My story

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Re: My story

Unread post by Salsonero » Sun Nov 09, 2014 7:59 pm

Thank you. That is very helpful, but I still have a couple more questions.

Why the gloves? And does the fist move around once it is inside? I am referring the gentle kind of fisting. I have no interest in the vigorous kind. It's too scary.

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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Sun Nov 09, 2014 8:05 pm

Salsonero wrote:Thank you. That is very helpful, but I still have a couple more questions.

Why the gloves? And does the fist move around once it is inside? I am referring the gentle kind of fisting. I have no interest in the vigorous kind. It's too scary.
Gloves because fingernails can scratch sensitive areas inside, and that's bad. Even if your nails are clipped short, you want to wear gloves to smooth things out. You can either keep the fist clenched or use the fingers to stroke sensitive areas or a combination of the two. Yes, the fist moves, but again gently. If you keep your partner orgasming, your wrist will be quite numb before you're finished!
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Re: My story

Unread post by rs480 » Sun Nov 09, 2014 8:06 pm

Oh yes!
That IS an intimate act. The few times I did that with my wife were the (in my mind) pinnacle of our loving relationship.
She enjoyed it fully/I was over the moon for her because of it.
Lucky you! AND him!
Yes, I believe I'm losing my mind.


Re: My story

Unread post by Salsonero » Sun Nov 09, 2014 8:20 pm

SSQ wrote: If you keep your partner orgasming, your wrist will be quite numb before you're finished!
Oh, so there may be orgasms to be had. Now I am becoming motivated.

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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Wed Nov 19, 2014 1:09 pm

Ah, the sexy life of a hotwife!

The flu has been all through our house, so the last two weeks have been pretty low key. I haven't spent much time out of bed, but unfortunately wasn't getting laid!

I am feeling much better though, and H gave me some money and told me to go shopping and buy myself some nice new things :) I got some new shirts, a pair of winter boots, and some new lingerie, and a haircut. I'm feeling pretty good right now.

I'm really looking forward to the weekend. I'm leaving Friday morning for Henry's city, and I'll be staying there until Monday night. I haven't seen him in quite a while because of the flu, so I really can't wait to be with him again. We have a party to go to on Saturday night as well. I haven't yet decided quite how to hurt the poor boy yet ;)

I'm also considering talking to Henry about ditching the condoms. He got screened for STIs a couple of weeks ago and came back negative, and I went for testing and also came back negative. I really, really hate condoms- my body reacts badly to every kind I've tried, and I've tried a lot. I suspect it's one reason why I primarily enjoy foreplay and prefer not to do a lot of actual fucking. So I'm thinking about it, because I'd definitely enjoy our sex more. It's a big step for me though.
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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:08 am

Lying naked in Henry's bed while he's in the shower... My pussy is sore from all the sex we've had this weekend so far. I've still got another day and a half here :)
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Re: My story

Unread post by Salsonero » Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:49 am

Good for you. Thanks for the update! :lol:

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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Mon Nov 24, 2014 11:41 pm

You know, when life is good, it's REALLY good :) I had a fantastic four day weekend with Henry... lots of kink and so much sex that my pussy is still aching. And we did wind up going bareback, and it was just as wonderful as I'd thought it would be. I know that my body handles sex much better without condoms, but I'd forgotten how really good it can be. I guess I just take good sex with H for granted!

It just felt so good and natural to be able to wake up and roll over and feel a nice warm cock inside me. We've both been tested for STIs and I've got an IUD, so it was good to go!

This weekend was also a bit of a game changer for me because I feel like I've found the relationships I'm looking for. It was so wonderful to wake up next to Henry and hear him tell me he loves me. And we're making plans for things that are months away. Normally I'm a bit hesitant about stuff like that... it's only been three months. But I feel like this could be something real. We bought tickets for the next BDSM party in his city and that's two months away, and concert tickets three months away. Stuff sells out fast! I guess we'll see how it goes. Right now... it's going pretty damn well.
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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Thu Nov 27, 2014 11:21 am

Oh Ares, I think I still deserve my old moniker ;)

I was supposed to have a date this afternoon with my very first local FB, but I had a headache so I cancelled it. Hopefully we can get together again soon. This March will be coming up on three years that he and I have been having sex. He's hung a little less than average but quite good with his tongue, which matters to me a lot more.

I just find it interesting that I still fuck him, given that our interaction isn't something that I think I'd have with anyone else. But it kinda works. We don't have any emotional connection, but I feel like we're on the level of acquaintances. We occasionally email back and forth between dates and catch up on each other's lives, and we always chat about life stuff when he comes over before we get to the sex. I genuinely like him as a person even if I think he's making some bad choices. But we basically just get together every few months and fuck for an hour or two and chat, and that's it. Periodically I wonder why it works for me, but it does, and so that'll do for now!

Tuesday was my birthday, and while I got some thoughtful gifts, I liked the one from H the best- an hour of pussy licking! ;)
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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Fri Nov 28, 2014 4:12 pm

Mmmm... it's been a good day :) Jennifer came over for a visit. It had been a while since we had really spent much time together and we hadn't played since the Halloween party, so we were both looking forward to some quality time together! I used my violet wand on her and it was so good to see her getting all worked up. It's incredibly sexy to have a moaning, naked woman lying spreadeagled in front of you begging you not to stop! It wasn't long before I couldn't resist and I had my tongue and fingers in her wet pussy. She squirted all over me and it was fantastic :) I was dripping wet by the time she needed a break and kissed her way down my body and started to lick and suck my clit while she slid her fingers inside me. So many good orgasms! :) I think we both needed that.

We went out to dinner and spent a few hours of quality time together before she had to leave for work. She gave me a book of erotica for my birthday and some of my favourite lube. I joked that we hadn't needed any today!

I'm a happy me :)
It's all fun until someone gets hurt... and then it's more fun! :whip:


Re: My story

Unread post by Salsonero » Fri Nov 28, 2014 4:29 pm

SSQ wrote: It's incredibly sexy to have a moaning, naked woman lying spreadeagled in front of you begging you not to stop!
:shock: I'll bet!

You left yourself wide open for two questions:
  • What is the title of the book and do you recommend it?
    What brand of lube? Lube seems to be a pretty personal choice, but I am trying to get a handle on the more popular brands.

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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Fri Nov 28, 2014 4:32 pm

Salsonero wrote:
SSQ wrote: It's incredibly sexy to have a moaning, naked woman lying spreadeagled in front of you begging you not to stop!
:shock: I'll bet!

You left yourself wide open for two questions:
  • What is the title of the book and do you recommend it?
    What brand of lube? Lube seems to be a pretty personal choice, but I am trying to get a handle on the more popular brands.
This one is called No Safewords, and it's BDSM erotica by Laura Antoniou. Her stuff is actually well written and accurate, unlike most of the crap out there. I'd recommend her books but they're not really written for vanilla people, so if you aren't aroused by power exchange they might not be suitable. A lot of it is about the mental stuff and not strictly S&M. I really enjoy it though!

And my favourite lube by far is Liquid Silk. It's thick and viscous so it doesn't dry out quickly, doesn't have too intense of an odor, and definitely adds some pleasant slipperiness. It's expensive, but worth every penny.
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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Thu Dec 04, 2014 2:16 pm

I'm still processing last night. I like to mentally go over every gasp and touch and word, and replay it all in my mind. So, lucky you, I'm actually writing a full post today, with some naughty details!

I've actually been doing a lot of thought lately on the pros and cons of dating someone local versus someone who lives just a little ways away (my girlfriend is about an hour, my boyfriend an hour and a half). I really enjoyed that when I dated John, I could go over to his house after dinner and be back before lunch the next day. We could get together more easily for the little stuff. But we didn't really spend blocks of time together and I am wondering if this kept our intimacy more surface level. I know he said he loved me, and I believe it, but I never did develop that intense emotional bond the way I have with other D/s partners, and I wonder if the brevity of time had anything to do with it (and yes, I find it funny that I call an overnight visit brief, but it really does feel that way a lot of the time).

Last night was the local BDSM munch, which I was unfortunately unable to go to since H is still out of town for work and I couldn't find a babysitter. I hate missing that because the monthly get together is one of my primary social outlets, but it is what it is. I know one of Henry's friends had been planning to get out to some munches so they'd let him come to some play parties (it's just basic vetting not to have complete strangers show up at at a private dungeon party), so I called him and suggested that he and his friend come down for the munch and maybe drop by to see me afterwards. The friend wasn't feeling well, but offered to let Henry borrow his car as long as he was back for 10am this morning.

I got a nice little text- forget the munch... I want to see you. He walked in my door and we kissed passionately. It had only been a week but felt like forever. I took him upstairs and blindfolded him, then bound him in leather cuffs and attached them with chain to my bed. I looked him with satisfaction and anticipation and said "And now you're all mine until I release you, aren't you?". "Yes, Princess." And I could already feel my pussy start to drip. I reminded him not to orgasm without permission, and got ready to play.

I had decided to keep it lighter today and not bring out my sadist. I wanted to do things that we would both enjoy, but with a focus on what he likes. He's been such a sweetie lately :) I started out by putting on a set of blunted claws. A lot of sensation players enjoy them, and they're exactly what they sound like- metal claws you put over your fingertips. I know that he loves them and they turn him into a puddle, so I wanted to start off by putting him in that headspace. Then I used vampire gloves, which are leather gloves with little needle sharp pinpricks protruding out. I used them gently, just to create sensation, not to cause pain. And watching him wriggle and moan and arch while I ran the gloves over his body was pretty awesome. He's such a reactive bottom and I love it.

I continued on by trailing ice cubes over his body, tracing lines up and down his chest and over his hips and across his inner thighs, and following them with my tongue and the heat of my mouth. When I finally got to his hard cock, which I'd been teasing by completely avoiding it, I took him all the way into my mouth while I left a pair of ice cubes on his nipples. He wears nipple rings, so I suspect there was a little extra fun in chilling the rings! Henry takes a long time to cum, so I knew I could enjoy myself with his cock for quite a while before worrying that I'd spoil the rest of my plans, and he was just bubbling with precum :)

While switching toys, I had kept coming up for the occasional kisses, but this time I wanted something a little more. He told me after with the blindfold he thought I just wanted another kiss when he found himself kissing my other lips. I was so hot and wet and needed to cum! I'm not normally the biggest fan of sitting on my partner's face, but I wanted him to feel completely mastered this time, just my little fuck toy, so that's what I did. And it was so good!

Next, I put 24 tiny clothespins on his balls. They don't feel like much going on, and have more sensation coming off depending on how long you leave them on. I didn't plan to leave them on long enough to really hurt... just to have some fun :) I took out my violet wand and my body contact, and used my fingers and lips to tease him with mild sparking. I love electrified kissing, and of course licking his cock with little zaps of electricity was a lot of fun! I didn't use any electrical toys this time- I wanted to keep things more intimate and just used my body. His cock was still straining up and I decided I couldn't resist it much longer!

I turned off the electricity and took the clothespins off one by one while I sucked his cock and listened to him gasp. When they were all off, I straddled him and started to kiss him while running my wet pussy along the length of his cock, but keeping myself just far enough away that he couldn't slide his cock into me even when he arched in frustration. I laughed and asked him if there was something he wanted to ask me for, while I could feel the head of his cock right at the entrance to my pussy before I moved away. "Please, Princess, fuck me!" he begged. I love that first moment when a hard cock slides into me. I rode him until I had a few orgasms and I could feel him pulling on the chains against his desire to touch me but not being able to. We kissed and I slapped his face a few times, suddenly while I was sitting on his cock. Sometimes a little stingy pain makes the pleasure all the more sweet.

He begged me for permission to cum, but I laughed and said no, and climbed off his cock. I pulled out a glass dildo which I'd left chilling in the cup with the ice cubes, lubed it up, and slipped it into his ass. He gasped but spread his legs for me and I started to suck his cock while I fucked him with the dildo. He loves ass play, and glass in particular. It wasn't long before I felt him arching back rhythmically and I could tell he was getting ready to cum. I wondered if he'd remember to ask permission and was very happy when he did. I lifted my mouth from his cock, said yes, and listened to him moan while he filled my mouth with cum.

I released him from the cuffs and chains and blindfold, and we kissed and cuddled into he felt ready to go downstairs. We watched some Netflix for a few hours before I started to get sleepy and we decided to go back upstairs for more sex and pillow talk and just being close to each other. I don't know how other men feel, but Henry has never actually gone bareback with anyone before and he told me that the sex is so much better, that he feels more connected to me, and that it's more intimate. I would tend to agree, since I can't have sex for more than ten minutes or so with a condom before my pussy starts to tighten up and get uncomfortable (no matter how wet I am) and bareback I can fuck all night.

And we tried! We wound up staying up all night long because we wanted to enjoy our time together. I'm not actually sure how many times we had sex, between the talking and the kissing and the touching, but I remember that we finished with his fist stroking all those sensitive spots inside me and using his fingers hard on my anterior fornix while he licked my clit and it sent me into orbit so hard that I couldn't speak afterwards and had to push him away to tell him I was done.

It was such a fantastic night. So much intimacy. I won't see him for another two weeks, but then it's his birthday. We'll have a couple of days to ourselves at his place before he's invited me to come along with him to his friends' annual Christmas dinner. I'm really looking forward to meeting people in his life who are important to him. And I'll still be home by the 23rd to have Christmas at home with H and kiddo.

2014 has been pretty awesome so far. I can't wait to see what 2015 has to bring.
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Re: My story

Unread post by FNQLivin » Fri Dec 05, 2014 12:44 am

Wow. Just wow.

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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Mon Dec 08, 2014 9:01 am

Funny, I hadn't thought I'd be interested in Craigslist for a while, but yeah, being left home alone while I'm ovulating makes me think naughty things ;)

So go figure, I posted an ad on Craigslist for a fuck toy, and described that I was going to use this person solely to get myself off. I wanted no kissing or cuddling. I wanted to have my pussy licked and fingered as I directed until I was finished having orgasms, and then to put on a hollow strap on and fuck me until I was satisfied, then leave. So I figured I'd get a couple rude messages (I did) and then a couple of decent ones, and a lot who didn't even read the ad but instead went panting OMG there's a woman here!

Much to my surprise... I got a lot of decent replies. Some that are actually piquing my interest. I haven't yet decided what if anything I'll do about it, but it's nice to know that I'll get what I want if I want it :)

H comes home tonight though, so I expect to get the orgasms I need from his tongue :)
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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Thu Dec 11, 2014 10:45 am

The pot calling the kettle black, eh, Ares? :) I always love reading your posts about how you tweak Mr Ares' chain!

Yesterday I had a date with Jennifer. Unfortunately no privacy so we couldn't get into much trouble, but it was fun rubbing her fingers with her hand on my thigh while we were driving. We spent the afternoon in a casino and having a few drinks and made deliciously naughty plans for next time we get together. I think we're due for some long, hot sex. We had a little fun last time she was here but we were on the clock since I had to pick up kiddo from school. I think next time we're taking a road trip with a few bottles of wine and getting a hotel room. Ah, the advantages of being with a woman who likes to fuck as much as I do! And since our cocks never get soft... ;)
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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Mon Dec 15, 2014 7:50 am

Ah, the little moments...

I was on the phone with Henry last night. His birthday is Friday, and I made some plans because I wanted him to feel special and have a good time. So I said to him, "It's your birthday, I want you to have a really awesome time." His reply? "I'm going to be with you so no matter what I'll have an awesome time."


It's been a pretty good weekend. Since I was sick last month, it was my rescheduled birthday party. Jennifer came for it along with a bunch of my vanilla friends. All my closest and dearest people know I'm poly and kinky so it wasn't awkward. Henry wasn't able to but at least I'll see him soon. I really like just being able to be myself.
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Re: My story

Unread post by jane » Mon Dec 15, 2014 8:10 am

always Wild !

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Re: My story

Unread post by rs480 » Mon Dec 15, 2014 4:37 pm

Wow. I just caught up.
You said "I really like just being able to be myself." this morning.
I needed to hear that today.
Thank you. :-)
Yes, I believe I'm losing my mind.

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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Thu Dec 18, 2014 2:40 pm

I love the whole mindset of getting ready for something exciting. I love the buildup, knowing that I'm counting the minutes until my getaway.

I have a LOT of exciting things planned for the weekend, but I think I'll write about it all when I come home. Today, though, I went to the salon to get pampered. Sparkly red nails for a mani/pedi, highlights in my hair, and some new makeup. And soon I'll get to pack my toybag. I've got some new lingerie that I'm considering bringing, although I suspect it'll wind up decorating the floor not long after! Tomorrow is Henry's birthday :)

I'm also making a bottle of candy cane vodka for a Christmas party that Henry and I are going to, from a recipe an Australian friend gave me. Apparently if you crush 12 large candy canes in a 750mL of vodka you make a yummy sweet drink. I am skeptical, as so far it smells and tastes like mint Listerine. Guess we'll see if it's worth getting drunk on! ;)

I can't wait for tomorrow. And the next day, and the next day... I'll be home Monday night!
It's all fun until someone gets hurt... and then it's more fun! :whip:


Re: My story

Unread post by valleyview » Tue Dec 23, 2014 1:21 am


After watching the mainstream cuckold-themed movie(Husbands and Lovers), I never realized how erotic
spanking can be.

In your experience can a woman be brought to orgasm through spanking?

Also as I research this more, it seems this is a desire/fantasy held by many women. Do you agree?

Thanks for any insights you can offer.

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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Sun Dec 28, 2014 10:41 am

I have a lot to say... But too busy :)

I will tell you I had a lovely threesome last night...

valleyview wrote:Hi SSQ,

After watching the mainstream cuckold-themed movie(Husbands and Lovers), I never realized how erotic
spanking can be.

In your experience can a woman be brought to orgasm through spanking?

Also as I research this more, it seems this is a desire/fantasy held by many women. Do you agree?

Thanks for any insights you can offer.
I really dislike the gendered distinctions in your comment, honestly. Spanking is not something that only women like or fantasize about. It's prevalent in people of all gender identifications. And yes, pain can cause orgasm.
It's all fun until someone gets hurt... and then it's more fun! :whip:


Re: My story

Unread post by valleyview » Sun Dec 28, 2014 2:45 pm

My inquiry was based on a study I read about about sexual fantasies:

http: //

Quoting from this study:

“Among women, it was found that SF of being dominated, being spanked or whipped, being tied up, and being forced to have sex were reported by 30%-60%,” according to the study. ” … The fantasy of being dominated was significantly greater for women than for men, on average, whereas the fantasy of dominating was statistically stronger for men than for women, on average.”

Based on some of the BDSM experiences you have related in this forum, I thought you would be a good resource to solicit an opinion.

It was not my intention to offend you. Simply put, I found the movie scene erotic and wondered what your thoughts on the subject were.

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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Sat Jan 03, 2015 6:13 pm

Jersey Mike wrote:How'd that vodka/candy cane concoction turn out?
It wound up being more like a liqueur. I wasn't thrilled to drink it straight but Henry liked it. I think vodka based stuff really just isn't my thing, unless it's mixed so I can't taste it (I like Grey Goose and lemonade!).

The holidays have been pretty busy. I'll try to update when I have time to sit down and really do some writing. My four day weekend trip with Henry was amazing and fantastic and all the usual happy things. I've been spending a lot of time with him lately.

Just have some processing to do.
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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Fri Jan 09, 2015 5:49 pm

So there's been a lot going on here and we're still figuring out the way things will be in the future. Mark was recently offered his dream job, but it's in another country where I have absolutely zero desire to live. It's a permanent job, so it's not like it would just be for a year or two. My friends and family are all here, and I don't want to uproot and go somewhere completely different. On the other hand, he's made it clear that this is critical for him, and it's more important to him than anything else. So he is going.

So, we've decided to get a divorce. I keep kiddo, and he rides off into the sunset. I can't imagine leaving your kid for a job, but I understand that people have different priorities. Kiddo is mine.

I'm not sure how long it's actually going to take to get a divorce, and we're still in the process of sorting out all the legal niceties. But, either way, at some point soon I will no longer be a hotwife. So, perhaps I won't/shouldn't post here anymore. I expect I'll continue to be myself and live my life, and I have no plans to end my relationships with Henry or Jennifer.

I am not sure yet how my life will change, but I'm going to take it one day at a time.
It's all fun until someone gets hurt... and then it's more fun! :whip:

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