The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by rypmar7 » Wed Apr 12, 2017 11:31 am

At long last, back to the story:

When I left off some time ago, I was on a week long cruise with my wife Lynda and our very close friend Carlos. The problem of course being that my wife and friend were sharing a room and I was traveling solo. I had also been told that they were deeply in love with each other and falling more so each day. I was also told I was not on the approved list of Lynda's lovers and would be cut off. As a result, I was quite surprised when Lynda welcomed me warmly and ended up having day one of the cruise filled with threesomes of me, her and Carlos. They did sleep alone that night and that was to become the norm.

Days two through five followed a pattern, where I would meet up the the lovers somewhere around mid-morning and it would be obvious that they had already had some terrific sex. I would hang out with them all day, whether on the ship or on one of the islands. Lynda would treat us both like boyfriends she had the hots for and could not keep her hands off. When she got too overheated, she would take us back to the cabin and enjoy two men ravishing her. We would then get cleaned up for dinner and meet at a bar outside the dining room. For the rest of the night, it would be back to where they were the couple and I was the friend tagging along. They would say goodnight and leave me to go to bed, which resulted in much late night jacking for me.

On day five, however, there was a slight change to the pattern. After Lynda enjoyed two cocks in the late afternoon, I went back to my cabin to get cleaned up before dinner. Just after I got out of the shower, there was a knock on the door and there stood Lynda. She strutted in and I noticed how outrageously hot she looked. She was wearing extremely short shorts "up her butt" as she would say with a pair of high heels clunky mules, so she looked like all legs. She had a low cut top on showing ample cleavage and all I could think was "damn, I want to fuck this woman." Apparently, she was feeling the same way and soon I was fucking her hard and frantically like I had seen other guys do so many times before, except now I was one of those other guys. After we both came hard and were catching our breathe, I asked her what brought her there and where was Carlos. She said she realized she had not seen my cabin and that she told Carlos she was going off to fuck some more and that he had better get used to it.

more to cum...


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by rypmar7 » Wed Apr 12, 2017 11:49 am


I asked her how Carlos felt about that and she said he acted a little funny, but did not try to stop her. She said that no one ever taught him how to share when he was little, so he was getting a crash course now and laughed. She said that she had no intention of ever even trying to be monogamous again in her life and he needed to be sure that he understood that. I asked her if he had said something about that and she said he had not, but she could just tell. She then insisted that I get dressed and walk her into the bar to meet Carlos, so he would be absolutely sure where she had been. When we reached the bar, Lynda made sure that I was holding her hand as we entered. Carlos was already there, drink in hand, and seemed okay with everything. Lynda, of course, kissed him passionately and immediately took her position pressed against him, so it was obvious that she was back to being his girl.

During dinner, Lynda proceeded to get pretty drunk and when we finished dinner Carlos led her away to bed. On day six we were going to be at Grand Cayman Island and had planned to go ashore together. Lynda said she wanted to do some shopping and when we parted ways, they said they would find me in the morning somewhere around 10:30 - 11:00 and then we would get off together, since you have to take a tender boat ashore. I then hit the casino and then the bars and was feeling pretty good about things, given the way Lynda had acted toward me. I did stay out a bit too late and drank too much, but had a good time.

The next morning I woke around 9:00 and was moving slowly. I took a shower and went up to have breakfast. I did not see Lynda or Carlos anywhere, so I went looking for them when I finished. I did not find them in the buffet area or out by the pool, so I went down inside the ship. Most of the public areas were quiet and many people had already gotten off the ship. Again, I did not find them anywhere, so I went back to my cabin. There were no notes on the door or messages on the voicemail, so I called their cabin and got no answer, just the voicemail. I eventually went to their cabin only to find the door open and the stewards doing routine cleaning. I asked, but they said they had not seen Mr. Carlos and Ms. Lynda. I again went deck by deck through the ship, but did not find them.

Finally, I went down to where you catch the boats to shore and told a crewman at the monitor that I was trying to see if my friends had already gone ashore. I gave him their names and cabin number and he scanned the screen, and then told me that, yes, that had gone ashore around 9:35. For some reason I felt like I was going to be sick and I hurried on to the waiting boat. As good as I had felt the night before, I now felt just as bad. Little did I know that I would soon feel much worse.

to be continued...


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by rypmar7 » Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:13 pm

And more:

On my short ride to the dock, I tried to convince myself that they did not just blow me off, but must have had some good reason to leave without me and not to leave a message. I thought that maybe they did not want to wake me and had gone down below much earlier than their actual departure time. Many thoughts crossed my mind, but I still did not have a good feeling about things. When I finally hit the streets of Georgetown, it was about 11;30. I looked around a little and then headed to where most of the nicer stores are located. When Lynda talks about shopping in the islands, she is talking jewelry stores normally and there are several nice ones there. I went jewelry store to jewelry store, but found no trace of them. Finally, I sat down in a public square between some of the main stores and decided to keep an eye out for them. By then it was almost 1:00 pm and I also thought that they might have gone back on board the ship. I do not know why I was so tense about this and so desperate to locate them, but I really had to find them.

After sitting there for about thirty minutes, I stood up to start looking around again, when I heard a loud excited yell. I looked around, but could not tell where it was coming from. I heard it again and again and then it sounded like there was quite a commotion coming up the street. Finally, I saw a figure running toward me and realized it was Lynda. She was yelling about something, but it appeared like good news and that she was happy about something. She ran up to me and threw her arms around me and kissed me hard. She was crazy, jumping up and down and babbling about something, but I could not tell what it was in her excited state. As she bounced up and down, she was shouting "Look! Look!" and waving her hand around. I then thought, "oh that's nice, Carlos bought her a piece of expensive jewelry." I finally grabbed her arm and held it still, so I could look at the bracelet or whatever it was.

As I stared blankly, Lynda was gushing, saying "Isn't it beautiful? Isn't it the nicest thing you've ever seen?" Still not quite sure what she was talking about, I said something about how it was very nice. She exclaimed in reply, "Well, it better be more than just nice. It's an engagement ring! Carlos and I are engaged!" I was stunned for a second and then felt like I had taken an Ali punch to the stomach. I looked up and there was Carlos with a big smug grin on his face and then felt like a bucket of ice water had been dumped over my head. "Aren't you happy for me?" Lynda gushed. She then started babbling something about how Carlos had proposed last night and it was the most romantic thing she had ever seen, but I really wasn't listening any more.

more to follow...


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by CuckPride » Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:17 pm

Reliving these memories can't be easy for you.


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by rypmar7 » Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:38 pm


After I came to my senses I found that the three of us were sitting at a table in a nice restaurant with drinks toasting their engagement. Of course, I did what any husband that had just been dumped for good by his wife would do :roll: , I congratulated them on their engagement, said how wonderful they were for each other, what a great couple they make, blah blah blah bullshit bullshit bullshit. This may have been the lowest point of my life, but I tried to maintain a stoic gracious front, rather than to completely fall apart in front of the them and a room full of strangers. Finally, I excused myself to go back to the ship and left the lovers there celebrating with the staff. I don't want to spend the next few hours telling you how bad I felt and how I blamed myself for it all. That is one reason I have waited so long to tell this part of the story because words could never come close to describing how bad I felt and the regret I felt. "Be careful what you wish for" had crawled up inside me and was tearing me apart from the inside out. It felt like a sudden unexpected death of someone very close to you and a death that could have been prevented.

I was absolutely morose when the happy couple knocked at my door and I was shocked to see them standing there, a little tipsy. They said they just wanted to tell me that they would not be coming to dinner that night, since they were going to celebrate the big news with a private dinner at the specialty restaurant. It was clear that I was not invited, not that I would have gone. After they left, I tried to decide if that little visit was twisting the knife in me, or simply just a little courtesy on their part. It really did not seem that they had any idea what their actions were doing to me. They were acting more like they had won something big and that of course everyone is happy for them. I think if I had showed any anger, they both would have been truly surprised. I don't know, but it does not do any good to analyze it now, although I did analysis all night long that night.

The next day I actually felt worse after not sleeping well. I barely saw them all day and actually went out of my way to avoid seeing them. I do not think they noticed, however, because they were so into each other right then. I made an excuse to skip eating with them that night and, of course, there was no sex for me those last two nights, not even masturbating. On the last morning, I made a point of getting off the ship without seeing them or communicating with them in any fashion. I drove home to my new life alone and to what I was sure would soon be as a divorcee. All in all, I felt about as bad as a person could feel.

Just a note:

I do realize that there are people who have horrible things happen to them that are much worse that you wife leaving you for a good friend. This was nothing compared to being tortured, raped, abused as a child, blown apart on a battle field or a victim of a terrorist attack to name a few. Please excuse these posts as I wallow in self pity. I am not trying to minimize REAL bad things that happen to people.

amazingly, the story still is not over, so more to follow.

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by SamWarrens » Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:43 pm

Crazy, but incredibly hot!
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by ambershere » Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:47 pm

To tell it ALL the good and bad ,sad, and hurtful at the time, your honesty is so special and appreciated by me...While those things you wrote post script are horrific without question,,what transpired that day at that time was truly devastating to you and not to be white washed by any means..

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by SamWarrens » Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:51 pm

I don't know how you managed to survive such emotional devistation and keep your cool. You are a better man than I am Gung Din.
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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by D+D » Wed Apr 12, 2017 1:12 pm

I'm sorry, but there's nothing hot about this to me. I felt a knot in my own stomach imagining that being my wife. I'm anxious to find out how things turned around as we all know the ending, but I simply can't even imagine how you must have felt. This is cuckolding to the very max in every way.
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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by Hotwifeok » Wed Apr 12, 2017 1:41 pm

SamWarrens wrote:Crazy, but incredibly hot!

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by Hotwifeok » Wed Apr 12, 2017 1:48 pm

SamWarrens wrote:Crazy, but incredibly hot!

There is absolutely nothing hot about this. After all that Rypmar gave it pains me terribly to see the hurt he was dealt and the shit heaped upon him by a woman who was supposed to love him and a man that was supposed to be a friend.

I would be in a completely different frame of mind if I didn't know how this story actually came out. I would be looking for Lynda and Carlos with torture and murder on my mind. Luckily I think we can forgive Lynda with a bout of temporary insanity brought on by too many endorphins caused by too much fucking. She didn't have the to,era CE to it she does today. :D

I do appreciate Rypmar sharing this story with us all and sharing the pain he went through. It is obvious it still brings pain to him. Ryp... there really is no way to thank you enough for sharing. All I can say is thank God it turned out OK.

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by Hotwifeok » Wed Apr 12, 2017 1:55 pm


Wow! I don't know how you did it but I would have ended up in jail eventually. Actually I do know how you did it. It was pure shock. I am sure you were so stunned that you didn't even know how to react. And truth be told I acted just the way you did when my wife did something similar to me but didn't rub it in like this.

I am sure Lynda had no idea of the hurt she was laying on you based upon what we know of her today. I am sure she thought you would be happy for her. You had somewhat implied that you wanted it to happen. If we didn't know where you two are today I would be all balled up angry and looking for a fight. I would have been absolutely pissed with you. Yes that is with you.

I can only say so sorry for your pain then and the pain you still have today. I look forward to the continuation to see how it unfolded. It is wonderful for me to know how it ended up but at the time you didn't know and I am not sure how you survived. Being a very strong man was at the core I am sure.

Very intriguing story for sure. Thank you for sharing. Can't repay you enough. You continue to demonstrate how strong of a man you are every time you post on this story.

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by peakmb » Wed Apr 12, 2017 3:59 pm

Bit more than cuckold angst at that point clearly. I'm glad we know you pulled through in some way though. It would be a devastating story if it ended there. The clues are already in your story to date though. Carlos clearly thought he'd played his trump (going to have to stop using that word as a simile for winning) card. Lynda had once again said would always have lovers. It can't end well for them...

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by lkh96 » Wed Apr 12, 2017 4:23 pm

1. What if lynda was simply fulfilling his cuck fantasy of losing her to someone else ??

2. What if lynda still had grudges over ryp and carlos's ex-wife(gf, was it??) affair, and this was her(and probably carlos too) way of gettin back at him ??

3. What if lynda had truly fallen for carlos ??.
Only to come back months later after realising carlos wasn't as sharing as ryp, or, she had make a mistake, or, carlos wasn't whio she thought he was, or, carlos was abusive....... :!:

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by Mari55 » Wed Apr 12, 2017 4:31 pm

Thanks for sharing. Hindsight is a blessing reading this account. I don't believe you should have feared any bad reaction from us, forum dwellers. What happened was more than expected based on previous entries and knowing how you guys are today, it doesn't hurt you in the least.
Again, hindsight and a clear head makes analysing the events more easily. The key note from the newest update was that the night Carlos proposed, Lynda shared with you her views about monogamy and treated you as a lover, something that Carlos may have not approved or just barely tolerated. At the end of the cruise, I take it you went from husband to lover, ie, Carlos in a way became your cuckold and Lynda his hotwife.
I understand I'm taking the feelings out of my assessment and I reckon that I personally would never want to bed a woman who traded me for another man in that fashion. I'm just looking at the sequence of events. I am interested to know how Lynda and you got back together and also how you were able to still maintain an emotional connection with Lynda and/or still find her attractive physically. Not a hint of judgement from me, just a desire to learn from my peers and elders. Keep posting when you can.

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by RugbyRaizo1991 » Wed Apr 12, 2017 5:12 pm

I don't know how often you post but I recently started following this story as I got back.. and my lord this engagement would have got my blood running hot I mean fuming I would have left just as you did, though I would have given them a piece of my mind and I mean straight piece.. but you handled it well, I salute you sir. Situations like this is why I can't share my wife AT ALL!!!! lol

I think I read at the end you still winded up keeping your wife but still, moments like this def hurt deeply. I am glad you were able to share this with us and even more so you found the strength to grow past it.

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by Happyjohnson » Wed Apr 12, 2017 7:57 pm

I fail to understand why you were embarrassed about sharing what you have with us all, nothing on you at all, if anything all on Carlos and Lynda, considering she was still married to you at that stage!! Not some one I would still want in my life if I had been in your shoes!!
I congratulate you that you are still married to Lynda as I would have moved on in a hurry after having been treated like that by her!
Carlos would been in deadly peril coming anywhere near me after that!

Looking forward to hearing how the story continues and if Carlos got his just deserves, considering how you had previously looked after him and had his back!


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by ericsacto » Thu Apr 13, 2017 2:26 pm

Wow I've been following Lynda's exploits for years. This was a bombshell. If this was a TV series, it would be a cliffhanger and we'd have to wait until the fall to find out what happpened. I hope we don't have to wait that long to hear the rest of this story.


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by rypmar7 » Sat Apr 15, 2017 12:00 pm

Thanks, everyone, for your comments and support. I will push forward with ore soon.

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by SamWarrens » Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:02 pm

Ryp, as soon as you are ready to go on with the story. This was obviously a devastating point in your marriage.
I think I can speak for most when I say we're on pins &needles to hear how you moved forward.
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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by Archie457 » Fri Apr 21, 2017 11:09 am

Dude, you got stones the size of King Kong. Not for anything in the story, but for the unflinching manner in which you tell the story. Remarkable. I am glad to know beforehand, however, that it all turned out well for you.

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by SamWarrens » Mon Apr 24, 2017 5:36 pm

Can hardly wait for the rest. How you lived through it all and finally reconnected has to be an all time awesome story.
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.


Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by rypmar7 » Sat Apr 29, 2017 9:38 am

SamWarrens wrote:Ryp, as soon as you are ready to go on with the story. This was obviously a devastating point in your marriage.
I think I can speak for most when I say we're on pins &needles to hear how you moved forward.

More coming soon.

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by progter44 » Fri May 12, 2017 11:25 am

I miss this thread

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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Unread post by SamWarrens » Fri May 12, 2017 11:32 am

Me too. Just wondered if any of her 136 male lovers ever got her pregnant and did she and ryp keep the baby as their own?
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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