Completely blown away

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Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by Morgan » Wed Jul 09, 2014 3:06 pm

I know that Jenn isn't into pics.
But being a guy I am typically obsessed with visuals.
Do you think she would consider a head to toe from the rear in her favorite summer dress.
Or less is good, but goodness it would be great to get any kind of visual.
And thanks for the update.

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Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by 54321 » Fri Jul 11, 2014 2:31 am

Thank you for a great update.
She thinks she'd enjoy another threesome, but with two other guys, not me.
Oh YES! :whip:

How thrilling! :D

Every good wish,


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Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by Righteous » Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:44 am

Last night the kids were out and we had the run of the house. We worked together to get dinner pulled together quickly and then sat out on our patio until quite late, having a very long “debriefing” about what happened over the past week. Clothes were kept on, and while we enjoyed a bottle of wine and then some brandy, we were definitely not two sheets to the wind.

It was a frank, revealing and ultimately, very sexy discussion. We each promised to answer questions frankly and completely. I’ll hit some of the highlights as I remember them.

Me: Have you had any contact with Paul?

Her: Several emails. In one, he told me it was the best weekend of his life. He definitely wants to be with me again and has talked a couple of times about coming into town in late August.

Me: Do you have any different thoughts on that?

Her: Well, when I kissed him goodbye at the airport, I was thinking, That was fun. Time to let him go. Now, thinking about it all, I’m not completely sure.

Me: So you’d like to see him again?

Her: Maybe, but that’s as far as I’ll go for now. I don’t want to lead him down the garden path. I think he understands that I’m firmly committed to our relationship, and that all he’s ever going to get from me is sex, but sometimes, I can just see it in his eyes and hear in his voice that he’s partially in love with me.

Me: And you?

Her: Paul’s fun. I like him a lot, but past the sex? No. I certainly don’t want to juggle two relationships, not with all I have going on in my life. That would be nuts. Plus, he’s so far away. How often would we see each other? He was a lot of fun to have, and if I did see him again, it would be because he’s a nice guy, an eager lover, and has a fantastic cock.

Me: You sound like you want to see him again.

Her: (laughing) I guess I do.


Her: So how do you feel about it all? You watched someone take me. Any problems, regrets, issues?

Me: How did you like having us both at once? You’ve said you might be interested in another threesome, but said I made you feel awkward. Why is that still an issue?

Her: I’ve thought about that a lot. I can’t really give you a complete answer at this point. You make me feel self-conscious. I let you join us because I wanted to see if I could get by my problem. I still felt self-conscious, like I couldn’t let go and be me. I had to be the way you see me. I was really aware of everything I said to Paul. I didn’t want to blurt out something that would hurt you.

Me: Like what?

Her: Like saying something about how deep he can go and how much I get off on that. It’s like saying he pleases me more than you do. Wouldn’t that make you feel bad?

Me: Well, you just said that, more or less.

Her: And does that bother you?

Me: A little — but only because I want to please you always. The reality is that he has a longer cock. What can I do about that?

Her: I can’t believe how understanding you are, Robby. I am so lucky. I know husbands who would have kicked their wives asses to the curb for things that you just say, “Have fun,” and let me go. It never ceases to amaze me.

Me: I don’t own you. I know you would never knowingly do anything to hurt me and I trust you to always come back. Paul made you absolutely glow. It was like you were walking on air every time you walked in the door after being with him. Why do you think that is?

Her: It’s a kick to be with someone else. It’s not that our lovemaking is stale, but you are the same. You touch me a certain way, your kisses are the same, and it’s the same cock. I love it, but it’s the same. With Paul, everything is different. That’s what first got to me with Marc. He was completely and utterly different. You haven’t had anyone new since we’ve met. You’d understand if you had. Of course I’d scratch her eyes out, but you’d know.

Here’s something else: with Paul, I can stretch out, be someone else. If he doesn’t like something I say or do, big deal. If it bothers him that much, he can quit. With you, there’s, well, consequences.

Me: What do you want to do that I may not like or be upset about?

Her: I can’t think of anything at the moment. I guess it boils down to having a filter on when you’re around. I like being able to just blurt something out and not have to worry.

And moving on…

Her: What did you like best about watching me with Paul? What really turned you on?

Me: Watching him penetrate you that first time. You were holding his hips. That was very sexy because I knew how much you wanted it. I also loved it when he told you he was going to cum. I loved watching his cock pulsing. You were way over the top with the way you were talking to him. You don’t talk as much when we’re making love.

Her: That’s what I was saying earlier. I respond differently with Paul. I also love feeling him pulse inside me. It’s very noticeable because he has the slight curve up, I guess. It’s as if his cock straightens out a bit with each pulse. That really turns me on, too.

Me: How about you? What turned you on the most?

Her: The way he could keep getting it up, time after time. If there is a next time with Paul, I’m going to make sure I reign him in more. I gave him more rope than I should have that first night, and I regretted it the rest of our time together. He pounded the crap out of me. I think he understands now that a little of that goes a long way. I love it shortly before I cum, but to have his pubic bone slamming into me for a half hour straight is just too much. Plus, in some positions he bottoms out in me. That doesn’t feel so good.

Me: And when you pumped him up to make him fatter? You haven’t said much about that.

Her: It didn’t work so well, but I think that’s because I haven’t had a really fat cock since Marc. Paul pumped up more than you do. Also, the increased length became more of an issue. If I’m going to do that again with him, I’m going to have to buy a dildo to practise on. (coyly) You wouldn’t mind that, would you?

Me: So you liked it, though?

Her: Feeling nice and full is a wonderful thing. You do that when you’re pumped. But feeling a little more stretched, pushing the boundaries, well, that can be amazing if it’s done right.

And last, the money question…

Me: So where do you want to go from here?

Her: Nowhere for awhile. I know that there is a tendency in me to just go nuts, get drunk on the whole thing and spin completely out of control. I did that once, and I will not let myself do it again. That being said…

Me: What?

Her: Let’s just say we’ll see what comes along. I know you’ve given me free reign. I took Paul into my bed initially for a very specific reason. What took place this weekend was an offshoot of that.

Me: Is there someone else you have in mind?

Her: No. But who knows? You’re out and about, someone catches your eye, maybe you share a drink and sparks fly. It is a huge kick to me when someone flirts with me. That’s how it got started with Paul. Here was this young guy, good-looking and nice, and he was actually flirting with me. That always makes a girl feel great.

Me: And you love to flirt, too. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall.

Her: I don’t have anything in mind right now, but let’s just say it would be fun to keep our options open. And I will keep you completely and utterly informed every step of the way. You can take that to the bank. Now, something I’ve been thinking about: would you like someone?

Me: I’m really focused on you. I love watching you go nuts on the end of another guy’s erection. I do look at other women, of course, and the mind does wander, but it seems like it would be too much bother.

Her: How about if it just fell into your lap?

Me: I don’t know. I guess so. Are you saying you’d like that to happen? You’ve always told me how jealous it makes you thinking about something like that.

Her: It does. I’m not like you. But I also feel guilty having all this fun.

Me: I really get off on that. I get off on you getting off. If I had one bone to pick it would be that you’re not really wanting me there.

Her: Believe me, I’m trying to work that out.

So that’s where we are. Jenn is going to make a decision over the next week or so whether she wants Paul to come back.

After we finished talking, we went inside and made slow, beautiful, very passionate love for several hours. She did one thing that surprised me. After I came in her the first time, she moved right up and sat on my face. We’ve done that a few times in the past after making love, but never without a bit of a discussion first. Afterwards, I asked about it and she told me she just felt like doing it. She said that’s the sort of thing she was referring to earlier (doing something she’d never normally do with me). Maybe it was a test of sorts. I love it anytime she rides my face. It’s just so naughty and decadent. I get off on the idea of her pleasuring herself on me — or anyone for that matter.

Life is good…
It's true what they say about redheads…
The recounting of my wife's university affair:
And what has happened more recently:

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Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by CrazyHorse » Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:09 am


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Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by encourageher » Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:24 am

It sounds like you've both arrived at a very comfortable place in your relationship.

Here's a couple of good reads that touch on your sentiments expressed here:

Need for spontaneity and diversity: http: //w

Need for the chemicals induced through sex: http: //w

The need to renegotiate our erotic relationship: http: //w

http: //w
http: //w

I mentioned before that creative women (artists, authors and musicians) have the propensity to get swept away into life changing sexual awakenings. In Vagina—A new Biography, Naomi Wolf delves into the latest research about the connection between the pelvic organs and brains of women. The various sex organs and their functions during sexual arousal are stimulated in various locations in the brain and through various chemicals. Many of these neuro centers in the brain are similarly stimulated through the activities of these creative people. They are already half way to sexual arousal through their normal brain functioning! So these woman are very vulnerable to sexual arousal that sends them into erotic nirvana! This would be a good read for you both for you to understand your wife's journey.

My quest from the beginning of my wife's sexual deviances from the monogamous marriage model (affair) has been to understand the whys of human behavior. Why would she want to have an affair with another man; why would I be insanely jealous and hurt on the one hand and insanely aroused by it on the other and harbor intense fantasies about her continuing her affair as long as it didn't affect our marriage commitment and she didn't leave me.

"Knowledge leads to understanding which leads to transformation"


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Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by Righteous » Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:43 am

Some very good points here. Thanks for posting it!
It's true what they say about redheads…
The recounting of my wife's university affair:
And what has happened more recently:

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Location: Texas

Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by vicg » Wed Jul 30, 2014 8:36 am

How have things been going for the two of you? Please let Jenn know that there are people eagerly waiting for the next chapter of her story, and we'd also love to hear updates about life since the weekend with Paul.

Posts: 201
Joined: Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:24 am

Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by Righteous » Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:39 am

Well, my darling wife Jennifer has once again completely astounded me. This time we’ve stepped off the deep end, and while we have no idea where this new situation is going, I do have to admit that it’s been as lovely as it was unexpected.

We collaborated on this account. Most of this first part is mine, while a lot of the second (which is still being worked on) is mostly from Jennifer. There’s a lot of to-ing and fro-ing, so it’s taken a few weeks to get this far. Stay tuned (and patient) for the second part. It will be worth the wait!


Since she was with her new young lover, Paul, back in early July, things have been fairly quiet on the lovemaking front. Mind you, they’ve been very hot, and I know Jenn has been masturbating while watching the various videos she made with her young lover — because she’s told me. We’ve watched on occasion as a couple, too, and it’s led to some very hot and exciting sex. Whenever she’s hot and horny, she talks about Paul. In between times, she tells me, “It was fun, but I don’t know if I want to do it again with him.” Things also didn’t work out for a late August rendezvous with him coming to town again. He’s talking about a long weekend in late September, but we’ll have to wait and see. Things can change quickly in the music world.

Things can also change quickly in the redhead world...

Our family was on holidays for three weeks. The first two and a bit, we had our two kids with us and went camping, something we’ve always done and love. This time was really special because I don’t think we’ll have many more (if any) where we can do this as a family.

Needless to say, there was almost no opportunity for any hanky-panky between Jenn and me. About all we could manage was jerking each other off a few times when both kids were asleep. Oh and we had a lovely very late night skinny dip when the moon was very bright. Even though I entered her in deep water, we couldn’t be sure the kids or another camper might happen along, so while it was fun, it was also frustrating for both of us. We could enjoy the perversity of it: we wanted to be with our children, but we also wanted them to go away for awhile!

So we were really looking forward to the last 5 days of our vacation. Jennifer has a good friend who plays cello in the symphony orchestra in a nearby city. They’ve done a lot of gigs together over the years, and as a couple, we also enjoy the company of Andrea (or Andy) and her husband Ron (he’s a big-time stock broker). They have an amazing cottage and had invited us for an extended weekend. Our children would be visiting my parents who also have a cottage not all that far away, so last Thursday, it was a simple matter for us to drop them off and continue on to Ron and Andy’s.

We got there early on Thursday morning and Ron was having trouble with his speed boat. Both he and Andy enjoy wakeboarding. I’ve done it a few times, and it’s okay, but Jennifer was eager to try it since she’d been too chicken the last time we’d visited. So, with the boat acting up, it was imperative that we get it fixed. Ron had borrowed a friend’s boat to tow his over to the marina and I offered to help. Since we had to wait for several hours for the work to be completed, we walked to a nearby restaurant, sat on their deck and enjoyed a very leisurely lunch and a couple of beers each. We talked mostly about work.

We got back mid-afternoon and the girls were down at the water, Jenn in the shade of the boathouse and Andy out in the sun. With the boat back in working order, everyone was eager to get out on the water. I wound up doing most of the driving while the girls and Ron took turns wakeboarding. Jenn did quite well, although she had one spectacular fall and wound up losing her bikini bottoms. Andy held up a towel to shield her from a leering Ron, but anyone on shore would have gotten a brief eyeful!

That night after the sun had gone down and I was helping Andy tidy up after a very nice dinner when Jenn stuck her head in the kitchen and said she wanted to go down for a quick swim before it got too late. I knew what that meant: my wife loves to skinny dip and takes any opportunity to do so. Ron was busy watching a ball game.

We had just finished putting away the last of the dishes when Jennifer came up from the dock wrapped in a big towel. I was surprised to see Ron with her. Both were laughing.

“I lost interest in the game and went down to the dock,” he said, “and guess what? I discovered a mermaid in the lake!”

Behind him, Jenn smirked. Andy and I both saw it.

We had decided to enjoy a wood fire in one of those Mexican pottery things on legs which stood in a corner of the deck, and the girls said they would do up the stuff for s’mores. Ron has a nice collection of single malts, so I was hoping he’d offer. Ron soon had a good fire roaring as we waited for the girls to appear.

Me: Jenn was skinny dipping, wasn’t she?

Ron: (smirking) Your wife is a very lovely woman, if you don’t mind my saying so, not that I could see much in the darkness. For some reason she was reluctant to come out…”

We both laughed. I wondered whether Jennifer was angry. She didn’t seem so as they’d walked up the stairs from the lake.

The girls appeared and everyone toasted a couple of marshmallows on sticks for their smores. We all pulled our chairs closer to the fire since the night had become chilly.

We’d been appreciatively sipping some Highland Park when Andrea said out of the blue, “Jennifer told me what happened down at the dock, Ron.”

“Relax, Andy. I didn’t see a thing — not that I would have minded!”

She slapped his arm. “You’re still a complete horn dog.”

“Rob is, too,” Jenn added. “All men are.”

“With two such beautiful women around, how could we be anything else? Don’t you agree Robert?”

I lifted my glass. “Absolutely. I offer a toast to our two extremely beautiful wives.”

Ron and I clinked.

The women followed with a clink to “our handsome stallions”, as Jenn put it.

That was it for the night. All that water and sun had us pretty beat. Jenn and I went to bed shortly after.

Under the covers pretty quickly, I was about to turn off the light when Jenn said in a serious voice that she wanted to talk to me.

Here’s the conversation as best as I can remember it (Jenn helped and has added some things I’d forgotten):

Me: About what?

Her: Andy and Ron.

Me: And?

Her: She and I got into a pretty heavy-duty conversation while you and Ron were gone today.

Me: About what?

Her: Their marriage.

Me: Are they having trouble?

Her: Well…yes and no.

Me: (turning on my side to face her) They’re not thinking of splitting up, are they?

Her: No, no. Nothing like that, but things are a bit strained between them.

Me: Why?

Her: For the past couple of years, Ron has been after Andy to spice up their love life a bit. Even she admits things have gotten a bit dull. I know I haven’t said anything to you about it, but we’ve actually had quite a few ‘girl talks’. Our Andrea is pretty conservative in the sex department. Her upbringing wasn’t quite as bad as mine, but it was still, shall we say ‘confining’, and she’s also pretty shy. Ron is much more free and easy. He had quite a string of ladies before he fell for her, so let’s say he’s been around the block. Andy’s only been intimate with three guys: one in her last year of high school and they only did it once, a more longer-term guy in university but he was also pretty naive and vanilla, and then there’s Ron.

Me: He must know the ropes.

Her: From what Andy’s said, he sort of does. But there is a problem with him.

Me: What?

Her: He has a rather large pecker, and Andy is really scared silly of it. My guess is he doesn’t know enough about what he’s doing to make her comfortable, or she’s really, shall we say, shallow? When he gets carried away, he sometimes bottoms out and it hurts her.

Me: Okay. So why are you telling me all this. Seems it’s something for the two of them to work out.

Her: I offered to help.

Me: (my spider sense started tingling) What exactly did you tell her?

Her: Well, during one of our previous girl talks I told Andy I’d had an affair with an older man when I was in university.

Me: You told her about Marc?

Her: (nodding) Just that it had happened and that it had been really good for me. I didn’t say that it was after we were married. Andrea asked about it again today, so I told her.

Me: Everything?

Her: Everything. She couldn’t believe you’d been so understanding. I explained why and she was amazed, really stunned. I told her that, even though I didn’t deserve it based on what I’d done and how I’d lied to you all those months, I discovered I’d married the best man in the world. The side benefit to us because of Marc is that we learned what great loving is and it freed us to explore sex in all its variations.

Me: I still can’t believe you told her.

Her: I needed to. It was an important part of the greater conversation.

Me: So what was the subject of this conversation and why did you need to tell Andy all about you and Marc?

Her: The idea of swapping frightens the hell out of her, and she’s told him that in no way, shape or form is she interested in doing it. But in the background, she’s worried as hell that he might look for something elsewhere. He’s surrounded by capable, beautiful women all day long at work, whether they’re colleagues or secretaries or whatever. She also knows that his first marriage ended because he wandered. She does not want to lose him.

Me: He’d be a fool to fool around on Andy just to get another piece of ass. She’s a lovely person, talented, funny and not hard to look at. And she seems to love him madly.

Her: She’s pretty hidebound. I finally weaseled out of her that she masturbates relatively frequently and has some toys Ron doesn’t know about. It’s as if she’s created this little separate world where she can be herself, sexually speaking.

Me: And why doesn’t she share this with Ron?

Her: She’s too embarrassed.

Me: Okay, so you know all this stuff about her and she knows a hell of a lot about you. Where is it all leading?

Her: I think she’s willing to give sharing, or swapping or whatever you want to call it, a try.

Me: (It suddenly dawned on me where this conversation was leading.) And you suggested me.

Her: Of course! You’re perfect. Andy knows you and is comfortable with you, and believe it or not, she thinks you’re cute.

(I got a big grin and a kiss on the nose after that comment)

Me: Whoa, whoa, whoa! This is not the best idea.

Her: (rolling over on top of me and sitting up) You’re not interested? You don’t think Andy’s hot?

Me: That has nothing to do with it. They’re our friends and you’re suggesting we play with fire here. You could seriously fuck up their marriage. It’s a dumb suggestion.

Her: Why? Ron’s already said he wants to do it. Once I got past Andy’s embarrassment, she said she can’t think of anyone better suited than us. In case you haven’t noticed, Ron has a serious case of the hots for me.

Me: He always has.

Her: Precisely.

Me: But what if either of them decides the reality of it is not what they want? You can’t undo a fuck.

Her: I’ve thought it through. We take it in baby steps. Anyone can call a halt at anytime — and recriminations are not allowed. Look, you and I have been through all this. If things get uncomfortable, we stop and we all talk. If someone wants to stop, we stop. Believe me, I’m not willing to hurt their marriage or lose our friendship with them over this. But honestly, their marriage might end over it, and then we’d lose them anyway. Look at Frank and Chloe. Are we friends with either of them anymore? People split up, relationships change, and friendships just drift away because of it. Andy asked for my help, our help, and I think we should give it.

(Jenn reached down and put my cock between our bodies, then began sliding back and forth on it.)

Me: You’re not playing fair.

Her: (smiling) All this talk is making me horny. Now answer this question: Wouldn’t you like to get between Andy’s legs? Just as I thought. No need to say anything. Your cock is telling the whole story. (She stopped moving and got a serious expression.) I’m not being stupid. The whole thing will have to be laid out between us all, clearly and precisely. We’ll take it slowly, step by step and see what happens. I’ve thought it all out and I don’t think Andy will chicken out. To tell you the truth, I know she got a little hot and bothered when I told her how good you are with your tongue and fingers.

Me: God, this is embarrassing…

Her: Why? Because I told her the truth? You are good with your tongue and fingers — and her husband clearly isn’t. I’ll teach him and you teach her. Easy-peasy.

(With that, Jennifer slipped me inside of her.)

Me: And the supposed size of Ron’s cock has nothing to do with it?

Her: Of course it does. Andy showed me exactly how big it is. Best part is, the head of it is huge, bigger than I’ve ever had. I’m very curious.

Me: I’ll bet you’re thinking of it now.

Her: Mmmmm… Yes.

Our lovemaking was quick. Both of us had gotten pretty turned on. I haven’t been intimate with another woman since I met Jenn, basically because I haven’t wanted to. My focus has always been on her.

After Jenn returned from the bathroom, I asked her if Andy was going to talk with Ron before this whole thing started.

Her: She said she would, and in case you haven’t noticed, there is most definitely talking going on in the next bedroom.

Me: I hadn’t noticed.

Her: Well, I did. You two boys are going out fishing early. Don’t bring it up with Ron, and while you’re gone, I’ll have another long talk with Andy. Okay? If she’s spoken to him as I suspect she is, then tomorrow night we’ll all have a pow-wow.

Jenn went to sleep quickly, but I stayed up for a long time, just staring at the darkened ceiling, thinking about everything that had been said. Funny thing was, I’d been focused on my wife for so long and getting off on visualizing her making love to Marc, or Paul, or even our friend Mike, that I’d sort of lost the knack of thinking about me with another woman.

Andrea certainly is beautiful in her own right, and very different from what I think of as my ideal woman: redheaded, wiry build, maybe not the biggest boobs but certainly the nicest ass and with a face lovely enough to crash and burn on. If I were alone or involved with someone else and Jennifer walked by, I would turn and take a second and third look. She has that kind of female magnetism.

Andrea is Jenn’s opposite in so many ways: tall as me (5/9), curvier, but not fat, long brown hair and larger in the breast department. Since she’s never had kids, they still ride high. The past year, she’s worked with a personal trainer and while her body doesn’t look muscular, it is definitely “tight”. Now that I thought about it, she is pretty alluring. She sort of had a look that would lead you to believe she was hot in bed, and it had really surprised me to learn that she wasn’t.

What I liked most about her though was her wicked sense of humor. Jenn is not what I would call a funny person. She seldom tells jokes. Her humor is confined to occasionally blurting out something hilariously outrageous. Andy sneaks up on you and before you know it, you’re laughing helplessly. She sees the world through very different eyes than most people.

There’d always been this mild flirtation between us going back as long as I remember. Ron and Jennifer flirted shamelessly, and Andy and I would shake our heads from the sidelines. Now that flirtation might be getting a lot more intense. Holy crap! What was going to happen?

I heard Andy and Ron talking for a long time, and if they made love after, they did it very quietly indeed.


Next morning, Ron and I got up early. He wanted to spend the day fishing in an adjoining lake, and I can think of worse things to do on a beautiful day, so we grabbed the boat out of the water, loaded in some food and the beer cooler, and headed off before the sun had even come up.

Our short drive to the chosen lake was surprisingly quiet. I wasn’t about to bring up what Jenn had been telling me the night before.

Ron: (while unfastening the boat) I hope I didn’t offend you with my comment about your wife last night after I’d found her skinny dipping. I’d just gone down to the dock to look at the night sky.

Me: No offense taken. Jennifer is a beautiful woman. I appreciate that, and I know other men do, as well.

Ron: I’ll bet with that red hair, she can be a wild one.

Me: You can’t imagine.

Ron: (an hour or two later) So Jennifer likes to skinny dip?

Me: If she had her way, she’d never wear a bathing suit. Our kids sort of cramp her style, especially since they’re now teens, but yeah, she skinny dips any chance she gets.

Ron: Andy and I had a very long talk last night. And I think you know what it was about.

Me: (I didn’t know how to answer, so I just shrugged) Of course.

Ron: You’re pretty cool about all this. I take it you’ve done this sort of thing before.

Me: Not really.

Ron: But Andy said—

Me: Jennifer has. Several times, as a matter of fact. I’ve only watched her a couple of times, and took part just once — and it was only with a guy, not a couple.

Ron: Really?

Me: Like you said, she can be a little wild sometimes. I recognize that and through a lot of talking over the years, I’ve decided that if she wants to fool around a little, then that’s fine. I don’t want to stand in her way.

Ron: And you’re actually cool with that?

Me: I am. I wasn’t always, but I’ve come round. (taking a couple of beers out of the cooler and tossing him one) So I’m assuming Andy told you she’s willing to give this swapping thing a try.

Ron: Yes, and to tell you the truth, it blew me away. She has been adamant that she would never do anything like what I was suggesting, that she wasn’t that type of girl. Then, out of the blue, she does a complete 180. I tell you…women!

Me: So you’re up for this?

Ron: Hell, yes! I’ve always thought Jennifer was just about the hottest thing going. As long as you’re cool with it.

Me: And Andy? Is she just doing this to please you, or is she really interested? To my mind, that’s really important.

Ron: I asked her that, and she said she’d been thinking about actually trying this for a few months. She wanted to decide before she said anything so I wouldn’t be pestering her. Then the other day she realized that you and Jenn would be perfect.

Me: Here’s the rub, Ron. Fantasy and reality can be very different things. Jenn had an affair the year we were apart while she finished her Masters. At the time, it devastated me and I didn’t know if our marriage would continue. Thing was, I’d secretly always gotten off on the idea of her with someone else. When it turned out to be a fact, I couldn’t deal with it. A large part of that was her keeping it from me, but as she told me more and more about what happened between her and this guy, the more turned on I got. Weird, I know, but there it is. We haven’t fooled around all that much with other people, and never another couple, but our marriage has opened up to a lot of possibilities and it’s brought us much closer together. But bottom line here, Rob, is that you and Andy are playing with fire. I cannot stress that enough. You’ve got to be thinking with your heads, not your gonads.

Ron: (after crushing his beer can) You’ve given me a lot to think about. Andy is the most important thing in my life. My goal was to spice up our love life. Thanks for being so frank with me.

We fished for another couple of hours and caught two nice bass, but Ron was pretty well silent the whole time. I was wondering what was going on back at the cottage.


We got back to their cottage around mid-afternoon and the girls were down at the dock. Jenn doesn’t go much for sun being so fair, but both women had on bikinis. Andy was lying in the sun, and Jenn was under an umbrella but next to her friend. Both had mint juleps in their hands, and judging by the giggles as Ron and I docked, they’d had more than one.

After the conversation the previous evening, I looked at Andrea more closely. She definitely was a fine looking woman.

“What have you girls been doing all day?” Ron asked.

Andrea sat up, shading her eyes with one hand. “Playing duets mostly. It was fun.”

(She’s a cellist, and a marvelous musician.)

“Were you wearing bikinis?” Ron chuckled. “I’d buy a ticket for that concert!”

Jenn looked up at him. “Actually, we were naked.”

That shut Ron up. Andy blushed and my naughty wife smirked.

Ron went up to the cottage and Andy followed. She didn’t look at either of us.

(Now the following conversation I do remember pretty damn clearly.)

Me: Do you think that was wise? You’ve obviously upset our friends.

Her: Relax, Robby. Andy and I have done a lot of girl talk today. Pull up a chair and I’ll tell you all about it.

Me: Ron definitely has the hots for you. He said as much.

Her: I don’t think it was an accident that he went down to the dock when I was swimming last night.

Me: You could be right. He mentioned catching you unawares. Ron claimed he’d gone down to look at the stars.

Her: (laughing) More like look at the moon.

Me: What did you and Andy talk about?

Her: I started it off by asking her why she’d blurted out that bit about Ron’s size last night. It sort of did come out of the blue. You know how shy Andy is—

Me: (interrupting) Unlike someone else I could name.

Her: Andy asked a lot of questions and I answered them all as honestly as I could. She was especially interested in my time with Marc. Why did I keep going back when I felt so guilty? I leveled with her: because the sex was so mind-blowing. I learned all about lovemaking from a master, I’ve shared it all with you, and our love life and love are better than ever.

Me: Did you tell her about Paul?

Her: Not yet.

Me: I don’t think you should do that.

Her: Why not? Andy will keep a secret.

Me: So does she still want to do the swapping thing?

Her: More than ever. Honestly, Rob dear, I think she’s ready. She’ll be nervous as hell, but she’s determined to try it and see if she likes it. Now what did Ron and you talk about? I’m sure it wasn’t all sports and business out there on the boat.

Me: We talked a bit. I told him that they’re playing with fire, that reality sometimes is not what you think it would be, that they need to take this slowly if they do it all, and that they both have to be onboard with it for the right reasons. If Andy is just doing this to please Ron, then I’m not willing.

Her: Well… I told Andy what a great lover you are, especially oral, and she is definitely willing.

Me: Did you talk about ground rules? How fast and how far this was going to go?

Her: Of course. If anyone wants to stop at any time for any reason, it stops. There will be no recriminations allowed, and we will all talk out why it stopped. I told her you can’t “unfuck” somebody—

Me: That’s my line!

Her: (laughing) And it’s a good one. Rob, we talked this every which way to Sunday while you were gone. Andy really wants to at least try.

Me: Think she’ll chicken out?

Her: I’d give it fifty/fifty. We’ll start things out very slowly and let her dictate the speed. I’m assuming Ron is in?

Me: His face lights up when he talks about you. Oh yeah, he’s ready, willing and able to jump your bones.

Her: Andy followed Ron up to the cottage to give us all time to talk.

Me: I don’t believe this is happening.

Her: (Jennifer pulled my face down to hers and gave me a toe-curling kiss, then whispered in my ear) So, lover boy, are you in or out?

Me: I want to think about it a bit more.

Her: Okay but don’t wait to long. You know how impatient I get.

Jenn went up to the cottage to help with dinner and I sat looking out at the lake, thinking hard.

Ron came down a few minutes later with a couple of beers and sat down next to me.

Ron: Thought you might want one.

We clinked and then several silent minutes ensued. He didn’t say a thing and neither did I. It all felt exceptionally awkward. What the hell had the redhead stirred up?

Me: Wonder what’s on the docket for tonight?

Ron: The girls are cooking up something, but they won’t tell me what.

Dinner (some of the fish we’d caught) was delicious, but again, a rather strained affair. Jenn kept the conversation going pretty well single-handedly, asking us about our day fishing, the weather, the ball game played that afternoon. Andy was pensive and Ron seemed concerned about that. I did notice that neither Jenn or Andy had any wine. I thought I could guess what that meant. They were going to entertain us with some music. Jenn never drinks before she plays and I imagined Andy’s the same way.

Ron and I washed up and the girls disappeared into our bedroom. A half hour later, we were summoned to the living room. Two chairs and music stands were set up in front of the kitchen door and Ron and I sat opposite kitty corner to the fireplace, which Ron lit because the evening was getting bit chilly.

When we were seated and ready, Scotch in hand, the bedroom door opened and the girls trooped out with their instruments. Our jaws pretty well hit the floor. They both had on almost microscopic bikinis (both Jenn’s, incidentally). I know how impressive my wife is dressed like that, but Andy looked outrageously amazing — and very nervous. She’s 42 and normally could easily pass for 32, but with a bit of make-up on, her hair up on her head and in that bikini, several more years would have to be dropped.

As if they were dressed in concert attire, they sat, checked their tuning and began playing. Hardly surprising with two such wonderful musicians, the music sounded superb. Despite the way they looked, I often closed my eyes, getting lost in it. I did notice Ron’s eyes constantly flicking back and forth between the two lovely women.

The concert lasted about a half hour. Ron had brought out a very nice Scotch (an Islay). The girls put their instruments away, and came over with empty glasses and big smiles, saying they could each use a drink.

We all sat on the sofa, alternately chatting and watching the fire dance. The strained feeling was back once again in spades. At one point, Andy got up to use the washroom. Jenn got up and followed saying she had to do the same. They were both gone for about 5 minutes.

Ron: What did you think of their little concert? I have to say I’m plenty shocked about Andrea wearing such a tiny bikini. I’ve never seen her in anything like that before — not even in private. Her bloody underwear is less revealing.

Me: It didn’t bother you, did it?

Ron: Hell no! Between her and your wife, I didn’t know where to look!

Just then the girls came back into the room. If anything, Andy looked more nervous. She went over to the stereo and started looking through a stack of CDs.

Jennifer came over to me.

Her: (whispering in my ear) Doesn’t Andy look hot in that bikini? Are you in or out? Andy says she wants to go through with this. If you nod yes, then you’re going to get to play around with another woman tonight, and I’m going to play with another man — and I’ll make sure you can watch that. So, in or out?

Me: Do you feel confident this isn’t all going to go to hell in a hand basket?

Her: Absolutely. I actually do know what I’m doing. Don’t worry, we’re going to lay all this out right — before we begin to play. Anyone can call a halt to the proceedings at any time. In or out?

Her: In — I guess.

Her: Okay, then. I think you’re going to have a very interesting evening. Just take it slow with Andy. She’s determined, but it wouldn’t take much to spook her. And you’re in for a treat. She looks amazing with her clothes off, and I suspect there’s a sexual tigress hiding in there somewhere.

Her: And Ron?

Her: He’ll be putty in my hands.

Ron: What are you two whispering about so secretively?

Her: (looking over at him) You’ll find out shortly, big boy.

More Scotch was poured. Andy downed hers in one gulp.

In her usual very direct way, Jenn got things started. She stood and looked at Ron.

Her: We all know what’s going on here. Everyone has talked this out. Ron, you brought up swapping with Andy. Up till now, she’s said no. Now she wants to try it with Rob and me. She’s told you this. Do you want this to happen?

Ron looked Jenn up and down and, lordy, she looked magnificent in a tiny black bikini. Because it had been rather humid, her hair was what she calls “fluffy and wavy”. Even with just a little eye shadow and mascara, she was breathtaking.

Ron: Yes. Andy and I are willing to try this.

Her: There are going to be a few ground rules, though and they’re unbreakable if we’re going to do this. First and foremost, if anyone says that want it to stop, it stops immediately. Period. Right, Andy?

Jenn’s friend poured another big swallow of Scotch, then nodded.

Her: Also, there will be no recriminations allowed. Ron, if you decide tomorrow that you didn’t like this, then you have to accept that you started it. If you say anything negative to Andy about what may – or may not – go on here tonight, you’re going to have me to deal with, and know that I will be pissed.

Ron was still looking hard at Jenn, and I could tell exactly what he was thinking: Man! I’m going to finally have this woman! It wasn’t the first time I’ve seen that expression on a male’s face when looking at my wife.

Her: So do you agree to those terms, Ron?

He looked at Andy, and she nodded, but still looked really nervous and uncomfortable.

Ron: Are you truly okay with this, Andrea? don’t want you to be pushed into anything. You’re way too important to me. I don’t want to wreck what we have.

Andy: I trust Jennifer. I feel good about my decision. Yes, I’m ready to give this a try. But I do have to tell you all, I have never in my life have I been this nervous!

Jenn walked over to the stereo and switched it on. It was Wilson Pickett’s “Mustang Sally” a tune my wife loves to dance to. She walked over to Ron and Andy stood up, facing me.

Her: I want to dance and Andy tells me you’re pretty good, Ron. Dance with me!

He looked over to his wife questioningly, but Andy had already extended her arms to me, so he shrugged and got up.

We all danced to two fast songs. I don’t really like to dance, and I guess Andy doesn’t either or is just not all that good at it. Jenn and Ron, on the other hand, looked and moved great. To say the least, her moves were very provocative and he had a huge grin on his face.

Andy: (leaning towards me) I feel nervous enough to throw up.

Me: (taking her hands and smiling) We’ll just take it as it comes. Call a halt anytime you want. Jenn and I will understand.

Andy: No, now that it comes down to it, I’m not afraid, just nervous. I haven’t been with anyone else in over sixteen years, and this all feels a little weird.

Me: I haven’t been with anyone else for far longer than that.

Andy: I know. I still am having trouble wrapping my brain around all of what Jenn has told me. Is it really true that you think her cheating on you in Montreal was such a good thing?

Me: Andy, dear, my wife came back from that year apart a changed woman. She was a mouse in bed up until then and she came back a sexual tigress. I’ve been playing catch-up ever since, and believe me, it’s been an amazing ride.

Andy: She said you’d blow my mind.” (I got a tiny smile) “Will you do that? It’s about time I had my mind blown.

Me: If you want, I will do my very best.

We hadn’t been moving much during the previous conversation. Ron and Jenn, on the other hand, were really getting into it. She was in full vamp mode, and when we looked over, she was holding Ron’s hands on her waist while he was pressed close behind her. I know how much she gets of on getting guys hard, so they both must have been enjoying themselves.

Andy: She’s so much more comfortable with her sexuality than I am.

Me: Jenn was very much like you once, and it drove me crazy. I’d get little glimpses of what lay buried, but then she’d shut down again. Trust me. She was very much a Miss Goody-Two-Shoes when we met.

Andy: I wish I could be confident like her. I always get so flustered when I try to flirt.

Me: A beautiful woman like you? I find it hard to believe you aren’t constantly surrounded by men.

Andy: Jenn says I’m giving off ‘stay away’ vibes. She said she used to do that, too.

The music changed to a slow song, and I just pulled Andy in. The poor girl was trembling at first, so I began rubbing her sides and back, and when she put her head on my shoulder and purred how nice it felt, I got a little braver and dropped my hands down to her ass for a moment. Holding someone new close to me, someone taller and a bit more padded than my wife was certainly different and thrilling. She has a lovely posterior, not as muscular as Jenn’s (which turns me on no end) but still very nice.

Me: Are you still okay?

Andy: Mmmm, very. Your hands feel so nice on my back.

Me: How about on your backside?

Andy: Nice there, too.

Ron had his big hands all over Jennifer’s rear end and she now had her hands on his hips, pulling him into her as they swayed with the music. She turned her head up and Ron took the hint and kissed her. Andy gasped out a little, “Oh!”

We stopped moving.

Me: Still okay?

Andy: Y-yes.

Me: Would you like me to kiss you like that?

Andy: I think so.

So I did. Andy’s lips felt wonderful and she kissed very differently from Jenn. My wife is much more aggressive and usually takes the lead. Andy has very full lips which felt so soft against mine but her kiss was tentative, so I pulled back, then kissed her harder. Her mouth opened and our tongues met. Such a nice kiss, different from what I was used to but very erotic.

Across the room, Jenn was massaging the front of Ron’s shorts.

He’s a big man, 6/3 or 4 and muscular. He’s always been a jock, played university football and rugby and kept himself in shape. Jenn, who’s only 5/5 on a good day looked tiny against him, but I knew that with her skill, he’d soon be putty in her hands. As we continued kissing, barely dancing now, Andy was constantly glancing over at them.

Andy: Oh! I don’t think I’m ready to let you do that yet. (Ron had worked his hands inside the back of Jenn’s bikini bottoms)

Me: We’ll go as fast or slow as you want, Andy.

But I do have to say dancing against her warm body had made me very hard.

The song ended and Jennifer turned of the stereo.

Her: Whew! It’s getting a bit hot in here. (looking over at her friend) Everyone still okay?

Ron: More than okay.

Her: Who’s up for a skinny dip?

We all went down to the water. Ron has a couple of underwater lights on the side of the dock which he turned on, but that was all the light except for the moon which was just rising.

With her usual devil-may-care attitude, my wife just stripped off her bathing suit and dove into the water, barely rippling the surface. Ron was right behind her.

Andy was hesitating.

Me: Not going in?

Andy: In a little bit. I just have to work up the nerve.

Me: You’ve never skinny dipped down here with Ron?

Andy: Sure. A few times, but it was later at night and the lights weren’t on.

Me: Want to turn them off?

Andy: No. Leave them on.

I knew why. About ten feet away there was a large rock about 5 feet below the surface. Jenn was standing on it and Ron had swum over. The began kissing again, and Jenn very clearly wrapped her hand around his erection as he began playing with her breasts. Clearly, they were off to the races.

Andy’s mouth was open and she was breathing hard, clearly turned on.

Me: Have you ever watched two people make love?

Andy: Only in movies.

Me: If we don’t break those two up, you’re going to see it, if I know my wife.

Ron’s cock was impressive, I had to admit. With the movement of the water and Jenn’s hand around it, it was hard to tell, but he wasn’t much shorter than Paul and seemed to be bigger around. His cock’s head was really quite large, too.

Andy: You get off on this, don’t you? (I put my arm around her) Jenn said so.

Me: I do. Don’t ask me why. I know it’s a weird thing, but there it is. Even before I knew Jenn was fucking Marc, I got off on the idea of watching her. If anything, it’s even more intense now than it was 20 years ago.

Andy: I think it’s wonderful you give her this freedom.

Me: I don’t own her, Andy. I know who she loves and who she’ll come home to. Now and then she just likes something different than me.

Andy: There have been other men, haven’t there? She hasn’t said anything, but I sensed that. It’s none of my business, though.

Me: There was one last month, and that was her second time with him, and there was a friend a number of years back, but that’s not a lot. Afterwards, we use the experience to liven things up for months.

Andy: It’s hard to wrap my head around all this. But I would be dishonest to say I haven’t been thinking about doing this. I’m just too much of a ’friady cat, I guess. I’d never have been able to do this if Jenn hadn’t talked to me.

Me: Take your time. You have to feel your way through this to see whether it’s for you or not.

Andy: I feel a little jealous watching Ron playing with Jenn. Is that normal?

Me: That’s normal. I feel a little jealous, too.

Andy: I sometimes masturbate and think about other men making love to me.

Me: I think everyone does that.

Andy: I thought it made me a pervert. Jenn says you can do anything you want inside your head with no harm and no foul.

Me: She’s right.

Suddenly, Andy turned to me, grabbed the sides of my head and kissed me almost violently. It was almost like she was consuming my lips. Holy crap. I don’t think I’d ever been kissed like that.

Andy: (with a moan) Touch me.

Me: Where?”

Andy: Anywhere! Everywhere!

I slipped my hands behind her and untied the bikini top. Andy didn’t even flinch. Throwing it down to the dock, we began kissing again, occasionally stopping to watch the other lovers in the water.

Jenn and Ron were still at it, but she had her legs wrapped around his waist. I could tell from her movements that she was sliding back and forth on his cock. If they kept at it much longer, they’d be fucking.

Andy: (I could barely believe it when she touched the front of my shorts) Mmmm… Nice and hard.

Just then Jenn laughed and pushed herself away from Ron.

Her: (swimming over to the ladder on the dock) Time to go in. Are you two going to come in?

Andy: Not sure.

Her: Looks like you’re getting along just fine. Still doing okay?

It certainly felt strange having a casual conversation with my wife while my hands were playing with another woman’s nipples. Andy now had her hand in my shorts and it felt lovely massaging my cock.

Her: You should go for a swim. The water is wonderful. If you’re still cool with all of this, I think Ron and I will go upstairs. Join us when you feel like it.

Ron was out and handed Jenn a towel. She wrapped it around her wet hair, and began climbing the steps back to the cottage. I know when she’s wiggling her bum for another man’s benefit, and Ron was getting the full treatment. He followed after her like a puppy.

Andy: I think I’ll go in. Do you mind if we turn off the water lights?

Me: Whatever you want.

She did that and then walked to the edge of the dock, slid down her bottoms and dove into the water nearly as neatly as Jennifer had.

Andy: Oh, Jenn’s right. The water is fantastic! Come in, Rob, please!

I didn’t hesitate. Removing my shorts, I jumped in the water, using my hands to protect my stiff cock. We swam around silently for a bit, then Andy swam over to the rock and stood on it. I knew an invitation when saw it and swam into her arms. Her kisses told me that her libido had kicked in and her shyness was drifting away. I had both hands on her ass, kneading her. After a moment, she stepped forward and trapped my erection between her legs. It felt heavenly.

I was so used to kissing someone who’s four inches shorter than me, that I was really enjoying kissing someone who’s my height. Andy had her hands around my head as if she thought I might pull away from her. Far from it. I could have kissed this woman all night.

Me: Are you ready for me to touch you –– down there?

Andy: Yes. I’d like that.

I found Andy’s pussy newly shaved (probably some more of Jenn’s handiwork because she knows pubic hair annoys me when I’m doing oral, and also because she knows how much more she enjoys being touched when she’s shaved and figured Andy would like it, too). Much as I wanted to completely ravish this woman by then, I knew the slow dance of the buildup was what she needed most, so my caress of her nether region was brief, more of a tease than anything else. She was very wet.

When I pulled my hand away, Andy sighed and said, “I want to see what’s happening upstairs. Is that okay?

Me: Stop asking! You’re calling the shots, remember?

We got out and dried off, but unlike my brazen wife, Andy wrapped her towel around her. I did the same and we headed up the steps to the cottage.
It's true what they say about redheads…
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Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by nottachance45 » Sat Sep 06, 2014 10:34 am


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Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by viking68 » Sat Sep 06, 2014 12:23 pm

DDDDDAMN! More please!
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Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by Righteous » Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:33 pm

Well, folks, it's like this. The whole situation we found ourselves in took a lot of explaining and was taking a huge long time to write up, so I decided to divide it into two. If you read the opening to this, you will know that there are two parts. Sorry if we're not quick enough for some of you, but this stuff up isn't our full-time job. We'll try to get the next section done (mostly from Jenn's POV) but it will probably be several days. We hope you understand!
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Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by nottachance45 » Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:43 pm

reluctantly, we do understand. BUT WE CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR THE REST!!!!!!!

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Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by viking68 » Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:49 pm

Absolutely no problem sir. Your writing is superb. I don't know how much is Jenn's writing and what is yours, but it is a great combination! Thank you. I am awaiting part two!
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Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by Righteous » Sat Sep 06, 2014 2:03 pm

Anything that's written like dialogue is me. A bit of the description is mine. Some is Jenn's. Her large part comes in the next half -- a big part of the reason it isn't done yet. She has a few large gigs coming up and that's taking a fair bit of time, plus students starting up lessons, and of course the family.
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Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by hotwifetrained » Sat Sep 06, 2014 7:08 pm

This is a great thread! Keep it going.

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Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by WannaBcuckagain » Sun Sep 07, 2014 3:14 am

Rob and Jenn - thank you BOTH for this recounting of your adventure! Your descriptions are so vivid I feel like a peeping-tom who hit the jackpot! :-)
Love to chat :)


Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by HOT4MYWIFE » Sun Sep 07, 2014 10:14 am

Righteous wrote:
lovemesomePngForged wrote:This is remarkably hot! :D I'm very much turned on by your wife ;) She says she's not a HW, but to me she is! I can't wait to read the other posts in the Library if they're anything like these ones. I love how she responds to you and the fact that she made that video reproduction for you was amazingly sweet! (and sexy) I think i'll take some tips from her with my hubby.
Thank you for your very kind words.

Jennifer doesn't like being "typecast", never has. I don't think she honestly cares what she is. The thread in the library is completely hers — with some annotations by moi. I think she's an amazing writer.

This past week, we had a little burp in our relationship when she finally revealed that she'd held something rather important back concerning her relationship with Marc, her lover during her last year in university. I can completely understand what her sticking point was — based on how she was brought up — but it was still a bit of a shock considering that the situation in question took place 21 years ago.

As I've no doubt said several times, my wife's video took me completely by surprise. I'm hoping it will lead to other things down the line. Neither of us is pushing things at the moment. What happens, happens. She's looking forward to seeing Paul in a little over a week's time, and I'm on edge as to what will transpire.

I got very lucky 23 years ago when I met this amazing woman. The road hasn't always been smooth (I feel I'm now eminently qualified to write a book on The Care and Handling of Redheaded Females. And to be honest, Jenn has put up with an awful lot of assoholic behavior from me. Fortunately we both stuck it out, and I can honestly say we're far more in love with each other than ever. The key is to find someone you sincerely like and admire, and then talk, talk, talk. If both sides of a relationship come from that direction, I can't see how things wouldn't work out amazingly.

Thanks for your comments.


Amazingly hot story. Thank you for sharing with us. I look forward to every update.

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Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by Righteous » Sun Sep 07, 2014 11:41 am

My head is still spinning over what happened. The very last thing I ever would have expected was to wind up making love to Andrea during our visit -- and for both of us to get to watch our spouses go at it. It was definitely the most surreal weekend of my life.

I'm cracking the whip on Jennifer to finish her portion of the story, but she's a redhead and does not respond well to whip-cracking.

Stay tuned and please try to remain patient!
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Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by viking68 » Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:40 pm

I'm cracking the whip on Jennifer to finish her portion of the story, but she's a redhead and does not respond well to whip-cracking.
My friend in mid-October I will have been married to a red head for 45 years! Your comment is one of the biggest understatements I have ever read! LOL
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Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by Righteous » Sun Sep 07, 2014 3:56 pm

You've got that right!
It's true what they say about redheads…
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Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by litlgi » Fri Sep 12, 2014 7:49 am

Cum on Jen lets get her done :)

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Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by Gynephile » Sat Sep 13, 2014 5:06 am

Righteous wrote:
I'm cracking the whip on Jennifer to finish her portion of the story, but she's a redhead and does not respond well to whip-cracking.

Stay tuned and please try to remain patient!
Yeah, good luck with that.
Staying tuned, though, to a story so hot I sometimes find myself thinking I'm reading fiction!

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Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by Righteous » Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:44 am

Gynephile wrote:
Righteous wrote:
I'm cracking the whip on Jennifer to finish her portion of the story, but she's a redhead and does not respond well to whip-cracking.

Stay tuned and please try to remain patient!
Yeah, good luck with that.
Staying tuned, though, to a story so hot I sometimes find myself thinking I'm reading fiction!
Sometimes it definitely feels like that! I am more enchanted with this woman than ever. Not only is she my best friend (as corny as that sounds) but she does the most jaw-dropping things imaginable. I literally never know what's going to happen next.

Keeps life interesting...

It's true what they say about redheads…
The recounting of my wife's university affair:
And what has happened more recently:

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Joined: Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:24 am

Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by Righteous » Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:45 am

And by the way, we're almost done with the rest of what happened while we were on vacation. She's done, now it's me with no time to complete my part!

It's true what they say about redheads…
The recounting of my wife's university affair:
And what has happened more recently:

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Joined: Wed Sep 10, 2014 9:45 am
Location: Chicago Area

Re: Completely blown away

Unread post by Gynephile » Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:00 am

Note to Jen: Time to get that whip ... so to speak.
You are very lucky to have a woman as smart, sensuous, creative and adventurous as she as your best friend.

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