Between Jennifer and Marc

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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by 54321 » Mon May 26, 2014 10:55 am

She plays the violin, has a runner's body, writes exquisite prose, is a redhead, loves sex and adventure and seems rather nice with it... I'm in love ;)

Every good wish,


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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by Righteous » Mon May 26, 2014 11:42 am

I wish she would let me post a photo but that's strictly verboten and I have to honor her wishes.

But you're right: what's not to like about her? And believe me, I know how incredibly lucky I am!

It's true what they say about redheads…
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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by Fotodom » Mon May 26, 2014 3:39 pm

Well I'm loving her story, please tell her that. As I have shown some women the joys of getting fucked in the ass, I do like her getting that, and find it quite hot.

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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by Lovers4third » Mon May 26, 2014 8:27 pm

Righteous, the stories you are posting here are fantastic. I love the thread. I love that they are well written, and they have all the great elements that make me want to keep reading. Your wife is an amazing lover, and I would love to hear those stories told by her in person. Her descriptions are so vivid.
I have been so turned on by this thread. And I have also picked-up a lot of sexual ideas from Mark's repertoire. I truly enjoy this. Thanks for posting.
(Tell her that her writing voice turns me on, big time).

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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by Righteous » Tue May 27, 2014 3:32 am

Lovers4third wrote:Righteous, the stories you are posting here are fantastic. I love the thread. I love that they are well written, and they have all the great elements that make me want to keep reading. Your wife is an amazing lover, and I would love to hear those stories told by her in person. Her descriptions are so vivid.
I have been so turned on by this thread. And I have also picked-up a lot of sexual ideas from Mark's repertoire. I truly enjoy this. Thanks for posting.
(Tell her that her writing voice turns me on, big time).
That's very kind of you to say that. I'm going to try again to coax her to come on here at least to say thank you in person.

As for Marc, he did seduce my wife -- although she went pretty willingly -- but I find it hard to be mad at him because of all he did for her -- and eventually me. One small reason I wanted to post her stories here was to pass on some of what we learned from him. As I was telling someone else here the other day, we're born with all these fun bits to play with and enjoy, along with fertile imaginations, but as for knowing what to do with them and how to enjoy ourselves sexually to the maximum, we're pretty well left to our own devices to learn. It really is quite pathetic. When I hear of women who've been married for 50 years and never had an orgasm, I want to cry or scream.

Before Marc, my lovely wife was not a very good lover. Too many things, stupid things, got in her way. Once she was free to show me what she learned at the end of Marc's cock, I was absolutely gobsmacked. In the bedroom (and elsewhere), my wife had turned into someone adept, confident, outrageous, and absolutely the best lover I can imagine -- and I have a very good imagination.
It's true what they say about redheads…
The recounting of my wife's university affair:
And what has happened more recently:

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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by peaceman75206 » Wed May 28, 2014 9:04 am

Best thread in a long time, if not ever. I just discovered this thread, and have read it through. I came here from the story posted in the hotwives forum and am glad I discovered it. The story is obviously hot, and is wonderfully told. Jenn has an extraordinary gift for writing. I admire her candor (and yours as well, in your introductions and comments) as you tell this very personal and potentially painful story. Clearly, I need to visit the library more often.

I would love to hear more of your upbringings. With a number of friends in Ontario, Manitoba, and British Columbia (generally on the conservative side) I am fascinated with the starting point. You have of course shared hints, and for those I am grateful. As Texans from Kansas and Oklahoma with conservative origins this fascinates me, as I look at how far we have come (and how much further we have to go). I will need to re-read this to see what I have missed of your back-story.

I intend to share this very special writing with my wife. Thank you Robert for sharing this with us, and for convincing Jenn to tell the story. A very special huge thanks to Jenn for telling this special story, and for telling it so well.

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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by Righteous » Wed May 28, 2014 9:52 am

peaceman75206 wrote:Best thread in a long time, if not ever. I just discovered this thread, and have read it through. I came here from the story posted in the hotwives forum and am glad I discovered it. The story is obviously hot, and is wonderfully told. Jenn has an extraordinary gift for writing. I admire her candor (and yours as well, in your introductions and comments) as you tell this very personal and potentially painful story. Clearly, I need to visit the library more often.

I would love to hear more of your upbringings. With a number of friends in Ontario, Manitoba, and British Columbia (generally on the conservative side) I am fascinated with the starting point. You have of course shared hints, and for those I am grateful. As Texans from Kansas and Oklahoma with conservative origins this fascinates me, as I look at how far we have come (and how much further we have to go). I will need to re-read this to see what I have missed of your back-story.

I intend to share this very special writing with my wife. Thank you Robert for sharing this with us, and for convincing Jenn to tell the story. A very special huge thanks to Jenn for telling this special story, and for telling it so well.
Much obliged! I think Jenn is the best writer of erotic prose anywhere, but then, I might be slightly biased...

Sorry no geographical details. (Her rules.)

It's true what they say about redheads…
The recounting of my wife's university affair:
And what has happened more recently:

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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by Righteous » Fri May 30, 2014 2:16 pm

Jennifer has just sent me the edited file for Chapter 9. It is way more detailed and intense than the original version. She's spent a lot of time on it the past two days and wants me to read it through since she feels she's really not "seeing" it anymore. I told you she was Miss Perfection.

We've got to run some errands with our son and drop our daughter off at a friend's birthday party (with the usual warnings about drinking, drugs, and the hands of boys -- from mom), then I should be able to look at it, find any remaining typos she may have missed (I'm betting there's like one or two), and post it up here for all her fans.

She's seriously thinking about introducing the next chapter herself. I want her to sign on to the board so she can post things herself. At least she isn't saying no anymore with such finality.

So stay tuned! It will be worth it. Trust me. I think she's outdone herself.

It's true what they say about redheads…
The recounting of my wife's university affair:
And what has happened more recently:

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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by Righteous » Fri May 30, 2014 5:10 pm

Okay, folks, here you go. The latest installment of my wife Jennifer's affair with her older lover back when she was still a student. As promised, it's a hot one!

Chapter 9

I got my damn period the afternoon of New Year’s Day. It was sort of a mixed blessing since I was pretty sore from all the lovemaking we’d been doing. When I called it “our fuckathon”, Marc laughed loudly. Trouble was, I was still plenty horny — believe it or not.

(An aside here: I know I’ve always been very prudish about my word choices in the sex department. It’s pretty embarrassing now when I think back on how pissed off I’d get at the words you sometimes used. AS far as I was concerned, you had a penis, I had breasts and a vagina. When you got excited, you got an erection. We enjoyed orgasms. We didn’t cum. And things couldn’t be referred to in any less dignified terms. Anyway, I forced all my choices on you, as if your words were somehow inferior and disgusting. I apologize wholly and completely for being such a bitch, Robby. It was all about me. I refused to even look at your side of the equation.

I guess that’s my mother talking through my mouth. I sometimes wonder what sex was/is like between my parents. They’re both so uptight about it, especially mom. You know what she said to me just before our wedding. It seems so laughable now.

As I fell more and more under Marc’s spell, my vocabulary started changing, becoming more lusty — if that’s the right word. Well, actually, I had to learn the naughty words first since we were speaking French most of the time. I got into using them because they didn’t have any of my parents’ angst attached to them, being in another language — the language of love — and I found that as I got hornier, I loved using them. They seemed to express what I was feeling and experiencing so well. It wasn’t much of a step to ask myself why I had trouble with similar English words when it was so enjoyable to use their French equivalents. The hardest thing in the bedroom for me when I came back to you was to moderate my language. As much as I wanted to scream, “Oh God! Give me your fucking cock!” I couldn’t do it or you’d certainly put two and two together and guess what had happened to me. Man oh man, it was hard to restrain myself sometimes. I still remember the expression on your face when I told you, “Robby, I love it when your cock gets hard like this. It makes my pussy absolutely tingle.” You looked at me as if to say, Who are you and what have you done with my wife? Your prude wife. Your incredibly uptight wife.)

I took out my fiddle, figuring I could at least get in a few hours of work. At this point, I’d put on a pair of panties, but as Marc didn’t seem the least bit eager to get dressed and the chalet was still nice and warm, I didn’t bother putting on anything else. He read a magazine, glancing up from time to time to make an interpretation suggestion or small correction. As always, he was spot on in his assessments. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore and dragged out his instrument.

I don’t know if you can picture this, but we were standing face to face (he’d brought his wonderful antique, double-sided music stand), both of us naked (or nearly so). Playing, we’d furtively glance at the other. Marc was soon sporting a very distracting erection that seemed to get harder and harder as it turned a deep pink. Just looking at it was making me all tingly again. Why couldn’t my damn period have held off another twenty-four hours?

Finally I took my violin out from under my chin. “Look, Marc, is there something you want?”

He smiled. “I was just thinking of the love we have made this weekend. You are the most delightful partner I could imagine, and I am so honoured that you allowed me to take the final part of your virginity.”

I could feel my face (and other parts of me) turn bright red.

“Would you do a favour for your Marc, my darling Jen?”

“Of course.”

“I would like nothing more than for you to pleasure me with your hands.”

“That’s all?”

“Just your hands, yes.”

We put our violins and bows down on the coffee table. Marc left the room for a moment and returned with the squeeze bottle of lubricant. He asked me to sit down in an armchair next to the sofa and handed me the bottle.

“I’ve been meaning to ask: what is this stuff?”

“Olivia, the female part of the couple who own this chalet is a chemist. She makes this lubricant up for her use. Her husband and lovers keep telling her to take out a patent and go into business. She only laughs. Put some on your hands and rub them together. It is nice, is it not?”

I did as Marc asked. My hands were very slippery at once. (I could immediately see how much you would like it, Robby.) “So you can’t buy this?”

“There are at least three large bottles in the basement.” He shrugged. “Take one.”

(And I did. That’s where that wonderful stuff I used on you came from. Wish we hadn’t run out of it. The stuff you buy in sex shops isn’t nearly as good.)

Marc moved between my legs, his erection nearly at eye level, menacing and throbbing with each heartbeat. I longed to have him slide right into my mouth.

“Do you want me to play with you until you cum?” I asked.

“No, Jen, I want you to make love to my cock with your hands. There is a difference. A very great difference. I will show you.”

By now, you’re very familiar with and enjoy many of the things Marc showed me that night. Since you love so much when I do this to you, I hope my explanation of what we did will excite you as much as it did me. Of course I’d played with Marc’s cock several times by then. But that was just his point: I’d played with it. Touching him was just a means to another end, a stop along the way, as it were. That night, the whole point was stimulating his penis manually so that he would gain the most satisfaction.

The lube felt cool and somewhat sticky on my hands, but it was as slippery as all get out. Way more than the KY jelly we’d graduated to from my old high school standbys of hand cream or cooking oil.

“You will need more on your hands, Jen.”

Marc’s erection had drooped a bit as I’d gotten myself ready, but it was still fairly long and hard and not much more than a foot from my face.

As I reached out with both hands, Marc softly said, “Spread it all over my genitals.”

I bit back a tart response. It wasn’t as if I’d never done something like this before.

(Another sidebar here, Robby. You know how much I get off on playing with cocks. By my count I’ve seen, touched and made cum seven by that time. I loved the way they all looked so different. I suppose that sounds stupid. Everyone’s face looks different, too, don’t they? But I always have found erections amazing to see and touch. To know that I was causing the erection, not only because of my touch, but through, shall I say my sexual allure, is just damned exciting. Sometimes just thinking about it makes me wet. There’s also a feeling of power that’s also a real kick. There are a lot of things about sex that I enjoy, but playing with a nice cock is near the top of the list.)

Since there was no other goal other than bringing Marc to a great orgasm — and it was right in front of me — I concentrated on watching the subject of my ministrations.

I’ve never told you much about Marc’s penis. I hope it doesn’t bother you if I tell you now. You know the basic measurements: a bit over 8 inches and about half again as fat as you are (and you’re no string bean!). It had a slight bend up at the tip that felt very nice on my G-spot. What I haven’t told you about is that it had a really fat head that would turn dark red when Marc was really turned on. I suppose it was a testament to how much he enjoyed making love to me, that it was often red when he was getting close to cumming. His balls would blush red, too. Both things turned me on to no end. But it was the head of his penis that drove me crazy when he was thrusting into me.

I swear I could feel it, rubbing hard against the walls of my vagina. Part of that was probably because he was a fairly snug fit in me, not uncomfortably so, but he made me feel nicely full. When we hadn’t made love for awhile, he always had to give me time to dilate — unless I was super turned on and gushing juices. Regardless, the end of his cock was always the most stimulating, especially if he wasn’t going in deeply. His teasing five small stokes and one deep one was when I’d fee; his mushroom the most. (If you really want to know, it was easily twice the width of yours, Robby.) Marc’s is the only cock I’ve ever seen in the flesh that looked downright menacing at full mast.

Marc also came a lot. Part of that was due to the size of his testicles, which were quite large. One of the fascinating things about cocks is how a male’s balls rise when he’s getting ready to shoot. I learned that early on after one accident with my first boyfriend when he got semen all over my new sweater. I just remembered that.

Anyway Marc could really flood me with his semen. I liked that a lot. There is something infinitely sexy about lying there after a good fuck and feeling your lover’s seed dripping from your vagina. It’s tangible evidence that you’ve brought him real pleasure.

All these thoughts were going through my mind as I was spreading the lube all over his cock and balls, and being rewarded with new strength in his flagging erection.

When I used my left hand to stimulate his balls while my right began stroking his cock, he gave a big sigh. “Keep it slow, my lovely Jen. Hold my shaft more firmly. That’s it. Mmmm… Very nice. Very nice indeed.

I was getting really turned on. Looking down, my nipples were extended as far as they could go and achingly hard.

Marc put his hand on my. “Stop, please. I am getting close. I want to last.”

I glanced down and saw that his balls had pulled up.

“Ah. You know about that,” he said. “Good. It is most important. But do you know how to stop a man’s imminent finishing? Put your thumb and index finger at the bottom of his shaft and squeeze hard. Try it.”

I did, and he immediately told me, “Harder.”

I knew all about slow speed and teasing by that point so I spent the next several minutes bringing him to the brink (keeping an eye on his balls), and then squeezing the base of his shaft to shut him down.

He was oozing a lot of that clear lubricant. Every so often, I’d swirl my right hand over the head and was often rewarded with a soft moan from my lover.

“That is so very, very good. Jen, you were born to do this.”

I felt stupidly proud that my oh-so-experienced lover had told me that.

“It feels very nice for the man when you tug on him. Yesss. Like that, but harder. Don’t worry. You will not detach it from my body. Hold my balls more firmly as you caress them. Oh yes. That is perfect. Keep doing that.”

Obviously Marc found my tugging and firm caressing even more stimulating because he had to put his hand on my head again to stop me. Before I could squeeze the base of his shaft, a drop of semen appeared at the slit on its end. I licked it off. Bitter and sweet and also salty, I loved his taste (unless he’d eaten asparagus recently. Ugh!).

Knowing he had to be approaching being over-sensitized, I began to stroke him more vigorously. His body swayed forward each time I pulled his shaft. Looking up, Marc’s eyes were closed and there was a tiny smile on his lips. He was obviously lost in his enjoyment. I liked that.

“Would you like to cum now? I asked.

His eyes opened. “Not yet. Stimulate only the head of my penis with your right hand. Use the palm as well as your fingers. Slowly and doucement! The bottom of it, where the split is, that’s the most sensitive place. If you want to make a man finish quickly, stimulate that with your fingers or tongue. He will shoot quickly for you!”

I did that a bit (with my hand, although I was really tempted to take him in my mouth!).

“You didn’t answer my question, Marc? Finish you off now?”

“Soon, but do not tell me when. You must tease your man as much as you can.”

Boy! That was an opening for a little payback.

But as I ministrated to his manhood, I really began to felt like I was making love to my amazing lover’s cock, the instrument that had given me so much joy, not only over this special weekend but for many months now. I wanted it to keep going on forever. I loved this cock! I wanted it with all my heart, and to give nothing but as much pleasure as I could to Marc.

I brought him to the brink several more times until he was literally quivering with excitement. In between, he told me to take him back to a simmer by concentrating on the bottom of his shaft and mostly his balls.

“Gently, softly as if they were fragile eggs. Use both hands. Oh yes... That is so good, my beautiful Jen, so good.”

I hadn’t quite decided when to finish my lover off. It just sort of happened. Now, whenever he approached his climax, his body would get rigid and he would thrust his rampant cock forward. I thought he wanted to fuck my mouth, but he stopped me as I opened it and pulled him forward.

“No, no, Jen. Just your hands. Just your hands.”

(I was sort of disappointed he didn’t do that. I was ready for a bit of further debauchment of my once Puritan ideas about sex. Me? Letting a man fuck me in the mouth? I not only wanted it, I craved it!)

I was using both hands on his shaft now. Pulling and tugging and squeezing. He was close and moaning loudly. My eyes, my whole being were focused completely on Marc’s manhood, so red, so hard at its core but soft on the outside.

I could feel his ball sack rise up close to his body, ready to deliver its contents in mighty spurts, hopefully into a fertile cunt. That was not to be tonight, but I suddenly realized where it needed to go. I moved my mouth to about two inches away and opened wide.

“So good, my love, so good,” Marc was moaning over and over. I had never seen him this aroused, this out of control.

With an enormous groan, his cock let loose a torrent of semen. The first spurt landed right in my mouth but then he or I must have moved because he began spraying all over my face. I still had my glasses on because we had been playing music just before, and that was a good thing. Both lenses were covered with his seed. It dripped from my nose, was in my hair. I felt so delightfully sinful.

As his pulses got less I put the head of his cock into my mouth and swirled my tongue over the sensitive underside and was rewarded with another low groan and two more strongish spurts.

Then he was spent.

Marc staggered over to the chesterfield and collapsed, a satisfied grin on his face.

“Oh my darling Jennifer. I may never be able to let you go.”
It's true what they say about redheads…
The recounting of my wife's university affair:
And what has happened more recently:

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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by mahlersymphony » Sat May 31, 2014 1:00 pm

Good handjobs are very underrated. Another great chapter erotically told. I am looking forward to more in this story, as well as hopefully a chronicle of Jenn's time with Paul.

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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by OZCPL » Sat May 31, 2014 2:45 pm

I have only just come across this post and I must say it looks brilliant and Jen sounds gorgeous. Her writing looks professional and I intend to read from the start and catch up with every spare minute I have. I can see that a lot of people have asked for photos and I can understand Jens reluctance in that respect but if we could just have one taken from the back, while standing, I think it would preserve her anonymity while allowing her fans and hard men to connect a little closer with her alluring persona.
Thank you Jen I think that as you continue writing more fans will discover you and your beauty.

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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by xleglover » Sun Jun 01, 2014 1:55 am

This journal is incredible. It's amazing how Jennifer let herself go with Marc. I'd like to know more of how her affair affected her marriage with her husband. What she was thinking of him at the time. More of whether she considered leaving him for Marc. Did Mark ever try to take her away. (the line in the last chapter is telling, “Oh my darling Jennifer. I may never be able to let you go.”) Thanks for taking the time to post this!

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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by Righteous » Sun Jun 01, 2014 2:43 am

Speaking as the husband (and the one posting the story for Jenn, although I keep telling her she should post them herself), it had a large effect on our marriage. There are a number of other chapters to go, but Jenn wants to look them over, and she always winds up adding more details now that we've moved farther away from the whole situation (21 years ago now) and she started writing this chronicle a year-and-a-half after her time with Marc ended, shortly after the whole thing came out.

You're right about Jennifer letting herself go with her lover. She was definitely loving what they were doing and there was a lot of NRE going on with her. Cutting to the chase: she was drunk on sex through this whole time. It was like an addiction. It probably was an addiction.

Trust me. All will be revealed, just slowly because my wife is such a perfectionist and also has a very busy life!
It's true what they say about redheads…
The recounting of my wife's university affair:
And what has happened more recently:

Posts: 201
Joined: Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:24 am

Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by Righteous » Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:29 am

Jennifer cried a lot over this chapter when she first gave it to me. Knowing what happened after this makes pretty chilling reading, even after so much time has passed. She's amplified a lot of her thoughts in this rewrite. I'm going to post it, but I know we're going to be discussing it tonight when we're alone. It's sort of a wake-up call to what's currently going on in our lives. —Rob


Chapter 10

We got back to Montreal very late on Sunday night — like two in the morning late — because (surprise, surprise) it had started snowing heavily again.

(I was on edge for most of the ride because you and I had arranged to talk around ten that evening. Marc and I were stuck behind an accident on the Laurentian autoroute and all I could do was watch our appointed time come and go with no way to let you know I was all right, just delayed.)

Marc was quite insistent I should stay with him for some reason. (I should have picked up on that at the time but didn’t. Call me stupid.) He said I could call you from there, but I wasn’t thrilled with that idea. In front of my building, we shared a tender kiss before I got out of his car and I thanked him for a wonderful weekend, but I was more concerned with getting inside and on the phone.

(As expected you had been frantic wondering if something bad had happened. I assured you that everything was fine, but you picked up something from my voice, that made you question it. “I’m just tired from the ridiculous drive back into town,” I said, but I got the feeling you weren’t convinced. If you’d only blurted it out…)

After hanging up, worried that my husband, the person I’d been cheating on so outrageously and with such gusto, might be beginning to suspect, I was hit square in the face by a major emotional meltdown. Call it a delayed reaction to my very challenging weekend and the fact that I’d said and done a few things I might live to regret, but the remainder of the night was a bad one for me. When I finally did manage to doze off near seven, my dreams were horrible, too.

Marc wanted to see me the very next night. Dinner, he said, but I knew he’d want the evening to wind up at his apartment. I resisted. I had my period. I was feeling rotten. This whole thing needed to slow down. I needed to take a deep breath and seriously think about what I was doing. But there was still a part of me that wanted to scream out, “Yes!”

(We talked several times during that week, Rob. You were loving and kind, as always, telling me how much you thought about me throughout your days, wondering what I was doing at that moment. Little did I know that your thoughts weren’t of your wife going through a normal day, but wondering if guys were hitting on me and if I might be responding to them. You didn’t want to upset me. The few times in the past, you’d sort of hinted around other guys and their reaction to me. I had not been at all receptive to the idea. I once told you that it repelled me. After that you shut up. I wish now I’d been more honest with you. All the time it wasn’t your thoughts that repelled me, it was about the fact that I’d suddenly feel myself getting excited — and that repelled me. We promised to always be honest with each other, truthful, and that was the last thing I was being.)

On Tuesday night, I sat down at the small kitchen table in my apartment and made one of my “pros and cons” lists. It concerned whether or not I should break it off with Marc. My period was slowing down (helped along, without a doubt, by the masturbation I was doing) and my hunger for my lover was growing. I hoped that writing out a list would sort out my feelings, help me understand what was happening to me. I kept that list for many months, only destroying it as I was waiting for you to arrive with the truck to help me move home five months to the day later. By that point it was easy to see that I was trying to work out how I felt about you compared with how I felt about Marc. It leapt off the page the final time I read it, but it wasn’t obvious to me when I was putting my thoughts down on paper.

On one side, I loathed myself for what I had allowed to happen to me. This was not the way I was brought up. This was not the way society expected a wife to behave. What would my parents and friends say if my affair ever came out? But most of all, what would my husband say? I knew. You would kick my ass to the curb. Throw my belongings out behind me, screaming obscenities over what a whore I was and how much you despised me.

At the same time, there was a faint sliver of hoped. You were always fair and reasonable, Robby, not the emotional fireball I was. Maybe, just maybe, I could bring you to a point where you’d understand. The thoughts I’d had up north about passing on to you what Marc was showing me about myself would turn you on. Of that I had no doubt. I knew I had changed. Sex was no longer “sort of interesting and fun” the way it had been. I’d broken through what my mother (mostly) had made me feel about the most intimate and exciting thing a person can do with another (or even alone). From my viewpoint that January, it was clear that I’d been afraid of my inner urges, the rush I would get from naughty thoughts, how excited I’d get when I did certain “forbidden” things. But most of all, I’d been afraid of the thoughts that popped into my head. Talking or thinking about sex had always left me feeling embarrassed. When guys looked at me a certain way, I felt guilty, almost dirty because I’d get so turned on. I was nearly 17 before I masturbated for the first time, and what I experienced that day freaked me out so much, I didn’t do it again for three months — even though I’d enjoyed it a lot. Part of me didn’t want to become “one of those girls” as my mom would always say with the disdain thick in her voice. With Marc, I had crossed that frontier months ago.

No. I would have to cover up what I had done. Lock away my memories of my time with my lover deep inside me, never to be let out. At the same time, I would try to figure out how to open up what I had discovered about myself to you, Robby. Show you how your little wife had found a distant country where we could enjoy ourselves and draw closer. Marc was giving me a gift, and I could use it to improve my marriage. How I would accomplish this was not clear to me. I’d have to dole out my new knowledge slowly and very carefully, let you lead the way as much as I could. If you ever asked to try something new, I would do it — enthusiastically. I’d have to monitor my responses and actions every time we made love because some of the sexual changes in me were becoming engrained in me because I’d been with Marc so much. Most of all, I’d have to make sure in the heat of the moment that I didn’t get carried away and blurt something out.

(Of course that’s exactly what happened in the end.)

All these kinds of thoughts were constantly flitting through my head the first two days back from my weekend away. Yeah, I bemoaned the mess I’d made of my life, but really, there was absolutely no one to blame but myself, though I caught myself trying to pass it off. The only one I could pin anything on was my mom for her crappy attitude towards all things sexual. God! What my parents’ sex lives must be like, I can only imagine. They probably don’t have a sex life!

By Wednesday, my period was slowing down. Thursday morning, it was finished. I was crawling the walls. I’d decided to cool myself down and not see Marc for a week. He called several times, but I’d told him I was too busy. It was all a lie. All day long, all I could think about was the things we’d done.

Thursday night, I couldn’t stand it. I had to call Marc. He answered on the third ring and by that time my heart was pounding.

“Jen! I was just thinking about you.”

“Can I come over?”


“Right now.”

“I thought you were so busy this week. You didn’t have any time for your Marc.”

“I’m burned out with practising,” I lied since I’d barely been able to warm up that day. “I’d really like to see you.”

“In that case, please come over, but wear something special, something that will make me hard for you.”

I don’t know what I would have done if Marc had turned me down that night, I was that keyed up. His words raised my sexual temperature dramatically.

Okay, I’d been challenged. Something provocative, something daring.

I showed up at Marc’s door completely naked.

That’s not to say I took two buses and a Metro ride with nothing on under my overcoat. I put on some heavy tights and my McGill sweatshirt, but nothing else. Fortunately, the sidewalks were pretty clear, so I could wear runners instead of boots.

I don’t know when I’ve ever been that nervous but that turned on at the same time. There were four apartments on Marc’s floor. Anyone could have come out one of the doors. Someone could have come up or down the stairs. There was no place to run or hide. They would see me naked. My hands were shaking as I unbuttoned my overcoat, peeled off the sweatshirt, kicked off my runners and slid the tights down over my hips. I left everything out of sight next to his door. What if someone had shown up unexpectedly and was inside the apartment with Marc? I didn’t care. All I could think about was my lover’s cock sliding up inside me, ready to take me to the moon. That’s what I was craving.

When the door opened, Marc stood there, a huge smile spreading over his face. I walked up wrapped my left leg around his right, and as we shared a very intense French (Canadian :P ) kiss, I began humping his leg, making it clear what I needed from him. We stayed in that open doorway for a good two minutes.

Finally, Marc broke off our kiss when we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. “We should close the door.”

“I need to get my clothes.”

Heart pounding, I went into the hall and calmly picked up my discarded clothes. Whoever it was on the stairs certainly got a good look at my naked bum before Marc’s apartment door shut.

I was a bitch in heat that night. Marc and I fucked for three straight hours. When he wasn’t inside me, I was sucking him off, rubbing my body against him like some animal in heat (guess I was!), or using my hands to keep him erect. I rode him to three or four marvelous orgasms. We fucked in every position either of us could think of. All I could think about was having his cock inside me.

For my final orgasm of the night (and his second) he had me halfway off the bed with my head nearly touching the floor as he rammed his length into me from above. It was an awkward position, having to support myself with my arms behind me, but it turned out to be so worth it. What ripped through me a few minutes later was unlike any orgasm I’d ever experienced: long, intense, and incredibly focused — if that makes any sense. I literally saw stars. Marc pulled me back up on the bed when it was over, holding me tightly against him as my body slowly stopped quaking with pleasant little aftershocks. Normally, I’d get up sooner than I wanted and head for the bathroom, hand cupped between my legs. That night I gloried in the feel of his semen leaking from me.

“What did you do to me?” I asked weakly when I could finally put a cogent thought together. “Wow!”

“With your body in that position, one can experience a much stronger orgasm. I think it has something to do with the blood rushing to the head.” He twisted one of my nipples lazily, sending erotic sparks shooting straight to my pussy. “I could barely hold on to you, my dear. I am glad your orgasm was so enjoyable.”

“It felt like I was being turned inside out. Can we do that again sometime?”

“When the time is right, of course.”

“When the time is right?”

“You need to be extra excited such as you were tonight when you arrived. I have to say you were very naughty, Jen. Someone might have seen you. I do have to live here, you know. The neighbours will talk.”

“I’m sure they’re talking already. I come over here enough and we’re not the quietest of lovers.”

Marc pulled me over on top of him. I could feel his stiffening cock coming up between my legs. I carefully considered letting it go further, but it was getting late and I had to get some work done the next day. Now that my itch had been so thoroughly scratched, I felt as if I could focus on other things. Still, it was very difficult to leave Marc’s bed that night.

Our tender endearments at his door gave me a lot to think about on the way home.
It's true what they say about redheads…
The recounting of my wife's university affair:
And what has happened more recently:

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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by xleglover » Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:22 pm

So, I'm really enjoying this story, Jenn is a great writer.

Since I write stories myself (although mine are fiction only based partly on real life), I'm always interested in emotional tension. Stories (real life or fiction) where the wife fucks around with no concern for her husband don't do it for me.

This story is really great because it shows Jen's emotional conflict over her affair. Her physical attraction to Marc versus her love for her husband. The introduction -- "Knowing what happened after this makes pretty chilling reading" -- really has me on my edge. And then when you say "It's sort of a wake-up call to what's currently going on in our lives." -- well, I hope you tell us what's happening. I can't wait for future chapters!

I guess I'd call this a "cheating wives" story since the husband didn't know what was happening. Sometimes I play "what if" -- what if Robert had known? Say he goes wild over the affair -- pushes Jen more into Marc's arms -- I wonder if jenn and robert's marriage would have made it?

Here's how it could have gone in this alternative universe. jenn tells marc. he eventually accepts it and encourages jenn to be with marc. Jenn passes along some of her new sexual skills with robert, but she's mostly spending time with marc because he's new. robert makes jen's infatuation "okay" -- essentially robert legitimizes it. so now jenn's guilt is gone. she can fully enjoy herself with marc. and jenn and robert are still living apart, marc has jen all to himself (for what, a year?)

yes, jen loves robert, she appreciates the freedom he gives her. but she idolizes marc, and she adores his body. yes there are differences (age, politics) -- but couples get over that all the time. and I assume marc wanted jenn for himself, at some point in this story I assume he tries to take jen from robert. afterall guys competing for girls are not nice. and jen is beautiful, talented, young, sexy, has a hot body, idolizes marc, YOUNG, etc. how could marc not fall in love with jen?

so now marc tries to win not just jen's body but her heart. jen is still apart from robert, she doesn't have him there to offset marc. she also has robert's approval (even encouragement) of her affair so guilt is not holding her back. is there not a chance jen lets herself go and falls in love with marc? then what happens when jen has to chose between 2 men she loves?

maybe emotionally jenn says "no fucking way this happens". but I just wonder ... maybe it was best robert didn't find out until later, and jenn had her guilt to keep her from giving herself completely to marc.

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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by techvet963 » Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:47 pm

Je me souviens! At least that is how I remember it in Montreal so many years ago. Alas, I am a Marc as well but not that Marc - the early 90's in Montreal what a great city. And I was young once - the same age I think and the one thing you learn in Montreal is how to fuck. It must be the culture, or the water, je'n sais quois.

I wanted to say it is a great story and a great read. Very well written and thought out. Pushes all of the buttons. I literally had to stop masturbating to read this all at once.

My one comment is that I get turned on by hotwives - sexually liberated and with a conniving partner. An experience that is shared. While reading these (yes I read them all tonight) the back of my mind was always with Rob and how he felt as we all do when cheated on. This is very different from open sharing where there is the risk of betrayal without the action/emotion, or at least it is managed more closely. I am glad that you have made your peace and are using this in a positive light.

I am rambling but I do appreciate the writing, sharing and bringing back of so many memories of the lost dark winters on Ste Antoine.

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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by Righteous » Fri Jun 06, 2014 5:54 am

Jennifer and I met for the first time in a bar on St. Denis. She was out with friends from school, celebrating a birthday with one of them. I was out with school friends, too, doing the same. That first night, she was more interested in one of my friends than me. Later, she went out with him twice and we ran into each other again. I thought he was getting into her pants, so even though I was smitten, I backed off. She told me later she was very interested, but he was sort of a dweeb in some ways and didn't get the message. One day I saw Jenn on campus, stopped to talk, wound up having coffee and things got started from there. Eventually, she decided she was smitten, too.

I love Montreal!

There's lots more to come (cum?) in Jenn's tale (tail?), so you'll see how it all worked out/ended. Things did turn out for the best in the end, and if I'd known about it sooner (and being far away), it might not have turned out the way it did. In fact I'm sure now it wouldn't have.

Thanks for the comment.
It's true what they say about redheads…
The recounting of my wife's university affair:
And what has happened more recently:

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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by Righteous » Wed Jun 11, 2014 3:02 am

shes2cute wrote:I've only read the first page but wow, very sexy account. Ill comment more when I get time to read more. THx for sharing
I've read your story and would love to know what you think. Jennifer can be pretty darn blunt when she wants to be (bear in mind that she's also being a bit of a tease with this story).
It's true what they say about redheads…
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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by Morgan » Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:51 am

Add me to the club of voyeurs.
I don't like to comment on a thread until I've caught up.
I'm not sure there a more ways to congratulate your wife on her memory, style and erotic sensibility.
Quite a while ago I had a thread titled About Kate. It has fallen off the far end now. I described her/our evolution from 1967 to the present. Although I got comments there wasn’t a lot of dialogue especially towards the end. I knew that people were looking at it since there were over 28,000 views.
It can be discouraging to not have interaction but believe now that I wasn’t really presenting things that evoked dialogue or looking for advice and wasn’t presenting bizarre concepts or practices that would create controversy.
Please rest assured that you have the rapt attention of the peanut gallery.

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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by Righteous » Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:06 pm

Morgan wrote:Add me to the club of voyeurs.
I don't like to comment on a thread until I've caught up.
I'm not sure there a more ways to congratulate your wife on her memory, style and erotic sensibility.
Quite a while ago I had a thread titled About Kate. It has fallen off the far end now. I described her/our evolution from 1967 to the present. Although I got comments there wasn’t a lot of dialogue especially towards the end. I knew that people were looking at it since there were over 28,000 views.
It can be discouraging to not have interaction but believe now that I wasn’t really presenting things that evoked dialogue or looking for advice and wasn’t presenting bizarre concepts or practices that would create controversy.
Please rest assured that you have the rapt attention of the peanut gallery.
Thanks for sending this comment in. If my wife weren't pretty level-headed already (when she isn't in heat), I'd be afraid the compliments would go to her head. We both appreciate the fact that you took the time to write something down. Much appreciated!

We'll look up that story. We've already gotten the feeling that people don't seem to comment much on stories. I think it's important to let people on this site know what we went through, and the fact that my wife is now expanding on her original writing has given me a lot more insight into what was going on in her head while she was with Marc.
It's true what they say about redheads…
The recounting of my wife's university affair:
And what has happened more recently:

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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by Treborn » Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:18 pm

I read your thread every time I come on. I love both of your writing styles. Love waiting for the next event.

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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by allengt » Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:20 pm

Righteous wrote:
Thanks for sending this comment in. If my wife weren't pretty level-headed already (when she isn't in heat), I'd be afraid the compliments would go to her head. We both appreciate the fact that you took the time to write something down. Much appreciated!

We'll look up that story. We've already gotten the feeling that people don't seem to comment much on stories. I think it's important to let people on this site know what we went through, and the fact that my wife is now expanding on her original writing has given me a lot more insight into what was going on in her head while she was with Marc.
It's not that people don't reply to stories it's that they seldom respond to stories in the Library.
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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by Foot69loose » Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:22 pm

In addition to both Morgan and Treborn,
you can add our pleasure in reading your wife's exploits.
There are so many similarities with our own life that it makes compulsory reading for us.
Thank you for taking the time to post this, please pass on our gratitude to Jen for the recounting, we are both looking forward to the next installment.

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Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by Righteous » Fri Jun 13, 2014 4:21 pm

Foot69loose wrote:In addition to both Morgan and Treborn,
you can add our pleasure in reading your wife's exploits.
There are so many similarities with our own life that it makes compulsory reading for us.
Thank you for taking the time to post this, please pass on our gratitude to Jen for the recounting, we are both looking forward to the next installment.
The next installment will hopefully come this weekend or early next week.
It's true what they say about redheads…
The recounting of my wife's university affair:
And what has happened more recently:


Re: Between Jennifer and Marc

Unread post by Foot69loose » Fri Jun 13, 2014 4:23 pm

Rest assured you will have 2 very eager readers waiting for that next episode.

Thank you for the good news

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