I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by norbertrichard » Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:40 pm

Your story is amazing, and I check you out every day. Love your updates, and at times you put knots in my heart, don't think I could handle some of the things that come your way. Jamie really hands you reasons to question the safety of the lifestyle.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:43 am

“What would you say if I told you that I fancy Terrell?” my wife asked me just as I was falling asleep last night.

My eyes popped open and I was wide awake instantly. “The black guy from the beach?” I asked. I knew exactly who she was talking about, but sometimes my mouth just says stupid shit. I don’t know—I just suck at conversation filler I guess. She didn’t answer me—she knew I knew who she was talking about. “I don’t know,” I began again, “I guess you fancy him then.” My mind was still playing catch up and I hadn’t been thinking about the game this week.

“He was at the beach this morning. I saw him on my run and so I stopped. We talked for a while,” she explained and then added, “I really think I like him.”

“What are you saying, Jaimee?” I asked her, hoping she’d just tell me what she was planning. I really didn’t want to play 20-questions.

My wife’s lips pursed into a frustrated frown for a moment and then said, “He asked me if I’d go out for drinks with him some night.”

Now I was awake! “Seriously?” I asked. “You said he knew that you were married, and he still asks you out?”

She nodded her head, “I don’t think he’s the sort of bloke who gives a shite.”

“I don’t know,” I said propping myself onto my elbow, “you hardly know him. Would it be safe, what would your boyfriend say about you sleeping around him?” I questioned rapid fire.

She shot me a look, and rolled her eyes at me, “I probably know him better than you know half of your friends,” she dared me to deny it, but I wasn’t going to take the bait. She was probably right. I really am shit at getting to know new people. Maybe I’m the English one in our relationship, haha. (You Brits out there know what I mean). “And Wade doesn’t decide who I sleep with,” then she looked me directly in the eye and added, “Nor do you anymore, mister.” I couldn’t tell if she was playing or not.

“You really want to do this?” I asked her, feeling a definite stir in my shorts.

“Maybe,” she said, “Are you telling me you wouldn’t be keen on the idea?” my wife uses the word ‘keen’ once in a while. That’s a word I don’t hear often enough. I need to try to use it more. But I digress, she continued, “you’ve told me before how hot you thought it would be.”

I nodded, “I just never thought it would happen,” I admitted. “You’ve never shown any interest in being with a black man.”

She shrugged and leaned against the headboard, “I just don’t understand why it’s any different for you than with any other man. He’s black, so what?”

And I know my wife isn’t just saying that. She truly doesn’t understand what all the fuss is about. I was born and raised in California, not exactly a bastion of racism over here, but the idea of my wife, or any white woman for that matter, sleeping with a black man just get’s me excited. I guess I still carry around enough of societies taboos to get off on the idea. And let me add that Terrell is a BLACK man. I mean his skin is like ink black. And he’s a giant of a man. He’s a lot bigger than Wade physically—and that’s saying something. Wade’s well-built and very cut. Terrell’s just a big guy. Like I said before, not really fat, but he’s not going to win a bodybuilding competition anytime soon. This guy’s life aboard a navy ship must have been hell. There’s no way he’d fit into any regulation rack. But as guys go, he’s descent looking I guess. He definitely fits within what I’m learning is my ‘wife’s type’. She like big guys, strong guys, working class guys that exude that self-reliant attitude. She likes a guy that has rough, calloused hands

“You’re not worried he might have some horrible disease from all the prostitutes he’s slept with around the world?”

I didn’t say that to be funny, but something I’d said made my wife snort a laugh, “It’s just drinks right now, Ky. He’s not stirring my drink with his cock.”

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes, “It may well start out that way, but given the opportunity, I doubt you’d turn him down.”

My wife gave me a smile that would have rivaled that of the Big Bad Wolf. She went to the closet and came out a moment later with, the cage… “I want to try something,” she said, way to excited for my comfort level.

“Jaimee, I have to go to sleep,” I complained.

“No, you don’t,” she admonished, “Don’t be such a bell-end,” and with that she was on top of me, pulling my shorts down until my dick was exposed. I was starting to stir from the conversation, but she daftly had me caged and had the key set on the night stand.

I looked up at her, “What are you playing at?”

She gave me her most sweet, innocent smile as she settled down so that her face was close to my now caged dick. “I’m just messing about for a minute. You haven’t been a very good cuck-boy lately. I want to see how this works,” she said, studying me almost clinically.

After a moment she looked up at me, “I haven’t had a cock in my loose pussy for way too long,” she said as she then broke away her gaze from me and looked down at my dick. I felt myself begin to stir and the cage begin to tighten ever so slightly.

“Did you know Wade never asks me to wear my collar,” she said almost conversationally. “You’ve asked me to wear it before, but he’s never asked,” she added.

I shook my head, “No, I didn’t know that,” I said somewhat confused. I know she’d worn it for him.

“Nope, he’s never asked,” she repeated, “He tells me to wear it…” ah, now I was getting it. “…he never asks me to do anything. He does what he likes and expects me to do my part.” I felt myself twitch, and the cage tightened up a little more. “Did you know he still makes me call my pussy a cunt or a fuckhole? He’s not like you, Ky. He doesn’t ask me anything. If he wants to fuck me from behind, he puts me in the position he wants and then he fucks me.” She then brought her eyes back to mine and very slowly said, “Did you hear me, Ky.” She paused for a moment, “I said Wade, my boyfriend fucks,” she pronounced the word ‘fuck’ very slowly, “your married wife’s sloppy cunt.” She continued to pronounce each word perfectly and speak each one slowly. “Do you accept it now, Ky?” she asked

I looked at her but didn’t respond.

She repeated, still speaking slowly but with perfect enunciation, “Do you understand that your wife is now another man’s slut? That someday the number of times other, bigger cocks that stretched out your wife’s cunt will total more than yours?” She must have noticed my eyes widen, “That’s right, someday I’ll have had more sex with my boyfriend than with my husband? We’re quickly catching up to that number he and I.” I was now very much feeling the cage as blood was trying in vain to fill my dick. The cage wasn’t painful, but I was definitely feeling the pressure. “I’ve already told you that your dick now feels like little, soft touches, but I wonder what would happen if I only fucked Wade exclusively for one month and only gave my husband blowjobs? Would I even feel you at all in my pussy after that? Is that what you want? Do you want to only fuck my mouth while my bigger lover enjoys my pussy?”

Her eyebrows rose as if she were now waiting for an answer. “Are we just playing the game?”

“Don’t talk shite,” she admonished, “Of course we’re playing the game, but that doesn’t change anything I just said. You’re my cuck-boy, and you’ll only be happy as my cuck-boy.” I was about to speak but she cut me off, “I don’t want a knicker wearing cuck-boy, you still better be the man I need, but I’m telling you now that there will always be another, bigger cock filling my pussy. From now on, you will only ever be my cuck-boy.”

The cage was really starting to get restrictive now. Jamiee smiled at me and got even closer to my dick, studying it like it was a science experiment. She pushed it from one side to the other with her finger.

“I do like this, Ky,” and I could tell she was absolutely enjoying this whole thing. “I’ll make sure you’re taken care of, but you’re going to be wearing this a lot more when I’m with my lovers.”

“We’ll see,” I said defiantly.

Jaimee laughed and it almost sounded wicked, “You’ll see,” she corrected, “You gave me the power, and I’m not going to give it back. I’ve read the same stories you have, cuck-boy. You might deny it, but I know deep down this is what you really want,” she went on, not letting me interrupt, “You like the idea of me going out with Terrell for drinks, only you want us to go to a hotel after. You want us to fuck like the people in the stories you read, but you want this to happen for real…” she paused and wrapped her hand around my caged dick, her small hand still large enough so that her finger tips could touch as they wrapped themselves around me. With Wade’s cock, they don’t even go halfway around. I could feel the warmth radiating from her hand, “…you want your wife to even fuck multiple men—you confessed that to me, remember? You want me to fuck two cocks at the same time—stretching out both my holes at the same time… so tell me again, cuck-boy, this is what you want,” she said in more of a statement than a question.

“As long as you love me first,” I chocked out, my voice was rough, like I’d just swallowed a mouthful of gravel.

Jaimee smiled at me as she continued to toy with my encaged member, “I can’t tell you how much this excites me,” she said, looking again at the cage. Now the cage was tighter than I’d ever felt it. My dick was straining with all it’s might to break free, but apart from my balls aching a little, it wasn’t too painful. My wife wasn’t finished with her cruel yet amazingly erotic game, “Did you know Wade’s parents still don’t know the truth? They think he and I are in an on-again off-again relationship, but they’re hopeful that we’ll work it out… they really want to meet me.”

“Oh god,” I groaned, the cage still tight. My lust was ramped up as high as it’s ever been, but the cage was keeping me there. I couldn’t get to a point of release. I was tantalizingly close, but it was like I’d hit a peak and wasn’t allowed to go any higher.

“I thought you might like that, cuck-boy. Deep down you really want to play this game to the extreme, but you’re scared,” she said, and she wasn’t wrong, but there’s a difference between fantasy and reality, but at the moment, I couldn’t discern between the two. “You want me to meet Wade’s parents. You want them to think we’re a committed couple. You like that I have my things at my boyfriend’s house and that we’ve lived together—and you want me to do it again…” she said in nearly a whisper. “You know,” she eventually added, “Bennett has a lot more self-confidence these days, I bet he’d be keen on a threesome with me and Wade. His cock isn’t as big as Wade’s but it’s still twice as big as yours,” she said matter of factly.

This torture had gone on for about 30 minutes, but I was surprised I wasn’t feeling more desperate than I was. I was enjoying a nice, lusty high, but that was about it. It was like I was a little drunk, but no matter how much more I was drinking, I only stayed a certain level of drunk. Finally, Jaimee had mercy on me and removed the cage. I had almost an instant erection, and as soon as my wife grasped my dick into her hand, I exploded. Two feelings hit me at the same time. One, I was embarrassed because of how quickly I had gone off, and two, I was amazed at the amount of cum that had just shot out of me. I never shoot loads like that. Even my wife was impressed, or would have been if most of it hadn’t shot right into her hair. She hates it in her hair because there’s no choice but to wash it.

Later, when we were back in bed, and my wife had had her shower, I planned on returning the favor—she’d made me cum so hard that I felt like I’d pulled a stomach muscle, but she declined, saying that she needed to get up early the next day because her Seattle sales trip is coming soon. We talked about random stuff for a few minutes, and I could tell Jaimee would be asleep soon as she looked at me through heavy-lidded eyes. She had just blown my fucking mind—and my nuts—from what she was talking about, but she had pulled it off so well I couldn’t tell if she was serious or if she was just playing. I mean I really figured she was just playing the game, but she spoke with such confidence that I couldn’t tell fact from fiction.

“Jaimee,” I coaxed her back to alertness, “Were you serious about everything you just said… about Wade’s parents, the threesome, and only letting your lovers have your pussy?” I wished I hadn’t asked, even to myself I sounded like an insecure wimp.

Jaimee closed her eyes and let her head sink into the pillow, “Don’t ruin the game, Ky,” she said in more of a heavy sigh.

Don’t ruin the game, she’d said. So… she’s just playing… I think. A long moment passed and she was probably close to being asleep, but I knew if I didn’t get rid of that little stab of doubt, I wouldn’t sleep for shit, so I pressed… “so you’re just playing the game, right?”

She groaned loudly, but this groan wasn’t one of passion but one of frustration, “God, Ky. You really don’t know?” she said, her voice with a slight edge. After a moment of silence and me not answering she added, “If you want the truth, you’ll have to use your safeword. If you use it, then I win this round, and you have to do something for me.”

I almost said my safeword without thinking, but like I said, I’ve learned how my wife operates. Instead I asked, “Like what?” wanting to know what her devious little mind had in store.

She turned her back to me but pushed herself closer to my side of the bed, and then answered, “To be determined, I’m to tired to think about that right now.” Another moment of silenced passed and she softly said, “good night then.”

“…!” I blurted out my safeword. “I think you were just playing, but there was some truth to what you were saying to. I have to be sure.” I tried to explain.

She turned back towards me and sat up slightly, a slight look of exasperation on her features, “You’re talking shite again, Ky,” she blurted out. The edge in her voice a little stronger now, “You were wearing the cage, Ky—that’s a bit of an easy clue. You know I was just playing the game. But this is what I was talking about the other day,” her voice now growing more frustrated, “I need you to be stronger than this—be more secure than this. You want to play this game, but it only really works for you if you think it’s real, but when I make it a bit more real, you spiral off out of control and poke at me like a bloody peckish chicken...” Uh-oh, I knew I was in trouble. She was starting to really get her momentum and I only had myself to blame. “…get it through your numpty skull. You’re my husband. I’m your wife. I only love you. I don’t love Wade, or Bennett, and Terrell is just a bloke I met at the beach…”

“Yeah, okay,” I said, my ears ringing—I only wrote half of what she said—, “thanks.”

She exhaled and turned her back towards me again, and then in a voice much softer, she mumbled, “—and I love Wade’s cock stretching out my whoring cunt,” she then started fake snoring, acting like she was asleep.

I laughed and laid back down, and I swear it wasn’t but two-minutes later and she actually was asleep. But despite getting my answer from her, my brain was still switched on and I knew I wasn’t going to fall asleep anytime soon. One thing I did a lot of thinking about, but didn’t find any answers to, is how I can turn the tables on our ‘game’. It’s very one-sided in that she has all the leverage on me and I have almost none on her. She can make me use my safeword almost at will, but I have no way to do the same. And I have no doubt that she’s going to think of something fucking really crazy because I lost and used mine.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Xalar11 » Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:27 am

Another great post. Your lovely wife is really a naughty vixen. I assume it's absolutely "addictive" for you to be married to her. And the best thing Jaimee obviously loves you deeply.

Though, playing "the game" or not, I would think Jaimee moving in with Wade again for a period of time or meeting his parents is probabely not the best idea. Some relations should exclusively between you and Jaimee. Or what do you think?

One thing I wanted to ask about your safeword. Jaimee said when you use it you loose and must do something for her. Can I ask what this means, what have you done for her so far?

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by subtoall » Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:01 am

Ky_Da wrote:“One thing I did a lot of thinking about, but didn’t find any answers to, is how I can turn the tables on our ‘game’. It’s very one-sided in that she has all the leverage on me and I have almost none on her. She can make me use my safeword almost at will, but I have no way to do the same. And I have no doubt that she’s going to think of something fucking really crazy because I lost and used mine.

Think about it. Isn't this exactly the way you want it? IMO we cucks don't really ever want the tables to be turned. Enjoy the ride sir.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:43 am

Turning the tables on your mindblowingly evolving hotwife?

That may have come from a very adorable spirit of youthful competition between loving spouses.

But if you see it from a cuck's viewpoint, where's the need?

Everytime she pulls you towards cuck-heaven, you flinch and pull back, because you are adapting to it at a slower rate than Jaimee's.

You are not going to make Jaimee jealous, insecure or vulnerable without dating a beautiful woman. Then you can create anxiety in her mind and have some leverage, if that's what you want.


Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by wannabecUKold » Sun Aug 19, 2018 12:10 pm

sabya167 wrote:
You are not going to make Jaimee jealous, insecure or vulnerable without dating a beautiful woman. Then you can create anxiety in her mind and have some leverage, if that's what you want.
He's not going do that, we all know. His Jaimee is the beautiful girl he dates.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by norbertrichard » Sun Aug 19, 2018 7:21 pm

Jamie creates the illusions in your mind that torment you, knowing full well that she has the power, but you can also tweek her nose if you want, create your own allusion, by joining up with one of the many dating sites, you don't have to follow through, but when you start reciving inquiries from interested women, Jamie will notice, and you can truthfully deny guilt, but she will realize that others are interested. You can inquire with out joining these sites, as I have, and you will be surprised how many women will return the favor. My wife noticed, and so will Jamie.


Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by viking53 » Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:48 pm

Thanks Ky, your posts just get richer all the time and you are really generous in how you share all the small details that make this so stimulating.

Jaimee is really expert at pushing your buttons. She knows exactly where they are and how to push them. The only way you can try to even out things in the game is by ignoring your buttons, but then you lose out on the pleasure you get from the game. However you do it, I don't think you can win. Jaimee is enjoying this too much and is just too good at it.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:59 am

Or, if she had only 1 boyfriend, and you had him on board with you for everything, like you kinda did it with Wade once, by making him your co-conspirator in raising the bar, and springing surprises on poor Jaimee, after the U. K. trip, then you could have some leverage. But, now that she is branching out beautifully, that goes out the window, I guess.

The physical presence of an equally, if not more, beautiful, hot, talented and sharp-witted girl could have the desired effect, but then who's seeing that happening?

So, I guess, responses from dating sites, as suggested, is your only way out.

But, if you ask me, I would solemnly advise you against harboring such unholy thoughts about turning tables on her.

You can't fight and win against 'God's gift to cucks', silly mortal.
Last edited by sabya167 on Mon Aug 20, 2018 9:15 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Bayless » Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:28 am

sabya167 wrote:Or, if she had only 1 boyfriend, and you had him on board with you for everything, like you kinda did it with Wade once, by making him your co-conspirator in raising the bar, and springing surprises on poor Jaimee, after the U. K. trip, then you could have some leverage. But, now that she is branching out beautifully, that goes out the window, I guess.

The physical presence of an eqully, if not more, beautiful, hot, talented and sharp-witted girl could have the desired effect, but then who's seeing that happening?

So, I guess, responses from dating sites, as suggested, is your only way out.

But, if you ask me, I would solemnly advise you against harboring such unholy thoughts about turning tables on her.

You can't fight and win against 'God's gift to cucks', silly mortal.

Ky, You might create a high risk sham, meaning that something that you would never do, but Jamie doesn’t know that. You could hint to Jamie that you have hired an investsgator to track down Wades parents, and you have taken steps to inform them that Jamie is a twice divorced parent of three children, and is a career carrier of VD. Way out there, but might get her attention !!

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:11 am

Sucking, swallowing,Wade's 10-incher and Ky.

These could be the keywords doing their rounds in Jaimee's brain right now.

Pegging, Wade's 10-incher and Ky, could possibly be reserved for the next use of the safeword.

Only she knows.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by D+D » Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:17 am

Jaimee has the upper hand because you are a cuckold. She knows what you want and she's giving it to you. You know you want it.
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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Lucky Dog » Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:03 am

Ky, your posts are incredibly erotic and exciting, in large part because of the extreme humiliation by your wife. Of course, what makes this so delicious instead of unbearable is that she loves you and can always show this to you when you need it.

It seems that if a cuck gives so much control to his wife, she also has an equally strong obligation, to make sure the cuck can bear his pain so he can enjoy what she does without feeling he's lost. It's not easy to do, but you and your wife continue to succeed at exactly this.

I love reading what you write.
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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by trdd » Mon Aug 20, 2018 10:09 am

sabya167 wrote:Sucking, swallowing,Wade's 10-incher and Ky.

These could be the keywords doing their rounds in Jaimee's brain right now.

Pegging, Wade's 10-incher and Ky, could possibly be reserved for the next use of the safeword.

Only she knows.
Some variant of the above has crossed her mind, I am sure! She has pretty much said it, hasn't she? Although she might want to start Ky with someone smaller. And it sounds like Jaimee is reading Xleglover's latest, as is Ky, so that all falls in line with what is happening in that fictional story. It seems as if Jaimee is taking inspiration from Jen.

I think Jaimee's dominant development with Ky is absolutely amazing. As amazing as it is, there are a few things that I can't believe Ky can tolerate. This might not be agreed to by all but of all the things happening it seems that the frequency Jaimee sees Wade would be the worst thing for me. Vegas was out of control and might have... would have.... crushed a lesser cuckold. But even now the frequency is high and coupled (pun intended) with the fact that people at the gym know they are a couple, along with Wade's friends and parents even, it just sounds like too much for the psyche. Ky, is that the most intense thing for you? If not, what is?

As much as that would unnerve me I am glad to read that you are sometimes hot and cold with the game, you take breaks, and that Jaimee reinforces her love for you. Yet just like a seesaw I also see the fact that she is now in control in many ways and she was heading over the line back when you started with Derek. Of course she has matured with all of this dramatically, but still there's a twinge of worry thinking about it.

I have two other thoughts. The first is a personal desire but I think it was based upon something you wrote months ago. It sounds like Jaimee could write just about as well as you do, which is saying something. I would absolutely love to see her post a little about what goes through her mind in this relationship. Particularly about how she has grown to dominate you as a cuckold. Now I could see where she might be hesitant to put that out in a public space or even to put it out so you can read it. But I thought at one point you had said that she would post some of her insights if you wore a cage. That was quite a while ago but if it was true can you ask her again?

The last thing is about your desire for just a little bit of Leverage. I laughed as people suggested you hit up a woman to cause some jealousy. The laughter was mostly because I was imagining you doing that while having your cock caged by Jaimee! But I suppose the tactic might work in the right setting.

Do you lead in the relationship outside of the bedroom? If so, is the assertiveness in other contexts enough for you to feel like you are still playing a masculine role as her husband?

Is it possible you could win an evening where you are in charge in the bedroom despite everything that is going on?

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by offendedgame » Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:27 pm

Hey, Ky
I really LOVE your updates. keep it up.

I have couple of questions..

The subject about Wade's parents reminds me, what happened in the first time when Jaimee met them when you were in Guatemala?

Also, are you still on the 3 wishes? you know, your 3rd wish was for her to have an affair and keep it a secret and doesn't tell you. Do you think she is doing that with already (with Terrell for instance)?

And what about the her wishes.. i see that you're half way through some of them like the cage and your craempie that you ate once. only one remaining ;D

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:35 pm

trdd wrote:
sabya167 wrote:Sucking, swallowing,Wade's 10-incher and Ky.

These could be the keywords doing their rounds in Jaimee's brain right now.

Pegging, Wade's 10-incher and Ky, could possibly be reserved for the next use of the safeword.

Only she knows.
Some variant of the above has crossed her mind, I am sure! She has pretty much said it, hasn't she? Although she might want to start Ky with someone smaller. And it sounds like Jaimee is reading Xleglover's latest, as is Ky, so that all falls in line with what is happening in that fictional story. It seems as if Jaimee is taking inspiration from Jen.

I think Jaimee's dominant development with Ky is absolutely amazing. As amazing as it is, there are a few things that I can't believe Ky can tolerate. This might not be agreed to by all but of all the things happening it seems that the frequency Jaimee sees Wade would be the worst thing for me. Vegas was out of control and might have... would have.... crushed a lesser cuckold. But even now the frequency is high and coupled (pun intended) with the fact that people at the gym know they are a couple, along with Wade's friends and parents even, it just sounds like too much for the psyche. Ky, is that the most intense thing for you? If not, what is?

As much as that would unnerve me I am glad to read that you are sometimes hot and cold with the game, you take breaks, and that Jaimee reinforces her love for you. Yet just like a seesaw I also see the fact that she is now in control in many ways and she was heading over the line back when you started with Derek. Of course she has matured with all of this dramatically, but still there's a twinge of worry thinking about it.

I have two other thoughts. The first is a personal desire but I think it was based upon something you wrote months ago. It sounds like Jaimee could write just about as well as you do, which is saying something. I would absolutely love to see her post a little about what goes through her mind in this relationship. Particularly about how she has grown to dominate you as a cuckold. Now I could see where she might be hesitant to put that out in a public space or even to put it out so you can read it. But I thought at one point you had said that she would post some of her insights if you wore a cage. That was quite a while ago but if it was true can you ask her again?

The last thing is about your desire for just a little bit of Leverage. I laughed as people suggested you hit up a woman to cause some jealousy. The laughter was mostly because I was imagining you doing that while having your cock caged by Jaimee! But I suppose the tactic might work in the right setting.

Do you lead in the relationship outside of the bedroom? If so, is the assertiveness in other contexts enough for you to feel like you are still playing a masculine role as her husband?

Is it possible you could win an evening where you are in charge in the bedroom despite everything that is going on?
Hey trdd,

You’re absolutely correct that my wife would love, love, love for me to give Wade oral, or peg me, or any other number of crazy things she’s read about or thought up. She has talked about it before, and we did try pegging once (once). We do read X’s stories, and we’ve had more than a few late-night discussions about them—in fact, it was a story of his that my wife caught me reading a couple of years ago that got the original conversation started about cuckolding. Xleg has written several books since we started, so we in no way try to keep up with that pace, but as I’ve written before, we have taken some inspiration from the ideas in his stories—we just do them our way, and at our pace. It’s interesting but just coincidental that in X’s current story, Jen is trying to get mike to suck a man’s cock because my wife has been trying to talk me into that for a long while now. (I’m still not there, but that doesn’t keep her from trying).

Like many, I’m a big fan of Xleg’s stories, but I really do try to keep in mind that it’s fiction, even though life does often imitate art. I sometimes have a really hard time reading his stories though, mainly because it’s hard for me to read them when their marriage is on the rocks, or headed for certain disaster. My wife and I have a scary amount in common with Mike and Jen, or maybe it’s better to say Xleg and me think a lot alike. I read a lot of comments on that story and I think a lot of people are just looking for an erotic story, but they really don’t get the cuck aspect of it all. The mental anguish/torture and a certain amount of jealousy and humiliation are just part of it. The actual sex and the physical acts are only a part of the whole—and a rather small part at that.

The frequency between Wade and Jaimee… yeah, it’s a lot, and it would have been too much for me to take when we’d first started our journey. But I guess I’ve grown accustomed to it or, I have to admit, I’ve become desensitized to it. They didn’t hook up at all last week, which is rare. I think I needed a solid break from it all and to feel like she was mine again. And my wife was great about it and dedicated that time to just me. As great as Wade has been, I just don’t have the same worries with him as I did with Derrick (the first guy my wife cucked me with). Wade’s become a good friend of mine, we golf together, we text and communicate all the time, so I’ve grown to develop a solid, trusting relationship with him. Wade gets what he wants—consistent sex and a part time relationship without any attachments, and I get what I want—fun and excitement without the worry that he wants to take my wife from me.

Reading Xleg’s stories, one consistent part of the story arch is Mike’s desire for Jen to have sex with men that he can’t stand—rivals even. When I think about my wife doing something like that, I admit it causes a serious spike of amazing angst when I envision her being with a man that I can’t stand—Derrick for example—yeah, Derrick would be our version of the Blake character. While it would be thrilling for a moment, I couldn’t take it. I wouldn’t take it. That’s pushing too far and the game would end. I think this is why the frequency with Wade has become acceptable. Right or wrong, my wife feels a need to try to keep her boyfriend satisfied because otherwise he’ll look elsewhere, and guys like Wade have proven hard to find—guys like Derrick, on the other hand, seem to be in abundance. One thing I don’t talk about often is the fact that Wade does occasionally drive my wife up the wall. He frustrates and exasperates her, and she’ll come home and complain about him—I really like that too. Their relationship isn’t perfect either—and that’s fine by me. I don’t want it to be.

Occasionally Wade spends the night. And there’s nothing like waking up to your wife’s cries and moans from being fucked by another man in your own house. We keep our bedroom as our place, so they use the guestroom. On those nights, I go to bed with my wife, we make love and enjoy some time together, but as soon as I start to drift off, I feel the bed move as she gets up and goes to the guestroom. It doesn’t take long before I hear her passionate moans as she cries her boyfriend’s name. The rule is that the guestroom door stays open, so I’m free to go watch whenever I want, but lately I’ve enjoyed just listening. I still have moments where it gets to be too much—usually after I’ve ejaculated and the adrenaline and rush subside for a time. It’s hard to watch another man with your wife at those times, especially when that man knows your wife’s body ever bit as well as you do—maybe better. It’s a bittersweet feeling to see your wife so enraptured in her orgasm that she looses all sense of the present; she’s only aware of her lover’s ministrations, forgetting, or not caring that her husband is watching or even exists for a time.

The most intense thing for me right now is definitely, without a doubt, the fact that a group of people at a CrossFit gym fully believe that my wife is Wade’s girlfriend. They basically think that the ring on her finger is just a formality at this point. We’ve discussed this at length, and it’s the part of the game we both feel is by far the riskiest part. I worry all the time about it, but at the same time it’s such a source of mind-blowing angst that I don’t want her to give it up. My more critical-thinking side knows this is fucking dangerous shit because I can already see changes that have developed. When Jaimee first started having sex with Wade, she’d need a few days to recover. She would be very sore and not want anyone touching her. But as time went on, she started being able to go longer and longer between ‘rests’. Now… there is no need for rest. Despite having a ridiculously large cock, my wife is completely used to it. She used to tell me that she liked the size of my dick because it still ‘got the job done’, and it was nice to have a smaller dick sometimes because she could just relax and enjoy that… she doesn’t say that anymore. Little by little relationships change. I can’t help but wonder where will ours be in a year from now. Two years from now. Could I ever get to a place, Like Mike in the stories, could I ever get to a place where I’m relegated to just her ‘support staff’, replaced as her lover completely. Only a true cuck would find this thought appealing. I’m both excited and ashamed that I get off on that thought.

To answer another question. Outside of the bedroom games, our relationship is very different. I take the lead, and while I always make sure to get input from my wife, I make the final decisions in regards to finances and other typically standard family things. And my wife is content with this relationship—she’s said as much on a number of occasions. From the way she grew up, she’s always had some type of authority figure over her, so now that she’s married, and no longer feels like she has a parent, headmistress, house mum, college professors, etc. over her, she feels a freedom and empowerment that she hasn’t had before. The games we’ve been playing have been something that she thoroughly enjoyed because it’s given her even more power than she’s ever felt before. She’s admits that it’s an intoxicating feeling, and one she doesn’t want to give up. My wife does understand that she needs to be careful not to overindulge, but she loves it.

Lastly, I’d honestly forgotten about her promising to write a post on here if I’d ever tried the cage. I’m going to have to remind her about that. I would love it if I could get her to sit still for a minute to put her thoughts to paper.

Thanks for reading and for the questions.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:39 pm

LuckyDog wrote:Ky, your posts are incredibly erotic and exciting, in large part because of the extreme humiliation by your wife. Of course, what makes this so delicious instead of unbearable is that she loves you and can always show this to you when you need it.

It seems that if a cuck gives so much control to his wife, she also has an equally strong obligation, to make sure the cuck can bear his pain so he can enjoy what she does without feeling he's lost. It's not easy to do, but you and your wife continue to succeed at exactly this.

I love reading what you write.
Thank you for taking time to comment. I agree with you about the wife having the obligation to make sure her cuck can bear it, but we've found that's a constant balancing act. It's way easier said than done. Thanks for reading.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:40 pm

D+D wrote:Jaimee has the upper hand because you are a cuckold. She knows what you want and she's giving it to you. You know you want it.
...very true D+D ...very true

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:44 pm

viking53 wrote:Thanks Ky, your posts just get richer all the time and you are really generous in how you share all the small details that make this so stimulating.

Jaimee is really expert at pushing your buttons. She knows exactly where they are and how to push them. The only way you can try to even out things in the game is by ignoring your buttons, but then you lose out on the pleasure you get from the game. However you do it, I don't think you can win. Jaimee is enjoying this too much and is just too good at it.
Viking, you've basically summed up my own thoughts. It's a catch 22 really, but then again maybe it's not because this is what I really want. It's crazy how well she's learned to push those buttons, too. And I think she's just starting to understand her power in all of this. In other words, I think she's only beginning to discover her ability to push those buttons, and I can only imagine how good she'll be at it the longer we play.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:46 pm

wannabecUKold wrote:
sabya167 wrote:
You are not going to make Jaimee jealous, insecure or vulnerable without dating a beautiful woman. Then you can create anxiety in her mind and have some leverage, if that's what you want.
He's not going do that, we all know. His Jaimee is the beautiful girl he dates.
You're exactly right mate

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:54 pm

Xalar11 wrote:Another great post. Your lovely wife is really a naughty vixen. I assume it's absolutely "addictive" for you to be married to her. And the best thing Jaimee obviously loves you deeply.

Though, playing "the game" or not, I would think Jaimee moving in with Wade again for a period of time or meeting his parents is probabely not the best idea. Some relations should exclusively between you and Jaimee. Or what do you think?

One thing I wanted to ask about your safeword. Jaimee said when you use it you loose and must do something for her. Can I ask what this means, what have you done for her so far?
I really don't know about trying the moving-in-with-the-boyfriend thing again. It's incredibly intense and those are difficult waters to navigate through--rife with peril, ya know. Living with someone full time like that really forces that relationship to grow exponentially fast. We don't know if we'll try that again or not.

To answer the last question, the game we've been playing seems to be ever-evolving. Using my safeword in the past never meant that I owed her something, but this seems to be the tweak she's thrown into the game lately.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:13 pm

offendedgame wrote:Hey, Ky
I really LOVE your updates. keep it up.

I have couple of questions..

The subject about Wade's parents reminds me, what happened in the first time when Jaimee met them when you were in Guatemala?

Also, are you still on the 3 wishes? you know, your 3rd wish was for her to have an affair and keep it a secret and doesn't tell you. Do you think she is doing that with already (with Terrell for instance)?

And what about the her wishes.. i see that you're half way through some of them like the cage and your craempie that you ate once. only one remaining ;D
I never updated much about Wade’s parents because there wasn’t much to tell. My wife left almost immediately after they showed up, so they really didn’t have much chance to talk to her. About a month ago, Wade came over and my wife asked how his parents were doing. He was a little remis to tell us, but after a little ‘coaxing’, Jaimee finally got it out of him. His mom basically thinks Jaimee is a little tart, and that she’s toying with her son’s feelings by stringing him along. His parents do believe that their son has an on-gain/off-again relationship with what his mom calls, ‘a-little-brit-girl’. He says his parents constantly push him to find a serious girl and get married and start a family. But Wade wants no part of that type of life. He has his gym, he has his freedom to do as he pleases, and he’s getting laid frequently. Not a bad life.

Being open, I’ll admit that the thought of Wade’s parents talking about my wife and her relationship with their son, is a total mind-fuck. It puts me into the cuck version of sub-space if I let myself go there.

As far as the wishes, we have talked about picking those back up recently. We kind of took a break from pushing the boundaries for a time. Her having an affair with someone and me not knowing is another idea gleamed from Xleg’s story. It’s one I really want to try, but I don’t think either of us are ready for that yet. I thought there might be something going on with Terrell, but unfortunately my wife was just making that up in order to push the cuck buttons. He didn’t ask her out and they’ve only casually talked on the beach a few times. I was honestly hoping that he had asked though, that’s one fantasy I would love to have fulfilled. But real life rarely turns out like we want, right.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Bubbagmp » Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:31 am

KY, both your stories have covered what works (Wade) and what doesn't (Derrick).

I disagree, respectfully, with your assessment of Derrick. He's antithesis of Wade, the anti-Wade.

Chosing the correct third is huge; imo Derrick is a marriage buster. He loves the hunt (stealing the wife) and the kill (the complete destruction of the M).

And it all started by him creating a wedge between you two.

The longest 3way R we had lasted 15yrs. Think of it as he started as Wade but digressed into Derrick. Your wife is one in a million. It has always been her love for you is why it works.

Never trivialize that. Enjoy the rollercoaster.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Mrbigbull » Tue Aug 21, 2018 10:51 am

Ky_Da wrote:“What would you say if I told you that I fancy Terrell?” my wife asked me just as I was falling asleep last night.

My eyes popped open and I was wide awake instantly. “The black guy from the beach?” I asked. I knew exactly who she was talking about, but sometimes my mouth just says stupid shit. I don’t know—I just suck at conversation filler I guess. She didn’t answer me—she knew I knew who she was talking about. “I don’t know,” I began again, “I guess you fancy him then.” My mind was still playing catch up and I hadn’t been thinking about the game this week.

“He was at the beach this morning. I saw him on my run and so I stopped. We talked for a while,” she explained and then added, “I really think I like him.”

“What are you saying, Jaimee?” I asked her, hoping she’d just tell me what she was planning. I really didn’t want to play 20-questions.

My wife’s lips pursed into a frustrated frown for a moment and then said, “He asked me if I’d go out for drinks with him some night.”

Now I was awake! “Seriously?” I asked. “You said he knew that you were married, and he still asks you out?”

She nodded her head, “I don’t think he’s the sort of bloke who gives a shite.”

“I don’t know,” I said propping myself onto my elbow, “you hardly know him. Would it be safe, what would your boyfriend say about you sleeping around him?” I questioned rapid fire.

She shot me a look, and rolled her eyes at me, “I probably know him better than you know half of your friends,” she dared me to deny it, but I wasn’t going to take the bait. She was probably right. I really am shit at getting to know new people. Maybe I’m the English one in our relationship, haha. (You Brits out there know what I mean). “And Wade doesn’t decide who I sleep with,” then she looked me directly in the eye and added, “Nor do you anymore, mister.” I couldn’t tell if she was playing or not.

“You really want to do this?” I asked her, feeling a definite stir in my shorts.

“Maybe,” she said, “Are you telling me you wouldn’t be keen on the idea?” my wife uses the word ‘keen’ once in a while. That’s a word I don’t hear often enough. I need to try to use it more. But I digress, she continued, “you’ve told me before how hot you thought it would be.”

I nodded, “I just never thought it would happen,” I admitted. “You’ve never shown any interest in being with a black man.”

She shrugged and leaned against the headboard, “I just don’t understand why it’s any different for you than with any other man. He’s black, so what?”

And I know my wife isn’t just saying that. She truly doesn’t understand what all the fuss is about. I was born and raised in California, not exactly a bastion of racism over here, but the idea of my wife, or any white woman for that matter, sleeping with a black man just get’s me excited. I guess I still carry around enough of societies taboos to get off on the idea. And let me add that Terrell is a BLACK man. I mean his skin is like ink black. And he’s a giant of a man. He’s a lot bigger than Wade physically—and that’s saying something. Wade’s well-built and very cut. Terrell’s just a big guy. Like I said before, not really fat, but he’s not going to win a bodybuilding competition anytime soon. This guy’s life aboard a navy ship must have been hell. There’s no way he’d fit into any regulation rack. But as guys go, he’s descent looking I guess. He definitely fits within what I’m learning is my ‘wife’s type’. She like big guys, strong guys, working class guys that exude that self-reliant attitude. She likes a guy that has rough, calloused hands

“You’re not worried he might have some horrible disease from all the prostitutes he’s slept with around the world?”

I didn’t say that to be funny, but something I’d said made my wife snort a laugh, “It’s just drinks right now, Ky. He’s not stirring my drink with his cock.”

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes, “It may well start out that way, but given the opportunity, I doubt you’d turn him down.”

My wife gave me a smile that would have rivaled that of the Big Bad Wolf. She went to the closet and came out a moment later with, the cage… “I want to try something,” she said, way to excited for my comfort level.

“Jaimee, I have to go to sleep,” I complained.

“No, you don’t,” she admonished, “Don’t be such a bell-end,” and with that she was on top of me, pulling my shorts down until my dick was exposed. I was starting to stir from the conversation, but she daftly had me caged and had the key set on the night stand.

I looked up at her, “What are you playing at?”

She gave me her most sweet, innocent smile as she settled down so that her face was close to my now caged dick. “I’m just messing about for a minute. You haven’t been a very good cuck-boy lately. I want to see how this works,” she said, studying me almost clinically.

After a moment she looked up at me, “I haven’t had a cock in my loose pussy for way too long,” she said as she then broke away her gaze from me and looked down at my dick. I felt myself begin to stir and the cage begin to tighten ever so slightly.

“Did you know Wade never asks me to wear my collar,” she said almost conversationally. “You’ve asked me to wear it before, but he’s never asked,” she added.

I shook my head, “No, I didn’t know that,” I said somewhat confused. I know she’d worn it for him.

“Nope, he’s never asked,” she repeated, “He tells me to wear it…” ah, now I was getting it. “…he never asks me to do anything. He does what he likes and expects me to do my part.” I felt myself twitch, and the cage tightened up a little more. “Did you know he still makes me call my pussy a cunt or a fuckhole? He’s not like you, Ky. He doesn’t ask me anything. If he wants to fuck me from behind, he puts me in the position he wants and then he fucks me.” She then brought her eyes back to mine and very slowly said, “Did you hear me, Ky.” She paused for a moment, “I said Wade, my boyfriend fucks,” she pronounced the word ‘fuck’ very slowly, “your married wife’s sloppy cunt.” She continued to pronounce each word perfectly and speak each one slowly. “Do you accept it now, Ky?” she asked

I looked at her but didn’t respond.

She repeated, still speaking slowly but with perfect enunciation, “Do you understand that your wife is now another man’s slut? That someday the number of times other, bigger cocks that stretched out your wife’s cunt will total more than yours?” She must have noticed my eyes widen, “That’s right, someday I’ll have had more sex with my boyfriend than with my husband? We’re quickly catching up to that number he and I.” I was now very much feeling the cage as blood was trying in vain to fill my dick. The cage wasn’t painful, but I was definitely feeling the pressure. “I’ve already told you that your dick now feels like little, soft touches, but I wonder what would happen if I only fucked Wade exclusively for one month and only gave my husband blowjobs? Would I even feel you at all in my pussy after that? Is that what you want? Do you want to only fuck my mouth while my bigger lover enjoys my pussy?”

Her eyebrows rose as if she were now waiting for an answer. “Are we just playing the game?”

“Don’t talk shite,” she admonished, “Of course we’re playing the game, but that doesn’t change anything I just said. You’re my cuck-boy, and you’ll only be happy as my cuck-boy.” I was about to speak but she cut me off, “I don’t want a knicker wearing cuck-boy, you still better be the man I need, but I’m telling you now that there will always be another, bigger cock filling my pussy. From now on, you will only ever be my cuck-boy.”

The cage was really starting to get restrictive now. Jamiee smiled at me and got even closer to my dick, studying it like it was a science experiment. She pushed it from one side to the other with her finger.

“I do like this, Ky,” and I could tell she was absolutely enjoying this whole thing. “I’ll make sure you’re taken care of, but you’re going to be wearing this a lot more when I’m with my lovers.”

“We’ll see,” I said defiantly.

Jaimee laughed and it almost sounded wicked, “You’ll see,” she corrected, “You gave me the power, and I’m not going to give it back. I’ve read the same stories you have, cuck-boy. You might deny it, but I know deep down this is what you really want,” she went on, not letting me interrupt, “You like the idea of me going out with Terrell for drinks, only you want us to go to a hotel after. You want us to fuck like the people in the stories you read, but you want this to happen for real…” she paused and wrapped her hand around my caged dick, her small hand still large enough so that her finger tips could touch as they wrapped themselves around me. With Wade’s cock, they don’t even go halfway around. I could feel the warmth radiating from her hand, “…you want your wife to even fuck multiple men—you confessed that to me, remember? You want me to fuck two cocks at the same time—stretching out both my holes at the same time… so tell me again, cuck-boy, this is what you want,” she said in more of a statement than a question.

“As long as you love me first,” I chocked out, my voice was rough, like I’d just swallowed a mouthful of gravel.

Jaimee smiled at me as she continued to toy with my encaged member, “I can’t tell you how much this excites me,” she said, looking again at the cage. Now the cage was tighter than I’d ever felt it. My dick was straining with all it’s might to break free, but apart from my balls aching a little, it wasn’t too painful. My wife wasn’t finished with her cruel yet amazingly erotic game, “Did you know Wade’s parents still don’t know the truth? They think he and I are in an on-again off-again relationship, but they’re hopeful that we’ll work it out… they really want to meet me.”

“Oh god,” I groaned, the cage still tight. My lust was ramped up as high as it’s ever been, but the cage was keeping me there. I couldn’t get to a point of release. I was tantalizingly close, but it was like I’d hit a peak and wasn’t allowed to go any higher.

“I thought you might like that, cuck-boy. Deep down you really want to play this game to the extreme, but you’re scared,” she said, and she wasn’t wrong, but there’s a difference between fantasy and reality, but at the moment, I couldn’t discern between the two. “You want me to meet Wade’s parents. You want them to think we’re a committed couple. You like that I have my things at my boyfriend’s house and that we’ve lived together—and you want me to do it again…” she said in nearly a whisper. “You know,” she eventually added, “Bennett has a lot more self-confidence these days, I bet he’d be keen on a threesome with me and Wade. His cock isn’t as big as Wade’s but it’s still twice as big as yours,” she said matter of factly.

This torture had gone on for about 30 minutes, but I was surprised I wasn’t feeling more desperate than I was. I was enjoying a nice, lusty high, but that was about it. It was like I was a little drunk, but no matter how much more I was drinking, I only stayed a certain level of drunk. Finally, Jaimee had mercy on me and removed the cage. I had almost an instant erection, and as soon as my wife grasped my dick into her hand, I exploded. Two feelings hit me at the same time. One, I was embarrassed because of how quickly I had gone off, and two, I was amazed at the amount of cum that had just shot out of me. I never shoot loads like that. Even my wife was impressed, or would have been if most of it hadn’t shot right into her hair. She hates it in her hair because there’s no choice but to wash it.

Later, when we were back in bed, and my wife had had her shower, I planned on returning the favor—she’d made me cum so hard that I felt like I’d pulled a stomach muscle, but she declined, saying that she needed to get up early the next day because her Seattle sales trip is coming soon. We talked about random stuff for a few minutes, and I could tell Jaimee would be asleep soon as she looked at me through heavy-lidded eyes. She had just blown my fucking mind—and my nuts—from what she was talking about, but she had pulled it off so well I couldn’t tell if she was serious or if she was just playing. I mean I really figured she was just playing the game, but she spoke with such confidence that I couldn’t tell fact from fiction.

“Jaimee,” I coaxed her back to alertness, “Were you serious about everything you just said… about Wade’s parents, the threesome, and only letting your lovers have your pussy?” I wished I hadn’t asked, even to myself I sounded like an insecure wimp.

Jaimee closed her eyes and let her head sink into the pillow, “Don’t ruin the game, Ky,” she said in more of a heavy sigh.

Don’t ruin the game, she’d said. So… she’s just playing… I think. A long moment passed and she was probably close to being asleep, but I knew if I didn’t get rid of that little stab of doubt, I wouldn’t sleep for shit, so I pressed… “so you’re just playing the game, right?”

She groaned loudly, but this groan wasn’t one of passion but one of frustration, “God, Ky. You really don’t know?” she said, her voice with a slight edge. After a moment of silence and me not answering she added, “If you want the truth, you’ll have to use your safeword. If you use it, then I win this round, and you have to do something for me.”

I almost said my safeword without thinking, but like I said, I’ve learned how my wife operates. Instead I asked, “Like what?” wanting to know what her devious little mind had in store.

She turned her back to me but pushed herself closer to my side of the bed, and then answered, “To be determined, I’m to tired to think about that right now.” Another moment of silenced passed and she softly said, “good night then.”

“…!” I blurted out my safeword. “I think you were just playing, but there was some truth to what you were saying to. I have to be sure.” I tried to explain.

She turned back towards me and sat up slightly, a slight look of exasperation on her features, “You’re talking shite again, Ky,” she blurted out. The edge in her voice a little stronger now, “You were wearing the cage, Ky—that’s a bit of an easy clue. You know I was just playing the game. But this is what I was talking about the other day,” her voice now growing more frustrated, “I need you to be stronger than this—be more secure than this. You want to play this game, but it only really works for you if you think it’s real, but when I make it a bit more real, you spiral off out of control and poke at me like a bloody peckish chicken...” Uh-oh, I knew I was in trouble. She was starting to really get her momentum and I only had myself to blame. “…get it through your numpty skull. You’re my husband. I’m your wife. I only love you. I don’t love Wade, or Bennett, and Terrell is just a bloke I met at the beach…”

“Yeah, okay,” I said, my ears ringing—I only wrote half of what she said—, “thanks.”

She exhaled and turned her back towards me again, and then in a voice much softer, she mumbled, “—and I love Wade’s cock stretching out my whoring cunt,” she then started fake snoring, acting like she was asleep.

I laughed and laid back down, and I swear it wasn’t but two-minutes later and she actually was asleep. But despite getting my answer from her, my brain was still switched on and I knew I wasn’t going to fall asleep anytime soon. One thing I did a lot of thinking about, but didn’t find any answers to, is how I can turn the tables on our ‘game’. It’s very one-sided in that she has all the leverage on me and I have almost none on her. She can make me use my safeword almost at will, but I have no way to do the same. And I have no doubt that she’s going to think of something fucking really crazy because I lost and used mine.
Hi Ky,

Great update, as ever.
But...... to be honest, in my opinion you using your safeword doesn't count in this.
In my opinion it was an unfair play. You are already in the underdog position by just being the cuckold. It doesn't really help that Jamiee knows how to push your buttons all to well.
Why is it unfair? She told things that did not happen. she just made up some things in which she new it would push your buttons hard. If she is allowed to make things up, then you will always lose and always use your safeword.
That is my opinion, you two do whatever feels right for you, but be honest, this is not fair.

Keep on rocking you two.


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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Tue Aug 21, 2018 1:00 pm

Good catch, Mr. Bigbull. So, the punishment(if it may be so called) or the task supposed to be assigned stands cancelled, I guess.

She is enjoying and experiencing freedom and power. Freedom from restriction of authority, freedom to make choices and decisions, power to control bodies and minds of men. She has taken to it like a fish to water, getting addicted to it, getting almost drunk on it, got a very supportive partner who gave all this to her. She is not going to give it up for the whole world. Of course this insight into her psyche and what drives her could have come only from her husband.

Sometimes, she gets exasperated because her husband treads cautiously because he feels and fears he stands to lose her.

But leaving him is not on Jaimee's mind. She gets exasperated because she feels interrupted, by the cautious back and forth of Ky, in her pursuit of freedom, power and control.

Thanx Ky, for making us understand Jaimee infinitely better.

A refreshingly candid and honest, reflective and insightful post with rare clarity of thoughts- some of the reasons why we all are here.
Last edited by sabya167 on Tue Aug 21, 2018 1:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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