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Unread post by mace43uk » Mon May 22, 2017 8:32 am

This happened just over three weeks ago and has changed everything, and I'm not sure what or where it will lead, so what happened three weeks ago I hear you ask?
My wife and I were invited to a housewarming party by my wife's best friend Mary, it was her daughter and and son in law's new house.
My wife Karen and Mary have been friends for over twenty five years, Karen knew them well but I had only met them once before, so I was a bit apprehensive about going as I would not know anybody there.
Still it was a night out and Karen wanted to go so that was that.
Karen changed her mind so many times about what to wear, but eventually picked and old favourite black dress which she was really surprised still fitted her after all these years, it wasn't a short dress but knee length and it did make her look really sexy which I pointed out to her.
Perhaps it's time to give you all a brief description of myself and my wife Karen, Karen is 41 and stands 5’ 7” tall with short blond hair in a bob style cut, average build and just recently she has shed about ten pounds in weight which is the reason she fitted back into her old black dress.
Now me (Ted) I'm 43 and 5’11” a bit overweight but not fat we have been married for 23 years and have two daughters (Sara) 19 and at university and the other (Megan) 22 who has just moved in with her boyfriend.
We arrived at about eight thirty and was given the guided tour of the house by Emma and Todd it was on three levels and was really nice and I bet it cost a pretty penny.
Karen and I stay together drinking and mingling amongst the other guests and I have to admit I was enjoying the pleasant conversation and general vibe of the party so much so that before we realised it was ten thirty.
I decided to go outside in the garden and get some fresh air, Karen didn't want to go outside so I left her inside.
There were a few people out on the decking so I mingled and got chatting to a nice young lady from Norway with blue hair, I'm not sure but I did think she was hitting on me but that could be wishful thinking on my part.
Without realising it an hour had passed.
I thought I best get back inside as Karen would be getting pissed at me chatting to this young lady for so long.
Once back inside I couldn't find Karen, I went upstairs the the bathroom as I needed a piss but it was occupied, I did wonder whether Karen was in there and almost bang on the door to let me in then I thought best not in case it was somebody else, would be a bit embarrassing.
I then remembered that there was another bathroom on the next level so I quickly made my way up there.
As I got onto the top landing I couldn't remember which door was the bathroom, I had three to choose from, I choose the nearest one and opened the door very slowly the room was dimly lit and I was confronted with the sight of a guy’s naked ass pounding some girl hard from behind bent over the bed.
My initial thought was lucky guy and I was about to close the door when the girl who I couldn't see spoke “God I'm going to cum again”.
At this point everything was in slow motion as the voice sounded like Karen’s, I found myself unable to move or speak as I digested this info, then my eyes were straining for further clues firstly I looked down at the panties that were around one leg on the floor, black the same kind Karen is wearing.
But that was all I could see from this position, my eyes found a mirror on the wall at the side of the bed, this gave me a side view of the guy fucking her and also the side of the girl getting it.
As you can see I'm still trying to not believe this is my wife but the sight of a black dress rucked up and around her waist was only adding to the eventual conclusion.
It was not just the fact the dress was pulled down from the top and basically was now a belt around her middle, she was naked from the top down her breasts flattened into the bed with her head turned away from the mirror, her short blond hair in the same hairstyle as Karen’s was the final clue.
Even now I was trying to remember if anybody else was wearing a black dress, oh yeah the Norwegian girl was, but then I remembered she had blue hair.
All this inner battle trying to convince myself this was somebody else and seemed like it was taking forever but in reality it was only seconds.
Next my eyes focused on his cock sliding in this girls pussy, albeit very quickly then she spoke again “God I'm cumming” as her body started to quiver and thrust back into his cock.
Her moans were muffled as she buried her head into the bed I knew it was Karen and now I was in panic mode what do I do, fight or flight I think the saying goes.
I'm sure I screamed “stop” but that was obviously just in my head as they just carried on enjoying each other.
This guy then pulled his cock out very slowly almost as if he was showing me and I got to see the size of his cock, maybe 2” or more longer than me ( me being 6” on a good day) but very thick and even in this dim light I could see it glistening with my wife's cum juices.
I say the light was dim but my eyes had become like an owl's seeing everything and now from being slightly intoxicated I was stone cold sober.
He then slammed himself back in causing Karen to moan out “oh god yes cum in me please”.
I thought he was pounding her hard before but with that green light he picked up the speed and the power it was scary.
I wanted to stop him but I couldn't move just watch as his strokes got shorter and then he grunted and groaned pumping load after load in Karen.
Karen ground herself back into him moaning “I can feel your cum inside me it's fucking hot”
Just then I came round from this trance and just slowly closed the door.
My head was spinning, my wife of 23 years being fucked by another guy, as I said it in my head I realised I couldn't identify the guy as his face was not in view of the mirror, only a cock in a parade might I have a chance of identifying him.
I felt sick and found the bathroom that I wished I had found first, standing there I was shaking trying to make sense of everything I had seen, I will admit I had tears in my eyes then It felt like I might have pissed myself I was very wet.
Pulling down my jeans just filled my head with even more confusion as my boxers were indeed very wet but not with piss, but cum oozing out of my even harder cock.
What the fuck is going on with me, I cleaned up my mess and was glad I had jeans on cause if it had been trousers, joining the party would have been very embarrassing.
I then panicked again I need to get out of here and be downstairs when Karen comes down if I came down after her it might led to awkward questions that I was not prepared to deal with.
I needed time to work out what I'm going to do, I'm not one for big scenes actually the very opposite.
I hurried down the stairs passing people waiting outside the bathroom on the first floor and had feelings of humiliation even though they had no idea what had just happened.
I went straight to the kitchen and poured a large glass of whiskey which I don't like but needed.
I could see the stairs from my position waiting for Karen to descend and the time seemed to slow again I wondered who was going to come down first him or her but as I couldn't identify him that would be a fruitless endeavour.
Just to emphasise that three guys came down first,varying in age and size I was mentally trying to picture each one as the guy.
Karen breezed down the stairs slightly wobbling as she reached the bottom, I caught her eye and she came over smiling like a Cheshire Cat.
“Get me a drink Ted I'm really thirsty”.
In my head I said “I bet you are”
I got her a large wine and she gulped it down in almost one go, she held out her glass and “another please darling”
The second glass was drunk normally but by the end of it she was very drunk, so much so she wanted to go home, we made our way outside and as we did some people were just turning up in a taxi, I grabbed it and we was soon on our way home,
Karen just smiled and giggled all the ten minute drive home.
Karen was very drunk now the brief fresh air had done its job, I had to get her out of the taxi and in doing so I noticed a wet patch on the seat of the taxi.
To save Karen's blushes I walked behind her, not that she cared, her dress was wet at the back on her ass.
Once inside the house she attempted to go upstairs I helped her to our bedroom where she just fell back onto the bed giggling.
Karen was out for the count, that left me to try and undress her and that's not easy with a drunk person but eventually she was down to her panties.
Now I was left with another dilemma do I take them off or leave them on, you might be wondering why was that a dilemma?
Even after everything that had happened I realised just how much I loved Karen and if this was a drunken fuck that she may or may not remember, if I leave her panties on she will in the morning wake up with very wet sticky panties and maybe that will make her remember what had happened.
So I had just made the decision in my head I pulled down her panties and as I did so she raised her hips to help me, once removed she spread her legs wide almost as if the panties were keeping her legs closed.
I'm not sure why I did what I did but I knelt down only inches from her pussy, or should I say unfaithful pussy and just stared at her puffy red lips smelling the aroma of mixed cum and without even realising my mouth was over her pussy and my tongue licking inside her.
As I was doing this her legs opened wider and her hand was behind my head pulling me in deeper slightly gyrating in motion with my tongue.
What is unusual about all this apart from the obvious is Karen never lets me lick her pussy.
My licking was becoming more frantic and I was probing as deep as I could inside her used pussy, the taste was intoxicating and my boxers were getting wet again, then Karen moaned and shuddered as she cum and this was the kind of orgasm I was used to not the one I had experienced earlier.
Just to add to my humiliation I cum in my boxers without touching my cock.
I got Karen in bed and went downstairs to think about what had happened and what the hell is going on with me, I poured another drink and was feeling so guilty, embarrassed, angry, feeble more emotions than I needed, I cried again this time properly my stomach felt empty.
What is wrong with our marriage?
Is this the first time she has been unfaithful?
Why doesn't she cum like that with me?
Why did I just cum in my boxers?
I grabbed her handbag and started searching it not sure what I would find, but a small piece of paper with a number and a name Ian didn't help.
Her phone was also in there and I checked that too but the number I had wasn't in there.
I do have to say that Karen is not one to be very flirtatious with men even when drunk although she does get more horny when drunk.
Still I was very confused and needed some answers so I got my iPad and not really sure what to put in I just googled man who gets turned on be wife being fucked by another guy, and that was true of me I guess.
Well you all know what popped up “Cuckold”
On further investigation I quickly got the idea and found I was hard again but unlike most cuckolds I was not a willing participant.
I needed to get some sleep as this is not helping with what to do in the morning or what I should say.
Laying in bed next to Karen wasn't easy as all I kept seeing was that guy's cock fucking her when I shut my eyes.
When I woke Karen was still asleep and I had the mother of all hangovers, must be all those emotions rushing through my head, I got some hangover remedies and with a big cup coffee I sat in the kitchen trying to come up with a strategy of how to handle this, I didn't want this to end our relationship so I decided to do nothing and see what Karen does or says.
After about an hour I made a cup of tea and ventured back up to our bedroom which I found I was very anxious about waking her up.
I placed the tea down besides her and gentle kissed her on the lips “morning darling a cup of tea for you”.
Karen looked up and said “thanks”
I expected her to have as bad a hangover as me but she was as bright as a button, then she looked a bet puzzled as she pulled up the bed covers to see she was naked underneath, she looked at me with a quizzical stare.
“You was so wasted I had to get you undressed”
She began to fidget in bed then said “did we have sex last night?”
“Ummm sort of” I said not sure how to really answer her question.
“How do you mean sort of?”
“I sort of licked your pussy till you cum”
“You know I don't like you doing that Ted”
I thought what a fucking cheek she had after some guy had been pounding her hard last night but I held my tongue and said “Sorry just couldn't resist you sexy pussy”
I must have said the right thing she just smiled at me and said “okay you get that one but don't think it's going to happen again, so why am I sleeping in a wet patch then if all you did was lick me?”
Now how do I answer that one, “you must have really enjoyed it and cum a lot”
She just stared at me for a long time before getting up and hitting the shower.
I'm guessing from her reaction so far she doesn't remember anything from last night which was okay by me as it would lead to some very awkward questions.
I pulled back the covers and could see the huge wet patch she had been sleeping in, I thought I must have licked most of that guy’s cum out of her but obviously he had dumped a huge load in her.
The really strange thing is even thinking that didn't hurt me or make me angry, in fact I felt my cock twitch, so am I a cuckold.
I pulled all the bedding off and threw it the washing machine I even had to turn the mattress over as it was wet.
Then I had a panic, if Karen goes in the laundry hamper which is in the bathroom and find her panties and the sticky mess which would have probably dried in them it might start her to recall the events of last night.
That just jogged my memory, Karen always puts one of those panties liners in her panties and her panties were minus the pantie liner, I also remembered I didn't see it when the panties were lying on the floor around her leg as she got fucked she must have removed it before she got in the bedroom meaning she was aware of what she would be doing once in there.
Every time any thought of Karen and that guy my cock would twitch and dribble.
Eventually Karen came down and we had breakfast, just general talking about all kinds of rubbish til I said “did you enjoy yourself last night darling?”
Karen again stared at me for a longer than usual before answering, almost as if she was trying to judge what I meant by the question.
“Yeah it was fun, what I can remember of it”.
“Yeah you was ok til the fresh air hit you and then you just giggled all the way home and I had to get you out of the taxi and help you up the stairs to bed”
“You forgot about taking advantage of me in my drunken state”
Again I bit my tongue either she is being very smart or she really doesn't know anything.
I found myself saying “Sorry”
And that was the last we spoke of the party all that day and into the next day was the same.
It was about five days later that Karen had gone to work and forgot her phone, about twenty minutes later I got a phone call on the landline from her asking me to drop her phone off on the way to my work which. Agreed to do.
As I held her phone in my hand I couldn't help but do some snooping, looking for that number that was in her handbag, I didn't expect to find anything and I didn't that doesn't mean anything as she could have deleted all communications with him.
Nothing else happened until the following Friday which was exactly two weeks from that night, I had to work late and up til then I had tried very hard not to think about that night.
I had told Karen I would be home at about eight and as I drove into my drive it was a few minutes after eight, I walked in to find Karen in the lounge wearing her white silk dressing gown holding two glasses of white wine just in front of the sofa.
“Here you go darling I figured you need this” she said handing me a glass of white wine.
As I got closer she leaned forward and planted a big passionate kiss on my lips which took me by surprise, as the last time we kissed like that was a long time ago.
Her lips tasted slightly salty but the kissing was getting me so very turned on my hand moved down over her breast and Karen's nipple was instantly hard.
I untied her gown and placed my hand on her naked breast and Karen actually jumped at my touch just like when we was first dating.
I took that as the green light and broke from the kiss and moved my lips down to her hard nipple and she again jumped, I sucked her hard nipple as hard as I had ever done even biting and she was loving it, that made me push her back onto the sofa behind her and continue my kissing of her breast but now I was kneeling between her legs.
I moved down from her breast and lightly kissing I made my way down past her navel just above her pussy when I felt her hand on my head stopping me which was what normally happens when I try to lick her pussy but she didn't stop me, in fact the opposite Karen pushed my head towards her pussy.
I was about an inch away when the aroma hit me it was the same smell as two weeks ago the only difference this time was Karen's pussy was completely bald and smooth.
My tongue licked over her clit as I pushed a finger inside her soaking wet pussy quickly followed by three more fingers as her legs widened.
My tongue now joined my fingers in licking her cum filled pussy, yeah I knew what it was and I was now crazily sucking and pushing my tongue as far up her pussy as was possible.
Karen was now gyrating and thrusting herself whist holding my head hard against her unfaithful pussy, then she started to moan and shudder to an orgasm, this was the most animated orgasm I had ever given her, but still only a shadow of what I had witness at the party.
Karen then pulled me up to her mouth and just before kissing my cum covered face she said “fuck me I need your cock”
Whilst I was kissing her I quickly removed my trousers and very wet boxers releasing my very hard cock it slipped straight in I couldn't feel anything.
“Turn over I want to fuck you from behind”
Karen briefly stared at me quizzically then flipped over, I pulled her legs tight together to give some sort of resistance for me then slammed my cock in and pumped for about a dozen strokes before unloading in her.
I had just about finished pumping when Karen got up and left me as she went bounding up the stairs to the shower.
I was out of breath with a cum covered and still very hard cock realising Karen had been unfaithful again, all those questions came back again.
I grabbed the glass of wine and gulped it down, next to my wine was Karen's mobile phone, I took it and searched for his number, all I found was a text sent by Karen saying “tonight 18:30” followed by our address.
Well at least that answers the question about it being a drunken fuck which she didn't remember.
I sat for what seemed like ages trying to work out how this was happening to me, I know I'm not a cuckold as I'm not a willing participant but my still hard cock was trying to convince me otherwise.
I needed a shower too, so I grabbed Karen's glass of wine and carried it up to her, even after her infidelity I still loved her so much.
I walked into our bedroom just as Karen came out of our en-suite wrapped in a towel.
“Here you go darling.” I said handing her the glass.
Karen lent forward and gave me a kiss “thanks you are so thoughtful”
I realised that the bedding had been change from the one that was on there this morning, but everything else seemed the same no smells of sex in the room only Karen's perfume.
Once in the en-suite I removed all my clothes placing them in the laundry hamper, on top of the hamper was our bedding, I couldn't help myself I pulled out the sheet to find a massive wet patch in the middle, confirming the deed was done in our marital bed, but just below the bedding was a lacy black bra, suspender belt, stockings and black lacy panties, I pick up the panties and they were soaking wet, it wasn't the smell I had been experiencing lately, so it must be all Karen's juices, she must have been so turned on for his cock.
I placed everything back just like I had found them and got in the shower, my thoughts were still about who and now it was how did he fuck her, was it from behind like last time or maybe missionary, maybe she rode his big cock the last one was unlikely as she never does that but who knows, looking down at my still hard cock I could see it glistening with a combination of mine, Karen's and the guy's juices, I grabbed my cock and a few thrusts later I was dumping my load on the shower tray.
Once I had composed myself I got my sweat pants and tee shirt on and joined Karen sitting on the sofa watching some television, she handed me another glass of wine and then just snuggled into me as if nothing unusual had happened.
I did feel better with her close to me but still I was beginning to realised I really didn't know my wife as well as I thought I did.
The rest of the week was just as always except I was checking her phone every chance I got and the laundry hamper as well, looking for clues or hoping maybe.
Just a small thing that text I saw on Friday was no longer on the phone.
Then another bomb shell hit me on Thursday when Karen started her period, which I had not even thought about, he dumped two loads in my wife who was not on any form of contraception as I have had a vasectomy, granted the party would have been highly unlikely to have got he pregnant but last Friday she would have been very fertile I would guess, was we lucky or was he also firing blanks.
It's now Friday, three weeks from the party and a week from when I worked late, I'm standing outside a gadget shop contemplating whether to go in or not, I had decided that I needed to know who this guy was or at least for him to have a face because every man I see that comes near us or the house I'm imagining is the guy and it's driving me nuts.
My idea was to get a very small camera and set it up in our bedroom, normally I would buy something like this online but it might turn up when I was not at home and then it would need some explanation so buying it this way means I have it.
I've been past this shop three times now still debating whether I should go in because if I do go in I will no longer be an unwilling cuckold.
See I'm due to work late the very next Friday, I haven't said anything about it to Karen yet and depending on whether I go in is whether I tell Karen sooner or at the very last minute giving her very little chance to arrange a rendezvous.
I open the door and walk in.

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Re: Dilemma

Unread post by isinlarsa » Mon May 22, 2017 9:02 am

Unlike a lot of guys on this site, I get off on my wife being unfaithful to me. I know she is into it just for the sex, and that makes her seem even more sexual to me. Look forward to more of your story.

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Re: Dilemma

Unread post by SamWarrens » Mon May 22, 2017 9:08 am

Very sexy! Keep writing!
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: Dilemma

Unread post by ggarious » Mon May 22, 2017 9:39 am

Great story!

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Re: Dilemma

Unread post by Observer1931 » Mon May 22, 2017 4:17 pm

Have I read this story somewhere before?

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Re: Dilemma

Unread post by Hotwifeok » Mon May 22, 2017 4:57 pm

"I know I'm not a cuckold as I'm not a willing participant"

Wrong. This is exactly what makes you a cuckold.

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Re: Dilemma part 2

Unread post by mace43uk » Mon Jun 05, 2017 8:09 am

I will not bore you all with the details of what I was going to buy, just to say it was a spy camera and I had done lots of research before hand in the days leading up to this point.
My only problem was getting something that would not be noticed in our very minimalistic bedroom, but fate played into my hands, my alarm clock was faulty so a replacement was needed, and as it happens this gadget shop stocked the very alarm clock I needed.
I used the weekend whilst Karen was shopping to play with my new toy, it all works wireless by an app on your phone or tablet, finding the best position was limited by it having to be next to my bed but eventually I think I have the optimum viewing angle possible from there.
The really cool thing about this little camera is I can access it via my wifi router from anyway with a wifi signal so I could watch in real time from work on the next Friday that's all supposing she decides to be unfaithful again.
My plan is to tell Karen I'm working late when I get home on Monday, giving her plenty of time to make arrangements.
I am still searching her phone when I can but it has nothing on it, the strange thing is I'm feeling really guilty doing all this.
I did contemplate installing a tracking app on her phone because it did occur that the guy might be a work colleague and this was a ongoing deception, I guess my paranoia was getting the better of me and if Karen does do something on Friday I will have a face to put to the cock.
This would be the last chance for a while, as from the following weekend our youngest daughter Sara will be home from University for the summer and Karen very rarely goes out with friends for drinks or any other social event.
The only other concern I had was Karen getting pregnant, but this Friday would almost certainly be safe as her period would have just finished.
As you can see I'm doing a lot of planning or scheming, perhaps my wanting to put a face to the guy is just an excuse for me wanting her to be unfaithful again with all the benefits that have come from it afterwards.
Just to say that the only sexual contact I have had with Karen has been those two Friday's, but she has been very affectionate in other ways a lot of kissing and cuddling and very passionate kissing which has helped me with a lot of those negative emotions that wash over me at times.
The day's leading up to Friday we're very long with me scrutinizing every move or word spoken by Karen since my announcement of working late Friday.
I found myself constantly checking to make sure the camera was functioning properly.
When Friday arrived I was all over the place trying to seem normal which is why I had completed most of the work I was supposed to be doing later, I knew I would be in no fit state to concentrate fully on work tasks.
I knew roughly what time Karen would get in from work and as the time arrived I kept checking the camera every minute until 17:45 when Karen appeared in the bedroom removing her work clothes til naked and I used that image of her naked to test out the zoom on the camera which was very good as it showed Karen's pussy even the short stubble that had grown over the past two weeks.
In my head I thought that would be shaved off when she showers.
Nothing more for about 15 minutes until she re entered from the shower again naked and I was right a very smooth bald pussy.
Then she spent a while checking her pussy and asshole in the mirror, finally she rummaged in one of her drawers pulling out a plastic bag, out from the bag was some white lacy underwear with white hold up stockings and finished off with some high heeled white shoes which I had never seen before.
She quickly got them on and applied some make-up, pulled on her silk dressing gown as the time was now 18:20 and I assume he would be here soon.
I had come very well prepared as I knew my cock would be hard and leaking, my cock was encased with tissues to stop any embarrassment when leaving here.
It was another 20 minutes until the bedroom door opened and Karen walked in leading the guy by the hand, I still couldn't see his face as Karen was between him and the camera.
Karen stopped at the end of the bed and turned so all I could see was the back of her silk dressing gown with the guys hands on her ass and them kissing each other passionately, her kissing him made me feel jealous and angry, I had not felt those emotions until now, isn't that strange.
Still no real sight of the guy's face only that he seems to have grey or silver hair, the guys hands move from Karen's ass and then her gown hit the floor, wow did she look sexy in her white underwear.
His hands were now back on her ass fondling her cheeks as they continued​ to kiss he moved his hands up and unclasped her bra moved her straps off her shoulders, Karen pulled it off and threw it behind her.
The guy then bent his head down from kissing her to I think Karen's tits as her back arched.
Karen have out a little sigh, I guess his mouth was on her nipple, he then moved his hand back to Karen's ass hooking his fingers inside the waistband of her panties and pulling downwards revealing​ her naked ass.
When her panties were half way down her legs Karen wriggled until they must of hit the floor I could see her raise each leg in turn I supposed to step out of them.
He now has one hand on her ass with the other probing her pussy as every now and then I saw his finger appear between her ass.
Karen was moaning and saying something which the mic didn't pick up, he then moved back up from her tits before pushing Karen's head down slowly.
This was it I would finally get to see the face, it all seemed to slow down as frame by frame his face was revealed, seeing him didn't help much as I hadn't seen him before and I was trying to remember if any of the three guys I saw coming down the stairs before Karen at the party was him, as far as my memory goes he didn't match any of them or anybody else at the party, I took a still shot of his face so as I could check it against Karen's staff photos just in case he was a work Colleague.
Karen's was now on her knees removing his trousers frantically, he started to pull off his tee-shirt to show off his much better body than mine.
Within a few seconds she had the trousers down followed I guess by his boxers and then I saw her head bobbing as she took his cock in her mouth, that was confirmed by the smug look on his face as well as his hand on the back of Karen's head.
He was saying something to Karen but again the mic wasn't good enough to pick it up but Karen stopped sucking and now appeared to be licking his big balls.
At this point I was very aware that my tissue encased cock was not holding out as well as I anticipated, I was going to have to reapply some more tissues and discard the precum soaked ones, as I didn't want to miss any of the action I would have to do this here at my desk , just hope the cleaner doesn't come in.
I was keeping an eye on the clock as it was just about 19:00hrs and Karen was still enjoying his cock, he then grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up to him and they again was locked in a passionate kiss.
He broke from the kiss and spun her around so I could see Karen's face and naked body, Karen just bent down onto the bed with her face looking directly at the camera.
For a moment I thought she might have spotted the camera as she smiled “fuck me hard Ian?, I have thought about nothing else but your cock since last time”
He never answered but the look on Karen's face told me he hard thrust his cock deep into her, she let out a gasp and I could see her wiggling her hips back towards him.
Every thrust forward from him was registered on Karen's face she was even licking her lips at one point.
“Faster I'm going to cum”
She was not the only one about to cum I could feel it building up in my groin.
The pure look of lust and satisfaction on Karen's face was awesome, but when she started to orgasm she looked demented, like someone possessed.
Her whole body was shaking and quivering as it washed over her, and to add to that she was using such language to convey how much she was enjoying it.
My orgasm was a much more subdued affair, but all the same it was very intense and in a strange way we had cum together albeit 15 miles apart.
Ian bent over and whispered into Karen's ear, she quickly disengaged herself off his now very wet cock and spun over laying on the bed with her legs dangling off the end of the bed.
Ian grabbed each leg and put them on each side of his head, whilst hold them I could see Karen guiding his cock back into her pussy.
Once he was fully back in her he then pushed her legs almost all the way over Karen's head and started to drill down into her just like they do in porn videos.
Karen was loving this complete domination telling him to fuck her harder which he didn't need anymore encouragement to do.
Ian lent forward and said “soon I'm going to have your ass like this”
Karen responded with “I can't wait until you take my ass cherry”
Was I hearing this right she was going to let him take her ass cherry, something she would not ever talk about with me let alone actually do it.
Karen was now moaning again and going to orgasm very shortly on Ian's cock, he was smirking as he knew this married slut was his to do as he pleased with.
I was struggling to believe that this was this far advanced in just a couple of meetings, I was convinced they had been at it for ages.
Still Karen orgasmed again and I was in ore of his mastery of my wife with his big cock.
Ian bent over and said “wow you are such an easy fuck, I think you can do some work now”
I looked at the clock it was now almost 19:20 I would be home at 20:00 but they didn't seem to be in any hurry.
Karen jumped up and Ian took her place lying on the bed with his flagpole cock glistening upright waiting for my wife's pussy to slide down on it.
Karen straddle him and guided his cock to the entrance of her sopping wet pussy, I actually managed to zoom in as she slide down, screaming “ fucking hell your cock is so big”
“Then fuck me hard, I have two weeks of cum to dump in you”
“Umm fill me up then.”
Karen was sliding up and down whilst grinding on the bottom of the strokes, Ian was pinching her nipples, Karen was really getting a rhythm going and Ian was starting to breath heavier.
“That's it don't stop I'm close to filling you up.”
As he said that I could see a look of satisfaction on Karen's face and her moving faster to finish him off.
Then the unmistakable grunts and groans from Ian as he dumped his seed in my wife's pussy and as he did so Karen started her third orgasm and they cum together, which I found actually hurt me, I have no idea why that should after everything else I'd seen.
Karen sat up right on his cock gyrating and smirking, savouring​ every moment.
I looked at the time it was just after 19:35. I need to get moving and so did them two or I might walk in on them, which I didn't want to do.
I think for me whilst I'm experiencing this secretly without Karen knowing makes it less real and I don't have to deal with it.
I cleaned myself​ up just in time as the cleaning lady came into my office but all the cum soaked tissues where in the waste bin and when she empties it she will see them, I'm now feeling very embarrassed and rush out of the office mumbling some shit.
As I turned to our house it was 20:00 I looked to see if any strange car was in our drive because if there was in had decided to drive past and come back a little later, fortunately the coast was clear.
My heart was pounding as I opened the door because this time I knew what she had been by doing.
Trying to act normal under that pressure is not easy “hi darling I'm home”
“I'm in the bedroom Ted”
I bounded up the stairs to find Karen in her white silky dressing gown sitting on the end of the bed.
“Is everything ok with you Karen”
“I'm fine just wanted to wait her for you” and smiled
I walked over bent down and kissed her lips, it tasted like last time but I knew why before my tongue explored her mouth, Karen responded enthusiastically​, just like before my hand was squeezing her breasts​, within in seconds I was between her legs my mouth eagerly​ finding her well used pussy, Karen just lay back spread her legs as wide as she could thrusting back to my every probing lick.
There was more juice than last time I was having difficulty in swallowing it all, Karen was really thrusting into my mouth I knew she was not far from cumming, so I thought I would test her out by trying to push my finger up her butt hole, to my surprise she let me push it all the way in and when I reach the end she exploded her best ever orgasm with me.
Out of the blue Karen said “I'm sorry Ted”
I thought for a moment she was going to confess about her infidelity, I just carried on my cleaning of her pussy not wanting to have this conversation.
“I'm sorry I didn't let you lick my pussy before, I really like you doing that to me.”
I did breath a sigh of relief before answering her “Probable not as much as I do Karen, I'm loving the welcome I get when I've been working late”
“Then perhaps you need to work later more often” she replied
In my head I thought I bet you do as I got up from between her legs and this time I didn't ask her to turn round she just spun over offering me her pussy doggie style.
I rub my cum covered cock along her pussy over her clit and all the way to her butt hole where I hovered over trying to push it in, Karen's hand grabbed hold of my cock and guided it into her loose wet pussy saying “You know I don't like that sort of thing”
Now I was a bit angry inside she is going to let Ian have her ass but not me and what was I just doing with my finger all the way up her butt, still even being angry didn't stop me fucking her as hard as I could and cumming just as quick.
I'm not sure what come over me but I pulled out and tried to put my mouth back on her pussy from behind, again Karen's hand stopped me saying “no that's nasty it has you stuff in it.”
Karen got up and hit the shower leaving me very confused, I wondered whether if she let me lick her I would realise I've been lick man juice from her or was I only allowed to lick her pussy when filled by him.
My other thought was she is saving her butt cherry for him, but I have seen the size of his cock, there is no way he well get that in her butt hole, she should have let me break her in first.
I then remembered I was still recording all the action on the camera, I got my phone and stopped it, I was going to enjoy this video and get to see what I missed.
My final thought was I don't know that woman having a shower at all even after 23years of marriage.
I guess it's not all bad I'm getting more pussy that ever and Karen a lot more cock, but for the next few weeks she will have to go without as Sara will be home and curtail my wife's sluttyness.

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Re: Dilemma

Unread post by SamWarrens » Wed Jun 07, 2017 8:24 am

Keep the story flowing. Awesome !
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Re: Dilemma

Unread post by JacB » Thu Jun 08, 2017 9:34 am

Need the next chapter.

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Re: Dilemma

Unread post by Samanthasman » Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:11 am

Crazy hot!!! More please!
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Re: Dilemma

Unread post by OOAA » Thu Jun 08, 2017 8:30 pm

Amazing story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats!!! ;)

What about asking her about it and letting her to sincere with him?

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Re: Dilemma

Unread post by rs480 » Thu Jun 08, 2017 8:43 pm

I hardly ever read read stories in the library as they are stories but you certainly have struck a chord with me.
Itchin' for the next install. :-)
Yes, I believe I'm losing my mind.

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Re: Dilemma part 3

Unread post by mace43uk » Fri Jul 07, 2017 7:34 am

The rest of the weekend was as before with Karen being very affectionate a lot of kissing and big smiles but no sex.
On Monday I managed to download the video and check out the parts I had missed, I really hadn't missed too much just Karen dismounting herself off his still very hard cock, then her licking it clean before slumping on the bed exhausted.
Ian got up, got dressed and kissed her on the cheek “I'm not kissing your cum filled mouth you can save that for your hubby.”
“Ok and do you want me to let him lick my pussy clean too?”
“Yeah he liked it last time didn't he and so did you.”
“Oh god yeah he couldn't​ get enough of it and I did like it too.,”
“The next time we get together I might have a surprise for you.’
Karen's​ face lit up “what is it, is it my ass cherry.”
“That's why they call it a surprise” Ian said laughing.
He must've seen himself out as Karen just lie on the bed with her hand cupping her pussy, she was like that for about 10 minutes till I heard my voice announcing I'm home, Karen got up and put on her dressing gown, she then sat on the edge of the bed seconds before I entered the room.
Wow I thought I might have passed Ian on the way in it was that close.
I didn't watch my part in the video as I knew how it went, I'm now guessing that Ian knows what I am when I'm licking Karen pussy after
he has cum in her.
Whilst I had some free time I set up the motion sensor part of my hidden camera, I won't bore everybody in the details just to to that it records for twenty minutes once activated and when the card is full it starts to rewrite over the oldest recording.
Also I checked out the still picture of Ian against Karen's staffing photos, no luck there.
I really didn't have a clue as to who this guy is, so in desperation I downloaded​ the tracking app on Karen's phone, yeah I know that's a bit sneaky but I was convinced Karen must have known Ian longer than 4 weeks, to my surprise the app also gives history of the last month's locations​.
But again it was just work, home and the odd trip for groceries which I was mostly in attendance with her for.
I was still struggling with the idea he could turn her into his slut within an hour of meeting her, it took me about half a dozen dates before I got my hand in her panties all those years ago.
The rest of the week didn't provide me with anything naughty on the spy cam, just us in and out of the bedroom.
Friday and Sara our daughter came home from University for the summer which we were so looking forward to.
For the next week I checked the spy cam but I knew nothing would appear on it or so I thought because on Thursday it had Sara in our room, she appeared to be searching through Karen's wardrobe til she appeared with a book.
She sat on the end of the bed with her back to the camera reading, then she lay on her side reading and her other hand had moved down and inside her little loose shorts.
As she read her breathing was getting louder and her hand moving quicker, I realised I should really not be watching​ my daughter playing with herself but I couldn't stop watching.
It got worse as she pulled her shorts down to her knees revealing her naked pussy which I could just about see, her hand was back on her pussy and I think in it, her motion had increased as had her breathing and moaning, then she screamed out as she reached her orgasm.
I felt very sick with myself for watching but also turned on, I really wanted to see what naughty book it was that had an effect on Sara like that and how she knew where it was.
Sara stood up and turned to the camera before pulling up her shorts which meant I got a very good look at her bald pussy and I felt my cock twitch which I was very angry with myself for.
It was a few days before I had some time alone to find this book, it took me a good twenty minutes searching through the wardrobe and all the boxes in there but I did find it.
It was a plain black book with nothing written on the front, when I opened the first few pages I realised it was Karen's diary, I never knew she kept one.
Alarm bells went off in my head, did Karen write about everything​, I searched quickly for the entry of the party.
As I read it my cock got hard and wet, Karen had gone into a lot of detail about what Ian had done to her and how she felt, I mean she went on in length about Ian's huge cock and how it made her feel like a real woman, worse for me was she did remember me licking her used pussy that night, making a comment of just how naughty​ and horny it made her feel.
I checked all the other entries after that and It mentioned that she had talked to him most days and even saying she can't wait till the next time, both the next encounters were equally well described in graphic detail.
I felt very embarrassed at that moment realising my daughter knew all our secrets, and slightly disturbed that she would use this to get herself off, now what do I do about this, nothing I can do as confronting it would reveal my spying on both Karen and Sara albeit Sara was accidentally.
How is it that my daughter or daughters know about the diary and where it was concealed?
I think maybe our girls might have been doing some searching prior to Christmas and came across it then, that seemed to be the best guess I could come up with.
The strange thing about what I had witnessed by my daughter was the way she treated both me and Karen, Sara was always an affectionate child but now she was almost over the top with her hugs and kisses, I also felt like she was watching us both intently or was that me being paranoid.
I was thinking perhaps a new test would be interesting to see what Karen would do with me working late again.
I didn't actually have to work late but I knew I could fake it and nobody would be suspicious, the only concerns I had was Karen would be very fertile just like the party and the first Friday plus he mentioned a surprise.
I also thought if she did manage to arrange something she would put it in her diary which meant Sara would probably see it.
For me I really wanted to see Karen in action again but I also realised that the chances were slim that it would happen here, more likely it would be somewhere else.
So I announced on Tuesday at dinner that I had to work late on Friday, both Karen and Sara seemed to stare at me quizzically or that's what I thought.
Friday morning we are all up which was unusual for Sara but she announced she was going out with some friends and would be home about 21:00.
Unfortunately I couldn't get to see what Karen had put into her diary until Friday morning when Karen had left for work.
She had spoken to Ian and said how much she needed his cock and how she was trying to work something out for Friday if he was available, she then wrote if we do hook up she would be getting her surprise, the big smiley face drawn at the end of the page, I took was he was available.
I had been checking the spy camera and only on Thursday afternoon did I see Sara reading Karen's diary, oh she was just reading it nothing else, now I was thinking Sara is going out so her Mum could get fucked.
Still things were going to be tight for Karen as Sara was not going out until 19:00 and I was due home at 20:00, so I decided to help Karen out by sending her a text at lunch time saying I would be home later more like 21:00.
The only problem was I would probably not get any action myself.
Friday morning I made sure the camera signal was working and left for work with Sara giving me a very big hug and kiss.
The day dragged on, eventually it was roughly the time Karen would be home I checked in on my spy cam every few mins, then she appeared getting undressed and hitting the shower, sometime later appearing very smooth as she inspected her pussy very closely and also pulling her ass cheeks apart and checking that in the mirror behind, that too seemed very hairless, did that mean he was going to take her ass cherry.
There was a knock on the door which made Karen scramble for her dressing gown, Sara walked in, she had just white bra and panties on and very skimpy ones.
There was a conversation which didn't get picked up by the mic,
Karen went to her wardrobe and pulled out her favorite black dress,
the one she wore at the party, she handed it to Sara and she left.
I thought to myself Sara would know that was the dress she wore at the party as it was clearly mentioned in the diary.
The next hour or so was murder waiting, 19:15 the bedroom door opens and as before Karen led the way with Ian following, then the surprise as a black guy followed Ian, he was taller and bigger all over.
I felt my jaw drop, my wife was going to be double teamed.
Karen stood as before with her back to me up against the bed, she undid her robe and it fell to the floor she was naked underneath no underwear at all this time.
I couldn't see too much but Karen's legs were slightly apart and a big black finger would appear every few seconds between her pussy and ass.
I don't think there was much talking just little moans, Karen was pushed to her knees and I got to see the new man's face, I didn't recognise him either.
Whilst Karen was on her knees obviously undressing the men's lower garments both guys were disrobing there shirts.
Both men looked at each other with big smiles on their faces as Karen's head was moving from side to side licking and sucking their cocks, I couldn't see how big the black guys cock was as Karen's head was in the way.
I was so glad I had wrapped extra tissues around my cock as it was going to get very wet watching.
The cock sucking didn't last that long before she was pulled up and spun around, now facing the spy cam I could see her lustful face as she bent forward.
The black guy moved to the front of the bed and I got my first view of his cock which I would say was about the same size as Ian's with a slightly larger head on it, he got his cock in a position so that Karen could take it in her mouth as Ian feed his cock into he very wet pussy.
From the synchronised motion these guys had got into from the start I would say they had done this before, Karen was moaning even with a mouth full of cock, then all of a sudden she shuddered and pulled out the black guys cock screaming “I’m cumming fucking hell it feels so good.”
“Wow Ian you're right, she does cum easily, a true slut we are going to fuck the shit out of this bitch.”
“You bet we are and her ass cherry is ours for the taking.”
Karen raised her head and smiled at the black guy.
“Ian don't dump your load in her yet I want to fuck her cunt without any of your stuff coating my cock.”
“Okay but I get her ass then.”
The men quickly swapped ends and the same rhythm began with Karen cumming just as quick as before.
I looked at the time and I thought it had been going quickly but it was now 19:45,
It was all change again the black guy lay on the bed his black cock standing to attention all gleaming with Karen's cum coating it, Karen without being told took her position astride ready to sink her wet cheating cunt onto his cock.
She slide down the full length savouring every inch gyrating herself at the base.
I have just got to say that seeing my wife slide down on another mans cock is so amazingly erotic, but it was even more amazing seeing the contrast with a black cock sliding in against Karen's pale skin.
Ian was out of view behind her, then Karen lay down on the chest of the black guy and I realised what was about to happen.
Karen was about to be double penetrated, surly my wife wouldn't be able to take both these large cocks especially as her ass was virgin territory.
For the next few mins there was very little movement from the black guy or Karen just an occasional gasp and whimper from her, by contrast Ian was thrusting and gyrating at the other end, I guess easing his cock in her ass.
Finally a large gasp from Karen gave me a clue that Ian was fully in her that was confirmed by Karen “OMG I feel so full, be careful with me please.”
The men started there synchronised movement, I couldn't see much except Karen's demented face with her eyes popping out of her head and her breasts flattened on the black guy's chest.
A few more mins later Karen was now very vocal saying over and over “how fucking amazing it is having two cocks”
Her orgasm was huge and long, she was thrashing around like a fish out of water and so load with screams of pleasure I did think the neighbors might call the police.
“Wow that was the most I have ever seen a bitch cum”
“Yeah DP can have that effect on sluts like these” replied Ian
My jaw was still open as it had been all through this, I was then struck by just how easy and comfortable Karen was with the whole situation, it made me think she has done this before but as I recall she only had one other boyfriend before me.
Time had passed it was now just after 20:30 and both the guys hadn't cum yet, they were cutting it fine as both me and Sara were due home at 21:00.
As my thoughts rushed through my head the guys must have heard me.
“So are you going to cum up her ass and me deep in her cunt.” the black guy asked
“No I can't cum up her ass, hubby might guess she has been cheating, you go ahead and fill her first, i'll dump mine in her afterwards.”
Ian moved away and left the black guy in her with Karen laying on his chest still he started thrusting into her very quickly, I told myself I would stay till he cum and then I would have to leave for home.
Now all I could see was Karen's tits squashed on his chest but I could hear the squelching of his cock pounder her pussy with the occasional moan from Karen and grunt from the black guy.
Then he started to cum and he was very vocal, Karen also joined in with “that's it fill my slutty cunt up.”
My boxers were a mess, I had to visit the men's room before I headed home.
It was 20:50 so I knew I would be home well after 21:00, that meant I probably wouldn't get my creampie (yeah I had done some research).
As I pulled up the drive I noticed the drive was clear, good that meant they have left, opening the front door I shouted “I'm home”
“Up here darling”
I bounded up the stairs to our bedroom, Karen was naked laying on her back with her legs wide open along with her pussy as I could actually see inside it was that used, I didn't say anything as my mouth was on her pussy in a flash.
It was very messy white goo dribbling out and down her ass collecting in a small puddle on the bed.
“Umm I thought you might like me all ready for you.”
I just sunk my tongue as far up her used cunt as I could go, Karen's hand was pulling me head hard against her pussy whilst gyrating.
I was struggling with the amount of cum flowing out of her also the taste was different, much stronger.
Karen shocked me and cum very quickly which just added to the juice flowing from her.
“Thanks Ted, we better wrap this up as Sara will be home soon.”
“Ok but I need to get rid of my hard on.” Was my reply
“Quickly put it in my mouth I will finish you off.”
My god that was a first Karen sucking my cock, my cock was in her mouth just as she finished her sentence.
True to form I shot my load very quickly, to my surprise Karen swallowed my watery cum and smiled as she got up and went to the shower.
I mopped up the mess on the bed and got dressed.
I heard the front door close and Sara announcing she was home, that was close I thought.
I followed Karen into the shower and cleaned myself up, Karen just kept smiling at me.
I was beginning to feel that she knew that I knew about her extra activities, she was so much more open about the mess of her pussy, even having it on display as I walked in the room.
My next big concern was her being very fertile at this time, she had got away with before, but having two loads dumped in her might prove just too much, but again I couldn't say anything.
Another concern was just how easy she took two cocks just like a porn star, I was going to have to read all her diaries to see if this was a one off, the only problem with that was I had no idea where the rest were kept.
We both came down from our bedroom to see Sara who greeted us with very big hugs and kisses, just as she had been doing since she had read Karen's diary.
I also knew she would be reading tonight's escapades at sometime which might really shock her as it did me seeing her perform.
As I have said before my spy camera alerts me when there is movement in the room, and on Monday mid morning it alerted me which I knew exactly what that meant.
Sara was in our room, I did try not to watch but curiosity got the better of me.
My daughter was indeed in our room on the bed reading, but this time she was naked and not just that she was in a position which was directly on show to the camera, her young smooth pussy with at least three fingers glistening as she thrust them in and out breathing hard.
Yeah I know I should not look, but she was only doing something very natural, it was just in our room reading about her mums naughty pussy.
As I said that in my head I got a quick flash image of the black guy pounding Sara as I watched her finger fuck herself, Sara was quickly cumming and just as loud as her mother, Sara shocked me even more by saying “God I want that big black cock in my cunt.”
That was the first time I had ever heard Sara curse and I was more angry with her using that word than mentioning the big black cock.
When she had finished her pussy was stretched and soaking wet as was her hand, she just lay breathing and smiling.
My daughter has grown into very sexy young lady and I have seen way more of her than I should of.
A couple of days later I got to read the diary and the description Karen had entered it was very graphic with a lot of how good it felt and how many orgasms she had (7).
I did read the whole years entries and there was nothing that gave a clue to her hidden sluttyness, I also couldn't find any other diaries she must have them well hidden.

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Re: Dilemma

Unread post by pwsub » Sun Jul 09, 2017 12:44 am

This is developing brilliantly, I cannot wait to hear more, thank you! I know all of my wifes 'indiscretions' but how this is going is quite unique

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Re: Dilemma part 4

Unread post by mace43uk » Mon Jul 17, 2017 8:41 am

So what should my next move be, I kept asking myself that question over and over again and have no idea what to do next.
I did have a desire to find out who Ian and the black guy are, so for now my quest was to do that
I did watch to the rest of what happened after the black guy had cum, it showed Karen's dismounting herself and a brief glimpse of the black guy cum covered cock, a very creamy foam like substance all over it.
Karen was physically exhausted as she just slumped down on the bed on her back but unfortunately for her Ian just grabbed her legs and roughly put them back over her head to then drilled his cock deep into her messy pussy, Karen screamed out but not in pain, it was just sheer pleasure but her screams were muffled as the black guy feed his dirty cock into her mouth for cleaning.
Ian didn't take long before he to was adding his load deep in Karen's pussy much to the delight of Karen.
The next few minutes were taken up with the black guy getting dressed and Ian having his cock cleaned by Karen.
I was surprised by just how small the gap between them leaving the bedroom and me arriving, I guess I must've passed them.
One other thing I now had a couple of Karen's videos on my laptop along with the videos of Sara pleasuring herself, I knew that I would have to keep them safe somewhere else as sometimes Sara uses my laptop as well as Karen, I had bought a very large SD card and that would be the best option.
I know I should delete the video of Sara but I just couldn't, I have to admit it turned me on.
I did wonder whether Sara might tell her older sister as they were very close like that.
Back to doing my investigations as to who these men really are, I thought that as Ian was at the party he must be friends with either Mary or her daughter so a quick search on Facebook revealed indeed he was friends with Mary his full name was Ian Pegg and worked out of town in a company that I had done business with in the past, a search on his Facebook revealed the black guy was Tony Hamilton who also worked at the same company.
I was surprised I hadn't met either of these men as they were both in sales department.
Well at least I had got some success finding who the guys were just need to find the other diaries.
My spy camera did keep alerting me and it was Sara naked in our room reading Karen's diary I think she was hoping for more adventures from Karen to get herself off with, I really needed to say something about her doing that in our room, but how was I going to do that without raising suspicion.
I needed to catch her in the act, so that was my plan.
The trouble with that was by the time I could get home she would be finished.
Sara was a creature of habit she roughly came in our room at 10:30 am every morning.
I was owed some time from work, Friday I went through my usual routine and left for work, but I didn't go to work I just drove about a few hundred yards away well out of sight.
It was just after 10:30 when I got the alert and I quickly drove back and left the car not on the drive, I checked the camera and she was just settling down on the bed naked with the book.
I opened the door very quietly and then up the stairs in the same manner, our door was wide open and I could hear soft moaning.
I took a deep breath and walked straight in, “what the fuck are you doing Sara” I said looking straight at her fingers thrusting in and out of her pussy.
Sara jumped up trying to cover herself with her hands “sorry I'm so sorry Dad, she started crying.
Now I felt bad she was very upset, I walked over and put my arm around her being very aware of her nakedness.
“Don't cry Sara, it's very natural to masterbate, actually very healthy but usually done in your own room.”
“Sorry I know I should not be here” Sara then cuddled me back meaning her nakedness was pushed up against me.
I had to control myself and whilst she cuddled me I moved her out of our room back to hers, all the time I could feel my cock hardening. Once there she let go of me and walked into her room still holding the book smiling back at me, she seemed relaxed as she just sat on her bed and opened her legs wide and started to fingering herself in front of me.
I went to shut the door and leave her to it, “Daddy please stay and watch me” Sara said
I was dumbfounded this is so wrong but my indecision wasn't helping as Sara was really finger fucking herself harder the longer I stood and watched.
She cum right in front me and I was so close to doing the same in my boxers, I shut the door and went back to our room and into our bathroom I pulled out my cock and a few tugs and I cum all over the floor I was so disgusted with myself.
Once dressed I walked past Sara’s room, her door was wide open again and I caught a glimpse of her pulling on her loose shorts and a small tee shirt, no underwear I bet she hasn't even washed herself.
I was down in the kitchen having a coffee when Sara came in and sat down with me.
“Daddy are you going to tell mummy what I was doing” now Sara always calls us daddy and mummy when she wants something.
“I’m not sure yet”
“If you don't tell mummy what I was doing I won't say anything about you watching me.”
Wow the little minx had me over a barrel, it all makes sense her wanting me to watch.
“You mean it will be our secret.” I replied
“Yes daddy it will, but I have been a very naughty girl and I should be punished.”
I was afraid to ask what kind of punishment “so what do you think would be appropriate punishment then?”
Sara smiled before saying “ naughty little girls like me need a good hard spanking”
she got up and came around to my side bending over my lap.
I was lost for words, I had never spanked my kids and here she was a grown women, my daughter wiggling with excitement waiting for me hand to strike her.
“Does daddy want me to pull down my shorts”?
I didn't get a chance to answer really she stood up quickly pulling them down before kicking them across the room.
Sara returned to her position and I could clearly see her pussy was still wet, it was taking all my strength not to touch it, but I landed my first blow on her ass and shocked her as it was harder than she expected.
I followed that with another five more even harder, Sara was enjoying it I could hear her breathing hard and moaning but not in pain.
I stopped and Sara said “please daddy I was really naughty I deserve more than that”
In some ways spanking her was doing me good I was getting my frustrations out without crossing that line.
I'm not sure how many blows I landed on her ass but Sara cumming soon stopped me as did how red and marked her ass was.
Sara stood up in front of me with some juice dribbling down the inside of her leg with her pussy only inches from my face I could smell her musky scent.
“Daddy you can lick it if you want to like you do mummy's.”
“No Sara that would be very wrong, go and get showered I have to get back to work.”
God only knows how I managed to restrain myself, Sara took it with a smile and a skip as she gathered up her shorts and bounded up the stairs.
It was then that I realised that I hadn't really achieved anything Sara would probably carry on using our bedroom and Karen's diary as she had me at a disadvantage.
I went to stand up and noticed that Sara had cum all over my trousers, fuck it I will have to change them.
In my bedroom I took them off and my wet boxers but as I went to put my trousers in the laundry hamper I couldn't help myself but lick the wet patch on my trousers, it was very sweet and I was soon really trying to suck it all out I was lost in my own little world.
I was snapped out of it suddenly “Daddy you can still lick my pussy it’s very wet still.”
Sara was standing at our bathroom watching me perform this very embarrassing act with my cock pointing out and dribbling like she was.
Sara was back in her shorts, she walked towards me slowly stopped inches from me her hand moved down between us and for an instance I thought she was going to touch my cock but she was inside her own shorts, her hand was then thrust up to my mouth and her wet fingers on my lips, like a puppy I licked her fingers.
“See how nice it tastes daddy, you sure you don't want to lick it clean, I can put on mummy's black party dress and you can pretend I'm her.”
If you think that this was embarrassing my next action was even more so as I cum and shot a stream of cum all over Sara’s shorts and leg.
To my surprise she just smiled and scooped up some of my stuff and licked it off her fingers then left.
I'm now even more screwed than before now Sara has so much on me now, I wish I had stayed at work.
I sort of thought I should have taken her up on licking her pussy as I'm deep in the shit anyway if she says anything.
Fortunately for me my suits get dry cleaned and my boxers are going in the trash.
When I had finally got myself back in some sort of order I check in the wardrobe and found Sara had return the book.
As I walked past Sara’s room the door was still wide open I popped my head in to say goodbye, Sara was lying on the bed naked on her front her ass was glowing red.
“Bye Sara, I will see you later.”
Sara turned over spread her legs as wide as she could making sure I got a good look at her pussy again before saying “ thank you daddy your the best.” She then winked at me.
I tried to put my stern voice on. “ don't let me catch you doing that again, Sara.”
“Okay daddy but if I do you will have to punish me more for offending a second time.”
I just walked away, this is becoming very bizarre.
It was only when I was back at work then the penny dropped, Sara now knows that I know about her mums indiscretions, her making references to licking her pussy like l do mummy's, the fact I never questioned her as to how she knows that and I never asked about the book she had in her hand whilst fingering herself and her saying she would wear her black party dress all points to her knowing.
What the fuck have I done and how the hell am I going to take back control of this situation.
It was now afternoon when my camera alert was set off again, I could not believe it Sara was back in our room again.
She was on our bed naked fingering herself whilst rubbing something over her face, it took me a few seconds before I realised what it was, it was my cum stained boxers.
I was beginning to think that sluttyness must be hereditary, there wasn't anything I could do or say about what she was doing.
Sara started to lick my cum off my boxers just like I had done earlier with her juices on my trousers and just when you think she couldn't get anymore depraved she then rub my boxers over her pussy it even looked like she was trying to finger herself with them.
My daughter was insatiable and moaned loudly as she orgasmed all over my boxers, hang on a minute I had thrown them in the trash, she must have fished them out.
I just hope she disposes of them or I might have a lot of explaining to do if Karen finds them.
I was so nervous when I got home, but everything was good my boxers had been put back in the trash, huge sigh of relief.
Karen and Sara were both in the kitchen cooking dinner together, it actually made a change to see Sara with some clothes on.
Whilst I watched them cooking my mind was having flashing images of both my wife and daughter being used by Ian and Tony, then my mind was having them all in the same room as an orgy, I shook my head like I could get those images out of my head.
What is happening to me and my family, if anybody was to see us now we looked like a very typical family, both Karen and Sara looked like angels dressed in their summer frocks.
But I knew a different side, a side which does not sit well with society, a perverted side which I was a part of.
I did wonder if Sara kept a diary like her mother, if she did I bet it would be on some app on her iPad maybe that should be my next project.
The rest of the evening was just very pleasant with Sara spending time with us instead of her usual inane chattering on her phone or in her bedroom plugged into music.
I couldn't be sure but Sara did keep giving me flashes of her nakedness under her dress, was in innocent or purposeful I'm not sure but I had seen way too much of my daughters pussy of late.
At times even Karen's pussy was being flashed to me, I'm getting paranoid now surely this is all just innocent.
Eventually we were all sat on the sofa watching TV which meant I was spared any more pussy shots, I was sat between my wife and daughter which was really nice.
Karen went to the bathroom I took this opportunity to talk to Sara and find out exactly what she knows, which is what I should have done earlier.
“Sara” was all I got to say as Sara must have wanted to speak to me.
“Dad, how long have you known about mummy’s adventures?”
It caught me off guard “what adventures?” I replied
“Okay Dad you can make out like you don't know mum is getting extra cock but I know you have read her and she leaves no doubt about what is going on, I mean it is in very graphic detail.”
I knew that I had to come clean but how much was I to say “Since the party” was all I said
“Was it when you lick her cum filled pussy that you realised she had been a naughty girl.”
I did think that was a very polite way of putting it.
“No I caught her in a bedroom with some guy doing her.”
“OMG and you never stopped them or said anything.”
“No I was in shock I just watched.” As I said the last words I lowered my head in shame.
“Did you hear her cum?”
“Yes” was all I could say as Karen was returning.
Sara looked at me and gave me that look that says this is not finished yet.
Karen turned and said “Do you two mind if I head off to bed, I'm getting tired”
Sara was first to answer “ok I will keep dad company”
Karen had been gone a few mins before the next question came.
“Did you see him cum in her.”
“And you still licked her pussy knowing he had cum in her?”
“Did you like it?
Now was she referring to me licking or watching, either way the answer was “yes”
Sara looked at me and just smiled “you know that makes you a cuckold”
I thought how does she know that term, probably the same way I found it.
“Yeah sort of”
“So why don't you say something to mum and get it out in the open.”
“I guess if I do she might not react the way I would want and it then becomes very real”
“I think mum having two cocks up her is very real already dad.”
And here is where I slipped up “yeah I know seeing mum with two cocks is pretty real”
There was a pause and I realised the mistake I had made I was praying Sara didn't pick up on it, but I was not having a good day.
“What do you mean seeing?”
I was flustered “just a slip of the tongue”
She looked at me and said “dad how did you see, was you hiding?”
“No I have a camera set up in our bedroom”
Sara smiled then said “have you recorded all the action?”
I just nodded yes
Sara paused again for a while then said “am I on it too?”
I lowered my head and nodded yes
“Dad you are a pervert and that's how you caught me today wasn't it?”
“Dad if you let me watch all the videos you have on mum and me I won't say anything about you knowing or what happened today,
I knew I didn't have any choice “okay”
“Go and get them dad I want to see so badly, I'm very horny daddy.”
Two minutes later I had the laptop in front of us and the SD card in the slot
I really was feeling very humiliated by watching this with her, but all I could hear from Sara was moans and a slurping noise which was from her fingers in her pussy right next to me.
“Daddy, mummy is such a slut she took those cocks like a porn star I wish I was in there instead of her”
Sara muffled her orgasm and I should be shocked but after today I was not phased.
Sara watched all the vids even the one of her licking my boxers and using them to cum, she did look at me and smile.
“Daddy if I came home with a pussy full of cum, would you lick me clean?”
Now I said I wasn't shocked by her cumming in front of me but that request was a jaw dropper.
“Umm that would be so wrong darling, I think I have crossed to many lines already, but I haven't touched you.”
“You did spank me and make me cum all over your trousers which you then licked off and cum over my leg.”
“That's not the same as licking you that was punishment”
“Really dad, you know you want to, and what's more I want you to, so really you don't have a lot of choice”
“I need to go to bed Sara this is way too much.”
“Okay Daddy but don't I get a kiss before you go”
I bent my head down to kiss her and before I could react quickly enough she had pulled up her dress and pushed my head to her pussy.
My mouth hit her pussy, I tried to pull back but she had got two hands on the back of my head as well as thrusting her pussy upwards.
My tongue darted out and licked her clit, her pussy was soaking and my face was covered with her sweet juice.
“See daddy that's what it tastes like before, now you can compare when it gets filled.”
Sara released her grip on me I stood up with a messy face, I needed to clean up quickly as there was no way you would be able to explain this away.
I secretly knew that if it happened, Sara was right I would lick her clean.
Can you be cuckolded by your daughter?
I was beginning to think our family was being targeted by some sort of sex ray, or should I say perverted sex ray.
From that day onwards whenever my spy camera alerted me I knew exactly what was going to be on show, Sara knew where the camera was hidden and made sure she showed her pussy off in all its glory teasing me.
For the next few weeks I made sure I wasn't alone with my daughter, yeah I know I should have more self control but she had all the cards and as the weeks passed she seem to slow down her masturbating.
I did think that perhaps she was getting bored of reading or watching the same escapades of her mum.
I too was longing for Karen to have some more fun, and Karen's diary also had the same desire for more cock it even wished I would work late more often.
It was the week before Sara was due to return to university, Karen was late home from work which had alarm bells ringing in my head as she is never late, that also meant Sara was all over me being very suggestive and flashing her pussy at me.
She then came straight out with it,”Daddy, you know mummy is really in need of some big cock so why don't you work late Friday and I will go out.”
“Sara, it's not really that simple that I can just work late”
“Daddy you don't actually have to work late just go somewhere and give mummy some free time.”
I looked at her and I could see that I really didn't have any choice, “okay but this is the last time you blackmail me.”
“Daddy I didn't say anything, anyway mummy might be getting it right now” she just smiled
“Do you know something Sara?”
“No daddy but mummy is never late, she might have a pussy full of cum for you.”
I physically squirmed as she said that, which Sara picked up on.
“Wow daddy you really do like that don't you?”
I could only nod in agreement.
“I can't wait for the day I get filled full and bring it home for you.”
She knew how to push all the right buttons I nodded yes with my head lowered.
Just as she had said that I heard Karen's car pull up on the drive.
Karen walked in and both Sara and I were both looking at her intently, seeing if we could tell whether she had been a naughty girl.
“Fucking got a flat, waited ages for the breakdown people.” Was Karen's story
“I'm going to jump in the shower it's been a hot day”
Off Karen went up the stairs, Sara came over and said “aren't you going to check her panties, if mummy has been naughty they will be filled with cum and not just hers.”
That had already crossed my mind “I can't just inspect her panties like that?”
“If there on the floor in the bedroom you can bet she hasn't been naughty.”
My daughter was very astute for someone so young, I walked in the bedroom and on the floor were Karen's underwear, I still picked up her panties and inspected them, my wife had been a good girl.

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Re: Dilemma part 5

Unread post by mace43uk » Fri Jul 21, 2017 6:51 am

I had a suspicion my daughter might be up to something, but even so I informed Karen I would be working late Friday and would be home between 20:30 and 21:00.
I couldn't be sure but it looked like Karen almost skipped out of the bedroom.
My mind was working overtime thinking of what Sara might be planning, each time the same thought was recurring.
I could see my daughter walking in on her mother whilst she was being well fucked, then ending up on the bed next to her getting the same treatment.
I then thought that perhaps if she was watching it live like me then she would not do anything rash and bring everything to a head.
Sara was delighted and very surprised I had given her access to my spy camera.
She did suggest we watch it together but I was very uncomfortable with that prospect and to my relief she didn't force the issue.
I still had a nagging doubt she was up to something.
As the rest of the week progressed Sara was keeping me informed on her mother's plans through reading her diary and it was going to happen again like the last encounter.
I know how excited and turned on I was getting thinking about it, Sara was also getting turned on as her masterbating in our room had returned with vengeance.
Friday morning and even Sara was up for breakfast, the atmosphere was very subdued, like we were all waiting for someone to come out with what was going to happen tonight.
Karen left first leaving me with sara.
“Daddy are you excited for tonight?”
I was passed caring about being evasive “Of course, I love your mother enjoying herself”
“So am I” she said winking at me.
I looked at her hoping she would tell what she is up to.
“What time are you staying out til”
“About 22:00, it will give you plenty of time to lick mummy clean” she said it smiling
I knew I should say something but she was so right about me I really do like doing that.
“Sara please be careful I don't want anybody else seeing what is going to happen tonight.”
“Hey I don't want other people knowing how perverted we all are either and I'm going to be busy with my fingers so it will be very private.”
That was good enough for me.
I got up and left for work but not before Sara came up and gave me a big long hug pushing her tits and pussy hard against me, it was long enough for me to feel the heat from her pussy on my leg.
Her passing shot was a very weird comment “hope you have been exercising your tongue for all the licking you will be doing later.”
I just smiled and left.
The day dragged on till i was the only one left at the office apart from the cleaning lady.
I watched the usual build up with Karen making sure she was shaved smooth, a little makeup and that was it, she didn't even put on her dressing robe just walked around naked which meant Sara had already left.
It was about 19:00 when the spy camera alerted me again, Karen walked in the bedroom naked with Ian and Tony on each side of her.
She dropped to the floor and I got to see her sucking their cocks as they disrobed their shirts.
Her actions were frantic as she swapped between them making them grow bigger and bigger, I could see in her eyes her sense of achievement when they were fully erect.
“Who wants my pussy first, I'm really needing a good hard fucking?”
Karen just offered her pussy as she bent over the bed, both the guys laughed as they frantically removed the rest of their clothes.
Ian jumped up on the bed and feed his cock in her mouth just as Tony slammed his cock in her from behind.
She must have been soaking wet as she didn't even flinch but her eyes gave away the moment he was fully in.
As before Karen was very quick to cum it had been about four weeks since their last encounter and she was gagging for it, she had to take Ian out of her mouth to release her pent up scream of pleasure.
I was used to seeing Karen cum now and she was so beautiful when in the throws of orgasm, I was even in some way proud of her.
Once Karen had cum the men changed places until Ian had made her cum.
Karen was on the bed breathing heavy “I want both your chucks like last time”
Ian lay on the bed, Karen straddled him and sunk herself all the way down laying onto his chest which meant that Tony was going to fuck her ass but just like before I couldn't see anything just the motion of Tony and Ian.
Karen was very vocal now “OMG my cunt and ass are on fire I'm cumming.”
I had never heard Karen use that word, but there was a lot of things about Karen that I was finding out.
That was her third orgasm in just under twenty minutes, everything slowed down for a while as it was now a very gentle rocking motion.
Still that didn't detract from Karen's pleasure she was almost on a constant orgasm.
“Please cum together in me?”
Tony picked up the pace before Ian said “Man you can't cum in her ass remember”
“Please I want him too.”
“Think about your hubby Karen, he will think it strange cum leaking out of your ass.”
I could see Karen's face she really wanted it in her ass but she could see Ian was making sense.
“Tony do you think you can fit your cock in her cunt with mine.”
As he said that Karen's eyes popped out of her head.
For the next few minutes there was lots of manoeuvring until I guess Tony was entering her.
I could see a cross between fear and excitement on Karen's face, then the men started to move together and now Karen was even more vocal than before.
“Oh god my cunt will be ruined, please don't stop, fill it full, I'm cumming”
Ian and Tony were now really thrusting in my poor wife's cunt, Karen was almost passing out with pleasure.
For once the men were getting very vocal as they commented on what a dirty slut she was and perhaps we should take her to the sports bar for they mates to use.
Karen was oblivious to their comments.
I was impressed that both men started to cum together and it ended with them all thrashing around grunting and cursing.
Karen actually slumped on Ian and passed out for a few seconds, “I think we have fucked her to death”
Karen was laid on her back with the biggest smile ever and both men slapped their messy cock on her face for cleaning which she eagerly did.
I looked down and again I had cum in my boxers, I was well prepared this time, still I had a mass of cum soaked tissues to get rid of.
I pulled down my trousers and boxers, started removing the messy tissues when in walked the cleaning lady.
I was so humiliated I tried to cover myself, the cleaning lady just smiled and closed the door, if she tells people I will be the laughing stock of the firm.
What do I do, my past attempts to rectify situations have ended badly.
Think, maybe money will pay for her silence, ok how much, I took out my wallet and looked inside, wow £40 that's it.
I straightened myself up and walked out of the office, the cleaner was sitting on a desk waiting for me.
“Have you finished in there sir.”
“Umm yes, umm I'm sorry you saw that, please don't say anything I will make it worth your while.”
The cleaning lady was about fifty and for her age was ok, she looked me up and down.
“Sir you have a deal, my pussy needs some loving.” She said raising her skirt revealing her naked hairy pussy.
I was on my knees inches from a strange women's pussy, it wasn't neat and pretty like my wife's but I was in no place to argue.
I spent a good ten minutes licking fingering and sucking til she cum in my mouth.
I got up from between her legs “thank you sir you are very good with your tongue next time you can use your cock.”
She gave me a tissue to wipe my mouth with as she entered my office to clean it.
Looks like I'm going to cheat on Karen against my will.
The drive home was a blur, but I arrived home at 20:45, I bounded in and straight up the stairs finding my well fucked wife on the bed legs spread waiting for me, I did pause briefly at just how open her pussy was.
No words were spoken as I went about my duties and it was very full not a drop had leaked out onto the bed meaning I was going to have to swallow a lot of mixed cum juice.
Karen cum quick again which just added to the juices, I stopped and ordered her to kneel on the bed, Karen was a bit puzzled but complied.
She watched me as I manoeuvred myself along the bed and directly under her pussy, I pulled her down onto my mouth and continued with my duties.
Karen started squirming and almost suffocating me, but I was loving it.
This was a first for me as Karen had a second orgasm albeit a very subdued affair.
My mouth and tongue were now aching and there seemed to be no more juices to clean out, Karen dismounted and skipped to the shower leaving me with a messy face and now a messy pair of boxers.
I was now in cuck heaven, Karen was a bonafide hotwife, well unofficially but the time was not far away when we would have to admit it to each other.
I wiped off my cum face and cleaned up the mess down below, surprisingly my cock was still hard and I was still horny, really changed could do with fucking her but I knew that was not on the cards tonight.
I took myself down stairs and fixed a large glass of whiskey.
Karen joined me and we cuddled on the sofa, we still hadn't spoken two words to each other.
It was nice just chilling and reconnecting, it was getting late and Sara was not in yet, then Karen got a text message from her she would be home in about an hour.
Karen said “Darling would you stay up and make sure she gets home, I'm very tired need my bed”
Yeah I bet you do after having your pussy stretched open so far was what I was thinking “Okay I will”
Karen was upstairs in a flash I followed her and hit the shower, by the time I was clean Karen was fast asleep looking like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.
I fixed myself another drink and watched done rubbish TV, it was just over an hour when Sara breezed in.
“Hi daddy, is mummy in bed?”
“Yeah she is worn out” I said smiling
“Umm I know she was a very naughty girl a bit like me”
Sara sat next to me and then pulled up her skirt revealing her naked pussy.
“Sara where are your panties”
“Umm they took them as a trophy”
“Who took them?”
“The two guys who have been fucking me for the last hour”
I thought not my daughter as well.
“Daddy please lick my cum filled pussy, I will sit on your face if you want just like mummy did.”
She swung herself around and opened her legs showing me her used pussy which was very puffy and red, with a little dribble of goo starting to leak out.
I was on autopilot my head moved closer, then the smell of mixed cum hit me and I dived in.
I think my eagerness shocked Sara as I felt her jolt as my tongue licked across her sensitive clit before probing her messy pussy.
“Thank you Daddy, suck it all out I'm not ready for a baby yet.”
I was now pushing my fingers in and trying to scoop out as I licked, my thumb was rubbing her little butt hole, Sara squirmed and moaned as I sucked on my third pussy of the day.
“My ass is still intact for now, I tried to get two cocks in my pussy like mummy did but I was too tight.”
I stopped and got up “sit on my face and I will suck you dry”
Sara for some reason decided she needed to be naked and then she sat on my face gyrating as I delved deeper with my tongue.
Sara started to cum and she muffled her moans with her free hand, her juices rushed into my mouth and she was so sweet.
If Karen had of walked in on us I would probably not stopped I was lost in some perverted dream.
Then suddenly I felt my pyjama bottoms being tugged down then a warm wet mouth was sucking mycock, I closed my eyes not really wanting to know what was going on but she was getting me so close.
I gave in to my situation and shot my load into my daughter's mouth, Sara just carried on cumming on my mouth as she swallowed my cum down her throat.
Once we had both recovered I felt sick inside, this was so wrong.
“Daddy don't be sad it will be our secret until the next time.”
I wanted to say there would be no next time but things are not in my hands anymore.
I was just glad that our older daughter was normal, well I think she is.
“Sara, have you said anything to your sister about what we have all been up to?”
“No she is very frigid, I feel sorry for Matt her boyfriend he must have very swollen balls, maybe I could go and help him out?”
“Sara I think you have enough without out teasing Matt.”
“I was just kidding”
“I'm off to bed now Sara”
“Night daddy, don't I get a kiss goodnight?”
I bent down to kiss her head, Sara looked at me and pointed to her pussy.
I kissed her pussy and left for bed, I was beginning to think this was all a dream and I would wake up soon, if it was a dream then I'm just as sick as if it wasn't.

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Re: Dilemma

Unread post by Jerzeycuckhub » Fri Jul 21, 2017 9:46 am

Have you ever found out just who Ian is yet and how long this has been going on?????????????

Posts: 28
Joined: Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:29 am

Re: Dilemma

Unread post by Rammerjammer69 » Mon Jul 24, 2017 5:15 am

Please, please continue!!!

Posts: 128
Joined: Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:58 am

Re: Dilemma part 6

Unread post by mace43uk » Wed Aug 09, 2017 11:12 am

I was kind of sad or see Sara go back to university but also very relieved, even her giving me a big hug before she left had my cock twitching and she knew it as she winked at me.
It was hard trying to come to terms with all these conflicting emotions that come with being a cuckold but throw in what must be incest and I was all over the place, so Sara leaving was a blessing.
The next month was very normal which meant no sexual activity of any kind, on reading Karen's diary she was getting very frustrated and mentioned several times how she needed a good hard fucking, but not by me, she was even trying to think of ways to meet up with Ian and Tony but that would be so out of character and raise suspicions.
I did think her mentioning being out of character very amusing, I mean I come home from work late and she has a pussy full of two loads of cum.
That still raises the question that at some point we will have to admit to each other what is going on, I do keep thinking that Karen is trying to show me what she has been doing by her blatant exposure of her used pussy.
So I decided we both needed a night out at a nice restaurant followed by drinks at a cocktail bar, so Friday I told Karen to put on her glad rags we were going out.
Karen was so excited she spent ages getting ready and she came down the stairs looking super hot in her favourite black dress (even more favourite now).
The evening was great we just talked all night and drank way more than we usually do, by the time we arrived home we were both well drunk.
I guess I decided to chance my arm and see just how horny she was, to my surprise Karen was very responsive I stripped her naked and dived straight for her pussy expecting her to stop me but she just opened her legs as wide as possible giving me access to her wet pussy and her ass.
My tongue was flicking her clit whilst I pushed three fingers deep in her pussy, then I had an idea I used my other hand and gently inserted first one finger then another into her ass.
Karen didn't flinch she just rocked herself as my fingers went to work, within a few minutes Karen was starting to orgasm and it was very vocal for her with me, I thought I heard her say “fuck me hard with those cocks” but that could have been wishful thinking on my part.
This was the perfect time to bring up the conversation, I waited until Karen was just about to reach her peak and I said “I bet you wish it was two real cocks instead of my fingers and tongue?”
Well Karen exploded saying “oh god yes” as she thrust about trying to get more of my fingers deep inside her.
I carried on and followed up with “do you want two big fat cocks fucking both your holes and dumping there cum deep inside your cunt” I purposely used that word instead of pussy as I know she absolutely hates it.
“Yes, yes please fill my cunt full” Karen screamed at me.
Karen was lost in her own world just like when Ian and Tony have her, I felt great being able to get her high on sex like those guys have done.
It was a long while before Karen was back on planet earth and I was just smiling albeit with my face covered in Karen's juices.
“God I do love the taste of your cum in my mouth, sometimes it's so creamy” I said
Karen looked at me with a quizzical stare.
This was the moment I had to push her more “Looks like somebody has a secret fantasy of two men at the same time?”
Karen looked at me and said “So we all have fantasies, I bet you have the same one but with two women?”
I took a deep breath and said “actually yours sounds like more fun”
Karen looked again really intently before saying “really me with two men would get you off?”
It was out there, no turning back now “seeing how you responded to my fingers was amazing, I love seeing you cum like that, I mean another man or two, if that's what it takes to make my beautiful wife happy then I'm ok with that”
There was a very long pause before Karen answered “ Yeah I get it, there is no way I'm falling for that just so you can have a threesome with two women”
I didn't expect that answer but I quickly responded “the only threesome I want Is with you and another man.”
Karen's face looked puzzled as she tried to digest the last sentence.
“Really Ted you want to be with another man and me?”
“Yeah, but if you would rather two different men I would be cool just watching you” I guess I might as well get it all out there.
“Wow I never knew you was that kinky Ted”
“Must be my age darling, it's your pleasure that really turns me on”
“Thanks Ted, but this is all fantasy.”
“Only if you want it to be” I knew I had to push her and see what happens
“Are you sure about that, fantasy is one thing but reality might be something we couldn't handle.”
I found that response strange as I know she can handle it ok, so it was me she was referring to.
“As long as you still love me then I can handle anything.” That was my trump card
Karen paused again “And where do you find two men that would be willing to fuck your wife?”
“I think that would be up to you to find the right men for the job” I thought this would give her the opportunity to use Ian and Tony.
“Yeah ok so where do you find men like that, I sure their not in the yellow pages”
“No but I'm sure you get hit on all the time whilst dealing with salesmen and contractors at work” this was a cunning ploy as I knew Ian and Tony were in sales.
Karen smiled before saying “how do you know I get hit on.”
“Well I would if I was dealing with you.”
“So are you really saying that if I could find the right guy or two you would seriously let them fuck me and you just watch?”
“Look if we both love each other enough then a little bit of fun won't harm us”
Karen then done something so out of character as she bent over the bed and said “fuck my ass it might need to be stretched if I'm going to have a big fat cock in it”
I was flabbergasted but still I got my cock out in record time before forcing it into her tight butt hole, Karen squirmed as I thrust as hard as I could.
Karen said “there are a couple of salesmen who keep pestering me, maybe they will be willing”
As she finished that sentence I felt my orgasm start, that in turn started Karen off on another orgasm of her own.
“One of the guys is black, I bet he has a big fat cock for my pussy” Karen managed to scream out as she cum.
I joined in with “I hope he dumps a huge load of cum in your cunt too”
We were both now just screaming out in our own orgasms, it was the best sex we had ever had together.
Once we had both calmed down I actually went down and licked her ass with my cum dripping out, Karen wiggled her ass in my face giggling.
We never spoke anymore about what had just happened that night, and I didn't want to push her anymore, my plan was to just read what she was thinking in her diary.
When I did read it a couple of days later, it revealed that Karen was so happy and excited about my revelations that she had already contacted Ian and Tony telling them all about the new turn of events.
I also gather that plans were being made for this to happen soon, I think some detailed discussions were going on as to a back story so as it appears to be the first time for them all.
All I have to do is just wait and see when it would happen, then I got a text from Sara “well done Dad can't wait until it happens for real for you” with a big smiley face winking.
Oh shit I had forgotten about the spy camera.
I text back “yeah I'm so excited too”
Sara then text me “ where did you get the spy camera from, I want one for my room here at university”
That was a subtle way of her asking me to buy it for he, I knew I didn't really have any option but to so, I answered “leave it to me I will get one and send it to you”
“Thanks dad I will send you the access code once I have set it up, I'm sure you will want to see me playing” then a very big winking smiley face.
I thought I had seen the last of Sara for a while, but it looks like I was very wrong, it was then that I had another thought she shares that room with another girl, Marcy I think her name is.
It was more than a week since our big conversation and still no sign of a date being mentioned although Karen's diary was still saying it was going to happen.
Then out of the blue on Wednesday morning Karen said “I have found two guys willing to fulfill our fantasy but it can only be Friday night, that's if you still want to go through with it”
I thought for a second then said very eagerly “I'm okay with it as long as your comfortable with this men”
“Yeah I have known them for a while both seem genuine and know what we want to happen”
I was very impressed with her calm and nonchalant nature “what is it you have said we want to happen”
“Told them you want to see me fucked hard by two men while you watch” Karen said with a little smile.
“Oh I see you didn't mention how much you want it too” I replied smiling
“I might have mention I want it too”
“Karen would you mind if I filmed you.”
“Umm I have no problem, but will have to run it past Ian and Tony.”
“Good I'm glad you have told me there names”
The next few days seem to drag Karen was constantly shaving her legs and other bits until smooth as possible, she told me what she was wearing her favourite black dress which had seen plenty of action, I got the impression that would be all no underwear.
I was a bag of nerves waiting for that knock on the door but Karen was calm and I was right no underwear as she was very keen to show me.
By the time the knock came I had downed a couple of whiskeys, very nervously I answered the door.
“Welcome in I'm Ted” I said holding out my hand to shake theirs.
“Hi I'm Ian and this is Tony”
Both men made sure that there grip was much stronger than mine showing there dominance, which wasn't an issue for me after all they are going to fuck my wife.
Karen greeted them both with very passionate kisses which did surprise me.
I got my camera ready and did catch the kisses, before asking if they wanted a drink.
“No thanks we just want you wife's pussy, maybe afterwards”
Karen lead the way and Tony, Ian then me followed her up the stairs which meant I could see up her skirt and her naked pussy.
My heart was pounding so loud I was sure the rest could hear it, once in the bedroom Karen got on her knees and was quickly grabbing at Ian and Tony's trousers, within seconds the men were naked from the waist down.
Karen grabbed each of the cocks which were still soft and alternating she sucked them and was enjoying them growing in her mouth.
I have to say that in real life the cocks looked even bigger, I was trying my best to get all the action on camera.
Once hard she stood up and looked at me “Ted unzip my dress please”
I managed to pull down the zip whilst filming leaving her naked in front of two strange men.
Tony kissed her and his big hands grabbed her ass checks pulling them apart to reveal her very smooth ass hole with his big cock just poking out the other side,it looked like Karen was sliding along his shaft.
Once Ian was naked her came up behind Karen sandwiching her between them both, Tony moved away and as he did so I could see that on the top of his big black cock along the shaft there was a coating of Karen's pussy juice from her sliding along it, I instantly zoomed in on that.
It was very quiet as they got themselves into position, Tony on the bed about to get his cock sucked and Ian behind Karen about to enter her doggy style.
They held this pose for a second “Ted are you sure you want them to fuck me?”
I nodded yes.
“No you have to tell them you want them too fuck me hard.” Karen said
“Please fuck my wife hard and make her cum”
“Thank you Ted?” Was her reply as Ian thrust his cock into her wet pussy.
Karen gasped then put her lips around Tony's cock muffling any sounds she was making, it was then that I realised I had cum in my boxers, I now had a huge wet patch visible to everyone, but they were to wrapped up in there own stuff to notice me, for some weird reason I pointed the camera at my wet patch to record my pathetic embarrassment.
I zoomed in on Ian's cock sliding in and out of Karen's pussy, his cock was covered in her juice already.
Karen cum very quickly, I think even quicker than normal, seeing her whole body twitch and shake was so much better in real life and even with Tony's cock in her mouth she was still loud.
I zoomed back on Ian's cock again and now the juice had become a white creamy froth coating it.
Karen slumped forward and off Ian's cock and removing her mouth off Tony's at the same time she was panting “wow I needed that”
She didn't have much rest before Tony was pulling her hips back up and very roughly shoving his slightly bigger cock deep in her pussy, Karen yelped like a dog but still turned and smiled at me.
I zoomed in on Tony's cock pounding her pussy and the contrast was amazing his big black cock stretching her bald white pussy I think I cum again in my boxers.
Ian was on the bed just about to feed his cum covered cock into Karen's mouth, she accepted it eagerly, almost relishing it.
It was only minutes later that Karen started cumming again, just as loud as before, if you think seeing creamy froth on Ian's cock was amazing then seeing it coating a big black cock is awesome.
Both men had big grins on there faces, “this little slut cums so quickly, I bet hubby never gets her off this quick.” Tony said
I just nodded my head no.
“I bet he never gets her off with his cock, I'm guessing he has to use his tongue.” Replied Ian
I was about to nod yes but Karen said “He has a very good tongue I'm sure he will be using it later”
Both the men laughed just to add to my humiliation.
“Okay little slut you can ride my cock now and show hubby what your pussy was made for” Tony said
Karen waited until Tony was laying on the bed and as quick as a flash she was astride about to sink her wet pussy downs his cock, Tony stopped her just an inch from entry “Hey hubby come here and feed my cock in your wife?”
Karen was smiling “Please darling hurry”
I moved forward and Ian grabbed the camera from me, I was nervous I had never touched mother mans cock before, with a shaky hand I felt the power of his cock as my fingers just about wrapped around its slippery cum coated shaft.
I positioned it at the entrance to my wife's slutty pussy, Karen turned to me and said “Thanks darling for making my dreams come true, I love you” as she slide down his cock keeping eye contact with me the whole way down, it was a very tender moment until I felt her wet pussy on my hand, I quickly let go of his cock.
Karen smiled before turning her attention back to Tony, I became aware of just how wet my wife was as my hand was covered in her cream which I started to lick off, I was brought out of my trance as Ian thrust the camera back in my hand.
Karen was laying on Tony's chest slowly riding his big cock, I quickly got in position to film her pussy in all it's glory but I was shoved out of the way by Ian who was lining his cock up to enter Karen's ass.
It was difficult trying to get the best angle to view both cocks in Karen's holes, but I managed and in that short space of time Karen was on a very long drawn out noisy orgasm.which seem to last for ages.
All Karen was saying was over and over again “God I love big cocks, I'm cumming, fuck me, fuck me”
I also cum again for the second time just adding to the mess in my boxers.
I'm not sure but I think Karen might have squirted as it was very wet on the bed and neither men had cum yet.
Karen was almost passing out with pleasure, both Ian and Tony paused for a while giving her time to recover, Ian the pulled out his cock from her ass.
“Hubby I'm going to stretch your wife's cunt so wide yourcock will rattle inside”
Now I know they have done that to her before but I couldn't see it with the spy camera, I was gobsmacked that she could take it al but she did.
Both men got into a perfect rhythm, Karen screamed out “Fucking hell my cunt is so full, please cum in me”
The pace picked up and so did the noise from the men Tony said “I do love white married cum sluts and this one is the best”.
“Yeah, I bet this runs in the family, she has two daughters, they might need to be trained”
Karen managed to say “no my daughters are good girls” and looked at me for support but I was too busy watching her pussy being stretched.
“Look slut you don't have a say in this, if I want one of your daughters to train, you will do it willingly or this will be the last time you feel stretched.” Tony ordered.
Karen said nothing she was too busy cumming to argue.
Ian said “which one shall we train hubby, Sara or Megan?”
Now this was like Sophie's Choice, but it was an easy decision really, “Sara” was all I said
That was the last words spoken as both men together dumped there huge loads deep in my wife's cunt.
The room smelled of sex and heavy breathing, I was soaking wet and sticky trying to capture the after glow on film.
Eventually both the men's cocks softened and slipped out, wow I could see so far inside my wife's cunt there was a pool of white cum waiting to flow out.
Karen rolled over onto her back then pulled her legs up almost over her head making sure Ian and Tony's cum doesn't leak out.
Ian grabbed the camera off me and pointed to my wife's cunt “Best you show us just how good your tongue is”
“Please darling hurry I don't want to have a black baby, you have to suck it all out.”
Tony said “you would do better sitting on his face and let gravity help you”
I lay down next to Karen and she swung her leg over and thrust her open pussy over my mouth, the rush of thick creamy goo aided by Karen's juices filled my mouth, it was hard to swallow but I had no choice as more was flowing out behind.
I heard Karen making slurping noises but I couldn't see anything, my best guess was she was performing a similar cleaning service on Tony and Ian's cocks.
I did hear Tony say, “look at these two cum sluts”
Ian replied “ could be interesting once Sara has been trained.”
Then they both laughed.
I never heard Tony or Ian leave I was too busy trying to get the men's baby making juices out of my wife's well used cunt.
Karen had a small orgasm before swinging her leg off me she had the camera in her hand filming my cum covered face, she was laughing.
“That was amazing Ted, thank you, I hope we can do that again please”
“I love you Karen and I would do this again.”
“Do you think they were serious about our daughter Ted?”
“I don't know, you know them better than me.”
“Why did you say Sara?”
“I guess she was still on my mind after being here from university”
“I probably would have said her too” replied Karen
“Oh she is a horny little minx”
“How the hell would you know that?” I said
“Oh I've caught her several times playing with herself.”
“You never said anything to me about that.”
“Thought it was best kept between us girls.”
“Well it is very natural to masterbate.” I said
“Oh god yeah I was always playing with myself as a teenager” Karen replied
“Does that mean Megan is the same”
“No I think she is the opposite”
“So we only have one that's like you” I said smiling
“What you mean a slut”
“Umm I think after tonight's showing that is definitely a crown you have earned”
“Ha ha, you are just as much a slut as me, I mean look at your trousers, how many times have you cum in them.”
Karen and I both started laughing, then Karen pointed to her pussy as a small globule of white goo leaked out “think you missed a bit”
I went back between her legs and licked up the leakage as I was doing that Karen said “Ted I've always been a slut”
I looked up and said “so what does that mean, have you been cheating on me?”
“Umm only a couple of times”
I was ready for her to tell me, “okay darling please tell me I won't be mad”
“The first time was back before we was married and then a few months ago at the party”
I knew the last bit but was shocked about before we was married I thought I best come clean too.
“Darling I know about the party and the other times when I worked late, that's why I gave you the chance to use Ian and Tony”
Karen looked shocked but smiled “I'm glad it's all out the open”
I decided that telling her about the spy camera might lead to het wanting to see what I have been recording which could mean she finds out about Sara the diary and everything else.


Re: Dilemma

Unread post by OOAA » Thu Aug 10, 2017 12:30 am

SUPER SUPER SUPER PRETTY AMAZING story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations and thansk a lot for sharing!

Posts: 128
Joined: Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:58 am

Re: Dilemma part 7

Unread post by mace43uk » Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:37 am

So once we was downstairs having a cup of coffee I calmly asked “who was you cheating with back before we was married?”
Karen looked down at the ground and very quietly said “My uncle Harry”
Now I was very shocked, I had meet him a few times before he died, I do remember Karen saying she used to spend a lot of time on their farm riding the couple of ponies their had.
“Okay did he abuse you as a child?”
“Oh god no he was very sweet, he spent most of the time looking after the farm and my sick aunt who we now know had dementia.”
“So how did he come to be fucking you?”
“Oh that's a long story?”
“We have plenty of time darling, I think you owe me the truth”
Karen looked a bit upset but took a deep breath and then began to tell me all.
“Ted it really started back when I found out how much I liked playing with myself, once I did I was constantly trying to find things to insert in my pussy to get myself off, I was about thirteen and over the next year it became clear to me that big was best in my pussy”
“My uncle never touched me during my early teens although I would often catch him spying on my when I was getting dressed or in the bathtub, you see I used to stay over at the farm as I loved riding the ponies, I will say it's true riding does make you horny and back then I didn't need much to set me off.”
“I knew he had seen me naked a few times but that just turned me on more, he even caught me fingering my self once and just watched me.”
I said “wow that was a bit risky of him”
“Not really as I was the one putting him that position”
“Oh I forgot he used to from when I was very little read me stories whilst I sat on his lap and that continued even up till I was into my teens, I used to enjoy them even more when it was bedtime as I would be just in my nightie and no panties on so I could feel his leg or something else very close to my pussy”
“OMG you can't be serious you actually put him in that position”
“Yeah I look back now and think what a little slut I was, and it gets worse I used to imagine him doing stuff to me, then one summer's evening when I was just sixteen he was wearing shorts and I sat on his leg wanting one of his stories but my nightie was short and my naked pussy was on his bare leg, I was so turned on I could feel my juices leaking on his leg, when he finished the story I got up and left him with a very wet leg”
“Karen you didn't, that's so naughty, what did he do?”
“I only looked back briefly but I'm sure he run his finger over my juice and then licked it”
“Also at this time I had started experimenting with boys but nothing too heavy, just letting them finger me and one boy licked my pussy, but none seemed any good I was doing a better job myself, then I meet Tommy he was so cute and we became boyfriend and girlfriend, I sucked my first cock and I really enjoyed it but he was very small, smaller than you, eventually we fucked and it was so disappointing but most first times are, we tried lots of times but it never did anything for me so I got him to use his tongue and fingers to get me off.”
“We stayed together for a while but he wasn't the one for me, things all changed for me on my eighteenth birthday, my uncle had a special present for me, he had got me my own horse, I stayed over that night and that's when it happened.”
“I'm going to need more info than that Karen”
“Okay it was late and I had just helped Harry put my aunt to bed, I mean she didn't know who any of us were now so sad, I sat down on the sofa and Harry came in and stood right next to me, he then said “Karen I think you should show me how thankful you are” he then undid his trousers pulled down his boxers and this huge cock fell out just inches from my face”
“I was shocked at first but my mouth was quickly over his cock and it grew bigger in my mouth, it was maybe bigger than Ian or Tony's, then things were a blur but let's just say I rode his cock like I rode my horse and I experienced my first true orgasm or should I say orgasms, I even cum when he unloaded in me I could feel his cum pumping in me.”
“So you used to go riding often after that I bet.”
“Yeah it was perfect for me as he couldn't get me pregnant as he had been snipped.”
“Hang on I met you when you was nineteen and you used to still go riding a lot back then”
“Yeah I'm sorry but your cock wasn't big enough to fulfil that need but your fingers and tongue were fab.”
“Karen be honest with me, did I ever lick your pussy after Harry had fucked you?”
“Honestly you only ever licked me when he had fucked me, after the first time I realised that you might notice the difference when it was just my juices so I had to keep up the pretence, now you understand why I never let you lick me after we got married until recently”
“I see that sort of makes sense now, I'm so glad you told me all this and I'm not mad at all, just very turned on now”
“Thanks for being so understanding Ted, it's a weight off my shoulders”
Karen came over pulled down my messy trousers and boxers, she wrapped her lips around my wet hard cock and started sucking as she was doing that I then remembered that on our wedding night Karen let me lick her first before I fucked her.
“Karen you little slut, Harry fucked you on our wedding night didn't he?”
Karen looked up and nodded yes, she broke from my cock to say “he fucked me in my wedding dress it was his wedding present for me” then she put my cock back in her mouth just in time as I shot another load into her mouth, Karen swallowed it then smiled at me “I said I was always a slut”
“Was that the last time he fucked?”
“Can you remember licking my pussy anytime after that”
“Those have been my only lapses so far” and she lingered on the so far.
Karen left me and got in the shower I took the camera and downloaded the video onto my lap top as well I removed the memory card from the spy camera and downloaded that as well whilst Karen was in the shower, whilst doing that I guess I realised that Sara will have seen all the action.
I made sure both videos were kept well apart, if Karen saw the spy camera videos she will know about Sara me and her diary.
We both slept like babies and I got up early to make breakfast and whilst doing that I got a long text from Sara “ wow dad what a night you both had and the training i'm going to get, I'm really looking forward to that, send me a copy of the vid you took, I see you haven't come clean about the spy camera, oh and here is the code for my spy camera xxxxxx”
I just text back “thanks”
Once Karen was up she looked amazing so alive and happy she was wearing tight shorts and a crop top just like the teenagers wear, and no underwear as she had a very pronounced camel toe and nipples erect.
Karen said “ you like my new look”
“Where did you get them from?”
“Found them in Sara's room, I'm surprised I got in the shorts, they are a bit too tight” as she pointed to her pussy
“So you plan to go out like that?”
“Would you like me too?” Karen replied
“Ummm I suppose being a slut requires a certain dress code” i replied laughing
“Ha ha, I might just wear it out for that comment”
“Maybe a short skirt with no panties on would be a better option” I replied
“Then you will have to buy me one, get your wallet we are going shopping for slut clothes.”
At first I thought she was joking, but she was deadly serious.
She didn't go out in Sara's clothes, she put on more respectable attire albeit with no underwear which was becoming a feature with her lately.
Karen managed to buy a lot of short skirts and very revealing tops, I was at a loss as to when she would actually wear them, but maybe it was for Ian and Tony's benefit.
Whilst having coffee Karen wanted to see the video of last night I linked up the laptop to our big screen tv.
It was the best porn movie ever, Karen was transfixed at how stretched her pussy was with two cocks in it, and just how vocal she was, when it ended she looked at me and said “ omg I'm such a slut, you make sure nobody sees this, we need to put it somewhere safe”
“What about on a cloud”
“Really is that safe enough, can't you put it on a memory stick and lock it away somewhere safe.”
“Yeah but where is a safe place, if we get burgled people will know who we are and have blackmail potential.”
“Give it to me I have a safe place that no one will find it”
I gave her the memory stick but it was still on the laptop and so I put it on a cloud and sent Sara a text with its location.
I then realised that I bet this place is where her other diaries are kept, Karen took the memory stick and left, I heard her in the attic, so they are up there, then I remembered she has this old heavy chest just like the pirates treasure chest with huge big locks on it, Karen said it was all her childhood toys and memories.
I just need to find the keys and then I would find out if she was telling me everything, which I was sure she had.
I caught her coming down from the attic but she didn't have any keys on her and the locks required big keys.
“Safe now” was all she said.
Some days later I managed to get up in the attic, there was no way of opening these locks without keys, but on the end of the chest was a makers name.
As there was no name on the locks I guessed it all came as a package, so a google search might give me a clue, and oh it did, the locks were false locks it had a secret opening but it didn't say how or where.
A few more days passed and I got a text from Sara “OMG mums pussy was so stretched, I'm wetting myself with anticipation of having the same.”
Just after the text I got a spy camera alert and I knew it wasn't my camera as I had turned off the alerts for now.
I knew I shouldn't look but I couldn't help myself, Sara was naked with something big and black thrusting in and out of her pussy, it was a huge rubber dildo, and just like her mother it was coated in white froth.
She cum very quickly muffling her screams with a pillow over her face, once she had finished she looked right into the camera and said “Soon this will be a real black cock, Daddy”
I was ashamed of myself as I too was wet again.
I sent Sara a text “hey I'm not sure how you think your mum is going to let you do what she has been doing”
She replied “Oh I will speak to mum”
I was puzzled as to what she could say that would convince Karen to let her daughter be used like a cheap slut.
What ever she said a few days later Karen said out of the blue “Ian and Tony were serious about training Sara.”
“What you saying darling”
“I don't think we have any option really, if we want to continue having fun with them and they threatened to expose us to our friends on social media”
“Hang on I don't care about people knowing that much”
“Really Ted, I will be branded a slut which I can just about cope with but you will be a sick pervert who made his wife do this plus I really need their cocks”
I knew Karen was right it would be worse for me.
“Okay you have a point but how are you going to get Sara on board?”
“I will speak to her I'm sure she would do it for us.”
I said nothing but I did wonder what had been said by Sara to get her mother to comply.
I waited a whole week before asking “ Karen if this whole thing happens with Sara, what is my part in all this.”
Karen looked at me and said “ you don't have a part in this that would be very wrong, you need to work late when Sara is back at home and I will call you when it's all over.”
This was the first time I felt really left out.
I text Sara “hey you have managed to get your way, but I'm being pushed out, thanks”
Sara replied “ I'm sorry dad but I think this was the only way, it took a lot of convincing just to get her to accept the mother daughter combo, although Tony and Ian jumped at it, anyway you'll get to watch on camera”
I was going to ask how she managed it but probable best I not know.
I did text her and ask “does that mean Tony and Ian are going to have you both together in the same room?”
“Yeah that's the plan” she text back with a big smiley face.
I didn't have to worry about it now, it would be another four weeks till Sara was back home.
So I spent the next week trying to solve the puzzle of opening the chest, and then I got in it was so simple.
I was right all her diaries were here, they start when she is 12 and there was not much in the first one, that changed when she was 13 and she found her pussy, god I thought I masterbated a lot but Karen was going to the next level.
From what I read she was mostly telling the truth, she just left out how much she teased her uncle, he caught her lots of times playing with herself all of which was done on purpose by Karen, she went on to say he sometimes rubbed himself whilst he watched but he never touched her until her 18th Birthday.
It also was true about our wedding night, but she did leave out two other lapses, one time very shortly after her aunt died when she was comforting her uncle he took her and fucked her all night long, I do remember her staying over that time.
The other time was not her uncle and was only 3 years ago and this was a real shock.
It was some guy we had doing some work on our shower unit, Karen was at home and according to her she was very very horny and made sure the guy knew she was, so he ended up fucking her brains out on our bed and to make things even better he had a big cock, but worse was to follow, Sara came home early from school and caught Karen and this guy fucking her doggy fashion.
Neither of them noticed her at first until she moaned because my horny daughter had her panties down around her ankles fingering herself as she watched her mother.
I then read that the guy spotted her and beckoned her in, he wanted to fuck Sara as well but Karen said no, Sara wanted him to, so as a compromise the guy got Sara to strip naked and finger herself at the top of the bed for his visual pleasure whilst he fucked Karen from behind.
Karen mentioned she cum three times on his cock, the last orgasm was filled with mixed emotions as he pushed her head into Sara's pussy, apparently Sara rubbed herself on her mums face asking her to lick her.
Karen went on to say she cum so hard and found herself licking her daughter to her own orgasm at the same time, it was all too much for the guy he pumped his load into Karen as they all cum together.
The guy must have thought all his dreams had come true, he even got them both on there knees cleaning his cock together.
He did try to push his luck and suggest Sara lick her mums filled pussy, which Sara was very keen to do but somehow Karen managed to get herself together and stopped it.
She went on to say if he had got his way, she was sure that whilst Sara was licking her pussy, Sara's pussy would be an open invitation for him to fuck her as his cock was still very hard.
Karen's last comment was that she now thinks it would have been better to have let the guy fuck Sara rather than what actually happened and she is going straight to hell.
Me as well I thought.
The only saving grace was she did preserve Sara's virginity and it also made them very close as from then on Sara told her everything she did sexually and apparently in great detail.
From what I have read it seems this guy might have unlocked the slut that was buried after Harry died, Karen goes on about how horny she is all the time, imagining herself being used by every man that she comes in contact with.
I'm now thinking it might be Karen who convinces Sara to do the mother/daughter combo.
So I know it all and I really need to help Karen be what she really is and more often, I'm thinking of looking online for men to satisfy her as well as Ian and Tony.
I sat Karen down and said “I love you so much and I realise just how much you need to be a slut, so I have put your profile up on a web site just for this kind of thing, I also used a pic of you naked from the vid.”
Karen just threw her arms around me and said “I hope the pic shows my best side.”
“Oh yeah it does.”
“Show me please”
I opened the laptop and left her to it, I was expecting her to be a bit angry as maybe I had gone to far with what she wants and the other pics of her open pussy leaking cum.
All she done was to smile and read all the responses of what men would do to her along with other men wanting to lick the cum out.
She was getting very turned on by some of the bulls displaying their huge weapons to use on her.
I seized on this and got between her legs under the table and pulled her legs apart, Karen adjusted herself so as to give me better access, I literally ripped her panties off and used my tongue on her wet pussy.
Karen cum very quickly on my tongue it was now my mission to please her I anyway possible.
Karen got up and said “I'm going to call Tony and Ian, see if they're free, I need some big cock darling”
“Do you want me there with you?”
“Of course darling you will be needed to film and clean” she smiled at me
She then said “I think you should clean them as well as me”
I just nodded yes.
The next day I called Sara “hey guess what I've been reading”
“You've found the other diaries haven't you?”
“yeah and it was very revealing especially the part of you catching your mother being naughty with the repair man”
“Oh how much was in the diary?”
“Umm let's just say I'm not the only one to have licked your pussy”
“Sorry daddy, I mean I did want his cock but mummy said no, I just had to finger myself for his pleasure.”
“Yeah she did say that and him pushing her face into your pussy”
“I did make the most of it and asked mummy to lick me which she did and we all cum together.”
“Your mum feels very guilty for doing that.”
“Did she say anything else?”
“What about you cleaning his cock together”
“Was that all?” Sara replied
I knew that meant there was more.
“Sara tell me everything?”
She paused “He wanted me to lick mummy's cum filled pussy”
“Yeah she did say that he wanted that but she refused it”
“That's true she did and told the guy to leave as I was underage, he left very quickly, mummy was very upset about what had happened, but I just couldn't take my eyes off the cum leaking out of her pussy”
“What did you do Sara?”
“Mummy was laying on her back still, I jumped up and before she could react my mouth was on her pussy licking the cum leaking out, she struggled at first telling me to stop but I was so determined I prized her legs further apart and really pushed my tongue as far up as I could go, used my fingers as well, mummy soon stopped struggling and then I felt her hand on the back of my head pulling me further in, I really get what you like about licking a freshly fucked pussy.”
“Sara did she cum in your mouth?”
“Yeah, so that means you have both cum in my mouth.”
“Wow she never put that in the diary.”
“Hey the really cool thing is I didn't lose my virginity until I was eighteen, I mean I had plenty of cocks but just blowjobs, it also meant I had a lot of pussy too, I found licking mummy was so much fun I guess I wanted it all”
“Okay I'm even more upset I'm not going to be with you when they have you both.”
“Dad I will save some for you afterwards once you have finished cleaning mummy come and see me”
“Thanks darling”
“You know dad, mummy has only had six cocks in her life, and your not the smallest, actually your number five, I know about five of them but the sixth is a mystery.”
“If you promise not to say anything I will tell you who the other was.”
“I promise dad.”
“It was her uncle Harry on her eighteenth birthday and for the next two years until we got married.”
“OMG did you find out from her diaries.”
“No your mum told the other day”
“So she stopped once you got married?”
“Well mostly, she did have one last lapse, just after her aunt died, she spent the night comforting Harry.”
“Umm that's one way to comfort somebody I suppose.”
“Yeah but that's it until the repair guy and now Ian and Tony.”
“So that makes Harry the one with the biggest cock, then Tony, Ian, the repair guy, you and mums first boyfriend in that order.”
“How would you know that?”
“Since the repair guy we tell each other everything in great detail.”
“Wow it's a shame uncle Harry died I would have liked to have met him”
“Really Sara you have no shame.”
“If it's good enough for mum I'm sure it would have been great for me.” Sara was laughing when she said goodbye
So it's official sluts are hereditary.
Karen came home and rushed straight upstairs to the bedroom without saying a word to me I followed up and caught her getting undressed just about to jump in the shower.
“What's all the rushing about for.”
“Gotta get ready Ian and Tony are free tonight”
“Okay anything I can do to help darling”
“Umm yeah can you sort me out something to wear”
“Okay will do”
I found all her slut clothes and really couldn't decide which combo, I then had her favourite black dress out which had seen a lot of action already, but I then put them all away, and left the perfect outfit for her.
When Karen finally finished all her cleaning and shaving routine she came in and said “Ted can you check that I haven't missed any hairs please” as she pointed to her pussy and ass.
Whilst I was checking she said “what did you find for me to wear then”
I got up off my knees and handed her a silk choker.
Karen looked at me and said “ that's not going to cover much just round my neck”
“Hey you don't need anything, you're beautiful enough as you are”
“Wow your so sweet but I can't answer the door to them like this”
“Oh I think you should”
“Really Ted the neighbors might see”
“Yeah and then they will no what a slut you are”
“Ted are you angry with me, and trying to punish me,
“No Karen it's the opposite of that I'm proud of you, I love you and want you to never have to hide the slut inside ever again, oh and it would be so naughty”
“If you're sure I will do it, but I do hope nobody sees me”
Karen then said “Ian and Tony won't be able to fuck my ass tonight as I haven't got time to prepare myself for that”
I knew what she meant as you can't just go out and do anal it requires some special preparation.
“I'm sure your pussy will be more than enough for them”
“I hope your tongue is feel strong, you will be needing it a lot tonight as I have mentioned to the guys you will be cleaner tonight”
I was very apprehensive about that but Karen's pleasure was everything so I would just get on with it.
Karen had just got down stairs when there was a knock at the door, Karen went to answer it naked, well she I'd have a choker on, I then thought what if it wasn't them, it could be a neighbor or anybody.
It sort of turned me on thinking it could be somebody else and for a few seconds I actually wished it would be.
For Karen's sake it was Ian and Tony they were very surprised, Karen even threw her arms around each of the men in the doorway kissing them passionately before closing the door.
“Wow Karen, you are wearing the slut badge with honour tonight” said Ian
“This was my hubby's idea”
“Perhaps we will get the same greeting when we take both hubby's wife and daughter” said Tony laughing.
“Enough talk I need some big cock”
Karen grabbed Tony's hand and led the way I had been filming it all so far the front door part was really naughty.
Once in the bedroom they all moved in like a dance sequence, Karen got to her knees, the men undressed and cocks were being sucked to full stature.
Karen was very horny and almost cum as Ian entered her from behind, I mean she just about got Tony's cock in her mouth before telling us all she was cumming.
I filmed and cum in my boxers as each man took turns in the various positions making Karen cum numerous times.
Then it was time for the final act, double cock in cunt time.
I will never ever get sick of seeing her used and stretched so much, her orgasms have been very loud and violent but when this happens it is scary, she seems like she goes into a seizure.
Then they erupt inside her just adding to her pleasure and mine, but that means that my part is about to start.
I wasn't sure how this was going to work as Karen's pussy would be leaking everywhere and the guys cocks would be dripping with juices.
So Tony left his cock buried in Karen, I handed to camera to Ian who filmed my tentative first licks of a mans cock.
I could hear Karen saying “hurry darling you have lots of stuff to lick clean”
I surprised myself and found the task not that bad and once Ian was satisfied I had done a good job it was Tony's cock hitting my face and his was even more messy from staying inside my wife's full pussy.
He took a little longer to clean up but it was now time for my real prize, my wife's cum filled pussy.
Karen had got her legs up in the air stopping anything from leaking out.
I lay down next to her and said “Darling sit on my face, feed me all their cum please”
Karen smiled and was over my mouth in seconds, the flood of juice was choking me but I was cumming in my boxers at the same time.
I heard the men say “We will see you soon Karen, we will let ourselves out”
“Thank you from both of us, we will see you again soon, oh I mean Sara and I” Karen said
Karen then cum as she said that, making me cum as well squirting even more stuff in my boxers.
I was thinking that all my pussy licking would not be captured on camera with the departure of Ian and Tony, but Karen had the camera getting a bird's eye view of my licking.
“Ted I love you, thank you for all this, I'm sorry that my next adventure will be without you, I will save you some cream.”
“Yeah I know it would be so wrong, so I will be content with a creampie, that's all supposing that they don't dump there loads in Sara only.”
That was something that Karen hadn't thought of “Oh god they probably will”
I was ok cause I would get some either way.


Re: Dilemma

Unread post by OOAA » Thu Aug 17, 2017 2:54 pm

AMAZING STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posts: 128
Joined: Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:58 am

Re: Dilemma part 8

Unread post by mace43uk » Mon Aug 21, 2017 12:12 am

The next few weeks were very quiet, I got the feeling we was all waiting for Sara to come home from university, and as fate would have it I actually had to work late the first Friday that Sara was home.
Karen was already making plans once I told her and so was Sara, I kept getting alerts of her very excited shoving that black dildo in her pussy and smiling.
It was nice seeing Sara and she was so affectionate again with us both, so much so Karen asked me “Is anything going on with you too?”
“No, I guess she must just be very excited about her training”
“Yeah I think you're right she has been pestering me about what we are going to wear for them”
“Do I need to know or would it be better I didn't”
“Umm probably best you not know”
“No chance it being filmed then?”
“Really Ted, you want to see your little girl naked and being filled?”
“Of course not, just going to miss seeing you being used” God only knows just how much I did want to see her being a slut like her mother.
“You know I would rather you be there but you will have to do with a creampie”
Karen was learning all the terminology, she was even looking to get a hotwife anklet and she might even go as far as a tattoo, I have said the tattoo has to be in a place that is not very obvious.
Friday morning was here and I was feeling neglected going to work and not being part of tonight's fun I did leave my camera in the bedroom, just in case somebody wanted to record any action.
The day dragged on I got most of what I had to do done, so by 17:00hrs I setup my laptop ready for the spy camera to give me a clue as to what Karen would be wearing.
It was about half an hour later that Karen appeared getting undressed and hitting the shower, Sara soon after entered the room smiling at the camera as she got undressed too making sure I got a good eyeful of her charms.
When Karen had finished in the shower Sara got in leaving Karen checking her pussy and ass, this process was repeated when Sara was finished in the shower and at one point they checked each other.
I couldn't see what they were picking out to wear but I had a suspicion that the slut clothes would probable be used.
I was right both Karen and Sara were kitted out in short skirt and a crop top, I could see that no underwear was being worn.
The weird thing is Sara didn't have any makeup on and her hair was in two bunches either side it made her look a lot younger than she was, Karen was dressed the same way.
I had no idea what time it was all going to kick off, the girls then left the bedroom, so I decided to finish off the last bits of work.
My next alert came at just after 19:00hrs, Karen and Sara were in the bedroom standing side by side in front of Ian and Tony like they were on an inspection parade.
The girls had there back to the camera, then Karen lifted the front of Sara's skirt I assume to show the guys what they would be getting.
Then Sara turned around to show them her ass, whilst in that position she smiled and blew me a kiss.
Both girls then got to there knees and I could only see the back of their heads moving as they sucked the guy's cocks to life.
Sara had Tony's cock which I guessed would happen, I knew Sara was making sure I got glimpses of it in her mouth.
Both men had got themselves naked from the top down, I now wish I had put another recording device as there was some dialogue which wasn't being picked up.
The girls together got up and Karen pulled up Sara's top revealing her pert young breasts, Karen then undone Sara's skirt letting it fall to the floor, Sara was now naked and the hands of both men were groping her tits and ass as they spun her around like a toy, when she was facing the camera she would smile at me.
Sara returned the favour and stripped Karen naked, both girls were then bent over the end of the bed facing towards my spy camera, each of them had a look of anticipation and lust.
I was touched by the fact they held hands as Tony and Ian positioned themselves behind each of them.
Tony was behind Karen and Ian was behind Sara, the camera picked up the sound the girls made as there pussies were stretched open, I become aware of my own cock leaking in my boxers.
To be honest there wasn't a lot of training needed for my daughter she was very comfortable with the hard fucking she was getting, and she cum first, she just kept saying “Oh fuck, please don't stop I'm cumming”
Karen was watching her daughter cumming and I'm sure seeing that set her off, she almost seem to be in competition, as she just said “fucking hell my cunt is on fire”
I was close to cumming in my boxers and I was so wrapped up in what I was watching I didn't hear my office door open.
The cleaner women was virtually by my side when she said “ watching porn again Ted?”
I tried to shut down the laptop but I was in such a fluster I didn't manage to, she grabbed it and turned it towards her, “umm you like mother/ daughter stuff, wow she looks a bit young, hope this is not one of those dodgy sites”
I was so fucked “No I'm sure she is old enough it's a proper site”
“Whatever, makes no difference to me, just means you will be my bitch again”
She was still watching my wife and daughter get well fucked, when I then realised that if she looks on my desk she will see a very recent family portrait of us all.
“Ok what do you want?” I said
“Umm your tongue was very good last time, but I'm very horny watching these two get fucked, I'm going to bend over your desk and you can fuck me as hard as these two”
She undid her overall and was naked underneath which I was surprised by, she must have seen the puzzled look on my face.
“Yeah I saw you was in and took off all my underwear so I would be ready”
For her age, which I would put at over 50 she was in not bad condition, I dropped my trousers and boxers, I positioned myself behind her and I shoved my wet cock in as hard as I could into her wet pussy making her yelp.
Hearing her yelp gave me a feeling of superiority and made me give her everything I had, she was still watching the laptop, I tried not to watch as I would shoot my load very quickly seeing what was going on, I did see briefly that Sara and Karen had changed partners.
I did manage to turn the family portrait face down.
I was really surprised she cum as quick as she did, and it was just like Karen does when Tony or Ian are doing her.
I didn't last much longer and dumped my load in her, I looked up and now my wife and daughter were astride the two men riding their cocks, my own cock wasn't softening.
The cleaner said “you can fuck my ass.”
I thought what the hell might as well.
When I pushed my cock in her ass I could see my cum dribbling out of her cunt.
I would say she cum even quicker with me up her ass, she had now shut the laptop, which was a relief for me.
My ordeal was not finished, really shouldn't call it an ordeal I was enjoying it.
“Ted you can lick all that cum you have dumped in me, my hubby won't be best pleased with me bringing home this kind of pie”
My cum is not the same as licking other men's but I still enjoyed it as did she having her third orgasm.
She got dressed and picked up my family portrait to reposition it back on my desk.
“OMG the two in the porn are your wife and one of your daughters”
She grabbed the laptop and opened it up and was looking between the picture and the laptop.
“What the fuck is this you pervert”
“No it's ok they no i'm watching and so do the guys, I'm a cuckold”
I was so fucked there was no other way to handle this but tell the truth.
She looked at me for a while “I know what being a cuckold is but you have your daughter in the setup?”
“Yeah the guy's are blackmailing us, if we didn't let them have our daughter they would tell everybody about what we are.”
I really didn't think that would be enough to satisfy her.
“How old is your daughter.”
“She doesn't look like she is being forced to do it”
“No, I know I shouldn't say this but she is a little slut”
“It must run in your family, so is your wife”
“Please don't say anything, I will do whatever you want”
“Okay, but I'm going to need something in return”
“Okay what do you want?”
“I would very much like to meet those two guys.”
I didn't see that coming, I was now left with a very difficult dilemma, how the hell was I going to achieve that without a million questions being asked by Karen.
“That will be difficult as my wife doesn't know I'm watching, I'm sorry I lied about that part of it but the rest is true.”
“Well you will have to be very creative then.”
I thought maybe if I could get in touch with Tony and Ian, I might be able to arrange a meet.
“Yes I will do it”
“My name is Mary” she said as she got on her knees and took my still hard cock in her mouth.
She then looked up and said “if you want to carry on watching I will suck you till you cum in my mouth.”
I opened up the laptop and saw Sara taking a cock in both her holes I think, I instantly felt my cock start to respond and I cum again pumping all my load down Mary's throat.
Mary looked up and said “that didn't take long, what was on the screen?”
I just showed her my daughter taking both men's cocks.
“OMG you're right she is a slut.”
Mary gave me her phone number and email address as she left.
“I look forward to hearing from you soon Ted”
I had missed so much of the action going on at home I decided to wait till I can watch it all in comfort at a later date.
It has been a long night, some two and half hours have elapsed and I still hadn't got a text telling me to come home.
I left the office anyway and slowly drove home expecting a text any moment soon.
It's now three hours and I'm driving around waiting and now thinking what the hell they can't be still fucking after all this time.
Finally the text came “Sorry darling it was a bit long, we are all finished and I have something for you”
I just text back “I'm not too far away see you soon”
I was just about to go when I got another text “ hi dad, what a night, I'm so well fucked and I have a little gift for you once you have done mummy”
“Okay see you later”
I got in and almost run up the stairs I entered the bedroom and Karen was on her back with her legs in the air keeping the creampie deep in her pussy, that meant Sara didn't get it all.
I dived between Karen legs and the smell and taste hit me, my tongue was sliding as far as it could go into her stretched and puffy used pussy.
I didn't expect there to be as much cum in her pussy, but it was filled leaving me a bit puzzled as it seems Sara has some for me as well.
Karen manoeuvred me onto my back and sat on my face I was struggling to breath but Karen was in her world and started to cum again, that just made my task even harder as more juice filled my mouth, shortly afterwards Karen slumped off me saying “I'm sorry darling I'm absolutely fucked, I need some rest”
She just rolled off me and got under the covers and within minutes she was asleep.
This worked out really good for me, I left my room and headed to Sara's room, I entered to find her in just a pair of panties.
“You was quick, did you get it all out of her?”
“I'm not sure your mother was very tired, she is fast asleep now”
“Did you watch all the action?”
“No I was disturbed so I missed most of the action, but I will watch it later.”
“Umm there are some surprises in store for you.”
I looked at Sara and her breasts were marked, she removed her panties and her normally tight little pussy was so stretched and puffy I felt sorry for her.
I had to ask “ your mother had a lot of cum in her pussy I did think it would be your pussy filled and not hers.”
“They had plenty for both of us, they both cum twice”
I then got between my daughters legs and she grabbed the back of my head and pulled me deep into her fucked pussy.
I was in heaven and she too had a lot of cum in her, I took my time being gentle and it worked as she too cum in my mouth.
I was so hard now it was a bit painful, I got my cock out “Sara suck my cock”
She took it in her mouth, she was good at doing blowjobs, for some reason I stopped her.
“Daddy am I not doing it right?”
“I want your pussy on my cock?
Sara looked at me and smiled as she straddled me sliding her used pussy down my cock.
To be fair I really couldn't feel much and I knew she couldn't either but that didn't detract from my pleasure.
I sat up and sucked on her pert little breasts, biting her nipples and fingering her ass hole, I was really surprised Sara cum so loudly, had to put my hand over her mouth.
Hearing her cum on my cock made me explode inside her, I'm not sure I had much actually cum being pumped inside but it felt so good.
As I left Sara's room she said “you might want to check your camera, I know the guys used it to film bits and pieces”
“Really, I didn't think anybody would”
“Oh they would like a copy, it has some very naughty stuff on it”
I was not tired and sneaked back into our bedroom, retrieved the camera and took it downstairs.
I hooked it up to my laptop and then watched.
The first actual action was just Ian showing Tony's and his cocks fucking Karen no Sara from behind, other scenes followed of two cocks in Karen's pussy which I realised Sara was filming, the next shot was Sara trying to take the two cocks but she was too tight so her ass was used instead for one of them, that meant Karen was filming.
But I didn't expect the last scene, it was Sara and Karen in a 69 position on their sides licking some cum from each of their pussies, and it was so erotic my cock jumped back to attention, just to make the scene complete Karen and Sara orgasmed almost together, I now know why it was such a long fuck session, this scenario was definitely for the guys to get them hard again.
Tony was first on the scene he shoved his cock in Sara's pussy whilst Karen was still licking her, Ian filmed it then he must have swapped with Tony as he did the same to Karen's pussy as Sara licked her.
I cum in my boxers again and it was just a dribble but still counts.
My daughter was fast become our sex toy, I know I should feel guilty but I don't and now I have all the ammo to be included the next time.


Re: Dilemma

Unread post by OOAA » Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:29 pm

AMAZING chapter!!!!!

Posts: 39
Joined: Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:51 am
Location: Utah

Re: Dilemma

Unread post by boblouis723 » Thu Nov 02, 2017 1:39 pm

Is there more to the story???

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