First time sharing my girlfriend

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by SjorsenSjimmyNL » Mon Feb 05, 2018 10:14 am

Wow! My heart beats like crazy. You describe your emotion so well. It's like I'm there. So exciting!
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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by alanthekingofporn » Tue Feb 06, 2018 6:46 pm

Great story telling. Maria is now in control!

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by Frenchie » Tue Feb 06, 2018 11:57 pm

Yes : WOW !!!

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by wingman » Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:32 am

Scott - This is such a hot story!! Can't wait for the next installment! lol
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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by jgs » Wed Feb 07, 2018 9:26 pm

Wow, waiting for an update
G's pics and more... : viewtopic.php?f=9&t=62102

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by SjorsenSjimmyNL » Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:18 am

jgs wrote:Wow, waiting for an update
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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by shouldbestudyin » Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:53 am

After that night, everything changed.

Maria and Gus went into the spare bedroom and hooked up. Maria reenacted what happened, she gave him a blowjob. Back then I remember just saying that out loud was enough to get me hard. There was even more on the way.

First, I had to get every little detail from Maria. She said it was pretty true to the reenactment. They went inside and Maria took off her bra. Gus took a moment to check her out in her state. Maria was drunk, high, and had her tits on display for him. Gus then gently started massaging her chest while making eye contact. Maria said this made her so wet she closed her eyes and just enjoyed it. It really killed me hearing her say that. Imaging her pussy getting wet for him or the look on her face as he felt her up. Eyes closed, cheeks blushing, softly moaning. I really started to question what I got myself into. I wanted to ask if I had ever made her that wet but didn’t want to sound like I couldn’t handle what she was telling me. They started making out and Gus continued to play with her tits. She enjoyed this. but wanted to make it all about him and got down on her knees.
I asked the million-dollar question.
Was he bigger than me?
No. she said. (Something about me that doesn’t really play into this cuckold fetish is that I’ve got a decent sized dick, poor me right?)
But Gus wasn’t small, she said he was about as long as me but not as thick, so that’s about 6 inches. Next big question.
Did he cum?
No. she said. Had too much to drink. He kept it up and she went at it for a while but they decided to call it a night after that. All in all not as much as I thought had happened. Guess we were still testing the waters.

It’s hard to describe your emotions as your girlfriend tells you about a hookup. It’s a mixture of excitement, jealousy, and arousal. As Maria told me certain details, like the fact that Gus did not cum, I felt relieved. Honestly, at the time, I couldn’t stomach the thought of my friend cumming in my girlfriend’s mouth. It was nauseating… But then again, imagining it happening, I got aroused. Also, the fact that Maria never even took off her jeans, I felt relieved to find out. But then again, what about next time…

There was so much to digest. My girlfriend finally became a hotgirlfriend. I felt lucky but at the same time, it was a lot to take in. It was really just a baby step but also a giant leap. The floodgates were open. Now what.

I told Maria I needed some time to digest all that’s happened before we proceeded further. We spent the entire weekend together, having some well-deserved, post first-hotgirlfriend experience sex. I’m not really going to get into that because I feel like it’s not really what people come here to read. It was just nice having Saturday and Sunday morning off. Our communication opened up even more and as predicted we grew closer as a couple.
In hindsight, this was really essential aftercare for what we had just experienced. I think if I had to rush to work Saturday morning I wouldn’t be myself. Good to note for next time.

Next Time.

That soon became the center of discussion. By Monday we were talking about it.

Are we going to do this again?
Yes. I was a little if-y about it when I first woke up Saturday morning but by 10 am I was feeling fine. Maria said she had a lot of fun. Gus was of course, a yes.

Was this time going to be different?
We decided to be more open with Gus. As in, we wouldn’t set up for something to happen and not keep him in the loop. This is what we did the first time. The 31/Scat game was intended to get us all comfortable and hook Gus and Maria up. But by now it was pretty clear, Maria was down to have some fun. We didn’t have to play cards for it. We soon made a plan for two weeks ahead. I wanted to make sure I could get Friday evening, all day Saturday and Sunday morning off work. And the only way that was possible was if we planned it two weeks in advance. Gus was down of course. We hadn’t made a concrete plan but since it was two weeks away we said we’d play it by ear.

Those two weeks gave Maria and me, and Maria and Gus plenty of time to discuss our next meeting. It didn’t take long to start pushing the boundaries of what we were okay with. Whereas somethings made me anxious at first, I just got excited and turned on now. There wasn’t any hope for the version of me that didn’t want sluttier things to happen to Maria. He was done for. So, Maria and I talked and talked about what we wanted to happen. Maria would then relay the main points of our discussions to Gus. Saturday morning, I told her I was a little if-y with proceeding but we decided to not let Gus know. We didn’t wanna make him feel guilty and I was feeling better about it in no time.

I told her I wanted her and Gus to talk about what they liked and what they wanted to happen next time. She liked that idea. Maria and Gus were mostly communicating through fb chat still but it’s important they got comfortable talking about that stuff. I truly believe the most efficient way to great sex is communication. She had all good things to say but thought next time shouldn’t be as rigid? Maria said Gus seemed like he was kind of hesitant to really give it his all like he was still nervous to take us up on our offer. Maria admitted she was a little hesitant as well, couldn’t believe she was actually doing this. I could understand that. She said the alcohol helped but they were still pretty nervous with each other. As a result, we came up with a plan to get them a little more relaxed with each other. Something that’s actually been a fantasy of mine for a while.

Maria and Gus were going to go on a couple dates.

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by SjorsenSjimmyNL » Wed Feb 14, 2018 5:08 am

Unbelievable. I love it how you describe your feelings. What an exciting next step. I think that if they are "dating" together, it is even more exciting than the sex itself. That has its own dynamics. I'm looking forward to it. Especially to read how your own feelings are during the date.
By the way, referring to your weekend after the first time: I am interested in your sex together after the dates as well!
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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by shouldbestudyin » Thu Feb 15, 2018 4:38 am

In a way, it was kind of contradictory to everything that we had talked about. This whole arrangement was supposed to just be about sex, no emotional stuff. But at the end of the day, I was the one that proposed that Maria and Gus go on a date or two. It didn’t really feel like emotional cheating though, Maria and Gus have been friends for a while and they’ve hung out, just not (until recently) one on one that much. It just felt right to let them hang out a bit before our next “meeting”. Also, it was just Gus, who I still trusted not to steal my girlfriend away and who understood this was just to break the ice a bit more.

So, what's wrong with a few harmless dates?

Thursday night I was working but Maria and Gus went to go see a movie together. It was bizarre going to work, knowing your girlfriend is going on a date with a friend. First time for everything. We didn’t plan for Gus and Maria to reenact it, but they went to a movie downtown, just like Maria and I on our first date a couple few years ago. This is likely the reason that the entire shift, I thought a lot about our first date. I almost longed for it. It was weird. Even though I knew nothing sexy was going to happen, I still felt like I was suspense the entire time. Since I had work at 4 and Maria didn’t get home from work until 5, I didn’t even know what she was wearing because I hadn’t seen her since this morning. How sexy did she dress up? It’s also worth mentioning that when Maria and I first started having sex, sometimes we’d fool around in a movie theatre if it was empty enough. Never full on sex of course, but sometimes my hand would find its way down her pants. Could they be doing that? We said it’d just be a vanilla date but if the theatre was empty enough could they be tempted? These were the thoughts invading my head during the first part of my shift. I not only thought about our first date but the early sexual intimacy of our relationship in general. As Gus and Maria started to have new sexual intimacy, I longed for our early days. The second part was actually busy enough to keep my mind occupied, which was good cause then time went by faster and I got to go home to Maria.

It was pretty late (~ 11:30 pm) but I was surprised when Maria said she was just about to go to bed. To be fair she had work in the morning, but would she really go to bed before telling me about her date? I don’t know if I could handle having to wait until the morning. Anyways, we got to talking about it and it was a pretty vanilla date after all, they met up downtown, got a coffee and then saw John Wick 2. I asked how busy the theatre was, she said it was pretty packed and asked why.
“No reason,” I said. Maria was tired but looking pretty good, she was wearing jeans and a button flannel shirt. She had her hair up in a ponytail which I always like. Gus had a hot date tonight.

I started making out with Maria and she more or less laughed at me. I stopped and asked her why she was laughing. She said she didn’t know, just loved the effect this had on me. She added that Usually I’d be too tired after work, but now I was working harder and it was sexy. I liked how she called it sexy, it saved me from sounding like I was trying too hard. I started making out with her again, she wore chapstick so her lips were really soft, this time she reciprocated more, but another question popped into my head.

“Did you guys make out at all tonight?”

Maria started laughing, smiling and blushing. That was my answer.

“Just a little bit” she added, the rest of the date was vanilla.

“Guys couldn’t help yourself, eh?” I asked.

“I didn’t suck his dick though” She replied candidly.

“Did you want to?”

Maria didn’t answer at first. Just looked at me square in the face.

“Not in the movie theatre” She finally said.

I felt the urge to point out that implied she wanted to do it elsewhere but thought of something else to say.

“Maybe you should do it next time.”
“Maybe I will”.

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by alanthekingofporn » Thu Feb 15, 2018 6:00 am

Love maria ! great story telling

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by SjorsenSjimmyNL » Thu Feb 15, 2018 6:52 am

alanthekingofporn wrote:Love maria ! great story telling
Me too. I totally agree!
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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by shouldbestudyin » Fri Feb 16, 2018 12:28 pm

The first date was just to get Maria and Gus more comfortable with each other. Yes, the oral sex in the spare bedroom probably helped too but since then they haven’t just hung out face to face. Besides the quick goodbye kiss, it was a pretty platonic evening. They got a coffee and chatted for a bit before seeing the movie, chatted a bit afterwards and then got the bus home. Maria said the conversation was pleasant but can see what I mean when I say Gus is stubborn about his opinions. She went on to say that while I’ll usually stay neutral on topics, Gus takes a side and fights it. She said no way is better than the other but it felt refreshing to have her opinions challenged like that. Maria also mentioned it felt easier to hang out with Gus after the night at our place, like she didn’t have to be shy anymore. I’d say getting his dick sucked made Gus a little less shy too.

Fast forward to Sunday, three days after the movie date. I’ve got the day off but Maria and Gus met up in the afternoon for a coffee date. This was the last date before our planned meeting on Friday. Even though it was five days away, Maria and Gus were both pretty excited, and them seeing each other made them even more excited. By this time, we all knew what was going to happen. Maria and Gus were going to have sex on Friday. Even if no one said it explicitly, there was no denying it. I’m sure Gus loved looking at her knowing he would get to slip her clothes off soon.

While there was all this tension on their date, Gus asked Maria a question that caught her off guard. Gus was getting curious as to the exact deal that we had worked out. I told him we were in an open relationship (which was meant to suggest I could see other girls) but neither of us mentioned any girls that I was seeing. Also, whenever Maria and Gus hung out, Maria would say something like I was dying to know what was going on. This got Gus thinking. Having dabbled in an open relationship, he was probably atleast vaguely familiar with the lifestyle. He stumbled upon a comic by Oh Joy Sex toy, titled What the fucks a cuck? you may be familiar. Basically, the comic describes a “cuckolding trio” which seemed eerily similar to what we were setting up. So on their coffee date, Gus straight up asked:

“Is Scott a cuckold?”

This caught Maria off guard, He hadn’t asked any questions like that up until then. she knew I wanted to keep it on the down low but Gus had kinda called us out on it., Maria didn’t want to lie. When she was telling me about it later I was also pretty caught off guard too but also dying to know how she answered. She said she didn’t know the exact dynamic that we were aiming for but she told him I wasn’t allowed to fuck other girls. I loved how she used the word “allowed”. Gus said by definition, that makes me a cuckold. I remember wondering if he’d be that blunt to my face. Maria replied that while that is technically true, couples practice this lifestyle on a spectrum. While There isn’t a clear line between sharing/hotwifing and cuckolding, the latter seems to have more to do with humiliation, submission, teasing and denial, and in the extreme cases, being cut off from sex. I had told Maria a lot of my fantasies, so she could say with confidence where I was on the spectrum. However, she knew I wouldn’t want her to reveal too much to Gus, but explained to him that we were still testing the waters. Gus was satisfied with that answer. And I was proud of how she handled the question but was also curious about something.
“So where do I fall on the spectrum?” I genuinely wanted to know. Maria sounded confident when she said she could pinpoint me but I wasn’t sure myself. Maria looked at me and smiled while thinking how to answer this question. Eventually, she told me she remembered a fantasy I told her about a month ago.

I told her one of my ultimate fantasies is to go away on a vacation with Maria, except the entire time I’m not allowed to have sex with her. Not only that, but at any point, Maria can say she wants oral sex and I have to comply. (We have this inside joke that I don’t go down on her enough, was definitely true for the first year of our relationship). Maria’s so horny from me going down on her all the time, she goes out to seek out casual sex, which is not only allowed but encouraged. I pretend to be her gay best friend and help her set her up. A guy takes her to her room and I have to wait at the lobby until they’re done. Maria texts me to come upstairs but the guys still in the bedroom. Mind taking the couch tonight? She asks. Of course, it’s my fantasy, I don’t mind at all.

next update will be about Friday :)

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by JeffS » Sun Feb 18, 2018 7:47 am

:) Friday and the “planned meeting” - I am in anticipation. :)

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by SjorsenSjimmyNL » Sun Feb 18, 2018 11:58 pm

JeffS wrote::) Friday and the “planned meeting” - I am in anticipation. :)
Me too! For sure.
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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by Doccuck » Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:57 am

This story is fantastic! Sounds very familiar & relatable. I’m submissive to my wife and enjoy giving her pleasure and we have hot sex life (for a cuck I have 8” and know what to do with it!! ) But I love putting her first and just making her the Center of attention. I used to be Very interested in other women and would pursue & be pursued but since my embrace of this submissive kink, she’s my one & only.

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by Doccuck » Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:23 am

This should seriously be a Book!! Bravo, well done...let the cuck book tour begin

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by SjorsenSjimmyNL » Mon Feb 26, 2018 12:04 am

shouldbestudyin wrote:
next update will be about Friday :)
So curious about that Friday! :up:
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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by alanthekingofporn » Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:54 pm

Love to know how things evolve as Maria and Gus take the next step !

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by SjorsenSjimmyNL » Mon Mar 05, 2018 7:22 am

Please give us an update about that Friday! I am so curious.
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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by shouldbestudyin » Tue Mar 06, 2018 6:20 am

Sorry I’ve kept you all in suspense. Things are kinda hectic these days with my new job and extra-curricular activities. I hope you guys didn’t forget about me.

Before I continue I just wanna mention something. In my last post, I talked about a fantasy I told Maria. One where I’m not allowed to fuck her and pretend to be her gay best friend. The whole being her gay best friend part isn’t really a big part of it. Someone messaged me asking about it and um no, not into dudes and don’t get off on pretending to be one. The whole point was to just be someone who wasn’t sleeping with Maria. ANYWAYS.

Okay, time to write about Friday. At this point in the story, it’s February 17th 2017. The exact date is etched in my mind. After years of fantasy, months of communication and a couple weeks of experimentation, I got to wake up that day knowing my girlfriend was going to sleep with another guy. All with my loving consent. I’m guessing since you’re reading this, it’s a day you reminisce about or one you look forward to.

In order to get the evening and weekend off, I had to at least work that morning/afternoon. I was okay with it though. It helped keep me occupied. Plus, Maria had work as well so If I was home alone all day it would’ve made my mind run wild. I got off work at 4pm and decided to take a shower before Maria got home. As I was getting dressed, I heard her come home. I remember I wanted her to come upstairs and find me. Instead, she stayed down there. Would I have cared if it was any other day? I ended up going downstairs. Maria greeted me with a warm smile. I smiled back, walked over to her and kissed her briefly. She kissed me back and was still slightly smiling afterward. If I could translate facial expressions into words, hers would’ve been something like

Kiss me all you want, I’m still fucking Gus tonight

(Before I continue I feel the need to mention something. On the days leading up to Friday, Maria and Gus both wanted to make sure that I was actually okay with them having sex. Which I appreciate! But It got to the point where they were asking me so much that I had to tell them to stop. I said I knew I could bail anytime and would let them know if I wanted to. Until I did say something, they had to assume I was A-okay. New rule.)

Maria and I started to chit chat a bit about our day, not mentioning what we had planned for tonight. I wasn’t going to but then she said something about needing to get ready. I hadn’t really seen her get all dolled up. I was curious… what was she going to wear? A lot of guys would’ve gone upstairs with their girlfriend to watch them get ready but I gave Maria her privacy. I didn’t wanna sway her decision one way or the other by being there. Next time though.

Instead I stayed on the second floor and played some video games. Honestly, I was just playing it cool. I tried so hard to ensure both my girlfriend and Gus that I was okay with them doing it. And I was…well… I was more than I wasn’t and that was enough to proceed. I heard the shower turn on and imagine Maria getting undressed. I imagined her naked body getting in the shower and how Gus was going to get to see that tonight. Lucky bastard. I tried to distract myself. Eventually Maria finished getting dressed and came downstairs. She was wearing black jeans and a sweater and had her back in a bun.

“You look great” I said
Maria giggled, “thanks”

Not too much longer, Gus knocked on the door. It was about 5pm at this point. I answered. This time we chatted a bit. It was different from the last time. I appreciated him making conversation. Gotta give it to Gus, he can be stubborn but he is a gentleman. We didn’t mention Maria the entire time but we soon walked upstairs. She was waiting for him in the kitchen. Maria had her coat on and purse on her shoulder. She gave Gus a smug smile.

“Hey” She said.
“Hey” Gus said.

“Ready to go?” I asked. Even though that was obvious.

“Yep” Maria said plainly.

“Alright” I said, and turned to Gus, who seemed to be trying to hide his smug ass expression.

We said a quick see ya later and Gus and Maria walked downstairs. I stayed upstairs but watched them leave. I also listen very intently but they weren’t talking much. Next thing I knew I heard the door open and shut. They were gone.

As weird as it sounds, it was the slightest bit of relief for them to leave. I was stressing over what Gus and I would talk about when he came over. Like what type of small talk do you make. It’s funny considering the situation, that’s what I was stressing over. Anyways. It was a relief to have Gus carry the conversation for me. He was a gent. But I mean, he better be. I just let him walk away with my girlfriend.

Well at least for now. The plan for Friday was for Maria and Gus to go out to dinner before coming back to our apartment for the evening. There’s this amazing sushi place just down the street. I not only suggested they go alone together but offered to pay. Maria didn’t let me but thought the date was a great idea. Maria and I like to joke that that a good enough meal can make you wanna fuck anyone. But as a foodie it’s also something I kinda believe. So Maria and Gus were gunna go, have a drink or two, then go out to eat, and then come back here….

I was left home alone and as stupid as it sounds, one of the first things I did was smoke a joint. I was feeling pretty confident and since they had already gone on two dates, I was getting use to it. I also felt like I was celebrating in a way. All this time jerking off to porn and I was finally getting the real thing. To most guys it’s their worst nightmare, but to some it’s a sweet, sweet sting. I felt lucky to be part of the other guys. Another thing I thought about while smoking that joint is how lucky everyone is in this situation. if everyone feels lucky to be part of it, how can it not be a good thing.

Well, ya can’t argue with that logic. Can you?

I stayed out on the balcony for a while before going inside. It sounds cliché but I remember it was a very pretty sunset. I went inside around 5:30. I picked up the controller but instantly realized I couldn’t give a shit about this game right now and decided to do something else. But what? I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Due to the nerves, I had zero appetite so I wasn’t hungry for anything. I then paced around for a bit. Trying to find something to do. I eventually gave up and just sat down on the couch. I thought about what was happening with Maria and Gus. It was still early so they were probably still having a drink before getting their food. I wondered what the conversation was like. What were they talking about. I was caught off guard when Gus asked if I was a cuckold. We had tried to keep this part of the agreement on the downlow but he sniffed it out. I mean technically I wasn’t yet, but his question was more “what type of lifestyle do you guys subscribe too?” and he was right on the money to drop that ‘C’ word. I felt myself get hard. One way I think of it; I’ve been a cuckold since I started beating off to this stuff but after tonight, it was going to be official. I decided to stroke my dick a bit but not cum. I had read enough online to know not to finish. Worried I’d feel bummed afterwards. I got so worked up from just a few strokes it was like I hadn’t jerked off in a week. I forced myself to stop. It was only 5:45. I was never going to last if I kept this up. A good idea then popped into my head, I decided to clean the entire apartment.

This ended up being a great way to stay occupied, my mind was racing a bit from the joint. It also felt somewhat- I dunno, subservient? I read a somewhere a gf/wife makes her bf/husband do chores while she’s out sleeping with other men. Doesn’t sound like a very fair deal, does it? But this isn’t supposed to be fair. I don’t want it to be fair. So even though Maria didn’t ask for me to do anything, I cleaned the shit out of that place. It felt good to serve her/them like that. After I had cleaned our bedroom, bathroom, living area, kitchen, and living room, I took a break. On the bottom floor there’s the entrance, spare bathroom and spare bedroom. If they took that long, I’d clean up there too. For now, I just sat down on the couch with my phone. No messages and it was about 7 pm by now.

They’d be home soon.

This is when it started getting a little scary. With every minute that passed now, it was getting closer to the part of the date when Maria would take Gus home. I had that lump-in-chest feeling but I felt myself get hard again. I started beating off again. I instantly thought about my predicament. Again, I could’ve cum easily if I kept going but I didn’t want to. Instead I got up and walked downstairs. I told myself I was going to clean but I got distracted by the spare bedroom. This is where Gus and Maria would end up tonight. I slowly walked in. I took off my pants and started beating off again. I imagined I was Gus getting head from Maria. I imagined her head bobbing up and down on his cock. I imagined she was completely naked for him. Putting his dick all the way in her mouth. Bending her naked ass over to fit it deeper down her throat.

I had to stop again. I walked out of there and back upstairs. I didn’t want them to come home and find me beating off in the spare bedroom. I had to play it cool. I decided to stay on the second floor until they got home. By 7:30pm, I was starting to feel a little down. Maybe I was just tired, or anxious to see my girlfriend again but I just wanted them to come home and put me out of my misery. I regretted planning such an elaborate date for them and leaving me at home with nothing to do for 3 hours. I think I also expected them home at this point. What was taking so long? Were they so deep in conversation that they had forgotten about me? This point in the night was more sting than sweet but at around 8;20pm they finally got home.

I was relieved to hear them go, and I was relieved to hear them come home. It meant that Maria stuck to the plan. I almost hate to admit it but once I heard the door open I stayed on the top floor but eavesdropped on their conversation. They were talking more this time but I could only get bits and pieces of their conversation. I then heard footsteps and went into the kitchen and pretended to be on my phone. Maria greeted me in the kitchen with a warm, enthusiastic smile that will always be etched in my brain. She put her to-go container on the counter and came over and gave me a hug.

“Sorry that took so long dearie” She started “They were pretty packed cause it was Friday so it took a while to get our food”. Seeing her again made me feel better. I was forgetting about how I was feeling before. “Ah, it’s okay” I said, even though it really wasn’t.

“Did you have a good time?”

“yeah..” she answered, “did you eat dinner at all?” she asked noticing the clean kitchen.

“Nah not really,” I answered truthfully.

“we brought back a lot, we ordered way too much” Maria said, getting up and giving me her to-go container. I was pretty hungry at this point, hadn’t eaten since noon so I readily took her up on her offer. I started getting some chopsticks while asking Maria some more questions about their date. Turns out they didn’t even get to sit at a table until 6:45. Maria even asked to get the check while they were eating so they weren’t waiting around afterwards and could get home sooner. Maria was being kind of chatty with me in the kitchen, making lots of conversation.

And that’s when I noticed something.

“Where’s Gus?” I asked.

“He’s downstairs…” Maria said, as if she was giving me some really bad news.

I then realized that Gus wasn’t going to come upstairs and was waiting for Maria to go downstairs to him. At first, I thought we’d all hang out for a bit but I guess Maria came upstairs to get the green light from me. There was suddenly a lot of dead air between us.

“I see” I said. “well it’s going to be hard for me to eat now”
Maria immediately gave me a sympathetic look.
“Nothing has to happen tonight Scott, we don’t have to do anything” But I practically cut her off
“no no no it’s still okay…I’m just…” there was a bit of a pause. “I’m just nervous” I admitted. Maria came in for the hug. We stayed in each other’s arms for the remainder of the conversation.
“I’m still okay with it” I assured her. “I really am, it’s just when you guys were taking a long time-“
This time Maria cut me off.
“I know I’m sorry about that, I was thinking about you and it really wasn’t my intention to leave you in suspense the entire time. I honestly didn’t even wanna be there that long. We had like run out of things to say to each other by like 7pm”
We had a chuckle over what she just said.
“Yeah I mean I still had a good time but there were some awkward bits, I guess”
There I was, imagining them taking longer because they were so enthralled in their conversation but really it was just slow service. It was oddly relieving.
“I was so nervous I cleaned the whole fucking house, Maria”
We started laughing again
“Yeah kinda..”
“I’m sorry Scott..”
“No it’s okay, I wasn’t really nervous I was just trying to stay occupied”
“Looks like you did a fabulous job”
We hugged for a bit longer without saying anything. By now I felt 10 times better.

“Okay” I said.
“Okay?”. Maria said.
I then gave her what she came upstairs for.
“You can go downstairs now”.
She stared at me dead in the face.
“Are you sure?” She asked, one last time.
“Yeah, I’m sure”
“Okay” She said, “Just remember I’m going to love you forever and I still wanna be your girlfriend forever…It’s just sex.”
“I know” I said. She didn’t have to add that last part. it was meant to be reassuring but was actually kind of a kick in the nuts.
“I love you too” I said.
And then she went downstairs.

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by shouldbestudyin » Tue Mar 06, 2018 6:25 am

Sorry to leave you in more suspense, I'll write a part 2 soon, but let there be no doubt,

Maria and Gus had sex that night.

Until next time!


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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by alanthekingofporn » Wed Mar 07, 2018 5:15 am

You write very well ! I felt I was there cleaning the apartment with you !

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Joined: Sat Jul 29, 2017 2:56 am

Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by shouldbestudyin » Fri Mar 09, 2018 7:38 am


So for part 2 were going to do something different. Someone once asked a while ago if Maria could write an entry. Well I’m sorry but that just can’t happen. It doesn’t really appeal to her. But the following is from she told me in great detail.

Maria went down the stairs and found Gus. She confirmed that she got the green light from me and they were good to continue. Gus went in for the kiss right then and there, to let her know he was still down for that. They kissed for a while and started hugging a bit but Maria broke it off and took his hand. She walked him into the spare bedroom. They were both silent.

When they were both in the bedroom Maria shut the door behind her. Gus immediately started kissing her again, this time Maria didn’t hold back at all. It wasn’t easy hearing how wet she got when Gus kissed her with that intensity of something that’s been built up for weeks and weeks. Maria took Gus’ hand and put it on her breast. He took the hint and started playing with both of them. It wasn’t long before her sweater hit the floor and both tits were pulled out of her bra. Maria said she was so riled up she just needed his cock in her mouth. So she laid him down on the bed and went right for it.

To this day, I love the image of Maria having her boobs on display while going down on Gus. I admit it’s entered my thoughts many a time.

At some point, Gus stopped her and laid her down next to him. They started making out again but this time Gus was rubbing her between her legs through her jeans. Not long after those jeans joined the sweater on the floor. Maria only had her panties and a bra. Gus had his pants pulled down but was fully clothed. Maria told him to take off his shirt but Gus ignored her and slipped a finger down her panties and started rubbing her bare clit. Maria could only lay down and let him do his thing.

When Maria got to this point in the story, I was somewhat dreading what she was going to tell me next cause I had a pretty good idea of what it was.

Gus made her cum with his fingers.

“How was it?” I remember asking her.

“Good!” She said with a smile. Like what do you expect? Orgasms are always great.

After she came she started kissing him again and pulling up his shirt. Gus took it off but also yanked her panties down. She liked that. Maria went to go slide his pants down but Gus went back to play with her pussy some more. He slowly worked a finger inside of her. Then another. Then he was finger fucking her while rubbing her clit. Didn’t take long for Maria to cum for a second time. She grabbed the back of his head and moaned into his chest. Her other hand was tightly gripping the bed.

Two warm-up orgasms later, Maria had all the convincing she needed. She got Gus to take the rest of his clothes off. Gus pulled a condom out of his pants pockets and slipped it on. Maria took off her bra and laid down in the bed completely naked for my friend Gus. At this point just waiting to be fucked by him.

Gus didn’t hesitate to lie down on top of her and rub his dick against her wet pussy. Apparently he teased her with it a bit, and then slowly started to work its way in. Slowly but surely, Maria became a hotwife, Gus became a bull, and I became a cuck.

At this point, Maria was slightly more scant about the details. They fucked in missionary for a while, but Gus was having some trouble with the condom. Gus then asked Maria if they could do it doggy. Maria didn’t need to be asked twice. Just assumed the position and Gus kneeled behind her and started to fuck her again. Gus came pretty soon in that position. Maria did not cum from sex but twice from his fingers.

To this day, whenever I get to see Maria in this position, it’s always a painful reminder of what Gus gets to see. Her ass in the air, all exposed and on display for another man. Whenever Maria and I are fucking like this, I have to try not to think about her and Gus cause then I’ll cum too quickly.

All in all they were down there for about 30 minutes. That was my first time sharing my girlfriend

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by SjorsenSjimmyNL » Fri Mar 09, 2018 8:24 am

Awesome! I am completely warm inside. Your way of describing makes me feel like I am there myself. I already see her beautiful breasts in front of me. Her mouth around his cock. I can fully imagine your feelings when you see her doggy style. It is also a bit like I am experiencing our starting time of sharing.
I am really curious about a lot of things. Did you try to listen at the door when they were together? How was it when they returned from the spare room? Did you 3 be together afterwards? Or did Gus leave quickly? How was making love with Maria afterwards?
Have they been together more often? And have you been able to watch them together?
Last edited by SjorsenSjimmyNL on Sat Mar 10, 2018 6:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by isinlarsa » Fri Mar 09, 2018 8:39 am

I love the way she described to you how he teased her wet pussy with his cock and then slowly penetrated her. "Slowly but surely, Maria became a hotwife, Gus became a bull, and I became a cuck." A great way to sum it up!

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