A New Revelation

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Wed May 30, 2018 12:37 am


If you followed from the beginning you know about fb#1, her first recent experience. Well, he as sort of fallen off the charts. Still keeping in touch but just constant excuses. He had some surgery and got a all clear recently. In fact it coincided with me being out of the country. He asked her to dinner at a place near our house. She told me after the fact that she had told him, hubby is out of the country. Also she clearly mentioned all others were elsewhere too. The house is empty, hint hint. He claims he didn't pick up on it and went with the dinner. She was a bit frustrated that he could be so dull as to not catch on. In any case she is about to the point where even if they did meet the frustration of how he handles himself by email totally turns her off. He is just lame in so many ways and I agree with her to just let it go.

So that brings us to her ex bbf who came to town from out of state a few months ago for one sort of explosive night explained above. Well, he hasn't been back to town and his work load has stepped up due to a big promo. The keep in touch regularly usually many texts a day especially when there are sporting events that they both follow. However most conversation is friendly based on sports and other common interests. Who knows when he will come back to town and there is certainly interest on her part for that to happen someday. They are close on many levels.

Next would be Bar Guy. Not sure without reading back what all I mentioned about him but at one point they had a big falling out and she told him to never text or call again. Nothing major happened, but she got sort of insulted at the wrong time, wrong place. Anyway, when I came back from the trip before leaving the country she wanted to go back to the same bar he hangs out at religiously. We went and she wasn't shy about going to talk to him. In any case they made up and started to talk a lot, in fact more than before. While I was gone he picked her up and dropped her off a few nights at the bar. Then one friday the planned a walk, quick shower at his place before going to the bar and dinner at the bar. Well, as luck would have it he was fighting a cold and they decided to skip the walk. Instead headed to his place where he would just give her a massage.
This is where things got interesting. As he was giving the massage she noticed he was struggling with her bra in the way. She mentioned something about unsnapping it and he didn't seem to object so she basically took it off. I believe still with a shirt on. Then at some point he claims she touched him or something to that effect which she basically said "nothing intentional". Well, to her surprise he went off on her and said she crossed his boundaries. Wow, never heard of anything like that. So they talked about it the next morning and things just exploded into a huge outrage on her part and she really let him have it, telling him she has plenty of men if she needs a fuck and it is not all about that. He wouldn't back down so she really unloaded on him. So here is the deal. He has hinted on many occasions that he has a "micro dick" and you need tweezers to find it. Of course at first she had no clue what the hell he was trying to say as she thought he was just joking. Well, as time went on it is clear now that he has a huge insecurity about his dick size and has no intention of ever letting a woman see it. That is why he got so upset when she supposedly exceeded his boundaries.
Surprisingly, the second night after I returned from out of the country she asked to go back to the bar. Again like the last time, she wasn't shy about spending time chatting with him. But then she had cooled off and decided he was a nice guy and let the whole scene go. So that night after the bar closed she brought me to him or sort of vice versa and introduced me to him. He seemed much better looking in person than the only pic I had seen and he seemed like a really nice guy. I thanked him for taking such good care of her while I was gone, driving her back and forth to the bar etc as I don't ever want her driving when drinking is involved.
So the next day she tells me they have a date set for next Saturday to play golf. I think, cool he mentioned he is a golfer and his handicap. I am only a few times a year hacker so he is way out of my league but I though maybe he could give her some instructions. Actually her first date with fb #1 above was golf lessons at the driving range.
To my surprise a little later she elaborated a bit more on this date and then I got to understand that no, the plan was that I am playing golf with him and she would just go to watch, hmmm. Not sure exactly how that will go down but I guess I don't have a problem with it.
In any case we have sort of figured out that he really likes the company of woman. Just only to the point of cuddling with them but he will be super sweet and spoil them, buying things, driving, dinners etc. Apparently his insecurities block him from ever having a real relationship to where sex is involved. I guess it is worth mentioning that he was married at one time and divorced.
Ok, well more to come on that as things unfold but he keeps making comments about his micro dick as if she hasn't gotten it by now and that sort of turns her off. She has told him about 5 times that things don't have to be about sex with her.

So now for LG, her most heated crush at the moment. If you read above you can see all the sweet talk texting etc. Well, he has claimed to be busy for the last month and no attempt to meet up. She has been really disappointed and not sure what's up with that. She text him the other day, "what happened to stealing me away and all that talk". His reply was that he had gotten cold feet, and more explanation to follow. Still agreeing that they should get together soon and asking when I would be out of town again. She actually lied and told him in about a week (about the time her menstruation ends) I would be leaving town again. At the moment, I am home for a while. Not that it matters. If she needs me to be vacant for a while its easy to pull off. So time will tell where that goes but I have a feeling he has other options. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy that can go a month without some form of sex. To his defense, his daughter did get married last weekend and perhaps that was a big part of it. But still not buying it. My hunch is he is going to say something like, "not sure I want to get involved with a married woman" which I interpret to mean he has other woman on his doorstep.

Well, I promised and there you have it. Basically out of 4 relationships nothing has panned out well in the last 2 months. In fact she has been a bit frustrated that I had one lengthy trip out of town and one short one and in all that time she didn't get fucked even once despite a ton of effort. There are days I estimate that she easily spends 4 hours of solid texting. What is the world coming too??

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Thu May 31, 2018 11:35 am

Interesting development since last post.

Last night we went out to grab a bite to eat at a nice downtown bar. Of course the whole time wifey was texting bar guy. Turns out the plan is not to "play" golf Saturday but just go to the driving range. Of course he can give her some personal instructions. Here is the dilemma. Apparently I am invited or the plan was for me to go. I am not sure if I should just tell them to go together and have their fun or if I should go. What are all your thoughts on that??

So the second part of the evening, as we leave downtown she says he will stop by and drop off the item he bought from Victoria Secret for her. Shortly after returning home he texts he is on his way and then soon arrives. I tell wifey, "you can invite him in if you like" . So she goes out to his car and gets in. Not too long after they both come in the house and sit down on the couch. We talk a little about the golf plan and some other things. The item he had bought for her was a sleeping top, sort of a jump suit that has for the most part a thong type bottom attached. It's sort of cute but very basic. She wanted him to buy a dress but he said she would have to be there to try it on for that.

While talking, it seemed everyone was comfortable although he might have been a little nervous as he didn't stay too long. Soon he mentioned he needed to get going and she walked him out to his car for a bit. After a little TV I was about to fall asleep so we went up to bed. I actually did fall asleep as they were still texting. She said he kept saying things like "I missed you" etc. I am not really sure where this is all going. Clearly the plan is set to go back to the bar Friday night. Since we have now met I don't know what the seating arrangement will be. Usually when I go we sit where ever we can find a space out by the dance floor area and he always has his spot tucked away in a corner at the end of the bar counter. Wifey will usually go to get drinks or restroom and in the process stop by next to him and spend 10 or so minutes before coming back to the table. I sort of like that arrangement.

He has a older woman that he also drives back and forth to the bar that seems to have a crush on him. This woman has gotten hints about wifey hanging out with him outside of the bar on occasion and has some jealousy issues. He claims he is not into her and she is just a friend. Most likely she will be there too and perhaps as usual he will drive her in or home or both. I am thinking that it might be a nice gesture to tell them or the wife at least that if they want to she can just go to his house and spend the night, one night this weekend. Not sure if she would be interested in that or not.

One last thing. For years my wife has been mostly against any HW activity and criticized me for my interest in it. That is even recently sometimes. Last night she seemed to have this glow about her. As we were getting ready for bed she mentioned, "You know this is fun, I should have started doing this 5 years ago when you first talked about it. I wasted so much time." She also said that one of her biggest regrets is that all thru her younger life she was so shy and didn't do much of anything with men. That is other than her first husband. I was a bit surprised to hear her say that. Usually I am hit with criticism not this type of statement. I think it is one of the most sexy things she has ever said, and the way she said it was so cute. She said this morning that in light of 2 of her bf's being such duds, she needs to be open to find someone new to fill in the void.

She has me read to her all these posts and always asks me if there are any comments.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by youngkscouple » Thu May 31, 2018 1:08 pm

Gotta say, I love how you share your thoughts, describing each situation so thoroughly. I can only imagine how hot it was to hear your lovely wife share with you what she said last night. Sorry there aren't more comments but I assure you there are a lot of people enjoying your writing. So glad she is enjoying herself as well. Hopefully this will bring you both even closer as a couple, getting to enjoy your own time together especially when you have to travel so much.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Fri Jun 01, 2018 6:56 am

Last night there was a little fuss between bar guy and his other female friend. Apparently he had a bit of an argument with her by text and in the process she sent a text calling out my wife as a slut! He forwarded her texts to my wife and of course she got a bit stirred up. She hasn't even fucked him but from the other woman's eyes she probably assumes she has.
Bar guy seems to not be able to handle that type of drama well possibly telling woman too much about other woman he is seeing. He claims he will not be going to the bar for the rest of the week. I doubt he could keep that promise as that is his life. We will see. The plan was to go tonight with wifey but now who knows.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by FilthyLondoncpl » Fri Jun 01, 2018 6:59 pm

Keep it coming, this is really hot!

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Sun Jun 03, 2018 1:01 pm

As mentioned above, yesterday was a golf date. The three of us went to the driving range and hit balls. Bar guy is a 7 handicap in contrast to my usual 100 score. He gave wifey some brief instructions but none of the around the back (hugging) swinging help. It was comfortable for all. It was hot out, knocking on 100 so we didn't last too long and went in the club house for a beer. Against my advice, wifey ordered a glass of white wine instead of beer, not a good combination with sweating. Needless to say the wine hit her fairly hard.

After our cool down beer they decided to go back to his area and take a walk. I decided I would let them have some alone time and head home by myself to do some chores. It was interesting how the minute we started walking to our cars and she said goodbye, they immediately joined arms walking toward his car as if they were the couple and I was the 3rd wheel.

I didn't get any text or call until they were on the way back home. So apparently instead of going walking they went to his place and did some cuddling. While cuddling on the bed he teased wifey by putting a pair of socks on his dick and put her hand on it. He had short pants on and inserted her hand down from the top. Wifey grabbed the sock and he said, "oh, look what you did to junior". "Oh, you got all excited, I can't believe it. I should have taken a video of your reaction", and then he pulled the socks out of his pants. Then he put her hand down his pants again and in her words, "I couldn't find anything".
Then she asked for a drink because of a scratchy throat so he gave her 2 shots of whisky to help the throat. They moved to the couch and he was caressing her body but not touching breasts and no kissing. His rules!

Finally they got up and went for a 45 minute walk before heading back to our house.

Once home wifey told me the story of the afternoon. She seemed a little horny and we ended up heading to be a little early for some reclaim time.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Mon Jun 04, 2018 6:36 pm

Yesterday was game 2 of the NBA finals of which wifey is a big fan. She even went to a few playoff games by herself while I was out of town. Needless to say that we planned to watch the game and this time the plan was just to stay home. To my surprise she invited bar guy to come over and watch with us and he accepted. So we had a little Finals party here at the house. Another interesting adventure. We seem to all be becoming friends and comfortable together. She often sits close to him, especially before her daughter came home from work.

It ended up bing a nice time. Wine, crackers, fruit and a good home cooked meal by wifey. Of course a good game too!

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by youngkscouple » Mon Jun 04, 2018 7:31 pm

Super interesting situation with the bar guy and his issue regarding his dick size. Makes me question what he is looking for from the friendship, and indeed your wife as well? Since the sexual portion seems so incredibly limited, right?

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Mon Jun 11, 2018 5:56 am

Young, yes exactly.
We have wondered that many times. Seems he is just a lonely guy and wants companionship and a pretty girl around him, but scared to take it to where he is exposed. He asked wifey to come over yesterday but she was too busy to be bothered. Last night we went to his bar but he had already retired as he had to get up early today.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:17 am

Newest development but questionable where it will go:

Wifey and I were at NBA final game 3 watch party and as we went in the arena I stayed back to buy something for us to eat since we had just come from work. When I got to our seats, wifey had already started a conversation with a guy next to her. Seemed like he was very chatty and continued thru the game. He was there by himself and thru her conversation I later learned that he lives very close to us. Late in the game at one point I noticed they did some form of phone number exchange. I think wifey recorded his number in her phone or maybe both.

Then for game 4 we were not able to get tickets for some reason and decided to just watch at home. Wifey had already been texting this new guy (we'll call him NBA) and apparently he had gotten tickets and was back at the arena. Otherwise she would have invited him over possibly although it would have been a bit strange as I had a friend over and her daughter and bf were also home watching. In the course of talking about inviting him over he asked "what's on the menu" to which she asked me what he meant. Without knowing the conversation I assumed he was asking what we were serving, however after the fact I guess he might have been asking a deeper question?? Perhaps looking for a response like, coffee, tea or me.

In any case Saturday they were texting quite a bit but not sure what all was discussed. She did find out that NBA is married but not sure what else was discussed. I don't believe he asked her if she was or if he did, what she said.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Wed Jun 20, 2018 6:55 pm

Not much to update other than some small texting back and forth to NBA but mostly only about sports.

Bar guy will pic her up Friday and take her to bar and wine her. Not sure about dining. She is on mens at the moment so not up to much.

I am out of town this week but not much happening to take advantage of it.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Sun Jul 15, 2018 9:12 am

Back from vacation. Nothing new other than some mild texting with her 3 text buds.
Vacation was uneventful. A short nude beach visit and a lot of people watching.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by 8toplaywith » Sat Jul 21, 2018 6:17 pm

I'm loving this thread. Thanks for sharing.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by gazpacho » Sun Jul 22, 2018 10:25 pm

Such a great thread. Keep it up.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Tue Jul 24, 2018 11:55 am

So the wife has been a little frustrated with her men lately. Even saying she doesn't like men anymore! Basically all of them have been non-responsive or little interest.

Her most common bf (micro dick guy) told her he had a date the other day and even forwarded her pic. Then when the date happened apparently she wasn't exactly what she described and looked 4 months pregnant. So naturally he picked up his attention to wifey and they had a walking date yesterday. He wanted to do a movie but she wanted the exercise. He wants to do a dinner date soon so who knows if that will happen or when. She seem to come home with a decent glow about her since he paid her a lot of compliments and kissed her face many times with big hugs.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by youngkscouple » Tue Jul 24, 2018 12:09 pm

This is one of my favorite threads, I hope you keep updating!

This micro-dick thing is so strange to me. First, what is he looking for? Just the company of an attractive woman? Maybe the kink of her being a married woman? But he has no desire to fuck her? And for her, she just wants the boyfriend feelings she gets? Not dying to have sex with him and his micro-dick? It's just super interesting.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Tue Jul 31, 2018 9:42 am

Latest update:
I had plans Friday night last week so the wife made a movie date with MD (micro dick guy). They went to a movie together and not sure what else. In any case she was a bit disappointed saying that he was sort of untidy for various reasons.

Young: It is a bit of a strange relationship. He seems to like to have a sexy woman on his arm and not be pressured to show is micro. She likes the company and a little flattered that he will pay for all dating things for her (although I am sure she could do even better). I think he would prefer she be single and not married. He really likes her company. He even mentioned that if she took a job in his direction she could stay with him several nights a week at his place to reduce commute time. She doesn't seem super interested in that proposal as of yet and currently has not spent a night with him. If she was single he would probably want a full on relationship. As for sex, not sure if it would go there or not.

So Sunday, he had a date with another girl that he has been seeing also. It happened that we went to the same shopping center they were at and as they were texting they discovered this. Or possibly she already knew he was going there but pretended it was a coincidence. In any case we were having a burger and he text that he was going to an ice cream shop with her. Wifey text, "buy one for me" and a few minutes later she walked off to go meat up with them. He indeed did buy her a ice cream. I paid the bill and wondered over also meeting up with them all.

So here we were, her bf, his gf and I all talking. It did get a bit awkward when we parted has her bf came over to us and left his gf alone while he gave my wife a big hug. I wonder what his date said to him later??

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by michael8401 » Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:08 pm

So where are you guys at?

This is a great thread!

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by subtoall » Thu Aug 02, 2018 8:58 pm

I am really enjoying your journey. I hope you and your beautiful wife find the happiness you both deserve in this lifestyle.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:54 am

Hi, back again.

So here is the latest.

Last Saturday night we were laying in bed with the wife giving me a signature HJ (she has period) and we were talking a little about how all her men have sort of gone south. The only one really left is Micro dick and he sort of grosses her out by not being very tidy.

I started a conversation about how it seems she likes taller guys and we went over the list of her past. Seems most were taller than me. Of course we talked in depth about LG who is super tall and handsome and the best kisser she has ever had. Then the conversation rolled into handsome. So I asked her point blank, "do you want to find a tall handsome guy?" to which she replied without hesitation in a soft voice, "Yes". At the time I could tell she was getting a bit horny but due to menstruation it wouldn't go anywhere. So pushing forward I asked, "do you want to fuck a tall handsome new guy" and got a quick "yes" back again. Needless to say the hard part if finding the guy.

Well, soon after the HJ was finished we both fell asleep. At about 8 am we were still dozing in and out of sleep when her phone sounded a text notification. She picked it up and looked at it and to her surprise it was from LG. If you have been following above you know that she had quite a hot fling with LG and he was talking her up about how he was going to steal her from her husband. Then after her spending a night at his house and fucking 4 times (I believe her only sleep over to date) a few days later he stopped all communication. She was clearly a but hurt by his lack of response and for a few months wondered why he dropped her like that. Of course he fits the bill exactly of the tall/handsome guy we were just talking about the night before although for weeks she had been saying that he is nothing special to her now.

His text went basically like this:

Him: What have you been up to lately:
Her: Nothing much
Him: Been getting laid?
Her: No (she had to ask me what that meant)
Him: Want to?
Her: Maybe
Him: When is husband going out of town?
Her: in a week, for 2 weeks. (even though I am not going anywhere)
Him: Oh, I am probably busy this week but maybe next.

So that was about the extend of it. I asked her if she was going to see him and she said she plans to tease him after what he did to her.
Who knows where this will lead. I have a feeling if they get together and he starts applying his kissing magic she will buckle and go beyond teasing him. We will have to wait and see.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:58 am

I think it would still be nice if she finds a new tall handsome guy, but that always seems to be harder than you would think. She is not into the internet scene and finding them out in the wild is not easy. Seems hard to find a place where it is easy to find guys in a age range suitable for her.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by SutterKane » Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:10 pm

It sure has been an uneven chase for her. Maybe she (or you) should put an ad in AM or SLS to fine someone, hell, anyone better!
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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Sat Aug 25, 2018 1:12 pm

Update: Last night we were out at the local bar that she met Micro Dick at (he wasn't there) and she hangs out at quite often with MD after meeting. Anyway, she gets a text from LG her biggest flame in the spring which I mentioned above. He had text her about 2 weeks ago very bluntly that he wanted to hook up. Well I guess that time has come finally. Actually, I had sort of thought that his remarks (a few posts back) had fizzled out and nothing was going to come of it.

So in his first few texts last night he said he wanted to come over tonight and sleep over at our house. She was a bit shocked and asked me what should she do. In the previous conversation she had told him that I would be out of town, even though she knew I wouldn't be. So his assumption I guess still is that I am out of town.

First off, this would be her first ever sleep over at our house. She has had one sleep over with him, her only one, at his house months back that was mentioned above in detail. Secondly, I am home so this complicates things about how to handle the situation. I basically told her to do what ever she wants. At first she was saying, "oh, I can't have him over with you here" which slowly turned to "I don't think I should let him stay the night" and then to "where would you be, in another room?" So at the moment I am not sure what the plan is. She was saying two weeks ago that if she met him again she would just tease him since he left her hanging for so long. In his text he had said he was sorry and that the fact that she was married was the reason he shut things down. I'm not so convinced of that but I suggested she could tell him at some point that we have since separated is some form but she is still living in the same house for the time being.

I am fairly certain it won't amount to just teasing. When he kisses her she melts and gets wet as hell. She says he is the best kisser she has ever had. To make it even a little more clear, she just left to go to the salon to get waxed. Yes, everything. Legs and full pussy. She often does this when she has a date. My guess is that she is settling in for the "over night" concept.

So now for the complicated part. What do I do? Stay home in another room? Go out and stay out? Go out and sneak back in late or wait for a text? She said he mentioned he needed to leave early if he stayed the night. I am fairly certain that her preference would be for me to stay in the whole time in another room. Hmm, decisions?

Any suggestions?

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by youngkscouple » Sat Aug 25, 2018 8:11 pm

Yeah I think if it were me, I would set up a tiny camera in the bedroom and enjoy it from another room very quietly. If she's not on board with the camera, I would still hang out in the other room quietly. I think it would be easy enough to hang out in a guest room, quietly listen in if anything interesting is happening or if not, watch Netflix on a phone/tablet with one headphone in and the other listening for your wife. Just bring a snack and a drink, and hope you don't need to use the bathroom.

Still, sounds exciting, can't wait to hear more!

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Sat Aug 25, 2018 9:10 pm

Young, I guess we think alike. I am in the other room and she is fucking as I type this. At the moment she is on top riding him.
He cam in just 10 minutes ago. She had wine and crackers set up downstairs but none of that happened. They went straight to the bed and he jumped on top with his pants off and started fucking her.

I would say from the time that he was in the door to when his cock was in her pussy was not even 5 minutes. Amazing.

Not sure if the plan is all night or just a while. It might be a long night in the other room.

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