I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by elina » Tue Feb 04, 2025 5:08 am

Ky_Da wrote:
Mon Feb 03, 2025 9:15 am

I'm having one of those days where concentration is out of the window, and I find myself constantly revisiting this site, reading, and pondering over the comments.


Dear Ky,

Maybe this could also be expressed as a need for you to reflect and try to get some additional perspective on what is going on?

I think this is good for all of us once in a while, even those of us who are leading much more boring lives than you and Jamie are.

I would suggest that this is good for you and that the long consultation process before the potential breast augmentation may be an opportunity to try to pull Jaime into that activity (you have already realized this from what I understand but I think it is a point worth emphasizing. I think people should be free to make their own choices, but the better informed these choises are, the less likelihood that you or Jaimee do something you will regret in the future.


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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by lkh96 » Tue Feb 04, 2025 8:21 am

To be or not to be, a slave to your kink.
Having a side dish makes a meal tastier, it doesn't mean yu can't have a full meal without one.
Apologies for the poor analogy but you get my point.
Prioritize your marriage needs, thus prioritising your mental health first, whilst spicing up the bedroom antics with a manageable healthy dose of cuckolding. Stressing beyond the fun it provides is a clear sign to re-evaluate.
Keep writing and best wishes.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by vmb69 » Tue Feb 04, 2025 8:49 am

I was curious, what is the big deal about breast implants? My wife got hers done after our 2 kids and it didn't change her. Or are you talking porn star level implants? We pushed to D cup but now she wished she had gotten double D, and they look natural, under the muscle instead of over, more expensive but they look natural.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by scdiver » Tue Feb 04, 2025 9:10 am

I am traveling soon and will disappear from this board while traveling so I would like to post some thoughts first.
Ky, you woke old feelings in me that I thought were dead. We are old and my wife was set in her ways and would not participate in pretend or with any toys. Sex with her was one way and got very boring so we haven’t been intimate in over three years.
After your writing about what Sipho was doing to Jaimee I got both turned on and horrified as all the old feeling from my first marriage come rushing back. I thought I had pushed them down into the depths of my soul not to return. Boy was I wrong!
I finally confessed to my wife (after 40 Years of hiding) my deepest darkest desires, and they are much like yours. She was not happy at first but has accepted some limited play with toys and pretend like I was afraid would push her away. I finally went to the doctor and got some pills to help me.
I sit here with my dick in a cage to stop me from jacking myself and to save it for her. She thinks it is weird but loves the attention she is getting from me. We have fucked for the first time in over three years and I am loving the excitement and change in our attitude that was caused by your writing. Please keep it up!

Now a word of caution. In a marriage big decisions should be decided by mutual consent. Per your writing, the conversation with Jaimee was Jaimee laying down what would happen with or without your consent. Her ongoing time with Sipho, her further decorations and her breast augmentation sounded to me that this would happen even if you used your safe word. It is your life, you must decide what you can tolerate. I am rooting for you and don’t want to read in the future how you two could not make a go of it.
I am glad you are cooling it with Joanna as I feel you (much like myself) are a one woman man and could loose yourself in another relationship.
Take care of yourself and I wish you well in the future. I will catch up when I get back in a couple of months.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by mundyman » Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:32 pm

vmb69 wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2025 8:49 am
I was curious, what is the big deal about breast implants? My wife got hers done after our 2 kids and it didn't change her. Or are you talking porn star level implants? We pushed to D cup but now she wished she had gotten double D, and they look natural, under the muscle instead of over, more expensive but they look natural.
I don’t think it’s the implants, or even the size,
It’s the idea of getting the implants for Sipho. It’s another change and modification to Jaimie’s body under the direction of Sipho and outside of any real communication with Ky.
It signals another step(s) of Jaimie toward becoming more Lexi and less Jaimie. She is becoming less and less the woman he first met and fell in love with and built his life with and more Lexi and her sex crazed persona. A persona and life and activities to which Ky is not a participant in or even allowed to watch.
It signals less control and living in their family space and more transitioning into Sipho’s underground sex space. It’s a signal that this is less of a game and really becoming real life. It’s who Jaimie isn’t just acting like, but is modifying herself to look like.
Sipho’s living sex toy. A bimbo whore, a married slut who willingly participates in Sipho’s perverse games.
And finally, Ky and Jaimie have been able to keep their activities pretty much out of the sight of their friends and family. But with each additional tattoo that becomes harder and harder. Depending on how large Jaimie’s breasts eventually become, keeping their sex lives and activities under wraps even harder.
And on top of that, besides doing it for Sipho, and make no mistake she is definitely doing it for Sipho and under his suggestion, when he pays for them, he will own even more of Jaimie both physically as well as mentally.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by scdiver » Tue Feb 04, 2025 1:43 pm

mundyman wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:32 pm
vmb69 wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2025 8:49 am
I was curious, what is the big deal about breast implants? My wife got hers done after our 2 kids and it didn't change her. Or are you talking porn star level implants? We pushed to D cup but now she wished she had gotten double D, and they look natural, under the muscle instead of over, more expensive but they look natural.
I don’t think it’s the implants, or even the size,
It’s the idea of getting the implants for Sipho. It’s another change and modification to Jaimie’s body under the direction of Sipho and outside of any real communication with Ky.
It signals another step(s) of Jaimie toward becoming more Lexi and less Jaimie. She is becoming less and less the woman he first met and fell in love with and built his life with and more Lexi and her sex crazed persona. A persona and life and activities to which Ky is not a participant in or even allowed to watch.
It signals less control and living in their family space and more transitioning into Sipho’s underground sex space. It’s a signal that this is less of a game and really becoming real life. It’s who Jaimie isn’t just acting like, but is modifying herself to look like.
Sipho’s living sex toy. A bimbo whore, a married slut who willingly participates in Sipho’s perverse games.
And finally, Ky and Jaimie have been able to keep their activities pretty much out of the sight of their friends and family. But with each additional tattoo that becomes harder and harder. Depending on how large Jaimie’s breasts eventually become, keeping their sex lives and activities under wraps even harder.
And on top of that, besides doing it for Sipho, and make no mistake she is definitely doing it for Sipho and under his suggestion, when he pays for them, he will own even more of Jaimie both physically as well as mentally.
I totally agree. Even though Ky put up a real fuss about Lexi having a black baby. I also think that is in Ky's future because Sipho wants to fuck a pregnant Lexi.

And what Sipho wants Lexi wants too.

I am will to make a bet that Sipho will find an excuse to keep Jaimee from going to Florida with Ky. Just because this is supposed to end at the end of May, Sipho is having to much fun to let it end.

I hope I am wrong!

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Cuckcuckgoose1 » Tue Feb 04, 2025 3:01 pm

Some posters...posting like you know everything that's going on with KY and Jaime and Sipho. Lol. It's fucking Hilarious. Almost as good as the thread itself. Lol

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by txrockdog » Tue Feb 04, 2025 4:06 pm

Agreed. Ky has mentioned several times in the past that Jaimee wished she had more uptop and at times was insecure about it. So I sincerely doubt her recent interest in implants is coming entirely from Sipho. I think it is far more likely that the self confidence she has felt while embracing Lexi has led her to want bigger tits to better fill out that persona.

Re: Sipho and Florida, I have not seen anything to make me feel like Sipho has done anything shady or worthy of that kind of suspicion. So far, it seems he has given them what they have asked him for and any “dealings” with him have come about from Ky and/or Jaimee not follwing their own commitments or asking him for something more. I have wondered since Ky posted about it what would have happened had Jaimee told Sipho she was asking for access to the club and not Lexi. Would he have said no? Or just gotten them in, but not taken her away from Ky midway through the visit.

Ky can correct me if my impressions are wrong, but to me they are getting what they asked for from Sipho and all the assumptions of nefarious intent are coming from the imaginations of the posters here.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by scdiver » Tue Feb 04, 2025 5:18 pm

What makes me think this, is still Ky's write up of his talk with Jaimee. It seemed to me that he was trying to express his misgivings but, according to Ky's write up, Jaimee was having none of it. Jaimee let Ky know what was to happen and it was with Ky or without Ky. I am sorry, that is not a marriage. When a man does that he is a bully. Ky is the only one that is truly living with Jaimee/Lexi. But it is not just his life that gets effected. They have three kids and at their current age it is fairly easy to hide their activities. As the kids get older the kids will find out. Period.
When my two kids figured out what we were doing, I found my son talking to his friends about his mother the whore. My daughter used my first wife as a role model, but went much further. That culminated in her taking her own life.
My second wife and I parented by example. Not exciting but we have those two kids that are having great lives.

My second life was not as exciting but it is getting there now. (I hope)!

I pray that Ky gets past his lust and tries to get better control of their lives. When Jaimee was with Wade or Matt it was much more interesting to me. Jaimee had much more freedom than most women and used that freedom. But I see her slavery to Sipho as a downhill slide.
Txrockdog, You don't see any mention of the Florida trip, But Ky also let it be known that large tatoos and breast enlargements were a definite no go. Lexi at Sipho's prodding sure changed that. To push Lexi further, which is what Jaimee and Sipho want, Sipho must get creative and Ky guided by lust just falls in line.

Good luck Ky. I do pray for you.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by txrockdog » Tue Feb 04, 2025 6:04 pm

scdiver wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2025 5:18 pm
What makes me think this, is still Ky's write up of his talk with Jaimee. It seemed to me that he was trying to express his misgivings but, according to Ky's write up, Jaimee was having none of it. Jaimee let Ky know what was to happen and it was with Ky or without Ky. I am sorry, that is not a marriage. When a man does that he is a bully. Ky is the only one that is truly living with Jaimee/Lexi. But it is not just his life that gets effected. They have three kids and at their current age it is fairly easy to hide their activities. As the kids get older the kids will find out. Period.
When my two kids figured out what we were doing, I found my son talking to his friends about his mother the whore. My daughter used my first wife as a role model, but went much further. That culminated in her taking her own life.
My second wife and I parented by example. Not exciting but we have those two kids that are having great lives.

My second life was not as exciting but it is getting there now. (I hope)!

I pray that Ky gets past his lust and tries to get better control of their lives. When Jaimee was with Wade or Matt it was much more interesting to me. Jaimee had much more freedom than most women and used that freedom. But I see her slavery to Sipho as a downhill slide.
Txrockdog, You don't see any mention of the Florida trip, But Ky also let it be known that large tatoos and breast enlargements were a definite no go. Lexi at Sipho's prodding sure changed that. To push Lexi further, which is what Jaimee and Sipho want, Sipho must get creative and Ky guided by lust just falls in line.

Good luck Ky. I do pray for you.
Ky can clarify, but I took what Jaimee said differently based on how Ky wrote it. She didn’t say it was her way or the highway. She said she wanted his support for a decision she made about her body, not his permission. For a woman exploring her self empowerment and new found confidence, that is an entirely reasonable thing to ask for. She has talked with Ky in the past about wanting to be in control sometimes and to make decisions for herself. “Asking permission” from Ky for the augmentation would have been the antithesis of that, letting Ky control her body. I think there are some negotiations around the edge in which Ky can probably keep her from getting ridiculous looking circus tits and something more fitting for her body style, but she has talked about this for a while and I think making the decision now while she is embracing her Lexi persona is entirely understandable.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by scdiver » Tue Feb 04, 2025 6:19 pm

To each their own.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by scdiver » Tue Feb 04, 2025 6:30 pm

She looked at me, her eyes searching mine for understanding. "I don't know when it ends. But I know I want to go through this with you, not despite you. Can you handle that? Can you handle me like this?"

This line right here. It says to me,that she will do the slave bit with Sipho no matter what Ky wants.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by scdiver » Tue Feb 04, 2025 6:42 pm

The idea of such a permanent change to her body left me flummoxed, my mind racing with a flurry of conflicting emotions. It wasn't the speed of her transformation that chilled me to the bone; it was the magnitude of this decision, the irrevocability of altering her body in such a profound way. An icy dread settled in my stomach, the thought of her under the knife, marking her transition from Jaimee to Lexi not just in behavior but in form, sent shivers through me.

Yet, beneath that cold wave of fear, there was an undeniable, lustful heat, the erotic thrill of her becoming even more of Lexi, of her physical embodiment of our shared fantasies. It was like standing at the edge of a precipice, the wind of desire pushing me forward while the fear of the fall held me back. My thoughts were a tangled mess, shock and arousal wrestling for dominance. I felt both compelled and repelled, the complexity of my emotions making me question what this meant for us, for our future, for the woman I loved who was now proposing to reshape herself in such a tangible way.
Her eyes flashed with defiance. "It's my body, Ky. I want to feel complete in my transformation. It's not just for Sipho, it's for me, for Lexi. It's about feeling right in my skin."

"But what about us? What about our family?" I argued, my voice rising slightly. "Are we even considering the implications, this isn't a nothin-thing."

She crossed her arms, her stance firm. "Of course, I've considered it. I've thought about how it would make me feel more confident, more me. I'm not asking for your permission, but I am asking for your support."
I took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm inside me. "Support? When does it stop, Jaimee? When do we draw the line?"

She looked away for a moment, then back at me, her gaze resolute. "I don't know, but I need to know you're with me, not just enduring this, but living it with me. I want to be sure that when I look in the mirror, I see all of me - Jaimee and Lexi."

I felt torn between my desire to support her and my fear of losing the woman I married to this new identity. "I'll need time to think about this, Jaimee. This isn't just about you; it's about us."

She nodded, understanding etched on her face. "I know. But I want you to understand, this isn't just a game anymore. It's my life, our life, and I want to live it fully." Her eyes flickered with something akin to approval as she added, "Sipho offered to pay for it."

With this part all I hear from Jaimee is me, me ,me. Not what is good for the family or for Ky. but just me, me, me. And again," I am not asking for permission", that says to me that it is happening no matter what Ky wants.

Sorry, that is not a give and take marriage.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by wannabecUKold » Tue Feb 04, 2025 11:43 pm

scdiver wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2025 6:42 pm

Sorry, that is not a give and take marriage.
It’s probably more a give-and-take marriage than you imagine. But it is very difficult, when, like Jaimee, you are personally driven to want to experience something, especially if it is sexual, to give it up. You end up feeling frustrated and irritated. This drive on her part to be enslaved and taken to depths is probably something that has been with her since puberty. As she gets older, she probably feels that there’s not much time left to experience it.
Yes, if the urge is strong enough, she could end up following it even if it is destructive.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Wed Feb 05, 2025 5:00 am

scdiver wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2025 9:10 am
I am traveling soon and will disappear from this board while traveling so I would like to post some thoughts first.
Ky, you woke old feelings in me that I thought were dead. We are old and my wife was set in her ways and would not participate in pretend or with any toys. Sex with her was one way and got very boring so we haven’t been intimate in over three years.
After your writing about what Sipho was doing to Jaimee I got both turned on and horrified as all the old feeling from my first marriage come rushing back. I thought I had pushed them down into the depths of my soul not to return. Boy was I wrong!
I finally confessed to my wife (after 40 Years of hiding) my deepest darkest desires, and they are much like yours. She was not happy at first but has accepted some limited play with toys and pretend like I was afraid would push her away. I finally went to the doctor and got some pills to help me.
I sit here with my dick in a cage to stop me from jacking myself and to save it for her. She thinks it is weird but loves the attention she is getting from me. We have fucked for the first time in over three years and I am loving the excitement and change in our attitude that was caused by your writing. Please keep it up!

Now a word of caution. In a marriage big decisions should be decided by mutual consent. Per your writing, the conversation with Jaimee was Jaimee laying down what would happen with or without your consent. Her ongoing time with Sipho, her further decorations and her breast augmentation sounded to me that this would happen even if you used your safe word. It is your life, you must decide what you can tolerate. I am rooting for you and don’t want to read in the future how you two could not make a go of it.
I am glad you are cooling it with Joanna as I feel you (much like myself) are a one woman man and could loose yourself in another relationship.
Take care of yourself and I wish you well in the future. I will catch up when I get back in a couple of months.
That’s great you’ve rekindled that intimacy. And I appreciate the word of caution. Things have been challenging, but we’ll work out way through it. My wife and I are in it for the long term no matter what happens. Safe Travels.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Wed Feb 05, 2025 7:36 am

The other night I was lying in bed, thinking of a number of the comments on this forum. Some comments I disregard because they're off the mark far enough that they don't apply, but some are very insightful and cause me to pause and think. This night, my wife lay close, our conversation a whisper in the dark. It was late and we both needed to be asleep, but sleep seemed to elude us both.

"Jaimee, do you... do you think... have we gone far?" I asked, my voice tentative, worried I was poking the bear by asking what had become by now a now well-worn question.

I swear I felt her stiffen. "You mean have I gone too far?" she said, her voice defensive.

"I'm not trying to pick a fight, Jaimee," I said, trying to keep my voice as placating as possible.

Jaimee let out a long sigh, the sound of frustration mixed with fatigue. "I'm sorry. I know that. It's just we keep circling back to this, so it's clear you feel like I've gone too far."

"Not exactly," I began, the words catching slightly. "Well, maybe..." I paused, knowing Jaimee was ready to interject. I quickly continued, "It's not just the tattoos," I said, preempting her defense. "Or the piercings. And what's happened so far. If it were just those things, I think I'd be okay with it. But I have to be honest, when you add it all up - our neighbors seeing a lot more of our lifestyle, even your mum with her suspicions - it's a lot to handle. Individually, maybe it's manageable, but together, it's overwhelming. This Lexi persona of yours, she doesn't seem to have any limits." I took a quick breath and added, "Lexi scares me a bit."

She scoffed lightly, the sound echoing in the quiet room. "That's rubbish. Lexi is just a part of me, a part we both enjoy. She lets me be wild, lets me push boundaries without losing who I am at my core. I'm still Jaimee, love. I'm still your wife, the mother of our children. Lexi is just the name we give to the part of me that's free, that loves this game as much as you do."

I felt the weight of her words, the dismissal of my fears as if they were unfounded. "But where do we draw the line? When does it stop being fun and start being something else entirely?"

Jaimee shifted closer, her hand finding mine in the dark. "I don't know, Ky. Maybe we don't need a line. Maybe it's about feeling it out as we go. I love you, and I love our life together. Lexi is just... an extension, a way to explore parts of myself I never knew existed. It's not about losing myself; it's about finding more of me." Her voice softened, trying to bridge the gap between us.

"But what if you lose yourself in the exploration?" I asked, my voice betraying my fear. "What if you find you prefer Lexi to Jaimee?"

She squeezed my hand, her tone reassuring. "I won't lose myself, Ky. I couldn't, not with you here. Lexi is fun, exciting, but she's not my whole world. You, our family, that's my anchor. Lexi's just the sail that lets me catch the wind, feel the thrill. But at the end of the day, I come back home to you, to us. I need you to trust that."

I sighed, the tension between us palpable yet somehow comforting, I still felt like we had a willingness to navigate this together. "I want to trust that. I'm just... I'm worried. I'm supposed to be your anchor, but I think I'm being drug along the bottom of the ocean. I'm not being very effective."

Jaimee moved even closer, her breath warm against my cheek. "You're doing fine," she assured me, her voice a calm balm. "And I appreciate you giving me this freedom. I've been thinking a lot about why I'm so into all this lately. Growing up at home, all those years of boarding school... I was in this super strict environment, you know? Layers of rules, and if you stepped out of line, there were consequences. Even at home, my mum was like a bloody sergeant major for propriety."

I smiled at the imagery, understanding her mother all too well. "So this has all been about rebellion?"

Jaimee let out a snort of a laugh. "I suppose. In a way, yeah. I mean, sod what society thinks is proper, innit? I want to live by my own rules for once." She paused, her gaze going all dreamy like she was looking into the past or maybe just into herself. "But I know there's got to be limits, right? Can't have everything going tits up, can we? But there's got to be room for a bit of exploration, for pushing the boundaries, for actually living life on our terms."

"But we've been playing this game on and off for quite some time now," I said, my voice gentle, careful not to provoke. "I suppose I thought you'd have explored this rebellious streak of yours a while back. But it seems like it's only grown, like you're really set on doing things your way now."

She laughed softly, a sound that was both wistful and resolute. "Maybe I am. We'll need to find a new center eventually, but I'm not quite there yet. I'm enjoying this, pushing boundaries. And with Sipho... there's this connection, this... I've never felt the things I feel when we play. It's like discovering a whole new part of myself I want to explore."

Her words were a mix of excitement and confession. "But, Ky, I love you, love our family. I don't want to lose any of you. I'm so grateful for your support. If I've gone too far, I'm sorry, love. I want this to be good for you too."

I felt her reassurance, but also the tension of her desire to continue. "I'm doing my best not to end things this time. I've tried to leave the control in your hands. You've liked that, haven't you?"

"Liked it? I've bloody loved it," she admitted, her tone softening. "But I'm not ready to give it up. I worry you'll... you'll want to pull the plug too soon."

I took a deep breath, the conversation teetering between reassurance and risk. "I told you I wouldn't this time - that it would be your call... I just want to make sure we're not losing us in all this."

She moved closer, her hand resting over my heart. "We're not losing us, Ky. We're just... expanding us. But I need to know you're with me, that you'll keep going along."

Her words were a plea, wrapped in the love we shared, yet tinged with the edge of her newfound desires. "I'm here," I managed, though my voice was a mix of commitment and caution. "But we need to keep talking about this, yeah? Keep checking in."

"Yeah, we do," she agreed, her voice a whisper of promise and excitement. "I just... I want to experience all of this while I can. While we can."

The conversation was far from perfect, marked by pauses, corrections, and the raw honesty of two people trying to navigate a complex love and lifestyle. But there, in the intimacy of our shared space, something felt different. I was there with the woman I loved, sharing a moment of intimate conversation. While Lexi was just a name, a sort of excuse for Jaimee to delve into her sexual exploration, it seemed like Lexi was morphing into someone real, almost as if I was lying beside a stranger.

We whispered our goodnights, and soon Jaimee's breathing deepened into sleep, leaving me wide awake, my mind churning through our conversation. Adding to the whirl of thoughts was the fresh image of her latest tattoo work, seared into my memory. She had returned home just yesterday, her skin adorned with new ink.

The tattoo on Jaimee's right breast had evolved. The original spade, inked in black with sharp outlines and shaded depth, now contained a white 'Q' at its center. This addition was subtle yet striking, the white 'Q' contrasting against the dark spade, making the tattoo even more symbolic of her identity within the cuckolding lifestyle.

Around her nipple, Jaimee had further expanded the design. A series of delicate, thorny vines now encircled her areola, the thorns pointed and menacing, interwoven with small, dark roses, each petal meticulously detailed to contrast with the starkness of the thorns. This floral pattern radiated outwards, subtly framing her nipple like a dark, intricate crown. The vines twisted and turned, following the natural curve of her breast, adding an element of danger and beauty to the spade.
The addition of these elements meant that most of her breast was now covered in ink.

She insisted that she had chosen the design herself and paid for it, asserting that Sipho had no hand in it. I wanted to believe her—I did believe her. Yet, I couldn't shake off the concern that, even if Sipho hadn't directly influenced her decision, his presence might have subtly shaped her desires in ways she wasn't fully acknowledging.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by ResponsibullCummings » Wed Feb 05, 2025 8:09 am

The initial tats were with your conscent. The next we're to punish her and you for having sex together. Now it's just Sipho pushing her into Lexi with each one changing her appearance. It seems like Sippho is actually brainwashing her and by denying her sex with you and ensuring she's getting it from total strangers in addition to himself he is further pushing her towards Lexi. She isn't aware that it's happening and she clearly doesn't want you to stop it. You could go to Sippho and tell him you have had enough of this version of the game and that he has marked your wife without your permission and that violates the rules you agreed to and as such he has forfeited the right to further deny you sex with your wife for the remainder of the game. This would let you see how this affects your marriage if Jaimee still desires sexwith you if given permission. Then maybe you want be the anchor dragging along the bottom of the ocean. I think that's the perfect description of your situation.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Cuckcuckgoose1 » Wed Feb 05, 2025 8:32 am

Still would love to see pics of those tats.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by mundyman » Wed Feb 05, 2025 8:35 am

Ky_Da wrote:
Wed Feb 05, 2025 7:36 am
The other night I was lying in bed, thinking of a number of the comments on this forum. Some comments I disregard because they're off the mark far enough that they don't apply, but some are very insightful and cause me to pause and think. This night, my wife lay close, our conversation a whisper in the dark. It was late and we both needed to be asleep, but sleep seemed to elude us both.

"Jaimee, do you... do you think... have we gone far?" I asked, my voice tentative, worried I was poking the bear by asking what had become by now a now well-worn question.

I swear I felt her stiffen. "You mean have I gone too far?" she said, her voice defensive.

"I'm not trying to pick a fight, Jaimee," I said, trying to keep my voice as placating as possible.

Jaimee let out a long sigh, the sound of frustration mixed with fatigue. "I'm sorry. I know that. It's just we keep circling back to this, so it's clear you feel like I've gone too far."

"Not exactly," I began, the words catching slightly. "Well, maybe..." I paused, knowing Jaimee was ready to interject. I quickly continued, "It's not just the tattoos," I said, preempting her defense. "Or the piercings. And what's happened so far. If it were just those things, I think I'd be okay with it. But I have to be honest, when you add it all up - our neighbors seeing a lot more of our lifestyle, even your mum with her suspicions - it's a lot to handle. Individually, maybe it's manageable, but together, it's overwhelming. This Lexi persona of yours, she doesn't seem to have any limits." I took a quick breath and added, "Lexi scares me a bit."

She scoffed lightly, the sound echoing in the quiet room. "That's rubbish. Lexi is just a part of me, a part we both enjoy. She lets me be wild, lets me push boundaries without losing who I am at my core. I'm still Jaimee, love. I'm still your wife, the mother of our children. Lexi is just the name we give to the part of me that's free, that loves this game as much as you do."

I felt the weight of her words, the dismissal of my fears as if they were unfounded. "But where do we draw the line? When does it stop being fun and start being something else entirely?"

Jaimee shifted closer, her hand finding mine in the dark. "I don't know, Ky. Maybe we don't need a line. Maybe it's about feeling it out as we go. I love you, and I love our life together. Lexi is just... an extension, a way to explore parts of myself I never knew existed. It's not about losing myself; it's about finding more of me." Her voice softened, trying to bridge the gap between us.

"But what if you lose yourself in the exploration?" I asked, my voice betraying my fear. "What if you find you prefer Lexi to Jaimee?"

She squeezed my hand, her tone reassuring. "I won't lose myself, Ky. I couldn't, not with you here. Lexi is fun, exciting, but she's not my whole world. You, our family, that's my anchor. Lexi's just the sail that lets me catch the wind, feel the thrill. But at the end of the day, I come back home to you, to us. I need you to trust that."

I sighed, the tension between us palpable yet somehow comforting, I still felt like we had a willingness to navigate this together. "I want to trust that. I'm just... I'm worried. I'm supposed to be your anchor, but I think I'm being drug along the bottom of the ocean. I'm not being very effective."

Jaimee moved even closer, her breath warm against my cheek. "You're doing fine," she assured me, her voice a calm balm. "And I appreciate you giving me this freedom. I've been thinking a lot about why I'm so into all this lately. Growing up at home, all those years of boarding school... I was in this super strict environment, you know? Layers of rules, and if you stepped out of line, there were consequences. Even at home, my mum was like a bloody sergeant major for propriety."

I smiled at the imagery, understanding her mother all too well. "So this has all been about rebellion?"

Jaimee let out a snort of a laugh. "I suppose. In a way, yeah. I mean, sod what society thinks is proper, innit? I want to live by my own rules for once." She paused, her gaze going all dreamy like she was looking into the past or maybe just into herself. "But I know there's got to be limits, right? Can't have everything going tits up, can we? But there's got to be room for a bit of exploration, for pushing the boundaries, for actually living life on our terms."

"But we've been playing this game on and off for quite some time now," I said, my voice gentle, careful not to provoke. "I suppose I thought you'd have explored this rebellious streak of yours a while back. But it seems like it's only grown, like you're really set on doing things your way now."

She laughed softly, a sound that was both wistful and resolute. "Maybe I am. We'll need to find a new center eventually, but I'm not quite there yet. I'm enjoying this, pushing boundaries. And with Sipho... there's this connection, this... I've never felt the things I feel when we play. It's like discovering a whole new part of myself I want to explore."

Her words were a mix of excitement and confession. "But, Ky, I love you, love our family. I don't want to lose any of you. I'm so grateful for your support. If I've gone too far, I'm sorry, love. I want this to be good for you too."

I felt her reassurance, but also the tension of her desire to continue. "I'm doing my best not to end things this time. I've tried to leave the control in your hands. You've liked that, haven't you?"

"Liked it? I've bloody loved it," she admitted, her tone softening. "But I'm not ready to give it up. I worry you'll... you'll want to pull the plug too soon."

I took a deep breath, the conversation teetering between reassurance and risk. "I told you I wouldn't this time - that it would be your call... I just want to make sure we're not losing us in all this."

She moved closer, her hand resting over my heart. "We're not losing us, Ky. We're just... expanding us. But I need to know you're with me, that you'll keep going along."

Her words were a plea, wrapped in the love we shared, yet tinged with the edge of her newfound desires. "I'm here," I managed, though my voice was a mix of commitment and caution. "But we need to keep talking about this, yeah? Keep checking in."

"Yeah, we do," she agreed, her voice a whisper of promise and excitement. "I just... I want to experience all of this while I can. While we can."

The conversation was far from perfect, marked by pauses, corrections, and the raw honesty of two people trying to navigate a complex love and lifestyle. But there, in the intimacy of our shared space, something felt different. I was there with the woman I loved, sharing a moment of intimate conversation. While Lexi was just a name, a sort of excuse for Jaimee to delve into her sexual exploration, it seemed like Lexi was morphing into someone real, almost as if I was lying beside a stranger.

We whispered our goodnights, and soon Jaimee's breathing deepened into sleep, leaving me wide awake, my mind churning through our conversation. Adding to the whirl of thoughts was the fresh image of her latest tattoo work, seared into my memory. She had returned home just yesterday, her skin adorned with new ink.

The tattoo on Jaimee's right breast had evolved. The original spade, inked in black with sharp outlines and shaded depth, now contained a white 'Q' at its center. This addition was subtle yet striking, the white 'Q' contrasting against the dark spade, making the tattoo even more symbolic of her identity within the cuckolding lifestyle.

Around her nipple, Jaimee had further expanded the design. A series of delicate, thorny vines now encircled her areola, the thorns pointed and menacing, interwoven with small, dark roses, each petal meticulously detailed to contrast with the starkness of the thorns. This floral pattern radiated outwards, subtly framing her nipple like a dark, intricate crown. The vines twisted and turned, following the natural curve of her breast, adding an element of danger and beauty to the spade.
The addition of these elements meant that most of her breast was now covered in ink.

She insisted that she had chosen the design herself and paid for it, asserting that Sipho had no hand in it. I wanted to believe her—I did believe her. Yet, I couldn't shake off the concern that, even if Sipho hadn't directly influenced her decision, his presence might have subtly shaped her desires in ways she wasn't fully acknowledging.
What an update. It is very obvious that it is about her. When talking about the situation she throws in ‘we’ secondarily, after talking about me, me, me. Trying to make you feel better.
But you know in your heart of hearts this is all about her and Sipho. Not romantically (yet???), but as a couple who are traveling her journey together. There are plenty of couples on this forum who have shared that while their wives do not “love” their lifestyle partners, that they still develop strong connections, even romantic connections, with their other partners even though they would never leave their husbands.
You are the rest stop for when she’s had enough.
Why would she leave you? You are everything she needs and wants; tolerant, accepting, loving, submissive to her, and willing to put up with her nonsense.
I also strongly feel that your lack of physical intimacy and reconnecting with Jaimie is making any doubts about your relationship and where you stand in it, stronger.
Couples in the lifestyle are always reassessing and renegotiating the boundaries within this lifestyle.
You and Jaimie are not.
I would strongly recommend you use your safe word and have a sit down with Jaimie and Sipho. Outside of the game and establish that you need to restart your physical connection to YOUR wife!!! No penalties from Sipho, no added punishments or enhancements, just a declaration of where YOUR PLACE needs to be in your relationship in order for their explorations and fun to continue.
Jaimie keeps throwing out the word we, well if we is to continue you need to be able to reclaim your physical connection in YOUR relationship
Tell Jaimie that you need to know she’s with you on this and understands your needs. That it’s not just about her needs but yours as well.
You need to stand very strong and tall on this. Willing to pull the plug on this if THEY don’t agree. I’m sure they will fight it and disagree strongly, probably Jaimie the most. They’ll remind you what you agreed to when she started this.
And this where you need to be strong and demanding. Remind them that things change, and given all the changes Jaimie has gone through, that a need to physically reconnect with your wife is a change that needs to be made. Get over it, it’s not an unusual or strange request, and is actually quite natural and normal.
Sipho does not get to extract any additional concessions from you or Jaimie.
If they fight this, if Jaimie pulls a hissy fit and fights this, then that really answers a lot of questions and doubts that you have? Doesn’t it?
Remember Jaimie’s playing around is supposed to strengthen YOUR RELATIONSHIP together, not just supposed to allow her to scratch some itch that’s been building since she was a girl.
Last edited by mundyman on Wed Feb 05, 2025 11:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by scdiver » Wed Feb 05, 2025 8:47 am

ResponsibullCummings wrote:
Wed Feb 05, 2025 8:09 am
The initial tats were with your conscent. The next we're to punish her and you for having sex together. Now it's just Sipho pushing her into Lexi with each one changing her appearance. It seems like Sippho is actually brainwashing her and by denying her sex with you and ensuring she's getting it from total strangers in addition to himself he is further pushing her towards Lexi. She isn't aware that it's happening and she clearly doesn't want you to stop it. You could go to Sippho and tell him you have had enough of this version of the game and that he has marked your wife without your permission and that violates the rules you agreed to and as such he has forfeited the right to further deny you sex with your wife for the remainder of the game. This would let you see how this affects your marriage if Jaimee still desires sexwith you if given permission. Then maybe you want be the anchor dragging along the bottom of the ocean. I think that's the perfect description of your situation.
I totally agree.

Ky you know in your heart that you need to make a change. If you didn't have the kids I would say go all the way. Having lived through a similar experience I can say with certainty that it will effect your kids. That is the most painful thing you can go through. Jaimee is so wrapped in herself and Sipho and getting all the decorations. If it was just tattoo's then that would be one thing, but the sexual tattoo's with slut meanings are something else. Something that when the kids see, and no matter how you try they will see them, and it will effect them. At their age they should absolutely come first and you should be parenting by example.
As for Sipho, I feel that he has never had a woman as mold able as Jaimee and no matter what he is telling you now, come closer to the end of May, Sipho will look for ways to keep Lexi with him. I bet that not to soon Jaimee will come to you to tell you that she wants to totally immerse herself and wants to stay with Sipho for a week or two weeks or even a month. I hope you can find the fortitude to safe word and stop that.
Ky the fire you are playing with is hotter than you know. I lost big time when I played with the fire, but with God's help I found much more happiness once I put that behind me.
If you safe word Jaimee, and stop this it will be the biggest fight of your life, but it will be worth it in the end no matter what the outcome. Just as it was for me.
I wish you luck and I will pray for you. Get your anchor off the bottom!

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by scdiver » Wed Feb 05, 2025 10:20 am

I also want to say, that Jaimee has an addiction to sex that started with Derek. What happened there? Later Jaimee played the game putting you first. What did Jaimee do when the volcano blew up when you were in Guatemala. Ask yourself, if Lexi was with Sipho and you got in the same mortal danger, would Jaimee do the same thing? I know you like to think so, but be totally honest with yourself. Only you can answer that question.
Jaimee is also getting addicted to pain. Those addictions together spell big problems, and the more you let this happen the harder it will be to end it.
My wife ordered a new dinning room table, to be built while we are away. My wife did not order this without talking to me first. We both had to agree to this purchase. My point is Jaimee is adding to her decorations, is exposing her addictions to neighbors and friends, and is not consulting you first. My belief is her behavior shows a total selfishness that does not include any thought of the consequences to you or to your family. When it comes to a sex matter she will do what she wants when she wants, believing that it is her body. It is her body but it is yours and your children's also. That is what marriage is about. When You try to express your feeling, you need to tiptoe with your words in order not to start a fight. This is not a healthy relationship. What I see is your relationship is totally about Jaimee/Lexi.

I am telling you that with the experience that I have had, we would be in the middle of the biggest fight of out lives. You need to be her rock, not the way she wants but the way you need to be. Jaimee needs professional help before it is too late. Only a shock from you may start her on that path.

Good luck Ky. I pray for you

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by txrockdog » Wed Feb 05, 2025 12:53 pm

Some of y’all are projecting a lot of your own past traumas into Ky’s relationship with Jaimee. I am not saying you are wrong or right about where it might be headed, but you are assuming a lot of facts that are not in evidence to build your case towards indicting the motives of both Sipho and Jaimee. I will say that the one fastest way I have seen for people to run off great posters here has been to start attacking their spouses and impugning the strength and/or reality of their love for one another. Keep insulting Jaimee’s motives and calling Ky weak for not “getting her under control” and you may just manage to run him off.

I view Jaimee differently than those accusing her of being selfish. She and Ky have been in this lifestyle off and on for a long time, and for many years, it has been all about her doing things he wanted her to do with other men to please Ky and “turn up the heat” on the game. Each time, as she has leaned in and began to fully commit to whatever he asked and things got more intense, he would get cold feet and pull the rug out from under her, forcing her to pull back from what had been mind blowing experiences for her. Keep in mind, she knows his fantasies, she sees his reading list, she is aware of the types of deeper depravities that turn him on, even if he is unable to let go towards experiencing some of them.

In amongst all that, they sat down and had a discussion several years ago that Ky talked about here, where they each gave the other a list of their top 3 fantasies for the other to fulfill. Jaimee has for sure fulfilled 2 of them and likely did all three (though Ky has no proof, which was kind of the point). Unless things changed recently in activities Ky has not discussed with us, Ky has not made any serious effort to try to give Jaimee even one of her top three fantasies.

Ky talked a bit about shifts in her more recent fantasies when describing her reading list before they took up with Sipho, and it seems as though she has moved on from the things she had hoped that Ky would be willing to experience by her side and instead is focused now on fantasies she can explore with Sipho and others while letting Ky relinquish that control over her that he had exercised spasmodically throughout their participation in the lifestyle. It is very clear that her fantasies now lean heavily towards embracing her submission to dominant men. For 10+ years, she did pretty much anything Ky wanted her to do in order to please him and fulfill his top fantasies while he refused to reciprocate (unless he has omitted experiences towards that end).

My question after all that is why is it wrong of her to assert her own desire to experience her own fantasies for a time without Ky yanking back on the leash, particularly when he has refused to participate in the ones she wanted to experience with him? They have an agreed upon pause scheduled and a break to get away with just their family. Let her live out her fantasies before her maternal clock tells her she needs to shut it down before the kids get old enough to understand what is going on. By all accounts, she is a responsible parent and cares deeply for her kids and family. She knows there will be a time when she can’t continue like she is now without the kids figuring out what is up. After the time when the kids are out of the house, I am sure she assumes she will be too old and less desirable to experience things as she does now. So she wants to strike while the iron is hot and explore her submission fantasies. Ky acting like he wants to pull the plug is understandably distressing to her since she has spent so much time acting out his fantasies in front of him. She would not be human or honest with Ky if she didn’t speak up for herself and express her honest desires to keep going. That doesn’t make her selfish or mean she is going to get knocked up by Sipho and leave Ky and her family to be a full time whore. It just means she wants to stick to what they agreed to so she can experience more.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Wed Feb 05, 2025 1:32 pm

txrockdog wrote:
Wed Feb 05, 2025 12:53 pm
Some of y’all are projecting a lot of your own past traumas into Ky’s relationship with Jaimee. I am not saying you are wrong or right about where it might be headed, but you are assuming a lot of facts that are not in evidence to build your case towards indicting the motives of both Sipho and Jaimee. I will say that the one fastest way I have seen for people to run off great posters here has been to start attacking their spouses and impugning the strength and/or reality of their love for one another. Keep insulting Jaimee’s motives and calling Ky weak for not “getting her under control” and you may just manage to run him off.

I view Jaimee differently than those accusing her of being selfish. She and Ky have been in this lifestyle off and on for a long time, and for many years, it has been all about her doing things he wanted her to do with other men to please Ky and “turn up the heat” on the game. Each time, as she has leaned in and began to fully commit to whatever he asked and things got more intense, he would get cold feet and pull the rug out from under her, forcing her to pull back from what had been mind blowing experiences for her. Keep in mind, she knows his fantasies, she sees his reading list, she is aware of the types of deeper depravities that turn him on, even if he is unable to let go towards experiencing some of them.

In amongst all that, they sat down and had a discussion several years ago that Ky talked about here, where they each gave the other a list of their top 3 fantasies for the other to fulfill. Jaimee has for sure fulfilled 2 of them and likely did all three (though Ky has no proof, which was kind of the point). Unless things changed recently in activities Ky has not discussed with us, Ky has not made any serious effort to try to give Jaimee even one of her top three fantasies.

Ky talked a bit about shifts in her more recent fantasies when describing her reading list before they took up with Sipho, and it seems as though she has moved on from the things she had hoped that Ky would be willing to experience by her side and instead is focused now on fantasies she can explore with Sipho and others while letting Ky relinquish that control over her that he had exercised spasmodically throughout their participation in the lifestyle. It is very clear that her fantasies now lean heavily towards embracing her submission to dominant men. For 10+ years, she did pretty much anything Ky wanted her to do in order to please him and fulfill his top fantasies while he refused to reciprocate (unless he has omitted experiences towards that end).

My question after all that is why is it wrong of her to assert her own desire to experience her own fantasies for a time without Ky yanking back on the leash, particularly when he has refused to participate in the ones she wanted to experience with him? They have an agreed upon pause scheduled and a break to get away with just their family. Let her live out her fantasies before her maternal clock tells her she needs to shut it down before the kids get old enough to understand what is going on. By all accounts, she is a responsible parent and cares deeply for her kids and family. She knows there will be a time when she can’t continue like she is now without the kids figuring out what is up. After the time when the kids are out of the house, I am sure she assumes she will be too old and less desirable to experience things as she does now. So she wants to strike while the iron is hot and explore her submission fantasies. Ky acting like he wants to pull the plug is understandably distressing to her since she has spent so much time acting out his fantasies in front of him. She would not be human or honest with Ky if she didn’t speak up for herself and express her honest desires to keep going. That doesn’t make her selfish or mean she is going to get knocked up by Sipho and leave Ky and her family to be a full time whore. It just means she wants to stick to what they agreed to so she can experience more.

When I read your comment, I had to immediately reply. I’ve been thinking about how to best reply, but I don’t think I could have said it better myself. Your thoughts and what you expressed are greatly appreciated.

And you’re right. I’m only human. I try not to let comments hit me too hard. Like I’ve said a few times, I do think the comments are meant to be helpful and not to impune or demean. You captured a lot of what I’ve been thinking about the last few days. There’s a reason I’ve been reluctant to use my safe word. I’ve been the one to use over and over again in the past. And yes, my wife anting to explore this submissive side of her personality is one thing she really wanted. Has it gone further than I’d envisioned? Yes. But I’m not seeing the sky falling yet. And believe me, I’m always watching.

I’ll add more to my comments in an upcoming post. But I had to reply to your comment because I really felt like you hit the nail on the head. Thanks.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Wed Feb 05, 2025 1:38 pm

One alpha cuck, one alpha hotwife , two strong willed smart individuals. But both inexperienced or semi experienced amateurs/ learners in front if Sipho-- a thorough hardcore ( BDSM) master and resourceful professional. So they can't be proactive and have to be Alert and Watchfully Reactive, about any subtle, slow, long drawn- out, permanent, Mental Seduction of Jaimee.

How does KY bring that up in the pillow talks? May not be easy. But once it is discussed in their pillow talks, I'll have some solace.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by FamilyCuckold » Wed Feb 05, 2025 1:56 pm

Ky_Da wrote:
Wed Feb 05, 2025 1:32 pm
txrockdog wrote:
Wed Feb 05, 2025 12:53 pm
Some of y’all are projecting a lot of your own past traumas into Ky’s relationship with Jaimee. I am not saying you are wrong or right about where it might be headed, but you are assuming a lot of facts that are not in evidence to build your case towards indicting the motives of both Sipho and Jaimee. I will say that the one fastest way I have seen for people to run off great posters here has been to start attacking their spouses and impugning the strength and/or reality of their love for one another. Keep insulting Jaimee’s motives and calling Ky weak for not “getting her under control” and you may just manage to run him off.

I view Jaimee differently than those accusing her of being selfish. She and Ky have been in this lifestyle off and on for a long time, and for many years, it has been all about her doing things he wanted her to do with other men to please Ky and “turn up the heat” on the game. Each time, as she has leaned in and began to fully commit to whatever he asked and things got more intense, he would get cold feet and pull the rug out from under her, forcing her to pull back from what had been mind blowing experiences for her. Keep in mind, she knows his fantasies, she sees his reading list, she is aware of the types of deeper depravities that turn him on, even if he is unable to let go towards experiencing some of them.

In amongst all that, they sat down and had a discussion several years ago that Ky talked about here, where they each gave the other a list of their top 3 fantasies for the other to fulfill. Jaimee has for sure fulfilled 2 of them and likely did all three (though Ky has no proof, which was kind of the point). Unless things changed recently in activities Ky has not discussed with us, Ky has not made any serious effort to try to give Jaimee even one of her top three fantasies.

Ky talked a bit about shifts in her more recent fantasies when describing her reading list before they took up with Sipho, and it seems as though she has moved on from the things she had hoped that Ky would be willing to experience by her side and instead is focused now on fantasies she can explore with Sipho and others while letting Ky relinquish that control over her that he had exercised spasmodically throughout their participation in the lifestyle. It is very clear that her fantasies now lean heavily towards embracing her submission to dominant men. For 10+ years, she did pretty much anything Ky wanted her to do in order to please him and fulfill his top fantasies while he refused to reciprocate (unless he has omitted experiences towards that end).

My question after all that is why is it wrong of her to assert her own desire to experience her own fantasies for a time without Ky yanking back on the leash, particularly when he has refused to participate in the ones she wanted to experience with him? They have an agreed upon pause scheduled and a break to get away with just their family. Let her live out her fantasies before her maternal clock tells her she needs to shut it down before the kids get old enough to understand what is going on. By all accounts, she is a responsible parent and cares deeply for her kids and family. She knows there will be a time when she can’t continue like she is now without the kids figuring out what is up. After the time when the kids are out of the house, I am sure she assumes she will be too old and less desirable to experience things as she does now. So she wants to strike while the iron is hot and explore her submission fantasies. Ky acting like he wants to pull the plug is understandably distressing to her since she has spent so much time acting out his fantasies in front of him. She would not be human or honest with Ky if she didn’t speak up for herself and express her honest desires to keep going. That doesn’t make her selfish or mean she is going to get knocked up by Sipho and leave Ky and her family to be a full time whore. It just means she wants to stick to what they agreed to so she can experience more.

When I read your comment, I had to immediately reply. I’ve been thinking about how to best reply, but I don’t think I could have said it better myself. Your thoughts and what you expressed are greatly appreciated.

And you’re right. I’m only human. I try not to let comments hit me too hard. Like I’ve said a few times, I do think the comments are meant to be helpful and not to impune or demean. You captured a lot of what I’ve been thinking about the last few days. There’s a reason I’ve been reluctant to use my safe word. I’ve been the one to use over and over again in the past. And yes, my wife anting to explore this submissive side of her personality is one thing she really wanted. Has it gone further than I’d envisioned? Yes. But I’m not seeing the sky falling yet. And believe me, I’m always watching.

I’ll add more to my comments in an upcoming post. But I had to reply to your comment because I really felt like you hit the nail on the head. Thanks.
Thanks Ky, totally agree with txrockdog's post as well. :up:

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