Dave and Carol's Story

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Dave and Carol's Story

Unread post by mace43uk » Tue Mar 22, 2016 7:48 am

This is a story that was related to me when I was on a recent holiday and was a very surprising and exciting exploit which had an effect on us, hope you all enjoy.

My wife Jay and myself ( Steve) were on a two week cruise around the Mediterranean which we had done before but still was a great location and unusually for us we actually made friends with a couple, normally we are very antisocial we even have a table just for two at meal times so making any connections with others was avoided but due to a seating blunder on the first night we were on a table for four people.

That was where we met Carol and Dave who also were like us very antisocial (or so we thought) and had also selected a table for two, so the initial first twenty minutes on the table were very awkward but once we got chatting I immediately took a liking to them both and equally so did Jay.

By the end of the meal it was like we were old friends not a couple who had just met.

I suppose I had best give some kind of description of us all, Jay and I are both just in our fifties and still in reasonable condition but more for this story is Carol and Dave description, Carol was petite at just 5’ tall and very slim almost skinny but she did have a nice pair of tits from my initial observations short brown bobbed hair and a very plain face but more cute than attractive and as we found out she was 43 years old and no children ( which as it turns out played a major part in this story).

Dave was 45 and 5’10 tall slightly overweight but not by much and on the surface quite a confident guy who owned his own business, which they had both set up together which also has some bearing on this story.

Ok so after our initial meeting we were now left with a decision do we ask for separate tables or continue with the seating arrangements for the rest of the cruise, we all decided that it had been so enjoyable that we should give it a go for a change.

So for the next few days we just spent lots of time together getting to know each other and I was right about Carol having a nice pair of tits as I saw her in her bikini, things were so friendly that Carol and Jay went off for some spa treatments when we was on one of the day's totally at sea leaving Dave and myself to do a bit of gambling that's when I learnt a lot more about this couple probable more than they would normally divulge, well more than Dave should have let out but in his defence we had been doing a lot of drinking that afternoon and we did do very well on the roulette table both being several hundred pounds up.

I asked why didn't they have any children and that sort of opened the floodgates of this story.

Dave and Carol both met very young she was 18 and Dave 20, Carol was a virgin and Dave had some experience of women but not much, there both fell madly in love and were married a year later, also their set out a plan to build up a business and once it was fully established then they would start a family, it took a bit longer than expected and by the time it was in a good position Carol was 32 so the clock was ticking, they then spent the next 2 years trying but with no results eventually Carol went to the doctors and it turns out she had a condition that actually kills off the sperm, but it was treatable with medication so they thought that would be it but still a year later nothing.

Dave decided to go get checked out and it appears he has a very low sperm count, so low that the chances were almost zero of him fathering a child.

As you can expect this was really distressing news for them both, Carol was now 35 and thinking that a family was not going to happen, Dave suggested they look into adoption, but it was going to be a long process and they both quickly dismissed that idea.

Dave then suggested a sperm donor, that again threw up lots of problems, but Dave came up with a possible solution, he has an older brother by ten years who has got 6 children from three different women and maybe he would donate some sperm which would mean the DNA would be very similar as would his looks, the only problem with this plan was neither Carol or Dave liked him in fact Carol absolutely detested Frank and Dave was not far behind her in his feelings towards his own brother.

It took a lot of talking and convincing by Dave before Carol agreed to him just asking Frank.

Apparently Frank laughed for ages when Dave asked but eventually he agreed to donate his sperm, unfortunately Frank was an asshole and gave them his conditions for donation which obviously included no financial comeback on him for the child but most important was he wanted to inseminate Carol himself.

Dave said that the hours of discussions that Carol and him had about Frank's request caused lots of rows but eventually Carol relented as this might be the only chance of having a child that would look like Dave.

The date was set for when Carol would be ovulating, Dave would drive her over to Frank's house and wait in the car outside till he had completed his part.

At this point I will have to say just listening to Dave telling me this had me hard as I had some small experience of waiting like that when I was married a long time ago.

Dave said the wait in the car was painful as your mind plays all kind of tricks on you, and what was worse was he thought it would be over very quickly but just over an hour later Carol was still in there, Dave said he was close to getting out of the car and banging on the door but he was also scared at what he might hear or see.

It was and hour and twenty minutes before he saw Carol walking back to the car and the look on her face was not a look he had seen before, she was very quiet in the car and Dave was very careful not to say anything stupid but had a million questions he wanted to ask.

Once home Carol rushed in the house and immediately took a shower leaving Dave to put the car in the garage it was then that he noticed how wet the passenger seat was where Carol had been sitting, it was sticky and smells very pungent he immediately realised what it was and wiped it all up, he knew it was his brothers cum and that was the first realisation of what he had made Carol do, he stood a wept at how much of a man he wasn't.

Dave couldn't really work out why there was so much stuff on his seat as Carol had a skirt on and panties, but it turns out Frank had kept her panties as a souvenir so she was sitting just in her skirt which must have not covered her ass as she sat down and in the state she was she probably didn't notice.

Dave was very candid with me about what he was feeling which I recognize as the typical cuck feelings but at that time he had no idea what was going on in his head.

He tried very hard not to ask anything about what had happened to Carol but eventually he could not contain it anymore.

Carol told him very little except that Frank had performed what they wanted him to do, which Dave had already found the evidence to prove that.

They waited patiently to see if Carol was pregnant but it hadn't worked, which was always going to be a possibility, it was quickly agreed by mostly Carol that we should try again.

The second time was just the same as before except Carol had put a bit more makeup on and just looked a lot more appealing, the wait in the car was a little longer but Dave said it wasn't as painful as before and Carol didn't seem so spaced out when she returned.

Dave did wonder as she sat down if his brother had kept her panties again, Carol just sat and smiled a few times on the way home, the ritual as last time Carol rushed in and jumped in the shower whilst Dave put the car away and as last time he seat was gooey and wet, and for some reason Dave said he stuck his finger in it and tasted it, as he said this to me he looked me in the eye for a reaction, I said “It's ok Dave I know what you're going through at that moment.”

Dave smiled at me and continued with the story.

Again as before they waited and just like last time Carol was not pregnant, so several discussions later and they both decided perhaps this was not a good idea, so Dave informed his brother that they didn't need his services anymore and thought that was the end of it.

Dave should have known how much of an asshole his brother was because a few days later a small package arrived in the post with just a dvd in it with the words “watch me” scribbled over it.

Dave was on his own and put it on his laptop, it was a video of both of Carols meetings with Frank, again Dave looked at me for a reaction and I just nodded with a small smile and said “Do tell me everything please”

Dave said the first meeting was very awkward for Carol she just stood as he ordered her to undress until she was naked and trying to cover herself with her hands then Frank appeared smiling as he pulled her hands away and groped her breast very roughly and Carol had a tears rolling down her cheeks he then started rubbing her pussy and sniffing his fingers and making rude comments about how sweet and juicy she was.

Next he just pushed her to her knees and ordered her to get his cock out and suck it till it's hard, the look of terror and loathing on Carol's face was very clear as she fumbled undoing his lower garments.

When Frank's cock was revealed it was huge dangling in front of Carol's face, she used two hands and reluctantly started licking the end of it until Frank grabbed the back of her head and thrust it in, even though it wasn't fully hard it still made her gag.

Dave said he didn't realise his brother had such a big cock but he was very surprised at how easily Carol handled it in her mouth.

Once he was fully hard he picked Carol up and led her to the bed, Carol went to lay down but Frank just flipped her around and bent her over the edge of the bed giving the camera he had set up a very good view of her pussy and little puckered ass hole, it also gave a great view of his cock entering and stretching her lips open wide.

Dave described how at first Carol was very silent as Frank pounded her very hard from behind but as it progressed she began to make small moans at first then getting louder til she was heard saying I'm cumming which was something Dave had never heard her say, and to make things worse as she started shaking and quivering as an intense orgasm ripped through her body Frank bent down in front of the camera and gave the thumbs up sign smiling.

Carol slumped on the bed breathing heavy she turned over and was crying then she call him a bastard for making her cum so much.

Frank then said I'm not finished with you yet you will have to fuck me hard to make me dump my load deep in your belly.

Frank lay down on the bed and said come on you slut and fuck me, I could see real anger in Carol's face but she still moved over and straddled him before lowering herself onto his glistening cock.

Dave said the next ten to fifteen minutes was all Carol fucking his cock hard and fast trying to make him cum but unfortunately for her she cum again screaming abuse at him as she did so.

As she slumped forward her soaking wet pussy could be seen in its full glory and of course Franks now cum coated cock.

Frank now proceeded to tell Carol she had to beg for him to cum in her and how much she loves his big cock fucking her which Dave said she did with just a little too much relish.

Dave then said that whilst Frank was being begged and told how great his cock was he really picked up the speed of his fucking so much so that it was like a piston flying in and out of her stretched pussy.

Frank could then be heard making those familiar grunts and groans along with a tirade of calling Carol a dirty little cock slut and she would be back for more.

Dave said that he must have position the cameras especially for that moment he shot his load deep inside as you could see his huge balls contract as his pumped her full, but even more surprising was Carol started another orgasm as he cum in her.

They stayed like that for what seem like ages until Frank’s cock softened and plopped out followed by a river of white gooey juice.

Dave stopped and again looked at me for some kind of acceptance which I responded with a knowing smile and asking him to continue.

Dave said eventually they uncoupled and Frank told Carol you can go now I've done my bit and I will keep you panties for my trophy cupboard.

You could see Carol's face was full of guilt and remorse that she had actually cum and so many times she hastily rushed to get dressed and leave.

Dave said the second encounter was much the same except it was a bit more fucking and Frank finished off cumming in her from behind, oh and Carol had four orgasms this time.

I looked at Dave and said “How did you feel after seeing all that?”

Dave looked at me and said “I'm ashamed to say I had cum in my boxers and I mean a lot.”

“A bit like I'm going to do now if you tell me any more.” I said laughing

“Ok then I will tell you the rest another time?”

“No don't stop I'm loving it too much but perhaps we should go back to one of the cabins the girls are going to be a little while longer and you don't have to whisper so much.” I pleaded


My cabin was nearer so off we went once inside I need a piss which was hard with a stiff cock.

Dave then said he wasn't sure what to do next, but he was sure that this was sent for a reason by his brother and whatever it was it was not going to be to his liking or was it after watching his wife cum so many times.

He decided to just give her the dvd and let her watch it on her own and then they could discuss it.

Dave said he left her to watch and heard her cursing Frank's name for doing this but after a while it went quiet and he peeked in on her to see her really engrossed at what she was seeing.

Carol came out holding the DVD with tears in her eyes saying sorry over and over again and how much she loved me.

“What we going to do Dave, you brother is a bastard and I'm not even pregnant?”

“Carol I'm not sure what he has planned but I bet it has to do with you.”

“Oh god he is going to want to do that stuff to me again isn't he?”

“Probable darling, I'm sorry it was my suggestion at the start”

“It's not your fault Dave he took advantage of the situation and now I will have to do what he wants.”

“Carol you don't have to do anything we can fight this together whatever he throws at us?”

Dave said that Carol looked at him and said “You're not as angry as I expected you to be” which he said caught him off guard and he started to fluster and not make any sense and said something stupid like oh it wasn't that bad.

Carol jumped on the slip of the tongue and pushed Dave for an explanation which just made Dave dig a deeper hole by saying that she seemed to enjoy it.

Carol got very defensive and said “he does have a big fat cock unlike your skinny little thing.”

Dave said he retaliated by saying “Yeah that was apparent as you cum so many times” which wasn't helping the situation.

Dave said he quickly said “sorry that was not called for”

Carol apologised for her comment and they ended up kissing and cuddling but they were both very horny and Dave hadn't had time to clean himself up so when Carol pulled down his boxers she found a gooey mess.

Carol was a smart girl and quickly said “did you cum in your boxers watching Frank and me”

Dave said he just nodded yes.

There was a silence for a while until Carol said “ feel inside my panties Dave?”

Dave said she was soaking wet and they had the best sex ever that afternoon watching the DVD at the same time as getting Carol to say how she was feeling which was pretty obvious from the video.

When Dave had finished telling me his story he said that was the start of the next ten years of being a cuck and still, I had to excuse myself for another piss but I didn't piss I just jerked off and cum very quickly.

When I came back Dave knew what I had been doing.

So I asked Dave “did Frank fuck Carol again”.

“Oh yeah he did lots and lots of times but he never got her pregnant, when we found out he had a vasectomy several years before we called it to and end and decided to find other suitable men.”

“So are you looking for somebody on this cruise to service Carol?”

“Why are you offering”? Dave said laughing

“If I had the equipment I would?” I replied laughing

“Steve I will ask you not say anything to Jay as I wouldn't want Carol feeling awkward with us all knowing.”

“Look Dave, Jay doesn't know anything about my past experiences so it would be a big can of worms if opened.”

“What did you do with the video, do you still have it, I would love to see it?”

“There are many more videos than that one now I will give you a link to our webpage and you can view them all but I will give you it as we disembark if that's ok with you.”

“Thanks I will enjoy sharing your exploits”

The next few days were very normal except every time I saw Carol I just kept imagining her being fucked hard by Dave's brother.

It was just over a week into the cruise and we was all onshore in Barcelona wandering around all the shops, Dave was getting bored as was I and suggested that the girls go and do a bit more shopping whilst me and him have a beer in a bar and the girls can grab us when they have finished.

I think Jay and Carol were glad to get rid of our sour looking faces and took lots of our cash and went.

Dave and I just chatted normally and before we realised we had drunk three beers, that made Dave start to loosen up again.

“Steve would you like to see a video of Carol and my brother, we have free WiFi here.” Dave said pulling out his tablet.

“Wow you bet I would, I've been imagining Carol being used by your brother ever since you told me.”

“Yeah I had noticed you looking at her a lot more recently.”

“Sorry Dave I didn't mean to be so obvious.”

“No that's ok I love it when men lust after Carol.”

“Thanks Dave I just hope Carol didn't notice.”

“Well she did say to me that she felt your eyes burning into her a few times, I said that you thought she was very attractive.”

“Thanks for that Dave.”

“I'm not so sure she believed me, she did give me a very coy smile when I said that.”

Dave opened up the tablet and turned down the sound he then found what he was looking for and handed me the tablet.

I pressed play and the scene unfolded as Carol was told to take off her clothes by Frank, this was her very first meeting with Dave's brother.

It was just as Dave had described only ten times better, just really needed sound to make it awesome which we couldn't really do here.

I have to admit seeing the way Carol reluctantly cum so many times was such an enormous turn on especially the tears that were rolling down her face as she cum.

I video had just finished as the girls arrived back from there shopping.

I just couldn't help wondering if Carol had opened up to Jay like Dave had to me, then I got images in my head of Carol and Jay both being used by Frank.

“Steve get us girls a drink we are gasping here?” Asked Jay

Now I was in a predicament I had a raging hard on which in these shorts was going to be very noticeable, but Dave came to me rescue and jumped up to get the drinks.

The rest of the day was just normally stuff but I was so horny I just wanted to fuck Jay hard when we got back to the cabin.

But Jay wasn't in the mood which had now left me very frustrated.

To make things even worse Jay found some items of clothing which belonged to Carol in amongst her shopping, I say clothing it was sexy underwear really and apparently she was going to wear it tonight.

That wasn't helping me I now had images of her wearing it, but to make things even worse Jay asked me to pop it along to their cabin for her.

So off I went to Dave and Carol's cabin, I must try not to stare too much at Carol I thought to myself.

Dave answered the door and I explained why I was there, Dave ushered me in saying Carol was in the shower and would I have a quick drink with him which I did.

Carol came out of the shower and into the main cabin totally naked she hadn't realised I was there and I got a quick glimpse of her naked body before she covered herself with her hands the best she could.

I immediately apologized but Carol just said “I suppose it's nothing that you haven't already seen before.” As she looked at Dave then me smiling.

I look at Dave and he said “Yeah I told her that I had shown you her video, we have no secrets from each other anymore.”

I did not know what to say or do I just sat open mouthed like a fish gasping for air.

“So Steve you too like your women to be used by men with big cocks?” Carol asked

“Ummm I did a long time ago when I was married.” Was my feeble answer.

Carol stopped trying to hide her nakedness and sat in a chair opposite me and open her legs wide so as I could see her pussy properly.

“You should be more honest with Jay and tell her how you feel you might be surprised at her response” said Carol

Again I did my fish impression trying to take in what Carol was saying, “ Have you told Jay about your lifestyle” was my best response.

“Yeah she knows it all and has seen the same video that you have, and she got very hot and horny watching it”

“Did she say she wanted to be like you.” I asked

“Her actual words were how lucky I am having a hubby who allows me to have all my cake and eat it, which I then pointed out I don't eat it Dave does, I mean creampie, I then had to explain creampie to your wife.”

“Did she turn her nose up at that part.” I said

“No she just said does Dave really like it, licking all that stuff from you pussy, which I said he loves it can't get enough of it.”

Dave looked at me and smiled.

“Did she say anything else?”

“Yeah she asked lots and lots of questions which I answered, she now has a reasonable understanding of our lifestyle.”

Dave then said “Steve can I ask you a favour?”

“Yeah sure what do you need”

“Can you fuck Carol and dump your load in her so I can lick her clean please?”

I looked at Carol then Dave not sure what to do or say but Carol was already rubbing her pussy and Dave was rubbing his crotch.

I had a hard cock which was so obvious in these shorts but I said “sorry I can't, it would be cheating on Jay.”

“Are you sure Steve? Dave would let you have a lick after you have cum in me he does like to share.” Carol said laughing.

I nodded again no and I knew I would regret that decision her pussy did look so inviting and wet, she then stood and put on the underwear I had just delivered which made her look so sexy.

Carol turned to Dave and said “ I will just have to see if I can find a willing man to fill my needs on this ship. “

Dave’s face lit up like a beacon and said “ Do you want me to find someone for you darling? “

“No your last effort didn't work, I will go solo tonight you can amuse yourself.” She looked at me when said that.

“Your welcome to tag along with Jay and myself” I said to Dave

“That might be a bit awkward to explain to Jay why Carol is off doing her own thing” replied Dave

“Not a problem I will speak to Jay and tell her the truth” Carol said.

I looked at her and said “That would mean I will have to come clean with her about what I know.”

“ I suggest you go have that talk as after dinner I will ask your wife to look after Dave as a favour.”

I left quickly and on the way to my cabin I was rehearsing what and how to start the conversation with my wife.

I got back to my cabin and Jay was almost ready for dinner.

“Did Carol need that underwear?” Jay asked as I walked through the cabin door.

“ Yeah she said thanks, Jay can we talk about Dave and Carol for a minute.”

Jay looked at me with a puzzled expression the said “I thought you liked them?”

“Oh I do, it's just Dave has told me some very personal stuff about there marriage.”

“Carol has also revealed some things to me about their lifestyle too.” Replied Jay

“OK I guess it must be the same info of them being a cuckold couple then.” I stated

Jay responded with “I think the correct title is he is a cuckold and she is a hot wife.”

My next words had to be chosen wisely “So what do you think of there setup?” I asked trying to sound nonchalant

Jay paused as I think she too was choosing her words carefully.

“I think she is lucky to have a man that can let her be free and who worships her that way”

I then paused for a few seconds before making my response “ Would you like the same kind of freedom as Carol?”

My heart was beating so loud I was sure Jay could hear it.

Jay looked long and hard at me before responding “Would you want me to be like Carol and I take it you have seen the video.”

I just nodded yes.

Jay looked down at my shorts and I had a huge hard on which was only reaffirming my answer.

There was a long silence as we both processed this new information, I walked up to Jay and kissed her passionately telling her how much I loved her and I want her to be as happy as Carol is, Jay responded to my kiss and then grabbed my hand and shoved up her short skirt,”feel how wet I am Steve”

She was right her panties were soaking and her pussy was on fire as three fingers slipped in easily, I thought she was going to cum on my hand, but we decided to wait till later.

Jay went into the bathroom to clean her pussy and put on fresh panties i’m sure she was fingering herself in there as I could hear some little moans.

I quickly got ready and just in time for dinner which was a much quieter meal as I think we all had a lot on our minds.

The meal ended and the two girls went off to the bathroom together I knew Carol would ask Jay if she minded Dave tagging along with us.

When they came back Carol leaned over and gave Dave a kiss on the cheek at the same time as putting something in his hand as she left to hunt for a real man.

Jay leaned in and whispered to me “Carol has asked us to look after Dave tonight, she is having some fun on her own tonight.”

I whispered back “Is she going to be a naughty girl?”

“Yeah I would say so she has just given Dave her panties, oh and she did ask if I wanted to join her”

I broke from our whispering and looked at Jay and said “ Do you want to join her?”

Jay looked back at me for ages before saying “Not sure, I think we should talk more about it first?”

“I'm okay with anything you decide to do darling.”

“Really you would be happy if I did join Carol knowing what she has in mind?”

“Yeah I'm OK with it, your decision.”

Carol could hear our discussion and said “She will be safe with me.” As she smiled and laughed

I could see Jay was torn between going or staying.

Carol then said “look treat it like a girls night out nobody is going to make you do anything you don't want to do and we are limited on this ship mostly couples”

Jay looked at me again “okay just till you hook up with someone” she said to Carol

My heart must have missed a beat as my cock was now dripping in my boxers with excitement of what might happen.

Jay bent down and kissed me saying “are you sure”

“Go and have some fun, me and Dave will hit the casino”

Jay said “I love you” as she was whisked away by Carol

Dave was smiling at me and I too was smiling back but I also had butterflies in my stomach and still a huge hard on, I needed a drink.

I got Dave go out on deck for some privacy so I could talk.

“Dave what are the chances Carol will hook up with a guy”

“Normally at home she would almost always find some willing man to fuck her hard but this is a different scenario, the last cruise she managed to find a guy but only once and he was one of the staff which is frowned on.”

“I'm sort of glad I think, but the not knowing is going to be hard to handle.”

“I have got used to it and I now love the waiting to see if she brings me something home.” Dave said winking at me

“Jay won't do anything she is not that adventurous, she will just be Carol’s wingman”

“Yeah your probably right, but Carol can be very persuasive when she wants to be.”

“That's not helping Dave.”

“Just kidding with you”

The time dragged on and the betting on the roulette table was only a mild distraction as my mind was do all kinds of scenarios, but that seem to help as I was on a really hot streak I was over a £1000 up.

Dave nudge me and said “you best quit whilst you're a up so much.”

Just as he said that I saw Jay walking towards us on her own.

“Hi darling did you have a good time?”

She gave me a big smile and said “yeah it's been fun.”

Dave looked at Jay and said” Is Carol coming.”

Jay just responded with “Probable.” And laughed

I needed to know more so I cashed up and we went to a cocktail bar and found a quiet corner.

Dave was getting the drinks I just wanted all the details,”So what happened.”

“Carol spotted a man straight away on his own and we made our way over to him and she just started chatting to him.”

“Is she still there with him?”

“No she is on her way back to his cabin, the horny little slut.”

“Wow Jay you sound a bit jealous”

“Maybe I am I could have gone with them, he said he had enough for both of us.”

“Why didn't you go.”

“You sound slightly disappointed I didn't” said Jay

“I'm still not convinced you or I could handle it.” Added Jay

“Jay I would be okay with it and you deserve to have some adult fun that nobody is going to know about except me.”

Jay looked at long and hard “You really want me to do this, don't you?”

I just nodded yes.

“Have you thought this through Steve, when Carol gets back to Dave she will have a pussy full of cum which Dave is going to lick clean.”

I nodded yes again.

Jay’s eyes widened and she said “You might not when it's really in your face.”

“You might be right Jay but I would give it a go”

Dave was on his way back with the drinks so Jay said “we will talk more about this later”

Dave sat down and said “So Carol what was the guy like?”

That sort of caught Jay off guard and Jay stuttered til she said “He was tall and slightly older than us with very big hands and feet”

Dave smiled and said “You know what they say about having big feet”

We all laughed and settled down to just normal conversation about nothing really until Jay excused herself to go to the bathroom.

“Dave if you have Carol's panties,when she makes her way back to your cabin, she will be leaking?”

“Yeah I know it will be all down the inside of her thighs and depending on how far the walk is it might be on her shoes.”

I then thought her skirt was just as short as Jay’s about 2” above her knees, it will be very noticeable to others.

“What about other people seeing the mess dribbling down her legs?” I asked

“All part of my walk of shame.” Said Dave

“Don't you mean her walk of shame?” I replied

“No it will definitely be my shame if people see her then see us together as a couple.”

I was not sure I would like that but food for thought and something to discuss with Jay later.

We stayed and had a few more drinks but it was just after midnight and I could see Dave wanted to get back to the cabin awaiting Carol's return, so Jay and myself called it a night.

As we entered our cabin I grabbed Jay and kissed her passionately whilst putting my hand up her skirt and finding her very damp panties.

“I see I'm not the only one hot and horny?” I said

“Ummm just a bit” Jay replied

As I put my hand inside and on her soaking wet pussy I said “I think it's a bit more than that”

“You can talk look how hard you are” she said rubbing my cock through my trousers.

We quickly undressed and I dived between her legs licking and sucking all her juices wishing it was filled with another mans cum.

Jay cum surprisingly quickly which meant I could fuck her and dump my load in her.

As I pushed my cock in her I said “Just think Dave is going to have to lick Carol when she gets in.”

Jay moaned and quietly said “ would you do that for me.”

“Yes darling it would be my pleasure.” As I said that Jay moaned out as if she was going to cum again and with me fucking her which would be a first

So I continued with my dirty talk about Carol's cum filled pussy and her being fucked hard by a big fat cock and then how I wished it was her, that last bit sent her over the edge and she cum really hard on my cock with me close behind.

If nothing else came from this it had been the best fuck for a very long time for both of us.

We cuddled and just told each other how much we loved each other, then Jay said “do you really wish it was me rather than Carol being fucked by that guy?”

“ Yes but only if it was your choice and just not to please me”

“What about eating a creampie?”

“Yes darling if you wanted me to lick you clean I would happily.”

All I could hear was Jay purring like a cat, “Are you considering it darling?” I said

Jay just whispered in my ear “Maybe”

We fell asleep and in the morning we both couldn't wait to go breakfast to see Dave and Carol we wanted all the details.

I got Dave's account of just how full she was and how it was running down the inside of legs it took him some time to suck and clean her, Carol had told him this guy was huge maybe bigger than Dave's brother and just as forceful fucking her to four orgasms before dumping his huge load in her.

Dave also said the guy would have liked to do both of the girls and Carol said he could of quet easily satisfied them both.

Hearing that last part made my cock dribble in my boxers as I knew Carol would be telling Jay the same thing.
Who knows where this might go.

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Re: Dave and Carol's Story

Unread post by sergio27 » Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:29 pm

Very hot story!!!!!!

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Re: Dave and Carol's Story

Unread post by eurocuck » Sat Mar 26, 2016 4:22 am

We need to know more! Please do not stop here!

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Re: Dave and Carol's Story

Unread post by funcpl477 » Sat Mar 26, 2016 6:19 am

.....and.......?? :mrgreen:

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Re: Dave and Carol's Story

Unread post by mace43uk » Thu Apr 07, 2016 5:58 am

The rest of the day was spent just chilling with Carol and Dave with the occasional daydreaming (that's a lie really it was consuming most of my thoughts with me replacing Carols image with Jay's) of what Carol did last night and I'm sure Jay was doing the same.

Dave and Carol were smiling and looking just like a newlywed couple so happy together and I'm sure those images were having a very positive impact on Jay as she was holding my hand and cuddling me at every opportunity, this was more affection than she would normally do in public.

By the time we got back to the cabin to get ready for dinner I was so horny as was Jay we ripped off each other swimwear and fucked as hard and fast as we could manage with me cumming way to fast but for the first time ever so did Jay, I mean she actually cum with my cock fucking her so if nothing else happens the thought was having a good effect on our sex life.

Unusually I was still horny after cumming so just to show how much I loved Jay I went down and started to lick my own watery cum from her pussy, Jay sort of froze but quickly she started to really enjoy the attention and even started to thrust her pussy into my mouth as she started to have another orgasm.

When she finished cumming I quickly moved up and kissed her with my messy cum stained lips she eagerly accepted my probing tongue and responded with hers licking and tasting our juices.

It seemed like we had been at it for ages but it was only fifteen minutes from start to finish, but it was probably our best ever sex, no it was for me and so in later discussions it revealed likewise for Jay.

Dinner was just a very pleasant normal event, no mention or innuendo of Carol’s adventure.

We all decided to have a nice quiet drink just chatting in the cocktail bar which was progressing along nicely until Carol spotted the guy she was with last night, he hadn't spotted Carol yet, but Carol just got up and waved at him until she got his notice.

I must admit I felt embarrassed for Dave as this guy started coming over towards us, but he was smiling just as much as Carol was.

Jay turned to me and gave me a look which I could only interpret as what the fuck.

Carol greeted this guy with a very friendly kiss on the lips and the began to introduce him to us all, “this is Simon, Simon this is my hubby Dave who I told you all about last night, this is Jay's hubby Steve who I also told you about and of course you have met Jay.”

“Nice to meet you all, I won't disturb you all just want to say to Dave, you have a very special lady here and I very much enjoyed her company last night” said Simon

“Thank you Simon, anytime you need her company I'm sure Carol would oblige.” Replied Dave

Carol's eyes widened and she looked at Jay and said “Might need a hand keeping him company after last night.”

Simon also looked at Jay and said “my offer still stands from last night”

I was a bit pissed off as it was if I was not there, but worse was to follow as Jay just giggled and said “I'm not the same type of person as Carol is”

Carol replied “Not yet”

Jay giggled again “You don't know whether I would do that.”

“It's not if but just when Jay and Steve wants you too, so why not try.” Carol stated

Jay stopped giggling and looked at me for some advice, I got caught up in the moment and said “the decision is all yours Jay, I'm totally ok with anything you do and I love you so much.”

Simon was smiling and said “Come on Jay I will take good care of you and Carol.”

“I can verify that” said Carol smiling

Jay looked at me and said “ Are you sure.”

That told me everything I needed to know, she really wanted to be fucked by this guy and at that moment I felt my cock jump in my boxers, my mouth was dry but I managed to say “I'm very sure, you go and have fun darling.”

Simon then said “ hey guys I'm very happy for all of you to be there, as long as you're ok with that.”

Dave almost choked on his drink nodding yes I looked at Jay and she said “I would be very happy for you to be with me as it's my first time.”

I paused looking at everybody and I guess having some support would make it easier I thought to myself and watching would be better than listening to the details, I also nodded yes.

Simon said “why don't we grab some bottles of wine and take this party back to my suite”

The walk to the cabin was done I almost silence I held Jays hand so tight almost like I didn't want her to do it, she even looked at me probably thinking the same but I smiled and said “I love you”

Jay replied the same back and then she done something out of character for her she put her hand over the outside of my trousers feeling my very hard cock, then she smiled even more.

I guess she just needed reassurance that I was ok with it.

We arrived at his cabin/suite which was only three cabins along from ours, my mind started racing thinking we could have probably heard Carols screams from last night.

Once inside there was an awkward silence until Simon cracked open a bottle of champagne and we all had a drink to calm the nerves, well my nerves at least.

Simon sat on the sofa and Carol sat next to him leaving two spare chairs which Dave quickly took one as it faced the sofa as did the other spare chair which I took leaving Jay with only one option, she had to sit next to Simon, so Simon was between both our wives with his arm around them both.

He pulled them both in close which made his arm dangle over both their shoulders and his big hands came to rest on our wives breasts.

Jay was like a rabbit in the headlights as Simon just gently caressed her breast and Carol's at the same time.

So far not much had been said Simon was the first to say something “Carol why don't you show Jay what she missed last night?”

Carol moved out from under his arm and started to undo his trousers, Simon raised his hips giving Carol a chance to pull them off leaving him in just his boxers.

Whilst this was going on it meant Simon's other hand was free which he put to good use as he slowly undone the buttons on the front of Jay's dress revealing her white lace bra.

Simon then turned and kissed Jay passionately as his hands slid inside her bra.

Jay had closed her eyes as Simon pushed down the bra and revealed her breast to us, which had the most erect nipple I had ever seen.

Carol had now got Simon's boxers off and I think both Dave and I gasped at the size of his semi hard cock and as Carol put both her hands around it we could see the true extent of this monster, for me it was easily much bigger than Dave's brother.

Jay was in unaware of what had been unleashed as she still had her eyes closed being kissed whilst her nipple was being pinched.

I then became aware of Jay's legs which were very wide apart, so much so Dave and I could see her white panties and the damp patch on the crotch.

Jay hadn't moved much since she had sat there her right arm was limp hanging down by her side, she obviously didn't know what to do with it, that soon changed as Carol grabbed her hand and placed it around Simon's almost hard cock.

Jay's eyes which had been closed all the time Simon was kissing and fondling her now snapped open with a startled look in them.

I'm sure Jay's legs actually open a few inches more as she tried to get her hand around it.

Carol slowly lowered her mouth to lick a small drop of juice from the huge helmet of Simon's cock.

Simon stopped kissing Jay and she got her first look at this monster of a cock her mouth nearly hit the floor.

Simon stopped kissing Jay and leant back so she could see his cock which I estimated at being between 8”-9” long, extremely thick with a slight curve upwards.

The look on Jay's face was priceless a cross between shock horror and lust.

Simon wasted no time and pushed Jays head towards his cock to join Carol who was sucking and licking it, Carol spotted Jays head moving towards Simon's cock and offered it to her like someone giving you a lick of their ice cream.

Simon had the biggest grin on his face as two women licked and sucked on his huge cock, I was mesmerised by Jays eagerness and technique in getting a lot of his monster in her mouth.

Simon spoke first “which slut is fucking my cock first?”

I don't think Jay really heard what he said but Carol was up and quickly removing her dress followed just as quickly by her underwear leaving her naked.

Jay was still playing with his cock when Simon pushed her away slightly as Carol straddled him lowering herself towards her prize, Jay moved a bit more but was so close she was going to be only inches away as it enters Carol's very wet pussy.

It was now apparent that Carol's pussy had three sets of eyes transfixed at the moment of entry, we all watched as Simon's cock was slowly devoured by her wanton pussy making Carol scream out in pleasure as she took it all.

Jay was mesmerized by Simon's cock sliding in and out of Carol's pussy or should I say Carol sliding up and down on it in ever increasing speed and force.

Jay was still dressed partially the top part of her dress was all but off exposing her white bra with her left breast fully out and still the most erect I had ever seen her nipple.

“Jay take off your clothes and show Simon what he is going to get next?” Dave said which took me by surprise.

Jay stood up and dropped the dress to the floor quickly followed by her bra, when she took off her panties both Dave and I could see how wet they were as they lay on the floor.

Jay had completely shaven her pussy so her pussy lips were very exposed, but Jay didn't seem to care that she was naked in front of us she was still so engrossed with Carol fucking Simon.

Carol started to cum and Dave spoke first “Darling try to keep the noise down these walls are very thin.”

That was a waste of time Carol was cumming loud and hard, we all had our mouths open utterly amazed at the ecstasy Simon's cock was giving Carol it was the first time I had seen a women cum and cover a man's cock in white foam like substance.

Jay sat back down next to Simon her legs were very wide apart showing Dave and me her wet puffy lips.

Carol had slumped forward covering Simon's face with her tits breathing heavy as her orgasm subsided.

“OK Jay it's your turn” he said as he pulled Carol off his cock and dumping her next to him, Carol was now sat with her legs wide open her pussy covered in white juice which was all hers as Simon hadn't cum yet.

Jay moved over and straddled Simon just as Carol did earlier she stopped just a fraction from it entering her wet pussy, Jay turned her head and looked at me and said “ are you sure?”.

I had to admit since we entered Simon's cabin Jay hadn't really acknowledge me so I was caught off guard by her question, but I just nodded yes, and frankly I doubt if I had said anything different would of stopped what was about to happen.

Jay sunk down in one motion and yelped as she hit the bottom and paused rocking slightly before raising herself back up.

When she was at the top she said “ oh my god this is amazing” before sliding back down again yelping as she reach the bottom.

Jay got into a steady pace but she was not ready for the orgasm which took her by surprise or the intensity of it, it ripped through her like she was having a seizure and even more vocal than Carol had been, language which I had never heard my wife use.

The power of Simon's huge cock was very impressive considering all he had to do was sit there and let two slut wives use him like a sex toy, for me it was how quick and hard they had both cum.

I was also aware of how hard my little cock was and how wet my boxers were, I hadn't cum yet but the mess in my boxers told a different story.

Simon pushed off Jay and she slumped next to him panting her pussy was wet and messy but also open I could actually see inside, Simon's cock glistened with the women's cum all over it.

“You girls best clean some of that mess off my cock before I fuck your cunts hard.”

Carol moved first and had his cock in her hand lowering her head and licking it like an ice cream, Jay moved over a bit slower and got her mouth working alongside Carol's.

It didn't take long for the girls to remove their own juices from his cock.

“Thanks, now both of you bend over the sofa side by side, I will show you how slutty cunts get fucked hard.”

His commands had the girls bent over in front of Dave and I giving us the best view until Simon took up his position behind them, the only question was who was going to get it first.

And with no handling of his cock he thrust out and entered Carol first no resistance at all he fucked her hard for a couple of minutes before pulling out and slamming it into Jay's pussy, he continued to alternate between each girl as fast and hard as he could and when he was sure he had them about to cum he concentrated on one for a bit longer.

It was Jay who started to cum again saying “ I'm cumming fuck my cunt harder never stop, my cunt is yours, fill me full please.”

Simon found another gear and it was brutal watching my wife's pussy being pounded so hard as she cum so hard she almost passed out with pleasure.

Simon pulled out leaving Jay gasping for air he then thrust himself back into Carol and she was close to cumming listening to Jay.

She too said “ Her cunts was his to use and do what he wants with and begged him to cum in her.” then she had her second orgasm just as loud as before.

Simon looked back at us and said “ Which one gets my load boy's? “ the use of the word boy was making sure we knew who was boss, like we needed any words after the fucking he had given our wives.

Dave and I both said “Please cum in my wife, but I added it's my first time.”

Simon grabbed Jay's ass and pull her towards his cock again and Jay actually looked at me and mouthed the words “thank you”.

The next few minutes my heart was beating even faster than it had been along with my stomach turning, cock dribbling and dry mouth with the anticipation of Simon dumping his load deep in my wife's pussy.

Jay was pleading hard with Simon “ Fill me up and show my hubby how much of a man you are compared to him”

Simon started to grunt and groan as he began to pump my wife full of his cum, Jay then said “Oh fuck I can feel it hit my insides, it's so hot, I'm going to cum with you Simon.”

Simon was smirking as he shot load after load in my wife's cunt, it was then that I realised Jay was still fertile and we never use condoms or protection as I have had a vasectomy, that just sent me over the top as I pumped more juice into my already soaked boxers.

The stench of sex filled the room along with heavy breathing, I knew what was going to happen next, Simon slowly pulled out and moved between the girls giving Dave and me a perfect view of Jay's wide open pussy with white cum about to dribble out, I looked at Dave and he even licked his lips like if I didn't get there first he would steal my pie.

I got up quickly and knelt down behind Jay just inches from her freshly fuck pussy, I paused just to admire the sight of what a real man's cock can do to a pussy.

Jay was unaware of me until she felt my hot breath and tongue licking her lips.

Jay wiggled her pussy in my face spreading the mess over me, Jay moved herself from her doggy position to sitting with her legs wide as possible so I could get access.

I moved back in and felt Jay's hand pull my head tight into her used cunt, “Is this what you wanted my cum filled cunt” Jay said which shocked me.

I moved away just enough to say “ Yes darling”

Jay was purring like a cat as I tried to lick and swallow the mixed juices flowing out of her, at times I struggled to swallow it all but I stuck at it, I have to say it was the best feeling licking another man's cum from my wife's used cunt I felt myself cum in my boxers for the second time.

Simon was just watching me clean his mess from Jay, he then instructed Dave and Carol to clean his cock.

I heard movement by my side and took a quick peek to see Dave and Carol performing a joint clean of his still semi hard cock.

Jay was now really enjoying my tongue and started moaning which just egged me on I wanted her to cum on my tongue, I pushed a finger on her ass hole and she squirmed, so I pushed it in and she accepted it making more noises.

A few minutes later Jay was having a small but very nice orgasm, which made me feel great.

I stopped licking as my tongue was aching and nothing more was coming out, I moved up to kiss Jay and she looked at me “I love you Steve, thank-you for letting me do this, but I might not be able to go back to just having your cock only, sorry.”

I held her tight and said “You can have as much cock as you want as long as you share it with me, I love you Jay.”

Jay smiled and kissed me back, I broke off the kiss and whispered in her ear, “ did you mean it when you said your cunt is his?”

Jay nodded “yes”

I then whispered “just as well we only have a few days left he could have fucked you to death otherwise.”

Jay responded by saying “I'm going to get as much of his cock as possible before we go home”

I looked at her and Jay had changed she looked like a slut now, I know she hasn't really changed in appearance but something was different and I liked it.

Carol and Dave had finished their task and Simon looked like a Cheshire cat still with a semi hard cock.

Both girls sat next to him naked and very comfortable, both their legs wide open exposing their used cunts to us, I think that was just to let us know who is boss now.

Carol and Jay cuddled into Simon who had his arms around them both just gently pinching their nipples whilst the girls gently stroked his semi hard cock, this was not as much sexual as more adoration of even worship of a superior man and his huge cock.

Some strange things I noticed at this point was I had cum twice without touching myself and also I was still hard and horny, next was Simon's cock which I thought was semi hard but apparently I later find out it stays that size all the time.

Also it was very quiet now not a word spoken just lots of smiles and sighs from the girls as they stroked his cock.

I so wanted to fuck Jay but I don't think that was going to happen here I would have to wait until we were back in our cabin.

Simon then said “Thanks girls I need some sleep, but feel free to stop by in the morning, I will be revitalized for you both.”

The girls looked a bit disappointed but with a prospect of more the next day they jumped up and got dressed leaving there panties on the floor for Simon.

I know our cabin was only a few doors away but I had a huge wet patch on the crutch of my trousers and so did Dave, I just hoped we didn't bump into anyone as it would be very embarrassing.

We all left together not speaking much until we reached our cabin first, “Jay are you going to see Simon in the morning?” Asked Carol

“Only if you are I don't think I could handle him on my own yet.” Replied Jay.

“Okay I will call you in the morning, sleep tight you two.” Was Carol's last words.

We had just got in our cabin I wanted Jay so bad I just grabbed her and pulled up her dress revealing her naked pussy or as it is now known, her slutty cunt.

Jay just let me do what I wanted she walked over to our sofa and bent over it raising up her dress and exposing her recently well fucked pussy to me, my trousers and soaking wet boxers hit the floor in record time.

As I moved in I could see a small globule of white stuff just about to leak out I was very tempted to bend down and lick it but I need to fuck Jay more.

My cock fell into her stretched pussy and all I could feel was warmth but nothing else, Jay looked back at me and said “I'm sorry darling I can't feel a thing he has ruined my pussy.”

Now you might think that would have a negative impact on me but it didn't I start pounding as hard as I could at the same time I reached around and under Jay flicking at her clit, Jay was enjoying the attention on her clit and I was loving the fact I couldn't feel anything.

Jay then said “Do you mind if me and Carol see Simon in the morning.”

“No darling I want you to have fun as long as I am involved somehow.” As I got the last words out I started to cum pumping my weak mix into her used cunt.

“Thanks Steve I'm sure I will bring you back some breakfast”

I couldn't speak I was so turned on all I could manage was some grunting.

Jay wiggled free and went for a shower as I stood there my cock limp and messy I felt jealous and weak, these were the negative side of my now new life.

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Re: Dave and Carol's Story

Unread post by sergio27 » Thu Apr 07, 2016 10:55 am

Excellent! !!!!!!!


Re: Dave and Carol's Story

Unread post by couple20uk » Fri Apr 08, 2016 2:46 am

Superb story, Thank you for sharing :D

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Re: Dave and Carol's Story

Unread post by nobodymd » Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:47 pm

That was amazing. Thanks for sharing. I wish my wife would join the party. We have discussed it many times and assured her that I would be fine with it. She has been with a friend of mine before and it made me cum when I found out. I had asked him to help and it worked out, but I still want her to do it again.

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Re: Dave and Carol's Story

Unread post by trexxx » Sat Apr 09, 2016 7:46 am

Great Read, I appreciate the effort you put in here, Thanks very much.


Re: Dave and Carol's Story

Unread post by OOAA » Sun Apr 10, 2016 3:55 pm

Amazing story!!!!

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Re: Dave and Carol's Story

Unread post by licker_69 » Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:31 pm

That is exactly what I want for my wife. I would love to lick her clean after fucking someone. :D

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Re: Dave and Carol's Story

Unread post by joeystarr » Sun Feb 18, 2018 4:12 pm

excellent! :up: :D

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Re: Dave and Carol's Story

Unread post by 54321 » Tue Feb 27, 2018 1:46 pm

LOVED the bit about brother Frank having had a vasectomy! :lol:


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Re: Dave and Carol's Story

Unread post by OZCPL » Sat Mar 03, 2018 1:52 am

Great thank you

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Re: Dave and Carol's Story

Unread post by Open2it » Sat Mar 03, 2018 3:58 am

What a great story about a loving couple entering a new phase of their marriage based on cuckoldry!

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