Wife and my Dad

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by lozrob66 » Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:28 am

I still say she is doing him already! :whip:

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by mm69 » Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:58 pm

And I hope she is. lol

Actually, I was wondering if her little smile was because they HAVE had an intimite kiss. Since you confirmed it was a turn on for you, maybe she will tell him you were turned on and he will press his advantage........
lozrob66 wrote:I still say she is doing him already! :whip:


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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by Wittol Boy » Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:22 pm

Observer1931 wrote:Well how did the Thursday evening go? When did she get home?
Yes, anxiously awaiting... :?: :!: :?: :!: :?:

Hey, some of us have to live this out through you guys. :mrgreen:

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by curiousdave » Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:30 pm

Hi guy's, thanks again for all the ideas and input. I really look forward to it everyday. Thanks

Well I just got home from hanging with some friends and Jenna is due home anytime. She had a girl's night with some co-workers. I'm hoping to get lucky when she get's home because I have been thinking of nothing else all day. Thoughts of her getting closer and closer to my dad and possibly being intimate (maybe even last night!) Well I know that's probably not likely but I did think of it all day and it has me in an incredibly horny way right now lol. Thanks to several comments here and the other board I joined I have all these little images spinning around in my head. Very sexy little images of them dancing, him holding her tight, his hand sliding down a little further than maybe is appropriate, and then her reaction to that. Of course I see her reaction as very excited and inviting. But anyway, that's fantasy talk and hopefully reality will see me crawling between her legs very shortly.

Ok so the dance night date update that several seem so interested in. Unfortunately I have nothing Big to report other than how hot she looked and how happy she seemed. She's a happy person in general so that's nothing new but she does seem a little more excited and in a good mood on these nights. She looked stunning to me as usual and was totally made up from head to toe. She wore a very sexy and body hugging dress. It was silver and black with this little ruffle section thingy lining her cleavage. She really did look breathtaking to me. But again I do admit, she always blows me away even when dressed casual so take it for what it is. She's my gorgeous goddess! Hair and make-up were perfect as usual also (that's her business so she always looks flawless in that department). I didn't stand around watching her get ready. Wish I had now but I didn't. I saw the finished product though and that was spectacular. Maybe next week if I am home I will hang out while she's getting ready and try and talk about her date. Damn that excites me just typing it. The thought of her casually discussing her coming date with me and hopefully giving me a little tease or something...who knows.

Dad came in briefly and we chatted for a few minutes while she was still getting ready. I had these feelings I'm sure you all would understand but they are hard to put in words. I just talked with him not really paying attention to the conversation and really thinking/ hoping whatever about them together. When she came down stairs ready to go I was obviously told her how great she looked and Dad agreed. She seemed pleased with both our compliments but maybe she was more pleased with his reaction? I mean technically she was dressed for him so you would think his opinion was of more importance. I know in reality she wasn't just dressed for him. She's a good lookin girl who always tries and turns heads and competes with other girls for attention and what not, so that's part of it. But atleast to some degree she's dressing for my dad.

No dinner for them last night :-( I guess me being home spoiled that. I had tried thinking of ways to make it happen for them but after the dream thing I just didn't want to push it. I sort of regret it though. Seems like another lost oportunity. Must be patient. She was tired after class and work though so we didn't interact too much. We both went to bed fairly early. Well that about sums it up. A lot of talk without really anything good or important, sorry. It is what it is at this point.

Thanks again everyone for the help. It's made this little dream of mine less confusing and allot of fun.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by curiousdave » Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:39 pm

mm69 wrote:And I hope she is. lol

Actually, I was wondering if her little smile was because they HAVE had an intimite kiss. Since you confirmed it was a turn on for you, maybe she will tell him you were turned on and he will press his advantage........
lozrob66 wrote:I still say she is doing him already! :whip:


Obviously I do hope they have kissed and she just hasn't found the way to tell me yet. If she has I sure wish she would tell, it's driving me crazy at this point. But I have to say it makes me nervous thinking about her possibly telling him about my dream. With what I'm wishing for I don't know why it would, but it does. Having him know my kinky desires and knowing it includes him makes me feel very awkward. Kind of hoping she didn't or doesn't tell him.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by SirGinTheD » Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:13 am

Latido wrote:Just a general warning:

The Cuckolding Lifestyle can be fun and enrich your relationship, but it doesn't always work out right. Don't try this at home, unless you know what you are doing and you are prepared to live with the consequences. Irrevocable effects may occur, which especially may be a problem if the third party is someone you already know.

Having said this, I would like add my two cents.

I would go for honesty and if they would go further than a normal wife and her father in law would go, there will be feelings of guilt. So I am not in favour of the Tom Petty Plan.

In stead, why not say to your wive something like: "Remember the dream I had about you and my dad? It was so exciting and I would like to experience the feeling again. Let's play a game. Next time you return from dance class, let's pretend that you kissed him and tell me all the details, and where it ended. Part of the game would be that you would not tell me whether what you tell me is true or not. You are so hot. I love it when you tease me."

Just a thought.

This is the best advice I've read in this thread. Dave is playing with some grave, delicate issues here, and should be very careful. Even when a couple brings a stranger into their relationship, there's often angst and confusion. But when the bull is your DAD?!!? That's not someone you can just say goodbye to if things aren't working out.

I also agree with your second suggestion about Dave being up front with his wife. If he tries to manipulate this like a puppetmaster without her knowledge, it could blow up in his face. In fact, I think that's more likely to blow up than the honest approach.

If Dave comes out and tells his wife that he's turned on by the notion of her and Dad together, what's the worst that could happen? I doubt any rational person would get really mad about that. She might say something like, "that's weird." Or, depending on her personality, she could decide to have fun with it and do some erotic play-acting, where she comes home from her platonic outings with Dad and whispers sweet lies in Dave's ear about the raunchy good time they had.

Or...who knows? She might even tell him, "I'm already fucking your Dad, you worthless wimp. Now down on your knees!" :)


Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by bubbajack » Sat Mar 31, 2012 7:46 am

If she isn't already fucking him, she has decided to and is just working out in her mind how to tell you. She is way ahead of you, dude, and she knows that you will pretty much accept and adapt to her new arrangements for achieving sexual satisfaction. That's why she smiled so enigmatically when you recounted your dream: she knows it's cumming true!

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by lozrob66 » Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:49 am

Bubbajack, that was characteristically bold of you. Like it!
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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by curiousdave » Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:52 am

SirGinTheD wrote:
Latido wrote:Just a general warning:

The Cuckolding Lifestyle can be fun and enrich your relationship, but it doesn't always work out right. Don't try this at home, unless you know what you are doing and you are prepared to live with the consequences. Irrevocable effects may occur, which especially may be a problem if the third party is someone you already know.

Having said this, I would like add my two cents.

I would go for honesty and if they would go further than a normal wife and her father in law would go, there will be feelings of guilt. So I am not in favour of the Tom Petty Plan.

In stead, why not say to your wive something like: "Remember the dream I had about you and my dad? It was so exciting and I would like to experience the feeling again. Let's play a game. Next time you return from dance class, let's pretend that you kissed him and tell me all the details, and where it ended. Part of the game would be that you would not tell me whether what you tell me is true or not. You are so hot. I love it when you tease me."

Just a thought.

This is the best advice I've read in this thread. Dave is playing with some grave, delicate issues here, and should be very careful. Even when a couple brings a stranger into their relationship, there's often angst and confusion. But when the bull is your DAD?!!? That's not someone you can just say goodbye to if things aren't working out.

I also agree with your second suggestion about Dave being up front with his wife. If he tries to manipulate this like a puppetmaster without her knowledge, it could blow up in his face. In fact, I think that's more likely to blow up than the honest approach.

If Dave comes out and tells his wife that he's turned on by the notion of her and Dad together, what's the worst that could happen? I doubt any rational person would get really mad about that. She might say something like, "that's weird." Or, depending on her personality, she could decide to have fun with it and do some erotic play-acting, where she comes home from her platonic outings with Dad and whispers sweet lies in Dave's ear about the raunchy good time they had.

Or...who knows? She might even tell him, "I'm already fucking your Dad, you worthless wimp. Now down on your knees!" :)

Now I have to admit this reply and a few others have me a little scared. Sometimes I'm like "Man what's wrong with you, you are SO playing with fire here". After reading this post today that's how I'm feeling. I'm scared and confused. What do I do about this overwhelming desire to see them together? I know in my heart it's not a smart move in general but I can't help these thoughts (believe me I've tried). And what could I do to stop what already seems to be rolling along anyway? I mean if I sit back and honestly look at the situation most of everything that's taken place has had nothing to do with me at all. None of my doing. I've just recently started trying to figure out ways to move it along faster. She was already going over to his house, helping take care of him, suggesting the dance nights, so on before I ever got involved. To me sitting back and looking it all over it seems it's happening on it's own anyway. I just happened to find it incredibly hot and wanted to somehow be a part of it all.

I'm so torn inside. I do not ever want to lose her completely but there is a dark deep down desire to actually see that happen I think. I don't talk about this really (mentioned to 1 person in private here) but I do have fantasies of her leaving me and being with him completely. Becoming his woman, marrying him, having his child so on. It almost makes me feel sick thinking it, much less sharing it. But a few times my fantasies have taken this direction when pleasuring myself and I must admit the outcome was very powerful and strong for me. It touches some sensitive areas within me that aren't really fun to be touched but still excite me in a huge way. But regardless of all that, what do I do?

They HAVE connected on some level not associated with just being Father in Law/ Daughter in Law. That much is very evident to me. She is clearly attracted to him and I feel strongly he feels that way too. I see the way they look at each other, interact, socialize, so on. It's not hidden very well if they are even trying to hide it. Like I mentioned before my wife is a natural flirt and is that way with most guy's we know. She's always been that way even back in school. I never had a problem with it and I guess even found it sexy about her. But all that said, the way she is with my Dad is a little different. It's not her normal flirtatious self. It's something more. Besides seeing it first hand I can feel it down deep in my bones. And while I'm talking about it I can say looking back, she's acted this way about him for a very long time. I remember actually wondering if she was turned on by him way back when we were dating. And the same could be said about him. He's always acted very differently towards her than I've seen him act with any other women. His love for my mom was always there and easy to see but the way he seems to light up in Jenna's presence was always obvious. I think my Mom even noticed this but never threw up any road blocks or red flags so things just went along.

So what I'm getting at is I think they have always been sort of drawn to one another. My Mom's passing may have been an open invitation to moving their relationship further. This does scare me. I want them to have this relationship but I don't want to lose mine in the process. Me pulling the plug on trying to coax it along or help it flourish may or may not stop the actual thing from happening.

So long story short for those involved here, knowing all this, knowing my backstory more completely....what the hell do I do? I want Jenna to love me like I love her and I have no reason to think she doesn't. But what do I do about my desires and for what seems like the inevitable romance that's taking place between them?

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by allengt » Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:56 am

When she goes to his house, how long does she stay over there? Have you ever considered that they are already fucking in his bed? Have you checked her out when she comes back? I mean like take her to bed and see if that pussy is stretched out a little.
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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by lozrob66 » Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:10 am

To be honest, which is me all over, I really don't think it is a good idea unless your wife understands the idea of being a Hotwife. I am not comfortable with her developing a "relationship" without the idea of it running simultaneously with your current marriage.

So I will continue to encourage you and cheer from the sidelines with the proviso that it would be better for her to be "on board" with the ideal of a Hotwife.

Back to the fun.....I'm with Allengt, have you checked to see if she has a stretched pussy, especially as he is reportedly "hung"?
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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by becontree2001uk » Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:29 pm

Now that is a hot idea -see if your wife has been stretched by your dad's BIG cock! I suggest you encourage your wife to cuckold you by mentioning your fantasies to her. Let us know how it goes and good luck. We are all hoping you become a cuckodl soon :D

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by Morgan » Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:38 pm

lozrob66 wrote:To be honest, which is me all over, I really don't think it is a good idea unless your wife understands the idea of being a Hotwife. I am not comfortable with her developing a "relationship" without the idea of it running simultaneously with your current marriage.

So I will continue to encourage you and cheer from the sidelines with the proviso that it would be better for her to be "on board" with the ideal of a Hotwife.

Back to the fun.....I'm with Allengt, have you checked to see if she has a stretched pussy, especially as he is reportedly "hung"?
I agree.
There are lots of threads here dealing with the beginning impulse to have a "Hotwife"
Maybe you should run that concept by her first. It would flush out her feelings about such things without making the issue radioactive.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by TheSubmissiveCuckold » Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:03 pm

I think it's a wise idea to take it slow. It could definitely backfire, but the key is to be honest with her. Don't manipulate the situation. I understand how hot the fantasy is, but you shouldn't let yourself obsess about it. If you don't confide in her, this might not end well. She needs to know that you're turned on by it. You telling her about the dream was a great start, but I think she needs to know that you're turned on by being cuckolded - not that it's a "fantasy", but that you are CERTAINLY a cuckold and it's a big trigger. You don't want her to hook up with him without your knowledge (assuming she does at all), nor do you want to upset her. The Tom Petty thing worries me in that you won't be there. Out of sight, out of mind. Let's assume she does want him. She goes to the concert. They get close. They kiss. They have sex. Who's not part of that equation? You. I think it's fine for a wife/girlfriend to see her lover alone, but not initially. You need to be part of it. It needs to be a shared experience.. where she feels comfortable letting go. Again, assuming it works (what you're currently doing).. you run the risk that she'll never tell you and that it will end up hurting your marriage. So.. tell her, but ease into it, of course. You've taken some good first steps. Worst case... she's not into the idea, but MIGHT be with some other guy - just not your dad. Or... she might admit that it's a huge turn-on for her, as well.. and just needed to know that it was ok to have those thoughts.

Believe me.. I've struggled with the "how much to share" dilemma before when introducing the concept to a new girlfriend. What I've found (for myself, anyway) is that it always works when they know how important it is to you and that you won't think anything less of her. Once she truly understands that she'll have a loving hubby/boyfriend and also have the opportunity to experience other lovers, it becomes this.. freeing experience. VERY few men are that openminded. Most are highly territorial.. to the point of being a jerk about it. She's human. Deep down.. she probably fantasizes about two men at once, a stranger, being taken, another woman, a couple, etc.,. She's just never met anyone who expressed this level of kink. I mean.. everyone's different and she may not go for it, but she might... right?

I will say this.. you have our attention. Excellent details. You sound like a nice guy. The whole thing is moving at the right pace. I like it.

I want it to work for you. I think we all do (and get off reading every juicy detail).


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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by Latido » Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:37 am

curiousdave wrote:So long story short for those involved here, knowing all this, knowing my backstory more completely....what the hell do I do? I want Jenna to love me like I love her and I have no reason to think she doesn't. But what do I do about my desires and for what seems like the inevitable romance that's taking place between them?
Well, part of the story is still missing. Some here think Jenna is a natural cuckoldress, already cuckolding you. Others think its just your fantasy that is haunting you and that you are playing a dangerous game. Why not involve her? We would like to know what her position is. Talk to her and ask her to tell you honestly how she feels about your relationship. Is she missing something? At a certain stage of the conversation you could say that you feel she is a beautiful woman and that she deserves to be able to flirt and even experience sex with other men if she chooses to.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by nitelite » Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:36 am

Just make sure that she knows the difference between cheating and cuckolding. Don't let the situation get out of hand by making her think that she needs to go behind your back; this is likely to be a one way ticket to a nasty divorce. Be honest with her. Help each other. Communicate.

Your fantasy part ends here and from now on you need to make sure that you both are on the same page. A nasty one it is, for that matter, but hey - who can you blame?

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by bradisalpha » Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:35 am

This is a VERY HOT thread and, yes, we are all watching and wishing the best to Dave. And are VERY EXCITED watching his emotions and arousal as this plays out. However, I would like to point out something here. There are many cheating wives that enjoy the excitement and adventure of cheating with no intebtion of hurting their marriage or husbamd.... and there are many husbands that enjoy the feeling of being cuckolded by a cheating wife and love them more for it !! Sooo... it is hard to tell where Dave is at this point but it sure is exciting helping him work it out. When he told her about his dream and she gave him a "smile" it made all of us very excited reading into that the wide variety of thoughts and left Dave with a major Hardon !! So... we can"t judge... but we can go along for the ride with Dave and share his excitement in this very hot scenario.... So, Go Dave.. we are behind you !!
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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by Morgan » Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:16 am

I hate to be a buzz kill, but I need to say this.
What about the very real possibility that Jenna and her father in law are really enjoying a flirtatious, platonic relationship with no concept of consummating it.
There is a glass wall between them, which protects them.
In all likelihood pushing this concept will make one or both of them too self conscious to continue their relationship as it is today.
If that happens, something will be off center between all three of you forever.
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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by Latido » Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:02 am

The glass wall concept is a real possibility here. As a matter of fact, I have had a lot of glass wall relationships in the past, where there is sexual energy floating, but where none of the two makes moves to cross the thin line. So Yes, this is an option.

Still, I think that Dave needs to talk with his wife. At this stage we do not know anything about how she feels and what she really wants. If she wants to maintain a glass wall relationship with her father in law (which would be understandable), she might still want to dip her toe into the hotwifing scene. As a matter of fact, she might even know who the lucky guy would be. Perhaps another guy at the dance class...

Dave, my idea is that it is time to come out of the closet for you. It will be difficult at first, but tell her how you feel and that you love her just because she is flirtatious and that you would like her to fuck other men. At first she will just laugh it away. Once she realises that she is free to act upon her intuition, man, you will have a very happy wife!

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by TheSubmissiveCuckold » Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:38 am

Latido wrote:tell her how you feel and that you love her just because she is flirtatious and that you would like her to fuck other men
Exactly... "other" men. A blanket statement that you seeing her with ANY man is a HUGE turn-on for you. Don't narrow it down to your dad. In fact, maybe you make a comment referring back to the dream and build on it... but not with him as the focus. Don't even mention him, again. Just explain where you're coming from - that the dream probably didn't make sense. As everyone has pointed out, it could be that she's just enjoying a natural flirtation with him (like an office tease) and has ZERO INTEREST in taking it any further. If, however she knows that you're THAT into the idea of her with another guy and she IS attracted to your dad.. it could work. At the very least, she'll know you're serious. Get it out, then give her time to let it sink in. You can weave it back in a few months later. Fuck her mind while going down. Tell her she needs to be getting fucked by a big, fat cock. Share Literotica stories - stuff that turns you on. Send her hot text messages throughout the day. Keep her wet day and night. Become an expert in eating pussy, but hold back on the sex. You want her in heat, 24/7. She needs to see you in more of a submissive role, sexually. Maybe not all the time, but a little. Above all, be vocal. Let her know that it's ok to let go of her inhibitions... to give in to fantasy. Stress that her pleasure is your pleasure. NOTHING turns you on more than seeing her get off... be it by your hand, hers or someone else's. Make her feel loved and secure in the relationship. If she's game, she may ask... "Ok, but who?" Tell her you think it best to start with someone you trust - someone you BOTH trust. I wonder who that might be.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by curiousdave » Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:53 am

allengt wrote:When she goes to his house, how long does she stay over there? Have you ever considered that they are already fucking in his bed? Have you checked her out when she comes back? I mean like take her to bed and see if that pussy is stretched out a little.

Well when my Mom died she was over there quite a bit and sometimes all day or a good bit of the night. Not like staying over, just getting home late. Sometimes I was there also so it's not how it might sound to some. I really wouldn't think anything was happening around that time. But more recently she hasn't gone over alone (to my knowledge) as much or stayed as long. In the beginning she was cooking meals, cleaning the house so on. Now he's doing that stuff for himself mostly. But now they have the "date" night thing so that's time spent together. And she does occasionally stop by to check on him after work, on her way home or other various times. Like I mentioned before he runs two different businesses so he is a busy guy himself.

I always check her out when I see her. I adore her and am always turned on by her. But by check her out I don't mean check her panties for wet spots or dried cum or anything. And I have never noticed a stretched out feel to her. But honestly (trying to remember) I don't think we ever had sex right after she returned home from being with him. We had sex once after dance/date night but I noticed nothing unusual. I would have to think she would become somewhat stretched out after being with my dad based on what I've seen.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by curiousdave » Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:09 am

TheSubmissiveCuckold wrote:
Latido wrote:tell her how you feel and that you love her just because she is flirtatious and that you would like her to fuck other men
Exactly... "other" men. A blanket statement that you seeing her with ANY man is a HUGE turn-on for you. Don't narrow it down to your dad. In fact, maybe you make a comment referring back to the dream and build on it... but not with him as the focus. Don't even mention him, again. Just explain where you're coming from - that the dream probably didn't make sense. As everyone has pointed out, it could be that she's just enjoying a natural flirtation with him (like an office tease) and has ZERO INTEREST in taking it any further. If, however she knows that you're THAT into the idea of her with another guy and she IS attracted to your dad.. it could work. At the very least, she'll know you're serious. Get it out, then give her time to let it sink in. You can weave it back in a few months later. Fuck her mind while going down. Tell her she needs to be getting fucked by a big, fat cock. Share Literotica stories - stuff that turns you on. Send her hot text messages throughout the day. Keep her wet day and night. Become an expert in eating pussy, but hold back on the sex. You want her in heat, 24/7. She needs to see you in more of a submissive role, sexually. Maybe not all the time, but a little. Above all, be vocal. Let her know that it's ok to let go of her inhibitions... to give in to fantasy. Stress that her pleasure is your pleasure. NOTHING turns you on more than seeing her get off... be it by your hand, hers or someone else's. Make her feel loved and secure in the relationship. If she's game, she may ask... "Ok, but who?" Tell her you think it best to start with someone you trust - someone you BOTH trust. I wonder who that might be.

WOW! Pretty hot stuff I must say. I don't know which route I'm gonna take right this moment. I've been getting some very real advice lately but with very different approaches. On the one hand it's hold pat with what I've got, keep my eyes and ears open and obviously continue being supportive and loving and approving of what I may see happening. Just be patient and wait and see what takes place or wait for her to come to me with it. Then I also have to consider pushing a little harder, bringing it up again (in some fashion) , not waiting around for fear that they either have already become lovers or will shortly and then I'm being left out. Which obviously sucks on many different fronts but most importantly it could lead to her leaving me for him. So like I said, I'm considering it all, weighing my options so to speak. I hope whichever I choose is the right one because a lot is at stake. But thanks for your input. I will keep it in mind.

Oh BTW, I already think of myself as a masterful pussy eater lol. I enjoy it almost as much as fucking I think. Especially with Jenna! And not that we play with dominance and submission but she's never been shy about asking me to go down. There's been many a night where that's all we did. Me lick her to a nice orgasim then fall asleep together.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by curiousdave » Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:11 am

Morgan wrote:I hate to be a buzz kill, but I need to say this.
What about the very real possibility that Jenna and her father in law are really enjoying a flirtatious, platonic relationship with no concept of consummating it.
There is a glass wall between them, which protects them.
In all likelihood pushing this concept will make one or both of them too self conscious to continue their relationship as it is today.
If that happens, something will be off center between all three of you forever.
Remember Pandora, and law of unintended consequences.
In my hippy days the phrase was ‘the going up has to be worth the coming down.’
Well this is what kept me from doing or saying anything for so long. This is what I always thought their relationship was until recently. Now I just don't know.

Posts: 262
Joined: Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:32 am

Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by becontree2001uk » Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:30 am

Looking forward to hearing how things went with your wife -let us know please as soon as poss.

Posts: 54
Joined: Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:31 am
Location: Suffolk/London UK

Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by malnik » Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:19 pm

I dont think he wants to "know" from a semen test. He wants to know from her telling him.
A positive semen test indicates cheating......best not to do it.

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