progress story

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Re: progress story

Unread post by davo » Sun Feb 18, 2018 7:33 am

your wife's "slow burn" evolution is absolutely thrilling. I read your and her progress before I read anything else on this site. and I can't wait for more!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sun Feb 18, 2018 7:43 am

Her concern is well founded, but you can help allay her fears by telling her you would want her to monitor her feelings, and let you know if she started developing deeper feelings for her FB.

That is one of the reasons HW husbands often would prefer their wives to date more than one guy. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Tryn » Sun Feb 18, 2018 7:45 am

I think 1 thing you should talk to her about is the difference between having a bf versus a fb. She might only be thinking of a bf arrangement because that’s the more traditional mentality of a female that’s having sex with someone. It’s possible that she hasn’t considered a fb arrangement that wouldn’t be based on emotional things. There’s plenty of guys looking for a NSA type of thing. If she cuts ties after a few trysts or recognizes that the guy is emotionally unavailable, then the risk of her/him developing feelings diminishes dramatically. Just an idea for your conversations. Love the progress!!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sun Feb 18, 2018 9:12 am

Thanks everyone for your input. Great idea to bring up a FB and not a BF situation, I'll keep that in mind next time we talk. Also 60d - good questions to ask her about her concerns for why she thinks she may fall for someone. And your point on me being her only partner is interesting and actually part of the reason I've always thought that over time she'd be more interested in trying this out. BallSpanking - Another good point to tie into a FB over a BF, but to let her know to let me know if she developed any sort of deeper feelings. Tryn - I think you are right that she may be only thinking of a bf arrangement because it is the more traditional mentality. You guys bring up great inputs to talk about next time the conversation arises, thanks!

38kewp - I am with you on letting my foot off the pedal for now to give her time to process things. I am still thinking and processing our last two conversations and I have had this fantasy for years, so I can only imagine what she may be thinking.

Yesterday, after she got home she got ready for our dinner date. She had changed a little bit of the plans and we were going to meet a couple who were friends of ours at dinner. That really isn't important, other than it didn't really give us any chance to talk about things at dinner, but I wasn't expecting a conversation so quickly anyways. But my wifes outfit for dinner stood out to me. She wore a very shiny velvet top that tied in the front so her belly button peaked out just a little bit. So not only did the shiny material of her shirt catch your eye, when it did catch your eye, there was a bit of tease with it being tied and showing off just a tad bit of skin. On top of that she wore thigh high brown suede boots that tied all the way up the back from the ankle to the top. On the way to dinner she told me about this older guy customer who was hitting on her at work that day. Although she said it in a way that she was not flattered at all by it, I was interested to know she was openly telling me about someone hitting on her. Since she was telling me in a way where she was not at all like interested in this guy or found him to be attractive or anything like that, but rather annoyed by him, I listened and responded like I thought it was annoying as well. Maybe to show her that protective side and to show her if she isn't interested, neither am I.

I do think if she decides to do it, it'll happen fast. I forgot to mention during our talk she brought up she could have easily done it already if she wanted. She also made a comment that many women would have taken the opportunity if they knew their husbands were ok with it.

Our night didn't end with anytime in the bedroom, she even rejected my offer. Maybe her withholding me of anything is irrelevant at this point in time because of our conversations and where we are at right now. But if I get lucky tonight it would stick to her number of telling me I am lucky to get 2 times per week. The unfortunate thing is she hasn't put me in chastity yet. She sometimes does this, where she will be for something but maybe because it isn't on her mind like it is mine, she seems to forget and doesn't bring it up back up. Which worries me a bit with her saying we can talk about cuckolding again later, but maybe she doesn't bring it back up. I do want to take my foot off the pedal to give her time to process things, because I can't help but think she must be thinking about our conversations and the topic. But I don't want that future opportunity to talk about things to be forgotten. Maybe if enough time passes I can reintroduce the conversation letting her know I've been thinking about her concern of falling for someone and why that would be? Is there something I need to be better at?

I would love to talk about it more right away, because it just occupies my mind, but I don't want to push it too much. I look forward to every evening we have together because of the hope we can talk about it some more. I have really enjoyed our past two conversations about it, and I feel closer to her because of them. Just this morning she met a friend for coffee, who is her wild friend, probably could be a bad (or good) influence on my wife. Now this may just be a woman thing, but before leaving she made a last minute change to her outfit saying, "Actually, I think I'm going to wear a hat to look cuter." Probably innocent and just a woman wanting to look and feel good, but for me of course, I just think about it being her intention to get an extra look.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Sun Feb 18, 2018 1:49 pm

Damn, she's hot.

Couple quick thoughts:

Chastity - maybe she's just not that into it. She knows it helps heighten your arousal, but there appears to be little need for that at the moment. Maybe give this specific thing a rest. If she wants you locked up, she'll lock you up. If, in a few months, you really want whatever special feeling you get from chastity, you can always mention it again. Your wife is so agreeable about these little things (from her POV), that I imagine she'll play along at least a little bit.

Vey interesting remarks about her having, more or less, already turned down opportunities. She's young, hot, and a flirt, so if she ever wants other lovers, finding them won't be a problem. In my limited experience, having a single wingbabe makes the hunt much easier. A single woman going out to a bar is still intimidating and a bit out of place. Two girls dressed up for a good time, OTOH, is pretty much the norm. Pulling that off requires having one or more girlfriends who are in the know. For me, that wasn't an issue - I didn't mind/found it titillating.

Have fun!


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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sun Feb 18, 2018 3:27 pm

60d - Thanks! I think you are right about the chastity thing. And yes, when she said she could have done it already it was like a 'whoa' moment to me. She definitely has the self confidence and I think now she notices she gets looks, when before, like back to when we first started dating, she really didn't notice the looks she was getting. I would bring it up to her and she would be completely oblivious to it. I wish she would go out with girlfriends more often because I think it could open up opportunities.

I don't know if it's because I've spilled my thoughts and emotions to her and having our conversations, but the last couple days when I am in her presence I just feel very submissive, almost weak. This may seem odd and I know it wasn't her intentions at all, but when she told me her concerns about falling for the other man, it aroused me. It got me to start thinking what can I do to be better to her and for her. What is also hot is just the unknown of where this is going, she knows what I want and her comment of she may do it, I just get excited to think of what could be next or what she may say next. I am fairly certain I will get some play time tonight since she was lounging around in sweats and she excitedly told me, "Look!" and she pulled down her pants just a tad to show off she was wearing her shiny silver booty shorts. The shorts I had hoped she was going to wear last night. I expressed to her my excitement and with a smile she told me, "Not yet you got to wait."

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:26 am

I assure you, there are well endowed Alpha studs out there who can give your wife more cock than you ever will. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon Feb 19, 2018 12:01 pm

BallSpanking wrote:I assure you, there are well endowed Alpha studs out there who can give your wife more cock than you ever will. ;)
Interesting you bring this up. Last night I don't know how we got on the topic of size, but we did. She asked how big I was and I told her I thought I was 6 inches. She remembered we had recently measured me and she looked at me with thought and said, "Are you sure?" I told her I was fairly certain I was 6 inches and she raced to get the measuring tape. She pulled my pants down and stroked me a few times to make sure to get every inch possible out of me as she measured. Deeply looking at the measuring tape she said to me, "Oh my God you better not only be 6 inches." She looked closer and as if she was doing everything she could to make the measuring seem like it was over 6 inches she said, "I think you may be a little over." She said it like she couldn't accept in her mind I was only 6 inches, and 6.1 inches would be enough to ease her mind. She even tugged it upward once to get it more over that 6 inch line. There was no previous build up talk leading into this either, this was spur of the moment somehow we got onto size talk and she said that. It was pretty hot because I was sitting there thinking, given our recent talks, is this a come to realization moment that she could get bigger and better sex?

Nothing else to really bring up, I did get lucky last night but it was as plain and vanilla as you could get. Before we began she told me, "Get over here. You better make this quick." When we were done it had taken me awhile to get her to orgasm and she said, "Made you work at that one a little bit, burn off some of your desert." I had eaten some unhealthy food throughout the night and she made me aware of it.

Again, the size discussion just left me wondering if this was a little something that clicked in her mind. I refrained from bringing up anything cuckolding because I do want to give it some time before bringing it up again, and also it just felt like I didn't have to bring up that she could get bigger if she wanted, it was as if she knew.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Mon Feb 19, 2018 4:00 pm

Maybe you could ask her what an ideal cock would be to her...
Girth over length, curved for her G-spot, or straight, etc.
That will get her thinking. ;)
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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Wed Feb 21, 2018 4:06 pm


It's been a couple of days, and now I'm feeling vicarious cuck angst! :-)


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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Wed Feb 21, 2018 6:22 pm

Lol! Sorry just been a busy few days, but the only thing I really have to share is a wait and see post.

So I haven't brought up the topic at all since our talk, and because I have been busy I just haven't really been expressing myself sexually too much to her over the last couple days. Well she has taken notice, even though it has only been a couple days of not getting that attention. Last night we were sitting on the couch she placed her feet in my lap and I was massaging them. She pressed her foot harder into my hands and she brought up that I hadn't been horny the last couple of days. I told her I had been, but I had just kept it to myself because I didn't want to annoy her. She smiled and asked very sweetly if it was because of our talk the other night which she said it didn't annoy her. Before I could really say anything she said again in a very sweet way, "I told you we would talk about it more later." I told her I would love to talk about it more. She went back to her phone and moved her foot up and down as to control the type of massage she wanted from me. We do have a date night coming up this weekend, so I am hoping that is when she plans on talking more. The way she talked about it and by the tone of her voice made me think that we will talk about it more soon and I'll probably like where the discussion goes.

Later that night I went to the gym rather late and when I came back she was already in bed and asleep. Just out of curiosity I checked to see if she may have used any toys while I was gone and I pleasantly found she had used her vibrator while I was gone. I am excited about our next talk because like I said, she made it sound like it would be one I enjoyed. Even though I was pleased with our last talk since it ended with her saying maybe she would do it. I've wanted to bring the topic back up and talk about it now, but I haven't because she let me know that a talk soon is on her mind and my guess is she will be the one to bring it up. Again I am hoping it is this weekend when we both have more time, especially with a date night.

So not a whole lot, but definitely excited about our next talk!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by jps18 » Wed Feb 21, 2018 7:12 pm

We're excited for you . Keep us posted !

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Wed Feb 21, 2018 11:15 pm

Sounds like someone could be making plans... Fun for you that she's saying no need to hold back on expressing your devotion. Can't wait to hear about your next chat.


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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Thu Feb 22, 2018 12:12 pm

Stay mum, let her bring it up if she wants to. I think you have piqued her interest.
If she brings it up, it means it is on her mind, and she wants to discuss it.

Let her take the lead, listen to the nuances of what she would like, and show support for her desires, whatever they may be.
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Re: progress story

Unread post by hornedhubby » Fri Feb 23, 2018 6:25 am

I thought it was interesting that your wife met up with her "wild" friend the day after your cuckold conversation. I was wondering if she arranged this in order to confide your interests and get her friend's advice on how to proceed.

Did your wife tell you what they discussed?

Best luck!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by hornedhubby » Fri Feb 23, 2018 6:25 am

Please dit double post.
Last edited by hornedhubby on Fri Feb 23, 2018 6:28 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by hornedhubby » Fri Feb 23, 2018 6:26 am

Please edit double post.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sat Feb 24, 2018 8:09 am

hornedhubby - interesting point, I didn't even think of that. I don't think she would have brought up anything to her friend, and she also didn't really tell me anything they talked about.

Our date is tonight so I am excited to see if it goes anywhere and if she brings anything up. I am trying to go into it without any expectations and just see where it goes. The other day we were talking and I brought up the one picture she had sent me, with her boots and mini leather skirt, the photo she had told me she'd wear out on a "date" if she was trying. She looked at it and she grinned, like she knew how good she looked. She told me while looking at the picture, "That's what'd I wear if I was single and early 20's." I asked her if she would wear it now in Vegas and she replied, "Well, yeah, I'd wear it in Vegas." I teased her that she had just booked herself a trip to Vegas.

To bring up a little bit of her femdom side, she had been looking at new phone covers for her phone and she kept showing me ones to see if I liked them. Well I rejected enough to where she finally asked me, "Well which one would you like me to get than??" I teased she should get a black leather one that said "Bitch" on it. She smiled and said, "Actually I should get that for you." She continued on, "I do like the idea though, getting something like that, that expresses more of who I am." I showed her my support for her getting that, but ultimately she ended up getting something normal. Another thing was, yesterday when she got home I commented on how great she looked and how hot she looked and all she said back to me was, "You're welcome."

I am really hoping for some sort of conversation tonight, but we will see. Although it's a date night, our plans are fairly flexible, so we will see where it goes.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Sat Feb 24, 2018 6:03 pm

Looking forward to an update!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sun Feb 25, 2018 9:53 am

Sort of an odd night. The night started off promising as she wore dark heavy make up, a black leather jacket, tight black jeans with holes in them and black leather boots. Her whole outfit and how she looked stood out as control. While we were driving she said she felt like she was in her early 20's and felt like she looked slutty. I told her this was very hot and I loved how she looked. She checked herself out in the mirror and agreed she did looked good. Like I said our date was very flexible and we didn't really have a set thing to do. I also didn't want to bring up the topic of cuckolding since it seems she has something in her mind to talk about it at some point.

We had been out and about and she had been on her phone. She had been talking to one of her girlfriends and they set up a meet so we met them at a restaurant to have a get together. I was having a conversation with the husband and my wife was talking with her girlfriend, but I overheard a conversation they were having that I thought to myself, what a coincidence. I don't know how they got onto the topic, but her girlfriend brought up someone she knew where the wife openly went on lunch and dinner dates with a guy she used to date before her husband. I smiled inside because during this conversation my wife didn't make it sound like it was a big deal or odd what this other woman was doing. My wife was asking questions like she was knowledgeable about the whole thing (which I guess she is). My wife asked her friend questions about this other woman like, "Does she go out on dates? Or is she just hooking up with the other guy?" I don't know how to explain my wifes demeanor really, other than she talked and asked questions about it like it was no big deal and not a surprise to her. She also in a normal gossip manner talked about if it were her in the other woman's shoes. I was completely listening in on their conversation, while pretending to be engaged with my wifes friends husband. I was thinking to myself, 'this is odd my wife sort of openly talking about if she was in the other womens shoes and going on lunch dates with another guy and I am sitting right next to her as she talks about this'. The girlfriend made a comment that it was really weird and not a good thing what this other woman was doing. But although our friend was finding the situation odd, but wife didn't really portray that way of thinking. I texted my wife, "uhhhh but what if your husband is fine with it? ;-)" I saw she glanced at her phone and made a grin, but she never responded back. I felt like the grin was more of a, 'what am I going to do with my horny husband'

Anyways, it ended up getting late and we headed home. My wife had gotten a really bad headache earlier in the night that was not getting any better on the way home. So when we got home she went straight to bed, which meant absolutely zero action for me which was tough given how seductive she looked throughout the night. Her headache also kept her from having much of a conversation on the way home, and because she didn't feel well I didn't see it as a good chance to bring up the conversation she had with her girlfriend, or to bring up my text.

So really a flop of a date night that went nowhere.


Re: progress story

Unread post by wannabecUKold » Sun Feb 25, 2018 11:44 am

I would say that these two updates (Sat and Sun) are very helpful (not the flop you think!).

Your wife on Saturday was saying she wanted a phone cover "that expresses more of who I am". She wants to escape and be free to be herself.

That evening she dolls up and chats at dinner with her chum about a hotwife. She doesn't criticise the hotwife at all, far from it, she demonstrates to her friend a high degree of understanding (and empathy and tolerance) with the hotwife. So evidently she is testing out the arguments, seeing what response she gets, seeing how it feels to be approving. And she found it wasn't problematic. She grinned back at you, knowing you saw what she was doing.

Now to find the stress-free occasion when she can test this out for real - flirting at a bar, nude at a beach, touched by a masseur, active at a swingers. Let's get it cool. Good luck.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Sun Feb 25, 2018 5:36 pm

I agree with wannabe - not a flop at all!

It's clear your wife is pretty open to the idea of cucking you. No guarantee she'll ever go through with it, but that's out of your hands anyway. Everything that's happening now is part of "it". Every time she mentions a boyfriend, or pushes a foot into your face, or tells you you fuck like a virgin and that she can easily find someone else who can do her better -- all of that is "it". If another man ever feels his cock inside your wife, that'll be a big deal, but it'll also just be one more piece in your rich, kinky sex life together. Enjoy the ride - all of it - if you can.

Hope your wife's headache is better. Dunno if she enjoys any special treat when she's feeling down - a particular flavor of Ben and Jerry's or something. She might appreciate some non-sexual pampering.


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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon Feb 26, 2018 1:32 pm

You guys may be right there, I guess I just forget patience and wish things would happen faster and she'd be more direct at times. Even though I said I'd go into the date with no expectations, of course I had hope that we'd talk about things more, but we didn't.

Last night was a fun time where I think she saw more benefits to the femdom side. The night started off with us watching TV, a commercial for Say Yes to the Dress came on and my wife made a comment that she really loved one of the dresses and she wanted it. With a taunting tease she said, "Maybe if I remarried" as she pushed her foot into my lips. I kissed her foot and gave it a smell all awhile making a little comment to let her know I found her tease exciting.

Later that night she asked me if I'd be interested in her facesitting. I happily told her I would and was very excited, also surprised she suggested such a thing. Without hesitation she started to ride my face. It was one of the hottest things we had done. She rode my tongue and face for a long time thoroughly enjoying it. She was extremely wet, so much so that afterward when she finally orgasmed and got off of me she saw just how wet she had became. My face, the sheets, and even my hair were wet. I think she was a bit surprised at just how messy it was and I also think she realized just how naughty I can be that I enjoyed all of it. She said, "Wow, you really are dirty aren't you?" I told her I was and told her how hot she was and how much I enjoyed it. Thinking I had done a good job and she seeing what I had gone through to get her off, I thought she would reward me with letting me do her or she'd give me oral, something that I would think my wife would think I saw as a reward for a job well done. But instead she gave me a handjob while verbally humiliating me. As she stroked she said how pathetic I was and how I'm not even allowed to cum inside her. I was hoping she'd bring cuckolding into the talk, but she didn't. I was about to beg for her to talk cuckolding but I didn't last to that point.

Afterward we both laid there, she still laughing at herself in surprise at how messy she had made things. I laid there just thinking of how hot everything was. I asked her if she enjoyed it and she said, "Oh my I loved it!" I told her I did too. This morning she must have still been riding the feeling good from last night. She gave me a flirtatious smirk and told me I was naughty and asked if I enjoyed last night. I told her I did. Her smirk turned into a smile as she told me, "You are really naughty." She brought me in close for a kiss, and to my surprise she slipped tongue which she rarely does. After the kiss she looked down at my crotch and raised her eyebrows letting me know she saw my erection. She left and I was left standing there to deal with it.

I am hoping with how much she enjoyed last night she wants to do that more often. I was on cloud nine and she really enjoyed it too. Also, I don't know if her seeing how much I enjoyed it helps in her being more open in trying other things. I don't know if this was some sort of test from her? It was all incredibly hot that I hope becomes more of a regular thing.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Mon Feb 26, 2018 3:26 pm

Well... if she now starts associating face-riding with creampies... now you're getting somewhere. ;)
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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Mon Feb 26, 2018 6:39 pm

Jesus, duuuude. Your wife is one in a million.

Wonder where she got the idea she might like face sitting?

You might not think of it as cuck talk, but I do. All of it. Everything from telling you she wants to sit on your face rather than have you inside her, to humiliating you while you wank beside her naked body - all part of it.

Gradually, she's taking more control, and you're submitting more. Who knows if she'll ever take a lover? If I had to bet money, I'd say yes. The point is, she'll explore her sexuality on her own terms, in her own time, with an aim to getting the most out of the experience. That's what you want right? For her to be sexually fulfilled?

It seems clear, at least to me, that she loves you and wants you to be involved in her sex life. As I've said before, you're both so lucky that your kinks mesh. I have great hope for both of you, especially if you can continue to be present in the moment and appreciate what a wonderful wife you have. All these feelings of anticipation and uncertainty, and arousal - that's all part of it. Enjoy!


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