Weekend getaway

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Clueless hubby
Posts: 105
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Weekend getaway

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Wed Jan 24, 2018 5:12 am

Weekend getaway
Things were starting to finally slow down at work. It was mid June and Heather suggested we should get away for the weekend to reconnect. We decided to head up north to a little hotel some friends told us about. Nothing to fancy. It had a pool and access to a private beach in a little town with a couple of nice resturants. Far enough to feel like a vacation but also close enough for just a couple of nights. I was all in!
We took off work early that Friday and headed up. We arrived at the little road side motel around five. After checking in and unloading our bags we found one of the restaurants we had heard about. The food was decent and the people were really friendly. After picking up drinks and snacks we went back to our room.
It was a sunny 85 degrees outside so we put on our swim suits to check the beach out. I put on my board shorts and a t-shirt (to cover my dad bod). My wife of twenty years changed in the bathroom.
My mouth hit the floor when I saw her! She had always taken much better care of herself than me but since she started seeing Tom she ramped up the workouts and it showed. She had changed into a very skimpy pink Bikini. The small triangle of fabric of the bottoms barely covered her in the front. I could even tell that she must have waxed recently. The back came up in a v shape revealing almost half her ass cheeks. Very little was left to the imagination.
Her top seemed a little to small. You could see the skin of her beasts but that wasn’t the fucked up part about it. There was a large hickey on the inside of her left breast.
Fucking Tom with his hickeys.
When Heather finally caught my eye she had a small smirk
“He just didn’t want you to forget baby, you know,,, I’m his girl”
I felt like my knees were going to buckle! I had to sit down to hide my instant hard on. I couldn’t even focus at this point. Who fucking says things like that!
Heather started laughing so hard she actually snorted
“Come on Shawn! I’m just playing with you baby. He just gets carried away some times. You still like that right?”
I didn’t even answer her. She knew I did. She knew I was hard. Heather handed me her towel and said
“Come on, I want to see the beach before it gets dark”
We stepped out side and headed across the street to the beach. Once we crossed the two lane road we made our way down a sandy path threw about fifty yards of trees and brush. We set our towels down and watched the sun set over Lake Huron. Heather didn’t say much as she laid in my arms. She seemed happy and content. So was I.
It was getting dark so we went back to the motel to check out the pool. We passed one of the owners setting out wood for a camp fire around some picnic tables. He stopped and took a moment to admire my beautiful wife who asked him what time the festivities started. They made small talk for few minutes while I stared at my feet.
We made our way to the pool which was located behind the hotel. It was heated and there were three other couples laying out on lawn chairs or taking a dip. No kids though, thank god!! Heather kicked off her Flip flops and slid in. I removed my shirt and followed suit.
I was a little concerned when everyone saw how Heather was dressed. I mean this is the Midwest, all the other women had T-shirt’s over there one piece suites. Everyone was really cool and friendly though. We introduced ourselves and before long we were chatting like old friends. We swam for awhile then agreed to meet out by the fire.
Back at our room I threw on the shorts I drove up in. Heather slipped into a sun dress. Before we headed out the door she lifted it up to show me she wasn’t wearing panties. With a big smile I opened the door.
We found a spot on one of the picnic tables out by the camp fire. Sitting next to John and his wife Julie. They were close to our age. Heather and Julie chatted like life long friends. John and I talked about what all men talk about, sports. Soon the other two couples joined us and before long the women were at one table while the men stood around the other.
I kept glancing at my wife. As a cuckold in these situations I always feel off balance. It’s like I hope something happens and at the same time I dread it.
My promiscuous wife was sitting across from me and three other men. She looked so sexy in the fire light. Her blonde hair a little messy from swimming earlier and stray locks would fall over her pretty face. Her green eyes sparkled when ever she would make eye contact with me. The neck line of her dress showed a lot of cleavage and I would get glimpses of the hickey Tom left. She would part and cross her legs and I caught each guy there trying to get a glimpse without much luck. We laughed and drank a little to much and before you knew it it was late into the night. We said our good nights and agreed to meet tomarrow for a repeat. Heather was pretty tipsy when I threw her on the bed around midnight. I immediately flipped up her sun dress and got to work on her with my tongue. There was no way I was not going to have my wife tonight. It didn’t take her long to start moaning on my tongue. After I got her off I climbed on top and slid myself into her with ease. All the time she’d spent with Tom had changed heather’s pussy. I know she couldn’t feel much but I tried my best. These thoughts made me cum faster than I would have liked.
Heather laid her head on my chest afterward. She was lightly playing with my chest hair when she started to talk about him
“You know, he didn’t want me to come this weekend.”
I didn’t move. It was like her words froze me in place as I waited for her to continue.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t talk about him”
I blurted out “no! I want you to!”
What was I saying? I had her to myself! For the first time in months my wife was MY wife but I couldn’t help it. I wanted her to say it. Even though it hurt so much,,,
She was quiet at first. I actually thought she fell asleep, but after a few minutes she whispered,,
“He really did give me that hickey to mark me, he can be kind of jealous”
“Really? Of me? That’s kind of funny” I giggled
“I know, right!” She giggled back,
“I mean he has no reason to be jealous of you! Your just my husband!”
After we both stopped laughing she became a bit more serous.
“I know it sounds bad but I do miss him.”
I held her a little tighter. I knew what was coming, when Heather drank to much she started to talk to me about Tom like I was her girlfriend instead of her husband and I couldn’t help but to encourage her.
“How do you miss him baby” I whispered to her.
“I miss his face, I miss his laugh, I miss the way he holds me, I miss just being around him”

“I think I’m falling in love”

I didn’t know what to say or do. Heather had said this before but it still hurt to hear. It was so obvious that she loved him. Why did this turn me on so much? I don’t know what came over me when I said
“You should have him drive up for the day tomarrow”
Heather was very quite. She rubbed her leg up mine until she felt my hard on. She immediately straightened her leg back out. I know why, she felt guilty, like she was betraying him.
“Baby, don’t say that. You don’t mean it and it’s just not right”
I took a deep breath
“Well, the offers on the table”
Heather didn’t say another word. We drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.

The next morning I woke up before Heather. Laying in bed thinking about the night before I was relieved she turned my offer down. Heather may very well love Tom but the father of her children still took priority. I felt like I still had some control and maybe, just maybe, my girl gave me my man card back. At least for the weekend.
I dressed as quietly as possible and went to find us some breakfast. There was a little donut and bagel shop not to far away and I grabbed some to bring back to our love shack. Getting Heather’s favorite coffee was a bit harder. The nearest Tim Hortons was 20 minutes away.
When I got back to the room she was up and in the shower. I stripped down naked intending to get in with her but when I tried the bathroom door it was locked,,
“Baby,I got something for you” I teased
“Open the door for your surprise!”
I thought I was being cute, she shut the water off.
“I’ll be out in a minute Shawn!”
Whatever, she’s probably a little hungover. As I was trying to make everything perfect for my girl Heather’s phone lit up on the night stand. I couldn’t help but notice it was a text from Tom. I t read
“Are you sure babe?”
Hmm. Turning on the tv I set heather’s bagel out on a paper plate next to her coffee. She finally opened the bathroom door.
I was surprised when she came out. She was wearing a denim style dress that was really conservative . The neck line came up to her actual neck and it was hemmed below her knees. So unlike anything I’d seen Heather wear in the last few months. It kind of looked uncomfortable.
She looked like a prude.
“Tom bought this for me to wear around you today, he said it was the least he could do. Considering all the things you’ve bought for him to see me in”
She picked up her phone and typed something. A second later her phone dinged in reply and a smile spread across her face.
“Who was that babe?” I asked even though l already knew. Tom had his own special tone when he texted her.
“Oh, it’s him letting me know he misses me”
I sat there picking at my food. She was getting so good at this game we played.
Heather ate and finished getting ready. She put on a minimum amount of makeup and threw her hair in a pony tail. She pulled out a pair of black loafers that looked like they belonged to my grandmother.
“I take it Tom got you those as well?’
“How did you guess Shawn!” She was laughing when she checked herself in the mirror. She turned to me and said
“Well, lets go find something to do. I really don’t want to spend the day moping around our room”
Heather had me take her to a couple of antique stores and a little farmers market. We had lunch at hotdog stand and walked down the public beach and explored the state park. We decided to have dinner at the same place as the night before and weren’t disappointed.
We hit the store on the way back to the hotel for more beverages. I was in line paying for the craft beer and stuff for Heather to make our new friends some cocktail she thought they would all like.
“Oh shoot, I forgot something!” Heather said as I was paying. She scurried over to the beer cooler and grabbed a twelve pack of bud. She set it on the counter giving me a wink.
“Tom texted me back and said he can make it out tonight, I hope that’s still ok baby”
I was standing at the counter with I’m sure the dumbest look on my face.
“Sir? Cash or credit” the clerk repeated.
“Here” Heather took my wallet out of my hand and payed the bill. I followed her out the door like a puppy dog carrying out the booze while she held my wallet. I couldn’t get to the car fast enough!
“So why didn’t you tell me he was coming” I blurted out as I pulled out of the liquor store. I was trying to keep my cool but it can be so hard at times. I glanced over at her sitting there dressed all prim and proper like we were on a church outing. She had her phone in her hand and was acting like she wasn’t really listening to me. I took a couple of deep breaths. I knew what she wanted. I pushed down my pride and reframed the question.
“What are you thinking hun? Is he staying tonight? Should I get another room for him?”
Heather finally looked over at me and acknowledged I was speaking to her.
With fake sweetness she replied
“Yes, you should definitely rent another room Shawn. I think it would be weird if our new friends saw the three of us sharing a room baby” Heather giggled.
I pulled up to the motel. Heather handed me my wallet and took my room key.
“I forgot my key baby, why don’t you go up to the office and see about another room. I need to freshen up”
I walked up to the front to see what I could do. The elderly woman at the desk was more than happy to rent me another room. She told me all they had available were on the back side of the hotel. This wasn’t near our room but what could I do? She walked me down and opened it up for me. She did the same thing when we checked in yesterday.
My phone dinged and it was Heather. She sent me a text asking me to wait so she could come down and see the room.
I sat on the bed waiting. A good half hour later Heather knocked on the door.
It took her so long because she had changed again. Heather wore an exact copy of the bikini she wore the day before. Except it was red. She had reapplied her makeup and her hair was down. Instead of flip flops she had on high heel wedges. She looked amazing.
At first I hadn’t noticed she had my over night bag with her. She must have seen the disappointment on my face. My wife was actually kicking me out of our room so she could have Tom stay with her.
“Oh, don’t be sad” Heather whispered as she moved closer.
“I thought this was one of your biggest fantasies, in front of your friends, I know they don’t really know us but still,,”
She paused as she lightly ran her hand down my chest to my shorts. I watched as she noticed the small wet spot where I had started to leak pre-cum.
Heather’s hand trailed down to my waist.
Her fingers lightly rubbed the tip of my member as she spoke,
“I’m getting wet just thinking about how jealous they’re going to be. Those boys who sat there last night openly flirting in front of there wives, sizing you up and thinking they had a shot with me.”
She guided me back to the bed as she talked. I pulled my shorts down and Heather continued to lightly run her fingernails from the tip to my balls.
“Oh the women are going to be just as bad. To see a stud like Tom wrap a housewife like me around his finger. Right in front of her husband!”
I heard her phone ding. I knew that text tone was his. She gave my member one good squeeze and checked.
“Oh, he’s out front. I better get out there.”
She bent down to kiss me but turned at the last second. I kissed her cheek.
“Tidy up and come say high baby, I’ll see you out there”
Heather walked out so fast she left the door partially open. I had to jump up and shut it.

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Re: Weekend getaway

Unread post by milehinbi » Wed Jan 24, 2018 6:15 am

Great opener... look forward to reading more

Posts: 454
Joined: Tue May 27, 2008 12:08 pm

Re: Weekend getaway

Unread post by Cuck4Life » Wed Jan 24, 2018 6:26 am

O yes, this is HOT.

Clueless hubby
Posts: 105
Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:28 pm
Location: South east Michigan

Re: Weekend getaway

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Thu Jan 25, 2018 12:44 pm

Part 2
................... ..................... ...................

I laid back on the bed half naked trying to process what the night was going to be like. Would my wife openly and willingly show our new friends what we get up to?
I couldn’t help it. I played with myself thinking about how humiliating this might be cumming quickly and hard. I jumped up and decided to take a shower. I new from experience that if I dwelled on the situation right then it wouldn’t be good.
Walking out of my hotel room twenty minutes later and I almost ran right into Michael.
” hey Shawn! In a hurry buddy?”
I stammered out an apology. He looked over my shoulder realizing I was coming out of the room next to his and Sabrina’s.
“You and Heather had to change rooms?” He asked.
Before I could answer Sabrina was standing there and she started to talk over her husband.
“Hey I saw Heather going towards the beach with some guy”
“Yah, that’s her friend Tom” I replied hesitantly.
“Oh, how do you guys know him?” She asked. Sounding surprised and curious at the same time.
“Ah she works with him, look I got to catch up with them. I’ll see you guys later” I said practically running as I spoke.
I slowed my pace to a crawl as I walked down the sandy path towards the beach.
Lost in my own thoughts I hadn’t noticed John and his wife Julie walking towards me.
“Hey Shawn, we just saw your wife with Tom. He seems nice” Julie said with a smile on her face. John didn’t look as friendly. In fact he stared threw me like I wasn’t even there as he walked past.
Julie seemed like she was going to say more but had to scurry to keep up with her husband.
“Oh I guess I’ll see you later than!” She said trying to keep up with John.
I felt like I was going to have a heart attack as I tried to catch what they were talking about as they walked away. Maybe I’m a Little bit of a narcissist but by the end of the night I felt like every conversation was about me in some way.
As soon as the Lake came into view I saw them standing at the edge of the water. Tom had his arm around my wife and she leaned into him. Tom had his shirt off and you could see that he didn’t skip the gym. He always intimidated me and today was no different. I wanted to turn around and head back to my room and hide but I didn’t. I stood there awhile just watching them together.
He ran his hand down the small of my wife’s back. Not in a sexual way but a familiar way. Casually like new lovers do when they can’t keep there hands off of each other.
Heather would do the same from time to time.
Tom must of noticed something out of the corner of his eye. He turned to face me and I started to finally walk towards them trying to act like I just showed up.
“Shawn buddy!” Tom yelled. He stepped behind my wife and pulled her back so he could drape his arms over her slender shoulders. Heather didn’t resist. She looked tinny in his arms.
“You look like you could use some sun pall. Take off that shirt and catch some rays”
There was no way that was going to happen. I looked from Tom’s smug face down to Heather. Her expression was blank but her cheeks were flush.
“Tom stop it, you promised to be nice” she said.
“Shawn, he is right you know. A little sun wouldn’t kill you”
Me and Tom made small talk for a few minutes. That was awkward as always. Finally Heather sort of saved me. “anyways, since Tom just got here I was hoping we could have some alone time”
She handed me my old room key. It was starting to get dark and my thoughts were running wild. My wife alone at sunset on a beach with her boyfriend. I guess my imagination really didn’t have anything to do with it.
“Go fill the cooler with ice and we will meet by the camp fire baby,, oh and can you get Tom’s stuff out of his pick up for him.”
“Oh, a sure, I guess” I muttered.
I stood there for a minute staring at them like an idiot.
“Shawn, go!” Tom said forcefully and I turned and headed back.
When I got close to the hotel I saw the fire already going. John was out there drinking a beer with Michael. There was no sign of there wives. I made my way straight to Tom’s pickup. They didn’t say anything as they watched me take his bag into the hotel room.
To tell the truth I was kind of glad to get it for him. I know it was a little demeaning but just to have any distraction from the situation was welcome. I even put his things in the dresser along side Heather’s. She always used the dressers in hotel rooms. It was like a pet peeve of hers.
As I was putting his shampoo and toothbrush in the bathroom I almost had to masturbate again. Just knowing she may be sucking his big cock or that they may actually be fucking right in the open was making me light headed. I resisted though.
It took me about a half an hour to put everything away and get some ice. Most of that time was just spent trying to keep my shit together. When I rolled the cooler out to the fire pit the other couples we had met the night before were all there and they grew quiet as I approached. Finally Marry called out
“Hi Shawn! Glad you made it!” With this greetings came from everyone. Except John, I was starting to wonder if I’d done something to upset him. I cracked a beer and offered one to everyone else. There was no sign of Heather yet.
“Where’s that pretty wife of yours” Michael asked sitting next to me. His wife
Sabrina said slyly. ” she must still be down at the beach huh?”
“I guess so” flustered I got up and acted like I was checking the fire. After a few minutes I saw Tom and my wife walking towards us. She let go of his hand when she came into the fire light. Heather started to introduce Tom as a family friend to the others. After some small talk Heather pulled the girls back to her room to help make the cocktails she had promised. Tom stood around the fire with the rest of us guys.
“You got a beer for me Shawn? None of that gay craft shit you drink though” this caused everyone to laugh as I fetched Tom a bud. I hadn’t really noticed before but all the other men were drinking bud too. Accept for Hector. He had a miller light in his hand.
Tom really hit it off with the guys and before long he was fast friends with everyone. John and him had a lot in common as they had both played collage hockey.
The girls came back and looked as if they had partaken in a couple of shots before hand. Laughing and giggling they each handed a plastic cup of some fruity drink to each of the guys.
Heather handed a cup to Tom and turned toward me and with a fake pout said,
“ Awe I’m Sorry Shawn, I forgot yours”
Tom snickered at that. He drank his down and let out a load “ah! That was delicious baby”
He turned to her, grabbed her ass with both hands, lifted her off the ground and kissed her.
Heather playfully slapped his chest and demanded to be put down. Tom laughed long and loud at himself. Everyone started to laugh. I didn’t though, I was mortified!
“Just settle down big boy or your cut off!” Heather joked. Tom lurched toward her like he was going to do it again. She stepped out of his reach and ducked behind me.
He just laughed off.
Ok Heather! Don’t get Shawn to beat me up!”
Everyone laughed at that as well.
I decided to try to play it cool and offered to make some more drinks for everyone.
“You don’t even know how to Shawn, come on I’ll show you” Heather said walking with me back to there room. I watched as she mixed the drinks. She hadn’t said a word to me and I really didn’t know what to say either. After she finished she looked at me.
“Are you ok,” she looked down and I know she was trying to see if I was hard.
“A couple a times I thought I was having a panic attack” I said with all seriousness.
“Well, if you want just go back to your room. I’ll tell everyone your not feeling well.”
“No, I’ll be fine” I breathed out.
“How are you doing” I asked my wife. It’s not like she’s been in this situation before either!
“I was shaking I was so nervous when the girls helped me with the drinks earlier. I thought for sure one of them would say something but they didn’t” she stepped closer to me and whispered
“ but I don’t think I’ve ever been more turned on. Baby I think I get off on other women thinking I’m a whore”
Heather was rubbing against me now. Her breath tickled my ear as she continued to whisper
“That’s why your the perfect husband,,”
I thought I was gonna get some but the door burst open.
“BOY, GET AWAY FROM MY GIRL” Tom bellowed. He had a grin on his face as he slammed the door behind him and took the distance between us in two strides. Heather squealed as he pushed me out of the way. He then picked my giggling wife up and tossed her on the bed like a rag doll. Leaping on top of her with roar.
I don’t think he meant to but I fell over a chair with the shove he gave me. By the time I got up on my knees Tom was kissing my wife. She was becoming more responsive as I watched his hand run up her leg. She spread her slender thighs slightly so he had better access to her bikini covered slit. Fingers began to lightly caress her mound as Heather bucked her hips up for more pressure. I sat there and watched on my knees as this man made my wife squirm with his touch.
There was a quick knock at the door and it started to open,
“What’s taking so long with those drinks guys” it was john’s wife Julie. She was half way in the door before the sight of Tom on top of my wife stopped her in her tracks. “Oh my gawd!” She said in shock. I got up off my knees scrambling to stop her from coming all the way in. I didn’t need to though, She quickly turned away hustling back to the others giggling.
This time I locked the door.
“Baby, Come on. Lets get back to the party” Heather said trying to get out from under her boyfriend.
Tom gave my wife a stern look before he spoke” Shawn, be a sport and take those drinks out to our new friends”
He then reached down and ripped heather’s bikini bottoms right off. My wife let out a load yelp before he plunged two fingers into her pussy. My wife half heartedly struggled as Tom started to make out with her again.
It only took a moment before she was moaning into his mouth.
I couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed up the drinks and headed back outside. Hastily handing them out and avoiding eye contact. I couldn’t sit out here when everyone knew what Tom was doing to my wife. If anyone spoke to me I don’t remember what was said.
I had tunnel vision as a grabbed a few beers and told them I had to use the restroom. I went out by the pool and plopped down in a lawn chair.
Drinking and wallowing in cuckold angst caused me to lose track of time a little. Seeing Michael and Sabrina heading back to there room I knew I should go back out front. I was finishing off the last of my beer when my wife came walking up to me.
“Do you mind if I sit with you?”
She had on Tom’s zip up sweat jacket. It was so big on her she looked like a child in it. Her blonde hair was in a loose scrunchie. My wife had that freshly fucked look I so love.
I sat up and scooted over and she sat down. The word “Pink” was visible on the side of the leggings she was wearing.
“Tom grabbed the cooler and put it in the car for you.”
I cleared my throat “tell him I said thanks. Where’s he at now?”
“He went back to the room. We came out and socialized for awhile but everyone has called it a night”
She looked at me. Staring into my eyes trying to see where my head was at. Finally she spoke again
“Um, I need the key you have. I’m probably gonna ride home with him in the morning. We’ll turn them in.” She stood up then and pulled me to her hugging me. “It’s really late, are you gonna turn in soon?” I just held on to her.
I could see the concern on her face as she then asked “Are we ok baby?”
What could I really say or do at this point?
I looked my wife of twenty years in the eye,,”baby, we are better than ever”

Posts: 514
Joined: Sat Jun 20, 2015 9:34 pm

Re: Weekend getaway

Unread post by CuckedDude » Sat Jan 27, 2018 6:30 pm

Superb stuff sir

Posts: 132
Joined: Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:02 pm

Re: Weekend getaway

Unread post by poppag » Sat Jan 27, 2018 6:42 pm

hot story , keep it coming

Posts: 21
Joined: Tue May 29, 2007 5:49 am
Location: Grand Rapids Michigan

Re: Weekend getaway

Unread post by janandjustin » Sun Jan 28, 2018 2:58 am

Very good story line. We like it.

Posts: 114
Joined: Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:46 pm

Re: Weekend getaway

Unread post by Kim2233 » Sun Jan 28, 2018 7:30 am

Your writing is fantastic. You have done such a nice job of providing details, conversation, to convey your experiences quite vividly. And your story is quite hot!

I wonder if you might share some of the conversation you and Heather had after returning home from the weekend? I would imagine that the two of you had some interesting chats about what happened, how each of your felt about things, and that probably helped lay some of the groundwork for future adventures.

Thanks for sharing.

Clueless hubby
Posts: 105
Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:28 pm
Location: South east Michigan

Re: Weekend getaway

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Wed Jan 31, 2018 6:18 am


................ ................... ..................

I woke up around ten the next morning after laying there most of the night in silence. My imagination was running wild as I stained to listen to the other couples threw the hotel walls. Listening for sounds of drunken sex or talk of the crazy three way relationship we had (see, I told you I was a narcissist)
The first thing I did was check my phone. There was a text from Tom.
“We’re gonna head out in about twenty minutes. Stopping for breakfast then heading back. Thanks for paying for our little getaway!”
He sent it about an hour ago. In a strange way I was glad they had left already. I was emotionally drained and after playing with myself most of the night a little raw.
I gathered up my things and threw the keys in the night box. There was no sign of the owners and the place was quiet as I drove away alone.
My phone rang when I was about a half an hour away from home. It was Tom.
“Hey, Shawn are you home yet?”
After I told him how far away I was he told me to pick my wife up at his place.
Pulling up to the front of his house I honked. He texted telling me to get heather’s bags out of his truck. As I was putting them in the trunk Heather and Tom opened the door. He kissed her for a long moment before whispering something in her ear that made her smile.
My wife was beaming as she walked to the car. A loose t-shirt and booty shorts showed off the golden tan she had gotten this weekend. Her blonde hair bouncing around in a pony tail as I held the door for her.
Heather crashed as soon as we got home. I was ok with that and unloaded our suite cases and started some laundry. After a couple of hours puttering around the house i went in to check on her. She was up and playing with her phone. She saw me and motioned me in with a smile. I laid down spooning her and started to message her shoulders.
“That was an interesting weekend” my wife purred, pushing her behind into me. Heather reached back and pulled down my shorts and underwear. I did the same for her and before long we were both completely naked. She had me lay on my back as she rested her head on my chest.
“Ask me” she whispered.
“Are you glad that Tom came up?”
She giggled at that. Running her hand down my belly she repeated
“Ask me Shawn”
Heather knew me so well. I wanted to ask a million questions but i have a hard time getting them out at first. I swallowed
“Did he fuck You on the beach” I forced out.
“Mmmm, I wish! I just sucked his cock, it was right after it got dark. He pushed me down to my knees, I was scared of getting caught but Tom wasn’t “
She ran her hand all around my privates but wouldn’t touch them. She never did when we played this part of our game. She knew I wanted this to last as long as possible.
“Did he cum? Did you swallow it?” I panted
“I tried to, but I think he missed me because he came a lot. I had to wash some of it off my face and chest in the lake”
Letting out a moan and straining for her hand Heather knew I liked hearing that.
“Ask me Shawn” she repeated again
“Did anyone ask why Tom was there”
She pulled my legs apart with hers.
Heather reached down and ran her nails across my sandbar before answering. “They did Shawn. After Julie saw Tom on top of me and you watching from your knees in our room of course they asked”
She let that sink in before continuing. Her fingers would come so close to touching my cock it was making me drip precum.
“We walked out of our room an hour or so after Tom made you leave. Everyone was drinking and laughing around the fire accept for you baby. That must of been when you were pouting by the pool”
This made my cock twitch. It was a dig at my character and Heather said it to humiliate me. She noticed the movement and licked her lips before continuing.
“As soon as we sat down I could tell there was a weird vibe. I was getting looks of contempt from Julie and John. Everyone else just tried to play it off like nothing was happening”
She started to massage my Ball’s then. This had become her favorite way to get me off. A good squeeze could stop me from cumming to soon but Heather could also get me to ejaculate this way without having to touch my little dick.
“Julie finally spoke up and in a really snotty way asked where you were at Shawn. I must of flinched or something because Tom pulled me to him. He put his strong arms around me before putting her in her place”
She gave my balls a squeeze to slow me down and waited for me to ask for more
“What did he say to her” I chocked out.
“He said ‘Shawn? Does it look like she’s worried about where he’s at? Don’t worry about him.’ God it made me feel so safe in his arms when he said that”
Heather told me he kissed her right in front of all of them. A long wet passionate kiss that left her knees week.
I was so close. She wouldn’t give me the release I needed though, not yet.
“When he finished kissing me I glanced around at them as they sat there with there mouths hanging open. Tom broke the tension he created by saying ‘come on! Let’s have a couple! It’s a wonderful night to spend with new friends!”
I started to ache. I wanted to cum so bad and couldn’t hold off anymore.
“Everyone started to loosen up again. They knew who I belonged to. God the sex was amazing later! I felt so desirable, so slutty, but so safe as well”
I came with a load groan. She stopped touching me as soon as I started to release. I shot off so hard some of it actually hit me in the face. Heather kept talking though.
“I ended up talking to Julie and John alone later. II think they were more curious by the end of the night then anything. Did I tell you we all went to breakfast together the next morning?”
Heather got up to get me something to clean myself up with. After some more small talk she jumped in the shower. I drifted off to sleep. We caught up on some tv that night and turned in early. The last thing I remember was Heather texting her boyfriend good night.
Thanks for reading,

Oh I almost forgot! I actually became friends on Facebook with everyone who spent the weekend with us. Heather sent them all requests at breakfast that Sunday morning so we all stay in touch.
I got a private message from Steve a couple of weeks after. He told me they had a wild night talking about me and Heather in bed that Saturday night and asked how I got Heather into all this...
Hopefully it works out for him!


Re: Weekend getaway

Unread post by OOAA » Wed Jan 31, 2018 3:04 pm

AMAZING chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Weekend getaway

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Mon Feb 05, 2018 7:17 am

Thanks, I’ll try to write more soon.

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Re: Weekend getaway

Unread post by wingman » Tue Mar 27, 2018 9:59 pm

CH -
I am loving your story so far. When its all said and done, I'll be curious how much is real and how much is literary liberties. lol
Looking forward to the next chapter.
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Re: Weekend getaway

Unread post by norbertrichard » Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:04 pm

I really feel your story, and i have read where you say that you and Heather do reconnect, all the time, and she is very loving toward you, but you never mention having intercourse with her, seems she just wacks you off, or pushes your buttons till you come. Do you go down on her after she has been with Tom after She is filled with his cream pie? Seems you enjoy being subjugated.

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Re: Weekend getaway

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Sat Mar 31, 2018 9:02 am

Thanks for reading, I really do appreciate the feedback.
I think when I write this stuff down I focus more on my part in all this. The cuckolding that turns me on and that’s why I don’t describe the times just the two of us are together. I also shorten the time lines because I feel like things flow better. This story did happen over a weekend but some of my other stuff actually happened over several months. In reality we have a normal relationship most of the time. We don’t do aftercare like I read from a lot of other people. That would kind of ruin it for me.
Actually this was hard for Heather to understand because she does care About me.

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Re: Weekend getaway

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Sat Mar 31, 2018 9:05 am

Oh and as far as any kinky stuff that we’ve done, gotta save some stuff to write about.

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Re: Weekend getaway

Unread post by norbertrichard » Fri Jun 08, 2018 4:52 pm

Would really like to hear what you guys have been up to . Summer is here, and you havn't been updating in quite a while, the beach should be a action getter, hope to hear soon.

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Re: Weekend getaway

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Thu May 09, 2019 3:10 am

I guess I broke a few rules. Got banned from the site with my stories, that’s why I stopped posting. Violence against women? Take care,,,

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Re: Weekend getaway

Unread post by BigJim » Fri May 10, 2019 7:25 am

Congratulagions! This was a captivating read. Please continue.
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Re: Weekend getaway

Unread post by wingman » Fri May 10, 2019 11:59 pm

Are you back? Please post more of your adventures
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Re: Weekend getaway

Unread post by SamWarrens » Fri Sep 27, 2019 7:59 am

Love to read more of your tale.
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