Don't Ask - Don't Tell

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Don't Ask - Don't Tell

Unread post by Joatster » Thu Jun 01, 2017 6:58 am

I wrote this ages ago and posted it on a couple of boards. I've had a few people ask me about it and had a couple of PMs asking for a copy. I thought I'd share it here where it might be appreciated. I've cleaned it up some. I do have a follow on story that I wrote and never posted on an encrypted thumb drive. If I can ever figure out the password, I'll look at it and see if it is worth sharing.

Don’t Ask – Don’t Tell

Chapter 1

I did it. I provided the impetus that took our darkest desires out of their safe hiding places and made them part of our lives. I didn’t realize what was going to happen. I never considered the possibility that things would go so far.

Suzanne and I have been married for twelve years. We are both successful in our careers. We have a nice place in a good neighborhood. Our ten-year-old daughter is an angel. Suze’s job as a realtor gives her the flexibility to be active with our daughter’s school and sports. It is, by the standard measures of our society, a very good life.

Suze is tall and trim with long shapely legs and what I’ve always thought of as a “great rack”. She has striking auburn hair and a heart melting smile. She is always dressed nice but her clothes conceal the beauty within. She manages to stay one step up from frumpy by wearing classy but older style fashions. That never really bothered me because I got to see and play with what is under those conservative outfits.

Our sex life has always been nice. Once or twice a week we would cuddle up and make sweet love in the dark of the night. Sometimes we’d play and have some extra fun – oral sex or mutual masturbation, but mostly we had developed a comfortable routine that made sure we both reached our release.

Suze and I are both fairly passive people. Our neighbors would tell you we are the quiet ones at any neighborhood gathering. We don’t impose ourselves on others around us. I’m very reserved and internal. Most people never have a clue about all the things going on inside my twisted little head. I am an IT auditor and spend a lot of my time looking at documentation and comparing it with implementations. Suze is a bit of an anomaly in the sales world – she is very reserved and a bit shy. It works for her because there are a lot of people that need to feel in charge when purchasing a house. She enables that feeling, which leaves them feeling pretty good. We both have found work that suits our personalities and supports a very nice lifestyle.

The problems in this suburban success story started years back when I started reading the stories in the old newsgroup. At first, I was kind of shocked by what I had found, but I found myself captivated by much of it. From there, I discovered some discussion boards that were pretty hot to read. For the next few years my secret habit was to go to my laptop in the home office, pull down and assemble newsgroup stories, and then read them and the new letters on my favorite discussion boards while Suze fixed dinner. After a while I found two or three great story sites – I didn’t have to mess with the assembly of multipart stories or sort through the spam to get my fix.

My interests become more focused over time. At first, I read just about everything I could. The breadth of what I found was fascinating. As I read more and more, I first became less tolerant of the poorly written stories I came across. Then I found myself attracted to certain topic areas. I found some of the mind control stories captured my imagination. I read a lot of them for about six months or so, but I started finding them repetitious and my interests moved on. Some of the incest stories were well written and interesting for a little bit, but the topic area didn’t really give me much of a kick. Then I found some stories about husbands discovering that their wife was having sex with others. Those stories packed a real punch for me. Before long, I was almost exclusively reading about hotwives, cheating wives, cuckold husbands, exhibitionist wives, and swinging. I found most of the variations at least interesting, and some left me almost ready to cum in my pants. Some of the stories were like electricity to my brain.

At first, they were just stories about other people to me. But as I read more and more of them, they started being the kickoff for fantasies of things that could happen to Suze and me. I would daydream about coming home and finding evidence of my wife having had sex with someone during the day. When we would make love, I imagined watching her going down on her lover as I pushed myself into her. It became a powerful fantasy. Up to that stage of things, I guess it was relatively harmless. A little fantasy that charged my libido a bit was all it was.

I decided that it would be fun to stretch our sexual wings a little. I didn’t really want to include others directly in our sex life, I just wanted to have Suzanne dress a bit sexy and go out on the town with me one night. I thought that I would get a kick out of seeing other men lusting after my pretty wife. I also thought it would do her self-confidence and self-image a world of good to dress nice and be seen. I started putting my plan into place the week before our anniversary.

I called my mother-in-law and arranged for her to pick up our daughter on Friday afternoon and keep her over the weekend. Then I made dinner reservations at a very exclusive restaurant in the city. We live in a small town outside of a large city and don’t go into the city often. I thought the excuse of our anniversary justified the extra drive and dress up.

I went and did a little shopping. I ordered an entire outfit for Suze from an online lingerie store. They have stores in the shopping malls, but I just couldn’t bring myself to go in and try to pick out scanty underwear in person. I ordered a basic black dress that was classy and sexy without being sleazy. It was mush sexier than anything I’d ever seen Suze in, but it wasn’t so revealing or naughty that anyone would think it inappropriate. To go with it I got her a lacy bra, thong underwear, and thigh high stockings – all in black. The stockings held themselves up without a garter and looked super hot on the model on the website. I also got her some nice black open toed shoes that weren’t too high of a heel, but they were higher and dressier than anything Suzanne had in her closet.

On the morning of our anniversary I waited until our daughter left for school and then gathered Suze in my arms and kissed her deeply. “Happy anniversary, baby,” I said as I rubbed her back and bottom, “I have a surprise for you.”

“What are you up to?” she asked as I led her back to the bedroom.

“I’ve made plans for us today. I have arranged for us to have the weekend alone – your Mom is pitching in there. I’ve also arranged for you to have today off from work with your boss.”

“So that’s why they were acting so funny at the office yesterday!” she exclaimed. “So, what are we doing today/”

“Well, I’m going to work. But you, my love, have a full day of relaxation and makeover at the spa and beauty salon.” I handed her a pass to an exclusive woman’s day spa that was reputed to do miracle makeovers.

“Rich! Can we afford that?”.

“Yep. We certainly can. I’ve been saving a little from my lunch money for a few months. It is all paid for. You get the whole works: massage, skin treatments, hair, makeup, clothing advice. It’s like being on one of those makeover shows on TV without having to be gawked at by an audience.”

That got me another kiss.

“Following your makeover, a limo will pick you up at the spa and take you to the uptown Hilton. There, on the concierge floor you can spend some time in a beautiful room with a view of the mountains and relax for a little while before meeting me down in the bar at 7:00. We’ll have time for a drink there before our dinner reservations at Mannies. After our dinner, we are off to the famous Johnnies Lounge for a drink and a dance before we head back to our luxurious suite at the Hilton.”

Suze was flabbergasted. “Oh Rich, that sounds so nice! What brought this on? You aren’t taking me out in public to dump me, are you mister?” she asked playfully.

“Nope. I love you and don’t ever quite show you well enough just how important you are to me. I thought that this anniversary gift might make up for the times I’ve left my shorts balled up in my pants in the dirty clothes.”

Suzanne laughed. “It might make up for that, but what are you going to do about leaving the toilet seat up last night?”

“Hmmm, I’ll have to try to work something out with you once we get to the suite tonight,” I replied. Then I kissed the tip of her nose and headed to work.

At lunch, I went over to the Hilton and checked in. I made sure they would get Suzanne in and taken care of when she arrived. Then I laid her new outfit out on the bed along with some flowers. Everything was going great. I knew that the hotel bar would be crowded with visiting businessmen who would be lusting after my sexy wife. Both the restaurant and the club we were going to after dinner were popular hotspots for people to hook up. Many men would be looking at my sexy wife. The dress I got her would be just short enough that she would be showing much more thigh than ever before. My guess was that she would slip up a few times and probably give someone a peek up her dress or down the top. I was really excited by the prospect of what was going to happen.

At five after seven I called Suzanne’s cell phone. When she answered, I could hear the voices and sounds of the hotel bar in the background. I told her I was running just a bit late, but that I would be there soon.

“Please hurry,” was her response, “I love what you’ve done for me today, but I’m not comfortable here in this outfit you got for me.”

“Oh honey, I’m sure that you look fantastic. Relax and have a drink. I’ll be there within a half hour.” As I said that I was standing out in the lobby and could see her at one of the tall chairs in the bar. She was gorgeous. The makeover was worth every penny. Her hair and makeup were awesome. My Suzanne looked like a model sitting there in the bar.

I could see men looking at her. They would glance at her then do a quick double-take when they realized what they had just seen. I watched a couple of businessmen point her out to their buddies. She was under surveillance from all sides. I was thrilled that my plan was going so well.

After a few minutes, I saw a gentleman in a nice suit take a seat next to Suze and order a drink. He didn’t look at or acknowledge Suzanne at all. I crossed my fingers and hoped that the guy would strike up a conversation with her. When the bartender set the drink down, it tipped and spilled across the bar top. Suze was looking the other direction when this happened and didn’t see the drink heading across the bar top about to spill on her dress. The guy snatched up a pile of napkins and blotted up the drink before the bartender could move. Suze caught the movement out of the corner of her eye and jumped back.

She realized that the stranger next to her had averted a disaster. I could see her thanking him. Her hand went to his arm as she spoke to him. I watched transfixed for the next twenty minutes as my wife and this man talked and drank. They brought their heads close to be heard without shouting in the crowded bar. I wondered if he could see her black bra under the dress when she leaned towards him to speak. He bought her a refill on her drink and, to my surprise, she drank it quickly.

Finally, I could delay no longer. I walked in to the bar and came up behind her. I put my hands on her shoulders and said, “You look fantastic, angel. I’m sorry I’m late.”

She kissed my cheek. “Thanks for a great day! I’ve been chatting with John here while I waited for you,” she said as she turned to introduce me to the guy that had been quick with the napkins. Up close I could see he was a little older than us. He had a very polished, expensive look about him. His suit was perfect. His tie had a perfect knot. His hair was razor cut and perfectly styled. I felt that he had a commanding presence even before I heard his deep voice say, “Suzanne has been telling me about the wonderful anniversary you are giving her.”

I smiled shyly and said, “She deserves it.” Suze blushed.

John rumbled a laugh. “I’m sure she does.”

We said goodbye and headed out. Suze was still blushing as we walked out of the bar. “You really look great,” I said. “How was the spa?”

“Oh. They were wonderful. I like what they did with my hair. But the makeup may be a bit too much for me.”

“No. I think it’s great. You are beautiful and it lets it show even more.” I replied.

“And the clothes they recommended for me!” she giggled. “They were as bad as this dress.”

“Bad? Don’t you like it?” I asked.

“It is nice, but pretty revealing. It isn’t what I’m comfortable with.”

I looked over at her. We were standing at a crosswalk in front of the hotel. The restaurant was across the street. I noticed that her nipples were pretty visible through the dress.

“I think it is great. Your legs are gorgeous! And I like the “high beams” there,” I gushed, nodding at the way her nipples showed through the dress.

She crossed her arms over her chest. “You are so sweet. I appreciate you buying this for me. I know I dress pretty conservatively, but this is…it’s not really me. I know you didn’t realize it, but I can’t wear the bra you bought me with this dress. The straps would show.”

I did a double take. Sure, enough my shy conservative wife’s breasts were only hidden by the thin fabric of her dress. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. If you are too uncomfortable, we can go back to the room and have room service…”

“No. I decided earlier that I’ll just have to be someone else tonight. I’ll just have to be someone that can do this. I can do that much considering everything you’ve done. I don’t want to mess up your plans,” she said quietly.

‘If she only knew what my real plans were,’ I thought. I had wanted to show her off and see other men lust after her. She would curl up and die at the thought.

As we entered the elevator I said, “If you are game, I am too. We’ll just break through the discomfort and have some fun.”

Dinner was great. Suze had a fair amount of wine with the meal. We talked and laughed like we hadn’t in years. As the meal was winding down I took the next step.

“You know, we have let ourselves become pretty dull people,” I said as I poured her more wine. “I was struck by how little excitement we have in our lives.”

“Excitement? Like what?” she asked.

“Well…I started thinking about this when I saw you at the hotel bar. You were sitting there in a pretty dress looking alive and desirable. Most nights we would be curled up watching something off of the DVR. Living vicariously through the tube.” There, I thought. Just the right tone.

“I guess I know what you are saying. It was scary but kind of exciting to be there like that. I could see some of the men there looking at me like they wanted to see more. Then John bought me a drink and started talking to me. I knew he was looking at my chest and legs. I was surprised that my reaction wasn’t disgust. It was pretty thrilling. A heck of a lot more thrilling that watching the latest episode of ‘Lost’ or ‘Desperate Housewives’. Maybe we have become too predictable.” Suze never looked up from her wine glass as she spoke, “I’m just not that comfortable making the decisions on what to do to change things. I’m not the leader type. Neither are you really. We both let the world happen to us, mostly, don’t we?”

“Maybe we should both try to be a little less passive,” I replied. “We are breaking out of the mold today, I mean, look at you – dressed like a brazen hussy.”

She laughed with me. Then she shyly looked over the top of her wineglass and said, “Maybe more of a hussy than you know. I think John got a peek down my top earlier.”

A tazer would have had less impact on me. “Wha…I mean…well…how…” I was flabbergasted. She had responded almost too well to my suggestion that our lives were a bit dull. She instantly seemed to connect a statement on the general dullness of our lives with sex. She had skipped three steps ahead on me.

“Rich! Don’t be mad. I didn’t mean for it to happen.” She had misunderstood my surprise.

“No, I’m not at all upset. You just surprised me, that’s all. He didn’t do anything inappropriate, did he?” I asked.

“No, he was a perfect gentleman. While we were sitting there chatting, I heard someone say the name Rich. I twisted in my seat to see if it was someone talking to you. It wasn’t, but when I turned like that in this dress, well…it kinda pulled open. I’m sure John got an eyeful of my left boob. We both acted like nothing happened, except that I blushed and stammered a bit.”

“Well,” I said. “No harm, no foul. Besides, a little excitement like that is just what I was talking about.” I sounded cool, but inside I was all over the map. My plan had worked! My wife had flashed a guy, albeit accidentally. Plus, she wasn’t turned off or upset about it. I was half hard thinking about him seeing her beautiful breast.

“Yeah, more fun that being stuck on the couch watching bad TV again.” She winked at me. “I’ll have to keep this dress handy. We can go out like this once in a while.”

“Yes!!!” I stood and shouted with my arms raised…Not really - the shouting and celebrating were all done on the inside. Actually, I just smiled and said, “I think that could be a lot of fun.”

As we were leaving the restaurant, I asked, “Back to the hotel, or on to the club? It’s your call my love.” I had seen men lusting after her and didn’t want to push her any farther than I already had. My little fantasies were plenty satisfied for the evening.

“No, not the hotel. Let’s go have a little fun,” she said.

Fifteen minutes later I was the proud escort of the loveliest lady in the club. The lights were low and the music was playing without being too loud or crazy. Enough couples were dancing that we wouldn’t feel conspicuous taking a spin, at the same time it wasn’t so crowded that you would be bumping in to people. In all, it was a very nice “grown-up” club.

We settled in at a table off to the side of the dance floor and ordered drinks. I was about to ask Suzanne to dance when someone walked up to the table.

“Well, hello you two. Still having a nice anniversary outing?” asked John. I was struck again by his voice and presence.

I was frozen in place for a second. Here was the guy that saw down my wife’s top. He had seen her breast while sitting next to her at the hotel bar. I felt a thrill run through me at the thought. My cock lurched in my pants.

Suze leaned forward and touched his arm. “Hi John. Yes, we are having a great evening. What are you doing here?”

“I was sitting in that little hotel room thinking about the nice club you told me Rich was taking you to and decided I couldn’t stay cooped up any longer. I decided to drop in here and at least be around other people for a little bit,” he explained. Turning to me he said, “Not that I plan on crashing your evening together. I just wanted to say hello and maybe take one turn on the dance floor with your wife.”

“Uhhh…Sure,” I said. Wow. I was close to speechless at the situation.

My brain flashed up all the stories I had read over the last couple of years as I watched them dance. My fantasies about seeing Suze in bed with other men suddenly seemed much more real. My dick was hard and I was close to hyperventilating.

John never did anything inappropriate on the dance floor. He didn’t drag Suze off to a dark corner and screw her; he didn’t slowly raise her dress and show her ass off. In fact, his hands never strayed. He never so much as brushed his body close to hers. They stayed out for two songs and then came back to the table.

As they sat, Suze said, “John, please stay for a drink with us. I promise it is okay with us. Isn’t it, honey?”

I said, “Sure, come on and chat a bit.”

John said, “If you are sure?” as he slid into the seat across from Suze and me.

Suze was sitting with her leg against mine and I dropped my hand to her thigh as John ordered his drink. She felt warm and the stocking felt slick and sexy to my hand.

Over the next fifteen minutes or so we exchanged basics. John flew into town for three or four days per month to check in on a consulting team that worked for him. He said that he was unmarried, lived in Dallas, but spent about half of his time traveling for work. We told him about our work and that our anniversary night out was part of us trying to break out of our homebody lifestyle. John led us throughout the conversation, questioning Suze and I about our lives and deciding what to share about himself.

Suzanne finished her drink and said, “Gentlemen, please excuse me for a moment. I need to powder my nose.” She slid out of the booth and as she started to stand she twisted an ankle and fell down.

I had to step over her as I got up because she was on the floor in my way. Then as I stood, I realized that our alcohol intake had been pretty heavy, I was pretty light headed and my face felt numb. By the time I knelt beside my wife, John was already holding her ankle. She said it was sore, but it didn’t seem to be swelling much. John touched several points on her ankle and gently moved it through a range of motion. It was a little tender, but didn’t seem to be damaged. As John examined her ankle, I noticed that her skirt was pulled up pretty high on her legs. From his point of view, he could see the white flesh above Suze’s stockings and the gusset of her panties.

After we helped Suze back into the booth, she said “I think I’ve had enough to drink. Maybe we should go on back to the room honey.”

John said, “Rich, you stay here with Suzanne. I’ll go get a taxi.” Then he disappeared across the room.

“I’m so sorry. I’ve spoiled our evening…” Suzanne said with a sigh.

“Not at all. I’ve enjoyed your company greatly, we’ve had a great night out. And even though you and I didn’t dance, I enjoyed watching you dance with John.” I said.

She brightened a bit, “Yes, it’s been nice. He is a very good dancer. I’m glad we met him.”

Just then, the waitress came and said that our cab was waiting out front. When I tried to take care of the bill, she said it had been taken care of by the man with the cab. I helped Suze limp outside. When we got to the door, John gently displaced me at her side and told me to go to the other side of the cab and help her in. He all but carried her to the cab and slid her into the middle of the back seat. Then, as I slid in next to her, John climbed in on her other side and gave the cabby our destination. At the hotel, the process was reversed.

When Suze protested that she was really OK and could walk on her own, John said “Sweetie, let’s not push it,” and continued to help her across the lobby. In the elevator, he looked at me and asked, “Which floor?”

I stammered “Twenty-two,” and felt foolish for not having thought even that far ahead.

I opened the door to our room and John helped Suze ease onto the bed. Then he stood up and said, “Go get some ice while I help her get comfortable.”

When I got back with the ice, John was sitting on the end of the bed and Suze had her shoes off and her sore ankle was propped up on a pillow. Glaringly, her propped leg was without a stocking. I handed the ice to John who tied the plastic bag off, and placed it on a towel on her ankle. Then he took out three glasses from the ice stand, filled them with a little of the remaining ice, and produced a pocket flask from inside his jacket.

The three of us shared yet another drink and a little more conversation. After a bit, Suze said, “I’m feeling better now except that I still have that nose powdering to attend to…” With that, she got up and, only limping slightly went to the bathroom.

While she was in there, John said, “You have a lovely wife, Rich.”

“Thanks. She is my sweetheart.” I replied.

“Have you two ever…considered including others in your love life?” He asked as he refilled my drink. By now I was pretty toasted and didn’t need my reasoning to be further impaired.

“Not really. Not that the idea is objectionable, it just isn’t anything we’ve discussed.” As I said that, the fantasies I’d had seemed to combine with the sexual energy of the evening and the alcohol. I was scared of what could happen and very excited by where this was leading. “Why do you ask?”

John stood in front of me and I realized that from my seated vantage point I could see a substantial bulge in his crotch. “As I said, Suzanne is very attractive. I think she could be very pleasing for me, sexually. Have you ever experimented with power exchange, domination, anything a little kinky?” he asked.

There it was! Right out in the open. This guy we just met was telling me he wanted to take my wife to bed. I felt my cock harden again. A thrill of terror combined with excitement ran through me at the thought. Then his question hit me. “Huh? No nothing like that…” I answered.

John looked at me measuringly and said, “No, I wouldn’t think so.”

Then Suze reentered the room. She looked as beautiful as before, except that she only had one black stocking on. She glanced at her legs and laughed. She pulled the hem of her dress up a bit and, showing a lot of leg, slid the remaining stocking down. It was a very sexy moment. I was gripped with lust from her action.

“There. She said. That‘s better, don’t you think?” she asked as she turned around like a model on a runway.

“Indeed, Suzanne. I was just telling Rich how attractive you are.”

She blushed and said, “Thank you. And thank you both for being my handsome heroes when I fell down. I really think my ankle will be ok.”

“If it really isn’t bothering you, then I would like to do something. Rich please stand behind your lovely wife.”

He had a radio announcer voice, rich and believable. It didn’t occur to me to question his request… Between the alcohol, the wild success of my plan to loosen things up for my wife and I, and the intense sexual rush I felt from knowing this man had seen more of my wife than anyone but me, I was almost a zombie. The overload had shut down some of the reasoning.

I followed his directions and soon was behind Suzanne with my hand on her hips. We were directly in front of John who was seated in one of the chairs by the window.

“Rich, you have a beautiful wife. I’m sure you cherish her. You are a good-looking couple. I want to give the two of you a gift - an experience to remember. Forgive me for any liberties I take, but I believe you will find the next moment in time intensely satisfying. If you feel uncomfortable or want to stop, just say so.”

His voice was hypnotic. I stood there living completely in the moment, just listening to his voice and smelling Suzanne’s perfume. She leaned back into me and I felt her bottom against my crotch. I pulled her hips into me gently as John went on.

“Rich, Suzanne is so trim and pretty. I want you to show me your treasure. Trace her sides with your hands from her ribs to her hips. No…not so fast, enjoy the feel of your lovely bride. Treasure her trim waist and feel the curve under the soft material of her dress.”

I slowly ran my hands up and down her sides as he told me. Suze rolled her head back on to my collar bone as I did it.

“Now, Suzanne, I want you to put your palms on the back of Rich’s hands. These are the hands that toil to protect you. They hold you when you are scared. They do the heavy work around the house for you. They caress you tenderly and support you fiercely. I want you to guide those hands across your belly. Let him feel the soft firmness of your female body. Let him feel where you carried his child…Good”

John’s hypnotic voice seemed to fade as Suzanne drew my hands across her abdomen. She guided my hands low on her belly, to the point where my fingertips could detect the top of her panties. Then she drew my hands up over her navel to her ribs. She felt wonderful. Our breathing was deep. I could feel my hardness pressing against her. She moved my hands up to just under her breasts. I could feel the warmth of her breasts on my hands. Then she guided my hands slowly back down to the tops of her thighs.

“Rich, pull Suzanne’s hair to one side and expose her neck. In some cultures, the female neck is thought to be quite a sensuous treat. Look at the line of her skin from the hair line all the way down to her the top of the plunging back on that dress she is wearing. Run the back of your knuckle down that line. Ooh…Isn’t that nice, Suzanne?”

She moaned as I stroked the back and side of her neck.

“Since you have her hair pulled over like that, Rich, why don’t you lean forward and brush her ear with your lips. Let her feel your breath on her neck and hear it as you kiss her delicate ears. It is surprising just how sensitive the ears are. Some women seem to have a direct line from their ear to their more private parts. A kiss to the ear can turn them into puddles. Are you like that, Suzanne?”

“Ohhh…Yes,” she moaned as I gently took her earlobe between my teeth.

“Suzanne, I can see your nipples are erect. Guide Rich’s hands to your pretty breasts and let him feel them.”

My heart was hammering. I hadn’t been this excited about touching my wife’s breasts since the first time she let me feel them years ago.

“No, Rich, let her guide you for a moment. Let her run your hands over her femaleness. Yes, much better.”

I buried my face in the crook of Suze’s neck and kissed her as she moved my hands over her breasts. It felt so wonderful. We were completely enthralled by John’s guidance. Our mutual lust was stronger than it had ever felt. I was completely beyond questioning whether we should do this in front of a stranger. All that existed was what we were doing under the guidance of John’s voice. I don’t really think it was actual hypnosis. The conditions of our lowered inhibitions, our heightened libidos, and the presence of a strong guiding personality interacted with our somewhat submissive natures in a “perfect storm.” We were lost on the sea controlled by John.

“Suzanne, I want you to put your hands down now. Yes, that’s right. Down at your sides. Shoulders back, dear. Yes, just like that. Now, Rich, I want you to show me your wife’s breasts. Don’t uncover them. Just show me. Show me their weight when you hold them from below. Yes, like that. Now show me their fullness and their softness. Squeeze them into each other. Mmmm, that looks so good.”

I was moving and stroking Suze’s tits like I had never seen or felt a woman’s breast before. It was completely thrilling. She was moving and panting as I followed John’s directions.

“Rich, pinch her nipples. A bit harder – I want to see her respond. Yes!”

I pinched nipples her through the dress. As I increased the pressure at John’s command, I felt Suzanne move and groan. Her hands were looking for a place to go. It was like she wanted to hold me, touch herself, and follow John’s request to keep them by her side all at once. I realized that she was very close to orgasm.

“That’s good, Rich. Now I want you to turn so you are both sideways to me…good. Now stand in front of Suzanne and get on your knees. Yes, just like that. Now, I want you to caress her calves. Aren’t her legs nice. I know how smooth they are. I felt her shin and calf myself when I put her foot up on the pillow.”

I rubbed her legs and felt the flexed muscles in her calves. God, I had such a sexy wife. I could smell her sex. She was as hot and excited for me as I was for her. She stood with her feet apart in an unladylike stance. She wanted my hands to go higher. She moved her legs in invitation whenever my hands moved up to her knees.

“Rich, feel her thighs now. Reach up under her dress and feel those long luscious thighs. Aren’t they wonderful. I bet they are as firm and silky smooth as her calves. Feel the difference in the skin between the outside of her legs and that soft magic spot near the top of the inside of her thighs. Mmmm…We know she likes that.”

The skin between her legs was hot and moist. As my hand moved up between her legs, she trapped my hand between them and hunched down, trying to get some contact between my hand and her panty covered pussy.

“Stand up, Suzanne. Let Rich have is hand back. That’s right.”

She sighed a groan of frustration as she released my hand.

“Rich, reach way up high and slowly, very slowly, draw her panties down her legs.”

I reached up her dress. When I did so, my face was close to her belly. I could smell her. She smelled so sexy and wonderful. Her body radiated heat. Her eyes were heavy lidded with lust when I looked up as I grasped her panties and slid the sides down a little. She brought her hands up to her breasts and squeezed them when I started moving the panties down a bit more. I could feel them holding to her pussy as I pulled them down. She had soaked them through and the moisture was sticking them to her outer lips. I guided my hands to gently stroke down the outside of her legs as I continued pulling off her underwear in front of our guide. When my hands passed her ankles, she put a hand on my head and stepped out of her panties.

“Very nice, Rich. Very nice.”

I was pleased at the compliment.

“Stand up...good. Now smell them. Hold them to your face and breath in the perfume of a woman in lust.”

I did it. It was a very sexy moment. I could smell my wife’s arousal on those wet panties. I slipped my tongue out and tasted the wetness. My cock throbbed.

“Rich, please do me the honor of sharing those with me.”

He reached out and I handed him my prize. He held them up. They were black lace ‘boy cut” panties. Suzanne and I watched as he drew them to his nose and inhaled.

“Exquisite. Suzanne, simply exquisite.” He placed them on his lap and captured our eyes with his. “Give your wife a kiss, Rich. But not just a kiss. Use this kiss to communicate to her. Tell her how deeply you desire her body, how you lust for her. Let her know that after all the time you have been together, you still find her sexy.”

I kissed Suzanne deeply with passion and lust burning through the kiss. She responded and returned my heat. I don’t know how long we were locked together in that kiss, subjectively it was a timeless heated eternity. When we broke apart, the only thing that kept us from ripping at our clothes and throwing ourselves at each other was John’s voice.

“You almost set off the fire alarm with that, you two,” he said. “I think you are ready for the next step.”

Suze and I were panting with lust. My trousers were distended from my burning erection. She was flushed and her nipples looked like bullets on her breasts.

“Suzanne come stand right in front of me. Yes, right there. Place your hands on my knees for support. Oh – aren’t they beautiful,” he said as he looked down the top of her dress at her unfettered boobs. “Rich...Rich,” his voice hardened. “Pay attention now.”

I was lost in a lust filled daze. This man was looking down at my wife’s breasts as he guided us through the most heated sensual experience of our lives.

“Rich, slowly pull up the back of her dress until her legs and behind are completely exposed.”

I did so. I glanced down and saw that the tops of her thighs were glistening with her juices. I’d never seen her so hot.

“Suzanne, look into my eyes. Let me see as Rich reaches down,” he gave me a directive nod “and touches your most sensitive and private part.”

I slid two fingers down between her cheeks until they encountered her wetness. Then I curled my fingers and inserted them. She gasped and arched her back, pressing into my hand.

“Ohh…yes, please...” She moaned.

I was rubbing myself against the side of her ass while I sawed my fingers into her. She tossed her head and hunched her hips to get more contact as I touched her.

“Rich, remove your trousers and …well you know what I want you to do,” John said as he stared into my wife’s eyes.

My pants were off in an instant. I grabbed Suzanne by the hips and slid into her. She groaned and dropped her head almost into John’s lap. He grabbed her hair and lifted her head back up.

“No, darling. I want your eyes for now. Show me your lust in your face. He is fucking you. Show me you love it. That you need to be fucked.”

I was pulling her hips in as I thrust into her. The slapping of our bodies punctuated the room. I looked down and saw the flesh of her ass ripple as I slammed into my wife. She was groaning with each shove. I closed my eyes and tipped my head back, feeling the pressure build to a peak. I was going to cum soon.

I felt Suze move differently. She pulled a little forward, so I stepped forward to remain in position with her. When I looked down, I saw a site that remains burned in my brain to this day. John had opened his trousers and Suzanne had taken him into her mouth. He had a handful of her hair in each hand and was fucking her mouth. This wasn’t oral sex, it was fucking. He was raising and lowering her head firmly, just shy of violently.

John made eye contact with me and said, “Rich, do it now. Cum!”

I did. I was pulling on her hips so hard that her feet were off the ground. I came and came while he continued fucking my wife’s mouth. Then, when I was spent, he pulled her off of himself and turned her around to me.

“Kiss him,” he hissed. “Kiss him with the mouth that was just on my cock.”

She draped her arms over my shoulders and pressed her mouth to me. Her tongue entered my mouth and I could taste this man in my wife’s mouth. He hadn’t cum in her mouth, but I guess there was enough pre-cum to flavor our kiss. She was rubbing her body against me and pulling my head to hers as we kissed. I was still feeling the echoes of my orgasm as we kissed. It was an incredibly heated moment.

We broke the kiss and just stood there with our foreheads touching. She was still excited. I wasn’t sure if she had cum or not, but she clearly was ready for more. I felt strange when she pulled back. I was standing there in front of a stranger with a little cum dripping off my cock while my wife appeared fully dressed as her dress had dropped back into place when she stood.

“That was superb. You two are a very sexy, sensual pair.” John said, breaking the silence.

I glanced at him. He was sitting there with a raging red hard on.

“Suzanne, do me the honor of showing me your naked body,” he directed.

She turned and indicated that I should unzip her dress. I slid the zipper down to the base of her spine slowly, unsure of the consequences of my actions. With my lust sated, some of my brain was coming back on line. As she reached to her shoulders, she was looking right at John. He glanced at me and asked me to refill our glasses. I moved to do it.

As I handed a refilled glass to John, Suze dropped the shoulders off of her dress and turned her back to us. When she looked over her shoulder in our direction, her gaze focused on John, not me. It was a smoky hot look. I killed my drink and poured another. As I sat in the other chair I watched Suze lower her top, showing us her bare back. Sitting there, we both knew her upper body was bare and exposed. She then surprised me by doing what can only be called a grind. It was like what you might see a stripper do. She rolled her hips sensually and arched her back while holding her dress at the top of her hips. Then she just dropped the dress, exposing her buttocks to us. As she stepped out of the dress crumpled at her feet, she turned and locked eyes with John. We could see my cum matting her pussy hair. She looked very sexy, very raunchy, very unlike my shy wife.

I knocked down my drink again and felt a warm numbness overtake my body. I felt disassociated from what was happening in that hotel room. It was like I was vividly imagining one of those internet stories more than actually participating in something. My memories of the rest of the evening are more like a scrapbook of snapshots than a movie of what happened. I saw John standing with Suzanne on her knees going down on him more. I saw her on the bed touching herself at his command. He had her licking my cum off of her fingers. I saw him fucking her doggie style in the middle of the bed, slapping her ass and pulling her hair as they thrust at each other.

After that things got really fuzzy for a bit. I’m pretty sure he made her clean him after he came in her. I remember him propped on the pillows and winking at me as he guided her head to his still dripping cock. I remember some time later seeing her straddling him and riding his cock. Her moans as she came that time focused my attention enough to make me aware of what was going on, even though I couldn’t really do much about it.

I would like to simply blame the alcohol, but to be honest, I must say that my drinking was only part of it. I was numb and had withdrawn as some kind of self-protective mode. Kind of like when someone is severely injured in an accident, but can continue to function without feeling the pain until the immediate danger passes. Something like that. My emotions were pretty shut down. I had been excited and thoroughly enjoyed Suze’s now innocent seeming exhibitionism earlier in the evening. That was everything I had hoped it would be. The scene in front of John, touching my wife at his direction was intensely erotic and exciting, but it went beyond anything I had really wanted. I enjoyed it, and the sex with my wife while she went down on John was thrilling, but definitely not anything like what I planned or really wanted for us. I had felt that ‘standing on the edge of a cliff’ feeling in my gut as it happened. Thrilling and scary. Good and bad at the same time. What happened after that was much more bad than good. I felt ill at what was happening. I just didn’t have the fortitude to stand up to John and say “enough.” I passively watched as he took my wife down the path to depravity

And depravity it was. One of the later snapshots I have from that night was of John standing with his arms propped on the bed, bent from the waist. Suzanne, my sweet innocent wife, the mother of our daughter had her face in his ass as he directed her to lick his bunghole. That lasted for a long time, because I faded in and out several times while it happened.

I’m not positive of all of the other things that happened between them that night. I’m pretty sure he fucked her ass. He also slapped her around a good bit. There were bruises and bite marks all over her breasts and ass the next day. She was pretty marked up the next morning. The thing about it that really stuck with me was that no matter what they were doing, she was not just a passive toy for his use. She actively participated and sought more. Something was unleashed there that I never imagined could have existed. It was like Suze was someone else.

I woke with a severe crick in my neck. I was still in the chair that I collapsed into after…after fucking my wife in front of the pages in that scrapbook fanned across my mind’s eye. I jerked upright…and fell back against the chair. My head felt like a fuzzy melon with a spike through it. My stomach was crawling up my throat. And my vision was fuzzy or blurry or something. I managed to lurch into the bathroom before heaving up bile and the last remnants of our meal last night.

I wiped my face and looked back into the room. Suze was curled in the corner of the bed with a sheet over her. It was the bottom sheet. All of the other bedding was in the floor, except for two of the king size pillow cases. They were tied to her wrists. She looked like she was sleeping ok, so I went back into the bathroom and rinsed my mouth and tried to clean up some. I found some aspirin in the shaving kit that I had packed and took a handful. Then I went to the phone and ordered a light breakfast for two.

I had showered and dressed by the time room service knocked. The aspirin had kicked in and I was no longer acutely ill. I took the tray at the door and set it on the table between John’s chair and mine. It is funny that even with him gone I considered it his space. I poured myself some coffee and waited for Suze to wake up. I wasn’t really thinking about what happened. I was like one of those soldiers with a ‘thousand-yard stare’ you see pictures of.

It didn’t take long for the smell of the coffee to rouse my wife. When she rolled over and sat up, it was clear that she shared a bit of the hangover I had, but she didn’t seem to suffer the severity I had.

“Morning. What can I do for you’” I said.

She squinted the light squeezing past the curtains and said, “The coffee smells good, but let me go clean up first.”

She got up naked from the bed, untied the pillowcases from her wrists, and padded to the bathroom. That was when I saw the bruising and bite marks. My internal organs froze. It had really happened. I had let this stranger abuse my wife. I had set up the situation that led to all of this. She would never forgive me. I had ruined our lives. I sank into a morass of self-pity and loathing for my actions. If the room had a balcony, I may very well have thrown myself from it in those moments while she showered the residue of the terrible incident from her body.

As I sat there crushed and distraught, I heard the shower stop. The silence hung in the room. I to go to Suzanne to beg for forgiveness, but couldn’t overcome the inertia of my despair to do it. I waited, dreading the moment when she returned. It seemed like it was taking forever to come out. I started worrying that she was in there curled up crying and as distraught as I was. Maybe she couldn’t overcome her loathing of me enough to come out of the bath room. Maybe she is so upset that she was in there doing something drastic – could you cut your wrists with one of those multi-bladed razors?

I stood and crossed the room to check on her. As I stepped over a pillow, the bathroom door opened and Suzanne came out. She was dressed in the jeans and blouse I had packed for her yesterday. Her hair was mostly dried and looked nice. She had on some makeup and looked great.

She stepped to me and kissed the tip of my nose. “Silly, you didn’t even pour me a cup of the coffee,” she said, stepping around me to move to the table.

“Gahh…” I was less than eloquent. It was like nothing was wrong. Like everything that had happened last night had been a very strange dream. She smiled at me as she sipped her coffee. I rubbed my nose where she kissed it – kissed it with lips that had been wrapped around another man’s cock, lips that had kissed his asshole, that had tasted his cum. But there she stood, looking bright eyed and chipper. “Gahh…” I repeated.

“Poor baby. You had lot’s more to drink than we did last night. Come over here and let’s get some of this breakfast in you.”

I shuffled over and sat down. She set my plate on the little table in front of me. I ate like a zombie. I was unable to process what was happening, what had happened.

After we had eaten a little bit, I mustered my verbal skills enough to say, “I’m so…sorry.”

She gave me a long look. “There’s nothing for either of us to be sorry over. Honey. We had too much to drink and let things get out of control. Way out of control. But I love you and never want anything to hurt us. Let’s just put last night behind us. It will only hurt us if we let it.”

When push comes to shove, I firmly believe that women are far more rational than men. My wife was certainly more rational than I was at that moment.

“I just want you to know that I didn’t want anything bad for you. I wanted last night to be fun and exciting and different. But I never thought…I didn’t…I treasure you and would never have let that happen if I had known,” I said.

She patted my knee. “Of course not. But it did happen. Neither of us really wanted that, but something in us let it happen. It’s ok. Let’s just write it off to temporary insanity and go on with our normal lives. Besides, you know we did have some fun. It wasn’t all bad.”

I thought about it. We’d had a great dinner. Suze had dressed sexy and broken out of her shy shell some before things went really nuts.

“Yeah, I guess it wasn’t all bad,” I said as I stroked her cheek.

“That’s right, honey,” she replied as she leaned forward and kissed me.

That moment seemed so good. My fears and worries seemed to have been dealt with. We had escaped ruin and marital disaster. Looking back now, I realize how deep our misunderstanding was. I was thinking of dinner and the benign aspects of the early evening when I said it wasn’t all bad. She was thinking something else.

Chapter 2

The next three weeks were perfectly normal. We slipped back into our normal lives as if nothing had ever happened – almost. I cleaned my laptop of all of the stories I had collected. I wiped my links to story sites. I cleared the alt. newsgroups out of my news reader. And I stopped going to my home office and surfing while Suze fixed dinner.

The first couple of times we made love were a little awkward and stiff. We were both pretty tentative. But we seemed to get over it and our love life went back to normal. Once in a while, the memory scrapbook I had of our anniversary would open up. Sometimes it spurred me on and charged our sexual play a little extra. Other times, it hit me like a sack of cement., forcing me to struggle to finish the act. Things seemed to be settling down, though, and I was happy that our anniversary nightmare didn’t look like it would have a lasting negative affect on our lives.

Then, three weeks to the day after our anniversary, I got an e-mail from Suzanne directing me to meet her at the bar of the Hilton after work. I tried calling her but only reached her voicemail. My mind raced. I didn’t know what was going on. It seemed like everything at work conspired to keep me late, but in reality, I was out the door a bit early.

When I got to the Hilton I found Suze in the same seat she had been in before. She was in the black dress and looking great again. This time, though, she was alone and drinking water. She kissed me and ordered water for me as I sat down.

With a fair amount of trepidation and a bit of a shake in my voice, I asked, “What’s up?”

She melted my heart with a smile. “I thought I’d give us a mulligan on our anniversary. Not so much to drink and no funny business this time, though.”

Relief flooded through me. “You mean…I mean…another night out and then finish back here?” I asked.

“Back here alone together,” she replied brightly.

I drank my water and smiled.

Dinner and dancing were great. We laughed and talked and had a merry time. We were dancing one last dance before heading to the hotel when Suzanne lifted her head from my chest and said, “I’d like you to do something for me, honey.”

I held her close and murmured, “Anything, angel.”

“When we get back to the hotel I’d like you to be more…in charge. “

“Huh?” I didn’t understand.

“When we get back to the room I want you to be more forceful with me. Make me satisfy you. I’d like that.” As she whispered in my ear, she pressed her body closer. I felt her rub against me.

I was paralyzed. On one hand, this was pretty much the type of behavior and play fun I had hoped for when I started it. On the other hand, it was John who had been ‘in charge’, not me. I wasn’t sure how comfortable I was with taking charge. After a moment of thought, however, I decided to do as Suze asked. I didn’t want to throw cold water on a happy time together, and besides, this might turn out to be fun.

“Ok, baby. I can do that,” I told her.

It is too embarrassing to relate all the details of what happened when I tried to play the dominant hand. I turned into a robotic moron. I was so clumsy that I even accidentally elbowed Suze in the ear. When she suggested I hold her hair and force her to go down on my I kept pulling her off of me and checking to see that she was ok. I felt silly the whole time, and I could see the frustration building in Suzanne.

After a while, she said “You know what? Let’s just make love. These games are pretty silly.”

This was better. I made passionate love to my wife for the next two hours. I stroked, licked, and caressed her beautiful body. I kissed her and cherished her. It was sweet, hot, romantic sex. We both had orgasms. We were both sweaty and tired by the end. We fell asleep tangled in the sheets and each other.

Waking in the morning was the opposite of my post-anniversary morning. I was recharge, happy, and physically sated. I popped through a shower and ordered breakfast. Then I woke my sweetheart with a kiss on the cheek. She woke with a smile and a stretch. I told her, “Breakfast is on the way! Get it together or you’ll miss out.”

Room service had just left when she joined me at the table. “You are certainly chipper this morning.” She said reaching for her juice.

“Yep. Last night was super. At least…most of it was.” I felt myself blush. “I had a great time with you last night. Dinner, dancing, and sweet lovemaking in the moonlight…”

Suzanne smiled at me around a bite of croissant. “Yes. It was nice. You are the sweetest, kindest, most considerate lover I could ever imagine.”

Something jarred in me. She had just given me an incredible compliment. I could see the love her eyes when she said it. Yet – there was something there that was off. There was nothing that anyone who didn’t know her intimately would have even suspected, but there was something that told me that what she said wasn’t the whole story. It was almost as if there was a telepathic “but...” on the end of her last sentence. I gave her a quizzical look, trying to draw out the rest of the story without actually saying something to her.

She concentrated on her food in reply. I let the silence hang.

“You know...” she began, “last time. I mean when we…were here before?” She paused looking for my understanding.

I nodded to her and thought, ‘yeah when you were abused and fucked like a slut off the street.’

“Well there were aspects of what we did…what I did that night that were satisfying. Something that night filled a need or desire in me that I didn’t even know I had.”

I nodded again, feeling anguished. This morning was the opposite of my last wake up here. Last time I woke up miserable and things got better. This time it looked like my life was circling the bottom of the bowl. I prepared myself to hear Suzanne tell me she didn’t want me anymore and that she was leaving me.

“Not just the sex,” she continued, “the whole experience was so intense. I can’t begin to describe how enormous it all was for me. I discovered something in me that is powerful. It draws me. And then…well…last night kind of proved my fears.”

“What?” I asked.

“Rich, you are so sweet natured, so kind and caring that it isn’t in you to be forceful or controlling. I love our sex and love together and never want to be without you, our love, or even the sweet loving we share. But there are things I’ve discovered I desire that I just can’t imagine you doing. These things…I’m afraid that if I don’t explore them somehow, they will build up. Unanswered, they will build up and eventually poison our lives together. I don’t want that...I haven’t thought about anything but that night and us since that night three weeks ago. I feel something building in me that I have to respond to.”

“Okay, I think I hear what you are saying. But, where are you going with this? What do you mean?”

She took a breath, then looked me in the eye, “That night, before he left, John and I exchanged e-mail addresses. He will be back in town next week and I want to see him.”

“I don’t want to see that person again,” I said as forcefully as I was capable. “I can’t go through that again. I don’t want it.”

“I didn’t say that I wanted US to see him.”

My jaw dropped. “You mean you want to have an affair?”

“No. I don’t want to do anything behind your back. I want your permission to explore this side of me. It is something I feel a strong compulsion to try. I know you care for me and want me to be fulfilled. I’ll share it with you in any way you want. If there were some way you could give me…some way it was within you to be less sweet and loving and more in control…then I wouldn’t ask this of you. You can come watch, participate, stay home and I’ll tell you all the details. Whatever makes you happy.”

I felt like I was driving a car going downhill on an icy street, I was trying to get a little control or slow down, but inertia and gravity just kept sliding me along – no matter how hard I stood on the brakes. Looking back, I think I started down the hill the day I opened that first newsgroup story. Somewhere along the line, right about the moment we let John in our hotel room, all control was lost.

“Look, I know I encouraged the dress up in public stuff, but I never wanted any of the other. I don’t want it. I don’t like it. I’m not some kind of twisted perv that wants that sort of thing.” As I said that I flashed on all the stories I had read over the internet. They had excited me. I had been excited most of the time with John. It was in the cold light of morning that I wasn’t excited by the reality of doing stuff with others, but I wasn’t about to admit any of that to Suzanne.

“But, what if I am?” She asked me.

That kicked off an argument that lasted for hours. We both reasoned, yelled, cried, and shouted. It didn’t get us anywhere. I expressed the opinion that what had happened was a terrible mistake that should be spackled over, painted, and forgotten. Suze was positive that not investigating what she felt would cause her desires and interest to fester and would eventually ruin us. It didn’t help when I said it would surely ruin us now by doing what she wanted or it might ruin us later if we didn’t. Finally, we dropped it when checkout time approached.

That evening at home, after tucking in our daughter, we sat at the table, shared a glass of wine, and tried to talk some more. We had had a few hours to calm down and think.

“I’d like to set a baseline,” I started. “I love you and want to share my life with you. I am pretty sure you feel the same way.”

“Yes. I never want to lose you or us. No matter what.”

Okay then, I guess the next thing is how do we not damage that and still find a way to accommodate or eliminate these strong feelings you have…”

“I don’t think it is quite so simple. I don’t think this is something that can just be switched off. What I felt, physically and emotionally, that night was so intense, so deep, that I can’t begin to tell you. “

“Do you mean…” I bit off the rest of the sentence, but it echoed in my head ‘his cock so deep in you, or your tongue so deep in his ass?’ “Never mind. I’ll just accept that you have a need to explore this thing – okay?”

“Okay. It isn’t that I don’t want you. It isn’t that our sex life isn’t good. It is something different – separate – from all of that...”

I sighed. This was painful. “What if I try to learn to fill that role?”

She was shaking her head as I said it. “We tried last night. I think we both agree that it is something completely contradictory to your personality.”

“Maybe I can learn…” I started.

“No. I’ve been thinking a lot about this. Not only is it not in you to do it, I don’t think it is within us for you to pretend or act that way. I don’t think either of us can put ourselves out of the roles we have with each other. I couldn’t …let go… like that with you even if you could act that way convincingly. You are the love of my life, my life partner – not my…” she blushed and looked into her wineglass, “…master.”

An icy blade through my stomach wouldn’t have felt worse. I was speechless for a minute. The silence that hung between us seemed to have physical weight. Finally, I said, “I don’t think I can be part of anything like…that.”

“I know.”

“But I know you need to explore your feelings. I think I understand what you said about them festering if we ignored them.”

“So…what do we do?”

I spoke without thinking, “I don’t want to see it, hear about it, know about it, anything – at least not until I hear from you that it is over. I won’t stop you or leave you. I don’t want our normal lives disrupted or destroyed. As far as I’m concerned, this whole thing can just cease to exist.”

She may be shy, but she wasn’t stupid. She saw what I was offering in my desperation. She even made it better. “Okay honey. I can do that. And in six months, we’ll talk again. Maybe by then I will have exorcised whatever this is.”

“Fine,” I looked at her. “Nothing happened. Nothing will happen.”

She stood and poured us more to drink. With and ironic smile, she gently said “Don’t ask, don’t tell,” then she left the room.

Denial is a powerful thing. It works for me. In the week after that discussion, life went back to normal for me. My loving wife seemed unchanged. My daily routine was comfortable and unchanged. Even our sex life was pretty much unchanged. Sex was a mutual expression of love. Aside from an occasional gut plunging frisson of something running through me over the reality of things, it felt like that whole episode had been a bad or at least a very weird dream.

Then, Friday afternoon, Suzanne called me at work. “Hi honey. I wanted to let you know that going out with some of the others from work tonight, I’ll probably be pretty late.”

I was frozen. What did the call mean? Was she going out on one of those team building dinner celebration things they did all the time in her office – or was this something else? “Uhh…What’s up?” I asked. Then I slapped my forehead. I really didn’t want to ask that question.

She was quiet for a moment, then said, “Oh, you know, just one of those things. I can tell you where if you want to ask.”

“No, no. Have fun. And don’t let the office rah rah stuff get to you.”

I listened to the phone hiss for another second, then she said, “Right. They can get carried away...”

We were mutually building (or maintaining) a delicate alternate reality for me. I tried to grab hold of it and shut out the rest. I tried to convince myself that the feeling deep in my chest was just the result of one cup of coffee too many today.

I couldn’t concentrate that afternoon at work. Eventually I gave up and headed home. I stopped to pick our daughter, Kim, up from the neighbor she stayed with when Suzanne couldn’t be home in the afternoon. Kim and her friend Jenny, her ‘best friend in the whole world’, were deep into playing an old board game. Jenny’s mom and I were hit with a double barreled ten-year-old sleepover request... I was thankful that it was okay with Jenny’s mom. I really wasn’t up to playing Mr. Mom that evening.

Once home I dropped the mail off on my desk and checked my home e-mail. Nothing exciting there - just penis extensions and Viagra deals. Then I did it. I went to one of the adult stories sites that I hadn’t visited since our anniversary night a month ago. I reread some of my old favorite stories. Then, I had an idea. I found an old back up DVD of my data. Stashed away on it were all of the saved stories that I had deleted off of my hard drive. I restored them and spent the next hour reading about wives having sex outside of their marriage.

My cock was hard and I was extremely excited at what I was reading. Then I sat back and let that alternate reality collapse. I knew down deep inside that there was no team building thing that would keep Suze out tonight. Tonight, was one month to the day since our anniversary. John said he came to town once a month for business. Suze had to be with him right now. I flipped through my memories of the scene in our hotel room on our anniversary. I wondered what they were doing at that very moment. I imagined Suzanne with her legs spread and his fingers deep in her pussy. That is all it took – I came all over myself. Surprisingly, my orgasm didn’t relax the tension of excitement in me. I cleaned up and looked at my watch. It was only 6:30. I’d forgotten that I’d left work so early. Maybe they weren’t together right now.

I was in a thrall to the sexual tension. The stories had wound me up. All the negative feelings I had about Suze being with John seemed to be burned away by the lust I was feeling. What was left was a burning curiosity combined with a slightly sick feeling of fear. I don’t really understand how I can feel so strongly against something and be attracted to it at the same time. Maybe I’m just self-destructive and plain nuts. The more I thought about Suze and what she would be doing, the more excited I became. Finally, I just gave in to it completely. I hopped in the car and made tracks for the hotel. I hoped that they would be meeting there.

As I drove I wondered about what they would be doing later. Would it be a full out B&D thing with black leather, whips, and torture? Would he make her do some of the unspeakably nasty things I had read about in the newsgroups? Would she be reluctant or eager? What if she got scared and wanted to stop – would he respect that? Mostly, though I had a picture of Suzanne straddling his hips, riding his cock like a PBR cowboy on a bull. My cock was hard at the thought. My heart was sick at it, but it wasn’t in charge at the moment. That part of me was packed off in a compartment…effectively walled off by lust.

I hesitated at the door from the parking garage into the lobby. I had to be careful to not be seen by Suzanne. The potential for misunderstanding, difficult explanations, and severe marital strife was too high. I peeked around the lobby and only saw the normal to and fro of the hotel guests. I went in to the little sundries/news stand. From there, I could see across the lobby and into the bar. Under the guise of looking through the books and magazines in the rack, I searched for my wife. It was almost seven and my guess was that they would meet here at the same time and place as before.

I was right – at least, I was partially right. John strolled through the lobby and into the bar. My stomach lurched at the sight of him. I watched as he sat on a bar stool and turned to survey the crowd in the bar. He looked completely at ease and was completely self-possessed. His relaxed confidence showed in every move he made.

Then I saw her! Suze came in from the parking garage and crossed the lobby and entered the ladies room. She wasn’t wearing what she had on when she left for work. This new outfit was, especially for Suze, pretty outrageous. It was like an outfit on one of the girls in an old Robert Palmer video. Short skirt, dark stockings, silky top. Wow! She looked like a Hollywood star out for a night of being chased by paparazzi. When she came out of the ladies room, she looked even more so. She’d pulled her hair back and put on some pretty heavy makeup. She looked ready to play.

Except…I saw her pause before she turned the corner to go into the bar. One hand was on the wall for support, the other arm crossed her body. Her posture changed. She looked like she had just discovered she was naked. She looked around a moment. I could see incipient panic on her face. Then, she looked down and I could see her drawing deep breaths. She was either girding herself for the upcoming evening or preparing to back out. Maybe she was doing some of both. I was pulling for her to head back to the garage.

She took a final deep breath and took a step away from the bar – towards the garage. Relief and disappointment flooded through me. Then she stopped, turned, and went to the bar. Again, relief and disappointment reigned. The clash of conflicting emotions was powerful. I was sweating just standing there. I looked around and realized the girl that ran the shop was looking strangely at me. I had been standing there a while. I grabbed a magazine and walked up to the counter. As she rang it up, I realized it was People magazine. I felt pretty stupid for not looking before grabbing it. It could have been worse, though. At least I didn’t grab Tiger Beat or something.

I found a little alcove behind a huge planter that gave me a view of the bar. I was looking over Suzanne’s shoulder where she was turned to face John. In the time it took to purchase the magazine, she had been brought a drink. She and John were sitting with their heads close talking. At least John was talking. She was nodding or shaking her head a lot. It looked like he was asking her a fair number of questions.

My heart was in my throat. I wished that I had bought something to drink instead of that stupid magazine. My mouth was parched. I was getting frustrated at not knowing what they were saying. I was also getting frustrated by the clumps of people walking across the lobby between me and the bar. Finally, I saw John sit back and take a drink. Then he clearly told Suze to do something. You could see that it was a command from his demeanor. You could also see that it took Suze back a step. She wasn’t refusing, but she wasn’t obeying either. Then after he gave her a ‘put up or shut up’ look, she turned in her bar stool so that she was facing out with her back mostly to the bar. Slowly, carefully keeping her knees tight, she uncrossed her legs and put both heels on the rungs of the stool. She gave John a look. He didn’t respond at all.

I wondered what was happening. Her next move explained it. She twisted back to the bar and reached for her drink. As she did this, her legs came apart. I wasn’t seated in the sweet spot and couldn’t see what she was exposing but, judging from the reaction of a couple of businessmen at a table in front of Suzanne, she gave quite a show. When she turned back and sipped her drink, John smiled at her. He made her flash those guys. I was sure they could see all the way up her short skirt. I adjusted myself so that I wasn’t standing there with a stiffie pushing out the front of my slacks.

John casually reached over and stroked Suze’s thigh. As he did it, she relaxed her legs and gave her fans another show. I was transfixed. He motioned to her and she leaned towards him I saw him kiss her and smoothly tweak a nipple. This guy was groping her in public. He was showing my wife off to anyone that wanted to see in that bar. It was something between bawdy and open vulgarity. She was playing to it. His hand went further up her leg.

“Excuse me sir.”

My attention was focused completely on his hand sliding up her leg.

“Sir, can I help you/”

I realized there was someone standing next to me. “Hmmm…What” I mumbled as I turned to see who was talking to me. It was a big guy with a hotel employee badge on his suit jacket. “I’m…uhh…I’m waiting for an associate. Thanks”

He gave me a long look. His eyes traveled down my body and back up. Mine followed. When I looked down I realized that my erection was pretty visible even if it wasn’t poking straight out. I flushed with embarrassment.

“Our store clerk said that you were in the store for a long time. I thought I’d check and be sure you are okay,” he said. The subtext read, ‘I’ve been sent to check out the pervert stalking the news stand clerk.’

“I’m fine,” I said. “I’ve just been waiting to meet someone, but I guess I’ve been stood up. Thank you.” I moved past him and started for the door. As I did so, I glanced into the bar again. My eyes locked with John’s. He smiled a secret smile at me and ticked his head in the faintest of nods.

I went outside and walked around the building to the parking garage entry, not wanting to have the security guy follow me to my car. When I got in the car I sat and shook for about five minutes. I was an emotional mess. I still had a hardon begging for attention. The lust and excitement of seeing John showing my wife off and groping her in the bar were intense. My humiliation at being confronted by hotel security only added to the hurt and helpless lost feelings I’d had at seeing my wife participate like that. I was pretty torn up. Then there was the issue of John. Would he tell Suze I had been peeking at them from behind the plants? Would he use that against me?

I left the garage. As I paid for my parking at the gate I saw the security guy just happened to be chatting with the booth attendant. He looked at me and waved. He was letting me know that he knew where I was. It was another little twist of the knife.

I spent the rest of the evening at home abusing myself. Figuratively and literally. I must have jerked off four or five times. In between those frantic lust driven sessions, I kicked myself for putting us – myself – in the situation we were in. It was a long evening and even though I came more in that period than in any other four hours in my life, there was no satisfaction. All I ended up with was a raw dick and a bruised ego.

The clock read 1:42 when I heard the garage door open. I was in bed with the lights out and my hand on my dick when I heard it. I rolled over pretending sleep. Suze came in and turned on the closet light. I peeked at her. She still had on the outfit from earlier, but her hair and makeup were much worse for the wear. Her clothes looked a bit wrinkled and sloppy, as if they had been dumped on the floor and hastily re-donned. The sight and the thought of the circumstances behind her looks gave me a guilty thrill. My cock was throbbing.

Suze put the clothes away, cut the lights, and came to bed nude. She sleeps nude once or twice a week, so there was no special meaning behind it. In the dark, I couldn’t see anything but a silhouette moving to the bed. I wondered if there were bite marks or handprints on her body. I wondered if her pussy hair was matted with cum. I was harder than I’d been all evening.

She rolled towards me and kissed my temple. I was still feigning sleep. Then she reached down and grasped my cock. She stroked it a few times. I was unable to keep from moving my hips with her strokes. She climbed over me and slipped me into her. She was very wet. She had to have his cum in her slutty cheating cunt. She rode me hard for a couple of minutes. I pulled on her tits and fucked back. We were both frantic and very hot. I felt her orgasm building alongside mine. For the first time in ages, we came together. Her mouth was on my lips, drawing my tongue into her mouth as she tightened. I pulled on her hips and felt both of us pulsing.

“I love you,” we both said simultaneously. We then drifted to sleep with me still in her.

I woke to the phone ringing the next morning. It was Jenny’s mom warning us that she was dropping our Kim off in a half hour or so. Kim was already up and in the shower. I told her that Kim would be home soon through the curtain. As I was brushing my teeth, Suze shut the shower off and opened the curtain. In the mirror, I could see bite marks on her breasts. When she turned to towel off a leg, I saw some light bruising on her ass. Those weren’t from me. My stomach lurched. I clenched my eyes. The lust was fairly well burned out of me. The balance of wanting and not wanting these things to happen was pretty firmly on the not side at the moment. I hung my head and waited for her to leave the room.

When I came downstairs she handed me a cup of coffee and we started our Saturday like any other. We made a list of the chores that needed to be done. Planned for some fun activities for Kim and ourselves. In all, things were as if nothing unusual had happened last night. As if those marks on her body didn’t exist.

“How was your meeting,” I asked. Then I mentally kicked myself. I couldn’t believe I actually said that out loud. My mouth needs a better governor.

She looked at me, her eyes steady on mine. I felt sweat start under my arms.

“Oh, you know how those things go. You don’t want me to bore you with details, do you?” she asked.

“No…no. I know what they are like,” I said, ducking a bullet and backing off from a chance to hear about what happened.

That was the only time that weekend that anything was said by either of us about what had happened.

The next waypoint in my saga was the next Tuesday morning at work I got back from a meeting and found a package on my desk. It was a CD mailer, so I figured someone had sent some documentation they couldn’t entrust to e-mail and the big bad internet. I opened it up and found no note, just an unmarked DVD. I threw it in my laptop, scanned the content for bad stuff, then looked at the contents. There was one small file on it titled Read this first Rich.doc and a larger .wmv file. I opened the read me file and read following note:


Let me begin by thanking you. The evening with you and Suzanne was remarkable and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I enjoyed it almost as much as I did last Friday evening with Suzanne alone.

As you know, I saw you in the lobby of the Hilton while I was toying with Suzanne the other night. I really wasn’t surprised to see you there. Suzanne told me about your situation and the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ agreement you reached. I am a generous man, Rich, and I’ll share some insights I have that will help you.

You would never have accepted the agreement with Suzanne that you did if you were truly against her participating in a little exploration with me. You would have put your foot down definitively. Suzanne would have not pressed or argued if you were absolute in your conviction. It isn’t in her to confront firmness. She may test it. She may fight vacillation or a lack of resolve, but she won’t fight you if you are decisive.

Therefore, there is something in you that wants this to happen regardless of what you are willing to admit to Suzanne or even yourself. You spying on Suzanne and I at the hotel confirmed that. You want the thrill of illicit activity and the power of secrecy. You want to feel in and out of control at the same time.

I’m willing to accommodate you. Your lovely wife is enough of a treat that I’m willing to repay your generosity with her by giving you what you want. What you really want, not what you’ve convinced yourself you want.

Here is the deal. At the end of the video file on this disk is an e-mail address. Just send me one of three words. If you send me a note that says ‘Stop’, I will drop you and Suzanne like a hot potato. Neither of you will hear from me again. If she approaches me in public I will tell her I no longer wish contact with her under any circumstance. If you send me a note that says ‘Continue’, then things will continue as they are now. You can slink around and try to watch Suzanne from a distance as I play with her. You can look at her afterwards and wonder what she did. Finally, if you send me a note that says ‘Please’, then I will give you a treat. I will send you video, photos, and written descriptions of my activities with your wife. You can be the voyeur. You can’t participate, but you can know what is happening without her knowing it. You will see or hear about every nasty thing I can make her do.

I already know what you will do. Take a few minutes to watch the video. You will figure out what I already know.

Finally, understand that if you send ‘Continue’ or ‘Please’, the agreement is for three months from my last meeting with Suzanne the slut. After that, I’ll meet with both of you to discuss the future. If you send anything other than a one word reply, or try to contact me in any way before that meeting, I will stop and cut everything off.

It has been a pleasure fucking your wife.


I don’t think I passed out. I know I hyperventilated. I was more pissed off than I had ever been. ‘Stop’ was on its way for sure. I could stop this craziness and get life back to normal. That arrogant ass, acting like he knew what my thoughts and desires were when he barely knows me at all. I was pissed enough that I would send a ‘Stop’ just to be contrary. That fool had given me the means to bring my life back under control.

I started an email with the word stop as the subject and the word stop in the body. Then I paused. In my haste to send the note I had forgotten that he had put the return mail address somewhere on the video he sent. I was pretty sure I knew what I would see on the video. I packed up my laptop and headed home.

Once at home, I sat at my desk and started the video. I was still pissed and feeling contrary so I hit the high-speed button intending to scan through the video to the address so that I could send that note to stop it all. As the images jerked across the screen I analyzed what I was seeing. The video quality wasn’t great. It was clearly a small camera that was hidden or disguised. The lighting wasn’t great. No audio was available at the speed I was listening, but I imagined that it’s quality wasn’t great, either. The point of view never changed so there wasn’t anyone else taping what happened.

What I was seeing go by at four times normal speed had a gripping effect. John and my wife entered the room and shared a drink. They both sat in the chairs by the window on the far side of the bed. After a bit Suze stood and started dancing in front of John. He was giving her a lot of direction. I figured out that he was teaching her to give him a lapdance. Her little short skirt was pulling up as she moved, eventually showing the bottoms of her ass cheeks. She turned and rubbed herself against him sensuously. He motioned her off of him after a bit and had her stripping in front of him. She danced and moved self-consciously at first, then with increasing confidence as she lost herself in the action.

I slowed the replay down to double speed. I was missing too much at high speed. I also pulled off my tie and loosened the collar to my shirt. Then I reached down and adjusted myself so that my hardening cock wasn’t bent double.

Once Suzanne was nude he made her get on her knees. I hated that because the bed was between the camera and most of her body. The camera was mostly pointed at the bed and this action was almost off the screen. He made her crawl to him and guided her in running her hands up and down his legs. She sucked on his fingers when he fed them to her. Finally, he put his hands behind his head and slid forward in the seat. I watched her back and head bobbing over his crotch for the next fifteen minutes. That meant that she had actually spent 30 minutes orally worshiping his cock. I couldn’t tell if he came or not. His expression never changed. When she stood at his direction and climbed on the bed I couldn’t see evidence of cum on her face. If he came she swallowed every single drop.

On the bed, he mounted her doggie style and proceeded to fuck her hard, occasionally slapping her ass. He would hold her hips and fuck her body back and forth. It was like he was using her body to masturbate himself. He had amazing stamina. I could see her obviously having multiple orgasms as he relentlessly pounded her. Finally, I could see that he was reaching his peak. He froze with his cock deep in my wife. I knew that he was pumping his cum into her cunt. It was a powerful moment for me to watch. I slowed the video to normal speed. The audio popped in when I did that.

“Yes, Yes. Give it to me. Cum in me. Please yes…” my wife was moaning semi-coherently.

He slapped her hard across her right ass cheek and said, “Shut up, slut...” Then he pulled out of her and propped himself against the pillows in the middle of the bed. “You know what to do.:”

She dove on his cock, licking and cleaning it with her mouth. Then she started reaching between her legs and spooned his cum from her cunt to her mouth. He rolled over and raised up on his knees. I heard that radio announcer voice of his say, “Lick the sweat from my asshole.”

To my shock, horror, and excitement, she dove on him like he offered her a treat. I watched my wife, the mother of my child, the successful real estate agent, the timid beauty I wed eagerly tongue this man’s asshole. He made (allowed?) her to stay there for a long time. I saw his cock begin to harden after about ten minutes. I looked down, realizing that I had my hand in my own crotch. I had been stroking myself through my pants as I watched what happened. I felt a flicker of shame, but it was quickly extinguished by a wave of lust. I was turned on and everything I was seeing was exciting me.

I spent the next hour stroking myself while I watched John use Suzanne. He grabbed her tits and moved her into positions using them like handles – no wonder they were bruised when she got home. I finally came when he made her beg him to fuck her ass. I came again when I saw her lick the cum from his cock when he pulled it from her ass after fucking it for twenty minutes. I was completely spent.

I sat there completely spent, watching her dress on the screen. John hadn’t really done anything too different from the last time he had Suzanne. The big difference was that she was stone cold sober doing it…and I was just as sober when I watched it. There was no way to blame alcohol for what happened.

I saw John walk Suze towards the door. The screen showed an empty room for a minute, then John came back and addressed the camera, “Rich, I am sure you found satisfaction in watching this. Your wife is a sweet little slut. At least, she is for me.” He smiled at the camera for a moment before going on to give me the email address and then said, “Just send that ‘please’ now like I know you will. Please means ‘John, please continue to fuck and use my wife as your personal slut. Make her do nasty things… and please share them with me.’ See you in three months.”

The video ended. Sitting there with my pants at my ankles, I opened my email, entered his address, and did as he said.

Chapter 3

Our anniversary was at the end of January. Suzanne’s next encounter, the one that got me worked up enough to send John the ‘Please’ note, was at the end of February. Over the following weeks in March, Suzanne and I were mostly back to normal. Our sex life was ramped up a bit. We had sex four or five times a week rather than our more normal two or three. The big difference was the hidden part.

There was nothing overtly different that anyone watching us would have seen. Our routines and interactions appeared perfectly normal. However, I know there were big differences on my part. I was back in my home office after work every day. I memorized every second of that video of Suzanne. I replayed it in my mind’s eye even as Suzanne and I made love. Our lovemaking was as sweet and gentle as ever, even though what I was seeing was her wanton activities with John.

I know that Suzanne had her private things, too. I would see her drift off in thought more than before. I imagine she was thinking about her sessions with John. I noticed that she got a couple of calls every week that were different than the normal homebuyers or sellers evening calls. She would take the call and go to her office in the house (we both had our own since we did a lot of our work from home). That wasn’t odd in itself. But when she came back she wouldn’t say anything about the call. It was normal for her to say something like ‘That was the Normans again, they’re afraid the place will never sell.’ or ‘A new client – looking for something really big. That will be a nice commission.’ But after these calls – nothing.

After the first week and a half after the ‘Please’ note, I noticed that something was going on. After these calls with no comment, she would be flushed. Sometimes her clothes would be a little disarranged. She would go in her office with the shirt tucked in and come back with it out. Then one night after one of the calls, she sat back next to me on the couch. When she handed me a Kleenex, I smelled pussy. I started thinking about it and realized that she must have been touching herself in her office. The next day, I popped home while she was out. I found that she had added a camera to her computer. John was making her perform for him on camera!

That just fed the fire. I was still torn. I didn’t think I wanted my wife to be with someone else. It hurt to think about it sometimes. Other times, however, when my lust was driving the bus, it was one of the most exciting things in the world. I imagine it is like what a tightrope walker feels. He can’t really want to walk out there over an abyss, but the intensity of the experience isn’t there without the risk. When I was sated in the light of day, the last thing I wanted was for Suzanne to do was have anything to do sexually with someone else. Later on, though, that video would start calling to me. It would seduce me into watching it. It had a magnetic pull that I couldn’t avoid. I’d go a day swearing I wouldn’t look at it, then rush into my office and jerk off watching my wife get nasty with another man.

Then one day in late March, it happened. I got a call from Suzanne while I was at work. “Honey, I’ll be out late tonight,” she said.

Unthinking, I asked, “What’s up?”

Ten seconds of silence answered me. Then she said, “I just didn’t want you to worry.”


“I may be late, but I’ll be fine.”


“Loveyoubye,” she blurted and immediately hung up.

My cock was hard.

Two days later another data DVD was delivered to my desk. I took it home immediately. My hands were sweaty as I set it into the “cup holder” on my computer. The last couple of days had been a sensuous torture for me. Suzanne got in around two thirty. She had on a tight red stretch fabric dress on. Nothing else. Her nipples pressed proudly against the material. I watched through my semi closed eyes as she pulled the dress up and over her head. I couldn’t see any bruising in the light seeping in from the bathroom, but she was stark naked under the very short dress. I my cock was steel hard.

She climbed into bed and straddled me. She felt wet and loose. She dropped down and kissed me deeply. Then she raised up, never saying a word, and re-aimed my cock. She sat back down and I felt my cock slide into her ass. We had never had anal sex before. It felt good, different, but good. She was very tight in a ring where I entered her. Deeper in was looser. It was a different feeling. She fucked me like that for a few minutes. I felt myself getting ready to cum. As I approached my orgasm, she reached down and fingered herself. The sight got me off. The action got her off.

After that, she got a washcloth and cleaned me off. I fell asleep holding her close. The next day, I was with my demure wife again. There was no hint of anything going on – except for my constant arousal. Then the data DVD came.

I loaded it up and looked at the contents. There was no ‘read-me’ file, but there were thirty or so .jpg or picture files and then a video file. I opened the first picture and then scanned through each one of them. They had the quality and look of having been taken by a phone camera. The first showed Suzanne in the red dress and all made up. She looked like someone’s wet dream. I moved my mouse to my left hand so that I could stroke myself with the right.

The next picture was of Suzanne in the passenger seat of a car. It wasn’t a very revealing picture. I didn’t get it. Then I looked out the window behind her. It was an adult bookstore. The neon in the window advertised books, mags, booths, and video. The following shot showed Suze entering the store alone. The next picture was of Suzanne walking towards the car. She had a bag in her hand. She also had a leather collar on her neck. There were two guys standing in the door looking at her. The bag was pretty full. I wondered what was in it. There were three more pictures from the bookstore: Suzanne standing with an arm around each of the men, Suzanne with her dress pulled up above her panties and the two guys gawking at her, and finally, Suzanne bent over with her ass bared, the strip of thong showing in her ass crack. Those guys got quite a show.

The next photo was again in the car. This time the background was a Gentleman’s club. He took my wife to a titty bar? The next series showed that he had indeed taken Suzanne to a strip joint. They showed Suzanne receiving a lap dance from an almost nude woman. Then it showed Suzanne giving some guy a lap dance under the dancer’s supervision. Suzanne was naked except for her heels and a little red thong.

There was just one picture left. It showed a Hilton bellman opening the door of a car. The timing on the picture was perfect. The guys eyes were bugging out. Suzanne’s back was to the camera. She was giving the bellman quite a look.

Semi-frantically, I clicked on the movie file. It was not as big as the last one. It started showing the foot of the bed in either the same room as before or its twin. The camera was static and focused on the strip of floor between the bed and the television armoire. You could see the door to the room in the background.

On the floor in that space was a small padded barrel cut in half along its length. Thrusting up from the middle was what appeared to be a small vibrator. I didn’t really know what I was seeing, but it was clearly some sort of sex toy. I could see that the size of it, combined with the position of the vibrator would be just about right for a woman to straddle it and ride the vibrator.

The camera caught the movement of the door opening. John walked through the door and held it open for Suzanne. She was dressed as she had been in the pictures. As soon as the door closed, he guided her by the shoulders to her knees., unzipped his pants, and proceeded to fuck her mouth. It was him fucking her, not her giving him head. He held her hair and used her mouth on his cock right there in the entryway to the room. It was very rough. I couldn’t believe he could be that rough. It had to hurt and be miserable to have something like that being slammed into her mouth. Then I noticed she had one hand between her legs. She was diddling herself while he did that.

The skull fuck lasted about ten minutes. The only time she got a break was when he pulled himself out of her mouth and whipped her face with his cock. When he finished he thrust himself impossibly deep into her mouth. She was gagging around his cock as he shot his cum into her throat. He turned and zipped up while she scrambled to stand and follow him into the room.

He picked up the camera and aimed it at Suzanne. There was a red circle around her moth from the abuse. Her makeup was pretty messed up. She was beautiful.

“Tonight, sweet slut Suzanne, we are going to play with toys. Are you ready for that?” he asked her.

She smiled hesitantly, “Yes, sir.”

‘Okay, then. Strip and climb on the bed so we can get started.”

The scene cut to a shot of Suzanne nude on the bed. She was propped against the pillows and her legs were spread somewhat apart. The camera was static like it was on a tripod aimed from the foot of the bed. I could see that her pussy was red with excitement and shiny from leaking fluid. She was very turned on.

James came into view from the left side of the screen. He handed Suzanne a small plain plastic vibrator and told her to use it. She held in her hand, looking confused. He slapped her across the face – gently, if a slap can be called gentle. He got her attention with it, for sure.

“Stupid cunt. Turn it on!”

She pulled it out and looked at it in bewilderment. “I don’t see a switch.”

“Haven’t you ever seen one of these before?” he asked, stunned.

“Not really. A friend got one as a gag gift at a shower once, but I was too embarrassed to really look at it.”

“Well, well, well…I think tonight might be more fun than I expected.” He took the toy from her. “Just twist the base, Suzanne,” he said gently as he demonstrated. The buzzing sound came and went as he did.

She took it and turned it back on. He guided her in running it down her belly towards her cunt. She giggled as it tickled her stomach. Then, as it touched her pussy, her demeanor changed. She was suddenly very serious. It must have really felt good for her. Her hips started moving and I saw her eyes roll with pleasure.

I watched John watch Suzanne pleasure herself for about five minutes. Then, as she was clearly starting to reach a peak, he reached over and pulled the vibrator from her. She moaned in frustration, but didn’t fight him. When she reached down to touch herself, he slapped her wrist.

“No, no, no. Only when I say you can,” he said.

He turned out of camera range and came back with a different vibrator. It was a little shorter than the first and it was shaped differently. The base and end were narrow but the middle bulged. There was also a flat base on it.

“Scoot down a bit and grab your knees…No pull them up and to the sides…there.” He guided her into position, then he placed the thing with its tip right at her opening. “Let’s lube it up a little,” he said as he slid it into her pussy.

There was no buzzing sound. It just went in to the base. He twisted the base around a little. It obviously wasn’t doing for her like the other one. Then he pulled it out and said, “Here you go.” Then he slid it into her asshole. Suddenly the design made sense. That was a buttplug!

He pushed it into my wife’s ass. She moaned. I t sounded like a combination of discomfort and pleasure, but maybe I was just projecting. Once the plug was in her, he had her put her legs down. Then he produced a handful of plastic tubing and what looked like oversized test tubes. I wondered what was coming next.

He placed the head of one of the ‘test tubes’ overreach of her nipples and then started squeezing a device attached to them via the plastic tubes. He was pumping the air out. I could see her nipples and aureoles being sucked up into the tubes. He continued pumping until her nipples were hugely distorted. It was pretty bizarre looking. He disconnected the tubes and then attached them to a clear plastic thing that looked somehow like a cup. Not a tea cup, a cup to keep your balls safe from violent contact in sports. He placed that between her legs and proceeded to apparently pump her pussy inside out. It filled the clear plastic and appeared to be the size of a fist. Suze moaned and squirmed in…I guess it was pleasure, but I’m not sure.

John pulled on the tubes and the cup for a bit, eliciting more moans and squirming from Suzanne. I was shocked. I had stopped stroking myself and was just sitting there with one hand on my cock and the other on the mouse. This was just strange. Finally, after five or so minutes of tugging and teasing, John twisted a knob on the tubes and pulled them off of her tits. Her nipples remained engorged, they were two or three times their normal size. They were obviously sensitive, too. He rubbed them and she responded like he had rubbed her clit.

When he took the cup thing off her cunt, it looked obscene. Her inner and outer pussy lips were puffed up like marshmallows. She looked deformed. He fingered her and touched her swollen parts and she spasmed in orgasm. She thrashed on the bed like she was having a seizure. Somewhere in that orgasmic fit, the butt plug was pushed out. It shot out with surprising force, traveling up and out about a foot. Eventually he removed his hands and she wound down.

The camera cut to another scene. It was back in its original position over that vibrator machine on the floor. I watched as John led Suzanne to the device and had her kneel down next to it.

“Suzanne, this is a Sybian. It is the greatest sexual stimulator for women ever invented. If you thought you enjoyed your time with the vibrator earlier, then just wait. This will blow your mind.” He said. “I will control the machine while you enjoy it. I will help you cast off your inhibitions and enjoy it fully.”

Inhibitions? What the hell was he talking about. My God! This guy had done everything to Suzanne. I shook my head at what I had heard. What more might he have planned? A tingle of fear accompanied the thought.

He had her straddle the device and insert the vibrator thing into herself. Then I heard the sound of a muffled electric motor. Suzanne started rocking her hips. She looked at the camera and said, “Mmmm. It’s nice.”

John chuckled and said, “Nice nothing. You haven’t even started yet.”

The sound of the machine increased and Suzanne’s eyes widened. “Oh!” she yelped. “Yes, like that. More of that.”

John chuckled again. Suzanne was now running her hands up and down her body, pulling on her still swollen nipples. Her eyes closed and she started rocking her head. She was lost in a sensual fog. The sound got louder again and she started rocking faster and moaning constantly. By now she was out of control and humping that little half barrel like crazy. It was a wanton display.

Then, just as she seemed on the verge a huge orgasm. The sound of the machine stopped and John came into view behind her. He grabbed her by her hair and lifted her off of the machine. She whimpered and reached with her hands towards it. He pulled her head next to his and spoke.

“Suzanne, you like what I do to you, don’t you?”

“Oh god yes. Please more,” she said breathlessly. “Please!”

“Maybe more in a minute. Just look at the camera and give me honest answers. Can you do that?”

She looked frantic. “Yes,” she said harshly. “Yes, anything.”

“Now Suzanne, tell me…did you enjoy me fucking your mouth earlier?”

Her answer was a fast, “Yes,”

“Not good enough you nasty little slut. Tell me why you liked it.”

“You took me. You used me to pleasure yourself. I made you feel good,” she said, breathing hard. I could see a line of sweat between her breasts.

“What else do you like with me?” he asked.

“You make me be sooo nasty.”

“How? What is it that is nasty that you like?”

“You fucked my ass. It felt good. It was a bad thing to do and you m made me.”

“What else?” he demanded.

“I…You made me…you let me lick you…there,” she said. I could see the immediacy of need was leaving her. Her shame in admitting her response to his activities was embarrassing her.


“Your ass. I came when I was licking your ass.” She started crying.

“Very good,” he said. “Do you want back on the machine?”

She mumbled a “Yes.”

“Just a couple more questions, my pet. Tell me, how nasty would you get for me? Would you refuse me anything?”

She shook her head. “No. Make me nasty. I want to be naughty for you.”

He smiled, “Naughty isn’t even the start of it. Look in the camera. Make it believe you. Tell it you would fuck anyone, any thing for me. Tell it that you would commit any act I asked of you, no matter how depraved. Show that camera the truth of those statements. Show it your body. Convince it.”

She did it. I believed her.

Then he let her kneel back down on the device. She quickly started hunching on it, but he didn’t turn it on. “If I took you back to the bookstore, would you fuck your friends you posed for pictures with?” he asked.

She kept grinding in frustration. “Yes. I would fuck them and suck them. All of them – even the fat guy behind the counter. Is that what you wanted to hear?” she asked in return.

“Ho ho! Yes indeed, that’s what I wanted.” He said jovially. “What about Daisy at the strip club. What would you do with her?”

“Nggggg.” The sound she made was somewhere between a groan and a growl as she continued humping the silent machine. “Yes, I’d do her. I’d lick her and kiss her, too,” she panted. “I know she wants me. She whispered in my ear. She said to lose you and come back at closing time…Please, please turn it on.”

The Sybian rumbled as he turned it on. I sat there in shock and watched her spend the next twenty minutes riding the machine to orgasm after orgasm. She groaned and growled and rode it like crazy. It didn’t even seem that she was aware of anything but what the machine did to her. She was completely out of the world beyond what that thing did between her legs. Finally, it all built to a towering peak. She froze in orgasm. Her eyes rolled up in her head. Then she slumped back off the machine. John caught her and eased her to the floor.

Before she showed signs of awareness, he looked at the camera and said, “That’s enough for this month, Rich. Enjoy it? Send me another ‘Please’ note if you want our game to continue. Next time will be even wilder.”

Then the video ended. I was left with cum on my hand and belly. Watching had been powerful stuff. I cleaned up and guiltily sent ‘Please’ to my wife’s lover

Chapter 4

April passed in apparent normality. Suze still had a couple of those phone calls every week. Our sex life remained more frequent, but basically unchanged. I held and cherished her, we both had orgasms, we fell asleep. As we approached the end of the month, I noticed that Suze seemed more intense when we had sex. I saw hints of what she had been in the last video. It fed the fantasies in my head. Our couplings increased as the month passed. They also started being a little more sex and less loving. Nothing big, just little things. We were both a little more physical is all.

I felt tension building towards the end of the last week of April. I knew that it was most likely that John would be in town this weekend. My sweet suburban wife would again delve into a world of depraved sex. My fear and disgust were waning and the excitement was growing. In fact, this last month I hadn’t really felt disgust or upset about what was happening. I was kind of resigned to it, but not so upset by it. And now, as the month came to an end, I looked forward to it.

I looked forward to that hot nasty sex Suze and I would have when she got home. Our one unspoken moment of not pretending. I also looked forward to the rush and anticipation of that limbo between when I knew she was busy with John and when I got to see the details of her nasty time with him.

She called me at four-thirty that Friday. “I’ll be out all night. Expect me home around noon tomorrow. Be sure to take Kim to my folks after practice. They are taking her to the zoo tomorrow. Soccer ends at 5:30,” she said. No excuses, no pretense. Just ‘I’ll be out...’

“Okay…Suze, you know I love you, don’t you?” I asked tentatively.

“I love you to, Rich. Thanks for...for this.” And she hung up.

At seven I was seated at my computer cock in hand looking at my wife promise to do anything for John. Their last time together had been so intense, what would happen tonight? I was in a frenzy of anticipation.

That is when the phone rang. “Hello.”

John’s deep voice rumbled over the line. “Go to CVE. Be inside the last booth on the left at 9:30. Check your e-mail for directions.” The line clicked and he was gone.

It turned out that CVE was some kind of adult book and video store in a town about twenty miles out on the other side of the city. I got there at 8:30and paid my fifteen dollars that apparently gave me access to the place. On one side was a pair of ‘theaters.’ Large dark rooms with big screens at the front showing porno flicks. A combination of benches and chairs were lined up in rows. One side had a couple of benches marked off for couples only.

The other side had twenty or so booths with television screens streaming more porn. You could lock the door for privacy. I noticed about half the booths had waist high holes in the wall between the booths. I’d never seen anything like it, but knew from my reading that these had to be glory holes. I went into the last booth on the left and closed the door. It had a hole on one side. The video showed a pretty girl going down on a guy with a huge dick. Movement caught my eye and I looked down at the hole. A finger, a man’s finger was poking through it. Some guy was offering to suck my dick. I left the booth and went back to the theater side to wait.

At nine-fifteen I went back to the booths. There were five or six men wandering in and out of the booths. I wondered which of them had wanted to suck me. Suddenly the tension level tripled in the place. Guys went to stand at booth doors. I looked around. A man and woman were walking up the aisle towards me. She wasn’t particularly beautiful, but she was dressed to show what she had. I watched them make a lap around the booths and come back to one where a young guy was leaning at the door. Eye contact was made, then they entered the booth next to him. He closed the door to his booth. I wondered what was happening between them. Was he watching them do each other? Was her finger the one that stuck through the hole? It was pretty exciting.

I looked at my watch. Five minutes to go. I went to the last booth on the left again and locked the door. I wondered if some guy would follow into the booth next to me. Sure enough, it happened. I heard the door closes and pretty quick a blunt finger was poking through the hole. I ignored it, panicked at the thought that he would make me miss whatever John had planned. After a few minutes, I heard the door open and light showed through the hole. He had left.

Then I heard movement again. ‘Not again,’ I thought. I waited for the next hairy finger. It didn’t come. Finally, I bent down and peeked through the hole. There was Suzanne facing me. She was standing on tall heels, but leaned back with some of her weight on the stool. Her legs were spread. She had a spandex mini-skirt pulled up over her waist. Her stockings were black thigh-highs. Her top was a black woven mesh thing intended to be worn over a shirt...No shirt. No bra. You could see here breasts through the top. Her eyes were closed and John was fingering her cunt.

I heard him whisper loudly to her, “Get down on your knees and suck the cock that comes through the wall, slut.”

I understood what he meant to do. I stood up and stuck my dick through the glory hole. Suze gave me a glorious blow job. I lasted about a minute before I came. I felt her drawing the cum from my dick once I stopped shooting it. She sucked my softening dick for another minute before suddenly releasing me. I dropped back down to look. All I saw was the back of John’s pants. Then I saw his hand with a piece of paper in it. He shook it at me. I took it and opened the note. It read:

Leave your booth. Stay in here for a few minutes and watch what happens, but be in the left-hand theater in ten minutes. Sit on the front row on the far right. Don’t move from there, don’t speak, don’t acknowledge us. If Suzanne recognizes you, this all ends. When she and I leave the theater, go to Twin Peeks on 29. Stay at the bar. Again - Don’t move from there, don’t speak, don’t acknowledge us. If Suzanne recognizes you, this all ends.

There was no signature, but it didn’t need one. I rearranged my clothes and left the booth. As I opened the door, another man shot past me and pulled it shut. He was in there almost before I left. I walked to the end of the Aisle and watched for a few minutes. After about five minutes, the guy opened the door and came out. He was almost run over by the next guy going in. He walked past me and winked.

I heard him say, “She was pretty good,” as he moved away down the hallway.

I was hard again.

I heard a door opening. It was John’s door I hustled around the bend and across to the theater. Ihad just settled into my seat when heard them come into the theater. It was very dark and I had turned my head as they passed me. I didn’t think Suze could have recognized me even if she noticed me sitting there. A crowd of worked up guys followed them in. I turned to the side so I could peek at the pack of the room. To my surprise, John and Suze hadn’t gone to the couples only seats. They were at the last of the open seating rows. There were guys standing all around them. It was pretty maddening for me. I could see tiny glimpses of bodies in motion, but mostly all I saw was the backs of guys looking at my wife. After watching a bit, I was able to discern that Suze was playing with herself and letting the strangers grope her breasts. John had to back a couple of guys off. I could imagine this turning ugly pretty easily. After fifteen minutes or so of this, John stood and led Suze back out. He gave me a little nod as he passed me.

I waited a few minutes after they left. The room had emptied on their tail. All of those guys were following Suzanne wherever she went. When I left, some of them had drifted back into the theater. I guessed that their prey had left the building. When I looked out the door, I saw John driving a car out of the parking lot. I went to my car and headed to Twin Peeks.

I had driven past the place a time or two and had always appreciated the name of the place as funny for a titty bar. It was all the way back across town again. The building looked pretty small for the number of cars parked out back. When I went in, I found it to be moderately crowded. The music was pretty loud. The stage held a big blonde woman – probably six feet tall wearing just a cowboy hat and a g-string. She was endowed with generous breasts but more weight than I find attractive. She was swinging around a brass pole and collecting dollar bills from semi-inebriated revelers. There were other girls teasing guys into paying for lapdances here and there. A few of them were really hot, but most were nowhere near as pretty as Suzanne.

I didn’t see John or Suzanne in the room anywhere. I wondered where they went. I had expected them to be here before me. I had left the bookstore after them. I ordered a beer and settled in. Turning down a couple of lapdance offers seemed to let the rest of the girls know that I wasn’t looking for one. They left me alone to sit and think about what I had seen. I was sure that Suzanne had sucked at least one other guy off that night. She had put her body on display for a room full of guys in the theater. Hell, she blew me not having a clue who I was.

I had a partial hard on sitting there. I was watching the dancers shake their tits around and thinking of the nasty things my sweet wife was doing. I could feel the excitement building in me. I tried to analyze my feelings. There were a lot of conflicting emotions. The conflicts themselves increased the excitement factor, I think. I wondered about what John was getting out of all of this.

I snickered at myself. Here I was getting a kick out of the hidden power he gave me over my wife at the same time he must have been getting a kick out of manipulating both of us. A win/Win all the way around. Except for that piece of me that hurt every time I thought about my wife having sex, hot nasty sex, with others. That hurt was usually overwhelmed by the excitement and lust, but it was in there.

I was watching the door as John and Suzanne entered. She was dressed as before. I thought ‘I have a very pretty and sexy wife’ as I watched her being led through the strip club by her lover. They sat against the wall not too far from the stage and ordered drinks. I watched them watching as a several of the girls did their thing.

Some of the dancers were like zombies, physically present but mentally absent. Even if they were very pretty, I couldn’t bring myself to find them attractive. Often, these girls appeared to be the most mercenary about trolling for lapdance money. You could see them working up and down the rows of men, after the money but otherwise disassociated from everything around them. Other girls were playing and having fun living in the moment. They were more attractive even if they weren’t so pretty. They also seemed to be doing more lapdances with less trolling and work than the ‘zombies.’

John motioned Suzanne over to the stage as the DJ announced that ‘Feather’ would be dancing next. Suzanne took a seat right at the stage. She had money in her hand and was winding the bills around her fingers as she waited for the dance to start. Feather was a very pretty tall brunette with long straight hair. She was thin with long legs, a very nice tight butt, and small to medium sized breasts. She was definitely not one of the zombie dance girls.

She danced out and down the stage to the pole and spun around it a couple of times. She was wearing a short-skirted parody of the catholic schoolgirl uniform and every time she turned she showed her ass cheeks or her g-string. Her hips had independent suspension of some sort that let her really move them around. She was very hot. She moved to Suzanne and squatted in front of her with her knees wide apart. I watched as this dancer pulled her skirt up and massaged the little pouch of her g-string inches from my wife’s nose. When Suze stuck a bill in the side of the string, Feather leaned down and kissed her on the lips. The watching men roared with approval.

Feather then stood and danced up and down both arms of the “Y” shaped stage. Squatting down and giving a little personal show for the men waving money at her. When the song ended she strolled to the mirrors at the back of the stage and untied the tails of the little white shirt she had on and dropped it. Then, she bent over as she removed her plaid skirt. When she turned around, all she had on were tall heels and a red g-string. Another song started and she moved to the pole to swing around it and shake her stuff a bit. She moved back to Suzanne and teased everyone in the room by rubbing her tit s against my wife’s face. Then she hung her head over my wife’s head, hiding both of them in her hair as they kissed deeply. One of Feather’s hands traced the outline of Suzanne’s right breast. I saw Suzanne arch into that hand. When Feather moved on to the men at the stage Suzanne leaned back in her chair legs akimbo. She was flushed and looked like she was a bit lost.

Feather finished her dance and Suzanne moved back to sit with John. He leaned over and spoke into her ear for a bit. She nodded while he spoke, but her eyes were on Feather. Feather was by the DJ booth pulling on her little plaid skirt and tying her white shirt tails across her flat belly. When she came down the steps, John stood and motioned her to take his seat. He then took the chair next to her so that Feather was between John and Suzanne. He ordered more drinks, making sure that both Feather and Suze were taken care of.

After a couple of different girls had danced, Feather stood and moved to stand between Suzanne’s legs. She pulled off the skirt and top and started dancing. She rubbed her boobs up and down my wife’s body. She rubbed her legs on Suze’s legs. She buried her head in my wife’s slender neck. It was erotic and slow, this tall thin almost naked woman undulating slowly all over my beautiful wife. When the song ended, they were locked in another sexy kiss.

The next song blew my mind. This time my wife danced for Feather. She only opened her top and pulled her short skirt up, but she displayed as much as any of the strippers in the bar. Men cheered and clapped while Suzanne performed a public lap dance on a stripper. She looked like a pro, turning her back on Feather and swatting her own ass hard enough to hear the slap over the music and cheering. I was transfixed by the sight.

Once the song ended, Feather stood and headed to the back into the dressing room. Suzanne and John stood and left. As they passed through the door, John looked me in the eye and gave me a wink and a nod. I had another beer while I waited for my hardon to go down. While I waited, I noticed that Feather never came back.

Two days later I got an E-mail from John:

No video this month, I think you saw plenty. You did well. Suzanne never saw you or suspected you were around. As for the rest of the night after we left Twin Peeks – well let’s just say that your wife’s lips have now known the nether lips of another woman with startling intimacy. She and Feather looked quite beautiful curled up in a 69…and when I fucked Suzanne as Feather sat on her face…well let me just say that it was exquisite. However, the crème de la crème, so to speak, was when Suzanne licked my cum from Feather’s pussy. Amazing stuff!

If you want to continue down our path, just send the email. I’ve already started planning something particularly nasty for sweet little Suzanne next month.


I sent the note. Schadenfreude is a German term that means taking malicious pleasure at someone's misfortune. They say that schadenfreude is the most beautiful kind of joy since it comes directly from the heart. I believe there is a form of schadenfreude behind sending the note asking this man to continue. It is something directed at me rather than someone else, though. In continuing with John’s adventure, I somehow derived pleasure at my own misfortune. Maybe I’m completely wrong about it, but there are certainly powerful conflicting emotions connected with the whole thing.


May passed in seeming normalcy. The exception to that was in the frequency and intensity of our love making. We didn’t really do anything different than our normal routine. The frequency was certainly up. We mostly had those close loving times that are what I’ve always thought a husband and wife should have. However, the memories of what I had seen Suzanne doing were never very far from my mind. In fact, those memories kicked off a number of sessions between us that would not otherwise have happened.

One time in particular stands out in my memory. We were being lazy on a Sunday morning and sitting together in bed looking at the paper. Suze was reading one of the lifestyle pages while I was reading the sports. I saw an ad for Twin Peeks hidden in the sports section and was immediately drawn back to seeing my wife getting a lap dance there. I looked over at her. There sat my demure wife, chewing her lip as she read recipes in the paper. Hidden away inside was the woman who had her lips on a stripper, the woman who had wrapped her lips around some random stranger’s cock that was stuck through a glory hole.

My cock jumped. I reached over and traced my finger around the edge of her ear and then ran a knuckle down the nape of her neck. She purred and leaned into me. I nibbled her ear for a moment, then whispered, “You are a very sexy woman.”

“Mmmm. You say the nicest things.”

I nipped at her neck. Before long the paper was in the floor and we were necking like teenagers. After a bit Suze snatched my pants down and took me in her mouth. I remembered what she had done to me through the glory hole at the bookstore. I wondered if she was thinking about it. It didn’t take long before I pulled her off of me before I came. We had a short, very physical and intense fuck that saw us reach our peaks very quickly.

When we had finished and were cuddling, she asked, “What brought that on?”

I was semi-stuprous from the sex and wasn’t editing my words much. “Oh, just thinking about you.”

“Oh really? Reading the sports pages got you thinking about me?”

Warning alerts should have gone off at this point, but I was still just lying there watching the circling blades on the ceiling fan not paying much attention to what we were saying. “I was just thinking about how hot you looked…”

“Hmmm…I just bet,” with that she reached beside the bed and picked up the paper.

The rustle of the paper kicked off the ‘Danger, Will Robinson’ warning in my head, but there wasn’t anything I could do. She had the paper and was looking through it. I couldn’t very well snatch it from her hand. I watched her look over the page I was reading and saw her eyes stop scanning when she saw the ad. She read it a time or two. Then she blushed hard. She looked at me knowingly. We locked eyes for some time.

Then she said, “Well…” and leaned forward and took me in her mouth again. This time she didn’t stop until I came in her mouth.

Afterwards, nothing more was said about it. I knew what she was doing with John. She knew that I knew. I knew that she knew. But nothing was admitted or spoken about. It was a false reality that we jointly maintained. The intensity was all beneath the surface.

That unspoken tension built over the course of the month. When I wasn’t thinking about what John had managed to get Suzanne to do, I was wondering what was next. I could see signs of the building tension in Suzanne as well. Not only was she more and more sexually responsive in bed, her out of bed behavior became more sexual. Her walk had more swing in it. Her wardrobe was enhanced with a few purchases and she dressed a bit sexier.

Finally, as we were going to bed on the last Thursday of the month, Suzanne said, “Can you go in a bit late in the morning?”

“Sure, what’s up?” I asked.

“It is just a little surprise I have for you,” she replied.

I tried to get her to tell me what was up for a bit, but quit when she said, “Rich, that’s enough. Don’t make this more than it is. It is not a big deal or anything – just small thing for the guy in my life. So drop it unless you want me to tell you ALL about it.” She looked at me meaningfully.

I wasn’t hypnotized by the ceiling fan this time. I could recognize the danger signs there. “No no. Sorry. I was curious that’s all. Consider it dropped.

The next morning, I showered while Suzanne got Kim off to school. I was toweling off when Suzanne grabbed me by the hand and led me to the chair in the corner of the bedroom. She kicked the footstool aside and said, “Hands on the armrests and keep them there, Buster.” She showed me a sly smile on her face. “Here is a little treat for you.”

She pointed the remote at the CD player on my dresser and Rod Stewart’s old Hot Legs started up. Then my wife treated me to a very sexy lap dance. She opened her robe to reveal a black lace baby doll nighty that I hadn’t seen before. She put her hands on my knees and bent forward, letting the lace fall from her breasts and giving me a peek. Then she squatted in front of me with her knees wide apart. The nightgown was draped over the tops of her thighs and hid her jewel, but her position was exposed and very unladylike. She showed off her ‘hot legs’ and hot body with sultry enthusiasm. When she straddled my right leg and lowered her self onto it, I felt her warm wetness pressing onto me. Her pussy was literally dripping wet. When she stood back up a long string of her juice connected her wet box to my leg.

As the song ended, she put her hands on my shoulders and kissed me deeply. Then she climbed up to straddle me. She pumped and rocked on my hard dick until we both exploded in orgasm.

As she climbed off of me and walked towards, I said, “Wow.”

“Yeah, wow,” she replied.

“You are one sexy girl when you want to be.”

“Thanks, Sweetheart…I’m glad you enjoyed that.,” she paused at the doorway to the bathroom and looked back at me. “I should have told you before, but it only came up yesterday. I have to take a trip to Atlanta today. I’ll be back Sunday mid-day.”

My head snapped up. She had never taken a trip anywhere for work. She must be going there with John. I pondered what that meant. What would he have her doing in Atlanta? Why there? Why two nights away? What could he have planned? I realized that she was still waiting for a response from me. I held up the tatters of the false reality between us, “Oh…okay, honey. A work conference or something?”

She was nude, just fucked, standing in the doorway. She looked incredibly sexy standing there with a hip cocked. She gave me a long frank look and said, “Or ...something.” She stretched out the word something with a sexy growl.

My cock came fully back to life. Suze noticed and smiled. She walked back to me stood in front of me. “It looks like we didn’t take care of everything there. Want me to do...something for you?” stretching out the word again again.

I groaned as she knelt down and started sucking on me . Having just cum, I lasted a long time. She never slowed or paused as she worked on me. I mentally reviewed all of the videos and experiences of the last months as she licked, sucked, and stroked me to orgasm. She swallowed what I gave her and then got up and headed back to the bathroom.

“Ohh…man. That was…That was…” I said as I started coming back down to earth.

From the doorway she said, “That was just a little… something.”

Nothing overt was said when Suzanne had come home on Sunday. She was immediately engaged in catching up with the ins, outs, ups, and downs of the last three days of our daughter’s world. I carried her overnight bag up to our room while they were talking and laughing over milk and cookies.

I couldn’t resist peeking in the bag. There was a miniature dress made of scarlet spandex on top. It looked small enough to fit our ten-year-old. Beneath the dress was a white lace bustier and garter belt. In the bottom of the bag was an assortment of three or four dildoes or vibrators. There was also a box of condoms that was about half full. I put it all back and wondered what it meant.

The disk came on the following Tuesday. It had a single large movie file on it. I started it up and it started with a very distorted picture. It took me a moment to realize that the shot was through a peephole in the door of a hotel room. It showed a closed door across the hall. I watched as a man came up to that door and knocked. Suze answered the door in the tight red mini-dress and let him in. The video cut jumped to the door opening again and the same man leaving. The time stamp showed an hour had almost passed. The man walked down the hall and Suze pulled the door wide open and looked right at the camera – she was nude.

Thirty minutes later the sequence started again and repeated four more times. At hour-and-a-half intervals strangers were coming to my wife’s room and leaving after an hour with her. She would be dressed in the red dress when they came and would be nude when they left. At one of her flashes to the camera after the man left I noticed that she had shaved her pubic hair. I ran the video back to the previous flash – the bush was there. She had shaved her pussy with that strange man in the room.

After the video showed the fifth man leave, the video jumped to a shot of Suzanne sitting naked on an unmade bed. John was running the camera and interviewing her. His first question was, “Well, my pet, you were a busy little beaver tonight, weren’t you?”

She smiled lazily and spread her legs to the camera, “No beaver left.”

John’s deep chuckle rumbled as he zoomed in on her puffy pussy. “So, I see. Show me how much you made tonight.”

Suzanne opened the nightstand drawer and counted out $2350 in various bills. John said, “That is a good bit over the advertised price, why is that?”

Suzanne’s smile brightened. “Tips! They liked my service. Plus, I charged extra before I’d let ...I think his name was Brett, shave me.”

“So now you aren’t just a nasty little slut. You whored yourself out tonight. How was it?”

“It was scary and exciting at first,” she replied. “But as the night went on, I just got more and more into the sex. I came a lot more than they did. I saved all the rubbers just like you told me to, see?” She held up a trash can and counted out seven used rubbers tied closed at the base.

I paused the video and sat back in my chair in total shock. Suzanne had whored herself out. This was beyond anything I could have imagined. A thousand questions ran through my mind. How did this get set up? How did she contact these men? How did she know they weren’t police? How could she do something so extreme? I was astonished.

After a few moments, I started the video back up. Over the next five or ten minutes I heard John interview Suzanne about her experiences that evening. It turned out that three of the guys were pretty shy. They just wanted a quick suck and fuck. The one guy told her that he hated pubic hair, so she offered to let him shave it for an extra fee. After he shaved her he went down on her for nearly thirty minutes. She told John that it was the best oral service she had ever had. The last guy was pretty kinky. He rimmed Suzanne’s butt hole while he was going down on her. Then, while she was riding him cowgirl style, he had her spit into his mouth. Finally, he jerked off onto her tits and then licked up all of the mess. She said he was kinda fun.

The video concluded with John saying, “Just wait until tomorrow, my little slut.”

The sudden end surprised me. Suze was in Atlanta for two evenings. What happened on the second night? More whoring? I didn’t know what to think.

That evening was very strange for me. Suze got home and was her ‘normal’ self. She was even a bit sweeter and more loving than normal. We watched a show on TV sitting together and cuddling on the couch. We hadn’t had sex since she came back from Atlanta. Between her travel and catching up on Sunday and a late day in the office on Monday for me we hadn’t had the energy or time for bedtime fun. As we watched some vapid prime time sweeps show, I was wondering how she would explain her shaved pubes to me. I found myself getting excited at the thought of what she looked like and how nasty she had been. As we sat there, I ‘absently”’ started brushing my fingertips over her nipple. As the show drew to a close, we had advanced to a little light groping on the couch.

We closed up the house and went to bed early. When I came out of the bathroom, Suzanne was standing beside the bed in a short silky robe. I walked up to kiss her and she placed her hands on my shoulders and guided me to my knees in front of her. Then she pulled the robe open and pushed my face into her bare pussy. It was intoxicating. I had never seen a shaved pussy in person before. I stayed there kneeling on the floor and licked and nibbled her smooth skin. She just leaned back on the edge of the bed with her legs apart and held my head to her the whole time.

After about twenty minutes of my ministration, Suze had a series of orgasms that were pretty spectacular. It was like they chained off of each other and built on each other. By the time she finished my face was completely soaked with her juices and I was humping air with a raging hardon.

I jumped up and thrust into her – fucking hard and fast from the start. She groaned and met me thrust for thrust. I lasted about two minutes before I filled her shaved little pussy with my cum. I rolled to my back to catch my breath and was shocked when she sat up and started licking and sucking my cock. She worked it like it was the sweetest most delectable thing she had ever tasted. I hardened up fairly quickly to my surprise. About the time I really started getting into her blowjob, she moved and slid into the classic 69 position. She dropped her cum filled pussy right onto my mouth. Between what she was doing with her mouth and hands and the general excitement of the whole situation, her moved excited me. I licked her cream pie clean as she sucked on me with abandon. When I came in her mouth, she spun around and kissed me with cum on her lips and tongue. At the time, I found it to be an absolutely riveting turn on. We quickly fell asleep after that. The next morning, it was like nothing unusual ever happened.

At work the next afternoon, I was surprised to receive another CD in the mail. I packed up and took it home to find that it was video dated the day after the last one. John had stretched my viewing out over two days. I rubbed myself raw watching this one. It showed Suzanne in bed with two black men. They used her and abused her in just about every way possible. She eagerly participated in everything they asked for. At one point, she was on her knees in front of one of the men. He grabbed her hair and pulled her head up until his long black cock popped out of her mouth.

“If you are going to suck it, then suck it right, bitch! He slapped her across the face with his hand. Then he grasped his cock and started smacking Suzanne back and forth across her cheeks. with it. “You want my cock. I know you do.”

Suzanne was fixated on the cock hitting her face. “Yes.”

“Then, suck it like you mean it you little cunt!” he growled and jammed his cock back into her mouth.

They slapped and spanked her while they used her body for their pleasure. I was amazed that she let them handle her that way. I was even more amazed to see her become more excited and hungry for them as they treated her like that. I got off on the color contrast, her behavior, just about everything I saw.

By the time Suzanne came home from work I had come three or four times and the excited edge had completely worn off. I was feeling ashamed of myself for being so turned on at the things I had seen. I had sent ‘please’ to John with a trembling click of the mouse. I sat back and shook my head. The whipsawing of emotion I felt - going from extreme sexual excitement to shame was very difficult. I was starting to feel like I was losing my mind

Chapter 5


As the end of June approached, I became more and more worried. First, what would John have Suzanne doing now? What new depth to her depravity would he find? The other thing that was gnawing at me was that John had said after three months with Suzanne that he would ‘meet with both of you to discuss the future”. I spent a lot of time thinking about what that meant.

I reviewed the changes in my life over the past months. I started this journey reading and enjoying many slut wife/hotwife stories off of the internet. I enjoyed them and I fantasized heavily about some of them happening to Suzanne. That was a form of cheating on Suzanne, I mused. I had a sex life of my own that she was isolated from. My ‘addiction’ to those stories wasn’t terribly healthy, I guess.

Then our anniversary night. Wow. That was an awakening for me. When confronted with the reality of the hotwife, my immediate reaction was to recoil. I wanted to go back to vanilla sex and quiet close loving. But John had seen that spot on my soul that still enjoyed what was happening. He knew that if it was teased right, it could take over. I found I could enjoy many aspects of the situation.

The draw of the ‘secret’ power I had over Suze was strong. I could stop things if I wanted. My voyeurism was being sated via John’s videos. That night I got to actually see Suze in action at the bookstore and strip club was a bonus beyond the videos. Our sex life had improved, as well. We were having sex more often and with greater variety. Our activities had not seemed to have a serious negative social affect, our lives and interactions with friends and coworkers was unchanged. Aside from the flimsy artificial reality about Suze’s time with John, we had actually been closer and spent more time together since all this started as well.

That left the down side of things to consider. My web surfing and porn reading promoted secretness and deception between my wife and me. That is not good. My wife having sex outside the bonds of marriage is something that would be frowned on by a great deal of society. Certainly, some of her sexual activities over the last months were way beyond the pale. The mix of feelings I have had are intense, but probably not too healthy. I’ve swung from horny as a tomcat to repulsed and angered by all of what has happened.

I looked at what was happening and tried to see if I could provide Suzanne what she seemed to be looking for from John. After some searching, I decided that I didn’t really have it in me to slap or demean my wife like that. I just didn’t know where things were going. What would happen when John called?

I was pretty much worthless at work on the last Friday in June. Suzanne had said nothing about plans that morning before we left for work. I spent a lot of time mulling over the situation.

After a lot of soul searching, I had come to some decisions. First, the driving force in the negative feelings I had about what Suzanne was doing were based on societal expectations. Society said what she was doing was bad. Heck I found most all of it exciting to one extent or another. It was when I considered what she did against what I had been told all my life was good or bad based on societies expectations that I started feeling bad about things. I decided that I was letting society make too many decisions for me. I could determine what I did or didn’t like. As long as no one was coerced into something they didn’t want and we didn’t hurt our “public’ positions and we had a few ground rules about some things that I found personally repulsive, scat play, involving children, etc., then I was willing to play and try things as they came.

With that decision in hand, I reexamined what had been happening and decided that none of it was beyond what I could live with. Most of it was stuff I actually found exciting and would enjoy seeing it continue in some fashion. I still was unsure about what would come next with John, but I felt more excited than fearful about it.

I finished what little work I had at four and headed home. I had been surprised not to get a call or message from John or Suzanne. I beat Suzanne home as usual. I checked around the house for signs of something happening – everything looked normal. I’d had some of those net stories about the husband coming home to find his wife involved in all manner of sexual excess running through my head on the drive home. I checked my e-mail - nothing.

Suzanne came home with Kim at five. She asked, ”Spaghetti for dinner tonight OK with you?”

“Yeah, that sounds good.” I paused a moment, then asked, “Any plans tonight?”

She gave me a searing look as she stepped over to stand directly in front of me. “Would you like me to have ‘plans’ tonight?” she asked as she reached forward and stroked the crotch of my jeans.

My cock responded quickly. “I just wanted to be sure that you weren’t …going anywhere tonight.”

“Nope…just down on you later,” she whispered in my ear as our daughter came back into the room.

I was loading the dishes into the washer later when Suzanne’s cell phone rang. She took it to her office. When I finished in the kitchen, she was upstairs getting Kim packed up for a weekend with her grandparents. “What’s up?” I asked.

‘My folks called and wanted to know if Kim and her friend Jenny could come over to spend the night and then go to the zoo in the morning. Jenny’s mom loved the idea, so...we are packing our little princess up to go visiting.”

My cell phone rang as Suze was backing out of the drive to take Kim. It was seven o’clock.


John’s deep voice greeted me, “Hello, Rich. Are you ready for an adventure tonight?”

I was frozen. My feet had taken root. My throat was locked in rigor. “Uhhhhh...:

John’s voice sharpened, “Answer me now, Rich.”

“Yes. I’m ready.”

“Hmmm. That isn’t the answer I’m looking for. You should know the right answer by now.”

I gasped. What did he want. I was thinking too many things at once. I wasn’t able to produce any response.

“Cat got your tongue?” he asked. “What happened to ‘please’?”

I felt like a dunce. “Please.” I croaked.

“That isn’t good enough now. You will have to earn it. Did you know that Suzanne is driving along right this second with a cunt that is wet with anticipation for tonight? She may look like the soccer mom shuttling kids around, but in reality, she is a horny slut desperate for some action.”

I groaned at the thought of Suzanne driving to her parents aroused and thinking not of the mundane things she was dealing with, but with the nasty things to come. “Please, yes. I want it.”

“That is a little better, Rich. But what I’m looking for it “Please take my sweet loving wife and use her as your personal slut and sex toy.”

I echoed him, realizing that I really meant what I said. The doorbell rang. I ignored it, waiting to hear what John had to say next.

“Aren’t you going to answer the door?” he asked.

I ran to the door. There stood John smiling as he put his phone back in its holder. “Tonight, is going to be special,” he said. “I think we will all enjoy ourselves.” He handed me a sealed manila envelope. “Here are your instructions.”

With that, he turned on his heel and walked to his car at the curb. I stood at the doorway until he had pulled down the street and turned out of sight.

“Hey Rich! How’s it going?”

I looked around. It was Jim, my half-crazy retired navy neighbor. His garage kegerator supplied the neighbor husbands a convenient watering hole. I waved anemically to him and went back inside. Jim was a horny goat. I saw him watch Suze whenever she was working in the yard. If he had any clue how nasty she could be, he would burst. I laughed at the thought and took the envelope to my office.

There was a CD inside. The CD said had ‘Play this first’ written on it. I threw it into my computer and double clicked on the video file that was on it. John appeared looking into the camera. “Hello again, Rich. I have some video for you to enjoy. When it is over, I’ll be back with instructions for the evening. Enjoy the little clip, but keep your hands off of your dick - you will want to save it for later. By the way…the video you are about to see is from this afternoon. You wife took the afternoon off to explore yet another aspect of her sexuality with me. She was quite a treat.”

The screen cut to a picture of Suzanne naked and spread eagle on a bed. As the camera panned across her body I became aware that she her feet and ankles were tied to the bed. I also saw John standing next to her, the camera was moving and bobbling a little, which meant a third person was in the room with them.

John reached down and roughly fingered Suze’s pussy. He started with two fingers and hammered them in and out. She responded with squeals and hip thrusts. It was hard to tell if she was trying to make it stop or if she was loving it until I heard her say, “Ohgodyes…” as part of her moaning. He added a third finger and her frenzy increased. She hit a point where she was clearly experiencing multiple orgasms.

As she was building to a higher peak, he pulled his fingers out and replaced them with a huge dildo. After fucking her with it a while, he pushed it deep into her and left it there. She continued to mover her hips and moan. John then reached down and picked up a leather riding crop. He started swishing it back and forth over her clit. Suze was moving and humping for more contact. She looked so obscene with the dildo sticking in her like that.

Then, John brought it up a notch. He started lightly popping her cunt with the crop. Every time it hit her she jumped like she was being hit with a taser. She was beyond words at this point – maybe beyond orgasms, it was hard to tell. Slowly the intensity of the impacts grew. Over the course of two to three minutes it went from light rubbing and almost tickling to pops that would have stung on an arm or leg. Finally, he pulled his arm back and hit her clit dead on with a hard crack. She screamed, wet herself, and passed out.

The video jumped back to John. He was smiling out from my computer screen. “Pretty intense, wasn’t it? She had quite a good time today. I bet you couldn’t even tell when she came home. That is one of the things I like about Suzanne. She can be such a perfect slut and then twenty minutes later she is the perfect soccer mom wife. You have quite a treat there.”

I was sweating from what I had seen. That was such a wild scene.

John continued, “Go to the bookstore you met us at before. Don’t get into a booth until at least two other men have visited with us. No need to hide like before, but Suzanne will not acknowledge you as her husband.”

I was in a state of lusty excitement and ready to do just about whatever John asked. I hopped in the car and zipped down the highway. I hit some traffic going through town. It made me half crazy. I realized I was starting to drive like a maniac and slowed back a bit. Pushing so hard was going to leave me frazzled and wouldn’t get me there any quicker. I turned on some quite music and tried to control my breathing. By the time I pulled into the parking lot at the bookstore, I had calmed down enough that I was barely frantic at all.

Chapter 6

I paid my money and cruised both sides of the store – there were about fifteen guys between the theaters and the booths. There was a couple cuddled in the couples only section of the theater. They were sitting close, but there wasn’t much action. It was too dark to tell for sure, but the woman appeared fairly attractive. She was in Jeans and an oversized shirt, so it was kind of hard to see her body very well. She was clearly not carrying lots of extra weight, anyway.

I went back to the booths and stood in the doorway of one, halfheartedly watching the action on the screen and waiting expectantly for my wife and her lover to come by. I wasn’t disappointed. I had been waiting about ten minutes when there was a stir in the crowd cruising the booths. I looked down the aisle and saw John escorting my wife along the row of booths. She was wearing high heels, a black mini skirt and a red silky top with the tails tied to show off her midriff. She was brazenly sexual and was looking each man they came to right in the eye. As she came by me she paused and locked eyes with me. She had a little quirk to her lips that was almost a smile. Then she licked her lips suggestively, winked at me, and moved on. She and John finished their procession through the booth area and headed over to the theater. They were followed by about half of the men from the booths.

I gave them a few minutes and joined the exodus. When I got to the theater side, John and Suzanne were sitting with the other couple and most of the guys were hanging nearby desperately waiting for some kind of action. John was chatting with the other man. After a bit the couples shuffled seats and Suzanne and the other woman were sitting together and chatting. There was some collective breath holding when that happened. You could almost hear the single guys in the room praying that Suzanne and this woman would start playing with each other.

After about ten minutes something did happen. Both couples stood and left the theaters trailing a train of horny men, me among them. They went to the counter and paid some money to the clerk. Then I watched them leave through the door to the hallway towards the exit. They went into a room off of that hallway that I had seen, but never really paid attention to. One of the men that had followed them to the lobby with me muttered, “Lucky guys…” The crowd dispersed back to the theaters and booths.

I struck up a conversation with the mutterer. He explained that the store had a pair of ‘couples only’ rooms. They had a TV and a couch or two in them. Couples and their designated partners could rent the room for ten bucks. They could go in there and have a little private romp. My wife was in one of those rooms getting nasty with John and another couple while I stood out here with a bunch of horny guys.

I hung about and bided my time for the next forty-five minutes. The ebb and flow of men from booth to booth and from the booths to the theaters was interesting to watch…not really. But I told myself that as I sat there with a hard on while my wife was getting it on with strangers down the hall. I was sitting there daydreaming when I realized that Suzanne and the others were walking towards me. I sat up and watched as the two women walked in front of John and the other guy. The girls were holding hands and chatting. They went over to the ladies room together. When the door to the ladies room closed, John waved me over and introduced me to Don.

“Your wife is one nasty slut,” Don gushed as he shook my hand. “That was my Sarah’s first time with another woman. It was great.”

“I…uhhh…good for you,” I said lamely.

“Rich, go on back to where you were,” John said. “Remember to do what I said on the tape.”

I went back to the couch in the little alcove with the Coke machine. As I sat down the girls came out of the bathroom together. The foursome stood there talking for a moment, obviously saying goodbye. Suzanne leaned forward and gave Don a deep kiss. Then she turned to Sarah and wrapped her arms around the slightly smaller woman. They locked lips and to the thrill of the watching men kissed and groped each other for almost a full minute. Then Don and Sarah waved at John and Suzanne and headed back towards the exit. Suzanne and Don headed over to the booths and walked a lap around the booth area, looking in at the playing videos and looking at the men scrambling around the room.

Finally, they came back around to one of the booths with a glory hole and went in. Suzanne turned in the doorway before closing it and slowly drew her short skirt up until the men that had missed out on getting in the booth next to her saw that she was both shaved and pantyless. She stroked her shaved slit and then looked right at me while she removed a finger and licked it lasciviously. Then she turned and closed the door.

I was the fifth man into the booth next to hers. There was almost a fight at the door after the first couple of changeovers. I ended up standing at the door waiting while number four visited my wife. I latched the door and dropped to my knees at the hole. Peering through it I saw the back of my wife’s head as she sucked on John. He was looking at the hole. He smiled when he recognized me and tapped Suzanne on the shoulder. She slowly pulled herself off of his cock and turned to me. I saw the light of recognition in her eyes when she peered through the hole at me. Then she stood up and spread her legs wide in a raunchy pose designed to show off her cunt. Even in the booth’s darkness, I could see that her pussy was bright red and slick with juices.

She proceeded to play with herself for me for a few minutes. I was on my knees with my cock in my hand watching my wife finger herself through a glory hole. Then John bent down and said, “Go to the lobby, I’ll be there in a minute.”

I managed to zip my pants without damaging myself. When I opened the door to my booth a big black guy slipped past me and closed the door so quick it almost hit me on the way out. He was shorter than my 6’1”, but much more muscular. He looked like he was a bodybuilder or something.

I was looking over the sex toys on the wall when John walked up next to me. I looked around for Suzanne and didn’t see her. “Don’t worry,” he said. “She is sucking on one of the biggest black dicks I’ve ever seen right this second.” He smiled as my cock lurched in my pants. “Suzanne is on a sexual high like I have never seen in a woman. Every time she has an orgasm just feeds her need for another one. She told me she actually had an orgasm when she saw you standing there when we first came in. I hadn’t warned her that you would be here.”

My social skills repertoire didn’t include how to respond to comments and compliments about my wife’s skills and abilities as a slut. I just stood there looking at a collection of rubber underwear.

“I’m going back to get her in just a minute. When we come back I want you to pay for a room for us.” He turned to the clerk and said, “Hey, Eddie!” and pointed a finger at me. Then he turned and went back to the booths.

I was putting my change in my wallet when John and Suzanne came back into the lobby. They were followed by the black guy that had run over me getting into the booth. John waved to me and I followed the three of them into the private room. There were two cheap green couches on two walls and a corner table with small television streaming porn.

John said, “Suzanne was having so much fun with his cock that I decided to have her satisfy this gentleman before we proceed with my plans for the evening. Let’s sit over here and let her have her fun.”

John and I sat on one of the couches while Suzanne took the cushions off of the other one. She placed them on the floor, creating a makeshift bed. While she did that, the black guy was stripping. When he dropped his pants, he revealed a huge cock. It was only a little longer than mine, but it’s girth was enormous. In all the porn I’d surfed on the net, I’d never seen anything like it. It was fatter around than my wrist.

Suzanne had yet to acknowledge either John or I since we came in the room. She was focused on this man. She made him lie down on the cushions she had set out and then squatted over his cock. She let out a groaning whine as she lowered herself on it. His black log slowly disappeared into her pink gash. When she bottomed out one it I saw her bite her lip, then she opened her eyes and looked at me. There she sat with a stranger’s cock in her while I sat with a hard on stretching my jeans out of shape.

She smiled and said, “I love being such a nasty slut.” Then she started slowly humping his cock. She rode it for about fifteen minutes, obviously having a number of orgasms. Finally, he gripped her hips and started slamming into her. He froze, cumming deep in her pussy. When he relaxed she rolled her hips and continued to fuck him for a couple of minutes. Then she looked at me again and said, “Watch this, honey.”

She slowly rose up from her black lover. His cock slowly slid from her wet cunt. When the big purple head finally plopped out, white cum dripped from her open gash and landed on his balls. She dropped down and cleaned every bit of it with her mouth, then sat with her legs spread showing John and I the gaping hole left by that monster cock. I was riveted.

As they caught their breath, John handed the guy his clothes and encouraged him to dress. “Well my friend,” said John as he stood. “I’m sure you enjoyed your time with our little slut here, but I think it is time we had a bit of privacy if you don’t mind.” He shepherded the guy to the door and closed it behind him. Then he turned to us, “Well you two, our little trial period has come to a close. Things change now.” He looked at me. “Rich, you are obviously too worked up to do any deep thinking. My little slut here,“ he gestured to my wife, “is going to take care of that. Once she has finished with you, bring her to my hotel.” He told me which room he was in at the Hilton where all of this started.

He was right about me being overheated. I could barely take my eyes off of Suzanne. She was a sight. She barely resembled my proper wife. She was standing naked in front of us. I could see red marks from where hands and mouths had been on her body. Here lips were a little puffy and surrounded by a faint reddening of the skin from the oral sex she had been having. Her nipples were hard in the cool air of the room. Her cunt was bright red, with distended lips. She was standing with her legs apart and hips cocked in such a way as to show her shaved snatch off. It was clear that she was a slut who had been ravished and was looking for more.

“Suzanne, put your pretty outfit back on.” John commanded. “I want you to take Rich back into the theater and get him off one time back there. Once you have done that, take him to a glory hole booth with you and make sure the two of you don’t leave until he is completely drained.” John smiled at me. “I’ll see you guys in a while. Have fun.” He turned and left the room.

I stood there looking at the closed door trying to come to grips with the situation. My higher thought processes were severely hampered by extreme horminess. I turned to Suzanne as she was tugging her little black skirt into place. She smiled hungrily at me and said, “C’mon sweetie. Let’s go play.” She took my hand and led me back out into the lobby. Once there, she hooked her arm in mine and we walked slowly through the room. I felt everyone’s eyes on us.

We settled into chairs at the back of the little theater. There were no other couples in the couples only area with us, but there were about five guys seated at the bench in front of us. I could barely see the screen for all the guys turning to see Suzanne.

I felt Suze moving next to me and glanced over. She had untied the tails of her blouse and was opening her shirt up. I stared at her as she revealed her breasts to the watching crowd. Once her shirt was open, she glanced at me and said, “Every one of them wants to touch me. I bet I’ve given them all hardons.” She reached between my legs. “How about you? Have I given you a boner?”

She started stroking my dick through my pants. After a couple of minutes, she popped my slacks open and started openly stroking my dick in front of the crowd. I looked over and saw that she was fingering herself as she did it. She was watching the men staring at her. I felt an orgasm building as I thought about what I was seeing. My wife was putting on one hell of a show. Just as I started to spurt, she dove over and sucked down every drop of my cum.

As she sat up, she licked her lips and then took her hand from her pussy and licked the fingers that had been inside her. Then she stood and spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear her. “That was so good. Let’s go to the booths and see if I can get a little more.”

There was an exodus from the room as she and I rearranged our clothes. By the time we had walked back through the lobby and into the booth area, there were guys jostling each other for position at the booths with glory holes in them. Suze showed an impish side of herself as we took a lap around the booths. She would pause at each one with a hole in it. Every time, a guy in the other booth would get teased with the possibility that this hot slut was going into the booth next to his. Then she would move on, swaying her hips and looking incredibly sexy as she walked past the now disappointed guy. When we had completed a lap, she leaned to me and said, “This time, I want you to pick the booth we stop at. You pick whose dick I will suck first.”

In spite of the recent draining she had just given it, my cock twitched at her words. Suddenly, I had a measure of control in this game. I felt a greater excitement over what we were doing than I had previously. I looked up and down the rows of booths at the men standing by the doors. I could feel the excitement in the air. We started moving down past the doors. I played the tease game with my wife at the first two booths. I could see the guys trying to catch her eye. I could see they desperately wanted my wife.

Finally, I stopped at a booth next to the one a tall guy was at. I’m no real judge of male beauty, but he looked fit and healthy to me. I was tired of waiting, so I nudged Suze and she slipped into the little booth. I followed and shut the door. As Suze turned towards me she was pulling her blouse open again. Then she tugged her spandex mini-skirt up so that her pussy and ass were completely uncovered. She stepped to me, wrapped her arms around my neck, and gave me a deep kiss. She let go and gave me a smile that was pure sexual hunger. “Thanks honey,” she whispered. Then she dropped to her knees

I looked at the fist sized hole and saw the face of the guy from the next booth. “C’mon, darling.” Suze said into the hole, “Give me your hard cock.”

Seconds later a hard cock slid through the hole and my wife attacked it like a starving animal on fresh meat. She was sucking hard on his cock. Her head was bobbing fast. I could hear the wet sound of her mouth sliding up and down this stranger’s cock. Once in a while, I could hear her gag a little when she got the angle and depth wrong. It was all very exciting.

I noticed that she kept one hand on her pussy as she sucked. I reached down from behind and slipped a finger into her dripping cunt. She moaned around the guys cock as I slipped a second finger into her. She started hunching against my hand as she blew the guy through the wall. Suddenly I saw her put both hands against the wall, her body stilled. I thought she might be starting to cum, but I couldn’t feel her pussy throbbing around my fingers. I watched a bit more. She was very slowly sucking up and down on the cock in her mouth.

Then the cock pulled back out of her mouth and through the wall with a pop. She looked at me and opened her mouth. It was full of cum. She closed her eyes and mouth and I watched her swallow his cum as if it were the sweetest delicacy she had ever tasted. My cock was hard in my pants again.

I heard doors opening and closing, suddenly another cock poked through the wall. Suze turned to it and started sucking ravenously again. I dropped my pants and slipped behind her. After a bit of awkward positioning, I got my cock into her while she kept working on the strange cock. I held still while she humped her hips on me while she bobbed her head on his cock. She was so wet that I slide in and out effortlessly.

After the second guy came she stood up and repeated her cum swallowing display for me. Then she reached up and kissed me like she had when we first got in the booth. I could smell and taste the remnants of cum in her mouth. I was so heated up, so into the moment, that it actually turned me on. I was surprised at myself.

When Suze broke the kiss, she reached down and stroked the new cock that had poked its head through the wall. She looked at me and said, “This time, do my ass.” Then she bent down to the cock in the wall. She stayed up on her feet and I maneuvered myself behind her again. I pushed forward and she reached down and aimed my cock into her asshole. I slipped in slowly and heard her moan around the strange cock in her mouth as I buried myself all the way in her ass. I could feel her moving as she pleasured the anonymous cock. Her ass was very tight in a ring just at the entrance, beyond that was a warm looseness unlike any pussy. I held her hips and started stroking into her, slowly at first then harder and faster. Finally, I was slamming into her ass hard enough that it sounded like I was spanking her.

I tensed up, preparing to cum, and Suze spun around and engulfed my cock with her mouth. I was pulsing my cum down her throat before I realized what was happening. She drained me. Then she kept sucking on my softening dick. I watched her as she moved to back against the hole as she continued mouthing my cock. After a few moments, she looked up at me and said, “He’s in me now. There is someone fucking me right this second.”

I felt my groin tighten again. My cock was trying to come back to life. The nasty scene I was participating in was powerfully exciting. My wife was being a total slut - just like those in the stories that fueled my imagination for so long. On top of that, I had rationalized away my doubts and misgivings. I’d completely immersed myself in the moment. Suze went back to sucking my cock back to life while she fondled my balls. I watched her moving her hips with pleasure from the fucking she was getting through the glory hole.

She glanced up and locked eyes with me. “He is cumming,” she said. Then she dropped her mouth back on me.

I don’t know how many men fucked her while she blew me. There was at least one more. I started cumming that final time when I noticed that she was reaching down between her legs and either frigging herself or fondling her latest lover’s balls as she serviced me. When I came, I felt myself pulsing, but nothing was really coming out. I’d been drained dry by the slut my wife was being.

I leaned against the wall and tried to catch my breath while she turned and finished her last lover with her mouth. When he finished, she turned and showed me his cum in her mouth like she had before. She swallowed, opened her mouth, and waggled her tongue at me mischievously. “I think we are done here, don’t you?” she asked.

I was still feeling pretty discombobulated, “Yeah…I guess so.”

Suzanne grabbed my arm and led me out of the booth to the disappointment of the next guys in the line. She sashayed next to me as we left the building and went to the car. She had me grab a bag from the trunk for her. She had stashed a change of clothes for herself in my car before she left with John earlier that evening. As we drove back to town, she changed into her suburban mom outfit.

While she changed I drove and pondered things. I was starting to feel the remorse and discomfort with what we were doing again. I was revisiting all of the feelings and reservations I’d had as we went on this journey of sexual exploration. I held the ‘sanctity of marriage” and ‘holy bonds of matrimony’ discussion with myself. I decided that for now, I would have to say that I still mostly felt that marriage was what we made it and that we didn’t have to accept society’s traditional definitions. Knowing that we had to be careful doing something outside of what society considers normal. Social groups don’t like their norms to be ignored. Bad things happen to those who don’t conform.

I also even reconsidered the whole “If you were a real man, you would never let your wife do that” line of thought. It seemed pretty silly to me. I guess there are people out there that see marriage as some form of ownership. Those same people seem to have self-image problems. To me, that line of thinking seems to be related to the way the loudest of homophobes seem to be the first ones in line to gobble cocks at the glory holes in the bookstore. They protest just a little too much.

In any case, I didn’t feel that my manhood was threatened by what we were doing. I mostly was confused by the swing of feelings I had about it. One minute it would be the most intensely exciting sexual thing I had ever experienced, the next I would feel ashamed at that excitement. I decided to stick with what I decided before all the excitement of the evening. I could live with and enjoy a continuation of what had been happening.

I glanced over at Suze. She had fallen asleep. It was hard to reconcile the innocent face Next to me with the one that had whispered ‘There is someone fucking me right this second” to me earlier. She had clearly been enjoying herself before. Her experiences with John were obviously satisfying some need of hers. I actually enjoyed getting John’s notes as much or more than I did participating tonight. There was more anticipation and buildup and less guilt and remorse afterwards.

I pulled into the underground garage and we went to the elevator silently. In the elevator, Suze turned to me and said, “I love you so much. You know that, don’t you?”

“I know. I Love you too.”

“This has gone farther than I thought it could. I can’t say that I feel I’ve explored all of my darker desires, but I’ve learned some things about myself. As much excitement and fun as I’ve had each time, I’ve spent the next couple of weeks feeling no interest in ‘extreme’ games… But…” She paused. “But now…well…I…I think I’ve explored enough. You have been so patient and I know this was something you weren’t comfortable with. I’ve thought about it a lot and I’m willing to let go of all of this. You, we, are more important. I’ve explored enough and can set this aside without the pressure or feelings that I would have felt if I hadn’t tried this.”

“You mean you want to go back to normal/” I asked as we entered the lobby. I steered us to a pair of chairs tucked in a corner.

Suzanne said, “I mean that if you feel like you did when this started, then I can live without it.”

Boy, wasn’t that a slick answer. “You think you could just give this up? No more urges, no more irrepressible urges?” I asked.

“I can’t say that I haven’t had fun. I’m more than a little ashamed of what I have found exciting in all of this. I am a bit of a pervert down inside. But that is only once in a while. I couldn’t live like that. I love our daily lives together. I love that too much to give it up over the transient urges I’ve surrendered to lately. Nothing is worth giving that up.”

That was good to hear. But it left me in a quandary. “You know that John has been telling me everything?” I asked.

She looked down at her lap and nodded. “Yes. He told me today.”

“I mean he sent me pictures, video clips, and even let me come watch one night.”

“He told me.”

“So, I know what you have been doing. I’ve seen how much you enjoyed it. “

“I admit that I’ve enjoyed the things I’ve done. John told me I could stop it any time I wanted, but I never came close to stopping or slowing it down.” Suze said. “I have some limits, of course…but never crossed them. I’m just saying that I can give it up for us, if that is what you want. I’m in charge, not my libido. I’ve satisfied my curiosity enough that I can live without any more…excursions.”

“I’ve had very mixed feelings. I’ll admit to being quite a perv, myself.” I started.

You mean your evening porn fixes over the last years?” Suzanne asked.

I was stunned. How did she know that I had been reading net porn for so long? “I…uhhh...well…how?” I am such a scintillating conversationalist sometimes.

“Oh honey, I’ve known for ages. Remember when I had to have my computer rebuilt after the spyware messed it up. I used your machine a couple of times. I found what you had been reading. I saw the sites you went to. Heck, I’ve spent time surfing and reading. That’s where a lot of my desires took concrete form. I loved a lot of the slutty wife stories and some of the dominance ones. You don’t think my behavior over the last months just popped out of me? I’ve been reading the same things you have for the last few years.”

On one hand, I was astounded by this. However, once I thought about it a moment, it did make sense. No one will just pop out with extreme behavior changes without some cause. My demure real estate agent wife had not just changed overnight. She was acting on things that she had been reading and thinking about for a long time.

I said, “Well, I guess you know I’ve gotten my jollies reading about this sort of stuff. The reality of it hasn’t always been so easy for me. I’ve really been torn between intense excitement and some confused shame and fear about what was happening.”

“I’ve known you had to have mixed feelings about this. I’m not surprised. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have my fair share of mixed feelings about this, myself. It has not been easy to admit to myself how kinky I can be,” Suze said as she put a hand on my shoulder. The casual familiarity felt good. “I know you like watching and that the voyeuristic side of all of this has been fun for you. You seemed to have fun playing tonight. I know that you don’t have the personality to take control like John. But there is a place in these games for each of us. If…that is what we want.”

“You said you could give it up if I felt strong about it.”


“But, Suze, what do you want? You haven’t really said what you want to do,” I said. “I know I said before that I didn’t want it. You know that I’m torn now about things. What do you want?”

She sat still for a moment, tracing one of her fingers over the back of the other hand. Then she looked up at me, “I can define what I want by defining some of what I don’t want. I don’t want this sexy play to become our lives. What we have at home is far more important to me than what happened tonight.”

“I agree with that.”

“At the same time, we have both been getting a lot of thrills out of these…games over the last months. I wish there was a way for us both to enjoy spicing our ‘normal’ life up with a pinch of this playtime once in a while.”

I felt a trill of combined fear and excitement as I thought about what she was saying. “I don’t know, honey. I don’t know if that is what I want. I still feel kind of mixed up over…everything. There is a lot to digest.”

She stood and pulled me to my feet. “I understand honey. Let’s go see what John has to say. Who knows – maybe he is going to tell us to just go away. That would give us an answer, wouldn’t it?” She pulled out her cell phone and called John. He told us to meet him in the bar.

Chapter 7

I was sipping my drink and looking over at the seats where Suzanne and John first met when my sweet slutty wife straightened. I looked around and saw John approaching. He chastely hugged Suzanne and respectfully shook my hand. Then he confidently motioned to the bartender. The waitress scurried over with a drink as we were all sitting back down at the little table. John whispered something to her as she set his drink in front of him.

As she left he said, “I’m sure you two have discussed things since I left you – anything you need to tell me?”

Suze and I looked at each other, neither of us willing to be the one to speak.

John smiled, and said, “Rich, you tell me.”

I grasped my drink harder. “Well…I guess the short version is that this has been an exciting experience, but that we don’t want to adopt it as a 24 by 7 lifestyle. Plus, we both have some mixed feelings about continuing things at all.”

John looked to Suzanne, “Do you have anything to add?” he asked.

“We’ve both enjoyed aspects of the experience. We certainly couldn’t handle living like that all the time. The mixed feelings, well, Rich has stronger mixed feelings than I do, but we both feel that if the other can’t handle any of this, we should stop and go back to normal.”

John looked at both of us for a moment. His gaze felt piercing. I felt like shrinking into myself under it. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Suze looking down at the table rather than meet his gaze.

“Let me explain something to the two of you,” John began. “Rich, you are a submissive voyeur. You are internally oriented. You spend a lot of time within your fantasies.” He paused his discourse to let the words sink in. “Stop me if you don’t agree.”

I nodded in response.

“I’m sure that you have been torn between actively enjoying what has been happening and some feelings of…hmmm…I’m shooting from the hip on this…it’s not jealousy,” he looked at me for a moment. “I’m betting that you feel it is ‘wrong’ or bad to do the things we have been doing. Am I close?”

I nodded.

“Yes, there is the whole immorality thing, but at the same time you get a big thrill out of the submissive act of having your wife be my total slut, don’t you?”

I nodded again.

“And…I bet you have some pretty mixed feelings about getting a thrill that way. It isn’t something our society really extols as a manly virtue, is it?”

“No, I guess not,” I mumbled.

He turned to Suzanne. “It is a little simpler for you. On one hand you are a wife, mother, and successful professional. You take pride in those things. Your self-image is built on them. On the other hand, you are a submissive slut. You love the power and freedom of handing me control. You also are an exhibitionist. You love showing off your slutty side. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes,” Suzanne said demurely.

“As for myself,” continued John, “I am a top. I enjoy the power you two have relinquished to me. I enjoy manipulating the two of you into actions you would never have been in on your own.”

The three of us sat there looking at one another for a few moments. John was obviously waiting to see what we would say or do. Suzanne and I just looked at each other. It just wasn’t in us to take the lead in a situation like this. John knew it.

“Cat have your tongues?” he asked. “Let me put an offer on the table, so to speak.” He raised a hand and signaled to the waitress. She brought him a laptop computer. “I had Julie holding this for me just in case our conversation reached this point.” The waitress, Julie, left us as he opened and started up the computer. “I want you two to watch this little collection of video clips. Rich, this is an example of the range of slutty behaviors that I will make Suzanne participate in. Imagine her in the place of the women you see in these clips. Suzanne, you are such a slut that I know looking at this will excite you. But I want you to think about your other side, the wife/mother/real estate agent. Ask yourself if you can live with knowing that the outwardly ‘perfect’ you can come to terms with the nastiness you would be experiencing. I’ll tell you how things will work f you are still interested after watching this.”

He turned the laptop to us and we watched as a video came up. It showed a woman in a leather vest and black panties with her hands tied overhead. A man holding a wooden dowel or pointer stood behind her. He struck her across her exposed buttocks five or six times, pausing between strikes. She jerked every time the pointer touched her. The bright red lines of each strike were clearly swelling.

The scene jumped. This time a very pretty petite naked blond was shown carrying a wooden case to a man seated in a tall chair. She put the box in front of him and it was clear that the box was a shoe shine kit. She opened it and took out a vibrator and a rag. The camera angle changed to show the view from behind the seated man. From this angle you could see an audience of eight or ten men. They looked like a biker gang – leather, tattoos, scruffy. She turned and faced the audience. Her right foot went up on the box and she started using the vibrator, running it in and out of herself while she leaned back and showed the men her body. The man at the chair said something and she stopped and turned to him. He put his foot on the box. Then, with agonizing slowness, she squatted over his black boot until her distended pussy lips came into contact with the leather. He forced her head to his lap and her face into his jeans clad crotch as she slid herself all over the boot. Finally, he lifted her head off of him and said something else. She dropped to her knees and polished his now wet boot with her rag.

The next scene showed three women in bed together. They writhed as the touched, kissed, and licked each other. They were drenched in sweat and you could see that they were just sliding all over one another. Mouths, hands, even feet were used indiscriminately to rub and touch. I’d seen plenty of lesbian action on the net before, but this was truly extraordinary.

I glanced up at Suze. Her cheeks had bright apples of red on them. I could see her body moving with her panting breath. Her fists were clenched.

The next scene showed an old man, at least seventy in bed with a young woman. She was a pretty girl next door looking brunette. She was sucking his soft cock for all she was worth. He finally pulled her off of him and turned around. She buried her face in his skinny drooping butt. As she tongued his butt, he started showing signs of getting a hard on and began stroking himself. When he was fully hard, he turned her around and stuck his semi hard cock into her cunt. As he fucked her, another man came into the picture, he was grossly fat. His gut hung down so far that it was hard to see his cock. When the camera zoomed in on his fat stomach resting on the back of her head you could see that his cock was a little short thing, about the size of my thumb. The old guy and the fat guy proceeded to finish the scene by cumming all over this cute young woman’s face as she frigged herself.

I was sweating. My poor worn out cock was starting to twitch to life. The thought of my sweet wife being made to do some of the things we were being shown was exciting to me. I glanced over at Suze. She was still completely focused on what she was seeing. I looked to John. He met my eyes with a wry smile. When focused back on the screen, I saw a few seconds of a woman covered in food draped across a table. People in formal clothes were picking food off of her body and loading their plates.

The clips became shorter now. There was just a few seconds in each clip. I saw a multitude of depravities ranging from mild to extreme. There was a woman playing tennis in a normal tennis outfit, except for the tiny white thong under the short skirt. There was a woman surrounded by men stroking themselves and cumming all over her body. A woman was tied and bent over a wooden box had another woman fucking her ass with a strap on. In another clip, there was a man with rubber gloves sliding his hands alternately into a woman’s ass as she fingered herself. His hard cock was bouncing as he pushed his hands in and out of her butt. She had her head turned toward the camera. There was frenzied ecstasy in her face.

Suze gasped when she saw this. I glanced over at her. She was biting the knuckles of her right hand. Her left hand was between her legs. She was rhythmically squeezing her knees together as she watched. I looked around the room. No one took notice of my wife playing with herself.

When I looked back at the screen, it had shifted from displaying video clips to showing a series of still pictures. There were pictures of a woman in a mini skirt flashing men at a grocery store. A woman was shown wrapped in rope and suspended from a hook. There was a picture of Suzanne from earlier today with the riding crop striking her clit. There was a picture of five men at a poker table. As I looked at it, I realized that the men had no pants on and there was a woman under the table. There was a picture of a woman in a short skirt squatting on the steps of a public building. She was holding her pussy lips apart and peeing down the steps. The pictures came and went faster and faster. Women in dresses with buttons from neck to hem flashing them open in public crowds. Women being gang banged. Spankings. Restraints. Exhibitionism. It was all there flashing up faster and faster.

I was aware of Suze moving with the rhythm of the pictures. She was building to an orgasm right there in the Hilton bar. I had to adjust my hard cock that was being bent double by my pants. As the pictures got so fast that there was barely time to take them in before they changed, Suze stopped her leg movement and just sat there kind of vibrating as she came.

I can’t recall all the pictures I saw there at the end but one burned itself into my memory. It showed the woman we had seen earlier getting her ass fisted by the guy with the big hard on. She had short dark hair and was very cute. In the still picture that flashed by, she was on her hands and knees with ...well I can’t really say. Let’s just say that she was a very special pet owner. I gasped in shock.

The show ended. I was shaking in shock, fear, disgust, and lustful excitement. Without a word, John stood up and closed the laptop. He went to the bar. Suzanne and I looked at each other.

“Well,” she said shakily, “wasn’t that something else.”

“Yeah,” I said, “but…is what we saw there…I mean would you ever…”

“If I know I wasn’t hurting us. If I knew I could put the brakes on and make it all stop before anything I couldn’t do or live with happened, then maybe I would like to see if I can still…meet …with John for a while.”

“And if I say ok, but then decide later that I can’t handle it?” I asked.

“Then it ends - right then. And I’d be ok with it.” She said.

“But, by the time I found out, you would have already…done…stuff.”

“But that would be the end of it. I don’t think I could do everything we saw there.”

“I guess I could work with that,” I said, still somewhat torn by the extremes I had seen in some of the pictures.

John returned with two glasses of water as I spoke. “Here you go. They are closing down; I had to use my connections to get this for you.”

We both needed the water. As we drank, John spoke to us. “Here is my deal. We continue monthly meetings. I will do what I want with Suzanne. She will be my personal sex toy. Rich, I’ll find ways to share snippets of our activities with you when I can – no promises there. You, Rich, will ask me to use your dear wife as my personal slut each time I share something with you. If you fail to ask me to please use her, it ends. Suzanne, if you hesitate or balk at anything I tell you to do, it ends. No harm, no foul, but it is all over at that point. No negotiation, no scaling back, no retry next time. Can you to live with that?”

Suzanne glanced at me. I gave an almost invisible twitch. I think it was my unconscious fighting with my fears. It came out as a nod. Then she looked at John. “Yes. Yes, we can.”

“Rich,” he asked. “How about you?”

I took a deep breath. “Yes. Please use my sweet bride as your slut and sex toy.” I couldn’t believe what just came out of my mouth. It was some out of control part of me.

John nodded, and then said, “One other thing. I like that you two don’t acknowledge these games between each other. I want you to keep up the ‘don’t ask-don’t tell rule alive between you.”

We nodded. We were in a thrall to the power of this man.

“OK then. Rich, you go home now. Suzanne, I have plans for you tonight.” He looked around and spotted the waitress. He waved her to us. “Julie, when will you be free?” he asked.

“I’ll be done in fifteen minutes.”

“Ok. Come on up to my suite. I think we’ll play with my toy for a little while,” he said. Then he took Suzanne by the hand and led her out.

I looked back at the waitress. She had short dark hair and was very cute. It took a moment for me to recognize her. She was the one in the ass fisting clip. She was the unique pet owner!

She smiled at me. “We will have so much fun with her tonight,” she said. As she said it, she was holding her right hand in a fist and turning it back and forth. Her eyes had a far away gleam in them. Then she took our glasses, wiped the table and went back to the bar.

I drove home shaking with excitement. I couldn’t wait to get whatever ‘snippets’ John was going to send my way.


That’s our tale. We are still having monthly meetings now, a year in. We still “don’t ask, and don’t tell”. Once in a while we get a wild hair and go to the bookstore together. Other than that, I’m enjoying the things that John shares with me. Suze and I are happier and more satisfied than ever. We have found a way for two fairly submissive people to have normal lives – most of the time. Plus, when we aren’t being ‘normal’ we are having the time of our lives. It won’t last forever. At some point, we may tire of this or John will take it too far, but until then DADT is our watchword.

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Re: Don't Ask - Don't Tell

Unread post by mundyman » Thu Jun 01, 2017 9:04 am

Easily the best story I've read anywhere in the last couple of years.
Kudos to you my friend on weaving quite a tale.
Any chances for more chapters. I'd love to hear about the fisting and her love of pets.
Just sayin'.

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Re: Don't Ask - Don't Tell

Unread post by soo_delicious » Fri Jun 02, 2017 6:52 pm

I've read it before elsewhere - simply and completely sizzling. Really great writing!

Now, please, do get that thumb drive unlocked and give us more. :) The ending scene, with them watching pics and vids of various facets of hot depravity just begs for exploration... We're waiting! Anxiously!! :)

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Re: Don't Ask - Don't Tell

Unread post by SamWarrens » Fri Jun 02, 2017 8:34 pm

Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.


Re: Don't Ask - Don't Tell

Unread post by OOAA » Thu Jun 08, 2017 9:03 pm


AMAZING STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Don't Ask - Don't Tell

Unread post by john jasson » Fri Jun 09, 2017 2:25 pm

Yes. We really need that encore.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

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Re: Don't Ask - Don't Tell

Unread post by john jasson » Fri Jun 09, 2017 2:32 pm

Yes. We really need that encore.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

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Re: Don't Ask - Don't Tell

Unread post by WACouple » Sun Jun 11, 2017 6:28 am

Incredible story. Absolutely incredible.

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Re: Don't Ask - Don't Tell

Unread post by norbertrichard » Sun Jun 11, 2017 10:37 am

I acknowledge the fact that this is a story, and tho i would like for further chapters, i can't imagine any husband to tolorate the actions of his wife, as depicted in this story. As much as she professes her love for her husband, and as much as he wants her to find herself, i am sure that her actions with her dom, would come home to roost, when she and her husband would express their love, and commetment to each other. Aside from the fact that she is a mother, and must set an example for her child, what must her husband think as to what she has reserved strickly for him?

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Re: Don't Ask - Don't Tell

Unread post by Joatster » Mon Jun 12, 2017 1:34 pm

No luck opening that encrypted thumb drive. It is an old drive with manual buttons and a five digit PIN to open it. My thumb is sore from a couple of hundred that I've tried. It might be easier just to write a follow up some day. I have about four stories in the works right now, though.

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Re: Don't Ask - Don't Tell

Unread post by john jasson » Mon Jun 12, 2017 2:38 pm

Shame, but thanks for trying.

Maybe you should undergo hypnosis to remember PIN!! ;)
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

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Re: Don't Ask - Don't Tell

Unread post by LimRick » Mon Jun 12, 2017 3:28 pm

Yes, thanks for trying. Better to have locked up forever and lost it than to have it end up in the wrong hands (at the wrong time). :) Looking forward to reading the next chapter of your current story.

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Re: Don't Ask - Don't Tell

Unread post by Joatster » Mon Jun 19, 2017 10:05 am

john jasson wrote:Shame, but thanks for trying.

Maybe you should undergo hypnosis to remember PIN!! ;)
I'd be very afraid of what else might spill out under hypnosis. My mind is very twisty and should only be exposed to the world in carefully edited glimpses. I might end up somewhere with those sleeves that wrap all the way around to the back and soft walls...

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Re: Don't Ask - Don't Tell

Unread post by oldester » Tue Jun 20, 2017 12:32 am

this needs a whole new story on Jim the neighbor and john giving him control.

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Re: Don't Ask - Don't Tell

Unread post by wantinghusband » Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:55 am

Riveting! No work done over the past couple of hours...but this was well worth it!

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Re: Don't Ask - Don't Tell

Unread post by jonrobertson27 » Sat Jun 24, 2017 9:19 am

Awesome post,

all very real until this line, then it turned into penthouse forum, bet still awesome.........
John stood in front of me and I realized that from my seated vantage point I could see a substantial bulge in his crotch. “As I said, Suzanne is very attractive. I think she could be very pleasing for me, sexually. Have you ever experimented with power exchange, domination, anything a little kinky?” he asked."

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