A New Revelation

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Wed Oct 25, 2017 8:44 pm

Wifey just read me the text she recently sent. Basically asking him out at his next opportunity. As expected there could be more to follow soon.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by marriedky » Wed Oct 25, 2017 11:41 pm

Love this thread. Thanks for sharing. We are going on two years old and have made huge progress but still not there yet. Keep up the good work.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Thu Oct 26, 2017 5:37 am

My wife and by are trying to set up a date for tomorrow sometime. Making schedule match is tricky so it's not a guarantee. It might be just coffee but it will be their first date after fucking for the first time Monday. It will be interesting to see how a horny couple react on a coffee date. Will they be able to keep their hands off each other?

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Fri Oct 27, 2017 8:47 pm

So last night my wife was a little down that her bf would only give her an hour for a Starbucks meet today. She actually text me and said that she was thinking of not going to meet him. She text, "I felt like not wanting to meet him tomorrow. And also i am feeling like that I am always the one making all the moves. Do you think it is worth it?" "I am feeling so cheap and easy, I should play a little hard to get."

So she ended up going to sleep not really telling me what her plans were but making me assume she was going to call off the date. In the morning, I was waiting for her to text me and tell me what she was going to do. Instead, there is silence. I am away on business two time zones ahead of her so I was expecting her to text me when she wakes up. Instead, nothing. I knew she wanted to sleep as much as possible because she has been way short on sleep lately so I didn't want to interrupt her by texting. In any case, I started to wonder and then eventually she texts that she is getting ready for work. Well, then again nothing for hours.

Finally she calls me and fills me in. She did end up meeting her bf at a Starbucks and was very disappointed because there was no privacy to talk about the things she wanted to talk about. I guess their conversation got to where he was saying he wanted more of what they had last Monday (full on fucking bareback in our marital bed) but she didn't feel like she could respond in the busy Starbucks. Later she told me she wanted to say, "I wanted that too but I couldn't mention it in the big crowd." I said, "wanted more what?" and she returned saying "physical contact".

So what she wanted to tell him at the time in the busy Starbucks was that she wanted to schedule another good fuck session with him. She was longing for him, not just talking but touching!

Now there is no doubt in my mind that they will try to arrange something between now and Tuesday as she will have the house empty to herself. It is much easier to just go there than to try to book some hotel room or something. I am guessing there will be a repeat fuck session on Monday, same place same time. I think she is looking forward to trying to get more pleasure this time as the last time was too quick.

I hope she succeeds!

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by D_Lited_HubWife » Fri Oct 27, 2017 9:10 pm

Hot thread! Keeping an eye on this! Congratulations, and please do keep us posted!

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by isinlarsa » Sat Oct 28, 2017 6:01 am

Your parenthetical comment "full on fucking bareback in our marital bed" really got the blood flowing to my cock. It creates such a beautiful image.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by 54321 » Sun Oct 29, 2017 3:23 am



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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:16 pm

There are a bunch of new things I would like to mention but don't really have the time at the moment. I'll do what I can now and finish at another time.

So after the Starbucks meet-up my wife sent several messages to her bf (she already openly calls him her bf now). He had mentioned before that he would be super busy this weekend. So Saturday night of course she was a bit frustrated not having any attention but hoping at some point her bf would contact her and possibly set up a meeting. She had the whole house to herself basically all weekend and really wanted to take advantage of it.

We have been following the World Series and she has been rooting for Dodgers and I have been rooting for Huston. I am still at work (still out of town) and she texts me that she is at a bar down the street watching the game. This is not really like her as she has often complained about going to bars when I suggest it. Anyway she goes on to text me "the crowd is horrible, redneck people surrounded me here." Then, "I did a lot of browsing today where people hang out in this town". She said she went there because it is convenient. Had a drink and it is only about 2 blocks from home.

In any case from the conversation I gathered that she was bored at home and went out to watch the game with the sole purpose of looking for a man. I mentioned some up scale places she could have gone and she replied with, "I guess I should have asked you where to go. Too late now, already in the 5th inning and had a drink." Then she text me a big search clip of local bars/clubs. Of course most of those places would be a really young crowd so I mentioned that and she agreed. Like many couples on here, it is amazing how hard it is to find the sort of place that a 40's something woman can hook a decent guy in a similar age range. She is not really into the whole cougar thing.

Needless to say, during the time of the whole game there was only one man that came thru that sort of caught her attention and he was already with a woman. Clearly for the first time in our marriage she was really excited about the possibility of meeting a man out at a bar for some kind of fling. How far would she have gone? Of course I would never know but I have a feeling that she really desired a good fucking and would have gone for it if the chance had transpired.

Another interesting thing was that she mentioned that she text a guy she had one meeting with a couple of weeks ago. They just met for a quick first meeting to see if there could be anything. He was very pushy in just a few minutes and she really had to fight him to keep a comfortable distance. After the meeting she told me that she had really no connection with him at all and just no connection. He seemed nice other than being so pushy and wanting her to get touchy feely right away. Needless to say that he text her on many occasions after the meeting and she would mostly not reply and say she was not available. Well, here we are now this weekend, lonely at the bar looking for a man and she texts a guy she basically knows will all but rape her if they got together in a private place. As always he immediately replied. He said unfortunately that he was out of town for the night and would return Sunday.

Now here she is, at a bar with no luck there, her main bf is busy all weekend, her big crush guy isn't at that point yet and even her last resort guy is out of town. We had a little joke about her stroke of luck!

Well, a lot more to follow to continue the rest of the weekend but that’s all I can write for now.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by poppag » Tue Oct 31, 2017 12:31 am

Good story, keep it coming,
I hope she doesn't get too frustrated and push too hard just to find someone to have sex with. There's a lot to be said for Quality over Quantity.
Again enjoying your story and look forward to your next chapter l

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Fri Nov 03, 2017 2:59 pm

Wifey is out with her BF right now. I am still out of town on business so I will have to wait till tonight to see what happened. She basically text him last night that she would be his "slave" today. What ever that might entail. Unfortunately, our house is not empty so I am not sure where they could or will go. It may turn out to not be anything serious today but I am sure she wants something to happen.

When I can I will update.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by semaj3001 » Fri Nov 03, 2017 3:47 pm

tit4atat wrote:One thing I have noticed in the last few days about this activity is that there seems to be a deep need to share this experience with someone. Sometimes I just want to blirt out to someone, "my wife just fucked another man today"

Yes, I can vent here but yikes, I can't talk to anyone I really know about it. I don't have a friend I can trust with this situation that would share my excitement. I don't think she does either. Perhaps that is one thing that tends to bring couples closer together when in the HW lifestyle. Since we can't talk to others we share ever detail and thought together. That brings a closeness of not only being husband/wife and lovers but also bing best friends that can share even the most intimate details without being critical of each other.

Face it, she thinks I am weird for letting her do this and even wanting it and also thinks she is weird for doing it also. Nothing like having someone so close like that in your life.
I know exactly how you feel!!!! Enjoy the ride.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:10 pm

Today's update.

So yes my wife met up with her now bf or fb what ever you want to call it. She was eager to please him, one way or another. She had mentioned in a text to him that she was going to be his slave today. Our house where she fucked him for the first time about 10 days ago as mentioned above was not available since someone would be home.

In any case they met up at Starbucks again but quickly decided to get in the car and drive as the last meeting at Starbucks didn't allow the privacy to talk about much of anything. Well, needless to say as they were talking things got heated up and she teased him with her talk. It wasn't long before they decided to look for a secluded parking lot where they could fool around a bit. Unfortunately for my wife, she was just starting her period so she couldn't really do anything. Well, she was determined to not let this opportunity go to waste so she took maters into her own "hands and mouth" and gave him a good bj. She was quite surprised that she did this since she hasn't even done anything like that for me, her husband. Of course when we were dating she would sometimes give me bj's but she has never done it in public in a car. I must say I am proud of her for doing what she enjoys.

Of course they talked about many things and got a lot more comfortable with each other. After the date she was all bubbly and excited to share every little detail. She really likes this guy and I can tell she craves his company, touch and yearns to be fucked by him at every opportunity. I must say, I am happy that she enjoyed herself so much today. For years she would always say that she wasn't into that sort of thing and it just wasn't her. Well now I can tell she is caught up deep in lust and is looking forward to any future possibilities. They have talked about doing an overnighter someday. As many on this site would agree, it's so exciting and we love this life but have no idea why. Everything in society says this is not normal but why then is it so exciting and even bring us closer together?

Like other writers here, I probably don't convey much about how our relationship handles all this. The excitement is more about telling the story. In my case and many I have read about here, our bond has grown deeper the more she does. I love her to enjoy (and she is enjoying) and she loves to know that it pleases me. Sort of like a match made in heaven. Today we both felt a loving bond that most couples never feel in a life time. Does this make sense?

Basically we have no rules. She knows what is good for us and I trust her to do what she wants without trying to control her every move. I think she really enjoys the freedom. One of my goals is for her to have some excitement and pleasure while I am away (and maybe when I get back). Otherwise she would sit there miserable that I am not around. Why should anyone have to go thru that?

I'll try to fill in more details of the lead up to todays date and a few other things tomorrow. No doubt as soon as I post this there will be 20 more things I want to or feel like I forgot to mention.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Wed Nov 08, 2017 8:41 pm

Looks like another date will happen either tomorrow or soon after. L is on the last few days of her menstruation so I am not sure what the venue will be but time will tell. I know she was hoping that she would be finished before her next date meaning that she preferred a date a little later in the week. But sometimes you just have to make the best out of the situation so it will be interesting to see how the next few days play out.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by central » Sat Nov 11, 2017 2:39 pm

Just found this thread. Nice sequence of events so far... keep the updates coming.
Your wife seems like such a hot lady.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Sat Nov 11, 2017 9:41 pm

Update: Ok, sorry about the delay. I have been a bit under the weather for the last few days. As mentioned in the last post a date looked likely for sometime between Thursday and Saturday. I was thinking most likely Friday since it seems L's bf has the best chance of getting free from work/life then. Also, since L was still on the tale end of her period I figured that she would want later than sooner.

Well, I was wrong. I woke up Thursday and went to work as usual (still out of the country on business in a different time zone) and about the time I assume L would be contacting me, nothing! I call and she says she can't talk cause she is using GPS. Hmm, she doesn't usually go anywhere on a Thursday morning this early around 9 am. So I figure she will call me back when she get's a chance.

I couldn't wait any more and had to leave my phone to do some work. You can imagine the many theories running thru my mind as I try to focus on work. Returning to my phone a few hours later I contact her again and she answers. So here is what happened. I guess there was some last minute plans made by text either the night before or early in the morning. When I called, L was driving to a specific Starbucks in the next town over where they would meet. She was using GPS to find it. Once there, they met up and got in her bf's car. He proceeded to take her to his house, knowing his wife is at work and they would have the house to themselves. Of course L was nervous as hell. What if his wife popped in unexpectedly? What if the neighbors would see something? Anyway once there, L's bf told her to go upstairs to the bathroom. L went up and found the bathroom and then her bf met her upstairs and took her to a guest room. He offered coffee/water and a chance to relax. He asked if she is ok and if not ok they could go back to Starbucks. L said, "no, i'm fine. Just come closer and be with me". She was almost trembling with the strange environment. After some time drinking and relaxing she slowly became more comfortable. At that point her bf wrapped his arms around her body and they started kissing. There was some good conversation going back and forth.

Clearly her bf started getting hard, so L asked “oh, are you horny?” His reply was “I am always horny” and L said “I just don’t get horny for anybody, it has to be someone I have a connection with.” After some more kissing in various positions L took her shirt and bra off while he took his pants off. Soon they were both naked except L’s underwear. There was a lot more kissing, touching breast sucking and he turned L around facing him. L said, “I still have some period but it should be almost stopped.” It didn’t seem to bother him and she felt his hard dick poking her. After than he pushed her down so L could suck him for a while, which she eagerly did. He then picker her up and placed her in the middle of the bed and they both were getting more and more horny. L could feel herself getting wetter and wetter and started to open her legs. She asked him for a towel and he helped her place them under her. More kissing, sucking and then L asked for him to put his dick back in her mouth. After a bit he gently slid out and went down toward her pussy. As he did L removed her underwear and folded it to place it aside. Next, L’s bf buried his hard lust filled cock in her wet horny pussy. L told him, “don’t cum yet, hold back” .

There was about 20 minutes of hard fucking with L’s legs up on his shoulders. He was still holding back when he asked if she had cum. She said, “if you want to cum you can cum.” Here and there during the fucking L would spank his ass trying to keep him from getting too over excited and cum too soon. After about 2 minutes of suggesting he could cum he did, while gasping for breath. L’s legs were still on top of his shoulders spread wide open. He stayed deep inside holding still for another 3 minutes or so. At that point L asked, “can you check if there is a lot of blood” which there was a little so they both headed to the shower.

Once in the shower after waiting for the water to heat up they resumed talking and kissed a little and rinsed off. After getting cleaned up they went back to the room and folded up the bedding and kissed some more and talking.

He said, “I wish I could take you on my upcoming business trip in my suitcase. I don’t want to stop this, I want it to continue.” To which she teased him, “oh, you don’t want to stop?” They have already on multiple occasions talked about an overnight in a hotel someday. It seems both want to be able to spend and entire night together.

So their little date turned out to be about 2 hours at his house and then they returned to Starbucks. This was clearly their last chance to be together for a long time. He is going on a trip and before he returns she is going on a trip, not to return till some time around Christmas. I will be returning home and go with her for about 4 days at which point I will break off and go on another international business trip while she stays with family. It’s been almost like a spell of denial for me that I read many stories about. Not that I am into denial like many here but literally since October 5th we have only had one night together (and we didn’t do anything because of circumstances). She was away, then the day after she got back I had to leave and now here we are again. I return, we are together for only a few days traveling and then we will be apart again till Christmas. As you can imagine during all this time alone, L had been climbing the walls with lust and excitement eagerly fucking her new bf once in our bed, once in his house and giving him a bj in his car. Believe me, if she had her way for the last 2 months there would have been a lot more than just that. She has literally been on fire recently, longing for him and longing for me to come back and finish off what he started. We both have the desire to have her fuck her bf in our bed, then just after he leaves I would come home and fuck her cum filled pussy. He is fixed and trustworthy so she has been letting him fuck her without condoms. I must say, what a lucky guy he is!

I have a feeling, when I get back we will be fucking like rabbits remembering and discussing the recent events that have unfolded while I was away. I just hope that her pussy is as wet for these events as how she described it was for every meeting with him.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Sat Nov 11, 2017 9:51 pm

I still struggle with the issue of not having anyone to tell about all this. It is so hard to not just blurt out to a friend/coworker or even a stranger. "My wife just had a good fuck today while I am here out of the country on business" Do many others have this same problem?

L had one of her friends over last weekend and she confided about the whole thing with her. It was interesting that she told her the whole story but they both had interesting things to share. Although sadly her friend is thinking about getting a divorce. It seems their relationship has faded to a level that isn't working anymore. They are doing some counseling but it seems they need a spark. Perhaps something like what we are doing would get them going again. At one time they had a dancing pole in their bedroom and now they don't even sleep in the same bed. I hope they figure something out that can bring back the happiness as they are a good couple.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Sun Nov 12, 2017 8:23 pm

After thinking about this a bit more I realized something about my own question.

It sometimes is a struggle to not to be able to just talk to others about the excitement going on in your life but then again, I talk with wifey every day and we share all these situations together. The fact that we have each other to talk to brings us even closer together and expands our experience as a couple. So in a sense it is not a bad thing.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Tue Nov 14, 2017 8:53 pm

So L told me last night that she had a date in the afternoon with Mr. 3. He is constantly asking her out and she mostly refuses. They just had a beer and talked down the road but she just doesn't feel any connection at all with him so nothing will happen with him.

On another front, she has really stepped up her efforts on her main crush. She sent some email to him sort of on the professional side and he replied immediately. From there the emails went back and forth for a while clearly more than what would be required professionally. She is determined to get him! Unfortunately their schedules certainly won't work out for the balance of the year for even just a coffee.

Tonight she is a bit lonely, husband away, bf away and #3 no connection and crush not available either. What to do?? She commented that she really needs a more regular replacement if I am going to be away often. Clearly, bf and crush would never amount to more than one or two encounters a month combined if all goes well. That would be fine for her probably if I am in town but if I am away, just not enough attention.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Tue Nov 14, 2017 9:06 pm

Quick question for you all.

Mr. 3 text again just a few minutes ago. L asked me, "how do I tell him not to bother me anymore in a nice way?"

I am sure many on here have experience with this. When things just don't work out how do you get rid of the ones you aren't interested in without being mean or hurtful. Any ideas?

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by Jerzeycuckhub » Sun Nov 19, 2017 6:03 am

tit4atat wrote:Quick question for you all.

Mr. 3 text again just a few minutes ago. L asked me, "how do I tell him not to bother me anymore in a nice way?"

I am sure many on here have experience with this. When things just don't work out how do you get rid of the ones you aren't interested in without being mean or hurtful. Any ideas?
My wife just handles it honestly by telling them they seem like very nice guys, but she just doesn't feel a sexual connection with them. No sense leading them on to something that will never happen.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by sdbuffalo » Fri Dec 15, 2017 6:10 pm

Bump! How are things going?
In my Universe, any question may be asked.... But, answers are always optional.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Sat Dec 16, 2017 2:10 am

Sorry for the delay. Things have been going ok. The feeling I mentioned above was correct. When I got back from my business trip we fucked like rabbits while she explained again every detail of her encounters while I was away. We were like new lovers all over again.

Unfortunately, the honey moon only lasted a few days as I had another business trip and she planed to travel out of the country for a much needed vacation. There have been comments of some light flirting with some men where she is at but probably nothing will come of it as she isn't into men from there. So we don't meet again until Christmas day when hopefully the fire works come a little early this year!

I guess the biggest news is that her and her bf have been keeping in contact all this time shooting flirty mails back and forth.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Sun Dec 24, 2017 10:49 am

Wife is returning home tomorrow, Christmas day. Hope the new year brings some extra excitement and fun for all!

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Tue Jan 09, 2018 4:46 pm

So it's been a long time since a post. Not too much has been happening since L was out of the country until Christmas. Since then things have heated up again. L swears, and is making a big effort to capture her crush. So far it is just platonic but she's working on it. Today she had a date with her main bf/fb and they went to his house. Apparently, with stress over risk of wife coming home and work issues his performance didn't pan out well. Sort of a surprise since he hadn't gotten any for several months.

No big deal, and a "try again" date is already in the works. An odd situations since she was ready but he didn't perform.

I have wanted to capture a lot of the recent conversation and little things but have been busy with all the usual stuff. Clearly all the possibilities has changed L's outlook on life and we have been so much more loving than in pre bf days.

Tonight I am sure I will get a detailed play by play of the events of this morning. Even though it might have been cut short it still sounds like she got a little bit of a fucking. Her plan was actually to have her fun in the morning, quickly returning home about my lunch time. Then she was thinking she would text me and have me come home for some reclaim at lunchtime with a fresh filled pussy.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Mon Jan 29, 2018 6:15 pm

Update. Things have settled in since the holidays and we are back to the normal routine. Sadly, her main crush has been a big challenge. She has been very bold with him on phone and texts to try to get him to commit to a date. He seems to be in but so busy and committed to work that it seems he won't bite. She has almost decided that she won't be able to get him at this point.

Her regular (three times so far and one bj in his car) has been pushing for a meeting but they haven't been able to make it happen. She is slight losing interest in him but I am out of town now for a week so her horny level might be piling up. We will see what happens in the next few days.

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