Lynda The Hooker

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Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by jc1 » Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:13 am

Enjoying your story and looking forward to hearing more.


Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by rypmar7 » Thu Jun 11, 2015 8:04 am

jc1 wrote:Enjoying your story and looking forward to hearing more.

Thanks. I got to finish the story, but life sometimes interferes. :D

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Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by sdbuffalo » Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:26 am

Yes, please continue. I enjoy your and Lynda stories! Very, very much! :up:
In my Universe, any question may be asked.... But, answers are always optional.


Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by rypmar7 » Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:46 am

sdbuffalo wrote:Yes, please continue. I enjoy your and Lynda stories! Very, very much! :up:
Thanks. I will get to it soon. ;)


Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by rypmar7 » Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:25 am

The next day Lynda thought about skipping her meeting with Jimmy, but she knew he had her phone number and would start blowing it up. She decided she had to get it over with and she would think of a way to tell him "thanks, but no thanks". Late afternoon she got dressed in one of her typical tight low-cut top that showed lots of cleavage. She put on a pair of white capris and some sexy wedges for shoes. She then smoked a joint to ease her nerves before driving to the bar. It was definitely a dive and in an area that the kids would call "sketchy". She parked her car and walked inside to find about 10-15 people, mostly men, scattered around. Everyone turned to look at her and she realized she was dressed a little too nice for this place. They looked at her like she was the landlord coming in to bitch at her tenant. Fortunately, Jimmy jumped up from the bar to greet her saying that she was even prettier in person than in her pictures. He was at the bar, but Lynda suggested they get a booth where they could talk more privately.

She said that as she sat down with Jimmy she thought about what an obvious mismatch they were. He was big and rough and was was petite and refined. They ordered drinks and then Jimmy went back to complimenting her over and over. She asked him about how he knew Barry and he said that he is a truck driver and sometimes hauls his displays around and helps Barry set them up. Lynda thought to herself that there was no way she was fucking a dirty truck driver, but figured she would let him done easy. She said that Jimmy was really funny and did not seem too threatening, although he was twice her size. After their first drink, they ordered another round and Lynda said it was time to talk business. She asked Jimmy if Barry had told him how it works and he said Barry had told him a little, but he would rather hear it from "the pretty little lady". She told him that her driver/bodyguard had brought her there and was sitting there watching them right now. Jimmy warily looked around the bar. She told him that he had photos of them together, so if anything happened to her that he would know exactly who did it. Jimmy was concerned and told her he was no freak, he just wanted to get laid. He said he would give her guard his driver's license to hold if he wanted and then even said he could be in the room with them and that he wouldn't hurt such a pretty little girl. She told him that wasn't necessary, but just so he knew someone was watching.

Next, she told him no one else was allowed to be in the room, that he had to pay for the hotel/motel room and make all the arrangements and that he had to use a condom. He tried to beg off on the condom, but she said what kind of man would fuck a prostitute without protection. That made her hot to say that. Finishing her second vodka drink didn't hurt either. They ordered a third round and after they were delivered, she asked him if Barry had told him about the cost. He said Barry just said she was expensive, but worth every penny. Lynda told him that it's $400 for a 2 hour session and he just about had a heart attack. He told her he could never afford that much and said, besides, he only needs 10 minutes with a loud laugh. Lynda laughed and thought to herself that he really was funny and seemed like a good guy. As they sat there, Jimmy tried to beg her done on the price, saying he was only good for one time and he swore he would have her out of there in 10 minutes, 15 tops.



Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by rypmar7 » Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:44 am

As she sipped her third drink, Jimmy was asking how much she would charge him for 10 minutes. Lynda just laughed and said that she guessed if he was really that quick, then maybe they could work something out. She said she guessed she could do $200 for one hour instead. Again, Jimmy kept insisting that he didn't need an hour, that truthfully, she would be in and out the door in 15 minutes. She laughed and said she would not have thought he would be so quick. He told her that when he gets his hands on something he wants, he doesn't waste any time. She laughed again and asked him what he expected to pay. he didn't say much, but said he was hoping for a break, since he was a friend of Barry's and Barry told him she didn't work through an agency, so he figured she got to keep all the money. Then he reminded her that he would have to pay for the room and that he was paying for their drinks. He said he didn't have an expense account like Barry and those guys she had slept with from that company.

Lynda felt herself getting tipsy, which always means she is getting horny, too (or at least hornier than she normally is all the time). She thought to herself, that if it's $400 for 2 hours, then it would be $200 for one hour, meaning it would be $50 for a half hour or $25 for the 15 minutes Jimmy wanted. No way, but maybe she would have one more drink and then give him a blow job as thanks. Lynda started asking Jimmy if he was married, had kids and the like and he answered all her questions. They talked for quite a while before Jimmy finally said she sure talks a lot for a working girl and that she's never going to make any money like that. Lynda laughed and told him she was just a part-time hooker. He asked her if she was married and then if her husband knew she hooked. She told him yes and that her husband loved having her fuck other guys. He thought that was really strange and said he guessed that her husband didn't know what to do with such a fine piece of pussy.

Lynda told Jimmy that her husband knew he had a slut wife on his hands and figured he would rather know what she's doing than have her cheat on him. She then thought to herself how he did not know she was here with a truck driver in this redneck bar. Finally, Lynda was feeling pretty buzzed and Jimmy was anxious for action and was pushing her for a final discount price. Lynda asked him if he could get a room right then in case she decided she wanted to do it. Jimmy got real excited and started saying how there's a little motel he had used before in walking distance right down the street. Lynda asked him if he already had a room and he told her no, but that he could get one in like two minutes. Lynda finally swallowed the last of her drink and said, Okay, here's what I can do for you," with a giggle.


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Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by svene » Sat Jun 13, 2015 2:58 pm

Pretty good stuff here. Quite and adventure. This is opposite to a fantasy I have of my wife taking a lover and then charging me to have sex while she give it to her lover.

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Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by rs480 » Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:26 pm

Too hot Ryp!
I LOVE hearing these encounters Lynda has had..... :-)
Waiting with baited breath.
Yes, I believe I'm losing my mind.


Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by rypmar7 » Sun Jun 14, 2015 1:34 pm

svene wrote:Pretty good stuff here. Quite and adventure. This is opposite to a fantasy I have of my wife taking a lover and then charging me to have sex while she give it to her lover.
Yes, that would be hot! :up:


Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by rypmar7 » Sun Jun 14, 2015 1:34 pm

rs480 wrote:Too hot Ryp!
I LOVE hearing these encounters Lynda has had..... :-)
Waiting with baited breath.
Thanks. More to cum.


Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by rypmar7 » Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:53 am

"I'll fuck you for fifty bucks!" "What?" said Jimmy wild-eyed. "I'll fuck you for fifty bucks!" she repeated a little too loud. Jimmy jumped up and said, "Darlin', you got a deal." "Wait, there's more. But me another drink and then pay this tab. Give me the fifty bucks now and go get the room. Text me with the room number and I'll be there as soon as I finish my drink." Jimmy scrambled to follow her instructions. Soon, she was sitting alone sipping a fresh drink while her truck driver friend went to find a cheap motel room. Lynda felt deliciously dirty and low rent. She couldn't believe she was doing this, but at the same time she was proud of herself for taking the risk and pulling this off. She thought how her husband would not approve due to the dangers involved, but hey, you only live once. She thought of some of the more outrageous things she had done over the years and said to herself that this will be just one more for the list.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed with a text and she picked it up thinking it would be from Jimmy. Instead it was from a girlfriend asking her what she was doing. Lynda giggled thinking about how her friend would not believe it if she told her. She thought for a minute before tapping out a quick response saying she couldn't talk because she got hired as an escort for the afternoon with an "LOL" thrown in. She knew her friend would not believe her and would think this was just crazy Lynda joking around. The reply she got was "???" and she didn't respond. A minute or two later Jimmy did text her saying her had a room at the motel just up the street and gave her the room number. Lynda responded to say she would be there soon and for him to get naked and wait for her. She slugged down the rest of the vodka drink and got up to use the ladies room and freshen up a bit. She almost stumbled when she stood and thought to herself that she had more to drink than she realized. She did make it to the restroom without incident.

The ladies room was drab and dingy, but basically clean, but definitely not her cup of tea. She peed and then checked herself out in the mirror. She brushed her hair and put on some heavy lipstick and then breezed out the door, through the little redneck bar and out to the parking lot. She was about to get into her car when it dawned on her that if he saw her drive up, he would know she did not have a driver/bodyguard. She walked out to the street to see how far down the motel was and saw the sign literally two properties away. She decided to walk and thought to herself that, after all, she IS a street walker. As she made her way up the street, she thought about how she was walking in a - sketchy part of town to a seedy motel where she was going to fuck a redneck truck driver for money behind her husband's back, while he was probably in some meeting in his opulent office. Now, she was hornier than ever.


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Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by sdbuffalo » Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:18 am

Please, please continue....!
In my Universe, any question may be asked.... But, answers are always optional.


Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by rypmar7 » Mon Jun 15, 2015 12:33 pm

Lynda made it the short way up the street to the motel and stopped to take in the general dumpiness of it. She thought to herself that this was surely one of the most low rent things she had ever done, but there was no way she was turning back now. She found the room in the virtually empty motel on the ground floor facing a back parking lot. No interior hallways like the hotels she was used to. She knocked on the door and a very excited and naked Jimmy opened it quickly and pulled her inside. He looked even bigger naked than with his clothes on. A massive schlong hung obscenely between his legs. She later described it as fat, not just thick, but flabby and fat looking. "OMG! It's huge!" she exclaimed much to Jimmy's delight. He smugly told her that's why they call him "Big Jimmy" and said he had never had any complaints. He added that it's a good thing that he only lasts 10 minutes because no woman could take much longer of fucking that.

Lynda dropped to her knees to examine it face-to-face. She took it between both hands and began to rub it up and down and it started getting fully hard. Once this huge prick was fully erect, she told him to go ahead and put on a condom while she got undressed. He reluctantly grabbed one and fitted it over his tool as Lynda whipped off her blouse and unhooked her bra, letting the girls swing free. Jimmy was all over them, sucking, biting, roughly squeezing, just generally devouring her tits. She kept telling him to take it easy with a giggle, but he ignored her. After he had worked on them for several minutes, Lynda said she thought this was only going to take ten minutes. He said he was sorry, but that her tits were too sweet to let go. Lynda reached down and grabbed his cock and squeezed it through it's thin covering. He finally let her go and she stepped back and kicked off her wedge shoes and then stripped off her pants and panties and stood before him completely nude.

Jimmy was in awe and said he couldn't wait to fuck her. He picked her up and practically tossed her petite body onto the bed. Immediately, he was on top of her kissing her. He slowly worked his way down until he buried his face in her pussy and started sucking and tonguing her. Lynda was alarmed and asked him what kind of a man goes down on a nasty whore's pussy. He said that this man does. She then asked if he had any idea how many cocks had been in there and he said no, but that there was getting ready to be one more. He continued eating her pussy until she felt her first orgasm building. The crest built so quickly that it surprised her when she climaxed and cried out. That just seemed to turn Jimmy on even more and he seemed to speed up his licking and fingering. An intense orgasm followed and still he ate her. Lynda was bucking under his weight as the pleasure was becoming too intense to take. When she came again even harder, she screamed at him to "get up here and fuck me!"



Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by rypmar7 » Mon Jun 15, 2015 1:01 pm

"Get up here and fuck me!" Lynda cried out to Big Jimmy's delight. He raised his head up, face wet from her pussy, and grinned broadly saying, "i'm sure going to do that, little darlin'." He stood crawled up between her widely spread legs and said more to himself, "I'm sure going to fuck that pussy of yours." He moved into position on top of her and rubbed the head of his cock up and down her slit and teased her a little. Lynda was getting too horny to wait any longer, so she grabbed at his cock to try to pull it inside her. As she did, he jerked back. Then he thrust forward again and she grabbed it and pulled hard. She was no match for his strength, however, and he pulled back. To her surprise, the condom had torn off in her hand. "What the hell?" she said and then said "Oh screw it!" and threw the condom onto the floor. "I want you inside me," she demanded and her pushed her cock right up to her pussy. She grabbed it and tried to pull it inside her, but it was hard to get it in, even as wet as she was.

Jimmy slowed lined up his monster and pushed it home between Lynda's lips. It was so thick that she gasped and cried out, but he continued to slowly push it deeper. He would stop for a second, pull back just a little, and then ease it a little deeper inside her pussy. It took a little time, but soon Jimmy had Big Jimmy balls deep and bareback inside Lynda and they were both loving it. She said he started to fuck her with short slow strokes that slowly became longer and deeper until he was practically pulling the whole thing out of her and then pushing it all the way back in. At first he glided, but soon he was stroking hard and fast into her. She said that the sensation of this thick prick stretching her out and bottoming out in her was incredible and she started to cum again. This time, however, it was more like one long intense wave of orgasm. Eventually, he had her legs up over her shoulders and was slamming into her as hard as he could.

The cumming didn't stop and neither did Jimmy. He pounded her and pounded her before flipping her over to fuck her doggie style. With her butt high in the air, he was deeper inside her than ever ans she hoped it would never end. Lynda lost track of time and how long Jimmy fucked her, but he definitely got a lot more than $50.00 worth of her pussy. When he finally cried out and started cumming inside her pussy, Lynda was completely spent. She said she felt his huge cock pulsing and shooting wave after wave on cum deep inside her. She said it seemed like he came longer than anyone she could ever remember, but once his balls were emptied into her pussy, he collapsed on top of her and passed out. His weight pinned her where she couldn't move, but his big cock was still inside her as it started to go limp. She felt his semen oozing out of her and felt like he had flooded her. Apparently, she then dozed off in a post-multi-orgasmic bliss, totally exhausted from sex and under the influence of four vodka drinks.



Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by rypmar7 » Fri Jun 26, 2015 6:42 am

Lynda awoke alone and in the dark in a strange room she did not recognize. As she pulled herself out of the boozy sleep, she suddenly remembered that she had been in a sleazy motel fucking a truck driver. She panicked and jumped up and turned on the light. She saw she was still in that cheap motel room, but Jimmy was long gone. She saw his clothes and belongings were gone and there was no sign of a note. She found her clothes and went to the bathroom to get cleaned up. While doing so, she had an "oh shit!" moment and ran to find her purse. It was on the table where she had left it and it had not been disturbed. Her wallet, money, car keys, phone and everything else were all there. At least he was honest, she thought. Then it dawned on her that he could have abducted or killed her in her passed out state. He could have let someone else in or stolen her things. She was very shaken and decided she had to get out of there as quickly as possible.

She dressed quickly, grabbed her things, and opened the door to the parking lot. Then she had another "oh shit" moment as she realized her car was a distance down the street at the bar. She took off on foot in the total darkness of this not-so-nice neighborhood and practically ran to her car. As she got closer, she saw bar patrons out in the parking lot and felt better. She found her car quickly (it was the only Lexus there) and no one paid any attention to her. She felt safe as soon as she was inside with the doors locked and the engine started. As she drove home, she called me and I could tell she sounded distressed, but she assured me that she was okay. When she got home, she could not stop apologizing for being so late and not telling me where she was.

Eventually, she told me a tall tale about a guy she had screwed five years ago, who later moved away. She said he was in town for something and called her out of the blue. She met him for drinks and got carried away and passed out in his bed. Again, she was so apologetic, but I was hot and horny and just wanted to hear details. She wasn't really into it, but gave me some general information to keep me going as I pounded her well fucked pussy. I did not really see at the time how not into it she was. She did seem uneasy, but I was too horny to care.



Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by rypmar7 » Fri Jun 26, 2015 6:56 am

Apparently, Jimmy started calling her again a day or two later, but she did not take his calls. Then she started getting calls from numbers she did not recognize, which she did not answer. When one guy left a message saying that Jimmy had given him her number, she decided that was enough. She traded her phone in for a new one and got a new phone number. She gave me some BS explanation at the time, which I accepted without much thought. As a result, she was completely cut off from any former or future "customers", she she thought her hooker career was over. She never said anything to me, but when I would ask, she would just say she never heard from those guys again, so just as well.

Apparently, as time passed, Lynda's fears died down a little and she started to remember those times as hot experiences and we talked about them to get us going. She did not, however, share the Jimmy story with me. On one of her trips with Don, she told him everything about her career as a hooker, including the Jimmy story. She said she had never seen Don so hot over something and fucked her with more vigor than ever. Don said he was going to start telling people when she was traveling with him that she was his hired escort. Something about that really turned him on.

The next trip she took with Don, she arrived on the final day of the seminar his company was presenting at a hotel in Denver. After the last session, the attendees that were not leaving right away met for drinks in the hotel bar. Don brought Lynda to meet them and quietly told them all that he had paid big to fly an escort out for some fun. After the crowd thinned out, it was just Don and Lynda along with the head of the company that Don had put on the seminar for. One thing led to another and Don ended up offering Lynda's services to this guy as a thank you for the business. Don said in front of her, that he had already paid her, so it was his treat. Lynda played along and soon was being led by this man to an elevator to go up to his room, while Don headed back to his room.


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Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by Archie457 » Fri Jun 26, 2015 7:53 am

Extremely hot, thanks for the continuation.


Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by rypmar7 » Fri Jun 26, 2015 8:10 am

Archie457 wrote:Extremely hot, thanks for the continuation.

You're welcome. Glad you like it. More to cum.


Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by Flagflyer » Fri Jun 26, 2015 8:12 am

Great story. We cannot wait for more.


Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by rypmar7 » Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:38 am

Flagflyer wrote:Great story. We cannot wait for more.

Thanks! :up:


Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by rypmar7 » Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:57 am

Lynda later told me that Don's customer (who was in his 50's) to whom she was loaned treated her very well. He was convinced that she was a high end expensive escort who Don had paid lots of money. She said he seemed to be honored to have her and was very polite. Apparently, he asked her what was out of bounds and they set some simple ground rules, such as no violence and use a condom. She said he took off all of his clothes and asked if he could undress her and she agreed. He savored removing each item of her clothing and kept complimenting her as he did. Once they were both naked, Lynda dropped to her knees to inspect his equipment. She said she sucked him for a while and that blew his mind that she would do that. Once he was rock hard, she took the condom from him and rolled it on his cock with great fanfare. She applied some lubricant and told him he was good to go.

The man spent a good amount of time working on Lynda's tits and feeling her ass. Eventually, he maneuvered her onto the bed and on her back. He examined her pussy and fingered it a lot before moving into position over her. He worked his average size cock into her with some difficulty and then began to fuck her with slow short strokes. He slowly increased the length of each stroke until he was pulling almost all the way out and then pushing all the way back in as deep as it would go. She said he kept it slow and smooth the whole time and never really pounded her hard. The entire time he was talking to her, telling her how good it felt and how beautiful she was. Lynda said that it did start feeling really good and she told him so and he was beaming. She closed her eyes and slowly left a wave of orgasm overtake her, which caused her new friend to lose it and cum hard.

She said he was totally spent and exhausted, so she knew there would be no round two. Once he had recovered enough to get up, Lynda got cleaned up and dressed to leave. She said he kept complimenting her and telling her ho good she was. He apparently offered to pay her over and over and she told him not to worry about it because Don takes good care of her. He then wanted to buy her a gift, but she refused and told him he could show his appreciation to Don. He offered to walk her back to Don's room, but she told him no thanks, that she would be fine. She said she gave him a kiss and a squeeze of the crotch as she was leaving and told him she really enjoyed it and he was beaming.



Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by rypmar7 » Fri Jun 26, 2015 10:15 am

Lynda said that when she got back to Don's room, he was an absolute wild man and wanted to know every detail of her encounter, as he fucked her hard. Lynda could not remember his recent lover's name, which excited Don incredibly. He was disappointed that she used a condom and he was not getting sloppy seconds, but he said maybe next time. Don, of course, pounded Lynda all night after that and was still hot about "what a slut she is" the next day. All day he called her his paid escort and tried to tell bartenders and servers wherever they went. Apparently, before sending her home, Don said he was going to plan some more escort fantasies to play out on future trips together. Lynda was concerned, but she always without fail goes along with anything and everything Don wants.

When Lynda got home, she was hot to joke about how she had now worked as an escort in two states and thought those numbers might be increasing. I was incredibly aroused that my friend had loaned out my wife to essentially a stranger and had left her to fend for herself. Not necessarily the smartest or safest thing to do, but we got off over it many many times. During this period, Don called Lynda and was setting up another out of state trip and wanted her to come (cum :mrgreen: ) along for the whole time. This time he would be in Chicago, so Lynda made her plans to be there. He was going on Sunday to set up for Monday. The seminar would end on Thursday and she would return home well fucked on Friday. The only question was whether Don would have a helping hand or two in the fucking.

On this one, Don would have her go into hotel bars and sit at the bar, posing as a hooker. He would watch from a distance before approaching her pretending to be a stranger looking to hire her. He always made sure their conversation was overheard, so men nearby would know she was a working girl. Apparently, playing out this fantasy was super hot for both of them and they often continued their role playing when in bed together back at their room. On that trip, she never actually fucked anybody other than Don, but had lots of fun teasing. She also said some guys looked like they couldn't believe they had missed the opportunity, while others scowled at her like what a low class whore. Whatever the reaction, she loved the role playing and fucking that followed.


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Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by whtboy69 » Wed Jul 01, 2015 5:10 am

I'm loving this story! Thanks for taking the time to write it down. It gives my wife and I fun ideas.
Husband of Whtboyzwife

"Cookies and porn are always better when they are home made!"


Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by rypmar7 » Wed Jul 01, 2015 6:03 am

whtboy69 wrote:I'm loving this story! Thanks for taking the time to write it down. It gives my wife and I fun ideas.
I'm glad you like it. The idea of posing as a hooker really seems to excite both Lynda and Don. They had one instance where Lynda was playing the hooker part sitting at the hotel lobby bar. Don approached her and his first words were "how much?" in a loud voice. She replied that it depended what he wanted and he told her everything. Lynda said that they could work that out in private and Don said let's go. She got up and her led her across the lobby as the bartender and others in the bar watched and snickered. He took her into one of those large unisex handicapped/family bathrooms that was immediately off the lobby. Once there he fucked her from behind while she held onto the handicap rails. Just as they were both cumming loudly, there was a pounding on the locked door demanding that they open it. They ignored the commotion until they finished and quickly straightened up and opened the door. Hotel security was there to kick them out of the hotel. Lynda left quickly, but Don had to check out and go upstairs and get their things. They then had to find another place to stay. Lynda said that hanging around outside the hotel on the sidewalk with Don's cum leaking down her legs made her feel like a true streetwalker, so they were both overheated by the experience. :mrgreen:


Re: Lynda The Hooker

Unread post by CuckPride » Fri Jun 03, 2016 8:46 pm

Such a hot read. Lynda is a legend!

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