A little introduction

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by isinlarsa » Mon Jul 03, 2017 3:53 am

I've especially enjoyed a couple of your experiences. Your interaction with the preacher's wife is particularly scintillating. You are lucky that Farmgirl is cool with it. Many hotwives demand fidelity from their husbands -- which does add a degree of lasciviousness to the experience. And your wife's most recent experience with L's wife adds yet another erotic element. Now L's wife knows and approves of L's relationship with Farmgirl, and she has her own "lover on the side" to help tend her garden (I love her simile). It will be interesting to see what sort of conversations the two of them have in the future. Do you think L know of his wife's dalliances? It would be amusing if he didn't.

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by isinlarsa » Mon Jul 03, 2017 4:02 am

Her number1 wrote:We had a get together planned for last night. It was a kinda pre-4th of July thing since it is easier to do on a Saturday night. My DIL and Farmgirl put this together and invite over neighbors, friends, and family.
While they were getting things as they wanted them my son and I went to move some equipment. When I got back, Farmgirl came out to meet me acting all bubbly. She went to kiss me when I noticed and said, You have milk on your face.
She said, "Where". I told her, At the corner of your mouth and trickled down.
She wiped it off with her finger, licked her finger and proceeded to kiss me as she had started. After kissing me , and deeply, she smiled and said, "That wasn't milk , silly. I just came back from inviting L. over for the get together. I told him to bring Ms. L. too".

Was it real, did she stage it just to push my buttons, or was it some of both.

For the get together, we had a good turn out last night. I think there were about 12 couples, some singles, and a lot of kids and grandkids. It was a family type thing.

But, it was mentally stimulating to know that several people there are into at least some variation of this lifestyle. There were four women that I know are a HW, One who has at least a fantasy of being one, and one I know has been reading OHW. It makes you wonder about the others and what might they be into or not into.
There was one guy there that Farmgirl is seeing, one she flirts with for more than flirting possibly and another that wants to flirt with her but, shes not interested. The rest she just enjoys flirting with and by the look of things, they enjoy it too.
It was a good time, vanilla time but, with an erotic undercurrent for some.

I can appreciate the erotic undercurrent present when people who are having illicit sex with each other are together at a vanilla party. It happened to me with both my first and second wives. My first wife was getting fucked by a co-worker at work (they were alone together in the office in the afternoons). We also would go over to his house for dinner. His wife (a bit of an uptight prude) had no idea he was banging my wife; but he was aware I knew. It created some interesting sexual tension.

My second wife kept up social contact with several men who had fucked her before we met. We would run into them at vanilla social events (if I may adopt your word "vanilla"). As I watched my wife interacting with them, my mind would image their naked bodies wrapped around each other. Upon occasion I would find myself in conversation with one or more of these men. My mind would wander to thinking how they had fucked my wife.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Mon Jul 03, 2017 4:36 pm

It is kinda funny about Farmgirl being ok and even encouraging with the preacher's wife maybe wanting attention from me. Farmgirl can be very very jealous and so this surprised me too as she does demand fidelity and obedience. She has not let me play other than the few years after what she calls her affair. I think the thing about our preacher's wife is that she and Farmgirl are friends and Farmgirl has a little admiration for her. Add that with Farmgirl's belief that she has not gotten to experience another man besides her husband and I think you just have her wanting to grant her friend a safe chance to experience something exciting. We don't really know if she has been with other men or not, its just not something she would admit very easy. At any rate Farmgirl absolutely does not see any need to be jealous of her, she has a good marriage herself.
The other funny thing is that the preacher's wife said she would like for me to take her on a ride on my Harley. I told her ok but, got my butt in hot water over that and will have to cancel the idea. You see, back when we were dating many years ago I would take other girls riding and it would make Farmgirl furious. I was with out a bike for about 6 years (1984-1990) and when we bought another one I had to promise to never let another woman on the bike.
When I told her that the preacher's wife wanted to go on a ride and that I had said ok, She told me, "There better not be a pussy on that bike but mine!!" So, I can fuck the preacher's wife if she might want but, her pussy can not be on my bike.
I don't fully understand but, I know the rules. I had just thought that if I could be with her then it would be ok to give her a ride on the bike too. My mistake!

Personally, I don't believe L. knows about his wife's 'lover on the side' (she would probably call him her gardener) :) and I don't think he knows I know about him and Farmgirl. His wife is just as dominant as Farmgirl and each of them tend to run their households and families. I think that is what drew him to Farmgirl, he likes strong confident women as much as I do. He was having some ED issues and a younger dominant woman seems to have done a lot to help that situation.

I enjoyed hearing of your similar situations. These kinds of erotic undercurrents in an otherwise vanilla setting give a very charged atmosphere for those in the know. This is a big part of what I love about this hobby.

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by isinlarsa » Tue Jul 04, 2017 3:53 am

In a weird way, I find the idea of a hotwife being possessive of her husband to add to the allure. In any case, when my wife or girlfriend has sought sexual adventure with other men, she has become the complete focus of my sexual interest to the exclusion of all other women. Ironically, during periods of monogamy, I find my eye drawn to attractive women with lust in my heart. Go figure.

I now understand more Farmgirl's relaxed attitude regarding preacher's wife. My own experience also has been that my wife or girlfriend were more willing to share me with her good friend than if I sought out other women on my own. In a sense, do you think she is still controlling the sex in the marriage?

i don't remember your description of L. I take it he is an older man.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:59 pm

I understand about your wife being your sole focus when she is active. I have that too. While it is fun to flirt (I love it), I don't really desire it to go further. Even with the preacher's wife, I had just as soon enjoy the flirting. If she wants more then I will do my duty ( and enjoy it, I'm sure) but, I'm not pursuing her. I have no desire to pursue a woman other than my wife.
Heaven forbid if I sought out women on my own!
Are you asking if Farmgirl is controlling the sex in our marriage? If so, then YES. Farmgirl controls the sex with which ever man she is with.

L. is 71 I believe, L's wife is 70. Farmgirl has not been with one older, though she has always had a thing for older men (Her first was 50 when she was 37). Young or old, she likes alpha type men where she can have them defer to her.

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by isinlarsa » Wed Jul 05, 2017 5:28 am

It is fascinating to think about a wife confident enough in her sexuality that she can make alpha men want to pleasure her, and put their own sexual enjoyment second. Although I do find it enthralling that men are taking their pleasure in my wife's body, until they lose control and cum in her.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Mon Jul 17, 2017 1:56 pm

I have a '79 Ironhead Sportster that I took out for a spin while Farmgirl is over at L's. It seems that both ol' girls can still fascinate, exhilarate, and enthrall. With both of them you can feel the torque in the ride and each responds to a little pampering and tinkering.
Just things that went through my mind on a July day.

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Lucman » Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:55 am

You wife sounds perfect, really enjoyed reading this......any chance for a pic. Would love to hear more.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:14 am

Farmgirl told me at supper the other day, "I used to not know any L's, now I have two in my phone".
The extra one she is talking about is the service manager at the local tractor dealership. I have posted before about how he can't keep his eyes off of her ankle bracelet when ever we go there. We both think that with his almost constant checking out the anklet, he must surmise something about its meaning.
Today during lunch, her phone chimed a new text. She picked it up and excitedly said, "Its L at the tractor dealership" with a school girl giggle.
I said , I told you that he is taken with you. She said, "But he has been so up tight acting lately that I wasn't sure if he was interested." I told her that I thought he was just too nervous to act and flirt.
Anyway, he got up the courage to cross that barrier and sent a text. A vanilla text but still he has made contact outside of business.
She started texting with him, giggling with every text. At one point, she looked up an said, "If hes not careful, he'll find himself in the trap".

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Tue Jul 25, 2017 7:29 pm

My wife just came out of the shower and said, "I have hot, sexy feet". I told her that I already knew that! After all, I have a thing for pretty feet and she has a set. She then told me, LM ( the new L. at the dealership) just texted her and said she had "hot, sexy feet".
She said he has been texting all evening and getting bolder. He asked about me, Farmgirl told him, "Don't worry, he knows I'm a big flirt and that I'm fun".
He told her he is building a new house, he lives about an hour and a half away. She told him, " When you get it finished, I'll come see it".

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Thu Jul 27, 2017 2:05 pm

She is really getting into LM. I haven't seen her this excited about anyone since she was trying to capture Robert. He just wasn't going to cross the line and commit.
She told me yesterday that LM had as much a thing for her feet as I do, and giggled.
Later, after she showered and sat in her recliner to watch TV I noticed she had a pic on her phone of her feet. (Our computer is catty cornered behind her chair.) She texted it to him.
Having an almost 61 year old school girl is kinda fun! She told me today, "You have a cougar, he's 47!"

On Wednesday, he had texted that he thought she was just messing with him. She replied in a text, "No, I do want to see you. It just has to be on my schedule. I have a busy life." She then later, called him to reinforce and better explain that.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Sun Jul 30, 2017 1:33 pm

Several people have asked for more detail and more info, so I decided to tell 'more' about this beginning adventure of Farmgirl and LM.

Saturday morning he texted to see what she was up to.
She replied , "Trying to catch some heifers that got out". He tried to to tell her how to do it (which was a mistake). She replied, "I'm already doing that, I'm not as dumb as I look. LOL"
He got his feelings hurt and hasn't texted since. She said she was going to let him stew, he needs to learn that things move at her pace and she is in charge.

I would have to say, that all day every time her phone chimed, I was hoping he was apologizing. :lol:
Later, I texted her that, It is funny when the husband hears the wife's phone chime, he hopes it is the other guy.
Her..... "LOL"
Her....."You're not right."
Me......Do you regret that? LOL
Her...... " Hell No!"

Anyway, this may get boring but, I hope not.

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by jamorgan66 » Mon Jul 31, 2017 4:21 am

I enjoy your posts so much, thanks you. What a wonderful woman, how often does she allow you to orgasm ?

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Mon Jul 31, 2017 7:09 pm

jamorgan66 wrote:I enjoy your posts so much, thanks you. What a wonderful woman, how often does she allow you to orgasm ?

As of the middle of last month, I have not been allowed an orgasm for 36 months. Many would say that there is no way they would do that but, tell you the truth, except when I'm "in the moment" I don't want one. There is so much more to great sex than the male orgasm. Without worrying about mine, I can last as long as she wants and give her what she wants, a fucking concentrating on her pleasure and her orgasm.
We incorporate a lot of Tantric sex principles using semen retention for me.

Thanks again for checking in.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Tue Aug 01, 2017 2:01 pm

Well, she hasn't given up completely on Robert. She texted him again yesterday and he confirmed he will be at a convention we are going to in a couple of weeks. Afterward, she texted me and told me about her contacting Robert. She said, "I just can't help it. He is just a challenge. All I can say is if I can't break him, nobody can".

This morning LM sent her a text 'smiley face'. So, she wanted us to go up to the dealership to schedule some tractor work. While there, he couldn't keep his eyes off her, especially her feet. He was trying to not be obvious but, it wasn't working. :lol:
When we got home, she said "I caught cub looking at my feet several times." That is what she has taken to calling him, cub, she is really liking the connotation of Cougar.
I told her I thought he was going to drool a couple of times. :lol:

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Fri Aug 04, 2017 8:07 pm

We just got back from a two day bike ride and getaway in the mountains just north of us.
Yesterday morning early, before we left, my son came over to get Farmgirl to help gather two bulls that had got out. Lm texted her asking what she was doing. She told him she was gathering a couple of bulls.
He replied back, "I want to be your bull". Now, he has no idea what "bull" is in the context on OHW but, Farmgirl and I laughed about the funny coincidence. He told her that he wanted to see her but, he wanted to make sure that neither her, her marriage, or her family would be at any risk. She texted, "I don't want you to think I'm being arrogant but, you will not put my marriage at risk. But, I do thank you for putting me first. We're leaving on a little trip for a couple of days, I'll explain it to you when we get back."
She hopes he is in her trap. The only hurdle she is worried about is telling him about her being a hotwife / that I know and approve, and just how he will take that revelation. She is planning to set up a meeting with him for next Friday to explain things to him. We both know and like him as a real good acquaintance. She is hoping he will want to be a friend with benefits.

Last night as I was fucking her, using the short strokes she loves, I said, "so next Friday you're going to be on your knees with your head on the bed and LM is going to be fucking your petite married pussy ?" She replied loudly, "YES" and had a massive orgasm and went still. It took a few minutes before her eyes began to move rapidly behind her eyelids and then her eyes slowly began to open as if from a sleep.
As she came back-to, I said , that was pretty intense. She said, "Baby , you were so good." I told her, Did LM just gave you a good orgasm ? She said, "I hope he does next Friday".

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Sun Aug 06, 2017 2:04 pm

Last night we were just chatting while watching TV.

She said, "Lm is not going to know what's hit him. I bet he's never had a woman like me." I agreed with her and we talked about what his experience level probably is. He is married but, she left him some time ago and he does not date with any regularity.
Farmgirl said, "I'm going to rock his world, he'll see sex in a whole different light when I'm through". I said, Baby, he's really going to enjoy this. She replied, "And you're going to enjoy it too, especially when I get back and tell you". The sound of and inflection in her words told so much more than I can tell by typing. :D

A funny thing about how this started:

We have known LM for about a year and a half, doing business with him and coming to see him as a very good acquaintance/minor friend. He had from the start, been watching Farmgirl's feet/ankle bracelet every time we went in the store. Though he tried to be unnoticed doing it , he was just too obvious. I would tell her often that he was taken with her and she would tell me of how often she would catch him looking at her feet.
A few weeks ago, her and our son were cutting hay when they had trouble with one of the tractors hydraulic valves. My son called to tell me and I told him to call LM at the dealership to get the part ordered. While our son talked to LM on his phone, Lm suggested our son text him a pic of the valve. Son told LM that Farmgirl would take the pic and text it to him on her phone while he and LM continued discuss the problem.
Now LM had farmgirl's phone number thanks to our son. And I guess, with it now in hand he just could not resist temptation.
She laughs often about how she is going to fuck LM and hopefully build a long term friendship with benefits because our son gave out her number. Her son set her up! :lol:

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Mr1SexyGILF » Sun Dec 03, 2017 10:56 pm

It's been a long time since we have been allowed a farmgirl fix.

Did she ever fuck LM? Is she still seeing the neighbor? Has anything more happened with the preacher's wife? Enquiring minds want to know.

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr. Seuss

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:16 am

Thanks for wondering. I had gotten tired of posting just to hear myself and it was bothering her a little that no one really commented. So, I was just going to let the thread die a natural death. LOL
We know that people seldom comment, but still that gets old.
Quite a lot of things have been happening, most all good but with some disappointments too (flakes you know).

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by D_Lited_HubWife » Mon Dec 04, 2017 8:29 am

Well, I am all for Miss Farmgirls adventures. :)

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by wantinghusband » Mon Dec 04, 2017 9:37 am

I enjoy reading your thread. Spurs me on to continuing the dialog with my sweet wife. It would be a wonderful thing if my conservative Christian wife could be mentored by Farmgirl. I do believe she would be happily released from her societal views on sex and marriage.

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Happyjohnson » Mon Dec 04, 2017 3:01 pm

Certainly enjoy reading all of both your and farm girl's adventures and wondering when the next instalment is due.
Sorry you are not feeling the love by getting replies to your posts, but posting "nice" to me is wasting every ones time and effort thinking a tasty morsel is about to be delivered and then nothing!

The preacher's wife "E" has anything progressed any further with her and yourself, hope you get lucky there especially having farm girl's blessing. :up:
Pity you cannot get another pussy on the "bike" saddle as I find it an easy way to build a connection with a woman, especially with the vibration through the saddle influencing pussy, depending on the bike type of course! Seems to do something for them. :twisted:
LM is on her radar and hope it comes to fruition.

Glad Farm girl has a friend in "Mrs L" now and is able to "discuss"! some of the lifestyle with her, obviously a censored version! on how to get the gardening tendered to!

All the best

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:19 pm

Thanks guys, for the encouragement and interest. I'll try to pick things back up in a sorta time line fashion so it all flows as best as I can make it.

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Mr1SexyGILF » Tue Dec 05, 2017 2:58 am

Her number1 wrote:Thanks guys, for the encouragement and interest. I'll try to pick things back up in a sorta time line fashion so it all flows as best as I can make it.

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr. Seuss

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by D_Lited_HubWife » Tue Dec 05, 2017 4:56 am

Please do! :)

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