I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by newcpl » Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:31 pm

Awesome story and fantastic writing, Carrie. Please continue.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Mon Apr 23, 2018 2:38 pm

Quick Note: Mike contacted Frank today and they are meeting tomorrow night briefly to discuss the specific restrictions and set the Date for our second encounter.

Watching "The Voice" tonight. I missed last week Tuesday with Frank, Heaven Forbid I miss this week's Monday Edition. I can't sing for Crap, but I love watching people who can,


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by stillcanhang57 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:46 pm

willingtoo wrote:Quick Note: Mike contacted Frank today and they are meeting tomorrow night briefly to discuss the specific restrictions and set the Date for our second encounter.

Watching "The Voice" tonight. I missed last week Tuesday with Frank, Heaven Forbid I miss this week's Monday Edition. I can't sing for Crap, but I love watching people who can,

Restrictions sounds a little cold . Maybe expectations and boundaries. Mike needs to reach out here to discuss blindfolds if your set on this BDSM flair.

We are doing Killing Joy followed by the Crossing then maybe an episode of Handmaidens Tale.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Tue Apr 24, 2018 2:21 am

Up and writing already.

Frank's question about expanding what he does to me changed the dynamics a lot. Hard to believe how much I've changed. Three weeks ago I would have totally denied that I'd have interest in experiencing Bondage. Mike at this point isn't as enthusiastic as I am, but he is curious and open to the idea.

We talked last night about tonight's meeting and a future date with Frank. One of the points of discussion was that Frank asked if I had any interest in light bondage. The idea actually excites me a lot even though my fantasies plus sex with Mike and guys before Mike has included almost no bondage. Mostly just fantasies where my wrists and ankles are tied and a man doing what he wants with me while I'm helpless. Now the idea of pushing the envelope sounds very exciting. How submissive am I? Mike and I have role played but this would be different.

After re-reading the above paragraph, I guess we already dipped our toes into the BDSM waters but we did not identify what we did as BDSM.

We also recalled that we tried something called Falaka 2-3 times. Mike wanted to try it a couple years ago because it involves feet. He had me on the bed, on my stomach with my ankles tied together to the bottom of the bed and the soles of my feet were totally exposed. I couldn't move my feet at all except for pointing and flexing. The ties were comfortable if I didn't try too hard to escape them. Mike really encouraged me to do it. He's into anything that involves my feet.

He used feathers to tickle, hot candle wax dripped on my soles, and a small, light whip that caused just a little pain. I nixed needles after he used a couple on my heels of my feet. It wasn't a huge turn on for either of us but we both liked it. Not enough to make it a regular part of our Sex, but we did have sex right after he untied my ankles. The sex was pretty good. Mike showed it to me with a video produced by an online company called "Elegant Restraint." (I just looked it up) I think it was a guy and his wife. He was pretty easy on her as I remember. We did pretty much what they did in their videos. I think she faked more pain than there was. Mike thought his wife's feet were pretty but were too big for him.

Wrists or ankles tied would be fine as long as it was comfortable and I didn't get rope burns or permanent marks etc.. Regular Intercourse , oral and gentle touching my sensitive places is fine.

I am curious as to how submissive I am. That's one of the reasons I decided to be with Frank the first time. Frank was dominant enough for the first time, but he didn't push the boundaries at all thanks to Mike and the way he set it up and communicated with Frank before the "Date" I doubt very much I will want to go much further, but "light bondage" sounds like it could be sexy. I want to experience it.

Mike is ok with it if I am, but we both want ground rules discussed with Frank. Mike will have to do the communicating with Frank. Mike agrees. I like the idea that I won't know exactly what he will do to me, but I want the boundaries spelled out so I won't be too nervous. Oh I'll be nervous, but won't feel scared to death. I want to be a little nervous. Now I know that being frightened and nervous is a HUGE part of the THRILL for me.

We talked about limits and we'd like help from you guys here with advice.

What should be allowed and not allowed. It definitely would NOT involve whips, canes, torture devices, racks of any kind, knives, razors ( things we watched online) etc.. No real strong pain. Maybe very,very light pain. Anal is absolutely out as are any other gross things like peeing or pooping (YECH !!! Can't believe people do that). Nothing inserted into my vagina or Butt. What else?

I have read that establishing "Signal Words" to use when things go too far are an absolute necessity.

No time left to write more.

Last edited by willingtoo on Tue Apr 24, 2018 3:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by stillcanhang57 » Tue Apr 24, 2018 2:57 am

Good morning Carrie.
I think what your looking for is Safe Word. Pick any word, shrimp, and disclose it to Frank before play starts. Be firm with him that the moment you say the word all play stops immediately.
As far as boundaries or limits. That's entirely up to you and Mike. You've already stated that Mike isn't comfortable with your desires for BDSM play so I think its important that the two of you discuss the limits first.
You also need to consider the verbal elements in this. Would you guys be ok with Frank slut shaming you during play? Would you guys be ok if Frank starts shaming Mike during play? How much freedom or power do you actually want to give Frank and is Mike ok with it. I realise this is

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Tue Apr 24, 2018 3:10 am

stillcanhang57 wrote:Good morning Carrie.
I think what your looking for is Safe Word. Pick any word, shrimp, and disclose it to Frank before play starts. Be firm with him that the moment you say the word all play stops immediately.
As far as boundaries or limits. That's entirely up to you and Mike. You've already stated that Mike isn't comfortable with your desires for BDSM play so I think its important that the two of you discuss the limits first.
You also need to consider the verbal elements in this. Would you guys be ok with Frank slut shaming you during play? Would you guys be ok if Frank starts shaming Mike during play? How much freedom or power do you actually want to give Frank and is Mike ok with it. I realise this is

Just checked in and saw your post. We will discuss tonight before he leaves for the meeting. Again, thanks you haven given us a lot of great advice. Things we would not have thought of if it weren't for you and others on this forum.

Gotta go !


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by WatchinginNJ » Tue Apr 24, 2018 5:51 am

I think it's funny how people can put their naughty bits together but when it comes time to discuss how they do it they don't want to embarrass themselves or they're self conscious.

Sit with Frank, tell him your hard limits, you already told us so you have them. Get your safe word. Get a safe signal (like rolling your head back and forth) and explore.

When you're done take time for aftercare. Ask questions, tell him what you liked and didn't like. Remember you're a sub, but you have a say too.

There's all kinds of power exchange. There's service subs, sexual submission subs, Masochists, etc. Find your kink and lay out your kink cards on the table.

Among other things I like to Dom. I like rope work, and sexual submission (freeuse specifically). I don't like giving pain, or humiliation. That's my kink.

One final note, for everyone commenter there are 50 readers. So don't get to distressed if it gets quiet. Many people are simply literary voyeurs and like to see the story unfold.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by trdd » Tue Apr 24, 2018 7:11 am

Other things to consider when practicing bondage:

Is Frank experienced with it? Rope can cut off blood supply to hands or feet or arms if not properly applied. A safe word that is respected will solve this issue but it is a drag to have to fix things in the middle of play. If you feel like a hand or arm is getting a bit numb you should alert Whoever has restrained you as soon as possible. Proper technique and cinching goes a long way to avoid this. You should also make your partner aware of any physical issues you have. Some bondage can make you sore or exacerbate a problem with a knee or a shoulder. Even a tight spread eagle posture on a bed can actually start to wear on you pretty quickly depending on a few variables.

How tight do you want to be restrained? I know both my wife and I feel the same way in that we want to actually be restrained if we are in the submissive posture. What that means is we can't get out and that we can struggle against the bondage with no result. But for some people that might be a bit too intimidating to start with. I think you should consider this and provide Direction so that your partner is aware of just how helpless you should be.

Are blindfolds okay? We find they add greatly to the experience but if you are a beginner and with someone relatively new that might be too much for you. You should also consider a gag as a bondage aficionado might desire to gag you but that could be too much as well. If you do OK the use of a gag then you need to have a safe word that is an expression or movement so the message gets across while gagged.

You mentioned rope marks and you need to expect that this will happen unless you are restrained just visually. Any means of real restraint will leave marks on the skin but you will find that they fade very quickly, usually within an hour or so. Handcuffs will not leave marks unless a mistake is made. But anything with steel is a caution because you can bruise the bone very easily if you fall or are made to lay on a hard surface. I like the notion of handcuffs but the reality is not as good as leather straps or rope. You just can't struggle in the same fashion and the feeling of compression you get from other forms of bondage is superior in my opinion.

Collars can be exciting but anything that goes around your neck is a caution. Anything that might restrict breathing is a caution. It doesn't sound like you would get into anything heavy duty but you have to realize that a gag or anything around your neck means you need to be constantly supervised by the person who has you restrained. I suppose there are some gags that will not restrict your breathing in a serious way but you need to be aware of the possibility. Of course if any of that sounds too much then it goes on your list of not now or not ever.

I think as a general rule you can start slow with this stuff and build up. With experience and practice you learn what you like and what you don't like.

If you have any specific questions I would be happy to respond.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by bjaficionado » Tue Apr 24, 2018 7:11 am

A simple and effective safeword system is Red/Yellow/Green.

Red means stop immediately. Yellow means slow down a bit. Green means I don't care what sounds I'm making, please don't stop.
Here's my story of my wife trying as many dicks as possible.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Wed Apr 25, 2018 2:21 am

Good morning. Up early writing. I've been writing in the mornings as long as I can remember. I write in my journals almost every morning. Sometimes I just write a little and sometimes a lot, but since this adventure started my writing has been rather lengthy.

Mike met Frank for a couple beers to discuss the next date and neither wanted to do it by phone. He was gone for awhile because they met half way at a bar they both knew. Frank lives about 1.5 hours away. He said the actual meeting only lasted 2 beers long LOL. ( about an hour).

Mike found out that Frank is 53 not 50 as I guessed and wants to date women younger than him but closer to his age than I am. Mike figures he was driving a car when I was born. He looks really good (aging wise) for a 53 year old man. Older men are sexy to me and always have been. I am really drawn sexually to "Older Alpha Men" as I said in an earlier post. . I will share a couple of experiences about that (Me and Alpha Men) that I think you guys will enjoy in a later post.

Mike wants to keep what they discussed from me because it will be more exciting if I don't know exactly what will happen. I agree. Mike wants me to trust what he allowed Frank to do but doesn't want to tell me so it will be a surprise and there will be scary and exciting anticipation. I LOVE scary anticipation. I'm finding that "Scary" can be exciting and sexy. I trust Mike completely. He knows what I would and would not be OK with.

I asked him to give me a hint and he refused. He said, "I know you will love it and I want all the details when I come home."

Even though Mike knew Frank from work a few years ago (before Frank transferred) it was pretty superficial and mostly work related. Mike said the more he talks with Frank the more he trusts him and even kind of likes him. He thinks Frank is just lonely and wants a little excitement and sex in his life.

Apparently I am the only woman he has been with sexually since his ex and he divorced. He is happy to have this opportunity until he starts dating new women. He is already looking at Dating Web Sites but hasn't found any women he is interested in dating yet. He said he was going to take his time getting back into the dating scene and far from ready to quit our little Fantasy/Reality gig. He is happy to participate as long as Mike and I both are OK. Mike told him he was making this easy for us and was a great way to start. Mike feels a little more in control and trusts Frank more and more.

They both agreed (and so do I) that Frank and I should have no contact between dates and keep the encounters strictly about sex. So it will be starting almost as soon as he arrives and he will leave as soon as it is over. Mike can discuss any concerns I have with Frank directly with Frank. Mike sees no problems at all. It's almost a perfect situation. They also agreed (and so do I) that it shouldn't be anymore than once a week unless there is something new and exciting they want Frank to try with me and not wait a week.

Frank also said he thinks we are doing the right thing since we are both OK with it. He said he is glad to help because of what happened with his ex. (I explained all that in an earlier post.) He wishes he had gone along with his ex and maybe they'd still be married. That also made Mike feel better about wanting me to do
it. He is no longer embarrassed about it in front of Frank like he was at first. One of the issues Mike was having trouble with was meeting and talking to a man to whom he was giving his wife for sex. He says he is totally comfortable that Frank is not judgemental and even thinks Mike and I are doing the right thing and doing it the right way.

The date was set for Friday night at 8:00 at our house. They decided Friday or Saturday nights were better so that Mike and I had the following day together without taking off work. He told Mike that this time it may take more time because he is expanding the activities. Mike is ok with that and so am I.

Right now, right after the Date we need lots of time together as soon as possible. We will most likely stay up late having sex and going over the details of the Date. We won't have to rush and get up late and enjoy the day together. Then get back to normal for work etc, on Monday.

He said they didn't talk much about me specifically until the end of the conversation. Frank said that Mike was a lucky man. He said I was "very pretty, have a very sexy little body and believe it or not " I have a tight little Pussy" Mike was surprised at that statement but of course agreed. He didn't talk much about my feet disappointing Mike. But Frank said that my feet are "cute" and he would continue to pay attention to them. He said he doesn't mind it at all. They pretty much ended the meeting with that I guess.

Mike said he will probably do something different than going to the bar this time because he wants to be sober and enjoy the "After Party" with me. We will probably smoke some pot and really enjoy the sex and giving him the details. We can take our time and stay up as long as we want because the next day is Saturday. We can also sleep in. I am so glad they decided on Fridays and Saturdays as the best nights for the Dates with Frank. Those nights will also be less disruptive to our jobs.

We both want to try abstaining from sex so we will both be really horny. I like that idea. Build up the sexual tension. Frank told Mike he does the same. He had a powerful orgasm and a huge ejaculation last time. He came really deep inside me and still it came out of my vagina and ran down the inside of my thigh.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Wed Apr 25, 2018 2:39 pm

Mike and I discussed the topic of my limits.

There are things I have seen in videos that I will never want either because I find them to be gross, dangerous or too degrading for me. For instance, collars, leashes and gags seem degrading and ridiculous to me. The "racks" chains, nasty looking whips and other equipment I've seen in porn videos look uncomfortable, painful and dangerous. The environments look like dark dingy basements or warehouses. I always say to Mike, "why would any girl like that." No thanks ! He agrees.I associate anal with BDSM.

Mike and I have tried anal and neither of us like it. I put that in the disgusting or gross category.

Never say never, but I really don't see me going that far.



Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by viking43 » Thu Apr 26, 2018 1:14 am

Anal sex is not for everybody, some people probably don't have nerve endings in the right place for it to work, others can't associate it with sex, and find the thought of it disgusting. But many people write it off because they're doing it wrong or have had a bad experience with it.

If you learn to do it right, it can be absolutely fantastic for a woman. My wife really enjoys it, it's the fastest way to orgasm for her, the orgasms are very powerful, and completely different from other types of orgasms. We have done it for more that 30 years, and have never had any accidents, so I wouldn't call it neither disgusting nor gross.

Never say never - you may find it enjoyable if you try it with an experienced partner :)

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Thu Apr 26, 2018 3:06 am

Good morning

As I posted last night, we discussed the limits I am trying to establish. I'm just glad that Frank is taking his time with me. Mike also gets credit for that by communicating with Frank how far he should go. Obviously he will push me further Friday night. I am excited and comfortable that he won't exceed what he and Mike talked about.

We did not have sex last night. Two nights in a row and hopefully we won't tonight. We both want as much sexual tension as possible going into Friday night.

We have been so preoccupied with this that we talk about little else. I am hoping as this becomes more routine we will resume our regular conversations and mutual interests outside sex. It's not just Mike, but I also want to talk about it most of the time. We did have fun this past weekend and got involved in normal interaction (did individual projects, watched a Movie etc). But we still did a fair amount of "Frank Talk" I understand that this is a dramatic time in our lives, but I'm hoping it eases off after awhile. I don't want to spend the rest of our lives talking about my next date. :(

Question: Is it usual when a couple starts this in this fantasy/reality that it dominates the interaction?. Does it return to normal conversation after awhile?

We also talked last night about our upcoming vacation. As I said before, we are going on a weeks vacation in May. Months ago Mike booked a week at a resort in the Caribbean. The resort is a really nice "All Inclusive" known to attract a lot of singles as well as couples. This was intentional because at the time we thought it not only looked like a great place, but there was potential that I might also do some flirting and draw some attention from some of the single men so we could add to or enhance our fantasies. Now things have changed because we have broken the ice and the potential of me actually hooking up with a man has increased. The things we talked about are obvious and I need not explain.

I'm sure I will be journaling about this in the upcoming weeks.

Tonight we are going out for dinner and planning to watch a movie on Netflix. We hope this keeps our minds off Friday night a little. As I said, hopefully no sex tonight. By not talking about Frank, it we hope it will keep us from getting too turned on and able to go to sleep early.

No more time


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by Mr ablondemilf » Thu Apr 26, 2018 6:24 am

willingtoo wrote:Question: Is it usual when a couple starts this in this fantasy/reality that it dominates the interaction?. Does it return to normal conversation after awhile?
Yes and no. Our experience was that after some of the new wears off your conversations trend back to somewhat normal, but never what normal was before becoming a hotwife. Hotwife life will always be a conversation topic for as long as your in the lifestyle. My wife hasn't been with another man in years (health issues) and we still discuss it occasionally. Relax and enjoy the ride. :D


Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by hotwifelover31 » Thu Apr 26, 2018 11:25 am

Carrie, first, I commend you for embracing Mike’s desire to share your sensual beauty and sexy body with another man. It’s a paradoxical leap of trust given the precepts of marriage ingrained by traditional mores. I also applaud you, Mike and Frank for your open and honest communication. You have taken the experienced advice of others to ensure this is a win-win-win situation. Equally prudent is your decision to delineate boundaries, which may became a tad malleable as you get more comfortable with Frank or any other lucky lovers.

The intensity and all consuming nature of this early stage of your erotic journey is common and to be expected, especially when you’re experiencing NRE as you clearly are with Frank. Fantasies, desires and cravings are all about neurochemistry and new, exciting taboo and kinky sexual possibilities trigger explosive neurotransmitters. While the pervasiveness will most likely moderate as you became more comfortable with being shared, it is likely to always have an intensity that you hopefully desire to continue to seek and enjoy.

I hope your next foray with Frank is magical and you and Mike enjoy the orgasmic delights of you being a bona fide hotwife!

In lust awe and anticipation, HWL31 aka the hotwife cheer bunny

Mad Dog65

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by Mad Dog65 » Thu Apr 26, 2018 11:53 am

Hi Carrie,

I have been a reader of this wonderful thread - yours and Mike's journey and how beautifully you write and share your desires, fears and openness to us. This is one of the most interesting and thoughtful threads that I have read in a while as it touches so much on the emotional aspect of this kink. I came to this fantasy and found this community after I learned that my wife of 20 years had an affair with her boss. When I found out I was devastated by her betrayal but confusingly turned on. The community here helped me learn and understand my feelings. While I have shared my feelings with my wife, I don't think that the hotwife fantasy will extend to the real thing and that is OK. I look forward to hearing more about yours and Mike's hotwife journey.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:38 am

Good morning,

Our second Date is tonight. Mike and I are both excited and not as anxious as we were before the first. I think Frank has proven to be trustworthy and that takes away a lot of the anxiety.

Mike said I am in for some surprises but nothing I should be afraid of.

I have been thinking about my obvious sexual submissive and not so submissive real life. This will be more of a diary entry, but I share most of them with you guys. Since I started here, my diary entries are directed to my diary but also to the forum. I talk to both of you. :)

In real life I don't think I would be easily recognized as a sexual submissive. I generally stand up for myself and take no unfair "BS" from anyone, but I think I am easy to get along with. I am outgoing and confident socially. Mike and I, like any couple have our differences but we resolve them eventually and come up with equitable solutions that we can both live with. We have "squabbles" and we both stand up for ourselves but admit when we are wrong.

I have reacted submissively in the past to two of my bosses. One was before Mike and the other was after we were married. They were both older alpha males who were very cold and demanding. Neither situation became sexual , but they did make me have submissive like feelings. They are hard to explain but I'll try.

I had feelings that were certainly different when they were around me. I think if either had pressured me I could have been vulnerable to any sexual advances they may have made. Not saying I would have given in necessarily, but I think it would have been difficult for me to resist if they pressed. I had some of the same sensations around them that I have around Frank. They are hard to explain. Not as overtly sexual as they are with Frank, but yet they were sexual. It wasn't that they were physically attractive to me either (both were tall but average looking guys) but I did have fantasies and dreams of both in which I was sexually submissive to them.

I guess I F'd up that explanation. Clear as mud as they say right? :lol:

In my private fantasy world I have almost always been the submissive. With Mike, most of our fantasies are about me being "Taken" by other men thus I am the submissive again. In our role play Mike always takes the more dominant role but he is not a natural Dom. He's good at pretending, but it doesn't come natural to him. He isn't submissive but I'd say the Beta guy (not sure I know what that means). Not a strong Dom, but not a submissive or pussy either. But I have always enjoyed being a Fantasy submissive.

I like trying my submissiveness in real with Frank. It's really turning me on a lot. Very different than submissive fantasy and role play with Mike. I love testing my boundaries.

Submissive Fantasies with Mike:

One fantasy Mike loves is based on a real experience of mine. When I was in college I lived in an off campus apartment with two other girls. One weekend they both went home. I was alone and not dating anyone at the time. One night late I was feeling really horny and decided to try something daring. I took a walk alone in the neighborhood where we lived. I wore only a short skirt and loose fitting summer type blouse. No panties, no bra and I think I was barefoot. I went barefoot a lot being a Florida Girl. (when I replay it for Mike I am of course Bare foot) So in my mind I could be fucked easily without removing any clothing. A short jean skirt, no underpants, a skimpy top and no shoes. I felt near naked actually. I would have been pretty easy to rape and that was what I had in mind.

It was really dark and the neighborhood wasn't real dangerous but not the safest either. I felt sexy but really nervous. A dark car started following me. The windows were tinted so I had no idea who the driver was. He was driving around the block over and over and drove real slow by me almost stopping but not quite.

I was scared to death but also turned on. I was being stalked, Frightened but turned on at the same time. At one point I was in a really dark part of the neighborhood with few houses. I chose to take that street knowing it was more dangerous. I thought for sure he'd do something then. He stopped dead on the road next to me. I kept walking slowly almost inviting him to do something but he didn't even roll down the window. I know he was staring at me but I couldn't see him. All I could hear was the motor on his car quietly running. I was scared to death but excited as hell. I had no idea if he was young or old. I did have the sense he was black.

I don't know if he chickened out or what, but after a minute he sped up and never came back around. I went back to the apartment and masturbated. After I thought, "You stupid Bitch" and never did it again. But Mike loves the story.

One night Mike had a "great idea" There was a wooded park near our house with a walking path through it. I put on a short skirt, loose blouse and of course no shoes. I went walking in the dark park and mike followed way behind but kept an eye on me. The idea was to have me experience the fear and sexual excitment of that night in college. it was a moon lit night and kind of spooky.

I did experience some of those same feelings of fear and sexual turn on just because I felt alone, but not the same. It was enough for us to return to the house and have Mike "Rape Me" and awesome fantasy sex. We still enjoy that fantasy from time to time. We have a repertoire of probably 10 Fantasies we revisit.

Anyway it's getting late. I am very excited about tonight and so is Mike. I will post the "Gory Details" tomorrow

Last edited by willingtoo on Fri Apr 27, 2018 3:45 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by trdd » Fri Apr 27, 2018 3:09 am

It is pretty common that people who are sexually submissive, or at least get turned on by the idea, are not submissive in the other parts of their life.

Thanks for sharing all of the details and insights. I love to understand about how people mentally and emotionally approach topics like these.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Fri Apr 27, 2018 3:49 am

Mad Dog65 wrote:Hi Carrie,

I have been a reader of this wonderful thread - yours and Mike's journey and how beautifully you write and share your desires, fears and openness to us. This is one of the most interesting and thoughtful threads that I have read in a while as it touches so much on the emotional aspect of this kink. I came to this fantasy and found this community after I learned that my wife of 20 years had an affair with her boss. When I found out I was devastated by her betrayal but confusingly turned on. The community here helped me learn and understand my feelings. While I have shared my feelings with my wife, I don't think that the hotwife fantasy will extend to the real thing and that is OK. I look forward to hearing more about yours and Mike's hotwife journey.
Thanks Mad Dog65 for the compliments. I'm glad you are enjoying my posts. You can pm me anytime.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Fri Apr 27, 2018 3:54 am

hotwifelover31 wrote:Carrie, first, I commend you for embracing Mike’s desire to share your sensual beauty and sexy body with another man. It’s a paradoxical leap of trust given the precepts of marriage ingrained by traditional mores. I also applaud you, Mike and Frank for your open and honest communication. You have taken the experienced advice of others to ensure this is a win-win-win situation. Equally prudent is your decision to delineate boundaries, which may became a tad malleable as you get more comfortable with Frank or any other lucky lovers.

The intensity and all consuming nature of this early stage of your erotic journey is common and to be expected, especially when you’re experiencing NRE as you clearly are with Frank. Fantasies, desires and cravings are all about neurochemistry and new, exciting taboo and kinky sexual possibilities trigger explosive neurotransmitters. While the pervasiveness will most likely moderate as you became more comfortable with being shared, it is likely to always have an intensity that you hopefully desire to continue to seek and enjoy.

I hope your next foray with Frank is magical and you and Mike enjoy the orgasmic delights of you being a bona fide hotwife!

In lust awe and anticipation, HWL31 aka the hotwife cheer bunny
Thanks for your comments HWL31. I really appreciate people who respond to what I post. Makes me feel there are people reading and appreciating what I write You can pm me anytime.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by superb101 » Fri Apr 27, 2018 5:00 am

I'm loving your story! So hot! Let Frank do anything he wants and I bet you'll love it!

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by Mr ablondemilf » Fri Apr 27, 2018 5:47 am

I really appreciate people who respond to what I post. Makes me feel there are people reading and appreciating what I write You can pm me anytime.
Trust me Carrie, we are all reading and appreciating your stories. Please continue sharing your fantasies and activities with us. :D :D :D

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by DanEvans » Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:46 am

Carrie, you’ve given getting up in the morning new meaning.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:10 am

Mr ablondemilf wrote:
I really appreciate people who respond to what I post. Makes me feel there are people reading and appreciating what I write You can pm me anytime.
Trust me Carrie, we are all reading and appreciating your stories. Please continue sharing your fantasies and activities with us. :D :D :D
Thank you for that. It's just nice to be able to share with people things that I can't with people in my real world. I feel totally safe posting here. These things we are doing beyond fantasy would be impossible to discuss except between Mike and I. I feel the need to communicate with people that understand what we are experiencing. It's real now!

Nervous but ready for tonight.

P.S. What do you mean by "We are all reading?"


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:05 pm

This is going to be a long two hour wait for Frank to arrive. I brought Deli food home for Mike and I but now the wait. We are trying to occupy our time with the NFL Draft crap, but neither of us can concentrate or care that much. Mike wants to try a movie so he's picking one out on Netflix. I said, "Nothing with a sex theme!" He laughed. I'm already thinking about nothing but sex. Mike just said, "How about the Grinch" he's trying to be funny! This is weird to say the least. I am ready except for lighting the candles.

It's raining like crazy so we can't even sit by the pool.

I'll be up writing in the morning, but not sure when I will be able to share here. Several of you said you were looking forward to it so I will post as soon as I can. probably no later than 10:00 am. Maybe earlier......Depends on how late we stay up talking and how early we rise.


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