Wife and my Dad

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
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Unread post by cat31 » Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:28 am

curiousdave wrote:Hello friends :). I simply walked gently past a doorway and slightly bumped into it causing me to jerk back a tad. This little jerk caused everything to tense up which aggravated everything again.


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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by curiousdave » Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:26 am

Guys it's all over. She is leaving me for him. We had a long talk last night and she admitted she's been in love with him for a long time and just can't continue on with this charade any longer. I am not 100% shocked but am very upset. I will write back later with more details since I know so many of you have cared and supported me. I just don't feel like writing it all down right now. Thanks to everyone who was there for me with this and my recent health issues.


Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by bubbajack » Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:41 am

Ouch! :(

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by Niblick » Sat Jan 12, 2013 1:03 pm

So sorry for ALL your pain, Dave.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by 1texn » Sat Jan 12, 2013 1:56 pm


Of course you're hurt and upset. I'm sure your head is filled with a non-stop string of emotions. A number of us have been through similar (but not exactly as unique as yours) ordeals.

I sincerely empathize with your pain. I know you must be suffering. Hang in there the very best you can.

Write on here if you need or want to, but don't feel compelled to. You have a lot on your plate and only you can decide whether venting on here is helpful.

It almost goes without saying, but weigh any "free advice" on here very carefully. There is no shortage of good and bad advice.

Take care, you'll heal in your own time - but you will.


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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by CuckedIn67 » Sat Jan 12, 2013 2:55 pm

I am very sorry to hear the bad news Dave. I've had my share of divorces so I know those feelings all too well. Talk to any of us if you need to Dave. We are here to listen and help your through this.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by irreverent » Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:17 pm

curiousdave wrote:Guys it's all over. She is leaving me for him. We had a long talk last night and she admitted she's been in love with him for a long time and just can't continue on with this charade any longer. I am not 100% shocked but am very upset. I will write back later with more details since I know so many of you have cared and supported me. I just don't feel like writing it all down right now. Thanks to everyone who was there for me with this and my recent health issues.
This is very surprising. The domination interplay she had with you seemed to be important for her and it seemed like the teasing was what she got off on. I hope you you will stay focused on your recovery and that you will get through this feeling ok.


Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by Wistful » Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:32 pm

So very upsetting. Take care.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by wingman » Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:46 pm

Dave -

Any chance your wife is playing a very realistic game with you? Something like the "Luv it" had where she would go live with her lover for an extended period of time. If thats it... WOW... If not, and your wife has said she wants to permanently jump ship, and your Dad is on board with it? If so, then neither are worth your further effort!!I If you get a chance, put a twist on the WC Fields saying, and say to her.... "Yes honey, tonight I am crushed, but you are "damaged goods no one will every trust or truly love again", and tomorrow I will have moved on to greener pastures" (FYI...a woman at a party once said to WC Fields... "You sir are drunk"... WC Fields replied... "Yes mama, I am. But you are ugly, and in the morning I will be sober").

If you feel like investing the energy to get even.....they say the best defense is a good offense!! Go to that woman who your Dad had an interest in (who would be jilted and pissed by now), and see if she will fake a heated affair with you (I would say one for real, but your back would likely not stand it yet). Find a way to (crash a function at his house), tell them about the mind blowing sex you guys are having. Then thank your wife for leaving you and enabling you to find out how good sex really can be.

After that..... MOVE ON!!!!! I know its hard, but if she did that to you, and your Dad agreed.... they are both damaged goods not worthy of your love, time, or attention. PS: Being the owner of a company.... your Dad will likely fund a significant divorce agreement to keep this all from going public.

Best of luck my friend!!!!!!
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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by susanshusband » Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:19 pm

curiousdave wrote:Guys it's all over. She is leaving me for him. We had a long talk last night and she admitted she's been in love with him for a long time and just can't continue on with this charade any longer. I am not 100% shocked but am very upset. I will write back later with more details since I know so many of you have cared and supported me. I just don't feel like writing it all down right now. Thanks to everyone who was there for me with this and my recent health issues.

That is just awful Dave! I am so sorry. :(

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by here4u » Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:54 pm

So sorry to hear. Maybe she will realize the mistake soon enough to repair the damage. She will not be able to be shared with him. Wish you the best Dave!

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by mopacpower » Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:23 pm

Sorry to hear about Jenna and you Dad, but you need to stay visible and not hide in your apartment. Tell Jenna's family and your family the truth that they became romantically involved, don't lay any blame just tell them the facts. Do it before they tell them. Then find a good lawyer, or you will lose everything, you might even sue dad for breaking up your marriage.

DO NOT go back to pain pills or alcohol, keep your health. And talk to us, vent your emotions here, we understand your pain.

Again, sorry.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by armyguyot1 » Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:13 pm

Sorry Dave but don't let the bullshit get you down. There is enough age difference that it has a near zero chance of lasting very long. You need to get yourself into shape to win her back when the time comes or make it come before its time. Don't make any snap judgements and let your dad take care of her while your sick and then win her back when your well. You did it once and can do it again. Nothing is damage about those goods. You're out of sorts with your back. I know from experience that your libido will be off but get yourself well and in shape and don't say or do anything stupid until you are sure of what you want to say or do. You told her what you wanted and she did it very well. I assume you want to keep her and I would say that's about 90 percent up to you and what you do in the near future. If you want to keep her look at this as a challenge and win her back. If not find yourself a hottie and have fun but make an informed desicion and don't knee jerk. I have told V that if she did something like that I would take her back but fortunately she hasn't taken me up on that. Don't get too excited and think about it.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by creampiecurious » Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:35 pm

This really sucks. After all she's been through with you, and the freedom she was given?

Keep strong, and get well. You'll find a love, Hell, if I can...
Your friends here will miss you.
" 'Cause I ain't gettin' any."
- The Monks


Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by elina » Sun Jan 13, 2013 4:39 am


This must be very though for you and I can really understand that you are upset.

I agree with armyguy... that this may not last. The reality for your wife will probably be a lot different when she starts living with this guy compared to when she was just having the romantic fling with your full support. She probably has no idea how the emotional aspects of the three way realtionship impacted on her experience.

Stay strong and be firm with her but if you want to win her back you may want to try to avoid to many heated arguments.

I really hope you will regain your healt soon and that things will turn out well for you.


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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by rb83 » Sun Jan 13, 2013 4:42 am

mopacpower wrote:...Tell Jenna's family and your family the truth that they became romantically involved, don't lay any blame just tell them the facts. Do it before they tell them. Then find a good lawyer, or you will lose everything, you might even sue dad for breaking up your marriage...
Really? Should he include the part where he actively encouraged & schemed to have happen exactly what DID happen? Maybe he should enter into the legal record his earlier posting here? Should he include the part about how he spontaneously ejaculated hearing nitty-gritty details of their sexual liaisons?

Go back to the beginning (go on, I'll wait...)...there were a couple of not-a-good-idea posts - but they were overwhelmed by the SBC (spank bank crew) actively encouraging what only charitably be called 'edge play'. Except now he's plunged of the edge.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by CuckedIn67 » Sun Jan 13, 2013 5:45 am

Dave, I agree with Armyguy and Elina. You have fallen off the edge (as rb83 said) you were walking along. But, your wife will likely find reality with your step-dad quite different from the fantasy. You do need to take care of yourself first by getting well and into physical shape. You also need to avoid knee-jerk reactions per Armyguy. Thoroughly think through any actions or comments before you make them with your wife. Continue to be the absolute best cuckold hubby to your wife that you can be. Always let her know that you are still very much in love with her because it means a lot to any woman.

Good luck with your health and lifestyle challenges.

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Unread post by irreverent » Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:10 am

Do you think you can persuade her to compromise? Maybe find a solution that somehow keeps you in the loop? Like her staying with him for some time or him coming to live with you or whatever.

I mean, she ows you some consideration for allowing her to have this affair.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by sergio27 » Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:37 am

Hello Dave.
As one who has followed your story, I'm sorry about your situation, but not surprised.
Women are attracted to successful men. Dad is also attractive man and an excellent lover, according to the testimony of the wife.
"Women fall in love with who fuck them" and recently you would not be able to because of your back problems. So she felt more and more belongs to Daddy. You lost your value as a man in the eyes of your wife.

Another possibility is that your father as soon as he knew that you knew about their affair, gave her an ultimatum that she must choose between him and you.
If I were you I would not try to return your wife back. You do not deserve a woman like her.
Let her alone and established your life.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by TheSubmissiveCuckold » Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:19 am

I've been in many relationships over the years where an ex took on long-term lovers. Even when there were feelings involved, her leaving me for him was never even a remote possibility. Women love deeply... when they're in love. They can develop feelings for others, but if they love you... they love you. I find it hard to believe that your loving wife just decided to end your marriage - no matter how good the sex is with your dad. They've only been seeing each other for a short period of time. So if it's true that she did, in fact, leave you for him.. she wasn't really in love with you in the first place. Consider yourself lucky. Move on.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by Truckstar » Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:01 am

It must have been such a surprise for you like jumping out of a plane without a parachute and being surprised at the sudden stop. like not seeing the ground coming.

Man we have warned you and warned you, on this site and others that it would end this way. Wow about 4 months longer than I expected. Never mind at least you get the house.

Your step-dad and your wife, if this is a 100% true story and who am I to say it isn't, are the lowest of the low. I actually don't hate anyone in my life but this pushes it.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by frank22 » Sun Jan 13, 2013 11:45 am

I really hope this thread is just fiction. It's disturbing to think that there are people out there like Dave's wife and stepdad. What kind of man would steal his son's wife? JFC. It's kind of unfathomable. In about a year's time, you have lost your mom to cancer and your wife left you for your stepdad. Ouch.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by susanshusband » Sun Jan 13, 2013 2:49 pm

This is an unacceptable outcome. You need to leave your cuck fantasies in the dust and go get what is yours! Start by calling to your dad and making sure he understands that he is crossing over the line and Jen is being irrational. You have stated that you love your wife more than life itself. Now is the time to put your big boy pants on and prove it. This lifestyle isn't for you. Time is short, get busy.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by wingman » Sun Jan 13, 2013 4:25 pm

The suggestions in my last post were harsher than I normally offer. I must admit I jumped past the possibility that you might want to work things out with Jenna. Should that be a consideration (and I recommend you think it through before deciding on the "win her back" route), you have lots of good comments on that route. The only thing I would add is don't loose your dignity in the process. If you come to realize she was coaxed, or failed to bound and understand her emotions, then perhaps my "damaged goods" comment was too harsh. However, if she did this in full control, with eyes wide open, I stand by my belief that she damaged and not worth further efforts on your part.

Good luck, and we are here to listen (either in posts or via PM) if you feel the need.
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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by rb83 » Sun Jan 13, 2013 4:37 pm

frank22 wrote:...It's disturbing to think that there are people out there like Dave's wife and stepdad. What kind of man would steal his son's wife?
I'm sure the (vast?) majority of the populace would think it is (equally) disturbing that there are people out there who would actively push their wife to sleep with their stepdad.

A small percentage of men want their wives to sleep with others. A small percentage of those want to be cucked. An even smaller percentage of cucks want to engage in taboo edge play as described in this thread. The likelihood of a guy with Dave's kink is going to find a woman that "synchs up" with that kink is remote. She finally discovered she rather put up with the momentary "shame" than live a life with a man so drawn to the bizarre.

Before venting/hating on anyone, Dave needs to step in front of a mirror and take a looooonnnng look at the cause of his current predicament.

And the rah-rah crowd here might take a glance in the mirror as well…

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