor's role in his namesake's upbringing.

Apparently Mark had picked up the boy from school, extracting him from the principal's office and bringing him back to the base. Then he took him to the weight room with some of his marines for his first grown-up workout, and then he and Jared took him to the pit to practice ground fighting.

So when she came home, expecting to see Marky in a withdrawn, sullen posture, avoiding eye contact and mumbling apologies–which was normal for him when he got in trouble–she actually came around the corner to see him helping in the kitchen with an ear-to-ear grin on his face, wearing Jared's training jacket with the sleeves cuffed back.

He was helpful, confident, and excited about his day. Or, at least, the second half of his day.

They had had dinner, and he had even given Mark a jaunty salute as he left the table to do his homework.

Mark had stayed to help clean up, and then had played a video game with JJ for a half hour or so before indicating an intention to head home.

Megan had asked him to stay. At least until the boys went to bed.

Amenable to that suggestion, he had a beer with Jared as he turned on a baseball game, chatting about work until the boys went to bed.

Once Jared tucked them both in and they were clearly asleep, Megan took Mark's hand and led him back to her bed.

It was an intimate coupling.

Mark had taken her body with his usual hunger, but she met his hunger with a newfound joy in his willingness to be involved in Marky's life.

They made love. And in the process, disregarding the stress of her day and the uncertainty of her trial in progress, she simply lost her tensions and worries in her physical union with Mark.

As always, she came powerfully on his cock.

Then, again, another, a few moments later.

Which is where we found her at the beginning of this scene, her abuela's good-luck crucifix bouncing gently just under her clavicle as Mark's cock filled her with slow, deep, insistent thrusts.

Until his pace picked up…a sense of urgency guiding his movements. Megan covered her mouth with one hand and clutched her crucifix absently with the other as she felt his excitement rising.


Mark's voice rumbled urgently. Megan slid quickly off the bed onto her knees, looking up to Mark's tall, muscular frame, his powerful right hand wrapped around his cock. She opened her mouth and lifted her chin to meet him, extending her tongue to ensure nothing was dropped.

A raspy sigh emanated from her lover as she welcomed a thick, warm stream of his release into the cup of her tongue. She took the tip of his cock in her mouth, locking a seal just in front of the corona. He pulsed again, this time the stream spilling below her tongue as she began to suck. Then another deep pulse, coating the roof of her mouth.

She sucked carefully, holding her head still until she felt his body relax, tilting her head back slightly to ensure the copious semen in her mouth didn't drip from her lips when she released him.

He stepped back, his heavy cock dropping from her lips.

She swallowed and smiled up at him.

They both stood, held one another, kissed deeply, dressed, and then left the bedroom.

* * *

Jared's feet were up on the coffee table, leaning casually back in his chair as he heard his bedroom door open. A few seconds later, Mark entered, sitting down on the couch nearby and putting his own long legs up.

"What's the score?"


Mark nodded. "What are the odds they can just hang on to a lead?"

"No way that's happening. Goddamn pitcher…what's his name…North…can't throw a strike to save his life."

"Shit…How hard can it be?" Mark laughed.

Jared heard Megan's bare feet pad down the hall. He turned his head around to see–she was wearing a long shirt and panties, nothing else. Her hair was tousled, and she had clearly been sweating.

He shifted his weight, trying to hide his growing erection from his best friend's line of vision.

"What's the score?" Megan asked, sitting next to Mark on the couch.

"4-2," Jared repeated.

"North can't throw strikes…" Mark added, grinning at Jared.

Jared smirked.

"They should key his car or something," Megan said sarcastically.

"That's my girl. I love it when you're vindictive, baby…" Jared grinned.

They sat in silence, watching the game and saying nothing. Out of the corner of his eye, Jared saw Megan hook her hand under Mark's forearm and begin to stroke it lovingly.

"You two are a cute couple." Jared said.

They suddenly both looked uncomfortable. Megan pulled her hand away.

"Everything okay, Jay?" Megan asked, her brow furrowing in concern.

Jared's lips pursed and he took a deep breath. "Yeah."

"What's on your mind, Gunny?" Mark asked, leaning in toward him.

Jared was quiet for a moment. "I just…realized something today when I came in from the field."

Mark and Megan waited for him to continue.

Jared took another deep breath. "I know Marky's your kid, man.Biologically, or whatever you want to call it."

Mark's jaw flexed uncomfortably. "I mean…we don't know…"

Jared's eyes rolled. "Oh, come on. Really?"

Megan leaned forward too, a look of terror in her eyes. "Baby, we can figure this out. Just…"

Jared interrupted her. "It's fine."

Her jaw hung open. "Fine…how? What do you mean?"

Jared turned off the TV and set down the remote. He cleared his throat and flopped back in his chair.

"I mean it's fine. We've had this…arrangement whenever we're near each other for like…ever now."

Jared's hand waved absently toward the bedroom where his wife had just finished pleasuring his best friend and commanding officer. His eyes dropped to the ground before continuing.

"I'm not blind, and obviously we named him after you. And the older he gets, the more obvious it is. But today…in the pit…I couldn't get him to watch his feet. I couldn't do it."

Mark laughed. "That's it? That's…I mean…he's eleven years old, man. He's just starting out. Come on, we don't really know…"

"I know." Jared interrupted. "Trust me, man. If there's anything in the world I know, it's how people move their bodies in a fight. His natural stance, and your natural stance, they're…identical. It just kinda…solidified it for me."

Everyone was silent, unwilling to look at each other for several moments. Then Megan spoke.

"So…what now? What does this mean?"

Mark looked up, afraid to make eye contact with Jared.

Jared shrugged. "I don't really know. I mean, I've known for a long time. I couldn't admit it to myself, though. I was afraid to admit it to myself because I thought if he were your son he wouldn't be mine."

Mark shook his head vigorously. "Never. That's never…"

Jared put up his hand again. "Let me finish. When I saw him in the office today, wearing my workout top…when we went out to the pit, when we made dinner and stuff…man, that kid was happier than I've seen him in a long time."

Megan began to smile as she nodded toward Mark in agreement.

Mark looked confused as Jared continued.

"I don't know what it means. I just saw what I saw. I think I'm okay with it, though. More than okay, really. I think knowing you so well…I think that's gonna help me understand my son better too. Gangly little bookworm."

Mark smiled nervously as Megan beamed.

"I…I'd never want to step on your toes or assume…anything. You understand that, right?" Mark insisted.

"And do you finally understand that you're family? That you don't need to worry about imposing in our house?" Jared's eyebrow cocked up.

Megan hooked her hand through Mark's elbow again. "We're kind of sick of reminding you. But now…it's official. You're family."

Mark's eyes seemed distant, still unsure of how to react. "So…what now?"

Jared shrugged, looking over at Megan, who shrugged back.

"What do I do? Do I do something different?" A look of panic crept into Mark's eyes.

"We figure it out," Megan said. "Nothing major changes, obviously. And when it's time to tell Marky, we tell him. That won't be for a while, though. Obviously."

Jared smiled "You just…get to figure it out as you go along. It's called being a parent."

Megan reached up to turn Mark's chin toward her, holding his gaze for a moment and then kissing him gently on the lips. "We don't need any more from you than you're willing to give."

Mark nodded gravely.

Jared began to get uncomfortable, hiding his steadily growing erection as he watched his wife's affections directed toward Mark. They kissed once more, and Mark began to visibly relax.

Jared's heart skipped a beat, and a rather desperate smile struggled to mask his arousal.

"Well…you guys did good, I gotta hand it to you. He's a hell of a specimen. Strong, smart, good manners…helluva kid."

Megan laughed, clearly delighted by the novelty of the thought. She looked up at Mark again, and kissed him.

"Yeah…I guess we did do good work, didn't we?" she said to him before another, slower kiss.

Jared's hand hastily but discreetly reached down to cover the small wet spot appearing at the stretched apex of his tented shorts.

Posts: 263
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Re: Jordan

Unread post by lkh96 » Fri Feb 07, 2025 7:16 pm

I'm always in anticipation of what's next. It's too good to miss.

Actors/models/pornstars....who do you think closely models Mark, Megan, Jared, Jordan and David, physical attributes and genitalia et al. ??

Posts: 77
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:34 am

Re: Jordan

Unread post by Crushing » Sat Feb 08, 2025 2:50 am

That's an interesting question, and I'm interested in others' thoughts on that while I'm working on the next few scenes with Jordan and David.

Obviously I have my own thoughts, but I'd like to hear what others see in what I've written before I tell you what I think. Anyone got any ideas for celebrity lookalikes for the characters? Let's throw Molly in there for good measure, too?

Posts: 36
Joined: Sat Dec 21, 2013 12:35 pm

Re: Jordan

Unread post by guitarman » Sat Feb 08, 2025 7:18 am

Are we ever going to see Molly again?

Posts: 77
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:34 am

Re: Jordan

Unread post by Crushing » Sat Feb 08, 2025 7:28 pm

guitarman wrote:
Sat Feb 08, 2025 7:18 am
Are we ever going to see Molly again?
Not as a major character, no. She’s going to pop up a couple more times, though.

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Re: Jordan

Unread post by Tire_Kicker » Sun Feb 09, 2025 9:13 pm

Crushing wrote:
Sat Feb 08, 2025 2:50 am
That's an interesting question, and I'm interested in others' thoughts on that while I'm working on the next few scenes with Jordan and David.

Obviously I have my own thoughts, but I'd like to hear what others see in what I've written before I tell you what I think. Anyone got any ideas for celebrity lookalikes for the characters? Let's throw Molly in there for good measure, too?
For me Megan is a toss up between Vanessa Marcil and Michelle Rodriguez. Kind of straddling that line between Smokin' hot and a Badass Chicana. Jordan would be played by either a young Jennifer Connelly or Megan Fox, how exotic do we want to get here? Jared is Olivier Gruner, Mark is Alan Ritchson, Molly is Kate Mara all day long. David Stark is David Eigenberg.

Really interested to see where this goes.

Posts: 263
Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2016 7:21 am

Re: Jordan

Unread post by lkh96 » Mon Feb 10, 2025 9:20 am

Interesting.....mark is tan skin so I was thinking maybe more like jason momoa, can yaman or will smith maybe ?? Alan is too white.
As for David and jordan, I would like to imagine them as young married Monica Bellucci and Vincent cassel.

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