Wife and my Dad

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by Hotwifeok » Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:09 am

Polleny wrote:Hi Dave!

I haven't gotten around to find time to write a proper reply, I really wished I had. But just briefly for me it's not important that it's erotic and exiting anymore. I just want to know that you are well and that your current relationship is sound. By sound I mean that you have a good communication between the two of you. I just want to know that Paige threat you good. Your stories still excites me but the important thing to me is to know that does the things she do out of love for you. The important thing is not what she does but why she do it.

We don't have the whole picture of you of cause but I think the picture of you that you give us is close to the person you want to be. The you that I have learned to know is a lovable person. A person that I don't want to be hurt. I just want to know that she treats you with love and respect. You should do it anyway that suits you and at least I will be happy to read about it.

Good sound advice and express my feelings exactly. I wish that I could be so eloquent and not come of as such a "source lady". Thank you letting me tag along on your fillings coattails.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by jaynjoy2 » Thu Apr 07, 2016 10:09 am

So, I will assume all the pages before this one are totally accurate and omitted nothing of importance. It really doesn't matter in my case because I was impatient and did not read it all, so I could be completely off base here.

Based on what one person wrote, one man's wife went to that man's step-father.
I am pretty open minded, but I find it very difficult to understand a step-father that would have sex with his step-son's wife.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by curiousdave » Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:34 am

About my "new" sexuality. It's all so complicated to try and communicate properly. I guess in a basic sense it's as simple as just saying I'm bi sexual now. But you know it can be very hard to say these things when you were raised a certain way and lived a certain way your whole life. I really do not like labels but I know the rest of the world seems to need them for some reason. I have seen several people here who seem to have it figured out and realize everything is not just black and white and can't simply be summed up in a quick one word answer.

I don't know how I feel about the whole "born a certain way" thinking or if you are indeed conditioned to a thing like this. In my case I do feel I was slowly conditioned into it because honestly I never had a gay thought or desire in my life before living and being intimate with Paige. People may argue that but it's how I feel. I was never a homophobe or anything like that ( had a gay friend or two over the years) but I definitely never entertained the thought of being with another man sexually. But little by little Paige changed my perceptions of what can be sexually fun.

It started with her dominating me sexually obviously then to me sort of becoming the bottom in the relationship. Little pushes here and there that really weren't that difficult to overcome for me. Sucking her dildo then later a strap on for her amusement. Then a little later and a little harder to come to terms with, being taken anally by her. This was a major step I feel and one that she had to work on me for a while over. But in the end ( no pun intended lol ) I did come to love it. Then as many will remember I sucked off my friend for her and at that time it was the hottest most liberating experience of my life. It kind of made my relationship with him weird for a while but it settled down into being cool again. This is when things kind of got weird for me on a deeper level, and it's also where I am going to have the most trouble trying to articulate properly for you all. Why it's kind of strange is because my thinking and reasons for being so turned on by it. On the one hand and the part most of you can probably relate to is I did it with her and for her. It was a special moment for me and her I think and it really brought us closer as a couple or friends or whatever we are. I think a lot of you guys would go there for your woman if she wished it and the ones who wouldn't or couldn't but are still cucks probably understand it anyway. But it was a cool thing and I am really great it happened the way it did.

The other part that started playing around in my mind after and the part that I can't fully explain correctly is how it changed how I think of myself or view myself. How I want to think of myself and how or what really turns me on now. In my fantasies or whatever I started sort of wishing I was her (Paige), living out all these sexual conquest, being a sexy sexually liberated female, being a hot slut enjoying her sex to the fullest.It just seems fun to be her (most of the time). I have tried talking with her about this and I am not sure she really understands it. I think my inability to explain it right just makes her think I would like to be a girl or a transgender as she says. I don't think that I do. I mean I question it myself because of how strange it all is,but I feel I like being a guy but I am very turned on by the thought of other things as well. She thinks I am just struggling with the real inner me.

I am far from the manliest of men I know but when I look into a mirror I do not see a female deep down inside looking back at me. But at the same time when we are playing around and she compliments me on things that a girl would hear it excites me in some deep down level I have a hard time explaining. She thinks I have a sexy cute bubble butt and when she talks about it as she's fucking me it does make me feel hot. She talked me into doing me up and putting make-up and a wig and lingerie and the whole works and having "lesbian" sex with her. Honestly it was extremely fun and hot on a whole other level from what we normally have done. In fact we have done that several times now and I admit I get very turned on whenever she initiates this type sex.

I will submit this now, I am working on a part two to this right now and should post it a little later today. Let those of you interested digest this first lol.


Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by elina » Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:52 am

Thank you Dave,

So good to see you back and sharing your journey with the rest of us.

I can relate to this, I don't think anybody is 100% straight or 100% gay from birth, but many of us have grown up With much stronger perceptions of what is OK or not. Personally I never felt any emotional or sexual attraction to any male the way I do for females. And in my early years I felt homosexuality was somewhat weird and could not conceive myself in any such act. Then one day as someone in a group of friends were ridiculing gays, one of my friends said; Come on, it is just another human being. Also, watching the Movie "Midnight Express" about this guy letting himself be convinced to smuggle drugs out of Turkey (I think), getting caught and going to jail and a depiction of establishing a deep friendship to another inmate ending in a gay relationship kind of made me think that under certain circumstances this could happen to me to.

Today I would long for my Wife doing to me what Paige had done for and to you, mine is far from adventurous as Paige though... The thought of my Wife making me dress up in lingerie, maybe after having removed all my body hear, making me walk around as a lady in high heels before making love as lesbians is incredibly hot for me.

Hope that you will continue with your story and really looking forward to this.


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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by curiousdave » Sun Apr 10, 2016 12:38 pm

So we have had "lesbian" sex several times. I realize some will say WTF I am not a girl how can I participate in lesbian sex. Well it's all make believe obviously. It just means I played the part of a girlfriend and we made love as two women would, except I don't have the needed pussy obviously so in my case it was anal intensive. It's really quite enjoyable and I highly recommend it to any of you guys who ever wondered what such a thing would feel like. If you have the right partner you can have a lot of fun this way and it's not the same as having sex like you normally would at all. The goal of cumming is the same but everything else is just different. Becoming soft and compliant and receptive, it's kind of an overwhelming type thing. This obviously depends on your inner make up and mind set. Some guys obviously would have no fun doing this at all. I'm just saying, if you are curious and your partner is willing, give it a try, you just might be surprised how rewarding it can be!

So know maybe you can relate to why Paige thinks I want to be a girl. Like I said this is why I am confused and probably will stay so for a while.

On a day to day basis I am mostly the same as I always was. I live and work as a guy and still hang out with friends and watch basketball and the UFC. But sexually speaking I am almost exclusively a bottom or submissive now. I still like to fuck Paige whenever I can but mostly it doesn't happen anymore. I am normally on the receiving end of fucking at this point (and that hasn't been for a while now). I do play with a dildo alone and find it's a very intense form of release for me. This is why I feel I was conditioned into this. 2 years ago this would have sounded absolutely crazy to me that I would be getting off alone sticking a dildo up my ass instead of it being penis centered masturbation. But life is strange and it can change drastically in a relatively short amount of time.

There have been other encounters with guys, those are some of those Paige related stories I indicated I was going to write about but haven't done yet. You guys don't have to worry, it's more stories about Paige than me so it's not gonna gross you out too much lol. I did have one sexual experience with a guy without Paige involved but I won't talk about unless you guys want me too. Like I said I know that's not really the purpose of this forum so.

This pretty much sums up everything I think. If anyone has more questions just ask, I'll do my best to answer honestly :)

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by curiousdave » Sun Apr 10, 2016 3:14 pm

While eating dinner I realized I left off a rather important part of my sexual change. As far as my attractions go, to this day I only really am attracted to females. The act of sex or submitting to a more dominate male is attractive but strictly in terms of seeing another person and getting turned on, so far only women do that for me. Now back to the strange part for me, do I find women so attractive I want to be one myself? I'm not sure. But in the moment while being sexual the idea is extremely hot for me. Just thought I would come back and add this because some may have wondered.

Thanks for your reply elina. I appreciate your comments and well wishes. Maybe one day your wife can open up a little and explore with you :)

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by D+D » Sun Apr 10, 2016 3:32 pm

Just because you like kinky stuff, doesn't make you a woman Dave. Gosh what you described sounds hot to me, but I don't think I'd want to be a woman. Shit, wearing nylons and panties is kinky and fun and playing with my wife like that is definitely something I'd like to try, but when I'm through playing I'll still be male even if the play involved someone else's big hard cock. Have fun and good luck! Think that you and Paige might become a bona fide couple maybe even tie the knot?
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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by Morgan » Mon Apr 11, 2016 2:31 am

Hey Dave
Thank you for sticking with OHW.
As much as is possible on an internet forum you have family here.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by SSQ » Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:25 am

Hey Dave,

Like the others say, having fun with various type of role play and enjoying that doesn't make you a woman. If you don't feel like one, then you aren't. I wouldn't worry too much about that :) There's lots of people who feel genderfluid but that's in their day to day lives, not their sex life generally.

Prostate play is amazing- I'm not surprised you're happier with a dildo in your ass because the orgasms are much more intense when you've trained yourself to cum that way. Have you ever tried urethral sounds at the same time? As long as you use them correctly (medically sanitized and used carefully) they can produce incredible orgasms.

And it's all sex, whether you use your penis or not. There isn't one "right" way to have sex, even though society is so ingrained that sex = penis in vagina that it's how we determine "virginity", which is another ridiculous thing. If it feels good, enjoy it :)

I'm glad to hear things are going well with you and Paige. I hope you continue to be happy.
It's all fun until someone gets hurt... and then it's more fun! :whip:



Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by viking53 » Mon Apr 11, 2016 11:50 am

Hi Dave,

As you allude to, these are feelings that must have been there before and that have further developed under Paige's stimulation and ministration. How much do you think these feelings contributed to pushing Jenna towards your Dad?

The other thing I have wondered about for a long time is how much your back problems contributed to the whole development? Your back problems really put you out of commission at a critical time and meant that Jenna became sexually dependent on your Dad for a long time, at a critical period in their relationship. Do you think it would have developed in the same way if you had still been an active participant?

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by Treborn » Mon Apr 11, 2016 1:37 pm

Thanks Dave. I think you are very lucky to have Paige.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by Rebecca » Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:22 pm

Dave, page 82 (here) is where all of the sudden i can relate to you 100% about you sexuality. Its hard to explain so i'll just say i know exactly what you mean. <hugs>
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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by tfx » Tue Apr 12, 2016 7:28 pm

You're not even bi. Basically the litmus test is... without Paige would you alone seek out another dude to do stuff with - I doubt it. You're just a real perv and willing to try almost anything given the right circumstances. IMHO people are born gay, bi, trans... its not environment or conditioning. You're straight but with a couple kinks in there. But like you say... labels are worth the paper their written on so don't get hung up on it if you're trying to figure it all out.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by Polleny » Wed Apr 13, 2016 8:56 am

Polleny wrote:I think your story is wonderful. Not all of it of cause, I found some parts horrible, but that's your fault.
I started to re read a post I made and realised that it didn't start the way it was supposed to start.

I meant to say that the horrible parts was not your fault. I'm sorry for that and I decided to correct myself this way to make it obvious that it was a mistake. I will also edit the post. But by this post I want to make it clear that I'm sorry for my mistake.

Please forgive me Dave.

PS. The edit button is gone from the former post so I can unfortunately not change it.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by rs480 » Wed Apr 13, 2016 8:14 pm

I'm a bit quiet lately, posting on your thread but very glad to see you here.
"Paige thinks I want to be a girl" and what tfx said got me going.........
I'll simply say this. I actually said "simply". I can't do that.
Please consider what anyone else thinks vs what Dave really wants. :-)
Even nice guys have their limits. :-)

Kinky? Yep, perhaps you are. Me too.
My wife thinks I want to be a gay guy (and accused me of such) but she's a knucklehead and cannot grasp the simplest of notions sometimes.
Keep yourself Dave, if you wish. :-)
Babble stopped.
Yes, I believe I'm losing my mind.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by curiousdave » Sat Apr 16, 2016 9:14 am

D+D wrote:Just because you like kinky stuff, doesn't make you a woman Dave. Gosh what you described sounds hot to me, but I don't think I'd want to be a woman. Shit, wearing nylons and panties is kinky and fun and playing with my wife like that is definitely something I'd like to try, but when I'm through playing I'll still be male even if the play involved someone else's big hard cock. Have fun and good luck! Think that you and Paige might become a bona fide couple maybe even tie the knot?
Thank you D+D for your reply. Do I think Paige and I will become a bona fide couple? Umm, I think we may have reached our center or potential couple wise. I did have this thought in my head of maybe one day. But some people are just not into the whole marriage concept and Paige is one of those. I thought she was changing for a while but that was my own fantasies and misconceptions playing with my mind. The thing is though I truly am OK with this. It just took a while to get my mindset wrapped around it. Now I am just enjoying things for what they are. We have a lot of fun as "close friends" :)

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by curiousdave » Sat Apr 16, 2016 9:23 am

SSQ wrote:Hey Dave,

Like the others say, having fun with various type of role play and enjoying that doesn't make you a woman. If you don't feel like one, then you aren't. I wouldn't worry too much about that :) There's lots of people who feel genderfluid but that's in their day to day lives, not their sex life generally.

Prostate play is amazing- I'm not surprised you're happier with a dildo in your ass because the orgasms are much more intense when you've trained yourself to cum that way. Have you ever tried urethral sounds at the same time? As long as you use them correctly (medically sanitized and used carefully) they can produce incredible orgasms.

And it's all sex, whether you use your penis or not. There isn't one "right" way to have sex, even though society is so ingrained that sex = penis in vagina that it's how we determine "virginity", which is another ridiculous thing. If it feels good, enjoy it :)

I'm glad to hear things are going well with you and Paige. I hope you continue to be happy.
Thanks sweetie, I appreciate your comments and support.

I wouldn't say I am worried about anything per se, it's more of a confused feelings than anything. I accept things for what they are. I just know that playing the part of a female in a sexual way is extremely fun to me now and it does bleed over in my day to day a little. It seems every day that goes by I feel stronger urges to express that side of myself, even if just privately. I mean I go to work and still am Dave and I hang out with friends and still am Dave. But it's sort of like underneath that I am starting to identify more and more with a female mind set. With Paige's encouragement I have started wearing panties a good bit of the time. This isn't strickly a sexual thing but I guess it serves to remind me who I am or who I may be becoming on a more regular basis. There are so many things I could go into but not sure what you guys are really interested in. I just know I am changing and I do like the feeling. I'm just not sure how far I really want to go with it or need to go with it :) Thanks so much for supporting though, it means a lot.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by D+D » Sat Apr 16, 2016 9:30 am

I see nothing wrong with wearing panties to remind you that you're a cuck.
Last edited by D+D on Sat Apr 16, 2016 9:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by curiousdave » Sat Apr 16, 2016 9:41 am

viking53 wrote:Hi Dave,

As you allude to, these are feelings that must have been there before and that have further developed under Paige's stimulation and ministration. How much do you think these feelings contributed to pushing Jenna towards your Dad?

The other thing I have wondered about for a long time is how much your back problems contributed to the whole development? Your back problems really put you out of commission at a critical time and meant that Jenna became sexually dependent on your Dad for a long time, at a critical period in their relationship. Do you think it would have developed in the same way if you had still been an active participant?

I have to give it to you, these are excellent questions and I can understand why someone would wonder about them. Because I did a little myself.

First I haven't figured the whole thing out about what may have been deep down in my subconscious yet. Maybe these feelings were always there, maybe not. I just know I was completely unaware of them before paige started playing with me. That's the truth. If I thought about the things I think about now I swear I would have mentioned it. But before paige (when Iwas with Jen) I had zero interest in crossdressing, acting female, experiencing a man. I was to my knowledge completely hetero as far as I knew. I have thought of asking Jenna what she thinks but I am kinds of scared of her reaction because of our long history and what she may think of me now if she knew these things. I don't want her to think badly of me ever. And it scares me that maybe she would. Even though what went down between us was very unconventional and strange or sick in so many people's eyes, Jen is a pretty conventional type girl. "One man, one woman" type thing. I mean she played a little growing up, having a small tiny wild side, goofing around kissing girlfriends and well if Paige is telling the truth maybe a little more than that (Paige still has never divulged anything major) but for the most part she's a more "standard" thinking woman. Just not sure I want to bring her deep into my new world. But I would love to know if she ever thought things or suspected stuff about me, based on what she saw. Maybe one day I will have the nerve to bring it up.

About the back problems (Thank God that's behind me!). I do not think it was a contributing factor in her leaving. If anything I think it made her stay longer for feeling she had to take care of me and also maybe how bad it would look to leave me in a crippled state to be with my dad. Now I do think if I had been able I may have gotten to have a little more fun before the end came. I mean when it all started was when we were still being sexual and having fun with it. So being out of sexual commission so to speak probably made me lose out on some earth shattering O's. And I probably would have gained some more insight on what kind of sex those two were having. I do regret that because at the time it was the most exciting, mind blowing time of my life. The back problems really fucked me in a lot of ways. I can't get that back now. But hey that's life, gotta keep moving :)

Thanks for the great questions!

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by curiousdave » Sat Apr 16, 2016 9:45 am

Rebecca wrote:Dave, page 82 (here) is where all of the sudden i can relate to you 100% about you sexuality. Its hard to explain so i'll just say i know exactly what you mean. <hugs>
Thank you Rebecca , Hugs back at ya :D

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by curiousdave » Sat Apr 16, 2016 9:51 am

tfx wrote:Dave,
You're not even bi. Basically the litmus test is... without Paige would you alone seek out another dude to do stuff with - I doubt it. You're just a real perv and willing to try almost anything given the right circumstances. IMHO people are born gay, bi, trans... its not environment or conditioning. You're straight but with a couple kinks in there. But like you say... labels are worth the paper their written on so don't get hung up on it if you're trying to figure it all out.

Thank you :) Well I appreciate your thoughts but I'm not sure if I can completely co-sign. Maybe you are right, I just haven't figured it all out because of how drastic a change I've been through or guess I am still going through. Like you said Labels really are worthless and I don't pay much attention to that in every day life, but sometimes for the sake of conversation or explaining things we need to try and give a word to something so it's easier to understand. And about the part would I seek out another man with Paige? Not sure about that one. I will say I would never have thought of doing so just as short a time as a few months back. But I feel I am evolving fast and I can never say where I will be in another few months. The thought by itself is sort of exciting ;)

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by curiousdave » Sat Apr 16, 2016 9:53 am

Polleny wrote:
Polleny wrote:I think your story is wonderful. Not all of it of cause, I found some parts horrible, but that's your fault.
I started to re read a post I made and realised that it didn't start the way it was supposed to start.

I meant to say that the horrible parts was not your fault. I'm sorry for that and I decided to correct myself this way to make it obvious that it was a mistake. I will also edit the post. But by this post I want to make it clear that I'm sorry for my mistake.

Please forgive me Dave.

PS. The edit button is gone from the former post so I can unfortunately not change it.
No problem. I sort of understood where you were coming from. It's ok :)

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by curiousdave » Sat Apr 16, 2016 9:55 am

rs480 wrote:I'm a bit quiet lately, posting on your thread but very glad to see you here.
"Paige thinks I want to be a girl" and what tfx said got me going.........
I'll simply say this. I actually said "simply". I can't do that.
Please consider what anyone else thinks vs what Dave really wants. :-)
Even nice guys have their limits. :-)

Kinky? Yep, perhaps you are. Me too.
My wife thinks I want to be a gay guy (and accused me of such) but she's a knucklehead and cannot grasp the simplest of notions sometimes.
Keep yourself Dave, if you wish. :-)
Babble stopped.

Thanks RS, I will keep being me for sure. I won't let anyone make me something I don't really want to be. I'm just not 100% sure what that is myself right now.

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by curiousdave » Sat Apr 16, 2016 9:58 am

D+D wrote:I see nothing wrong with wearing panties to remind you that you're a cuck.

Thanks again. It's a very nice feeling to know others understand or can relate. Wearing panties is a great reminder of a lot of things it seems. Not to mention they just feel so nice!

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Re: Wife and my Dad

Unread post by D+D » Sat Apr 16, 2016 10:16 am

curiousdave wrote:
D+D wrote:I see nothing wrong with wearing panties to remind you that you're a cuck.

Thanks again. It's a very nice feeling to know others understand or can relate. Wearing panties is a great reminder of a lot of things it seems. Not to mention they just feel so nice!
Yes they do. ;)
See our pics in the Hotties under My Wife Debbie

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