It's happened!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by roadrunner » Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:52 pm

Zona wrote:
softcantfind wrote:Hi Mike,
The divorce rate in America is 50% and I am quite sure that the percentage of failed Cuckold and Hotwife marriages is not any higher then that.

On both counts.

Google a little and you will find the actual divorce rate in the U. S. is somewhere closer to 30%.

Secondly, after doing a LOT of reading of this site--especially those threads that start to indicate a little trouble in Camelot and then just disappear, never to be heard from again--I'd estimate the divorce rate at close to double the vanilla rate (my opinion is bolstered by nine (NINE) of my former hotwife friends from these forums now being divorced--and a couple more in serious marital trouble). Further, doesn't it just make sense that a hotwife being boned regularly by a boyfriend is a lot more likely to leave a sexually boring marriage for that boyfriend?

On cuckold marriage divorce rates I have no clue. It just stands to reason that they they are higher. How can a wife continue to love a husband who she has seen submitted to humiliation by her and/or her bull--sometimes to the point of emasculation.

(And isn't Jen's talk of her "eunuch" husband an admission that she has already mentally castrated him?)
I did Google it and found the divorce rate to be estimated at around 40% to 50% of all US marriages eventually ending in divorce. There are other ways to measure divorce rates, but none of them I found came up with 30%. What is your source?

We have no idea how the divorce rate of hotwife and cuckold marriages compare to the general population. I can't even find reliable statistics on swinging couples, which represent a much larger and more easily identified variation. (Though "more easily identified" is strictly relative. I don't think any alternative lifestyle lends itself to reliable statistical studies. Even defining what constitutes any of these liefstyles is difficult enough. Do you count a couple that tried it once and never again? And then getting a representative sample of a lifestyle where most participants have a strong desire for anonymity makes getting reliable data pretty much impossible!)

And whatever you may assume, we don't know anything about what happened to those couples that used to post here but no longer do. Some like to assume they "must have ended badly" but that's just a guess, usually heavily influenced by what the guesser what's to believe. No doubt some of them have ended, but no doubt others continue. We just don't know.

And in most cases we never will. That's just the nature of anonymous online lifestyle forums like this one.
Two words that should rarely be used when discussing human behavior are 'always' and 'never'!


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Zona » Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:37 pm

Softcantfind, frankly I'm not really much interested in what happens to Mike and Jen. I've already formed my opinion of what their long-term prospects are.

My only point in response to your post was with regard to your misuse of marriage/divorce statistics. I would have expected you to know that you can trust the news media about as far as you can throw a refrigerator, and that their continued misuse of the 50% divorce rate comes from a statistical method now debunked by virtually every learned person who has any interest in it. That method simply divides the number of marriages in any given year by the number of divorces, eg: 2.4 million marriages v. 1.2 million divorces. VOILA: 50%.

I suggest that anyone really trying to understand that rate (rather than use it to try to fortify a wrongly-held thesis) should read a lot (and there is a LOT of information out there) in an attempt to distill some semblance of the real truth.

One of the best articles I read can be found here: http: //w

Some quotes from that article include:

"Divorce By The Statistics: It Doesn't Add Up"

"Someone once said that people who use statistics to make arguments use numbers the way a drunk uses a streetlight: not for illumination but for support."

"Every day, divorce statistics punctuate the pronouncements of social commentators who use them, not to throw light on the subject, but to convince readers of their political point of view. Commentators write with an agenda, and they wittingly or unwittingly mislead casual readers."

"For sure, percentages ("50 percent of marriages fail") suggest a precision and objectivity, but it is not that simple. Divorce statistics, like all statistics, are quantified abstractions that are difficult to interpret correctly unless they can be put into context from which they are abstracted. And what seems like good news can be very misleading unless it is put in the context of life experience."

"Overall, the divorce rate shot up after World War II, then declined, only to rise again in the 1960s and 1970s, and then leveled off during the 1980s, but in trying to give meaning to these statistics great care must be taken. According to the National Marriage Project, the "overall divorce rate" peaked at 22.6 divorces per 1,000 marriages in 1980, 20.9 in 1990, and 18.8 in 2000. Yet it should be remembered the sheer size of the much studied Baby Boom - 75 million Americans born between 1946 and 1964 - is enough to influence the aggregate marriage and divorce statistics."

There is a lot more but I think that is enough of that. You can read the whole article yourself if you are so inclined--or any of a large number of similar articles.

As you accurately stated in your post above:
Softcan'tfind wrote: My statement saying we have a 50% divorce rate in the USA came from TV news a number of years ago. I did a Google study and the different websites on there can't even agree, there are to many variables to be accurate.
Let's just leave it at that. Those purveyors of nothing but the truth, the national news media, say it is 50%, but the National Marriage Project says the "overall divorce rate" peaked at 22.6 divorces per 1,000 marriages in 1980.

So, in answer to roadrunner's query above:
roadrunner wrote: I did Google it and found the divorce rate to be estimated at around 40% to 50% of all US marriages eventually ending in divorce. There are other ways to measure divorce rates, but none of them I found came up with 30%. What is your source?
Roadrunner, I've always considered you a learned man, but in this case I have a feeling you googled just enough to find the information you wanted to find.

Based on that method I could just as easily have made the statement that the actual divorce rate was, according to the National Marriage Project, 18.8% in the 2000's (the latest numbers available).

But that would likely be wrong too.
"roadrunner wrote: And whatever you may assume, we don't know anything about what happened to those couples that used to post here but no longer do. Some like to assume they "must have ended badly" but that's just a guess, usually heavily influenced by what the guesser what's to believe. No doubt some of them have ended, but no doubt others continue. We just don't know."
I base my gut feel not on whomever stops posting, but rather on those posters who have indicated some problems in paradise and THEN stopped posting. And the nine formerly OHW couples I personally know who are now divorced.

Anyone who believes that the divorce rate won't be higher among wives who are regularly being boned by another man, are strong candidates for a client list I am accumulating for a giant Kansas beachfront land sale.

With that, I feel that we have hijacked this thread far too much already and I will be discussing this subject no further on this thread.

My very best wishes for good luck going forward, Michael and Jen. I think you are going to need it.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by roadrunner » Tue Dec 06, 2016 5:01 pm

Zona wrote:...

So, in answer to roadrunner's query above:
roadrunner wrote: I did Google it and found the divorce rate to be estimated at around 40% to 50% of all US marriages eventually ending in divorce. There are other ways to measure divorce rates, but none of them I found came up with 30%. What is your source?
Roadrunner, I've always considered you a learned man, but in this case I have a feeling you googled just enough to find the information you wanted to find.

Based on that method I could just as easily have made the statement that the actual divorce rate was, according to the National Marriage Project, 18.8% in the 2000's (the latest numbers available).

But that would likely be wrong too.

I think you've missed a couple of important things about the numbers we're quoting. The "40%-50%" figure being quote isn't at all the same thing as the "18.8" number you're quoting from the National Marriage Project.

The "40%-50%" figure is an estimate of the percentage of new marriages that will eventually end in divorce. It's source? Allow me to quote your own source. From the National Marriage Project's "2012 State of Our Unions" report ( ... OU2012.pdf) states on page 67:
For the average couple marrying for the first time in recent years, the lifetime probability of divorce or separation now falls between 40 and 50 percent.
Three pages later I find your "18.8" number for 2000 in a chart. But that number isn't a percentage, it's ""Number of divorces per 1,000 married women age 15 and older, by year, United States". The first is basically a lifetime likelihood, while the later is an annual rate. Each statistic has it's own use. And "18.8" isn't a percentage, it's per thousand; the percentage would be one tenth that number.

For more on how these rates are computed, what they really mean, and what they can and can't be used for, I'd suggest the following article:
Two words that should rarely be used when discussing human behavior are 'always' and 'never'!


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Zona » Tue Dec 06, 2016 5:58 pm

By Zona, two posts upthread: With that, I feel that we have hijacked this thread far too much already and I will be discussing this subject no further on this thread.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by lkh96 » Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:23 pm

Zona wrote:
softcantfind wrote:Hi Mike,
The divorce rate in America is 50% and I am quite sure that the percentage of failed Cuckold and Hotwife marriages is not any higher then that.

On both counts.

Google a little and you will find the actual divorce rate in the U. S. is somewhere closer to 30%.

Secondly, after doing a LOT of reading of this site--especially those threads that start to indicate a little trouble in Camelot and then just disappear, never to be heard from again--I'd estimate the divorce rate at close to double the vanilla rate (my opinion is bolstered by nine (NINE) of my former hotwife friends from these forums now being divorced--and a couple more in serious marital trouble). Further, doesn't it just make sense that a hotwife being boned regularly by a boyfriend is a lot more likely to leave a sexually boring marriage for that boyfriend?

On cuckold marriage divorce rates I have no clue. It just stands to reason that they they are higher. How can a wife continue to love a husband who she has seen submitted to humiliation by her and/or her bull--sometimes to the point of emasculation.

(And isn't Jen's talk of her "eunuch" husband an admission that she has already mentally castrated him?)
Shit man ! You really have been around the block


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by kaskap79 » Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:50 pm

Dicktwat wrote:
Zona wrote:
softcantfind wrote:Hi Mike,
The divorce rate in America is 50% and I am quite sure that the percentage of failed Cuckold and Hotwife marriages is not any higher then that.

On both counts.

Google a little and you will find the actual divorce rate in the U. S. is somewhere closer to 30%.

Secondly, after doing a LOT of reading of this site--especially those threads that start to indicate a little trouble in Camelot and then just disappear, never to be heard from again--I'd estimate the divorce rate at close to double the vanilla rate (my opinion is bolstered by nine (NINE) of my former hotwife friends from these forums now being divorced--and a couple more in serious marital trouble). Further, doesn't it just make sense that a hotwife being boned regularly by a boyfriend is a lot more likely to leave a sexually boring marriage for that boyfriend?

On cuckold marriage divorce rates I have no clue. It just stands to reason that they they are higher. How can a wife continue to love a husband who she has seen submitted to humiliation by her and/or her bull--sometimes to the point of emasculation.

(And isn't Jen's talk of her "eunuch" husband an admission that she has already mentally castrated him?)
Shit man ! You really have been around the block
For me, it is more likely that people just doesn't get the thrill of telling their story any more.

The get new interest and new ways of finding their kink.

I have left several boards of different topics through time because it stopped being fun any more.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Tue Dec 13, 2016 5:37 pm

mickle wrote:With all the Christmas parties coming up Michael, with Jen's school friends, maybe Ben or Allison will take her.
The students that live in dorms and student apartments usually go back home over the holidays. The ones that are local will probably be sticking with family parties, I'm guessing. But, maybe there will be some kind of holiday thing going on that Jen will get invited to.
OOAA wrote:I understand, let's be patience then... ;)
Ha! You'd really like to read about me being back in chastity! ;)
MrLust wrote:Cooly done. Great updates
Serrand wrote:Sorry, don’t let youself get urge on by some people here in this forum to do things you don't feel comfortable. In your place I would be more than elated to be back in Jen's arms and bed, having sex with her. Be happy that your wife wants you back with her.
Even in danger to anger you, I strongly recommend to you not to jeopordize your relationship with Jen with more "cuckold-play", at least not in the moment, not so soon after Brian. Get a grip of yourself!!!
Excuse me again, but this chastity device seemed always a rather stupid idea from the beginning.
I'm into the cuckold stuff because it turns me on, not because people on here are pushing me into doing stuff I don't want. Thanks though. I get what you're saying.
norbertrichard wrote:Mike, don't be influenced by Mickle, as his wife only fucks blacks, and all her kids are black, and he is just her sub cuck, by his own admission.
Whatever. So he's got his own cuckold thing going on that's different than mine.
OOAA wrote:Mike,

As always you have my fully support on your fantasies, actions, experiences and enjoyable feelings you are living and dharing with us!!!

Best regards and go on, my friend!
softcantfind wrote:Hi Mike,

I just read your thread. All I can say is wow what a wonderful journey. I just can't understand all the different attitudes that you are being blasted with. From my point of view yes, you have had to handle a few bumps in the road. Mike you were happy when Jen and Brian were cuckolding you. Right now at this time in your life your doing well with Jen and your present sex life. To me here comes the BUT. The cuckolding lifestyle has many risks mostly to a marriage but also to friendships and sometimes to family interaction.
The divorce rate in America is 50% and I am quite sure that the percentage of failed Cuckold and Hotwife marriages is not any higher then that.

I can tell you that you have a fantastic wife in Jen. Right from the very beginning of your thread she was a willing participant. Just reading about how dominant she soon became after you explained your fantasies more clearly to her was awesome. Yes I can see were she became both sexually and emotionally attached to Brian. So what? She never left you out of the picture as she was trying very hard to be the Cuckoldress you needed her to be. The way she came to treat you by putting you in your place by denying you intercourse, putting you in a chastity cage and all the other submissive kinks you desired was priceless. I know the way you quoted her talking to you made me so horny that my toes curled.

At this time and under the circumstances you are now enjoying your vanilla sex life. How long will this last until the Cuckold nature in you struggles to take over again. If I was a young man and had the opportunity you have I would go for it all and don't look back. My advise is that you communicate and make clear to Jen that you want her to be in control of not only of her sex live and yours but both your home lives in general. I believe that in order for the both of you to fulfill the desires of your hearts, maybe it would be wise to help her find another full time boyfriend. These are just my thoughts and feelings that I wanted to share with you. I am sure that this post will not go over well with some of your readers and I am sorry if I disturb anyone.
Some good points. Thanks, man!

So, there's this big discussion about divorce rates and stuff that happened after your comment. I don't want to jump into that debate, so I'm just going to go ahead and post an update. It's a good update. :cool:

After my last post, I realized that even if Jen is into Ben, she might not let anything happen between them if she wasn't sure I'd be okay with it. I didn't want to just come out and say, "I'd really be into you having sex with Ben." That shit would have been totally out of the blue and way too pushy. But, Jen gave me the perfect opportunity to give her a nudge (in the direction of Ben's cock).

That weekend, Ben came by our apartment for a study session with Jen. I got to meet him. He seemed pretty cool. Definitely nerdy, but still cool. It was kind of a hassle for him to come over to our place since he lives on campus. He wasn't complaining, but when someone lives on campus it's easier to just stay on campus to study. That's just how it is. Jen and I dropped Ben off at his dorm that night when they were done studying. On the way to his dorm, the three of us were talking. It turns out that Ben has a one person dorm room! No roommates! There are other people in the same suite, but there's no one actually sharing the actual room with him. Ben's parents dish out extra money for the private room. They want him to be able to study without being distracted by a roommate. Good for Ben! And I decided, maybe good for me! :D

On the way back home, I asked Jen if she's been to Ben's room at all.

"I've been inside for a few minutes, but I didn't know if you'd be cool with me spending time alone with Ben in his dorm room." Jen replied.

"How come?" I asked. "Think he's got a crush on you?"

"I know he's got a crush on me," Jen replied.

"And you think he's cute, so maybe something would happen if the two of you were alone?" I asked.

"You trying to catch me doing something that I haven't done?" Jen asked suspiciously.

"No, but has he ever suggested that the two of you study in his room?"

"Yeah, he's suggested it."

"Well, it's not a bad idea. It's right there on campus." I replied, with a hint of a smile.

"You fucking cuckold!" Jen laughed. "You're trying to get me to fuck Ben!"

"No," I replied. "I'm just saying that it's okay if you do. And yeah, I admit that I might be into the idea. But, what you do is up to you. I'm just taking myself out of the equation as an obstacle. The night of the Halloween party, you seemed so into just being a regular college girl, taking off your wedding ring and flirting with guys. Haven't you wanted, even once, to be able to do more than that? Even once? Be honest."

"Of course I have, Michael!" Jen replied bluntly. "But, I just let Halloween be a one shot, let-loose kind of night where I relaxed and let myself be a little naughty for once after Brian left. It wasn't even that naughty. Just a little flirtation with some guys at a party. And then I came home to my husband. Flirting with other guys that night helped me get over Brian some more. Getting back into having real sex with you also helped me too. But, sometimes I do wish I could do more than flirt. I get jealous of those girls whose parents pay for them to go to college and, so long as they do okay in school, they can spend their free time having fun and partying and going out on dates with whoever they want and fucking whoever they want. Just one big four year party for those girls! I have the advantage that I appreciate being able to go to college more than they do, but I still envy the fun that they have."

"Well, you don't have a job anymore. So, there's nothing stopping you from having fun too. Next semester you'll have more than enough time to study and go to parties and go out on dates. I want you to have the full college experience! When you're done, I want you to be able to say that you totally lived the college life and had as much fun as anyone else!"

"Are you giving me permission to go out with other guys?" Jen asked bluntly.

"It's not even like that. College girls don't have to ask for permission. If you want to see other guys besides me, you don't have to ask for permission. Just go ahead and do it. I just want there to be a few rules though."

"What kind of rules?" Jen asked skeptically.

"Um, well, safe sex only. Unless you go with the guy to get tested and make sure that he's 100% clean, then condoms only. Also, I want you to still make time for us."

"Well, duh!" Jen replied with a smile. "Anything else?"

"Yes," I continued. "I want you to keep me in the know. Again, you don't have to ask permission. I just want you tell me what you're up to, like you would a best friend. Details and all."

"Are you sure about all this?" Jen asked.

"I think so," I replied truthfully.

"Okay. Well, I'll think about it." Jen said with a smile that told me that she'd already decided.

Jen and I had crazy hot sex that night! There was no talk of other guys though. No talk of cuckolding. But, I knew it was on both of our minds!

That next week, Jen started seeing Ben in his dorm room and the two of them started having sex! Although Jen had to convince Ben that I wouldn't freak out if I found out. Jen said that Ben is a little afraid of me, but evidently he also likes me and doesn't want to disrespect me.

The two of them had sex five times already! The funny thing is that there really aren't much details. Not because Jen is being secretive. She just says that Ben is okay at sex, but not great. So it's just very vanilla kind of stuff and there isn't really much to talk about.

This is how Jen explained it: "It was actually just sort of natural for Ben and I to start fucking once I knew it was okay with you. Studying together alone in his room, the pressure of school, the two of us being attracted to each other. It's just what happened naturally. It helps us to de-stress from all the studying. Plus, I wanted to pay Ben back for helping me with school. Basically, we make out, we take our clothes off, we feel on each other, and we fuck. That's really all there is to it. It's fun and I get off. But, I get off way better when I'm with you. If I was only fucking Ben and no one else, I'd be going crazy. But, I get to fuck you whenever I want, so it's no big deal for me to also fuck Ben on the side. It's fun having the freedom to fuck whoever I want on the side, even if right now there isn't anyone else on the side other than Ben. Thank you, Michael!"

Anyhow, it's exam week now. When the week ends, so does the semester. Jen is with Ben as I type. I'll pick her up when she texts me. This is more like hotwifing than cuckolding, but it's still crazy hot! Whenever Jen and I have sex lately, I get to imagine her with Ben and I know that it's not just my imagination, that she really is fucking him on the side! Jen and I don't talk about it much when we're having sex. Just a few moments of dirty talk that's mostly silly. For example, last night:

"Tell me about Ben's penis," I said as I was inside of Jen.

"Well, it's smaller than yours, but it still feels alright."

"Looking forward to fucking him next semester?" I asked as I slowly thrust in and out of Jen.

"I'm looking forward to fucking whoever I want!" Jen replied with a grin. "That includes you. Especially you!"

So, yeah, definitely more of a hotwifing thing than a cuckolding thing that's going on right now. But, I'll take it! It's pretty fucking sweet!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Tue Dec 13, 2016 7:52 pm

Thanks for the update Michael,
It sounds like you and Jen are on the same page. She likes fucking other men and you love her for doing it. Maybe when the new semester starts and Jen and Ben are back at it again, you can invite Ben over for a weekend of study with benefits.

Unfortunately for Jen , that it is not mind blowing, and I know this is her first venture into college life, But the possibilities for Jen to have a lover for the next 4 years while in school, must fuel some kind of crazy desire in you. And now that the subject has been broached and you both feel the same. WOW!

Think about it, by your rules, she need not ask permission, only let you know, safe sex must be practiced unless she finds someone that fulfills hers sexually desires and is tested to be safe and exclusive. Does the thought of being a cuckold eunuch, to your wife for the duration of her college career make you crazy with desire for her. At once thinking, you love how you are having sex with Jen, but now not so secretly letting her know that it turns you on that she now knows SHE can decide to have sex with anybody she wants, whenever she wants.

I know i go off the deep end sometimes, but I have enjoyed following your adventures from the beginning and I only hope the best for you and Jen. I will continue to follow and support for as long as you continue to share with us. Thank You


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Tue Dec 13, 2016 10:08 pm

Thanks for another hot update Michael. How does it feel now that Jen is out on the hunt again? How far would you like to see this go?


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OOAA » Thu Dec 15, 2016 5:09 am

AMAZING UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great talk and fantastic movement!!!

What a pity he is not great in sex and his cock is smaller :(

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by hwc » Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:02 am

Thanks for the updates Michael - always looking out for them. Now to Jen. I'm guessing from what you've said, though I may be wrong, that Ben is but a minor distraction and a bit of fun for her, and obviously for you too. I hope she finds a single, manly guy who makes her go weak at the knees, who she knows is dangerous because she is aware she could fall hard for if she spends too much time with him. Cue Mike: Encourages her to spend as much time with him as possible to develop stronger feelings for him, which translates as her having an absolutely fantastic time, not to
mention Mike gets to destroy the crotch area in all of his trousers!
Last edited by hwc on Sun Dec 18, 2016 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by boblouis723 » Fri Dec 16, 2016 9:06 pm

I wonder if he's asked about the tattoo....

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by SamWarrens » Tue Dec 20, 2016 4:35 pm

Keep it going! The story is captivating. I foresee a train wreck coming though when Brian & Jen don't want to stop after the wedding or Jen decides to marry Brian instead
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OOAA » Sat Dec 24, 2016 9:46 pm

A fantastic Christmas to Michael and all folks!

Best wishes

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by hwc » Mon Jan 02, 2017 5:38 pm

Always check-in here first for updates! - hopefully we have some news from over the holiday period (never mind how un-filled with mind-blowing details!)

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by SamWarrens » Mon Jan 02, 2017 7:53 pm

excitedcuckold wrote:
mickle wrote:With all the Christmas parties coming up Michael, with Jen's school friends, maybe Ben or Allison will take her.
The students that live in dorms and student apartments usually go back home over the holidays. The ones that are local will probably be sticking with family parties, I'm guessing. But, maybe there will be some kind of holiday thing going on that Jen will get invited to.
OOAA wrote:I understand, let's be patience then... ;)
Ha! You'd really like to read about me being back in chastity! ;)
MrLust wrote:Cooly done. Great updates
Serrand wrote:Sorry, don’t let youself get urge on by some people here in this forum to do things you don't feel comfortable. In your place I would be more than elated to be back in Jen's arms and bed, having sex with her. Be happy that your wife wants you back with her.
Even in danger to anger you, I strongly recommend to you not to jeopordize your relationship with Jen with more "cuckold-play", at least not in the moment, not so soon after Brian. Get a grip of yourself!!!
Excuse me again, but this chastity device seemed always a rather stupid idea from the beginning.
I'm into the cuckold stuff because it turns me on, not because people on here are pushing me into doing stuff I don't want. Thanks though. I get what you're saying.
norbertrichard wrote:Mike, don't be influenced by Mickle, as his wife only fucks blacks, and all her kids are black, and he is just her sub cuck, by his own admission.
Whatever. So he's got his own cuckold thing going on that's different than mine.
OOAA wrote:Mike,

As always you have my fully support on your fantasies, actions, experiences and enjoyable feelings you are living and dharing with us!!!

Best regards and go on, my friend!
softcantfind wrote:Hi Mike,

I just read your thread. All I can say is wow what a wonderful journey. I just can't understand all the different attitudes that you are being blasted with. From my point of view yes, you have had to handle a few bumps in the road. Mike you were happy when Jen and Brian were cuckolding you. Right now at this time in your life your doing well with Jen and your present sex life. To me here comes the BUT. The cuckolding lifestyle has many risks mostly to a marriage but also to friendships and sometimes to family interaction.
The divorce rate in America is 50% and I am quite sure that the percentage of failed Cuckold and Hotwife marriages is not any higher then that.

I can tell you that you have a fantastic wife in Jen. Right from the very beginning of your thread she was a willing participant. Just reading about how dominant she soon became after you explained your fantasies more clearly to her was awesome. Yes I can see were she became both sexually and emotionally attached to Brian. So what? She never left you out of the picture as she was trying very hard to be the Cuckoldress you needed her to be. The way she came to treat you by putting you in your place by denying you intercourse, putting you in a chastity cage and all the other submissive kinks you desired was priceless. I know the way you quoted her talking to you made me so horny that my toes curled.

At this time and under the circumstances you are now enjoying your vanilla sex life. How long will this last until the Cuckold nature in you struggles to take over again. If I was a young man and had the opportunity you have I would go for it all and don't look back. My advise is that you communicate and make clear to Jen that you want her to be in control of not only of her sex live and yours but both your home lives in general. I believe that in order for the both of you to fulfill the desires of your hearts, maybe it would be wise to help her find another full time boyfriend. These are just my thoughts and feelings that I wanted to share with you. I am sure that this post will not go over well with some of your readers and I am sorry if I disturb anyone.
Some good points. Thanks, man!

So, there's this big discussion about divorce rates and stuff that happened after your comment. I don't want to jump into that debate, so I'm just going to go ahead and post an update. It's a good update. :cool:

After my last post, I realized that even if Jen is into Ben, she might not let anything happen between them if she wasn't sure I'd be okay with it. I didn't want to just come out and say, "I'd really be into you having sex with Ben." That shit would have been totally out of the blue and way too pushy. But, Jen gave me the perfect opportunity to give her a nudge (in the direction of Ben's cock).

That weekend, Ben came by our apartment for a study session with Jen. I got to meet him. He seemed pretty cool. Definitely nerdy, but still cool. It was kind of a hassle for him to come over to our place since he lives on campus. He wasn't complaining, but when someone lives on campus it's easier to just stay on campus to study. That's just how it is. Jen and I dropped Ben off at his dorm that night when they were done studying. On the way to his dorm, the three of us were talking. It turns out that Ben has a one person dorm room! No roommates! There are other people in the same suite, but there's no one actually sharing the actual room with him. Ben's parents dish out extra money for the private room. They want him to be able to study without being distracted by a roommate. Good for Ben! And I decided, maybe good for me! :D

On the way back home, I asked Jen if she's been to Ben's room at all.

"I've been inside for a few minutes, but I didn't know if you'd be cool with me spending time alone with Ben in his dorm room." Jen replied.

"How come?" I asked. "Think he's got a crush on you?"

"I know he's got a crush on me," Jen replied.

"And you think he's cute, so maybe something would happen if the two of you were alone?" I asked.

"You trying to catch me doing something that I haven't done?" Jen asked suspiciously.

"No, but has he ever suggested that the two of you study in his room?"

"Yeah, he's suggested it."

"Well, it's not a bad idea. It's right there on campus." I replied, with a hint of a smile.

"You fucking cuckold!" Jen laughed. "You're trying to get me to fuck Ben!"

"No," I replied. "I'm just saying that it's okay if you do. And yeah, I admit that I might be into the idea. But, what you do is up to you. I'm just taking myself out of the equation as an obstacle. The night of the Halloween party, you seemed so into just being a regular college girl, taking off your wedding ring and flirting with guys. Haven't you wanted, even once, to be able to do more than that? Even once? Be honest."

"Of course I have, Michael!" Jen replied bluntly. "But, I just let Halloween be a one shot, let-loose kind of night where I relaxed and let myself be a little naughty for once after Brian left. It wasn't even that naughty. Just a little flirtation with some guys at a party. And then I came home to my husband. Flirting with other guys that night helped me get over Brian some more. Getting back into having real sex with you also helped me too. But, sometimes I do wish I could do more than flirt. I get jealous of those girls whose parents pay for them to go to college and, so long as they do okay in school, they can spend their free time having fun and partying and going out on dates with whoever they want and fucking whoever they want. Just one big four year party for those girls! I have the advantage that I appreciate being able to go to college more than they do, but I still envy the fun that they have."

"Well, you don't have a job anymore. So, there's nothing stopping you from having fun too. Next semester you'll have more than enough time to study and go to parties and go out on dates. I want you to have the full college experience! When you're done, I want you to be able to say that you totally lived the college life and had as much fun as anyone else!"

"Are you giving me permission to go out with other guys?" Jen asked bluntly.

"It's not even like that. College girls don't have to ask for permission. If you want to see other guys besides me, you don't have to ask for permission. Just go ahead and do it. I just want there to be a few rules though."

"What kind of rules?" Jen asked skeptically.

"Um, well, safe sex only. Unless you go with the guy to get tested and make sure that he's 100% clean, then condoms only. Also, I want you to still make time for us."

"Well, duh!" Jen replied with a smile. "Anything else?"

"Yes," I continued. "I want you to keep me in the know. Again, you don't have to ask permission. I just want you tell me what you're up to, like you would a best friend. Details and all."

"Are you sure about all this?" Jen asked.

"I think so," I replied truthfully.

"Okay. Well, I'll think about it." Jen said with a smile that told me that she'd already decided.

Jen and I had crazy hot sex that night! There was no talk of other guys though. No talk of cuckolding. But, I knew it was on both of our minds!

That next week, Jen started seeing Ben in his dorm room and the two of them started having sex! Although Jen had to convince Ben that I wouldn't freak out if I found out. Jen said that Ben is a little afraid of me, but evidently he also likes me and doesn't want to disrespect me.

The two of them had sex five times already! The funny thing is that there really aren't much details. Not because Jen is being secretive. She just says that Ben is okay at sex, but not great. So it's just very vanilla kind of stuff and there isn't really much to talk about.

This is how Jen explained it: "It was actually just sort of natural for Ben and I to start fucking once I knew it was okay with you. Studying together alone in his room, the pressure of school, the two of us being attracted to each other. It's just what happened naturally. It helps us to de-stress from all the studying. Plus, I wanted to pay Ben back for helping me with school. Basically, we make out, we take our clothes off, we feel on each other, and we fuck. That's really all there is to it. It's fun and I get off. But, I get off way better when I'm with you. If I was only fucking Ben and no one else, I'd be going crazy. But, I get to fuck you whenever I want, so it's no big deal for me to also fuck Ben on the side. It's fun having the freedom to fuck whoever I want on the side, even if right now there isn't anyone else on the side other than Ben. Thank you, Michael!"

Anyhow, it's exam week now. When the week ends, so does the semester. Jen is with Ben as I type. I'll pick her up when she texts me. This is more like hotwifing than cuckolding, but it's still crazy hot! Whenever Jen and I have sex lately, I get to imagine her with Ben and I know that it's not just my imagination, that she really is fucking him on the side! Jen and I don't talk about it much when we're having sex. Just a few moments of dirty talk that's mostly silly. For example, last night:

"Tell me about Ben's penis," I said as I was inside of Jen.

"Well, it's smaller than yours, but it still feels alright."

"Looking forward to fucking him next semester?" I asked as I slowly thrust in and out of Jen.

"I'm looking forward to fucking whoever I want!" Jen replied with a grin. "That includes you. Especially you!"

So, yeah, definitely more of a hotwifing thing than a cuckolding thing that's going on right now. But, I'll take it! It's pretty fucking sweet!
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Tue Jan 03, 2017 4:04 am

Hi Michael

Hope you and Jen had a good time together over the Holidays. Anything interesting happen or any interesting discussions?

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Tue Jan 03, 2017 4:13 pm

Hope everyone here had happy holidays! Christmas and New Year's were good over here. Mostly family stuff for Christmas, plus a fun New Year's party with friends.

I'd really hoped Brian might visit for the holidays. But, even though his school does give him a short break in between sessions, he needed to stay put and work. Money is still tight for him.

I do have some really good non-sexual news! Jen passed all of her classes! Unfortunately Ben is back home in between semesters, so Jen won't be able to fuck his brains out as a thank you. At least not for at least a couple more weeks.

Also, Jen returned to her old job. Not permanently. She's just picking up some hours during winter break so she can have some extra spending money. I already told her that all of the money she makes over winter break is 100% hers and that I don't want her putting any of that money toward our living expenses or her school expenses. I reminded her that I've got that stuff covered. She thanked me for being so great! For the most part, I'm just glad to help. But, as all of you already know, I'm also using this as an opportunity to allow Jen more freedom to fuck around on me while she's in school. :cool:

Anyhow, there's really not much to report. Guess I'll answer a few questions for now.
softcantfind wrote:Mike,
It sounds wonderful. At least having sex with Ben keeps her in the game.
And also makes it easier for her not having Brian around. She wants more and now that you have made it clear to her that you want her to decide for herself she will. She also will make all your cuckold dreams come true soon enough I believe.
We'll see. If Ben is any indication, maybe it'll just be more mild hotwifing kind of stuff. I'll take it though!
poppag wrote:Thanks for the update Michael,
It sounds like you and Jen are on the same page. She likes fucking other men and you love her for doing it. Maybe when the new semester starts and Jen and Ben are back at it again, you can invite Ben over for a weekend of study with benefits.
It would be really cool if Ben spent a weekend at mine and Jen's apartment sometime. I'm definitely not against it.
poppag wrote:Unfortunately for Jen , that it is not mind blowing, and I know this is her first venture into college life, But the possibilities for Jen to have a lover for the next 4 years while in school, must fuel some kind of crazy desire in you. And now that the subject has been broached and you both feel the same. WOW!

Think about it, by your rules, she need not ask permission, only let you know, safe sex must be practiced unless she finds someone that fulfills hers sexually desires and is tested to be safe and exclusive. Does the thought of being a cuckold eunuch, to your wife for the duration of her college career make you crazy with desire for her. At once thinking, you love how you are having sex with Jen, but now not so secretly letting her know that it turns you on that she now knows SHE can decide to have sex with anybody she wants, whenever she wants.
Yeah. It's hot to think about. But, for now, I'm no longer a eunuch cuckold. Just a lucky husband whose wife fooled around with a study-buddy.
viking53 wrote:Thanks for another hot update Michael. How does it feel now that Jen is out on the hunt again? How far would you like to see this go?
It feels good. I enjoy having sex with Jen, but I really had missed her fucking around on me. It's nice to have some of that thrill back that I missed so much, even if it's just a small thrill in comparison to what was going on between Jen and Brian.

It would be cool if Jen keeps having sex with Ben when school starts up again. But, beyond that, I want Jen to take full advantage of the offer I made her. I want her to feel and behave like a single college girl with the freedom to do what she wants without having to ask my permission. If she wants to go to a party where she's going to get hit on, she doesn't ask me if it's okay to go. She just tells me "hey, I'm going to a college party at so and so's Saturday night." If she gets asked out on a date and wants to say yes, she doesn't ask me if it's okay first. She just tells me, "hey, that really hot guy from the party asked me out and of course I said yes!" If she wants to fuck another guy, she doesn't ask me for my permission. She just starts fucking him tells me what a great time she's having! At least that's where I want things to go. We'll see what happens when the spring semester starts up.
OOAA wrote:AMAZING UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great talk and fantastic movement!!!

What a pity he is not great in sex and his cock is smaller :(
It is what it is.
hwc wrote:Thanks for the updates Michael - always looking out for them. Now to Jen. I'm guessing from what you've said, though I may be wrong, that Ben is but a minor distraction and a bit of fun for her, and obviously for you too. I hope she finds a single, manly guy who makes her go weak at the knees, who she knows is dangerous because she is aware she could fall hard for if she spends too much time with him. Cue Mike: Encourages her to spend as much time with him as possible to develop stronger feelings for him, which translates as her having an absolutely fantastic time, not to
mention Mike gets to destroy the crotch area in all of his trousers!
Ha! We'll see what happens. I'm not looking to create trouble though. Just want Jen (and me) to have some fun. ;)
boblouis723 wrote:I wonder if he's asked about the tattoo....
Nope. Jen said he hadn't asked. Maybe he was shy about asking. Maybe he already guessed it was some other guy's initials. Or maybe he didn't really think much of it. It's a pretty small and simple tattoo. Nothing compared to some of the big, crazy, and easily visible tattoos that some of Jen's classmates have.

Jen has a cover story in case Ben (or anyone else) asks about the tattoo. I'm not sure she'd want to throw it in Ben's face that it's another guy's initials that Ben's looking at when he sees her naked.

As for me, I'm really thankful for that tattoo. Thanks to that tattoo, Jen is still sort of cuckolding me in a way when she and I have sex. Even if she doesn't say a word about Brian, I still see the tattoo and it's a pretty awesome reminder that my wife had once so eagerly replaced me sexually with another man! I like being reminded of it. I think about it a lot when I have sex with Jen, even if I don't say so out loud during the act.
softcantfind wrote:Life is a train wreck waiting to happen. Yes any cuckold lifestyle is risky
Mike, I really don't know where this is all going but I want what makes both you and Jen happy.
Know one can walk in your shoes through your lives accept the two of you.
Thanks for the support!
OOAA wrote:A fantastic Christmas to Michael and all folks!

Best wishes
hwc wrote:Always check-in here first for updates! - hopefully we have some news from over the holiday period (never mind how un-filled with mind-blowing details!)
Hopefully I'll have some real updates once school finally starts up again.
viking53 wrote:Hi Michael

Hope you and Jen had a good time together over the Holidays. Anything interesting happen or any interesting discussions?
Thanks! Nothing new to report yet.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Thu Jan 05, 2017 3:03 am

Good to hear from you Michael, sounds like a happy holiday season was had on your end. It also sounds like you and Jen are having a very good time being husband and wife as sexual partners. That's a great thing, because it shows that there really is a Jen and Michael, husband and wife connection that overrules any sexual or cuckold games you may play.

I like that you had hoped Brian might be able to come and spend some time with you guys, I'm trying to imagine how Jen would feel now experiencing his much larger and better fucking cock, after having yours for so long, I can imagine the teasing that would go on while he is there and afterwards. You would be in cuckold heaven.

It seems that neither you or Jen are not terribly excited about Ben, it is a start and opens up a world of possibilities. With your cuckold desires and Jen sexual appetite for sexual adventure, it might become possible for you guys to have something close to what you had when Brian was with you. Who Knows, maybe she will find a stud that would like to wrestle you for her honor and charms. If it can happen once, who knows.

Yes, i live vicariously through you, and while i may seem to push, please understand that the only important thing is, You and Jen happy together for the rest of your lives together.

poppag out

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by HBcouple » Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:27 pm

Thank you for helping me understand who I am. Your well written words helped me to understand the very complex mix of emotions involved in my relationship. Your thoughtful reasoning and insight seems very mature for a person of your age. I have been married for 26 years, and although I thought I was a cuckold, I believe I more closely align with the hot wife husband. I definitely understand and appreciate the humiliation aspect. I just think humiliation really only feels good for me when my wife and I are in the act of sex. I tend to be the director in our HW relationship, This might change over time if my wife begins to accept a more dominant role, but I don't think she will ever be quite like your wife. Again, thank you for the very well worded and documented story. I think you and your wife have a very good relationship based on great communication and mutual respect.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by SamWarrens » Sun Jan 15, 2017 10:42 pm

We're into mid January. What's happening? Jen back with Ben or does she have a new lover in her sights?
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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by wingman » Thu Jan 19, 2017 8:19 am

Bump.... hey Mike. How's about an update (even if to say nothing to report).
I've got her back, he's got her front.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by SamWarrens » Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:10 am

Mike, it's getting pretty far between updates. Your fans need to hear some more.
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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by hwc » Mon Jan 23, 2017 1:07 am

Update please!!!


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by HOT4MYWIFE » Thu Jan 26, 2017 4:08 am

I only recently discovered your story and am still catching up. Thank you for sharing it with us in such detail. I hope this has been helpful for you to put your thoughts in writing and get the sincere responses. I have not completely caught up yet but look forward to reading about future fun. It's your marriage and what makes you and Jenn happy is what matters.

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