It's happened!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Wed Dec 13, 2017 4:21 am

Hi Michael

How is Jen's hunt for a new boyfriend going?

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by hwc » Wed Dec 13, 2017 4:39 pm

Also, jen mentioned she is using the money you give her (for sex), to buy new clothes to attract a boyfriend... has she been updating her wardrobe recently? could you describe how she is dressing for college and have you noticed any difference? how does her new attire make you feel?

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by boblouis723 » Wed Dec 13, 2017 4:44 pm

So I know you didn't want to do pictures before, but how about a before and "after" because it's a during?

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Sat Dec 16, 2017 6:55 pm

great update michael, i like the way you have started to encourage Jen to go out and find a replacement for you sexually. The idea that by giving Jen what she wants "a real man with a real cock " to fuck her and to be sexually exclusive with, gives you what you want, a wife who is exclusive to another man, a man who has replaced you in the sex department, in the bed you used to sleep in with your wife. sounds like a fantasy dream come true.

Just a thought, how would you feel, if the man she found to replace was Brian, again, and you know darn well, that Jen , loves him, she has told you so! and now with the allowance that she no longer has to hide in private her interactions with her boyfriend. She is free to publicly be WITH her boyfriend. That would really amp up the cuckold feelings. Just a pipe dream but, could you imagine ???

great to hear from you , looking forward to your next update. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Wed Dec 20, 2017 5:27 pm

pwsub wrote:Wow, great update, you are sure on the rollercoaster ride now!
Thanks! I sure am!
viking53 wrote:Given how hot Jen is and now that she is actively on the hunt, I'm sure this is going to happen soon. I don't think you have any chance to back down now. This time it wasn't just pillow talk from the little head.
Yeah. Definitely not just pillow talk.
hwc wrote:Fantastic post, this really is one of the most 'go to' threads right now!
Can't wait for the next post...
poppag wrote:Well Michael, It sounds like Jenn is going to fuck you over BIG TIME, in a cuckold kind of way, Not only is she looking for a REAL MAN to replace you sexually , but she also wants to replace you in your own bed. She wants to date in the open so that anybody will be able to see her out with a man, not her husband. She wants you to be her adoring, encouraging and faithful eunuch servant.

it sounds like you both have defined what each is looking for, you have both agreed that this is what you both want, and now you have decided to actively pursue this lifestyle with zeal.

Good luck and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you for the well wishes! :)
katt wrote:After a long period in the doldrums, seems your relationship is about to kick into gear again. Looking forward to hearing how things develop.
hwc wrote: have you thought about, or discussed, any ways in which a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship might be made to feel/be even more real next time? Have you or Jen come up with any ideas. it would be great to discuss this and it would be great if you mention it here!
I think that the biggest idea is Jen's desire to date more openly. It's going to be a tough balance though. We still don't want certain people (family, close friends) to find out.
hwc wrote:Also, jen mentioned she is using the money you give her (for sex), to buy new clothes to attract a boyfriend... has she been updating her wardrobe recently? could you describe how she is dressing for college and have you noticed any difference? how does her new attire make you feel?
She's dressing better. More form fitting clothes. I've definitely noticed she turns even more heads than normal. :) But, it's nothing too crazy. No see-through tops or anything like that. Lol.
poppag wrote: Just a thought, how would you feel, if the man she found to replace was Brian, again, and you know darn well, that Jen , loves him, she has told you so! and now with the allowance that she no longer has to hide in private her interactions with her boyfriend. She is free to publicly be WITH her boyfriend. That would really amp up the cuckold feelings. Just a pipe dream but, could you imagine ???

great to hear from you , looking forward to your next update. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
If only! But, I don't think Brian will be moving back any time soon. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Wed Dec 20, 2017 5:28 pm

Anyhow, here's the latest update!

Jen really meant when she said she was going to actively start looking for a real man. But, she went about it in a way that I didn’t expect. She went on the internet and posted an ad. In hindsight, it was such an obvious thing to do though. Any guy reading her profile would know right away that she was married. That way, she could get that conversation out of the way sooner than later and instantly weed guys out who didn’t want to date a married woman. But, the problem was that we were still trying to be somewhat discreet. We didn’t want certain people we know seeing Jen’s ad. There was no way to guarantee that they wouldn’t though. So, the only solution was for Jen not to post photos in her ad. I won’t say which site she posted on, but not having a photo wasn’t a deal breaker. I’m sure some guys avoided responding to an ad without a photo, but there were still plenty of guys who did respond. Jen was swamped with replies from horny guys and ended up seeing lots of dick pics that she didn’t ask for. Most of the guys weren’t worthy of a reply, based on how they approached Jen. But, there were a handful of guys who Jen did reply to. After a while, there was just one - Jason.

As it turned out, Jason and Jen both go to the same college. So, that’s extra convenient.

Jen was busy with school, but she and Jason still found time to trade messages every day. Once Jen felt comfortable enough and was certain that Jason was really a fellow student at her college and wasn’t faking, the two of them exchanged pics. They realized they’d seen each other around. And, even better, each thought the other was hot! The photo exchange occurred last week, during exam week. They agreed that if they bumped into each other during exam week, they’d say hi. But, otherwise, they were going to wait to officially meet in person after exams were over.

They finally met up for coffee on Saturday and really hit it off! Or so Jen tells me. It must be true, because Jason went in for a kiss at the end of their date and Jen told me it was one of the best kisses she’d ever had.

On Sunday, I treated Jen to a nice late lunch/early dinner in honor of the end of the college semester. I also had $40 set aside so that I could have sex with Jen later that evening.

While we were out, knowing that I wanted sex later, Jen started teasing me.

“Thank you for the nice dinner, Michael,” Jen said with a smile. “I’m so lucky! I had an amazing first date with Jason yesterday! And now today, my best friend and roommate, who’s like a brother to me, is treating me to this great dinner!”

Hearing Jen categorize her experience with Jason as a date, while clearly going out of her way to shove me back into the friendzone, was an instant turn-on for me!

“Don’t worry,” Jen continued with a wicked grin. “You haven’t been replaced yet. I mean it’s only been one date between Jason and me. He and I haven’t even had sex yet. It’s too soon to tell what’s going to come of this. But, what if? What if yesterday was my first date with the man who ends up replacing you sexually? Wouldn’t that be great, Michael? That would mean that I could retire your useless penis sooner than later! Is it weird to think that maybe it really was this easy to find someone?”

“That would be great,” I replied. “I mean, it’s too soon to know. But, yeah, it is weird thinking that there’s a chance that Jason could end up replacing me and that my days as your sexual partner are seriously numbered.”

“I hope it’s a very small number, Michael,” Jen responded with her beautiful, wicked smile. “The smaller the better!”

“I know,” I replied. “And I really do hope that things continue to go well for you and Jason.”

“You are such a good best friend, Michael!” Jen replied. “I know that we can only take the brother analogy so far. I mean we are married and all. But, in a way, you really are like a brother to me. You’re definitely more like a brother to me than you are a lover.”

It was so weird to have Jen talk to me like that while we were out to dinner in public, as opposed to in private, rolling around naked together. But, I could tell that something had definitely changed between Jen and I after Thanksgiving. We had an understanding now about how Jen viewed me, what she wanted from another man that she didn’t want from me, and how it wasn’t just a fantasy for her to turn on when we were naked together and then turn off the rest of the time.

I was scared at how the cuckolding was working its way into our normal interactions, but also very turned on and excited. It definitely made for a much more exciting dinner! But, other than those few moments of Jen putting me in my place, it was a pretty normal dinner with lots of non-cuckold conversation, jokes, smiles, etc.

Back at the apartment though, things went fully into cuckold territory.

“So do you have the $40 ready?” Jen asked.

I turned two twenty dollar bills over to Jen with a smile. Jen smiled in return.

“Okay, good,” she replied. “Now let’s get naked!”

It was a weird demand, because there hadn’t been any making out yet. No foreplay. But, I did as I was told. Jen and I were both naked in our living room, sitting on the couch together. I wondered what she was up to.

“Before we start getting too physical, I want to share something with you,” Jen said.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“I want you to read something. It’s some messages between Jason and I before we actually had our date.”

Jen forwarded me a series of messages between her and Jason. I sat there and read them on my phone.

Jason: “So your ad says that you’re married, but that you’re not really that attracted to your husband and think of him as more of a brother and roommate than you do a lover. And he’s cool with all that? Your ad says you have an arrangement. He’s cool with you dating?”

Jen: “Yeah. I got married young. We decided that while I’m in college I should be free to see other people.”

Jason: “So the two of you are still married and are still having sex even though you’re not attracted to him? How does that work? Lol. Btw, I hope I’m not being too personal. I just wanna get to know you better and understand your situation.”

Jen: “It’s okay. I’m not offended. I love my husband. He’s a really nice guy. I’m just not really into him in that way.”

Jason: “Did something happen? Did he get really out of shape or something? Did you find out after you got married that he has a real tiny dick? Lol! J/K.”

Jen: “Lol! Ha ha! No, nothing like that. He’s a good looking guy, in good shape. His dick isn’t tiny either. Lol!”

Jason: “So why aren’t you attracted to him? Hey. If I’m asking too many questions, just ask me to to shut up.”

Jen: “No, it’s cool. I don’t know. Are you attracted to every woman you meet? I mean there must be women who you think are pretty, who your friends think are pretty, but that you’re just not that attracted to. Like they’re not your type.”

Jason: “Okay. I get it, I think. Yeah, there are women who just aren’t my type. But, they’re still good looking.”

Jen: “And you could probably still manage to date and have sex with a woman like that if you liked her. A woman who wasn’t your type.”

Jason: “Yeah, I guess. But, I’d rather date and have sex with a woman who I was actually into. Lol!”

Jen: “Exactly! I want to find a guy to date who I’m actually into!”

Jason: “But still be married to your husband, because you like having your husband around?”

Jen: “Yeah, basically.”

Jason: “Okay. So, if I asked you out on a date, is it like a secret date? Because you and your husband don’t want all your friends and family to know. I mean that’s what your ad said.”

Jen: “No. My ad didn’t say I’m looking for secret dates. I just want it to be my business what I do and not involve nosy friends and relatives. I’d actually like to meet a guy who’s okay with the fact that I’m married, but otherwise doesn’t give a fuck that I’m married. I want to go out on normal dates. Real dates. In public. If someone I know sees me out in public with another guy, then whatever. But, it’s not everyone’s business either. I’m not calling my family up and explaining to them that my husband is basically more like a brother to me now and that I’m looking to date outside my marriage.”

Jason: “Okay. That’s fair. Thank you for answering my questions. I don’t want to make you feel like you have to explain yourself too much though. Like I said, I just want to know you better and know your situation. So, anyway, I want you to know that I’m okay with the fact that you’re married. But, it’s not a problem. When you sent me your picture, I instantly recognized you from school. I think you’re beautiful and you have a great smile. And I like chatting with you. I’d like to get to know you in person. So let’s go on a date. No pressures. No thinking about your husband and your marriage. Just a normal date. See how we click in person and go from there. :-) ”

Jen: “I’d like that. :-) ”

Jen stroked my cock and kissed my neck and shoulder as I read the messages between her and Jason. Jen had confided in another man that I was more like a brother and a roommate to her than I was a lover. It was my idea for her to use those words. It was my idea for her to be blunt like that with any prospective guys who she was interested in. But, it was weird to see her actually do it. It was both the best and the worst feeling in the world. But, I was as hard as a rock after reading those messages! Jen was no longer hiding the fact that I was inadequate as a lover. Not from me. Not from herself. Not from Jason. Jason! A stranger who she had her first date with the day before. Who went into that date knowing that it was a real date. Knowing that the beautiful woman he was with was married, but that she wasn’t all that into her husband. Jason had kissed Jen in public at the conclusion of their date. It was irrelevant that Jen was married. She was available. And Jason knew it.

Jen and I started kissing passionately and feeling on each other! When I finally got my penis inside of her, I thought about how inadequate my penis was from Jen’s perspective. How my days as Jen’s sexual partner really were numbered. But, I still wanted her to tell me what was going through her head at that moment. I wanted to share in it!

“What are you thinking about?” I asked as we fucked.

“Same thing as you, baby.” Jen whispered. “About what a mediocre lay you are and how exciting it is that I might have already met a real man so quickly. I’m also thinking about how good it felt to tell Jason that you’re like a brother and a roommate to me.”

There was silence for a moment as we kept fucking. But, then Jen spoke again.

“Do you know why it feels good?” Jen whispered.

“Why?” I asked, eager to know.

“Because it’s the truth,” Jen replied bluntly. “And it feels good to speak the truth and not hide it anymore. It feels good to put my dissatisfaction out there. To let another man know that I’m looking. Really looking! He doesn’t need to know that I’m looking to completely replace you sexually, Michael. He knows enough. He knows that you don’t do it for me. He knows that I think there’s the possibility that he may be able to do for me what you can’t. And he’s pursuing me. Because he knows I’m available. Because I told him I’m available. And that’s how he behaved towards me yesterday, Michael. Like a single guy out on a date with a single girl. You didn’t come up at all in conversation on our date. And why would you? Jason already knew you weren’t a factor. Jason and I had got that conversation out of the way before we even met in person. I was so happy when he kissed me outside the coffee house! It didn’t matter who might be watching. This is what being a single college girl is really like, Michael! Having the ability to go out on real dates in public with a hot college guy, with the possibility of it leading to more!”

“Do you really think it could lead to more?" I asked as I continued to thrust in and out of Jen.

“Maybe,” she replied. “And if not with him, then with someone else. Do you notice how my eyes are closed right now? Right now I’m imagining sex with everyone but you, Michael. Brian, Derek, Kyle, Brent! Even Ben! Even though Ben is a worse lay than you, it’s still fun to think about how he was getting it for free and you have to pay. And I’m thinking about Jason, of course. Thinking about what sex with Jason will be like. Imagining sex with other men helps to make sex with you bearable, Michael.”

Jen and I continued to have sex and I could tell that Jen was going to O soon. As soon as she started, I let myself orgasm too. It was amazing!

I held Jen afterward and we snuggled.

I’m at home by myself right now while Jen is out on her second date with Jason. As horny as I am, I’m not letting myself masturbate. I want to hang onto this deep, intense excitement until Jen comes home.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by pwsub » Wed Dec 20, 2017 6:35 pm

What a fantastic update, i cannot wait to hear how the date went

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Wed Dec 20, 2017 7:55 pm

That didn't take very long ! But on early on descriptions of Jen, finding a man who would be interested and attracted to her, didn't seem like long shot.

it sounds like your plan is coming together. good luck and best wishes.

will be anxiously waiting for your next update.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Wed Dec 20, 2017 10:01 pm

I imagine that if this continues to develop as Jen wants, she will be dating Jason on New Years Eve and he will be the first to get her in 2018.
What are your plans over the holidays? Will Jason still be around then?

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by corey22901 » Thu Dec 21, 2017 1:03 pm

Hi Excited,

Been with you from the start and I for one understand and am kind of envious of your compersion for Jen.

Your pleasure is when she has pleasure - rare to find, and when two people share it - you communicate wonderfully (but not frequently enough IMO) how this works.

Most of us on this board have spouses and many share or want to share them with others. Various shades of gray about what that means, how we respond, and what roles we take. In most cases, as this is our kink, we should give you and Jen wide berth to each person's viewpoint and situation.

I myself do have a level of compersion, but you have opened my eyes to what total compersion actually is. Thank you sharing that - I have rethought many aspects of my relationship with my wife, her need for pleasure and how I need to react to that need.

Couple of thoughts:

1. I totally respect both you and Jen's privacy - she is sensitive to that, we all understand. A photo in the hotties, non face, would be nice.

2. Savor the transition from you being a husband with having semi-marital rights with Jen to being a roommate. You both dream of this and don't rush it - take your time and realize that once replaced, you never know when that status will change. Exciting, but . . . you are the husband.

3. I know I have written about male chastity devices before. I have been denied with only a handful of orgasms each year, for the last 6 years. She gets hers orally from me almost every other day - so she is very happy with the current status quo. (Like you, from the outside, many do not understand this). I could not take the hormonal ups and downs if I masturbated every time I got horny. It has kept me on a more even keel and helps me stay focused on her, family and work. Otherwise my small penis would be the center of attention and rubbed raw. Try it again with Jen at the right time. I think it will help you and provide Jen and her guy with plenty of ammo to give you some mild humiliation and teasing. It really can be fun - but you have to find the right device. PM me if you want to get more thoughts on this area.

Have a great holiday and please keep us up to date - we are your friends.


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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by hwc » Fri Dec 22, 2017 5:02 pm

We really need to hear about the second date! Also, it would be great to hear about the day/s leading up to the date, your conversations, your feelings, how you felt while Jen got ready for her date with Jason - and particularly your conversations during that time. What did she choose to wear?

Your last post was an amazingly good read by the way, I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I simply cannot get enough - or wait until your next post!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by boblouis723 » Sun Dec 24, 2017 7:06 am

Has there been any talk of when she's ready to get pregnant? Will she let her fuck you to pregnancy, make you cum in a turkey baster or will you accept a child made by your wife and her lover?

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by SamWarrens » Sun Dec 24, 2017 7:56 am

My vote would be for her to let her lovers father all her children. Make you be the ultimate cuck by having children by several men and none by you.
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by mickle » Mon Dec 25, 2017 7:14 am

SamWarrens wrote:My vote would be for her to let her lovers father all her children. Make you be the ultimate cuck by having children by several men and none by you.
:up: :up: :up:

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by katt » Tue Dec 26, 2017 6:23 am

Micheal, seasons greetings. A few thoughts from your and other recent posts:

First, love the idea Jen is now wearing her wedding ring on a chain round her neck rather than on her finger. If all works out with her new steady boyfriend and he is looking for present ideas, you could suggest to him to buy her a new necklace. If the chain and ring are consigned to a hidden jewelry box it would move you one step further away from her new relationship!

Not sure I buy into the pregnancy ideas put forward by some. However perhaps you should reassure Jen any mishaps you would stand by her and bring up as yours.

On the point of sex, how about taking a vow of chastity from now, for a period of time, that way Jen would know her plan B would only extend to oral. Maybe it would assist Jen and her beau to focus on themselves and not be distracted by your needs.

Looking forward to more updates soon.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OOAA » Tue Dec 26, 2017 10:41 pm

Amazing update!!!

Merry Christmas to all!!! ;)


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Thu Dec 28, 2017 7:29 pm

boblouis723 wrote:Has there been any talk of when she's ready to get pregnant? Will she let her fuck you to pregnancy, make you cum in a turkey baster or will you accept a child made by your wife and her lover?
If you go back to his posts in August-September 2016 you will see that this is a boundary that Michael will absolutely not cross and that Jen agrees on this as well.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Fri Jan 05, 2018 10:18 pm

Jen’s second date with Jason went well. But, still no sex. All the same, Jen was thrilled!

“It was great!” she told me. “Jason and I held hands in public, kissed without stressing about who might be watching, and just had a really great time! Jason is really fun to be around, Michael! He’s smart and funny and really, really hot! It’s so great! To go out on real dates like this! It really is like being a single college girl! Plus, you didn’t come up at all! Not on our first date and not on our second date. Jason knows I’m married, but it doesn’t seem to be a big deal to him. The date was just about him and I getting to know each other and enjoying each other’s company.”

Jen and I were fully clothed as she told me all this. Sure, we were sort of cuddling. But, it was almost like friends cuddling. Nothing sexual was happening between us as she spoke. I could tell that she just wanted to talk. So, I just smiled as she went on.

“When I was seeing Brian, I always had to be so discreet all the time! Except for those occasions when we were out of town and then Brian and I could act in public like the couple that we already were in private. Otherwise, it was this big, huge secret! Things were also kind of discreet with Kyle and Brent. I mean I’m sure some of their friends suspected or even knew, but there wasn’t any making out in public between us or anything like that. It was all on the down low. Besides, what I was doing with Kyle and Brent wasn’t exactly dating. But, Jason and I have have had two real dates and neither of us behaved like I’m married to another man. It’s like being married to you is a minor technicality that doesn’t have to get in the way. I’m having this huge revelation! Like I can still be married to you and be single and available at the same time! It’s crazy! And wonderful! It’s like a whole new world has opened up for me! I love it!”

I was as hard as a rock as Jen spoke to me, of course. But, it was hidden away in my jeans. My role at that moment was to be a supportive best friend and not a horny husband, so I forced myself to act the part.

“Is he a good kisser?” I asked with a smile.

“An amazing kisser!” Jen replied.

“Do you already have a date number three planned?” I asked.

“Of course!” Jen replied. “This is great! Talking to you like this, with all our clothes on. No fooling around. Just me telling you about the great date I had tonight with another man. We need to do this more often, Michael. Just talk and enjoy each other’s company platonically.”

“We already do that quite a bit,” I said with a smile.

“You know what I mean,” Jen said with a laugh. “I like being able to talk to you about my feelings like this without it being a part of some sort of weird foreplay. It makes my date with Jason even more real and not just some sort of weird cuckold game. Same thing goes for me not being you into sexually. It’s good to be able to talk about it freely and honestly with you. I like that I’m able to talk about it with you as though it were a real thing. Because, it is a real thing and it shouldn’t have to be covered up. If we’re only talking about it during sex or when we’re fooling around, then that’s a form of cover up”

Hearing Jen talk like that just made me believe even more that something really had changed between us after Thanksgiving. It was scary as fuck and hot as fuck. But, I just went along with it.

“You’re totally right,” I replied. “Sure, it’s hot for me when you say stuff like that when we’re fooling around. We both know that. But, it’s gotta be frustrating for you if you can only be honest about your feelings in those moments.”

“Exactly!” Jen said with excitement that I was agreeing. “I’m left wondering if we’re on the same page. Like am I truly free to date other men for real? Like do you really understand that I’m not into you in a sexual way? Are you mad at me for not thinking of you as a real man or are you finally okay with it? Or do I have to pretend like I do think of you as a real man so that I don’t hurt your feelings? And do you mean it when you say that you understand that I’m looking to replace you sexually and that sex with you is disposable to me? Do you believe me when I tell you that I think of you more as a good friend or as a brother than I do as a lover? Are you really okay with that? Are you actually going to be able to embrace that? So that when I do replace you again sexually, is being a platonic best friend to me going to be enough for you? And if we basically put having a normal marriage on hold for the whole time I’m in college, what will that do to us? We don’t even know how long I’ll be in college. A lot of people don’t graduate on time. A lot of people go to grad school. That’s a long time, Michael. Are you going to want a wife who isn’t into you sexually and only has sex with you in between boyfriends?”

“Hey, I get it,” I told Jen. “The questions you’re asking yourself. I understand. And you’re right. And it’s good for you to put your feelings out there in the open in front of us when we’re not having sex or fooling around. If you know that I’m on board for real and not just as a part of some big sex game, then you can enjoy yourself more and not have to worry about everything so much. Believe me, I totally get it. I have to admit though that even when we’re fully clothed and you’re simply telling me like it is, a part of me is still sexually excited. But, that’s why all of this can work. Right? If I weren’t into all of this in a sexual way, then there would be a problem. I still have sexual needs. But, I’m a cuckold. So my sexual needs can be fulfilled in a cuckold way. As you know, I love having sex with you. But, I love even more when you have a real man in your life to have sex with. Playing the role of your eunuch cuckold servant is more fulfilling to me than actually having sex with you. Not because I don’t love having sex with you, but because I do love having sex with you and I know how great it is! It’s the best thing in the world! I think about how lucky any man is to be able to have sex with you, Jen! And, because I’m a cuckold, it excites me when another man gets the honor. It excites me even more when it’s a real man. I think about how amazing sex with you is and then I think about how much better it must be with a real man in my place. I’ve become hooked on the idea. When you don’t have a real man in your life, I find myself frustrated and wishing that you did. I used to be upset at the idea that you don’t think of me as a real man when it comes to sex. But, as time has gone by I’ve stopped thinking of myself as a real man. I mean I still think of myself as a real man in every other way, but not when it comes to sex. I don’t know if over time you’ve conditioned me into feeling that way about myself or if I’ve just come to accept it on my own. But, I’m not complaining either way. Hanging on to that was just getting in the way of things. It was an obstacle. I’m finding that it’s easier and more enjoyable to just let go and not hang on to that part of myself. Hanging on to that part of myself was only going to cause me to be angry at you and at myself. Letting go truly gives me the opportunity to be a real cuckold whose sexual needs can be satisfied exclusively through cuckold activities that don’t involve me penetrating you. When you finally find a real man to replace me with again, I’ll be a little bit sad at the loss of getting to have sex with you. But, I’ll be far more happy that you’re getting the sex that you deserve. And I’ll also be relieved that you’re no longer settling for inadequate sex with me. I don’t deserve to have sex with you, Jen.”

“No, you don’t.” Jen replied bluntly and honestly, but not in a mean way.

“But, when you do start denying me sex again on full-time basis, I really do want it to be for a real man and I really do want him to know it. I know I’ve said that before, but it’s worth saying again now. I want him to know that I’m not an obstacle or competition. I want to keep having that feeling of letting go that I just described. To just let go of being your lover and to completely pass that torch on to my sexual replacement and to not be miserable about it. If all three of us know that he’s my sexual replacement, then there’s no room for confusion. All three of us will view him as your lover and there won’t be any confusion. Just acceptance.”

“Yes,” Jen replied firmly. “But, as my real lover and my real boyfriend. He’s not going to be just some bull who’s only there for cuckold fun and games. You’ll still get teased and taunted. But, remember, don’t expect any wrestling or ball busting. My sex life is going to be about me and him, not about you. You’re going to need to be satisfied with whatever cuckold experiences I’m able to give you in that situation. If my future boyfriend’s not interested in cuckold play, then you’ll have to live with that and live with whatever experiences I’m able to provide you with, Michael. I’ll make sure that he knows that I’ve given up sex with you to be exclusive with him. I’ll make sure that he knows that he’s completely replaced you as my lover and that you’re no competition for him and not an obstacle. Believe me, he’ll know. I’ll want him to know as much as you want it. I don’t want there to be a doubt in his mind! But, you better be prepared to know it, Michael. I want it to be an easy transition for you. I want you to be happy.”

“Thank you,” I responded. “Thanks for helping me make the transition into platonic friend territory, babe.”

Jen smiled. “Thank you for being such a good friend, Michael. A good friend who isn’t standing in the way of me and my future lover. Remember that when I finally replace you, it’s your job to help as much as possible. My ideal scenario is one where you’re not just my best friend, but you also become my lover’s best friend too. One where he and I both enjoy having you around and where you enjoy watching us grow as a couple and enjoy helping us with that. If you do a good job, he’ll want you around as much as I want you around. Then the three of us can be happy together. Kind of crazy to say it out loud and not as a part of sex talk. But, I think that’s what my goal in all this is. At least until the time comes when it’s no longer possible and you and I have to figure out how to get back to being a normal couple. No hurry though. I’m not in any rush to go back to settling for you as my only lover, Michael.”

“I know,” I replied. “Like you said, college will be a while. Maybe grad school after that. Don’t worry. It’ll be some time before we have to figure how to be a normal couple again.”

I didn’t bother mentioning to Jen how it sounded to me like her goal was to recreate what we had with Brian and that what she really wanted was for Brian to have never moved away. I was being a good friend and a good friend wouldn’t make a big deal of pointing something like that out.

Two days after that conversation, I got a text message while I was at work.

“Jason and I had sex. In case you’re wondering, he is a real man!”

I found out later that day that the sex was in mine and Jen’s marital bed. Which made it even better.

I had sex with Jen that weekend. $40 dollars in exchange for being able to penetrate my own wife.

“It’s so awkward having sex with you, Michael.” Jen giggled as I fucked her. “In the same bed that Jason gave me some of the most amazing sex imaginable! Too bad he wore a condom. But, those are the rules. Gotta play safe. The man I want to cum inside of me has to wear a condom for now, but my eunuch cuckold husband gets to shoot his load inside of me. That’s so twisted! How much longer do you think it’ll be that you get to keep cumming inside of me, Michael? Or even having sex with me for that matter? Just remember, you don’t deserve to have sex with me. It’ll be such a relief when I finally replace you again sexually! I’m so looking forward to it! As you’re fucking me right now, every stroke, every thrust just reminds me of how inadequate you are sexually and of how much better Jason is in bed! You’re fucking yourself into obsolescence, Michael! You’re making me more and more eager to replace you sexually! Understand?”

“Yes,” I replied as I continued to have sex with Jen. I wanted to cum so bad!

“I’m going to close my eyes and think about Jason now,” Jen said bluntly.

We continued having sex in silence, other than the usual grunts, moans, and groans.

When Jen started to O, I let myself O as well.

As we cuddled, Jen reminded me that she mean what she had said during sex.

“Remember, that wasn’t just sex talk, Michael.”

“I know,” I replied.

“I feel like we’re doing really well,” Jen continued. “I have no complaints. I mean other than the inferior sex that you give me. But, that’s nothing against you. Sex is what real men are for. You’re being a really good and really supportive husband in all the ways that you can. I think you’re great and I want you to know that I’m as in love with you now as I’ve ever been. I really can be in love with you, but not be into you sexually. I’m okay with that. You’re showing me that you’re okay with that too, or at least you’re doing your best to be. Keep it up, okay? I really do appreciate it and I really do appreciate you. I’m very happy with you, Michael. We really are doing well. The more you show me that you’re not afraid of letting go of being my lover when the time comes, the more happy I am with you. The more proud I am of you.”

And that was the last time I’ve had sex with Jen.

The holidays were hectic. Jen and Jason did find the time for another couple of dates after Christmas but before the New Year. The continued having sex in our bed. Funny thing was that I still hadn’t met Jason yet at that point. But, Jen assured me that this was normal.

“Yes you’re my husband,” she told me. “But, remember that I’m dating as if I was single and that you’re more like a best friend or a brother to me than you are a lover. It’s too soon to introduce Jason to my best friend. He and I have only had a few dates so far. As it goes on though, introducing you will be the natural thing to do.”

Jen’s explanation made sense, so I accepted it without thinking much more about it.

When New Year’s Eve came, Jen and I went to a party with friends. Jason had his own event to go to. But, Jen and Jason exchanged some messages, which Jen shared with me.

Jason: “Happy New Year, beautiful!”

Jen: “Happy New Year!”

Jason: “You having a good time?”

Jen: “Yeah, you?”

Jason: “Yeah, just wish I had someone to kiss when the clock struck 12. By someone, I mean you.”

Jen: “That’s sweet! Promise you’re not kissing anyone at that party?”

Jason: “Promise. I’m here with friends. No kissing is gonna happen. Why? Would you be jealous?”

Jen: “I have no right to be jealous.”

Jason: “True, I guess. But, that’s not what I asked. Lol. Would you be?”

Jen: “Lol. Okay. Maybe a little.”

Jason: “Did you kiss Michael?”

Jen: “Yeah. Why? Does that make you feel jealous?”

Jason: “No, but sort of yes also. No because I figured your husband gets a New Year’s kiss since he’s right there with you. Yes because I have to wait for my New Year’s kiss.”

Jen: “Well, let’s make sure to see each other soon so you don’t have to wait to long. :) Plus, there’s something else I can offer.”

Jason: “Oh yeah?”

Jen: “You can be my first lay of the New Year. Lol.”

Jason: “I like that idea! Lol. Is your husband going to be cool with that?”

Jen: “Does it matter?”

Jason: “I don’t know. Does it?”

Jen: “He’s pretty easy going. But, if he tries to put the moves on, what should I tell him when I turn him down? Lol.”

Jason: “That you’re saving yourself for me! Lol.”

Jen: “Good answer! Lol. That’s what I’m going to tell him!”

Jason: “For real?”

Jen: “Yeah. Why not? It’s the truth. Lol.”

So, $40 bucks or not, I didn’t get to have sex with Jen on New Year’s day. She and Jason had sex on Tuesday, while I was at work. Jen’s first lay of the New Year, just like she promised Jason. They had sex again the day after too.

I was ready to redeem my $40, but Jen shared some new messages with me that put that idea to rest for now.

Jason: “Still turning Michael down for sex? Lol.”

Jen: “Yep. Still want me to keep turning him down? Lol.”

Jason: “Yep.”

And then tonight I finally met him. Jen had left a list of chores for me to do while she and Jason had a Friday night date. I didn’t meet Jason until Jen got home after their date. She brought Jason into our apartment and introduced us.

“Hey, man!” Jason said to me as he gripped my hand. “Good to meet you!”

There was total confidence in the way he greeted me. He was friendly, but it really was as though he was meeting Jen’s best friend and roommate. There was no sign that he was nervous about meeting Jen’s husband. We chatted for a few minutes. Just bullshit small talk.

“Jason and I are going to be using the bedroom tonight, Michael.” Jen said early in the conversation. “Can you grab whatever you need out of the bedroom so you can sleep in the study tonight?”

“Yeah, sure,” I replied.

Jen and Jason locked themselves in the bedroom and I grabbed my computer and started typing. As I typed, I tried to overhear them talking. But, couldn’t really make out what they were saying. I heard some laughing. Eventually I heard the sounds of sex. From the sounds Jen made, I could tell that Jason was satisfying her in ways that I couldn’t. When Jen stepped out to use the bathroom, she paid me a quick visit.

“You doing okay?” she asked.

“Yeah. Just doing some stuff on the computer.”

“Okay. Cool. I brought you a present.” Jen opened up her hand and gave me a used condom that was tied off at the end. “Jason and I are talking about being exclusive. After we go get tested, there won’t be any more condoms. So consider this a special treat. Anyway, I have to get back. You have a good night.”

Jen kissed me goodnight and left me with the condom filled with Jason’s cum. I stared at it for a minute or two and then smelled it and licked it. I tasted Jen, but I had an even crazier idea. I untied the condom and put it in my mouth, turning it inside out once it was inside. I sucked out and swallowed every last bit of Jason’s cum and then threw the condom out.

I was ready to masturbate and go to sleep. But, I stayed up to finish typing all of this. I’m not up for proofreading and I hope I didn’t make too many typos. Sorry if I did. I’m signing off now. I need to masturbate so bad. And then I need to sleep. Goodnight.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by wingman » Sat Jan 06, 2018 7:32 am

So with the true BF experience, emotions are going to become more involved. Have you guys talked about that aspect at all? How are you with the idea that she may fall 'in love' with her BF. Seems like to date, you have provided the emotional side of the equation, and the "real man" has provided the physical (and perhaps exciting) side.
With this road downwhich you are both headed, the BF will likely start providing some of what has to-date been your area. Have you discussed it, set boundries, limits, triggers, etc?
I've got her back, he's got her front.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by boblouis723 » Sat Jan 06, 2018 8:34 am

Reading this was rough, I don't know what else you'll be able to tell us over time... You had a role with Jen and Brian, but now you'll just be a fly on the wall, good luck.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Ky_Da » Sun Jan 07, 2018 10:34 am

This is such a train wreck in the making, but I like reading it and hope you continue. I don’t understand what you get out of it, but I enjoy reading about your wife’s exploits.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 12:48 pm


You have repeatedly expressed you want this and are excited by the development (but scared). However, this is completely different from what you had with Brian.

Brian was someone you personally had a long and strong relationship with, even been sexually intimate with. It started off as something all three of you were actively engaged in as a complement to your relationship with Jen. Even when you were denied, you were included. Brian's relationship with Jen was relatively short-term with a clearly defined end-Point, initially the wedding. Even if that was then extended, it was still only a few months with a hard deadline when Brian was leaving for his new school. Throughout everything, Brian was communicating directly with you and expressed repeatedly that he saw the real long-term relationship as the one between you and Jen and that that would continue after he left.

In this new situation, the relationship will be exclusively Jen's. If the boyfriend is prepared to include you, it will purely be on his terms. The relationship is completely open-ended and Jen is looking for a long-term relationship - college and, if possible, grad school and the initial years of her career. This means that she will be planning her Life to include the boyfriend and his opinions including the place for grad school and career. Also, she wants to have a completely open boyfriend relationship which means meeting together with his friends and family and holidays together. She doesn't want any sexual relationship with you during all this and even talks about excluding intimate contact with you.

Unless you both work really hard at communicating and doing things together, I wonder how you are going to be able to keep yout marriage together over such a long time and with such strong competition for her feelings.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by boblouis723 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 12:53 pm

viking53 wrote:Michael,

You have repeatedly expressed you want this and are excited by the development (but scared). However, this is completely different from what you had with Brian.

Brian was someone you personally had a long and strong relationship with, even been sexually intimate with. It started off as something all three of you were actively engaged in as a complement to your relationship with Jen. Even when you were denied, you were included. Brian's relationship with Jen was relatively short-term with a clearly defined end-Point, initially the wedding. Even if that was then extended, it was still only a few months with a hard deadline when Brian was leaving for his new school. Throughout everything, Brian was communicating directly with you and expressed repeatedly that he saw the real long-term relationship as the one between you and Jen and that that would continue after he left.

In this new situation, the relationship will be exclusively Jen's. If the boyfriend is prepared to include you, it will purely be on his terms. The relationship is completely open-ended and Jen is looking for a long-term relationship - college and, if possible, grad school and the initial years of her career. This means that she will be planning her Life to include the boyfriend and his opinions including the place for grad school and career. Also, she wants to have a completely open boyfriend relationship which means meeting together with his friends and family and holidays together. She doesn't want any sexual relationship with you during all this and even talks about excluding intimate contact with you.

Unless you both work really hard at communicating and doing things together, I wonder how you are going to be able to keep yout marriage together over such a long time and with such strong competition for her feelings.

I agree, If you aren't involved then you get nothing out of it but angst.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by hwc » Sun Jan 07, 2018 4:43 pm

Brilliant updates, EC! to say I'm on the edge of my chair, waiting to hear more isn't an exaggeration!

Just one thing I wanted to know, (don't remember if its come up before), in your shoes, despite going along with everything Jen is doing and saying, I would be extremely jealous - especially when she teases so. The being mean and cruel to you, even though it is a huge turn on, must hurt? I'm sure you love Jen completely, so her all-out having a boyfriend to replace you must feel equally as bad as it feels good? I'm sure she is still doing that on purpose and that you want her to... saying things in a calm, matter of fact way, as if of no consequence, no big deal - that to most people would hurt terribly, cause angst, anguish, jealousy, insecurity and even perhaps some hidden and repressed anger.

Would love to hear more about this aspect of the relationship - particularly any discussions you have. For instance, is Jen interested in how her dating effects or hurts you? (would love to hear about those!) and do you discuss ways in which she can enhance those feelings? - things that you tell her would make you even more jealous (if that is possible!) that she can think about and then introduce them.

Recently, Jen was being purposely cruel in her discussions with you. Have you discussed this with her (outside of the bedroom) and is it something you would like more of (more often, or constantly) or even for her to intensify it? If so, in what ways do you think she could do this, has Jen put forward any more ideas?

I realise that I am talking about things that I would personally find exciting, were I in your shoes (and believe me, I wish I was!) - but of course what you get from the current dynamic may be quite different.

Just one other quick point. In your shoes, I would be keenly interested in what my wife was going to wear when with her boyfriend on dates. I would want that to be something that was discussed beforehand. I would want to help choose what she was going to wear and even go shopping for new hot clothes for her upcoming dates. I would want her to go out of her way to look 'hot', as hot as possible wearing clothes- that would drive him crazy with lust for her, (which would drive me equally crazy with jealousy!) Is this a factor for you? If it's something you are not very fussed about, if it doesn't make much difference to you then I understand that, but if it is something that does contribute to the hotness of the current situation for you, then I would just love to hear about that side of things in your posts!

Anyway, as I said, all of your posts are amazing, and have only got better and better in recent months - what a roller-coaster ride!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Mon Jan 08, 2018 7:54 pm

Hello Michael. incredible update, it sounds like Jen took your encouragement and ran with it.

since you haven't had sex with Jen yet, do you think she has already exclusive'd you out. think about it, you didn't even get a chance to have your last fuck Jen, because you had it and didn't know it. She seems serious about not going back to having sex with you and Jason, from his text, at least seems to enjoy playing the game. Since you and Jason is both encouraging her, to have exactly what she wants. Why not just stop having sex with you now and make the cuckold/eunuch/servant that you both want you to be.

Think about it, next New Years Eve, you might be celebrating 1 year of Jason and Jen being a couple , dating freely, anytime they want, wherever they want. How many nights will you be sleeping in the den while Jason spends the night with your wife? Will he become Jens new roommate, live in lover, boyfriend ? moving into your apartment, sleeping nightly with Jen in the bed you used to share. One year of no sex with your wife, while she has sex almost every night.

Do you think Jen will want to include you the way she did with Brian and then with Kyle and Brett, being clean up for Jen and maybe orally taking care of Jason? Or do you think it will be as someone else mentioned that Jason will direct the relationship and in turn your own interactions with you wife?

Again many random thoughts, this is one of most exciting stories i have ever read and i look forward to each update . I wish continued happiness and love to you and Jen . Happy New Year!!!!!!!

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