Two strangers have looked into my soul

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Mrs jnj doe
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Two strangers have looked into my soul

Unread post by Mrs jnj doe » Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:28 pm

Two strangers have looked into my soul

So…I’ve only been on here for a few short weeks and I’ve already met some of the nicest people. It never ceases to amaze me how one can do life with all kinds of people at work, church, in the neighborhood and then join a site like this and find some of the most kind and insightful people on the planet.

Since I have posted a few things on here, I’ve met some incredible men who have caught a glimpse of something in me and have taken the time to help me develop new thought patterns - identifying what’s inside and mining it as if it were a precious gem they get to keep for themselves.

Both of these men have been in the lifestyle for many years and they have become my confidants, my mentors - two men that I admire and respect from afar. They are helping me navigate my jumbled emotions and thoughts as I journey into this new world as a Hotwife.

When my thoughts are all over the place, in particular, the morning after I’ve fucked a new man who should have told me how fabulous I was the next morning - yes, they are the ones talking me down off the ledge because I'm worried I was terrible - lol. They offer such sensible rationale that is not just slanted toward my perspective. They offer a keen view on how the man who just fucked me is probably thinking and feeling as well, which is super valuable and exactly the kind of stuff I want to know.

Talk about "fair and balanced" - it's so very refreshing not to wallow in my own perspective but to see things from all of the angles. Truly, the men I am fucking are also benefitting from the wisdom of these two guys who are going to bat for them with me - pretty cool huh?

So in a nutshell, my two new sexy mentors are a life-line for a newbie like Jane and I can’t wait to check my email every day to see what they are going to share next. These two gents are definitely some of the brightest crayons in my world right now. (If you read my Box of Crayons post, you know what I’m talking about. viewtopic.php?f=5&t=46988).

I’m in marketing and so copy-writing is my gig but the way these two men put words together is amazing. I keep telling them we are going to write a book and who knows it’s on my bucket list so it just might happen.

I’m going to start sharing the most interesting parts of our conversations in this thread, which I hope you will enjoy.

I can't remember the last time that a perfect stranger saw a picture of me and articulated who he sees in 200 words or less. I hope you enjoy his words as much as I have.

Oh Jane, sweet, sweet Jane. You are an amazing woman. Thank you for gracing my day with this letter and your jumbled thoughts. But first things first. Thank you for the pictures. You are an extremely beautiful woman. Such a delectable morsel, and love just seems to flow out of your pretty smile and those beautiful laughing eyes.

To me, you seem to embody some wonderful and very desirable qualities - innocent and wholesome, girl next door beauty. I’m thinking Doris Day, who has always been, to me, the epitome of that look. From your photos and our conversations I can see that you are a person who is on very good terms with life and all it has to offer. Your heart is fairly bursting with love for all the world and anyone and everyone who is willing to accept it.

But, to the more discriminating observer, there is much more there than meets the eye and it is obvious that somewhere deep inside there is some sort of smouldering fire feeding that bountiful love, passion, and zest for life.

Wholesome beauty is more than simple beauty and it is exceedingly sexy without trying to be sexy - and that is you Jane. I like to describe it like this. Think of the very pretty, but, prim and proper librarian with glasses and her hair rolled up in a very prim and proper bun on top of her head.

When the glasses come off and she lets her hair come tumbling down, the pretty, studious, prim and proper librarian has before our eyes morphed into a veritable wild and unfettered tiger of a woman with boundless passion and possibilities. Crap, I better stop this lest you start thinking that I am just blowing smoke up you ass. LOL
I’m sorry for rambling on like this Jane but these are really the thoughts that have come to my mind as I sat here “grazing” on your pictures.

I've told you before, I can be overly wordy so you will have to learn to ignore me when I say too much. I appreciated receiving the play by play of your adventures with your husband and the NASCAR driver. This is one of your early experiences that I suspect you will carry with you for a while. This Nascar guy seems to have struck a chord in you and you will just have to see where it goes. There is no playbook Jane - there are no rules for you or for him - only the boundaries that you two set and adhere to. So…don’t overthink it…just go with the flow and if he isn’t blind, he will see in real life that which I can hear in your emails and see vividly in your photos.

Like you, I am honest and can also be given to gut reactions and sometimes they turn out right and other times, not so much. Let me say this…I am very envious of these guys with whom you have shared your precious gifts, and who have been allowed to touch, taste and otherwise luxuriate with your warm, soft and very inviting body.

I envy every kiss, every touch, every taste and especially every invading stroke inside your deepest, warmest secret. I hope they full well realize that they have so been blessed to be beside you. I can only hope they have treated your body, your breast and your warm welcoming sweet little pussy with proper respect and appreciation for the gifts they have received from your innermost self. And if they don’t it is their loss and you move on Jane…because there will come another who will recognize that which I see and be lost in every intoxicating breath he takes in your presence.

In the meantime, please don't let the couple of lingering doubts you have experienced cloud your memory of the events. These are precious moments for you to savour and hopefully relive, while treating yourself to a few nice orgasms - knowing in your mind that when these men left your side they left well fucked by a warm, caring, and veritably sexy woman who has not a clue how incredibly sexy she really is.

Take care of yourself today Lady Jane and know that I am here for you and I promise to share my thoughts in answer to any of your questions or concerns. Just be yourself Jane and everything else will right itself.

So…I hope you enjoyed this post from my kind friend. Nope... I’m not sharing him (my husband is the sharer remember - lol).

Last edited by Mrs jnj doe on Sat Aug 12, 2017 6:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Two strangers have looked into my soul

Unread post by wantinghusband » Wed Aug 09, 2017 8:02 am


Thank you for sharing this part of your journey. I completely agree with your comment about the support and genuine empathy you receive on this site from so many people. There are many intelligent and remarkable individuals with wise counsel who are willing to come along side you with encouragement and friendship. I value those interactions as well.

I look forward to hearing about mentor #2.



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Re: Two strangers have looked into my soul

Unread post by button_x » Wed Aug 09, 2017 9:31 am

hmmm very interesting jane. it sounds as if you have come onto a fellow with an extreme interest in your journey as well as an extreme interest in jane the person, and your happiness. I think that is sweet. I really like where he called you lady jane and the spiel about the girl next door, wholesome beauty.i would agree that the look he is seeing in you is very sexy. he is a very lucky guy to have received that glimpse into your soul. but, be aware there could possibly be more than a little lust lurking intertwined with his pure sounding interest for your self fulfillment. what i'm saying is that i'll bet he couldn't tell you these things from his own mouth as I suspect when dealing with you his tongue is probably so hard he wouldn't be able to talk. lol. thanks for this little side note to your adventure. i join in in wishing you well and look forward to reading your continuing chronicles. and, absolutely i would enjoy hearing about mentor #2. please continue uh, lady jane. : ). forgive that, i just like the sound of it, but it definitely piques my interest in seeing some of those pictures. .... button

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Re: Two strangers have looked into my soul

Unread post by Mrs jnj doe » Thu Aug 10, 2017 7:04 pm

Thank you both for your excellent comments. I am having the time of my life and it is so wonderful that some men on this site have taken the time to guide me and encourage me on my journey.

I will try to write more soon about mentor #2.


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Re: Two strangers have looked into my soul

Unread post by 54321 » Tue Aug 22, 2017 2:53 am

I’m sorry for rambling on like this Jane but these are really the thoughts that have come to my mind as I sat here “grazing” on your pictures.
Hel... LO! Dear Jane, may we catch a glimpse of you too, pretty please?

Every good wish,


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Re: Two strangers have looked into my soul

Unread post by yorktownvaguy » Tue Aug 22, 2017 7:30 am

Interesting post ...keep it coming

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Mrs jnj doe
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Re: Two strangers have looked into my soul

Unread post by Mrs jnj doe » Tue Aug 29, 2017 5:23 pm

54321 wrote:
I’m sorry for rambling on like this Jane but these are really the thoughts that have come to my mind as I sat here “grazing” on your pictures.
Hel... LO! Dear Jane, may we catch a glimpse of you too, pretty please?

Every good wish,

Hi there...
I would be happy to upload a pic on here just not sure where to put it. Will ask husband to help me - stay tuned and you too can "graze" - LOL



Re: Two strangers have looked into my soul

Unread post by Bflakes919 » Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:05 am

Great post! You definitely have a unique but amazing outlook on this lifestyle as well as your relationships with these men. You articulate yourself very well, which I admire! I hope it continues to be an amazing journey for you!

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Re: Two strangers have looked into my soul

Unread post by Mrs jnj doe » Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:11 pm

Below is another trail with mentor #2 - although much older than me - he has captivated me in amazing ways and I just love him for sharing himself with me.

From Jane to Mentor #2:

Good morning! Thanks for giving me some detail about your life. I don't really care how old you are. There is something very sexy about you and I love your honest use of words that have literally captivated me.

I love sharing my adventures about the men I am fucking with you. I only wish I had started doing this years ago but alas I'm here now so I’m going to enjoy every second. I'm so much more alive in every facet of my life.

My eyes are more blue - true story
I sing better
I fuck better
I kiss better
I'm more confident at the office
I'm more loving and sympathetic
I feel more deeply
I'm more relaxed

I will send you a couple of pics, although, I don't want to be too scandalous so will start with my chest. You can let me know if u want a pussy shot. I feel like such a slut even saying that - LOL.

I have been the most discreet and private woman for so long I don't even know who the hell I am anymore - offering to send you some naughty pics - scandalous for sure!

Just imagine the most vanilla, Christian woman u know and then times it by ten and that was me. Oh well that chick is long gone now although I admit traces of her are here and they probably make Jane “real” so I suppose it’s all good.

Ok I have to run. Sending you a sweet kiss today!

Mentor #2's reply to Jane:

Oh my goodness - I loved the pictures! My list of the many sides of Jane seems to grow by the day. First there was emancipated Jane whose words captivated my imagination with her open, honest sincerity full of wonder at her new found freedom.

Then comes sweet, beautiful, loving and deeply sensuous Jane and while I am still trying to digest her, who pops up but librarian/writer Jane in sexy glasses.

And then you immediately followed up with Jane the lovely tease with that tantalizing glimpse of one lovely breast with with a beautiful incredibly suckable nipple peeking out. My dear sweet Jane, I do believe that you may be a natural born seductress - even teasing me about a possible pussy shot and asking if I would like that - LOL. You, Jane are a treasure indeed!

I have always been told that hidden somewhere in the depths of every woman, there resides a naughty little slut who sometimes pleads with her mistress to be allowed to come out and play and that is what’s happened to you sweet and sexy Jane! You have finally allowed your naughty little slut to come and out play and the world and everyone you meet is oh so much happier because you have done so.

When it comes to dealing with men, you need to know that men are natural hunters and gatherers and in my opinion the chase is a man’s to pursue and with every single contact he needs to earn the right for further contact with you. Women are natural care givers and your role is to give him the wondrous gifts and warm comfort that all men seek once he has earned them. This is just my spin on things Jane. Now I’m signing off with a thank you for that precious glimpse into your naughty side with the peek at some of your delicious womanly attributes. I better close for now sweet, and sexy one - yours ‘till next time Jane!

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Re: Two strangers have looked into my soul

Unread post by Happyjohnson » Mon Sep 18, 2017 8:51 pm

Lovely Sexy Lady Jane, that I even have the cheek to even address you after the writings of Mentor #1 is beyond me!
From what I have seen of your lovely body and soul you are a treasure to behold! To be able to meet you in person would be an out of body experience for me, and I have had 1, a long long time ago!
How could I ever attempt to emulate what has been written by Mentor #1, not possible! Please just know that I feel all the writings on Mentor #1 are true and you deserve all the love and joyous sexy outcomes possible.

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